LIBRARY OF j^RlNCETON 1 ..J TH -OLOGICAL SEMINARY BS1965.5 1864 Emphatic diaglott: containing the original Greek text of what is commonly styled the New Testament (according to the recension of J.J. i [ EMPHAT ( ONTAIN] NG THB OF WHAT IS imm OF PRINCETON DI.AG1.QT T^ tig in a f ^4^^6 "S^-ei- XU£Oi.aaiCiiL SEMINARY NEW TESTAMENT (According to the Recension of Dr. J.y. Griesbach) WITH AN [STERIilHEflRV W05D FOI? W05D ENGLISH TRflNSIiilTIOfl A NEW EMPHATIC VERSION BASED ON THE INTERLINEARY TRANSLATION, ON THE RENDERINGS OF EMINENT CRITICS, AND ON THE VARIOUS READINGS OF THE VATICAN MANUSCRIPT No. i?o9 in the Vatican Library TOGETHER WITH ILLUSTRATIVE AND EXPLANATORY FOOT NOTES, AN DA COPIOUS SELECTION OF REFERENCES TO THE WHOLE OF WHICH IS ADDED A VALUABLE ALPHABETICAL APPENDIX i: By benjamin WILSON NEW YORK FOVv^LER & WELLS CO., PUBLISHERS 27 East 21st St. NEvr York LONDON: L.N. FOV/LER & CO., 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus [new address, see next page] r THE SPECIAL TERMS , UNDER WHICH THIS VALUABLE WORK IS NOW SUPPLIED TO BIBLE STUDENTS. j The " Emphatic Diaglott " has been published under the author's copyright, j by Fowler and V\ ells Co., New York City, until now (a. d. 1902); and has been sold by them at ^4.00 in cloth and $5.00 in half-leather binding. For several years a friend, an earnest Bible student, desirous of assisting the readers of our Society's publications, has supplied them through us at a greatly reduced price ; now he has purchased the copyright and plates from the Fowler and Wells Co., and presented the same to our Society as a gift, under our assurance that the gift will be used for the furthering of the Truth to the extent of our ability, by such a reduction of the price as will permit the poor of the Lord's fiock to have this help in the study of the Word. Reduced Prices. — These will be sold with Zion's Watch Tower only. In cloth binding ^1.50 (6s. 3d.) — includes postage and one year's subscription, new or renewal to Z. W. T. On thin paper, in full morocco leather, divinity circuit, red under gold edges, silk sewed, leather lined, ^2.50 (los. 6ri.) — includes post- age and one year's subscription to Z. W. T. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, BIBLE HOUSE, ARCH ST. , ALLEGHENY, PA., U. S. A. [BRITISH BRANCH : I3I GREEN ST., FOREST GATE, LONDON, E.J A FRIENDLY CRITICISM. This work we regard as a very valuable help to all Bible students, whether conversant with the Greek language or not. We esteem it (as a whole) the most valuable translation of the New Testament extant. We call special attention to the "word for word" translation, found, immediatly under the Greek text, in the left hand column. It will be found valuable, espe- cially for a critical examination of any particular text. A little study will enable you to appreciate it. Like all things made and done by imperfect mortals, we think this valuable work not without its faults. It would seem to us that the author must have held the view that Jesus had no prehuman existence, and that there is no personal devil: i.e., that when the word "devil" is used evil principle is meant; also that Jesus is still a vian zx^A flesh, in glory. In commending this work to you as a whole so highly as we have done, we deem it but a duty to draw your attention tg a very slight bias which we think pervades the work in the direction named. As some pointed illustrations of what we have remarked, we suggest an exam- ination and comparison between the right and left columns of the work, in the following scriptures, viz : John 1:10, Rev. 13:8 ; Jude 9; Heb. 10:20. Editor of ''lion's Watch Tower:* PREFACE. To trouble the reader with any lengthy remarks on the important advantages to be derived from a new translation of the Sacred Writings is deemed altogether unnecessary. Much information on this point has been given by others who have published modern Versions of the New Testament, with the reasons which have induced them to do so. Those reasons will serve in a great measure also for this. It is generally admitted by all critics that the Authorized or Common version of the Scriptures absolutely needs revision. Obsolete words, uncouth phrases, bad grammar and punctuation, etc., all require alteration. But this is not all. There are errors of a more serious nature which need correction. The translators of the Common version were circumscribed and trammeled by royal mandate; they were required to retain certain old ecclesiastical words which, accordingly, were left untranslated. Thus the minds of many who had no means of knowing the meaning of the original words have been misled and confused. Biblical criticism, however, during the last two hundred years, has done much to open up and elucidate the Word of God, by discovering many things which were unknown to the old translators, making great improvements in the text, detecting numerous interpolations and errors, and suggesting far better render- ings of many passages. Many modem versions have availed themselves of this valuable assistance, and it is believed they have thereby been enabled to give the English reader a better understanding of what was originally written. Without presuming to claim any superiority for this, as a translation of the New Testament, over any other modern version, it is thought that the present Work presents certain valuable features, not to be found elsewhere, and which will be of real practical utility to every one who wishes to read the books of the Evangelists and Apostles, as they were written under the guidance and inspira- tion of the Holy Spirit. These features are ; — An approved Greek te.xt, with the various Readings of the Vatican Manuscript, No. 1209; an Interlineary literal Word for Word English translation ; a New Version, with the Signs of Emphasis ; a copious selection of References ; many appropriate, illustrative, and e.xegetical Foot-notes; and a valuable Alphabetical Appendix. This combination of im- portant items cannot be found in any other book. The reader will find further remarks on this subject, on the page headed, " Plan of the Work ;" and he is also invited to read the pages with the respective captions; — "To the Reader;" " History of the Greek Text ;" and " History of English Versions." Also, on another page will be found the " Letters and Pronunciation of the Greek Alpha- bet," for the special benefit of those who may wish to obtain a rudimentary knowledge of that language. The intelligent reader will at once perceive the utility and importance of this arrangement. Readers who are familiar with the original tongue obtain in this Work one of the best Greek Testaments, with important ancient Readings, well worthy of their attention ; and, it is presumed, that there are even few Greek iv. - PREFACE. scholars who are so far advanced but may derive some help from the transiation given. Those who have only a little or no knowledge of the Greek may, by careful reading and a little attention to the Interlineary translation, soon become familiar with it. This work, in fact, places in the hands of the intelligent English reader the means of knowing and appropriating for his own benefit, with but little labor on his part, what has cost others years of study and severe toil to acquire. Scrupulous fidelity has been maintained throughout this version in giving the true rendering of the original text into English ; no regard whatever being paid to the prevailing doctrines or prejudices of sects, or the peculiar tenets of theo- logians. To the Divine authority of the original Scriptures alone has there been the most humble and unbiased submission. In the preparation of this Work for the press, all available help to be derivea from the labors of great and learned men has been obtained and appropriated. Lexicons, Grammars, ancient and modern Versions, Commentaries, critical and explanatory. Cyclopedias, Bible and other Dictionaries, etc. , have been consulted and culled from. Also, the suggestions, opinions and criticism of friends, on words, phrases and piassages, have been duly considered, and sometimes adopted. It is not presumed that this Work is free from faults or errors. Infal- libility is left for others to claim. Great care, however, has been exercised to make it as correct as possible. The Work is now sent forth to the public, to stand or fall on its own merits. True, it cannot boast of being the production of a council of learned men as King James' version ; but let it be remembered that Tyndale alone, under very disadvantageous circumstances, did far more for the English Bible than that learned body, for they only followed in the wake of his labors. This Volume, principally designed for the instruction and advantage of others. is now reverently committed to the blessing of our Father in the heavens, with an earnest and sincere desire that many of those who peruse its pages may be led by the knowledge, faith and obedience inculcated therein to obtain an in« heritanre in the aionian kingdom of Jesus the Anointed One. B. WILSON. BNTBRBD ACCORDING TO ACT OP CONGRESS IN THE YEAR 1864, By benjamin WILSON, IN THE clerk's OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OP TMH 1;N!ITB0 STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS, HISTORY OF THE GREEK TEXT. fTTE following condensed ac- f'^\ count of the different editions ^ ,,^,^, jf tlie Greek New Testament, (^■"-^jM will introduce the reader to the history of the Greek Text, and the va- rious steps taken by learned men for the purpose of editing it with greater Critical accuracy. The history will com- mence with the first printed editions. The first printed edition of the whole cfthe Greek New Testament was that contained in the Complutensian Poly - be always appealed to in eases ot doubt. However imperfect the Translation in.ivbe considered by the Crifc- ic t cannot udiilti;rate Die Ongrinai. PLAJf OF THE WORK. La Greek Text and Interlineary Translatiun. — Tbe left baud column contains the Greek Text according to Dr. J. J. Griesbach, and interlined witb it a LITERAL WORD-FOR-WORD TKANSLA- TioN, wherein the corresponding English is placed directly under each Greek word. The Sectional Divisions are those of the Va- tican and Alexandrian MSS. Greek Words enclosed in brackets [thus,] thoug'h authori- ZL'd by Griesbach, are omitted by the V;tt. MS. The advantag;es to be derived from such an arrangement must be apparent to thp Bible Student. The learned have a Greek Text ac- knowledged to be one of thp best extant, while the unlearned have almost an eq^ual chance with those aoquaintea with t-he Origi- nal, by having the meaning and grammatical construction given to each word. This part of the work will be a desideratum by many, but more adapted for criticism than reading. Although by adhering to the arrangement of the Original, the Translation may appear un- couth, yet the strength and beauty oi many passages are thereby preserved. The frequent recurrence of the Greek arti- cle of emphasis, and an occasional ellipsis, often interfere with the sense and elegance of a sentence, but this cannot well be avoided in a word-for-word Translation. The advan- t iges, however, accruing to the diligent inves- tigator of the Divine Word by persuing this plan are many, and will be duly appreciated. ti. New Vei*sioii. — The column on the right hand side of tlie page is a New Version for general reading. This ren- dering is based upon that in the left hand Column, and the labors of many talented Critics and Translators of the Scriptures. The Headings of the oldest Manuscripts now known are sometimes incorporated, and always referred to. In this Column the Emphatic Signs are introduced, by which the Greek Words of Enipliasis are designated. For the use and beauty of this arrangement, the reader is requested to examine the annexed remai'ks on Signs of Emphasis. The Chapters and Verses of the Common Version have been retained, principally for convenience of reference. Thereaderhowever, by following the paragraphs in the opposite column, need not be governed by these arbi- trary divisions. Chapters and Verses were not introduced till the middle of the 16th cen- tury. 3. Foot Notes and References. — The various Readings of the Vatican MS., Notes for the elucidation of the te.ict, and References, are introduced at the bot- tom of the page. The Notes are critical, illustrative, explanatory, and suggestive. Old Testament quotations are always re- ferred to, and copious parallel passages m the New. 4. Appendix. — It is intended to add an Appendix to the Work, containing all the Geographical and Proper Names found in the Nl-w TesKimeut, vvitli Wo.di and Phrases intimately connected with doctrinal subjects, alphabetically arranged. These will be critically examined, and the liglit of Biblical science thi-own upon such as have given rise to sectarian disputes, and the cavils of infidels. SIGNS OF E3IPH.4SIS. The Greek article often finds it? equivalent in the English definite article the, but in the majority of cases it is evidently only a mark of empnasis. It frequently precedes a sub- stantive, an adjective, a verb, an adverb, a participle or a particle, thus pointing out the emphatic words. The Greek article and Em- phatic Pronouns exercise a most important influence on the meaning of words, and some, times throw light on doctrines of the highest interest The sacred penmen of the New Testament were, in the opinion of many emi- nent persons, guided by Divine inspiration in the choice of their woriis : and in the use oi the Greek article there was clearly a remark • able discretion displayed. In fact, the Signs of Emphasis are incorporated with the words in such a manner, that the latter cannot be stated without conveying at tlie same time to the intelligent mind an idea of the very in- tonation with which the sentence was spoken when it was written down. This peculi- arity of the Greek language cannot be pro- perly expressed in Enghsh except by the use of typographical signs ; such as, Initial Capi- tal letters, italics, small capitals, and CAPITALS. The Common Version of the New Testa- ment fails to give the reader a full conception of the meaning designed to be conveyed by the Greek original, in regard— 1st. To those Words which are connected with the Greek Article ; '2d. To those Pronouns Substantive which are intended to carry in themselves a peculiar emphasis ; and, 3d. To those Adjectives and Pronouns which obtain a comparative importance, by reason of the position which they occupy in the Greek Text, with reference to some other words. To remedy these deficiencies, tbe following System of Noattion is empioyed in the Eng- lish column of the Diaglott. 1. Those Words rendered positively em- phatic by the presence of the Greek article, are printed in Small Capitals : as, " The life was the light of men." 2. Those Pronouns Substantive which, in the Greek, are intended to be positively e'>^- phatic are printed in Black Letter: as, "^C must increase, but I must decrease." 3. Those Adjectives and Pronouns which in the Greek are comparatively emphatic^, as in- dicated by their position, are printed with an Initial C;ipital Letter: as, "One Body, and One Spirit, even as ye are called in One Hope of your CALLirJO." 4. AH Greek Substantives, as being of more importance than other words, are also com- menced with a Capital Letter. By adopting tliese Signs of Emphasis. U is believed certainty and intensity are eriven to passages where they occur, as well as vxrncti;^ and earnestness to the discourses in which they are found; thus rendering the reader, :i hearer, as it were, of the life-words of H -u ■' who snoke as never man spoke." or wUitB were enunciated by His inspired apoatles. LETTERS m PEONI'SCIATION Of THE GEEEK ALPHABET. riGCTRB. A a B 3 r y A S E e Z C H 7, 0 d 1 I K K A A M /4 N »/ E I O 0 n IT p p ^ or, final s T T T t 4> X X ijr ^ NAMU. SOURD, Ott POWER. Alpha a Beta b Gamma g hard, as in be^in Delta d Epsilon e short, as in met Zeta z Eta e long, as in keen Theta th Iota i Kappa k Lambda 1 Mu m Nu n Xi X Omicron o short, as ia lot Pi p llho r Sigma s Tau t Upsilon u Phi ph Chi ch hard, as in chord Psi ps Omega o long, as in throne. REMARKS. *,* AccKKTS are said to sometiineii assist the reader to dia<"riminate between viordo u'hich are alike iu fin in, but different in mean- ing; but as iliey are by no means iipcessnvy, cither for the prououueing or under- standing of the Gi-eek lan- euag'e, and as the earliest ol .■rll the manuseiiptx of the G:ePk Testament is without accL-nts. it haa been thought best to omit them in the DiAoi.oTT, leaving the fense, in do.ibtful cases, to be de- termined by the context. If accents favor a particular sense, ic may be an erroneous one, and then they are inju- rious ; and if they do not "fa- vor any particular sense, then they are unnecessary. Pronunciatioji. — Consid- erable discrepancy of opinion prevails among the learned concerning the proper sound of some ot these leltors, and as it is impossible at this dis- tance of time to ascertain the mode of pronunciation among the ancient Greeks, the simplest plan is to con- sider each Greek letter as corresponding in sound to its correlative letter in our own alphabet, as sliowu iu the Table. The Letters are divided into seven vowels and seventeen con- sonants. The Vowels are e, o, short; 77, &>, long; and a, i, v, doubtful. DiPUTHONGS are formed of two voAvels joined together, and are twelve in number ; six propei-, at, av, et, ev, 01, ov and six im proper, o, rj, w, -qv, wv, vi. The little stroke under a, rj, w, stand- ing for Iota, called Iota subscript, is not sounded, but merely serves to show the derivation. The Labials, (it, S, to | and the Dentals, ts ds toC The letter v can stand only before Dentals ; before Labials it be- comes fx- before the liquids, (A., ytt, y, p,) assimilation takes place, eo that before \ it becomes A, before p it 'becomes p, &c. Before Palatals v is converted into y but observe, that whenever 7 is found before another 7, or either of the other Palatals, it is al- ways pronounced like n ; thus a77eAos {angel) is pronounced aw gelos, not aggelos. 1* INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON GRAMMAR. Every woi'd having a vowel or diphthong for the first letter is, irx most printed books, marked at the beginning either with an atipirate, or rough breathing, ('), as ^Ajos, {sun,) pronounced as if written Aelios ; or with a smooth one, ('), as eVt, (upon,) simply read epi. The former one of these breathings is only of necessarj' use, and may be considered as having the force of the English letter h. The aspirate is placed over f, and v when they stand at the beginning of a word; thus podov, [arose,) prononnced rhodon. [n diphthongs the breathing is placed over the second vowel ; thus vios, [a son,) pronounced why-os. When p is doubled, the last one takes the aspirate, as eppwa-o, pronounced errhoso. Words in Greek arC of eight kinds, called Parts of Speech; viz., Article, Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Par ticiplp., Adverb, Preposition, and Conjunction. The Article, Noun, Pronoun, and Participle, are declined with Gender, Number, and Case. There are three Genders ; the Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. There are two Numbers ; the S^'ugular, which speaks of one, as \eyos, a word; and the Plural, which speaks of more than one, as Koyoi, words. To these the Greeks added a third number, called the Dual, which only sp % of two, but this number was not much used, and is not found eitlier in tlie Septuajjint, or New Testa- ment. There are five Cases; the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusa- tive, and Vocative. The Article 6, v, to, generally answers to the definite article the in English. When no article is expressed in Greek, the Eng- lish indefinite article a is signified. Thus avdpwiros means a many or man in general ; and 6 auQpcairos, the man. It is thus declined : S1>GULA.R. PLURAL. Masc. Fern. y'eat. Masc. Fern. Aear. lom. 0, l), TO, the. Nom. at, at, TO, the. Gea. TOU, TVS, TOV, of the. Gen. TWV, TWV, TU)V, of the. Dat. T^, TT], TW, to the. Dat. TOlSy TaiS, TOIS, to the. Ace. TOVy TTJf, TO, the. Ace. Tovs, Tas, Ta, the. The Article has no vocative ; w, which sometimes precedes a noun in the vocative, is an Interjection. The xVrticle takes the consonant t in every Case, except in th® nom. sm. masc. and fern. 6, ■^, and in the nom. pi. masc. and fem. ol, at, where the r is superseded by the aspirate ('). The gen. pi. in all genders and in every declension, encis in au. The Personal or Primitive Pronouns are three; €70), /, plural Tjfjifts, we, of the first person ; av, thou, plural vfj.eis, you, of the second ; Gen. ov. he or she, plural (T^aj8. /3oo^ Se eyevvrjcre tov D.I37)S e/c by the R^ichab. Booz and begot the Obed by TTjs 'Pov6. n$r)S Se eyevvrjae tov learcrar the Ruth. Olvd and begot the Jesse; ^ieegot the Abia; A/S-a Se eyevvrjore tov Acrcx- * Acra Se eyevv7}vos. of him, near the lemoval Baijyloman. Cir.VPTER 1. 1 A Ileorister of the X Linenp:c of Jesus Christ, Son of Da\id, Sou ol Aljialiam. 2 From J Abraham pro- ceeded Isaac -, from Jlsr\- ac, Jacob; from J Jacob, JuD.VH and his beo- THEKS ; 3 from Judali, Phaeez and Zaeah, by Tamae; from Pliarez, Hezeon. from Ilezron, Ram ; 4 from Ram, Ammina- DAB; from Amminadab, Nahshon ; from Nah- shon, Salmon; 5 from Sahnon, Boaz, by Rah.^B; from Boaz, Obed, by Ruth ; from Obed, Jesse ; 6 and from J Jesse, David the king. D*vid l)ad X Solomon by the [widow] of Uriah ; 7 Solomon had JRe- hoboam ; Rehoboam had Abijah ; Abijah had Asa; 8 Asa had Jehosha- i'H.\T ; Jehoshaphat had T Jehora .m ; Jehoram had UzzLAH ; 9 Uzziah had Jotham ; Jotham had Ah.\z ; Ahaz had Hezekiah; 10 Hezekiah had Ma- NASSEH ; Manesseh had Amon; Amoa had Jo- siah ; 11 and + Josiah had Jecho.mah and his bro- thers, near the time of the CAEEYING-AWAY tO Babylon. • Vatican MAScscBiPT—ri make up fo'irteeii geuer .t ons, s mi'i., ;..r.ed in vorse 1". Doddridpe, liacknight, Clarke, and scrrj; others, adopt this reauin^r. It is not found in tiie Okiwt MsS. i 1. Luke lii. 23. t 2. Geii. xsi. 2; .:jcy. 26; xiix. 55. t 6. 1 Sam. xvi. 1 j xrii. 12. » 8am. xii. 24. ,r 7. i Ca.on. iii. 10. Chap. 1 MATTHEW. aiap. 1: 21. After 2".id the removal Babylouiaii, Jeehonias begot the SalathLeh Saiathiel and begot rov ZopolBa^eA' ^'^Zopo^alisA Se eyeyirqa-e tov the Zarobabel; Zorobafcel and begot the K^tDu^° AfiiovB de eyevvrjcre tov E\iaKeL,u' EXia- Abiud; AbJtid an:'. begot tho Eliakimv Elia- KSLfx Se eyevvrjcre ro:' AQwp- ^"* A^ctjp 5e ey€i/v7](re kim and begot ths Azor ; Azor and begot rof 'Su^aK- :S,:tdaK 5e fyevvrjcre tov Axeifi' A^etja Lho Sado-k; SaJok and begot the Achim; Achim Sc eysvvrjce tov EXlovS' ^^E\iov5 Se eyewTqas and bev'ot the ICUud ; Eliiid and begot TOV EXex^otp' £Aea(,a/) 5e ey^vvricre t ov MaTdiv the hlei^z.Ir, Eleazar and begot the Mattkan , Mardav Se tyisvvTjcre tov laKccff' ^'^Ia/fa?,3 Se Matthan and begot the Jacob ; Jacob and eyevvTjcTG tov Iccarrjcpf tov avSpa Mapias, eK 7}$ begot the Jooeph, the husband of Mary, ofwhom tyevvrjdr} lr](TouSy 6 X^yop-evos XpiffTos. wan boin Jesus, that being named Christ. ^^Ilacrcu ovv at yevveai. airo A^paa/j. kws AauiS, All then the generations from Abraam till David, yeveat SeKaTeaaapss' kcu airo AauiS ices ttjs generatioBS fourteen ; ante'; from Davirt till the fi€ToiKS(nas Ba^uXavoSy yeveai ZcKaTicr (rapes' removal Babylonian, generations fomteen; Kai UTTO T7}s /xeToiKeaias Ba^vXwvos sees tov •nd from tho removal Babylonian till the XpicTTOu, yev^at SeKaTC-rrcrapes. Christ, generations fourteen. ^^Tou Ss Irjcrov XpiaTou 7} yev^cns ovtws rjv. Of the now Jesus Christ tho biith thus was. 'M.vr}a-T€v6€La'r]S yap ttjs fxriTpos auTov Mapias tcij Being espoused for the mother ofhiia Mary tothe \(oa-q(\)^ Tvpiv Tj (Tvve\6€iv avTovs, cvpedrf fv Joseph, before either caino together them, she was found in yacrrpi i^x^^'^"- ^'^ ir>-eviJ.ixTos aytov. ^^Icoarjip 5c womb haviHg by a sphit holy. Joseph and 6 avrjp avT7]s, diKaios cov Kat /xr) QiXwv avT7]v the husband of her, a just man being and not willing her irapaSsiyfxaTicrai, el3ovXi]67} XaQpa a-xoXvaai to publicly expose, was inclined secretly to release avT-r^v. -^Tayra Se avTov evdvixrjOevTOS, idov, her. Those but of him thinking on, lo,] ayyeXos Kvptov Kar' ovap €(pavr] avTO), Xeywv a messenger of a lord in a dream appeared to him, saying ; l(i}(F7)(f), vlos AaviS, /XT] (po^rtdTjs TrapaXa^eiv Ma- ■loseph, son of David, not thou shouldst fear to take Ma- OLa/j. TT]V yvvaiKa aov to yap ev avTTj yevvrjOev, ry the wife of thee; that for in her being formed, e/c Trv€VfjiaTos eaTiv aytov -Ve|eTai Se vlov, Kai by a spirit is holy ; she shall bear and a son, and KaAetrets Toovofxa avTov Irjaovv avTos yap (raxrei thou shalt call the name of him Jesus; he for shall save 13 And aiter the gak. riYiNG-AWAY to Babyloii, from Jeconiah descended S A LATH IE L; fxom Sala- thiet, Zekubbabhl ; IS from Zerubbabel, A- BiuD -from Ahiud, Elia- kim; from Eliakim, Azoe; II. from Azoar, Zadoc:; from Zadoc, Achim-; fi-om Achim, Eliud ; 15 from Elhid, Elza- zae ; from Eleazar, Mat- TiiAN ; from Matthan, Jacob J 16 and from JacoK Joseph, the hu^b.^nd of Mary, of whom t. as horn THAT Jesus, who is NA- MED Christ. 17 + [AH the GENEEA- TiONS, then, from Abra- ham to David, arc four- teen Generations ; from David till the cakrying- AWAY to Babylon, four- teen Generations ; and from the caerying- AV\'AT tc J'abj'lon till tlie Messiah, fourteen Gen- erations.} 18 Now the J JiATiviTY of the *Cheist Jesus was thus: Mary his mothek had been pledo:ed to Jo- seph ; but before they united, slie was discov- ered to be pregnant by the holy Spiint. 19 Then Joseph, her affianced husband, being a just man, and unwilliii» to expose her, ptu'posed to J divorce her privately. 20 But while he was reflecting on these things, behold ! an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a Dream, saying, "Joseph, Son of David, fear not to take Mary, thy affianced WIFE; fOl- that being FORMED in her is by the holy Spirit : 21 she wiU bear a Son, and thou shalt J call his NAME t Jesus ; for fft v>VA » Vatican Manuscript — 18. the Chuist Jesus. t 17. Penn omits this verse ; Newcome, Pearce, and others regard it as a marginal rIoss. + IS. Fifth year before the cominon Anno Domini. t 21. Jesus— Heb. Yohvo-Shva, i. C, I'uh-shua, or Joshua. Yau, or Jah, / shall be ; and Shua, Pow.'«/m?— hence the name signifies, 1 shall be the FowerfuL "Thou shaft call his iianiff Jesus," fe ful-lilled the word spoken by TOW Kvpiov Sia rov irf>0(pr}T3v, \eyoyTOS' ^' iSov, the lorA tUr'jiugi tire priiiihy jue^ tj/j.wji' ^fo] ??oj.) being tranjiat^d, tvitk »s Ltht] Cod. ^^Aieye/j^ets SeoItotTTje^aTroTou i!'7i-jfoy, eTToiTjcr?!' B!r Trpofrera^iP avrif o ayyeXos Kvpiov Kai Trapc- as commRBded to hiin the messenger of alord^ and took \a^e T7)p yvvaiica avrov, the wife of hiirt, a,DTT]y €ft>y ov €Te/te ■=^[toi'] vloiy ^\^auTrii top her till she brought forth [ the ] sor. [ of hpr the irp(»TOTO/c(PJ'"]K:ai e/taA€onfii J and called tb« n^une ol'hisa Jesus. KE*. 0, 2. ^Tow Se Irjoroy yevvrjdepros ^v BT^wkfCjit ttjs The and Jesus being bora in HetWceir. of the loy5aias, er 'l)/j.€pcus 'Hpwdov rov jSarriX^aos, i5ov, j'uilea, in 'days of Herod the -king, (o, /uLayotaira avaroKuiv wc^peyevorro €JS ^lepon \"- wiie-uiea fr«m an «ast country came into J€rusalt^.j fia, AcyorTtr -Uov €' f..ov, rov IcpaTjA. ' who shall go\er& the people of me, the Israel.'* 'TcTe 'HpcoSyj^ \a6pa KuXeaas rous fxayous, Them Herod privately having called the wise-men. t save his people from their SINS." 22 (All tlus occurred, that the avord spoken Ijy the Lord through the i'kopiiET, mijjlit be veri- licd, saving : 23 4:'"Beli'0idJ the vie- "gin shall conceive, and "Ijcar a Son, and his "NAME shall be called " i Ininis-nu-el ^ " which signifies, God with us.) 2-1 And Joseph, beinjc raised from slekp did as the ANGEL of the Lord had commajidcd him, and took his WIEE; 25 hut he knew her not, till $she brought forth a Son, and called his name Jesus, CHAPTER II. I And Jesus being born in Bethlehem of Jud^a, iu tiie Days of Herod, the KING, behold, + Magians from the East, came into Jerusalem j sajing : ^ 3 " "Where is the new- born KING of the Jews? for we saw his star at its rising, and are come to do him homage." 3 Kov/ * Herod, the king, having heard, was alarmed, and All Jeru- salem M"ith liim. 4 And having assembled AllthecniEE-PRiESTsand Scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah should be born. 6 And THEY answered, "In Bethlehem, of Ju- D.EA;" for thus it is written bv the prophet : 6 1 "And tftou Betlilchem, " Land of Judah, art by " no means least as to the " I'Ri N c ES of Judah; for ouv "of thee shall come fortli "a Prince, who shall rule "my PEOPLB Israel." 7 Then Herod, liaving se- cretly called the Mag ians. • VATic.^?i MANusrRiPT— 2S. a God. 25. a Son. 25. of her the first-bom.— otn. ; bo Lacbmann and Tiscbenflorf. S. the kino Herod. T 23, HeV>. Ism.K.wifk; Kr, us; and ei,, 6W— -the future name of Jesus; showins that he ■will '^" "-" '^"'' """'•"' " ^' io .,..f <»,.,> + ;.T,ll,- "<'!...„" »..l,„ ...;l I 1,« ii-W v.: . "^ , the wns t 21. Isa. lix, 20-, Rom. si. 26, 27- i 23. Isa. vii. 14. j 25. I.uke ii 7. I 6. Mitah v. 2. T 23, HeV>. Ism.K.wifk; Kr, us; and ei,, 6W— -the .future name of Jesus; showing that he rill be "-a Gnd icit/i us." It is mt empViatically " God" who will he with his people under he name of Immaatiel; but "God," in the same sense in which it is 2,1'd "The wohd vas God."— John i. 1, (See Dr. Middletou on the Greek Article.) 1. A Sect of Philosophers. ^Chap. MATTHEW [Cfuip. 2: IC. TKpi^aae Trap' avruv tov xP'^^^^ '^^^ (paLVoiMvov U'aiTied exactly from them tbe ti-.ns of the appeanrg aarepoSy ^ kul ire/ji^as avrovs fis BrjdXeefx., 3 star, and seiicUns theii into Bethleem, eiTTi' nop€v6ein-is, aKoi^oos e^eraaare irept rov he said; Passing on your wa» exactly inquire about the waiSiov €wav Se dvprjre, airayyeiXare fioi, oircos infant; as soon as aaU you have found, bring word tome, ?haj Kayca eXdcouTrpocTKupn^atuavTfc.-OtSs aKovaavres 1 also gtiin; pay homage to him. They and having heard TOV ^affiheus i-nopevdijaay. Kai idov, 6 acTTr.p^ of the king departed. And k), the star, 6v eiSov er rp avaToXjj, irp(yi]yey aurovSy teas which they saw in. the risiag, went before them, til) e\dwu ccTTT} eirauco ou r]P ro irai^iov. ^Idovr^s going it stood over where «a» the infant. Seeing 56 Tou aarepa, exapv<^civ x'^P"-^ jj.€ya\rp/ a(()oSpa- and the star, they rejoiced a joy very great; ^^Kai eXSovres eiSTr)voixiav,eibovTO iraiSiov jxera and being come into the house, they saw the infant with "Capias TTjs ixt]rpos avTov,Kanr€croirTes'f'!rpo(TeKU- Mary the mother of it, and falling down didhomage irr](rayaxrrq>,Kaiapoi^avTesTOvs6T)(TavpcfvsavTU3V,. to it, and opening the treasuries of them^ TrptxrrjvcyKav avrqi Swpa, XP^^^*"' '^^■^ Xcfiavov Kai they offered to it giftsy gold and frankincense and afxvpvav. ^" Kat xPVi^^'^'^^^^^"^^^ >^°-'^^ ovap^ [xtf myrrh. And beisg warned in a dream not oyaKa^uvf/a* irpos 'HpcoSTjv, Si' a?<\r\s oSov auex^^ to return to Herod, by auothsr way they prjcrav 6is ttjv x^P°-^ avrcop. withdrew into the eouirtry of them. ^ 'Avaxi^pVf^'^^'''^^ 5c avrar, i^ovj ayyeXos Having ivithdrawn but of them, lo, a messesger Kvptov (paiuerat kqt' ouap tco lw(n}(p, Xeyav of a lord appears in js dream to the Joseph, »aying; Y.yep6eis TrapaXa^e ro Traidioy Kai ttjv firjrepa Arising take the infant and the mother avrovy Kai (pevye eis KiyvTrrov, Kai ktQi fK€i, ofit, and flee into Egv-pt, and bethou there, kws av fiTTo; tror fieWecyap 'HpurS-qs ^rjTetVTO till I speak to thee; is about for Herod to seek the TraiSioVf TOV airoKeaai avro. ^^'O 5e eyepOeis infantr to kill it. He their xrisiDg lrap€\alS€TOTraiSiov KaiTrjujxrjTcpaavrouyvKTOs, toot the infant and the mother ofit by night, Kai ap^x^P'"^'^^^ ^'^ KiyvTTTOv' ^Kai rjv CKei ewy and went into Egypt ^ and he was there till rris TeXeirrris 'KpccSov iva TrArjpwdr} to prjdev the dsv.Cii of Herod; that might be fulfilied the word spokes VTTO TTOV KVpiOU SlCt TOV TTpOCpTfTOVy XeyOVTOS' by the iord through the prophet, aayiBg* " E| AiyvT!:Tov eKa\e and behold', the stab w liich they saw at its ri- sing, preceded them, till it came and stood over the place ■where the CHILD was. 10 And seeing tlie star, they rejoiced with very great Joy. 11 Aiid conriBg into tlie BOUSE, they saw the CHILD with Marj- his mo- ther ; and prostrating, they honored him. Then opening their caskets, they ottered, as Presents to him, Gold, rrankincense, and Myrrh. 13 And being warned in a Dream not to retui-n to- Herod, they went HOiit by Another "Way. 13 But they haviHg *re- tired into theii" own couk- TRY, behold ! an Angel of the Lord * appeared to Jo- seph in a Dream, sa}'ing r "Arise, take the child and his mothkr, and fly to Egypt; arid remain there,, till I speak to thee ; for Herod is about to seek the- CHILD to DESTKOT him." 14 Tlien he, arising, toot the CHILD and Lis MOTHXK, by night, and withdrew to Eg)T)t ; 15 and remained there tiU the DECEASE of Herod ; so that the word spoicen by the *Lord through the PROPHET might be verified^ sajing: t"lrom Egypt I have failed back my son." 16 Then Herod, perceiv- ing. That he had been de- * Vaticak Masvscript — 13. retired into tbeir own coTTNTRT. 13. appeared. 15. Lord. + n. The homasre of pTOStrntion, which is sigmified by this Greek word, in sacretJ authors as well as in pnafane, wns throughout all Asia, commonly paid to kings and otlier superiors, both<.bv Jews and by Paeans. It was paid by Moses to ni£ father-in-law, ExoA. Jtvii;. 7, called ki the E. T. •' obeisance."— CawpAeH. 1 05. Hoshea xi. i. Omjj. 2; 17.] MATTHEW. [aiap. 2: 23. f*a7a;j/, fduficvOrj Kiav Kai airocTTeiXas areiAe «ii»o-inen, wnsenrn^ed much; and senciincr forth he slew nauTas tovs firaiSas rovs (v B'i]6\ff/j. Kai eu Jill the boys tlie in lietlilepin and in traa-a rots dpiois avrris, ktto Sierovs Kai Karw- nll the borders of her, from two years and under, repci}^ Kara tov xP'^^^v 6f riKptficocre irapaTcoi/ iiccordingto the time which lieexacllyleaint from the fxayav. ^'^Tore eirXrjpocdi] to ^rjdev viro'lepefxiou vise-men. Then was fulfilled the wordsjjoken by .Jeremiah Tou irpocpTqrov, kcyoyros, ^^ " 4>Cfjj/7j ey 'Pajj-a viie prophet, saying, "A voice in Rama rjKOvadri, *[0p77J'OS /cat] KXavB/aos Kai o^vpfjios '••as heai'd, [lamentation and] weeping and mourning •jraXvs' 'Paxv^ Khaiovfra ra reKva avrvs' Kai great; Rachel bewailing the children of her; and ovK r]d€\c TrapaKkr)6r)vai, on ovk ^tai." not is willing to be comforted because not they are." ^^Te\€VTriaauros 5e rov 'HpcySow, idov, 07- Havmgdied and of the Herod, lo, a yfkos Kvpiov Kar' ovap (paiverai ras \(i}ari

ia*arit« KKr]6ri(T€Tai. he will be called. ceivcd l)y the Magian.s, was greatly enraged ; and despatching emissaries he slew all tTHE MALE CHIL- DREN in Bethlehem and in All its VICINITY, from the age of Two-years and under, according to the TiMp; which he accurately learnt fi'om the Magians. 17 Then was verified the WORD spoken * through Jeremiah the prophet, saying, 18 t"A Voice was " lieai-d tin Ramah, Weep- "ing and great Movu-ning; j " Rachel hemoaning lier ! "children, and unwil- " ling to be comfort-ed, Bc- " cause they are no more." 19 Wicn Herod was dead, behold! an Angel of the Lord appears in a Dream to Joseph in E- gypt, saying: 20 "Arise, take the child and his mother, and go into the Land ol Israel; for thky are dead who SOUGHT the child's life." 21 Then he, arising, took the child and his mother, and * entered into the Land of Israel ; 22 but hearing Tliat Ai-- chclaus was reigning over Jud^a instead of Ins fa- ther ITcrod. he was afraid to return tJiere ; and being warned in a Dieani, re- tired into the district of Galilee; 23 and coming into a City named tiSazareth. he abode; that the avord SPOKEN through the pro- phets might be verified, "That he will be called " ta Nazarite." * 17. througrh Jeremiah— Lachmann & Tischendor£ Vaticau Mahuscbii entation and — omit. 21. entered into. -18. 1am- + 16. THE MALE-CHILDREN. The Greek article being masculine, it defines the sex. In nine other places in this chapter, infant is in the neuter gender. 18. in Rnmah. A city not far from Bethlehem in Judea, on the confines of the territory of Benjamin. Origen and Jerome say that the Hebrew term rendered in Ramnh, by the LXX, should he trans- lated, on high. Matthew, or his translator, followed the beptiiagint. 23. Naz:ireth— a snnUlcity of the Zehulouites, in Galilee, about 75 miles north of the city of Jerusalem. 23. a Nazarite. M.ittbew evidently understood thi.stlie same as a Nazarene, or a native nf Nazareth. A Nazarite wiis one under a vow of self-denial. In Judges xiii. .5, Samson is called a Nazarite. The apostle Paul was accused ly TurtuUus, befoie Felix, as hein« " n ringleader of the sect of the Nazarites," Acts xxiv. 5. Sora« derive the name from Isa. si. 1, where the promised Messiah is called a A'ajor, or branch. t IS. Jer. xixi. 15. ^ Chap. 3: l."| ^j_^rprpjjTg^^r^ \0iap. 3: 9. KE*. y. 3. ^ Ej/ Se Tats Tjfx^i an SKecvais Trapayii^erci- In now the day; those comes Iwavuris 6 ^airrKrTrjs, Krjpvjcriov e;- ttj fp-rj/nfp John the dipper, proclaiming in the desert T7)s louSaias, [/cat] Ksyoov ^ Mcrafostre* of the Judea, [and] -ayinrj ; Reform ya ; fiyyiKG yap t] '\ ^aa;j/i7 fiowvros ev ttj c-pijtxy saying; "A voice crying out in the desert; eroiiUacrare rrju oSov KvpLov, evOeias TroieiTi make ye ready the way of a lord, btrai(;ht make ye ras rpi^ovs avTou." the beaten tracks of him." "* Autos Se 6 lasauvTjs €LX^ to ef8u,ua aurov He and the John had the outer garment of him OTTO Tpix^f KafX7j\ov, Kai ^wvrju SepfxaTivi]v from hairs of a camel, and a belt luactc ot skin nepi Tr]v ocrcpuu aurov t] Se rpncpri curov r]u around the loins of him; the and food of him wa^ a.fjOiSes Kai ij.€\i aypiou. °Tot; e^eTroptueTO locuwts and honey wild. 'i'l.en went out Trpos avTov 'lepo(To\vfxaj Kai iracra i] iou5am, to him Jenisalem, and all the Judea, Kai iracra t] ir€pix<^pos rov Lophcvov ^ Kai and all the couiitiy about of the jorc' m ; and e^aiTTi^ouTO ey toj lopBa.vr} utt' avroj, c-^OfioXo- were dipped in to the Jordan by .'liin, confessing yov/xeuot ras afiaprias abrcuv. the sins of V ■.^.. ^ \^wv 8e ToWous Tojv ^api(T(tLwv tzm SaSSou- Seeing and many of the Piinrisees and Sadducees Kaicav ^pyo'^euovi eiri to fiairria/xa aurov, et.rei/ coming to the dipping of Iiiin, he caid ajToiS' revu-qfjLara ex'^i^wv, ris virc-?:-L^eu to them; O brootls of venouious serpents, who ^jointodou": v,i/.iy (pvy^iu airo rrjs fieWovarjs cpyris; to you to flee from the coming wrath ? ^rioiTjo-aTe ovy Kapiroy a^iov ttjs fxerayoias, Erin" forth then fruit worthy of the reformation, ^ Kai fi'ij So|7jT€ Xeyziy ez/ eavrois' JJarepa and not think to say in yourseUes, A father exo'xev toj' A^paa/x' Aeycu yap', uTiduyarai we have the Abiaam; 1 say for to you, that is able 6 0605 eK Twy KiQuov rovrwy eyeipai rcKya nrn](Tiv auTOf. ^"^Kai /SaTrraT^ets 6 Ir^crovs Then he suffered him. And haviug been ihpped the Jeau* aycQ-H fvdus a b •teavk '!). sayii gi This ia the sod afmetne <7a7r77Tos, ev w €v^OKr](Ta. beloved, in wij^nn i ueii^ht. \Chap.S: 1/. 10 Even now the axb li£« at the root of tha TRKKs ; Ev°ry Tree, there- fore, not producing good Fruit, is cut down, and cast iuto a Fii-e. 11 I, indeed, t immerse you in Wr.ter in order to Reformation; but he who is COMING after me, ia more powerful than 1, + \Vliose SANDALS I am not worthy to carry; Jh? wiU immerse you in holy Spirit and in Fire. 12 Wliose wiNNOWiNa SHOVEL is in his hand, and he will sifectually cleanse his theeshing- FLOOR ; he will gather his WHEAT into *his gra- nary, but the CHAFF he will consume with Fii-e inextinguishahle." 13 Then comes Jesus from Galilee to the Job- dan, to be IMMERSED by John. 14 But •hb refused him, saying ; " 5 ha\ e Need to be immersed by thee, and ti)QU comest to me!" 15 But Jesus answer- ing, 8!iid to him ; "Permit it now ; for thus it is be- coming us to establish Every Ordinance." Then John suffered him. 16 And Jesus being innunersed, went up from the WATER ; and, behold ! instantly the heavens were opened, and *the Spiiit of God appeared, descending, like a Dove, and { resting on him. 17 And, behold 1 a Voice from the heavens, say- ing , } " Tliis is my Soi\ the BELOVED, in whom I delisht." * Vaticam Manuscript— 10. even— om(». 12. his •»ahabt. 14. bx refused. 18. to hlir. — omitt Itt. the Spirit of Crod. Itt. and— onitf. t "It. immerse you in Water. Baptho, and its root Bapto, sipnify to dip, to plnng*. to iniraevse, and was rendered by Tertullian, finawe, the term used for dveine cloih, which was by immersion. It is alway.s construed suitably to this meaning. I'hus it is en hudatet j» to lordanee. — Campbell. 11. Whose sanuals, &c. The ofRce alluded to, though of a »ervile description, was performed by disciples for their instructors, as it appears from th« Talmudists and Eusebius. 12. The allusion in tliis passage is to an ancient process in Bgriculture, by which the chntr was driven towards afire prepared fos bumins it. in order that it might not be blown back and mixed a^ain with the wheai. ♦ 11. Acts J..5; ii. ^— i xi. lii. I ift. is:^ xi. 3; ud. 1. t 17- la* »lfl. K t I ike x » dwp. 4: 1.] MATTHKW. \Chap. 4: IL KE4>. S'. 4. ^ToT6 6 l7](Tovs avTJxdv ^is rrjv eprifiov VTo Then the Jesus was led into tlie desert by rov irvsvixaros^ ireioaaOrjj/ai vtto rov Sia^oXov. tUe spii-it, to be tempteJ l;y the accuser. hiai yT](rrevaas y]p.spas T^craapaKoura Kai vvKTas And fasting day» forty and nights reacrapaKOVTa, {/(TTepov eireiuaae. ^Kai trpoa- forty, after he was huni;ry. And coining b\6wp avTco 6 TreipaC^wv, enrsw Ei vlos e: rov to him the tempter, Baid} If a son thou be of the fleou, cnr€f Iva ol KiQoi ovroi aproi jeucovrai. God, speak, that the stones these loaves may become. ^'O Se anoKpiOeis eiwe' TsypaTrraL' " Ot;« evr* He but answering said; It is written ; '*Not by apTcp fxoi/ct) ^Tiaerai avQpaiTos' aW' eiri iravri bread alone shall live a man j but by evei-y ^rffxari fKiropevo/j-ey^ dia aTo/xaros 6eov." word. proceeding from month of God.*' "Tore irapaXa/nfiavei aurou 6 Sja/3oAos 6:s ttjj' Tlien takes him the accuser into the ayiav iroXiVy Kai icrT7j(rtv avrov eiri to irTepvyiou holy city, and places him on the winj Tov hpov ^ Kai \eyei avTcp- El vlos et rov 6eov, of the templet and says to liiuij If a sou thou be of tlie God, /SciAe aeavTou kutw yeypairrai yap' " 'Or: tojj cast thyself down) it is ivrittcu for; "That to the ayye\ois avrov evreXeirai ir^pi arov Kai eiri messengers of him he will give charge of theej and on j(^eipci}U apovai mountain high exceedingly, and shows to him all tas QaaiXeias rov Koafxov Kai rrjv do,^av avrwv, the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, Kat \eyei avr(p* Tavra travra (roi Swco), eav and iays to him t These all to thee I will give, if V€(TUP ttpoaicwTfa-ps fioi. ^^Tore A€76i avrta falling down thou wilt do homage to uie. Then says to him 6 Itjctovs' "tiraye OTriao) fxov^ (rarava' yeypavr- tVie Jfsus; Go thou behind of me, adversary: itis written Tat yap' ** Kvpiov rov 6eov ^ 12.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 4: 23. ^'-AKovtras Se d IrjaovSy on IdjauvT]! irapedoOy], Hearing now the Jesus, that John was delivered up, ftveX'i'pTjcrfv eis rrju raXiXaiav. ^^Kai Kara- he withdrew into the Galilee. And having \nr(i>i/ rrjv Na^'aper, ^XQcov KarcaKT}(T€V fis (eft the Nazareth, coming dwelt at Katrepuaovfj. 'n]u TrapaOaAacrcriay, ey opiois Capernaum the by the sea-side, in borders Cial3ovKwv Kai N€0aAeiyu. Sdov "Land of Zabulon and land Nephthalim way 6a\a(r(r7)s irepau tov lopdauov, FaXiXaia roou of the sea by the Jordan, Galilee of the eOvay. ^^'O \aos 6 KaOrffieuos ey (Tkotgl eiSe <^a)S nations. The people who are sitting in darkness saw Blight ^^ya' Kai rots KaOrfjuei/ois cv x^P9 '^'** (TKio great; and to those sitting in a region evea aftbade QoLvarovy (poos av^r^iKev avTois." of death, alight has arisen to them." ^'^ Atto totc Tjp^aTO 6 Iriaovs K7jpv(r. L 5. ^ 15cs)y Se Toys ox^ovSj avsjir] eis ro opos' Kai Seeing and the multitudes^ hewcntup to the mountain ; and KaOiaavros avrov^ Trpoa-qXQov *\^avT(>}~\ ol /nadr]- liaving se.ited himself, came [to UiiiiJ the disci* rai auTov ^ Kai avoi^as ro (rro/xa avrovy eZi- l>les of him; and opening the mouth of him, he daffKev avTovs, K^ywv ^ Maxapioi oi ttt^xoi t^ taught them, saj-ing; Blessed the poor to the irvevfiart' bri avTwv eer>ecuted on account of vij^hte^msuesa ; for of them is 7] fia(TiX.€ia rcou ovpavuiu. '^ yiaKapioi (, Kai KaTavaTetcrOai vrro rcav to he cist out, auj trodden underfoot by the avQpu:ir(av. uieu. ^'^ "T/xeis eare to (poos rov ko(Tij.ov. Ov hvvarai \av. are the light of the world. Not possible TToKis Kpv$r]uai eirauco opovs KsijxevT]' ^^ oude a city to hiile upon a hill being situated; nor Katovci Kjx^ov, Kai TiOeacriv avTou rjiro tov theyhgH a l.uiip, and place iiim under the p.o^AOPy oAA' 67rt Trjv Kvxviav Kai ?>.a/xTrei -nacri Mieasi.r,, but on the lamp-stand; and it gives light to all ^^ Ojto} Xa/j-ypaTU} to (poos Thus letitshhie the light vfxwv (/u.Trpocrd€i/ Tcav ai/dpoiircau, ottcds iSooaii/ of you in the presence of the men, that they may see tfjKtiU ra KaKa f:pya, Kai 5o''^.(rci}(ri tov iraT^pa • fyou the good works, and niaj ,>e the father v'iX'j>v TOV 6j/ TOIS ovpauois. Ofyou that in the Leavens. ^^Mt7 vojxia-rfT€y 6ti 7)\6ou KaTaXucrai r ju Not think ye, that I have come to destroy the l/OfXOU 7) TOVS 1TpO will be great in the }iea- VENS; for thus TIIOSK prophets who preceded you were persecuted. 13 gou are the % salt of the EARTH. But if the t SALT become insipid, how shdl it recover its savor ? It is then worth- less, except to be cast out and trocldon down by men . li J)ou are the % light of the WORLD. A city being situated on a hiU cannot be concealed : 15 nor is a Lamp light- ed to be placed under >Jie t CORN MEASURE, but OU the LAMP-STAND ; and it gives light to ALL the fa- mily. 16 Thus, let your light shine before men, that they may see youi- good works, and glorify that FATHER of yours in the heavens. 17 Think not. That I have come to subvert the L.vw, or the prophets : 1 have come not to subvert, but to establish. 18 For, indeed, I say to you. Till heaven and EARTH pass away, one lota or One Tip of a letter shall by no means pass from the law, till all be accompUshed. 19 Therefore, wiiocver t 13. Perhaps allusion is here made to a bituminous and fragrant species of salt, found nt the Lake Asphaltites ; great quantities of which were thrown by the priests over the ounteract the smell oftlie burning flesh, and to hasten its consumption. This sacrifices, to coi,i, mc oiucu. ui; uuriiiug uesH, anu lo nasteu iis consumption, 'mis substance, however, was easily damaged by exposure to the atmosphere ; and the poition (.f it thus rendered unfit for the purpose to which it v/as ordinarily applied, was strewed upon ihe pavement of the temple, to prevent slipping in wet weather. Maimdrcll, in his travel 6tates that he tasted some that had entireiy lost its savor.— TVoZtope. + 15. The modins wasa measure, both among the Greeks and Komans, containing a little less thau & peck ■ but it is clear that nothing here depends upon the capacity of the measiu^.. t 10. 2 Tim. ii. 12; Aotsxlv. 22; Rev. iii. 21 xiv.34, 35. I 14. Phil, ii 15. t 12. Eora. viii. 18. t 13. Luke Chap 5 £0 ] MATTHEW ^'Chap 6 28'fT'TWJ', /ecu S(5a|7j o^to) tovs aydpwirovs, least, and teach '" thus the i • inca, least he 6li.i!l be called in the kinj.lom of the ■ovpauoov OS 5' av noirja-ri Kai 8i5at,ri, oiiros hea-.-ns, who but ever shall d. , and teach, the sair'e fisyas KhfiQ-tiOi^at €i> rrj ^adtAeta rceiu ovpai/uy. freat shall be called in the lai'^'dom of the heavens. ^*'A67w yap vjxlv^ h'ri eau /xt] vepKraevarj t] I »uy for to you, that except abound »he ZiKaiocvvt) iifMCDf ir\iiop rwu ypa/j-fxareccu Kat righteousncaa of/ou more oftt.e scribes and l4'apt(Taiuv, ov nf] (KxeABrire eis rt}v . ^ainXaav Pharisees,- by no uaeaoa yoi' may entei into _ the kingdoci ^ 'Ta;;' ovpavwp. \srthe heavens. ^^UKovaraTC, 6ti (ppeBrj rois apxaiois' ** Ov You have heard, that it was said to the ancients ; "Not ;ipouevafis' os S' av «nd into prison th'ou shall be cast. Indeed 1 say to thee, 'ov ^iT) e'|eA077s ' eKeiOev, ews at' aTrodais rou ihy DO means thou wilt come out UieBce, ' till. thou hast paid ths €(rxaTOP KoSpaPTTji/. ^ Uat farthing. shall violate one of the LEAST of these com- MANTJS, and shall teach MEN' so, will be called little in the kingdom of the HEAVENS, but who- ever shall practise and teach them, will be call- ed great in the kingdom of the HEAVENS 20 For I tell you, that unle.ssyour righteous- ness excel that of the SCRIBES and Pharisees, you shall never enter into the kingdom of the HEAVENS. 21 You have heard That it was said to the an- ciEN'Ts, I Thou Shalt not 'kill; and whoever shall ' kill, will be f amenable 'to the judges' 22 But I say to you, That every one being ANGRY with his broth- er, shall be amenable to the judges: and ivho- ever shall say to his brother, Fool I will be subject to the high council; but whoever shall say. Apostate wretch ! will be obnox- ious to the burning of Gehenna. 23 If therefore, thou bring thy gift to the al- tar, and there recollect That thy brother has ought against thee, 24 leave there thy gift before the altar, and go, first be recon- ciled to thy brother, then come, and present thy gift 2.5 Agree quickly with thy prosecutor, while thou art on the road with him ; lest the pros- ecutor deliver thee to the JUDGE, and the JUDGE to the officer. and thou be cast into Prison. 26 Indeed, I say to thee. Thou wilt by no means be released, till thou hast paid the last Farthing. • Vatican Manuscbipt — 22. without cause — yvvaixa It wassail and, "that whoever shall release the wifu avToVy Sorb) avrji :o,Tco(TT ifxiu /xt] o/xop'ai the oaths of thee." I but say toyoji not svreaf oAjWS* firiTe ev rep ovpavcp, Sti^ Qpovos earn rov atnll; not even by the ' lieav«n, .for a throne itii ofthe Osbv ^^ fxTjre eu rr) 777^ 6n vttottoSiou earn rwv God; ' cor by the eaith, for a foots'.ool , it ii. of the nQ%!u, causes Iier to commit adultery; and *iiE who MARRIES the divorced woman, commits adultery. 33 tA^ain, you Itavc heard That it was said to the ANCIENTS; $'Th0U ' shalt not perjure Ihyseli', ' but shalt perform to tha ' L(TB.D thine oaths ;' 34 but 2 ^ay to you, t Swear not at all; neither by the heaven, for it i3 God's Tlu-one; 35 nor by the eaeth, because it is a Footstool for llis FEET; neither shalt thou swear by Jerusalem, S2. EVEaV-ONB whOAITOBCKa. S2. Bi • Vatican MAWuscBirx— 30. go away. •who MASBISS. , . t S3. The morality of the Jews In regard to oaths was truly execrable. They maintained that a man might swear with his lips, and annul it at the same moment in his heart. They also held that oaths are binding only according to the n.iture of tlie thin? by which a man swears; asserting that the law, which our Sav-.or here cites, referred to those oatiis only which were of a binding nature. Instances of this distinction, which they made between oaths that were and were not binding, are expressly cited and condemned by our Lord in Matt, xxiii. 10—23 ; and the injunction here given against swearing by Heaven, by Jerugalem, &c., is in relation to a variety of frivolous adjuratiooa which were constantly in their mouths, \ 27. Exod. XX. U. t 31. Deut. xxiv. 1 ; Matt. xix. &-0 : Mark x. J— 13, --•'«. Deat i>>u.21— 33; Num. xzx. 3.. t 84. James T. 12. Chap. 5 : 36. ] MATTHEW. [Qiajy. KecpaXrj ffov ofJLoarjs, on ov ^vvaffai /JLiay TpLX°- head of thee shalt thou, foi- not thou art able one hair \evKriy t; fx^Xaivav Troi-qaai. -^^ Earw 5e 6 \oyos white or black to make. Let be but the word vfM'jov vai var ov ov to Se wepLcrcroU' tovtcou, oCyou; y " yes; no no; that for over and above of these, €:< -Tou iTovr]pov ecrriu. of the evil is. ^UKovrrare, on eppeOif]' ^' OcpBaXjuov avn You have heard, that it wa-» said ; An eye for oipOaA/JLOv, Kat oSoyra avn o^ovtos." "^-^ Eyco Se an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." I but Aeyoj ujj.iv, /j.r] avTiarrii'ai rce irov'.'ipM' aAA' 6(rns say to you, not resist the evil ; but whoever ce paviaei erri r7]i' de^iav crov (Xiayova, arpexl/oi^ thee shall slap upon the right of thee cheek, turn auTcp Kai rr}v aXA7]V' "^^ Kai rco O^Xovn (Toi Kpi- to liim also the other; and ^o 'he purposing thee to sue Orjvai, Kai rov yjru^va crov \aj3eiv, aipes avrca at law, and the tunic of thee to lake, trive up to him icai TO 1/j.aTLov "*' Kai 6(Ttis (T^ ayyapejaei jjuKioy also the mantle; and whoever thee s'aU force to {;o mile €V, vTvaye jxst^ avTOV duo. "'-Tw aiTovvTi ere one, go with him two. To ilie aakins; thee 5l5ou' Kai Tov OeXovra ctto aou b:iv€iaa(r6aL, do thou j^ve ; and the wishing fro'u thee to borrow money, /j.r] aTrotTTpafprs. not do thou repulse. ■*'^ H/cou(raT6, oti ep5e077' ^^ AyaTTTicreis to You have heard, that it was said ; " Thou shalt love the T\T}aiov (TOV, Kai /j.i(rr]a'€is tov ex^pov o'ou. ' neighbor of thee, and hate the enemy oftliee." '^Eyco §6 Ae7c«) v/jliv, aya-KaTs tovs cy^povs vfioju, I but say to you, love the enemies of you, *[ei;Ao76iT6 tovs KaTapa/nevovs v;, KaXcos [bless those cursing you, good TToteiTe TOis fitaovo'iv u/^as,] Kai irpocrcvx^o^Oi do to those hating yc"i] and pray vTTsp Tcav \_iTn}pea^ovToov ujxas Kai\ Siu^kovtcov for those injuring you and] pei*secuting iifxas' '^^ on-cas ycvriaOe vloi tou iraTpos vfxicv, you; that you may be sons of the father of you, TOV ev ovpavois' oti tov riXiov avTov avaTeWsi of the in hea\ens : for the sun of him it rises €iri TTovripovs Kai ayaOovs, Kai ^p^ysi stti SiKai- on evil and good, and it rains on just ovs Kai aBiKovs. '*® Eav yap ayaTr-qa-rjTc tovs and unjust. If for you love those ayanavTas vfias, Tiva jxiaQov e^sTe ; oux' '<^c;i loving you, what reward have you? not even oi TeKcavai to avTO iroiovcn ; "*' .f a( cav atnra- the tax-gatherei*s the same do? riud if you (T-qad^ TOVS a8eK(povs v/xctiv /xovov, ti Trepiao'oy balute the brothers of you only, v.-hat more for it is tlie % city of the GREAT King; 36 nor by thy head, because thou canst not make One Hair white or black. 37" But let your Yes be yes ; and youi- No, no : for whatever exceeds these,, proceeds from evil. 38 You have heard That it was said, J ' Eye for ' Eye, and Tooth for 'Tooth;' 39 but I say to you, I oppose not the injuki- ous PERSON ; but if any one strike thee on tiiy RIGHT Cheek, turn to him also tlie LEFT; 40 and whoever will sue thee for thy coat, let hun have the mantle also. 41 And if a man + press thee to go one + Mile with him, go two. I, 43 $ Give to him who solicits thee; and him, who WOULD boiTOw from thee, do not reject. 43 You Iiave heard That it was said, % ' Thou shalt ' love thy neighbor, and 'hate thine enemy ;' 44 but I say to you. Love youi- enemies, "and pray for those who * persecute you, 45 that you may re- semble THAT father of yours in the heavens, who makes his sun arise on Bad and Good, and sends rain on Just and Unjust. 46 For if you love them only who love you, What llewaid can you expect ? Do not even the tax- gatherers the SAME ? 47 And if you salute your BRETHREN Only, in what do you excel ? Do * Vatican Manuscript — 44. bless thgs3 who cuuse you, do good to thosb who hate you — (faiit. 44. pehsecut:; j'ou. t 41. An allusic into their service : might serve to accelerate their jourviey. irora t!ie I'ersians tnis custom passe mans, and it is still retained in the East, t 41. Ihe Roman miliox, or mile, measured a thousand paces. I S5. Psa. xlviii. 2.' J 38. Exod. xxi. 24; P^i't x=x. 21. t 30. Prov. yx. 22 ; xxi^ 89; Kom. xii. 17— 19. t 42. Deut. xv. 7— U. 4 4^*. ^.<*v. xix. ig. Deu*;. yxiii 6- sion to the Angari, or couriers of the Persians, who had authority to impress e men, Iwrses, and ships, or iiny 'hiiig tliiit cume in their w:iy, and which iccelerate their iournev. From t!ie I'ersians this custom passed to the Ko- Chap. 5 ; 48.] TvIATTHKW. [Cliap. fi: 7. TTOtetre ; OfX' Kai ot eOviKOi ovrco ttoiovctiu ; iloyou? not even the Gentiles »o do? ^''Ecret^e ovv v/xets reXeioi, oxnrep 6 iraTTjp S!:aU l>e ih.Tcfore you perfect, a» the father vficov, 6 ev Tois ovpauois, reXeios ecTt. of you, who in the heavens, perfect is. KE*. J. 6. ^ ripofrexeTt ttji/ SiKaioauurjv, v/xaiv fir) iroieiy Take heed the ri^-hleousness, of you not to do ^fiTTpoaOeu Tcov avQpcairwv, irpos to Q^aQrivai in the presence of the men, so as to be exhibited avTois' ei Se fJ-vy^t /xiaOou ovk ex^'''^ irapa rep to them ; if but otherwise, reward not you have with to the irarpi v/jloov, tw ev tois ovpai'ois. -'OTau ovv ' father of you, to the in the heavens. Wlien then TTOiris €\c'r][xo(Tvvi)Vy /ult] eard, ®Mr} ovv o/xoiiijOrfTe aurots' bide yap 6 iraTrjfi T^ot therefore you may belike to theiD ; knows for the father of you, ^ of what things need you have, before of the you airr^aai avrov. ^ Ojtcos ouf irpocreux^fJ^d^ vfjLeis' ask him. Inthwwrty then pr^y ■ you; Yla-fep 7]/J.wv, 6 ev rrois ovpauois, ayiaaSriTci} to father of us, who in tl^e neasens, reverenced the cvofxacrov ^fAflerw 7j ^aaiA^iacrov' yeurjBrjro) oaroe tfftbeci let come th<> kingdom of thee; let be done TO 6eKr}/xa (Tov, us eu ovpauco^ Kat ewt ttjs y7]s' the will. of thee, as in heaven, also- on the earth) ** rou apTov T]fj.^v roif emovaiov Soy tjjjlh' the bread of us the tsufGcieot give tnou to ua - crjixipov ^2 Kai a(pes nifxCv ra ocpeikri/xciTa ripLcoi/, to-day i and discharge to ua the ,debts of us, COS Kat rjfieis a(pieix€U roir" ocpeiXeraiS' ijfjLuv Ka even me discharge to the ' . debtors of us; '"* icai firi etfffveyKTjs ^)UOS ciy Treipa^TfxoVy akXa and not bring us ii>t,o -temptation, but ^ucrcu.7)^as ano rou irovrippv.-^ ^"Eay yap a .»,i-j cfthem, ot/Se 6 TTUTr^p 'v(X(i)v aaui^e^ Kai dirov KK^irrai ou 5iopvlot be over careful the life of you, Tt ayT]T(f Kai Tl •TrtTJTe* f.l')]5s TO) CCOfXaTt what youmay eat, and what you may drink ; nor to the body vfjLwUy Tl fj-Svar,(Td€. OfXi i] »('i^x^ Tr\eiov eari of you, what you may put on. Not the life more is TTjs Tpo(p7]Sy Kai TO (Tco/iia TOV euSvfxaTos ; '"** E,u- the food, and the body the clothing P Look /3A.eipaT€ eis tu Trerciua tou ovpauovy on ou attentively at the birds of the heaven, for not tfTreipovcriVy ovSe Oepi^ovtriUy ovde avvayovaiv ets they sow, nor reap, nor gather into aTvodr}Kas' Kai 6 TraT-qp vfj-wu & ^ jpavios Tpetpei barns J and the father of yon the lieavenly feeds aura. Ovx vfieis fxaWov Siacpepire aurwv ; them. Not you greatly excel them ? ^ Tts 8e ef vfxcau fiepi/xucav SvvaTai irpoo'Qeivai "Which and by of you being overcareful is able to add €7rt T7JJ/ riKiKiav a'oTou Trrjxvu kva; ^ Kat ivepi to the age ofliim span one? And about fV^ufMaTos Tl fxepifjiuaTe ; KarafLaOeTe ra Kpiua clothing why he over careful? Consider the lilies TOU aypou ircos ao^auer ov KOTrtot, ouSe vrider of the field how it grows ; not itlabors, nor , spins; ^Ae-yw Se vfiiu, on ouSe ^o\ofjLwy et/ Tra&ri tt; 1 say bitt to you, that Bot even Solomon in all the ven where neither Moth nor Rust can consume, and Mhere Thieves break not tlirough, nor steal. 21 For where * thy TKEASURE IS, there * thy HEART will also be. 23 |Tne lamp of the BODY is * thine kye; if, therefore, thine eye be clear, thy Whtle body will be enlightened ; 23 but if thine eye be dim, thy Whole body will be darkened. If, then, THAT LIGHT which is in thee be Dai'kness, how great is that darkness! 24- X No man can serve TSvo Masters; for either he will hate one, and love the OTHER; or, at least, he will attend to One, and neglect the other. You cannot serve God and t Mammon. 25 Therefore, 1 charge you, J Be not anxious aljout your life, wiiat you shall eat, or what you shall diink ; nor about your BODY, what you shall wear. Is not the life of more value than FOt.»D, and the body than e'iI- MENT'^ 26 Obser\-e the birds of heaven ; they sow not, nor reap, nor gather into Store -houses ; % but your HEAVENLY FATHER tecds them. Are not goil of greater value than tliey ? 27 Besides, which of you, by being anxious, can prolong ]ivi life cue Moment V 28 And why are you anxious about ' Raiment r Jlark the t lilies of the FIELD. How do they grow ? They neither la- bor nor spin ; 29 yet I teU you, That not even Solomon in Ail * Vatican Manuscript — 21. thy treasure. 21. thy HEART. 2-2. thine byb. t 24. Mammon is a Syriac word for riches, which our Lord beautifully represents as a per- son whom the folly of men had deified. t 28. Syriac — wild lilies, or lilies of the desart. Supposed by Kitto and Sir J. E. Smith to be the amaryllia lutta, a g'Olden lilaceoua fl )\ver, which grows wild in the Levant, and blooms i'- Autumn. Dr. Bowring thinks it is the Motrtagnon lily, which grows profusely in Galilee, and is of a brilliant red color. t 22. I.nke xi. 34. : 24. I-iike xvL 13. t 26. Job ixxviii. 41 , Psa. cxlvit. i) X 25. Lukexii. 22; Phil, iv.6; 1 Pet. v ^ Chap. 6 : 30.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 7: 6. So|?7 auTOv irepu^aXero ws kv rovTcav, ^ Et glory of him was clothed like one of these. If Se Toy ■x_opToi/ rov aypov, (rrj/xepov ovra Kai then the grass of the liuM, to-day existing and avpLov €is KKi^auov fiaWofJLCvov, 6 Oeos ovrccs to-morrow into an oven ia being cast, the God so afj. the kingdom oft lie lienveas; but he uroibou TO OeKrifia rov Trarpos yuoi/, rov cv ovpavois. •doins "the 'will of the father of me, of that in heavens. ^IloWol epovai/JLOL ev cKeivT) rrj i}fj.epa.' Kypte, Many shall say tome in- that the Kat tw X6 the thy name -demons - lun&wc cast out, and tm the built Ihc lionso of him tii>oi> trrjv irerpav ^ icauKare/Brj '/; Ppoxv* for t]X6ov i the rocJi ) Ayd fell down the - rain, and cnnie cl TtQra/xoif Kat eiryeixrau at ayefxoty icat Trpocre- thc floods, and 'bleAV the winds, .-uid beat ^f5 Game, nnd the winds blew, and nishcd upon that HOUSE, it fell, not, because it was fuundctf on the ROCK. 26 But EVERY-ONE who HEARS these I'RECEITS Ot" Mine, nnd disybcys tJiciii, will be compared to ft foolisli Man, who built ^■jiis House on the SAND; 27 for when tlic rain fell, and the torrknt^j -came,, and the wi.nds blew, and dashed a<;ainst that HOUSE, -it fell, ami' jnxat wasits ruin." - Vatjcaji BtjiNwscBtpi'— 21..tJ«eiiHr*.VES3^ (Bouse.. 2G. ifrs UtAisc. ii/rKtM»U.iii. 10: fSl; Matt, xxv.ll ; ,I,ulie_!ir.{. iSit xiii 123. Luke Jwiii. 2Z. . -J g-i..JUiiiS.V<,47-4J. 5, the hand, he touched him the Jesus, saying; I will, KaQapi(T6T)ri. Kai evOecas cKadapicrOr] avrov r} be thou cleansed. And immediately was cleansed of him the Keirpa. '^Kai \eyei avrcf 6 Irjtrous' 'Opa /j.T}dQPi leprosy. And says to him the Jesus; See no one (iTTTjS' aWa vTraye, asavrov Sei^ov rep l^pei, thou tell ; but go, thyself show to the priest, Kai irpocreueyKe ro Soopoi/, 6 irpoixsra^^e Mwcttjs, att^ offer the gift, whi<*K commanded Moses, eis fiaprvpiov avrois. for a witness to them. ^ Eie farther he is removed, the pTosser the dsii^neas.—Wetstein. t 17. " Thi'; mi^n heareth away our sms, and for us he is in sorrow."— rAonwon's Septuagint translation o/Isa liii 4 X 11. Luke xiii. 29. t 10. Mark i. 32 ; Lxike iv. 40. 1 12. Matt. xxi. 4.3. i 17. Isa. liii. 4. X 14. Mark i. 29—21 ; Luke iv- 88. Chap. 8: 19.] MATTHEW. avTQVy eK€\ev(rev airfAOeiv eis to ir^pav. ^^ Kai him, he gave orders to depart to the otlierside. And ■npoceAdcaj/ els ypafxixar^vs^ cirr^v avrco' AiSacr- coining one scribe, said to liim ; Ouacher, Ka\s, aKoKovdr]v xoipoov. ^^ Kai enrev aurois' to the herd ofthe swme. And lie 8 iid to them ; "Tiray€T€. Oi 5e e^ekOoures air-qkdop €is rovs Go i They and coming out they went o the XOipovs. Kai i5ov, wp/j.T](re traaa 7] ayeXr] Kara swine. And lo, rushed whole the herd down rov Kp'qfivov eis ttjv 6a\acrcrau, Kai aircdavoy ef the steep place into the lake, and died in Tois vdacTiv. ^ Oi Se fiorrKoures ecpvyou, Kai the waters. They and feeding them fied, and aTreXdouTes eis tt]v woXiy, air-qyyeiXav iravra, arri\'ing at the city, related all, KOI ra roDV ^aijxovi^ofxevujv. ^* Koi i^ov, Tra'T»T OF THE Gadabenes. — I Spent a night, and part of two days, in the vi- cinity ofthe Lake of Tiberias. My tent was pitched near the Hot Baths, about a mile south ofthe town of Tiberias, and, consequently, near the south end ofthe lake. In looking across the water to the other side, I- had before me the country of the Gadarenes, where the swine, impelled by an evil spirit, plunged into the sea. I was struck with a mark of accuracy in the sacred writers, which had never occurred to me till then. They state that 'the swine ran violently down the steep or precipice,* (the article being required by the Greek,) 'and were choked in the waters.' It is implied here, first, the hills in that region approach near the water ; and, secondly, that they fall off so abruptly along the shore, that it would be na- tural for a writer, familiar with that fact, to refer to it as well known. Both these implica- tions are correct. A mass of rocky hills overlook the sea on that side, so near the water, that one sees their dark outline reflected from its surfiice, while their sides, in general, are so steep, that a person familiar with the scenery would hardly think of speaking of a steep place or precipice, where so much of the coast forms but one continuous precipice. Our translators omit tne definite article, and show, by this inadvertence, how .■aaturaUy toe more exact knowledge ofthe Evangelists influenced their language." I 1. Matt w. 13. t 2. Mark ii. S-, Luke v. 18. Ctap. 9:3.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 9: IS ai ajuapTiai aov. ^ Kai iSov, rives tuu ypafifxa- Ihe sina of thee. And lo, some of the scribes recov eiTTov €V ^avTois' Ovros fiXacrcprjixci. ■* Kai said among themselves i ThiA blasphemes. And '^(av b lr]a' vs ras eudu/nricriis avT7]V, enrev kuowhij the Jesus the thou^rhls of them, says; 'l-art vfieis evQvjXdiaQe -Kovripa eu Tais KapSiais Why you think eviU lu the hearts ficov ; ^Tt yap effriv evKOTTcorepov : eiireiu- ■you? Which for is e.isier? to say , A.(pia>yTaL aov ai a^apTiai ; 7j inreiv "Eyeipai Are forgiven of thee the sins? or to say ; Arise Kcu TrepnraTei : ^''Iva Se etSrjTe on e^ovcTLau and walk? That but you may know that authority €X€* ^ VlOS TOV avdpCOTTOV tTTt TTJS y7]s a(f)i€vai has the son oftlie man on the earth to forgive CLfjiapTias' (tot6 \(:yei rca TrapaKvTiKcf) E,yep- sins , (then he says to the paralytic;) Arising Bizis apov GOV T7]v K\ivr]v, Kai vnaye eis tou take up o( tliee "he bed, and go into the oiKoy crov. ' Kat eyepdeis airriAOeu eis rov otKov )iouse ol thee. And arising he went to the house tt'uTov. **l8o//T€S Se 01 ox^oi c6av/j.aov eiri l/xaTicp iraXaicc' aipci yap to tt'At]- unfulled on to a mantle old ; takes away for the patch pwjxa avrov avo rov IfxaTiov, Kai ;^6tpoj/ o'Xto'yU.a of It from the mantle, and worse a rent yiVf:Tai. ^^ OnSe fiaWovcriy oivou vcov us becomes. Nor do they put wine new inco affKOvs iraXaiovs' €i Se /Jiriye, prfyvvvTai ol affKOL, bottles old; if but not, burst the bottles, Kai 6 oivos eKxetTOi, Kai ol aaKoi atroXovvrai' and the wine is spiUed, and the bottles are destroyed ; aAAa fiaWovaiv oivou veov (is aaKovs Kaivovs, but they put wine new into bottles new, Kai aiuKporepoi avvr-ripovurai. and both are preserved together. '^TouTO avTov \a\ovvTos, avrois, idov, apx^v These of him speaking, to them, lo, a ruler (Is (Kdcav irpoireKvi/ei auTcp., K^ycav ' Or: t} certain coming prostrated to him, saying. That the BvyaTTip jxov apri ercXevTrjcrev' oAAa (XQwv daughter of me now is dead; but coming «7ri06S Ttiv X^'P** ^'"' ^^' o-^'TV^i xai ^Tjcrerat. lay the hand of thee »pon her, and sheshallhve. '^ Kai cyepdcis 6 Itjctouj 7)KoXov6r]aev avrcf. And arising the Jesus went after him, Kai at fiad-qrai avrov. ^ Kai idov, yvvrj aljxop- and the disciples ofhim. ;^id lo, avoman havinga hf)ov(Ta SwSeKa cttj, irpocreXdoi'ca otvktQ^v, Bow of blood twelve years, approaching behind, 7\y\iaro rov Kpacriredov "^cv l/xariov avrr^v. ^^EA- tOuched the tuft ofthe mantle ofhim. She iye yap fu eavrri' "Eav /jlovov a^caiuai r v Ifxariov «aid fur within herself ; If only I can touch the mantle avrov, (Twd-qaofxai. 22 'O 5e Irjaovs €Tri(rrpa(peis ofhim, I shall be healed. The but Jesus turning ' Compassion, + and nd ' a Sacrifice ;' for I came not to call Righteous men, but Sinners." 14 Then John's disci. PLEs accosting him, said, t " 21®e and the Phari- SEES fast, •why not also thy DISCIPLES?" 15 And Jesus say'J tc them, t " Can the bri:)E. men mourn, whUe the BRIDEGROOM is mth them ? But the Time will come, when the bride- GROOM mil be taken from them, i and then they ■« il! fast. 16 No one puts a Piece of undressed Cloth on an old Garment ; because tlie PATCH itself Wv^uld tear the GABMENT, and a worse Rent be made. 17 xl either do persons put new "Wine into old I sv^v- . tor if they do, the SKI burst, and the WINE IS spilled, and the sKiKs are destroyed : but they put new Wine into new Skins, and both axe preserved." 18 t While he was thus speaking to them, a cer- tain Ruler coming, pros- trpted to him, saying, " My DAUGHTER 13 by this time dead ; but come, lay thy hand on her, and she will revive." 19 And Jesus arising, with his DISCIPLES, fol- lowed him. 20 t And, behold, a Wo- man, having been aftUcted with an hemorrliage for Twelve Years, coming be- hind, touched the tuet of his mantle ; 21 for she said within herself, "If I can only touch his MANTLE, I Shall be cured.'' 23 Jesus turning, and • Vatican Manuscript — 14. much — omit. t 13. " I desire mercy, rather than sacrifice."— SepfKa«tn^ t 15. The force of out lord's answer will appear more appropriate from the met that John was now in prison, «o that his followers were fasting in consequence of their master's removal from them. ■t 17. Skins of the kid were very much used by the ancients for their wme. They were used Whole, and the openings for the legs and head were tied up with strings. They were nu( Strong enough to be used a second time for the same purpose.— Samiiet Sharpe. t 16. John iiL 29. t 18. Mark V. 22 ,• Luke vlil. «. 1 14. Mark li. 18: Lukev.SS. t so. Mark V. 2S: Luke vUi. 4ik. fjfiap. 9: 23.] MATTHEW. •[Chap. 9: 83. Kai iho>v avrriVf eiTre* 0app€i'''^' ov yap aTreOaue to Kopacriov, a\Ka Withdraw j not for is dead the o^U but ^aOevSei. Kai icareyeKo^v avrov. ^ 'Ore 5e sleeps. And they derided him. When but f|6j8A.77077 6 oxAos, €icr€\6 ^ Kai eK^KT]QcvTcs tov dumb, being demonized. And having cast out the ^aiixoviov, €\a\r]T<. 6 kojc^os. Kai eOaufiacrau demon, spoke the dumb. And were astonishcf' oi ox^oi, XeyovT^S' OySeTrore €((>avT] Ovtws ev the crowds, saying ; Never was it seeu thus in seeing her, said, "Tak, courage, Daughter ; tJij FAITH has cured thee.'' And tlie woman was wet. from that houe. 23 X Jesus being come into the kuleu's house, and seeing the + flute- players and the csowd waking lamentation, 24 says to them, "Leave the place ; for the girl is not dead, but sleeps." And they derided him. 25 But when the com- pany was excluded, he entering in, grasped her HAND, and the girl was raised. 26 And the report of this [miracle] went forth thi'ough All that region. 27 And Jesus passing from tlieiice, Two Bhnd men followed, exclaiming, "0 Son of David, have compassion on Uj !" 28 And being come into the HOUSE, the BLr^D men came to him; and Jesus says to them, " Do you belie\ e That I can do this ?" They reply to liim, " Yes, Master." 29 Then he touched tlieir eyes, saying, "Be it done to you according to your FAITH." 30 And Their eyes were opened ; and Jesus stiictly charged them, saying, " See that you in- form no one." 31 But THEY, having departed, spread his f^iine tlu'ough All that land. 32 Now, as these men were going out, behold, J there was brought to him a Dumb man, being demonized. 33 And the demon having been expelled, the dumb man spoke, and the people were astonished, saying, " Never was it thus seen in Israel 1" Vatican Manuscritt — 24. to them — omit. 27- him — omit. + 23. Servius on Virgil says, "The funerals of the elder sort with the trumpet, and those of the younger with the flute." Lightfoot remarks, "On the death of his wife even the poor- est Jewwiirafford not less than two pipes (orflutes,) and one woman to make laruenttitiou." See 2 Chron. xxxv. 25 ; Eccles. xii. 5 ; Jer. ix. 17 ; xlviii. 36. X 23. Mark v. 38 ; Luke viiL 51. X 32. Matt. xii. 22 ; Luke xi. 14. Oiap.^; 34.] MATTHEW, '".dp* TO* 5 Tw l(rpa7]\. ^^ Oi 5e ^apicraCoi eKcyot/' Ev rqr to the Israel. The but Pharisees said ; By the apxovTi T(av Sai/xouicoi' e/c^aAAei to daifwuia. prince of the demons he casts out the demons. ** Kat irepLTiyev 6 lr}crovs ras iroAeis Traaas And went about the Jesuc the cities all Kai ras Kwjxas, hi^acrKv ev rais avyaycoyais and the villages, teaching in tlie synagogues auTcvu, Kai KT^pvaaciov to ^vayy^Kiov t'qs fiacriXr ofthem, and publishing the glad tidings of the kingdom, etay, Kai OepaTrevwp iraaav votjov Kou iraffau and healing every disease and every liaKaKiav. malady. ■^ l5coj/ §6 Tovs ox^ovs., ecnr\ayxi^Kydv irepi Seeing and the croirds, he was i.";oved with pity for avTcav, on 7}rrai' zarKvXixzvci Kai eppsfx/xeuoif them, becaa.~c they'./dre jaded and scattered, a)tAi7r7ros, KaiBapOoXofiaios' @cojj.aSyKai of him; Philip, and JBartholomew; Thomas, and 6 reXtuvrjs' laKca^os 6 rov AKcpaiov, Matthew the tax-gatherer; James that ofthe Alpheus, KOI * [Ae/3i8aios 6 e7rtftrAri6etsj ©oSSotos* '*^i/x(av and [Lebbeus that surnamed] Thaddeus; Simon 6 Kavauir-qs, Kai lovdas 6 laKapiioryjs, 6 Kai the Canaaiiite, and Judas that Iscariot, who even irapaSovs avrov. delivered up him. ^ Tovrovs rovs 5ot>5eKO atrecrreiKev 6 Irjcrovs, These the tweU^e sent forth the Jesiis irapayyeiXas avrois, K(:y(av' Eis o^ov cdvcov fx,7j commanding theto, saying; Into a ioad of Gentiles not ■^34 Biit the Phahisees said, $ " He expels the DEMONS by the puince of the DEMONS." 35 :|:Aii(l Jesxts went through all the cities and villages terrchiiig in their synagogues, and announcing the glad ti- dings of the kingdom, and curing Every Disease and Every Malady. 36 ± And beholding the CROWDS, he deeply pitied them, Because they were being harassed and dis- persed, as Sheep having no Shepherd. 37 Then he says to his disciples, t " The har- vest indeed is great, but the REAPERS are few ; 38 beseech, therefore, the Lord of the har- vest, that he would sentj Laborers to reap it." CHAPTEB, X. 1 ABd ha\dng summon- ed Ms TAVELVE Disciples. % lie gave them Authority to expel impure Spirits, and to cm-e Diseases and Maladies of Every kind. 3 Now these are thft KAMES of tlie TWELA-E Apostles ; The fii-st, that Simon, named Peter, and Anch-ew las brother; THAT James, son cf Zebe- dee, and John his bro- ther.; 3 Phihp and Bai-tholo- mew; Tliomas, and Mat- thew the TRIBUTE TA- KER; THAT James, son of AlpHjEUs ; and Thad- deus ; 4 Simon the Canaanite ; and THAT Judas Iscariot, who even delivered hiti up. 5 These twelve Jesits \ commissioned, instructing them, saving, " Go not Away to the Gentiles, and . ] enter not any city of the aTte\6r}r€f Kai eis ttoXiv 'Safiap^ircvv fxr] ei(re\- | |^ter not any c you may go, aad into a city of Sam;iritans not you may I '-»mdluaila ; • * Vatican Manuscript— 3. tkat Lebbseus, surnamed — omit. X 34. Mark iii. 22 ; t 35. JIark vi. 6 ; Liike xiii. 22. xxxiv. 5; Jer. xxxii. 1 — 1 I 37. Luke x. 2; Johniv. 3 t 36. Mark vi. 34 ; Ezelc. t 1. Mark iii. 15 ; ix. i. ^lap. li>: 6.1 MATTHEW. Chap. *C: 17. 6r}Te. ^ Hopeueo'de Se fiaWcu Tpos ra irvofiaTa a>tcr. G you but r^itlicr to tnr sheep TO j,ir^\a}\oTa oikov laparjK, ^ Hopeuofis^v i Se the perishing house ( Isiael. Passing C'U jo. . .ay and Krjpvo'aeTey \e'YOVTes' 'Ort riyyiKsv i} ySa^'jAeza preach you, saving; Th*-t h-. . come ni^h thv.; liingclom Tcov ovpavwu. ^ A^^su vi/raj 6epaTT€V€r€y veit- ofthe heavens. Those beiug sick heal, dead pous eyeipeTfy \eirpovs Kadapi^ere, dac/xovia ones raise up, lepers^e, deuiuoa eK^aWere' Scapeay eAajScTe, dcopeav Sore. cast out; freely you have received, freely give. ^ M77 KTvo-qade -x^pvffouy ftvjSe apyvpoUf jxriBe Not provide gold nor silver, nor Xa^Kou eis ras ^wvas vjawv ^^/u-ri irripav eis odov, copper in the belt* of you; not a bag for a journey, (liTjSe Svo xi''''^'^<^Sj fj-yjoe vno^riuara, jxri^e pa^dop. nor two tnniesy nor saudaU, nor a s'.aff, •A|tos yap d epyarrjs rrjs rpo(pr]s ahrov eamv. vVorthy for the laborer of the food of him is, ^' Ejs Tju 5' au TToXiv 77 Kcc/JLrjv eiaeKBr,T€, Into what and ever city or countiy-town you may enter, eleTacrare, ris ev avrr] a^ios earr KciKei fieiuare, teaich out, who in iier worthy is ; and there abide, iws av e^€\9r]Te. ^- Eicrepxo/iieyoi Se €is rrju till you go tiience. Entering and into the oiKiaVf aaTraaaaOe avrr)v. ^^ Kat eav fx^v rj house, salute her. And if indeed may be T} OLKia a^ia, €.\0€Ta> t] eip7]V7] v/iioov err' avrr}v. the liouse worthy, let come the peace of you on her; eav Be fxr) -p a|m, 7} eiprjvr} vfiuu irpos v/xas if but not may be worthy, the peace of you to you eiricTTpacpyjTw, ^* Kat 6s eav fxr) Se^rjrai y,aas, let it turn. And who if not may receive you, firjSe aKov(TT) rovs Aoyovs vjxoyu, e^epxa/neuoi ttjs nor hear the words of you, coming out of the oiKias r) TVS Tro\ea>s eKeivrjSy cKTiva^arf tov house or of the city that, ohake off the KOVLoprov rwv ttoScov v/xu:u, ^'AuT/y \ey(a v/xiy, dust of the feet of you. Indjed I say to yor, ULViKTOTcpov ecrai ytj 'SoSo/Jnav , Voixoppoov ev more tolerable will be land of Sodom and Gomorrah in fj/xepa Kpicr^ws, 77 tt; TroAet eKeivij, ^'"iSou, eyca aday of trial, than the city 7.t i^^ J aTro(TTeWco vfxas ws "Kpo^aTa ev /jLeacp \vkwv. send you as sliecp in midst of wolves. Fcvead': ovv (ppovifxoi ws 01 ocpeis, Kai aKepaioi Be ye therefore wise as the serpents, and artless c:s al v^picTTepai. as the doves. ^^ Ylpoae-xeTe Se ano raiv avdpwTTwv. Tlapa- Take heed and of the men. They will BoxTovcri yap vfxas eis (TvueSpia, Kat i-* rais kand over for you to saiibeilrims, and in the I 6 X But go -atlier to th« ■ PEEISHINC SKXEt Of the ' Stock of Israel. i 7 t ^nd as "ou go, pro- claim, saving, ' .?he king- dom of tht ;:eavens has approaclied.' 8 Health Sick, +[raise ths .liead,"" jleanse Lepers. e.\pe. Demons ; freely you have received, freely' give. 9 Provide neither Gold, nor Silver, nor Copper, in youi' TGIKDLES; 10 cany no Ti-aveling Bag, no 'spare Clotios, J>hoes, or Staff; Jlortne WORKMAN is worthy of his MAINTENANCE. 11 And whatever City or Village you enter, in- quire what worthy person resides there ; and remain with him till you leave the place. 12 When yoti enter the HOUSE, siilu'te the family. 13 And if the EAMiLi be worthy, let the peace you wish come upon them; but if t^worthy, let your peac:.- return * upon yom'selves. 14 And whoever will not receive you, nor hear your AvoKDs, in departing from that house or city, shake the dust off your PEKT. 15 Indeed, I say to yor;, tit wiU be more enduiabie for the Land of Sodom and Gomorrah, in a Day of Judgment, than for that CITY. 16 t Behold! I Bend you forth as Sheep * into the Midst of Wolves ; be, therefore, sagacious as SERPENTS, and innocent as DOVES. 17 But beware of these MEN; Xfoi they will de- liver you up to Hiiih Vatican Matiuscript — 13. upon you. 16. into t 8. [Eaise the Dead.] This clai . :, thoueh found in the Vatican, is wanting in a great number of MSS. Gnesbach excluded i. from his first edition of the Greek text, tut inserted it in subsequent editions, marked as doubtful. Campbell, AVetstein, and Wakefield reject it. Macknight, A\ hitby, and Doddridge think it better to retain the clause, as it is evident some I ..issages in this discourse refer to events which did not immediately take place. See Terses IS, 21, 23. t 9. Their purses were commonly in their girdles. i ^. Isa. liii. G ; Acts xiii. 46. t 7. Mark > :• ; Luke ix. 3 ; -.7. : 10. , Tim v. 14 15. Matt. si. 22, 2i. % 1-,. -...uke '•. 3. t 17 Matt. xxiv. 0. t7*c«jp. 10: 18] MATTHEW. (Cfiap. 10: 26 frvvaywyais avroov fiarrriycacrovtTiv vfxas' ^° Kai synago^es of them they shall scourge you; and eTTt rjycfiovas Se Kat fiacriXeis axdrjo'^cS^ kv^KeV before governors and also kings you shall be lead on account c/Ciou, €£S ^apt vpiQV avTois Kai 'rois eOuecriv. of me, for a witness to them and to the nations. ^^'Orau Se itapaSiScixriv v/xas, jxtj fi.€pifx.yTither to death, and a father a child; Kai iTTava-»ieni'an, iSaxon, all the ltalaexcei>t three ; Athan., Thendor., TertuL. AHgust.,Amhr., Hilar., and Jiwenciis. Henael ill his $rwoino«, approves of this readinsr. On the above authorities, Griesbach has inserted it in his text, xt probably made a portion of this gospel as written by Matthew." I 19. Mark xiii. 11 ; Luke xii. 11. t 21. Luke xxi. 16. J 24. '•*! Johuxiii 16; xv. 20. t 26. Mark iv. 22 ; Lukeviii. 17; xii. 2. Chap. 10: 27] MATTHEW. CJiap. 10:. 37. Kpinrroy^ 6 ov 'YVwaQ7]; many sparrows ^ia(p€p€Te VfjL€lS. are better you. ^- Has ovy dcrris of.ioKo'yTjiTfi ev ffioi ifxirpocr- AU therefore whoever shall confess to ine in presence dcv rccv aydpwTTwyt dfj-oXoyrjaca Ko.yca tv avra> of the men. 1 will confess even I to hiiu e/LiTTpocrOey rou irarpos fiov, rov ev ovpayois. in presence of tbft father ofiue, of that in lieavens. ^''Oo'Tiy 8' av apyr](n)Tai /j.e f/n-rrpoaOfy rosy Whoever but if ni ay deny me in presence of the ayOpcoTTiDyy apv7]crofxat avroy Kayca tjXTrpocrd^v men, i will deny him even 1 in presence rov irarpos juiov, rov cy ovpauois. of the father of me, of that in heavens. ** Mtj vo/j.t'T7]r€, on r^Xdoy ^aXeiy fiprjVTjy ewi Not youmust suj^pose that I am coine to Bend peace upon rtjy yrjy ovk iqKQov fiaXeiy cip-qurjy, oAAo the earth; cot I am come to send peace, but tiaxO'ipay. ^ H\doy yap Six<^(^cii avQpoiizoy Kara a sword. lamcoiue for to set a man against TOV irarpos aurov, Kai Qvyanpa Kara ttjs fit]- the father ofhiiu, and a daughter against the mo- Tpoj avrijs, Kai yvfKp-qv Kara r-qs ireydcpas ther of her, and a daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law avrrfs' ^ Kai exOpoi rov ayOpuirov, oi oiKiaKoi of her; and enemies oftlte man, the household ayTOU. of him. ^"O (piKuy irarcpa t] fi-qr^pa irrep e/xe, ovk He loving father or mother above me, not 60"Ti /iiov agios' Kai 6 (piXccy vloy rj dvyarepa is of me worthy; and he loving son or daughter and hid, which will not be made known. 27 AMiat I tell you in the D.4^KK, publish in tlie LIGHT ; and wliat is whis- pered in your kar, pro- claim from the t housk- TOPS. 28 Be not afraid of THOSE wllO KILL the BODY, but cannot destroy the [future] tLiFE; but rather fear him who can utterly destroy both Life luid Body in t Gehenna. 29 Are not Two Spar- rows sold for an + Assa- rius ? Yet neither of them shall fall on the GROUiNU without fyour father. 30 And even the hairs of Your HEAD are all numbered. 31 Tear not, then; jou are of more value than Many Sparrows. 33 ^Whoever, therefore, shall acknowledjje nie be- fore MEN, 2 also will ac- knowledge him before that father of mine in *lhe HEAVENS. 33 But whoever shall renounce me before men, 5 also will renounce him before that eather of mine in * the heavens. 34 t Think not That I am come to send forth Peace on this land ; I am come not to send Peace, but War. 35 For my coming will set :|:a Man against his FATHER, and a Daughter against her mother, and a Daughter-in-law against her Mother-in-law ; 36 so that a man's En- emies \^-ill be found in his own family. 37 JHe who loves Fa- ther or Mother more than me, is not worthy of me ; and HE who loves Son or Daughter more than me, is not worthv of me. • Vatican Mahdscript— 32. the ubavens. 33. the heavbks. t 27_. The houses were flat-roofed. Corapare Deut. xxii. 8, Josh. ii. 6, Neh. viii. 16, Isa. t 29. Assarion — XV. 3. Jer, xxxu. 29, Acts x. 9. t 23. See Appendix and verse 3S in value about one cent and five mill.s, or three farthings sterling. copies read in this place tees boulees—the will of. t 32. Luke xii. 8 : ix. 26; Mark viii. 88; Rom. x. 9; 2 Tim. ii. 12. 1 35. Micali vii. 6l t 37- Luke xiv. 26. 2* t 29. Some Greek X 34. Luke xii. 51> Chap. 10. 38. J MATTHEW. [Chap. 11* 7. £i7rep e/xe, ou/c ^(Ttl fiov a^LOS' ^ Kai 6s ov Aa/x- »hove «ne, not is of me worthy; »nd who not takes ,Wec Tov arravpov ajTov, Kai aKoAovOei oiricrcc the cross ofhiiuseU, and follows after ao^s ovK €(Tri fiov a^ios. ^'^ 'O €vpav rr,u ^uxv^ mc, not is of me worthy. He findini{ the life avTov, aTToXecrei avT7]V' icai 6 airoXeaas rT]v of himself, ehalllose her; and he having lost the ^vxy]V auTOv ev€K€U ffxov, eupr)(T€i avrr]!'. ^"'O life of himself on accoimtof me, shall find lier. He SexoiuL€uos Vfxas, e/j-e Sex^rar Kai b €/j.e Sexo/x- receiving yon, me receives; and he me j-eceiv- cvos, Sex^Tai rov airoa-reiKauTa yue. ■*' 'O ^ng, receives him sendinjj me. He SexofJLeuos Trpo(priTr)v €is ovojxa irpo(priTov, jxkt- receiving a prophet in a name of a prophet, are- Qov 'irpo(j>r]Tov A7;i|/€Tar Kai 6 Sexofi^fos ward of a prophet shall obtain; and he receiving diKaiot/ (IS ovofxa BiKaiov, fxiadou dLKaiov ajustman in a name ofajustinan, a rew.ird ofajustnian A7;i|/6Tai, "*- Kai 6s eay tronar) kva TOiV ixiKp(s}V «h:ill obtain. And whoever may give to one of the little-ones TuvTwv TTorrjpiov xl/vxpov fiouou, eis ovoixa fia- these a cup of cold only, in a niine of a 6titov, a/ixrjy Xfya} v/j.iu, ov /xtj a-KoXecrri rov disciple, indeed 1 say to you, cot not may lose the fXLtrdov auTou. reward of himself. KE*. ia\ 11. ^ Kai cyevcTo, 6re ereXeaey 6 Irjcrovs Biaracr- And it happened, when had finished the Je^us charg- O'wv Tois SwBfKa /xadrjrais avrov, /U6T€/3?7 ing to the twelve disciples of himself, he departed eKfiOev, rov SiSa(TKeiv Kai Krjpvaaeiv cu rais thence, of the to teach and to pieach in the voXeaiv avTWP. '^'O Se Icoavvrjs aKovcas ev rcx) cities of them. The and John having he.->rd in the Beafxcorripiif ra epya rov XpKxrov, irc/inpas 5vo prison the works of the Anointed, having sent two jxaOrircov avrov, ^enrey avrcf Suei 6cpxojJiivos, disciples of himself, said to him; Thouartthe coming one, 77 irepoy TrpoaSoKa/n^y ; ** Kai airoKpiQ^is 6 or another are we to look for? And answering the Iriffovs eiirey avrois' Tlopevdeures airayyeiXare Jesus said to them; Going aw.iy relate luayuT] a aKOv^re Kai /SAeTrere* ^ rvcpXoi ava- to John what you hear and see; blind ones see BXeTTovai, Kai %ct)Aoi Trcpnrarov(n, AeTrpoi Again, and lame ones are walking about, lepers KaBapi^oyri, Kai Kcopoi aKovovai, veKpoi eyei- are cleansed, and de3fones are hearing, dead ones are poyrai, Kai Trrooxot evayy^Xi^ovrar ^ Kai fiaK- raised up, and poor ones are addressed with joyful news; and blessed apios (crriy, 6s eav /J.rj aKavBaXiadri ev e/xoi. is, whoever not may be offended in me. ' TovTOjy 5e iropevofxevooy, rjp^aro 6 Irjcrous These and going away, began the Jesus 38 t And he who does not take his ckoss, and follow me, is not worthy of me. 39 He who pbesekves his LIFE slialllose it; hut HE who LOSES his LIEU., on my account, will pre- serve it. 40 J He who RECEIVES you, receives me, and he wlio RECEIVES me, re- ceives HTivi. wlio SENT me. 41 He who ENTER- TAINS a Prophet, hecause he is a Prophet, will oh- tain a Prophet's Reward ; and HE wlio entertains a Righteous man, because he IS a Righteous man, will obtain a Righteous man's Reward. 42 I And whoever shall give a single Cup of Cold water, to refresh one of these LOWLY ONES, be- cause he is my Disciple, I assure you, that by no melius will he lose his ee- WARD." CHAPTER XI. 1 And it occiu-rcd when Jesus liad concluded in- structing his TWELVE 13is- ciphs, lie departed thence to TEACH and to proclaim in their cities. 2 J Now John, having heard in prison of the WORKS of the Messiah; sending *by his disci- ples, 3 said to him, J " Art thou the COMING ONE, OT are we to expect another?" 4 And Jesus answering, said to them, " Go, tell John what you have heard and seen ; 5 J the Blind are made to see, and the Lame to walk; Lepers are cleans- ed; the Deaf hear; the Dead are raised ; and glad tidinjis are announced to the Poor; 6 And happy Is he, who shall not stumble at me." 7 And as they were * "Vatican Manuscript.— 2. by his disciples. t 38. Matt. xvi. 24; Markviii.34; Lukei.x. 23; svii. 33; John xii. 25. X. 16 . John xiii. ?«. t 42. Mark xi. 41. 12. Luke vii. 18. J9 ; Dan. ix. 24. "^ J 5. Isa. xxxv. 5 ; Ixi. 1. X 40. Luke J S. Gvii. xlix. Ciap. 11: 8.] MATTHEW. ({aiap.U: 17. thote the soft (garments) kin pi r n prophet T "jrpocprjTov. ■ of » propnet. yeypanrar it ti H rilteu , Keyay tou ox^ois -xf-pi Iwavvow Tt t^TjXOere ' to' >ay to the crowds conee.ninj John; What wiiujoaout fis rijy fprijjioy OeacracrOai; KaKajxov viro avc^v Into tlie ^esert iJ*e«? « rccd '^" by wind »• ca\€vo}Xfvov:':^^ AWa, ri f^riXOere i^eiu; audpw being shuken ? But what went you out to tee f >. a m&n irov fv jxaKaKois Ifiariois T)iJ.(pie(r/j.evoy: I8ov, in soft garments Laving been clothed ; liO, ^^^ oi ra fid\aKa~^ io the houcet of the ^AAA.a» Tt €^7jA.0cTe^iS€tJ'; are. But wh&t went you out to see? ' Nat, Aeyoj vy-iv^ Kai irepiacorfpov Tes, I eay to you, and . much more agi$i ^^OuTos ^[yapli earrtj^ trepi ^ov ' This [fjrj isj coiiceming n'holn ' *' l5ou, eya avoo'TeWu rov ayyeKoy " ho, I (end ( >' . the Eaessecger fiou vpo vpoaojyrov (Tov, 65 KaTaffKevaffet ttji/ ofine belore tbe f dce of thee, who shall prepare- .«^^ the 6801^ ffov (pLKpoaSiU crov." rjj^ AuT)v Xvyco vfj-iVy way of mee It) fietence of thee." : ^ndesJ • I say i to you, cvK iyriyffjTut iv yevvriTon yvvaiK(ji>v fjiei^cov, not OdSfiffQ amon* , bom of wf^tnau . greater, -, luavi/ot/ Tov fian-T icTTov S be fxiKporepos ev rn 1 ofJonc Ihe iiy^r ; the but less „ in the kiogdon c> •ne heavens grcitcr of him '' ; is. ..'^ , **ATro oe t(vv 7;/tepco;/ \uavvov tov fiavTicrrov euis From and the days of Jobo tho dipper .' till apTtf 7) ^(TtXeia rav ovpavav ^la^crai^ Kai ■ noiv, the kingdom , o^'Xtie- heavens has been invaded, and fiiacrrai aptra^ovcPW- avT7}v. )^ Tlavres yap ot invai!er» seize on her. >. All • for the 3rpo,'>, and in all other places hell ; but the latter is now universally admitted lo be an incorrect translation. See Appendix — word hades. I 20. Lukex. 13. 2S. Isa. xiv. 15; Ezek xxviii. 3. t 35. Luke X. 21. ctep. lit n:] MATTHEW. fCTap. 12: 6. (nto rou itarpoz fiov Kai ouSets circyti/wo'icct rov by Ihc £«tlier o( me , tod oo one know* the -«(««', 6< ^T7 i 7roTr7p* OwSt TOf TTOTCpa Tiy CTTt- «oo, t( nul ttie failier. neither the ■ fatUer anyone yiu(ne willing 6 vios avoKaKv\pou. '*^ Aeure Trpo? /xe TcauTes oi the son to revtr^I Come to me all tlie K07rta»»nr€s Kai iTf<^opri(rjj.f:Uoty Kayw avavavcTta toUiac nnon you, aiid fiaOerf asr' ffiov i^t Trpaos ci/jli, km rairfivos l>c Uifoitned by n«c; for week 1 uu, aoJ kumble TTj Kop^ia.' Kat iupTfcerc cwairauaiy rais \pvxou5 iotlie 1h:M^ ttie .^opriov fJLOv f\a(ppoy (cniy, t>tuik« of UM Ui;ht IS. KE*. 1)3'. 12. ' Eif cKUinp rtp Katpfp (iropevBiti 6 Ttj^tovj roir At that (he teason pai^sed the jeeus to the «ra/3/3a eat. The and Pharisees . Eecing, said to him; ISovt 01 fx-qOrjTat uov voiovaiv^ b ovk f^eart La, tt>e dactplpt of (tee , aredotog, that out ia (awful TTotety ev aa^^arcp. ^K> ^e dirty avrois' Ovk to do ea awilibath. He btit s-iid totUerai .Not avcyywTfy ri eTronja^ AawiS, ore freivacrf, Kai tiavc you kiiox«-a, what did David, when he was hungry, and oi /tttr' avrov; ^ttus ncrq\6fv ctj top oikov tbOKC tritk him? how be cnteied Into the hoi>3e Tov 9(ov, KOI rovs aprovs rrjs TrpoOtafus ecpayev, of the God, and the luave* of the presence did eat, oCs OVK e^ou rjy avrcp ^ayavt ovSe rois fjier' which not lawful was to hua to cat, Deitlier to those viith owTow, €1 fxtf TOis iepfv ifptp TO aa^Paroy i8e/37jAou violate, and auanioi fi(Ti ; ^ Afyw 5e y^'"* ^Ti tov Upov ''' aief laajr but Oyou, (bat o/Uta tempU 27 t All things are inve paj teil to me by my r\- ther; and no one. but the i'ATiita. knou's the SON ; nor does any one know the > atheb. txcept tlie iiO.N, and he to whom tlie sow IS, pleased to re- veal him. « 28 Come to me. All TOO LABOKJNG and burdened ones, and !L vrlll cause jou to rest. 29 Take my yokb oq vou, and be taught by me ; 1 or 1 am meek and lov/ly 111 hkart; and your lives Will tiud J:i Restinjj;-place. 30 I For my yoke is easy, and my builden u bghL CIUPTER XII. 1 AtTliatTlMEjJESUS on the t SABBATH went through the JitLDS OF OUAIN ; and Ins cisci- FLKS were hungry, ami began to pluck on jtars of Grain, Pud to eat. 2 MowlhePuABisEES, obeerving, said to liira, "Behold, thy DISCIPLES are doing wJiat is not law- ful to do on a Sabbath." '6 But >iK amd to them, J" H.a\ e vou not icad what David did, when *he was hungry, and those who were with him?- 4 how he t entered int»] the TABERWAC1.E Of GoD,' Hi)d ate the loa v es of tho puESKNCE, which wero not lawful for him to eat, nor for those wljo were wi th him, but - fop^ t^ . PRIESTS alone ?v. 6 } Or, have you not read in the iaw, fhat t the PRIESTS in the tem- ple profane the best tai be observed on the sab- baths and are blameless? 6 But 1 say to you. • VAtiCAti Mahu3cript.— 3. he was. t I. 8»B3ATH— with U3, Saturday, or rather Friday at Fun-set to Saturday at Btin-setw fof »otn? Jews reckoned. ♦ t- «y comparinff 1 Bam.xxi.l— 6. nnd Lev.xxiv.5— 9, itviil appear that tins also transpired on a Sabhath. t 5. From Num. xxviii 9 it appears Vnat two additional lambs were sacrificed un the Sabbath, by which the ordinary work ol (the week was doubled. Compare Exod. isix. 38. ,., !t 27. Matt xxviii. 18; John iii. ?5; vi. 4«; s. 15. t 20. John xiv. S: Heb. Iv O— IL SO 7Johnv.3. : 1. Mark ii.'>3i Luke vi. ; 0»ut. auu.2a. ... .. t a. 1 Sam. ««i. i-^ i. Lev. xxiv. 5; Num. xiviu. fli "" - " ' KJhap. 12: 7.3 MATTHEW. Chap. 12: 18, T!^t..tcr IS here. If bivt joii had known, what is; *''' EAeoz/ 6e\ai, Kai ov dvaiav" ovk av KaTe- ■ . '.eny I desire, and not asacrhice," not would you r*;: .ep€i avOpcaTroi Trpo^arov; 'Clare How much then is superior a man 01 a sheep? So that e^ecTTi Tois craBI3a(Ti KaAcas iroieiv. ^^Tore itislawful to the sabbath good to do. Then Xeyei tw audpooir^' Ektcivov t7]v X^^P^ (Tov. he says to the man; Stretch ont the band of thee. Kcu c^eretue' Kai airoKaT-zCTTadT] vyirjs, ws And he stretched it outj and it was restored nhole, as T) a A At). the other. ^'*Ol Se '^apKTaioi (rvfx^ovXiov eXafiov Kar' The then Pharisees a council held against avrov e^e\6ovTes, dirctis avrov anGXeacvaiy. him going out, how him they might destroy. ^ 'O Se iTjcrovs yuovs auext^pv^^^^ eKeiOew Kai The but Jesus knowing withdrew from thence ; acd r,KoKovQ7}(Tav avrcj) ox^oi' ttoWoi' Kai edepa- foUowed him crowds great; and he irevaev avrovs iravras, ^^ Kai eirenixTjcrev healed them alL and charged ouTots, iva /XT] (pavcpov avrou Troiri(rcor]rovy \eyouros' ^^" iSou, 6 irais /nov, 6v Vhet saying, "Lo, the servant of me, whom Tluit one i^reater than tlw TEMPLE IS here. 7 If, then, you had knoMTi what tliis is ; ij: ' 1 'desire Compassion, and 'not a Sacriiice,' you would not have con- demned the innocent; 8 for the son of man is Master (rf the sabbath." 9 J And ha>iiig loft that place, lie went into their STNAGOQCS ; 10 and "beliold, there was a Man who had *a withered Hand. They asked Jks'us, with a de- sign to accuse him, J " Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath ?" 11 And HE answered them, "What Man is ,liere among you, who, having one Sheep, J if it fall into a }iit on the sabbath, will not lay htlld on it, and lift it out? 12 Does not a Man greatly Kui-pass a Sheep ? Therefore, it is lawful to dv") good on the sab- bath." 13 Then he says to the man, " Stretch out Thine hand." And he stretched It out ; and it was restored to soundness, like the other. 14 Then the PHARie SEES, departing, held a Council concerning him, how they might destroy him. 1 5 But Jesus knoMang it, Avithdi-ew from them, and * many followed him, aud he healed them all; 16 and charged them not to make him known: 17 so that tlie word SPOKEN through Isaiah the PROPHET might be verified, saying ; 18 t+" Behold, my sef. • Vatican Manusckipt. — ^10. a withered Hand. 15. many followed. t 18. The following is from the Septuagint version of Isa. xlii. 1, translated by Th'-mp- son: — "Jacob ja my servant, I will uphold him; Israel is my ehoeen oue, my sou) hath cnbraced him. I have put my spirit upon him; he will publish jud^roent to r >e ua- vons: he will not cry aloud, nor urge with veiiemence,nor will his voic« be heard abroad. A bruised reed he will not break, uor will he quench smoking flax, but wiU brag forth judgment unto truth, — and in his name shall the nations trust (or hope) " '/he words iacob and Israel, added by the authors of the Septuaglnt, have obscured thw propiccy. J 1. Ho8. vi. 6 ; Matt. ix. 13. t 9. M.ark iii. 1 ; Luke vL d. 1 10. \ Jke xiiL 14; stiv. 3; John ix. 10. J 11. Exod. xxii'. 1, at. Deut. ysii. i. 1 18. Isa. xlii 1. Chap lit 19] MATTHEW. CJluip. 12: 28., *j)peri(ra, h ayain]Tos fiov^ eis 6u evSoKrjcrd/ ri IharecbOMn, the Lclored of me, ill nliam takes delight the T^vxv f^ov 6y)(T(i} TO ir»/€i /ua Aio> fir* avrov, •eul of me; I will put the spixit of me upon him, KJ.I Kpiaiv rois iOvfcriv avayyiXei, ^Ovk and judgmeot to the nations be shall declare. Not epiaeif ov^e Kpavyatreit ovde a/coutrti rts ev ke thall atrive, nor cry out, nor eboU henr any one in Tats vXarciaLS rt)v piJL' ' baling been bruised cot he aball break, and flas ' gmoking €vou OV crfiicrei' ews av €K$a\ri ets s^ikos not heehoUqueoch, till be bi-ing forth to aviclory rr)v Kpiffiv. 2' Kai rep ovofiaTt axnov (Our] the )udgment. And to the came of hiia nations tXiriOVTr" ^ ~' , will hope,", ^TortirpoayjUfx^V avrep Saifiovt^ofJieyoSt Then was brought to him a demoniac,^ Tv(p\os Kai Kuxpos' Kai fOepavevarey avrou, us9r]aerai avrea' agaiust of the son of the man, it shall be forgiven to him ; OS 5' au eiTrp Kara rov Trvsv/u.aros rov ayiov, who but ever may speak against of the spirit of the holy, OVK a(p€6r)(r€rai auroj, ovre ev rovrw rcfi aiODVi, not it shall be forgiven to him, neither in this the age, ovn iv rep fxeWouri. ^ H iroirjaare TO Sev- nor in the coming. Either make you the tree Spou Ka\ou, Kai rov Kaprrov avrov KaXov 77 good, and the fruits of him good; or TTontjiXare ro Sevdpou aarrpoVy Kai rop Kapivov make you the tree corrupt, and the fruits avrov arairpo?" €K yap rov Kapirov ro ScvSpov of him corrupt; by for tlui fruit the tree yiuwaK^rai. ^TevvT^fxaTa ex'S^'cor, ircos is Known. O broods of venomous serpents, how dvvaaOe ayaOa \a\eiv, TTOur)poi oures ; €Kyap are you able good (thinge) to speak, evil (men) being; out of for rov Trepiaraev/jLa') J! rrjs ro (Trofxa \a\ei. the fulness of the hea-t the mouth speaks. ^ 'O ayados avSpwircs c/c rov ayadov Br](Tavpov The good man out of the good tre-asure iK^aWei ra ayaBa° Kai 6 irou-npos avOpwiros brings forth the good (things); and the evil man €K rov iT0VT)pcf: b'oaavpov cK^aAXei Tvovripa. out of the evil treasure brings forth evU (thui(;6). ^ heyoo Se vfiiv^ on Ttav ^77/iO apyou^ 6 eav 1 say but to you, that every word idle, which if \a\r)0'(t}(riu 01 ojfOpconoij aiTo5co(Tov(Tt,, wept may speak the men, they shall give account, concemiDg avroi A.C70." 6f jifiepa Kpicreus' ^' Ek yap rwv tuis woid in ' a day of triaL By for the 'Kyy&ji/fTov 8iKaici)6'n(Tri, Kai €k rcav \oyuv aov words of thee thoc ahalt be acquitted, and by the words of thee Kor a8iKa(T3r}^.^P. j &S MLn-tt vii. 17 » Lake vl 4.3, 14. MATTHEM^. (Mp. 12: 4b. ^ToT6 mt:iKpi^t)(Tav rtves rwv ypa/xixaTcajy Then answeru! oome of the scribes '•'■[icat ^apicraiaiu,^ Kcy:)i/Tes' AiSacwaAe, 6s\- [and Phtuisees,] sayin;; : O teacher, we o/JLCU ttTTO (Tov ffT]fxeiov idcLV. ^^ 'C 5e airoKptOeis Wiah from tbce a »i?n to see. He but iinswering emeu avrois' Fe/'eo nouripa Kai /jloix'^^is a-q- »aid to tbeni ; A generation evil and adiiUerous a fjLSLoy em^r}Ter Kai arj/xeiou ov 5odr)(T€Tai avrr}, •ign demnndsi and a sign not shall be given to her, €i /JLT] TO (rrjfjLeiop Icova tov irpo((>r}Tov. *" 'D-ffirep If not the sign of Jooaa, the prophet. Like as yap "qv \wuas ev Tf/ KoiXia tov kyitovs Tpeis for was Jonas in tJ. belly of the fish three ^fjLcpas Kai Tpeis vvKTas' outcos (crTai 6 vlos days and three nights j so shall be the son TOV audpcoirov €f tt] icap^ia ttjs yrjs Tpeis rffxepas of the man m the heart oftii>» earth three days Kai Tpeis vvKras. *^ Av8pes 'NiueuiTai avncrTrj- an-l three nights. Men Ninevites s);all izaod (TovToi ev T7/ Kpicrei /xiTa Tr]s yeuea': lavTrjs, up in the judt''"''nt Bgainst the generatiio of ihia, /cat KaTaKpivovaiu a\iTr)v' otl fiiri evorjcai' and shall gi*'e judgment against her; for I hey reformed eis TO KT)pvyiuLa Icaua' Kai i5ov tK^iov Ia>i/a wSe. at the preaching of Jonas; and lo a greater of.7o«78 here. ^- Ba, tlic mother aua the brothers ofhiui etood without, ^■QToVuTds avTCf) KaK'i](Tat ■*£'*'Ei7rs Se tis ££(fkiii^ to bLiQ to speak [Said then one 0.vTy iSov, T) /xTjTTjp cav Kat ol aSeAc^oi (Tov fohim, Lo. lh<" mother of thee and the brothers of thee e^w e- roRMiNG him, t " VVho is^ my MOTHER? and who are my brothers ?" 49 And extending his HAND towards his disci- ples, he said, " Behold my mothee, and Diy CilOTHERS 1 50 I For whoever shall do the WILL of THAT lATUER oi mine in the HEAVENS, that one is my Brother, or Sister, or Mother." CHAPTER XIII. 1 On that DAY, Jesus," having gone out of the HOUSE, Jsat by the siDBi of the LAKE; 2 but 60 many People gathered around mm, that he entered *a Boat, and sat down ; .and All the peg* PLE stood ou the skoez.' 3 Then he discoursed much to them in Para- hies, saying; J "Behold, the sowEa went forth to sow. 4 And in sowing, some seeds fell +by the road; and the birds came and picked them up. • Vatican MAXusrniPT.— 47. And one said to him, "Behold, thy mother and thy bbo- THEtis aie standingr without, wishing to speak to thee"— omif. 2. a Boat. 5. eabtb. t ©. To suppose thit our Lord here Intends to put any slifrht on his mother would be very absurd; ne only took the opportunity of expressing his affection to liis obedient disci, pies in a peculiarly endearing manner ; which could not but bo a great comfort to them. It aptjears from Luke viii. 2, Susanna, Joanna, Mary Maijdalene, and others were then with him." + 4. The ordinary roads or paths in the Kast le»d often along the ed^e of the fields, wltich are unenclosed. Hence, as the sower scatters his seed, some of it is liable to fall be- yond the ploughed portion, on the hard beaten ground, whicli forms the way-side.— «af*rtf. 1 45. Heb. vi. 4 : X, 20 ; 5 Peter ii. 20^22. t 45. Mark iii. 31 : Lukz viU>.$. J (KV John XV. 14;_Gal. lii. S8;..Heb. ji. W'. ~ t_l>.?i[Hkiv.l. t a^uke V^LS^. Hhap. 13: 5. J MATTHEW. Oiap. 13. 16. «ther aKOVdv, aKO-jerca. to heafi lei bim hear. "A\Aa 5< eweaev eirc ra •nfrpca^n \6nov ovk Other* and fell on the rocky ground, wLete not (tX^ yvf troWriv nai evO((as e^avsrfiKc, 5ta Itbad e&rth muchj sod iuimcdia.tely epn't); up, through TO fxri 6Xf«f ^olOos yrjs' ^*7?Atou 5e avarei- Ihe not to have a depth of earth; sua Mid hnvia; \avroSf iKavfiaricrQi)' Kat Sia ro yiiT/ cx^'" arisen, it ir.u scorched. and through tha nut to hare fn.^aUf c^ripauBr}. 'AAAo 5e (ireaeif tnt ras • root, wns dried up. Others and fell among the aitai>9a5' Kaiaui^i)(Tau al aKavOai, Kat aireiri/i^aif tborasi and sprung up the tborae, and choKed ouTo. ^AaAo 56 CTree?*' €iri rrju yt]v rr]v them. Others' and fell oa the ground the lta\7]u' Kai cSiSot; KoLpittv^ 6 fifv (Karov, 6 good, and bore fruit the one a hundred, the 6e i^TjKovTa, 6 Se rpiaKovra, :. ^ 'O exwr tara tizty, the other thirty.' He having ears ^"Koj vpocTiKdovrfS ol And coming the fxaOrjrai tiirof ourq*' Atari (V irapa^oKais . disciples (aid to him i Why in parable* Aa\€(t ftirrots. ^* 'O Se airoKpiOeis €inev av- tpeakeat tlt^u to them? He and answering taid to rois' I., 'On vu.iv Z^torai yvcavai ra jivcrrripia, them I Because to yoa (ti« given to know the. secrets T7JS PacriKfias rwv ovpavww €Kiii/qis de ov of the kingdom «f the . heaveut; to them but, not SeSorat. ^^'Otrris yap 6xe<, SoO^vtrerat avr(i>, i it 1* given. Whoever for Las, it shall be given to htm, Kai Trfpi&(revd7i even 6 exf'» apOrjarfrat ait'' avrov. .-^^ Aia rovro what he has, shall be taken from hiai. , Tlureforo this (V irapafio\ats avrots AaA&j, on ^Kftroures ov in parables to tiiem I speak, for seeing not fiKfirovai, Kai aKovovres ovk aKovovaiv^ ouSe tbey see, and hearing not they hear, neither \cvviQv(Ti. ^'* Kat avair\T]povrai avrots ii irpo' do they understand. And is fulfilled to them the ipr)reia 'H filled THAT PKOFHECY Of' Isaiah, M'hich says; I'By 'Hearing you will hear, ' though you may not un-! ' derstand; and seeing, yoa' ' will see, though you may. ' not perceive. . 15 'For the under- 'STANDING of thiS PEQ. • Vaticab Manoscbipt.— 5. barth. t 0. In Palestine, during the seed time, (which is in November,) the skj' is generally cyerspread with clouds. The seed then springs up even in stony ground ; but, when the sun. dissipates the clouds, having outirrown its strength, it is q^iickly dried a.viay.—RosenmuHcT. •t 7- .imong THORNS — or rather, upon thorny ground." 'ihe field sown ma.v be conaiUered to, cons-fit of the different varieties of soil specified; viz., the rocky, the ihomy, aiid the HOod groimd. t 10. 3Iark iv. 10; Lukeviii. 9. 1 J4. Isa. vi. 9; .JobrLXii. 39; Acta xxviii. :6t Kom. x\. 8. i ' •-^' * enap. IS; I6.j MATTHEW. [aiap. *3 : 23. Kaov TovTov, Kai ^cis oxrt fiapeus 7]Kov(raVy Kai ifeopls thin, ftnd with. %iit ears heavily they hear, tuid roi s ocpOaXfiovs avraip iKapLfivcrav^ firjTroTe the eyes of them they shut, lesr iScotri rois 0(p9a\/xoiSy ftoci rois (txriv aKov- they should see with the eyes, tud with the eais they should crcoari, Kai rrj KapSia (rvvoicri, Kai eiria-rpe- iieai, and with the heart should understand, aud they should iLouaif Kai laaoouai avTovs.** ^^"T/xwu Se turn, ana I should heal them. Ot'you but liaKapioi 01 o(p6a\/xoi on ^Xcirovai' Kai ra wra blessed the eyes for they see i and the ears *[iyjUcoi',] Sri aKOvei, ^^ K^t]v yap Kcyio vixiv, [ofyou,3 for they hear. Indeed for I say to you, 6ri TToWoi irpocpT^Tai Kai SiKaioi €ire9v/xT](rai' that many prophets and rii;hteou8 men have desired iSeiUf a. /SA-fTrere, Kai ovk eidov Kai aKovcrai^ to see what you see, aud Dot sav\'i aud (k> hear, a aKovere, Kai ovk r]Kovaay. what you heai', and not beard. ^^"TjJLGis ovv a/coucare rr,v irapa^oXrji/ rov You therefore hear Ibe parable of the arireipouTos. ^^Tlavros aKovovTos rov Koyov sower. Any one heaninj the word TTjs fiaaiXcias, Kai /xt] (rvvievroSf epx^^ai 6 of the kingdom, aud not uudetstanding, coiues the nourjpos, Kai apira^eiro €cnrapiueuov cvtt] KapSia wicked (one,; and suatches that haviug been sown in the heart avTov ovTos ecTTiVj 6 irapa rriv ohov awapeis. ofhun; tills is, that on the path oem;^sowu. "^'OSeeTTira veTpooSrf airapeis^ ovtos eariy. Thai but on the rocky ground beui^sown, thU is, 6 rov \oyov aKovcoy Kai evOvs fiera ^apas who the word hearing and forthwith with joy KafjL^avwv avrow ^^ ovk ex^i Se pi^av ^v iavrcp, receiving iti not he has but a root in Hioiseli', oAAa irpo and went forth. When and was sprung up j> x^P'^^^ ^^'^ KapTtov eTTonqcey rare €(papr) Kai the blade and fruit yielded, then appeared also TO ^i(lauia. "^ npocreAfloi/Tes Se ol SouXoi tov the darnel. Coming and the slaves of the oiKodfCTiroTOVy eiTTOu avTCf Kvpie, ouxi KaXov householder, said to him; O lord, not good criTipixa ecireipas eu tw acp aypco; irodev ovv ex^t seed didst thou sow in the thy field? whence then has it ^i^avia^ ^^'O Be €(pT] auTois' Ex^pos avdpcowos darnel? He and said to them ; An enemy a man Tovro eTTOirjaev. Oi de Sov\oi eiirov auT^' this has done. The and slaves said to him; ©eAeiS ovu aireXdouTes avWe^co/jLeu avra; Dost thou wish then going forth we should gather them? ^'O 5e ecpT]' Ov /jirjTroTe, (rvWeyovresra ^L^auia^ He and said; No, lest, gathering the darnel, €KpiCco tov OepnT/xov cpco rois d^pitrrais' and in time of the harv.>t I willsay to tlie harvesters; 2uAAe|aT€ TtpcoTov ra Qi^avia, Kai Srjaare aura Gather you first the darnel, and bind you them eis Sea/xaSy irpos to KaraKavcrai avTW tov Se into bundles, for the to bui-n them ; the but (TiTov avvayayere fis rrjv aTrodrjKrjv juov. wheat bring together into the barn ofiiie. '■^^ Pi.W7]V TTapa^oXT]V Tvapedi^KfV avrots, Aeywv Another parable he proposed to them, saying; 'Ofj-oia ecTTiv t] ^a9, and becomes } a tree, so that tocouie Tc vereiva too ovpauovy Kai KararrKrivovv cv the birds of Che keavea, and ' to loake aesl» in Tois Kka^ois auTov, Vtho branches ofit. _ _ ^ AWTjf TTapa^aXrjif ehaX-qirev avroCs' 'Ofiota Another p.-irahle hespaUc to them; LiUe ttrriv 7] ^affiXsca rav ovpavuv C^fiJ), ijf Ka^ovaa U the kingdom oftba heaven* to lesvea, f7hicb taking yvi/r} iveKovipeif fis a\€vpov aara rpia, Iwy ov • woman mixed ia of meal measure* three, till ofit s^vfiuBTf 6Kov. ^'Tavra vavTa (KaArjcrei^ 6 Was leavened whole. These all spake 't> the Iriarovs ey vapa0o\ais tois ox^ots, isai x^pis Jeaus ia parables to the crowdo, and without V9.pa8o\f}s ovK €\a\€i avTots' ^'oircsis ttAt?- ft parable not hes^pake to them; ao that it might pwdr) TO ^7]6ev Sia rou wpo^T/rou, Keyoyros' 1)0 fitlalbdtljo word spokea through the prophet, saying, »i: ** Avoi^oo tff sapal3o\ais to crroy.a fiow epey ' I Kill Of cAj^ lo pAiables the muutu of me. I will fo/toti KeKpvfJLjJi^va awo KaTa^oKrjs openly declare thinga having been bid ^ Iroia A beguanixig - ^fKOff/toy."] [ofthe world."] ^'ToT€ a(piis rovs ox^ovs^i^\B?v etSTrjU "Sixitt teanr.^ the crowds, tfesit. into the otKiay 6 Irjaous, Kai tspocrythSov avTa> oi house the Jesus, And eamo tchimi tiio fiaOrjrai avrov, Xeyovres' -^pa all asmucbaa he has aells, cod ayopa^et rov ay pay eKeiuov. \^ liii}< the fieli that. ^^riaA'y 6/xoia (criu ■)] ^atriKcia roov ovpavuiv .\g.iio liUe is the kingdom oflhe heavens *[avOpc')rra'^ efxiToptf.', ^r)rovvri KaKovs [xapaypi- [to a man] a merchant, eeeVing choice pearls. Tos. "*' Evpuy Se eua. TroKvr'ifxoy fxapyapirrjv. Finding and one costly peail, air(\6uv Tren-pa/ce iravra baa f JXf > f c(ia\ov. ^^ Ovrws ecrrai tv rrj |)ut bad away they cast. So It will be in the 40 As tlfcrefoie the Darnel fs gailiL-ictl and biiiiird'in a Fire, sowiji 'il be ill the end of 'ihe AGK. 41 The .SON of MAN Will I send flirt li his MKSlHN'. ctRs, \vlio will H;atlicr out of llis KINGDOM All SK- DucKKs and imqujtwjus persons; 43 } and '^will~ throw tlieni into the furn.uck. of FIRE ; tJieie will he tlie wfeung and thcGNiiSK- ING of TEETH. 43 JThcnwilltheKfGii- TEOus l)e resplendent as the SUN in the kingjdom of their Fathee. Hr. who HAS ears, let lain hear. 44 The KINGDOM oftho HEAVENS is like a hid- den Treasure in a riELU. which, a Man iinding, he covers up, and, from Jiii? JOY, he goes and sells all tliat he lias, and buys that rjELD. 45 Again, the TCING- DOM of the heavens is like a Pearl of Great value; 46 which f a Merchant, who waa^Eceking Choice Pearls, liaving found, uent and sold all that he )iad, and bought it. 47 Again, flie king- DOii of the heavens re- sembles a Drag-net, heinj cast into the sea, and en- closing 'fishes of Every Kind; 48 which, when it is. full, they draw *o the SHOEE, and sitting down, gather the good into ves- sels, but thro\v the use- less away. 49 So will it he Si the Vatica:! Mani'scbipt. — 40. the age. , 4S. to hear— omit, 4". Again— obij*. 45. Man — omit. I ♦ 40. To translate aioon, by the word wortl, has a ten»'1 ri-r>~ among the SiKctcoj', °"kci p,a\ovTiv avTOJS sis rr]v Kafxivov jus., fliU. shall cast them into the furnace roi) Ttvpos" QKsi scrai a KXavdfios Kai 6 ^puyfxos oftLe Srej there riill be the weeping and the gnashing TiDU odovTwv^ °^ ^[^Aeyei avrois 6 l7jcrous„] of the teeth. [Says to them the Jesus.] "SiVvrixaTe Tavra vavra ; A^yovcnv avro)' Have you understood these things all? They say to him; Nat [fcvpie.] ^^'O Se enrev avrois' Aia tovto Yes [Olord.] He then said to them; Therefore this vas ypajj-jULarevSy juadTjTsvdeis rri fiatnXeLq. ray tnrery Bcribe, being instructed to the kingdom oftho ovpavL^V,, bjxoiot ^'^riv avdpcoircp ocKoSecnrorp, heavens like js to a man an householder, Jans jK^aWec eK rov Orjaavpov avruv Kaiva -7ho brings otit of the truasury of him nev; KC.i rc/xaia. old. And it came ;o pass, »hen had concluded the Jesus the rapa^okas ravras^ fxer-ppev sKeidev. ^ Kj,^ parables these, he departed thence. iind eXSwu ?».,- TTj!' 'uaTpiSa avrov^ cdiSanKev avrovs coning into ;hO 70!ir.ti"j of him, 'ic t.aught thei i ■ty T7- (Tvyaytoyx c^vrcoy, wcrre cicTrKrjTTQO'Bci/. ia the •voagoguc of them, so ."js ioatitoniflfe. Ki/TOW!, icuL AeyeiVo lludev rovry (; o'ocpia thcmt, zxid io ;ay. ^Vhencf this the wisdo VivTifi, czat a! §vya/j.ei,ss ^Q>vx ovtos eariy 6 this acd ihe* powers? Not this is the TOV T<^xroyos vios> ovx& V P-V^Vp 'J-vtov Xcycrai of the carpenter souV not the mother of him is callt 1 Mapta/i; KM oi a^e\(pO' avTov la/cu/^oSo Kai iVlarvV and '..hc brother^ r'him Jaincc, and lQ)(r7)s, Kai ^.ificoy^ Kai iovias; ^xeu at a^e\(pai, >ose3, anc'^ Simon, and Jndas? aad ',Ixe sisters avTov ovx^ "^ojcu irpos nj/xas gut:,; •'odey ovy ly him not ail vith us are P >>hence then rcvTcp rajra iravra: ^ 'at eCtcay^aXii^iVTo ey thio these all? And they found a difficulty in OtvTc-o 'O §€ lTf](Tovs cnrei/ aurois' Ovk ccti him. The and Jesus said to them ; Not is Wpo(priTr]s arifios, €t fir) ep rrj TrarpiBi avrou a prophet unhonored, :f no ' " Kai ey rri oiKia avrov. and! in the house of him. ifcei Svyafxeis iroWas.- thero mighty works many, avTcoy. u&cai. in tlie ^^ Kai OVK And not >;>. .iss Oi the country eTTOLTjaer he did do aTTLcrTiav unbelief of END of the AGE. The MESSENGERS Will gO forth, and will separate the WICKED from among the righteous ; 50 and will throw them into the furnace of FIRE ; there will be the WEEPING and the GNASHING of TEETH. ,51 Have j'ou under- stood all these things?" They answered, "Yes." 52 Then he said to them, " Everj' Scribe therefore, being in- structed *in the king- dom of the HEAVENS, is like a Householder, who produces from his TREASURY, DBW things and old." 53 And it occurred when Jesus had con- cluded these PARABLES, he departed thence. 54 J And coming into this OWN CITY he so taught the inhabitants in their synagogue, that they were as- tonished, and said, " Whence has this man, this WISDOM, and these MIRACULOUS POWERS? 55 I Is not this the CARPENTER'S SON? IS not his MOTHER called Mary? and do not his BROTHERS, James, and t Joses, and Simon, and Judas, 56 and all his f sis- ters, live with us? Whence, then, has he all these things." 57 And they {stum- bled at him. But Jesus said to them, " A Pro- phet is not without hon- or, except in his own country, and in his own FAMILY'," 58 I And he did not perform many Miracles there, because of their unbelief. '■ "V:.sicA.i« Manusceipt. — 61. Jesus says to them — omit. 51. Lord — omtt. 62. in. V 51. 1 hat is, Nazareth, where he had been brought up ; Luke iv. 16, 23. t .55. J o. ieph— so read Lachmann, Tischendorf, and Tittman. t 56. According to Theophylact. tfte names of the sisters ot Jesus were Mary and Salome. t 5-i. Matt. ii. 23 ; Mark vi. 1- t 55. John vi. 42. t S". "Uatt. xi. 0-, Isa. viii . 14; fora. ix. 32, 33 ; i Peter ii. 8. I 58. Mark vi. 5. 0. C7tap. 14: 1.] MAl^HEW. C^ap. 14: IS. KE*. t5'. 14. ^ Eu eK€ivcj} rcf} Kaipcp T}Kov(rev 'hpaSrjs 6 At that the time heard Herod the reTpapxv^ "^W a.K07]v It/cou, ^ Kai etTre tois tetrarch the fame of Jesus, and said to the TTaiiTiv avTov OvTos €(TTiv luavvrjs 6 ^anTL(rr7]S' servants of him; This is John the dipper; avTos riy^pOr] airo twv ueKpwv, Kai 5ia tovto at he is raised from the ' dead, and therefore this the SvfafjL^is ev^pyovtriv eu avT(f. ^ 'O yap 'HpcoSrjs, mighty powers work in him. The for Herod, KpaTT](ras rov luavvqu, eSrjcrev avTov, Kai eOeTO seizins; the John, iiad bound him, and put ey (pvAaKT], Sia 'HpubiaSa t7}v yvvaiKa ^ik- in prison, on accoimt of Herodias the wife of iTTTTou Tov a5e\ Kopa- head of him on a plate, and it was given to the little (Tiw' Kai riV€yK€ rri ixr]rpi avr-qs. ^-Kanrpocr- girl; and she brought it to the mother of her. And coining iXQovns 01 /xaOrirai avrov r/pav ro cco/xa, Kai €0- the disciples of him took the body, and they a\^av avro' Kai e\6ovris arr-qyy^iXav ra \t](Tov. buried it; and departing they told it to the ,Tesu&. CHAPTER XIV. 1 AtThatTiMK, Jllcr. od the t TETRARCH, hear- ing of the fame oi Jesus, 2 said to his servants, "This is John the im- MERSER; f)e is raised from the dead; and therefore MIRACLES ai'e performed by liim." 3 Tor t Herod *then had caused John to be seized, bound, and put in * PRISON, on account of t Herodias, his brother Philip's WIFE ; 4 for John had said to him, J "It is not lawful for thee to have her." 5 And wishing to kill him, lie feared the peo- ple, X Because they es- teemed him as a Propliet. 6 But wlien Herod's Birth-day was kept, the t daughter of Herodi- as danced in the midst, and pleased Herod ; 7 whereon he promised with an Oath to give her wliiitever she might re- quest. 8 And SHE, being insti- gated by lier mother, said, " Give me here, on a Platter, the head of John the IMMERSER." 9 And the *king, be- ing sorry on account of tlie oaths and the guests, commanded that it should be given her. 10 Accordingly, by his order, John was behead- ed in the prison. 11 And his head was brought on a Platter, and presented to the girl; and she carried it to her mother. 12 And his disciples coming, carried off *the DEAD-BODY, and buried * Vatican Manuscript. — 3. then had. 3. misoN. 9. king, being sorrj' oa account of the oaths and the guf-sts, commandedo 12. the oeas-bodt. t 1. Properly, the jjovei-nor ofthe fourth part of a couiitrj' ; commonly used as a title in- ferior to a KING, and denoting chief ruler. The person here spoken of was Antipas, a son of Herod the Great. The name king is sometimes given to tetrarchs. See verse 9. — Geo. Campbell. t S. He had married a daughter of Aretas, an Arabian prince, whom he put away, after he had induced Herodias to quit her husband; this occasioned a war between Herod and Aretas. t 6. Named balome, daughter of Herodias by her former hus- band.— Jogephus, Ant. xviii. v. 4. i 1. Mark vi. 14; Luke ix. 7. t 3. Mark vi. 1" ; Luke iii. 19, 20. t 4. Lev iviii Ifi; XI. 21. t 5. JCatt. x.Ki. 26; Luke iX. 6. Chap. 14: 13.] MATTHEW. [Oiap. 14: 22, ^^ Koi aKovaas 6 l-qaovs, avexwpTjtrej' cKeid^v And ha. ing heard the Jesus, withdrew from thence fu ttKolo} €is ^jHfjfxov roirou kolt' idiav Kai ukov- ia a ship into a desert place by himself; and having ravT€S ol ox^oi, T]Ko\ov6ri(rau auroj Tre^rj airo neard the crowds, they followed him by land from Tcau TvoKewu. ^^ Kai e^f A^o.j' o lr)(Tovs fiSe the cities. And coming out the Jesus saw TToKvu ox^ov' Kai €(rTr},ayxt^tcrdr] ctt' ouToxy, great a crowd; and be was moved with pity towards them; K'a: edepairevcre rovs appcocTTovs avTcou. and healed the sick of them. ^^ 0\pias Se yevofji.ei'ris, irpocrrjXOoi/ avrcf oi Evening and having come, came to him the iiadrjrai avrov, \syouTes' Eprjinos ^(Ttiv 6 tottos, disciples of him, saying; A desert is the place, Kai 7] oapa T)5r] Trap-qXdev airoXvaov rovs and the hour already has passed by; dismiss the ox^ovs, iva aTre\0oi/T€S €is ras Kcc/nas, ayo- erowds, that going into the villages, they pacrcoaiv kavrois fipcafjLara. ^^'O Se Irjcrous may buy themselves victuals. The but Jesus enreu avrois' Ou Xjoemi' exovtriv aireXQ^iv Sore said to them; No need they have to go away; give avrois v/Ji.€is cpayeip. ^'^ Ol Se Xeyovaiu avrcf to them you to eat; They and say to him ; OvK exofJi-eu dSe, 6i jxt] weure aprous Kai 8vo Not we have here, except five loaves and two iX^vas. ^^'O §6 ciTre* ^epere jxoi avrovs code. fishes. He and said; Bring to me them here. *^ Kai /ceAeurras rovs ox^ovs ayaK\iQif]vai eiri And du'ecting the crowds to recline upon T0U5 X'^^P'^^^^i ^OiSfw Tovs irevre avrovs Kai the grass, taking the five lOaves and rovs Svo ix^vois, aual3\exl/as eis rov ovpavov, the two tishes, looking up to the heaven, evXoyqiT^' Kai KXacras, edioKe rots /xad-qrais he gave praise; and breaking, he gave to the disciples rovs aprovs, oi Se /aadTjrai rois o%Aois. -" Kai the loaves, the and disciples to the crowds. And €(payoy iraures, Kai ^xopracrdrjcray Kai rjpau they ate all, and were filled; and they took up TO Trepicrcrevou rcov KXaafxartav, ScoSeKa Kocpivovs that over and above of the fragments, twelve baskets irXrjpeis. '■^^ Oi Se ccdiovrcs -qaau avSpes waei full. Those and eating were mea about irevraKiaxi^ioi, X^P^s yvvaiKoav Kai iraidicav. five-thousand, besides women and children. ^Kai evdecos iqvayKaasv rovs fiadyjras efx^rjuai And immediately he mged the disciples to enter it; and departing, tola Jesus. 13 X And Jesus having heard, privately witlidrew from tiience, by Boat, iuto a Desert Place ; of which the PEOPLE being inform- ed, followed liini by Land from tlie cities. 14 And * coming out, he saw a Great Crowd ; and he had compassion on them, and healed their SICK. 15 JAndtEvening hav- ing arrived, *the disci- ples came to him, saying, " The PLACE is a Desert, and the hour is now past ; dismiss the crowds, that they may go to the VILLAGES, and buy. them- selves Provisions." 16 But Jesus said to them, "They need not de- part; JJOU supply them." 17 Thet, however, re- plied to him, " We have here only Five Loaves and Two Pishes." 18 And HE said, "Bring them here to me." 19 And commanding the PEOPLE to recline on the grass, he took the fivk Loaves and the two Fishes, and looking tow- ards HEAVEN, X praised God; then t breaking the LOAVES, he gave tliem to the DISCIPLES, and the disciples distributed to the CROWDS. 20 And theyaU ate and M'ere satisfied; and of the EEMAINING FRxAGMENTS they gathered i Twelve Baskets fiiB. 21 Is'ow THET who had EATEN, were about live thousand men, besides wo- men and cliildjen. 23 And immediately *he constrained the dis- ciples to enter * a Boat, 15. the DISCIPLES. 22. he con- * Vatican Manuscuipt. — 14. he went, strained. 22. a Boat. t 15. Theirs* evening, which commenced at three o'clock. The second evening, which began at sunset, is that mentioned in verse 23. t 19. The Jewish loaves were hroad, thin, and brittle; so that a knife was not required for dividing them. t 20. These were small wicker baskets, which theJews carried their victuals in, when from home ; ana by the number here particularized, it would seem that each apostle filled his own baa» ket. — Pearce. , t 13. Mark vi.32; Luke ix. 10; John vi. 1, 2. J 15. Mark vi. 35; Luke ix 13 lohn vi. 5. \Q. Matt. iv. 36. Oi&p. 14: 23.] MATTHEW. Ckap U: S3. 'IS TO irXoiov, Kai vpoayfiv avTov eir ro irepov, into the ^ ihip, and ' to go before him to the (Xtber side, teas ou airoKvcrr} tovs ox^ovs. ^KajJoTro- while he should disuQiM the crowds. Aod"^ having Xvcras tovs ox^ovs, aui^i) eiy ro' opos kut' •ent^nay the crowds, >henreatup into the ciountain by «5iai' vpoTev^atrOai.. Oipias 5? yeuop.fvrjs^ /iovos himself to pray. Ereoing and having; come, aloDO 7)if €Kft,' 24 To 8e irXoLov tjStj fi€(r6y^'r7]s be wac there.' The and ship now in the midat ofthe CaKacra-qs rjv, ^acravi^oixevov vvo r* walked npon the iSoTO, e\6eiif vpos rav \i\(rovvJt ^ BAfn-wj/ 8e waUr, to coma td / tt*j(' JeauajJ Seeing but TOV avefiov icxvpov, e(po$7}9Tpl kat ap^a/xevos the wind etrong, ^s,, he wa* afraid i and beginniDg tcaTavovTi^etrOaiy f/cpa^e, Xeycoy Kupje, ffuxrov to sink, he cried, ,^.' saying; Olord, aave H€. ^' Eu0ews 5e 6 Irjffous cKTsivas rriy x^'Po» me. Immedi.Mely and the Jesua stretching out th'e hand, €irfKa$eTO aurovy Kat \eyei avrw OKiyoirKTre, took hold of him, and says to him; O dijtriutful man, ft! Ti fSnTTaaas ; ^ Kot e/M^avTwu avruju eis for why didst thou doubt f ^^ And entering ofthem into TO vXoiou, fKona Trauras tovs KaKoos nnd they broujht io him nil those disease (Xot^TO-s, ^'^ Kai vapfKaKovu avrov Iva fiovov having, and besought him that only a^avrai rov Kpacnri^dov rov i/xariov avrov tlicy might ^onch the tuft Q-'hO mantle of him; Kai dcToi r]\pavTO, SiecrwOTio'au. and as many as touched, were made whole. KE*„ ie'. 15. ^ Tore irpoaepxovTOA Tq-; Irjrroy ol a^o 'lepo= Then came < > She Jesus thosstfrom Jcru- croXvfjiwu ypafifJLaTeis xoii ^apicaioi, AeycrTes" salem scribes and Pharisees, nayi^:^'; 2 Atari ol ixad-qrai (Tov Trapa^atuovcTi Ttjv '-'cpa- Why the disciples of thee c'ansgress tl";3 C;fadi~ SocTLU rcvv irpea^vTepwv . nft, '.jfhatever out of me fiTirpC" mother- jrarpt 7} rr/ father or the cocpeXridrjs" :cai cv fir) rijxr]crri rov irarepa tho'i mightest be profitccii tl'....n no': not may honor the father 'zvrov "^[tj ttj-' fi'rrepa auTou.] "^ Kai rfKvpwcrare of him [or the 'jiother of him.] And you annul T'i]v €vro\r]V rov 6eov St« TTjr/ vapaSocriv vjxwv. the cor-imandmentof :''.o Gocllhrough the tradition of you. ] "tiroctpirai, kuXuz '3-poe(pr)revijc irepi vfxwv O hypocrites, well prophesied concerning you BOAT, did homage to him, saying, % "Assuredly, thou art God's Son." 34 X -A-nd having passed over they came *to land at Gennesaret. 35 And the men of that PLACE recognizing him, sent thi-ough All that couNTKY, and brought to him ALL the diseased ; 36 and implored him, that they might only touch the TUFT of his MANTLE; and as many as touched, were cured. CHAPTER XV. 1 JTlien came to Jesus * Pharisees and Scribes from Jenisalem, saying, 2 "Wliy do thy Disci- PLES violate the t tradi- tionary PRECEPT of the ELDERS ? for they do not wash * their hands be- fore Meals." 3 But HE answering, said to them, " \Vliy do YOU also violate the com- mandment of God by your tradition ? 4 For God *said, J'Ho- 'nor father and moth- 'er;' and J 'he who be- 'viLEs Father cr Mother, 'shall be punished with 'Death.' 5 But gott assert, 'If any one say to father or mother. An Olfering is that by which thoir, mightest derive assist, ance from mc ; 6 then *he shall by no means honor his father.' Thus, by your tradi- tion, you annul the *woBD of God. 7 ^Hypocrites ' weU did Isaiah prophesy concern- ing you, saying, 8 J 'This peopled [draw - Vaticaw IIanuscript.— 34. to laki> at Gennesaret, 1. Pharisees and Scribes from Jerusalem. 2. the hands. 4. said, 'Honor i, heb/ 6. He shall by bo means honor Ms FATHEB. Thus. 6. or his mother — omit. 6. word. t 2. He that eateth with unwashed hands is guilty of death.— jRa66i Abiba. t 8. The words in brackets are found in the prophecy from which they are taken, both in the Hebrew and Septuagint. They are omitted by the Vatican and several other excellent MSS., and ly some ancient versions. Erasmus, Mill, Drue ius, and Bensrel, approve of the omission ; and jriesbach has left it out ofthe text. But as they arc found in the place from which they are quoted, it hai: been thought best to insert them in the text. I 33. Matt, xxvii. 54. J 34. Mark vi. 53. 1 1- Mark vii. 1. t 4. Exod. xx. 12 i Deut.v.lO; J 4. Exod.xxi. 17' Lev.xx.9; Deut. xxvii. 16; Prov. :^i. 20. 1 7. Mark vii. 6. 1 8. 1.-^a. «».ix. IS. Chap. 15: 9.] MATTHE\V. Chap, lb: sa 'Haaias, X67ci>i'' '^"^'O Kaos ovtos rois x«'^f<^' Esaia£, aayiny; "Thepeople this with the lips /:ie Tifxa' 7; 5e Kap^ia av-^wv irop^w OTrexei ott' me honor; the but heart of them far off is removed from C/J.OV. ^ MaT7]i/ 8e crefiofTai /u.6, diSarTKOvres me. Without profit but tUcy reverence me, teaching SiSacTKaKias, cvTaX/xaTa avdpooircoy." ^" Kat doctrines, commandments ofmen." And 7rpo(rKa\€(raiJ.euos rov ox^ov, enreu avroiS' liaving called the crowd, he said to them j A/coueT6 Kai (rwiere. ^^Ov to '^laepxofJ.evov €is Hear you and be ingtructed. Not that ent«rinj into TO (TTO/xa Koivoi rov avdpcaTrov aWa to ^Kirop- the mouth pollutes the man; but that proceed- cvofj.evoy e/c tou (TTOjiaros tovto koivoi rov inj ontof the mouth this pollutes the ai'QpooTTov. ^^Tore npocreXOovTes ol fiaOrjTai man. Then having corr.e the disciples avTov, enrov aurcf OtSas, on ol ^apiaaioiy of him, said to him; Knowest thou, that the Pharisees, UKovaavTes rov Koyov, effKavSaAicrdricrav ; ^^'O hearing that saying, found a ditUculty? He Se airoKpiOeis etTre* Uacra (pureia, rjv ovk e(pv- but answering said; Every ^^antation, which not has Tcvaev 6 TraT7]p fxov 6 ovpavios, CKpi^cDdrjcreTai. planted the father ofmc '' ^ heavenly, fchall be rooted up. ^^A(p€T€ avTovs' 6dr)yoi eiai TvcpAot ^[^TvcpXcov.^ Let alone them; o'uides they ai*; blind [of blind.] Tv(p\os Se Tv(pXov eav 08777^, a/xcpOTepoi eis Blind and blind if may, l)0th into fiodvvov TTcaovvrai. ^^ AwoKpiOeis Se 6 TLeTpos a pit wUl fall. Answering and the Peter eiirev avTW' ^pacrov r]iJ.iv Tr]v -'apa^oKriv Tavrrjy. s:iid to him; Explain to us tlie comparison thii^ ''''O 5e Itjctoi/s enrev Ak/jltjv Kai v/neis aTvveT^i The and Jesus said; Yet also you unintelligen;. ecTTf ; ^'^Ou*[7r&>^ voe/re, on wav to eiairopQV- are? Not [yet] perceive you, that «J1 that enter- ofxevov eis ro aro/j-a, eis ttjj/ koiXiov x^P^^-y ing into the mo\ith, into the belly passes, Kai eis acpeSpccva e/cySaAAerot; ^^Ta Se cKKopev and into a privy is cast; Those but proceed- ofxeva e/c tov (TTOfxaTos, e/c ttjs KapSias e|ep- ing out of the mouth, from the hcait issues XeTOi, KciKeiva koivoi tov avOpwrrov. ^'^ E/c yap forth, and they pollute the man. From for TTjs KapSias c^epxovTai $ia\oyi(TiJ.oi Trovt]poi' the heart comes forth purposes evil; (povoi, (.LOLX^icLiy TTopveiai, KkoTraiy i\ievSj3fxapTv- mur.lcrs, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimo- pittj, ^\a(r(p7]/j.iai. '■^^Tavra eaTi to KOivovvra Dies, evil speakings. These is the (things) polluting TOV avOpwiroy to Se aviirrois xepci (payeiv ov the man; that but with unwashed hand* te eat not KOIVOI TOV avOpUTTOV. pollute* the man. 'nigh to ME with tkeii 'mouth, and] honor Me 'with their lips, but 'their heart is far reniov- ' ed from me. 9 ' But in vain do they 'worship me, teaching as 'Doctrines, the Precepts ' of Men.' " 10 :!:And having called the GKOWD, he ;:aid to them, " Hear, and be in- structed: Hi l^Ot THAT ENTER- ING the MOUTH, pollutes the MAN, hut THAT PRO- CEEDINGfrOm the MOUTH, pollutes the man." 12 Then *the disciples approaching, say to him, " Didst thou obsene That the Phartsees were of- fended, when they heard that SATING?" 13 Eut he answering, said, "Every Plantation, which my heavenly ea- ther has not planted, shall be extirpated. 14 Leave them ; J they are blind Guides; and it the Blind lead the Bhnd, both willfallintothePit." 15 $ Then Peter reply- ing, said to him, "Explain to us *that S.^YING." 16 And *he said, "Are gou also yet without un- derstanding? 17 Do you not perceive. That WHATEVER ENTERS the mouth, passes into the BELLY, and is ejected? 18 But t those THINGS PROCEEDING OUt Of the mouth, issue ^ow ^ia heart; and t^^g pollute the MAN. 19 JFor out of th< HEART proceed iriqui- tous Designs ; — Mjxders, Adulteries, Fornicatioas, Thefts, false Testimonies, Calumnies. 20 These are the things which pollute tlie ma n ; but to eat with Inwash- ed Hands pollutes not the man." • Vatican Masuscript.— 12. the disciples approaching, say. 14. ofthe Blind. — onut. tlo. Markvii.l4. H*. Isa. is.lO;; Matt.xxlii. 18; Lukerl 39. tlS.MarS ^V .;. : IS.Jaiuesiii. 0. t lU.Mark vii. 21. Onap. 15: 21. j MATTHEW. IS: ?1 -'jiil departing tlxeuce the Jesus witlidrew ts-S Tffi /uepTj Tvpov Kai SiSa'vos. ^ Ka* /S-iw, 'jito the confine! ofTyre *nd SiJon. And io, yi'urf Xavauaia, aTTO rccu opticu i^Keivwi' €|eA.0oi/- r woman Canaanitish, of tlie parts iV.osc coining >ut, cried out to him, saying; Pit;: ine, icupte, vie AautS* ^ jWoy KUKcas 8cii-iovi° Olord Oson David; the daughter . '• sadly mo (."eraz. ^'O de ovk aTreKpiBv, avrri AayoVo -^as ized. He ' ut noC answered ?^cr a -ord. And vpofreXOovres ol fiaOrjTat avri^Vy i)po}Ta}y avrov^ coming the disciplec oSliim, besougl;': him, KeyovTis' AiroXvao?' avrriv^ brt Kpa^ec OTturdei^ saying; Send away her, for she cries at i'-: back 7)iu(jop, 24 ■ ", heyovcra' Kvpie, fiarjdei /xou ^^ 'O Se airoKpiOeiz saying; O lord, give aid to me. He ';ut ans'.v tnrew Ovk can Ka\o%' Ka^eiv re ::pTO?J rcov said; Not it is right '.o take fihr Jiread of tl :: TeKt^ccVf icai j8a\e;." rois Kvvapiois. ^"'H Se children, and to tlirov.' to ihu dogs. She but EtTTc. Nat, Kvpie' Kai yap '^a Kvvapia, eaOiei said; True, Olord; r ■■: for the dogs eafsi; TO Tcoj/ i|/iX"'"' ''■'»"' T^^TTrovTciv ttiTo T^]s rpuTTe^ . i the crumbs of the falling from tha table iTjS r:j-v KVjjLcov ji.vtwi'o ^^Tot6 air^KpiBeis 6 of the masters of them. Then answering the Irjcrovs etTrey avr- ' Q- yvvai, jusyakr] cov t] Jesus said to her ; O woman, grfat of thee the viaTis' ^^vrjOriTca ■:^ol, cos OeXeir, Kai LaQt] faith; let it be to thee, as thou wilt. Andwashaaled T] OvyaTTjp avTrjs airo rrjs copas eK(ivi)s. the daughter of her from t'l ' hour that. '^Ka: fxeg-a^as eKeitev 6 l-qcrovs, TjKde irapo. And departing thence the .Tesus, came near TT\v QaKaaroM ttjs TaXiKaias' Kai ava^as eis the sea of the Galilee ; and ascending into TO opos, €Ka6riT0 cksi. '^^Kai TrpocrrjKdov avrco the mountain, he sat down there. And came to him ox^oi TToWoi, exovres fied' eavrcov ;^c«jAoi;s, crcwds great, having with them lame, rvT}^Teis ov OeAco, fxrjiroTe sKXvOwaiu ev rp odo}. fastinr^ not I will, lest they may faint in the way. ** Koi \6yov(riv avrw ol fjLaOrfrai avrov Hodev And they say to him the disciples of him ; \A'hence Tjfiit/ ev eprj/xia aproi roaovroi., uare x^pTCKrai to us ia a desert place loaves so many, so as to satisfy ox^oy Toaovrov ; ^'*Kat Xcyei avrois 6 Itjctovs' a crowd so great? And says to them the Jesus; Ilocrovs aprovs exere; Ol Se enroy 'Eirra, Kai How many loaves have"Qu? They and said; Seven, and oAt7o ix6i>^>ia. ^^ Kai e/ceAeuce tois oxAots a few small fishes. And he directed the crowds avaTreceiy eiri rrfv yqv. ^^ Kat Xa^wv rovs to recline upon the ground. And taking the eTTTo aprovs Kai tous ix^^o^s, evx<^pi(TTr](Tas wv*»n loaves and the fishes, rriving thanks GK\a. ^' Kat ecpayoy rraures, Kai disciple* to the crowd. And they ate all, and iXopraadrjaav Kai ripav ro Trcpicro-evov roov were filled; and they lookup that o\erandabove ofthe KKacr/j-arwu, eirra a-rrvpiSas TrATjpeis. "^^Oi Se fragments, seven large baskets full. They and i^trQioures rjfrai' rerpaKiaxi-ki-oi avdpes., X^P'-^ eating were four thousand loen. besides yvvaiKOJV nai iraiSiocv. women luid chUdreu. ^ Kat airoXv(ras rovs oxAovs, avF'??, €is And having sent aw.ny the crowds, he went into TO ttXoiov, Kai TjXdsv eis ra opia MaySaXa. the ship, U»d came to the coasts ofSlajdala. KE*. is'. 16, * Kat irpocreXdovTes ol ^apiaaioi And coming the Pharisees Kai liadSovKaioi, Treipa^oi/res eirriparria-av avrov, and Sadducees, tempting they asked him, arifieiov 6fc rov ovpavov eiriSet^ai avrois. ^ 'O a sign from the heaven to show to them. lie walkiiig, and tlie Bliiia seeing; and they glorilied .the God of Israel. 32 tThen Jksus having called his disciples, said. " I have compassion on the CROWD, because they have continued with my three Days, and have no- tliing to eat ; and 1 do not wish to dismiss tlieni fast- ing, lest they should faint on the KOAD." 33 And his disciplks say to him, J "How can Ave get so many Loaves in a Desert-place, to satisfy such a Crowd?" 34 And Jesus says to thexi"'., "How many Loaves have you?" And they said, " Seven, and a Tew Small fishes." 35 Then he commanded the PEOPLE to recline on the GuourvD; 36 and taking the sev- :;n Loaves and the fish- : ,s, J he otfered thanks, and broke them, and gave to his disciples, and the DISCIPLES distributed to the CROWD. 37 And they all ate and were satisfied; and ot the REMAINING ERAGMENTS tliey gathered Seven large t Baskets full. 38 Now THET who had EATEN were * about Four tliousand Men, besides Women and Children. 39 X And having dis- missed the CROAVDS, he went into the boat, and came to the + coast ol * Magdala. CHAPTER XVI. 1 J Then the Phari- sees and Sadducf-es drew near, and tempting asked liim to show them a Sign from heaven. • Vatican Manuscript. — 32. already — omit. Lachmann and TischeBdorf. SS. aljout. 39. Magadan — so also + 37. Baskets of larger capacity than the wicker baskets mentioned in Chap.siv.20 — large enough to contain a man's body. See Acts ix. 25. t 39 The modern name is ^rrf ei- MejHel, field or coast of Mejdel. Mejdel, from which the plnin takes its name, is a paltry village, about an hour from Tiberias, near where a line of hia:h rocks overhangs the lake. This" as the ancient Magdala, called in Mark viii. 10, Dalmanutha; the birth place of tliat y ary, ut of whom were expelled seven demons. : 32. Mark viii. 1. t8t. Mark viii. 10. i 33. 2 Kings iv 43. Jl. Matt. xii.SH. 36. Matt, xiv Vi ; Luke xxii. Itt. Chap. 16: MATTHEW. IChap. 16: 12. ?« avoKpiOets enrey avrois' *[^Oi^ias yevo/xevTjs, bst uiswering said to them; [STening coming, A.€7cre* EySm* vvpba^ei yap S ovpavos. ^ Kai yoasay; Fair weather; reddena for the heaven. And •iTpcci' '2,'r]fX€pov x.^ipL(»}V' TTvppa^ei yap cTTvy- ic the morning; To-day atturm; i* red for low- va^oju 6 ovpavos. 'TiroKpiTat, to /xcv izpoa-taTrou ring the heaven. Hypocrites, the truly face Tov ovpavov yivoiXTK^re SiaKpiveiv, ra Se (TrjfjLdia jfthe heaven you know to judge, the but signs TOJf Kaipcav ov Suvacrde ;2 ^Teuea irowqpa Kai of the time* not can you'] A generation evil and ^.oixo-^is ai]ixeiov eiri^rirei' Kai (rrjfxciov ov 5o- SdulterouB a sign seeks; and a sign not shal ffrjo'erai avrrjy et fx-rj to aT]/xeiov Icova ^'[^^rov bs given to her, except the sign of Jonas [the irpo(/)77Tou.] K.c:8 KaTaXiwuv avTovs, airrjXOe. prophet.] And leaving them, he went away. * Kai €A0o."Tts ol fiaOriTai avTiv eis to irepaf. And coming the disciples of him to the other sidt iire\adovTO apTovs AaySetv. ^'O Se Irjcrovs eiirei 'ir.d forgotten loaves to Like. Tb« and Jesus said avrois' 'OpaTc kca Trpocrex^Te arro ttjs C^/j-tis to them; Look and take heed of the leaven Twj' ^apicraiwu Kai '2,aBdovKai(iov. ^ Ol Se Sie\o- «f the Pharisees anf, Sadduceet. They and roa- yt^ovTO dv eavTois, \eyoi/T€S' 'Oti apTovs ovk toned among themselves, saying; Because loaves not eA.o)8o/i€i/. ^Vvovs ce 6 h,(rcvs er/rev Tt Sia- we have brought. Enowinf Vid tt« Jesus said; 'WTiy rea- \oyi^e(r9€ €V eavTOv ^apicraicov Kai ^aSSovKaiwv ; ^-Tore crv- efthe Pharisees and Sadducee»? Then they vriKay, oti ovk eiirf Trpoo'exetv a-rro ttis C^p-VS tmd«ntood, that not he did say beware of the leaven • the king. DOM of tho HEAVENS; j and whatever th u shalt bind on the karth, shall be bound in the ueav- ENS; and whatever thou shalt loose on the earth, shall be loosed JJi the heavens." 20 J Then he command- ed * the disciples that they should tell no one, that f)e is the Messiah. 21 From that time, Je- sus began to disclose to 14. SOME. 17> Heavens. * Vatican Manuscbipx.— 13. the sos of man i»» Ml the DISCIPLES. 1 13. This town was tiear to the spriner-head of tne Jordan, and was built by Philip, tetrarch of Galilee, in honor of Tiberius Caesar ; and to distinguish it from the sea-port town of Cesarea, mentioned frequently in the Acts ofthe Apostles, it was called Cesarea Philippi. See Josephus, Ant. xviii. 2, 1, ana xx. 8, 4. 1 18. 'Parkhurst says, "This expression •eems allusive to the form of the Jewish sepulchres, which were large subterraneous caves, with a narrow mouth or entrance, many of which are to be found in Judea, to this day. The iiXX render the corresponding phrase from the Heb. of Isa, xxxviii. 10, theaatea oftheaepuU chre. The full meaning of our Lord's promise seems to be, that his church on earth, how- ever persecuted and distressed, should never fail till the consummation of all things, and Bhould then, at the remirrection of the just, finally triumph over death and the grave." Com- pare I Cor. XV. 64, 5.5. 1 19. It is said, that when the Jews made a man a doctor of the law, they used to put into his hands the key of the closet in the temple, where the sacred books were deposited, and also tablets to write upon ; signifying that they gave him author- ity ti. teach and to explain the scriptures and law of God to the people. 1 13. Mark viii. 27 ; Luke is. 18. 1 16. Mark viii. 29 ; Luke ix 20; John i. 4C ; Ti. 69: ti.27. tl8. Joh!-:i.4:;. 1 18. Eph. ii. 20. J 19.Matt.-.r:i.l«. Jchn«».2a *ao. Matt. Tvli. 0 ; i' ia-ju . lii. SO; Luke ix. 21. Chap. 16: 22.] MATTHKAV. [map. 17: 1. liadrjrais avrov, on Set avTov aircXOeiv €JS 'lepo- disciples of hini, that must he to go to Jeru- coXvixa, Kttt iroWa iradeiv ano tojv Trpecr^vTe- •aJem, and many (things) to Buffer from the elders paiy Kai apxt^p^<^^ /f"* ypa^jxcTeoov, Kai airoK- and high-priests and scribes, and to be Taydrjvaij Kai rri rpiT-p ^iixspa. eyepei^pai. ^- Kai killed, and the third day to be raised. And TTporKafioneuos avrov 6 Uerpos, rjp^aro e-mrifxay taking aside him the Peter, began to reprove oi/Tw, \eyctiy' 'l\€cos (toi, Kvpu- ov /xt) ea-rai him,' Baying; Be it far from thee, Olord; not not shall be trot TovTO. 2^'0 Se (rrpacpsis etire tw TleTpo}- to thee this He but tiu-niug said to the Peter; 'y-irayc ottiCw fiov, crarava' CKavhaXov /j-ov Go thuu behind of me, adversary; a stumbling-block ct me tf 071 ov (ppoveis Ta Tov 6eov,aWa ra thou art; for not thou legardest the (things) ol the God, but those Twi/ auQpuj-nuu. -^Tore 6 l-qaovs ecjre rots fia- of the men. Then the Jesus said to the dis- OTjrais avTOV Et ns deKet OTriaro) fiov eA^ezj/, ciples othim; If any one wish after me to come, airapvTjaaaQw eavrovy Kai aparw rou (rravpoj/ let him deny himself, and let him bear the cross avTov, Kai aKoAovdeiTw [xoi. -^'Os yap av of him, and follow me. Whoever for 6eKv TTju xl/vxv^ a'uTov (rooaai, a-rroAecru avrrjv' may wish the life of him to sav. , shalUose her; 05 5' ay airoXear} rrjv "^vx^^ avrov eueK€V whoever and may lose the life of liim on .nccouut €/jLOv. evprjafi avr-qv. ^''Ti yap (>3(pe\5irai av- ofr--'. shall Snd her. What for is prohted a 6pt;v-s, eau rov ko(T(xov 6\of Kepd-na-p^ 'n]v 8e j,an_ if the world whole he iu:iy win, the and •^vxw airov ^r^fxicodr); 7] ri Swfret avQpwiros :.:- ot him he may forfeit? or what shall SJive a man avraXXayp-a r-qs rpvxriS avrov; ^7 MeWei yap in exchange' for the life of him? Is about for 6 vios Tou avOpccirou epx^(^6o.i ^v rri ho^tj rov the son of the man to come in the glory of the irarpos avrov, fiera roov ayytXccv avrov, Kai father of him, with the messengers of him, and rore oTToSwo'ei cKaarw Kara rriv irpa^iv then he wiU render to each one according to the beharior avrov. of him. *^ AfiTfv \€y(o vfiiVy €i(Ti rives twv w5e herw- Indeed X say to you, there are some of those here having TWV, olrives ov jxr) yevawvrai Bauarov, ews av ■tood, who not not shall taste of death, till iBdjci rop viov rov avQpooirov €pxofJ.€voy ef tj; they mayseethe son of the man coming iu the jSacrtAejo avrov. KE*. iC- 17. ^Kai jxed" royal majesty of him. And after Tjfiepas e| irapaKa/xfiauei 6 Irjorovs rov UerpoUy days six takes the Jesus the Peter, Kai laKcojSov, Kai locauvrju rou aBeXcpou avrov »nd James, and John the brother ofhim; his DISCIPLES, + That he must go to Jpiusalem, ana suiter iimcli from the KL« DERS, and High-priests, and Scribes, and be killed, and that on tlie third Day he must be raised up. 22 And Peter taking him aside, and * rebuking him, said, "Be this far from thee, Master; this shall not be to thee."' 23 But HE turning, said to Peter, "Get thee be- liind me, Adversary; thou art a Stumbhng-block to niii; for tliou regardest not the THINGS of God, but THOSE of MEN." 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, J" If any one wish to come after me, let him renounce himself, and take up his CROSS, and follow me. 25 JPor whoever would save his lue, shall lose it; and whoever loses his life on my account, shall find it. 26 For what is a Man profited, if he should giiin the whole world, and forfeit his life ? or w^liat will J a man give in R;m- som for his life ? 27 :j:PorthesoNof MAN is about to come in the GLORY of his FATHER, with his ANGELS; and then he will recompense '.oeach one according to iiS CONDUCT. 28$IndeedI ;aytoyou, * Tliat there are some of those STANDiN here, who will not taste :f Peath, till they see the '>N of man coming in lis royax ma* jesty." CHAPTER XVII. 1 JAnd after six days, Jesus took Peter. James, and John the brother o< James, and privately con- • Vatican Manuscript.— 22. rebuking him, said- 28. That there are. t 21. Matt xvii. 22; XX. 17; Mark viii. 31 ; is. 31 ; x. 33; Luke ix. 22, 44; xviii.81; Xxi^'.A 7. Matt. X. 38; Mark viii. 34; Luke ix. 23; xiv. 27. .. t 25. Luke xvii 33; John xu. 2a. 1 24. 1 26. Psa. xlix. 7, 8. 11.1; Liikeix. 27. t 27. katfc. X.XV. 31-^: Mark viii. 88; Luke ii. iO. S 1 . Mark is. 2 i Luke Uu 2S. ;28 Maj-K (^ftap. 17: 2.] MATTHKW. iChap. 17: 12. rat ava(p€p€i avrovs eis opos v^T)\otf kut' iSiav. and leads up them iuu> a uiuuncniit tiigli privately. *Ka( fj.€Tf/xop(f)wd'/] e/uLnpoadiv aurwu, Kat And Ue waa transtigurej in t lis presence o< tliim, and eA-O/Ut^e to TrpoauTrop avrou a's 6 ■tjKios' Ta 8e Elione tlie <(f Inm as the stni; tlie and IfiaTia avrov eyei/ero KivKa ws to <^cos. •'Kat f:u-uient« oftiiin tecuuie wuiie u the hjrht. And iSovy (i}5c said to the Je^tis; Olurd, good it is kh here €ivai' €1 6tA6is, TTOLriacoiuev wSe Tp€is (XKrivas, to be; if thouwl, we uiiv a.ake nere three teius, coi jxiaUy Kai Mwo-j; ixiiu, Kai /j-iau HXia. * Eti to ihee cue, and Mdscs one, and one Eli;is. feiiil auTou \a\ovvToSt iSov^ ye(f>^\r] (pwros eirecr- o( Qua 't'eakiug, lo, a cloud of light over- Kiatrev avrovs' Kai idov^ (pwfT] e/c ttjs ve(f>€\r]s, siiadovred them. and in, a>.>>re out of the cloud, Keyov'ja' "Owtoj ecTTiv 6 v'lus /ulov 6 ayavrjTos, Baying, ** Fuia i« the »oii of ine the below-i, ey 'tfj tuSoKrjcra' avrou atcou^Tt," ** Kctt a/cou- iu whom ld«i>i,''ii, of uim lienr jrou." And having (TauTes oi /ua^Tjrai, evtaou (nt irporrcoTTou q.vtwv, heard the ducipies, thev I'ell upoa face them, Kai €(po^r}6ricrau acpoSpa. '' Kat ■npocr^KQjiv 6 and were trigniened greatly. And coming noar the \T) Mouiit;iin; 2 and he was trans- formcfl III their prestiKc his i'A( E slione as Mic SIN, aud his garme.nis bernnie white as the LIGHT. 3 And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to tliem, convei'siug with him. 4 Then Peter address- ing Jesus, said, '-Master, it is good for us to be here; it thou wilt, * 1 v,-ilL make liere three Bi)oths; one for tJiee, one fur Mo- ses, and one for Eii)^h." 5 While he was speak- ing, behold, J a Cloud of litrht covered iheni; and behold, a Voice troni the CLOUD, declaring, f'This is my SON, the ]4KL0veu, in whom t Ueiighi : hear hini!" 6 And iper€ /xoi avrov wde. till when shall I bear you? bring you to me hira here. ^^Koi e7rfrifx-i](Tev avrcp 6 Irjcrovs, Kai e^T]\6€V, And rebuked him the Jesus, and came out air' avrov ro ^aifxoviov Kai tOcpaTrevOr] 6 irais of him the demon; and wa» cured the boy airo T7]S wpas CK€Lvr]s. ^^Tore irpoa-eXOoj/res from the hour that. Then coming ol fiaBrjrai rcf} Irjaov Kar' iSiav, eixoy Aiari the disciples to the Jesus by himself, said; Why ■t]fj.€is OVK eK^aXeiv avro; ^"'0 de we uot were able to cast out it? The and Irja-ovseiTFev avTOis' Aia rr]v airiamav ufxav. Jesus oaid to them; On account of the unbelief of you. kixr]v yap Xeyco v/xiv, cav e^TJTe "jricrriy &s kok- Indeed for 1 say to you, if you have faith as a Kov (TiyaTccos, cpeire rep opei rovro}. Mera- "rain of mustard, you will say to the mountain ; this Be thou ^7}Qi evTcvdcv €K€i, Kai /xeTal3r](rerar Kai ovScv removed from here there, and it will remove; and nothing advvarrja-sn, ^^^[ToiiToSe to yevos ovk will be impossible to you. [This but the kind not fKTTop^cTat, (I fJiT} ev irpoa-evxv '^°' vr)(rr€ia.'] goes out, if not in prayer and fasting.] ^'■^ AvacrrpecpOfxevav Se avrcov ev rri VaXiXaia^ ■ Were traveling and of them in the Galilee, iiitev^ avrois 6 Injerovs' MeAAet 6 vlos rov av- said to them the Jesus; Is about the son of the Opioiroif-^^apaSiSoa-Oai ets X€ipas' avOpwircay, man io bo dehvered up into hands of men, ^ Kat avoKTcvova-iv avrov Kai rrj rpirrj vV^P'? and they will kill ' him ; and the third day €yepQy)(firaiJ Kat eXvirrjOria-av acpodpa. he will be raised, ' And they were grieved exceedingly. tlie SON of MAN is abrss to suffer by them." 13 Then the discifles Tinderstood That he spoke to them conceming John the IMMEESER. 14 J And they having ! come to the chowd, a Man came to him. kneel- ing and saying, 15 "O Sir, have com« passion on My son ; for he ia a lunatic, and *sick- Jy ; for he frequently falls into the riEE, ana fre- quently into the water. 16 And I brought him to thy DISCIPLES, but they could not cure Him." 17 Then Jesus answer- ing said, "O unbeliev- ing and perverse Genera- tion! how long must I be with you? how long must I endure you ? bring him here to me." 18 And Jesus rebuked Mm, and the demon came out of him; and the box was restored from that hour. 19 Then the disciples coming to Jesus private- ly, said, "Why were fot not able to cast it out?" 20 And * HE says to them, "On account of your *LiTTLE-rAiTH; For indeed I say to you, % If you have Faith, as a Grain of Mustard, you might say to this mountain. Remove there from here, and it would remove ; and nothing would be impos- sible to you. 21 * t [This KIND, toW" ever, goes not out but by Prayer and Fasting."] 22 X ^'o'w while they were traveling in Gali- lee, Jesus said to them, "The SON of MAN is about to be delivered up into the Hands of Men ; 23 and they will kill him, and the thieu Day he vri\l * rise. And thev were exceedingly grieved. ♦ Vatican MANDscniPi.— 15. sickly. 20. bs says. 20. little-paith. H.—omit, 83. rise. . - . fwtaa ■ t 21. This verse ia wanting in the Coptic, Ethiopie, Syriac hieros, and in one Itala MSSo 1 14. Murk Ix. 14; Luke ix. 37. t 20. Matt. xxi. 21; Mark xi. 23; Luke xvii. 6; 1 Cor till. 2. t 23. Matt. xvi. 21 ; XX. 18 ; Mark ix. 30, 31 ; Luke ix. 44. Chap. 17: 24.] MATTHEW. [Cliap. 18: 4 ^* EXdovTcci/ Se avTccy eis Kawspvaov/iy Hnviiijj arrived and of theia at Capeniaum, vpo(n]KBop 01 Ttt SiSpaxfJ-ct, Kafxfiavovres rq) camo those the didnichma* receiving to the rXerpy, Kai eiirow 'O SidatTKaXos vjjlocv ov reAet Peter, and said; Tiie teacher of you not pay* ra hihpaxfJ-o- . '^Ae7ef Nai. Kat ore excrjA- the didrachniat? HesajBj Yes. And whe« he was Bcv €is rrjv oiKiaVy 7rpoe(pda(Tey avrov 6 Itjcows, come into the huu!>e^ anticipated him the Jesus, Xeycov Ti croi So/cet, 'Sifioou; Ol /SacrtAets saying; Which to thee seems right, Simon? The kinga Trjs 717s UTTO TLVoov \a,u^avov(Tt tpAtj tj Krjvcrov ; ortheearth from whom do they take taxes or census' aiTo Tcav VLCoy auTcuu, r} awo rotv aWorpiav ; from the sons of them, or from the aliens? -^Ae7et ai/roj o HeTpos* Atto toov aWoTpioov. Says t-o him thj Pecer, From tiie aliens. E(^7j au-ro) 6 IrjcTovs' Apaye €\€vdepoi cLcriy ol Says to him the Jesus, Tlieo exempt are the viol. -''Ifa Se fiy\ l ra (ricav5a\a° TrKy\u ovai •ary for it is to come tb- snares ; TCO avdpWTT^ €K€lVCf} 5l' 017 TO to the to that through whom the 'Et Se 7) xe:p (Tov 7? but woe ffKavSaXov suare 6 TTOVS (TOV [Chap. 18: 11. may humble himself like this LITTLE CHILD, ha will be the gkeatest in the KINGDOM of the hea- vens. 5 I And whoever may receive one such Little cliild in my name, re- ceives Me. 6 X I^^^t whoever shall insniire one of the least of THESE who BELIEVE m me, it would be better foi him that an t upper Mill- stone were hanged about his KECK, and that he were sunk i;i the depth ofthe SEA. 7 Alas for the "WOELD, because of snaeesI for it must be that snares come; but alas for that MAN through whom the SNAEE comes. 8 t If> then, thy hand epYerai ._ . comes. If therefore the hand oi'thee or the foot of thee ^ „„^. „ (TKapdaXiC^i (re, eKKOTpop avra^ Kai fiaAe airo or^hy toot insnare thee, jnmares thee, cutoff thcna, and cast from , ^.^j^ j'^ ^^^ ^^^^ thrOW it ffov KaXov croi ((rrtv ei(re\6€LV eis Tr]v Qw-qv away; it is better for thee thee; good to thee it » to enter into the life tO CntCI LIlfE * Crippled OF XwAoj' 7/ Kv\Kov^ 7} 5vo X^'P°-^' V Swo iroSas i:ime, than having Two latoe or » cripple, than two hands m two feet Hiuuls Or Two Feet, tO be tyovra ^\'n^y]voi.i eis ro irvp ro ataviov. ^Kat cast into the Iaionian having to be cast into the fire the age-lastmg. And jieE. « 6 o it is and cast from thee, good to thee it is one-eyed US rrjv Q^W etcreAffei*', ij 5l>o o(pda\[xovs exoura into the lUe to enter, than two eyes having ^X-qQ-qvai ets r-qv yeevvav rov irvpos. ^^'Opare, to be cast into the Gehenna «f the fire. See, uTj KaTa(ppovT](T7)re kvos rasv ^iiKpwv rovrccv not yo« may despise one ofthe little-ones these; Ae7» yap 'vjxiv, on oi ayye\oi. avrcav ev ovpa- T say for to you, that the loessengers of them in hea- voii Ziairavros pXeirovcri ro TrpotrcoTfov rov vens perpetually see the face ofthe Trarpos iiov, rov ev ovpavois. *[^^HA0€ yap b \ mine in the Heavens. father of me, that in heavens. [Is come for the I 11 * f $ [For the SON of vlos rov apdpanrou truxrat ro aTroAcuAos.] ^-Tt man is come to save that SOD ofthe man to save the having been lost.] What , wllich WaS LOST.] better to enter liik one- eyed, than having Twa Eyes to be cast into the EVENING of Gehenna. 10 Take care, that jon do not despise one of tht LEAST of these j for I as« sure you, that Jtlieir an- gels in * the HEAVENS continually behold the FACE of THAT FATHEB of * Vatican Maisusciiipt.— S. crippled or lame. See also Lachmann and TischendorL 10. the HSATEIVS. .rtTord in Enelish which exactly conveys the idea attached to it in the original, it has been left untrans.ated. The adjective form of the word, however, cannot rise hieher in meaning- than the noun from which it is derived, and must always be governed by it. See Note on Matt xiii 40 and Appendix. + H. this verse is omitted in the Vatican and several o'ii-r MSS .and marked as doubtful by Griesb.icb- In Bootliroyd's translatiou it is ap- pended to the fourteenth verse, as making a better connection. i 6 Matt X 42 , Luke ix. 48. t 6. Mark ix. 42 v Lttke xvii. 1, ^ J 8, Matt. v. ?fi. V>: iVl irkiji ♦^i. l-V J 10. Psa. xxiiv. 7 ;Lukei.I9. t U. Luke ix. oft; iix. 19- )^i.^•.•*ii) 17- Xij. 17 Chap. 18: 12.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 18:20. {ntCy ioKft l^ttaf •ve^'Tjrai tiki avOpwvtf knar op loyon iteoK right ^ ii' tnould have »d; ^"^ ' mao ' a hundred npo^arat fcai irKavrjO-p iv e^ avTwv oux* o^f '* (hecp, and (hould go Mtra; ODO from them) not leaving »rtt fVvevTjKQVTa^vvia eirt ra opri, iroptvOeis ^rj- tlh* nioctj-Dina upon Iho mountains, goiDi; k« {rfi Vo irA.ovw/ucJ'oi' / ^"^Kai eav y(vr)rat (vpeiv Mckl (hat having itra^^edT And if besboulJ happen to God [avr8f afxr\v Ktyo) hfxiVt 6ri X'^^P^^ s'^' ct^ ^jit, todeed I e.-t; to jou, that be rejoices Over -v- It ^ J^a^Aoi', 17 €7r» Tojy ivvivr\KovTO,iVViai]^rois /mtj '^Biora, than over the Cinety-nino, >. "^ those not *«7rAoj/i7)u.€i'0<$. , ^^ Ovrcos - QVK^tffTt 6e\r)fia fit*iae been led aatrey. Thai not lit ia ' > wiU^ tfxvpo iVa airoXrjTai eta ruv puKpiav rovratf,S'^!^OLV that tbonM perish one ofthe little-onet ofthem.,' If, Ze a(j.apTT}(rr) *[e ^'rioXiP \iyoi t 3ti eav hvo {//xav xrvfi^w Agan 1 aay to yon, that if two of yoa may vi](Tai(Tiv €Tj r-qs yrs, irepi iravros npay/naros, agree opoo the earth, about Bay matter, ob fav airriffcvvraif yfy-qtrerai avrotr vapa rov •batrver. they may aek, it ahall be to tbetrt from tha varpos fiov, rov fv ovptwois, _^^06 yap ttcrt father of me, ofthat In heavena. Where for ' ere bvo 1) rp^is (Tvfqyixfvoi eis ro ffiov ovo/xa, eKe* two or thrtj having come together In the my name, there tlp^ *v fieffcp avraiv.^^^lTore 7rpor](T(i} avTW; ews me the brother of me, and I shall forgive him? till eirraKis ; ^^Aeyei aurq} 6 It)(tovs' Ok, Keyu} •even times? Says to him the Jesus; Not, I say (Toi^ ecos ewraKis, aW' ecus e^do/jLr}KOVTaKis to thee, till seven times, but till seventy times eTTTa. '^ Aia tovto Mfioiuidri 7] fiacriXcia seven. Therefore this has been compared the kingdom Tcav ovpavwv avdpooircf) ^aaiXei, 6s rjOcXrjcre av- ofthe heavens to a man king, who wished to vapai Koyov /xera tccv dovXcov avrov. ^4 Ap|a- settle an account with the slaves of him. Having fiivov 5e avTov crvvaipeiv, irpoa-rjvfx^Tl avref) eis begun and of him to settle, they brought to him one 0(pei\€Tr]s fivpicov raKavTwv. "^^ M77 exouros Se a debtor of ten thonsand talents. Not having but avTov airoSovpaij e/ceAei/o'ej' avrov 6 Kvptos av- ofhim to pay, ordered him the lord of Tou Trpadt]vai, Kai rrju yvvaiKa avrov, Kai ra him to be sold, and the wife of him, and the rcKua, Kat iravra oaa etxe, Kai atroSodrji/ai. children, and all as much as lie had, and payment to be made. ^^neo'cui' ovv 6 dovKos irpocreKvyei avrcfy Falling down therefore the slave he prostr.ited to him, Ae7ajj/' *[Kiipte,] fjLaKpoOvfnjaou eir' efxoi, Kai saying; [Olord,] have patience with me, and Traura aoi awoBcccTw. "^^ '2,ivKayxvij/* MaKpodv/uLr^ffov ofbim, besought him, saying; Have patience 67r' efioi, Kai *[7rafTa] anoSaxro) coi. ^'O Se with me, and [all] I will pay to thee. He and ovK r}d€\ev' a\\' aireKOwv e^aXev avrov (is not he would; but going away he cast him into v\aKr]v, ews 011 airoSo} ro o(p€i\oiJ.evov. ^^iSov- prison, till he should pay that he was owing. See- T6S Se 01 (TwSovXoi avrov ra yevo/uLeva, cKvitt]- ing and the fellow-slaves of him that having been done, were dr)(rav (r(l>o8pa' Kai ehdovres 8i((Ta.] ^ Ovtu Kai 6 all that owing [to him] So alto the Trarrip jxou 6 eirovpavios iroir)(rei vfJLiu^ eay jxr] father of me the heavenly will do to you, ii not a((>r]T€ €Ka(rTos rep aSeAcpcp avrov ano T(i>v you forgive each one tha brother of him from ^i. KapSicav vfjiwv, hearts of you. KE*„ lO", 19. * Kat (yeveroy 6t€ STfKeaeu & Irjcovs rov^ And it came to pass, ~bea ended the Jesus the \oyov5 TovTovSf /xerrjpev airo r?^j TaAtAafcs, words these, he departed from the Galilee. Kat r}\6ey €js to dpia rrjs Iot/Sa JToWoi' Kai edepaircvaeu avTovs eK€u great; and he healed them there. ^ Kat TTpoff-qXQou avTcp oi 4>api(raioiy ireipa- And came to him the Pharisees trj'- (^ovTes avTov, Kai \eyoPTes ^l^avTCf'^ E< e^earif Ing bim, and saying [to him;] If it is lawful audpcoTTcp UTToAvcrai ttjv yvvaiKa avrov Kara to a man to release the wife of him upon TTatrav aiTiav . * 'O Sf airoKpiO^is enrey avTois' every cause; He and answering said totheni; OvK aveyvwTf, bri & Troi-qcras air' apxv^ apcreu Not have jou read, that the Creator from a beginning a male Kai 6r]\v eTTonjaev auTovs , ^Kai e/Trei/- " 'Ei/efrt'// and afemale he made them > and says; "On account TOVTOv /caToAet>//et avOpwiros tou trarepa Kai of this shall leave » man the father and TT/i/ /LiTjTepo, Kai TTpocTKoWrjOrjcTeTai Trj yvvaiKi the mother, and shall be closely united to the wife ouTou* Kai ecrovrai oi Svo eis ffapKa fiiav.'' of him; and shall be the two into flesh one," *'n(rT€ ovK€Ti ci(ri Svo, aAAo cap^ fxia. 'O So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What ovv 6 dios (Xvv^^ev^ev, audpwiros fxr\ xoopi^^rw. then the God has joined together, a man not disunitea. * I\.^yov(nv avTip' Ti ovv McDtTTj? fj-cTfiAoTo They say to him ; Why then Moses did enjoin going to their masi'eji, they related all thut had OCCUEREO. 32 Then his mastes liaving called lura, said to liim, '0 wicked servant! All that DEBT I forgave thee, because thou didst entreat nie ; 33 was it not l)indine on thee also to have had pity on thy FELLOw-sEa^ VANT, as I also had pity on thee?' 34 And his MASTEabe. ing proAoked, delivered him to tlie jailors, till he should discharge the DEBT. 35 Thus also will my HE.WENI.V FATHER treat you, unless you from your HEART, each one J forgive his BROTHER." CHAPTER XIX. 1 X And it happened, when Jesus ended these WORDS, he departed from Galilee, and came into the i COMIXES of JUDEA, bc- { yond the Jordan. 2 And great Crowds fol- lowed him, and he cured their sick. 3 And the *Pharisee3 came to him, trying hira, and saying, | " Is it law- ful for a man to dismiss his WIFE for Any Cause?" 4 And He answering, said to them, " Have you not read, That the Crea- tor, at the first, J made a male and a female ; 5 and said, J 'On ac- count of this a man shall leave father and moth- er, and adhere to his WIFE ; and they two shall become one Flesh ?' 6 So that they are no longer Two, but one Flesh. WTiat God, tlien, has uni- ted, let no man sever." 7 They say to him, t"Why then did Moses command to give a Writ " Vaticaw Ma.itscbipt. — 34. to him — omit. 3. "harisees. 3. to him — omit. t 35 Prov. xsi. 13; Matt. vii. 1, 2. 1 1. Mark x. 1. % S. Mark x. 2. X 4vGeiv \ 27. Mai u. 15. ; 5. Gen. ii. 24; 1 Cor. vi. 16; Epb. v. 31. ; 7. Deut-. xxir. k aiap. 19: 8.] MATTHEW. /Cv'i.r-.lC: IG. Zovvai Qi^Kiov aiToaraffLOVy Kai airoKvcrai avrtivs to give uU of separation, and to release her? ^Aeyet avTOis' 'Oti Mwa-vs Trpos tt]V aKX-r]- Hesaya totlx^--'; That Moses the hardness QOKap^iav vfxcav eirerpe^ev v}ilv airoXvaai ras othe:j-t of you suffered you ^ ♦'.e yvuaiKas vficow air' apxvs Se jv yeyouev ovtw. wives of you; from a beginning but i.ot it was so. ^Ae-yw Se vuiu, Sti 6s av aTro\vTr} ttji/ yvvaiKa avTov, fiT) eTTt '•ropveia, Kai yafirja-r} aXXriv. of him, except for fornic.-.tion, ;.nd may marry .-mother, LLoixaTar Kai 6 airoKzKvpLevv.u ya^7]cras, lui- commiU adulteiy ; and he her b' in g released marrying, ^^m- Xarai. ^^A^youcriu avrtf ol fMaO-qrai avrov mits adultery. Tlieysay lo him the dUciples of him; Et ovTCios earriv ?/ airia rou audpcoirov fxera ttjs the case of the man with the ^1 'O Se enrev He but said If thus yvuaiKos, ov avficp^pei ya/xTqcrai woman, not it is profitable to marry. auTOis' Ov iroj'Tes x^P'^^'^'' '^"^ Koyou rovroVy to them; Not all admit the word this, oAA' ols SeSorat. ^^Eirrt yap evvovxoi^ but to whom it has been given. There are for eunuchs, oiTiues €/c KoiXias /j-vrpos iyivvr)6r)(Tav ovrw who from womb of mother were bom so; Kai eiaiy ewouxoh olriues eyvouxto-^TjTa*' inro and there are eunuchs, who were made eunuchs by rwv aydpcairwy Kai eicriu evvovxoh ohiues ivvov- the men; and there are eunucns, who made Xicrav kavrovs Sto rrju ^aaiXeiav rwu oupa- eunuchs themselves on account of the kingdom of the heav- vwy. 'O SvuafJL^yos x^P^^'^t x^P^^'''^- ens. He being able to admit, let him admit. ^•*ToT€ Trpo(Trivex0V avrcp TratSia, lua ras were brought to him little children, that the iiriOr] avTois, Kai TTpo(Tev^r]Tar ol hands he might lay on them, and he might pray; the Se u.aQy)rai eireriix-naai' avrois. ^'^'O Se Irio-ovs out disciples rebuked them. The and Jesus snrew AAere ra TraiSia, Kai fxyj /cwAuere aura said ; Suffer the little children, and not hinder theni fkOeiu Tpos jue' tup yap roiovrwu ea-riu 7) to come to rae; of the for suchlike is the fiamXeia twv oupauwu. ^'' Kai eirideis avrois kingdom of the heavens. And laying on them ras x^'pts, eiropevOr} eKcideu. »he hands, he departed thence. 16 Kai tSou, els irpoaeXOcov, enrcv avrcp' Ai- .^Vnd lo, one coming, said to him; O Soo-KaAe ayaOe, Ti ayaQov Tron]aw, lua exe oeiglibor of thee as thystelf.'* -" A^^et avT]Tais avruv Afirjv Kcyo vfxiv, oti eaid totlie disciples of himself: Indeed I say to you, that dvcTKoKws irXoucrios eicreKivrrovTai ets tv,v fiaci- •vith difficulty a rich num shall enter into the kin^ Xeiav T(t>v ovpavcav. "'^ TlaXiv he Keyta vpuv. 4]om of the heavens. Again and I say to you. evKOTTODTepov e;cribing an impossibilitv, or a high degree of improbabilitv. to say, "It will not happen before a camel, or au elephant, has crept through the eye of a needle."— Jlfar«4'j Translation of Michahs. t 24. ot heaven. — Lackmann §• liichendorf. T 18. Exod. XX. 18 ; Dent. v. 17. xv:iu24; 1 Tim. vi. 9, 10. X la. Lev. xii. 18 J 23. JIarfc x. 24 ; Lui« €Rap. 19: 26.] MATTHEW. {CTiS]^. 20: 4- ivuarat (Xcc9r,yai; ^ Eix.^Xe\pas Se 6 Itjjtous is able to besavid? Look in ij bat the Jesus fiTteu avTOts' Tlapa avOpojirois tout© aSwarou sakt «o biim: "With man this. smpo»»5ble e(TTt' irapa. Se deca iravra SfPaTO.. is-. with buJ God aH possible. '■^''ToTe (ocoKpiQ^ts & nerpos euirev avr(^' I5ou, Then answering the Peter said to him; Lo, ^ju.eis acjjrjicaiMev iravra, Kai TiKoXovOria-afjiev (ror lyj left aJl, and foliowed thee; Tt apa. efrrai T]iJiiv ; -^'O Se Irjerous et-Trer au- what then shall be to us? The aad Jesus said to TOIT" PklJtTlV \€yO* V/JLIV, OTl V/XCtS Ot aKOXOV^f}- them; Indeed I say to pou, that you the haviirgfol- tratnes fiot, tv ttj TraAiyyetrea-ia brav KaQiarf 6 lowed me, in the new birth dajr whea may sit the vlos rov aiSpcairov eiri &poyoi> So^r}S avrov, son of the man npon a throne of glory ofhiin» tcaOca-ea-de Kat v/xcis cttl Scc5eKa dpofovs, Kpivoir- shallsit ?Jso you npon twelve thrones, >udg- rey ras Zoo^eKa - tain ?" 28 And JEsrs s«id to theni, " Indeed, I say to. you. That in the renova- tion, t^vhenthe son of MAN shall sit on the thione of his Glory, $gou» my roLLOWEfis, shall also sit on Twelve Thrones, judging the TWELVE Tribes of Is- rael. 29 JAnd whoever has fwsaken, * on account of MY Name, Houses, or Bro- thers, or Sisters, €&' lea- ther, OT Mother, or "Wife, or Children, or Lands, shall receive * Manifol(^, and shall inherit aionian Life. 30 X Ettt many shall he first, that are iastj anci last, that are first. CHAPTER XX. 1 Tor the kingdom of the HEAVENS resembles a Honsehcdder, who went out early in the Morning, to hire Laboi'ers for his VINEYARD. & And Ijaving agreed with some laborebs for a f Denarius a day, he sent them into his vine- yard. 3 And going ooit about the + Third Hour, he saw others standing unem* ployed in the market- place ; i 4 and he said to them, 'Gq you also into the 20. or ^Ife— trnwY. 2% * Vatican Maj^uscript.— 29. on account of mt Name. Manifola. + 28. That rforirriis Tnoral, social, jwlitical, religions, and physical change which will te Introduced by the Messiah, who says, " Behold, I make all things, new," Rev. xxi. 5. 1 2. A ienarius is the eighth part of »n ounce— value 14 cents, or 7d. t 3. Nine m the mormnpr, 1 27. Markx.28; Lu1i/, €vpev a?\.Xovs tUe elewentc [hour] yoingout, he found others «a'Ta>Tas, Kai Xeyei avrois' Tt cbSe IcrTij/tare Etajidia^, and he sa^s to them: Why here stood you '^\t1V T7)v Tjfxepav apyai; ^A^yovaip avTcp' 'On aU «ke day idle ? They say tu him : Because fudeis rjitas efii(r9c»i wpoiroi' KOI ot -npcoroif effxo-Toi. *[no\A.ot first; and the first, last. [Many 7ap iiffi K\7]rriy oKiyoi Se 6KA.e/cT0/oJ ior are called, few but chooen.] ^' Koi aualiaivcav 6 iTfTovs sis 'ItipocroXv/na, And going up 'lie Jcsua to JoruBalcaa, woptAajSe rovs ScoSewra fjLadrjTas kut^ 'Zim' ev he took the t.relve diaciplec privately in TV <^8'?'> »£«* iiirev avTois' ^®l5oy, ava(:>atvO);.^v the \.-ay, one'- 3aid :o thcmj io, "Tjo go up ety 'lepoarKvfxa, Kai 6 vtos rou audptairov irapa- to Jerusalon, ancl ihc Don of the man vrillbc doOridc-rai rots apx^epevm :cai ypa^/xaTsvffi.° Kai delivercc^.r.p tOtliO :-igh-prie8tc cjtC scribes j and Karct.Kpiv)vciiv avTor ^iQiHr^r^,} --^xcr, itapa- Shcyivill condor:^: i*l- [tot^cati,: «>!■ tlaey will ^cxf x]ff.:^ ^m'Or rots aOr.':CiV a«i' 'S'C .ii%iraii,ai^ ialvnt-^v '^'-"= "-iLr Cientacc JOS "liO .c mock, J, rpjTT? t':C third r]fjLepg, a?' :.(r-.-%u'fvrmo day kc 'ill ~.tx.y.'. ■ > 2® Tore --poOT/AJcr' Qt/rc^ fi fi^'-y^Vp ■6'«»' i'i<^»' Thca ca; X to hir: CX : lothc: oftho -one Ze;8c5aJOW. iiteT . T:ar-' vtwv cvrrjSi irpoo-Kvuoua-a, ot Zebedee, with ihe sono ofier, prostrating, Kat aiT:)V(Ta ri Trap' outojjo '' 'O Se etjrey and asking loraething fr< ra him. Ho ai:<- 3aid avrri' Ti 9e\€is ; Keym "^ \avTf^°] EtTre, Iva to he'r: SVhat wilt thou ■ She ir.ys fto hi. .;■] Say, that Kadij/ may Bit these the two sonr: ofmCj one at right a-ov, Kai els | (svoivvfjLwv - eup of" ine you shall drinks the but t si' al right fjLOV xai e| suwuviuLis}'^ ;^ vk eeri ' -I'.rv Sovt^at, of mo and at left of me, not is mi".j to r;iTC, oAA.' oh 7]T0iiJ.a(TTat viro r v ircrpos jacvo but to whom it has been prepared by the -athrr cfnc. 24 Kat aKovtravrea ot SeKU, r)yauaKTr)^av Tspt And having heard the ten, were angry on account'of TO)!/ 5vo a5€A*:a^ :'» » k'na2dem, and had come 'v^ By}'(payrf itp^? otc »(cu sXaiwu, totc <5 tf Bethpha? by the mountain of the olive-trees, then the l7)(rovs aireareiAe Suo /j.a6r]Tas, \eyu>v avtois' Je?u8 sent away two disciplec, saying to them: 2 TioptvQ-qn ets TT/f Kcafx-qv t7]v airevavri v/xcav, ■<< au may go to the village the over against you, Kai (vdews €uprj and all has been done, that irXripcoOrj to p-qQ^v dia rov vpocpriToVy might be fulfilled the word spoken through the prophet, KeyouTOS' ^''EiTrare tt? dvyarpi'^ictjy ISov, Bavin"; "Say to the daughter ofZion; Lo, 6 fiacriKeus trov epx^Tai prayer. rri the iri(TT€voyTes, believing, aiTTjafjre you shall ask you shall receive. ^ Kai fkdovTL avT(i} eis to hpop, TrpocrrjKdov *■ And having come to him into the temple, came auTcp oiSaaKovTi ol apx'-^p^i'^ ^ai ol irpea^vrepoi to him teacliing the high-pnests and the elders Tov \aov, Kiyoures' Ev ivoia. e^ovcria ravra ol the people, saying; By what authority these (thmgs) TTOieis ; Kai T IS .n8weniig Baid; I lord, and not went. ■*' TtS €K TCOV 8vO €TT0l7)(rc TO flfATJ/Ua TOV TTaTpOS', Who of the two did the will of the father? Aeyoutrt;/ *[auTaj*] 'O ivpccros. Aeyei avrois & They say [to him;] The first. Says to tlirm the \7)aovs' Ajxriv keyw v/liiu, oti ol reKojuai nai Jeausi Indeed I »ay to you, that the tax-i;atherer9 and ai iropuai irpoayovcrtu v/xas us rrji^ fiacri\€iav the harlots go before you into the kin;;dom TOO deov. ^^ HA06 yap -rrpos ufxas lojavuris fv of the God. Caiue for to you John in 65rp 8iKaioa'vi/7)Sy Kai ovk iTriar evcrar e avTcf ol a way of righteousness, and not you believed him j the 8e reXwvai Kai at nopvai iiriaTevaai^ auTw' out tax-gatherers and the harlots believed him; vfjifis 5e iSofTES ov /j,€TeiJ.€\ri67]Te vcrr^pov, tov you and seeing not repented iffterwards, of the TncTTeufTai avTw. to beheve him. ^AWriu irapa^oXTju aKovfraTe' *[Ai'6pcti7ros] Another i>arable hear you i [A man J 1JV oiKoSecTTTOTrjs, dcTTis efpvTevcrev afiirekcova, was a householder, who pl«n(ed a vineyard, Kai of him. And having t.-ik£r, him, they cast out Tov auTreXctiVOS, KaiaireKTeivav. ^'Orav ovu of the vineyard, and killed. "WTien therefore €A07? 6 Kvpios rov a/xTreKccyos, ri Troirjaei may come the lord of the vineyard, vthat wiU he do Tois yewpyois cKeivoisi "^^ Aeyov(Tiv auTO}- to the husbandmen to those? They say to him; KuKOVs KaKOJS airo\€crei avrovs' Kai rov afiire- ■Wretches wretchedly destroy them ; and the vine- \(cva e/cSojo-erat aWois yecopyois, oItlvcs airo- yard will let out toother husbandmen, who will ^(aa-ovfTiv avTcp rovs Kapirovs ev rois naipois render to hini the fruits in the se.isons avrojv, '*'A676t avTois 6 lT](rous' OvS^irore of them. He says to them the Jesus; ^ Never au^yvwre (:U rais ypacpais- '^Aidov o: aireSoKi- have you read in the writings: "A stone which rejec- fia thej' J thrust him out of the VINEYARD and killed him. 40 When, therefore, the OWNER of the VINEYARD comes, what will he do to those OCCUPANTS?" 41 They reply to him, J ■' He will put those wretches to a \\Tetched death, and will lease the VINEYARD to Other Cul- tivators, who Mill render him the eruits in their SEASONS." 42 Jesus says to them, "Have you never read in the SCRIPTURES, tJ'A ' Stone, which the build- 'ers rejected, the same 'is made the Head-stone 'of the Corner; this Je- 'hovah has effected, and 'it is wonderful in our ' Eyes ?' 43 Because of this, I tell you, X That the king- dom of God will he taken from you, and given to a People who wiU produce its proper fruits. 44 J And he who falls on tliis STONE, will be bruised; and him, on whom it shall fall, it will crush to pieces." 45 And the high- priests and Pharisees having heard his para- bles, knew that he was speaking about them. 46 And seeking to ap- prehend him, they feai-ed the CROWDS, for they es- teemed him as a Prophet. CHAPTER XXII. 1 And Jesus contin- uing to discourse to them in Parables, said, 2 "The KINGDOM of the heavens may be com- pared to a Royal Person, who prepared a Marriage festival for his son, 3 and he sent his ser- t 42. " A Stone, which the builders reiected." An expression ^f i-o^«^„f'^^°\J^^.X\^ who findm- a stone, which hem? tried in a particular place, and aiipearing impropei C^t is thrown iside and another taken : however, at last, it ni:iy happen that the very I?^^i which had 4en before Serf, may he found the most suitable as the h,ad stone ofihe tvmer. — Clarke. X 39. John xis. 17, 18 ; Heb. liic. 11-13. t 41. Mark xii. 0 ; Luke xs. 16. cxviu. 22 ; Acts ; 1 Pet. ii. T- X 43. Matt vui. 12 ; Luke xiu. 28, 20. viii. 14, 15: Dan. ii. 34, 44, 45. t 42. Psa. t 44. Tea. Chap. 22: 4.] MATTHEW. [CTiajo. 22: 13. Ko\(?'-3: Tovs KeKXr]jX€uovs eis rovs yafious' to ^-ill the having been invited to the marriage-feasts Kot ovK 7)de\ov €\9€iu. "* IlaAiu a7re(rT6tAep and not they would to come. Again he sent aWovs SovKovSy Xeyww EtTrare rots K€K\rj/x€- other slaves, saying; Say to the having been vois' ISow, TO apifTTov fxov T)Toi^a(Ta° 01 ravpoi called; Lo, the dinner ofine I prepared; the bullocks fxov Kai ra aiTiTra nQvfxcvay Kai iravTa eToifxa' ofineand the fadings having been killed, and all (tilings) ready, SeuTC ets tovs yajmovs. ^ Ol 5e afxe\r]' 'Erotpe, ttods 01 marriage: and he says to him: Friend, how iiariXBes ojSe, ^in] ex^^ evSvfia yafiov ; 'O didst thou enter here, not having a garment of marriage: He Se €(piixw6r). '^ Tore etTrev 6 fia(Ti\evs but was struck speechless. Then said the kin'g Tois SittKoi^ois' AT}(rauT€S avTOv trodas Kai to the servants: Having bound ofhim feet and X^ipas, apaT€ avTov, Kai e/c/SaAere eis to (TKotos hands, take him, and cast into the darkness TO c^wTepow eK€i fffTai 6 KXavOfxas Kai 6 the outer: there shall be the weeping and the VANTS to call THOSE wllO luid been invited to the TK.sTiviTiEs; and they refused to come. 4 Again, he sent Other Servants, saying, 'Inform THOSE who are invited, JEehold, I have prepared my ENTEKTAIMIKNT; my OXEN and tatlings are killed, and all ia ready; come to the festival.' 5 But they, disregard- ing it, went away, one to his ( WN Farm, and one to his MERCHANDISE ; 6 and the rest seizing his SERVANTS, insulttd, and killed them. 7 *And the king was indignant ; and having sent J his military for- ces, destroyed those mur- derers, and bm-ned their CITY. 8 He then says to his servants, 'Tlie enter- tainment indeed is rea- dy, but THOSE who have been invited, were :]: un- worthy. 9 Go, therefore, into the public roads, and whoever you may Jind, invite to the nuptial- feasts.' 10 And those servants went out into the roads, and brought together all that they met, Good and Bad ; and the feast was well supplied with guests. 11 Now the king hav- ing entered to view the guests, saw there a Man t not clothed with a Wed- ding Garment ; 13 and he says to him, ' Friend, how earnest thou here, not having a Wed- ding Garment?' And HB was struck speechless. 13 The KING then said to the servants, 'Bind his Hands and Feet; take him, and thrust *him into the outer dark- ness ;' there will he the WEEPING and the gnash- ing of TEETH. • Vatican Manuscbipt. — 7. And the king was indignant. 18. bim. t 4. Prov. ix. 2. : 7. Dan. ix. 26, t 8. Acts xlii.46. J U. 2 Cor v.S; Rev. iii. 4; xvi. 15; six. 8- )Criap. 72: U.] MATTHEW. [CVwxp. 22-. 24. fipvy/xos Toov odouTooy. ^'^UoWoi yap eici jrnashing of the teeth. M;my for are kXtjtoi, oXiyoi Se eKAcKTor called, few but picked out. ^"Tore TTopevdeuTes ol ^apioaioi crvixfiovKiov Then having gone tUe Pharisees counsel 'Kafiou, diras aurov TrayiSeucroiicnv €v Aoyca. took, how him th«,y might insnare in word. '•"Kai airorrTe\\ov(Tiv avrw tovs jxaQ-qras aur(av And they sent away to him the disciples of them M€Ta TOOV 'lip(i}^'.avwv, Kiyoi^T^s. AiSacTKaXey trith the Herodians, saying, O teacher, ot5aiJ.€v, 6ri aXrjdrjs et, kui rr}V oBoy rov «e know, tliat true thou art, and the way of ihe Q^ov ^v a\7]d€ia Si5acr/f6£s, kui ou fisXei cot God ,a truth thou teachest, and jot there is care to thee Trepi ovSi^vos' ov yap jSAeTreiy (is irpoo'dOTrov about no one; not for thou loosest into lace 'xp6p(viv(»iv. ^'^EiTe ovu riixiv^Ti CToi Sok^i ; Ol men. Say therefore to us, what to thee seems right? f^ecTTi Sovyat. h:7]UfTou Kaicrapi, 7] ov ; ^^ Tvovi IS it lawful to give tribute tc Cesar, or nof Knowing 5e 0 \T}aovs tt]^ irov-qpiav avrcoy, enre' Ti /ue Sut the Jesus the vickedness ot ihem, satd; Why me ireipa^ere viroKpirai ; ^^En-jSei^aTe yuot ro teiDptyou byiiocrite.s? Show you tome the vofiKT/iia rov Kr}V(Tcu, Ol Se irpocrnveyKav aurtt} coia of the tribute. They and brought to him ^■qvapiov. ^Kai \syei aurois' Tivos rj eiKccv a denarius. And he<':iy« to *hein , Of w lioui the likeness xbrrj Kai t] eTnypa(prj , '•'^ Aeyovcriy *[_avT'o'J this and the iujonpiion? Tney say | to him,] Kaio'apos. Tore A^ysi avrois' Airo^ore ovu Of Cesar. Then he Kays to them . Give you back then TO KaLtrapos HatcTapi' Kai ra rov Oeov the (things) of Cesar to Cesar; and the (things) of the God rca dey. ^' Kac aKOvaavres edav/xacraw Kai to the God. And having heard they wondered; and a(p€VTes avTov aw^XQav- leaving him they departed. ^ Ej/ eK€ivr} T77 rj/nspix irpo^'i)\6ov avTcp 2a5- In that the day came to him Sad. Soufcaioi, ol \eyovTes, fxr] eiuai. avaarairiv' Kai ducees, they saying, not to he a resurrection ; and eirrjpwTTjTay aurov, ""* \eyov7 Ti,- AiSacr/caAe, they asked him, saying; O teacher, Moxrrjy eiirev " Eaj/ ris airodisvp fj.r) eyccv Moses said; "If anyone should dm not having reKva, eiriyafM0pevTos, yafjirjfras, ereAeuTTjcre* brothers: and the lirst, having mtorried, died: Kai fX7] 6x a5e\(pCf} avTOv. "*' 'O^uotajs Kai 6 Sevrepos, to the brother ofliim. Likewise also the second, Kai 6 Tpnos, ccas rwv eiTTa. *' "tcmpov Se and the third, tUl the seven. After and trai/TCtiv airedaue Kai r] yvvt], "^Y^v rr) ovv cfall died also the woman. In the therefore uvafTTaa^i, tluos tcov eirra earai ywr); Travres vliom of the seven shall be a wife? all '^ ATTOKptOeis 8e o l7](rovs Answering and the .Tesus eiirev avTOis' n\avauscript.-:>0 ofGoD-^mii. 30. heaved. 32. He is not the God 35. and saym^-omK. 3/. And ue said. 88. the great and First Comm:indmen<; I 32. Exod. ■ " - - - ui. 28. •'"' -"^ ■'"•^■»» «»iju xiioi, v.,umiu;niuniern* i. iii. 6; Mark xiL aflj Luke xx. .37 ; Acts vii. 32 ; Heb xi. 16. t 34 Mai* : 33. Luke X. 25. ; 37. Deut. vi, 5 ; Luke x. 27. Ckap. 22 s 39.] MA1THEW. [Chap. 23 : 5 ad 7i-orX, coaasrcDcTllxato iieoenO ond like to it : " 'iliou dbalt, love ioC neighbor O-ihcCj as thyself." ^'-' Cj/' 'r'^wTGwS "irais Svct j' eyroAaes <5Aos 6 vojuos In obcso oI\C two commandmcnto whole the law SXX^ the *>rophet8 are hung. ■^^uz'Tj^/Ltej/O)::^ Se Twi/ ^apKTaioiV, eTrTjpwTTjav r Saving been assembled and of the Pharisees, asked uvrovs ^ Irjcrovs, '^'^ Aeywv Tt vfiiv So/cet nept them the jfesus, saying; Whattoyou thinks about rov Xpicrrov: rivos vtos eari; Asyovaiv the Anointed? of whom a son is he? They say avr(f Tov AoutS. ^ A^yei avrois' Tlws ovv to him; Of the David. He says to them; How then AaviS €J/ iruevfiaTi Kvpiov avrov KaXei; Xeywv' David in spirit Lord of him calls? saying; *^ " EiTrei' 6 Kvpios rcf Kvpicp [xov KaOov e/c ^'Said the Lord to the Lord of me; Sit thou at > 9e|t£uj' fiov, €ws av Boo rovs exGpovs (rov vito- right of me, till I may place the enemies of thee afoot- voSioy Twv iroSwv l\OVai TC TTjV TTpOlTOKXlCTiaU iV TOIS them;] they love and the upper couch in the Seitrpois, Kai Toy irpwroKadedpias ev rais avva- feasts, and the first seats in the syna- ycoyais, 'Kai rovs acnra(riJ.ovs ei/ Ta:s ayopais, go^^ues, and the salutations in die markets, Kai KaXeicrQai vivo twu auQpwtruiv pa^^i, and to be called by tne men rabbi, *[^oj8i8i.] ^ 'T/zets Se ixt] KArjOrfTe pa^fii- cis [rabbi.] You but not may be called rabbi ; one yap eo'Ttz/ v/xeau 6 KadriyqT-qs' itavr^s 5e v/x^is for is of you the leader; all but you a8e\(poi iffTi. ^ Kai irarepa /xtj KaKearjre v/jlcov brethren are: And father not you may call of you CTTt T7JS yrjs' els yap etmi/ 6 ttottj^ vixojv, 6 on the earth : one for is the father o( you, he I iv rois ovpauois. ^^ Mrjde K\r]dr}T€ Ka6r}yrfTar in tlie heavens : Neither be ye called leaders : €is yap vfxwv e io? tho gold, or the temple. Chat sanctifying he | Xpvcrov; ^^ Kar Os €c:p Otxcarj :v •'■cf Quariatx- ' gold? Also; Whoever may swear by the .Jtarj rripicp^ ovdeu eariy os 5' av o/j-oar) sv rep . nothing itis; who bui ever may cwea? br ;ho Scopcp T((> STravu avTov, 0(f)€i\ei, ^'■* Mwpoi kui j gift that upon it, he is bound. Ofoolc and rvcpXor ri yap /xci^ov; to dwpov, 7} ro blind; which for gruater? tho gift, or the OvcnafTTTjpiou, to ay la^ov to Bcopov ; 20 '•q ^^j, altar, ihat sanctifying the r;iit -, He then ofMoaas ^v rq) dvcnaaT-qpicf, jp.vvei ev avTcp xai swearing by the aitar, sweaiT; by it :ind fv Tracrt tois etravo} avTov ^i ^ai ^ o/uLOfras Dy all the (things} unoa it; and he 3we;u-ing eu T(f yaw, op.vv€i qv avTcp Kac cv Top Karoi- oy tho temple, swears by it and by the (one) having Kr](ravTi avTov '^^ Kai 6 ojJLorras &v Tea ovpav^o, inhabited it, and he swearing by the heaven; o/xvuei tsv Tc: Qpovw tov deov Kai, jv to Kadr)" sweai-s by the thione of tlie God auu by tlio (onej sit° p.r]i/o) firaud) avTOV, Uu^ ■-pou :"t. '^Ovat vfjLiv, ypcifxpaTeis :\or oi 8iv\i^ vt€S QOt to omit. Guides blind; tho straining ou'^ '■QV Kwvcaira tt,v Ss KafirfKop KaTawivovTes, the gnat the but camel swallowing do'TC ^ Ovai vp.iVf ypafifxaTeis Kai ^apicaioi^ virotc- Woe to you, scribea and Pharisees, -lypo- fUTar 6ti KaOapi^eTS to e|w&eix tov yrovrjpiov srites; because you cleanse the oatoidc aCtlic cup {Chap. V : 2jh make him o Son of Go- henna, doublv more tixat 2 C Woe ta vou, % blin^ Guides rou '7ho pay. To rweai by ,he iempli;. it i'.^ icthinit. ; out to swear h-'/'^.r.c GOLD o 'he Tii!]a;= PL2, i*is bindinfi;. i7 Foolish and Blincii for M'Lich ia taovf sacr-id, — th** GOLD, J or THAT TEMPLE • W. Ich COKS"- CKATED the GOLD i 1" .ind, to .:wear by the .*XT.\G. 't is nothing ;' but to swe:i by that dffeE' INO \yliioh is upoiv it i. binding. 19 Foolish and Blind:' for which is more cacrecl, — the OFFEKlNCr. i or THAT ALT.Rwhic?. CON". si;cr,ATE^ tne orFEEiNG? 20 He therefore who :;WEAEs by the iT-^R, makes oath by it, nul \yj aL things on it ! 21 and HE who sw::ars '.^^y the TEMPLE; lakes oatii b : it, and by him who DWELT in ^t; 2S and HE wllO SWEARS *ay HEAVEN, makes oath by :;:the THRONE of God, and oy him who sits on it. 23 Woe i( woUj Scribes and J. 'lariseeSj Hypo- crit3s' JBecause X;upay tithe of MiNTj ttni j;ill and cuioiiK, 'bnt neg- lect the MOEi; IMPORT- ANT matteis jf the, — JUSTICL:, COMPASSION, and i'AiTi:. These thmga you ought to practise and not to omit those. 2^1 Blind Guides', twho filter out the gnat, yeit . swallow the camel. 3 j Wou to ou. Scribes and Pharisees, Hypo- critiis X Because you pu- rify the OUTSIDE of the CUP and the disk, but • Vaticaii M.'.nusckipt, — 17. which c-jnsrcbatkd. t 24. An allusion to t^c custon of the .Tews 'also Grcelts and Romans) "f passing thei» .vines through a strainer. The Jew did it from religious crupLes tht Gentiles frora sleanliness. t 16. Matt. XV, 14. ;■; 27. Exod. xsx. 29. t 19. Exod. x^-ix, ?. i 25. Matt V. S4. J 2;i. Ivuke xi. is. J 23. 3 Sara sv.SSs Micah vi.tti Matt.sii.7. ,t. ;''a Mark vii. 4; J.ukc si. :;0. Ouip. 23". 26.] MATTHEW. [C%ap. 23. 35. KOI TT)s Trapoipidos, ecruOev 5e ycfxov06// fx€v (paivovrai wpaioi, eacoOsv Se which without indeed appear beautiful, within but ytfj.ov(riu ocrrecov veKpcuv Kai 7ra(T7]5 aKaOapirias^ are full of bones of dead and of all uncleanness. -^^OwTOJ Kai vfxds f^coOeu jxev (paiveade tols So also you witliout indeed appear to the avQpooTtois SiKaioij ccrwdeu Se fiecTToi eaire vtvok- men just, withm but full are of hy- pimcus Kai avofjLias, pocrisy and of lawlessness. • '^ Ovai vfxiv, ypa/xfxaTeis Kai ^apt(raioi, vttck- Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-» pi'^ar Sti oiKoSofxeire rovs racpous twv Trpj(prj'^ critesj because you build the touibs of the propliotfls TcvUy Kai Kocrix€LT€ TO fjLvrjfieia T(/}U SiKaicav^ and adorn the monuments of the just, ^'^ Kai \iyere' Ei rjfxeda fv rais Tifxepais rz-yv and say; If ne had been in the days o^ths irarepcav T}ix(av, ovk av Tjueda koivcdvoi avrwv fathers of us, not wehadbeeu partakers of them eu Ty aiiJ.aTi Twu Trpocfyr^Toou. ^^'ClcrTe fxaprv- in the blood of the prophets: So that you psire eavTois, 6ti vloi e(rT6 twv (pouevTauruv testify CO yourselves, that sons you are of the having killed Tovs irpocpriTas. ^^ Kat v/j.eis irXrjpctxraTe to the propliefs. And you fill you the fi^rpov Twu TcaT^puiv vjjlwv. ^0hcts, niul wise men, and sc.ilies reis' Kai e^ avroov aTroKTeveire Kai (rravpoj- and out of them . i.i will kill and willcru- (TerCf Kai c| avTcov fxa(TT lywcrcre ev tuls eify, and out of thciu you will scourge in the orvvayco-vais v^wv Kai StcofeTe oto iroKeccs eis synaiTOguea ofyou and pursue from city to iro\iu' ^ oncos €^9r] eu Gitting MI.C. of him -.ipon the mountain of tho to the BLOOB of X Zecha- riali, tSon of Barachiah, whom you will murder let ween the sanctuary an I the altar. 36 Indeed, 1 say to you, That all these things will come upon this gene- ration. 37 JO Jerusalem, Jeru- salem ! destroying the PROPHETS, and stoning THOSE SENT to thee, how often have I desired to assemble thy child- ren, as V. Bird collectis her irouNG under her WINGS ! hut you would not. 3G Behold, your habi- tation ic left to you; 39 for I tell you. You shall not see me from this time, till you shall say, X ' Blessed he he who 'COMES in the Name of ■ Jehovah.' " CHAPTER XXIV. ' 1 X ^^^ Jesus being come out was going from the temple °, and his disciples came to show him tlic buildings of th;. temple. )i And * HE answering, raid to them, "Do you no^ :^ee all these things i I assure you, J There shall not be left here a Stone upon a Stone ; all will be overthrown." 3 And as he was sitting on the MOUNT of olives. * Vaticak Manuscript. — 38. a desert — omit. 2. HB answering, said. V 85. There arc ..variety of opinions among critics, as to ■^•'ho is here meant. Some tnmS '5t is the Zechariah, son of Jelioiadah, meutioued in 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 21 ; but this leaves thft 3cws innocent of the blood shed durin.? nearly nine centuries of the most scandalous years of their history. Others think reference is here made to " Zechariah, the son of Bereehi&li and the grandson of Iddo," Zech. i. 1 ; of whose murder mention is made in the Targum. or Zechariah, the son ?f Hiddo. in the House of the Lord's sanctuary, because he endeavored to withdraw you from your lOviJ. ways ?'"' This Zechariah lived some 320 years after the one previously mentioned, yot :. -jeriod of over .5(XP years of Jewish history is left out. Were not the Jews more r-sponsiblcSr innocent blo(^d shed during thelast preceding five centuries of their histor;., than they could be for blood rhed hef jre the deluge ? Others are of opinion that Jesur spo! ? this nrophetically of that Zechariah who was massacred "in the middle o' the holy place," three" years before the final destruction of Jerusalem. Of him, Josephus cays, he was ajust man. Thus Abel was the iivst, and this Zechariah, the last just person, wbose blood being spilt upon the land, should be required of that generation. This view agrees with tho context, and recorded facts; and in agreement with the eaxae, ephoneusate, Gword in the first aorist tense, has been thrown into the future, instead of the past. , t 85. 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 21. 1 1. Mark xiii. 1 ; Luke xxi. 5. JR?. I'Ukexiii.34. I 2. Luk:xix.44. t 39- Psa. cxviii. 2G; Matt, x.\L ». Cfiap. 24t 4.] MATTHEW. [Cfuip.2i: 1& r, vpocrfKOov avref> ol ftaOriTai /car' idiav, •live tiee«, ' . eamo -^ to hiin the diuiplca privaldjr, Ae^oin-es* «Ei;rt Tj;ui», irore ravra crrai ; Kae tMjinfi TeQ to ua, when tbeae (things) sh&ll be? «ad Ti TO ffij/xeiou TTjs (rrjs vapovaias nai ri]t wbst tho ugn ofth« thy . presence &nd of the KTvyrfKcias tov aiwfos; ^Kau airoKpideis b -•ad, of the agcf And antvrehng the Jiftrovs , f.TTey avToiy BXeTrere, .fi-q ris^vfias Jesa* " aaid to thezn ; Take heed, not miy one you - v\ayr}(TTj. ^ IToAAoi 'yap (Xevcovrat . €v< rij* cu/ deceive. Many for shall come ■ ia the oyo/tari ^u, Aeyoj^&s* Eya> €i^t 4 Xpicrros' nam* j ^efme, aayiag; 1 • am the Anointed; cat voAAovs ir\au7)'rov(rt. * McAXTjcreTC 5e •od. ^ mamf they shall deceive. 'ton shall be abou^ and ] 6poii(xQ '^([Trai'TaJ yeueardar «io( you be disturbed i it behove* for [all] ^ ' to ta(e ptaca; [UW' QUITO} icri TO TcAoy. ' EyepBr](rtTai yap but not yet is the end. ' Shall be raued vp for tOyos €irj cOvos, fcat ^SacriAeta eiri PaniXfiay Kat oaliob'>a»ain«t nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and 4(royTai Kifiotf *f'Kot Ao<)L4,d(,J Kat aficrfioi Kara tikere shall be famines, [and plagues,] and earthquakes in TOTTovs. ? riavTo Se . TavTa opxv u^if'wv. places. All bat' these a beginoing of sorrows. ^ToT^ Trapa^u&ovffiv vfias eis OXiil^iv, uai airoK- Th«n thty shall deliver up ^yoa t«' - affliction, aiKl sliall Tfvouo'fj' fi/xat* KOi t^'ecrOe fjLKrovfxfvoi vno ,kiU JOHi. and youshalllM bcnig hated Ly vavToiy rctnr eOvuv dia ro ovona fiov ■11 of the nations on account of Ihf namg ,ofme.. *" Kai TOT€ (roi»acb A»"j. ** Kai iroWoi }lievZovpo *^Keu Kr\pvxQ'f)ff(Tai end, tltesame liall ba caved. And shall be publubeil TovTo TO eva77«A»oji' ttjj PaaiXttas (v S\rf rri , 'this tbs glad tiding* oftha kingdom in' trhoie the ^iKovfifirpt €iy fxaprvpiov racrt rots tBv«n'' Kat habitable, for* a testimony to ell Iha oation* i ' aod roTS v^et TO TfAoj. ^'Orav ovv ""iStjt^ to tKeo shall come th.a ^^ end. Wh*a tb«9ibfay'»uma^«ec the 'PSe^Kvyfia rrn tprjuacrews, ro ; pr)dey abomination of the desolatioa, the wqnIltatlBgbeenspoIien the DISCIPLES came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when theso things will ber" and " What will be the sign of TUT presence, and of the CONs'uHilAXlOM of the AGE ?" .;,v 4 And Jesus replying to them, said, J "Beware, that no one deceive you; 5 for many will assamff my NAME, saying, ' i am' the Messiah;' and will deceive many. 6 And you vill soon hear of Conflicts, and Re- ports of Battles; but take care that you be not alarmed; for these things must occur ; but the end is not yet. 7 For Nation will rise against Nation, and King- dom against Kingdom ; and there will be in vari- ous places, Famines and Eartliquakes. , ..■' 8 Yet these are only » Beginning of Sorrows. 9 ]:Theu th€y,will de- liver you up to afllictlon,' and will destroy you ; and you will be detested hy Ait the NATIo^s, oi» ac- count of my NAUE. 10 And then J^Ianj^ willl)c insnared, and will betray their associates/ and abhor them.. .11 And X Many False Prophets will ajise, and will deceive M^ny ; 13 and because ViCB will abound, the lovb of the MANY will cool. . IS t But IIK who PA- TIENTLY ENDURES to the £nd, will be s^ved. _ \i And These XohAD TIDINGS of the KlNGUflH wi be published in the WiiOle HABITABLE, for a testimony to all the na- tions ; and then will the END come.' ' - 15 When, therefore, yon shall sec, stationed on holy Ground, tuaT de- &TBUCTIVK X ABOUINA* • Vaticas Mahoscbipt.— fl. aU — omit. 7. wid plagues — onut. 1 *. Eph. V.6; I Johnlv. 1. ■ t 0- Marlcziil.O; Lake xxi.I>: John x7. 20. 1 10. ^lm.1.15. t n. Aotaxx.2g| t IX Matt. x.t2. t 14. liatt.iv.!»( B9m.z.l8itx.»i CoLL« 83, .{ Ife- PaB.ix.S7i xiUlL ' Chap. 24 s 16.} MA/rrHE\v„ IC'hap. 24: 27. Kai 0 eu TO) aypc;}, jmt] and he in the field, not hia Aavir}\ rov irpocbriTov, earws ev tottco through Daniel the pruphet, having stood in place ayiw (6 avayivicffKwv voeiTO}) ^^ tot€ ol eu holy: (he reading let him think :) then they in r-p IoLi5ata, (p^vyerwcrau eiri ra opr]' ^' o the Judea, ' let them flee to the mountains: he J CTTi Tov Swfxaros, fJ.r] KaralSatveTco, apai ra eK \ upon the roof, not let tim go down, to lake the out of j rr)s oiKias avrov tlie liouae of him i eTTirrrpe^l/aTU) ottktm, - ,'1. i Ta Ifiana avrov. let n'.m turn back, to cake the mantle of him. ^^OujLt 6e rais tv yaarpi exovaais Kai tais Woe and to the in womb having and to the 6r]\a(ovcrais ev eKiit/aisrais ripL^pais. "^ Ilpo(T- giviTig.uck in those the days. Pray evx^o'Qf: 5e, lua /xt] yeurjrai. t} (pvyrj vfx.wp voa and, that not Joay be the flight of you ;^et;Uwvos, /xrjSe (rajS^anp, -^ Earai yap Tore ofwu-ter^ nor in sabbath. Shall be for then 0\i-^iS fieya\7], ola ou y(:yoveu air' o.pxvs nfflictiou gr^at, sucn as not has been from a beginning Koraov Icoy rov vvv, cuS' ov fxt] yev-qrai, "Kai of world till the now, uor not not may be. And 6fi fjif] eKo\o$'j)dricrau al T]ix(:pai sKetvai, ovk av except, were shortened the days those, not should eawdri vara crap|° 5:a 5e tows e/fAe/cToys o( saved all flesh; on account ol but the chosen KoKo0w6ri(Tovrai at rjfxepai CKetuac, -^Tore eav shall be shortened the days those. Then if Tis vp.iv ciT7)° 'l5oi/, wSe 6 xpio-ros, 77 cLSe- firj any to you shoufldnay; Lo, here the anointed, or hero; not TrtfTTfutrrjTe. ^'^Eyepdrjaovrai yap ypev^oxptcroi believe you. Shall be raised for false anointed ones Kai ipevBoTrpoaiverai ews Svcfxcoy, ovrccs jastj and shinee to west, so TioN, which is spoken of throu^li Daniel the PROPiiET," (READKB, at- tend!) 16 t"then let those in Juu.TjA escape to the MOUNTAINS ; 17 let not HIM who is on the KOOF descend to take the things from his house; 18 and let not him who is in the field, return to take his mantle. 19 X l^ut alas for the pregnant and the nurs- ing WOMEN in Those days! 20 Pray, therefore, that your FLIGHT be not in tlie Winter, nor on a Sab- bath; 21 for X tlien there will be great Distress, such as never happened from the beginning of the world till NOW, iir, lor ever will be. 22 X ^^^ unless those days were cut short, No One could survive ; but on account of the cho- sen, those DAYS wiU b^ limited. 23 X If ^ny one should say to you th^eu, ' Behold ! here is the Messiah,' or! ' there ;' believe it not ; 24 because False Mes- siahs and I'alse Prophets will arise, who will pro- pose great Signs and Prodigies 5 so as to de- lude, if possible, even the chosen. 25 Remember, I have forewarned you. 26 If, therefore, theV say to you, ' Behold, he is in the desert!' go not forth; or; 'Behold, he is in secret apartments !' beheve it not. 27 + For as the light- ning emerges from the East, and shines to the + 16 Not only tV>e temple, and the mountim on which it stood, but the wliole city of .Tei-u- salem, and several furlongs of land round about it, were accounted holy. t 16, Jose- phus and Eusebius inform us that when the Romans under Ccstius Gallus made their first advance towards Jerusalem, they suddenly withdrew again, in a most unexpected and in- deed impolitic manner; at which Josephiis testifies his surprise, since the city might then nave been easily taken. By this means they gave as it were a signal to the Christians to retire; which, in regard to this admonition, they did, some to Pella, and others to Mount Vibanus, and ttereby preserved their lives.— Doddnrf^^e. 1 19. Luke xxiii. 29. J 21. Dan. ix. 26. t 22. Isa. Ixvi 8, 9. t 28. Mar> xni. 21 i Luke xvii. 23 ; xxi. 8. }27. I ^ke xvii. 2*. €fu^..ii:2S] MATTHEW. lamp. 54: ST .h.ill ho a^»u (he (r o^tnice of the aoa oflbe uim. '•^ Otto -J ^[70^] fcy tj TO-irTUfza, e/rft awax" VVkcre (fyj evcc rosy be the c.irci»>, tliere kiI' lo 6T]cTovTai ol aeroi. '■'EvOiws 5e /uera rrjyd\i\pts^ gM'.toni the eagles. linuicJiaKl/ Ixit aficr the nQliciioa vttttf days those. the »ua shall be darkened, Kai 7] a€\T]tn^ ov Swcei to <1 tha moon not ihillgive (he li^ht ofber, aod ci acTTfpes TreTovvTat crffo tov ovpavou, uai at "Jte' start (hall fall £rom the keateo, and the Zvuafji€is Twv ovpapojv aaXsvOrjcotn-ai. "^Kat pou'ers oftlis hcsvcns shal/ be blia^en. And T/1TU tpavy)(Terai to ar,ix^iov tov vlov tov- «iu-n shail nppear the. ' sign ' ofilxj tc-u of the av6pcx)-n-ou iv Tcp ovpavctr kcu Tore KOJ/'OVTot. ■lAn i* tbo hctrea: and then 6haUlaizt£).i vaaai at cpvXai ttjs yr]s, nat o^ourat tov vtnv (ul tbo tribes of the earth, acd they shall see the Gon Tou ayOpcjTTOJ epxoixiVQU eiri ruv yecpeXooy tov oflho luas cojntn^ npoa the clouds of the ovpauov, fisra Svi'a/Jisujs icai So^rjs itoAAt/s* heaven, with power and glory tnttchi " Kai airo(TT€\(t tovs oyyeKovs auTOu fxeTU' I -uid ho will send the inea^eagers of him viiih CaK-rnyyos cpcuuTjs y.eyaX7]S' Kai ciricruva^oucn of trumpet a voice great; and they shall gather TOWS €K\fKTovs avTov itc Toiju Teao'apQfV avefxtov, the charable; vhen ijStj 6 K\ados avTrjs yeyrjTai airaXos^ Kai Ta (dready the' braocb oflier maybe tender,. and the fPu Wa fK(pvr)y yivctXTKeTCy oti e^yuy to .leaves mayput(oc:h, you know, that near the- €cpos' ^ OuTw Kai vfxeiSj OTav tSTjre Travxa eummrri So also jrou, when you may see all TouTa, ytvwdKiTiy 6ti eyyvs (ariv €7ri dvpais. these, know you, that near it is at doors. *^^ Aprjv Xfyw vpnv, ov jutj irapeKBrj 7) yevea Indeed I say to you, not not may pass away the generation CuTTj, eus av iravra Tavra yeyrjTai. 35 'q this, til! all these may be done. The Cvpavos Kai 7} yj] irapeKevaeTar 01 5e Xoyoi bearea ' and the earth shall pass away ^ the but '^oids fxov OV /IT} TrapcKduxTi. «f me not not may pass away, ^ Hepi Ss T7JJ 7]fx€pas fK€iU7]s Kai apas ovdeis About and the day- that end kour no one •(Sep, ouSe 0? ayye\oi twv ovpavcou, ei yui; 6 fcuows, nor tke metisengcrs of the heaven^ except the TTOTTjp fiopos. ^' 'Q,(Tir€p 5e ai 'i]fi.(pai tov Nwe, Ifotber alone. A» aad the days of tl t ^'oe. "VVcst : SO w iU l>c tli* yUEsKKCK of the scw< ol 28 Wlicrcrcr the DEA» CAECA ss luay lie, thero tlic :]; EAGLES will be col* lectcd. _ 29 And speedily aftrf the Ar^LlCTio^ -of tliose DAYS, J the SDN will bo obscured, and the mcon will witlihold lier light, and the staks will fall from heaven, and Iho rowEEs of tbe heavejijs will be shaken. 30 And the sign of the SON of man will tlien ap- pear in * Heaven; :{:and then AU the triues cf .the land will lament; and they will see the son of MAN. coming on the CLOUDsof heaven, witli ,great Majesty and Power. 31 t And lie will send his .messencebs with a loud-sounding Trumpet, and they will ,assemblo liis CHOSEN from tbo i'OUE "Winds, — from ono E.vtrenuty of Heaven to the other. 33 Now Icam a para- ble from the i'ig-tkek> When its branch is yefc tender, and puts forth leaves, you Know that SUMMER is near. 33 Thus also, when jiott shall see All these things, know, That J he is nigU at the Doors. 34 Indeed,! say to youy •Tliat this JgeneratioK' will not pass away, till All these- things be ac- complished. 35 The HEAVEN and the EARTH will fail; but my WORDS cannot fail 36 X But no one knows concerning that day and *Hour; no, not the an- gels of the HEAVENS, 'nor the son, but th» FATHER Onlv. 37 * For as tbe days •Vatican Manoscript.— 28 for-omtf. 30. Heaven. 8(L Tbat this. -8ft alour. 36. nor the son, but the fatueu only. 37. For as. ) t 28. Dwt. xxv;ii.40. t 29. Mark xiti. 24; Luke 7;xu 25; Acts li. 20. tsOl Jtev.1.7. : 31. Matt. Xiii.41; 1 Cor. xv.52;.lTbess. iv.16. 1 33 fames V-lfc » 34. .Matt. juiU 36i Mark «iii. 50 i LuliC »». 32. i ^ A«t8 Li- ^^ K.fu.p. 24; S8.] MATTHKW. ^Oiap. 34: 49. ovTws etrrat *[/coi] ^ irapovcria rov vlov rov even so will be [also] the presence of the son of the au6p(oTrov» ^ 'tlcnrep yap -qeav eu tuis rjfiepais man. As for they were in the days rots irpo Tov KaraKKvajxov irpwyovTes Kai the before the flood eating and irifOVT^s, yafxovvTes Kai eKyafii^ovres, o-xpi drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till y]s TjfLepas ei(rr)\6e Nwe ets Tr}V ki^cotov^ of which day entered Noe into the ark, ^^ Kai ovK ^yvuxTav^ ewj rjXdev 6 KaTaK\v» nujc&t and alio rait; drink with tho*^ getting Tuy ^Tj^ei i Kvpios rov iov\ov 6K€ti^ov ev dniok; ihaUcoBis the lord of the glare that la r]fi€p<^, 't) ov irp^aSoKa, kui ev copciy 'ri ov a day, ki which not he expects, and in an hour, in which act yiPwcKer *^ Kat SixOTo/xr^a-ei outcv, >. wards and came also at Konrai j.apdev:it. Xeyovcrai" Kvpie^ Kvpie, ^ix temauiinj .ircins, -aying, Olord, O lord, %yuiB,o" i/fJiiy ^- O de aTroKpiOeis enrey Afj.r]V open to u;^ u. out answering r.aid; Indeed \eycs) vfJiiyf cvK oidj.i>[Mas ^^TpriyopsiTS vy^ -CC to you. n 1 w / u. Watch you therelorej 6t^ ovk oiSure rrfy rjfJLCpaVf ovds TTjy (ti^avc b«ca«83 n t you Lnon the day, nor the hour. ^ D.(TT€p yap iyOpouTTos airo^tjfxcay eKa\€(re tovs SAke for -man goinr abroaj called h^ Siovi dovXovs, Kai irapedcvKiy avrois ra iirap- uvta slaves, r.nd delivered to them the good:: ^ovra OUT jv^ ^^ Kat '(p ficv eScoKe ireyTe OJfhiin. and to hinc indeed he gave li-.i; wa\ayTQ., 'cp 5c Zvo, 'cp Se ev eKaar^ Gn]ent«« ^o him and tw , to him and one; to each Kara Trjy iBiay huvafj.iy° Kai aireBr)iJ.7i(rey •ccordiB^.; the own power; and went abroad fu0ewSo ^^ Hopfvdeis "^[Se] 6 ra irepTe Immediately^ Going [and] he the five raXayra Xa^wu, eipya, SovXe ayaOe kou VKxre- eiri oKiya ofhiisj Well, O sla»e goud and faithful; ci-era few (thiogs) Tjs TTirroSy 6iri voWaev e own.' 26 Ilis MASTEE answer- ing, said to him, ' Wicked and indolent Sen^ant, didst thou know That I reap where I have not so^^Ti, and gather where I have not scattered ? 27 Thou oughtest then to have given my money to the bankers, that at my return, £ might have received mine own with Interest. 28 Take from him, therefore, the talent, and give it to hiM who has the ten Talents; 29 tfor to rvKRY one * Vavica:: Manuscript. — 20. upon them — omit. 22. upon thcn> — omit. X 2\. Matt. xxiv. 47 ; Luke xii. 44 ; xix. 17 ; xiii. 29, 30. iv. 25; Luko viii. 18; xix. 23. 22. having received — omit, I 29. Matt.iiii.l2; Mark ^lap. 25 : SO. ] MATTHEW. ','•«'<». 25? ■>%. yap «xovTt vavTi Sodrfcreraif Kai vepiarcrev- for having all ::halt be given, and lieghall 6r]crerar arro Be rov firj exovraSf Kai 6 fX^h abound: iiosa but the uot havin;^, even what he has, tipdr](rerai ctt' outoUo ^ Kat rou axp^i^ov fcall be taken away from him. And :hc useless dovAov 6/c|8aA.6Te as ro O'K'^tos to e^csrepov slave cast you into ',hQ darkncr . ".he outer: €K€i ecrrai 6 K\av6ixcs /cat * ii't/y/xos rcov there shall be the t;?aepiiig ::iy: 'Jac -ca-hing of the OBOUTUIU, teeth. ^^ 'Oral' §€ €A07; d utos TOy avdpcatrov ev rrj When and may come the son of the ■ an i;. the Sol?; avTov, Kai iravTes ol ayye\oi fier' avrou, glory of him, and all the messeagen with him. Tore Kadicrei cttj Qpovov So^rjs avrov, ^' Kai then shall he sit on a throne of glory of him, and 'rvvaxQ'n(^^'''('-i' f/J-T^poaOeu avrcv iravra ra e'. vrj' will be gathered in presence of him nil the.t/iona; Kat ac^opici QVTovs ott' oA.A.r/Acyj', uxnrep 6 and he will separate them from each other, as the iroi/iirjy a(popi^et tu vpofiara airo rcov epicpcaw shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; '^ Kai (TKT](rfi Ttt IJ.GV TTpo^ara 6k Se^icuf ahrov, and he will place the indeed sheep by right ofhim, TO 8e epiayeiv' e5i\p7](Ta, Kai eiroTiaare ^e° tome to eat; I thirsted, and you gave drink to ma; l^evos VI^W') f"^ (Tvuriyayere fiC -^ a stranger I was, and you entertained me Kanrepie^aKere fjL€' Tjcrdevqaa, Kai €Tre(rKe\pa(r9e and you clothed me: I was sick, rsaC ^ou visited fie- €U v\aKT) Tifiriv, tcai tiKOere -^pos fic. me: in jprison I was, anC youcaiic to me. ^ToT€ arroKpidTjffovrai avrq> oi StKaiOSj \eyov- Then shall answer to him the just ones, saying ; Te$° Kvpie, irore ffe aSofxev ireivcoura, Kai O lord, when thee we sso hungering, and iOpe^ajxev ; r\ Si\\/a)vra, Kai sirori(Taiu.€t/; ^Tlore nounshed? or thirsting, and wc gave drink? When Se ffe eiSofxev ^euovy kcj, (Xuvriyayopiiv ; tj and thee we saw a stranger, and wc jntertained? or yvff.voy, Kat Trepie^aXofieu; ^^Tlore Se ere n%1(«d, and we clothed T When and thee ^lOofiev acrOevriy rj ev (pvAaKrj, Kai T}\do^eu irpos we saw sick, or in prison, and we came to yvfxuos, naked. who HAc:, more shiJi be gii^en, and he shall abound; but from him wlio HAS not, even ihat which he has shri' be taken away. SO And thrust }ho VJf" PRoriTABLK Servant intc the OUTKE DAKKNESS: Jthcie shall be the wkep- iNC and the ^^nashinq of TIEIH. 31 JjSow when the sow of MAN shall come in hia GLOKY, and All the an- gels with him, then will he sit upon his Glorious Throne? 32 J and All the na- •I'lONS will be assembled before him. and he m^U separate them from each othei'; a? a shepherd separates the SHiiEP from the GOATS ; 33 and he will place the SHEEP at his Right hand, bu., the GOATS at his Left. 34 Jhen will the kino srj to THOSE at his Right hand, ' Come, you bles- s::d ones of my father, inhwit the kingdom J prepared for you fi'om the Formation of the World; 35 for I was hungry, and yon gave me food ; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink ; I was a Stran- ger, and you entertained me ; 36 I was naked, and you clothed ne; I was sick, and you assisted me ; I was in Prison, and you visited me.' 87 The righteous will then reply, saying, •'Lord, when did we 3ee thee hungry, and feed thee? or thirsty, and give thee drink? 38 And T.-hen did we see thcc c; Stranger, anil entertain thee ? or naked, and clothe thee ? 39 And when did we see thee sick, or in Prison, and came to thee ?' t 31. Zech. xiv. 5; Matt. xvi. 27 ; xix. 28 ; Mark vlil. 38; 1 Thess. iv. IC; 2 Thess. i. 7- Jude 14: Rev. i. 7. I 32. Rom. xiv. 10; 2 Cor. v. 10 ; Rev. xx, 12. t S4. Matt, xx 28- •Jlark X. 40 ; 1 Con li. 9 -. Keb. li. Ifl. * *"'*^ "• '"• Chap. 25' 40-3 MATT HKW. [Chap. 26. 1. ^^ Kai aiTOKpiBeis 6 ^a v/x£i/, e(p° oaoy ovk evoiTj- «aying; indeed 1 say to you, i« ae mtich not yon fvare evi tovtw!^ tojv eAax'O'TOJV^ ou5e c/lloi tUd to one of these ofthe least, neither to m_ &Troirf(raT£, "^^ Koi OTreXeucroi/Tat OVTOl €LS you did. And «hall go .iway these into KoKaaiv aiooviow oi Se diKaioi €is ^(crjy icuUing-nff agi^lasting: the and Ju&touea iuta life aiocuiov. age-la»tijig. KE*. Ks'. 26„ ^ Kat eyey^ro, drc ^Te\€(rev 6 Irjo'ovs iravTas And it happened, tvhea had finis.hed the Jesus all Tovs \oyovs TovTovs, €i7rt TOIS /jLaOyjTais avT0v° the worda these, he said to the disciples of him: ^ 0<5aTe, on /lera dvo Tifi^pas to xaax^. y^y^Tai' You know, that after two ' days the passoter comes oc: itai 6 vios Tov avdpMTov impaBiBorai ets to and the son of'tUe icau is delivered iato the 40 And the king ans- wering, will say to them. X ' lndce/1, I say to you, That since you have done it to one of These the LEAST of my BRETHREN, you have done it to me.' 41 Hd will then also say to THOSE at his Left hand, % ' Depart from me, you €UESEjD oiuis, into THAT AIONIAN FIRE, which is PREPARED for the ADVERSARY, and his MESSENGERS ; 42 for 1 was hungry, but you gave me no food ; I was thirsty, but you give me no drink ; 43 I was a Stranger, but you did not entertain me; naked, but you did not clothe me ; sick, and in Prison, but you did not relieve me.' 44 Then will they also answer, saying, ' Lard, when did we see th«e hungering, or thirsting, or a Stranger, or naked, or sick, or in Prison, and did not assist thee ?' 45 Then he will reply to them, saying, ' Indeed, I say to you, That since you did it not to one of the LEAST of These, you did it not to me.' 46 % And these shall go forth to the aionian + cut- ting-off; but the RIGH- TEOUS to juonian Life." CHAPTER XXVI. 1 X And it happened, M'hen Jesus had hnished this DISCOURSE, he said to his DISCIPLES, 2 "You know That Two Days hence comes the PASSOVER; then th.e son of MAN will be delivered up to be CRUCIFIED." t 4fl. That is, in the fire mentioned in verse iL The Common Version, and many modern ones, render )to?a«tn ■aioniorm, everlasting' pUBishment, conveying' the idea, as generally inter- preted, of 6a«ino«, torment. Kolasi'ii iji its various forms only occn*-s in three other places in the New Testament,— Acts iv.i21; 2 Peter ii.9; 1 John iv. 1S„ It is derived from kolazoo, •which signifies, 1. T»cvtoff; as lopping off branches of trees, to prune. 2. To restrain, to repress. The Greeks •write, — "The charioteer (kalazei) resti-ains nis flery steeds." 3. r» ■chastise, to punieh. To cut off an indvvdual from life, or society, or eren to restrain, is es. teemed as pTinisbment ; — hence has arisen this third metaphorical use ofthe word. The pri- mary signification has been adopted, because it agrees better with the -second member of^the sentence, thus preserving the force au-» beauty ofthe antithesis. The righteous go to life^ the wicked to the c!t«ijijr o#' from life, or d«flw. See 2 Thess. i. 9o t 4(1. Mark ix. 41. $ 41. Matt, vii. 23 ; Luke xiii. 27 1 4<)o Dan. xiL 2 ; JobM •. 2t» ; Rom. ii. 7, 8. t !« M rlr z: .<% i ; UT'Jte : tiL i , 3-jhu. juii- 1 Chap. 26: 3.| MATTHEW. to be cmcificd. Then. were sjseembleJ th« high-pri«8t9> leaf 01 ypafi;uaTet^^ Kat al irpea-^uTispoi rou Axtou, and th« scribes, arxi the eldera of the people, €is TT}P avKriv rou apxtepeces, Tcnt Ae-yojuep^w 'nto tha «onrt o^the 4igh-ppiest, that being called Kaiaphasi and they considted, tliat the- Ir^arow ^oha K^pocrrjsnDfFi. Kai o-TroKT^ivotaiv, .lestis mith deceit they nsjght s«iie and Btigh£ kill. ^'E,?i^'Yav &€' ISljf fv r-p eopTrj, ha /iTf 6offv0os Theysaid. butj Not ha the frast, thaS not a.t!iiavJ6 y^vrprat ev fca \aaro there should fee &riM)ii^ ihe people-, i'le and Jesus having armed in Beth:my, in a house ^(fjtosvos TOV AsTTotWj ' TTpocriXQ^v avrcf yvur), oi Simon the lepes, carae tohioi awoaja.'v aKa^aarpov jjuupov e%oii!Ta ^apuTijLLoVf icai an alabaster tx>x ofbalac.m having ^ leat yaiuc, aud Brarexeei* cTrt T-qi/ Keoor. Ecemin^ and the Jesus s«id' to-tiicm; Ti fcoTcov-} rrap6%ere tjj yvtraiK. ; epyav yap- Why troubles preseci :'0»» to the womatt' a roork for Kahov etpyacraro ::is e/ue. ^^Uayrors yap rous good she has wroagit for mc. Always fan tha TTTcoxovs fxeTc /Med' kaiurcov e/A6 36 ou ■rar roTe poos yottbave- with /onraelvc*: mc but not always tx^'''^' ^BoAoutra yapr auT^ ro juvpor 7ovt9 youh^ve. Having cast far she the balsam this fiTTl TOV COJ/LUXTCS ftaVf TTpV-S TO €VT Kip ia(Fai fie upon, the body of me, to the to. prepare ibi burial me ^TTCftrjo'ey. -^ Afjnjjr Xeyco vjxtv, &nov eav kt]- she did. Iiodeed I say toyoii, whersver maybe pv-x0TT TO evaryyehtov tovto, su o-Aor tco' Koa/jiev, pttblisbftd thfi glaStidmgs- this, io whole the world,. ?iaXr}67}a'eTai Kui b eironja-eu uutt)^ ■us- fz.uriiJ.o- shallbespoteT* also what did she, ^oc a.menui' aimav aurrit, >ial clhei:. ^^ ToTe Tfopev&eis s'y TatrocaZeKa o XiByofxevos Tlien, &oing one oi" the iwelv "^e being named IcvZas ICKapcuyrris, rrpos tcvj u^;^;te/T€is, ^ciTre* Judas Iscaciot, to the High-priesU^ said; T< ffeXere fxoi Souvat, Kxtyo h/j-tv Trapadca(r him, having au Alabaster box of Balsam, vei'y val oable, which she poured ert his head while re- elining at table. 8 J And *the- Disci- 5XE3 seeing it, wei"e dis- pleased. Baying, " Why this EXTSAVAGANCB f & For This might bavo ¥eeB Bold at a great price, aucl giveis t&the pooa.'" 10 Jesus kaowing it, said tO' them-, "Why d& you trouble the wom/.N. f She &as reiideredr bsiZ a kind Office, 1>; For ygn kave tl.» 3^0K always among yc; but Me jou have net always. 12 YoT m poirring tbitj BALSAM en- Hiy body, .-:hc did it to EMBALM me. 13 IndeeiJi, I say to you, Wherever tliesc GLAD TIDINGS- BDtay he proclaimed iit the whole WORLD', wha;, sli& h«» donewiE also be spoken, of to her Hemembrance "" 14 .ITheaiHAT one of the WELVE. HAMED Jn- daa Iscariof, proceeding totheHIGH-PKIESTS, 15 said,. "What are totb willing to give- me, and ¥ will deliver him -up to you?" And thet paicj him- Thirty Shekels^ * Vaticaw Mawuscript.. — ^o the i)»s€i?i,as t 3. John ri.47_;_ Acts iv. 25. _ _ J 6. Maikxiv. S)i>4r _, Jobnxi. 1. t 14. Mark jtiv. IC ;. Lul;e iixii. i; Joha xiu. 2yW^ ydl, 1~5, t 8. .'aim (Mp 26: 16.] MATTHEW. [atap.26. 26. ■yvpia of silver. 16 And from that tima he sought a fit OccasicB to deliver him up. 17 X Now on the riBsi day of the t unleavened BREAD, the DISCIPLES came to Jesus, saying, "^Tielie dost thou wish that we prepare for thee the PASCHAL SUPPER?" 18 He answered, "Go into the city to a cer- tain person, and say to him. The teacher says, ' My TIME is near; I wiU celebrate the passover at thy house, with my disciples.'" 19 And the disciples did as Jesus had ordered them ; and they prepared the PASSOVER. 20 J Now Evening be- ing come, he reclined at table with the twelve; 21 and as they were eating, he said, " Indeed, I tell you. That one of you wlU deliver me up." 22 And being extremely sorrowful, they began, each one, to ask him, " Master, is it 5 ?" 23 And HE answering, said, J "He who has ':jen DIPPING his HAND with mine in the dish, this one wiU deliver me up. 24 The SON of MAW indeed gees away [to death], % as it has been written concerning him; but alas for that MAN tlirough whom the son of MAN is delivered up! J Good were it for that MAN if he were not born." 25 Then that Judas who delivered him up, inquii-ed, " Rabbi, is it I?" He says to him, " Cfjou hast said." 26 J And as they were eating, Jesus taking *a • Vatican Manuscript.— 17- to him— omit. 22. of them— omif. 26. a LoaC 1 17. The Passover feast began yearly^ on the fourteenth day of the^first moon ir^th^e Jewj ish month "' '" ' ' ' ' ' " ^ -^^ •-'- - " ■" unleavened 1 eight days sometimes ' t 17. £,xod. xi i. 6, 18 \ Mark xiv. 12 : I-uke xxii. 7. t 20. Mark xiv. 17—21 ; Luke STii 14- John xiii. 21. t 23 Pi-a. xli. 9 , Luke xxu. 21 ; .Tohn xm. 18. I 24 1 sa. «xii'- I'-^a liii- Dan. ix.26; Mark ix. 12; Luke xxi v. 2.5, 20, 40; ActaxviuS; xxvi. 22 23- ■4i;or XV 3. t 24. Johnj:vii,i2, t 26 Mark xiv. 22, Luke xsii 16 "^ Kai aiTo T0T6 e^'Tjret evKaipiay, tva And from then he did seek opportunity, th»t avTov Trapa5(f}. him he might deliver up. ^'^Tt? Se irpuirr) t(i>v a^v/uwv Trpo in the ni^ht thic; Y^ypaTTTa: yap" '* TlaTa^ta tot' Troj/uei'a, kca it IS KUtten lor: " i -.villsmita the shepheid, and SiaaKopTiKrdrjfTeTac ra upoSaTU Trjs TroiiuLvr]s<,'' will be«catt€rod the sheep ofthe fold." '2 MeTwi 5e TO cy€pdr]uac ;Li6, irpoa^u) u/xas cis After but thi; to be raised ino, i willgo betoro you to T-qi' TaXiXaiaVo ^ ATroKpiO':is 5e 6 HeTpos "•lie Galilee, Answering and the Peter wavres J'KavoaXitrQTjffouTai ev al; rJiall be stumbled at ffoi^ eya? ovd^^iorc crKav^aXi(r6T}ao/j.aio ** Ecprj i'\c^, 1 never ii'll he itumblad. Saic'. avrcp & li^covs' A.jj.'i.v r.eyoD iroii Stc ev tgvtt^ (o him ilic Jesus: udee<.. ^say tothee, thr.t in this VT} i^'XTi, irpir -a,*cKTopCG avr]aai, rpis aTro.pvt]- ihe ■"'ight, 'jcfoip cock io have crowed, thrice thou wilt 0" ,j.6o '^A^yei c:vTCj} 6 IleTpos' Kazp Sep 3enjr me. Says to him the Peter: Andii:-.t may behove jtt€ O'vy aroi airoJaveiv^ ov firj; ere aTrapyvaofiaio mo with theo to die, not not thee I will deny. 'OfMotcas KCc irai'Tes oi fiaOTjTai etwoVo ^'* Tot€ In like manner a'.-o all the disciples said. Thf.r. €i7r<-lf aUTCj}' said to huu : u Loaf, and giving praise, he broke, and gave it tc the DISCIPLES, and said, " Take, eat ; J this is nay BODY." 27 Then taking* a Cup; vand giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying, ( X " Drin>. all of you out of it. 28 for * this is my BLOOD of the COVENANT, THAT •.vhich is POURED OUT jfor Many, for i'or- i giveness of Sins. I 2D iBut I teU you, I That 1 wiR not hcncc- I forth :lrink of Thic; pk(?- ' DUCT of the vin::, till j tlmt 3AY when I drin_ it nc with "ou in my r.'.TH:i;R's kinguom, 3L- .-ad having "ung, I they depai-ted tc the , :iOUN'.' rf OLIVES. 31 Then Jesus sayc ' to them, '='>'^c«. -.-iU All \ -tumble ou rlx, isocount, ■ this -.iGjrX'i "rov 'i ia j -.vntte::, ;'; 'I vTiill smite ! 'the :he?heej5, and the 'she::.- oij:\e i'Lock will ' be . iaperi^ed.' S'ii hzil after i am KAisUD, :';k "will precede you to Galilee." oS And Peter .tnswer- inp' . aaid to him, " If all should tJtumbie witi. jq spect to tliee, I never wilL be made to stumble.'' 34; Jesus said io him, X " Indeed, I say to thee. That This night, before f the Cocl: . crovi'', cliou -.vilt thric„^ disown me " 35 Pi;ti;u says to him, "Though doomed to die with thee, I will not dis- own Thee." And All tb , disciples said the ^aitQ. * V--TICAI* Manuscript.— 2?. a Cup. 28. this is my blood ofthe covkuani, vk-.t ^hich is pocEED out. t 3i'o That is, " befort a watch trumpet will -ound," etc. It is well known tha^i no cocks R'ere aUowei-to remain in Jerusalem during the passover feast. The llomans, whu Iiad a .ttrong guard in the castle of Antonia, which overlooked the temple, divided the night into four v.atcheSj beginning a'j r,ix, nine, twelve, and three, Mark xili. 35, alludes to this Qivi sion o: time. The two last watches wero both called cock-crowings. The Komanc relieved midnii^ho. i X. Cor. X. 16. t 27. Mark xiv, 23, J 28. Exod zxiv. S -, Lev. xvii. 17 ; Matt X".30; Heb.ix, 22. J 2C. Mark xiv. 25, _juko- "di, IC J "1. .latt, xi.Oi "Tart -iv, 27- John xvi.32. t St. Zech.xiii.7. t 32. JTatfi. nxviii. 7^ 10 i Mark ; .22^/ %•*'« 4. Mark xiv. 30i Luke x-xii. Gv, Jo!.:' niii, 38. Chap. 26: 36.] MATTHEW. [Chap.. 26: 45. aud watch you with epxerai fier' avruv 6 Irjaovs ets x^jpiov Aeyo- couics with theui the Jesus IdIo a place being ufvou reOcrrifxaur], kul \eyei rois fiaQ-qrais' tailed Gethseuiane, and he says to the disciples: Ka0iing; (7)(rau yap avTwv oi 6(j>da\fxoi fie^aprj/bievoi') (were for nfthcin the eyes weighed down ;) -^ Kai a Then tpX^TO.!- TTpos Tovs fxadrjTas auTov, Kai Xeyei becomes to the disciples of him, and says avTGiS' KaOeuSere to \onvou Kai auarravead^ ; (othem; Sleep you the remainder and rest you? iZov, TjyyiKev rj wpa, Kai u vios tov avdpwrrov lo, has come nigh the hour, and the son of the man 36 J Then comes Jesus with them into r. Place called Gethseiuane, and says to his disciples, '■ Remain here, while I go there and pray." 37 And taking with him Peter, and the Jtwo Sons of Zcbedee, he be- gan to be tilled -.vith sor- row and anguish. 38 Then lie says to them, X " My soul is surrounded with a deadly anguish ; stay here, and watch with me." 39 And going forward a little, he fefl. on his Face, % supplicating and saying, "0 my father, if it ho possible, J let this CUP be removed from mc! yet not as I will, but as tfjou wilt." 40 And he returns to the DISCIPLES, and tinds them sleeping, and says to Peter, "It is so, then, that you could not keep awake w^ith me a Single Hour? 41 J Watch and pray, that you enter not into TYiai; the spirit indeed is willing, hut the flesh is wep,k." 42 A second time reti- r ni', he supplicated, " 0 my Father, if it cannot be that Thic be removed ; if I must drink it, — thy will be done." 43 And returning, he finds them ctill sleeping ; (lor Tlieir eyes were over- powered.) 44 Again, leaving them, he went and prayed a third tinic, using *agam the "AAil: Words. 45 He then comes to *the DisciPLEL, and says to them, "Do you Sleep NOW, and take your rest? * for behold, the hour is arrived, and the son nf • Vaticak riANuscRiPT. — 42. Saving' — omit. -12. ci;p— omiY. .,j. from me — omit. 41. again the SAME Words. 45. the disciple-s. ■45. for behold, t 36. Mark siv. 32—35 ; Luke xxii. 39 ; John xviii. 1. + 37. IVIatt. i^. 21. % 38. Johc xii. 27 i 30. Maikxiv. 36; Lukoxxii. 42; Heb. v. 7. 1 39. John ..'j; vi. 38- RiiL u. t 41. Mark xiii. 33 •. niv. 38 ; Luke xxii. 40, -^O ; Eph. vi. 18. 4* Cliap. 26 8 46.1 MATTHEWo iChap. S^3s Seio is delivered up into bauds of sinners, Ai'ise, aya)/j.€V' iBoUj r)y'yLKeu d TrapaSiSovs fie, let us go ; lo, has come nigh he delivering up me. ■^"^Kat €Ti avTGv ?<.a\ovi'Tos, iSov, lovSas^ els And while ofhim speaking, kOj Judas, one ray SwSeKO, 7jA9e, Kai /ier' avTcv ox^os iroXvs of the twelve, came, and with him a crowd great fiera jxaxo-i-po'V icai ^vXcou, awo rwv epxi^ep^wv with swords and cUibs, from the hij^h-pi-iests Kai ■ypac^vrepcau rov Aaoi/« "^^^O Se TrapaSiSous and elders of the people. He and deliveriur; up ;^UT02 J ujfcj/cej' avTois a-qix^iov, Xeycoi/' 'Ov av him. gave to them a sign, saying; Who ever pi\7)(rci}^ avTos earr KparrjcraTe avroVo "^^ Kat I may kiss, he it Its seize him. And v-i/Oetys 'npoffeKQcav 62. Gen. i;;. Gt Kev. xiii. 10. t 54. Is:,. iliL :, : L J.un<'e, te the |>alace of the bigh-piiestt and liaving (.-one in, Kat fiera rcov i/in]perccVf tSsiu to reAos. M'llli thfl attendaDtA. to see the end. ^* Oi Se apxi-^P^i'f ^\_Kat ol vpecrPvrepoi']^ Kat The aiu) bi^h-priesta [and the elders] and TO truveSpioi/ d\ov f^riTow tpevdofj-apTvpiaif Kara the high-eouocil whole sought faUe tthtimony ay;ainst Tot* Irjcrev^ ottocs avrov Oavarujcrwm. ^'^ Kat the Jesus, aothat faim theK^miehtdeliverto death. And ov)^ eiipoVj voWwv x^eudojULapTvpcuv iroooreA.- Dot they found, mnnjr faUe-witnesees haviag dovrtoVo *TcrT€poy Se frfo^cXQavT^s Svo *£\//6u- come Afterward* but eomii.j two [falte- So/iapTi/p€f,3 ^ enroll Ovros €(pT}' Avva/xat vitae«tie6,] eaid; Thia afiirmed; I am able jta"^aAu ^^opKi^io ere Kara rov 6eov rou ^wvtos^ C' b« , 1 adjure thee by the God of the living, {••a iipLtv €nrpSi a av et 6 Xoift-ros 6 vlos rov ttx • tana thuutell, if thou art the Auoeuted, the aoa of the 6iov, ^ tieyei avr(p 6 Itj 'ovs 2w enras. God. 6ay« to hia the Jesus; Thou hast said. TIKrjtf A€7« vfx.i'' ar* apn o^c-ade r^y vlou rou fiesidaa I say te yoa, from bow youehallsee the bob o:the avCpcavov Kad-qpL€i :v »«c ^c^iwv ti?s Sufa/iiews, Btaa cittia^ at rig- Ai'the power, tccu tpxofi^yov eiri roaif vecp .Kuv rou ovpavov. and eoiuinj; Epoa the clouds o{'tho heaven. ^ToTe d apxf-^p^vs 6i€p^7]^e a tjiaria, avroUy Then tb« hi»U-f)iie8t r t/C f-jO Ict-^ja O^bim, WRITINGS of the PRO. PHETs might be verified." Thea till *hi8 disciples iesertin»hiiii, fltd. 67 1 And THOSE who AV- PREiiEKUED Jesus, :xm ducted him to Caif.plias the HrGH-PRiEST, wliere the BCKiBKS and ELCESa were assembled. 68 Bat Peter followed him at a distance, ta tlie PALACE of tlie HIGRc priest; and having en« tered, eat with the AT. TENDANTa. to Bed the EESULT. 69 Now the high. priests and the wliole SAN HEDRI3I sought I'alse. testimony against Jesus, so that they might deliver him to death , €0 and they did not find it, though t Maay False- witnusses «auie. But at last, Two apjjioaching, 61 said, " This niaa de- elarecl, fl can destroy the TEMPLE of Goo, and ia Three Days rebuild it.' " 63 And the high-priest answering, said to hiia, " Aflswerest thou •jthing to what these tesiity against thee?" 63 ^But Jesus was si* lest. J.:- the high. PRIEST said to him, f'l adjure thee oy the living God, ttiai tnoo inform us, whether tI;ou artthe Mes- siah, t&e SON of God.'* 64 Jesus says to him, "®ta* hast Baid; more- over I declare to you, $ Hereafter you shall see the SON of man sitting i,n the Right hand of power, and cooling oa the clouds 0» HEAVEN."* 65 Then the high- priest rent his cloxues. ' Vaticam Mancscrtpt.— .56. his disciples deserting". CO Lftchmaaa and TischeudorL tio. fuJt>e-witueeses — omit. SS. and the elders — o»ii#; 6>. lafiweriiie: — omit t 68. A eolemn adjuration, which a Jew was hound to answer. Lev. v. 1. After such aa adjuration ty magistrate or superior, the answer returned was an answei u- ou oath; - false answei iras perjury andeven the silence ofthe person adjured was nofc deemed inno- <-ent. Hence It was that the hii?h-pricst had recourse to this measure upon our Lord's dis- daining'to answer the unfounded aeeiisations which were hroujht agamsi htm, from the <*otiviction that kifl judges '^rere predetermined, and that every Ouug he coula say would te aI bo avail. J 87. Mark siv.53; Lvike xsii.64» John »vni.l2 16, 24 t e«i!.iv 13.- Il£-ou thiuls ? they tioA "Ei'oxos BauuTOV eari, Luhie to deatli he is. *^ToT6 eveiTTvcraP ets To Trpojooiroy avrov^ Kai Then they&pat into tha fece o'him, and «K0\a(f>i he striking thee? ^*0 de Her pas e^co exadrjro er rrj avXrf. The and Peter without sat ia the eonrt-yard. Kai vpO(r7)\dev avrqj ^ta iraiSKrKTjy heyovca' And eame to him oae maid-servaiit, frayinij;. Kai (TV rjcrda ficra Irjcrov tov TaAiXatov, '^'O Also thou wast with Jesus of the Galilee. He 5e r]pi/7](raro efnrpoirdiy avrwv irauruVy \cyv>v but denied in presence of them all, eayirsg^ OvK oitat ri Keyeis. ^^Z^sAdoyra 5e avroy eis Not I know, what thou sayest. losing Gut and he i>to roy irvAccvoL, eiSep avroy waAt?, Kai htyei rois the portico, saw him another, and says tctthoj? €/cfi* Kot ovras rjv /nera Irjaov rou "Na^ocpaiov. there; Also this was with .I'lisus of the Ka^areth. Ka» iraKiy -xjptfrf^Taro ;u.e6* ^kov 'Ori ovk oiSa And again he denied witl. 'A oath; That not S know roy aydpwTToy, '^^ Mera fkattpov Be Trpoi avrtp' 2u \ey^is. ^^Kat €v rep Kartjyo- said to him; Thou sayest. And in the to be ac- peio'dat avrov biro rtav apx^^P^c^'^ Kai rcov cnsed him by the high-priests and the irpec^vreptoVy ovSev aTreKpivaro, ^^Tore \eyei elders, nothing he anstvered. Then says avrcp 6 TliXaros' Ovk aKOveis^ ifoo'a crou to him the Pilate; Not thou bearest, bow many things of thee Karafiaprvpovtri ; ^^ Kot ovk onr^KpiQi) txvrtf they bear witness against ? And Dot he answered him irpos ouSe kv ^T)/J.a* &v vdwpy but rather a tumult is made, t.ilung water, aireviyparo ras ;j|f6tpos aneyavri tov ox^ow, he washed the hands before the crowd, Keycov Adcoos (i/xi airo rov al/xaros *{tov saying ; Innocent I am from the blood [of the SiKaiov^ rovrov v/xeis orpeaOe. 25 Kqj airoKpi' just] of this t you shall see. And answer* deis iras b Aaos eiin' To alfxa avrov €a\T}y avTOV, Kai KaXafxov placed upon the bead of him, and a reed €7rt T7)i' te^iau avTov Kai yovvrreTrjo'avTes on the right of him; and bending the knee ep-TTpoadetr at/rov, eveirat^ov avr^, Aeyovres' in presencH of him, mocked him, saying; Kaipe^ 6 Papas (TKoros eyevsro ^tti From now suta boor darkneas was on 9a(rav r-qv yr)Vy ca>s a>pa$ evvarTjs. ^riepi 5e all the land, till hour ninth. About and rriv tvvarrjif wpav ave^ori(rev 6 lrj(r-v$ vr] (ne oiatk lioar cried out the Jesua with a voice iiiya\r)f Keytov HAi, rjAr Aa/icc aaffaxOavi ; gicat, Bajnngi Eli, Elij lama saba^'.thani? To'jr^ etrrr 0ee ^ov, Qff fiov ivari /xe eyKare- thac i*{ O God of me,0 Godof n>e: why me haatthou AtireSj *^Tiv€S Se rwv fKei iarcortov, ukov- forsatenf Some and of those there standing, having cavreSf eXcyov 'On H\iav cpuvei ovros. ^Kai heard, said: For Elias becriea this. , And cufleojs Spafjiuv ch 6| avrutVy Kai Ka^wv immediately ruauing one of ihem, and taking WTToyyoVf irKr} Zf$fbaiov. tons ofZebedee. 57 Oxpias S€ yevojJKvnSj rjkOcv avQpcairos Evening and being come, came a man irKovaioi airo Api/iadaias, Tovvofxa loxrricp, 6s rich from Ajrimathea, byname Joseph, who on a Eeed, gave him U drink. 49 Eut OTiiJcas said. "Let him alone; let us see whether Elijah will come to save '*him." 50 X Then Jesus cryins; out ag:.iin M'itli a loud Voice, expired. 51 $ And, behold, +the VEIL of tlie TKMPI.K Wa3 rent in Two from top to i)ottom ; and the earth trembled, and the kock3 w»re rent ; 52 and the tombs were opened; and Many Bodies of the SLEEPIKG SAINTS were raised ; 53 and coming forth from the to jibs, after his EESUERECTiON Went iuto tiie HOLY City, and ap- peared to Many. 54 t Now the CENTU- RION and THOSE with him WATCHING Jesus, seeing the earthquake. and the events occurring, were greatly afraid, say- ing, *' This was certainly a Son of God." 55 And many Women were there, t beholding at a distance; these had fol- lowed Jesus from Gali. LEE, ministering to him ; 56 among them were Mary of Magdala, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the MOTHER of the SONS of Zebedee. 57 And Evening being come, a rich Man came from Arimathea, named • Vatican Manuscbipt. — i9. him. And another took a spear, and pierced his sidh and there came out Blood and Water. t 51 In Solomon's Temple the sanctuary was divided from the holy of holies by a wall, beyond which the veil fell; but in Herod's Temple, as Maimonides relates, a second veil, at the distance of a cubit from the first, supplied the place of the waU. That it was the inte. tior veil belongins? to the holy of holies, which was rent at the crucifixion is clearly Inti. ■mated in Heb. ix. 8; x. 19, as well as by the term which the Evaii£?elist has employed to designate it. + 55. So Mark and Luke; nor are they inconsistent with .John xix. 25, where our Lord's mother and the other two women are said to have stood beside the cross. They kept at a distance for a while; and afterwards as the darkness came over, ^a' i- ered courage, and came so near that Jesus had an opportunity to speak to them before he expired. — Macknight ♦ 50. Mark xv. .37; Luke xiiii. 47. t 51. Exod. xxvi. 81 ; 2 Chron. ill. 14 : 64. Mark xv. 42 ; Luke ixiii. 50; John xix- 33. Ckap. If!: 58.] MATTHKW. [Chap. 27: 66. Kai axnos e/xaBrjrevfe rtf) Itjo-ow. *'*Out»$ ilao him&elf nas discipled to the Jesiu. Ha TTpocrsKOusv Tcp lliAarcp jiTrjcraTO to ccefia rov coming to the PiUte requested the body of the Irjaov, Tore d HiXaros e/ceAevo'ev airodoOrii/ai Jesua. Then the Pilnte ordered to be given TO acD/xa, ^^Kot Ka^cav ro aootna 6 lco(rr)e of the fiist. Said avrois 5 IliXaros' ExfTe KoucTTcobiav' virayeTe, to thein the Pilatej You have acu:irdi goyou, aacpakinraTdef W5 oiSare, ^^Ol de -jropevdeyrfs make fast, as you know. They and going 7]av (ra^^aruiv, 7jA0e Mapia "^ MaySaXTij/rj , first of week, came Mary the Magdalene, jcat 7) a\.Kt] Mapia, deojprjcrai rov rafpov. ^' Kaj and the other Mary, to see the tomb. And iSov, (reKr/JLOS ^yevero fxcyas' ayyeXos yap lo, a shaking occurred great; a messenger for Kvpiov, Karafias e^ ovpavou, irpoffeXQcav aireKv- ofalord, descending from heaven, approaching rolled Ki. John xx. 1"; Bom. viii. 29. tuap. f 9t tni MATTHEW. fffhap, 29 : 99. ^^Ilopevoixcvwv Of avTcay, i5oo, rives ttjs Coin; sway and oftheoi, lo, somo oftbe Kovcmodiasr €\Ootn-es €js Trjp-iroXtVyairrjyyciXay. iM^epor?, ^ominj irtto^the city, to!J Tois apx'fpevo'rroTrcun-a ra yevofxeva. •■^Kat to>the liigb (iricsts all the (thin;^)'havi3g been done. And cvyaxOevr-^s uera Tooif. TrpcaBuTepay^ avix^ov- r'beui; assembled virb ' the eUlers, counsel' J^tOT T6 AojSoi^es, apyvpta iKuva cdcoKay rots vdA takin;, pieces of silver pulHcieut .they;^g.iv? to Uie crparicoTaiSt Xeyoures' ^^ EiTrare, 'Ori ol 'sotdten, sajins; Say you. That the ftccOfirat ooTou, yvKTos /eXdovreSt eKhe^ay, disciples otiucq by night cuming, Uoia persuader liim, jfoi vfx.a^a[xfpifivovs irot7}trofi.ev. ^ Ot Se Aa^' attd you free Irom care we«villiijake. They and •ItaviDg ovres ra apyvpia, eTroiricray «[>s eSthax&VC^y- received the pieces of eilvcr, ' did as they were taoght, Kat Si^pTijutaO-q 6 Xoyos avros a-apa lovdatots. And 13 spread abroad'the tford. tlli* ,- AiaoDg ~ Jteus /texpt T-qs iXT)ixcpoVi, ^ till the -day. '•^ Oj 5^ evSexotjxaOrjrat etropivtricrav ^xs ttiv The and eleveo. disciple* went to the TaXihaiaVf^'fis ro opas,^ 6v ira^aTo avrot^ o CaUiee,' to, the mountaiD,vh£re had appornted^ them the Jijcrovs. '^ Kat .tdovres jxirroVy Trpocre/cuTjo'co' Je«j>. And 6(^ng' him, Iheyv^oMraied avTtp' Ol Se eStcracrca'. ^^Kat TrpoaeXOwv i jtohim; they but doubled. And approaching the l77 11 And as they wcra going away, some of tho GUAiiD, entering the CUT, told to -tW niGii-i'iirEST* All the THINGS wbidiliaU UAITEKED. 13 AndbcihgTasseinbUJ with the ELDKUs, aaU tak- ing Connscl^ tliey pave » good many SUckeis to the SOLDIEKS, 13 saying, "? rNATJOMSvimniersing them intoithe UASiE-of the Ya- THEa, and ofthe SoN,.aDd ,otthe-U0LY-Spirit; 20 tlteachmg them to ^obsenre^-all' things, which .1 liave -enjoined upon •yinin and^ beholds 5 am. witii you all the mays. I till th'e coNsuauiAUOitoi the^GE:" ♦ AiCiGOrR-D^mxi" TO M'a.^TTHE:^ •*TATic*a MAiruscEiPT.— 13. THisDaji Subacripfion — A'ocobdikg to Mattbbik. ■VIS. Matt Jtt.77; Johuii*i.35t V.^.tasiiL3:vXvll,2;.Eom.xiv.O; ICor. xv.27: EpU. fc to,''::!; Phii:)i'0 )0: 1 Pet.tii. it, ( God. As I' 15! writtea in Esaias Ae pro- ^-rjTj}' **I8ou, €70) OTTocTeAcw Tov ayy^Xcv plietj "Lo, I send the messengei |Ltcu irpo vpoawTov irov, 6s KaraaKevaaei rrju of me before f^ice or thee, who wiU prepare the o^ou (TOV. ^^(avt) 0oct}U7os ev rrj eprj/xcp' 'Eroi- fv?.y of thee. A voice ryiugout Id the desert; Hake fi«(raT6 Tr)V odou Kvpiov^ evdeias noieiTe ras you ready the way ofalord, straight make j'ou the rpi^ovs avTov" * Eyevero IwavvrjS fianTi^cur beaten ways of him;" W'ai John dipping €v T7J tprjU'jUy tcai ICT?, vacrcov ^airrKTfxa fiera- ia the desert, and pul)lishin» a dipping ofrefor- i>oias €i<^ a(t)e(Tiv afxapTioov. * Kat e^eiropevero macioa in*o lo'-gi^eiic* of sins. And went out npos avTOV Traaa ?/ lovSaia %(wpa, Kai 01 'lepo- to hiua all the Judea country, and the Jeru- (ToXufiiTtti TcavTis' Kat e^awTi^ouTO cv rep ialeui alii and were dipped in the lopSavri V0Ta/jL{p b-Tr' avrov, (^o 01 Jordan river by him, confessing ras ^^fiapTias avrcav. ® H*' Se Iwauvrjs euSeSv- the sins oftheiu. Was now John having been i fxeuos Tptx**', Kat ^covrju Sep/j-aTii^rju eloth hall's oCaoainei. and a belt madeofekin TTfpt 'Tfjv o(T(pvu avTov, Kai e(rdicoy aKptSas Kai Uround the loins '^fl^ioi, find eating locusts and (jLfXi wypiov. - Kot cKf]pv^aurov. ^^ Kcu » dove, dceccudio^ upoo him. And m, they followed him. And going *[e»c€i0€r] oAt7o»'i ttSev luKca^oy rov rov [thence]' bUttls, lie saw James , th« of the ZejScSaioi;, Kai \otavyqv Toy aSeKipoy avrov, Zebedefi, and Johm the brother of him, Kat avrovs tf rtp xXoitp KarapTi(oyrai ra and thcoMcltee ia the ship were mending ~ the SiKrva' * Kai evOeeos fKaXeerey avrovs, Kat netat and itamediately he called them. And merscd bj JoKn Ic^ the JOKDAN. 10 J.\nJ ascendinp Trom the WATEE, instanlly he saw the heavens open- ing;, and tlie spisit, like a Dove descending upoa him. ■ •' 11 And a Voice canus liom the heavkns, say-, iSg, X" STfjOU ait n)y son, the beloved; in thee I delight." -^ 12 J And immediately the SPIRIT sent Him forta into the deseet. 13 And he was in the DESEKT forty Days, being tempted by tlkC auveu- saky ; anu was amon^ the WILD BEASTS ; anil the ANGELS served him . 14 I Now after Joitw was .imprisoned, Jesus came into Galilee, pub- lishing the GLAD TIDINGS of God, * 15 and saying, J "Tlie TIME' has been accom- plished, and God's kotai. MAJESTY has aj>proached ; J Reform, and behevo ia the GOOD MESSAGE." 16 t • And ns he was' passing along by the lake of Galilee, he saw Si-' mon, and Andrew *tlie BBOTHEB of SimoH, Cast- ing a Drag into the iAKK; for they were fish- ermen. "• • 17 And Jescs said to them, "Come, follow me, and I will make you Fish- ers of M en. 18 And instantly tleav. ing 'the kets, they fol. lowed him. 19 X And going forward a little, he saw that James who is the sou of Zebkdee, and John his BKOTHEB; they also were in the BOAT repairing the KETS; ' 20 and he immediately • Vaticax MatJDscaiPT.— lUtheeldellsht. 14. oftheKiWGDOM-Tomif. lfl» And as he was passingr aionf? by. 18. tbo hkotssr of Simon, castinif. IS. tli9 • ITS. 10. theuc(^— osiif. til. Mark ix. 7. . t \K. Matt. Iv. 12, 2.H. t \5. Pan. fx._25; Gal. iv.4; Eph. 1. 10, 1 10. Matt iii, 10 ; John !. 32. U. 12, 2.H. I ■■ t !«. Matt, ivc 10 ; Luko v. i. X 12. Malt.iv.l; LnkeiT. 1. . 10. : 15. 31att. iv. 17. I 18. fif«£6.xi2i.37; LukdV.U. I 19. IIatt.iv.SL thap. 1 . 21.] MAHK. lC^ 31. a(pevTes tov Trarepa avroav Ze^edaioy ev leaving the father ofthem Zebedee in rep ttXoi^ ^lera rcvv fjucrQwrtaVy air-qXdou the ship with the hireUngs, they went oTTitTca avTcv. after him. ' 21 Kat eLffTropcvovTai eis Kair epvaovfi' Kai And they went into Capti iiauiu ; and fvB^ws Tois aali^acriv eLaeXdwv eis r-qv trvva- immediately to the sabbath 5°'"= into the Bjna- Y»yy7]V, eSidaa-Ke. ^ Kat e^eirXriaaovro e-jri gogue, he taught. And they were amazed at T7J SiSaxj) CLVTov riv yap Si^acrKcau avrovs us ^lie teaching ot him; he was for teaching them as i^ovaMV ex^Dy, Kai ovx u)S ol ypa/j-fxareis, authority having, and not aa the scribes. -^ Kai 7]V iu rrj crwayccyTj avrcov auOpwiros €V And was in the synagoijue ofthem a man TryevfxaTL aKaOapref, Kat aj/eKpa^e, 2"* \€ywv spirit unclean, *[Ea,] rt Ti/JLiy [Let alone,] what to us »;\0€S airoKscrat »omest thou to destroy ayios TOV Oeov, holy of the God. and hecriedout, saying, Kai aoi, Irjaov "Na^^aprjve, and to thee, Je»ua 7][xas: oiSa tre O Nazarenei riS €1, 6 1 know thee who thou art, the ^ Kai eireTi/j.r]cr6V avrcp 6 And rebuked hitr; the lr)(rovs, Keyaiv ^ipLCcBr)Ti^ Ka e^eXOe ef avTov. Jesus, saying; Be silent, id come out of him. i^Kat cnrapa^av avTov ro irvevjuLa to aKadapTov, And convulsing him the spirit the unclean. Kai Kpa^au (pcovp jxeyaX-p, f^TjAOeu €^ avTOV. and crying a voice great, came out of him, 27 Kai e6afil37idri(rav iravTfSy cbtrre av^rjreiy And they were astonished all, so as to reasoa TTpos auTovs, \eyouTes' Ti effTt tovto , ris V among themselves, saying; What is this? what the SidaxV V KaivT) avTT) ; bTi kut* €^ov(Tiav Kai teaching the new this; that with authority even tois TTveu/xao"* tois aKadaprois eiriraacrei, Kai to the spirits to the unclean he enjoins and vTvaKovovaiv avTco. ^s E^-^\0e Se 7) ckot] they hearken to him, Went out and the report avTOV €v6vs €is S\7)v Tr]V Trepix^pop ttjs of him forthwith into whole the country of the Fa^iXaias. Galilee, ^Kai evOeccs, e/c ttjs crvvaywyrjs e^€\9ovTeSf And instantly, out of the synagogue being come, r]\6ou €is TTiv QiKiav 'Siip.ocuos Kai AvSpeovy lie went into the house of Simon and Andrew, [jL€TalaKcio$ov Kai Iwavvov. ^'^'HSe ireud'epa with JaJnes and John. The and mother-in-law 'S.ifxcovos KaTiKeiTO irvpeo'crovcra' Kai evdeccs ofSimon waslaiddown having afever; and Immediately Keyovcriv avTcp tvep' avTTjs. ^^ Kat irpoceXQau they spoke to him about her And coming called them; and leaving their father Zebedes in tlie BOAT with the hired SERVANTS, they followed him, 21 tAnd they went to Capernavini; and on the SABBATH, entering tlie sYTNAGocrE, he taught the people ; 23 % and they were struck with awe at his mode of instkuction ; for he taught ihem, as possessing Authority, and not as tlie sckibes. 23 $jVow there was in their synagogue, a Man with an impure Spiiit; and he exclaimed, 24 sajii.g, "What hast thou to do with us, Jesus Nazarene ? Comest thou to destroy ns? I know thee who thou art, the HOLT ONE of God." 25 And Jesus rehuked it, saying, J "Be silent, and come out of him." 2o And the impure SPIRIT, ;}; having convulsed him, and having cried with a loud Voice, cama out of him. 27 And they were all so astonished, as to reason -with themselves, saying, "What is this? *A new Doctrine? With Author- ity he commands even tiie iMPURK spiEiTs, and they ohey him." 23 And his tame soon spread abroad * every- where throughout the En- tire REGION of Ga1,ILEE. 29 % And being come out of the SYNAGOGUE, lie immediately went into the HOUSE of Simon and Andrew with James and John. 80 Now Simon's moth- er-in-law lay sick of u lever, and forthwith they spoke to him about her. 81 And approaching, he • Vaticai* MANt;scRir>. — 24. Let alone — omit. 27. with themselves, new Doctrine ? With Authority. 28. everywhere throughout, X 21. Matt. iv. 13 ; Lute iv. 31. t 22. Matt. vii. 28. t 23. ^nke iv. SS, Matt. viii. 29. t 25. ver. 34; Mark iii. 12. I 26. Mark ix. 20. X 90 viiLU; Lukeiv.SS. ^7.-^ V-^ Chap. 1: 82. J MARK. fC^ap. 1: 43. he raUed ber, hnving laid hold cfthe baud ofheti icat a(p7jK€if avTTjy 6 irvpfTos ^l^evdews'"] Kai and left uer the fever [immediately ^J .j»4 hiriKove. avrois. luinistered to them. 3- 0»|/ias §6 yevo/jLcyi s, <5t6 cSu 6 ^Atoy, Evening and oeing come. whea set the (uii, ^(pepov irpos avrov Travrai rovs KaKcus ^xot^Tas, they brought to him all those eirkness having, Kdi rovs Sai/bLovt^o/iKvovs' **^ Kai tj ttoXis and those being demonizedj and the city oArj eTTKrvvriy/jLti^r) rjy irpos rrju Ovpav. ^Koj nhole having beea ASbemtjjed was at the door. And ed^pairevae ttuWovs kukus exovras iroiKiKais he healed uiany sick nnving varioua vocrois' Kat Sai./xovia noWu e^eySaXe, Kai ovk disc^tseei and demons many be cast out, and Dot Tj^xe KaXeiv tu daifj.op,a, oti ^jdeicrav avrov. allowed to speak '■he demons, because they knew him. ^ Koi irpuiy ivpvxop AiOJ', avaaras e^rjKBs, And eaiiy, night much, having arisen he went oat, *[«:at airriAdev^ cis fprj/jiov roiroi/y KUKei [and desalted J into L desert place, and th>;re vpocrTjvx^TO. ^ Kat KarcSiw^av avrov 6 2t/*(j'i' prayed. And eagerly iouowe>l him the SimoD Kai 01 fier' avrov. ^^ Koi tvpovr^s avrov., and thos* with bim. And having found htaa, XeyovfTiv avrw' 'On TravTts ^rjrovai are. they say to liiin ; That all seek thee. ^ Kai \eyei avrois' A^oi^uei' €is ras exoju- And he says to iliem ; We musl eo into the neigh- CVQ.S icci;/to7ToAeiS, iva Kai eKai Kripv^io' eis boring towns, that also there 1 may preach; for rovro yap e^€\r)\v6a. ^^ Kat rjv Kripv(70ii}V this because I nave come out. And he was proclaiuiiu; 6is ras auvaywyas avruv, €.s bkrjv rr)v TaKi- in the synagogues oftheni, in whole the Gali- Aaiav, Kai ra Zaifiovia CK^aWuv. ^^ Kai lee, and the demons casting out. A>>d epX^'^"'^ Jrpos avrov Keirpos, itapaKaXoov aw'/Cj Fomes to him a leper, beseeching hi>fl4 *[ffai yovvireruiv avrov y /cat] Keywv avi^f [and kneeling hiin, and] saying toh.'n, 'On €av deKijs, dvuacrai /j-e Kadapiaai. ^ 'O That if thou wilt, thoii art able uie to cleanse. 'A'tac de lrje weffi and proclaimed to them in their synagogues throughout All Galilee, and cast out ihe Df- MONS. 40 X And a Leper comes to liim, beseeching him, saj-ing, "If thou wilt, thou canst cleanse Me." 41 And *he, being move'J with pity, extending *),;s HAND, touched him, a-id says to hiiu, "I will; be thou cleansed." 43 And immediately the LEPROSY departed from him, and he was cleansed. 43 And having strictly charged him, he forthwith sentliim away, • Vatican Ma.ncscbipt. — 31. immediately — omit. 34. him to be the Christ. 85. anddui):irted— omif. 36. Siniofv. 38. elsewhere, into. 3'J. he wer.t and procLiiniel to them in. 40, and kneeling down to liim, and — omit. 41. he, being moved. 41. his hand. t 32. Matt. viii. 16 ; Luke iv. 40. J 34. Mark iii. Tt2 ; Luke iv. 41 ; Acts xvi. 17. is t .S5. Luke iv. 42. t 3S. Lnke iv. 43. t «9. Matt. iv. 23; Luke iv. 41. I 40. Matt. viii. 2 ; Luke v. li. C^p. 1: 44. j MARK. tLVTOVf ** Kai Aeyet avr(f 'Opa, fxrjS^vi /xrjSeu him, and eay» to himj See, to no one anything CiTTj??' aW' virayi, treavrov dei^ov ra> hpei, {ioutell; but ^o, thyself bIiow to the priest Kai irpocrev€yK€ irepi rou KaOapicrixov aov Sl and offer for the purification of thee whst irpoa-era^e Mwcrrfs, €is fxaprvpioi/ avrois. *'''0 enjoined Moses, for a witness to them. He Se f^iKQuiv y\ph,aro Kr)pv(T(r€iv iroWa Kai Sia ey to enter; 1 publicly into epy]fXQlS TOTTOIS desert places TrauraxoOeu. ttoax all parts. a city he was. Kai and ripxovTO irpos they went to without in avTov him KE*. ^. 2. ^ Kai "rrsXiV eicnjXOey ets Kairepuaov/x 5t' And again he went into Capernaum after rif.upwv Kai 7]Kov(rdri, 6ri eis olkov €J va'.k? ^^'\va 5? iiZrjTCf 6ri e^ovciavex^'^ ^ "'"s '''ov That hot yon may know, Jthat auihority has th« aon of the ayOpuvov eiri ttjj yyjs a^iejtai-iiiiapTias' (Acyci man on . tbo earth to for^v^ sins t (h« says ry TrapaXxtTiKcf)') *' 2ot Keyw EyeipCy apoy to the paralytic;) To thee I My ; Arise, take ap roy KpafifiaToy ffov^ Kai viraye eis top oikov the bed of thee, and fo into the house Tot/J '^Kot "qyfpdri fvOccoi, kcu apas Toy of thee. And he was raised Immediately, and taking up the xpafiPaToVf e^7]\6cv tvavTiov wayrtoy axrre bed, went oat in presence of all; oo as f^KTTacrdai iravTas, kox So^a^eiy tov Bfov, to astoaish all, and to glorify the Cod,. Xfyoyras' 'On ovSfwoTf ojtcos eiSofiey. S3ying; ■ That cerer thus we saw. '^ Kai e^r}\$e iraXiy irapa TV^ QaXactrav AdJ he went out again by the sps. Kai TTus 6 ,ox^o^'T)px^TO Ttpos avroy, xai eSi- asd all the crowd came to biin, and be Scuricfy avTovs. ^'^ Kai Tapaywu tide Atviv tov taught them. And passing on he taw Levi the TOW h\uhhcans and cfxapTcaXwyj (\fyoy Tois fxadriTais cvtov *[T^] sinners, said Ao tb^ disciple* of him: fWliy] 6ti jjifTa Tav TfKaywv Kai afAopTuKvy cadifi that with oft' I*, pnblicana 'and. tionerf bceata [C^tap. 2: IG. ately perceiving in his sPiBiT, that they reason- ed among themselves, 'he says to them, "Why do you reason .ihns iu, your HEAB.TS ? 9 J Which is easier? to say to the pabalthc, •Thy SINS are forgiven;' or to say (with effect,} 'Arise, take Thy coucu, and walk r' 10 But that you may know That the sow of MAN lias Authority on EAETH to forgive Mns," (he says . to the paka-. LYTIC,) 11 " I say to thee. Arise, take np thy couch, and go to thy HOUSE." 12 And he was raised immediately, and taking up the COUCH, went o;it in presence of all ; po tliat they were all amazed, r.nd glorified God, saying, " AVe never say anything like this!" 13 And he went cnt again by the lake; and All the cnnwD resond to him, and he taught^ them. 14 J And passing alon^, he saw that Lev; who is (he son of AxPHEUs, sit- ting at the TAX-OFTJCK, anil says to him, "Follow me." And arising, he tal- lowed him 1 5 J And it occnrr'e^; while he keclined at Table in Iris ifousr. Many Tri bate- takers and Sinners also reclined witl*- Jksus and his discipi»«: for they were Many, anri ihey followed him, 16 And the sceibf.s *oI the Pharisees observiijp him ealmg with the Tjnw UTK.-TAKEES and + 5>n. ncrs, eaid to his diJucI' Pi.j:s, " He eats witlj TKiBUTK-TAXEBS and Silfc nersl" • Vaticaw Mawxtscbipt.— 8. ttus— o»rt. pHA»i«EKSBawhimeat. 16. Why— owit. 8. be says to them. 18. of th^ no. By amartocloi, einners, tne Oentilcfl or heatheii are generally understood io tho Go* • pels, for this was a t«rm the Jewc never applied to any of ^emsslves.— Clarke. t 8. Matt.ii.5. • I 14. Mati.lx..9;IiUk«v.27. 1 li aiatt.Jx.JO. Guip. 2: 17.] MARK. JV.nd hearing . l)i« J csus say* . *ricoi irtvct ;3 X»nd drinks?] teVTOiS* Ov 'aothem; Vo ' need have thoee being well tarpov, oAX* ot tcaKcas ^x^^"^^^' ^""^ tjACoi^ jfaplfyiieUni but thorn sick being. .Kot . Icamo KaKecrut SiKaiovs aWa aixxiproiKovs," toxan just(oiies) but einners. ij^ . ^ / ^KaxTjo'ttJ' 01 fxa&rjrai Jcaavvov Kdrdt ^pt^ Aud were rlio disciples of Johns,; »«"1 *'*>■ Phari- caiot vrjffrevovrts' Kai (px^vrat^ acu \iyx)v(riu Bcts '.-^. tastiagt -^ 'and •, they come, J jmd r {Uey Miy uvTtif Aian ot^fiaOr)railC3avpovjKdi' 01 rav lyhinii Why tho (riscJijl«s'''|; of John ^^i and those of the §>!ber,^i(> Wliich the vunpios ^€T - avrayj^a-Tiffyncrrevetu :M 6 . 6Tav * airapSt) ' 0 oT'JayTwv .^ d * vvfx(pioS,.' 'when may be taken away frora^': tb«ni '^^S t**® bridesro^, " Tore mja-TfviTovffiv eu eics'iur) tt? ii/J-epa, then , they will fast •■•^ in f;. that a; the 1^ day. lipatclj .,.\ of cloth _ /; tofutled-^'^^ 1,^ i «cws >\Vr( r on ifxarifp fl-aXaty €i~S^' ^77,' «jpet "to .TrX^jpcD/ia •os^niantla pldj -if - but - not, takes away the ,^ ^ patch jt ovTow TO Kaivqv%roV'i.vaKaiov^%Kai^;^Qipoy pfitself the pew j.'^^fthe; ji-old, c' .<^«nd -worse crx'f/ia fiverm. -^^ Kaj- oy5€xs?|3aAX€i oii'o;' ' »rent becomes, (, And i^ no one-^ 'j puts wine yeov eis a.(TKuvs iraXaiovs' (i de' /XTJ, . ^rjffffei 6 'new into bottles' old; ( ^ if . but irpt, ' bursU the oivos 3 ^fj/fos] rovs^acr-KcvSt^'teat & qivos twine the ' [new] ' ■ tho, ;, bottles, ".#nd the wine \tKX^t'''<^h ^<*' <'' a(TKot aTToKovyfai'^ c\A« oifou j is»iiUed, and the bottles ,.,, are lost i ^ ."but »rine \V(:Op eis ciCTKOvs KOivovs ^\r}TeoK ^oew into bottles. new, mustbcput, 1 P Kai eyeyero Trapairopeuee:6aiavro~v''fvrois And it came to pas* i to go J . bim in tho ^cq-B^aa-.i Sia rQ}V:ffiropifjLO}y,'''Kai'r]p^avTQ:Oi sibbAlh through the- '**■ coin-fiicld«, jij, and . bejao the fiaOrp at p.vToy ^ oSoy* voXqiv friWoyre j "toi;s ducii-lfi ofhira a way ^- Jo mako -^^plucLins ^^ the trraxvas.' ^4 Kat ol ^apicraioi iK^yov avrtf' earBo'cfirn. ^nd ■ the K' Pharisees ■* , said i to him i 156, n TToiovcriy cv rois ca^BaixiVy'^' 6 16vk iSce, why do they tfl the 8lbbatl^ what not 17 And Jesttb having heard « it, says tt> them, X "THinr being in health liavo no Need of a Pliysi- cian, but they \yho ore SICK. 1 came not to call tlic Righteous, but Sin- ners.** ' " 18 $ Now the DisciPiEs' of John and the Pmaei- sEEs were fasting \ and they cohie'and say ta himV " Why do the dis- ciples of John, 'and tho DISCIPLES of the Phar- isees fast, but THIKE fasi notr'j; ^■' 19 And JEstrs replied,! "Can the bhidemkn fast, while the BBIUEGHOOM 13 with them? During the time they have the uuiuls- c uooH with them» they cannot fast., •r'20 But thc^Dayswill come, when the buiue-J GEOOM will be taken from them, and then they will. fast in That DJiV, ..-.'^ 21 No one sews a Piece of undressed Cloth on to an Old Garment ; if so, the NEW PIECE of itself takes away from the old, and % worse Rent is made. 22 And no one puts new Wine into tcld bkins; if so, the WI^E *will Imrst the skins; and the wine will be lost, and tho SKINS ; Ijut new- Wine into new Skins. ' 23 X And it happened, that he * was passing through the eiel-bs or, CHAIN on the sabbath, and his Ves^in, as they *made iheir way, to pluck thc^ HEADS o£j GEAIN.*^^* ^"" *- 24 Antl'tlie PhahiseesI said to him, " See, why do they on tlie sabbath what' is not lawful^"- • Vatican Ma:m)script. — 16. and ilrinkj—oniif. 18. Phabisel-s fast, b It luiNjj last not? 22. JiEw— omif. a. yjui Hiid tlie WINE will J)e lost, and the skins; but new Wine into joew Skins ipassing: through. 23, made tijcir way, to pluck. t '11. See K ote { n Matt. ix. 17 and the oi'^cirLrs oFth.e 22. will burjtthe rxi\5 2i \r:vS t 17 Matt tXiI-2, 13; Luke V. 31. Jt .9(UU Xtt I ; JLuka vi. 1. I W. Matt. ix. H;" Lul:e v. SI 1 Wt Chap. 2: 25.] MARK. [Cliap. 3: fl. e^eo'Ti; ^Kot auroj €A67ej' avrois' Oi;Se7roT6 is lawful? And he said to them i Never ' bave you known, what did David, when need he had, Kai itrsivaffeUy avros Kai oi fier' avrov ; mnd was hiingiy, he and those with him; zoT-^nws] ficrriXOeu «ts fov oiKov rov 6eov, [How] he went into the bouje of tha God, fTTi Afiiadap Tov apx^^p^f^Sy Kai tovs aprovs to Abiathar of the high-priest, and the loaves nj? irpodi(rea)s €(payey, ovs ovk e^ecTTt (payeiy oTthe presence did eat, whicli not is lawful to cat 6< jxr] Tois lepevaif Kai eSw/ce Kai rois (Tvv if not the priests, and he gave also to those with avTcp ovai ; *^ Kai eA-eyey avrois' To cajS- him being? And he said to them; The sab- fiarov Bia tov avdpootrov eyevero, ovx' 6 bath because of the man wag made, not the avdpwTTos Sia ro tra^^arov. '^^ Clare Kvpios man because of the sabbath. So that a lord f e^-opa/j.- him. And he says to the man to that having been Hev7]v exovri Tr\v X^'P**' Eyetpe ets to ficcrou. withered having the hand; Arise in the midst. * Kai K^yei avrcis' E^eari tois aa$$a(nv And be says to them « Is it lawful to the sabbath ayadoTTon^aai 7j KaKOTroirja-ai; xpvxv (fcoaaiy to do good or lo do evil? a life to save, 1} aiTOKTeivaii Ol Se eaiwirwu. ^Kai 'ir€pifi\e- or to destroy? They but weie silent. And looking ^a^eyos avrovs ixer opyrjSy avWunov/xfuos etri lound thea with aoijer, being grieved at rri irtapucrei ttjs KapSias avraVy Aeyet rep the hardness ofthe hearts of them, he says to the avQpwTTcp' Ekthvov T77»' X^'-P^ (Tov. Kai man; Stretchout the hand of thee. And €|6T6tf6* Kai aTreKarearadr} r] x^'P avrov. he stretched it out; and wasrestored the hand of him. *Kat e^€\dovTes 01 ^apicraioi, evdcws fjiera rwv And coming out the Pharisees, immediately with the 25 Alul * he said to tliem, X " Have you never read what David did, when he had iS'eed, and was hungry, \\t, and-iKOsiii with him? 26 How f he went into tlie TABERNACLE of GOD, to Abiathar (son) of the niGH-PEiEST,andate tthe LOAVES of the PRESENCE, X wliich none but the PRIESTS could lawfully eat; and he gave aiao to THOSE with him." 27 He also said to them, " The SABBATH was made for MAN, and not man for the SABBATH ; 28 Js that the son of MAN is Lord even of thg SABBATH " CHAPTER m. 1 i And again he entei> ed into the stnagogue, where was a Man who had a Withered hand. 2 And they watched him closely, (to see) if he would ciu-e him on the sabbath ; that they might accuse him. 3 And he says to THAI' MAN HAVING the With- ered hand, " Anse in the midst." 4 And he says to them, "Is it lawful to do good on the SABBATH, or to do e\al? to save Life, or to destroy P* But thet were silent. 5 And surveying them with Indignation, being giieved at the hardness of their hearts, he says totheMi»N, "Stretch oiit * thine hand." And he stretched it out, and his HAND was restored. 6 JAnd the Pharisees going out, immediately * held a Council with ttha 26. How — omit. 6. the HAKS. • Vaticai* Mandscbift. — 26. he said, %. gave Counsel. + 26. David went to the house of Ahimelech at Nob, with whom the tabernacle then waa and ttie ephod, and other holy things. 8ee 1 Sam. xxi. t 26. These loaves werj placed on a table on the north side, find at the right hand of him who entered the riia^ cle. Esod xxv 30; Lev. xxiv. 5, 6, 8. -f 6. The Herodians were a political party vho began to become eminent in the days of Herod the Great, as favoring' his claims, an< those of Ilia uattons, the Romans, to the sovereignty of Judea. J 25 ISam. xit.6. \ii 0; Lukevi 6. ^ t 26 Exod. xxix.32, 88. X 0. Matt. xii. 14. X 28. MaU. zii. 8. tl.MatI Chap. 8: 7.J ^rARK. {Chap. &: 18. *Hpoci5iavQ>P avfiBovXtop evoiovv Kar' avrouy Herodians a council held against him, bncas avTOV airoAco'wo't. Jiow him they might destroy. ? Kat 6 Iriorovs fj-era rav fiaOfirwv afjrov And the Jestt! with the disciples of him avext^pV^^J' ^'S "^V^ 6a\acrcrav Kai ttoXv ttXtj- withdrew to the seo ; and a great multi- 60s aiTO T7JS ra\i\aias 7jKo\ov67](Tap avTcf Kai tude from the Galilee followed him> and ar-o TTjs loi/Saios, Kai airo l€pc(To\v/j.a)v, ^ Kai from the Judea, and from Jerusalem, and avo T7JS l5ov/u.aios, Kai irepap rov lopSapov^ Kai from the Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and *[ot] Trept Tvpov Kai 'S.idwva, ir\r)6o5 ttoKv, [those^ about Tyre and Sidon, a multitude great, aKovcrauTes 6(ra eTroiet, riKBov irpos avrov. having heard what things he did, came to him. 'Kat etTre rois ^aOrjrais avTov^ Iva irXoiapiov And he BjKike to the disciples of him, that a smail vessel (TKapTepr) avTcp, Sia top ox^oPy Iva fir] should attend him, because cf the crowd, that not Qki^waiP avTOP. ^'^IloWovs yap edepaireucrePy they might throng him. Many for be cured, cbfrre eTriirnrreip avrcfj^ iva avrov a^cavrai, so as to rnsh to him, that him they might touch, dcroi €ixoP iJ.a(TTiyas. ^^ ^at ra irvevjjiaTa ra as many as had scourges. And the spirits the aKaQapray brap avrop cOeoopci, TrpoaeirnrTev unclean, when him gazing on, fell before oiiTqt>, Kai €Kpa^sy \^y.vra' 'On to cast out the demons. And he put on to the '^ifxccvi ovofxa Tier pop' ^^ Kai laKio^oP top tov Simon a name Peterj and James that of the ZefieSaiov, Kat laavprju top aSeXcpop tov Zebedee, and John the brother of the laKw/iov Kat eireOrjKev avrois opofiara "Boav- James} and he put on them names Boan- epyeSy 6 eariPy vlot fipovrK]s* ^^ Kai AvOpeav, Hges, that sons ofthunder} and Andrew, Herodians, against him, how they might destroy him. ■* 7 But Jesus with his DISCIPLES retired to the LAKE; and a Great Mul- titude followed him from Galilee, J and from Ju- DEA, 8 and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and from heyond the Joed an ; also a great Company from ahout TjTe and Sidon, hav- ^ ing heard what *he bad* done, came to him. 9 And he spake to his DISCIPLES, that * a Small boat Bhovdd attend him because of the ceowd, that they might not press upon him. 10 For he had cured Many; so that as many as hud Diseases rushed to- wards him in order to touch him. 11 X And the impure sPisiTs, when they be- held him, fell before him, and cried, saying, " 2Ei)0U art the son of God." 13 And he repeatedly charged them, that they should not make Him known. 13 t And he ascended the mountain, and calletl whom i)f ^^ijuld; aud they went to him. 14 And he appointed * twelve, that they should accompany him, and that he might send them forth to proclaim, 15 and to have Author- ity to expel demons. 16 * l»i ow the TWELVE he appointed, were J Si- mon, to whom he gave the isameof Pkter; 17 and THAT James, son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James ; to whom he gave the Names of Boanerges, that is. Sons of Thunder ; 18 and Andrew, and * Vaticvn Manitscript.— 8. those— omi^ 8. he does. 9. Small vessels. 14. twelve, whom also he named Apostles, that. 14. th&T^— omit. 15. to cure pisEASEs, aud— o»»^ 16. And he appointed twelve; both Simoh whom he sur- named Pbteb. 1 7. Luke vi. 17. t 11- Mark i. 32, 34 ; Luke iv. 41. { 13. Matt. x. 1- Luke n 12 ; IX. 1. t 10. John i. 42. Cfiap. 8: K 1 MARK. {Cliap. 3; 28. (ctti ^iXiTTTTOpj Rat Bap9o\oiuaioUy Kat MarOaioVy ^liilip, and Uartholomew and Philip, BDd Bartholomew, and Matthew, i, aild MattheW, aud TL> \ai ®(tifxav, Kai laKcv^oy rov rov A\(paioVy Kot • "'^3, and that James, soa and Thomaa,' and that of the Alpheus, and of AH'HKUS, and Tluul- Qa^Saiou, Kai "S.if.LUiva rov KauaviTrjUy ^9 ^ai M*^"^' ^"d Pinion, the Ca- Tha.lileus, and Simon the Canaanite, and ') -NKANITK, louSay IffKapiwTTjUy 6s Kai nape^icoKev avrov, }^ ^'"^ Judas Iscariot, Juda» Iscariot, who even deUvered up him. WllO CVcn delivered him Up. ^Kat tpxovTai ciS oiKov. Kat crvvepx^Tai 20 J And they went into And they come into ahouse. And came together ^ HoUSe. And the ClOwd iroAiV ox^os, dxTTe fit) duvaaOai avrous /nryre ^^ssembled again, so that agaxB a crowd, lo as not to be able them not even '"Cy COUld BOt CVeU Cat apTov (paycLV. ^1 j^m aKovaavTes ol nap' „? . , . , , . bread to eat. And having heard those with ^ 1 And THOSE Wjtll him avTov, e^riXOov Kparria-ai avrov eXeyou yap- 1 ""^^i"? heard, went out to h»n. ^.'Os •Sf^'yap] av liOLTjori to 6€\r]fia rov 6eov, Who [i '3 «v6' may do the will of the God, ovr s a^eXcpos /iou, kw* aSeXcbrj *[yuob',] Kai this a brother of me, and a sister £of me,J and ::T}rrip cctu • mother is. KE*. 5'. 4. "'■ Kaf vaXiv rjp^aro Si^affKeiv irapa rTjV And again he begat. to teach oy the 6a\a(r(rav' Kai (rvvrix^'i 'trpos avrov ox^os ttoXvs, seaj and was assemblvw ^ him a crowd great, djt»"T€ avrov cfx^avra «« to irXoiov^ Kadrjardai .o as him entering UiU* the ship, .o sit tv rr} BaXaaari* Kat iras 6 ox^os vpos rr]v in the sea: and fttl the crowd by the Sa\a(rarav eiri ttjs 777? tjU' ^Kat eSiSao-Kef sea on the laud was. And be taught Qvrovs ^v irapa^oXais ttoAAo, Kai eXeyev aviois them »n parables many, and said to 'hem 61/ tt; SiSaxi? ai^TOU* Akovst^- IOjv^ c^rjkdf^v in the teachmg of him t Hear you: Lo, b aireipoijv rov 'I'?" it waa scorched, and through the not tu have a root, was pardt]. ^ Kai aWo orfcrev €t> aKavOas' Kai dried up. And another fell into thorns; and av(^r)(Tav at UKavOai, Kai (Tweirvi^av oi/to, Kai sprung op the thorns, and choked it, and Kapirov OVK eScoKe. ^ Kai aWo eirf(rev ei$ rrjv fruit not it gave. And another fell into the y-qv TTjj/ Ka\Tt]v Kai fhihov Kapirov ava^aivovTa ^ound the good; and it bor« fruit springingup Kai av^avovTa' Kai ecpepey ku rpiaKovTa^ Kai and increasing, and bore one thirty, and ii' (Ir^KovTay Kai eu eKarov. * Koi 6Ae76»'* 'O one sixty, and one a hundred. And hesiiidi He fX^*^ **'''''* aKoveiVy aKovfTcu. karing scj:* to bear, let him bear. ^ 'Ore 5e tyfyero KaTa^ovas, r]p(jorri ev irapa^oXais Ta &«J, to them but to those without in parables tbe ravTa yiPfTar ^' iva fiKcirovTes /SAeTroxrt, til (things) ar«done( that seeing they may see, Kai firi iSwai' Kai UKovovTes aKovwai, Kat fir) and not they may see : and hearing they may hear, and nut (Tvviaxrr fi-qiroTe €Tri(rTp€\pw*tan(* it may ■»»* placed ? Not for is Tt KpvTT'i'OVf 6 eav fiT] tpavepu^Ori' ov5e my te»i»"" .. hidden, which if not it may be disclosed; nor ey^tXjTo aiTOKpvipoVy aW' Iva eis (pavepov €\6t]. ,VilS: stored away, but that into light it may come. ^ Ej Tis exei WTO aKoveiv, aKoverw. ^'^Koi If any one has cars to hear, let him hear. And eXeyev avTois' B\eir€Te, ti aKovcTe. Ev tp he said to them t Consider you, what you hear. In what IxeTpcp fierpeirey jULerpTjOrjaerai v/xiv. ^ 'Os yap measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. -nr^- Who for {Chap. 4; 25. THAT WOKD which waft SOWN *upon them. 16 And these in like manner are those sown on the KOCKT ground; who, when they hear the rWOKD, receive it immedi- ately with Joy ; 17 And having no Ex)ot in themselves, they are but temporary ; then Trial or Persecution occurring on acconnt of the wokd, they instantly fall away. 18 And others are THOSi who are sown among the thokns ; * these are the.. who have heaed tf)C WOED; 19 and the caees of th; AGE, X and the deceit- fulness of etches, und the STEONQ DES1EE3 for other things entering in, choke the word, and ren- der it unproductive. 20 And *those are thet, who are sown on the good GROUND, who bear the WORD, and accept it, and bear fruit; one rbir^y, one sLvty, and one a hundred." 21 And he sa'd to them, t " Is a lamp brought, to be put under the coen« MEASURE, or under the couch? so that it may not be placed on the lamp- stand ? 22 J Tor * nothing was hidden, except that it sliould be manifested ; nor was it concealed, but that it should come 10 light. 23 If any one has Ears to hear, let him hear." 24 And he said to them, X "Consider what you heai-; by the Measure you dis- pense, it will be measui-ed to * you, and shall be ad- ded to you; 25 X for whoever has, to * Vatican Manuscript. — 15. upon them. 18. these are thet who have hbab3 the WORD. 20. those are thet. 22. nothing was hidden, except that it should b* manifested ; nor was it concealed, but that it should come to light. 24. you, and shall be added to you. t 21. By kliTteen must be understood the cowh, (like our sofa,) which, as Grotius observes, had such a cavity as to admit of a candelabrum being' put under it; nay, it seems, anything much largrer ; indeed, by the citations adduced by Wetstein, it appears to have been used by the ancients as a common biding ■pla.ce.—BloomJield, Matt. V. 15 ; Luke viii. 18; xi. 83. _ % 22- Matt s. J 19, 1 Tim. vi. 9, 17. 26; Lukexii. 2. l.ukeTiu.lQ; xix. 20. 121. J 24. Matt. VI J. 2 J 1 uke vi. 88. t 25. Matt xiii.l2t xxv 2* tfhaxt 4: 26. MA UK. av • X"" :. Sof^T/creTai avrcfi- kcu 6s ovk €X^*» *"*' rvci ■ .. ha*« i' (hall be gives to hitn- and who out ba», even 6 fx-t ttpOTJc-'Tat ott' aurov ^^ Kai eXeyev vhKt he haa will be taken from aim. And heaaidi OvTws fariv ^ /ScrriAf.o rot; 0€ou, iiS eav oi*- Thua la the kingdom of the God, aa if • BpwTTos j8.A)7 r.yoir^p y €iri ttjs yvs, ^ :'.a nian ahoi.Mcaat 'be seed oa the earth, and (cafleySp Kai vv.ra /cat r,ii:paVy KOt 6 •hould tlecp an*. wike Di^ht and day, and '.'~cC ffiropot tLKacrravr) Kat fn)Kvvr]rai, jraXi't ^'Orav 5e TropoSy 6 KapiroSt in the 2*T When bu mav b. rx^ ^^ ''■^^^ €vdeC0S TTT (TTzK'^eiiTot.^ '.Trauov^CT Vap\.'TT]K€V immediately be ne:..j the aickle, for la ready 6 QfpKTfxo^. ^ Kni €A y Tivt 6/j. iw a grau^ T77.'' 7" '•; uiKpoTepos Tav ^ tU.\o leas of €"Ti rz.^v CTTi T77S yqs' i U rf ,l:cae on th. earth ayaBc'vei Kai yiverut irav- t . 8' ii: g:: up and becomea of TOfV \ax^i-'(i>v ^•c:(^&'»', hw voici K\abovs fieya all berbt frre;^:er ai>d produces braucbea great, ,.ous, c&cTTe iivj.(rfa> vir -riu ' ".cv avrov ra •o as > b under tli« shadow of it the Tr^TCLPa rov o\^^avo, .zar ' rjt' vu, ^Kat roi birda of the b avto to buJd neata. And such avrais irapaPo\a:5 ir KXa'S € aXe avr^^is rou like many h« ipoke tot'.-m aKOV€iy. ^Xapis to hear. \%'ithout vapa$o\ris O'jk cXaXet avr is Krr* 'Si'^v a parable no^ be apoke to th^m i privately rcis fiaOrirais avro- cTreXue irafxa. |Lt!i* disciples of himself he explained alL ** Kat \eyei avrois ev tKe.vrj rri Tjfxcp::, oip:as Ji' he says \ them .n that th day, even.r yevofjLeurjs' AieKdca/jLfy €is to ire^ ■'v * Ko'. being come I Vl may paaa or r to the other aide. And a(piVT€5 r-v ox^ov\afj.$avova'tv a-roVf ws having left the crcwd they took him, aa .oyov, ruvtwy tfirvro w ru, •";.» ;heywar .ble the b>t \Chap. *: S8. him will be given; and he who has not, even n he has will be taken from him." 'M And he said, % " The KINGDOM of God is, as though a Man Bliould cast s::el on the ground ; ^i lmA should sleep bj Ni^ht, and wake by Day, and the seed shoiild g( r. ininate, and grow up, fjt knows not how. 28 The EARTH produces spontaneously ; first the Plant, then the Ear, after- wards the Perfect Grain in the EAR. 29 But wV>itlieGEAiH 13 niatiired, immediately he sends the sickt.e, Be, cause the harvest ia ready." 30 And he said, f'To what may «■" compare the Ki>"GDOM of God ? or * by What Puratle my wc il- lustrate if 81 It resembles a "iram of Mustard, which w/.en sown OP th: earth, -/is the .ffia?^ of All THOiK -ET.DC that are on the earth: 83 but when it is sown, % grows up, and becomes trreater than All other herbs, and produces great brap'ches; 80 that the BIRDS ot heaven can build their uests under the shadow ol it." 83 t.\iid with many Such Parables he spoke the WORD to them, even as they were able to under- stand. Si *And without a Para- ble he did not address them* bui privately he explained all things to his OWN Disciples. 35 t And on That day. Evening having come, he says to them, "Let us pass over to the otiiee side." 36 And having lef«- the CEC WD, thev took him as • V;:;TiCAi« Mancscritp.— 28. ToT—«wut. It r 34. And Without. t 81. See Note on Matt. riil. 83- t 20. y.-'t. siii. i4. ; 80. Matt. xiii. SI ; T.uke xiii. 18, iobu XVI. Id. I MV. Uatt. vui.U)k3A; Lu&dvia.^-^ W . in Wliat Comparison Bhall we plac< I SS.Matt.x ii 34. Chap. 4: 37.] MAKK. kewasin the ship; [also^ other and shipt was fi€T* avTov, ^' Kat ytueTat \ai\a\f/ auifxov fieya- with him. And aro^e a squall of wind great; A.TJ* ra Se Kv/mara (wfPaWiV eis to ttXoiov, the Bnd wavea dashed into the ship, ftXTTe avro 97877 ytfii^ecOai. ^Kai t]v avros ev so as it BOW to fill. And was he in irr) irpvixvTiy firi ro TrpotrK€:'ene«> And having come CEur^ 6/c Tov ttA lOVf *[ - V - Sj a,7rr]yT7i^p, [i;'';uicdia^ly] met him €/c roiy fjLvr]iu.eiuy avOpafos fv iryev/xari UKaOap- Outolth* tombs a mau tn spirit unclean, Tw, * 6^ T7]y KaToiKrjaiv ^^x^^ ^^ tois fLvqixacri' who the dweilmg Lad in the tombs; *>at owTe aXvcreaiy ou5e;s ri^vvaTO avroy drforat, •ad iiot ^ivcn with chains no one vas able him to bind, * Sia TO avroy TroWaKts weSais Kat aXvaeai for the bim many time, with fetters and chains SeSfffdaiy Kat SieaTracrdai vir* avrov ras to have been bound, and to have been burst by bim the iiAvcreii, KatrasircSas (rvvTerpicpdai' Kat ovSeis •hains, and the fetters to have been broken; and no cue {Chap. 5: i. he was in the boat. And Other Boats were with him. 37 And there arose a p:reat Gale of Wind, and the WAVES dashed into the BOAT, so that *the boat was now full. 38 And i)f 'was in the STEKN, asleep on the pil- low ; and they awoke him, and said to him , "Teadier, does it not concern thee That we perish ?" 39 And arising, he re- bnked the wind, and said to the SEA, " Be silent f be still ! " And the wind ceas- rd, and there was a great Calm. 40 And he said to them, "Why are you afraid? How distrustful yon are !" 41 And they were ex- ceedingly afraid, and said to one another, " Who then is this, That even the wind and the sea obey him f '* CHAPTER V. 1 ^And they came 4a the other side of the lake, into the regiom of ibe *Geeasenes. 2 And having come out of the BOAT, ther. met him out of the t*tONu- ments, a Man with an im« pure Spirit, 3 who liad his habita- tion in the tombs ; and no one could bind *him any longer with Chains ; 4 for many times he liad been bound with Fetters and Chains, and tli^ CHAINS had been wrench- ed off by him, and the TETTERS broken; and no • Vaticaw Manusckipt.— 39. also— omi7. %. QsBASE»£s. 2. immediately — omit. 37. the BOAT was, 8. him any longer with. 40. RO—«mit, t 2. The sepulchres oi the Jews were formerly amongst rocks, mountains, and other un- frequented places, in order that there might be as little danger as possible of that pollution which touching any thing dead produced. They were often as large as a commodious room, and are now often resorted to as places of shelter for the night. Sometimes the wandering Arabs, during the winter season, take up their permanent aoode in them. It appears that al a very early period, some of these tombs were used for sue ha purpose; as Isaiah speaks ot some. *■ who remain among the praves, and lodge in the monuments," chap. Ixv. 4. Burrh- Lardt reports, that he found m«tnv sepulchres in the rocks, at Urn Keis, (supposed to be the ancieat Gadara,) showinic bow 2s^)tarally the conditions of this narrative could Itave been fulfilled iu that region. ) 1. Matt. Till. 28; Lukeviu.iO. Cfvap. 5: 5.] MARK. avrov ipiRils having come out went into the swine ; and tht; HERD rushed down tthe PRECIPICE into the LAKE, and were drowned mthe LAKE. 14 Ihea the swine- herds fled, and leported It in the cm. ^nd m the villages. And they came out 10 see what that was which had been done. 15 And they came to Jesus, and beheld the de- moniac, him having HAD the tEGioN, sitting down, clothed, and in his light mind; and they were afraid. 16 And THOSE SEEINQ it, related to them what * Vatican Majjuscript.— 7. says. 12. Ihe.v besought. eave. 13. and they were about Two Thouaajdi—oaiit, 1 12. See tlote on Matt rill. SS. 13. he gave tb«i% 15. aair-^mit. ^irrp^ 5 . 17.] MARK. Aud "Tirayf Go '^^ Kai a7r77\06, Kai -qp^aro KT]pv(T- And he -went, and be?an to pub- •a €TroiT](r€V tolum the r^Sj TToas fyevero rtp 5aifxoviCoiJ.(vcf}, Kai irepi seen, how it happened to the one being demonized, and about ■Tccv xoipau. *7 Kat rjp^avTo irapaKaX^iu avrov the twine. And they bejran to entreat him aireXQciv airo rtav optwv avrwv. ^^ Kai cfi^ay- to depart from the coasts of them. And entering Tos avTov (IS TO ttKoiov, TrapfKCiXft avrov 6 of him into the ehip, besonjht him he ^aifj-oviadeis, Iva ri fier' airrov. ^^ Kai haring been demonized, that he might be with him. ovK a(pT]K€v avTov, aWa Ae^et avrcp' not he suffered him, but he says to him ; eis rov oiKov aov ivpos rovs (rovs, Kai ayayyei- mto the faonse olthee to the friends, aud relats \ov avTois, baa AcKairuXei, orra €TTonf]any things iradovfTa vtto ttoXXcdv larpoovy Kai SaTravrjaafra having suffered under many physicians, and tiaving spent ra Trap' avrrjs iravray Kat /MT^b^v wcpfXr)- th« tbin^ of her all, and nothing having been dei^a, aXXa fxaXXov us to x^^P^"' eXQovaa, benefited, but rather into the worse state having come, •^ aKovtraaa inpi rov Itjitou, eAfloucra ev T(p having heard about the Jesus, ras x^'P"^» OTroTS the hands, so that -^ Kai air7]Xde fier And he went with havina come [Oiap.b: 57. had happened to the demo- niac, and concerning the SWINE. 17 $And they began to entreat him to depart from their boedeks. 18 And he having en- tered the BOAT, X Hn who had betu a demoniac, en- treated him that he might be with him ; 19 And yet be did not permit him, but says to him, "Go HOiiB to thy FRiECfDs, and tell them liow much the Lord has done for thee, and has had pity on thee." 20 And he went away, and began to proclaim in Dkcapolis, how much Je- sus had done lor himj and all were astonished. 21 JAnd Jesl's having again passed over in * a Boat to tlie other side, a great Crowd gathered to him, and he was by the LAKE. 22 $ And one of the STN- AGOGUE-RULERS, named J alius, came, and seeing him, he fell at his teet, 23 and earnestly en- treated him, saying, " My LITTLB DAUGHTEK Is at the point of death; come, and put thy hands on her that she may be restored, and she will live." 24 And he went with him, and a great Crowd lollowed him, and pressed on him. 25 And a Woman, t ^^^'- ing had a Hemorrhage for twelve Years, 26 and having suffered much under Many i'hysi- cians, and having ex- pended ALL her property, and not being benefited, but had rather become worse, 27 having heard *the things concerning Jesus, came in the crowd be. 22 \o^omit 55. certain— omt*. * Vaticaw MAHUScnirT.— ?I. » Boat— omit 27. the tilings conceniing Jesvs. ' : 17. Matt. »in.S4; Actsxv1.3'.> : IS. Luke viii. 3S 1 21. Matt, ix I ; Lake Till. 40. : 22. Matt. ix. 18. Luke viii. 41. X ^5. 1-ev. xv. 25; Matt, ix ia f^ap. 5: 28.] MARK.. ox^V o-rricrdey, i^x^aro tov l/j-ariov ^ axrrov. crowd behind, touched the mantle o:'him. ^(EAeye yap' 'Otj Kav tcou She said for; Thnt even if the a\pa}/, cwQiqaofiai.). -^ Kai evdews e^r}pau6ri I may touch, I shall be i»ved.) And T] Trriyr] rov alfxaros avrrjs the source of the blood of her; CWjXaTl, UTl body, that i ifxartwy avrov clothes ofhim mediately was dried up koll fyj/ea rci) larai otto fas saved from and kcevr to the TTjs /naaTiyos: ?^ Kat the scourge. And fvVeics 6 Irjaovs eiriyvovs er kavTc^ rrfv €^ immediately the Jesus knowing in himself the out of a'JTOv Svva/xiv e^eXOovaav, CTricrTpa(]>€is ev TCf himself power having gone out, having turned round in the oX^Vf eA.e7e" Tis jxov rjiparo twv Ifxaricav ; crowd, sold; 'Who of me touched the clothes? ^^ Koj e\€yoy avrcp ot /jLaOrjTai avrov BXeneis And said to him the disciples ofhim; Thou seest rov ox^ov (rvv0\i$oura ce* /cot \cyeis' Tis /xov the crowd pressing on thee; and sayest thou ; Who me r)^paro ; ^^ Kat iriptefiX^irero i8eiu rrfv rovro touched? And he was looking round to see the (woman) this iron]cra(Tav. ^^'H Se yvvrf, (po^7]Qei(Ta Kai rpe/j.- having done. The but woman, 0 yevoviv hat was done fearing and ctt' avrri, r]\de Kai on her, came and 01 era, eiovia bling, having known ^ irpoaemaiy avr(f>, Kai etirev avrcp waaau rrjp fell down to bim, and told to him all the a\r]dfiav. ^'O Se enrty avrri' Qvyarep, rj truth. He but said to her; Daughter, the viffTis (TOV T(^veD to her _ tu eat. ; KE*. s'. 6. Kai t^rfXGev cKCidev, Kat TjAflfv eis rr}v irar- Aad be went out thence, and came into the country /)tSa auTow /cot o/coXo^fiowciv auTo* oi fiadtjTai ofhimielfi and follow him the disciplea owTow 2 Kot yevofievov ffafiParov, "np^aro (v ofhlm^ And being cume lahbatb, he began tn T7J crvvaywyrihitaffKiiv, Kat iroXAot aKovovrts the ngt? •rat Tts ij you weep and make confu-? 6ion? tne chilu ia But, dectd, but t sleeps.'* 40 And tliey (leritled Mm. J But putting ttbera all out, •{)« takestlie FA- TH£E and tliC UOTHER of the CHILD, and those with him, and goes in) where the CHii.D was. 41 And having grasped the HANP of the child, he Bays to her, "Talitha- cumi,«» which, being trans* lated, Bjgnifies, • You^a MAiDKN, 1 eay to thecj arise." " 42 And immediately the YOUNG MAiDE.N aiose and walited about, for she was twelve years old. And Ihry were exceedingly as* tonished. » "■^-'■*( 43 And the' strictly charged them that no one should know this thing; and directed to give lio food. CHAPTER VI. 1 And t he departed thence, and * comes into) his OWN COUNTRY; andi his DISCIPLES follow him. 2 And the Sabbath hav-j ing come, he began to teach in the synagogue,, and *many hearing, vverej astonished, and ' said, J "Whence has this ni«n. these fhings? and What is THAT WISDOM which 19 imparted *to hini ? and how are such mibacles. performed ^through hiai hands? 3 Is not tTiis the cab-i PKNTFR? the SON of *Maky, and J Brother of James, and Joses, and Ju-i • VaticaS Mawuscript.— 40. Ijf tnkes. 1. comes into. S. M&iti. 2. t* tkim ? and such uisACLes. 3. Mary, and Brutber of. i 40 The persons or crowd here spoken of, were probably n sot of people usually hired CTi these occasions to attend the funeral, and lollow-the protessiqu with their lameutations.j Tins custom prevailed East. These are the mournivg joom en mentioned by Jeremiah, chapter] lx.l7— -21: andbyAmos. chaoterv 16. They were called Prajica by the Koinans, because they presided over, and t)eean, the funeral dirge. But mcnseem to have attended amonps I fnem, as well a^ women. Dr. Shaw mentions this cistnin to be Rtill continued in the East ; and observes, that the women employed on these occtisionP, perform their parts with such propor sounds, gestures, and motions. Ihntlhoy rare'vfailto work up the assembljr to aa extraordinary pitch ofthoutjhtfulness and sorrow.— H'aAf/iey.^ t 30. Johnxi. 11. -**'"'' t 40. Acts Ix. 40. * / ~^ t 4r Matt, viiirir'l*- SO.;' '" iTx^'W ,©; Markiii. 12; LuUe V U. , J 1. M;itt. ii>i. 61, Lukc «v. l^^ -^ H. Johu vi.4X,j X I. Matt. xii. 4&, UaL 1. 10^ Chap. 6: 4] MARI?. 2het mtlaoul honur, except in the co\intr7 sf Uimielf, KOJ fu Tois crvyyfvfciy tcai (vrr) oiKia airov, ar.'l among (he rclativei, - and in the houie of himself. ' Koi OVK TjSuvaTo tKcy oviffiiav ivvafxiv jroti)- And nut wnuhle there no one miracle to 'ffai^ (I /J.1J o/.eyois appwcrrois iiriQc^s ra$ x^'P^^j do, etcrpt a few eick having put on the bands, tBfpaTTiviTe. ^''Kai (Oav^a^i Sia ri)V airicrriav were cured. And he wondered becauae of the uobelief tivrwv. ofihem. Kai itepirjye ras Kcofxas kvk\w, BiiaffKwy. Aad hCK-cntrouaa th« villa^ca round ali6u(, teaching. 7 Kai irpoaKoiKftrai rovs Su^ena, Ka.^.r)f^aro Any aKaOapTujv^^ Kat outliuniy of ilic (pirita ■ of the unclean, i,v,i] . and irapr^^yeiKiv avrois^ iua firjdtv ^.aipaxriv^ «is be charged theui, thai ootinng they aliouldtake fur 63oUf (I fir] pa^^off fiowoy nrj vripav^ fxri apfoi/, a way, except » ataff only; no bag, uo bread, fitj fit ^-tjc ((i3fT}y x"^'*^''' • ' o^^' vTToBfStfieyovi t.ot into the bete copper money i but having £>cea shod ♦ravSaAw koi pLti fySvtri^a'Oe Suo X'twi/oj. '"Kaj iandalia and not yoo may put on two eoata, .And 4\fy(tf avrois' 'Oirov (au u and they were cored . / '^Kai riKovffty 6 /SacriXcvs 'HpwSr^r, {ipaytpoy And beard the king Herod, (well-known •^op (yfvero to ovofia outov,) koi tKtyfy ,*Oti I fnr was tb9 name of hiui,) and ' ketaid; , That fChap. 6: 14. I .■ das, and Simon? and are not his siSTKus here with u3?' And tUe^ were per- plexed with him. 4 But Jesus said to fhcm, {"A Prophet is not without honor, except m his OWN couNTBY, and among his belativks, and m bis own family " 5 J And he was unwil- ling to do any Ihnre, except a Few Sick persons he cured by lay mg: his hands on them. 6 And be was surprised on account of their u.n. BELIEF. J And he went round the villages teach- ing. • 7 J And he called the TWELVE, and sent Them r9rth in pans; and gave them Authority over the impuhe sriKiTs; 8 and he charged them, that they should take No- thing for tlic Journey, ex- cept a sinjrle Staff; *no Bread, no Traveling Bag. no Copper in the giudle ; 9 but to wear sandals, and uot put on Two Coats. . 10 And he said to them. "Whatever house you en- ter, there remain, till you leave tlie place. ». > 11 And •whattTer Place will not receive you, nor hear yoti, in djpartinw thence^-t f shake off that DUST which is UNDEB your TEET, for a . Testi- mony to them.-/' 13 .And having gona forth,' they proclaimtd that men shoula reforiri. 13' And they expelled many Demons, and X "i^* ointed many sick persons with Oil, and cureu them. U tAnd Herod the KINO heard, (for Jesus had become well-known,) and 'he. said,'" John the • Vaticam M*«i'sc«iFT.— Bread, notravoling Bag.' H.^whatever Placo wUlnot. U. they said. - — — t n. An emblematical action, tt^ifyingr a renunciation of all ftirlher" concern wltl CheiD. It waa very usual among the people of the East to express thei: Intentions by ex. terualslfrn*. Many singular examples of this species of lans^ia^ occur both in Old SLnd New Testaments. See I Klngi xL 29j xxlU 11; 8 Kings xiii. 15. .,....^ ~ '" 4 4, Mntl.xlll 67j/ohalT.44. • * J B. Mati.xlil. 63; Mark lx.». 1 ft Kait; Ix.U: I.uUexUi.M. . 1 7. MaH.z.C Markiii. I»,14; Lukeix.l. t H. AcU >ut.6l-svUi , I 18. James V. li. - t U Matt-^v.l; Luk«s.tft -- ^ 5* .9 rifiKTOvs rrjs fiacriXeias piov. I will give to thee, till half ofthc kingdom ofme. [Chap. 6: 23. IMMERSES *has »isen from tne Dead, and therefore MIRACLES ai-e perforniea by him." 15 Others saia, J "He is Elijah;" and others said. " He is a Proph' '•, like oiio of the PROPHETS.'' 16 4:But Herod havino^ heard, said, " '^hat John, whom I beheaaed; \)z is raised." 17 Tor Hr.Rn himself had sent and seized John, and bound him in Prison, on account of Herodias, the WIFE of T^hilip Lis brother; for he naa mar> ried Her. 18 lor JoHK had said to Herod, J '■ it is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife." 19 Therefore 1 eeodias was incensed against him, and wished to kill him, and could not. 20 For llEROi. $ feared John, knowing that be was a just and holy Man ; and protected him; and having heard him, he *did many things, and heard Him gladly. 21 And a convenient Day having come, when Herod, on his bieth-day, made a Feast for his no- bles, and for the com- manders and CHIEI* men of Galilee ; 22 *the DAUGHTER of this Herodias having en- tered, and danced, * she pleased Heeod and the GUESTS, * and the king said to the girl, "Ask me whatever thou wilt, and I will give it to thee." 23 And he swore to her, J" Whatever thou mayst ask Me, I will give to tnee, even to the Half of my kingdom." • Vaticak Manuscbipt. — 14. has arisen. 16. from the dead — omit. 20. was much perplexed, and heard. • 22. his daushibr Herodias. 22. she pleased. 22. and the king. _ t 21. The custom of celebrating stated solemnities, and the anniversary of the birth-day In particular, was very sreneral in the East, and might be transferred from them to t\\% Greeks and Romans. The solemnization of the birth-daj by a festival is frequently men- tioned, or alluded to, in ancient authors. — Wakefield. t 15 Matt xvi.Mj Mark viii.28. | 16. Matt.xiv. 2; Lukeiu.lO. T 18. I:C^ xviii. 16; xx.21. X ^ Matt.xiv.5t xxi d. ^25. Esther v. 3, 6; vii.2. Chap. 6: 54.] MARK- **'H 8e 6^eA.0oi;cro, etre rri fi-qrpi outtjs* Tj The amd joinijout, lajd to the mother of herself; What aiTTjcroiiaj. : 'H Se eiTre" Ttjt Ki iVo ytioi Sqes €|ovt7JS €7r{ irivaKi tt)v I will that to me thou wouUlat^ire instantly on a plate the Ke(pa\'QV \wavvou rov ^a-irriffrov. -^ Kat irepi- head o^John the dipper. And rery AuTTos yevQ^evos 6 ^acriX^vs, Sto rovs opKovs sorry having become the king, because of the oaths Kai Tovs cvvavaKei/JLevovs ovK 7j0e\7)u\aKT)' '-^Kai Tjy^yKC rt^v Ki,3 were assembled to Jesus, and related to him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. 31 And he *said to them, J "Come sou, retire by yourselves into a Desert Place, and rest a little;" X for many were those who were COMING and go- • Vaticab Mancicbipt. — 31. says. <• 27- The term, $pekou)atoora {rom the Latin tpeculator, denotes one of the bodv-guar u^va' Kat 77p|aTO ^i5a(rKeiv avrovs TroAAa. shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. ^ Kat tjSt] cl)pas ttoWtjs yeuonevTjSy irpoffiXduv- And already time much having gone, coming Tes aury oi jxaQ-qrai auTOu, Xeyovffiv Ot» epij- tohim the disciples of him, they say; That » U.OS ecTTiV 6 TOiros, Kat tjJtj wpa TrokXrj' ^ otto- '- - •- dismiss [CTiap. 6: 41. ^ — .^ — i« ING, and they had no lei sm-e, not even to cat. 32 And they went away, by the boat, into a Desert Place, J to be by -ilieni- selves. 33 Bnt they saw them departing, and many tnew liem; and they run toire- ther there on foot from All the CITIES. 34 J And coming out, he saw a Great Crowd; and lie deeply pitied them. Be- cause they were like Sheep having no Shepherd; and the taught them many things. 35 X And much Time having already gone, hia DISCIPLES coming to him, say, * " The place is a Desert, and now much Time has passed; 36 dismiss them, that desert is the place, and already time much Xvaov avTOVs, iva aTreXdovres ets rovs KVKXcp them, that going into the surrounding aypous Kat KcofiaSy ayopaa-oxriu eairrois oprous' jthey may go to the adja- country and villages, they may buy themselve. loaves; Lgnt TAUMS aud Tillages, Ti yap (paycoa-iu ovk €Xov *iii Two 89 And he commanded them to make all recline in they i Companies on the green Grass. 40 And they lay down in Squares, by Hundreds and by Fifties. 41 And taking the tivk Loaves and the two Fish- es, and looking toward* €uXo7773wd. Aad having sent away them, he went €is TO opos TTpoTcv^aaOai. "^'Kai o^ptas yfvo- into the mountain to pray. And evening having fteFTjs, i]y TO irKoiov ^v fx^tr^ rrjs OaKarra-qs' ome, was the ship in middle ofthe sea; Kai auTos fiovos ^irt ttjs 717^. ''^Kat etScr .-vnd h< alone apon the land. And he saw auTovs fiacrayi^ofieyovs fy Tea €\av?>€iy ijy yap tliem tormented in the rowings was for 5 arero^ iyavTios avTois, Kat vepi TSTapT'qv tlie wind opposite to them. And about fourth tpvKaKTjr TTjs yvKTos cpx""^' irpos avTovs, Trept- watch ofthe night comes towards them, walk- vraTwr 67rt rt]s 6a\a cepetVf (icknesa hxriug to carry abeot, e»cei ecTTi. ^^ Kai oirov ay there he M. Ani whererer Ko/J-aSf r) TToAets, ^ aypovs, tuwDt, ar cities, er viUageak iTibovf rovs aadeuovvTas, the7 placed tko^e being gick, avTov, iva nav rov KpaaveSov rov lfj.aTiov him, *hat if even the tuft of the mantle avTov aipwvTar Kai oaoi av r,irTQi/TO o-VTovy of him they might toucU) «IMt WlUMVCC Uraciwd ^ina, were savetk ccmchn th^se where they beard, tbat eicreTFopeueTO ew be entered into er Tais ayopais in the market» Kou TtaptKaKovv and they besought KE*. C 7o ' Ko£ (rupoyoPToi vpos avrov ol ^api(raioi. And were gathered jO hiia the Pharisees, cti Tjyes TCDi' ypafip.arecoVf e\6oPT€s airo 'lepo- «nd some of the reribee, having come from Jem- ffoXifj-wir 2 if(ii ijj, y-rfj rtpas ru>v ixaQ-qrojv lalen>> and tiwiag tome of the diseipjes avTov Kotvzis x^P'^h Tovr' ecrnv aviirTois, •fhim with common hands, that is unwashed, ffdiouras apTovs' ^ {ol yap ^apKTaiot Kai irav- eating foavesj (the for Pharisees and all res ot KwSatot, eav p.t} irvy /xri virpwyrai ras the Jews, if not with ■'et they may wash the X^ipas, ovK eadtovcri, Kparooi>T€S r7]y irapaSoo'iy hands, not they eat, nolding the tradition Tail' Trperr/SuTepwr* 'Kai airo ayopas, eav /j-rj o. the elderst and ^om a market, tf not fiaTTTKrccvrait o^K ecOioufft' Kai ah\a waWa they mi;lit dip, not theyeatj and other many things ecTTiu, a irape\a^owKpaT€iu, ^airrKTfxovsTroTTi- is, which they receited tohold, dippings of picuv, Kai ^earcDy, Kat xaA/ciajj/, *[Kai /rAiFwf}) mips, mi otpots, atid of copper vessels, [and ofcouchesi]) ^ eireira eveparrufriv avrou ol ^apicraioi Kai oi then asked him the Fhani^ees and the ypajxixanis' Aiart ol /xa&7)Tai trov ov Trepnra- scrtbe»: Why the disciplea of thee not walk Tov(Ti Kara TTjUTrapaSoffiy rcou irpecrfivrfpay, according to th« tradition of the elderf, aAAa Koivats x^P*'"**' €O'0tot/. thon migbtest be profited rand] a gil^J ovKfTt a<^i€Ti avToy ovSev woiTjcrat tw irarpi no more yc > suffer him anything to do for he fa aer [ul himself,'' or for the mother [of himself,] niak.ngvo.:' Toj/ Aoy ► Tov deov rji vapaBoaei v/xoov, ij the word of the God -or the tra Ution of you, which 7rape5.KC€' Kanrapcfioia Ty}iavTa ttoAAo vo- you ^^e^vered; and similar 8u>.l. like many thin!>s /ou c:. .0 -■* Kai TrpocKaAeora/u./wS Traura rov V>. And bavin" called tl t*'e :X^ -'i ^A.eyev avrois' AK'vere fio' 7'avres, cr.wd, be said to them i Be*; me al!, t«. i7vvifr€. ^" OvScy €cr. it* c^j&ci' rov aifdpat- a.".d x.innrjct«;d. Nothing ir uu* i' o « man vov, eiaTT'^pevo/j.euov g from him. ^^itva tart 7o Koivovura r v avQpwnov. those is '^ethingsm&kingcommonthe man. 16' [E. {Chap >. 1^ * aK &.ET is far remuv A ' from me. 7 But in vain do they ' wors lip me, teaching as ' Doctrines, the Precepts 'of Men.' 8 Laying aside tlie COMMANDMENT Of GOD, you retain the TaADixiow of MEN " 9 And he said to thera, " Well do you annul .he COMMANDMENT Of GCD, that you may keep your own TRADITION. 10 For Moses said, J'Ho- 'nor thy father and thy 'MOTHi.R,' andJIlE who 'REVILES Father or Mo- ' ther, kt him be punished •with Death.' 11 But gou assert, * If a man say to iatheb or mo- ther, J Be that Corban, that is, an Oii'ering, +by which thou mightest de- rive assistance from me? 12 you no more permit him to do any thing for ta- THEROr MOTHER: 13 making void the woRDof ji;d by your TRA- DITION, which you have delivered; and many sucJ* like Things you do." 14 J And haviTig *agaiii called All of the crowd, he said to them, " Let all listen to me, and be in- stjucted. 15 There is nothing from without the man, which entering in 'pollutes him i but the things pro- ceeding from 'theMAlf, are tfie things which POLLUTE him. 16 *tCIf any one has VA?iCA!f Manuscript.— 8. For— omif. 8. dippinfrs of Pots and oi Cups; and many other suchlike thing's you d(T — omit. 12. And— owif. 12. .is — omt. '.2. his— omiii 14. a^ain tailed. 15. pollutes jiim. 15. fiie MA^, are the Chinos which polltttb him. 16. If any one has Ears to hear, let him hear— omif. + 11. Apieceofhistory, delivered in the Talmud, will illustrate this Bubjeet, aud at the Bame time exhibit in a clear light the profligacy, superstition, and casuistry of the Jews. A man of Beth-Horon had made a vow, and declared that his father shouldreap no benefit from his property. Afterwards, on the occasion of bis son's marria^^e, he wished to invite his father tt the entertainment ; and, to evade the obligation of his vow, he transferred his right and property in the room and feast to a friend, who was en?a;rod to invite his father. This, however, wa'' >udg&d to be unlawful, unless he had transferred entirely and trul v this part o his property \,o his friend, without interposinff any condition with respect to the invitatio* of his father, whom he was bound by all means not to profit. How can w« be surprised ' the Boverity with which our Savior rebuked such vile casuistry, such want of natiura) affeo> tion. end sue' abominable hypocrisy ? — Wakefield. I W Exod. rs. 12 : Deut. V 1ft Matt. XV. 4. J W. Frod. xxi. 17; Lev. %x. rov x'^. 20. t 11. Matt. XV. : xxiii. 18. ? 1 Matt xv. 10. J 1ft. Matt xi. li Chap. 7: 17.] MARK. laiap. 7: 27. any one has ears to hear, let him hear.] And ore fKTTjXdfy €is oiKOV airo ruv ox^ov, Ivlien he entered into a house from the crowd, €wr]pwTwy avTOv oi fiadrjrai avrov vcpi rrjs asked him the disciples ofliicn concerning the Trapa.0o\r]s. ^^ Kai \fyei avTois' OuTca Kai parable. And heeajs to them ; Thus also vfiiis arrvifCTOi ecrre ; Ow foeir^, on irav to youwithout understandingare? Not knowyou, that all that ^\joQ(.v, eKnropevofj.ei'oy eis tov auOpwirovy ov wuhout, entering into the man, not Bjuarai avrov Koivaxrai ; ^^ on ovk eia-irop- is able him to make common? that not goes everai avrov eis ri]v Kaphiav, aW' ets rriv koi- ofit into the heart, but into the bellyi Kiav Kai its rov a> goes out, Kadapi(,ov -iravia ra fipw/xara. * EAe76 be- cleau»ing ail the toods He said and, 'On TO e»c tov avQpwTTov iKnop^vofXiPovy ^k^lvo T.iit the oai of lh< man prcceedrngloiib, tnat KJivoi rov avQpooTTOV' ^^"E-crwdiv fap e/c ttjs ma .escommon ih» man; Within lor out o> the KapSias rwv avdpoovaiy at SiaAoyi(Tfxoi oi kukoi heart of the men the purposes th« evil fKTTop^voyrai' fioix^io-ty iropv^iaiy tpovoi, proceeds; adulteries, fornicatioua, mnider.-, ^KKowaiy irXeove^tai, iroyr^piai, SoKos, afrtAyeta, thefts, covetousnesses, villanies, deceit. Intemperance, oTrov. comes forth. an 1 makes common the man ^* Kai cKfid^y avaarasy airr^XQ^y fty to ^xeQ- And thence arising, he wen> Into the bor- opia Tvpov Kai "Zihusvos' Kai ttaiXOaiy us rrtu deis ot Tyre and Sidon; and ^ntermj 'li'o the viKiaVy ovSeva i]6e\€ yvtavaf Kat ovk r)huvridr) house, no one he wkhed to know. and not he was able KaQiiv. ^"^ AKovaaffa yap yvvr} irepi avrov, r}s 1 1, ne concealed. Havingheard for awoman about him.ofwbom t«Xf Ttf Bvyarpioy avrris irvevixa aKaOaproy, h«d ih« little daughter of herself a spirit unclean, eKdovcra Trpocreireae itpos rovs iroSas avrov havingiome felldown to the feet of him ^^ (771/ 8f 7) yvyrj 'E\\r)viSy ^vpoipoiviKicrcra rcf (was DOW the woman a Greek, a Syrophenician to the yfyet) Kat rjpcora avrov y iva ro haijxoviov ck- birth.) and she besought him, that the demon he ^a.Kri €K T7JS Ovyarpos avrrjs. "^'O Se Ir}(rovs Would cast out of the daughter ofherseil. The but Jesus fi^evavrri' A(pes npwrov xopracrOrjvai rarcKva' said toher; Lelalone first to be filled thechildren, ou yap KaXoy eari, Aa/Setc rov aprov rwv reK- not fur good it is, to take the bread of lb- chil- vwv, Kai Pa\€iy rots Kvvapiots. ^ H 8f dren, and to cast to vbe dogs. She bui Ears to hear, let him hear."] 1 7 J And when he went from the ceowd into a House, his disciples asked him concerning the PAEABLE. 18 Andhe says to them, " Are sou also so destitute ot understanding? Do you not perceive, that nothing from without, enteeinp into the MAN, can pollute Hini ? 19 because it enters not into the heart, but into tJie BELLY, and passes into lie s 1 N K, purifying All the FOOD." 20 And he said, " That which PKOCEEUS OUT O" ; lie man, tfjat poUules the MAN. 21 JFor from within, out of the HEAET of MEN, emanate evil pukposes; — Adulteries, Fornications, Murders, 22 Thefts, Covetonsness, Villanies, Deceit, liitem- peiance. Envy, Calumnies, Pride, and Folly; 23 All These EViLthinga emanate from within, and pollute the man." 24- t And arising thence, he retired into the con- fines of Tyie and Sidi n ; and having entered into tlie HOUSE, he desired no one to know it; but he could not be concealed. 25 For a Woman, whose LITTLE DAUGHTER had an unclean Spirit, * imme- diately heard of liim ; and having come fell down at his feet; 26 (now the woman was tan Hellenist, a na- tive of Syrophenicia .) and she entreated liini to expe' the demon from her DAUGHTER. 27 » Andhe said to Iter, "Let I he children first be satisfied; for it is n(./os, r)\dev eis T-qu QaKaacrav ttjs TayiXaias, Sidon, faer»ine to the Bea ofthe Gahlee. aua ixe uKoai' And fimniediaielvl were opened of-irn the eare icai ehvOr} 6 Sfor/jios T17S y\(i}(r(n)s avTov, Kat nud was loosed the bond ofthe tongu<» f him, and a\a\6i op6a}S. ^ Kat 5ie(rTei\aT0 aurrts, iya he. poke plainly. And he charged them, toot txrjbevt iiTTwaiv bcrav Se avTos avTois BiecTf-X- no one the» should tell, what but h.. ..o ihem charged KeTOy naWoif Trepia^croTfpov iKr),:val "Ot U^vinc eny thing tbey could eat, having iieoAe(/S/A«»'OJ Tovy /xafiTjras o /tow Aeyet outoij* U^llgij^ Che disciples of himself he says .to them; !' 27rXa7X*''C''A*'*' *''"* tovox^ov 6ti tjSt; ^/tepar I have pity oa the crowd; because now day* rpeis, TTpofrfifuovTi *[^.oj,] «af ou« exovct tj three, they conliuue [with rut,] and not' they have any thing fTi. ^ Kat cay airoKvcra avrovs yrjcmis t.iiy can fiit. Au4 ., if I disuiis* them fasting «ij oiKOU auTO)^, fKKvOiTTQVTai fu Til 6dcf)' Tives into house of lu«i»8elve«, they wil'l faint oa the way;- some yap avTwv fiaKpoOfu T]KOV(ti. * Kat aveKpiOrirraf Cor ofthein o great distancehavc couie. And imewered avrrp ol fxad-nrai aurov UiOfV toutovs Svurfae- to hiui the disciples ofhiin; Whecco tlie»a will be ahle Tot Tt$ cj5c.x^P'''°<''"' apTwv eir' fpr,fiias; ^ Kai rnyuneher.a to satisfy ofloavei in » desert place ? And tTTTjpwTff avTovs' UotTovj ^X^"^^ ttpTovs; Of 5e hsaskeiL theaij How many have you loaves? They and tiiray 'EtVo. ^ Kat 7rop7777€fA.e rq/ ox^y aya- gaid; Seven..; And be gave orders 'lo the crowd to vecreiv em ttjj yns'' Kai Ka^oiv rovs eirra tviine upon the . groundj ood talking the eeven cprouy, iFi;xa/"<'"''T)otliing to eat,l calling his disciples, he says to tlicm, . 2 " X have compassion; on the CROWD, Because now they have continued three Days, and have no- thing to eat; 3 and if 1 dismiss them fasting to their Homes, they will faint on tha KOAD; for some of them have come from a great distance." 4 And his DtsciFtfes answered him, " Wlience will any one be able to satisfy These with Breal here in a Desert place '(" 5 t And he asked them, "How Many Loaves liavo you?" And Tuey said, '' Seven " 6 And he commanded the CROWD to recline on the GROUND ; and taking the SEVKN Loaves, J and having given thanks. Jig broke them, and gave thera to his DISCIPLES for dis- tribution, and they phiced them before the crowd. 7 And they had a fewj Small fishes; and having offered praise for them, ho said, "Flace •These alsoj before them." 8 Thus they ate, and] were satisfied ; and theyi took up of the remaining Fragments Sevea largai Baskets full. 9 And * they were about Four thousand ; and bo dismissed them. 10 t And immediafely *^c entered into the BOAr with his DISCIPLES, and came into the eegiom of, f Dalmanutha. 11 J And the PHASISfilS came forth, and began to argue with him, seeking • Vaticaw Mancscrift.— 1. again being great, were about. 10. he entered. • ^ -t 10. The same as Magdala ; see Matt. xr. 30. 1.' These. 9. And the7) ' 1 • ilatt. XV. 82. ' 1 b. Matt xy. 5*; Mart vl. 88. , t 6. Matf. xtr% tO \ Uuk. »i.41. " TlO.!M»tysv:8U. JU.Mat>xii.a8»XTl.l» JohavLJO. ^ Giap. 8: I?.', MAllK. [C^ap 8: 2S Tov ovpavcvj irtipa^ovTfS avrov. *-Kat ava- tne he>ven, templing him. And KTonn- fTT*[i'^t*' ] ci thin a iigB seeks? Indeed I say [to you,] if pi'.all be given to the generation th-s ti^. ^'Kat a 'interiii'^ ag^- [irto the ir^.otoj',] airrjXde i.s T-: Ttfjav. ^^Km cireAa- jh-- ] hidcp.'crte^ ji th^ jthcx «)0n. Ana they fiopTO ?^a^€iif apTovSf Kat (t -j sua upiovovK forgot to take lua.ts, .jac except cne lea. rot fiXO' fifO' eavT- y €V rep Tt\oi(f. -^ Kat 8ieo- ihejr with theum^lveu in th uhip. /.id be T«*>6T0 auTOis, Ac7c«jy* 'Opa»-6, j8Ae7!cT6 otto chaigsd thein, saying j Loo''/ou, oevvare vcu of Tr}5 \,vixr\s rwy i>apioaiuUf Kci ttjj- K,i,ii>.vs 'Hpca- •.he leiveu of the Phansces, L: u o'f c leavea of He- 5 ;. '^Koi Si(\oyi(^cyro nfos cAAtjAcuj, *[Ae- 7' d. And tbsy rifisonod with Oi-: b^Dther, [aay- 'yovte.?'] 'Ort aprovs OVK eXv*'^" ^''J^ect yyovs ■dh3 Because loares not ^oVu Ard knowing d l•^(rovs^ \fyei avoiS" Tt S/aA v^ecr^e, drt ^£ Jesua, belays tothciCi ^^-7 reaann yon, because aoTLvs ovK cXere; CuTrfc* yoejre jvSe 'ove* not youh-veV jSotyet lerceivt yoii, neither J v.K.Tf^: *j]fTij TeTTCrtp: ixzvv,y ^x^"^* "'7*' '*o^P" iinderstar.*;'OU? [yet] having btenstupitied hsve ynn ^he b'art 6iay vficvv ; ^^C3;oui KUi WTO exovre: ojk a/coJcTe , koj oy (xvr)ixov- and eari having iiot -ek^yoa? and uoc remember youf When tb^ five love* I troi* rovs veyTaKicrx^^tovs, vococs tK.rpiycvi he five ihouiand, t.oir nauoy hathe** pete KKacTfiarwu Tjparf ; Afyovaiy offrafmenti tookybn :-,;> T>-ty Lay lO^im; AooSe/ca. "'''Ore Ss Toi/S e-Tra «'S rons '■erpa- Twelve. When an'.l ih B«%'en c ths four Ki(rXiA»ous, Toaoiv airvpiSuty irMit, jouara K\acr- thousand, ho:T many l..rg(. biiskets full of •.aTwv "qpare ; Ot Se eiTrov "Ettt •. 21 gg-j '.crmentc tookyou upF The/ ^nd -.lid; Seven, Aua . \eyev ai/rois' llcos ov cwKn ; .jeiaid to them) Howiait not /on oj Icratand 7 ^ Kat epx^Tai eis BrjOcraiSay, Kot you not yei) perceive.- nci understand ? I* youi HEART stupiSed ' 18 Having E^ x' to yon not see? and having J-.ars, do you not hea.. i and do you not recollect? 19 % When J broke the rivF Loaves among the FIVE THOUSAND, HoW many Baskets fuLJ of* - ag- mentstookyouap?" Ihey sav to him,*" Twelve." *20 +"And when tho SEVEN among the Touu THOUSAND, How many large Baskets fall of Fragments took yon op?'' And *they say to him, " Seven." 21 And he said to thera. " How is it you co noa understand?" 22 And *they come f© Bethsaida; and they bring • Vaticau Masdsckipt. — 12. to you — omif. 13. into the bo.\t— omi^. 16. riay» Ing— omif. 1ft. Beeatise they had no Brend. 17. he knew it-, and says, 17. yet — omit. 20. they say to him. 2 . they come. t 1.1. Matthew joins the Sadducees with the Pharisees, and mates no mention of Herod, But there is no real discrepancy, since Herod and the HeroiUans |i. e. his adherents and coiirtiers) were, no doubt, Sadducees, and there is every reason to think th:it their doctrines and morils were such as to justify tne Ciiution of our Lord. Zumec, by a strikiTit» metnphor, -li'notes the in/ecfion ol/ai«e lioctrinM, (so Matt, xvi, 12,) as well as corrupt moral*.— 3i«wm« (tela. 14. Matt. xvl. 5, t 1.5. Matt. xvi. 6; Lultr sii, 1. + 17. Mark vi. 59 «S: liUoii 1 10. Matt.xiT.:?:){ Markyi.«S: >e IX. 17; John vi. i3. t 20. Matt «,v. S7 ; M.jrk viii. « Ch/tp. 8: 23.] MARK. \%ap. 8: 32 aw^^ Tv<^Aov /cot -KapaKaXovinv avrov, iva to him a blind inn and beseech him, that avTov a\^T]rai. ^^ Kai eTri\a$o/jLcvos rrjs him he would touch. And having taken ♦.he X,fipos rov Tv of him, having diis Tas xetpas auTou, eirripwra avroVy ei placed the hands to him, he ask^d him, if Ti $\€wei. '^■^ Kai av.lB\e\pas e^eye' BAerrw anything iie sees. And looking up hssays; I see '^ovs avdpwirovs, o.s SevSpa^ it^pirar vvras. the men, like trees, walking. '-^EtTa vaMu eireflTjKe ras x^'P'^^ ^'"''^ ''""'^^ Then again he placed the uands n. on the oauyrjU rov ^t;trr>arriu Th y and answered; John th_ dipper; rat a\^.oiy HAtaj'' aWoi 5e, h'a. rwv vpi-l-riruv^ and others, Elias} othors rsid, ca oithu propheU.. ■^ Kat av^os keyu avrois' 'f/u*.:' Se riya fic ^nd He 81.511 to^^em; fou b « who me Kevrre f-tvai; AvoKpif^e.s f-: 6 Tls.'^pos Keyei you 8'^ to be ? Aiiswering au ' the Peter snys avrif" :tv - t 29 Matt xyi.6; Johnvi.60: xi. 87 t 80. Matt-xvi-SO. KV'i i'i; Lukeix.SS^ 81. Matt, vi %i Chap. 8: 33.] MARK. [aiap. 9: Koyoy ehaXei. Kat TrporKafioix^vos avrov 6 lie- word bespoke. An>) laliii; snide him the Pe- TpoSt 7jp|aT0 (TTiTi/xat' avTO}. '^^ *0 5e eiriffTpa- ter, he began to rebuke him. lie but turning . 6'. 9. ^ Kat fXeyfv aurois' Au-qv Xeyu) And he Kaiu to them ; luileed I say v/uLiv, on €iuF. * Kat aiTOKoideLS 6 Herpos Keyei tcu \r)(Tov And answering the Peter caya to the Jesua. fa^^iy KaKov (€\r]^' shadowing them; and came a voice ou*. of the cioud; Ouros ecTTiv b vlos /jlov 6 ayairvTOS* avrov This is the son ofnp the beioved him aKoveTC. ^ Kai c^airiva irepiB^f^afxcvoi^ ovKtrTi heai yo- . And suddenly looking round, no lunger ovdeva ei^ou, aWa tov lt](rov> uovov fied' eav- no one the cuv but tL i'tJt a-o e with th 'm- Tcop. ^ Kcra^aiuovruv ^^ avrwv airo t )V opovs, (eves. Comin; down and of them from the mountain, hicuTfiXaTO avrotSf iVa /xrjbepi Sirjyqa-wurai a 'p charged them, that to no ouA they should lelsle wbai, etSo/;. €: ixrj brau 6 vlos rov avdpcoTTOv ck v^Kptuv 'c ':i. « excey T. .en the sou ol ihe luam out of dead ones avafTTT), '^ Kat tou Koyoi/ €KpaTT}(Tc:y vpos fhoisjd b^raued. Apd the word .'ev kct *o eauTois, (rv^Tf]Tovvres, ri can ro eK v^Kpwv theujselveb, ar^'uiuj'. what is that or.t of d'^if* ' avamrivM, -^ Kat eTvpocTUfV avroVf Aeyoj/TwS* toberc'ir <• An they asked him, K^iyi?''; ■j" 'Ort \eyov(Tiv ol ypaixuaTeis, on HXiap .' T''"! ^^y ''■he scribes, that Elias la'X*. 6A06JJ' irpcoToy; ^^'O Se airoKpideis cnr^v avr^is' .urome firr.; He and answering said to the.^; EAios fjiiv iXQcav irpcoTov, aivoKa6i(TTa. iravra' Kliai indeec couiing fiist, restores all things; Kat Tr&JS yeypanrai eiri top vlou rov audpcairov, and how itiswtitteu about the son of the mzn. Mountain; and he was transformed in their pres. ence. 3 And his gakmknts became glittering, exceed- ingly white ; Buch as no ruilcr on the earth is able * thus to make white. 4 And there appeared tc them Elijah, with Mosus: and they were conversing with Jesus. 5 And p£TER answer- ing says to Jesus, "Rab- bi, it is good for us to be here; and I'^t us make * Three Booths; one for tliee, and one for Moses, an ' one for Elijah." 6 For he knew not what tr^ * say ; for they were terrified. 7 And there came a Cloud, covering them ; and * there was a Voice rnnie out of the cloul', "IlliS IS my BELOVED SON ; bear bim." ^ And suddenly looking round, they saw no one *any longer with them- selves, e.\it-pt Jesus only. 9 J And as tliey weie descending from tlie mountain, he commanded them that they siiouJd re- late to no one what they had seen, till the son of MAN should have risen Irom the Dead 10 And they kept the A:A"'Ti;a to themselves, anxiously inquiring, what THK EISING rKOM THE JEAD could mean. ..1 And they asked him saying, " ^Yhy do tlie SCRIBES say, That Ehjah irust first come 'r" i2 And HE *said to them, " Elijah, indeed, is coining fii'st * to restore all things: f and (as it is wi-itien of the son ol • Vatican Mantjscbipt.— 8. as SDOw—omtf. S. thus to make white. 6. Ihrea Booths. «. answer ; for. '. cheve was a Voice; 8. ; my longer with them- BClves, exceDt- Jesus only 12. said to them. 12. to restora. 1 11. It> IS conjectured by Bloomfield that Aof I ougfht to be separated, and to read ho ti He has thus edited his text. + 12. There is considerable.arabiguity about the reading of this andioUowinpr verse, as it stands in the Greek. The critics have all been puzzled, and •jome have ("uggested an amendment of the text. If read, however, with the parenlhetical clauses, and the transposition of the list clause Diverse 18, the passage makes gooU iteuii^ and aerees with the account in Matthew «vu. * e >. a,l. vii, C Oiap. 9: IS.] MARK. [diap. 9: 22. i^a voWa Tradrjt Kat e^ov^^uu6r], '^ AAAa that many things he shouhl suffer, anu should be des|n>e(I. But Ktycj vfj.ii', OTi Kai HXias €?y.ri\.vO€, Kai eiroirjcrau I tajr to you, that bnth Elias hascouw, and they have done avTCf) 6aa rjOeXriTau, KaBus yeyfiairrai eir to bim whatever they wished, even aa it id written aboat ttVTOv. *■* Kat eKOwu irpos revs fiaQriras, ei5ev him. And coniinj to the disciples, li ^^ rovro father of him; How long a umv it i , since this *f(^s ee LITTLE-ONES BELIEVING in me, it Mould be better for him if a Millstone should be fastened to his NECK, and he should be thrown into the ska. 43 I And if thy hand insnare thee, cut it off; it • Vaticax Makuscrift. — 3S, among' themselves — nitit, 87. receives Ma S8. spoke to him. 41. the name. That you are Christ's. 42. these little-ones. Z 33. Matt, xviil. 1 ; Luke ix. 46; xxii. 24. t 3.5, Matt, xx. 26, 27 ; Mnrk x. €Tai, ev tivl avTO ap' v- the salt without tast may become, with what it will you crere ; E^fTe eu eavTois oAas, Kai eiprjyeveTe season? Have you in yourselves salt, and be you at peace fu aXXrjXoiSo with one another. KE*. /. 10. ^ Kai cKeiOey ava^Tas epx^'rat €i5 to Spia And from thence arising he cornea into the borders TTjs lovdaias, Sia tov inpav tov lopSayov Kai ofthe Judea, by the other side ofthe Jordan; and avjxTTopivQVTai iraXiv ox^oi irpos avTOV Kai, «ome together again cmwtls to him; and, q)S eiudei, TraXiv eSidacTKey avTovs. ^Kai as he had been accustomed, again hetaught them. And ■n-porreXOoyTes ^apiaaioi eirrjpuTrjaav avTOV Et approaching Pharisees asked bim; If elecrrti' av^pi yvvaiKa airoXvcrai ; ireipa{.0PT€s it is lawful for a man awife to release? trying [Oiap. 10: 2. is better for thee to enter LITE crippled, than having^ TWO Hands to depart t»! t Gehenna, into that in-' EXTINGUISHABLE IIEE ; 44 t[ where the woem dies not, and the tire is, not quenched.] 45 And if thy foot ir- snare thee, cut it off ; it is better for thee to enter lame into lite, than hav- ing two Feet, to be cast into Gehenna, +[iiito the UNQUENCHABLE EIRE; 46 where the worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.] 47 And if thine eye in- snare thee, plnck it out; it is better for thee to en- ter one-eyed into the KINGDOM of God, than having Two Eyes to be cast into * Gehenna ; 48 X where their wokm dies not, and the tire is not quenched. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire : t [and every Sacrifice shall be seasoned with Salt.] 50 J Salt is good; but if the SALT become taste- less, how will you restore Its saltness r Have Salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another." CHAPTER X- 1 t And arising from thence, he comes into the CONFINES of JuDEA,*even beyond the Jordan; and again Crowds come toge- ther to him, and again, as he had been accustomed, he taught them. 2 J And Pharisees ap- proaching, asked him, to try him, "Is it lawful for a Man to dismiss hia Wife ?" * Vatican Manuscbipt.— 44. where the worm dies not, and the fir b is not quenched— omit. 45&46. into the ihbxtinguishaelb fibb; whore their worm dies not, aiid the FIRE is not quenched— oml^ 47. Gchinna. 47. of nr.K— om(^ 49. and every Sacrifice shall be seasoned with Salt— omit. 1. even beyond the Jobbah. t 43. A Hebrew torm, meanine the valley ofthe son of Hinnom. For futner remarks see Appendix. + 41, 4.\46, 4X The cbuses bracketed in these verses, are nut I an din the * atican. They are mai-ked as doubtful by Griesbacb, and aie expunired by lischendorf : 48. Isa.livi.24. t 50. Matt. v. IS; Luke xiT. 84. J 1. Mat*, xlx. I ; John x 40s i. 7 t 2. Matt, xix Oiap. 10 • 3. ] I MAKK. avrov. ^ 'O 5e airoKpiOets enrey avrois' Tt him. He and answering said to them; What v/xiu €ueTei\aTO Moxttjs ; "* Oi 5e eiirov Maxrrjs to you didenjoio Motes? They and said; Motei e7reTpci//€ fiifiXiov atroaTacnov ypa\pai, Kai airo- alloired a teroll of separation to be written, and to re- Kv(Tai. " Kat *\_a:^0Kpi6ii5^ 6 \t](Tovs enreu iease. And [answering] the Jesus said avrois' Tlpos r-r)v (TKKrjpoKapSiav v/jlwv eypa\l>eu to them; For the hardness of heart ofyou he wrote VjULlV TTj;/ fVTO\T]V TaVTTJV. ^ Atto Se o,pxvs to you the commandment this. From but a beginning xTicTfcos ap(T(v Kai 6t]\v eirofTjcej/ aurovs 6 O^os- ofcreatiun a male and a female he made them the God. ' " 'Et'efcev TOVTov KUTaXeirpn avOpooiros Toy "On account ofthia shall leave a man the iraTfpa abrov Kai tt]v /xriTepay *[Kai TrpocTKoK- father of himself and the mother, [and shall be closely \r]dr](reTai irpos Tqv yvuaiKa ovtou'] ^ Kai united to XYr wife of himself,"] and effourai oi dvo eis aapKa fiiav.^^ 'ri(rTe ovkcti shall be the tvro i: t - flesh one." So that Dolonger 'lai SuOy oAAo fiia crap^. ^ 'O ovv 6 6eos (rvye- theyareiwo, but one flesh. What then the God basjoic- ^(u^eu, auOpwTTos /J.7} xu}pi(^eTu). ^^ Kai ej/ tt? rd together, a man not disunites. And In the oiKitx uraKty ol /xaOrjTai avTov avrov him avTOLS' to them; ogaia the disciples eirr)p(i3Tri(ray asked irept rov of him concemin;; of the avToy. ^' Kai \eyei him. And hi sav' 'Os fay avoXvar) rriv yvvatKa ol'Tow, 'Whoever mav 'elease the ».'e o a ms, >i Kai ya/iTja'p aWriv, iJ.oixo.rai en' avr7)y. and may marry another, commits adultery with her. *2 Ka{ eay yvvrj airoXvTri roy avSpa avrris, Kai And if awoman may release the husband of herself, and ya/nTjOrj oWw, fxoixarai. ^' Kat Trpoaecpepoy may tiemarriwdtoanotherjCommitsadultery. And they brought avrcp traiSia, Iva a\l/rirai avrojv ol 5e fiaO-qrai to him litt'r children that he might touch them I the but disciples eTrerifi(i>y rois Trpoacpepovcriy. ^^ iSwy 5e 6 rebuked these jringing. Seeing but the \r](Tovs TjyavaKTrfcrey Kai eiirey avrois' A ii/ity, 6s eav firj de^Tjrat r-qy fia(ri- Indeed Isay toyou, whoever not may receive the king- iOtap. 10 1 15. 3 And HE answering said to them, " What did Moses command You ?" 4 And THE Y said, J " Mo- ses permitted a "Writ of Divorce to be written, and to dismiss her." 5 And Jesls said to them, " Because of your STUBBOEN DISPOSITION he wrote you this com- mand. 6 But from the Begin- ning of Creation, * he made tliem Male and Female. 7 J On account of this a Man shall leave his fa- ther and MOTHER, *and adhere to his wife ; 8 and the two sliall be- come one Vlesh ; so tlia< tliey are no longer Two, but One Flesh. 9 What God, then, has united, let no Man sever.-' 10 And, in the house, * the DISCIPLES again asked him * concerning this. 11 And he says to them, X " Wlioevcr shall dismiss his WIFE, and niarry ano- ther, commits vdulleiy with her. 13 And if * sf)e who tdismissts herHLsuAND, slinll mairy another, she commits adultery. 13 J And they brought little Children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples re- buked * them. 14 But Jesus seeing it, wns displeased, and said to tlicni, "Allow the littlji ( iiiLDRFN to come tome, and foi-bid them not; for to sue H LIKE belongs the KINGDOM of God. 15 Indeed I say to you. Whoever does not receive the KINGDOM of God, like • Vatican MANnscaiPT.— 5. answering — omit. 6. he made them. 7- an** adhere to his wiPK—omtf. 10. the discitlbs. 10. concerning thi«. 12. sijt who dismisses her HCSBAKD, shall marry another. 13. tliem. But. t 12. Strictly ripeakin^, a Jewish wife could not divorce her husband • therefore, apotutt* may be consulered as used with some license, and perhaps, too, with reference to the lus- toins of the Gentiles rather 'hati the Jews, and 'ntended aa a rule to the Apostles tor pent'al application, and which should put both itexes on the same footing. ^ t 4. Deut. x.iiv. 1 : Matt. v.."?l ; iix.7. t 7- Gen. il. 24: I Cor. t1 16: Eph ▼ St. t 11. M-ott. V.82: xix.e: Lukexvi.lS: Bom. vli.8; 1 I IS. Mh(t xix. 13- Lake iviii. 15. Chap. 10: 16] MARK. [auip. 10; 24. \eiav Tov deov ws rraidiov^ ov jxr] eicreXdrj eis dom of the God like a little child, not not may enter into avTrjv: ^^ Kai evayKaXicraixevos avra, riOcis her. And embracing lu his arms them, having placed a little Child, he will by no means enter it." 16 And taking them in his arms, and placing his HANDS on them, he blessed them. ras x^'^P^^ ^'"'^ ci^fa, rjvXoyei avra. the hands upon them, he blessed them. ^' Kai eKwopevo/jLevox/ uvtov eis odov, wpoa man nov irapaSo07) to liin:i Jamec an'' John, *ha sone Ze^eSaioVg Myovres' A:oao-«:aA6, deXouiu, f."a ofZebedee. -p.^inp- O teacher. we wiih, ♦Sat whatever wpmayuk, 'hou nr.v r^ do f<>ru«. ttUTOLS' Tt 06\6TJ irOlTJCOl jUe to them; What do you wish to do me for-ou? They :.nd eiTTov avTCf>' Aos r^in-v^ Iva els e/c Se^icov trov, said tohimj Give to us, that •ne at right ofthee^ Hai els f^ ev(avvfJLU>v (Tov Kadiffafx^y iv rrj Zo^r) and one at left of thee w» may sit in th- glory (TOV. ^'O Se'lvaovs (EiweyavTois' Ovk oiSare, of thee. The and Jnsus 3aid ;^othem; Kot you know Tt aireKrOe. Avua(rde irieiv to iroTvpioy, 6 what yuuiisk. Are you able A. drink the cup, which €7« TTivca, Kai ro BaTrria-jjia, 6 eyai /3o7rTt^o,uat, I diiak, anr' the diopiu ■ which I am dipped. ^aTrTLTQf]vai,; ^^ Gl Se eivov avT(f>' Avva/uLeOa. to bedippet't' Ther ttd said to him } We are able. 'O §€ Ir^aovs enrey avrois The and Jebus said to them f f-ioy, 6 fyw VLUti), irieaOe' which I drink, you will drmkj 6 syo> /8a7rTi(,'ojuat, fiairTi(rdr](re(r6e' ^ to Se which I am dipped, you -ill ".cd:' i>od: '"^'^ '"lit Kadicrai €K Si^icoy jxov Kai €| evavvficov, owf. ea- to sit at ri^'ht of me and tt left, ro* -.t riv ifJLOv Sovfai, aW' ois riToi/xacrai. ^ mine to give, but tuwhom it has been prepared. ^^ Kai axovtravTes oi deKa^ rjp^avTO ayavaKreiv Anil having heard the ten, Ihjy b^fran to be angry frepi laKw^ov Kai Iwavi/ot. ^ 'O Se lr)aovs ibout Jamcr and John. 'i'ho ^■■.t Jesus irpo(TKa\ea-aiJ.€yos avrovs^ Xeyet avTOvs" OiSa- baving called them, h.~ nays ♦'^ thtm; You knoT: TSj on 01 SoKovyres apx^^v T'^v s6vwy, KaTaKv- that those presuming to rule the actions, lordit pievovcriy avrwy, Kai oi (xeyaKoi avTwy KaTe^ov- ovtr them, and the gieat "f them exercise (na^ov(riv avrcoy, *^ Owx ovtco Se earai ev ruthority over them. Not to but it shall be among vfxiv aW' OS €ay OeXrj yevecrdai fieyas fv you; but whoever may wish to become great among bfiiyy ecTTai v/nwy SiaKoyos' ^ Kai 6s (ay 6e\r) you, (hall be of you a servant; and whoever may wish To *[)U€ll/J TTOTTJ- The f indeed! cup, Kai T^ jSaTTTJcr^a, and the dipping. 84 and they will moctr him, and *spit on hmi. and :!courge him, and put him to death, and * after Three Days he will rise," 85 And James and John, the '"■ TWO Sons of Zcbedee, come to him, * saying to him, " 0 Teacher, we wish, that thou wouldst do lot us whatever we may * ask thee." 86 And HE said to them, "What do you desire me to do for you?" 37 AnJ THEY said tohim, "Grant to us that '.7e may sit, one at *thy Right hand, and the xher at * thy Left, in thy 3loky." 88 But Jesus said to them. "You know not wliat vou ask. Can you drink the CUP which i drink? *or undergo the IMMERSION with which 5 am being overwhelmed!" 89 And THET said to him, " We can." And Je- sus said to them, You wil! drink the cup which I drink, and undergo the im- mekston with which I am being iverwhelmed; 40 but to SIT at my Riorht hand, or at the Left, i:: not mine to give, except for whom it is pre- pared." 41 tAnd the ten, hav- ing heard, were indignant against James and Joiin. 43 *And Jesus, having called them, he says to them, ^"You know That THOSE presuming to rule the NATIONS domineer over them, andtheiroREAV ones exercise authoritj over them. 43 X But '' it is not so among you; but whoever may desire to become great among you, shall be Your Servant ; 44 and whoever* among you may desire to become • Vaticam Manuscbipt. — 34. spit on him, and scourge him. 34. after Three D.nvs he. 85. TWO Sons. 35. saying to him, "O Teacher." 35. ask thee. S7. tl e Bight. 37. the Left, 38. or. 39. indeed— omi/. 40. or at the Left. 42, And Jesus. 43. . t is not so among you. 44. among you. t 3.'). Mntt, XX. 20, t 41. Matt- xx. 24. J 42. Luke xxii. 25. 1 4i. Matt is, 20, 23 ; Mark ix. 35; Lukeix. 48. Oiap 1j: 45.] MARK. Vf».a/y yeve(r6ai irpwros, fcrrat TrauTwv SovKos' ofyou to became first, shall be of all aglavei ^^ Kai yap 6 vlos rov awOpwrrov ovk TjKOe SiaKov- aiid for the sod of the man not came to be /)6r}yai, o/vAa SiaKovqcraiy Kai Zovvai rrjy^vxv served, but to serve, and to give the life avTov \vTpov avTi iroWwu. of himself a ranaoni for many. ^ Kai cpxovrai eis 'l€pLX<^' Kai eKiropevofievov And they come into Jericho i and going out avTou airo 'lepixo^ Kai rcoy fiaOrjTcoy avrov, Kai of him fjom Jericho, and the disciples of him, and ox^ov iKavov, vlos Tt/xaiou, Baprifiaios 6 rviri)(Trf 6 5e iroWo) fiaWov eKpa^eiy Tie be might ba silent; he but much more cried out; Oson Aavi8y ekerjaoy fie. ^^ Kat eras d Itjctovs, of David, have pity on me. And stopping the Jesus, eiirey avToy (pu}VT}dy]vai' Kai (pcayuvcri Toy rv aoi ; says to him the Jesus; What dost thou wish J. may do to thee? *0 Se Tv(p\os fiirev avTCfj' 'Pa^^ovvif lya ava- Theaud blind said to him; Rabboni, that I may fi\e\^Q>. "'^ 'O 5e Irjcrous enrey avTcf Tiraye' r) see again. The and Jesu* said to him; Go; the TTKTTis (Tov (re(Tu>Ke (Te. Kat eudecos aye0\e\pe, faith of thee has saved thee. And immediately he saw again, icat rjKoKovdei avTcp ey tt] 6Scp, \nd followed him in the way, KE*. la'. 11. * Kat <5t6 eyyiCova-iy eis 'lepov(ra\ir\fit eis And when they drew near to Jenualem, to h7]6 prayer shall be called Trao"t TOJS efh'scrip ; v/xeis Se eiroirjcraTe avrov for all the nationi i you but have made it (rTrr]\aiou XijaTwj'.** * Kot TjKovo'ai/ ot ypa/x- a dea of robbers." And beard the scribes liareis Kat ol , Yt<:_"e Kat e^Tjrovu ircci avrov and the higH-priert*, and they sought hot* him avo\e(rov(riv f.* Robbers." i8 JAnd the *high- piviESTs and the sckib s heard, a..d sought bo • they might destroy him ; for they feared him, B cause All the ceowd was astonished at bis teach- ING. 19 And when it was Evening, he went out of the CUT. 20 J And passing along in the Morning, they sa* • Vaticaw M-v.vuscbipt.— 13. seasow. 17. and said, " Is it not." 17.tothenk ••omit, 18. uiGu-FBiBSTS audthebCBiBBS. ' 1 13. That Jesus had a right to gather figs from this tree, if there had been any open it, appears from the law of Moses, mentioned in Deut. xxiii 24, 25. Jusephus alluding to this iaw, mentions ripe fruits in general, not grapes and corn only. His words are — "Let not passengers, (whether natives or strangers,) be hindered from touching the ripe fruits. Let ftiem be permitted to fill themselves with them, but not to carry any awiy." That some ripo fi ,'3 might be expected on fig-trees at that time of the year will appear, says Pearc*, from the following considerations; — "Jesus went up to this fig-tree on the 11th day of the month N i- Ban, i. e. three days before the Passover, which was always on the l4th day of it. *On the morrow after theSabbith' which followed the Passover, "the flrst-ftniits were to be ofi"ered to God in the temple." Lev. xxiii. 11. The leaves on the tree indicated that summer was nigh. Hatt.xxiv.3-2, and that fruit might be reasonably expected, especially as the fig-tree sho'its forth its fruit before the leaves. If, therefore, the tree bore figs, now was the perioo to tinu and eat them. t 13. That is, the season for gathering them. t 14. Some cavillers •bject to this miracle of our Savior, and ask. What right had he to destroy this fig-tree J In answer, observe, that the tree was evidently barren, and therefore of no use to any one t chat It could hxrdly he private propertv.forit was on thepublicroad; and that it was Btatto the means of inculcatmg a great moral truth on the minds of his disciples. t IS. Matt.xii.19. t 15. Matt.xxi.l2; I.ukexix. 45; John ii. 14. i 17 Is^ iTi. 7 t 18. Matt. xxi. 45. 40 : Luke xix. 47. I 20. Matt xxi. 18L €fiap. U: 21. j MARK. fCftap. 11; 29. fi{,'-tree having been w.thered from roots; And reoem- ?'va6eis 6 nerpos, Ae7et outod* "Pafifiiy tSe, ^ bering the Peter, say* to him; Rabbi, lo, the ffvKrjy 7]P KaTTjpaaci}, f^rjpavTai. ^2 j^^jj fig-tree, which thou didst en se, faaa been withered. And aiTOKpideis 6 Irjaous \ey6t avrois Exere vkt- answerinf the Jesus says to them Have 7JU faith Tiu 6cov. '^ AfiTju yap \eyca vp-iv, on 6s av of God. Indeed for 1 aa; to you, that whorver €iirr} rtp opei rovrcf ApOr^ri, Kai 0\T]\y,-}Tt may say to the mountain this) Be lifted up, and cast 6i$ Tr]V QaKaacraw Kai (jltj SiuKpiOr} ev rri into the «eai and Dot should doubt in the KapSicf, avTOUy aWa TrKTTevcrri Sti a \eyei heart of himself, but should believe that what he says yivirar toTTai avTCp 6 tav eiirj). ^"^ Aia tov^-: coiiiestopassjitshallbeto him whateverhemaysay Thruush thLi \iyu> viJiiVf iravra 6(ra au 7rpo(TevxoiJ.ei.oi a^Tcttr- 1 say to you, all things whatever prayiucr you d 0e, vKrrevfTS drt Kafx^avere, Kai fcrat ofiiv. believe you that you receive, and 'tsh^lbe i you. ^ Kat brav aTrjKrfre vpoaevxc/bieyoi, a^iere^ et And when you stand praying, forgive, if TJ «X^''"* Kara rivos' ha rai 6 irarrip any thing you have against anyone; that also the father vjxonVy 6 ey Tots ovpauois, acpr v/jliu to Trapair- ofyou, that in the heavens, may forgive you the faults TwixaTO. V/J.WU, ^Et Se v/xeis ovk a(/)«6T6, ovSe ofyou. If but you not forgive, neither b iroTTjp vfxccVy 6 ev rois ovpavois^ a(pr](rei ra the father cfyou, that in the heavens, will forgive the vapairroofiaTa vp-wv. ^' Kai fpxovTai vaXiv faults ofyou. And they come ap-ain ets 'lepo(ToXvp.a. Kat (V t(^ l^P^p veotirarovv- to Jerusalem. And in the temple walking Tos avToVf €pxovTai irpos avTov oi apxi^p^is ofhim, come to him the high-priesu Kai oi ypa/xfJLareis Kai ol irpeafivTepotf ^^ Kai and the scribes and the elders, and X€yov(riv avrcp' T.V rroicf e^ovaia ravra Troieis : they say tohim^ By what authority these thingsdoestthou.' Kai Tis vfiiVy ev word; and answeryou to me, and Imilltell toyou, by ro:a €^ov(ri(f ravra iroica. ^ To /3o7rTt(r/to what authority these things I do. The dipping the 116-1:158 withered away from the Roots. 21 And Petkk remem- bering, says to him, " Rab- bi, behold, the fig-tree which thou didst curse, is withered away." 22 And Jesus answering says to them, " Have I'aith in God. . 23 Tor indeed 1 say to }'ou, :j: That whoever should say to this MOUNTAIN, 'Be raised up, and thrown into the SEA ;' and should not doubt in his heart, but beUeve that * what he says is being done; he shall have it. 24 For this reason I say to you, J All things whatever you *pray for, and desire, believe Thut you will receive, and you shall have them. 2.5 J And when you staii " praying, forgive> if ou have any thing against any one; that also that ea- ther of yours u the heavens may forgive you your OFFENCES. 26 tCButJiisoudon.t forgive, aeit; . r will thac father of yours in th. HEAVENS f .rgive your oi- fences."] 27 t'^nd they came again to Jerusalem. And as he V.'as Wcillang about in the TEMPLB, the high- priksts, and the scribes, and the elders, cams to him, 28 and *they said to him, " By What Authority doest thou these things ? * or who EMPOWERED thct to do them ?" 29 And Jesus said to them, " I will ask you One Question; and if you an- swer me, I also will inform you by "What Authority 1 do these things. • Vatican Manuscript. — 23. what he says is heing' don^; he shall have it. For this. 24. pray for, and desire, believe you That you did receive, 28. thej said. 28. oi who. 29. answering- — omit. 29. also I — omiU t 26. This verse is wanting in Dr. Birch's collation of the Vat. MS., and is omitted by sev- eral MSS. and Versions. t 23. Matt. xvii. 20 ; xxi. 21: Luke xviu 6. riv 13; James i. 5. 6. t 25. Matt I 27. Matt. xxi,23; Luke xx.A^^.r t 24. Matt. vii. 7 ; Luke xi. 9 ; Joni vi. 14; Col. lii. 13. J 20. Matt, xviii. .H& 80. MAUK. *-^ ' ■■• ■ — loaavvov €^ ovpavou rjv, 7] e^ avQpwirwtf : airoK- ofJobo bom h«a*ea «a», or from meo ? aaswer pi&Tjre fioi. ^' Kat cXoyi^ovro vpos Iowtojj, you tome. And they reasoned amou; themselves, \eyovTes' Eay etirco/iey E| ovpavov, cpfr .eayiu^i If we «iiould sar; From beacen, hewiUsayj Atari ovv ovk eiriaTevaare avTw ; ^- AAA* tav Why tken not did you believe him; But if fiTTCjoiiev' E^ ayOpwircov ^cpoJiovvTa rov Xaov weshouidsay; From men; they feared the people; airavT€S yap eiy^ov rov luavv-qv, oti ovtchs all for held the John, that really irpo/-rovs [of hiinftelf,] he sent [and] him to them tcrxaro*', Aeywy 'On ^vrpairriaourai, tov viov laat, aayingi That they wi. regard the aon pLOv. ^ E "etj/ot Se i yeapyoieirrov irpos eavrovs' otme. j.nose but tbe husbandmen said to themselves: Chap 12: 8.] MARK. {Chap. 12: 16. 'Ot4 o'vtos ecrnv 6 K\r)povoixos' 5euT6, airoK- Tbat this it he heir; come, ne may teivxix^v avroVf leat rjixoou earai rj K\r)pouo/jiia. kiU hiu; and of us shal'. be the inheritance "* Kat Xa^oures av^ou, aireKTeivaUj Kai e^eBa- Ad(] having taken him, they killed, and cast Kov 6^a> TOW a/JLTreXccuos. ^ Ti *[oyj'] iroirjo'ei out of the vineyard. What [therefore] will do 6 Kvpios rov afJLircXctivos ; E^ evcerai Kai oTroAe- ;be lord of the vineyard? Hewillcome and destroy (T€t Tovs yewpyovs, Kai Sootrei top a/j-ireXvcva the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard aWois, ^^OvSe tyjv ypacprjv ravTtjV aveyyccre' toothers. Noteven the writing this baveyouread; " Aidov Of aireSoKifiaaou oi oiKohoixovvris^ ovtos •• A stone wLich rejected those building. this tytvrjOT] (IS Ke(pa\T)v yiavias' ^^ irapa Kvpiov was made into ahead of a comer. by a Lord tyev€TO avTT], Kai ecTi Oau/xaarT] iv o(pOa\ixais was done this, and iti* wonderful ^n eye* TjfiiDU ;" *^ Kot eCv^ovv avTov KpaT-qaaiy Kai of us?" And they sought him to seize, but e^oj87]07;(ra»' tov ox^ov iyvwcav yapy 6ri vpos they feared the crowd; they knew for, that to avTovs rrjy irapaBoKriv cine, Kot a(p(VT^s them the parable he spoke. And leaving avToVy aTTTjKOou. him, they went away. 1^ Kot awocTTeWovcri Trpos avTov rivas twv And they send to him some of the ^api(Tai(t}v Kai rcov 'Hpa>5iaj/aji/, ifa avr^v :ypev- Pharisees and of the Uerodians, that him they might Twari Koyo}. ^^ Oi 5e e\doyrK.5 Keyovaiv auTcp' ;atch in word. They and having come they say to him: AiSacTKaAe, oiSa/xeVf 6ti a\T]6T]S ei, Kai ov U teacher, we know^ that true thouar':, and not fie\€i (Toi TTipi ovdevos' ov yap /SAeTreis eis caret thee about no one- not for thouluoke^t into TTpoaooTTOv audpcoirui'f a\\* eir' o\7j0etas rrjv 6^ov face of men, but in truth the way TOV 6eov SiSacTKeis' c^ecm Kurjcov 'Kaicrapi of the God thou teachest : is it lawful tribute to Cesar hovvaiy 1) ov ; Swficu, 77 firf Sw/mev ; ^"'O to give, or not? should we give, or not should we give? He 8€ fiSws avTcsv TTjf vTTOKpicrtVf eiirev avrois' Tj but knowing >fthem the hypocrisy, said to them: 'hy fie treipaC^r ; >r.on, and not left seed. List iravTwu SLtredave Kai rj yvvi). -^ Ei/ t?) ^l^'^'J of all died Jso the woman. In the [therefore] ava(TTa(T€iy ^\_6rav auaaracn,'\ nvos aurcov resurrection, [when they shall rise,') of whom ofthem ecTTai 71/J/7] ; 01 yap ewra aaxov avrrju ywai- shall be a wife? the for seven had her a wife Ka. "■* Kai airoKpideii 6 l-qaovs enrev avrots' And answering ths Jesus aaid to them; On Sia rovro irAavarrde, nr) ei^ioifs ras ypa(pas, Not through this do you »rr, not knowuiz 'he writings, (ATjSe T-qv 8aua/xiU tov 6eov : •^'' 'Otui/ yap e/c o«uher tha power o'the God? When for out of veKpoiV avacTTwaiVy oure ya/jLOvaiu, ovre dead (ones) they may rise, neither tlsey marry, nor yafiKTKovTaiy oAA.' tiaiv ws ayyeKo^ iv rots are given in marriage, but aie «• Diesuengers in the ovpavois. '^'^ Ylepi Se toij/ yeKpwv^ on eyeipoi/- beavens. Conceruingbut the dead i ein — omit. 17. (greatly wondered at him. 21. leitving ni> Child, 22. took lier — omit. 23. therefore— ».i,it 23 when they shall rise— o«iif. 25. those angels. 26. God. 26. Uud t IS. 5iatt. xxii. 23; Luke jls.27. i 25. I Cor XV 42, 49, 52. t 26 Exod ill i. Vhap. 12: 27.] MARK. ICIiap. 12: 35, i deos loucoj'jS/* ^^ Ow/c cfTTti/ o 0eos yeKpcev, the God €>f Jacob." Not is the God ofdeadjouea,) but of living (ones.) \uu [tkerefore], greatly err. ^ Ktti irpoa-eKdoav (Is rwv ypafcfzaTewVy aKovffas Ajid apipreaebing one of the scribes, having heard auToou eFv^TjToutrrcay, eiScas on KaXas avrois thero disputing, kztovia^ that well tothetn air^KptOrf, eirrjpayrrja-ep axrrotr- Yloia forri vpwTy} lieaiRsnrered, asked him; Which is first vajj^ccv evToArj; 23 'q ^[Se] lr)(rovs aireKpidr) ©fall eoimimandmeut; The faodj j€&uo Beplied avT<^- 'OTfjrpayrrj^l^Trajrrcap ei^oATj*} *'' Akov€ tohia; That first [ofaH coamiandiiieEti] " Heartliou larpariXy icvptos^ ^ 0€os vjjuev, Kvpias fls ferri' Israel, ailuoid, the God of us. Lord one i»* ^ Kat aycLTTTiff^LS Kuptoy Tov 0eov (tov €| h\ri% aindl thou sbaJt love aiLocd tha God of thee out of whole TT/s Kapdtas cov, tcai e| &\r)s rris ^wx^* '''""j «/the heart o-fthee, and out of whole of the sou* efthee, Kcu e| oAtjs t7]s Siavoias trovy Kat 6| 6\rjs and oat of whole of the mind of thee, and mt o< whole TTjs *crx"os (rau.'* *[Aut7> TtpuTif cvtoAtj.J of the strength of thee." [This. irft conomandmest | ^ Kaf Seurepa *[o^tajJ avrr}' " AyaTrrjtreJv And »e«OBd [like,] *hi*i Thoa.hai 'nve the neighbor oitheeas thyself."' Greater oithes* oAArj fWToATj ou/c cffTt. ^ *[Kcu J eivev avrc^ amolhes eonvmarsdment not is. [AndJ said tobtm b ypojULixaTeus' KaAajy^ SiScwrfcoAe^ eir' aAT/'detas th« aeriber Well, O teacher. ip truth €«ras, bn els €(FTty Kat ovk ((rrtP aWos ttAtjv thou.speak.e»t,tbat oaie he is, and ttot is another besides ourair ^ Kat to aryairav avrou e| ^Atjs tt^s , him: aisd the tolo»e him ntit o-' whole ritlie /copSitts, KOI ^i ohTis TTjs (TvvecTeaSy *[Kat e| lieart, and enit of whola of the uiulerstauding, £and orrt of oATjy T7JS ^|*ux7?s,] icax c| 6A77i itjs *(rxuos, whote of the sottl,"[; anA t^ i'epoij* liars Aeyowtru* ot said.. teaching- in the temple: How say the- iswered, said to- him: criActas tow 6eov, dom ofthe God. axrrov drepayriitxat him to ask. 27 He is not the * God of the dead, but of tlie ! Living; *yoii do gi-eatlj ! err." 28 %kiA ©ne of the SCRIBES, having heaiti them dispntting, and per- ?ceivingThai he had al)ly , answered them, asked liiiu, "Which is the Chief Com- mandment of ali ?" 29 .TEstJsrenliedtohim, "The, first *is.— t'Hear- 'ken, Israel; Jehovah our 'God is one Jehovah; SO 'and thou shalt Ime 'Jehovah thy God with Ali thv *Heart, and with All 'tb^ *Soul, and with All 'th;> * Mind, and with AIJ 'thjf STRENGTH * %\ And the second, thiSy — t'Tliou shalt love thy 'NKIGHBOB K,S thvselt? There is no Other Cora- man dmeut greater than these/* §2 The SCRIBE said 'io him, " Of a truth, Teacner. tho& hast spokea well- for he is One, % and be. sides him there is noother j d3 and to i>ovb him with All tneuNDEasTAND- [NG, and wita All *he STRBlfGTH, and to LOVB one's HEiGHBoB. as ©ne'se self, tis*nbiinaantlymore than Allthe whole burnt OEiERiNGS aud ♦Sacri- fices." ?4 And JEStrsperceirrn* That he had answerea wisely, said to- him, "Thou aitiiot.lar#roni the king- dom of God." JAndna onepresxiTnecl to question him any fuither. g& J And Jes¥s said^ wliileteachingintbeTEM- VLE, " "Why da the scribes • Vatican MANuscK-irT.— 27. God- 27. therefore — omit. 27. you. do greatly err, - 29. Ajid— ami*- 29. Comanarixlment.ofall— omiC. 29. is» 89(. Heart, 30. Soul. 30. Mind, Sli. This the Fir.'^t Comraaiidment— omit. 31. like — mait. 32. Ami— ODit*. 33i- and with All the soui,— omit. 33. abundantly more. 33. Sacrifices. t 28. Matt.xxii-35. J 20.; Lukes. 27. X 31. lev.xix. 19% Matt. xxiJ.39; Rom.xiii.O? Gal.v.l4; James ii. 8. J 32. Deut.iv.39: Isa, xlv.6,14: •slvi. 9. t 3Sw ISara. XV. 22; Hoshea vLft: MLcah vUa— 8. ;( 34. Matt, xxiu 4& i 35. Malt. xxii. 41 ■,. L.uke xx. 41. Oiap. 12. 36 ] MARK. ypa/jLuarei^, 6ti ft Xpicrros vtos fffri AaviS ; •rribet, that the Anointed a son 1* of David? ^Ac/Toy yap AaviS eiirev ev irvevixart ayicf H'mielf for David said by a spirit holy; " Aeyei 6 Kvpios rcfi Kvpitp ftov KaQov eK de^i- Saya the Lord to the Lord of me; Sit thou at right wv fiouy €0)5 au 00) Tovs ex^povs orov viroiroSiov of me. till I DLiyplace the eneuiiei of thee a footstool Twif TToScov aov." ^7 Autos ouv Aavtd \iyei of the feet of thee." Himself therefore David calls auToy Kvpiow Kai iroQev vtos avrov fcm ; Kai him Lord; and whence a son of him is he 7 And 6 iroXvs ox^os TjKoveu auTov i^decus, ^ the great crowd beard him gladly. And t\eyey *[auTois3 ev rr) Si^axj) auTov BA-CTrere he said fto tlieui] in the teacuing of himself; Bewareyou OTTO Twv ypa/xfiaTeajVy tuiv deXovTuju ey aroAais ot the scribes, thoi>e desiring In long robes irepitraTetUf Kai aTiraa/jLOVs ey Tais ayopais, to walkabout, and salutationk in the markets, *^ Kai irpwTOKadeSpias fV rais (TvvayovyaiSy Kai and first ••'its in the Byn.i|;ogues, and irpu}TOK\i(rias evTois Senruois' ^'^ol KaiecrOtovaey upper couches at the feasts: those devouring ray oiKias rav x'^P^v^ Kai Trpocpaatt /xaKpairpocr- th» "kouses of the willows. snd for a 'how 'ong are fvx.oiuLeyor o'vroi Kr)^ovTai ireoicrTorepov Kpi/j-a. ocsyinsi 'hrse win receive heavier judgment *' Kai KaQiaas *\_ii t-qaovs \ KarevauTi rov And sitting ['^^ Jesusl over against the ya^o(pv\aKioVy fOewpei irucs 6 ©xAoy /SaXAet treasury, b» o»l'e d how the crowd casts \a>'Koy €15 TO yai^o(pv\aKiov. Kai iroWoi coj^per into the treasury. And siany •ir\ounr called the disciples avToVy ciTTfu avTois' Afxrjy \eyca vfiiy, 6rt t] of himself, he said tothem) InJeed I say to you. that thf XVP<^ o6t72 7} TTTUixV 'TA.eto;' iravrwy ^€^\tjk6 widow this the poor more of all has cast Tccv PaKouTuy fis to ya^o"i» opposite the temple, Pe- ter, and James, and Johr:, and Andrew asked him privately, 4 " Tell ns, when these things will be ?" and "What will fc the sign when all these ihmts ar* aboutlobe acromplisbedf 6 And Jesus oegan X4t * say to them, t" Beware tha. po one f'eceive You. 6 Many will come iu my "NAME, saying, 'X am bt; an' wiij deceive Maoy. 7 .And when y^'u dbaU hea: o; CJonflictsi and Re- ooit* o Battles, he not alarmed J ibr these things I1.US' occur* but the e»d ig not yet. 8 For Nation will rise against Nation, and King, dom against Kingdom ; there will be Earthquakes in various places, and there will be Famines ; these are the *Beginimig3 of Sor- rows. * VaticamManuscbipt.— 2. arswerin^— omtf, 2. le.t here. 6. answerini? them — omit. 5. say to them, "Beware." 6. for — omit, 7. tor — omtt. i. and— omit, 8. and — omit, & and commotions — omit, 8. aBeginiun^of. + 1. Josephus says that the stones with which Herod built the temple, were "of a white and firm substance," and that "every one of them was about twenty-five cubits in length, eight in heighth, and twelve in breadth." A cubit was nearly twenty-two inches of our measure. t 2. How exactly this prediction wasfulfilled may be known from Josephus. — Mesavs, Casar ordered the soldiers to d'g up the whole city and the temple; bu* to leave three of the highest turrets standing; and a part of the wall, as a security to the garrison. But they so entirely dug up andlevelled all the rest of the city, that none who saw it, would ehinK It to have ever been inhabited." Eleazar, in his animated speech to his countrvmen, thus exclaims: "'Whereis that great city, the metropolis of the Jewish people, defended by «uch walls and such mighty towers ? Where is that city, which was thought tobe inhabited by God ? It is torn up from its foundations; and the only memorial that remains otlt, is the camp ofits destroyers, which is stationed in the ruins." It is also related in theTaanith ofJlaimonides, that accordingtoEoman custom, thevery foundations of the temple were dug up, ano that T. Eufus, a Roman commander, carriedaploughoverthem. t d. From this spot the whole of Jerusalem was spread before the eye; and its situation, lorm, build* ings, ooundaries, and diflierent parts, distinctly and individually seen; more 'especial} Mount ii-oriah and Solomon's Temple, together with its spacious area. t i. . -cu,. rr .v. 1 ; Luke xxi. 5. X ^' Luke xiz. H. ^6. Jer. xxix. 8, aiap. 13: 9.] MARK. tadivwi ravra. ^ BXcrrere Se vfieis eavTuvs' of sorrow! these. TaLe heed but you yoursi'Uei: irapadcixTovcn *[7c:p] vfxas eis tri/veSpja, Kai fis they will deliver up [for] you to sauhedrims, and Into auyayaiyas Saprjcrea-de, Kai eiri ijye/uovoju Kai synagogues you will he beaten, and before governors and ^a(Ti\e(i}y ov the holy. Mill deliver up and a brother abro'.he' €is Oavaroy, Kai irarrjp reKvoy Kai etrayaarv,- to death, and father a child; and they shall aoyrai reKya eiri yoyeis, Kai Bavarcacrovcrw rise up children against parents, and deliver to death avTovs. ^^Kai eceTde fx.icrovfj.^yoi viro Trayruy, them. .\nd j-ou will be being hated by all, Sia TO ovofj-a fxov. 'O ^evirofxnyas (iSTe\05, through the name of me. He but persevering to end, ovTos (ra>dr}a€Tat. ^"^ 'OTay 5e idrjTe to ^5e- this will be saved. When but you may see the abomi- \vy/j.a T7JS eprj/xwaecas eaTws bnov ov Set* (c- nation of the desolation having stood where notitought; ^he avayiywcTKuy yoeiTw) totc o'l ey -•j; 'lovSaia, reading let him think; ) then those in the Judea, (p^vy^Tcoaay eis Ta oprj' -^ 6 *[Se] eiri rjv let them fee to the mountains; he [and] on th , 5tt»/uaTo$, fir} KaTcv^aTco *[ety Tr]v oiKiay,^ f^V^^ roof, not let bim go down [into the house,] nor eiceA^cTw, apai Tt ck ttjs oiKias avTov enter, to takeany thingout of the house ofhimcelf; ^^ Kai 6 €is TQv aypoy cav, fxr) ema-Tpfiparw cts and he in the field being, not let him turn ia:co Ta OTTKTO}, apai to ifiaTioy avTov. ^'Ouat.5f the back, to take the mantle of him. AVoe 6iit Tats ey yacrrpi exovcrais Kai Tais 6r}\a^ovaa-is to the in womb having and to the giving suci sv fKciyais rais rjfiepais. ^^'n.pocrevxe(r6€ 6e, in those the days. Pray you but. lya fir] yevrjTai r] (pvKrj iificoy x^^f^^^os. that not maybe the flight of you ofwintp- * Vatica.1 JIa.n'uscbipt. — 9. for — omit, — omit. 15. into the bouss — omit. iOiap. 13: 18. 9 But J take heed to Yourselves. They will de- liver you up to High Coun- cils and to Synagogues; and you will 'be beaten, and will stand before Gov- ernors and Kings on my account, for a Testimony to them. 10 J And the glad ti- Di>'Gs must tirst be pub- lished among All the na- tions. 1 1 J But when they con- duct you to deliver you up, be not an.xious beforehand what you should speak ; but whatever may be given you in That houk, tijis speak; for it is not you who will SPEAK, but the HOLY SPIRIT. 12 And t Brother will deliver up Brother to Death, and a Father his Child; and Children will rise up against Parents, and cause them to die. 13 J And you will be hated by all on account of my NAME; but HE, who PATIENTLY ENDUEES tO the Ena, he will be saved. 14 X Buc when you shall see THAT DESTRUCTIVB ABOMINATION, Standing where it ought not" — fEEADEE, attend !) — "then let THOSE in Judea escapp to the MOUNTAINS; 1.5 tletnotiini who is on the Eoor descend, nor enter his house, to take Anything out of it •, 16 and let not him who is in the field retmn BACK to take his mantle. 17 tBut alas for the PEEGNANT and NUESING WOMEN in Those days ! 18 But pray that *it may not be in Winter ; 15. and 11. nor bo otmcerued — omit. 18. it may not be. t 15. The peculiar construction of Eastern houses is here referred to. They were all of the same heighth, so that a person could walk at the top of a range of buildings, without inconvenience, from one end to the other. In Palestine *i:sf are still built on this plan. A staircase is carried on the outside from the top of the hous^e'to the bottom. The injunction in this verse is delivered in a figure, expressive of great eagerness and expedition ; so th:it if a man was walking on the. roof, he was directed to go straight forwards, till he got out ol the city ; and not to delay even to go down into the house io *ake the most necessary articles of food and raiment for his flight. t 9. Matt. X. 17, 18 ; xxiv. 9 ; Rev. ii. 10. t 10. Luke xxiv. 14. +11. Matt, x, 19; Lukexii. 11: xxi.l4. t 12. Matt. x. 21; xiiv. 10; Luke xxi. 16. t 13. Matti e.- Lukexsi.l" 1 14. Dan ix. i"; Matt xxiv 12\ Luk* xxi. 20. J 17. Luke xxiii. 'iU 6* Oiap. 13: 19.] MARK. lOiap. 13. 2S. ^Ecroj'Tat yap at rjfiepai €K€Luai 6\iipis, ola Shall be for the dajs those affliction, »uch as ov yfyove Toiavrr] a-r' apxvs KTKTfwSt rjs not has been so great from a be^'iniiing of creatiou, which €KTL(Tey 6 6eos, ecos rov vuv, /cat ov /xt] yevrjTai. created the God, till the ucw, and not not maybe. ^ Kai €1 /J.T] Kvpios eKoXoPcticre ras rj/JLepas^ ovK And if nai>t awayj th.e >l>ut words of iu« not not maf paUJinajr, ^- riep* Se rrit Tjfifpas eKetprjs t} rrjs Mpas Coaeerning but itUe day that or the liuur ovSexf K>i8€t>, ovde ol ayy€\oi, 01 ev ovpavcf), •uo ooe iiBOwfi, uox the iueii«; fLos a(peis Ti)v oiKtay avTov, km Sous tols abroad Jeuiug the liouae ofnimsel^ and having givento tlie SouKois auTov TTjv €^ov(TiaVf "^l^Kai^ €KaTrco slave* ofhiuiself the authority, [and] to eacb one -T» epyov auTov Kai t^j Bvpoopc^ fuereiKaro iva the work «f himself And to th« (>urLer hecouiiiianded that yp-qyoprj. ^ TpriyopfiTe ow ovtc oiSare yap, ibe shuuld watch. Wateb yoa tbere£sre; not you knoir foZf •noT^ 6 Kvpios TTjf oiKtas epx^'^oj.^ o^/f, t? «rhen the iord ofthe house comes, even 36 Iteo'oi'w/cTtou, If a\eicTopo(pa)vaiSf ij Trpcci tniduight, •or cuck-crowing, or morMing: les e\da}y f^atj avToy ev 8o\y icpaTTjo'aj'Tes airoK- how him by deceit seiziug they i^iwaip. ^ E\e70V Se* M-^ *v tj; 4opTT?, snightkUL Thej'caid biU^ I>;iv. 4r-: xvcv.l4. t 1. Matt. xxvi. 2; Lnkexxii. 1: iojtinxi.55; xiii. 1. J 3. JilaU. JULVutJi stoiiuiii.1,3; See Luke vii.37. Chap. U: 4.] MAKKc [amp. 14: 12. yvvt] f^^vaa a\a^aT€' irpoeXa^e /xvpicrai uov r>i o'v/xa this, she has done; beforehand to anoint qfme the boily fis Tov eurafpiaa/j.ov. ^ Afx-qy Ae^o) ii/xiv, dvov lor the burial. Indeed I say to you, wherever au KTjpvxG'P TO evayyeXiov tovto €is oKov tov may be published the glad tidings this in whole the KiXTjxov, Kai 6 eironjcreu outtj AaXTj^TjcreTai, eis world, also what she did this shall be spoken, for (jLPr)fxo(Tvvou avTr}s. a memorial of her. ^° Kai 6 loudas 6 laKapiaiTTjs the Judas the Iscariot, oTTTjAfle trpos tovs apx^epeiSy went to the high-priests, avrov avTois' ^^ Oi Se aKOvcTavres he might deliver up him to them: They and lieanng €xctpTj(rav Kai eirr]yyei\avTo avTCf apyvpiov were glad; and promised him silver bovvai. Hai e^TjTei, ttcos evKaipcas avrov to give. And he sought, how conveniently him irapaSo). ^^ Kat rj} Trpcvrrj rjixepa rwv be might deliver up. And the first day ofthe a^vfxwv, ore ro iracrxO' edvov, \eyov- unieavened cakes, when the paschal lamb were sacrificed, they (iiv ouTCD 01 jxaQ-qrai avrov TlovdfrXeis aireX- «ay to him the discple* o'him; where wilt thou having Bovres kroijxaffwfjiev, iva ^ayris ro iracrxa ; gone we make ready. that thou miyest eat the pass And twelve, eis ens ruv efthe iva that ver? wr-man came, liaving an .ilabaster box of Bnlsam of genuiue Spikenard, very costly; and breaking the BOX, she poured it on his HEAD. 4 And some were dis- pleased, saying among themselves, "Why has this LOSS of the BALSAM takeu place ? 5 For *This balsam could have been sold for more than t Three hundred Denarii, and given to the POOK." And they censured her. 6 But Jesus said, " Let her alone; why do you trouble the wcman ? She has done a Good Work for me. 7 J For you have the POOR always among you, and when you will, you can * do Them good ; but Me you have not always. 8 Possessing This (Bal- sam.) she has done it, to anoint my BODY before- hand for the BUKIAL. 9 * And indeed 1 say to you. Wherever these glad TIDINGS may be pro- claimed in the Whole woRL D, this also which she has done shall be spoken of in Memory of her." 10 :|:And *THAT Judas Iscariot, who was one of the TWELVE, went to the HifiH-PKiESTS, to dehver Him up to them. 11 And hearing it they rejoiced, and prcjmised to give him Money. And he sought how he might con- venTently deliver Him up. 12 jNowon the fihst Day of UNLEAVENED BREAD, when the pas- chal LAMBS were sacri- ficed, his DISCIPLES say to him, " "\Miere dost thou wish that we go and pre- pare that thou mayest eat the PASSOVER r" * Vaticat* Manuscript.— 3. &ni— omit. 4. and saying— omif. 6. This balsam could. 7. always do them. 9. And indeed. 10. that Judas Iscariot. t 5. A Denarius being in value about 14 cents, or 7d. English, the value ofthe boi of baU sam would be forty-two dollars, or 4'8. 15s. t 7. Deut. XV. 11. J 10. Matt. xxvi. 14; Luke xxii. S, 4. J 12. Matt. xxvi. 1*5 Lukexxii. 7> Oiap. U: 13.] MARK. *^Kat woo"T€\\€t Sto rwu fiaOrj-rcov avrov, Kai And b* sends two ofth* dinciplea of\iim%eU, and A676t avrcis' "Tirayere ftv rrfv ttoKiv Kai he say* totheus; Go you into the city; and airavT-qfTci bf-MV avOpcotros it^pafxiov &5otos will mret you a man a pitcher of vrater fiaoTTa^ur' ei>co\ov0r]araT€ avrep' ^'^ Kai Sttov €au carrying- i foUuw him; and wherever fKTfKdj), eiTrart; rtf) oiKoSea-rroTTj' 'Ort 6 heinay«nter, say to tha hoDsehulderi That the Si5a(TKa\os \ey€i' Uov eart ro KaraKvixa, teacher tayti Where U the puest-chamber, 6iTou TO iracrxtt f^cra rwv fiaBiTi uv fiov (payca ; where the pansover WitA the disciple* of me 1 may eat? '^ Kai avros iifxii^ 5t(^<=t avayaiov (.\eya ifTTpw- And he to you wiUsmO** an upper room l^r^e having pLefOU fTOlfXOl'' ^K€l ^TOijUOffaT* rj/JLlU. been tutnished ready ; there prepare you for us. •^ Kat €^r]\doif 01 fiaBrjTai avrov, Kai fjKOoi/ etj And went forth the di^ci{.leL ofUim^ and ^ame into TTji/ iroKiVj Kai ^vpov Kadces ftvtv avrois' Kai the city, ana fouud even a» be sa ' \othem; and 7}Toi^a5e«:a, (\ log) aaid to them; One of the twelve, that en^aiTTO/xevos /jut' c/jlov €ty to Tpv^Kiou. ^^ 'O dipping in with me into the bowl. The fifv vios Tov avdpwirov Cirayn, Kadws y^ypair- indeed son of the man goes aw.iy, even aa it has been Tat Tept avTov ovai 6e tw avOpwircfi iKsivcp^ written concerning him ; woe but to the man that, 8i' oy 6 vlos TOV ayOpayirov irapaSiboTai' through whom the son oi'the man is delivered up. KaKov r)v avTta, ei ovk €yevvrj6rj 6 avdpwiros good it waa to him, if not was bom the man €K(iyos, ^ Kai ccrdioi'Twv auTcuv, Ka^wu 6 that. And eating ofthem, taking the '\f}rrovs apTOVy cvKoyriaas cKKatrc, Kai tdcvKei/ Jesus a loaf, having bie«sed be broke, and gave auTOis, Kai ciire' AajSere* tovto etrTt to (rw/j-a to them, and said: Take. this is the body [ Oiap. 14 : 23. 13 And he sends two of his DISCIPLES, andsaysto theiu, "Go into the city, and a Man carrying a Pitcher of Water will meet you; follow him; 14 and wherever he may enter, say to the housk- noLDER, The tkachkk says, Where is *the guest- chamber, where I /nay eat tlie passover with my DISCIPLES? 15 And l)c will show yon a larqre Upper-room tlurnislud ready; *there prepare for us." 16 And *the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found every thing even as he had said to them : and they pre- pared the PA.SSOVER. 17 t And Evening being come, he comes with the TWELVE. 18 And as they were re- clining at table, and eating, Jesus said, " Indued I say to you, That *one of you who are eating with me will deliver me up." 19 Aiid*thcy began to be sorrowful, and to say to him, one by one, "Is it i?" 20 And HE said to them, "It is that one of the twelve dipping in with ^einto the dish. 31 *The SON of MAN indeed tgoes away [to death,] even as it has been written concerning him ; but woe to that man through whom the son of M a N is delivered up ! Good were it for that man if he had not been born." 22 JAiid as they were eatino:, * he took a Loaf, and having given praise, he broke it, and gave te them, and said, "Take; this is my body." • Vaticam MxituscBifT.— 14. my onusT-cnAMBEii. 15. and there preimrc: Ift. the DISCIPLES. 18, one of rou who are eatixc with me. iQ. and— Om..-'. 19. the.v. 19. and another; not l?—«m»(. 20. answering^-owi7. 21. Be- cause the 80!<. 22. he took. 1 1.5. Furnished ready, probably alludes to the manner of makinft^ the room ready for the celebration ol the passov(?r ; which was examined in every hole and corner by the liu'dt pf wax candles, and cleared from the smallest crumb of leaven with a scrupulous nicety.— ^insicortk. t 17. Matt. XXVI. 30, { 21. Matt.j6xvi.24; tuke xxii. 22; Johnvii.!53. CM.p. 14: 23] MAKK. fiov. 23Kat Ka^ctv ro iror-npiou, evx^P^Trff^as of me. And tja,k.iag the eupi having given, thaak* fSwKep airroes' Kai ^inov e^ avjov ?rai^e$, he gave toShemj and they drank otU af it aJI, 2'*Kat«{7rei' *[ouTOis.[ Toi/ra serTi ro alfiafiovj And he said [to them.] Thi* i» the blood of aie, TO r-ns Kaivris Sia^rjKTjs, to irepi traWwu that of the new covenantr that concerning many tKXvvofX€Vov, ^^AfxTji^ Xejcc vjxiv, hri ovKcn l»eitts.»hed. Indeedi 1 say toyoiv that aowore ov [xf), TTicot eKTOvyeuvTJiJiaTOSTris af^ireAoVjeeas notjiotlwilldriskof the produet the Tine, till T7JS iiixepas €K6ir77S, Sray axrro viyco Katvov iv the day thai, when it I dcink new 38* TV 0a(ri\€La tov deov. ^ Kat b/mrrjaaures, the kingdom* ofthe Sod. And l»»iag»aasa hymn, e|7jA.0or €i5 ro epos tcov eXaiwv. they departed tO' Chemoujvtaiaof the olive- (rees^ 27 Kcti Aeye* ctuTots & Irirrovs' 'On vavres And say* to- them the Jesus-; Ihat aH (TKau5a\i(T6ri(T^er@e *\_ev €jjiOt(i>rT) wKTiravrrj-J wilPbestmiibled- fat me in the night thi*.] on ycYparrrar ^* TlaTa^uf rov "xoifxsvay Kat for iiiswrurea- I wi!t»mite the shepherd, and SLa(rKopTri(T6r}(r€rai ra irpc/SaTO." A/*tAa wiUbesoattered- the sheep." But fiera ro tjepff-nvai jue^ -n-pxm^ca v/xas fis rrfu after the to be raised me, T will go before you into the Tahihaiav. ^^"O Se JlerpoS' e(^7> avra?' Kat fc Galilee. ftie hn-i tcter said to hwn ; Eve* if iravres^ (TKapSaKiaOrjcrovraiy aAA' evK €70)- all ahal! be stumbled, yet not i. ^ Koi heyet, avrcp 6 1i]Tovs' A^tj^ X^yot ffoi, A»d. says- Co him- the Jswis-; Indeed i say tothae, on (TV (Trjaepoi* ev ry puKrt ravrTjy irpip iff that thou- tliis-day ra the night this, before Sis aAe/CTopa have crowed, thnee thou vult deny me. ^^ 'q 86 6/« wepirrcrov €\eye /xaX\ov Eok ^e He but with' vehemence spoke more; if m« $67/ (TuvaiTodaveiv (rot, o\> fxri ere aTrappTja-o/Mii, must to-die with thee; not not thee Jwu'deny. 'ClcravTaTi Se wat wavres eheyov, ^ Kat epxoi^ In like ioami«»a«>d also all they saidw And they rat eis x^P"^^y '^^ "^^ ovo/xa Tcffcrffxavrf Kat came to a. place, ofwbwhthe aame SethsemaJie-, and \eyei rots ^aOrfrais avrov ILaQitrars wSe, he says to the disciple* of himself; Sit yooi bere, kas irpoirev^ccfmt. ^ Kai TraptaXa^^afei rov tiU 1 shall pray. And he takes- ^ ^ the Tlcrpov Kat la/corjS'or' Kat JoDaunqv [xeB tavrov Feter and James aaid John- with' himself; Kat rjp^aro iKBctft^ftcQai koi aSv/aovfiir. ^Kat and began to b' df BlinC whichis of thecovEi^rANT, THAT which is yOUKEIK OUT for many, 2» Indeed 1 say tc yoit, * That I will drink frf the FKODVCT ©f the "ViKE. no more, till that BA"S when I drinli It new im the king- dom of Sod." 26 J And JiaviHg smi^, they went out t& the MOUNT of OLIVE*. 27 And Jesus says t« them, "Yow will all he sturnbte^; because it is written, |''l will smite the 'SHEPHEKD, and the ' SHEEP wilt fee dispersed.'" 28 $Bnt after 1 ans EAISE0, 1 Will precede you: to- Galilee.''' 29* % And Peteb said tO" Mm, "Even if ail shall be stumbled, yet £ will not.''*' ,^0' And Jesus- says- to- liim, " Indeed I say to thee. That tfjou Ihis-day, its This NIGHT, before a Cock crowa twice, wilt dis- own, Me thrice." 31 But HB spofee with more vehemence, "If I must die witb thee, I will by nomeans- disown Thee." And they all said the same. 32 $ And they eame to» a Place named G ethsamame, and he says to- kis- disci- ples, "Sit here, while I : * go away and pray." ; 33 And he takes^ witb him Peteb, and * Jamesv iand John, and began to be greartly aanazed and fitlE of Anguish. §4 And he says tothemy t"My - -- _„.. „„j,— 0-- — ^ , - ,«^.„ i"iviv soui/ IS encom- A676t avrois- XiepiKvizos eariv 77 r^uxv fxov ea)s|+ J, ^^^^ ^ ^^^1 t^^ he says to them; Eitretnely sorrowfirV w the soul efmeevewto if 27. • VaticanManuscbim.— 22. aCup, 24. to them— owtif. mine, which is of the covbnaist, that which' 19 foure* out. —omit. 32. go away and pray. 53. Jambs, ana J orn. 1 24. Luke xxii. 20; 1 Cor; xi. 25. t 26. Matt. xxvi. 30. t 4, JMatt xvi.7. t 20. Matt. xsvi. 33, 34: Luke xxn. 33,34. I 3V aiatt. xxvi. 36; Luke xxii»39s Jobn xvni. ^. % 34. John xw, 27, 24. TBAIT BEOOD of Sit me intlii»iyiGHB Chap: U: 35.] fMARK. ^avoTov fxetvare wSe, kui ypTjyopeiTe. ^ Kai •leath; remain you here, and watcb. And npoeKdwv fiiKpot^, eveaeu eirt ri]s 7775* Kai going forward a little, he fell on the ground; and Trpo(rr]vx^TO, lua, ft Swaroi^ etrri, TrapiAdx] air' prayed, that, if po»&ible it is, might pass from avTov 7j upa. ^ Kot eAe-yej/* A/8/8a 6 -irarrjp, him the hour. And he said; Abba the father, nrayra Svpara (ror irapei^cyKe to TroTTjpiov ott' ill (things) possible to thee; take the cup from i/xov TOVTO. AAA.' ov, Ti eyoj dcKw, oAAa ri me this. But not, what I will, but what au. ^^ Kai epx^Tai, Kai fvpicKei avrovs KaOev- thou. And he comes, and finds them sleep- SovTas' Kai \6y6i rip TlfTpw' Sjyuo)//, KaOevScis ; Ing : and he says to the Peter: Simon, sleepest thou? ovK i avrou (Tva'a-rjfiov avrois^ Kiywv *Ov av : Kabbi, [rabbi:*] Kai Ka,Ti2 fulfilled the wnt- (pai. ^ Kai a6Taj paiTi(Tfjia(Tiv avrov efiaWov. ^ Kat ovtos tendants with open hands him beat. And being rov YlfTpov €V TTj au\T] KaTco, epx^Tai fiia the Peter in the court-yard below, comes one rvov TraiStcTKcuv rov apx^^p^i^s' ^^ Kat tSovcra ofthe maid-servants ofthe high priest: and seeing rou Tlerpoy dcp/jLatvofj-fvoUf efi^Kfxpaaa aurrc the Peter warming himself, obe looking to him X€7ef Kat ffv jutera rov "Ha^^aprjuov lr)(rou rjada. savs : Aad thou with the Nazarene Jesut wast. *® 'O Se iipvriraro, Xeycov Ovk oi5o, bv^e He but denied, saying i Not I know, nor tirtcTTafiai rt arv Keycts. Kat €^r)\dei/ e^o) €is comprehend what thoo aayesU And he went out into TO irpoavKiov* *[«ai aXeKTwp cipafTjfret.J th* outer ccbrt: [and acock crew.] [C^ lib. clare, J ' S will destroy THIS TEMPLE MADE WITH HANDS, and in Three Day9, I will bxiild Another made without hands.*" 59 But not even thus was their testcmony sul- iicient. 60 AndthcHiGH-PRiLST standing up in the midst, asked Jesus, saying, " An- swerest thou nothing * tc what these testify against thee?" 61 X But he was silent, and answered nothinjr. And the high- priest asked him, and says lo hini; "Art tfjou the Mes- siah, the SON of the blessed Oner" 62 And Jesus said, " t am ; and you shall see the soiV of MAN sitting at '.he Right hand of the mighty One, and coming with the CLOUDS of HEAVEN." 63 And iheHiGH-PEiEST having renthis garments, says, "What further need liave we of Witnesses ? 64 You have heard the BLASPHEMY; Whatisyour opinion?" And they all condemned him as worthy of Death. 65 And some began to spit upon him, and to cover His face, and to beat him with the fist, and to say to him, "Divine to US*'' and the attendants struck Hnn on the cheek with the Open Hand. 66 I And Peteh being below in thecouHT-yAKu, there comes one of the MA1D-SEKVANT3 Of the UIGH.PKIEST ; 67 and seeing Peteh warming himself, earnestly looking at him, she says, " STfjou also wast with the Nazarune, * Jesus." 68 ButHB denied, say- ing, " 1 * neither know nor understana what tliou sayest.*' AnrJ he went out into the "uteb coi:et •, • Vaticaw Manuscript.— 60. Because these, nor understand. 68. and a Cock crew— omit. 67. Jesdb. t"! neither kt.ow I .58. MaiV SV.2P-. .John ii. 19. flatt xxvi St . Lukezsii. 60. IflC. Matt. xrvi. 6?. J !i Aiatt mv «o' i 661 Matt xxvi. 58, 6M: Lulse sxii If). John »viii it. Chap. 14: 69.] MARK. [Chap. 18: 8. ^^ Kai T) vaiSi(TKT} iBov(ra avrov *[7raAt»/] rjp^aro And the maid-servant seeing him [again] began \eyeiv rots irapeaTrjKocriv' 'Or* ovros ef avToov to fay to those having stood by ; That this of them ifTTiv, '° 'O 5e naXiy ripvuro. Kat /tero is. He and again denied. And after fiiKpov iraXiv oi irapecTTCoTes sXeyou rep Tlerpcp' a little again those having stood by said to the Peter; A\r]0w5 e| avru/u er Kai yap FaXtXaios €«, Truly of them thou art; also for a Galilean thon art, *[^Kai 7] \aXia (Tov d/JLOia^d.^ '^'O 8e Tjp^aro [and the speech of thee is like.] He then began avadf/j-ari^eiv Kai o^vvvaf 'Ort ovk ciSa tov to curse and swear; That not I linow the auOpccTToy tojtou, 6v \ey€Te. '' Kai €K Sev- uian this, of whom you say. And of sec- repou aKeKTwp €vr](re. Kat apefj-vi^aOrj 6 ond cock crew. And remember'^d the Tierpos rev ^rjfiaToSy ov Tli- the Jesus, carried and delivered up to the Pi- XaTO}. •^ Kcct eirrjpcDT-ricreu avrov 6 UiXaros' late. And acker' him the Pilate; 2y €1 6 fcctXevs tcdv lovSaicov ; 'O Se airoKpi- Thou art thr kin' of the Jews? He and answer- 6eis eiirer avrcf 2u Xeyeis. In J said tc him; Thou sayest. avrov oi apxjepets iroWa. him the high-priestc many things. The and Pilate iraXiv eirrjpcor-qaev avrov, Keycev Ovk airoKpivp again asked him, sayinfr: Not answerett thou ovSev {Se, TTocro ffov Karap.c.prvpovo'iv. nothing ? see, how many things of thee they tebtify against. ^ 'O Se lifCrovs ovKeri ovBev air^KpiBi]' axrre The but Jesus no longer nothing answered: so !^j Bavfia^eiv rov HiXarov. ^ Kara Se kopriqv to surprise the Pilate. At now feast aircXviv avrois iva Secr/niov Swep rjrovvro. be used to releasedto them one prisoner whoever they asked. 3K Ai ^ 'O 8e IliXaros ai Karriyopovv And accused 69 $ and the maid-seb. VANT seeing him, *8aid to THOSE STANDING BT, " This is one of them.'' 70 And HE denied it again. And after a little, THOSE STANDING BY Said again to Peteb, " Cer- tainly, thou art one of til em; for thou art also a Galilean." 71 Then HE began to curse and swear, " 1 knoiT not this MAN of whom yo« speak." 73 JAnd * immediate!) for a second time fa Cock crew. And Peteb recol- It'Cted the word which .Tksus spoke to him, "That before a Cock crows twice, thou wilt disown me tiirice." And reJiecting on it, he wept. CHAPTER XV. 1 JAnd immediately in the * Morning, the hirh- I'RiESTs, with the elders and Scribes, even tlie Whole SANHEDRIM, held a Council; and having bound J Esus, they carried and delivered him up to * Pilate. 2 J And Pilate asked him, "Art tf)ou the king of the Jews?" And HE answering, * says to him, "E\)ovi saj'est it." 3 And the high-pbiests accused him of many things. 4 i Then Pilate asked him again. laying, " An- swerest thou nothing ? See liow many things they ♦ac- cuse thee of." ^ J But Jesus answered no more, so that Pilatb was astonished. 6 t Now at each Feast he used to release to them One Prisoner, whoever they asked. • VaticaitMahcscript.— 69. again— omt*. 66. said to thosb. ^0. and thy SPEECH is like it— omi*. 72. immediately for a second. 1. Morning, 1. Pilate. 2. says to him. 4. accuse thee of. •t 72. or a watch-trmnpet sounded. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34. t 69. Matt. xxri. 71, 73 ; Luke xsii. 5S, 59 ; John xviii. 25, 26. T 72. Matt. xxv\. TSt 1 1. Psa.ii. 2; Matt.xxvii. 1 ; Lukexxii.06: x,\iii. I ; John xviii. 28; Acts iii. 13; iv. 2ft I 2. Matt, .xxvii. 11. 14. Matt, xsvji. 13. J 5. Isa. liii. 7 ; John xix. Ow 16. Matt. xxvii. 15; Luke xxiii. 17; John xviii. 39. €luip. 15 : 7 ] MARK. Wi* and he bring nfttned liar&bbai ivith the in>ur- iriaarwv SfSf/j-evos, olrives iv tt? (rracrei (povov genta h«ving been bound, who in the »LNiition murder imroir]K€i(Tau. ^ Kai ava^07)aas 6 oxAos had committed. And crying out the crowd Tjp^aro aireiaOat, Kadws aei lirout avTois. began to demand, as alwaya he did to them. *'0 Se ITtAaTos air^Kpidr] avTois, \eywy' 0eAe- The but Pilate aniweied ihem, aayiog. Do tou T€ aTro\va'(i} v/xiv rou ^acriXfa twv lovbaiwv . wish 1 shall release to you the tlnj oflh» l»w«f ^^ Y.yivwaKi yap, 6ti Siatpdopoi' irapa^idwKdoav He knew for, that through en»y had deliTered up avTov ot apxifp^^s, ^^ Ot Se apxi^p^is aveaet- him the high-priest. The and higb-p:'e>t> stined trau Tov ox^oPf lua /xaWov rov Bapa^fiau np the crowd, that rather the Baiabhas a-rroAvcTT} avrois. ^^ 'O Se TliXaros airoKfj^Oeis he should release to them. 1 he but Pila'e answering TraAii/ eiirei' avrots' Ti ouv ^eAere iroi-qao) ov again aaid to them ; What then do you wish I shall do whom X«7eT6 fiaut on avToy ra lixarm. ra iStw Kai e^ayovait avrov, him the cloches the own; and they led out him, *[iVa crravpo}(X(a(Tiv aurov.j ^^ Kat ayyapfvovtri [that they might crucify him.] And they compel irapayovTa riva 'S.ifj.aiva KvprivaioVy cpxo/uLevov passing by one Simon a Cyrenian, coming air' aypouy (tov narepa A\€^avSpov Kai 'Pov- fiora co'intry, (the father of Alexander and Ru- flJ-Trat^ovres vpos In like manner also the higb-piiests, mocking to aWvXovs juero rwv 'ypaix/marewVy ekeyov one another with the scribes, said; 20 And when they ha4 mocked him, they stripped him of the Pueple gar- ment, and put on hira * lii« own CLOTHESj and led him out. 21 t And One Simon, a Cyrenian, the fatheh of t Alexander and Eulus, coming from the Comiiiy, was passing hy, and tlicy compel him to cairy his CKOSS. 22 X And they bring him to * Golgotha, whicli, lin- ing translated, ia, a Place of a Skull. 23 And they preuented him "Wine miagled with Myrrh; but * he did not receive it. 24 And *ihey nail him to the Crosg, J and part his GAEMF.MS, casting Lois fur them, x-,iat each should take. 25 And it was the third Hour whc-n they nailed him to the Cross. 26 AndtheiNSCHiPTiON yf his A.CCUSATIOM was written over him, "The KING vf *lie Jews." 27 Acii with him they * crucified Two Robbers ,- one a* hi* Right hand, and the other at his Left. 28 *f[AndTHATsciiiP- TURE w&J verified, which SAYS, X " He was numbered " with LAW-BEEAKEKS."j 29 And THOSE passing ALONG reviled him, J sha- king their heads, and saying, "Ah! Thou de- STEOYKE of the temple, and Builder of it in Three Days, — 30 save thyself, and come down from the CEOSS !" 31 In like manner also, the HiGH-PEiESTsderidinw him, with the Scribes, said • Vatican Mancscbipt.— 20. his clothes. 20. that they might crucify him— &mit. 22. GoLGoTH.v. 23. to drink— omtf. 23. he. 24 they nail him to the Cross, and part his GARM3NT3. 27. crucified. 28.— omt*. t 21. Personsprobablywlltnown, and then living at Rome; since Paul, Rom. xvi. 13, salutes Rufiig there. + 28. Fi'itz. and Tischendorf cancel this verse, and Griesbach marku li f jr omission ; yet Bloomfield shinks injudiciously, as it is a remarkable fulfilment of prot phecy, and is omitted only by a jew JISS. ' ' t 21. Matt, xxvii. 3-2 ; Luke X2iii.,26^ 4.,«.,..J 2?; Jjbn xix. 17. t 24. ,F<«a-,Txii. 18: Luke iexxiii.84; John xix. 33. A a& *^'**lii 1.12 ; Lukexxii. 87. i 28. F?a. xxii.7 €9iap. 15: S2.1 MAKK. AAXouj ftrufffPy eavTov ou Suuarat auxrat ; Ocben he saved, liiuisclf not is able to nave? '- 'O XpicTTOs, 6 fiacriKevs rov Io-^otjA, Kara- Tbe Auuinted, the king oflbe Israel, let him fiaru vvv airo rov aravpovy iva ihufieu Kai docend now from the cross, that weuiay»ee «nd viaT(v(>. Kai ot avuffnaupwixivoi avrcf may believe. And those having been crucified with hiin uvei^i^ov avrov, ^ T^uoixevTqs Se u^pas I/cttjs, riiproached bim. Being come and hour sixth, iXKUTOS eyevcTO €* oArju rrju 77] v, ews wpas ^>knest was un whole the land, till hour euvaiTfs. ^* Kat it? wpa tt) evvaTTj e^orjcrev 6 uiath. And llie hour the ninth cried the l7}(rous i, eAcof Jebus with a voice luud, [sayings] Eloi, eloii Kafx/u-a (rafiaxOavi ; 6 ecrri /xeOepfXT^vivofxevov jamma sabachthani? which is being translatedi X) deos JJ.OV, *[d 6eos fiovl sis ri /xe tyKUTf- The God of me, [the God of me;] to what me hai>t thou \nres : ^ Kai rives rcuu irapeffT-qKOTUv aKov- left. And some of those standius by bear- oayrts, eKeyov Idov, li\iau (puvei. ^ Apafxwv lug, said: Lo, Eliat he calls, Runuing be €ts, Km yefiicras (nroyy: u o^ovs, ireoideis re and one, and filling a sponge of vinegar, attaculng and Ka\a/xco, eiroT i^ev avToy, Keycov Acpere' iSoofxeUj to a reed, gavetodrmk him, saying: Let alone : we may «ee, (I epxerai HAios KadeXeiv avrov. '"^^ 'O Se il comes Elias to take down him. The then iTjaovs, acpets (pcoV7]v /xeyaXrjv, e^eirvevcre. Jesus, uttering a voice loud- breathed out. ^ Kai ro Karaireraafia rov vaov eo'xto'dr} eis Aud the curtain of the temple was rent into Svo, airo avioOev eus Karca. ^^ iSwv Se & Kevrv- two, from above to below. Seeing but the centu- picoVy 6 TTapearriKws e^ evavrias avrov^ 6ri rion, that having stood by over against him, that ouru) *[/fpo4as] e^eirvevo'ev, eiirev A\t}6u}S 6 thus I having criedl he breathed out, said: Truly tht avQpunros ovros vios ..v 6eov. "^ Hffav 5e Kai man this a son was of a god. 'VOre and also yvvaiKes airo fxaKpoQev Oewpovcrar ev ais rjv Kai women from a distance beholding: among whom was also Mapta r] MaySaKyjUT], Kai Mapia f] rov JaKca^ov Ibjary the Magdalene, and Mary tbeof^he James rov fiiKpov Kai loxTTj jxTjrrjp, Kai SaAwyUTj* ^^ at the little and Jose* mother, and Silome: who *[/fo«,] 6re t\v ev rrj FoAiXaiO, 7]ko\ov0ovv [also,] when he was in the Galilee, followed , avrwy Kai Sir}Kovovv avrcf Kai aWai iroWai, him, and served him; snd others many, at (Tavava^acrai avrcp eis ^XepocroXvfxa. those having come up with him to Jerusalem. ICJiap. 15: 41. to each other, " He saved others; cauuot lie save himself? 32 The Mfssiah! the KING of * Israel! let him come down now from the CROSS, that we may see and believe." Even those, X^\\o were crucified with him, reproached him. 83 And the sixth Hour being come, there was Darkness over the "VMioie LAM), tilltlie ninth Hour. 84 And at the * ninth Hour Jksus cried with a loud Voice, % " Eloi, Eloi, lamnia sabachtlianir" which, being translated, is, " My God ! to what hast thou surrendered me?" 85 And some of those STANDING BY, hearing this, said, "Behold, he calls Elijah." 36 J And one ran, and filled a Sponge with Vine- gar, and putting it on a Reed, gave him to drmk, saying, " Let him alone ; let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down." 37 Then Jesus uttering aloud Voice, expired. 88 t And the VEIL of the TEMPLE was rent in Two fiom top to bottom. 89 And THAT CENTU- RION who STOOD BY over against him, seeing that thus he expired, said, "Cer- tainly, *T'his MAN was a Son of God." 40 JAnd "Women also were beholding from a dis- tance; among whom was Mary of Maodala, and Mary the mothek of .Tames the younger, and * of Joses, and Salome ; 41 who when he was in Galilee, J followed him, and ministered to him ; and MANT Others, who came up with him ta* Jerusalem. • Vatican Mawcscbipt.— 32. Israel. 34. ninth Hour. 34. saying' — omit 84. my Gop — omit. 39. having cried— omit. 39. This man. 40. the mo. therot. 41. also — omit. X 82. Matt.xxvii. 44; Luke xxiii. 39. I 34. Psa. xxii. 1 ; Matt, xxvii. 40. I 38. Psa. Is'x. 21. t ^'^< Alatt.xxvii. 51 ; Luke xxiii. 4o. ; 40. I'sii. ^kxviii. 11. t 41. Lut» Tii .2,8. Chap. 15 : 4J.3_ MARK. •d^. 16 1 1. And DOW ecenrng being come, ^isincc it was prepa- fatioa, that is before sabbath,) c:xme Joseph it uvo AfiifidBaias^ tv'*a*. «xpectui; tt\e kingdom oflhc ^iov, iroKfirjaas :eiTr}\6e vpos JliXaroVy Jcat ^od, ^aiainiag courage weDtin to Pilate, £Dd j)T7}(raTO^ro-axic J bought Jiireo, ^and] having taken down biiSi \4ivetKricre rp ^ipBovr xai (KaTeOrjKiP avrov iv :t,c wrapped the dcneo ; «^d laid- liiia (in- ^P7]H(i^, S -TfP \(\aTop.y]fxiPOP (K irerpas- jeat a Cotnb, which was -having been hewn out of . Jirock ; and vpoaeKvKure'^iBop em T-qv Qvpav tov /,u€tov.. rolled AstoDe against the door ofthe tonib. ^'Hfie Mapia 7] May5a\7jpi] Kai Mapia Iccari The but Mai7 the MagdaleiM AuU Uaiy o/Jose* ■^BfuipovVf ftrov TiQeTai, iffltfli^t _ ''Where he w as laid. KE*. jt'.JC, 'AjLat'hiayrponevov tov aa$Bar6x^, f/iapia t) And l>«ng pa«t the -tabbatb, Mary the iMiaySaXjpfrj, Jcat Mapia y} tov laKuBov, Kat Magdalcse. -*nd Mary thatoftfaC' .^James, and tSaAw^i; Tjyopaaav apanaTUy Iva .fXOovo'ai -Halome ibooght «romatics, that coming ,ia\ef\pu}fibe first < <4ra$BaTuv ^fpxovrat «Tt to pj^ifieiop^ avarei- ofweek thry came ito dhe tomb, . Jiaving 9M.UT0S -TOV TjKuHf. ^ 'Kat f\eyop vpos iavrasr «is(n the luo. And they said ilo themselvesi, liis.aito}cvKi(Tciii]pj.p-^ov XiBop (k TTjS'Svpas tov AVUo wd'^oUairay /for us the atone irota the ^loor «fthe givTifictav s '^Kar^apaB^f^acrat BeupcvciVy 6ti tomb I And .looking cp they sasr, that oiroKeKvXivTat ^ Ai0a»$* ijr yap-p-fyas ffj^oSpa., tiad beenioUed airay the stone;. it was for great very. ^^Kai eiT. 40. and— 'rauf. 40. .put Uiiu. 47. juat Mary tike mother, iifirst day ol the WEEK. 5^ coming to. ^42. Matt, xsvii. 57; Luke »xi»i.^iOj John XJX.S.S. ,t 43."'LukcJU^ SS. i LIIJOU gxvui. 1 ; Luke xxiv^-X^ John »>..l. - .ia>Xuke.JUiu.&ii. "i-^ Xuky JuiJUjA Jblin XX. H. 13. ~'' Cfiap. IC: 6.] MARTv. [Oiap. 16: U. avKTKoy Kadrffifvoy iv tois Sc^iois, irfpi^^^Xr]- fuuth tiding ou the ri^-Ut, havia^ been fifvov (TTo\r]v XivKT]v /cat €^€daiuL$r]6riaav. clothed a robe white; and they were awe-struck. ^'0 5e Xeyet avrats' Mr] CKdafM^ftade' Irjauvv He but says tcthenii Not hcyouamazed; Jesua ^TjTfiTC Tov K:::(^apr)yov, top ((TTavpw/jLfvov yoK«eek the Naijj-eDe, the having beeu crucified; TjyepOrj, ovk cartv wde' i^e 6 tottos, ottov lie ba« been railed, not he is here; tee the place, where fOrjKay avrov. ^ AA,\' virayeTe, civare rois they l^id him. Vu: go, say to the fiaO-nrais avrov, Kai TCf UeTpcf}, on irpoayei disciplea ol'him, an;itot:ie Peter, that he goes before v/JLUs eis rrjv TaXikaiav €Kei avrov oxpeade, you into the Galilee; there him youniU&ee, Kadcifs eiirev vfiiv. ^ Kat (^e\6ovaai, e(pvyov a* he (aid to you. And bat-in j gone out, they fled airo Tov /xi/r)fj.eiov eix^ Se avTas Tpojxos Kat from the tomb; had seized and them trecoblin^ and e/co'TOTiS, Kai oi/Sevi cvZev eiirov e avrwv he appeared; and reproached ti— unbelief o''them Kai ', as tiny were reclining, and censured their 0Nbkliki and obstinacy. Because tlicy believed not those who had SEEN him after hi: resuirection, • Vaticas Masuscbift.— 9— iO— omif. t 9. From this verse to the end ot the chapter is wanting in the Vat. MS., and in many other ancient copies. Griesbach marks the whole passage of very doubtful authenticitv.but retains it in the text, Tischendorf rejects the whole clause. IJutjudsrin^from the evidence with regard to this passage, it is probably an authentic fragment, placf-d as a completion o\ the Gospel in very early times ; and therefore coming to us with strong claims on cur re- ception and reverence. i t 6 Matt, sxviii. 5—7. T 7. Matt. xxvi. 32 ; Mark siv. 28. + 9. Johu 31. 14 10. Luke xxiv. Ii\ John xx. 18. t 12. Luke xsiv. 13. 1 14. Luka ixir- 'O- hnxrlU: ll.'ni »» K ^ ' la ohnxx. IW. 1 Coi XT b. Chap. If. ; 15.] MAHK. f Chap Ifi ; 20, avrois' Ilopei/fiei'Tes t/i rov Kon-fxov airavTa, to them J Having eone into the woild all. Ktjpv^are to evayyeXiou itacrri rri ktktci. ^^ 'O publish the glad tidings to all the creation. He TTiffTivcras Kai $aTrriT0eis, ccMidTjaeraf 6 Se having believed and having been dipped, sballbesaved; he but aTrKTTrjcras, KaTaKpiOrjaeTai. ^' STjjueza Se rois not having believed, sliall be condemned. Si^'na and to those TriaTeva-aai ravra irapaKoKfvdria'ef Ev t^j having believed these shall attend; In the opo/xaTi fxov haifxovia €K$a\ovcrL' yKwcrrrais name of me deoiona they shall ca&t out; with tongues \a\f}(rov(Ti Kaivais' ^^o({)eis apovai' Kav they shuUspeak new: serpents they shall takeup; andif dauam/uLou Ti Tricctriv, ov /jlt] avrois /8Aa\|/er deadly thing they m:iy drink, not not them it may hurt: €7rt appwarovs x^^P^^ iirn^ricTovcri, Kai KaXws upon sick, ones bauds they shall place, and well k^ovcriv. ^^'O jx^v ovu Kvptos, fxera to \a\T]- theywillbe. The indeed then Lord, after the tohave aai avTois, av?Xr}s Trepi oav excellent Theophilus, that thou mayestknowconcerningwbich KaTTJxvGvs Xoycov rriv aa^aXeiap. chou hast been taught of words the certainty. " Y.yfViTO fv rais rjfxepais "HpwSov, Toi/jSofTf- Was in th» days ofHerod, the king KcdiS TTjs lovSaias, iepevs ris oyofxariZaxapias, of the 'Jews, a priest certain name Zacharias, 6^ €(pri/j.(pias A$ia' Kai t) yuurj avrov ck rocu of course ofAbia; and the wife of him of the Qvyar^pcou A-apaiv, Kai ro uvoua cvr7]s EAffrajSer. daughters of Aaron, and the name of her Elisabeth. ' Waau 5e SiKatoi afKporepoi cvutriov tov Oeou, They were and righteous both in prtseuce of the God, TTopevofxevoi eu iracais rais €VTo\ais fcai SiKai- walking in all the commaudaients and ordi- a}/.Laiow it occurred, while he was peekormijng the priest's dee ice befoie God, in the order of his 9 t that it fell to him by lot, according to the cus- • Vatican Manuscbipi.- Elizabeth. -Title— AccosLOinQ to Lukb. 6. King. 6. Wife. feet, xxii mans on tbeirprincipal senators. " +9. Prideaux.referriiiVto Lig-htfoot'siVmpleServk^' saj's, that thepnests.accordinp to David's institution, were divided into twentv-four courses that each course attendedatJerusaleniitsweek; and everv course being divided intoseven Classes, each class served its day at tlie temple ; and each priest of that class had his part in the service appointed by lot. And Ji.sephus pives much the same account, adding that the priests entered upon their ofHce on the sabbath-day at noon, and left it at the same time on thesabbatii-day toUowing; and that this practice, first settled by David, continued to his own days.— Pearce. ' v u o t 2. Heb. li 3 ; 1 Pet. v. 1 ; 2 Pet. i. If.; 1 John i. 1 ; Mark i. 1 ; .Tohn xv. S7. t 3 Act* 1.1. :4.Johnxi.31. {5. Matt. 11.1. J 5. 1 Chron xxiv. lo; 10 ; Neh. xii! 4. 17 Oiap. 1: 10.] lAJKE. Tov Ovfxiatrai^ eiffeXdwu fis tov vaou rov Kvpiov ofthe to burn incense, entering into the temple of the Lord; ^^ Kat irav to ttXtjAos rjv tov \aov irpoa-evxofMevov and whole the multitude was of the people praying €|a> tt; aipa tov dufxia/xaros. " ricpdr) 5e ■"ithout to the hour ofthe incense burning. Appeared and avT(p ayyf^^os Kupiov, karroos e/l ^e^i'Jiv tov toJiim a messenger of a lord, standing at right ofthe dv done for me, in the Days when he regarded me, % to take away my beproach among Men." 26 Now, in the sixth 5IONTH, the ANGEL Gabriel was sent by God to a City of Galilee, named Naza- reth, 27 to a Virgin ^betrothed to a Man whose name was Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin's NAME was Mary. 28 And coming in to her, he said, |"nail, favored one', the Lord is with thee!" 29 But SHE was greatly agitated at the WORD ; and she pondered what this SALUTATION could mean. * Vatican Manuscbipt. — 28. blessed art thou among women — omit, t 22. or deaf and dumb, for the origin.-il word baa this double meanin!?. That Zacharinh w!ill he a Fulfillment of the ** Kat fiTre MapjoM* 'M.^yaKwei rj ^vxt] ftov « oeds spokew to her by And iaid Miry. ica^uinea the »oul ofuie the Lofd." TOW Kvpiov, ■*' Kai TjyaWtaae ro iruevua jxov em 46 A nU Mary said, J "My the Lord, and ha» eiulceJ the spirit of me in | SOL'L 6 vtoia ihc LOBD, T(p df(f> T(f} awTTjpi /uLuv '*^6ti 67r€/8A6i^5i' eTTj i 47 and my spieit ex. the God the iavior oime; for helooked upon ult3 in GOD my SaTJOE; Tr}y Taweivcccr IV T7JS dooKrjs aorov. ISow yapA .48 because he kiiid.y the lowttate ofthe handmaid ofhirakelf. Lo for, I viewed the HITMB-Z CON- ano TOV vvv fiaKapiovai fi, t a^r ai al 76r6ar ' ^'"^"^"Vn"'^''' ''"*'"' from the now wiUcallbappv me .^1 the generation.; ' '"'^' "i . , , " "'"■■*''" ^"'^ 4Q , , s *. I THIE t.\ll GENKEATi-JNS ^ oTi firoi-qcre fioi fieyaXaa o ouvutos' Kai\ fur has done tome greattbin^t the mighty on^i and I ayiov TO ovoaa. avrou, '^ Kai to cAeos avTov holy the Dame ofhim, and the iziercy ofnicb 6is ytv^as yfvfcuv tois (po^ov/jLeuots avTov. to generauons of geoeraiions to those fearing him. *^ ETTOjTjTe Kparos eu ^pax^ovi avTov 5if(TKop- He has ahowed strength with arm ofhimielf: be has "Kiaev virep7}(pavovs Siayoia Kapdias aurwv. dispersed arrogantones in thougUt ofhearu of them. '^ Ko06i\€ hvva(TTai airo Qpovtuv, Kai vr^/wae He has cast down mighty ones from thrones, and lifted up raTTfivovs. *^ YletvciiuTas eveirXrjo'iy ayaOajv, humble ones. Hungering onea he tilled of good thin -a, Kai irAouTovj/Tos eloTrfcreiAe K€uov%. °^Avt6- and being nch he sent away empty. He Aa/SeTO IcpaTjA irciSos auTov, fivqcrdrivai eXeovs, aided Israel a child of himself, to remember mercy, ^ {^KaQws (XaXrjcre irpos tovs Trarepas 7}piwv,) (as he spoke to the fathers of us,) will pronounce me nappy . 49 tor '.he MiGHTt One has done Wonders ^or aie -. Jand iioly is his .name • 50 X and his mercy ex- tends to Generations of Generations of Tuos£ who f£AE him. 51 % He shows Strenjrth + with his Arm; he dis- perses those Proud jn the Thought of their I•^^:•art». 52 X Ue casts down Po- tentates from Thrones, and raises up the owlv. 53 He mis the "Hungry with ftood tilings, and the Rich he sends away empty. 54 He supports Israel, his own CliildL, remember- ing .Mercy, 55 (t as be spoke to oui -42. Crv. • Vatican Masuscript.- 51. Grotius observes, that God's efficacy is represented by \\\%finaer, his great power by his land, and his ommpntence by his arm. The plague otiice was the finger of God, Exod vii ii Theplagiies in general were wroueht by his hand, Exod. iii. So. And the destriiciion ot Pharoah's host in the Red Sea, is calle-i the act of his arm, Esod. xv. 16. . ., i,^- ^ ^*™- i'; ^o t. *8- 1 ukc xi. 27. ♦ 40. Fsa. txi. «. * 50. Psa. o«;uide the feet Tfjxwv eis ohov eiprjvrjs. ^^To 8e iraiSiov rjv^ave, ofu« into away of peace. Tlie now little child grew, Kai eKparaiovTo irv^vfjiari' Kai r)U ev rats ept]- and became •tton; ia'piiit; and was in the des- fJ.015, ecus ij/xepas aua<)ei^ecos avrov irpos tov erts, till da; of manifestatiou of him to the l(rpa7]\. laraeL KE*. B'. 2. ^E7ej'«To hi €1/ Tais rjixepais eKeivaiS, e^rjA^e It came),o ^asiaaa >u me dayi those, nentforth Soyfjia ira^a KuiOapos AvyovaTou, airoypa otto T7)S raA/Aams, eK TroAews and also Josejia from tne Galilee, out of city tJa(apf.T, fiS Tr)v lovBaiaVf ejs iroKiv AaviS, Nazareth, (nto the Judea, into a city of David, ■^Tis Kahcirai BrjflXee^, (5to to ctvai auroi/ 6| which is called Bethleem, (becausethe to be him of oiKov Kai irarpias AaviS,) ^ airoypaipaadat cvif house and family of David,) to berei^istered with MapiafJL rri fiefjivrta-Tev/uLevT} avrcp *[7ui'ot«i,] Mary the having been espoused to him [^awife,] ovari cyKvcf}. ^ Eyevero Se ev rep eivai avrovs being withchild. It happened but in the to be them €Ket, €Tr\7)v' Kai. 6 ayOpwiros ovtos SiKaios a name ofSiuieun; and the man this just Ktti ev\a&T]Sf irpocrSexofievos TTapaK\T)(Tiv tov and pious, waiting for consolation of the iapar}\. Kai Trv€ ayiou etr' avTov ^^ Kai Israeli And aspirit was holy upon him; and r}v avTcp KexPVf^c^T^^fJ'-^^ot/ viro tov Truev/naTos itwastohim having been informed by the spirit TOV ayiov, fxf} ihnv davaTov^ irpiv r] tSj? of the holy, not to see death, before he should see Tor XptcTToy Kvpiov. ^^ Kat TjAGey iv Tcp irvev- the anointed of Lord. And became by the spirit [xaTi eti TO Upoy Kai ev tu} ncrayayeiy tovs into the temple; and in the tu bring the yoveis TO TraiStou Irjarovy, tov iroi-qaai avTovs parents the little child Jesus, of the to do them KaTa TO eidiCfxtuoy tov yo/uov irepi accordingto that having been instituted of the law concerning avTov ■^ Kai avTos eSe^aTO avTO eis Tas ayKa- him; also be took it into the arms Aos avTov, Kai €v\oyTiu Kacov ^^ (pus prepared before face of all the people; alight CLS aTroKa\v\piu eOvwv, Kai Zo^au Kaov (Tov for arevel;\tion ofnatioDs, and a glory of peopleof thee l, and t 82. Is3. xlii. 6 ; xHx. 6 ; Ix. 1 ; Acta xiii. 47 ; xxviii. 28. «si. 41; Koi). ix. 3-2; 1 Cor. i. '23, 24; I Pet.ii. 7,8. *xvi. 7 ; 1 Tim. v. 6 t 38. Lukexxiv. a^. 1 34. Isa. viii. 14; Mart, t 84. Heb. xii. 3. J 37- Acta t 40. Lukei- 80. ver. 52. Oiap. 2 : 41.] LUKE. [ Chap. 2 : S>a. 41 And his parents went yeai-ly to Jerusalem to the X TEAST of the pass- O'VER. 42 And when he was twelve Years old, rthey went Bp according to the CUSTOM of the teast. 43 And having i com- pleted the DAI'S, on their KETUEN, Jesus, theTOUTH, remained in Jerusalem. And *his parents knew it not. 44 And supposing him to be in the company, they went a Day's Journey; and tliey sought him, among their relatives and ac- quaintances. 45 But not finding him^ they returned to Jerusa- lem, seeking him. 46 And it happened, after three Days they found him in the temple, sitting in fthe Midst of the teachers, both hear- ing them, and asking them questions. 47 And ALL were as- tonished at his intelli- gence and replies. 48 And seeing him, they were amazed ; and his mo- ther said to hin\ " Child, why hast thou dons thus to us ? behold thy eather and I * seek the'e sorrow- ing." 49 And he said to them, ""VYhy did you seek me?, Did you not know that I must be in t the [courts] of my Father ?". 50 And tf)CB did not understand the -word which he spoke to them. 51 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. Andhis MOTHER * Vaticai* Manuscbipt.-^-2. to Jerusalem-om«. 43. his pake nts knew, 47. those hearing him— omif. 48. seek thee. , j « + 42. All the males were required to attend at the three festivals at Jerusalem ; and fe- males ili5u-h not commanded, vet used often to attend, especially at the ^--^ssover. Chlld- ™n were excused; bTtTheVabbinical writers say. that the above obb-ation was thought binding at t^-elve years of a-e. t 43. That is, been there ei-ht days, of whicn t..e l^ast 0 the Passover wL one, and the rest were the seven days of unleavened bread. t 46. Thev sat on benches in a half circle, and their scholars at their feet. Acts xsii. 3. t 4j). In th 3 rLrVor Ao,<.Vof my Father, is now generally admitted as correct. A similar ellips.* occurs in Mark v. 35, and Acts xvi. 40. t 41. Exo4. xsiii. 15, 17 ; xixiv. 23 ; Deut. xvi. 1. IS. " Kai eTTop^vovTO ol yoveis avrov KaT* fros eis And went the parents of him every year to 'Upov(ra\T]ix tt? eoprri rov iraaxa. Jerusalena of the feast of the pa>»o»er. And when he was years twelve, having gone up avTcov *[ets 'lepofroAu^ua] Kara to edos rr]s of them [to Jerusalem] according tolhe ^ custom of the eooTTjs' "^^ Kai re\€tcacravrwv ras rjixepas, ev feast; and having ended the days, in Tq> iiroa-rpecpeiv avrovs, vircfieivev l7}aovs 6 thl to return them, remained Jesus the vais €V 'l€pov(ra\7]fi- Kai ovk eyuu} Icia-qcp Kai boy in Jerusalem; and not knew Joseph and 7} u-qTvp avTov. ^ "Sofxicrain-es Se avrov ev the 'mother of him. Having supposed and him in TV trvvodia iivai, -nXQov riiMipas bZov, Kai Jh'e company' to be, they went of a day a journey, and fvcCvTOvv avTov ev rois ffvyy^v^ffi Kai TOis they .ought him among the kinsmen ^ and the yuwoTois. ■'^ Kai fxv evpoPTes, virea-rpe^au acquaintances. And not finding, they returned fis 'lepov(Ta\vhi Cv'rovin-€S avTov. ^ Kai to Jerusalem. seeking Mm. And c^ereTO, jxiff Tjixfpas rpeis eupov avTov ev ry it happened, after days three they found him in the t'epc? KadeCofjievou iv /xeacp rwv SiSaaKaXcav, temple sitting in middle of the teachers, Kai aKovovra avTwv, Kai eirepajrwvra avTOvs. and hearing of them, and ^ asking them. *' EEio-rauTO Se iravTfs *[oi aKovovTes avTov,] •Were amazed and all [those hearing him,] €iri T77 (Tvvea-ei Kai rais airoKpicnaiv avrov. upon the understanding and the answers of him. "*** Kat idovres avroUy e^cTcKaynTav Kai Ttpos And seeing him, they were amazed; and to avTou h uv^VP avTov etTre- Te/cvoy, ri cttoxtj- him the mother of him said; O child, why hast thou tras vfJ^tv ovrccs : iSov, b Trarrjp gov Kayw done tons thus? lo, the father of thee audi oZvvaixivoi fCvTovnev ae. "^^ Kai etTre irpos being in distress have sought thee. And he said to avTovs' Tt OTi 6C77T€iTe fi€ ; OVK riQsire, them; Why for did you seek me? not know you, OTI ev rots rov irarpos fxov Set nuai fx.e ; ^ Kat that in the ol the father of me must to be me? And ouTot oi» (TvvriKav ro pTj^a, 6 €Ka\7](rev avrois. they not understood the word, which he spoke to them. SI Kai Kare^t) fier avrcau, Kai tjXeev eis Nafct- And he went down with them, and came into Naia- per' Kai riv v-Koraaaofxevos avrois. Kai 7j reth; and was being subject to them. And the xap. 35.7 LUKE. {Chap. S: % jty\t-q(> airrov hwr-qpa tfavra ra f^riULaTa Tat/ra cno(h«r of him tr«vureertrip.a Bfov €7rt lutavuijy^ ^'ov ■r-'>u> came a word of God ' to J^hn, the Zax^piov vloVf fy-rrj €pr)ij.(p. ^Kai t)\$(V -fis ofZacbariaa 10a, in the deaert. And Se went 'nto ■rapov rov lopdavov, Kr)pvajv77 fiowyros (V vt? phet, [saying-l "A voice crying in ^e eprjfjL^' 'Eroi/xacraTe ti]V ddou Kvpiovy (vdeias dexrt; Make yon itndy the way of a lord, atroi^ht 7roi«tTe Tos TpijSoi/y avrov ^ Haad ery ratine vKrjpajOrjcTeTaiy- Kat irav opos Kai $ovvos Toirct- ahajl be tilled up, and every mountain and hill ahall be vw9r}(reratT nat fo-rat ra UKoXia 6is evBeiavy tnadalow; and ibati oe the crooked into straight, Kai at rpaxfiai'fii ddovs- \fias' ^ Kat oi^/frai aud the rough Into waya amooth; and aUallaee ' EA.f76V He said ovy Ton fKTTopcuojjLeyois ox^ois ^airTKrOvyat vir* tuen to those coming out of crowd* tobedipi>cd pf avTov rfyyriixaTa (Xf-Syuyy risvvfdfi^eyvfjLiy W(X)\ O broods *)ivenoinouibeipent«,wha pointed out to you vaca (rap| to awTripioy tov 6eov. all fleah the talvation of the God." kept All * these THisaa in her HEART. 52 I And Jesus advanced * in w i.sDOM, and in Man* liness, and in Favor with God and Men. CHAPTER'lII. 1 Now in the fifteentfi Yearof the coveenmewt of Tiberius Cesar, Pontius Pilate being Governor of Jut) FA, and Herod te- trarch of GaLilkk, and PliUip his BBOTHKR te- vrarcK of Itubka, and llie Province of Traehonilis, and LysaniaSjike tetrarch OiADXLEKK, 2 tin the •High-priwt- hood of + Annas, and Cai- aphas, a Command fruni God came to John, the SON of Zachariah, iji the DESEBT. 5 t And he Went into All the adjacent * Country ol UioJoedan, publishing aa Iniwei-sion of Reformation J for Forgiveness of Sins. 4 As it is written in the Book of the Words ot Isaiah, the tBOPHET; f'A. "Voice ynclaimine in the "DESEHi Prepare file WAT "for tlie lti*u, make the "iircHWA'Ss Btraight for "him. 6 "Every Ravine shaQ "be filled up, and Eveiy "Mountain and HiJl shall "be made low; and the '' CKOOKED roads shall be- "conie straight, and the "BOUGH Wavs smooth ; 6 t"and All Resh shall "see the salvation o( "God." 7 Tlien he said to the CKOWDS COMIKG KOBTU to lie immersed by hin\^ t"0 I'rogcny of Viper*\ wj^o admonished you to fly • W»iCAN MANnscRiPT.— 61. the satinoa. priest. 8. Country. i, szyixig—omit. 62. in wisi>oic And. a. High. t 2. Doddndjfe says, 'Icannot suppose, as somfi have done, that Annas waa hlgn-priest l)ie former part of th-.s year, and Caiaphas the latter ; much le.«3 that Luke knew so little ot the Jewisti constitution, as to suppose there could be two hiph-priests properly so called, Vhoensiest solution is, that one was the hieh-priest, ard the other his samn or deputy, so that the title raigrht, with a very pardonable liberty, be applied to both." • T 52. t Sam u 26; ver.40. ♦ 2. John xl 4\M ; xviii.lS; Actelv.«. t ». Matt. M^r'c 4. IS.Lnk«1.77. t 4. Isx xl. 3; Matt.!!!..-!; Marts t 5; Johu V 10. PtA. xjeviii. 3; Isa.lji. 10^ i^Hke ii. 10. ■13. Uatt.UL7. Hiaj,. % : 8.J 1.UKK. [aiap. 3; 17. «*)"7e/r CTTo rrjs fieWotrrrjs opyvs; ^HoLTjaarc to flee from the coming wrath? Bringforth ovu Kaprrovs a^iovs rrjs fieravoias' Kai /jlt] then fruits worthy of the reformation j and not ap^rjo-Qe Xsy^iv (i/ eauroLS' Harepa exofi^v top you should begin to say in youiseives ; A father we have the A^paafx. Ai-yu: yap vjxiv, on Svvarai 6 Oeos Abraam. I say for to you, that is able the God 6/c Twi/ XiOwv TovTcov ej^ipai T€Kva Tw A^paajx. outofthe stones of these to raise up chihhtn to the Abraam. '■ HSt/ Se Kai 7) a^ivT] irpos Ttju pi-C<^v rcov SevSpcov Now and even the axe to the root of the trees K€iTai' Trap ovv SepSpou fir) ttolovv irapivov is placed, every therefore tree not bearing fruit KaKoUy CKKOTrrerai, Kai eis Trvp ^oAAerot. good, is cut down, and into afire is cast. ~^ Kat einjpcDTUiP avTov oi oxAot, Aeyopres' Tt And asked him the crowds, saying; MHiat OVV iroirjao/iiev ; ^^ ATroKptOeis Se Xcyei avrois- then should wedo? Answering and he says tothetn; 'O e^wv Suo ;(;tT&>i'as, /utTaSorco rep jlit] txovTf He having two tunics, .-ethinishare withthenot iiavinj;^ KOLi 6 e^wv 0p(o/j.aTa, opLoicos iroieiTca. ^aud he having meats, »n like manner let him do. '2 HAOov Se Kai TfAcovai 0aTrriadr)vai, Kai Came and also tax-gatherers to be dippetl, and fiTTov irpos avTov AiSatTxaAey rt iroiTprofiej/ . said to him; O teacher, what should wedo;. ^^ 'O Se enre irpos avTuvs' Mri^ev ■jrA^of Trapa He and said to them; Nothing more froui "o dtaTeTayu^vou vfiiv vparrrrfTe. ^'^ Eir-qpearcop that havingbeenappoiuted*ovoa collect you. Asked '>e avrop Kai (npaT€voij.(Poi, \fyopres' Kai and him also soldiers, sajing; Auil rjiJ.€is T{ TToirja'Ofiep ; Kai enre irpos avrovs' we what should we do? And he said to them: Mrjdepa Sjarre tTTjre, /xri^i irvKO(pauTria-^T€' Kai No one raayvou .'.oi thorn, neukermayyouaccusewrougfuUy: and apKiicrQe rois oj/uinois vp-wp. oeyou content with the 'vagei ofyou. ^''HpuaSoiccopTos Se rov Xaov, Kai Sia^^oyi^o- Expecting and of the people, and reason- fiePWP iraPTCDP €P Tais Kap^iais avrcov irepi tuu ing all in tiie hearts ofiliem about the Icaavpov, /j.7]iroTe avTos at] 6 Xprnrns, ^'* aireK- Jobn, whether he were the Anointed, an- pipuTo 6 litiuvPTjs airaaiy XiycoP' ILyco jxev swered the John to all, saying: I indeed '•5aTi fiaTTTi^ca vfias' epx^'''o-t Se 6 larx^poTtpos in water dip you: comes but the mightier jLtou, ov ovK ei/xi iKaPOS Xvrrai top ifj.aP7a rccp of me, ofwhomnot tarn worthy to loose the strap ofthe viTodrjiuaTcop avrov avros v/xas fiaiTTKrei cp sandals of him : he you willdip in irvfVfxaTi ay tea Kai irvpi. ^' Ou ro tttvov spirit holy and fire. Of whom the winnowing shovel €v TT) X^'P* auTou, Kai SiaKaOapi^i rrfP m the hand of him, and he will thoroughly cleanse the from the appboaching VENGEANCE? 8 Produce, therefore. Fruits worthy of rejx)E11- ATioN ; and hegin not to say among yourselves, 'We have a Father — Abra- ham;' for I assure you, That God is able from these STONES to raise up CHILDREN to ABRAHAM. 9 And even now the AXE lies at the root of the TREES; JKvery Tree, therefore, not bearinsj good Fruit is cut down, and cast into the Fire." 10 And the crowds asked him, saying, " What tlien should we do ?" 11 lie * answered and said to them, J"Jiet him who H A s Two Coats give to HIM who HAS none; and let HTM who HAS iood do the same." 12 J And Tribute-takers, also, came to be immersed, iiid said to him, "Teacher. what should we doV" i3 And HE said to them, "Collect nothing more than WHAT ]S APPOINTED for you." 14 And Soldiers, also, asked him, * " What also sliould toe do?" And he said to them, " Oppress, and falsely accuse, ]Soone; and be satisfied with your WAGES." 15 And the PROPLE were waiting, and all were rea- soning m their hearts concerning John , whether i)e were not the Messiah; 16 John answered all, saying, J "5 indeed im- merse you in Water; but a mighti kr than I is com- ing, for wliom I am not tit to untie the strap of his SANDALS; fje wiUimmcrse you in holy Spirit and Fire. 17 Whose ■^TiNNOwiNG SHOVEL in his hand will effectually cleanse hi? Vatican Manuscript. — 11. answered and said. 14. What also should tot dd t 0. Matt. vi'. 19. til. Luke xi. 41 ; 2 Cor. viii. 14 ; .Tnnies ii. 15, 16 ; 1 John iii. 17 JO. I 12. Matt. xzi. 32 ; Luke vii. 20. t 16. Matt. lii. 1 1 ; Mark i. 7, & C^ap. 3; 180 TATKIi aXaua avrov Kai cvva^ei tov cnov eis rriv door of him: and he nill gather the nheat into the aiTodt)Kriv avTov, to Se axvpov KaraKavcei vvpi Ktorehuuse of himself, the but ctiatf he will hura up in fire ao'jSeo'Ta). ^^ IIoWo /xfu ovv Kai irepa inextin;:ui4hable. Many indeed then also other things irapaKaXoiv fvqyycKi^^To rov Kaou. ^^ 'O Se exhorting he preached plad tidings the people. The but 'Hpco^Tjs 6 TCTpapxv^i cAeyxo,u6z/os vtt' avrov Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him Trept 'H/ja>S ^airrio'drivai airavTa rov it occurred and in the to have been dipped all the \aoVj Kai Jrjcrov fiairriaQevios Kai irpocrevxo- people, and Jesus havin° been dipped and pray- jxfvov, av(wx&T)vai rov ovpavov, ^ Kai Karafir]- ing, to have teen opened the heaven, and to des- vai TO irviv/xa to ayiov trajixariKif eidei, waei cend the spirit the holy in a bodily form, like Trepiarepau, eir' avrou, Kai (pcourfv e| ovpavov a dove, upon him, and ■ voice out of heaven y^veaOai, *\_\iyov(Tav'~\ " Sw (i 6 vlos fxov 6 to have come, fsaying;^ "Thou art the son of me the ayaTrrjTos, ev cot rjvZoKrjffa," beloved, in thee I delight. ^Kat avros t}v 6 X-qcrovs wcrei trcov rpiaKovra, And he wa« the Jenus about years thirty, apxofJ-evos, wv, us evofii^ero, vlos Iojctjc^, rov beginning, being, as wna allowed, a ton of Joseph, of the 'HAt, 2-< TOV Mardar, rov Aeut, rov MeAxt, Hell, of the Matthat, oftha Levi, of the Helchi, TOV lavva, rov lw(rriofEli, the father of Mary. jLuke >rives Mary's ancestry, and Matthew that of Joseph. See Appendix. t 17. Micah vi. 12; Matt, xiii.30. 1 19. Matt, it v. 3; Mark vi. 17. ^ t 21. Mati. i'i.13; Mirk 1.9; John i. 32. t 23. SeeNum.iv. 3 35 39,43,47. t 23. Ma^t, xiii fa:-, John VI 42- <(Jhap. 3 .■ 2P.3 LUKE. [C7iap. 4: » TOW 2aA.a0i77A, rov t^-qpi, "^ rov Me\xh ^ov ofthe Salathiel, ofthe Neri, ofthe Melchi, ofthe iioSi, Toi; Koxra/x, rov EA/icoSa^, rov Hp, ^^rov Addi, ofthe Co«ain, ofthe Elmodam, c-ftbe Er, ofthe Iwa-T], Tov EAie^ep, rov Icapeifjif rov Mardar, Jose, ofthe Eliezer, ofthe Jorem, ofthe Hatthat, TOV Aevt, ^ TOV 'S.vjxewv, tov IouSo, tov Iw'kmy. JAnd he ate nothina; in those DATS; and when they were completed, ha vas hungry. • Vatican Manuscript. — 1. in the desert. 2. afterwards — omit. ■* 1. Matt. iv. 1 Mark i. 12. t 2. Exod. xxsiv. 28 ; 1 Kin-s xix. 8. Chap. 4.: 3.] liTJKi:. [Cltap. 4: 14. b.ibitable in amoiiieut of time. Kat etirej/ avrtf 6 StajSoXoy Ei vios €t rov Aud said to him the »rcuKer. If asou thouart ofthe Bfov, eiTTg T(p Xid(j) TOVTCf), iva 'Y€uriTai apros. God, tay to the stune this, that it way become a loaf. * Kat aire KpLdr) Irjaovs irpos avTov^ *\_Xi'yu>v'\ And answered Je>ut to hiin, [s:>>'ing;] re7pa7rTOi* " 'On ovk €7r' aprev fioucf} ^ri eiTfi/ 6 to > nee all. And answering to hiu> said the \rj(Tovs' TeypaTTTai' *' T\poaKvvr]wn i it is written for; That to the nyyeXois avrov evreXfirai trfpt aov, rov Sia- messenjers of hiuiselfhewUl^ivechargeconcerningthee, of the to pvXa^ai ere' *^ Kai on eiri x^^P^^v apovai ce, ,i\aiay Kai (prj/xr) e^rjXOe into the Galilee : and a report went out KaO' oK-qs TVS Trepixoopov irept. avrov- ^^ Kai lUro^ghwhole the surrounding region about him. And aijros eSiSaffKey ev Tais (Tvyaywyais avTwu, he tau ' in the synagogues of them, So^a^OfievG VTTO iravTwu. being glorified by all. ^^ Kai T]\6ev eis rrju An(^ he came into the T€6pa/uL/j.fvo^' KUi etcTTjASe, Kara to enaOos having been brought up • and entered, according to the custui.i avT(^ eu rrj 7}iJ.epc} twv (raji^aruVy as Tr;y to him in the day of the sabbaths, into the (Tvvaywyriv Kai av^aTH] avayvusvai. ^^ Kat syn,agogue: and stood up to read. And frreSodri avTCij fiifiXioy 'HTaiou tov Trpo(j)7]Tov was delivered to him a rol' of£t^aius the prophet: itat ai'ttTTTv^as to fii^Kioy, evpe Toy Toirov, and having unrolled the roll, he found the place, ou r}v y^ypafjiix^vow ^^ " flveuua Kvpiov ctt' where it was having been written : "A spirit ofalord upon eyU€* ou elv€K€V axpio'e fxe evayye\t(Ta(r0ai me: ofwhichonaccount ofhehasanointedme to publish glad tidings TTTwxois, aire(rTa\K€ fX€ K^pv^ai aixi^oi.\cuTois to poor ones, he has sent me to publish to captive* acpiffiV, Kai TvcpAois ava$\€\piy, OTrocTejAoi a deliverance, and to blind ones recovery of sight, to send away Tt6pav(Tjj.i\pap avrov to id «oon« out of bim. And having thitrwii him the demon into midtt, camaouc of him, nothing A\a^av avrov ^ Kat f'yd'^TO /SaujSos ctti barting him i Ao4 came amazcTnent on '*oi'ro5* Kdi avTO>' 7r€pc avTTjs, him about ber. »reat: 39 Kat And and they asked CTTifTTaj cirapci} Standing above TTvpfTo}' Kat ay ovK eta avra Aa\€ij/, oTt TjSefcaj' rebuking not hepermlt»»d them to say, that they kne«- TOP XpiTTov avTov fivai, (he Anointed turn to be. having a Spirit of an ^imi pure Demon ; and he ex- claimed with a loud Voice, 34 "Ah I what hast llioq to do with U3, Jesus Naza« rene? Comest thou to destroy us? 1 know thee who thou art ; % the HOLY ONE of God." 35 And Jesus rebuUed him. Baying, " Be eilent, and come out of him." Ard the DEMON liaving thrown hint into the Midst, de- parted from hirq, withont hurling him. - ^6 .'Ind amazement came on all, and they spoke toi one another, "Wiat wori> is this I For with Autho rity and Power he com- mands the iMPL'RE Spirits, and they come out." 37 And a Report con- cerning ' him went forth into Every Part of tho SUREOUNDING COUNTRY. 38 X And rising- up out of the SYNAGOGUE, hc entered the house of Sv-. nion. And Simon's Moi' ther-in-law \va3 confined with a violent "Fever; and they asked him coucerning her. 39 And standing over her, he rehuked the rEVfiC and it left her; and in- stantly rising up. she ser- ved them. 40 % Now as the sun was setting, all who had any sick with various Diseases,, brought them to him ; anil HE, placing his hands oa each one of them, cured them. 41 And Demons also- departed from many, cry- ing out and saying, "SThou artthcsoN of God." And rebuking tliem, he per- mitted them not to say That they knew him to be the Messiah. t S3. As demon was used both in a pood nnd bad sense before and after the time of the evangelists, t. .6 word wnc/^ffa may have been added liere by Luke, merely to express the_ qaalitv of thtt spirit. B t it is worthy of rtmark, that the inspired writers never use tht' WBrdt^rnuMi in a^ioodeense. — Clarke. 1 84. Psa. xvL 10 : Dan. U> 8«. t 38. Alatt. viii. 14 ; Mark i. 20. t V)* Matt. aiap. 4: 42.J LUKE. [ Omp. 5 : 7. *' VfvofifVT]s Se i)/j.€paSy c^eKdcov ^vopfvdr) e/s Beiug coinc •.nd day, coming out he went into fprifxov TOTrov Kai ol ox^oi €Tr€(^r]Tovy avTou^ a dejic'rt place: and the crowd* sought him, Kai T}\dcvy ecus avrov, Kai Kareixoy avrov fir) and came to him, aad urged him Dot vopeviijQai OTT* avTojv. ^^ 'O Se eiTre irpos tode}iaxt from them. He but said to avTovs' 'Ort Kai rais irepais noXcaiy €vay- tlieinj Tliat also to the other ciiies to publish yfXiaaaOai /ue Set rrjy fiaai\€iay rov Qeov otl ^l.idiiJiugs nie Diust the kiugdou of the Gud; because €is TovTo aTrecTTaA/xat, for this I liave been sent forth. **"* Kat riv KTjpvacrwy ey rais crvvaycoyais ttjs A-ndhewas prtaehicg ia the synagogue! of the FaXiXaias, KE. e'. 5. ^ E76»'fTo 6e cy rev Galilee. Itliappened but in to the Toy oxXoy €ViKeicrQat aury rov uKovfiy tov the crowd to pie&s hiui of the to hear the \oyoy Tov Oeou, Kai avTos rjy earws irapa ttjj' word of the God »nd he was stsniiiag hy the Kifxvqy Tevu-qa^apfT' ^ Kai etSe 5uo Trkoia Lake Geuuesaret ; aud he saw two ships ^(TTooTa vapa Tr)y Kifivrjy ol Se aKicis airo^av- staudiiig by the lake; the but fishermen r.avmg res air' avrajy, aireirKuvav ra diKTua. ^ EuSas ftonefrom them, were washing the nets. Entering Se 6iy ev Tcoy irAoiuy, 6 rjv rov ^ijxwvos' r]pa)- and into one of 'he ships, which was of the Simon j he rriaey auroy airo ttjs yrjs eirayayayeiy oKiyoy asked him from the land to put off alittle; Kai KaOiaas fSiSacTKey e/c tvv n\oiou rovs and sitting down he taught out of the ship the ox^oi/s. ^ 'fls Se ivavtraTO KaXwUy etire irpos crowds. Wheaand be ceased speaking, he said to Toy 'S.ifxwva- Y.izavayay€ ets to fiadoSy Kat the Siiuoa; Put out into the deep, and XaAaarare ra SiKTva vjJLwy ets aypav. * Kai le: down the nets of you for a draught. And aTTOKpiOeis d 'S.ipLwv nir^v *[ai/Taj-] ETrioTara, a'lBwenof tbs S mo« •«•« i-chim 1 O niaater hC ^Atjj 7TJ? vvhTos KOTT.aoav is, ot/Sei' eAa- tlirough whole of the night having toiled, nothing we fijuey eTTt Se rep pr]iJ.aTi auu X'^^^-^^ '''^ hivctaken; at but the word of theel willlet down the diKTuoy. ^ Kai rovro TroirjTuvTes, cvveKKfi- net. And this having done, tliev cnclo- aay irXrfdos ix^vwy noXv Siepprjyvvro Se ro sec* a multitude of fishes great; was rending and the SiKTvoy avrujy. ^ Kat Kanvevaay rois /j-ero- net of them. And *hey beckoned to the PArl- Xo^s TOis ec rep €T€pcp ir\oicp, rov f\6oyras nors to lliose in the other ship, o''the coming avKKa^(.(TQai avrois' Koi ri\dov, Kai €ir\r}aay to help them; and theycame> and filled 42 And Day haling: come, he retired to a Desert Place ; and the crowds sought him, and came to him, and urged him ncit ta leave them. 43 But iiK said to them, " I must proclaim the glad tidings of the kingdom of God to OTHER Cities also; hicause for this I have been sent." 44 t And he was preach- ing *in the synagogues ofGALlLEE. CHAPTER V. 1 X Now it occdrred. as the CE(J\VD PREbSKD OQ him to HEAR the word of God, f)e was standing by the LA KE Gennesaret ; 2 and he saw * two Boats stationed near the shore; but the fisher- MKN having left them, were washing their kets. 3 And having gone into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked liini to put off a little from tlie LAND ; and sitting down, he instructed the crowds out of the boat. 4 And when he ceased speaking. besaidtosijifjN, I" Vut. out into the dkkp and lei d^^wn your nets for a Draught " 6 And * S'mon answer- ing said " Master, we have 'abnred through the Whole NKiiiT. and hive caught nothing; vet, at thy "word, I will let down" the * ^'ETS. 6 And having done this, they cucIusm d a great Mul- titude of I'ishes: and tlici? * NETS were rending. 7 And thev beckoned to their partners >ji ttic other Boat to come '^nd ASSIST them. And tliev came, and filled Both tiie * Vatican Manuscript. — 44. to the synagogues. 2. two Boats. 5. Sirnon, 6. to him — o«if. 5. nets. 6. nets. + 1. Called also the sea or lako of Galilee, and the sea of Tiberias. It was anciently calif d the sea of Ctiinuereth. It is about live miles wide, and some sixteen or seventeen miles long. t 44. Mark i. 30. t I. Matt. iv. IS; Marki. 16. t 4. John ixi. G. Chap. 5; 8.] LUKE. [Chap. I i 11. an ^i/j-uyi. Kai enre Tpos who vreie paitners with tbe Simon. And said to TOV ^ipceva 6 Itjcouj* Mtj (po^ov airo rov wv the SiuioD the Jesust Kot fear; from Ofthe now ttvOpcoTTovs fcrrj ^ocypccv, ^^ Kai Karayayotfres men thonwiltbe catching. And having brought ra ir\oia eirt rrjv yqv^ acpfvres airavTay 7}Ko\ov- the thipi to the land, bavin g left allf they fol- 6r]crav avrif, lowed bim. ^ Kat eyevero tv rip eivai aitrov €V fiic^ rwv Andit happened in to the to be him in ore oftlie VoXfoVf Kai tSoVy avnp irXrjprjS Xeirpas* Kat cities, and lo, a man full oflepiosy) and l5a»r TOF lr](Tovi/, Trecctv frri TrpotrcDTTOJ', fdcvOr] teeing the Jesus, baving fallen on face, entreated avTOVt Ae7toy Kvpie, eav BeAjjs., SvuatTai fte him, caying; O lord, if thou wilt, tliouartable me IcaOapicat. *^Kat eKTctvas ttji/ ^eipa, r,^a-To to clean&e. And etretching out the hand, Retouched ttvTOVf iLTTccif ©eAw, Ka6apis irpoaerc^e on acconntof the cleansing oftliee, as enjoined M&)0-7js, fisimaprvpn. tavrois, Moset, (or k witness to them. ^^ ALr]p'x^fro Se fiaWov b Koyos vept avrov Spread abroad but more the word concerning him j Hat cwqpxovro ox^oi ttoWoi aKoveiv, Kai ftnd came together crowds great to hear, and 6epatrevf(T6at *rv7r* avrav"] airo ru>» aaOfveiouy to be healed iMj bim] from the weaknesses BOATS, SO that they vera sinking. 8 And Simon Peter see* ing it, fell down at the KNEES of * Jesus, sajanpr, "Depart from ne, O Loid, For 1 am a sinful Man."' 9 Tor amazement seized him, end all who w cie "With him, attheDKAUGj-T of FISHES which they ha6 taken j 10 and in like manner also, James and John, Sor.s of Zebedee,Tilio were Part- ners with SisroK. Ar-d *Jesns said to SiMOK, "Fear not; jHENcrroHTH thou wilt catch Meii," 11 And having brought the BOATS to the land, J leaving all, they followed him. 12 J And it occnrred, ^r]l(n he WAS in one of the CITIES, behold, a Man ful' of Leprosy, seeing Jesv^ fell on his Face, and be» sought him, saying, "Sir, if thcu w ilt, thou canst cleanse Me." 13 And extending his HAKlJ, he touched him, saying, " I will ; be tlu.u cleansed." And instantly the LEPEOST departed from him. 14 J And ffe commanded him to tell no one; "but go, [said he] show thyself to the priest, and present an offering on account of thy CLEANSING, :}: as Mos( a commanded, for Notifyirg [the cure] to the people." 1 5 But the EEPOET con. cerning him spread abroiid the more ; and great Crowds came together to hear, and be cured of theii INEIKMITIES. • Vaticaw Maic bscbift.— 8. Jesus. 10. Jesus. 15. by him— omif. ^ 14. This iHJunction of our Lord upon fhe man to show himself to the priest,m5ghthav« had a further meaniugthan merely a comptiauce with the direction of the Mosaic hiw in this c;ise. The Jewish Pahhins thought that the curing' cf the leprosy would he character- istic ofthe MesFirh. This makes the ohstinacy and unbelief of tlie Jewish rulers and peopie appear still more inexcusahle. I 10. MaU.iv.l9t Mark i. 17. til. Matt. iv. 90; xix.27» Mark 1. 18; l.ukexviii 2S. t 12. Matt. Viii i j Mark 1. 40. t U. Matt. viii. 4. i 14. Lev. xiv 4. ift 7T '•a. %ap. 5: 16.1 I.UKK. b Www "'AyTor Be riv viTox^p(>^v fv rats eprj^tois, of them r He biitwa* letiring la the duerU, Kai irpoo'evxoiji.euos, and praying. ^' Kai cyiueTO fv jxia rwp rjfjupwVy Kai avros And it liappeued in one of Ilia days^ and he -qv SiSacrKwi/' Kai vcrav KaO-q/xevoi 4>api(Taioi Kai fTAS teaching; and weie titling Pharisees and vono5i5aaKa\oty oi rjaau eX-qKvBoTes (K vaaris teacher* of the la»i they were having ' r.uie out of all Kwu.i]5 rrjs roA.t\aios Kai lo^baiaSj Kai 'lepov- fill.iget ol the G?:i:r< and Juilea and .■erii- Ba\T]/j.' Kai Supa/jiis Kvpiov 7]V etj to t.a. uiemi and poner ofLurd wa« into >t>? to hea^ avTovs. ^^ Kat tSou, auSpes (pfpovres eirt them. And lo, men brin>,'ing on K\iP7]S avQpoiTToVy 6s riu irapaXeXv/xepos* Kai acouch a niaa, who nas having been paUied; and t^TjTovu avTov fKTei^ejKeiVy Kai deivai ivwtriov ■ uught him tobrinijin, and to place in^rraeme nvTov. ^^ Kat fitj ^'vpouTcs rroias fiaeveyKcoaiu 01 him. And not finding bow they might bringin CLuToUy Sia Tov ox^ovy ava^avTfS ctti to Sw/na, him, through the cruvid, havm i; gone up to the roof, Sia Twv Kipa^xbiv Kad]Ka» avTov ffvv te and walk* ^'Iva Se etSTjTe, ^rt e^ovaiai^ «X*- * i"'os TOf Thatbutyou may know, that authority hat the ton ofthc tLvQpoiirov firt ttjs yrjs a(pi€vai ajxapriaSy (eiire man on thk earth to forgive tint, (hi^said T(f) irapaXfKvficucp') ^oi \eyw Eyupe, Kai to the having been paUiedj) To thee I say i Arise, and apas TO kKiviBiov aou, iropevov etj tov having taken up the little bed of thee, go into th^ [Chap. 6: 24. 16 JAnd f)f retired into solitary places, and prayed, 17 AuQ it occurred oa one of ihe days, \)t waa teaching, and the *PnARi- SEK3 and Teachers of the Law were Bitting near, having come out of jLvery Village of Galilee, and ot Judea, and 'rom Jerusa- lem ; and the M:j:i;ty Power of In v.- 7jOrd was on *him ic CUBE. 18 X And, behold, Men bringing on a Bed a palsied Man, and they sought t»i l)iin» him in, snd p'ace him in tiis presence. J 9 And iio» Jtfiding how they could bring him in, on account of liie crowd, hanng asceudt-d w the Eooy, '-hcf ioweied him, with ihe LiiTiE mi), tthrough th"^ tiles, into the iiiDST before * them all, 20 And perceinng their faith, he said, " Aldn. thy sijss are forgiven thee.'' 21 J And the scribes and the Pharisees Ni^L'ap lo /eason, eaying. "Who is this that utiera Blas- phemies ? X Who can for- ^rne Sins, except God only ?" 22 But Jesus knowing their thoughts, answer- ing, said to rhem, " Why do you reason in your hearts? 23 Which is easisr ? lo say, 'Thy sins are forgiven thee ;* or to say, [with effect,^ ' Arise, and walk ?' 24 But that you may know that the son of m a>' has AUTHORITY OQ EARTH to forgive Sins," (he says to the tALSIED MAN,) " I say to thee, 'Arise, and taking np thy i.ittlb a^D, go to thy HOUSE.' " • VATiCiS Masuscbipt. — 17. Fhabisees. 17. him to cukk. And. 19. tliem all. t 19. Probably through the door in the roof, which beinp fastened, was forced open. See Mark 11. 4. Because all the roof, except the door, was covered with tiles. It is said, " ihej lowered him thro'i{»h the tiles;" of course, by means of the stairs leading down into the area or court of the house, where the people were assembled. I :e. .Matt. xlv. 23; Mark vi. 46. \ 18. Matt. Ix. 2 ; Mark ii. 8. J 21 Jlatt. \\ t- MarklJ.e,?, X 21. Psa. xxxii. .5; Isa. xli.i. 25, jBVap, 6: 25.) lAJKE^. ViKoy aov. ^ Kai irapaxpVh'"' o^aoTos fvuiriov I bou>c ul lh«e. Aod initauiJjf anting in pretence ouTwt', apas €^* '(p ' KareKeiTOy aTr-qhQfu oflliem, batidjjlsked'up on whwb. he ii»d been laid, went ets TOP oiKov avTou, So|a^a);' toi/ 6(oi/, 2" Kai Into the lioute ofLimseir, gloiir^ing the God. And tKO-racris eAaj3ey anauras, /cot eSc/|aCo»' rov emazemeot took / . 'all, and they glorified the Of Of Kui eirX-rjaOvo'i^y (pofiov, ^eyoi/Tes' 'On Goil: And were filled ^ of fear, eayingj / ,Tliat tiBo/xey ircpa5o|a -fffitiipov. l»o li»ve seen wonderful Ihingt to-day. 27 Kat /iera Tavra . e^TjXfle, ^^ot^«d«0(raTo And after tiiese he went out, . an4 saw TcXwrTji/, ovojxari Kiviv^ KaQyiixfvou erri, to ft publican, with a name . Levi, titting- at the V(\wviov Kai (iTTfV avT(f Ako\ov9h fioi. fciittoai-honte; and hecnid' loLim: Fallow Die. P3 Kq{ KaTa\nrci)y alravTaf avarrtas r)Ko\ov6rjaey And lorsaking .' »1!, rising up he followed tivii}). 2'^ Kai fTro,i7](f€ Sox^jv jU67a\7jv Aeuis Uim. And taade • afeait great J-evj p,uTcp (y T77 otKia avTou* /cat i)!^ ox^^s reXcovajv to hint in the house ofhimself: and wag acroird of puLlicunt w.o\vs, Kai aWooUy oi riTav ix^r^ avrwu KarcKH- «icat, and of others, w4i> were with tliein «^ . leclin- u(Pot, '^'^ Kat fyoyyv^ov ot ypajxfxaTciS avTwy lug. And inunnured tjic acribci of them Kat 6t 'Papttraioi rrpos rovs fiaQriras avrov, ftnd the Fhariicea to tUc.^ liiiciplea of him, Afyovres' Aiart fifTa'rcou reXusvuv Kat a/j.ap- a.iylng: Why with tho i public.ios and lin- TuKwp 6cr0t€T6 /cat TTti/ere/ "^^ Kat anoKpiOets d kiera do you'eat end drink ? ' And anatveting the lijofous etire trpos avrovs'^ Ov XP^^'^'^ ex°^^^^ je«i>( laid to ttiem: No need ' have o.' vyiatuovTfs larpovj a\\' ot kuicws fX'^''''"*?* tl'Oy beinjr in lie.iltli of a physician, but those tick being: ^^ovh (\r)\vOa KaAfcrai SiKUtovs, aWa afx.apTw- not I have come to call just (one*,) but •\ eiuoeri \ovs fis fifTavotau, to reforuiation. , ^ ^'■^'01 8e eiwov irpos avrov* *[AtltTj] ot Ihcy and snid to him: [Why] the liaOrjrat Joiavvou yricrrfvovci irvKva, Kai Sfrjcretj disciples of John fast often, and prayers JrotoufTat, hfjLoius Kai ol rcov ^apttxaiuv oi de make, to like manneraudtli I'eof the Pharisees: tbcwie but wot €(T6iov(Tt Kai TTiuovaiui'^'^'O 5e enre irpo$ to thee eat and drink? Jle and said to auTovs' Mr) ZvuatrOe rovs vtavs rov pv/xcpios, eu them: Mot «ou are able the toiia 'of the briJal-chauiber, in *ios,roTe vrjaTcvaov tnay Lc taken from them the'^ro^^ia, then thcynnifast C <^iflj). 5 J 38} 25 And instantly arising in their presence, and tak- ing up that on which ha had been lying, he pro- ceeded to his own jiovse, praising GoD. 26 And astonishment seized all, and they praised God, and were filled with I'car, saying, " We havo seen M'ondeiful things tu»' day." 27 t And after this. lie" went out, and saw a Tri- bute-taker, named Levi,' sitting at thcTAx-orficK; and he said to him, " I'oU low lue." 28 And forsaking all, Ijo'i arose, and followed him, -29 t And* Levi made a", great Vea St for him, in his own Housii ; and thero *wa3 a great Crowd of Tri« liute'takers, and of others,' wiio were reclining with them. SO And *the Pharisees' and their scribks com.' jjlained to his discii'les, saying, " Wjiy do you tat iiiid uiink with TUiuuiji- TAKE^ES and Sinners?" 31 And * Jesus answer* ing, said to tlicin, "TuosK \\ho are in health luno no need of a Physician, but THOSE who are sjck; 32+1 have not come to rail tlie Riglitcous, hut Sinners to llepentance." 33 And-TJiKY said to jiim, I" Tlie disciples ol John frequently fast and Pray; and in like manner IIIOSF, of the PllARISfctS; but THINE eat and diiuk r'* 34 And he said tothemj " Can the buidkmen fast, while the beideguoom is with them ? 35 But Days will come, when liic "uniuKGUooM Will 1)C t;ikcn from tiaiii, :iiid tlicii they will fast ia TliOSC DAlS." ., • Vatic*."* MANUscairt.— 23. Lcvj. 81. Jcbus. S0.« the PuanisEss and their sciiides J 27 Matt. Is. 0; Mark ii. 13. 11. . 1 20. Matt. 1x. 10: Mark ii. 15. t 32. iMatt. }« jSi i ilia. i. 15, , { 39, Wail. ix. U ; JJark ii, U • -;. Cliap. 5 ; 36.] LUKE. x, IV (V fK^iuais Tats Tj/jLfpais, ^EA67€ Se Kai in tho^e the dayt. HeBpoke aod &Uo napafioXr]!/ trpos avTovs' 'On ovdeis eTri^\r]/u.a ajiaiable to tlicm; That no one » palcU {jxariov Kaivov firi^aWei eiri i/jLariop vaKaiov ofiiinanile Den tews on to a mantle oldi ei Se /t7J76, Kai ro Kaivov ax^C^ty Kai rep iraKatai If but nut. and the nen it rcuda, and the old ov (rvij.(pwv(i e7ri)8A7?/xa to airo rov Kaivov. r.^t agrees a patch that from the new. •*• K»t wine new into skins new vovs jSATjTeoj'' *l^Kai a/xcpOTipot avvTripovvrai.^ requires to be put ( [and both are preserved.] " [Kai] ovdfis TTiwv ira\atov, *[^ev6€cijs'} 6e\ei I^And] no one having drunk old, [immediately] desires Vfcv Aeyeiyap' 'O rraXaios XP'Hf^T'^'^^pos ecrriv. new: be say* for: The old better is. KE*. s'. 6. 'EyereTO Se fv cra^^arcf) *[SevTep07rp(yTCi>] /t happened and in sahbath [secoud-tirst) }>.\»nopevi(TQai avrov Sia twv (Tiropifxcov Kai to pass him through the grain-fields: and (TiWov 01 fjLaOrjTat avrov rovs (rraxvas^ Kai plucked the disciples of him the ears of grain, and qaQioVf y^wxovns rais x^P^*- ^ Ttt-es he rwv ate, rubbing the bauds. Some and ofthe ^apKTaiQiv enrov*[^avro:s'^ Ti iroi€ire, 6 ovk e^- Phari^ets said (to them;) Why do you, which not it is ecrrt *[7rof6t»'] evrois aa^^acrt; ^Kai anoKpiBeis lawful [to do] in the sabbaths? And answering •jrpos avrovs einev d Irjcrouy OuSe rovro avey- to them said the Jesus, Not even this have you pcDTe, 6 eTTotTytre AaviS, birore eirdvaav avros read, what did David, when was hungry be Kai 01 fjLfr^ avrov ovrfs ; "* ws eKTrjkdfv eis rov and thp.5e with bim being? how he entered into the oiKov Tov Oeov, Kai rovs aprovs ttjs TrpoOecTccas house ofthe God, and the loaves ofthe presence eAa/3e, Kai e(paye, Kai eSccKe *[Kai] rois hetook, and ate, and gave [also] to those fier' avrov ovs ovk e^eari "e\v * will not agree with the old. 87 And no one puts new ^'ine into f old Skins ; else tlie *nkw wixe will burst tJie skins, and itself he spilt, and the SKiKs be destroyed. SS But new Wine musi be put into new Skins. 89 !No one hanns: drunk old wine desires new; fc lie says, * The old is * good.' " CHAPTER VI. 1 X And it occurred on the Sabbath, that he went throu'^'h the * Grain-fields, and his disciples plucked the HEADS of GRAIN, and ate, rubbing them in their HANDS. 2 And some of the Phakisees said, " Wliy do you J what is not lawful on "the SABBATH ?" 3 And * Jesus answer- ing them, said, " Have you not even read this, J which David did, when hungry, l]r and those who * were with him? 4 He went into the TAB- EENACLE of God, and took the LOAVES of the pees- ENCE, and ate, and gave to THOSE with him; J which none but the peiests could lawfully eat." 5 And he said to them. • V.iTicAN Manuscript.— -36. rent from a new. 36. will make a rent, and the piece 80. will not agree with. 37. new wine. 38, and both are preserv-ed— o»ll^ 5 '. And— ©iitit. 89. immediately— omt*. 1. second-first— omi<. 1. Gr."in- Jields. 2. to them— omif. 2. to do— omiV. 8. Jesus. 8. were. 4, how — «mit. 4. also — omit. 5. Thatr— oiKtf. 1 37. Bottles ofskin or leather, which the Jews used for putting their wines in. Pkins are used forthisi>urpi.>senowinf>pain, l'ortufral,andtheKnst. Kew wine, by fcrpipntin" would burst Biich as tht-se, if they were old, and dry. Kee Josh. ix. 4, and Job xsxii. I'J. " X ?X>. Matt. ix. 16 17 ; Blark ii. 21, 22. i 1. Jlatt. xii. 1 •, Mark ii. 23. 1 2. Exod ix 10. I 3. 1 Sam. xxi. 6. t ^ Lev.zxiv.O. Chap, fli 6.] I.UKE. ]Clwp. 6: 14. Kvpios ecTTiy 6 vlos rov audpwirov Kat tov cajS- a lord 18 the ton of the man alao of the aab- bath. It happened and [also] in another eabbath to en- Oiiv auTOP eis rrjv (rvvaycayrju, Kai SidaaKeii/' Kai ler him into the synagogue, and to teach; and Tfv 6Ket, avOpuiros, Kai rj x^'P avrov rj Se^ia 7]v was there a man, andthe liaud of him the right was ^y}pa. ^ Tlaperrjpovp Sc avrov ol ypa/niiareis withered. Watched and him the scribes Kai 01 ^apicraioi ei eu rc^ aa^^aro) Qepairevcri, and the Pharisees if in the sabbath he will heal, lua ei>pcail fyfU€TO TrpoSoriis*) '' Kai lot, who [aUo] became a traitor;) and KaTa$as ^6t' avTooVy ((tttj cti roirov vc^tvov, descending Kith them, he stood OD a place level, Kai ox^os fJ.a6riTu)V avrovy Kai irX-nOos truXv and acroTid ofdisciiilrt of him, and amuliiiude great TOW \aov aiTQ iravqs rrjs lovSaias, Kai 'l^pou- of the people from all of the Judea, and Jeni- tra.XrjfXy Kai rrjs vapaXiov Tvpov Kai ^iidwuos, lalem, and of the «ea-coist ofTyre and Sidon, Di r]\9oP UKovaai outou, Kai iaQr]vai airo Twv •rho came to bear him, and to be healed from the fjrro)// avTCt)V ^^ Kai oi ox^ov/meuoi airo Trvevfia- li»>-ase» of tnemselvei; and those bein^timibled from spirits TODV aKadapru)V Kai ^de pair (vovro* ^^Ka< Tras unclean; and thi y were healed. And all h 0X^05 e^^TjTei atzTccrdrt avrov 6ti Swa/xis the crowd sought to touch bim| for aponer Trap' avTov e^rjpXfTOj /cat laro irauras, from him went out, and healed alU "^ Kai avTos eirapat roui o(p6a\fj.ovs avrov And he havinglifiedup the eyes of himself €ij Tous fiaSrjTas ojtou, eXeye' MaKopioi ol on the disciples ofliimself, be said; Blessed the iTTwxoi' 6ti ii/xerepa €(Ttiv t] fiaaiXna tov poor: for yours is the kingdom of the 6(:ov. ^^MaKapioi oi TrcivufTes yvy 6ti xopraa- G >d. Blessed the hungeiinfr now; for youshall 6qTe(TBe, MaKapioi oi k? aiovres fw on bcsatisAed. Blessed the weeping now; for yfKa(T€T(. vou shaUlaugh, ^2 yiaKapioi ecrrey 6rav pLia"r](rcocnu v^as oi Blessed are you, when may hate yon the avOpwTToiy Kai brav acpopio'coiTiv vfiasy Kai aien, and when they may separate you, and 0^€iSi(TW(ri, Kai iK&a\(t}(Ti to ovofxa v/xcov as *^hey may revile, and may cast out the name of yon as TTOfr^pou, eyeKa tov vlov tov avQpairov. -^Xa- evil, on account of the son of the man. Re- f)rize (V cKeiurj ttj ripLepa, Kai aKipTrjaarc i8ov oiceyouin that the day, and leap you forjoy; lo yap, 6 fxicdos vfxwv TToXvs ev tw ovpavtf Kara for, the reward ofyou great in the heaven; according to ravTa yap eiroiovv rois irpo(pr]Tais oi Trar^pes these for did totb« prophets the fathers aVTWU, of them. * '■* UKriv ovai ifxip rots irXovcriois' bri aire- But woe to yon the rich; for you have fOiap.6' ^. 15 Mat'hew and Tho mas, THAT James, son of *A)plicu3, and that Si- mon who was CALLED the Zealot. 16 Judas + the brother of James, and Judas Isca* riot, wlio became a Trai- loi" ; — 17 and coming down with tliem, he stood on a level Place, with a * Crowd of his Disciples, % and a jjreat Multitude of people from All JUDEA and Jeru- salem, and the sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him, and to be restored from their x>tseases; 18 and those wtiowere * distressed by unclean Spirits were cured. 19 And All the ckowd soucrht to touch hira, J For a Power went ou. from him, and healed all. 20 And f)t, having lifted up his EYES on his disci- ples, said ; f " Happy, poor ones I For yours ig the kingdom of God. 21 J Happy now, httk- GEEiNG ones I Since yon will be satisfied. + Happy now, WEEPiXG ones ! He* cause you will laugh. 22 I Happy are yon, when MEN may hate you, and separate you, and may revile and cast out youi NAiiEs as evil, on account of the Son of Man. 23 J Rejoice in That DAT, and leap for joy,' for behold, your eeward will be great iu heaven; t for thus their fatheus did to the pbophets. 24 t But Woe to Toir, RICH ones; for you have vour consolation. • Vatican Makcscbipt.— 15. Alpheus. 16, also— om if. 17. a great Crowd 18. aistressed by unclean Spirits were cured. tl(5. Judel. t 17. Matt.iv.25; Markiii.7. t 19. MarT< v.30; Luke vlil.^a 1 i'X Matt. V. 3; xi.5; James ii..5. t 21. Mntt. v.6. t 21. Matt. v. 4 I o-^ Afaff. ; 11;1 Pet.ii.lO; iii.l4:iv.U. 123. Matt. v. 12; Acts v. 41 j Col.l,84» James i- 9 * tA ActBvu.51. {24. JamwK.t. - aiap. 6; 25.] LUKE. [Chap. 6: 3b. \eTe rr]v TrapaK\'t](riv vfj-wv, '^ Ovai v/xiu, ol ID ftiU the comfort of you. Woe to you, those €/J.ireTr\r]aiJ.evoi' on TreiuaaeTe' ovat v/niu, ot having been filled ; for you shall hunger-. Woe to you, those yeKwvT^s vvv dri Trev^TjcreTe Kai /cAaucere. laughing now: for you shall mourn and you shall weep. 2'' Ovat, OTav Ka\as v/xas cnrcacriv ot avdpcoiroi' Woe, when well you may speak the men : Kara ravra yap eiroiovv tois \l/6v8oTrpo(priTai5 acjordingto these for did tothe false-prophet* Ot irarepcs avroov, the fathers of them, 27 A\A' vjxiv K^yw Tois aKovovcnv Aya-^rare But to you I say to those hearing ; Love you •^ovs ex^povs vjxwv KaKws Troieire tois [xicrov- the enemies of you : good do you to those hat- criv ufias' '■^^evkoyeiTt tovs Karapoofxeuovs v/' ing you: bless you those cursing you: TTpoo'ei'xeo'^e vircp toov eTrrjpea^ovTwv v/xas. pray you for those traducing you. ^^Tw TVTTTOUTi (Te CTTi TT?^ (Tiayova, Trapeze Kai To the striking thee on tlie cheek, offer also Tr}v aWrjP' Kai awo rov aipovros (tov to lixariov^ the other: and from the taking of thee the mantle. Kai rov x^"^*^^"- H-V xcoKvarjs. alto the tunic not thou mayest hinder, •'"' Uayri Se rep airovvri ce SiSov Kai airo rov To all and those asking thee give thou; and from the aipovros ra ca, jxi] aTrairei. ^^ Kai Kadcos taking what is thine, not demand back. And all 6e\6T€, iya Troicotriv v/xiv ol av6pw/roi^ ^\_Kai you wish, that may do to you the men, [also vu.€is^ TToieire avrois djuoius. ^ Kai 6t aya- you] do you to them in like manner. And if you jrare rovs ayaircovras v/xas, iroia vjxiv X^P^s love those loving you, what to yon thanks •ecTTi ; Kai yap ol afxapTOuXoi rovs ayairccvras is It? also for the sinners those loving avTovs ayairwai. ^^ Kai eav ayaOoironjre rovs them love. And if you should do good those ayadoTTOiovyras vfxas, iroia vfxiv X"P'^ eari ; doing good you, what to you thank* is it? Hal ^[yc-p^ ol afxaprwAoi ro avro iroioucri. also [for] the sinners the same do. ^^ Kai eav SaveiCrjre itap' wp eATrt^ere aTroAa- .\nd if you should lend from whom you hope to re- fleiv, Toia v/xiy X"f"* eari, Kai *[7ap] ol ceue, what to you thanks isitP also L'^"''! *''* aixaprooXoi afxaprccKois Savei^ovcLU, Iva airoXa- siuners to sinners lend, that they may 0cii released. Giieyou, and it shall I. e given to you: fjLfipov KaXov irsTrieajxevov *\_Kai\ ceaaT^v- pensure good having been pressed down [and] having been afuou *[«aij virep^KXvvojxevov ^oi3crov(Tiv cistov fhakea [andl running over shall be given into the Ko\irou vixcoV T(p yo-p avTcp fierpy, '(p bosom ofyou, by the for same measuip, with which fterpeiTey avriiuL(rpr]9ri(rerai tjxiv, ^^ EiTre 5e jrou measure, it shall be measured a^-ain to you. He spoke and vapal3o\7]V avrois' MrjTi 5vuaTiTV(p\05 rvcpXou a parable to them; Not is able a blind blind v5r]y€ip; ovxi afxcporepoi €i5 ^oQvvovizecrovvrai: tulead? not bott) into a pit willfall.'* '**' OvK ((TTi fiaOriTTjs UTTfp Tou SiSacTKaKoi* Not i< a disciple over the teacher avTov KaTr]pTicr,uevos Se iras ffrrat w$ 6 of liiiiiself; having been fullyqualified but every one shall be as the SiSacKaAos avrov, "^^Tt 5e fiKewds to Kapcpos teacher of him. Why and seest thou the sulinter TO fif Tip o€Sj eKBaXca to Kap7ros ck do they pick a cluster of grapes. The good an out of '.Tou ayaOou Q-qcravpov t7]s KapSias avrov irpo- the good treasure ofthe heart ofhimself brings (pepn TO ayadow KUi 6 irovrjpos *^_■^^^poo^^osj forth the good; and the evil [man] eK TOV TTouTipov *[07]croi'pou r77s Kap^'as aurov"] out ofthe evil [treasure ofthe h.»i- ofhimself Tree which yields good ?ruit, 44 For t Every Tree 1;? known by its own Fruit. For they do not gathci Figs from Thorns, nor do they pick Grapes from Brambles. 45 The Gootj Man cnt of the GOOD Treasure of of *the HEAET produces GOOD ; and the bad Man out of the EVIL produces irpo^°L°^^°^*^^^'-'^^ brings forth the evil; out of for the f'lness iy WOEDS, and obeying tlieni, I mtII show'jou whom he is like j 48 he resembles a Man building a House, wlio dug deep, and laid a foun- dation on the EocK} and a Flood having come, the STREAM dashed against that HOUSE, but could not shake it ; * because it was WELL-BUILT OU the EOCK.. 49 But HE who HEABS and obeys not, resembles a Man building a House on the EARTH, without a Foundation; against which the STEEAM dashed, and it fell imn.ediately, and great was the BUiii of that HOUSE. ' CHAPTER VIL 1 NvW when he had finished AH his SAYiNca in the HEAEiNG of till? FEOFLjS, J he entered Ca- peruaum. 2 And a Centurion'? Servant, who was valuable to him, being sick, was about to die. • Vatican Manuscript. — 44. the heart. bis HBABT—omii. 45. an Overflowing Heart 1 *1. Matt. xii. 33. 1 40. Matt. "ii. 21, ab ; Luke xiii. 29 ; 1. Matt, viii.5. 45. Mnit-^omit. 43. Treasure oJ 4S. because it was WELL-BUILT ou % 47 Matt. vii. 24 CTiap. 7: 3.] LUKK. [aiap. 7: K 'AKOvcras Se irepi rov Irjtrcu, arrefrretAe Trpoj Uiviii; UearJ and aijuut tlie Ji'sua, be seat lo auToy Trpi(r0vTepovs t(vv louSaicuf, epwTwv hiin elder* oftlie Jews, asking ai/TOj', ^TTots cAflwi/ Sianwa-T) tov oavKov ahrov. him. that coming he woi Id suve the »lave ofliiiiiself. * Ot Se Tupayevouevoi ivpos rou Irjcrovu, irapeKa- Theyaai hivm^cjuie to tlie Je»u«, they he- A3VU avTov (TTrou^aiws, Aeyofres* 'On a^ios • ou^^ht hiitt eariiestlj, tayins; That worthy ecrriv, 'cp 7ra9?^et tovto' ^ oyaTros yap to he is, for whom thou wilt confer this; he loves for the eOyos r}uj)u, kui T-qu (TvuayMyrjv ajros qjKoSo- uation ofiis, and the syna^ui^ue he built firjcrev rjaiu. ^ 'O 5e Irjrrous eTropevero "ot weep. And comingup ?7if/aTo T?7? (Topov 01 Se jSofTTa^oj/Tes e(Trr)(Tav. He touched the hier: thoseand bearing stood still. Kat eiTTf Neaj'tiT/ce, croi Xeyca, (ycpOrjTi. And hesiiid; O young man, to thee I say, rise. ^^ Kat aveKaOiao 6 ueKpos, Kai -qp^aro \a\eiv' And sat up the dead, and began to •peaA Kai eScoKci' avrov tt) fji.T)rpt avrov, ^^ EAa/Se Se and he gave him to the mutlier of him. Seized aad (pol3os iravras, Kai edo^a(ov rof Qeov, Aeyovres' a fear all. aud they glonried the God, saying: 'Ort irpoauvr]s 6 fiair- and to hira the men they said : John the dip- Tiarrjs airecrraXKep ij/xas Trpos (re, Xeycow Sw per has sent us to thee, saymg: Thou €1 o cpxofJ'-^V'^Sy 71 aWov ■KpoaSoKw/bL^v ; 2^ Ev art the coming one, or another are we to look for ? In avTT) Se rrj wpa eflepaTreyrre iroWovs airo voawv and the hour he delivered many from diseases jxaariywu Kai Truevjj.arwi^ irovripcavy Kai this Ka and plagues evil. [ C^iap. 7 : 21. were going with him, and a great Crowd. 12 And as he approached the GATE of tlie CITY, be- hold, a dead man was being carried out, an Only Son of his MOTHER, and 6f)e was a Widow ; and a great Crowd from the city was with her. 13 And seeing her, the Lord had pity on her, and said to her, " Weep not." l-i And approaching, he touched the +bier, and u.e tJEARKRS stood St il.. Al.J he said, "Yount» mau, I say to thee, Ai;se. ' 15 Then he wbo had been dead sat up, and be- gan to speak ; and he gave him to his mother. 16 And fear seized all; and they praised God, saA - ing, J" A great P'opnet has risen among na-" and. J "God has visited his PEOPLE." 17 And this report concerning him pervadv^d All JuDKA, and All the SURROUNDIiVG COUNTRy. 18 +And John's Disc- PLEs told him of all these things. 19 And summoning two of his DISCIPLES, John sent to * the Lord, saying, "Art tftou the coming ONE ? or are we to expect Another ?" 20 And having tome to him, the MEN said, 'John, the iMMERSER, *sent us to thes, saying, 'Art tft^'U the COMING ONEi' or are we to expect Another ?"' ' 21 And in That HOUR he, delivered many from Dis- eases, and Plagues, and evil Spirits; and he ga>re 17. in — omit. 19. the LoBD. 6ay< * Vatican Manuscbipt. — 11. many — omit. ing. 20. sent. t 14. The people of the East bury the dead without coffins; but they carry thera to the grave on a bier which is shaped like one.—Harmer. "Presently a funeral procession, con- sisting of men and women, came rapidly fi-om the city, (the cemetery is oiitside ofthe pres em Jerusalem,) and halted at a newly-made grave sunk three or four feet only below ihe ground. The body was not enclosed in a coffin, but wrapped in a loose garment a;^<1 la d on a bier carried by hand. Mv •mpressiou is that even the face was partially expo-ip 1 lO view. It was under similar circumstances that the son of tue widow %t Nain was borne lO tlie grave." — Hackett. J 16. Lukexxiv. 19; John iv. 19; vi.M; ix.l7. J 16. Luke i. 63. 1 18 Mntt. Chap. 7: 22.] LIJKK. [CTiap. 7: 30. Tv(p\ois TToWois 6;^apt(raT0 to ^Kiirfiv. " Kai to blin. ones many he gave the to see. Aud aTTOKpideis d l-qcrovs tnr^v avruis' UopevOevTis antiwenug the Jeiu» taid to tbem ; Going away aTrayyeiKare IwavpT} u eiStrc kui rjKoucrare' le'ste to John what you have teen and heard; *[6Tt] TV [t^p] vfiiu. of thee in presence of thee." I say L'or] to you, /i.ei^'wv ev yevvijTois yvvatKwu ^[_irpo^r]Tr]s'\ • greater among offspring ofwouicn [prophetj Iwaffov '■^l^Tov iSaTTTKTToi/] ovoiis e(rTiy' 6 Sf olJohn [the dipper] not is; the but fiLKpoTepos €v TT) fia-TiXeic^ TOV Bfou, /ietC^'ujf less in the kingdom ofthe God, greater avTov e s ERT? To see a Reed sha- ken by the Wind ? 25 But why went you out? To see a Man clothed in soft ganiienls ? Behold, THO-sE robed in splendid APPAREL, and living in luxury, are in royal pal- aces. 26 But why went you out? To see a Prophet? Yes, I tell you, and one more excellent than a Pro- phet. 27 This is he concerning whom It IS written, J 'Be- hold! *1 send my mes- senger before thy ¥ace, who will prepai-e thy way before thee.' 28 I say to you, Among those born of Women, there is not a Ki'taterthau Jolinj yet the least in the king- dom of God is superior to him. 29 And All the people having heard, and the IRIBUTE-TA KEES, lUStified Goj), :|: having been im- mersed with the IMMEB- sioN of John. SO But the Pharisees and LAWYERS set aside the J PURPOSE of God towards themselves, not havingbeen immersed by him. Vatican Ma.'*uscript.— 21. siffhl. 22. he answerinpr. ..-. -..-. — ' "° "~- — ' 28. prophet — omil 28. the dippei— «»>if 27. 1 send. 28. Foi— onii< : 22. Matt. xi. 5. I 22. Luke iv 18 t 29. Matt. iii. 3; Lukeiii. 12 I 24 Matt. xi.7. i 30 Acts XX- 27- 22. That— omit. €i — omit. ;27 Mai lii 1 Ouip. 7 : 31.]' "LUKE. [Cfiap 7; 3? ^^ Tti/t ovv dfioiwco) Tovs avOpwTrovs rrjs To what then shall I compare the men of the yeveas Tavrrjs. Kai rivi eiaiv Ofjiotoi ; ^-^'Ofiot- generation this? and to what are they like? Like OL eicri TratStojs rois ev ayopa KaOrjfievoiSf Kai they are boys those in a market sitting, and ' vpo(r(pcovovi\os nXwvwv Kai a/u.apTco\(av. a wine-drinker, a friend of tax-gatherers and sinners. 2^ Kai ediKaiudrj 7] cro(pia airo toov t^kuoiv avrrjs And is justified the wisdom by the children of herself iravTcov. all. 2*^ HpcDxa Se ris avrov tuu ^apKXaicov, Iva Asked and one him ofthe Pbarisees, that ^ayn /J-^t' avTov Kai eiarfXOojv eis T-qy oiKiav house he might eat with him; and entering into the TOV 4>api(TaioVy aueK\i6r]. ^^ Kai idov, yvpt] ofthe Pharisee, he reclined. And lo, a womau €V Ti) TToAet, r\Tis 7]v ajxapTccXos, ^iriyvovaa on in the city, who was a sinner, knowing that avaKeirai ^u tt? oiKicf, rov ^apicraiov, KO/xKraara he reclines in the house ofthe Pharisee, having brought aXa^acTTpov fxvpov, ^ Kai (rracra ottktci} irapa an alabaster-box of balsam, and standing behind at rovs Tvohas avrov, KXaiovaa, Tjp^aro fip^x^^^ the feet of him, weeping, she began to wet TOVS TTodas avTOV Tois SaKpvai' Kai rais dpi^i the feet of him with the tears; and with the hairs rrjs Kecf)a\r]s avrrjs e^efiaaa-e, Kai KaTe(pi\ei ofthe head of herself wiped, and kissed TOVS TToSay avTOv, Kai rjXeicpe rcfj ixvpw. ^^ iZtav the feet of him, and anointed with the balsam. Seeing 86 b^apicraios b KaXecras avrou, enrev ev eavTcp, butthe Pharisee that hiving called him, spoke in himself, \iywv' OvTOS ei r]v Trpo(pr]T7)S, eyivouCTKiu av, saying; This if he was a prophet, would know. 31 J To what then shal» I compare the men of this GENEKATiON ? and what are they like ? 32 They are like those Boys sitting in a Public place, and calling to one another, and saying, ' "Vv e have played for you oa the flute, but you have not danced; we have sung moui'nful songs for you, but you have not la- mented ' 33 i For John the IM- MERSER has come neitlier eating Bread nor drinking Wine, and you say, 'He has a Demon.' 34 Tiie SON of man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ' Behold a Glutton and a Wine-drink- er 1 an Associate of Tribute- takers and Sinners !' 35 J But WISDOM is vindicated by All her CHILDREN." 36 :}:And one of the Pharisees invited him to cat with him. And enter- ing the HOUSE of the Pharisee, he reclined. 37 And, behold, a t AVo- man * who was of the city, a Sinner, knowing tliat he reclmedinthe Pharisee's HOUSE, brought an Alabas- ter box of Balsam, 38 and standing fbe. hind, at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his eeet with tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and repeatedly kissed his teet, and an- ointed them with the bal- sam. 39 But that Pharisee who had invited him ob- serving this, spoke within himself, saying, f'This man, if he were a Prophet, • Vatican Mandscbipt. — 37. who was in the city, a Sinner. + 37. There is no good reason for concluding' that this woman was a public prostitute, as many suppose. She was probably only a Gentiie, (tna tiievelore in the estimation of the Pharisee a sinner. Hamartolos, is often used in tne New Testament in this sense. 1 38. This is not intelligible, without adverting to the posture in which the ancients took their meals. They placed themselves along the couch on their sides, supported their heads with one arm. bent a~t the elbow, :ind resting on the couch ; and with the other they took their food, an* were supported at the back by cushions. Their feet of course were accessible to one wha uanie behind the couch. — Wakefield. I 31. Matt. xi. 16. \9. I 33. Matt.iii.4; Mark i.6; Luke i. 15. : 35- Matt. xi. t ■le. Matt. xxvi. 6; Mark «i¥i»i John xi. 2. J 39. Luke xv. a. Chap. 7: 40.1 I.UKE. [Oiap. 7: 60. Tis Kai irorairr} ri yvvriy r,Tts OTrreTOt avrov Kho !tnd what the noauui, who touchei biin ; on a/xapTwKos (an. ^'^ Kai airoKpideis b Irjaovs thnt aainuer she is. And anrweriog the Jesut ejTre vpos avrov "S.iixoav^ fx^ *'"'" ''"' enrnv. • nid to him i Sniion, I have to tlieesomeihing to say. 'O Se (pTjnrr AiSajr/caAc, eirre, ^^ Avo j(;/>6W(|)6t- He and iays: O tf^ichcr, »aj'. Two deht- Aera* T](rau Saueiarr) rivr 6 (Is u(pei\e S-qvapia *>r* wtiC to a creilitorcertain : theono owed denarii vcvraKOfyia, d Se erepos nevTT^KOPTa. '*- Mrj five hundred, the and other fifty. Not exoi'Tcoi^ *[of] avTccu airodovuat^ afKpoTcpois havinjj [andj of them to pay, both (X^P'-'^^-'^o. Tit ovv avTwu, ^^enre"^ irXfiou he forgave. 'Which then of them, [»^y] more avrou ayairr)aeii '^■^AiroKpiOasSc- 6 ^t/xcav eiTrev him willlcvef Answering andthe Simon aaid i "tiroXafji^avUy 6ti *qi> to v\(iov 6;^apKraT0. 1 suppose, that to whom the more he forgave. 'O Se €t7r€vauT(jD* OpOws fKpivas. '^'^ Kat arpa- }Ie and said to him : Kiglitly thouhast judged. And turn- (peis irpos rrjf yvvaiKa, t^' '2,ifx(ai'i ((pi)' BActt- ing to the woman, to the Simon hesaidi Seest (IS TauTr]U T7JV yvuatKa ; ei(rr]\dov crov (is Tr)v thou this the woman? I came of thee into the oiKiav vBcvp (iri tovs voSas jnov ovk (SwKas' iiousei water for the feet of me not thou pavest: cibrj] 5e Tois SaKpvaiv (^pt-^e fxov rovs iroSas, she hut with the tears she wet of me the feet, Kat rais Opt^i avTr)s (q€iua^(, ^^^ikrjfxa fiot and with the hairs of herself has wiped. A kiss tome OVK (ScjKas- avTTj de aY. 43, say — omif. 47. also loves. t 41. A Kom»n coin worth about 14 cents, or 7(Tiif 01 aKovaaures, Kai viro ixepijxvuiv Kai are they having heard, and by •"■uous cares and vXovTov Kai rjSovwv rov fiiov iropevofxivoi cv/x- riches and pleasures ofthe life going forth are irviyouTaij Kai ov TeXecrcpopovcri. ^"To Se eu ehoked, and not bear fruit to perfection. That and in T7J KaK'p yrj, ovtoi eiaiv, oiTiues €U Kapdia the eoof' ground, these are, who in heart icaAj; Kai ayady aKovaauTes rov \oyov, Kare- good and upright having heard the word, re- Xovcrif Kai Kapirocpopovcriv ev vTTOfxovri, *^ Ob- tain, and bear fruit with perseverance. No Sets Se Kvxvov a^as^ KaXvirr^i avrou (TKeveif t] one and a lamp having lighted, covers him with a vessel, or VTTOKaTU) KKii^ris riQ-qviv aAA.' 67rt Kvxvias eiri- under a couch places: but upon a lamp-stand pla- nOriffiUy ^l^lva oi eicnropevo/jLevoi ^X^ttwcti ro ces, [that those entering may see the avfpop eKdr}. ^^BKeirere ovu^ voos and into light may come. Take heed then, how OKOU6T6' 5$ yap au exV^ Bod-qn-erai avrcf Kai you hear) who 'or ever may have, it will be given to him: and OS av /xrj exVi '<^°'* ^ SoKei 6%6ij', apdr\(rerai whoever not may have.even whatheaeemi to have, will be taken ott' avrov. from him, ^^ Xiap^yevovro Se irpos avrov tj fJ-V'^Vp Kai Came and to him the mother and Ot ad€\(poi avToVf Kai ovk rj^vvauro avvrvx^t^' and brothers of him, and not was able to get near avTCf) 5ia rov ox^ou. -^ Kai aTryiyy^Kt] to him onaccaunt of the crowd. And ft was told «uT(jt>, *\\eyovr(t)V''\ 'H fxrir-qp aov Kat ol "o him, [saying;] The mother of thee and the ing they may not under* stand, li J Now the paoable is this: Tlie seed is the WORD of God. 12 Those by the eoab are THEY who HEAE; then the ENEMY comes, and takes away the woed iiom their heaets, that they may not believe and be saved. 13 Those on the eock are they, who, when they hear, receive the woed with Joy; and yet these have no Root ; they believe for a Time, and in a Time of Trial fall away. 14 And THAT having fallen among the thorns are they, who, having HEAED, and going forth are choked by the Anxie. ties, and Riches, and Plea- sures of LIFE, and bring no fruit to matiirity, 15 Rut that in the GOOD Ground are those, who, having heard the WOED, retain it in a good and honest Heart, and bear fruit with Perseverance. 16 J Now no one having lighted a Lamp, covers it with a Vessel, or puts it under a Couch, but places it on a Lamp-stand, *that those coaiing in may seethe light. 17 + For there is nothing hidden, which Will not be disclosed, nor concealed, wliich will not be known, and come to light. 18 Take heed, therefore, how you hear ; % for to him who has, more will be given; but from him who has not, will betaken away even that which he has," 19 JNOW his MOTHER and BEOTHEES came to- wards him, but could not get near him, on account ofthe CROWD. 20 And it was told himi "Thy MOTHER and thy Vaticat* Mas. — 16. tbose i?i may see the light — omit. 20, sayins? — omii. X 11. M.itt xiii. 18; M»rk iv. 14. t 16. v. 15 ; Mark iv. 21 ; Luke xi. S3, t 17. .Matl X.20. Lukexii.2. t 18. Matt. xiii. 12 ; xsv.2'J; Lakexix.20k 1 lU. Matt 21.. 4b: Mark hi. 81. Cluip. 8: alj ;I..UKE. i5eA.i wind and the raging ofthe t'SoTO?" Kai eTrau(TauTOf Kai eyeueTo yaXrjvr]. water: and they ceased, !ind there was a calm, •^ Eiire Se avrois' Hov etTTiv rj wia-Tis vp.wv ; He 8. id and tothem: Where i» the faith ofyou? l»o/37j0ej'Tes Se idavfxacraVy Keyoures vpos Fearing and they wondered, saying to cAAtjAoi/s* Tts apa ovtos ccrty, on Kai Tois o ne another; Who then thi» is, that even to the ave/x^is eTTiTacraei Kai Tip vSaTi, Kai vrcaKovov- winds he gives a charge and to tne water, and they hearken (Tiv avTcp I 26 Kat KareTrAeuaau eis ttju ^ccpau to him? And they sailed into the country Twv radapTjvojy, fjTiS siXTiv avTiirepav ttjs ofthe Gadarenis, which i* oveiwtgainst the roAtAatoSo Galilee. 27 "E,^i\QovTi S€ 'XVT^f eiri ttjh/ ynv, virtiVTr]- Goiugout and to him ju tbr land, met (Tev avTtp av7]p tis eK ttjs iroAecos, 6s etxe him a man certain out of the city, who had Sai/JLOuia €/c XP°^^^ iKavccj', Kai ifia'^iov ovk demons from times many, and a mantle cot iveSidvcTKeTo, Kai eu oiKia ovk e/xevev, aAA* ev he put on, and in a house not he remained, but in [Chap. 8: 27- BROTHEEs Stand without, desiring to see thee." 21 But HE answering, said to them, " My Motiier and my Brothers are these who HEAR the WORD of God, and obey it.'* 22 X A.nd it came to pass on one of the days, that f)c went into a Boat with his DISCIPLES ; and he said to them, " Let us pass over to the other side of the LAKE." And they set sail. 23 And as they were sailing, he fell asleep; and there came down a Gale of Wind on the lake; and they were deluged, and were in danger. 24- And approaching, they awoke him, sayini;, "Mastei! Masterl we are perishing." Then arising, HE rebuked the wind and the raging ofthe water; iind they ceased, and there was a Calm. 25 And he said to them, "Where is your faith?" And being afraid, they wondered, saying to one another, " Who then is this that commands even the WINDS and the water, * and they obey him." 26 t And they sailed to the REGION of the*tGER- ASENEs, which is opposite to Galilee. 27 And going out oir SHORE, * a Certain Man of the CITY met him, who had * Demons; and for a long Time he wore no Clothes, nor remained in a House, but in the tombs. 20. Gerasenes. 27. a * 7AT1CAN Manuscbipt.— 25. and they obey him— omi^. Certain Man. 27. Demons ; i.nd for a long Time he wore. t 26. " I was afterwards informed by Mr. Thomson of Sidon, who had recently traversed this region, and whose knowledge both ofthe country and its language gave him great fa- cilities in pieliiag up information, that nearly opposite Mejdel (ilagdala,) or just about op- posite where we turned south, there is a phice called by the natives Gtrsa. which Mr. T. supposes to be a corruption of GerpeseTje. Here there is a sharp slopingprecipice of perhaps 20U0 feet high. This is the 'steep place' (kreemnou) Matt. vii. 32 ; Mark v. 13; Luke viii. 33. ilark and Luke say it was in the country ofthe Gadarenes, and we know that Oadara (eight miles from Tiberias according to Josephus, Life, 65) must have been farther soutli. But the term Gadarene may be a wide one, and besides, the reading in Mark and Liike is a verv doubtful one; the mass of evidence preponderates in favor of G«-a«eMe instead ot Gadarene. ^Hackett. a. Matt viii. 23; Mark iv. 35. t 26. Matt. viii. 28 ; Mark T. 1. Chap. 8:28.] LUKE. {Chap. 8; 36. Tot* fiyrjfMaag out, he fell doira to him, and with a voice loud f{7re* Tt e/ioi Kai (Toi, 1t)(Tov, vU too deov rov he (lid 1 What tome ami to thee, Jeius, Oaonofthe Gud ofthe i/^KTTov : 5eo,ua» aov^ firj fie fiacravKTrjs. highettf I beseech thee, oot me thou inayit torment. ^ {naf>T]yyei\e yap rep iryev/iiaTi T(f> aKaQaprcf (He hadcuminaQded for the spirit tha aacleia t^eKQetu airo rou avOpcoirov iroWois yap XP^' to coma oat from the man ; aauj for timet f9is (Tuvrjp-rraKei auTov /cat edetrfieiro aKvceci. ' ith&dteiiad himj and he naa bound frith chains «ca( TTeSais, (f>v\aa'a'OfX(Pos' /cot Siap^ijauv ra ftad fetters, being ^uaried; aud breaking the Bec/xa, TjXauyero viro tqu Saifxovos eis rat tpif)- boads, he was drirea by the demon into tha des- uovs.) ^ ETrripcoTT}' ob ra found tilting tha man, from whom the iai/xoina e^e\ri\v9ei, ifiarifTfiefou Kai (Xuxppo- demona had gone out, having been clothed and being o< vowray vapa rovs xodas rov Irjcrov Kai ecpofirj- sano mind, at the feet ofthe Jesus; and they Qr\ ;tu.^ : 38, Mark v. 18. ] 41. MbtV CtMp. 8 : 46 I.IJKE. [Chap. 8» 56. 01 ox^oi (Twexovai ae kui avodKi^ouar Kai the crowds preia on tbee and crowd; and \eyei5' Tis & a^iafjifvos fxov ; ^^ 'O Se Itjtovj tayeittbouj Who the bavin; touched me? The and Jeaaa ffXfv 'Hxparo fiov Tis' eyco yap eyvuy said; Touched rae aome one( I for know Suvaixiv €^e\dou(rau air' efiov. "'^ iSovcra 5e r] a power want out from me. Seeing andthe yvyri, 6ti ovk €A.ai3e, Tp€fiov TrayraSy the was dead. He but [having put out all, »cai] KpaTTjcras ttjs x^'P^s avrr^Sy et him, except. 52. for lihe. <• 64. harin; put them all out, and — oaiit. X 46. Hark v. 30: Luke vl. Ift. 1 ^4. take vu. U; John xL4.* 49. Mark v.'^") t I 6i> Atatfavuu 4 , ki.i«tt t Mark V .4a. I 62. Jonnxi II, li. Chap. 9 : 1 0 LUKB. [C^p. 9: il. KE*. e'. 9. Having called tojetber and the twelve, he gave avrois Swajucii/ Kai e^ovcriav eiri vavra ra bai- to Ihem power and autiiority over all the de- fiopittf Kai vocrovs Bepaireveiv. ' Kai oTretTTet- mi.nt, and diseases to cure. And he sent Xiif avTous KTjpvcTTiiv ry]V $a(ri\€iav rov Qeov, them to publish the kingdom of the God, Ka.1 tatrdai *[tous ^ Kai eiire and to heal [those beingiiclc.] And said tipos auTOVs' Mrjbev aip^re eis rrju oSof, fi-qre to them; Nothing takeyou for the journey, neither ^a$^0Vf fir^re irr^paUy firjre aprov, /xTjre apyv- a staff, nor a liag, nor bread, nor sil- ver; nor teach] two coat* to have. And €is r]V au oiKiav eiaeKOriTef eKei /xei/ere, Kai into whatever house you may enter, there remain, and €K€£06j/ e^epx^o'de. ^ Kai 6(Toi av fir] de^aiVTai thence depart. And whoever not mayrecene Vjj-as, i^epx^ijiepoi airo ttjs -JroXews CKCivrjSy Kat you, couuugout from the city that, even TOU KOVtOpTOV OTTO roiV TToSwV VfXWP OTTOTi 1/0^0X6, the dust fi-om the feet ofyoa shake off, €ts fiaprvpiov e7r' avTovs. ® E^^pxofj-ivot Se for atesiimony against them. Going forth and SiVPX'^^TO zara ras Kwixas, fvayyfKiQoix^voi Kai they triveled through th« villages, publishing glad tiding* and Qfpa-Tivovres trauTaxov. healing everywhere. 7 HfcoLicre Se 'Upwh-qs S reTpapxvs "ra yivo- Heard and Herod the tetrarch that being fteva *[^7r' ouTOv] iravra' Kai Si-q-rropci, dia done fby him] all; and he was perplexed, because TO Xcy^crdai vtro nvwv, on luavurjs eyrjyeprai the to be said by some, that John has been raised €« ViKpwv ^ biro Tivuu de, 6ti HAms e(pavr]' outof dead; by some and, that Llias had appeared - aWcav 5e, iiri jrpo^r/rr/i eis twv apxa^oof avicr- otlier* and. thai avrophet one of the ancients nas stood ^ Kat iiiT€V 'HpwSrjS' \wavviqu eyut aTre/ce T7J. Herod ? 60'TII' John be- €707 np. And 'aid T.\icra' Tis 5e eo-rii' ouros, trepi ob i, lied, who but is this, conceruingwhom ttKovu) Toiavra ; Kat (Qr\Tii iSeiu avrov. hear suchhinjs? And besought to see him. ^* Kat viroarpe^pai^Tes ol awoaroXoi h nqy r](TavTO And having returned the apostles related avrcp 6(ra iiron](rav' Kai TrapaXa^wu avTOVS to Him what things they bad done ; and taking them VTrex^pTjce Kar* iStav eis '"'\^towov eprj/j-ov^ he withdrew by himself into [a place itseitj jroAews KaXovju^yrts B-nOaaiSa. ^^ Ot Se ox\oi O'acity being called Betnsaida. The and crowds CHAPTER IX. 1 J And having convened the TWELVE, he gave them Power and Authority over All DEMONS, and to cure Diseases. 2 And J he sent them forth to proclaim the king- DOM of God, and to cure *the SICK. 3 X And he said to them ; "Take Nothing for the JOUENET, neither Stalf, nor Traveling Bag, nor Bread, nor Silver, nor have Two Coats. 4 J And into Whatever House youmay enter, there remain, and thence depart. 6 And whoever shall not receive you, when you go out from that city, :}: shake off even the dust from your FEET, for a Testimony to them." 6 i And going forth, they trpveled through the vil- lages, proclaiming the glad tidings, and perform- ing cares everywhere. 7 J Now Herod, the te- TEAEC H , heard of all '.hat was DONE ; and he was perplexed, because it was SAID by some, "John has l)een raised from the Dead;" 8 and by some, "Eliiah has appeared;" and by others, *"A certain Pro- phet of the ANCIENTS has risen up." 9 *But Meeod gaid, "John I beheaded; out who is this of whom * 1 hear such things r" X And he sought to see him. 10 X A-nd the apostles. having returned, related '.o him what things they had done. J And taking them aside, he withdrew ori- vately into * a desert tiacfl of a City, called Bethsaida. 11 And the ceowds • Vatican MANnscBiPT.— 2. the SICK— omit, 3. each— omtt. 7-*y him— o'"'''. 8. a certain Prophet of the ANciBNTS was. 9. ButHKBon. 9. I hear. lO. * desert place— omif. t I Matt.x 1- Mark ill. 18 T ri. 7. t 2. Matt. r. 7: Mark vi. 12: Luke x .'.fl. Is. Malt. X. 6- Mark vi. 8 -Luke X. 4; . t 4. M att. x. U -. Matfcv. .o. t5Actexiii51. t 6. Matt. vi. 12. t 7. Matt. xiv. 1 ; Mark vi. U. T » Luke ts.'u\.i : 10. Mark VI. ?C. J 10. Matt xiv. IS. 'Ofca/x 9: 120 JJKE. \Chap. 9: 90. LtvMg b^ud, tbry followed bim. And having received avTovs, e\a\€i avrois vepi tt)s fiaaiKfias t^; tbem, bespoke to them concerning tbe kingdom j'V'i. Oiov, Kat 70VS xp^io.t' ix°^'''°-^ d^puireias, sarz. Cod, and those n^ed having of bealinr.'^ he cnr^sl. The now day bj^'-"- to decline: Coming 0€ 01 5ctj5e/ca, ciiroy awrcp* AnoXvcroy rou X'^^^^'i .^dtbe twelve, -,aid tohiu; Diamijs the crowd, lya TTopfvdevTSS J. T.s kvkXo) Kcajxas Kat rovs that having gone ir.'.' iTie iurt unding villageo auc tip aypovs, KaT:J .X'^^i: atat (vpuxriv f:irirovisionai 6ti a)5e eu ^pfit^^f rjrtf(fi cfr^uei/. ^^ Ejttc Se vpos for here in a desert ~lace we are. He (aid but to avTovs' AoT€ a,vrois vp.tis (payeiy. Ol de them: Give jo 'bem jfot to eat. Thj-,' acd eiToy OvK eir}TTjs ris rwv apxaiwy ayear-q. other* and, that a prophet one ol the ancient* has stood up. *EiT6 Se avTois' "T/xeis Se riua /xe Keyere He said and to tbem: Yon but who me say vou knowinpr it, followed bin; and h.,\iug • gladly rt. ceiveu the::., he spoke U. them concerning the r.iN«- :;0M of God, and heiilei TiiosB who HAD ncel. o; liealiug. 12 J * The DAT already began to decline, when the TVVKLVE came and said to litm, "Dismiss the crowd, that they may go into the adjacent \illages and * Farms, to lodge, and find Provisions ; For we are here in a Desert Place." 13 But he said to them "gou supply them." And THEY said, "We have no more than Five Loa\cs and Two Fishes: unless fajf should go and buy Food for Ail this PEOl'LK ;" 10 for they were about ■-iv: thousand Men. And he said to his DiscrPLES, "Make them recline in Ck)mpanie3 of *fifty each." 15 And they did so, and caused them all to recline. 16 Then taking the FIVE Loaves and the two Fishes, andluoking towards HKA- VKN, he blessed and bioke them, and gave to tlie DiscrPLKs to set before the CKuwD. 17 And they ate end were all saiistifd; and there were tak<-ii up of 1 iie BKMAlMXG IKAGMENIS, twelve Baskets. 18 J And it came to pass, as he WAS praying in pri- vate, the DISCIPLES came to Irim; and he asked thrni, saying, "WhodotVe CEowDS say that I am?'i 19 And THiT answering said, t "John the immke- sKR; hut others, Elijah; and others, that a certain I'rophct of the AKClENTS has risen up." 20 And he said to them, " But who do gau say that * Vatican MANrsrr.iPT. — 11. gladly ro'civpd. •line, wnen the twklvb came. 12. Farms. t 1-1. Matt. XIV. Ij; .Mrtrkvi S5; Johnvi l.o. X9. Watt. 3£.v. 2; ver.r 8. 12. The BAT already tegan tode- 14. as it were by. X la. Matt xTi.l»; Uark Tiii.!7. Cliap. 9- 21.] i^uK:e. iCliap. i 29. fipai ; AiroKpidei% de 5 Ylerpos five" Tov to be 7 Aimnering and the Feter laidj The XpKTTOv TOV Beovo ^^ 'O 5e €7riTi/x7jv wde 1 say but to you truly, are aome of those here etTTUTwv, 01 ov fit] yevcrtavTai Oavarov, ecos av standing, who not not shall taste of death, till iSoicTi T7j»' fiacriXeiav tov 6eoVo they may see the royal majesty ofthe God. ^ E7e*'eT0 Se ^uera tovs Xoyovs tovtovs. It happened and after the words these a)(7€i 7]/J.epai OKTWf Kai ivapaAa^wv HeTpov Kai about days eight, and having taken teter and Icoavvrjv Kai laKcoPov, avf^r] eis to opos John and James, he went up into the mountain vpofrev^aaOai. ^9 Kot eyeveTO, €V r^ irpoaev- to pray. And it occurred, in the tu XfO^So-t avToVf TO eiSos tov irpotrcorrov avTov pray him, the form ofthe face of him cTepov, Kai d ifxaTKTfxos atTov \evKos f^a(TTf,aTr- different, and the raiment of him whiteness ..ashing I am? J "And * Peter xiy sweringsaid, "TheCHKisi of God." 21 J And HE having strictly charged them, or- dered them to tell this to no one ; 22 saying, J "The sow of MAN must suffer man;, things, and be rejected by the ELBEHS, and Hi;,h- priests, and Scribes, and be killed, and on the thiiiij Day be raised." 23 X And he said to all, " If any one wish to coma after me, let him renounce himself, and take up his CKOss daily, and follow me. 24 Tor whoever would save his lite, shallloseit; and whoever loses his life on my account, hi shall save it. 25 J Tor what is a Man profited, if he gain the whole WOULD, and destroy or forfeit Himself. 26 J "For whoever is ashamed of me, and MY Words, of i)tm the son oi MAN will be ashamed, when he comes in his own GLOEY, and that of th: Fa- ther, and of tho BOLl Angels, 27 JBut I tell you truly There are some standing *here, who will not taste of Death, till they sea God's royal majesty." 28 And it occurred about eiglit Days after these words, taking * Peter, and John, and James, ha went up into the moun- tain to pray. 2G And it happened, as ho prayed, the form of his EACE was changed, and his raijient became white and dazzhug. Vaticam Masuscbipt. — 20. Peter. 27- there, who. t 20. Matt. xvi. 16 ; John vi. 69. t 21. Matt. xvi. 20. 22. t 23. Matt. x. 38 ; xvi. 24; Mark viii. 34; Luice xiv. 27. Mark viii. 36. I 26. Matt. x. S3 ; Mark viii. 38; 2 Tim. ii. 12. If ark ix. 1. t 22. Matt. xvi. 21; xviL 1 25. Matt.xvt.20; J 27 JIatt. xvi. 24 ^ap. 9: 30.] LUKE. (CTiop. 9: ofe. 30 And behold, two Men were conversing with him, and tlicse were Mosea and Elijah ; 81 who appearing in Twv. ^ Kai <5oy, avZpds^vo avv^XaXovv avrta^ forth. And lo, meo two were talking irilh biui, o'lTit/es rjaav Moxttjs Kai HAms' ^^ ol oTes Se eiSov Tr\v ho^av avrov, icai those with him Jwere inf awakened but they saw the plmy ofbini, and OVerpOWercd With Sleep; rovs 5vo avSpas tovs (Tvi/earuTas avroi. ^ Kai but having awaktned, they the two men those standing with him. And SilW his GLOET, and TIIO&K fy^viTO iv Tea SiaxccpiC^adai avTovs cTr' ai/TOu, '•"^^ Men standing with it happened in the to depart them from him, eiiTfv 6 TlfTpos irpos rov \r\(jovv' ETricrraTa, said the Peter to the Jesus; O master, Ka\ov ecTiv r,fias w5e nvar Kai Troirjaccfxev good it is us here to be: and we may make (TKT)vas TpeiSy fJLiav coi, Kai pnav M&'fret, Kai tents 'three, oie for thee, and one for Moses, and jxiav HA.m* jxri eiSccs 6 \ey€i. ^^TauraSe avrov ore forTlias: not knowingwhat he says. These and of him K^yovroSy (:yiViro v^pfXir], Kai fireaxiaaeu saying'', came a cloud, and overshadowed avTovs, i(po^7]6T]aav Se er tw (Keiuovs eirrrjAOciv them, they feared and in the those to enter fis T-qv V€pti an' ouTOu, avurpi^ov avTov, and hardly departs from faim, bruibicg him, ^ Kai eBerj&Tjy rtcv fiadT]Twv (Tov, iva CK^aKwffiv And ! be^oughl tlie disciples of thee* that the; might expel »uTO' Kai ovK TjovpriBridav, ^'AiroKpi6eis &e 6 iti aud not they were able. Answering andthe 1t)(Tov5 fiwev fl y^yea airttTTos Kat Stecr- Jesua said} O generation without faith and having rpafx-fievT)' iocs vot€ eaonat vrpos v/xaSf Kat been perverted; till whea shall I be with yon, and avi^o/xai vfj.(£P ; Upotraryays rov viov trov wSe. bear with you? Lead the son of thee beie. *^Etj86 vpoaepxo/Aevov airroVf epprj^ey amav 'While and coming ta bim, dashed down him T» Satfxoytoy, Kanrvpeffirapa^fP. ETreTi/urjae 8e tb« demun, and violently convnlEed, Kebalrd aid 6 Jrffrovs rtp "ryev/ian rep aKadapru', kui taaaTc tbs Jesus the spirit the unclean, »ad healed Toi^ TtaiSa, Kai antdwicey avrov tw varpt avrov. the chiid, and delivered him to the fathet oi'bim. *^ E^eTTXrja'croyTO "^eiravres cttj tt) |J.e:ya^elo^^}^l Were amazed aod aU at the naicary rrv 6eov, tttht God. Hclvtcov de Bavjfa^ovrav ^'ti "naaiv ols eiroiei All *b' w^rr wonderuig at all which did i Jr)(P0vs, cure trpos tovs fiadrfras avrov u e Je3u«, he said to the diaeiples of himself; **0e(r0€ i)fj.(:is €JS ra ura vuwv tovs \oyovs Fl^r.a yoa into the ears of yon the wo«i« TouTovs* & yap vlos tov av9pu>iTov fieWit ftapa- the>e; the for son of the man i.- about to fce SfSoer^oi €is x^ 'P^'^s ayflpwJTwv ^Ot Se 7)yvoovv delivered into hands ofmes; They butnnderstoodaot p7j/xo TOfTo, Kai T}p irapaKeKaKvp./j.epoy an the tord this.. and it was having betn veiled from avTioVf Iva pn} aifrdwvrai avrc kui icpo^ovyro them, that not they might perce^e it; rod iLc^Mared f:po}Tr},Sia\ayi. ^«m; Whoever nay reccrve ^his the Uttle child in ■ tp ovopLOTi fiov^ eue hix^rar Kai ds eay €/j.e the Dame ofme, mc receives; and whoever me be^vrai, dex^'^^-^ "^o" airooreiXavra fie, O yap may receive, receives the having s^nt me. Se fo]r liiKporepos ev TroLffkv hfxiv vTrapx<»>y ovrcs sTrai leas among all foa being, he skKjIte crie«ont; and it so cone vulsea him that he foamsi and after bruising him; with dif&culty departs from him. 40 And I entreated thy DISCIPLES to expel it; and they cculd not." 41 And Jestis answer, ing, said, " O unbelieving; and perverse Generation! how long sliall I be with yoa,andenduj-eyoti? Con- duct thy SON here." 42 And while he was approaching, the demon dashed him down, and vio- lently convulsed him. And JEsiJs rebuked the iMPUKK SPIEJT, and cured the CHILD, and delivered him tohisrATHKK. 43 And they were nfi struck with awe at the jUA 1E.«T1C POWEB of Goi^. But while all were wonder- ing at every thing which Jestjs did, he said to his disciples; 44 J'-ria«e 28U these WORDS in your ears— The son of man is about to be delivered into tUe Hands ot Men." 45 i But THBT did not tmderstand this s. ting; and it was bo veiled from them that they might not perceive it; and they weie afraid to ask him concern- ing this SAYING. 46 + An da Dispute BPOse anii^ng them, Wi.i ■ of IH^M WOULD BR (iiU^T* EST. 47 But Jestjs, perceiV mg Che THOUGHT of tlioi^ HEART, having taken a Little child, placed it near himself, 48 and said to them, J" Whoever niay receive This LITTLE CHILD lu my NAME, receives Me, and whoever may reCMve Wf. receives him who «'F>r me; Jfor HE WI;i)lSik AK"? among you all, ^f *«i)9il be great." • Taticau MAnracBiYT. — 48. iaprreat. t 44. Matt. xvii. 23. iviii. I -, Al at k IS. S4. I iib Matt azui ILU. J 45. Mark is 32; T-utt n.Su- xnjl. |» J 46. M*r» t 4&. Maiu r.«l>. xvui. « Maikix. i!) : Joho ill.4i; x»< f Cfutp. 9: 49] XtTKE. * I Chap. 9 : S8. frtMt, Aoawcriug ond tha John »*iii OmM- raraf €<5o/ucv nvc, 'iiri r^ cvojiVTi nov €«/9a\- ler, «g«i>r one ia the B&mc ofthcc cuiiag XcKTo TO Satfiovia' Kai eKcoKvcra/nev cjToy, 6ti vat the demoiu: aad «fe forbade him, becauM ooK aKo\ovdfi fits' rjfxwv. *** Kot (iwc irpos toe hc(o1l3«c witb U9. And aaid to cvrov 6 Itjcows* Mij »ca>A.u«T6' ^s 7ap ovk fffrt tiiin the Jciui: Nt/t forbidyou: nbe (or not U Had' IfiwVy vTTfp U1..U «' tffriv. •;uaat yoo, for )oa' U. •''1 EyevfTo 5e cc T(p (rv/xvXrjpovirOai ras It came to pxis and ia the tobecompLted the '^fifpas TTjr ava\i7<|/f wj avroVf Kat avros ro daya oflbe wUbdrawio; of him, find be the vpoffunoy aiirov 'ia'Tijpt^e rov iropevefrdat fis face afbiaMelf 6rinl; act of the to go to lepovcaKri/i. "• Kat aireaTeiKey ayyfXovs j£ru>. Aod be sent ineuengen Tpo TTpbauirov aurov Kat vopevOevres eij8os Kai luavp-qs, irof aod tbe diaciples of bim, Jatoea and John, (iirov Kup/e, OeXefj iiirufxei' wp Kara^yjyat ■aidr Olord, wilt thou «ve apeak fire tocomedowo ano rov ovpavou, Kai apaKuaai avrovs, *[(i>s Kai from the heaven, and to conaume them, [aa evec HAfttj e7T0iT)(T€ ;] ^^ ^Tpa(p€is 5e eTreriiuLriafy Fliaa did?] Turning aad he rebuked avTois, [/cat (iwev Ou/c o<5ot€, olov nvev/xaTOs tbcm, (and aaid : Not 70U koovr.of what apirit e^rre vfACis ;] ^^ Kai €iroptudrjcvpt€.l ^^ Kat fnrey avrtp wherever thou mayest go, [O master.] And aaid to him 5 Itjffovs' At a\ci)iTeK€S puKtovs €X''w<^'» Kai ra the Jcaut: The foiea dena have, aod the 49 J And 'John answer- ing said, " Master, we aayr one expelling * Demons ia thy NAME; andwcfurbada him, Because be does not follow us." 60 Bat 'Jesns said, "Forbid him not; J for he who is not against you is for you." 61 Now it " occurred, whea the i>at3 of his t RETIHEMENT were COM- PLETED, i)e resolutely set his FACE to Ob to Jeruu* lem. 53 And he sent Mes* senders before him; and having gone, they went into a Village of the Sa- maritans, in order to maks preparation for him. 53 And ttbey did net receive him. Because ha was going towards Jerusa* lem. 54 And *hi3, James and John, observing this, said, " Master, dosi thou wish that we coraw iiiand l''ire to dome dowa from heaven, to consumo Ihcm?" 55 But turning he re* buked them ; 56 and they went to Aai other Village. 57 pAnd as they wcw travelling on the road, ont; said to him, " I will follow^ thee wherever thou goest ', 58 And •Jesus said to him, "The foxes have Holes, and the bibds of • Vaticaw Mandscbipt.— 49. John. 43. Demons. 60. .lesus. 54. the DISCIPLES. 54. as even EHas did — omit. 55. and said, " Know ye not of what spirit jou arc"— omif. 57. It happened— omif. 57. 0 master — omif. 53. Jesu*. t 51. "I think the word anaftfp«oo« must signil^'.oV Jesiis's r'firinff or icifAJraicinf/himselt and not ofhis being receii-ed up; because the yford tumplecrousthai here used before it, de- notes a timeromp/eferf, whicli that of his (ucensinn was not then. The sense is, that the time was come, when Jesus was no longer to retire from Judca and the parts about Jorusaletoep he had hitherto done; for he had Rved alto^ther in Galilee, lest the Jews should have lai4 hold on him, before the work of his ministry w.\s ended, and full i./oofs of his divine mis- sion s'ven, and some of the prophecici concernini» Irni accomplished. John says, chip. V)| 1, Jcsiu walked «n Galilee; for he would not walk in /*ii-V. became the Jews toitght to kilt htm. Let it be observed, that all which follows here in Luke to chap. x\x. 4-S, is represented by him, as done by Jesus in his last journey from Galilee to .lerusalem."— Pearcf. : 40. Marlt U 30; see Num. xi. 2S. t M- S«e Uatt. si SO; Lukext. 23. t S3. Jo&a iv. i, ». t 57. Matt. viii. 10. , tnap. 9 •. 59.] LUKE. {Chap. 10 : 6. ircTf jyo Tov ovpavov KaracrKrivacreis' 6 Se vlos birJs ot'tne lieavea roosts: tXe but son TOV avdpwuov ovK ex^*> "^^ov rrjv Ke airocr- harvest ofhimself. Go you : lo, I send TeAAw vfjias us apvas ev fiecca \vkwv. ^ Mtj you as lambs in midst ofwolves. Not /Satrra^eTe fiaXavTioVy fit) irripav fiTjSe vTToSr]- carry you a purse, nor a bag nor san- fiara' Kai fjnjdeva kutu ttjv 65ov acnracrricrOe. dais: and no one by the way salute, * Eis T)V S' av oiKiav cKrepxV'^^^i irpwTov XeyeTe' Into what and ever house you may enter, first say you . EipT]vri Tcp oiKca TOVTCf. ^ Kat eav 'rj e/cet Peac6 to the house this. And if may be there vios eipr]VT]St 6iravaTravcr€Tai ctt' avrov 7) eiprjvr] a son of peace, shall rest on him the peace HEAVEN places of shelter ; but the SON of man has not where he may recline his HEAD." 59 J And he said to an- other, " Follow me." But HE said, "Sir, perinit me first to go and bury my lATHEB." 60 * And he said to him, "Leave the dead ones to inter their own Dead; but ^0 tf)OU and publish the KINGDOM of God." 61 And another also said, "Sir, $1 will follow thee; but permit me first to set in order my affairs at HOME." 62 But Jesus said, " No one, having put his HANr> on the Plough, and looking behind, is properly dis- posed towards the KING- DOM of God." CHAPTER X. 1 Now after this, the Lord appointed * Seventy Others, ac.u J sent them two by two belore him in- to Every City and Place, where he was about to go. 2 * And he said to them, J "The HARVEST indeed is plenteous, but the reap- ers are few; beseech, therefore, the Lord of the HARVEST, that he would send out Laborers to reap It. 3 Go; Jbehold, *Isend you forth as Lambs among Wolves. 4 J Carry no Purse, nor Bag, nor Shoes, and salute no one by the road. 5 JAnd into Whatever Ilou'se you enter, say first, ' Peace to this house.' 6 And if a Son of Peace is there, your peace sliall • Vatican Makusceipt. — 00. And he said. 62. to him — omtf. 1. Seventy- two, and sent. 1. also — omit. 2, and be said. 8, I send. t 50. Matt; viii. 28. +61, See 1 Kin?s xix.20. t 1. Miitt. x. 1; Mark vi,7. I 2. Matt. IS. 37,38; John iv. 35. t 3. Matt. x. 19. T 4. Matt.x. 9, 10; Mark vi 6; Luke ix. 3. t 5. Matt, x- 12. dap. IC: 7.] L.U1^K. [Chap. 10: 16. • (you; if but not, OB yon it ahiUl return. In avTT] Se rp oiKia ij.euer(, eadioures Kai mvoPTes tUu »nd tbe Uouie remain, eating &nd drinking Ta Trap' avrctiv a^ios yap 6 fpyarrjs rov the things with them: worthy for hO Uborcr of tbe ftJcrOoy auTov e fjaepxTjtrfle, Kai fir) lata what but erer city you may enter, and Dot S^X^^'^^-'' ^/^os> e|fA.Coj'T€y ets raj irXarfias they may receive you, going out into the wide placet avTvs, fiiraTe' ^^ Kai -eov KoviopTou, roy KoWr}- ofher, aayyou: Even tbe dust, that clea- dfvra r)fJ.iv (K rrjs iroXeus v/xwu, airofxa(T vijliu, Sti 2oI^o,uojs kingdom ofthe God. I aay to you, that for Sodom €V TT} rip-fpa eKeivTj aveKTorepoy earai ij tt] in the day that more tolerable it will be than the fro\€J (Keivr). ^^ Ovai (rot, Kopa^iy, ovai aoi, city that. Wos to thee, Chorasin, woe to thee, BrfdaaiSa' Sti ei (V Tvp(p Kai SiScoj/t (yfvovTO Bethiaida: for if in Tyre and Sidon bad been done al Svvafxeis, at yevopiewai ev vjxiv^ iraXai av (v the miracles, those being done in you, longagowould in ijaKKW Kai (TiroScp KaQrifxevai fj-freyor^crav- ■ackcloth and ashes sitting they have reformed. '* riATji' Tvpy Kai StScoVf avfKTOTepov (crrai (v But for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable it will be in tt; Kpicei, 7) vfjLiv. '* Kat av, Kairepvaovfx, t) the Judgment, than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which €'->$ rov ovpavov vypu)9ei(Ta, ews *a5ou Kara- tven to the heaven art being exalted, even to invisibility down iSiBaaO-qcrri. ^^ 'O aKovuv v/jlcov, tfiov uKover •halt be broiigbt. He hearing you, me hears i rest on him ; but if not, it shall return to you. 7 ^ And in That housk remain, eating and drink- ing the things with thcni; for the LABOREB is worthy of hii REWAKD. Go not from House to House. 8 And into Whatever City you enter, and thiy ruceive you, eat what is PLACED BKFOUE yoU ; 9 and Jcure the sick in it, and say to them, 'The KINGDOM of God has ap- proached you.* 10 But into Whater^.i City you enter, and tli« y receive you not, going out into its WIDE PLACES, say, — 11 J'even that dusw of your CITY which adheres * to our FEET, we wipe off for you; however, know iliis, Tliat the KINGDOM of God has approached.' 12 Butlteilyou, Jthas it will be Hiore toleraljle for Sodom, in that day, than for that CITY. 13 I Woe to thee, Cho- rasin ! woe to thee, Beth- saida! For if those mira- cles which are being PERFOEjiED in you, bad been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have reformed long ai;o, sitting + in Sackcloth and Ashes. 14 But it will be more tolerable for Tjre and Si- don, in the judgment, than for you. 15 J And tf)ou, Caper- naum, Tiiou * which art being exalted to HEA- \ e N , wilt be brought down to + Hades. 16 X He who HEARS you, hears Me; and he who • Vatican Mamuscbift. — 11. to our feet, we. 15. sbalt not be exalttid to hbatkn, thou Bhalt go down. t IS. This expression ofmoumingr and sorrow was frequent in the East, Thus Tama' •ignified herdiitress when dishonored by Amnon,2 Sani. xiii. 9. Thus also, "When Mor. decai perceived all that wa» done, Moraecai rent his cli>tlies, and put on sackcloth and ashes," Esther iv.l. Thus Job expressed his repentance. Job xiii. 6. Thus Daniel " set his face unto the Lord God, to seek by praver and supplication, with fasting, and sackcloth and ashes," D.Tn. ii. 3. Other nations adopted the practice, and it became a very common method, whereby to exhibit great grief and misery. — Burder. t 15. See note on Matt. xi. 2S. : 7. Jlatt.x. U. t 9. Lulieii.2. t H- Matt. x. 11.- Luke Ix.S; Acts xiii. 61; xviii.d. + 1-2. Matt. X. 15; Mark vi. 11. t 13. Matt. xi. 81 . J 15. Matt. xC JJ. X 16- Matt. X. 40; Mark ix. 37; John xiii. 2«. 8* Chap. 10: 17.3 LUKE. {CJiap. 10: 24i Km 6 adercov ufias e/xe aderei' b Se e/xe aderafv, and he rejectin; you me rejects: lie and me rejecting, adeiTei, tou airocrTetXauTa fie. rejects, the one sending me. ^^'Twea-Tperpay Se 01 el3do/j.r}KoyTa jxera xapay, Having returned and the seventy with joy, KG')OVTes' Kiipie, /cat Ta dai/xouia virora yap v/jlip, those seeing, what you see. I say for to you, Sti iroWoi Ttpocp-QTai Kat ^a&iXeis 7]9e\r](rau that many prophets and, kings desired i^eiv, a vfJL6is /3Ae7reT€, Kat ovk eidov Kai to see, what you see, and not saw : and ftKou of me a neighbor? Bepl,v:ng and the iTjfToi/s iiTTey hvQpoonos tis KaTf0aiU€y oto Jesua aaid: A man certain was going down from 'lfpova'a\T]/j. eis 'lepixo^, Kai XriCTTais Trepieireaey Jerusalem lo Jericho, and robtera fell among; ol Kai 0K5vcravTes avrov Kai irKriyas eiridevTcs, who both itripping him and blows having inflicted, airi]\dov, a '•o mpjcst eipeud njore, I, in the return jne, aTroSuiffw troi. ^ Tjj "^Touv] tovtwv tcov rpiwy J»»illpay to thee. Whica [then"] oftliem of the three v\r,(Tiov SoKei coi yeyovevai rov iix-maoPTOS sneigbbor teems to thee to have been to the hating fallen (IS rovs Xricras ; ^^'O Se enrtv 'O iroiTjtros ro Among the robbers; He and laid; He havin^&bonnthe €Aeos JU6T* Ti rnxiv Kai firj cKTevfy- forgive all onin; ui^ and not thou majett Kr)S rjfias eis ireipa(ruo¥. * Kai e<7re irpos avTOvs' lead ua into teuipution. Aodheiaid to them; Tiy e| v/xwv e^et (piKou, Kai TropevcreTai irpos Which of you (hallhare a frieud, and ahall go to avTov (MiaovvKTiovt Kai eivp avrcf ^i\e, biin at mi^lnight, and say tohiin; O friend, Xp^coy fMOi rpeis aprovs' ^ eTreiSri (pi\os fJ-ou , lend to ine three Loaves; because afriend of me napeyfrtTO e^ 65ov npos ae, Kat ovk e^w 6 hasconiti from a way to a>«!, and not Ihavewhat napadrjaco avTw' ^ KaKdvos (crwOev airoKpidus lahalliet forhiuti And he from within answering eiTTj;' Mt; fioi Koirovs irape^e* tjSt; t) Oupa •houldiay; Not tome tronlile do thoucaine; already the door KeK\ii(TTai, Kaira waiSia /jlou /j.€t' €/xov eis Tr\v haa been ahut, and the c'lililren of me with me in the KoiT-qy eicriy ov Bova/jLat avaaras Sovvai aot. bed are; Bot i aua able having arisen to give tothee. ^ A^yca v,uiVy et Kai ov Saxrei avrcp avaaTas, [ aay to you, if and not will give to hint having arisen, 5ia TO eivaiauTov (piKov, 5ia yi ttjv afaideiav becauae the to be ofhiin afriend, through indeed the importunity avTov eyepdeis dwcrei auTw oacoy XPvC^^- ^Ka- oJhim arising he will give to him as many as be wantk. And yoj v/Jiiu \eyw AiTeire, Kai SoOrjaeTai vfiiv I to you tay; AsIc you, and it shall be given to you; J^'/jTfiTe, Kai evpr](r6TC' Kpouere, Kai ayoiyncre- aeekyou, and you shall find: knock you, and it ahall be rai hfiiv. ^^ Has yap 6 airccu Kaju^aver Kai opened to you. All for the asking receivea: and 6 ^7;tcov 6vpt(TK€i' Kai tco Kpovovji avoiyqarerai. theaeeking finds. and to the knocking it ahall be opened. ^^Tiua Zt vficoyTOVTTaTepaaiT7}(Tfi 6 vlos aprov, ■Which now of you the father ahall aak the bod bread, (xr^ Kidov eTriho}o a fich. notinplaceof ixSuos oois v/jlcdv, noacf) fjiaWov good to give to tne children of you, howmuch more 6 irar-qp, 6 e| ovpavouy Scorrenryeufia ayiov tois Oiap. 1 1 : 27.] LUKE. TttJ Kai irapaXajx^avci (irra krfpa irvcv/uLara and takes nith seven olher ipiiiti wovTipoTfpa eavTov, Kai fiTfXQovra KaroiKei more evil ofioelf, and they lisvinj entered dwell e/cff Kai yiviTai ra ecrxara rov av9pa)irov IhcrCi and becomct the last of the man fKeivov x^ipova rwv ■npwrwv. "^Eyei'fTO Se €V that wurie of the first. It happened and iti Tw XfyfiV avTOf ravra, tirapaaa ris yver) to the to speak bim these things, h^vin;; lifted certain woman i'0S oiSe. ^* Au^pts Ni^fvi avatTTyirrovTai u' Solomon here. Men ol Nineveh will stand up ^v TT) Kpirrei fjieTa ttjs yevtas Tavrrjs, Kai in the judgment with the generation this, and KaTaKpivovaiv avriqv 6ti fUTevoriaav eis to will condemn her ; because they reformed at the KYipvyfjia Jwva' Kai iSov, irXftov Iwua ude. preaching of Jonas; and lo, a greater of Jonaa here. ^OvSeis Se Xvx'^ou axpas, (is KpvirT'qv No one and alamp havingli^hted, into asecretplace Tidr}(riv, ouSe vtto tov /xo^iov, aW' (iri ttj;' places, neither uader the corD-meabuie, but on the Xvxviav, iva oi ncriropfvo^ivoi to (peyyos 0\€- lamp-siand, that those entering the light may [C7«ap.ll: 33. takes with it Seven Other ■Spirits more wicked tliaa itself, and entcrinp:, they ;iliidc there; and the i,ast state of that man becomes worse than the first." 27 Anditoccurred.wliile }ie was speaking these 'lungs, a Certain Woman fr 'm the crowd, raising iier Voice, said to liim, t " Happy is that womb which BOEE thee, and those Breasts wliich thou hast sucked!" 28 But f)e said, + " Yes, rather, happy those who iiKAR tlie WORD of God, and keep it!" 29 And the crowds sathering ahout him, he i)ej:au to say, * ' This gen- hUATioN is a wicked Gen- eration. It demands a Si<;n ; but no Sign will be !,'iven it, except the sign of Jonah. 30 I For as * Jonah be- came a Sign to the Ninjc- vhes, thus also will the SON of MAN be to this GENERATION. ^ .31 t The Queen of the South will rise wp at the .luUGMENT with the men of this GENERATION, and cause them to be con- demned; Beeaiise she came from the kxtrkmities of the LAND to hear the wis- dom of Solomon ; and be- hold, one greater than Solomon is here. 32 The Ninevites will stand up in the judgment with this GENERATION, and cause it to be con- demned; t Because they reformed at the warning of Jonah ; and behold, one greater than Jonah is here. 33 No one having lighted a, X places it in a Secret place, neither under the CORN-MEASL'RE, but on the LAMr-sTAND: that THOSE ENTERING TB^J SCC the LIGHT. Vaticas MAnoicmrT.— 29. This Gii«BBaTion is a wicked GeD(>ration. SO. Jonah. 1 27 Luke i. 28. 48. t 28. Matt. vii. 21 ; Luke viii. 21 ; .lames i. 25. : 50. Jonah 1. I7;ii. HI. t 31. 1 Kings 2.1. I 32. Jonah iii. 6. t 33. Matt. v. 15; Mai k It. 21 : Luke vii). 16. Chap. 11 : 34.] LUKE. [Chap. 11: 43. ir(a; ye; whet thine eye is clear, thj Whole BODY also isenligjht. ened ; but when it is dim. thy BODY also is darkened. 35 Take heed therefore, that THAT LIGHT which ia in thee be not Darkness. 86 If, therefore, thy whole BODY be enlight- ened, having no Part d;uk, the Wliole will be enlight* cned, as when the lamp b' its BRIGHTNESS enlightcDS thee." 87 And while he wag speaking a Pharisee invi- ted him t to dine with him; and he went in, and re* clined. 38 And JthePHARisEK noticing it, wondered that he did not first t immerse before the dijsner. 89 t And the Ioed said to him, "Now j;Ou Phari- sees cleanse the outside of the CUP and flatter; hut :}: your inside is full of Extortion and Wickedness. 40 Senseless men! ^id not HE W])0 MADE the outside make the inside also? 41 J But give in Alms the things within, and i.enold, ail things ai-e pure to YOU. 42 J But Woe to yon, Pharisees! Because yoi> tithe of mint, and _ un. and Every Pot-herb, but disregard justice and the lcve of God; these things ycu ought to practise, and not to omit those. 43 t Woe to you, Phari- sees '. Because you love * Vaticaw Mahuscbipt. — 34. thine etk. 34. therefore — omit. 87 certain— omiY. t 37. Perhaps, rather^ "to breakfast with him," as ariston. signifies a morning meal. The Jews made but two me;ils iu the day: their ariston, may be called their breakfast or their dinner, because it was both, and was but a slight meal. Their chief meal was their deipnon or supper, after the heat of the day was over and the same was the principal meal among the Greeks and Romans. Josepkus, in his life, says, sec. 54, thai the legal hour of the finston on the Sabbathwasthesixtkhour, or\yeo'c\ocTk&tnoon, us we call it. What the hour was on tl e other days of the week, he dies not say, but probab'y it wag much the same.— P-arce. + 38. Some critics refer this to the dipping of the hands; others to tlie im. merLionofthe Whole person. From Mark vii. 8, 4, it is evident, that both were practised, hs well IF various other ablutions. t "4 M J 38. Mark vii. 3. J 30. Matt, sxii.25. X 30. Titua I. "5 : 41. Isa.lviii,7i Dan.iv.27; Lukexii.33. i 41, Matt, xaiii. 23. J 4a Matt ■'xui 6; Mark xii. 88. 89. rhap. 11: 44.] LUKIL rriv irpuTOKadi^piav cv rais avvaywyaiSf Kat the firjt seat in the ijDajroguet, and Toi'S aa-iracT/novs ev rais ayopais. '^'* Ovai vfiiv, the aalutatioDi in the DiarkeU. Woe to you, 6ri e(TT€ ws TO iJLV7]/j.(ia ra oSrjAa, Kai oi for jou are like the tomba tboae unseen, and the avOpwiroi, ot ir(pnrarovvT€S firapu, ovk oihamv. men, those walking o»»r, not knon. ** A7ro/cp<0€is 5e tls TCDf vofxiKuv K^yei avrcf Answering and one of the lawyers aaya to him; AzSacr/faA.6, ravra \fycDV Kai r]/ v^pi^fis. O teacher, these things aaying also us thou reproacbest. ^^ 'O 5e eiTTC" Kai v/xiv rots vofiiKois ovai, on lie and said; Also to you the lawyers woe, for ^ova^lV' ^'^ Iva eK^y)rriOri ro al/jia irav- and persecute; so that may be required the blood of ru}U ruu irpocpTjrcay, ro iKX^'^f>t^^vov airo Kara- til of the prophets, that being shed from a lay- Po\7]s KoafMOv, ano rvs yeu^as ravTrjs' *^ otto in;; down of a world, from the grneratiftn tbi*; from Tou alfxaros A/StA iccs rov al/uaros Zaxapiou, the blood ofAbel to the blood of Zechanas, rov airo\ofX€uov fifra^v rov 6v(riaarr]piov Kai ihit having pcriahed between the altar and rov oiKov. Noi \(ycv vjxiv^ iK^ir)rri6T](T(rai airo tne bouse. Yes I say to you, it wul be required from T7JS yeveas ravrrjs. the {eueiatton this. *2 Oval vjxiv rois vouiKois, 6ri r)pare rrju Woe to you the iawyeis. fc yon look away the K\fi5arr]s'}vucrfcos' auroi oik ti(Tr)\derf, Kai key of the Vnow'edgei yourselves not you entered, and rovs ii(repx<^l^ivovs fKosKvaarf. ^^ AeyovrosSe those entering you hindered. Saying and • Vatican Mawcscbipt— 48. Tlieir tombs— omif. t 51. See Not« on Matt, xxiii. 35. : 44. Matt, xs'.ii. 27- ! 48. >Tatt. xxiii. «. »xn'., 84. J 62. Matt, xxiii. 14. (Chap. 11 : Bft. the CHIEF SEAT in the SYNAGOGUES, and SALU- TATIONS in the PUBLIC PLACES. 44 J Woe to you! Be- cause you are like those CONCEALED TOMBS, wllich MEN WALKING OVer, IcDOW not." 45 Then one of the law- yers, answering, says to him, "Teaclier, in saying these things thoureproacli- est Us also." 46 And HE said, "Woe to you, LAWYERS ! % YoT you impose oppressive Bur- dens on MEN, and yet, gou yourselves touch not tiie BURDENS with one of your FINGERS. 47 t ^"Voe to you! For you build the sepulchre:J of the PROPHETS, and youi fathers killed them. ' 48 Thus ycu testify that you approve the acts of your fathers J For tjtrn. indeed, killed them, aifd gou build. 49 And because of this, the WISDOM of God said, i'l will send them Pro- phets and Apostles, and some of them they will kill and persecute;' 60 so that the blood of AD the PROPHETS being slied from the Formation of the World, may be required of this generation; 51 from the * Blood of .\bcl to the *■ Blood of that Zechariah, +whowillperish between the altar antl the house. Yes, I tell you, it will be required of this generation. 52 I Woe to you, law- yers 1 Because you have taken away the key of KNOWLEDGE, you entered not yourselves, and those approaching, you hin- dered." 51. Ulood. 61. Blood- t 47. Matt, xxiii. 39. 140. Matt Chap. U : 53,'^ LUKE. {Chap. 12j 5 avrov TavTa :rpos avrovs, rjp^avro olypa/jL/xaTeis of liixi these tbinga to them, began the scribea xuL 01 'PapKTaioi Seivws et'e^etv, Kai airocTTO- and the PhaxUeea greatly to be incense^l, and to make p.aTi^eiv avTov Trepi ivXeiovwv °^ (vedpsvovres speak oflf-band uim about many things ; trying to entjap avTou, ^[^'t7toi'»'T6s] 6r]p€v(Tai ri e/c tou him, [seething] to catch something out of the orTOjuaTos ivrov, Iva Karriyop-qirwaiv axrrov. mouth of him, that they might accuse him. KE. i^'. VI. ^ Ej/ ols eiriavvaxdeKrwy tojv In those having a&sembled of the lj.0fjia5cvy 70U ox^ov, wffre KarairaT^iv aWrj- ntj^.AOh of the crowd, so aa to tread upon one \oi Sy >/p^aTo Ae-y€iv irpcs rovs /xad-qras avrov, lc nejan to say to the disciples ofbimselfi ripuui cv TTpocrex^Te ^avrois airo ttjs C^ij.i]S twv rrit cake heed to yourselves of the leaven of the ^apioaioov, tjtis ecTTiv i>'^OKpi(Tis. ' Ovoev 5e TnaTmees, whick IS hypocrisy. Nothing and avyiff^KaXviJ.iJ.evoy eariv, 6 ovk airoKaAvcpdrjas- B;v)D^ been covered is, which not shall be uncovered ■ Tut- Kai KpvTTTOv, 6 cv yvw(T6r](r€Tai. •* Aj'0' and secret, which not sh^jU be known. On which cl,v d(Ta ep TT) (TKOTia etTrare, ey rcf (puTt acccootwhat in the dark you speak, in the light aKDuodrjcreTar Kai 6 itpos ro ovs eXahrjaare ev • h»!i be heard: and what !o the ear you spoke in Toii rafxeiois, KTypyx^Tjcrerat eiri rwy Sco/j-aTcou. the oloseta, «ha 1 be published on the house-tops. ** Asycc Se v/j-iv tois (piXois fiov Mt/ ^o^rjdrjre I say and to you the friends of me: Not you be afraid airo Twu airoKr^iuovruv to crco/xa, Kai fx€Ta Tavra of those killing the body, and after these /XT} exovrcov trepKraorfpov ri TroLrjaai, ^ 'Ttto- hrt having more anything to have done. I will 5f»|a> Se vjxiv^ riva v ayyeXav will confeu in biin in presence ol'tbe mestengert TOW deov. ®'0 5e apuriTaix^vos fie evao-Tiov tcov oftbe God. He hut havins; deuied me iu pteseDce of the avOpwTTwVf airapvrjdrjiTeTai (vwriov twu 0776- men, mil he denied iu presence of the mebien- \oi)V rov 6eou. '*' Kai iras 6s ep€i Xoyov (istov geit ol the God. And all who shall speak a word against the VLOU rov auOpwTroVf acp^drjmrai avrcf toj 8e son of the man, it will he forgiven to him; to the but eis TO aytov irv^v/xa fi\a(T(pr]iuLr](rauTi ovk a(pf- again«t the holy spirit having «po ken evil not will 67](TiTai. ^^ 'Orap' Se •irpoa(pepcD(Tiif v/uLas ewi be (orgiveo. When and they may may you to ras (Tuvaycayas xai ras apxo-s Kai ras €^ou(rias, the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, /XT) fifpiixvar^y irws t] ri airoXoyrja-rjade, r) ti not be you anxious, how or what you may answer, orwhat eiTTjTf *- TO yap ayiov Tri/fv/xa SiSa^ei vuas ^v you may say; the for holy spirit will teach you in avrri rri wpa, a Sei finfiv. thi% the kour, what it is proper to say. ^^Enre Se tjs outod ck rou ox^ov AiBacr- Said and one to him out of the crowd; O tea- Ka\e, eJTre rep a5^X vixiu, 6ti eiri iraai Tois virap- Truly 1 say to you, that over all to the be- XovTiv auTOv KaTa(TTr](reL avTov. "^"^ Ear :^e lo-ging of himself hewillappoint him. If but eiTTT? o SouAos eKiiuos eu rrj KapSia aurov shouidsaythe slave that in the heart of himself: Xpovi^ei 6 Kvpios IJ.OV epxeadar /cat ap^rjTai Uelays the lord of me to come; and suall begin TVTTTeiu Tovs TTatStts Kui Tas rraiSiiTKas, eadieiv to strike the servants and the maidens, to eat re Kai inveiv Kai fieOvcrKeaOar '^'^ ij^ei 6 Kvpios and also to drink, and to be drunken; willcomethe lord TOV SouXov eK€Lvov ev i]ixepa^ 'tj ov TrpoaSoKO,, the slave that in a day, to which not he looks, Kui ep wpa 'rj ov yiyua-Kei' Kai hixoTOjx-qcei. and in anhour which not he knows; and snail cut asunder avTOj/, /cat TO p-^pos avrov jx^Ta twp aiTLcrTwv him, and the part ofhim with the unbebevera 6r](rcL. *^ Y.Keivos Se 6 ^ovKos b yvovs to will place. That andthe slave who having known the deArjfxa tov Kvpiov eavTov, Kai fxr) €TOL/xa(Tas, will of the lord - f himself, and nut having prepared, fiTjde TToiTjaas irpos To6e\7j/xa auTov, dapr)X6Tar Kai yiv^rai oi/tco. yuusay: A sliuwer comes: and it bappens so. ^"^ Kai oTav Notoj/ irvcovTa, Xey^re' 'Oxi Kav- yousay: Tbat burning ffuv fCTTai' Kai yiuiTai, he>t shall be: and it bappens. yns TT]V the of herself. And when South wind it blowing, you say: Tbat ^^ 'TiroKpiTai, TO O bypocnles, the vpoacvnov ttjs face of the earth boKifiai^eiy' tov 5e Kaipov tovtov ttws ov tnduceini tbe but seaaon this how hoKiiJ.a(eTe ; ^' Tt 5e Kai a(p' eavTwu ov KpiueTC doyoudiscem? Why and even of yourselves not judgeyou T^ SiKaiou ; ^^'D,s yap inrayeis /xeTa tov avTi- the right? When for thou go!ttt with the oppo- hiKOv (TOV 67r' apxovTa, ey tt) d5cf> dos (pyaaiav nont of thee to a ruler, in the way give thou labor anriWaxdai air' avTov ix-qiroTe KaTaavpr} (re to '.e set free from him: lest he may drag tbee ■KfOS TOV KpiTTjV, Kai 6 KplT7]S CTe TTapadct) TW to the judge, and the jadge thee may deliver to tbe TTpaKTopi, Kai 6 TTpaKTwp (Th )8aAJ7 ets (pvXa- ofBcer, and the oflicer tbee may cast into prison. K7]V. ^^ A67aj (TOl, OV jULTj (^€\6tJ5 CKeidiV, I say to tbee, nut notibou mayeot come out thence, €U>J oil Kai TO eCTXClTOV AeTTToV OTToSqus. till even the last lepton thou haat paid. jcai TOV ovpavov otbaTe and of tbe heaveu you know Kaipov inersion 1 to undergo; and bow am 1 piTSsed, till it may be consummated ? 61 X ^^ y"" imagine Tliat I ana come to give Peace in tlie L.AND? I leli you, Ko; but rather Divi- sion. 52 For from this timr, five in * Oue House will be divided ; three atrainst two, and two against three ;— 63 J a Father against a Son, and a Son aj^aiiist a lather; a Mother aj^ainst * the DAUGHTER, and a Daughter against * the mother; a Mother-in-law againsthcr DAUGHTER-IN- LAW, and a Daugliter-in- law against her mother. IN-LAW." 5-4 And he said also to the crowds, X " When you see + * a Cloud rising from the West, you'uunediately say, 'A Shower is coming;' and so it happens. 55 And when t the South wind is blowing, you siy, ' There will be scorching Heat;' and it occurs, 56 0 Hypocrites 1 you know how to scan the ta CE of the KARTH and of the SKY ; but how 13 it, you *cannot discern this time ? 57 And why do you not, even of yourselves, iudge what is EIGHT f 58 X ^'ben thou goest with thy LEGAL OPPONENT to a Magistrate, on the ROAD labor to be released from him, lest he drag thee to the judge, and the JUDGE deliver Thee to the OFFICER, and the officer cast Thee into Prison. 59 I tell thee, thou wilt by no means be released till thou hast paid even the LAST t Lepton ?" • Vatican Mam'script.— 52. One House. 63. tbe sacguteb. 63. the motheb. Vl. a Cloud. 56. cannot. t 5i. The westerly winds in the Holy Land are still generally attended with rain, whilst the easterly winds are usually dry. t .%. I.e Bruyn tells us, there blew wlien he was at Kama, 8 south-east w'nd, which comint? from the desert beyi'ud Jordan, caused a groat hpat, aud that It I'or.tinuedsome days. — JIarmer. t 59. ieptojj, in value about twa mills, or half a farthing. I 50. Mark x. Sft. t ^l. Matt. x. 34 t 53. Micah viud. 2 64. Matt XVX. » t 68. i'rov. JXV.8: Malt. V. 23. Chap. 13 1 1] l.XJKP:. ( diap. \ KE*. ty. 13. * Tlaprttrau 56 rii/es eu avrcp T(f Kaipw, airay- Were present »nd some in to him the season, re- y^Wovres avTpiri( having of iafirmitjr yeart ten and eigbt; Kai T]V (TvyKvirrovaa, Kai fir) 5vvafj.evr] avaKvxpai and Wat being bent double, and not bein^able to raise up eis TO irayTeXfs. ^" Idwf 5e avrrju 6 Itjtovj, for all time. Seeinj and n*' the Jeius, •npo(Tf:(pu3V7](TCf Kai ciTTtv auTT}' Fuuai, awoXi- be called to, and aaid to her; () woman, tboit hatt Xvaai T1JS acrdeveias he stood erect, Kai f5o|a^6 701^ deov. ^* AiroKpiOeis 5e 6 apx^- and glorified the God. Answering and the lyna- avvayutyos, ayavaKTOjv, Sti rep craB^aT(f ed^pa- ^ogue-ruler, being angry, because in the sabbath healed ireva-iP 6 Irjaovs, cKeye rep ox^V' '^^ rjjxfpai th* Jesus, he said to the crowd j Six days €i(TiPy eu als del fpya^errdar eu raurais ovv are, in which it is proper to work; in these therefore cpxofifvoi depaTreveadey Kai /xt} ttj 7]/xfpa tou coming be you healed, and not in the day of the aa$BaTov. ^^ KireKpidt] ovv avrco b Kvpios, Kai sibbath. Answered thereCore to him the lord, and eiTrev* "TnoKpiTay iKaffros vfxtuu tw 0'a/3/8oT(^ said; O hypocrites, each one of you in the sa:jbaih ov Kvfi TOU ^ovv avTOu 7) TOP ovov ano ttjs not locse the on o- bimsel! or the ass from the (paifTis, Kai a7ra'ya7a;;/ TroTi^ei ; ^^ TavTrjv Se, stall, and having led hedriuks? This and, Ov^farepa A0paafx ovcrap tjp eSrt(T€V 0 aaravas a Hriuphier ol Abraham being, whom bound the adversary ibov SfKU Kai OKTOJ €T7), ovK cSft Kvdrjpai ano 10 ten and eight years, not ought toheloo^ed from 70b bfonov TOvTov T7? TjfKpci TOU aa0l3aTov ; the bond this in the day of the sabbath? ^^ Kai TavTa \eyoPTOs avrov, KaTrjerxvPOPTo Auu the>e things saying of him, were a!>hamed ■naunrs ol apTiKfip.epoi avrco' yoi was 6 ox^os all the opponents to himi 'd all the crowd txaipfv firi iracri rois epSo^oii tois yipo/iifpois lejoiced for all th« glonoaa thin^ those bein^ Oone vir' avrov by him, '® E/\€76 Se* TiPi bjJLOia eiaip 7} $a(Ti\eia tov Hesaid aDd;Towhat like is the kingdom ofthe 6(ov , Kai ripi bfj.oi(t>(r(i} avrrjv ; ^^'O/xoia etrri God, and to whatsb\lll compare heri Like it is KuKKfp (Tipaireuis, &p Ka^oDV apOpcvwos e^aXep a erain ofmu.itard, which having taken a man he cast CIS KTj-rrop kavrov Kai 7/i'|7/0'e, Kai eytvero as into a eardea ofhimselt; and it grew, and became into bepfipop *f/i€7a,] Kat ra irereipa tov ovpapov a tree [great,] and the birds ofthe heaven ia one of the synagogue! on the SABBATH. 11 And beiiold, tlier* was a Woman wlio had a Spirit of Infirmity for eighteen Years, and was bent down, and was not able to raise herself up at all. 13 And JKsrs seeinsi. her, called to her and said, " Woman, thou art released from thine infiemity." 13 t And lie placed his HANDS on her; and im- mediately she stood erect, and praised God. 14 And tiie synagogue. EULEE, being angry, Be- cause Jesus had healed on the sabbath, answer- ing, said to the crowd, J " There are Six Days in whiV.i you onglit to labor, in these, therefore, come and be cured, t and not on the SABBATH." 15 *l>ut the Lord an- swered him, and said, •' ii ypocrites 1 J does not every one of you, on the sabbath, loose his ox or his ass from the stall, ami lead him to DRINK P 16 And was it not nro- per, tliat this woman, I being a Daughter of At)ra- liain, whom the advi.r. SAET has bound, behold. Eighteen Years, to be re- leased from this bond on the sabbath ?" 17 And on his saying Slis, All Vs OPPOSEES were ashamed ; and All tiie CROWD rejoiced at All those GLOEIOUS WORKS which were pekeoemed by him. 18 And he said, t "What is the KINGDOM of God like ? and to what si \Ll I compare it? 19 It is like a Grain of Mustard, which a Man took, and planted in his Garden ; and it grew, and became a Tree ; ancl the BIRDS of the heaven * Vaticas Mandscbipt.— 15. But the Lord answered him, and said. 19. Rreat— ora«i. : l."} MarkxvLlS; Acts ix. 17. t 14. Exod. xx. 9. t 14, Matt. xii. l. LuVn 1. 46 t 80. Matt. xix. 30 . ^.i. 16 Cfinp. 13: 31.] LUKK. [Chap. 14: 4 ecxoTot, 01 etrovTai vpcvrot' Kai 6«e having been tent to her, bow often 1 de- XriTo. €Tri(rvva^at ra reKva aov^ bv rpoirov ii-F(l to leather the children oi thee, what manner opvis rt}p eavTrjs vov apxovTbJV Twv ^apKTaiwv (TaB0aT(p ofoc*e pfthe rulers of the Pharisees in a sabbath (payeiv aprov, Kai avroi rj(Tav iraparrtpovp.evoi to eat bread, and they were waichinj avTov. 2 Kai iSov, avdpcairos ris tjv vZpoiiriKos him. And lo, a man certain was dropsical epLirpocrQ^v avrov. ^ Kai airoKpiOeis 6 Irjaovs in presence ofbim. And answering the Jesus eiire irpos rovs vo/jlikovs Kai 4>api(Taiovs, Keycav said to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying ; Et e^fcrri rep aa^^arcp Oepairfveiv ; Oi Se If it IS lawful in the sabbath to cure? They but are last who will be first, and tliey are first who will be lust. 31 On That day, certain Pharisees approached, say- ing, "Go, depart hence.; 1 or Herod inleuds to kill TLec." 32 And he said to them, "Go, and tell that t rox. Behold, I expel Demons, and perform Cure* To-day and To-niorrow, and on the THIRD *Day I shall have finisiied. 33 But I must go on To- day, esd To-morrow, and the day following; For it \% not possible for a Prophet to perish f out of Jerusalem. 34 i O Jemsalem, Jeru- salem t DESTROYIKQ the PROPHETS, and etoning THOSE sp;nt to thee! how often have I desired to assemble thy children, as a Bird collects hkr Young under her wings, but you would not I 35 Behold, your habt- TATION is left to you ; and I tell you. That you shall not see me, till you shall say, X ' Blessed be HE who COMES in the Name of Je- hovah.'" CHAPTER XIV. 1 And it cccurrerl, on a Sabbath, &3 he went to eat Bread into the House of one of the ruling Pha- EisFF.s, that they were watching hiin. 2 And behold, there was a certain dropsical Person in his presence. 3 x\nd Jesus answering, spoke to the L.^.WYERs and Pharisees, sayir-g, J "Is it lawful to cure o tke Sab- bath * Day, or not ? 4 But THEY were silent. • Vatican Manuscbipt.— 32. Day. 85. may come, when — omit. J. Day, or not? But. t 32. Itisnotcertainthat Jesus meant Herod here; hemi^hthaveonlyintenaed tocall tljat man 80, from whom the advice of departin? came, (whether from the speaker hims^H or from the person who sent hiin ;) for it is proDable tliat the advice was given craftily, ."^nd with a desi?n to frighten Jesus, and make him go from thnt place. — Pearce. * S3. Be- cause he was onlv to hejudged by the great Sanhedrim, and they v^ere only to pass judgment on him in that place.— IifrAf/bo'- 1 84. Matt, xxiii. 37. J 35. P»fthee, hor the aSe\(povs (Tov, firj^e rovs avyyeveis (rov, /ji.7]Se brethren ofthee, nor the relations ofthee, nor yeirovas Tr\ov(Tious' neighbors nch firjiTore lest Kai also avroi they tre thee [Oiap. 14: 12. And taking hold of him, he cured, and dismissed him. 5 And * he said to them, :}: " If a Son or an Ox of any of you shall fall into a Pit, will he not immediately draw him out on the sab- bath DAY?" 6 And they coidd not reply to this. 7 And he spoke a Para- ble to THOSE who had been INVITED, observing how they were choosing out the CHIEF PLACES; saying to them, 8 "When thou art in- vited by any one to a Mar- riajre-fcast, do not recline in the f chief place ; lest one more honorable than tliou may have been invited by hiia; 9 and HE who invited Thee and Him, should come and say to thee, ' Give thism;ina Place;' and then with shame tliou shouldst begin to occupy the low - EST Place. 10 t But when thou art invited, go and recline in the LOWEST Place ; that when HE who invited thee comes, he may say to thee, 'Pritnd, go up to a higher place;' then thou wilt have honor in the presence of *A1] those BECLiNiNG with thee. 11 JForF.VERYONEwho EXALTS himself will be humbled, and he who HUMBLES himself will be exalted." 13 And he said also to HIM who had invited him, •' When thou makest a Dinner or a Supper, call not thy FHiENDSjUor thy brotheks, nor thy rela- tives, *nor rich neigh- bors ; lest tl^CD also should • Vatican Mancscbipt— .5. he said to them. If a Son or an Oi. 6. him— ontif. 10. All THOSE. li. not rieli. t 8. Either, tolie down first: to place themselves first on the couches, whereon the Jews were used to lay at their meals. Each couch held three, who sat or rather laid themselves down upon it ; and it was esteemed the greatest mark ofrespect to any man, when the mas- tT ofthe house desired him to place himself first ou the couch, in what part ofi the pleased. Joseplius telling us how craftily Herod treated Myrcanus, says, that he deceived him by "callin? nim fither, and making him take his place first at feasts."— Pearce. t 5. Eto.1. xxiii.5: Deut xxii 4 Luke xiii. 1.5 t 10. Prov. xxv. 6, 7. til. •^r\ovs' ^* Kai fiaKapios maimed onet, lame ones, blind ones : and blessed tCT?, dri ovK exovcriu ayiatroSovvai croi' thou wilt be, because not they bars to recompense to thee : avTa7ro5o0T7(reToi yap (Toi ev rr] avaaraaet ruv it will be recompensed for to thee in the resurrection of the ZiKaicou. ^^ AKov(ras 5e tis toj*/ crvyavaKfi/xevwy jusC. Hearing and one of those reclining Tavra, enreuavTcp' MuKapLOS, 6s (payerai apTOV these, said to him: Blessed, who shall eat bread (V TTj fiacriXeia. tov Oeov. ^'^'O Sc in the kingdom ofthe God. He and Aydpcoiros Tis cTToiTjcr^ Seiirvov fieya, Kai eKuKecre A man certain made a supper great, and invited iroWovs. ^^ Kai airecrreiXe rov 5ov\ov avTov many. And he sent the slave of himself rrj upa rov denrvov enreiv rois KeK\r]fxevois' bi the hour of the supper tu say to those having been invited EpX^iyO^, oTi tjStj eroifia eari *[Traj'Ta.J ^^Kai Come you, for now ready it [»1L] And rjp^ayro airo fiiai irapaiTeicrOat vavres. 'O they began from one to excuse themselves all. The Trpa>Tos ei^rev avrcf}' Aypou -riyopacra, Kai exv first said to him i Afield I bought, and I have avayKTiv €^e\Oeiv Kai iSeiv avrov epcoTw ere, need to go out and to see himi I beseech thee, ^^Kat erepos fiire' Zevyrj And another said: Yokes fiovf T)yopaf tlie SUPPEE, to say to THOSE who had been in- vited, ' Come, for it is now ready.' 18 And they all began, witii one accord, to excuse themselves. The piest said to him, ' I have bouglit a Field, and I must go out and see it ; I beseech thee to have Me excused ' 19 .\ud another said, 'I liave bouglit five Yoke of Oxen, and 1 am going to try them; I entreat thee to have Me excused.' 20 And another said, ' I have married a Wife, and, therefore, I cannot come." 21 And that seevant having returned, related all to his masteb. Then the HOUSEHOLDER, being an- gry, said to his servant, ' Go out quickly into the OPEN squares and Streets of the CITY, and bring in hither +the poor, and Crippled, and * Blind, and Lame.' 22 And the servant • Vatican Manuscript. — 17. All — omit. • 21. Blind and Lame, + 15. Instead of arton, bread, some one hundred IMSS., with some Versions and F.nthers, read ariaton, a dinner. This is probably the best readinj?, as the v were now at dinner. — Clarke. t 21. Faint traces remain of indiscriminate invitations to Oriental entertainments at tliis day. See Matt. xsii. 9; Prov.ix. 23. Dr. Pocock«» speaks ofthe admissiou ofthe poorto the tables of the great. " The Arabs never sot by an,v thin^ that is brouofht to table, but call in theirnei?nkorsandthepoor, and finish everything" AnAr.ab prince will often dine i-j th"! street before his door, and call to all that pass, even beggars, who come and sit down. ; IS. Rev. zix 9. I 10. Matt zzil. %. tl7. ProT.i«.l6. i:uKE. S, ^ovXos' Kvpie,' *YiyoveP £}$ tirera^as, Kai tbe slave. O lord, , it is done as thou didst order, ujd i£Ti>TOTros ea-Ti. ^^Kat enreu 6 Kvpios irpos rov •till room is. And said the lord to the Sov\ov'"E^i\i)e ets ras oSous Kat (ppayfiovs, Kai slave; Go out into the ways and hedges, »nd avayKaTov €i(re\deiu, iva ye/xiaOr} 6 oikos /xov. urge to enter, that may be filled the bouse of me. ^'^ Aeyco yap vfiiv, on ouSeis rcav avdpwv eKHfoov I say for to you, that no one of the men those ru3v KeKKTj/aeucav yevcrerai fxov rov Seiirvov. the ha»ing been invited shall taste of me the supper. ■^^ ^.w^TTopevouTo de auTo} ox^oi iroWoi' Kai Were going with and him crowds great; »nd rrpacpets €nre irpos avTOus' ^^ Et ris epxerai turning he said to them; If any one comet Trpos jj-e, Kai ou p.iovs, Kai ras adi\(pas, en 5e Kairrjv the brothers, and the sisters, still more and eyeu the eavTov ^vxv^i ou Bvvarai /jlov ^aQr\Tr\s eivai, of himself life, not is able ofme a disciple to be. -'^ Kot dcrns ov ^aara^et rou aravpou avrou, And whoever not bears the cross ofhimself, Kai epx^Tai oiri(T(a fjiouy ov dvi^arai fiov tivai and comes after me, not is able ofme to be jua0rjT7js. ^ Tis yap e| vfxdsv, QeXwp irvpyov a disciple. Who for of you, wishing a tower oiKo5ofjr]crai, oux* 'fpcoroy KaOirras \pr](pi^€i tt]v to build, not first having eat down computes the SaTravT]v, €i exet f ts airapncr/xou , ^^ iva fi7}TroTe cost, if he has to finish; that lest OevTos avTOv QefieXiof, Kai fxT] icrx^oi^TOS 6«T6- baving laid of him a foundation, and not being able to Aeirai, -rravTES ol dewpovyres ap^cavrai e/xitaiCeiv finish, all those beholding should begin to deride avTcf, ^ \eyovT(S' 'Ort ovtos 6 avOpcviros rjo^aro him, saying; That this the man be^an oiKo^ofMnv, Kai ovK i(TXv(r€V €KTe\ecrai. ^^ H to build, and not was able to finish. Or ris ^aatXsvs iropevofxeuos cu^jSaAetj/ krepcf what king going to engage with another /3a(rt\€t €is voXenou, ovxi KaOiaas irpwrov king in battle, not having sat down first C^p. 14: SU^ ■ ■ - ««■ said, 'Sir, *1 have done what thou didst command, and yet there is Room.' 23 And the MASTEE said to the SERVANT, ' Go to the ROADS and Hedges, and constrain people to come in, that *the house may be filled;' 24 for I teU y».u, J ThiU none of those men whft have been invited jhali taste of My suppee." 25 And great Crowds were going with him ; and turning he said to them, 26 f'lfany one comes to me, and + hates not his father, and mother, and WIFE, and children, and brothers, and sisters, J and still more even *his own LIFE, he cannot be my DISCIPLE. 27 t* Whoever, there- fore, does not bear his own cross, and come after nie, he cannot be My Disciple. 28 For who of you wish" ing to build a Tower, does not first sit down and esti- mate the EXPENSE, to know whether he has the means to complete it? 29 lest having laid a Foundation, and not being able to finish, all who SEB it begin to deride him, SO saying, 'This twaW began to build, but was not able to finish.' 31 Or What King, going to encounter Another King in Battle, *will not first • Vatican Manuscript — 22. I have done what thou didst command. 23. the house. 26. his own Lire. 27. Whoever therefore does not bear his own cross. 31. will not first sit down and consult t 26. This is one amon^t many examples in the sacred writings of Oriental fi^rative i'an°-ua°-e, where the expression is hyperbolical in orderto render the truth meanttobe oon- veved in it more striking and impressive. Matthew, ir> chap. x. 87, expresses the literal meaning ofthis passage, when he says, "loves his father and mother more than me ;" aiid in chap. vj. 24, uses the word hate with similar force. So when we read in Rom. is. 13, " J a- cob have Iloved. but Esau have I hated," the meaning is, I have loved Jicob more than Esau; and that this is no arbitrary interpretation of the word A«f«, but one agreeable to the Hebrewidiom, appears from what is said in Gen, xxix. 30, 31, whore Leah's being hated is explained by Rachel's being foi'ffi»»orfff /ia» lefiA? see also Deut. sxi. 1.5— 17. Something re- sembling what Jesus here teaches, issaid by Philo (de Monarch.lib.ii. p. 230) concerning the duty ol a high-pnsst ; that he was to " estrange himself from all his relations, and not, out of love to his parents, his children, or brethren, to omit any part of his duty, or act ia any thing contrary to it." — Pearee, t 24. Matt. xsi. 43 ; xxii. 8 ; Acta ziiL4S. 1 26. Deut. xiii. fl ; xxxiii. 9 ; Matt. x. S7.| Roni. ix- J3. t 26. Rev. xii. 11. t *?• Matt. xvi. 24; Mark viii. 84; Luke ix. 23j 2T'm. i'.i 12. aiap. 14: S TL,UKK. /BouAeuerat, ei Sv^aros exxriv (V Z^Ka X'^'ct'^'"' consult, if able beii witU ten thousand anavTri. >t bim bear. KE*. te'. 15. ^ Haav Se cv^i^cvrey a'jra> iravTes ol reXco- Were and jrawioc near to him all the tax-gatj- vai Kai 01 ajxapTwAoiy aKoveiv avrov. ^ Kai tTzc* and the dinners, to bear him. And Snyoyyv^ov oi 'Papio'aioi Kai ot ypa/ifxareis, murmured the Pharisees and the scribes, XiyovTes' 'O'r ovtos a/xapTwAous TrpocrSexeTat, saying: That this sinners receiver, Kai avveadtet avrois. ^Eive Se irpos avrous and cats with them. He said and to them rT)v irapaBo\T]V ravrrjUf \eywv. "^Tiy avOpcairos the parable this, saying: What man t^ vfjLCDU exw iKarov irpo^ara, Kai airoKecras of you having a hundred sheep, and having lost iu €| auTwj', ov KaTaXcnreira evvevrjKovTaiPvea one of them, n); leaves behind the ninty-oine «v TJ7 €pr}f.:a^ Kai iropeverai cttj to OTroAcoAos, h" the desert, and goes after that having been lost, €0)5 (v;jr} avTc , ^ Kai evpwv, €TriTiOr]. sand. 32 And if not, while the other is at a distance, he sends an Embassy, and asks for Peace. 33 So, therefore, no one of you wlio does not forsake ALL his POSSESSIONS, cau be My Disciple. 34 JSALTisgood; tbut if *the SALT should become insipid, how shall it recover iti savor ? tiS It is not fit for Land, nor for Manure ; they throw it away. He who HAS Ears to hear, let him hear." CHAPTER XV. 1 J And All the teibute- TAKEEs and the sinners were drawing near to hear him. 2 And*l:oth the Pha. Ris"^Es and scribics mur- mured, saying. " This man receives Sinners, J and eats with them." 3 Then be spoke this para:^le to them, saying, 4 ^""W'hat Man of you, having a Hundred Sheep, and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety- nine in the desext, and go after that which >a LOST, till he finds it ? 6 And having found it. he lays it on his shoul- ders, rejoicing. 6 And coming to the HOUSE, he calls together his FRIENDS and neigh- bors, saving to them, ' Re- joice witli me, For 1 have found THAT SHEEP of min6 i which was lost.' 7 I say to you, That • Vatican Ma''^ jscbift. — 32. the — omit. 34. also the salt . 2. both the. des- ere ^_.tlie salt; andintliis' .amay see howthe veins of itlie. { broke <» oiece of it, of winch that part that was exposed to the rain, sun, and air, though It had the sparks and particles of salt TET IT HAD pEftPECTLT LOST ITS 8AVOB ; the inner part, n-liich was connected to the rock, retained its savor- as I found by proof." f ?i. Matt.y.lo MdTkix.GO. J 1. Matt ix.ia 1 1 AotoxLSi Bal ii.lV Chap. 15 : 8.] LUKE. ((TTai ev T(f) ovpavcf) eiri kvi a/xapTwXcp fieravo- nillbe in tlie heaven over on* »inner reform- ovvTL, 7] eTTi ei'pev7)K0VTa€vvea diKaiois, onives iug, thaa over ninety-nine just onet, who ou xpeia;/ exovffi fierauoias. ^ H ris yvvrj, no need have of reformation. Or what woman, bpaxi-'-as ^xovcra SeKa, tav airoKecTrj SpaxM-r}v drachmas having ten, if ihe may lose drachma fiiav, ouxi aiTTfi Xvxvov, Kai aapoi rrjv oiKiav, one, not lights a lamp, and sweeps the house, Kai ^Tjret eTTj^eAws, ecjs drov evpr} ; ^ Koi and seeks carefully, till she finds? And evpovcra (rvyKaXeirai Tas (piXas Kai ras yeiro- haviug found she calls together the friends and the neigh- j/ay, K^yovaa' ^uyx^^pV^^ l^oi^ drt eupoy tt]u burs, Baying; Kejoice with me, for 1 fouud the Spaxi^V^y V" aTT(t)\€(Ta, ^^ Outoj, \eyca v/JHf, draclima, which I lost. Thus, I say to you, X^P<'<- yif^Tai evbjwiov twv ayyeXccu rov deov joy is produced in presence of the messengers of the God eiri evi UfxaprwAcp fx^Tavoovvri. over one sinner reforming. ^^ EiTre 5e* AvOpooTTos tis cixe Sfo vlovs. He said and; A man certain had two tons. ^' Kai eiTrej/ 6 veccrepos avrojv T(f> TraToi' Tlarcp, And said the younger of them to the father : O father. Soy fxoi TO eiri^aWov fi^pos ttjs ovaias. Kat ^ive to mc the falling to part of the property. And d"iej\6j/ avTois rov &iov. ^"^ Kat jj-ct' ov iroWas he divided to them the living. And after not many rjfM^pas (Tvvayayocv arrai'ra b f^carepos vioSy days having gathered together all the younger son, aireSTjuTjcrei' eis xci'paj' fiaKpav Kai cKei went abroad into a country distant: and there diecTKopTTKre rrju ovcriav avrov, ^ccy affwTons. wasted the property of himself, living dissolutely. ^^ AairavricravTos Se avrovirauTa, ey^i/ero Xifxos Having expended and of him all, came a famine KTXvpos Kara Tr\v x^P°-^ eKcivrjv Kai avros mighty throughout the country that: and he rip^aro v(TTepei(Tdai, ^^ Kat iropevOsis eKoWTjdr) began to be in want. And having gone he united €Vi Twv TToXiTUiV Tfjs x^pos eKetVTjS' Kai eTTefx- withoneof the citizens of the country that; and he \|/6j/ avTov eis rovsaypovs avTov ^o(tk€ii> x^^^povs, sent him into the fields of himself to feed swine. ^^ Kat STrfdufiei yefiicrai r-qy KOiXtau aurov airo Ana he longed to fill the belly ©►himself from ratv KcpaTLcov, oov v, tutoos uoo ircnia'a'euov'Tiv Hnw manjrbiraJMrTMitt ofilie father ofiue lave in t-bundance apTujv ; eyi aiut Qinc us., Tobeioyful but /cat xapniufj.. tdf-, dr d uSeAcpos o'ov ovtos and to r>e glad-i-^s propei oi ihr. brothei ofthee this *[u,'- ji:<,'j(r6 (ca. aTro?\(t}\Ma*.^ " Eyvwv n voirjcra), Iva, Stov 1 &m aanaoaKd. I know srhat 1 will do, that, wbsn (lerounaBu -rr/i uiKovo/uLias, de^covTai /ae tts I may be Kjur out ofthe .stewardship, they mav receive me into TOfi i;i*ic:oi/3 txdrajv, Kai irpoaKa\eaa/j.6vos tDii> llOVse!' ol themselves. And harm? summoned Is'a Ij^EVTTop' TajJ/ 'Xpeco(p€iXeTu>v -rov icvpiov OU£ fXth of the debtors of the lord kau^m^K i-A6*yfc '/'(jf TtpwT(f>' Tloaoi' ocpeiAen -^w ofbJlGeC)^ ussaid to the fi«l. How mucb owest thou to th: and refused to enter. *And iiis FATHER going out, en- treated him. 29 And HE answeriu?, said to his father, ' Be- hold, so many years have I slaved for thee, and never disobeyed thy command; and yet thou never gavest Me a Kid, that I might be joyful with my friends -, 30 but when this son of tliine came, who has CONSUMED Thy LIVINQ with PROSTITUTES, tllOU hast killed for him the * FATTED Calf.' 31 And HE said to him, 'Child, tfiou art alway with me, and AXi tiiat ifc MINE is thine, 32 It was nropei » Oe joyful and be 8;lad ifm THIS BROTHER of r.niue was dead, but is restorei; w life ; he was even iosi. out 13 found.'" CHAPTER Xn. 1 And ne saia also do * the Disciples, •' There was a certain ricn Man, who had a Stewai-d , a»d ijt was accused to him of wasting his possessions. '^ And having called him. he said to him, 'What is this that I hear of thee? render an account of thy STEWARDSHIP; for thOU canst be a Steward no longer.' 3 And the steward said within himself, What shall I do? For my MASTER takes the stewardship away from me ; 1 have not strengh to dig ". * and I am ashamed to beg. 4 I know what I will do, that when I am depnved of the stkwardship, thej may receive me mto theii own houses.' 5 And calling each one oi his m.ister's debtors, tie said to the FIRST, How much dost thou owe my MASTER?' 4 %&!*«:<■* JK.i..JuscMXi"i'. — 28 And. his i. ^thfr. 80 ^'ATTBpOait '>■•* agai* Chap. 16: 6.] TjUKK. Kvpi(ft fiou i ^'OSe enrev 'Eh xrou ^arovs eXaiov. x>rd of trie? Heand laid; A huiidrrtl batbs of oil. Kai eiTey avrcp' Ai^ai TOS eis Tr)v yeueay tt]U iavrcou etai. ^ Ko'ya) light for the geueralioa that of themaelveaare. Audi vfjitv Keyw IloirjcraTt cavrois elve4 frieoda out of the fiafjLwva Tr}S aSiKias' iva, orav tfc \t7n7T6, de^oji/- ciiauiiuoa of the uojuat: that, whea you may fail, they may rai v,uas fis ras aicavious t alao in much faithful h: aad he ey e\jiXtTTCf> a^iKos^ Kci ey troWa) a^iKos ccrriv. ia leaat uniuat, also ia much uujurt ia. ^^ Et ovy cy rep aStfco) fiauwva irifTToi ouk If therefore in the nnrighteoua mauimoa faithful not eyevecrdf, to aKritiiyoy ris vfxiy TncrTevcrei ; *" Kat you have been, th« true who to you willentruatf and ei (y T(p aK\oTpi{f> iricTToi ovk €y(vecr0€y to il in tbc another faithful not jrou have been, the vjxeTfpoy Tis l/xiv Bwtrei; youra who to yon will give? ^ OuSefj ofweTTjs Svvarai Suci Kvpiois SouXeu- No one domestic ia able two lordi toaervn: €iy 77 yap rov kva fiio-qa-ei^ Ka Toy erepov either lor the one he will hate, and the other ayaTn](Tif r] evos avO^^erai, Kai t v erepov he will love: or one be wiilciing to, and the other KaTav are those justifying yourselves in presence of the avBpooTrtov' 6 Se Obos yiucatXKei ras KapSias vficaw men: the but God knows the hearts of yon; 4ti to €U avOpcaTTOLS vii/7]\ov, ^dehvyfia evcoiriov for that by men highly prized, as -bomination in presence Tov 6eov. ofthe God. ^^'O POjuLOS Kai ol 7rpo(p?]TO£ ews Iccauvov otto The law and the prophets till John : from T0T6 i] fiaai\€ia tov Oiov evayyeXi^^Tai, Kai then the kingdom ofthe God i» preached, and Ttas €15 avTTjV /StaCero:. ^' EvKOTrccTepou Se every one into her presses. Kasier but €(7Tt TOV ovpavov Kai Trjv yrjv irapekBuu, rj tov itis the heaven and the earth to pais away, than of the yofiov fitav Kepaiav irecreiv. ^^Tlas 6 aivo\voov law one fine point to fail. Every one who dismissing T7JV yvvaiKa avTov, Kai ya/j-cov ircpav, fioi- the wife of himself, and marrying another, commits Y€uef Kai vas S ttiro\eXviJ.epr]v airo avopos adultery: and every one who her being divorced (from an hueband ya/jLocv, /uoixevet. marrying, commits adultery. '^ AvBpwiros 5e Tts rju TrXovcrioSt Kat eyeSi- A man oowcertaiii was rich, and was SvoKeTo TTopcpvpav Kai $vaaoVf iv(ppaivofispos t'.othed purple and fine linen, feasting eveiy day sumptuously. A poor andcertain [was] ovouaTi Aa(apos, *[6s] cjSe/SATjro irpos top named Lazarus, [who] was laid at the •BvXwfa avTov rjXKUfjLevos, '^^ Kai eiridvucav »ate of him being coveredwith sores, and longing ■^opTacrOrjvai airo tojv i^tx"*" ''^-^ TrnrTovrwv to be fed from vhe crnmbi those falling OTTO T7JS TpaiTiCinz TOV irXovo lov aXXa nai ol from the table ofthe rich: but e"cn thf Kiii'es epxofMevoi aireXtixov Ta eXKt] avrov. dogs coming licked the sores of him. " EyeveTO Be airoBaveiv top tttcoxov, Kai OTre- Jt happened and to die the poor, and to PiX^''!^^^ O.VTOV vTTQ Twv ayyeXwp eis top koX be borne away him by the messengers into the I.UKE. [Chap- 16- gg- 14 And the Phabisees^ J being money-lovers, alsa heard all these tilings, ana they ridiculed him. 15 And he said to them, •''33nu are those who J JUSTirT yourselves before MEN ; but God knows your irzAETs ; Tor that which is HIGHLY PEiZED among Men is an Abomination be- fore * God. 16 $The LAW and the PROPHETS were till John; from that period, theKiNG- DOM of God is proclaimed, and every one jotsmb tow- ards it. 17 t AJid it is easier for heaven and eaeth to pass away, than for one Point of the LAW to fail. 18 JEvEBT ONE who dismisses his wirE, and marries another, commits adultery; and *he who MAEBiES her being di- vorced from her Husband,* commits adultery. 19 +Now tliere M-as a certain rich Man, who was clothed in Purple and Fine linen, and feasted sumptu- ously every Day. 20 And a certain Poor man, named Lazai'us, was kid at his gate, full of sores, 91 and longing to be fed with * THOSE CRUMBS which FELL from the eich man's table ; but even the DOGS came and licked his sores. 22 And it occurred, that the POOB man died, and was carried away by tlie ANGELS to ABEAHAM'S bo- 20. was — omit. * Vaiican Manuscript.— 15. the Lord. 18. hb who mabbies. JO. who— omtf. 21. THINGS which fell. t 19 This parable stands in connectioD with a palpable confusion and interruption of our Savior's discourse, which is broken afterthe fifteenth verse bi;t4iree verses neitherconnected with each other, nor with what precedes the:7i. Neither is it directly said that our Savior did u^elhe parable, but is abruptly introduced, &c. I am unable to learn whether a sunilar partible ha? been recognized in the rabbinical writintrs outthe complexion of It eertamls accord= with tlieir mode of illustration much better than it does with that employed by our Savior.— M<'(:«/irt«. Dr. Lij^litfoot and others have shown that the Jews in their Gemara li.T ve a parable much to the same purpose.— iJotWrK^e. I 14 Matt xsiii. H. X 15. Luke x. 23. t 16. Matt. iv.l7; xl.l2,lS; Luk« V4I. 2y. 1 17. Matt. V. 18. I 18. Matt. v. 82 j Xix. 0 ; Mark x. 11 ; 1 Cor. vii. lU It Clmp. lis-, 23.] LUKE. trov Affpaafx.. Airedave 5e Kai 6 ir\ov(rios, Kai lom Abnain, Died and aito the rich, and fTucpT]. *•* Kai ey tod 'aSp eirapas tovs 0iV eu ^aaravoiSy 6p(j. Tov of himself, being in tnruients, seei the k^paa/x ano fia'tpodeu, Kai Aa^apov (vrois Ko\- Abraam from a distance, and Lazarus in the bo- iro«s avrov, -"* Kai avros ({>cavr](ras eiTre* Tlarep •oin» ofbim. And he crying out he said ; O father A^paafXy e\€r)(rou fxe, Kai ire/xxpou Aa(apov, iva Abraham, do thou pity me, and send l^azarus, that |Ba\//7; ro aKpov tov SaKTvAov avrov vSaros, (le may dip the tip of the fiuger of himself of water, Kai Ka■^a^pv^r] T-qv "yKtarnJo.v txov on oSvuco/xai and may cuol the tungue ofnie; for I am in pain (u TYj (pKoyiravTri. '^ Eiire de A^paa/x' TfKuou, in the flame this. Said and Abraam j O child, fivr](TdT]Ti, oTi aneXa^es ra ayaOa crov ev tt) remember, that thou didst receive the things good of thee in the ^a>T7 (TOV, Kai Aa^apos ojxoioiS ra KaKa' vvv life ofthee, and Lazarus in like niaunerthe things liadj now Se 6he vapaKaXeiraif (tv Se oZvva(Tai, '"^ Kat but this iscomforted, thou and art in pain. And €7rt rrao him: If Mos«s aud tli0 prophet* sot they ovfTiv, ov^e eav tis fK vfKpccu avatTTT), trtKr- h'.ar, neither it cue out of de»d ouea should (SM. mil dvrovTai. tbey beeoDviaced. KE*. 1^. 17. ai;T(j>* fcai eay fjLeTapvTjfrrj, acpes avTM, him; and if he sbonld reform, forgive him. * EiTTs de vpos Tovs naBrjrav Avfvdfftrev He said and to the disciples: lmpu«uble ecrri rou fiTj eXdety ra tTKaudaKa* ovat Se, 81* it is of the Bot to come the >Bares^ woe butitiftuigh ov fp%6Tai. ^ Av(TiT(\ei avTWftt fxvXos ouiKos Irbom they come. ItisproStable forhim. if a miU«toDe upper V€ptK€tTai Trepj rov rpaxv^ov owtou, Kai epfniT' was bung about the Deck of him, aod hare been rat eis rriv QaXada'av^ iff tva trKcvdaXiarj kva Ikrowainto the sea, than that be should en.^nare one TOJif fUKpwv Tovrcau, "JJpocrexeTe eavToiSm "Eav •fthe httle OBCS these. Take heed to yourselrec. If Se afj-aprr *[fis tre] 6 adeXcpos a thou add rj/JLiv TTKTTiv. ^ Et/Tc 5e b Kvpios' Et eix^'^e to us faith. Said and the lord: If you bad viffTiv &5 KOKKov civairews, eXeyere av rrj faitb as b ^aia of mustard, you migbteay to the cvKafxivca ravrrj' EKpi^ooOrjrtj Kai (pvrevdrj'ri fv sycamiQe-trec this; Be thon uprooted, and be thou planted in T77 6aAa(r(rTj' Kai virriKOVfrey av vfj.iy. ^ Tis 8e the sea; and it ivonid obey you, \Fhick but e| vfiuv 5ov\ov cX""' apoTpioavra 7} Troiuatvovra^ ot you aftlave bafing ploughing or feeolAi; cattle. 6s €i> Kai vica' Kai fxera ravra do thou serre me. till I may eat and drink i and alter these ^aye(Tai Kai irieaai ffv; ^Mr) X'^P"' ^X^' rcfStwXrp sfaalt eat end drink thou? Not faror has the ilare €Kcipct), on €iroi7}(re ra ^laTax^eyra ; *fOu that, because he did the thingsharingbeen commanded^ [No So/ft»>.3 ^^Ohro} Kai vpLciSiOTav iroirja-rjre vayra J think.] So also you, when yon shall bare done all * Vatican Mahvscbipx. — 1. his discip]es. 3. against ihee — omiU 4> of the day — wai^ not — omit. 'If they heap not Moses and the pruphkts, J nei- ther willtliey be convinced, though one shoiild rise from the Dead.' •- ciiAPiEH. xvri. 1 And he aaid to * his Discii'LEs, I" It is impos- sible for SNAKES not *to come; but Woe to him through whom they come ! 2 It would be better for him, if an upper Millstone were hanged about his NECK, and he be thown into the SEA, than that he should'insnare one of these XITTLB ONI3. 3 Take heed to your- selves; t if thy BEOTHER Sins, J rebuke him; and i^ he reforms, forgive him. 4 And if seven times in a DAT he Sias against thee, and seven times he txu'ns to thee again, saying, ' I reform j' iiiou sbalt forgive him.** 6 And the apostles said to the Loiuj, "In- crease our Faith." 6 J And me Lobd said, "If you had Faith as a Grain ot Mustard, you might say to this stCA- MiNE-TKEE, Be thou up- rooted and planted m th» SEA ; and it would obej you. 7 But which of you hay- ing a Servant ploiighing or deeding catue, wilJ say to him as he comes in from the FIELD, * Come immedi- ately, and recline ?' 8 But will he not say t« him, ' make ready my sup- per, gird thyself, and serve me, while 1 eat and drink ; and afterwards t^ou shalt eat and drink r' 9 Does he thank *that SERVANT 'Because he did what w%3 commanded? 10 So also sou, when you shall have done All the /I. should coMK ; nevertheless Woe» 'thesfi^VANi. 0. biro. 1 thinli I 31. John xii. 10, 11. t 1. Matt. xv?ii. 6, 7; Mark'ix.42 ; 1 Cor ». 19- T 8. MattJ xviu. 15, 21. t s. Lev. r'x. 17 r Pxov. xvii. 10; Jame.9 v. la \et\o/x€V voiri(rat, ■nprofitabi* nearei became nhat ne were bound to do, we have done. ^^ Kat cyeueTo ev tu) iropeviaBai avrov eis And it happened in the to go him to lepovaraXrjfi, Kai avros 5i7)px^TO dia fxfcrov Jeruaalem, and be pissed throus;h midst Sor/Ltapeioj Kai YaXiXaias. ^^ Kat e'crepx^ufyov oi'Simaria and Galilee. And entering uuTou ets Tii'a Ko^/x-qv, airr]VT7)aav avrcfi 5e«a of him into 9 certain village, met him tea Kiirpoi audpeSi ol earrjcray irop^uBiv, ^^ Kat leproua luea. who stood f*r o& -.a^ avre' ^rav jO'y sTfiffiara .__, .Lcedup aroice, s&yin^t Jestis taaster- ^Keiqffov rjfias, *"* Kot tSwv enrev avrois' pity us. leeing he said to them: Tlop€v6evr€S eTnda^arre eavrovs rois Upevci. Going aioTvoa ^ourselves to the priests. Ka* eyevczo ev rep ^irsryeiv avrovSi cKadapicrdT]- &nd it happened ia tha to go them, they were cleansed. crap. ^^ Els Se e| avrujVy iBcoy on taOr], vvsct- Cne and of them, leeing that he waacured, turned rperpCf f/.eTa (pcoifrjs fieyaXrjs do^a^wv rov Qiow back, with avoics loud glorifying the God: *^ Kat cireaev ert irpocrwirov irapa revs iroSas and feU on face at the feet avrovy cvxapiO"ra)y avrtf Kai avras tiv l^afj-a- o. him, C-'i^g '^hanka to him t aad he waa a Sama- peiTr,s. *^ AiroKpi-Oeis Se d Irjarovs ciTrev Oi'X' htan. Ansvrering and the Jesus said: Noii ol 8ei:a €Ka.6apia6T](rav ; I Sc ei/fca ttou ; ^^ Ovx the tea wei'e cleansed ? the but nine trhere? Not fiipedriiTav viroorpe-^avres dovvai So^av rq; Beep, we found having retjined to give glory to the God, c< fxr) 6 aWoyevTjS ovtos ; ^^ Kat enrev avTcp' lacepi the foreigner this? And he said to him: Ai'aj'ras iropevov ^Yt] Tricrns aov cncrwKe ce.] Arl ing go thou: [the faith ofthee hassaved thee.] ■^ ETTepcoTrjOeis 5e vtro rocv (papiaatoDV, iroTe Having be«n asked and by the Pu.^risres, when epyeia: 'q fiacrtXeia rov 6eou, aireKpiQ-q avrois, CO nes the kingdom of the God, he answered them, «u. etirev Ovk epx^rai t) ^amXfia rov Ofov ■nd said: Not comes the kingdom ofthe God fJL^'. I Traparripricrews' ^^ ovSe epovciv IBov wSe, with. careful watching ; nor wiil they say; Lo here, 7.. *(|t8ou] €Kef idov yapf t] fiaaiXeia rov Oeov or, [lo] there, lo for, the maiesty ofthe God THINGS COMMANDED yoil say, • We are unprofital)lfc Servants; for we liave done only what we were bound to do.'" 11 And it occurred, as he was PKocEFDiNG to Jeru siilem, fje passed through (he Interior of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he was abom cnterini^ a Certain Village, Ten Lepers met him, who stood Jat a distance; 13 and ti)eo lifted wn Master, pity us.''"" 14 And seeing them, he said to them, J " Go, show yourselves to the pbiests." And it happened, as they were going, they v.'^ere cleansed. 1 5 And one of them pOT» ceiving That he was cured, returned, praising Goi? with a loud Voice; 16 and he fell on his Face at his feet, thanldng liini; andi)e was a Sama- ritan. 17 And Jesus answer- ing, said, " Were not the TEN cleansed? but where are the nine? 18 Were none foimdl: © return to give Praise tc God, except this ALiEiii?'-* 19 And he said to him 5 "Arise, go thy way; *th.y FAITH has saved thee." 20 And having been. asked by the Phaeisees, when God's kingdom was coining, he answered them, and said, "The Kingdom of God comes not with outward show ; 21 nor shall they say, 'Behold here! or there i' for, behold, + God's eoyai* MAJESTY is among you.'* • Vatican Manuscript.— 19. thy faith has saved thee — omit, 21. lo — amit. + 31. In this verse it has been found necessary to depart from the usual signification oi hee briileia ton theou.the kingdom of Gnn, and render as in the t«xt. That this rendericpf is ad -ussible and correct, see Note on Matt. iii. 2. Basileia here ret'ers totheper«onto whom the t :le and honor of king belonged, ratlier than to his territory or kingdom. Prof. Whitins", an ab 8 Hebrew and Greek scholar, says, tliis chiuse in the '21st verse cusrht to be rendered "the.'.-in^f is araoni? you." Dr. A. Clarke in a note on the 21st verse evidently unc erstoci it as lelatin^ to the Christ. He says, " Perhaps those Pharisees thought, that Messian was kept secret, in «oine privateplace. known only to gome of their rulers; and that bj and t^ he sho^d be proclaimed in a similar way to that in which Joash was nr Jehoiadatbe pnesTti «eeth'iasoouat,2CUron,ssiii.l~ll." . t- 41: Iiev.xiii46.! X It tev. siiL 2; siv. 8; Blatt. viii>«j ItftSV, ?«i». 'Vfiap. 17 : 22.3 LUKE. 61'Tos vfiaiv €(TTiu» ^EtTTf Se Trpos Tovs fiaOr]- in the midst of you i». He said and to the disci- ras'. EAeucrot'Tot rjnepai, ore eTndifinrjcriTe jjnav pies: Will come daya, when you will desire one T(av 7]/x€pcap rov vlov tou auOpwirov ideiv icai of the days of the son of the man to see ; and ovK o-J/eaBe. "^Kai epovcTiv v/xiv l5ou d)5e, 77, flot youwillsee. And they will say to you; Lo here, or, i5ou eicsi' fjiri aireXd'i]Te, ^TjSe SiCt^lrjre. '■^'^Tlcnrep lo there; not you may go away, nor may youfollow. Even as yap 7] aarpairt], ?? aarpaiTTOV(Xa e/c rr}s htt' for the lightning, that flashing out of the under ovpauoVf eis rrfv vir^ ovpauov AafiT^L' outcus heaven, to the under heaven shines; to earai 6 vlos rov avQpwwov ^\_ev tt? riixcpa avTov.'\ will be the sou of the man [in the day of him.] ^ YlpcoTov Be del avrov iroXKa iraOeiv, Kai First but if behoves liim many things to suffer, aod a'TToBoKifj.adQ-qvai airo Trjsyeueas ravrrjs. '''Kaj ,to be rejected from the generation this. And KaOcvs eyeuero evrais ■)]}xepaisT>Jcoe, ovrcas ecrrai as it happened in the days ofXoe, so it will be Kai ev Tais Tjfxepais rov vlov rov avdpcoirov. also in '.he days of the son of the man. 27 U(t6lou, eiTivov, eya/xovi/, e^eyap.i^ovro, axpt They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till ris rj/xepas eicrriXda N&;e qis rrjv Kificarov Kai of which day entered Noe into the ark; and Tj\6ev 6 KaraicAva-fios, Kai aTTooKecrev airavras. came the flood, and destroyed all. ^^'OfjLOicos Kai (&s eyevero ev rais ijfMepais Aoor' la like manner also as it happened in the days of Lot; ■qaQiov, eirivov riyopa^ou, ottqjKovv, ecpvrevou, they ate, they drank, they bought, they soU, they planted, (fKohofxovv '^'77 Ze Tjaepa e^rjKOe Awt aifo they built: in the but day went out Lot from ^odoixav, e^pe^e -Kvp Kai Qeiov air ovpauov, kc- Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and aircoXicreu airavras' '^^ Kara ravra earai '77 destroyed all: according to these itwiUteiothe 7]uepa 6 vios rov auQpooTrov aTruKaXv^-rerai. ''^ Ev day the son of the man is revealed. la t-Keivrj rr] rjfxepc}, 6s ecrrai eiri rov Bwjxaros^Kai that ' the day, who will be on the roof, and TO (TKevr\ avrov ev rr) uiKia^ ^i] Kara^arco apai the o-oods of him in the house. net let him descend to take avra' Kai o ev rep aypcf/, o^ioioff jllt] eiricrrpe- them- acdhe in the field, ia lile roanoernot let him vl/arco 6ts ra ottiou. '^'Muvpt-oveuere rrjsyvvaL- turn for thethings behind. Kemember you of the wife Kos AcoT. *^'0s eav Crir7](r7i rrjv ^l/vxv avrov of Lot. Whoever ma.y aeek the life of himself [(Map. 17 "2, 22 And he said to the DiscirLEs, J Days will come, when you will desire to see one of the days of the SON of MAN, and you will not see it. 23 J And they will sa^ to you, *' Behold, there':' or 'behold, here!' follow not. 24 t For as THAT LIGHT- NING FLASHING out ol ONE part under Heaven, sliines to the other part under Heaven ; so will the SON of HAN be. 25 J But first he must suffer iluch, and be re- jected by tills GESEEA- TION. 26 f And as it was in the DAYS of Noah, so wili it be also in the days of the SON of MAN. 27 They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were given in marriage, till the DAY that Koah entered the AKX, and the deluge came, and destroyed them all. 28 In like manner also as it was in the days of Lot ; they were eating, the y were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; 29 but t on the day tb At Lot went out from Sotlom, it rained Fire and Sulphu? from Heaven, and des- troyed thcra all. 30 Thus \nll it be in tl e Day when the son of M^.N is revealed. 31 On That day, +let not him who shall be on the EooF, and his furni- TUE.E in the house, de- scend to take it away ; and in like manner, let not him who shall be m the * Field turn back. 32 X Remember Lot-s wife. 33 I Whoever may seek to * save his liee. will • Vaticatj Manuscript.— 23. there ! or behold here I follow not. For. 24. in his DAY— omit. 31. Field. 33. insure his life. I 22. MT,tt. ix. 15. X 23. Matt. xxiv. 23 ; Mark xiii. 21 ; Luke xxi. 8. t 24. M^tt 27. t 25. Mark viii.31 ; ix.31 ; x. 33; Luke is. 22. + 26. Gen. va ,V ' -,5;. "7 t 29. Gen. rix. 16, 24. J 31. JIait. ixiv. 17 ; Mark xiii. 15. ♦^ ''«- '■^•» XXIV xxiv . tsix.26. 2 33. Jlatt. X. 3'.); xvi. 25; Mark viii. 35; Luke ix. ii; John xii. 2o. t aJi-w?! L.TJKK. [Cfiie^. 18- ». trwfraif atroX (T€t avrriy kui ds eav airoXefrr; to >avF, nillloie bei ( Knd nhoever maj lote avTtjv, ^'jjoyovrjcrei avrrju. "^^ Aeyca vfxiv Tavrr) bei, irill pretrrve ber. 1 lay to you: In tnu TTj vvri Kcrovrai ^vo ari k\ivt]s fJLias' its v-apa- tt.e ni^Lt will be two on bed onci one will \.,(pdr]i7€Tai, Kai b erepos aake and also a parable to them, in order that ifiv iravTOTc npocrevx^crdaif Kai /jLt) fKKaKetv, ou;ht alwaya to pray, and not to be weary, '^ Key low KpiT7)s tis 7]v cv tivi iroAei, tov Oeov • aying; A judye certain was in a certain city, the God fiv, (po^ovfievos, Kai audpcoirou ur} evTpiTro,u(vos . fi' feann;;, and in.iD not regardini;. "XrjpaSe 7)v fv ttj ircXei ^Knvrf Kai •r]px^To A widow and wa is the city that^ and ahe went irpos avToUf Keyovcra' EKOiKTjaov fxe airo tov to hiin. Bavin!,'; Dojustice me from the avTiSiKov fiov. ^ Kai ovk ri6e\r)(ret/ ent xpovov. opponent of me. And Dot be would for a time, Mf a 6e Tavra eiirev fvkavTW' E, KaiTov 6eov 4 terwards but theae be said in himtelf; If even the God ov idd weary me!'" 6 And the Loed s..i'.. " Hear what the UNJUSI JUDGE says; 7 and twill not GoD di justice for those CHosEr; uNKS of his, who are CEY- TNG to him Pay and Night, and he is compassionatj towards them ? 8 I tell you, tXha* >• will speedily do them .tus> TICK. But when the S' of MAN comes, will he fin'^ ihisBELiErontheLAWE ?' * Vaticati MATtnscRirT.— 34. a Bea. 87. .ilsowilL : »4. iMstt. xxiv. 40^ 4r I 1 Tho. iv. 17. ; SO. Matt. sxiv. 28. t 1 LiiXe xi, 6 Ttuui. xii. is; Eplu vi. 18 j6.Lulsexi.a ; 7. Kev. vi lU 5 8. ll^b. I «« . 2 Pet Hi. 3, e. 9* diap. 18: 9.] LUKE. [Cliajy 18: i7. EjTre Se Kat vpos riuas rovs TreiroiOoras ^(p* Ileipokeand also io some those trusting in eavTois OTi ei(ri dLKatoi, Ka.t e^ovOevovuras rovs •.hemselves that they are just ones, and despising the KoiTTovSy T7]i/ Trapa^o\7]U ravTrjv ^^ ApOpwTroi others, the parable this: Men Suo ave^riaav eis to lepou Trporrev^aadai' 6 eis two went up into the temple to pray: the one ^apicraios, Kai 6 ertpos reXcovris. ^^'O 'Papi- a Pharisee, and the other a tax-gatherer. The Phari- (Taios, (TTaOcLS irpos eavrou, ravra irpoaTjux^TO' »ce, stauding by himself, these he prayed: 'O 6eos, euxapicrrco croi, on ovic eijxi axnrep ol The God, I give thanks to thee, that not lam like the AoiTToi Twi/ avdpoDTTociv, apTTayss, aSiKoi, p.oixo>., others olthe men, plunderers, unjust ones, adulterers, jf Kai &)s ovTOS b reXcourjs. ^-NTjcrrewa; 8ls tou or even like this the tax-gatherer. I fast twice of the ffa^Barov, airoSeKaTai iravra baa KTcofxai. ^^Kat w«ek, I tiihe all what I acouire. And o TeXccurjS fiaKpoQ^v earcos ovk -rjdeXeu the ta» -gatherer at a distance having been standing not would ovSe Tous 0(pda\/j.ous (ls tou ovpavov eirapar COteventhe eyes to the heaven lift up: cAA' €TVTrT€u "[eisj TO (jT-r]Qos aoTov, Keycoi/' but he smote [on] the breast of himself, saying: 'O Oeos, iKaa-QTjTi jxoi rep ajxapTooXcp. ^^Aeyw The us, tmd to him; Yet one to thee is TTcr travTa baa 6%^ 'S TrcuATjaoi/, /cat 5tc5os tttcu- •rantin;; all what thou bast cell, and give thou to poor Xoi%.,Kai i^sis drjcravpop ev ovpai/cp' KaiSevpo^ ones, and thou Kiialt have a treasure in heaven; and come, axo\ov9ii fxoi. -^ 'O 5e uKovcras ravTUf irepi\v- folluw me. He and having heard these, greatly rros eyevero- r]v yap ttKovctios (rv5e grieved became: he wi» for rich exceedingly. Seeing and avTov 6 Irjcrovs ^[^mpiKvirov yevoixivovy^ eiTre* him the Jesiu [ greatly grievej becoming,] iaid: ll'jas SutTKoXws ol ra xpTj^uaTa exovres etaeAev- llow mth dillituUythosethe richei having shall aos/Tai €is T7}u ^acriXeiay tov 6eov. -^EvKOTrcore- •nter into the kingdom ofthe God, Eaaier pou yap early KatxrjKov 5ta rpv/iaAias ^acpiSos for itia, a camel through hole of a needle etaeXOeiVj r} irKovaiou cts ttjj/ Paai\eiau tov to enter, thaa a rich man Into the kingdom ofthe 6eou fiaeKOeiv. '^Enrov Se ol aKovaavT^s' Kot God to enter. Said and tho«« having heard: And TIS dvvarai aaiOr)i/at; '^'0 5e enre' Ta aSuuaTa who itable tobeiaved? Jle but »aid: The things impo»»ible irapa aydpcairois, SvvaTa eari irapa Tcp dew. "'■•'i men, poiaible u with the God. ^Enre Se & Tlerpos' iSou, Tj/xeis a(p7]Kaiueu Said and the Peter: Lo, we U't iravra, Kai riKoKovQ-qaafjieu aoi. *^ 'O 5e eirreu aili and followed thee. He and said avTois' hix-qv Xeyat vfiiVy bri ovZeis eariv to them. Indeed I nay to you, that no one ia (5$ a(p7]Keu oiKiav, r] youeis, f] aSeXcpovSt i} yupaiKUy ieft house, or parenu, or brethren, or wife, t] reKua, eueKev ttjs &aai\eias rou Qeov, ^ ds t; cnildren, on account ol the kingdom ofthe God, who 18 J And a Certain Ruler asked hiiM, saying, "Good Teacher, what shall 1 do to inlierit aioriian Life?" 19 And Jrsus said to him, " Why dost thou call Me good? There is none good, e.\ccpt one, — God. 20 Thou knowcst the COMMANDMENTS ; J 1)0 no( commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not testify falsely, Honor thy TATHEE and motuee." 21 And HE said, "All these have I kept from m) Youth." 23 And Jesus having heard, said to him, " Yet in One thing thou art wanting ; % sell all that thou hast, and give ta the Poor, and thou shalt have Treasure in * heaven ; and come follow me." 23 And hearing this, HE became very sorrow- ful ; for he was exceedingly rich. 24 And * Jesus seeing hira, said, " With what difiiculty will those hav- ing EiCHKs enter the KINGDOM of God ! 25 It is easier for a Cam- el to pass through a Nee- dle's Eye, than for a Rich man to enter the kingdom of God." 26 And THOSE HBAE- ing him, said, " Wlio then can be saved r"' 27 And HE said, J "The THINGS IMPOSSIDI.E witll Men are possible witb God." 28 Then Peter said, t " tZeKa, etTre Trpos ^^ je^^jsalem, and All the Having taken and the twelve he ,axd to „^^^^,^^ WKITTEN thrOU-b avTOvs' I5oi7, ava^aivo/xiv cis Upon-oXvixa^ Kai ^^j^e pkopiiets will be ac- fhein- Jjo. we CO • to Jerusalem, and , . , -, . ' ,, ___.. „* tuem. ^o, wefcu , con-iplishedm the son of TeAeo-eTjo-erat Travra ra yeypaix/xc-ua Oia rwv ^^^ will be finished all the having been written through the S^For 1 he ■willhedeliV- TT/JO^TJTWV T« V£W TOW auepwTTov. 23napa5o07j- ercd to the Gentiles, and prophet, intheson ofthe man. He will be deliv- ^^,.jj ^^ n.ocked, and In- a-eTatyap rois eOueai, Kai i^TvaixO-na-erai, K-^' g.uitcd, and spit upon; eredup for to the Gentiles, and will be derided, and 33 and having SCOU i>fipL(T6r]aeTai, Kai eixirrvaoTjcnrai' "^^ Kai jxaa ' " ' * " ■ and liavin will be shamefully treated, and will be spit on TiywcravTes airoKrepovcriv avrow Kai tt] rjixepa been scourged they will kill him: and the day Tj) Tpirri ava(TT',](jerai. ^* Kai avroiovSsv rov- th'e third' he will stand up. And they not one of Kai ■)]V TO p77^a tovto KeKpujAjxe- and was the thin? this having been liid- Tcov (TvvriKav these understood vov aw' avrcov, Kai ovk eyiuacTKOv raXeyou^va. spoken. courged him, they will kill him ; and the thiku day he will rise again." 34 J But'tljfg understood none of these things ; and this jiATTEEwas concealed from them, and they did not recognize what was den from them, and not they knew thethings being spoken. '•^EyfveTO Se iv tu> eyyi^eiv avrov eis 'leptxw, it happened and in the to draw nigh hiiu to Jericho, rvcpXos rts €Ka67]TO irapa ttju odou Trpoa-airccu. a blind man certain sat by the way beggir.J. ^^AKovTas di ox^ov ^la-rropevofxevov, eTrvvOaferOy wlmt it meant Hearing and a crowd passins along, he asked, 2,J And they told him, eiTj tovto; ^' Air-nyyetXau 5e avrra, 0Ti'"Jcsns the^ jSazarite is 35 X And it occurred, as he APPiiOACHED Jericho, a certain blind man sat begging by the koad. 36 And'liearing a Crowd passing along, he inquired he shouted And .vhatmaybe this? They told and him, that \7](Tov5 6 NaCapaios Trapepx^Tai. ^3 Kat el3or](re, Je8u» the Ivazarene passes by. And T^cyccv Ir)Tov, vie Aavi^, eXerjcrov fie. saying: Jesns, O son ofDaTid, piiy me. 01 irpoayopres G^^Tijxotv avrcc, iva aLcoTrrjcrr;. those going before rebuked liim, that he might be silent. Autos Se ttoXXo} fJiaXXov eKpa^^v Tie Aavid, He but much more cried out: O sou of David, fXeri. ^^ Kat 6 Jr](T0vs eiizev avTcp' Ava^Xe- eee again. Ardthe Jesus said to him: Seethou }pov 7j TTicTTis (Tov ffeffioKe \an<: i^mv. f^u,irev aivnv im fl^r... L'le PEoVlk Beeing it, gava Godi v Kai Tras 6 \aas iScdu, eSuticev aivou Tfp Berp, p ^.^^^^'^'J? ^^^ 1| kad all the people tetiDs, gxwt praiie to the God -trUiSe tO UOD. KE«f», lO'. 19. ^ Kat €iT€\9a)v oi-qpxiTO rrjv 'tepixo}. ' Kai And haviu; entered he puteii through th« Jerictio. And l5oy, avTjp uvo/jLan Ka\uvfj.fvos ZaKx^tos' Kai \o, a man foranams being called Zaccheuaj and avTos rju apx^TiKuvrjs, Kai obros rju Tr\ov(Tios. be iTAi acluef t.ix-gatherer, and thi* was rich, ^ Kai f^-qrei ideiv top Itjo'ouj', tis ecrf Kai ovk Ana be sought to tee the Jetu8, who heisi and not TjSvvui 0 OTTO Tov ox^ov, 6ti TT/ 1]\lKia filKpOS wMibU on account of the crowd, for the itature little r]v. ■* Kat irpo5pa/xccu e^TrpocrSei', aveffr] evri was. Knd mnuiag before, he went up on (TuKOfiopeai^j ii^a i<5r] avTov 6ti eKeivrjs a sycamore, that bemiphtsee him^ for that T7,u6/\Ae Stepx^""^"^'- * K°'-* ^S tjKOeu eiri rov be wai about to pass by. And a> hccauie to the TOTToj/, ava^K^\\ias 6 Irjcroos *[etSer avToUyKai] place, baviuglooked the Jesus [tan bim, auilj etFt TTpos avTov Za/cx'^'fj cn-ei/tray Kara^T^df said to biui i O Zaccheus, having hastened descend thou; (TTiixepov yap cv rep oikco auv h€i fie fisivai. tii-day for in the bou^e oftlieemust me to abide. ^ Kat (TTTfvrras KaTe^-q^ Kai u7re5f|oTO avTov And having l-.nvtenedhecame down, and hereceived htm Xaipu'V. ^ Kat idoures airavres dieyoyyv^oVf r'jnicmg. And seeing all murmured, XeyouTes' 'Ot« Trapa afxaprcuKu} auSpi ei(r7]\de saying: That wilu asinner a man benentin KaraXvarai. ^"STadeis 5e ZaKXCi^os enre irpos to Lodge. Standing up hut 2accueus (aid to Tou Kvpiov I5oi/, TO i]ixi(n] rwv vitapxovrwv ttie lordi Lo, the half of the putsessioD* fiou, Kvpi€f SiBuifit rois TTTwxois' Kai €i rivos oTme, Olord, I give to the p lur; and ifofanyone Tt e(TVKoii.iham is: came for tlie son TOV aydpwTTou ^rjTTjcrat Kai (Twiai to aTroKtoXos. of the man to seek and to save that liaving been lost. " AicovoPTwv be avTc-sv rauTO, irpocrQeis Hearing and of them ttie^e things, proccedihg €t7re itapa^o\r]Vy hia to eyyus avTov eivai h;spo(e a p'lrahic, because the near bim to be 'ltpovcraAT]ix, Kai Soksiv avrovst STnrapaxpv^^ ieruiilem, and tot^i'ok them, that imiKediately CHAPTER XIX. 1 And having entered, he was passing tlirougb Jeeiciio; 2 and behold, a Mai. named Zacchcus, ,f)e was; rich, and a Chief Tribute.. taker,) 8 sought to see who Je» svs was, and could not ou account of the ckowd, for he was of low statcee. 4 And running *BKFOUE, he climbed a Sycamore to see him; For he was auout to pass by it. 5 And when* Jesus cama to the PLACE, looking up he said to him, " Zaccheus, liastc n down, for To-day I must abide at thy uousE." 6 And he hastened down, and received him rtjoicuig 7 And seeing it, they all nuirmured, saying, J" He has gone in to lodge with a Sinful man." 8 But Zaccheus standing up, said to the Lord, 'Be- hold, Master, the HALF OJ *My POSSESSIONS I give to tiie Poor; and if I have cxtortcdany tiling from any one, X ^ reslore fourfold." 9 And * Jesus said to him, " To-day has Salvation come to this HOUSE, since lie also is J a Son of Abra- ham. 10 X Tor the son of mah has come to seek and \r s.ive THAT wbich was LOST." 11 And as tbey were hearing tliese things, pro- cet'ding he 6])oke a ?araljle> because he was near Jeiu- salcin, and they thought that the Kis 3£)0M of Goo ' Vatican Manuscript. — 1. beforb. 8. JHy FossEssiuKs I give to the Pour. t «. Lukev ""» Actsiv. 21; xi. IJ», XX!:. 1. 1 Sam.xii 3t 2 !£am. xii. 5. xviii. 11. 5. Jesus. 9. Jesus. 6. saw him, and—omtt. t 7. Matt. ix. 11 ; Luke v. SO. t 9. Kom. iv. 11, IJ, IC ; Gal.iii. 7. t 8. Exo'i. 1 lU. V;lCb Chap. 19: 13.] LUKE. [Chap. 19: 2S. fteAAet 7] fia(n\cia rov Oeov avatpaiveaOai. U about the kingdom of the God tj appear. "- EiTrei/ ovf Avdpwiros ris fvycyr}s fTopvOrj He said therefore: A man certaia well-bora went eis X'^paJ' /"afpay, Ka^eiy kavr(ffiaai\iiav. Hat Mith went into a distant into acouiiiy distant, to receive for himself royal dignity, and ! CoUntry toprOCUTe for him- was about iramediately te apnear. 12 Therefors he said, t " A certain Man of ooble vnoaTpfxl/ai. ^^KaAetraj Se deKa SovXovs kav- to return. Having called and tea slave* of him- Tou, (:b(i)Kev avTois Se/ca fjvas, Kai siir^ irpos self, he gave to them ten minaa, and he said to avrovs' Ilpay/j.aTev(ra(T6s ews epxo/nai. ^'^ Oi them : Do you business till 1 come. The Ss TTohirai auTov ejxiaovv avrov, Kai a-mtXTeiXav but citizt^Bs of him hated him, and cent irpea^' OTntrtc avrov, \eyovTes' Ov Behofjiey an embassy after him, saying: ?fot we arc willing Tovrov j^atTLAevcrai ecp' 7]fxas, ^^Kat cyevero thi* toreiga over us. And it bappered ey T(f} eTrave\6eiv avrov \a^ovTar7)v ^affiXeLav, in the to return him having received the royal dignity, Kai enre ^coptjCtjv -.t avrrp tovs dovXovs tovtovs, and he ordered to be called to himself the slaves those, ols eSwKe r^ apyvpiov Iva yvu>, ris ri to whom he gaT»> ♦kc silver: {hat he might kaow, what each€v(raTO. *^ Ylapeyeyero Se 6 vpca- had gained by trading. Came »nd th4 flr»t» self Royalty, and to return 13 And he called Ten of his Servants, and gavi them Ten t Minas, and said to them, ' Trade till I eome.' 14 But bis CITIZENS hated him, and sent an Embassy after him, saying, ' "VVe are not willing foF this man to reigp over us." 15 And it occurred, that at his KETUEN, having re- ceived the KOYALTy, he ordered those sESVAKTsto be called to him, to whom he gave the silver, that he might know what * they had gained by traffic, 16 Then the FiKsr came, sayi'-.g, ' Sir, thy mina h,H9 Tos, \cycay~ Kvpte, 7j fiva (rov TrpoaeipyaffaTO ^gsimedTcn Minas.' • spying: Olorci, the mina of thee has gained J^ j\r>(J Jjg said tO him, SeKa fiyas. ^~Kai enriy avTcv- Ev, ayaOedovXe' *'Welldone, good Servant? ten minas. And he said to him : Well, O good slave: bcCaUSe thoU hast beCH '^ <■ - '- .'.. ^. matter, possess authority over Ten Cities.' 18 And the secoki>, came, saying, ' Sir, thy MJNA has made Tive Mi- nas.' 19 And he said also ts tl)i3, 'Be tJjcu also »ver i'ive Cities.' 20 And *the otheb came, saying, ' Sir, behold thy MINA, which I had laid up in a Napkin; 21 J for 1 feared thee, because ihou ar< a harsh Man ; thou tnkest up what becausein least faithful tuou hast been, be thou aiitho- aiay ex^^ sTravo; SsKa 7ro\€u>y. " Kat f)\Qep nty having over tea cities. And came b Sevrepos, X^ycov Kvpie, ri y,va (Tov €7roir](re the second, saying; O lord, the mina of thee has made ir€VT€ uvas. ^^ Eiire Se Kai rovT^' Kai eu;coni.». t 13. The LXX use the original word mnaa for the Hebre-w mane* troui which it is evidently derived, and it appears from f:zek. xlv. 12, to have heen equal to sixtvsnekels. Now aliowin^^ the shekel with Dr. Prideaux, to be three -s'lilhuirs, tnen the miiia was equal to nine pounds Enf^hsh.— .4. Clarke. Home malica the «»>*« equai £3. 23. 6d., or fifteen dollars. J 17. Matt. XXV. 21 ; Luke »vi. M. J 21. Matt. sxv. 21. I 22. Matt. Tff, !?7 CTiap. 19: 23.J 1.UKE trf, vovrjpe oouA.c' riSeis, bri fyw avBgcairoi thee, Oevil davei tho-t kneweat, tbaf, 1 aman auv 6 OVK ((TTTfipa' -^ Kai SiaTt ouk eSco/caj to ing what Dot Ito.Tcdj and miij not tbou gaveat the apyvptou fjLOv firt rr]V rpaire^ai/, Kai cyw e\6cav >iWer of me on the tab'.e, lad I coming (Tvv TOKCf) au eirpa^a avTO ; '^^ Kai rois irapitr- ti/ith inteiett might have exacted it? And to those bavin); rvtrti' ectrfv Apare air' avTov rrfv fxvav, Kai stood by he said; Take jroa from him the mina, and S0T6 TCf} Tas 5eKa /xvas exovTi. ^ [Kai €iirov give 70U to che the :en uinas having. (And they said avrtf}' Kvpje, exet 5e»fa /ivas.) ^^ Aeyo) *[yap^ tohimi O lord, be ha* ten niinris.) I say Ifof] fffjiiv Sri trauTi rev ex"'''^^ So9v(reTaf otto Se to you that to everyone the liaving mllbagi.cD; from bnt rov jUTj e^oi'Tos, Kai b fX^'j o-pGr)(^^Tat *[aTr of the not haTmg, even what he ha:, will be taken [from avTOv.'\ ''■' H\7}v rous e^^powj fiov eKetvovSt him. J But the e: emies of .36 tho»^ TO'js ixri Oe\r)TavTas fie BaTiKevtrai «t' avrovSy th- ■ ot willinf me to reign o^er them, ayayert wSe, Kai Karaacpa^are e/x-rrpoudep fiov. bring you hither and ilay in prefencc of me. "^ Kat eiTTcav raura, eiropevero e/jLirpoaOeVf And bavin 'said these, he went before, apa^awcav ciS 'lepGcro\v/j,a. '^ Kai iyevero ws going up to Jerusalem. And it happened aa 'iiyyiorev 6J$ 3r}C(payr) Kat Bvf^oviav, vpos ro be drew near to Bethphage and Betbariy, »o the opos TO KaXovaevov eXaiiav^ airnrreiKe Swo mountain that being called of olite-trees, he sent two T(uv fxadrjTwv avTov, ^ enrwy 'Tirayere ets of th* ducipiek ofhimBelf, saying; Go you into ej/ 'rj fiairopevo/j.eyoi in which entering tvprjfTere twKov SeSeAieyov, c<^* 6u ovSeis yoawi.lfind a colt having been tied, on which no one \7x»TroT€ avBpcaTTwv fKaOiae* KvaravTes avTov ever of men sat, having looted him of hi TTji* KarevavTt Koo/nrfv the over-again«t village- iryayfTe. bring you. 31 K at fau ris Ofias fpwra' Atari And if anyone you niaya»ki Wny \evere ; ovtus epejre * [auTw-] 'Oxi 6 Kvpios ftohim:] That the lord avTov xp«'«»' fX^'' ^^ ATTfAOovres 5e oi airecf- olbim need ha*. Having gone andthoae havmg ra\fJL(UOt ei-pouy KaOcos enrev avrois. ^ Avov been (ent found, a* he said to them. Loo»- [Cliap. 19: 32. I will jnd.ze thee, Wicked Servant. J Didst thou know that 2 am a harsh Man taking up wliat I laid not down, and reaping what I did net sow ? 23 Wiiy, then, didst thou not place my money if the BANK, that coming I nii^ht have exacted tha Same witli Interest 'f 24 And he said to thosB STANDING BY, 'Take from him the mtna, an I give ii to HIM who has i the ten Minas.' 25 (And they said to him, ' Sir, he has Ten Minas') 26 ' 1 say to you, J That to EVEKY ONE who HAS, more shall be given; and Irom KIM who has not, even what he haa shall be taken away. 27 But * THOSE ENE- MIES of mine, who were net WILLING that I should reign ever them, bring hither, and slaughter thei iu my presence.'" 28 And having said these things, J he went on be- fore, going tip to JerusE' leni. 29 X And it ocnjrred, as he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at that MOUNTAIN Mhich is CaI^ LED the Mount of Olives, he sent two of *the ui» CIPLES, 30 saying, "Go to the VILLAGE OVEH AGAINST you, in which, having en- tered, you will find a Colt tied, on which no Man ever sat ; loose, and bring him. 31 And if any one asks you, ' "Why do you loose liim ?' you shall thus say, ' Because the masteb wants him.*" 32 And THOSE who were sent, went awav, and lound it even as lie had lulil them. 27. TBBSB. * Vatican Mascscbipt. — -20. Fot — omit. 26. from him— orai7. 19. the DISC1P1E8. SI. to him — omit. t 24. Perhaps it would be well to stipply the ^'ord (gained here— "Give it to him who his pained ten Muiiis, for 1 K,iv loyiii, riiat. to every one who Iihs ^nin^'a, enall be pivpu, and from him who has not gained, even what he h:is received sliall be taken away."- Clarle ' t 29. Matt. XXV. 26. t 2'<. M.iff Tiii. 1? ; xsv. 29{ Mark iv. 25; \ 28. Alark x . 32. I -20. Jiatt l*i. *i ^lAfiL xi. I '•5?ia». 19 ! 33.] LiUKE. [Chap. Wj 44. 7ft>* Se avru>v rov vwXop, enro ol icvpioi avTov] Kg uxl oftUem the colt, laid the lord* of him I frpos avrovs' Tt Ayere top irwKov **0i Se eiiroy ' to them; Why loose voa the colt: I'hrjr and «aid: 'O Kvptos avrov XP^'-^^ *X^'* ^ ^'** 7J7a7oi» V^ iorl of him seed bat. And they led avrov vpos top Irjcrovf* «oi firtp^itpavres eav hiiB to the Jesaa: and having thrown ofthem- TCDV ro i/UOTia eTrt rov TruiKov^ eve^i^acrav rov iie'.v«« the mantlea o* the Colt, they let oa the lr,<7ovv, ^ llopevofiivov Se aurovy vimTrpcavvvov J»«us. Going and ofhiiu, they spread uadci •fa Ifiaria avruv t.v T17 b^tp, ^" 'EyyiCovres Se the mantlea of them In the way. Drawing near and axr.ov tjStj irpos rrj Kura^acrei rov opovs rwp of hiiB ao teacher, (cbuke the disciple* ^ Kai airoKpiOeis eiirev *[auTOiS'l Aeyca And answering besaid [to them :| I say vfiiv, 6ti eav ovtoi ffi(aTrr)(rci!v ^^ 'Ort et €7^05 kui av, over her, saying; That if tbtubadst known even thou, *fKa£7e] ev ttj riixept} *[(rouJ ravry^ ra irpos ^aileast] in the day [of thee] this, tbetbiogt to •jprji'T?!' (Tov vvv Se eKpuBv airo c(pOa\/j.a}v peace of thee I now but it is bidden from eyes oov. ^'Ori ■JT^ovcriv -tjuepai €Tri tre, Kai irepi- O^chee. For willcome days on this, and will $a\ouaiv ol ex^poi (rov %apaKa (roi, kci TrepiKVK- throw around the enemies of thee a rampart to thee, and will sur- AoxroucTi (fe, Kat avve^ovcri ae iravroOev **"' Kai found thee, and will press thee on every side j and eSa(J)toucrt (re, Kai ra reKva tov ev (Tor wiUlevel withthe ground theo and the children ofthee in thee. Kai ovK acprjcrovaiv ev aoi XiQov eiri Aifloy avO' •ad not theywilUeave in thee a atone on a stone; because ffOV. ofthee. 33 And as they were loosing tlie colt, the own- KKs of it said to them, "Why do you xmtie tho COLT 't" 34 And THEY said, * " Because the masteb wants him," 35 And they led it to Jesus; Jand having cast Their own mantles on the COLT, they set Jesus on it. 36 J And as he was go- ing, they spread their gak- MENTS on the koab. 37 And when he was now approaching, at the DESCENT ofthe MOUNT of OLIVES, all the MULTI- TUDE of the cisciPi,E.s began to rejoice, and praise God with aloud Voice, ior .ill the Miracles which Ihey had seen, 38 saying, J "Blessed be the coiiiNG KING in the Name of Jehovali ! Peace in Heaven, and Glory in the highest hea^■en." 39 And some of the Pharisees, among the CKOWD, said to him, "Teacher, rebuke thy dis- ciples." 40 But answering he said; "1 tell you, That if these should be silent, J the STONES would imme- diately cry out." 41 And as he drew near, beholding the ciTr, X lie wept over it, 43 saying, " 0, that thou hadst Icnown, even ttjou, at this DAY, the things which are for thy Peace ! But now they are hidden from thine Eves. 43 For the Days will come on thee, when thine enemies shall throw a Rampart around thee, and enclose thee and press thee m on every side, 44 and will lay thee level with the ground, and IhV CHILDEEN HI tllCC and they will not leave 8 Stoue upon a Stone 111 thee * V .ICAN Manuscript. — 34. Because the master. 40. to them — omtt. ieast— '* . 45. ol tliee — omit. t 3.5. . .iintrs ix. 13; Matt, xxi.7; Mark si. 7; John xii. 14. house 6 f prayer i* , you but it made auTs onrrikaiov KrjcTTwv." '*^ Kai r,v didacTKaff a den oi robbers." And be waa teaching TO KaO' ijjjLtpav ey rcf) lepcfi* ol 5e apx'f/'f fct' the every day in the temple: the and higb-prie«t» ind el ypa/x/.iaTeis €^y]Tovv avTov anokeaai, Kai oi the kunbra aou^'iit bim to tiettroy, and the npcvToi Tov Aavv, ''^ Kat ovx iopi(TKO» ro ri Cliieionra oftbepeuple. Ai.d not findic); thatwhat iroir]ow(riv' 6 \aos yap airas e|e/cpe/^aTo aurov Ihey uii^bt do: the |>euple (or all were very MteatiTe biia beaiug. KE*. k', 20. * Kai eyei/era €»» fjLi<} rccv r)jJ.9pcov tKeivtav And II h^ppeueii la cue of the dayt those SiSatrKo/zTos avrov Tov Kaov cv tcv IfpfeJ, Kai vaa teaching ofbim the peuple in the temple, and tvayyeKi^OficvoUf airefTTrjaay ol apx^^P^^S Kai ('t«uc!iiog cad tidings, stood by the bigh-priesta and ol ypa/x/j-UTus (Tvv tois vpea^vTepois, ^ Kai the acnbet with the ciders, and m:r.uV vpos avToUf \iyovT€S* EtTre "hf^^^t c said to bim, siying: Say co us, by iroiif €^ovrTi(f ravTa iroiets , 7) Tis (arrip d «>'al auiUunty thete thin;^ doesi • Dou ? or "ho is he hous aoi T7)veBio iiiee lue authority tl.isf Answerin? Se fiTti 7ipL>s ai'Toyj' Epuwrriocv vfias Kayco eva aal l'< ka.u to Iheu) *'L sit you also 1 one Aoyui'y Hat ffiraTe /ior ^To /8a7rTt(r/ia Yooavvou wo-tf, sod «av ^ou to uie. The dipping of John f^ ovpavov T7v> Tj e^' avdpunrojp ; * Ot Se avfe- Itom beavea was, or (rum nea f They and lea- \oyt» believe bim? if and we shouldaay; From uydpciiviif' iras 6 \aos KaraKidaaei rj/xas' aito i xt\ tbe people wiUst«ae us. ■trfiTiieuevoi yap to'tv, luiuvvr/v vpo(pT]Tnu faaviDf Bteu rrrsuadei'or it la, Jaha a prophet (ivai. ^ Kui aniKpidrjcav ;xr} eiBfvai irodev. too*. Aoil tbey aaswertd not t« bave kaawa wbtuce. because thou didst no\ know tie season of thy VISITATION. 45 X And going into the TEiiPLK, heljejjan toexpei THOSE who SOLD, 46 saying to tliein, "It is written, J' My housk ' * shall be a House of 'Frayer/ but ycu have made it a Den of Bobbers." 47 And he was teaching intheTEMPLEEVEKY DAY; and J the higii-i'eiests and the sceibes and the CHiEES of the people, were seeking to destroy hini. 48 And they could not find HOVT to do it, for all the PEOi'LE were very at* tentive to bear him. CHAPTEH XX. 1 JAnd it occurred oa one of * those DAYS, as he waa teaching the peopik m the TE.MPLE, and pro- ciainiing glad tidm^s, the HiGH-PiiiEsTS, and the SCRIBES, With the £X.D£Kt9 cam£ upon him, 3 and said co hira, say- ing, "Tell us, Jliy \Vliat Authority thou docstTiicse ilnii|_'sr or who is HB that EM I'u WEKED thee f" 3 And answering he said to them, '-I also will aslc you * a Question ; aud an* svver me ; i Was the IMMESSION cf Jolm friiui Heaven, or from Men'r" 5 And Tit FY reasoned among theiuselvcs, suyuig, "If we say, 'From Hea- ven,' he will retort, 'W'liy did you not believe bimr' 6 But if we say, 'from Men,' iili ibe I'Eoi'i E will sioNR us, I for till y are persiiadfd (hat John wasa I'rophet." 7 And they answered, that they did not know whence it was. • V>Tfir*« AlABD»cnrT.— 45. iu il and buvnir — omit. 2. the Pats. 3. A Question. i. t^ieii— ««it. ; «,', >l3tt..XXl. 1.!: MarVii lj.15 J 4«. litn. Ivi.7. \.i Iv viii. 8". I I. Muit. xxi.'23 1 ^ ^144 iv. 7 v.- ail. W\ LulfcCVll.JV 46. shall be a actss. }47. Maik j(i. IS .'iv.ha 7. t 6.iklaU. xvi. C^mp-iO.g] LUKE. [aap. 20: 18. ^ Kai d Irjorovs eivei/ avToiS' OuSe 67 K^yw And the Jnua sud to them:' Neither I tell bfjLiVy ey TTOJOt s^ouffta ravra Ttoia. ■to ynu, by what authority theco I do. ^ Hp|aTO 5e TT^os to;/ \aoi> 'Xaysiv rrjp vapa- , He bejen and to the people .to eay the para- 0o\7]y ravrrjy AvdpcDir-os €, ^^airecrTeLXav nevov. '^ Kai having beaten him, sent atvay ecDpty. And TtpocrtdiTo TTe^T^at krepov hovXov cl Se KaKeivov lie proceeded to send another elave: they but also thia hiipavm iiat aTtfxa tow o/AireAcsjj'os, on-e/crei- caatin; him out of the vineyard, they vap. T( ovp TToirjcru avrais 6 Kvpios tov o/xTre- killed. What then wilido to them the lord .ofthe vine- Awvoj ,• '^EA.ei»(reTot Kot aToAecret tows yiuio- yard? Hewillcome and. will d^a.Uoy . those husdaod- 70WJ TovTovs, Kai cwcret top a/xireXwpa aWois. men those, and give the vineyard to others. Ai thefu ? li lie will come and de- stroy th08» CLiLTlVATOES, and give the VINE Y An D to others." And having heard it, they said, " Let it not be." 17 And looking on them. IIK said, " What is this then iliat is wuiTten", J ' A 'Stone wliicli the bcilu- 'ERS rejected, lias become 'the Head of the Corner.' 18 WiroEVFR lALLs oa that STONE will be bruised j but on whom it may will crush lum to picces<"' • Vatican M*TiU8C0tPT.— 14. come— omi^. ^ 0, Matt.-xxi.33; Mark.vU.l. J I7. Ps -.. cxvlli. W ; Matt. x*1.43. C/utiK^SOi 19.] LUKK. [Qiap: 201 2ft And nought the high-pricsti nnd the icribei ep-j^SaXeij/ ctt' avrov Tas xetpaj ev ai/r?; tt; lo put on him the hantU in this the upq.' /cot eer» were; and the first having taken a wife, UTTc-davii' areKvos. ^''Kai ^j^eAa^ei'] 6 d^vrepos died childless. And [toolij the second '^[^TTjp yvt/aiKa /cat ovtos O7re0ai/a// are/cj/os.] [the wife, and this died childless.] ^^ Kai 6 TpiTOf e\a^ei/ avTTjv aiaravTcas 5e Kai And the third took her: in like manner and also 01 enra' ov KaTe\nrof reKva, Kai, airedauov the seven: not they left children, and dieu : ^- 'T(TT€pov *[56 nauTwv'j airfdaye Kai r] yvi^rj. Last [and of all] died also the ifonian. '^ Ev TTj ov'j avaaraaei, rivos avrcov ytverai In the therefore resurrection, of which ofthem will be yuvT]; 01 yap evrra eaxov avTTjv ywaina. ^Kai a wife ? the for seven had her a wile. Aad ^[aTroKpiSeis] ei-rrev avrois b l-qaovs' Ot vloi [ans»?ering] he said to them the Jesus: The sons Tov aicavos tovtov yafj-oucri, Kai €Kya/iiiaKovTai- of the age this marry and are given in marriage ^ oi 5e Kara^iwdevTes tov aicouos eK^ivov tiiose but having been accounted worthy of the age that Tux^ii'^ Kai T7JS auaaTa(T€ws rris e/c ucKpoju, to obtain, and of the resurrection that out o< dead ones, ovre ya/j-ovcriv, ovre fKya/xiaKovrar ^^ ovt^ yap neither marry, nor are given in marriage : nor for airodaveiv ert SvvauTai' iffayyiXoi yap fim, to die more are able : like angels for they are, Kai vloi eicri tov deov, ttjs avaa-raaecios vioi and sons they are of the God, of the resuirection .ions ovTiS. ^^ Oti Se ey^ipovTai ot v^Kpoi, Kai Mw- bein^. That but rise the dead ones even Mo- ^■175 (firjvvasv eiri ttjs /3aTou, ws \iy(i Kvpiou, tes declared tx the bush, when he calls aL^jrd, TOV deov A/Bpaafi, Kai rov Oiov \wTav well thou hastspoken. Mo longer and they presumed to ack ClvTov ovdev, bim nothiaj;. *^ EiTre Se irpos avrovs' TIcus Keyovcrt rov Ke said and to them: H^ir say they the 29 Now there were Sev- en Brotliers; and tli« FIRST, liaving taken » Wife, died childless. 80 And the second 31 and tlie thikd took her; and in like manner also the seven ; they died, and left no Children. 32 And last, the w'US ; died also. { 33 At the EEsuhivEC- TION, therefore, To wiiich I of them does she heconie a [Wife; for the shven had her for a Wife." 34 And Jesus said to them, "The CHtLDiiKN of this AGE niany, and are given in marriage , 35 but THOSE deemeu WORTHY to obtain tliat AGE, and THAT RESURREC- TION from the Dead, nei- ther marry, nor are given in marriage , 36 lor they can die no more , J because they are like angels; and are Sons of * God, being Sons of th« RESURRECTION. 37 But That the dead rise, even Moses has de- clared,! at the BUSK, when he calls Jehovah, ' the 'God of Abraiiam, and 'the *God of Isaac, and ' the * God of Jacob.' 38 jNow lie is not a God of the Dead, but of the Living; + for to him ah are alive." 39 Then some of the SCRIBES answering, said, "Teacher, thou hast spo- ken well." 40 * And they dared not question him any more. 41 And he said to tlicm> J "How do they say, that * Vatican Manuscript.— 30. took— om!*. 30. the wife, and this died childless- em (^ 82. And of all— oMiii. 34. answeriug—omtt. 36. God. 37. God. 37. God. 40. For after. + 37. Many modern critics regard tlie phrase, — at the Bush, — as referrini? to the section sn the book of Exodus, commencina: at chap. in. 2, where it is recorded that the ang'el of Je- hovah appeared to Moses '"in a flame of fire out of a bush." In lilark xii -20. we read, Jtsus asks, " Have you not read in the book o' Moses, ut the bush, how God upoke to hini ?'" evi deutly alluding to the place or section where It was to be louuu 00 here he tavs '■ lliai the dbad rise, even Moses has declared at the 1 section oil The Uush wlien he calloi Jehovah ' &c Now Moses could oul.y be said to declare this by recording: what tfie aii^P'. "aid see lh<< account 111 Exodus. t 38 To him who rej^ards the future vesurrectioti 01 liin rieopl?s«' tfiough it was present :—" God. who n.akes alive the dead and calls ihiut;^ oor. vu oeiui:^ «* thoush fhe.y were." Kom. iv. 17. t aO. J Cor. x«. 42, 40, S3 ; Kom. viii.i3, I John ili. J. t ♦' Matt, xsii ii ■. Maiijii 3>5 Oiap. 20. i-'.] lukp:. [ Chap. 21 : a. avTOV fTTiu; ofhim heis? XoifTToi' vioi/ Aai//5 €Ji/a ; ^" Kat avTos Aavio Auomted aion of David to be ? Al.J yet himself David Kfy^i tv ^i[i\cp xpaX^cow " Enreu 6 Kupios T« *%y» Id a book ofptalinsi "Said the Lord to the tvpicp fxov '^KaOov f^ Se^iufy fiov ews av d(a lord ofme; Sit thou »t ri^-lit hand of me till Imayplacc roi/s ixOpovs (Tov vTronoZiQV rcov iroBccu (rov." the enei-.iies ofthee k footstool ot .ue feet ofthee." *'' Aai'fS ovy Kvpioy avrou KaXei, icai ttws vlos iJavid therefore a lurd hita calls, aiid how a son "^^ i\iiovvTos Se TTOVTOS 'TOV Kaov , I'eAring and all ofthe people, ejTre rots fiaOrj.ais a'vrov ^ Upoa-ex^Te airu hesaid tollie diMiplet of himself; Beware of Twu ypafxuaTeuv r:-v OeKovTWf TrepiTrareiv iv the acribrs, those wiahi-ig to wallc in (TToXaLSf Kai ^i\ovvTuv acTTtaafxovs ev rais robes, and loving salutations in the ayopats, KaiirpwroKadedpias evais rrvvayccyais, maikets, and first seats in the synagogues, Kai TTpcoTOKXicrias fv rois Seiirvois' *^ oi Karea-' and fust places la the feakt*{ they de- Oiovai ras oiicias rav XVP^'^'> ^at Trpo Tr€pi(r(TevovTos All for they out of the abundance avTOis efiaXov eis ra Swpa ^'[^rov deov ] avrr] 5e ofthem cast into the gifts [ofthe Godj] she but eK rov ixrreprjfxaros avrrjs a ravra rov /3iou, out of the want of herself all the living, 6v eix^Vy e^aAe. ^ Kai rivcjp K^yovrosv vepi whichshe sail, she cast. And some speaking about rov Upov bri AtOois KaXois Kai avaQ-qixaai the temple that with Jtones beautilul and ofTcrings icfKO(rfj.r)Tai, eiire' '^Tavra a Oewpctre, eAfu- it was adorned, he said; These which you behold, will (Tovrai ij/JLepai ev als ovk acpec rjrerai \iOos ctt; come days in which not will be left a stone upon \iOcf), 6s ov KaraKvOrjcrtraL. ^ Eirr]pc/:rr)(TC!.v 6c a stone, which not will be thrown down. They asked aad vlio MK.ssiAii is to ))e a Sen of David P 42 * For Pavid himself says in the Book of Psalms, t *' Ji'hoviih said to my ' LoKD, sit tiiou at nr ' Ki-ht hniid, 4'i 'till 1 put thine I !*• 'e.miks uudurneatb thy ^ ' I'KET.' I 4-t David, therefore^ rails him Lord, and how tlieu is he* J lis Son?" 45 tTlien in thehearinw of All the PEOPLK he said to * the DISCIPLES, 4G " Eeware of xnosK SCP.IBKS who DEsniK to uaik about in Lung robes, and J love Salutations -n the waukfts, and 'tie Piincipal seats m tlie sv~- AnoGUKS, and the Upper coucii at I'EASTS ; 47 J those Pn;?cDF.KiNchold,the Daya will come, in which J there wij] not be *lcft here a .■5tonc upon a Stone, that will not be thrown down.'" • Vaticam Mawschipt. — 12. For David. 43. Lord. )isciPi,E8. 2. also— omif. 4. of Gou— omif. 44. II18 Bod. 0. left here. 45 his •♦• 2. In value about four mill.s, or nearly half a fartliin?- J 43. Psa. c.>c. 1; Acts ii. 34." : 4-'). Matt xxin 1; Mark lii S8. t 46. LuUctI 43. 1 47. Matt. xxni. 14. J 1. Matt. sii. 41. t 5. Matt, xxiv It Mark xiit. 1. I a Luke XIX. 44. * * Ctiap. 21 : 7.? L.ITKK. \Chap.2\, 13. uvrov, Xeyovres' At5a(r/caA.e, ttots ov» Taxrra hioi, saying; O teacher, whe» then these i?OTa< ; Kai ri to (rriiimou, orav fieWr} raura ^illb«? aadxhatthe iisn, when may be about these yii/ftrOai; ^'O 5e cfjre* BAeTrere, /it) TrXavrid-qTe, to be done? He but eaid; Look you, uotyoumay bedeceiTed^ rioAXot yap ehevaovTai eiri rep ovofxari jxov, Ilany for will come in the name of me, Ktyovr^s- 'Or* €711; et^ui, Kai 6 Kaipos rjyyiKe. sayingi That I am, and the season has approached Mr; *[oi/77077fa:. ^"^ E^w yap dcvcrco v/jllv meditate to (ii»lii! » deleoc*. T lor will gix-e to you (TTOfjLaKai (focpiav, '77 00 huvifiTouTai avT€,,:t-eiv ri ■ mouth aud wisdom, which oo'. w:''. deabie to gainsay or aur KTTrjv'M iravris ol av-riKi-iufuui ujuii/, ^^Tlapa- resist all the U(ipoaruli lo you. You wiij So0ri(ri(T0^ 5e Kai viro yyvt-cvv, Kai ab€\(pwi/, be delivered up and also by parents, and brothers, Kat (TvyyiuCiiVy Kai (piAwv Kai BauaTwcrovcriv e^ and relatives, and friends. and they will put to death of iiu'vy. ^' Ka; ecreo'^e jjiKroufx^i^oi viro navTuiv yon. Aua you will oe being hated by all Sio TO O'joua iaov. ^^ Kut Qpi^ e/c tt/s K€^ai/>as, Kai at;^;tia/\a)TJfr07]froj'Tai by edge ofaaword, aud they will be led captive CIS Travra ra edvr}' Kai 'lepouaaK-q/j. earai iut^ all the nationa; and Jerusalem will he iraTOV/jLevT] vtto edi/ooVy axpt vXripwdcoai Kaipoi trodden down by Gentiles, till may be fulii lied teaAoitf. edfuu. 25 K.Q4 earai cn/j-eia evi]\icp Kai b of nation* in aToptGt rjxovs OaKarrarjS Kai (xaKov ^ aiToy\/v- perplrxity of a roar of sea and oftotaing: faiut- XovTW avdpooTTcov ano (po^ou Kai vpoaSoKias lug men from fear and expectation Twu eirepxofiei'aivrr) oiKovixevrf atyapdwafxeis of the thing* cummg Ola the habitable: the for powers Tcow ovpai'cau sJ\.rjy see the sou of the uaa coming in a cloud, fjiera, Suvafxews kq: do^r^s TroA.Ar,s. ^ ' ApxofJieucov with puwet ano. jlory great. Beginniug 8e rovTwv yiveadaif avaypvdaTe Kat eirapare uai oftheae to occur, raise youraeUec and lift up rai K*-'pa\as v/xcvp' Siori eyyi^ei r) airoXvTpoolfis the bead* ofyoui becaiMuc draws near the deliverauoe ijxwy, ^KaienreTrapaBo\r]i/ avTois' iSererriv «fyou. Andbaapoke a parable to themi 8eeyou the TvK'T-- KaiiravTaTaSevBpa' ^ drau Trpo0a\a)(Tip Cg-lree and all tbe treeai when they shoot forth 19 By your KNDUUANc'i; picserve youf 20 X And when you see Jeeusalkji sajTouuded by Encanipnients, then kuo^ That its DESOLATION has apuroached. ^1 Theri let TnosE wh» ara in Jldka, flee to the MOUNTAINS; let TH0S8 who ai'e iu the city, depart out J and let not thosk wlio are in the couutky PLACES enter it. 22 For these are Bays c( Vengeance, X f'^t All the THINGS WKiTTLN may ba ACCOMPLI SHLD. 23 JBut alas for the PRKGNANT and NURSING WOMEN in Those days! lor there will be great Dis- tress on the LAND, and Wrath asainsttliisPEOPLK. 24. And they will fall by the Edge of the Sword, and be 1 (1 captive into All *,he NAiit^Ns; and Jerusalem will be trodden down by Gentiles, J till * the Timed of Genliles may be accoci* plished. 25 J And there will be Signs iu the Sun and JJoou and Stars ; and on the KAETH Anguish of Kat ion? in Perple.vity; *Riianng3 of the Sea and Waves ; 26 Men fainting fi-om Pear and Apprehension of the THINGS COMING cn tiie HABITABLE; J for the POWERS of the BEAVEffS will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the son of man X com- ing in a Cloud with Powej and great Ghjry. 28 When these things are beginning to occur, raise yonrselvcs, andliltup your iiKAUs; for your dei.iv- EiiANCE in drawing near." 29 And lie spoke a Par- able to them;— 'Behold the FiG-TK££, and Ail the THEE3. 80 When they now put • VA"HCA!r MASrs-^RtPT.— 23. But— omit. 24. when they ehould be fulfilled; and the Tiuuis Bhall ioe tiioiiti of the Geutiles. And 25. Kuuriuj^s of the Sea. : 8tt Matt. xxiv. ISi Mark xiii. 14. t 25. Dnn. ix. 26 ; Zech. xi. 1. I 24. DwL xii.7 Horn. Xi. 25. t 25. Matt, xxiv.20: Jlark xuL24; 2 Pet.iiLM,U. i 88. Matt t.>dv. A>> I 27. Matt.xxiv.dUt t^^* i>»> €nap. 51 : 31.] T^XJKl::. [Chap. 22 : ». ij^T], /SAeTToyres, a^* eavrccv yiuuxTKeTe^ on cow, beholding, from of yourselves you know, that r/jr; 677VS to 6epos ecrriv. '■^^ OuTca Kai vfieis, si'iw near the eummer is. So also 3'ou, orau i8r]Te ravra yiuo/jLeva, yivwirKere, on when you may ece these occurring, know you, that e-y-yi/y ecTTiv 7] ^affiXfia Tov Oeov. ^-^ x\^7]v Xeyca near is the kingdom of the God. Indeed I say vfxiv^ on ov fir] irapeXOr] t) yevsa avrrj^ ews to you, that not not may pass awaythe generation this, till av iravTa ysv-qr ai. ^^ 'O ovfiauos Kai 7] 777 all may be done. The heavpn and the earth 'Ti-apsXcvaovTaf ol 5e Xoyoi fiov gu fX7] TrapeX- sliall pass away; the but words of me not not may pass $wm. ^* npoaex^Te 5e eavTo.s, iitjtvgtg ^apt]- awaj. Take heed but to yourselves, lest should be OcofTiu uficuu al KapBiai eu KpanraXr], Kai /j-^Ot], burdened ofyou the hearts with surfeiting, and drunkenness, KUL jx^pifivais fiiwTiKais' Kai aicpvtSios ecp' vfxas and anxieties ofiife; and suddenly on you tTTKTTii 7; iifxepa cKeivT], ^'^ Tis Tray IS yao cTre- itiay come the day that. As snare for it will XeuatTai ciri "Kavras rovs Ka9rif.i.€vovs ert irpo- com« on all those dwelling on face JdOTTOU TrafTTJS T7JS ^TJS. ^^ Aypvirj/eiT€ OVV €P of all of the earth. Watch you then in vauTt Kaipcpf Seo/xfi^otf Iva KaTa^ici.Br}Te €K- every season, praying, thi:tyouinaybcaccou:it£d worthy to ipvyeiv ravra iravra ra /xeX^.oura yiv^adai, escape these all the things being about to occur, Kai crraOrjvai e/xTTpoaOep rov vlov rov avQpwirov, acid to stand in presence ofthe son of the man. ^^ Yiv 5e ras ijfj-epas iP rep Upcp SiSacTKcow He was and the days in the temple teaching; ras Se vvKxas e^epxoiJ.evos rjuXi^ero ets ro the and nights going out he lodged in the 3po5 ro KaXovjxevov eXaicov. ^^ Kai Tras 6 mountain that being called of oUve-trees. And all the Xao5 wpQpi^e ivpos avrov ev r^ Upai aKovciv people came early to bim in the temple to hear avrov. KE. k/3'. I'l, ^Hyyi^e Se t) koprt] him. Drew near now the feast ru)v a^vjxoiV, 7] Xeyoixepr] irairxa' "Kaie^7]rovv oftheuuleavenedcakes, that being called passover; and sought 01 afj%£6pets Kai oi ypajufiar^HS, ro ttcos apiXwcip the higli-priest» and the scribes, the how they might kill avrov ecpo^oupro yap rop Xaop ^EiarjXCe Ss himj they feared for the people. Entered and orarapas *'is lov5ap rop eTriKaXov;j.epop laKapico-' adversary >nto Judas that being sutnamed Iscariot rtip, opra ck rov apiQjxov rwp dwdeKa, * Kai being of the number ofthe twelve. And forth, observing it, you know of yoursf-lves That the suMMEH already is near. 31 Thus, also, •when gotl see these svents occurrinsj, know That the KiNGDOja of God is ear. 33 Indeed I say tc you. This GENEBATION wiU UOt pass away, till all be ac- complished. 33 The HEAVEN and the EAKTH will fail; but my WOKDS cannot fail. 34 But J take heed to yourselves, lest Your HEARTS be oppressed by Gluttony, and Drunken- ness, and Anxieties of life, and that day sliould come unexpectedly upon you. 35 For it will come, like a Snare, on All those DWELLi^i'G on the Pace of the Whole land. 36 J* Be you watchful, therefore, at all times, ]*raying that you may he re.trarded worthy to escape All these thiings being ABOUT to occur, and to stand before the son of MAN." 37 Now lie was teaching Jduring the days m tlie temple, and going out he lodged at nights in that MOUNTAIN which is callea the Mount of Olives. 38 And All the people came early to him in the TEMPLE to hear hmi. CHAPTEH XXII. 1 Now J THAT FEAST of UNLEAA^ENED BKKAD, which IS CALLED the Pass- over, was drawing near. 2 AndtheHi»GH-PEiEST.s and SCRIBES sought how they might kill him ; for they feared the people. 3 X And the Adversary entered * into that. ludas, called Iscannt, whf) whs of the NUMBER of the twelve. * Vatican Manuscript. — 36. Uut watch yon, and pray always, that you may prevail to escape. 3. into that Judas, called Iscariot. t 34. Kom xiii. IS; 1 Thess. v. 6 ; 1 Pet. iv. 7. xiu. o.i. t 37. Joh;. vinl,2; Lukexxn.S9. I 3. Matt. xxvi. 14; Matt. xiv. 10 ; John xiii. 2. 27. 1 30. Matt.xxiv42: txv.13; Mark J 1. Matt. XXVI. 2; Mark xi •. 1. Chap. 22-. 4.] LUKK. [C/iap. 22-. l'/. eoing be t»r»eawiih tl.« liijjli-iJrii-st* and the CTpaTTTyots, to ttws ayTOf irapaSc}} avrois. otflcfn, the how him he might deliver>ip to them. 'Kai €xo-pr]^au rou nafiuSouPai avrov avTots arep ox^ov. tuiiily ol iii« tu deliver Lip hiin to them without of a crowd. * H/\0e 56 7; rj/uLfpa rwu a^vpLooUj iv 'rj Came ant iDe day of the ualeavei.ed cakes, la nhicU «8et, difadai ro Tracrxa' ^ nai airecr'reiKe jl It ueceiiary to »acrihce the paschal lamb ; aud beaeat ViiTpov Kai \u)avvy)v^ enrav TlopevO^VTes eroi- " " " '" pre- 4 Ajidliewpiilaud taiked w:th the HrGii-rBiEsT.s ;il!d OJ'FICF.KS, HOW hfi niiclit deliver him up to theiii. 5 And tliey were glad, and agreed to give bia Moury 6 And he consented, and souzlit a Convenient tinif to DEMVERhimupto the»i. ill tlie absenceof tlic Crowd. 7 t Now the DAY of UN- LEAVKNEO BRF.AD Came, on which it was necessary to SHcritice the paschal LAMB. 8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, "Go, and ])rei)are the pas.«oveb for us, that we may eat." 9 Aud THKY said tohini, "Where dost thou wish that we "^ prepare for thee to cat the PASSOVER?" 10 And HK said to them, " Behold, as you enter the CITY, a Man carrying a Pitcher of Water will meet you; follow hira into the HOUSE where he enters. 11 And you shall say to the master ot the house, 'The TEACHER says tothee. Where is the guest-cham- BKR, where I may eat the PAssovEK with my disci- ples ?■ 12 And ftc v.-iil sliowyotj , , a large Ipper-roora fur. ^^Air^XBovTes Se (Vf)ov KaOws fipvteu avroiS' nished ready; chere pre- 9 Ot 5e They an J 10 'O Se He and Peier aud JohU| aayiug, Goid^ fiaaan rjixiv to Trotrrxa, Iva (paywix^u. pareyuu forua the paskover, that we may eat. CJTo*' ai'Tfx'' Tlov 6e\ets aroifxaaw/iifu ; •aid tohiiOiWher* niltthou «e make reiiiy ? emeu avTois' iSou, eiaeXOovTo.'V vjjloiu eis rrju • aid to theuii Lo, having entered ofyuu into the 7roA.jj/, ayoj ; ^- KaKeifos vfxiu Sd^ei the diftcipiea oiuie i may eat? And he to you wii'ahofr avayiou /x^ya carpwix^vov CKfi eroiuatrare, ait uppei room large having been furui«hed ; there prepare you. avewfaff Kat oi he reclined, and the ^•' Kat enre irpos Aud he taid to ; and they tound eveu as behadaaid totbem: Kai -i^ToiuaiTay ro 7ra to eat with you, biTurc the me to autfer. i aay yap vjiiu, 6t. *[oi;k6tj] ov fir) (paycu e^ avrov, tor to you, that [no more] Dot not I iii:\j eat of it, ews &rov Tr?\T]pa}dr) €V rj) fiacriAfia tov Beou. titi It may be liilfilledin the kingdom oi me Cod. -^ Kai bt^a/xevoi iroT-qpioVy eux^,}taTr)(Tai enre' AOd tiavifl^ lakea a cup, having ^iven thanta heiiid: pare. ' IS And (hey vevr. sini found ali even as tie liasj said Vi thciii ; and they prepared the PAssovTia. 14 X And wlien the iiouB came, he reclined, and *the APOSTLES with him. 15 And he said to tnem, " I have earnestly desired to cat; Tins PASSOVEKwith you before I suffer; 1(5 for I say to you, I will not cat * of it till it shall be fulfilled m the KINGDOM of God." 17 And taking a Cup, having given thanks, hr • Vatican Manuscript.— 9. prepare for theo to c.ii tho passovbb. 14. the xpostLKi witli Imn 1"). iios:cire — omit. 16. the same. till. i7 .Matt IX VI. 1 7 Murk si V. 12. ♦ 14. Matt. xxvi. 20; Mark xiv. 17 Chap. 22: I8.3 LUKE. [CAap. 22: 37. AajSere rovroy Kai Sia/u.epicraT€ eaurois. ^^ Ae')u Take you thii, and divide you ameiig yourselves. 1 say yap vuip, oTi ov fxr] irica airo rov ya^vnp.aros for to you, that not not I may drink of the product TTjs a^TTeXou, Iws otov 7; fiariKeia rov 6eov of the fine, till the kingdom oftlie God €\6t]. ^^ Kat Ka^cav apTov, evx^tp^O'TVC'^s «nay come. And having taken aloaf, having given thanks €K\acref Kai edwK^u aoTois, Aeycov Tovto ccrri he broke, and gave to them, saying; This is TO acofia 1J.0V, TO virep v/xcuv SLdofxevow tovto the body ofme, that in behalf of you being given : this TToieiTe €15 Ttiv efjLTju avap.vT}cnv. ""^ 'ClaavToos do you in the my remembrance. In like manner Kai TO TTOTripiou, fxeTa to Seiin^crai, Xeyoof also the cup, after the supper, saying: Tovto to iroTTjpiov. tj Kaivq SiadrjKr] ev Toy Inis the cup, the n^w covenant in the al/jLuTi fjLov, TO virep vfxcvv ^KX^vofx^uov. ~^'n.\7\v blood of me, th-at in behalf of you being poured out. But ihov, 7] X^'P ''"'^^ irapaSi5ouT€S fie /ier* e/xov ctti io, the hand of the delivering up me with mine on Tr]s Tpaire^rjS. ^ Kai 6 /xeu vtos Tov avQpwirov the table. And the indeed son ofthe man ■nopiverai Kara to wpiajxevov TrXrjv ovai joes away according to that having been appointed^ but woe voi; avQpouTttf cKeivij}, Si' ov irapaSidorai. tc ibe maD that, through whom he is delivered up. -"'KoJ avToi 7]p^avT0 (Tv^tjTeiv irpos €avTovs,To, And Ihey began to inquire among themselves, the, ■''is apa eiT] 6| avrwu b tovto /u^Wwu wpaa-- nb'.ch then it zouldbc of them the this beingabout to 0 ea'. do "^ E761/6T0 5e Kai , 6 avaKeijxevos, t] 6 Siaicovwv , ovx^ & be reclining, or he serving? not he aPaK€'iJ.€p05 . eyco Se eifii ei/ fxeacp vfjLwv cos 6 .eclinmg f I but am in midst of you as he said, "Take this, and di vide it among yourselves ; 18 for X I say to you, I will not drink *from HENCEFOETH Of the PKO. DUCT of che VINE, till the KINGDOM of God shall come." 19 t And taking a Loa^ and having given thanks, he broke it, and gave to them, sayuig, "This is THAT BODY of mine which 13 GIVEN for ycu ; do this m Mt Remembrance.'"* 20 In like manner also the CUP, after the suppek, saying, "This cup is the NEW Covenant in my BLOOD, THAT in your be- half being pouked out. 21 J But, behold, the HAND of HIM who DELIV. ERs me up is with mine on the TABLE. 23 * For indeed the son of MAN is going awuy, ac- cording to THAT which V.tii beenAPPoiNTED; but Woe to ttiat MAN by whoiii he IS delivered up !" 23 And tf)cg began to inquire among thenrselvcs, WHICH ofthem it could be who was about to do this. 24- J And there was also a Contention among them, WHICH of them should be thought the greatest. 25 J And HE said to them, "The kings of the N ATioNs exercise dominion over them; and those HAVING authority ovef them are styled t Bene- factors. 26 But 50U must not be so ; but let the geeatesi Limong you become as the, and the goveenob as HE who SEEVES 27 For who is greater, HE ^yho eeclines, or hk who SEEVES? Is not he who EECLINES ? but I am among you as he who SEEVES. " Vaticaw Manuscript. — 18. from hencefortb. 22. lor indeed. T 25. Euergefes, Bsnefactors, was a name borne by several tings lu Egypt and Syria, an-J had Lecome pioverbiaitor a tyrant. — Shar2Je. 1 18. nUlt.xxvi. 29; Maik xiv. 2i> i 19. I Cor. xi.24. J 21. Psa. xli. 9 ; Matt. XXV 1. 21,2:5. iVlaik XIV. 18; Johikxm. 21. 26. : 21. Markix 34, Luke ix 44 1 ,(, Matt. XX. 25: iMdik Chap. 29: 28.3 LIJKK. [a,ap. 22: 38. %iaKov(t}v, ^'T,uets 8* €(7X6 ol SiafiffjifvrjKOTfs srrviag. You but are thote baTingcoDtiiiucJ fier' tfxov €» Tots veipaafjLOis fiou. ^ Kayco Kith me in tbe tiitla ofuie. An<>>a He and flTTfU aVTCf K.Vpify flfTCL (TOV fTOltlOS (1/J.l KO.l said to him I O lord, with thee leady lam both 6iv (t>vKaKTf]if Kai fts Bavarou iropevecrBai. ^^ O to prison and to death to gO. He 5e €iT6* A^yco croi, Flfrpe, ov fxt) (f>u}VT](Tei but (aid; I eay to thee, O Peter. not not ki1< crow cri^ epov a\eKT(vpf irpiu r) rpis aTrapvrja-p /ht] to-day acock, before thrice thou wilt 'Vny not etSevoi fie. ^ Kai et-mv avrois' 'Ore aire(T- to hav,. Lnotnime. And he said to them ; When I TefAa vp-as arep fiaXauTiov^ Kai irr)paSf Kat tent you without a purse, and a bag, and vTvo^TjIuarctiUf /utj tivos v(TTfpr}(TaTe; Ol Se enrov shoes, not aiiyiiiiug wanted you? 'I))ey and said; OvSfPos, ^ Eantf ovv aurots' AAAa vvi/, 6 Nuttun;. He said then to them; But now, be ^X^^ &a\avTioVy (tparu), ofxoiws Kai irrjpav having n purse, let iiitn take, in like manner >nd (bag; Kat d fxrj ex^j/, TrccAT/traTw ro ifiaTiou avrov, Kai and he not having, let him sell the mantle ofbimfielf. and ayoparrarco fiaxaipau. ^ Aeyco yap vp.iVy 6ti Irt him buy a sword. I say for to you, that *[6Ti] rovro TO yeypnptfieuov Set Te\ia6T)i/ai fv [yet] this tb» having txen wntteb must to he linislied in g/xotf to' *' Kai fifTa avoua^u €\oyi(TOr]." Kai me, that( "And with law-breakera Le was counted " Also yap ra Tiepi (p.ov reKos ex^'« Ol Se cnrou- for the thingsaboot me an end has, I'hey but sa^d: Kupte, i5ou, fjLaxaipai d)5e Suo, 'O ?• cfTrev O lord, lo, awurd* her* two. Be and taid avTOtS' '\Kavov eari, to them : BLOugh it is. 28 And 20U are thet who have contimjud with me in my tri.\L3. 29 And I covenant foi you, evi n as my fathkb isas covt;nanied lor ine, J i Kingdom, SO that yon may eatan^ drink at luy 'jaki.e in n.j KINGDOM, J and sit on Thrones, Judg:ing tlie TWKLVE Tribes ol Lskael. 31 Simon, Simon, belioid, the ADViusASY Las asked foryou, rtn». he may sift you like wkpat; 32 but E have prayed for thee, that thy fAiTii may not fail, and when tl)ou hast turned, strength- en thy BEETHEKN." 33 And HE said to him, " Master, I am ready to gr witii thee both to PrisoD and to Death." 34. t And HE eaid, " 1 tell tliee, Peter, a Cock will Dot crow To-day, * til', t hou shalt thrice deny tha thou knowest me." 35 And he said to them 1' When I Sent you oui without a Purse, and Bag; and Sandals, did you waul any thing':" And TutY said, "iSothing." 86 *And he said to them, "But now, he who HAS a Pmse. let him take it and in like manner, a Bag, and he who has no Sword, let hi in sell hia MANTLE, and buy one. 37 Por 1 tell you. Thav THIS which has been WEiT- TKN must be fully a/-coD - piishedin me, J Axo he 'WAS NUMHERF.n WITH ' LAW-BRKAKERs ;' for also the THINGS concerning me have an end." 88 And THEY said, ":.:?.ster. Behold, here are two Swords." And he said to them, "It is sutti- cieut." • Vatica!» Ma.vuscbipt.— ,"51. And the Lord aai rt—»mir. 80. And be said. 37. yetr-omtt. 84. tin thou Shalt. : !9. Matt. xxiT.47; Lukerii. 32; 2 Cor. t 7; « Tim. ii. 12; Rev. ii. 28, 57. «■ 'O. Matt- xix.5,S; 1 Cor. VI.?-, Kc-r.iii. 21. t 34. Jiatt. xxvi. .U. .Marts ziv. 30( Jq xiii. 3& ■V ?a. Matt. T. 0} Lukeix 3; X. 4. J 37. Isa. Uii. 12: Mark xv. 28. Chap. 22: 39.] LUKE. ^ Kat e^iXOoov evopevOri Kara ro edoi:>ciPLES, lie found them sleeping from grief, 46 and eaid to them, "Why do you Sleep? Arise, and pray that you luay not enter into Tnal.'* 47 And while he was yet speaking, fbeholda Crowd, aud HE who was called Judas, one of the twelve, preceded them, and drew near to Jesus to kiss him. 48 But * Jesus said to him, "Judas, dost thou be- tray the SON of MAM with a Kiss r" 49 And THOSE about him perceivmg what was about TRANSPIRING, Said, "M^.ster, shall we strike with he Sword ?" ♦ Vatican Ma?iuscript. — 12. This Cup. •43. Jesus. 49. to him — omit. 43, 44. — omit. 47- And-'tfmit, t 43. There is no mention of this circumstance in any of the other Evangelists i and it is worDhy of remark, that among many of the ancients, the authenticity of these two verses, the4:irdand44th, liasbeendouhted, andin coiisequence, they are omitted iu several MS8., /.lid in some Versions and Fathers. The Codex Alexandriiiiis, and tlie Codex Vaticauus, the *-wo oldest MSS. in the world, omit both verses ; in some very r.ncieut MSS. they stand with an asterisk before them, as a mark ot dubiousness; and they are b.ah wanting m the Copt.o .ragmcnts published by Dr. I/ord. They are however extant in such a vast number ot MSS., Versions and Fathprs, as to leave no doubt with most critics, of tlieir authenticity.— C/arAc. Griesbach notes them as wanting in some authorities, but thinks that thev ought not to be omitted. t .'.0. Matt, xxvi.36; Mai k xiv. 32; John xviii.l. 1 47. Matt. xxvi. 47 ; Matt, xi/ 4.J; John xviii. 3. Cliap. 22; 50. j T^TTKi:.. [Clittp. 2.T: «0. And itnick one* certain of them the slave of the iftX^^P^^^t 'f'** ac^ezAe;/ avrov ro ovs to Se^toi/. high-priest, and cutoff of him the ear the ri^ht. *' AiroKpiBeis 56 d Itjcous eiirev EaT€ ea>s Annwerin; and the Jesua taid; Let you be till TouTOu. Kai axpaufvos tov cotiov avrov, lacraro this. And touchin"; the ear ofhim, h liea'ed avTou, ^^ EiTre Se 6 Irjcrovs irpos tovs irapayeuo- him. S\id and the .leeua tc those havio;; u(uovs eir* avrov apx^^p^ts, Kai (xrparriyovs rov "^ome on him hiijh-priests, and ofTioers of the iepovj /cat vpec/^vTcpovs' Tls cttj Xrjarrriy c^eXr]' temple, and elders; As on n robber jruu have XvOare fxcra fiaxaiocou Kai ^vXcow ^^KaO^ r]fj.epav come oat with swords and clubs; every day ovros fxov /xe0' vjjiaiv ev rep Upco, ovk e^ereivare being of me with you in the temple, notyou didstretchout ras x^^P*^^ f"' f^f* aA.\' avrr] v/jlcjdv etrriv ri the hands OQ me; but this of you it it the wpa, Kai 7] f^ovcria rov (TKOtovs. hour, and the authority of the darkness. ^*^v\\a3ovTe5 Se avrov rjyayov, Kai€i(Tr)ya' Having seized and him tbey led, and brou<;ht yov avrov €is tov oikov tov apxtepfws. 'O 5e him into the house of the hi^'n-priest. The but rierpoj rjKoKouOei fiaKpodev. ^^'Aipavrcov Se Peter followed at a distance. Having kindled and vvp ev fi€(ra> rrjs ayA.7js, Kai he said to him; That before a\eKTOpa (pcai/7](Tai, airapuTjar) pe rpis. ^^Kai acock to crow, thou mayest deny me thrice. And €leA9(ov 6|w, eK\av(re inKpccs, ^ Kai ot afdpes going out, he wept bitterly. And the men 01 (Tvv€XovTes TOV Itjcovu, cveTTai^ou avTcp^ those having in custody the Jesus, mocked him, Sepoures' ^"^xai Tre piKa\vy\iavTCS auTor, *j]eTi/7r- »cour?ingi And havin;; blindfolded him, [they "^OV aVTOV TO TrpOflTCDTTOI',] Kai CinjpOOTWV aVTOVf struck of him the face,] and they asked him, heyovTcs' Ilpo(prirev(ToVy ris eariv 6 Traicras saying; Prophesy, who U he striking (re ; ^ Kai erepa iroAA.a ^\a(T(pT]povvTis eAeyov thee? And other many blaspheming they spoka (IS avrov. against him. ^ Kai ws eyeuero 7]fxepa, cvvTfx^'O fo Trpea- And aa it became day, were aaaembled the elder- ^vrepiQv TOV A.aoi/, apx^^P^ts re Kai ypa/j.- ship ofthe people, high-priesta and and scribes, pa^'-iSf Kai avTjyayou avrov eis ro avvehpiop and brought blm into the lanhedrio) kavT(t>v, ^^ \eyourfS' E* av et 6 XpicrroSy ei-rre »f themselves, saymg; If thou artthe Anointed, tell ripiv. EiTTe Se avrois' Eau vpiv citto), ov fxr} us. He said and to them ; If to you I tell, not not TncrrevtTTjre' ^eav Se *[«rai] epcaT-qaw^ ov fir] you will believe i if but [also] I jisk, not not aiTOKpiQr\re *\^poiy rj aTro\var}Te.] ^^Atto tov you would answer [me, oi would loose. ] From ofthe vvv ecrrai 6 vlos rov avQpwirov KaOri^eyos e/c now thallbethe too ofthe man sitting at 6e^ici}U rr]S Suva/news tov 6eov. '^^ Eittov 8e fight handof the power ofthe God. SaiJ and iravres' 2w ovv ei 6 vtos rov Qeov ; 'O 8t vpos all. Thou then art the sou ofthe GodF He and to avrovs e(prj' 'Tptis Xeyere' 6ri tyoo fipt. them said: You sayi that I am, '^ Ot 5e eiTTov Tt en xpftaj/ exopeu fiaprvpias; Theyand said: Whatfurther need havewe of testimony? KvToi yap i}Kov»i^. 68. also — omU. 6S. me, or would Iocbh; — omit. 6d. Bus 'vom tais iimb. ♦ 61. Matt, xsrvl. 75 ; Mark xiv. 7i- : ii^rl. jdv. 62; Keb. i. S ( \ni. I. I 66. Matt, xxvii. 1. J 60. Matt, xxvi t 1. M'itt.xxvii.2; Mark xv. 1 ; John xviii 2& Cfiap. 23: S.-* JiUKE. TovTof evpouev Ziu(TTpc\vovTa Kaicrapi (popvs diSouai, Keyoura iav- fiirliid.ling to Ce«.%r tax to gwe, «Ayir.«; hitn- Tou Xpi(TTOv 6aai\ea eivai. ^'O 5e TliXaros uir *n aniiiuted king to be. The and PiUte €irripct}TrjiT€v avTov, \eywy 2w ft 6 $aai\fvs »»lcfd hiin, nyin^: Tliou »rt tlie king Twu lou^aiwu ; 'O Se anoKpiQeis avro) €(pri 2i; •rthe Jew.i : He ana anawerin); to bun •aid: Thou \fyeis. ■* 'O 5e Ilt^aTos enre trpos tovs apx^f- >aye!he. ^YltKaros Se aKovras *[roAt\aia»',] to hei^. Pilate and having heard [ofGalilee.l eTrr]pwT7)(raUf ei 6 audpoo-rros ra\i\atos eari. he asked, it the man a Galilean is. 'Kat eviyuovs, bri ck rris f^ovartas 'HpwSnu And baring learned, that of the authority ci Herod fCTTiVy aufTrfrixxj/eu avroy irpos 'HpwSrjVf ovra he IS, he sent him to Herod, being Kai avTou €V 'lepoaoKvinois eP Tavrats Tais hao biui ia Jerusalem in tbos« the ^fiepais. day*. ®'0 5e 'Hpft)5T7$ iduju rov li)xy; 2. and sriyin-f. Ubbou and PiUkTR. • VaTICASI MiWUSCRIPT. — 2. our KATIOW. T. Hsaoo. 8. many things — omit. 12 X 2. John ris. U t 3. Matt, xxvli. 11 ; 1 Tim. vi. 13. t 7- Luke iii. 1. 1 8. Uatt. xiv. ii Mark vi. 14 j Luke ix. to. 6. of G:Jilc-e— omit. J 4. 1 Pet. u. 2j» Chap. 33: 13.] L-UlvEfc, BAA.77Aa>y vpovr-qpxov yap iv ex^poovres vpos each otheri formerly for ia hatred being witb kaVTOVS. themselves, ^^lliXaroj Se ffvyK7.\s(Tap.evos rovs apx^^P^^s Pilate and having autumoned the hi^h-prieats Kai Tous apx^vTCLS Kai rov Kaov^ ^'* ctTre vpos and the ctiiefs and toe people, said to avTovy 11/ oar^i/eyKare /xoi rou avBp(aiTov rov- them; You have brought torn th'; man this, Tov, &S airo» the HiaH-PBiKSTS— omit. 24. Pilate. 2.t. Prison 1 13. Matt, xxvii. 23; Mark XT. 14 ; John xviii. S&t sUk I. (tar'o' XV. 6; John xvui.S^ t W' Matt, xxvit. €hap 28: 2epeiv oirKrOfv tbey pUrrd to him the Cro», to carry after TOW IrjTov, ^^ HKoKovdei Se avT(i> vo\v v\ti6os tho J .'su*. Followed and him a(rcat multitude Xov KaoVf Kai yvpaiKcuv ai ^l^Kat"^ ^kotttopto O'*l>epeople, and of women ■ who [aUo] lamented iat tOp-qvovu avTov. '^ ^Toatpeis Se vpos avras •nd bewailed bim. Turning but to them b Irfaovs, five Quyarfpes 'lepowO'aA.Tj/t, fir] |he Jeiua, aaidi Daughter* of Jeruialeiu, not fKaifTf €T* €^6, ir\T]y ecp* eairras KKaifTCy Kai '.' en yoa for inea but for yourselvc* weep you, and tiri ra rfKva vfxwv, ^ 'Otj «Sou, tpxovrai rip-c- for the ebiidrea af you. i^or lo, comt days, pai, ty ah fpov(ri' MaKapiai at arfipaty Kai in wkick they will layi Bleaacd tbe barren onea, and Koi\ typ(p ^v\ep ravrairoiov- na. For if ia *be (reeo %nm tbaao (hey r«y, «r rtp {Tjpy tc yiVT]rat ; ^ la the dry what will br don f ** H70CTO 8 *[^ypa/jL/.'.a(riv 'EXAtj- [having been written] over him [letter* In viKotSf Kai 'Pw/xaiKois, Kai 'EjSpaj/cotS'J "Ovtos Greek, and Latin, and Hebrewt] Thia t(rriv 6 Paai\€vs rwv lovdaiwv*** is the king ofthe Jews." ^Eis Se rccu KpefjLaadeuTwv KaKovpyoov f^Xac- One andof those having been hanged malefactors spoke ^■r)fxei avrov, *[Ae7c«jj''] Ej cv et 6 XpiffTos, against him, [saying.] If thou art the Christ) (Tiacrov oreavTOV Kai rj/xas, ^^ AiroKpiOeis Se 6 save thyself and us. Answering but the erepos eiriTi/xa avTcf \eywv OwSe (po^r) ( come together crowd* to the tig^t this, T ,:'» dewpcvyres ra yivojjuva^ rvrroyres betiolding the things hating occurred, etnkia; *riaoTa>;'] ra (rrrjOtj vire, ov ovK riv laid it ta ktomb bewn in • rock, where Bot was OvScrro) ovSeis L] TL.UKE. KE*. ITS'. 24. 'Tj7 Je juta ray (ra^^aruv^ opBpov $a9eot, iBtheacd first of the «rcekt, ofmomiDg very early, ^\6ov €Jrj TO fiVTjfiay (pep^vaai a TiToi/jLaaay came to the tomb, bnngiog what the; prepared ttpcDfiara' *[koi riues trvv avrais.^ ^Evpoy aromaticii fand >ome with them.] They found $6 Tor \i6oyaTroKeKv\i(r^ifvov anoTovfj.p'Tjfxetov. and the stone haTin; been rolled from the tomb. ' Kot €i» the tomb, they related ^eso all rots ivSexa Kat Tract tois Koiirois. ^^ Hcray d< • the eleven end to all the others. Were aad i) MaySaXTfyi] Mapia, Kat Iwavvaf Kat Mapia ths Magdalene Mary, and Joanna, and Mary laf*!vfiov, Kat al hoirrai cvy avTais, ai «\eyov oCJar es, and th« othei* with them, who apoka roo Tovs airoo'ToAovs t^vtu. *^ Kai e<}>avr)(Tay to the apostle* these. And appeared tvMWiov avTuv oxrsi Kripos to ^rjfxaTa avTwy, iODTCsenca of them as aoidle talcthc words of them. Hat TjTTKTTOvy avTais. ^^'O 8e TleTpos avaaTos (cd they belcTed not them. The and Peter ar.sing fSpa/xey evt to fiPriiAftoVy Kat irapaKvipas ^Aeirei T^Vi %o ths tomb* and ba^in £ stooped down he ues ra oOoyia *\_Keifxeva] [tova' Kat airrjAOe vpos th^ linen baada [Ijias] alonai and he departed by iavToy, Bavfia^cav to yeyovos, Oiraself, wondering that having occnrred. ^ Kai tflVVO'' And they re- ♦ TAticAn MAifir8CBip».— L and some with them— oms^ VObDS. 12. lyia^—omit. t 8. lischendort omits the words "of the Lord Jesus.'' {bis verse. 1 1. Matt.xiviii.l; MarkxvLI; Johnxx.2. 1 s, Markxvi 6 12. : 6. Matt. XVI. 21: xvii.23; Mark viii, 81 ; Ix 31: Luke ix. 22 »XTiii. H ; Mark xvL 10. t U. Mark xvi. ii.. IChap.M il. CHAPTER XXIV. 1 J And on the riKsl day ofthe WEEK, very early in the Morning, they weii't to the TOMB, carrying tlia Aromatics which ihe;; tad prepared. 2 And they fonnd the STONE rolled away from the TOMB ; 3 J and having entered, they found not the iJODX t of the LoBO Jesus , 4 And it occurred, 88 they were in peeplexttt about this, J behold two Ttl en stood by them in shin> ing Clothing 6 And the women being afraid, and bowing their FACES to the EARTH, these said to then., "Why do yoo seek the iiTiiie one amon^ the DEAD? 6 He is not here, but has bees raised. $ Kumciiibei, how he spoke to you, while he was yet in Galilee ; 7 Baying, 'The son of MAN must be delivered np into the Hands of Sinners, and be crucified, and the THiE»day rise again.'" 8 And they recolleetei his woKDs; • X and retnniing from the^OMB, related all these things to the elbven, and to AllthsEEST. 10 Now they were the MAQOALAMary, and Jo- anna, and * Ti! AT Mary the mother of James, and tlie OTHBH8 with them, wlio told these things to the APOSTLES. 11 J And*thefe W0KD8 appeared to them like idle talk; end they believed them not. 13 t Bat Petek arising ran to the tomb, and stoop* ing down he saw only th| LiNsif BANDS ; and he went away by himself wondering at what baa HAPPENED. 20. THAT Mary. 11. tbec« t 13. TiscLendorf omiU t 4. John XX. XU-Matt ffhap. 24: 13.] LUKE. {Chap. Zt: 23. ^^ Kai iBoVy Svo e| avrcay rjcray iropevofjLei/oi fu Aad lo. two of them were tomg io tLvrrj rrj r]fj.efi Ehap. 24. 24.3 LUKE. \CTiap. 24: 34. 'K^-yovaiv avrov ^rjv. ^^ Knt airqXdov rives »»j him to be aUva. Ad4 nent Botne Twv (Tuv TifjLip €iri TO fJtmjfjtetoPy Kat evpov • fthose with na to the t(ymb, and found *[ouTa>,2 KccQoos Kai at yxfvaiK€S ciirov avrov [thus,] even as also the woman said; him Se ovK eiSop. ^^Kai avras etire irpos avrovj' out Bot the^saw. And he eaid to them; n avo-qroi Kat ^paSess rrj Kapdia tov ivtcmveiv O thoughtless and glovt with tbe heart of the to beliere STTi iracriVy ols eXaATjffav oi ■!rpo(pTjTcu. ^6 Qy^^ in all, which spoke the prophets. Not Taxrra eSci vaBetv TovXpKTTOv, Kat ei(re\- theseitwasbiadiagtohavesaffered the Anointed, and tc $€tv 6iS Trjp ^o^av auTov ; ^Kat ap^a/jtevos airo enter into the gtory ofhiiBself? And beginnin-g from MaxTECiis Kat airo travTcov Toav TrpoKprfTooVy Scrips Mcssfa and from »Il ofthe prophets, ke fjLTjvevev avTois ev Tratrais Tais ypa(j>ais to explained to them in all the writings thethmgs irept auTott. ^ Kat tfyyKTap ets rrjv KcafirjVy ov about himself. And thejc drew near to the villagt^ where fTTop^vcvTO' Kat avTOS Trpo(T€irot€tTo Ttoppoyrepxa they were going: knd he seemed iii tending further irop^v^ffQat. ^ Kai Tfapc-^iaaavro avrov, to go. Bat the;- pressed hsn, XiyovTfS' Metvov /*e^ rffAWPy &Ti irpos iffvepav •ayiagi Abide with nsy for toward evening tarty Kai KCKhiKev ?/ rjfAepa. Koi (i(Tf]Kds tov itis, and has dei^Uned the da^. And hewentin the fteivai orvv ovrots. ^Kai eyevero ev t^ Kara- %o abide with them. And it happened in the to KXtdTfPOi axrrov ^sier* avrwVy Ka^ccv top aprov, recline him witn them, having taken the toaf, €i;Ao777 t»ii£ the ypacf^as ; snritiagsf ^ Koci atraffraifres o^tij! tt; wpa, vTreffrpeifrav And risingup iathis the hour, they returned «f? *lepov(ra\r]fjf Kai thpov (rvTrr]9potrd indeed, and has appeared to Si- Vision of Angels, who sai(j that be was alive. ^ And some of thosb with T13 went to the tombj and found it aathe womEW had aaid; but Him they saw not." 25 And ]^ said to them, " O inconsiderate men, audi slow of HEAE.T tOBKLIEVF all which the fbophets have spoken t 26 Was it sot neeessai'jr I for the Messiah to have suffered these things, and to enter his gloky ?" 27 And beginning from Moses, and through All the PROPHETS, he explained ta them in All the scbip- TUUEs the THiNSs con- cerning himself. 28 And they drew neat to the VILLAGE where they were going J and^f seemea as inteiwlmg to go further. 29 Bot they urged him, saying, "Remain with ns., for it is towards Evening, and the i>av has * already declined. An^ he went in to ABIDE with them. 30 And it occnrred, as he BECLiNED with them, J taking the loat, he bles- sed God, and having bro- ken it, be gave to them. 31 And Their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and f)e disappeared fro!» th€n». 33 And they said to eaeh other, "Did wot oar iieakts tbnm, while he t;\lkcd to us on the road, and while he unfolded to us the scBiPirEEs ?" S3 And rising np the SaB»e HOUR, they returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven, and thos^ with them, assembled, 34 SAYING, "TheLoEB has indeed been raised, and has appeared to Si- mon." Vaticab Mawus€xi»t.— 24. tims— omit. 2©. already past. S*. la os— and — »m. t 32. The Codex Bezte has a very remarkable reading' here ; instead of kaiomenee, bamedr '» las *eA:a?Kmniene«v veiled, and oiie of the Italx, has fuit excoccatumj was blinded. "W;i» iiT our hearts veiled (blinded) when he conversed with usontbeway,andwhilehe vinfoldej Sic Scriptures to us," seeing^wedid act know him.— ^4. Clarke. ? 2& verse 46; Acto xvii. S: 1 Pet. i. lU t 80. Matt. »▼. 1% Oiap. 24 I 35.) I^IJKK. r C^ap. 24 1 49. fnovi. ^ Kot auToj i^riyovvTO to e»' tt; 68(», mon. And Ihry rclitcd th- thin pi in the way, /cat ws eyvwirdr] 'zutois eu tt? KXacrei rov aprov. and how he W&9 known to tlicm 'n the breaking ofth* loaf. ^ TavTa Se auTivu \a\ovvrwv, auTos ccttj ev These and o-fthem speai^ing, l.e atood in fjLsacfi avTcaVy /cat Aeyet avTois' Etprjurj vfxiu. miiUt of them, and taya to them ; Peace to you. ^' IlTorjdevTiS §€ Ka: ^^Kpo^oi yevo/xefx-ij Bein J terrified but and alfiijhted haiinj l^ecorae, iSoKOvu iryevfjLa Bewpfiv. ^ Koi ctTrej/ avTOis' they thought a spirit to see. And he said to them; ft Tcrapayixevoi €$, Kat vpocp-qraiSy been written in the iwJ Of Uoies. and prophets, Ka: \pa\/iots. wepi efxov. '*^ Tor* Siijuoi^ey and psalms, concerning in». Then he opened avrcou rov vovv^ rou avvtevat ras ypaes related what THINGS happened o< the KOAD, and how he waa known to them in tha BREAKING of thc LOAF. 36 J And 88 they were saying these thinffs, he stood in the Midst of thera, t and says to them, " Peaco be to you." 37 But they hema *■ troubled and 'territiei^ thought they saw Jf* Spirit. 38 And he said to tbcm, "Why are you troubled > and why do Doubts arisg in your *hi!.akts? 89tSeeinv hands ani my FEET, that I am ^ r ; handle me, and be con- vinced; For a Spirit has not * both Flesh and Bones as YOU perceive ma to have." 40 tAnd having saif* this, he ehowed them hia hands and his feet. 41 And while from Jo? they werennbelieving;, and were wondering, he said to them, " Have you any Food here ?" 42 And THF.T gave him Fart of a broiled Fish ; 43 and taking it, ^ he ate in their presence. 44 ^nd he said to them, J" These are the word# which 1 spoke to you, whik I was yet with you. That All THINGS WRITTEN in the LAW of Moses, and in the * pfiOPHETs, and in the Psalma, concerning nie, must be fuJly accom< plished." 45 Then he opened Tlieij MINDS to UNDERSTAND the SCRIPTURES, 46 and said to them, " Thus it is written, * that the Messiah should suffer, and should rise from the Dead the third Day ; • V.vTicAW Mawoscript.— 37. troubled, and. 38, 42. and from a Honey comb — omit. 44. irophbts. suffer, and snould rise. I- 30. Tisuhendort omits, "And says to them, ' Peace be to yoo."* has phanta^ma, phantom, in the margin, which agrees with >lark Ti, 4flk eiidorf umics tnii* verse. t .16. Mark xvi.14; John XX. 19 1 1 Cor. xv.8. XX id. '7. t 43. Acts X. 41. 1 44. Matt, xv Luke ix. 22: xviii.Sl. HKABT. 89. both Flesh and 40. that the Messiah should t 87. Griesbach t 40. Tisch- t 87 Mark vi. 40. t 89. Jonn >T. 21; XV ii. 32 1 xx. IS; Mark viii. KU Chap. 24:47.] L,TJKE. [Chap. 21: F3, 6f]vai «iri Ty ovofiari avrou jneravoiar Kot aint to all the Badons, beginniD; frum '^lepovcraKrjfi, ^"T/jlus Se ea-re fxaprvpes tovtwv. Jcnualem. Toa and are tiitaetees of these. *^ Kai iSoVf tyo) atroa-TeWu rrjp eirayyeKiap And l0| I lend forth the promiie TOW narpos fiov ecp* v/xas' fi/xeij Se ica6i(Tare tv •fthe father ofm* on yoa| job but rtmaia yoQ in rrj iro\ei, ecus ov euSvarfaOe Swa/xtv ef y;|/ot;s. \b« city, till yoa may be clothed power from on big^. •* £^777076 §6 avTovs €^co CODS ^15 Br^dai'iav icai He led and them out (Ten ta Bethany t and tirapas Tas ^cipas avrov^ fv\oyr]fTev avrovs. fcaving liftednpthe kanda ef himself^ be blessed them. ** Ka< €y€V€TO tv T

ufy about the light, that all might Tfvffwa'i 5t' avrov. ^Ovk riy eKeivcs ro ' ovK fyyo), ''Eis ra iSia r]X9e, Kai oj him not knew. Into the own he came, and the iSioi utnoy ov TapeXaBov. '^ 'Oo'oi Se fXa$oy •wn him not received. At many at but received CHAPTER I. I In tlie X BeginnmJ wa3 the + Logos, and llio Logos was with God, aiiU tae Logos was God. 3 Tlii» w;ia in the Begin- ning witn Gon. 9r tTnrough It every thing was done ; and with- out it not even one thing was done, which has Leea done. 4 In it was Life; and the LIFE was the light of MEN. 5 And the t LIGHT shone in the, and the DAKKKSss apprehended It not. 6 i There was a Man, named John, sent by God. 7 He came for a Witness, that he might testify con- cerning the LIGHT, that all might believe through hJm. 8 l^e was not the LIGHT, bnt to testify concerning the LIGHT. y The TKTTB LIGHT wai that, which, coming into the WORLD, enliehteut Every Man. 10 Hewasin thewoKLD, and tthe world waa (en- ligiitened) through him ; and yet the world knew Kim not. II jHecame tohisoww domains, and yet h^s own people received Hi'^i not; 13 bnt to as many as received him, X ^^ K^'* • Vatica:« jJahuscriit. — TitU — Accordino to Joax. t 1. In this and the fourteenth verse Inaog, has been transferred, rather than translated. l)r. A. Clarke remarks, "This term sliouia be left untranslated, forthe verv iame reasons why the names Jeaut and Chmt are left untranslated. As every appellative 01 the Savior ot th" world, was descriptive of some excellence in his person, nature, or work, so the epithet Xo<7o«, which signifies a word spoken, speech, eloquence, doctrine, reason, or the facultvot reasoning, is very properly applied to him." See 1 John i. 1, for a clear and useful comment by the apostle John on the proem to this Gospel. + 3. Ginomai occurs upwards of seven hundreo^times in the New Testament, but never in the sense of create, yet in most versions it is translated, as though the word was ktizo. "The word occurs fifty-three timos in this Gospel, and siguifies to oe, to come, to become, to come to pass; also, to be done or trans- acted. All things in the christian dispensation were done bv Christ, i. e. by his authoritv. and according to his direction; and in the ministry committed to liis apostles, nothing has been done without his warr-\r.t. See John xv. 4, H, "Without me ye can do nothintr." Com- pare vcr. 7, 10, 16; John xvii. 8 • Col. i. 16. 17." Cappe's Diss f 10. ho kotmos, the rrder, arrangement of things, the human race ; here it evidently means that kormo* of hu- man beings which he came to enlighten and to •are. John viii. 12 ; iii. 16. t 1. Prov. viii.22, &c.; 1 Johni.l. t 8. Eph. iii.9 ; Col.i. 16. J 5. John viir 12; ix.5; lii.35, 46. t 6. Mal.iii. 1 ; Al.itt. lii.l; Lukeiii.2. I 11. Matt, f&i >larkxiL7; Luke xix. 14- xx- li. I 12. Eom.vm. 15; Gal. iu. 26, 27 ; 1 Joliuiu. t 10* Cliap. 1; 13] JOHN. 'Chap.\: avToVy €S(i.KfU avfois e^ovcriav tckvo. deov him, he gar* to tLem authority cbildrKD of God yevs(TOai, rois iri(TTevovaiu ets to ovoua avrov to become, to tho*e believing into the namft of him; '^ 01 ovK e| aifiarcav, ovde e/c OeA-qfxaTos (rapKos, who not froiQ bloods, nor from a mil offleah, evSe e/c OeKri/xaTos avSpos, aW' ck Osou eyet/ur]- nor from a will of "^ man, but from God Trere be- ©Tjo-ay, *■* Kai 6 Aoyos o-a/)| eyevero, Kai ecTKr]- {otten. And the word flash became, and taber- voocnv €»• T)iJ.iv, (Ktti cdea, (and ne beheld the g'oij of him, io^ay ws fiovoyp-ovs irapa Trarpor,) ir\rip7)S » glory aa of an only-be^ottea from ft father,) full jcapiTOS Kaia\r,de as. ^^Iwavvrjs fJ-apTvpei Tepi offaror and truth. Joho teitifiee concemint; avToVf Kat KeKpaye, K^ywv Ovros tjv, bv hini: and cried, sayingi Thu was, ofwhom ^iTTov *0 oTTtco) fjiov (pX' u^PoSf e/jLTTpcaOev flOV Isaidi He after m<> cooiia^, before in~ ysyovev 6ti irpunTos fiov •/]!', ^^'Ort €K rov hat becomi^r, for first or me he was. Because out of the irK-qpwfxaros avou ^/tets iravres ika^ofiev, Kai fulness ofhiiii we »!.. received,. end X^P*^f o-vTi ;^aptTos. ^^ 'Or* 5 yofioa 8ia Mw- favor upon favor. Vor the la><- iia^ (reus eSodr)' t) X*P'S '^'^» V c^-V^^^o, Sia Ii^irou set \ras giveu; the fr.7or and itas truth through fttxttt XptoTTou eyevero. Christ came. ^^ &eov ouSeis ioopaKe 7rft>iro'^€° 6 fiovoyei^r/s God oo one has seeu kver *he onl-^begoiten vlosj 6 fuv 6«s Tov KoXrrov rov irayoi, tKeifos ■on, tbatbe'ng ia tb' bosom of the father he e^riyqa-aro. ^^ Ko« avTrj eo'Ttv ij ^ap-rvpn: rov has made known. And this ia the testimony Of the Iwavvov, 6re atreo'TeiXav oi lovSaiot €| 'lepotro- John, when tent th" Jews troia Zeru" XvpLwv lepfis Kai Aifi/fTos, l^'a epcarrjo'wa'iv avrov ?d, and not deniedi TOTO' «ta: &/jto\oyri(rep Ot* cvk fftt eyco * and «Ok.«fess3''.: That not^ am I the XpifTTos. ^•^ Ko« iipcorrjrray avrov" T> ovv ; Anointed. And they asked fcisi • What theaP Authority to become Chil- dren of Godj to THOSB BELIEVING into his NAME ; 13 ++who were begotten not of Blood, nor of the Will of the Flesh, nor of the Will of Man, but of God. 14 And the t Logos be« came J Flesh, and dvrelj among us, — and +we be= held his gloey, a Glory as ot an Only-begoiten from a Father, — full of Fav^r and Truth. 15 t [John testified con. ceraing him, and criec?, saymg, " This is he of whom I said, t'HE who cojcks aiterme is m advance oi me; For he is m-j Supe- rior.'"] 18 For out of his iul NESS fD« all i-eceived ; 3ven Favor upon l>'avor. 17 For the law was given through Moses; the favor and chcTRuxHcame iiirough Jesus Christ 18 No one has e.*er seen God; the * Oniy-»>egot*en Son. who :s in the bosom of the FATHER, l^t. has made him kuowa, 19 Now thio is the tes. TiMONYof John. J When the Jews sent •W) him Priests and Levices to ask him, "Whoarttf)Ott?" 20 he acknowledged and did net deny, bat ackuow'^ ledjeds "t -itt not tbj Messiah." 21 And they nsk; d hira, •=Who *the:. art t^ou? Vatican Manuscript.— 18. Ouly-begotten Son, us who in^ 18. to Mm Priesta 81. then art t^OU ? Art thou Elijah ? t 13. Gri'jsbach notes a different reading of this verse. Instead of Aot Menneetkeeeanf he has hos egenneethee; the singular pronoun and verb lor tne plural ; whicnwoul..mak.9 the passage read— "Who was not begotten of Bloody ii r of the Will 0:1 th " Flesh nor -f t^- WillofaMan, butof God;" thus referring it directly to thepAy«i: a/ 'eneratioo <»» th Mes- siah, by the Spirit of God, rather than to the moral regeneration, of believers. >■ 14. JVeic- cowe in his Translation of the New Testament, remarks," Jesus, the 1.0. „" o*^ -s vailed the Word^ because ( ' - ■ ■ ern custom may j Abyssinia, there 1 , - _ - „. ways upon the steps ofthe throne, at the side fa lattice window, ^wher tli:rei " .ol ,aov ered in the inside with a curtain of green taffeta. Behind this curtain ti.. fcinrv si^ ; an4 speaks through the aperture to the Kai Hatze, who communicates his lommandr to tho offl. cers, i ud^es, and attendants.— Bruce'* Travels. t 15. Some put this verse after the ISthi t 15. Johniii.5: James i. 18: 1 Pet. i. 23. t 14. Matt. 1.16. 20; Luke i. 31, 85; ii.y. I Tim.iii.l6. t 14. Matt. xvii. 2; 2 Pet.i.l7. % 15. Matt.iil.l2; Marki.f J-ukeiii. 16; ver.27.80: Johniii. 31. J 19. John V. S3- Chap. \ : 22.3 JOHN. fmap. I: S2 H\mj 64 (TV, Kai \fyer Ovk ei/jii. 'O irpo- Elia» art thou? And besa}i: Not I »m. The pro- ^rjTTjs (t (TV ; Koi aTTfKpiOri' Ov. ^- EtTroi' ovv »het arttaou? And beans»«rrd; No. They >aid then ttvTCf)' T/i 6t; iva airoKptfTiv bwfjLfV Toty •Jre/n- W him ; Who arllhoaf that an au^wer we may gi»eto those haviDg , tpaaip ■]]/xj.s' Ti \fy(is itfpi aeavTOv ; '^ Eeat ui; what tajest thoa ahuut thyself? He^^aid E7c«»* *' if)wprj ^owvTcs (y rri ep-qfiw' Evdvvare I; "A Toice crying in the d*sert; Makeyuuetraight T77V dSou Kvplov" Kadws eiirey 'Haaias 6 irpo- the way ofaJord," a* »:iid Esaiaa the pro- . from John, and having followed him. ^^ YiVpicTKet ovros Trpcorws top aSeXi\iinrov, nai Keyci 0:ililee; auwvT)(Tai, ovra viro TTfv avKrjVy etSoi' ce. to have call-d, bein; «nder the fig-tree, I saw tUee * A-rreKpiOri Na^acoTjA. *[fcat K^yet avrcp Answered Nathanael [and say* to him "Pali^i, (TV €1 6 vlos TOV 0601/, (TV €t 6 fiacrt- rtabbi, thou art the ion of the God, thou art the king Kevs TOV l(Tpa-q\. ^ AiTfKpiOr} It]Tovs Kai eiirev ofthe Israel. Answrpred Jeaus and said avTw' 'Oti eitrov (Tor EiSov v o^rj. ^^ Kai Eg-tree, believest thou? greater of these thoushaltaee. And Keyei avT(f' A/xriv afj.r)v Kfyco vf^iv, ^faTr' apri^ UJsavs to him: Indeed indeed 1 say to you, [frr)m now] oyp((Tde TOV ovpavov avetcyoTa, Kai tovs ayye- you shall see the hei%-en haring been opened, and the messen- Kovs TOV Qeov ava^zivopras Kai KaTu^aivovTas gers ofthe (Jod ascending and descending eiTi TOV vlov TOV avOpajirov. oo the son ofthe man. :;=" at him, said, "Cf)ou art Simrm, the son of Jonas; Jtljouslialt be called Ce» phas; (uliirh denotes tbt same as Tcter.) 43 On the next day he washed to go to Galilee, and finding riiiiip, * Jesus says to him, " Vollow me; 4^.' No%y jPiiiLri wat from Bcthsaida, tlie ciTl of Ar.die\v and Feter. 45 Philip finds JNatha- NAEL, and says to him, " We have found the person described by Moses in the LAW, andby the PROPHETS, THAT Jesi's, the *Son of Joseph, from Nazareth." 46 And Nathanael said to him, t " tan any t good thing proceed from Naz- areth?" * Philip says to him, " Come and see." 47 * Jesus saw Natha- NAEL coming to him, and said concerning him, " Be- liold a genuine Israelite 9 in whom is no deceit.'* 48 Nathanael say8 to him, " How dost thou know Me ?" Jesus answered and saidtoliim, "Before Phi- lip called Thee, when thou wast under the FIG-TEEE, I saw thee." 49 Nathanael answered, " Rabbi, 1 1)0 u art the son of God; tf)ou art the :J: king of Israel." 50 Jesus answered and saidtchini; "Because I told thee * That I saw thee under the eig-thee, thr.t believest! Thou shalt set greater things than this.'- 51 And he says to him, "Truly, indeed, I say to you, you shall see the HEAVENS opened, and the ANGELS of God ascending from and descending to the SON of JIAN." 45. Son. 46. Philip. 47> Jesua 01. From now — omit. * Vatican MAWUSCRirr. — 13. Jesus says. "sO. and says to him— omit. 50. Tliat I saw. t '«>. Some think allusion is here made to "that pood iliin^ promised," Jer. xxxiii. 14; others think tbjs aterm of reproach. t 42. M:'rt. xvi. 18. t 44. John xii. 21. J 4."). John x.xi. 2. J40. Joh< •ii. 41.4:, 02. J 49. Matt. xii.Si xivii.ll,42i Johuxvm.37; xix.8- Chap. 2: 1.] JOHN. KE*. ^. 2. And in the day the third 1 man-iage^east ocenrred er Ka^/oi Tr)S TaXiXaias' /cai tjv ^ f^V^VP fas Ca&» ofth« Galilee: »nd was the mothir Tou lr)(rov eKei. ^ l£.K\y)6rf 5e Kat & Ir](Tovs eftbe Jesus thete. Wae invited attd al»o the Jesue Kai 01 ^adrjrat avrov €ts rov yafxop. ^ Kat and the dieciple* ofhim to the mamage^eart. And hcTTeprjCTavros oivoVy Ae7«i r) nv^vp tov Itjo-ou having fallen ehort of wine, »ayi the mother of the Je»us wpos avrov Oivov ovk exoi^o"'. ^ Aeyei avTri 6 not they have. Says -- l »l. bim: Wine t»her the IrjfTous' Ti e/jooi Kai aoi, 7i/»'at ; aviru) t]K€i t) Jesus: What tam« and to thee, O woman? Notyethascometbe ^ Afyei 7) fiyjrrjp avrov Tois SiaKovois' wpa fiov. hour of me. Says the mother 'O, T* au \eyri vjjitv, iroirja'are Whatever heTnaysay to you, doyou. &fh>m to the terTant»; ^Htraf 5e Were and fKeL vSpiaiXidivaie^ K^i/Mfvai Kara rov Kada- there water-^ottof stone six being placed according to the mode pifffiov rcofi lovdaicev, ;:^a)pot>(rat ava fx^rprjras ofcleansingof the Jews, holding each measures Svo 7} rpas. ^ Aeyei avrocs 6 lv,(rovs' Tejmicrare two or three. Says to them the Jesus j Fillyou ras vSptas v^aros. Kat eys/LLierap avras ews the water-pots of water. And they ftUed them to avcc. ^ Kat \€yft avrois' AyrXriaare vvv, Kat top. And he says to them ; Draw you bow, and (pepere t apx'-'^P^'^^'^^V' K°* ■qyeyKaf. ^'Tls carry tothe rulerof the feast. And they carried. When Se eyevffaro 6 apx^Tp^KXiPos to v5wp oivop and tasted the ruler of the feast the" water wine y^yev7\fjL(:V0»' [Kai ovk pSci iro&ev etrriv oi Se having become; (and not he knew whence it is; the but hiaKouoi 7jSei(raf, ol r^vrX-QKorfs to uSojp*) servants knew, those hating drawn- the Water:) (pKuvei rov irvfKpiov 6 apx^Tp'^^'^foSf ^'^ Kai Xeyei calls the bridegroom the ruler of the feast,- and says avrcf)' Tlas avOpwiros vpcarov rov KaXov otvov lo him: Every man first the good wiue [Otap. 2: 10. CHAPTER II. 1 And on the *THiEn Day there waa a Marriage- least in Cana of Galilee ; and the mother of Jestjs was there; 2 and Jestts also, and his DISCIPLES, were invited tothe MAERIAGE-FEAST- 3 And the Wine falling short, the motheb of Je- su."? says to him, " Thej haTe no "Wine." 4 Jesus gays to her, t"0 Woman, what hast thou to do with me ? My time has not yet arrired." 5 His mother says to the SERVANTS, " Do what- ever he may bid you." 6 Now six stone Water- Jars were there, placed J ac- cording to the Jewish CUSTOM of PURIFICATION, each containing two or three + Measures. 7 Jesus says theffi, "Till the JABS with Water." And they filled them; to the t. The Greek Word here is a compound, denoting the president of the tridi7iium,0T guest chamber, so called from its containing three couches placed in the form of a crescent, on which the guests re- clined during the entertainment. It was the duty of this officer to preparethe feast, arrange the couches, dispose the guests, place the dishes, and taste'the wine and viands.— Stockiu* in Verb. Lightfoot, in his Horse Heb. Talmud, adds, "That he performed the duty of chap- lain also, by saying grace, and pronouncing those benedictions whiclr were accustomed t« be given upon occasion of a marriage. He blessedthe cup also prepared for tjie guests ; an4 'lav mg first drank of it himself, sent it round to the company. In the BookolEcclesuiaticuO Tf^as auea- gers *ie poured out the coin, and the tables over- rp^\p€' ^^ Kai TOij ras irepiarepas ntaXovcTiv turned: and to those the doves selling (irrfv Apare ravra eurfvOfV fiT] troieiTe rov he said: Take these hence: not madeyou the uiKoy rov irarpos fxov oiKou funopiov. ^^ E/xuT^a- house of the father of n.e a bouse of merchandise. Reniem- 6ri(xay *[56j oi fxaOrfrai avrov, oriyfypa/xfj.euov bered . [and] the disciples of him, that having been written tcrriy *' 'O ^tjAos rov oikov (Tov Karacpayfrai Iti.: "The zeal ofthe house ofthee willconsume U€." ^^ AirfKpi6rj(Tav ovf 01 lovSaioi Kat enrov one.** Answered then the Jews and said 7.vrcf}' Tt (Tr]Uiiov SeiKPveis T]fJ.iP, 6rt ravra o him; What sign showest thou to us, that these have t drunk freely, the infekior; hut tfiou hast kept the GOOD Wine till now." 11 This "First of SIGNS Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee, and displayed his GLORY ; and his disci- PLES believed into him. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, f)e, and his mother, and hi« BROTHERS, and his disci- ples; hut they did not re- main there Many Days. 13 X And the passovbr of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusa- lem. 14 t And he found the MONEY-CHANGERS Bitting in the temple, and thosb who SOLD Oxen, andSheep, and Doves. 15 t And having made a Whip of Rushes, he drove them all out of the tem- ple, with the SHEEP and the cattle, and he poured out the COIN of the bank- ers, and overturned the tables, 16 and said to those who SOLD doves, "Take these things hence. Make not my father's housb a House of Traffic." 17 And his disciples recollected That it is writ- ten, f'l^Iy ZEAL for thy house consumes me." 1» Then the Jews an- swered and said to him, J" What Sign dost thou show us, why thou doest these things ?'" 11. First o£ IS. his— omiC • VATicAJt Mawuscbift.— 10. thcD — omit. 17. And — omit, t 10. The Greek expression here does not imply the least deprree of intoxication. The verbs m'thusko and methuo, from methu, wine, whicn, from meta thuein, to drink after sacri- ficinpj, signify not onl\^ to inebriate, but to take wine, to drink wine, to drink enough, ana In this sense the verb is evidentij' used in the Septuag-int. Gen. xliii. 34; Cant. v. 1 ; 1 Mac. Xvi. 16; Ecclus. i. 16. And the prophet Isaiah, chap. Iviii. 11, speaking ofthe aiJundant blessing; 01 the godly compares them to a well-watered gaidcu, which the LXX translate. 00s keeposMttkvoon, oywhich is cc-rtaiuly understood, not a garden drowned with watev but one sufficiently saturated with it, not having one drop too much, nor too little. — Clarh, t 1.5. It is probable this cleansing of the temple occurred at the commcncenient of out Lord's ministry, and is not to be confounded with that mentioned by the other evangelist^ which took place at its close. tl.".. Ei.xii.U; Johnv.l; vi.4; xi.S.V tl4. Matt.xxi. 12; Mark xi. 1.5; Luke xix. 49. tl7. I'sa, "Hit 0. : 18. Matt. xii.S8; John vi. 30. Chap 2: 19.] fl-oteis; ^^AireKpt^Tj d Irfcrovs Kat fiitey avTois' thou doest? Anewei-ed the Jesus aod said to them; Aucrare rov ifaov rovrou, Kai ev rpiaiu r)/ji€pais Destroy the temple this, and in three dkyB eyepo) auToy. ^Eiirov outf oi lovdaiof Tecrcra- I will raise it. Said then the Jews; Forty paKovTo. Kat 6| treaiy (fKo^opLT)6r] 6 vaos ovros' and six years was being built the temple this; icai (TV 6*' rpiaiv rj/xepais eyfpeisavrou , -^ E/cet- and thou in three days wilt raise itf He vos Se cKeyc trcpi rov vaov rov awjuaTos avrov. but spoke concerningthe temple of the body of himself. ^'Ore ovv rjyepdrj ck veKpoov, e/j.vrjO'O'qcrai' ot When therefore he was raised out of dead ones, remembered the fiad^rai avrov, on tovto cA.e'ye* Kat f!ri(TT€v- disciples of him, that this bespoke; and they beliered crav TT) ypa(prjf Kai rep \oycf) 'tp eiirey 6 the writing, and the word which sa'd he I7}(TCVS. JeMis. '^^ 'Hs Se Tju (V Tois 'YipocroKvfiois him the sign* which cTToiet. '■^^ AvTos Se 6 Irjarovs ovk STTiarfvev he did. He but the Jesus not committed leavTov avTois, 5ia to avTou yivwcTKciu iravras' hiitiRelf to them, because the him to know all: -* Kat oTi ou XP^'^^" f'X^"* '*'''* ''"'S napTvprjcrr} and because not need he had, thatanyone should testify ir?p( TOW avdpcairov' avros yan syivoxrKe, ri eoiicerning the man: he for knew. what •qu eu TO) aydpcoircf). wa* in the man. KE*. y'. 8. ^ Hv Se apOpwiros e/c rcuu ^apirraitoy, "NiKoSri- Was and a man of the Pharisees, Nicode- (JL05 opofjLa avTui, apx<^v rwy lovSaiwv ^ outos mus a name to him, a ruler of the Jews: this •t]\9€ trpos auToy vvktos, kul enrey avTfo' 'PaB- Came to him bynijht, and said to him: Rab- |8i, oi^a/xcv, OTi OTTO deou e\r}Xv6a5 SiSa(TKa\oi:' b', we know, that from God thou hast come a teacher: owSfts yap Taura to ffoi, fav fi-q ris yevprfOr) avwOeu, ov Svva- » »ay to thrc, if B t anjr one inny be born from above, Dot U able rot iSejf Trjp j8a . Aemv tov deov. ** Afvet irpos to see the kingdom of the God. Sajt to avTov b NjkoStj/uoj' Ylous hvvarai avQpooiroos him the Kicrxlonius; How is able a man yiyvqQrjvai yipwv uv ; fir) Svvarai fjy T771' KOi- to be bora old brine;' not is able into the nomb \iav TTjs fi.v,rpos avrov SevTfpov €icr€\0€iVy kczi of the mother ofhiniaelf a second time to enter, and yfvvr}67]vai ; ^ AneKpidT] Ifjcrovs' hjxiqv afxr\p to be burn P Answered Jesus; Indeed indeed Kfyu) croi, eav ni] ris yevvrfOr) €^ vSaros Kat I say to thee, if not any one may be bom out of water and irj/6i//xaTo$, ov Svparai fi(T(\6eip eis ttjp fia(ri- • pirit, not is able to enter into the kio;- Asiay TOV dtov, ^ To yeyfpprfiuipop eK r-qs noiD of the God. That having been bom out of the aapKOS, crap^ ecrrf kui ro yey€PP7]/j.€P0P f k ttjs flesh, fletb is; and that iiaving been bom out of the npiv/xaros, irpfvjua fCTTi. ^ M77 6aviJ.a(Tr)S, bri spirit, a spirit is. Not thou mayest wonder, that eiTTOP aor Aej vfxas yepprjdrjvai apoodiP. ® To I s.iid to thee; Mutt you to be born from above. The irpfvua biTov 6i\€i vpei- Kai rrjp (pwprjp avrov spirit where It wills breathes; and the sound of it aKoveis, aAA.' ovk oi8as, irodtp (px^Tat, Kxi Ihnu hcitrest, but not thou knowest, whence itcoines, and irov virayer ovtws €f TOV 7rp(v/J.aros. ^ Aire Kpidrj Ni/coStj/Lios Kaienrep of the spirit. Answered Nicodemus and said avTCf Tlcus Svparai ravra yiP^aQai ; ^^ AireK- toliiui: How is able these to be? An- piOi) Itjuous Kai €nr€P avTcp- 2y 6I b 56r)vai Set top . Krpent in the desert, thus to be raised it behoves the viop TOV aydptvirov ^^ ipa vas b Tricmvwp etj aoB ofthe man: that every one who believing into assure thcc, if any one b< not born from obove, h* cannot see the KiiSODOM of God. 4 Nicodemus says to him, " llow can a Man be born, being old? Can he enter a second time into his mothee'3 womb, and be born ?" 5 Jesus replied, "Truly indeed I say to thee, if any one be not % born of "Water and Spirit, he cannot enter the KINGDOM of God. 6 That which has been BOKN of the FLESH, is lltsh; and that which has been % boen of the SPIKIT, is Spirit. 7 Do not wonder. Be- cause I said to thee, you must be born from above. 8 The SPIRIT breathes where it will, and thou hearest its voice, but thou knowest not whence it conies, or where it goes; thus it is with evehy one wlio has been bokn of the SPIEIT." 9 Nicodemus answered and said to him, " How can these things be ?" 10 Jesus answered and said to him, "Art thou the TEACHEK of Iseael, and knowest not these things ? 11 Most assuredly 1 tell thee, That wliat we know, we speak, J and what we have seen, we testify ; and you receive not our testi- mony. 12 If I told you of EARTHLY things, and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you of HEAVENLY tilings ? 13 t And no one has as- cended into HEAVEN, ex- cept the SON of MAN who DESCENDED fromHEAVEN. 14 X And as Moses ele- vated the SERPENT in the DESERT, so must the SON of MAN be placed on high ; 15 that EVERY ONE BE- • v^ficAW Mamu«cbipt. — 13. he beingin HEAVK>'— omif. * : 5. Mavkxvi.16; Aclsii.38. t 6. 1 Cor. xv. 41— 16. ♦ 11. Matt. xi. 27: John 1.18; vii. 10; viu.28; xii.4(t; xiv.!;4. % 13. Joliaxvi.29; Acts ii. 34; lCor.xv.47i tpn iv.y, 10. I 14. Num-xxi.*- Chap. 3: 16.J JOHN. airrop, *[/a77 atroXrjTai, aAA'] exV C^""!^ ""^' him, [not may be destroyed, but] may hiiTe life age- fiof. ^^OvTw yap TiyaTTfiaev d Oios rov koct^op, Issting. Thus for lored the God the world, ajcrre top vtop avTov top '^opoyept] eSwKep, ipa «o that the son of himself the only-begotten he gave, that iras 6 iTKTTevwp ejs avrop, /itj a7ro\TjTai, a\\ iveryonewho believing into him, not may be destroyed, but ey-p C^r]P aicavicop. ^^ Ov yap aar^a-TuKep b (nay have life age-lasting. Not for sent the d^osTOP vlop avTov eis top Koajuop, ipa icpipj} God the son ofhimselfinto the world, that he might judge TOP tcocrixoPj aAA' iPa cwdrj 6 Koa/xos Si' the world, but that might be saved the world through avTOV, ^^'O iricrTevwp eis avrop, ov KpipeTar him. He believing into him, not isjidged: 6 ''^[Se] fir) irKXTfuup, ijSt] KeKoiTai, Sti /xtj ire- he [but] not believing, already isjuJged, becauseuot he maTevKCP eis to opofxa tov fxovoyepovs viov tov has believed into the name of the only-begotten son of the 6fou. ^^Awtt; Se ccttip rj Kpicris, Sti to (pws God. This' and is the judgment, that the light €\r]\v6ep €LS TOP KocTfioPy Kai TiyaTTTjcrav ol has come into the world, and loved the apdpcvitoi fiaWop to ctkotos, 7f to (pws' 7jv yap men rather the darkness, than the light; was for vovrjpa avTWP to, epya. ^^ Ilaj yap 6 ent lam in pretence of him. ^'O excDj/ TTjj/ vvfKprjv, pv/ucpios ((Ttiw 6 5e He having the bride, a bridegroom \%; the but f^lXoS TO'JVVpL(plOV, 6 eCTTTJKCDS KUt aKOVCOf aVTOV, <.'>end of the bridegroom, that ttanding and bearing him, Xapa x°"P^' ^"* ''"'V . wu CK rrjs 777s, €/c ttjs 777s eTTt, Kai eK rrjs being from the earth, from the earth i«, and from the 777s \a\ef 6 (K TOV ovpavov (pxofJ.fyos, cTrava> earth speaks; he from the heaven coming, over TravTCtfi/ ecTTt, ^-*[koj] 6 ewpoKe Kai rjKOvcre, all is, [^■■''j what be has seen and heard, fovTo fiapTvpcr Kai rr^v ^laprvpiav avrov ov^fts this he testifies, and the testimony of him no one AaujSaj/et. ^'O \a^wu avrov r-qv fiaprvpiav, receives. He receiving of him the testimony, fiT(ppayiiT\v aW' t] opyrj rov 6eov the sen, not shall see lif^ but the aa^er ofthe God (levei 67r' abides on and all ^ 'O Ti(rr€vwv He believing 6 Se aireidoov he but disobeying avrov. him. t Chap. 3: S6. John, and said to him, " Rabbi, lie m ho was with thee beyond the Joedan, Jto whom tf)OU hast testi- tied, beliold, hk immerses, and all are coming to him." 27 John answered and said, X " A Man can receive nothing unless it be given him from heaven. 28 ^ou yourselves are witnesses for me. That I said, J ' I am not the Mes- siah,' but That I hava been sent before f)im. 29 The Bridegroom is HE who POSSESSES the BEIDE ; but THAT FBIEND of the BHIDEGROOM whO stands and hoars him, re- joices with joy, because of the beidegkoom's voice; this, therefore, MY joT has been completed. 30 fl?e must increase, but E must decrease. 31 I He Mho COMES from above is over all. He wb© is from the eabth, is of the EARTH, and speaks of the EARTH. He who COMES from heaven ia over all. 32 And what he has seen and heard, tf)i3 he testifies; and no one receives his TESTIMONY. 33 He who receives His TESTIMONY has set his seal That God is true. 34 t For he whom God has sent speak s the woRiys f God •, for * he gives not the SPIBIT by Measure. 35 The FATHEfi loves the SON, X and has given All things into his hand. 36 i 11k BEtTEViNG int« the SON has aionian Life ; but HE DlS0BFtI."VG the SON, shall not see Life; but the Anger of God abides on him." • Varicaw Manuscript. — 32. And — omit. 34. he pives not. 126. John 1. 7.15. 27, S4. 1 27. 1 Cor. iv.7; H'-b. v. 4. James i. 17. t 2S Jolin 1.20,27. t 31. Matt. Txxiii. 18; J'>hni. 15. 27: l!om.ix.!>. J .?4 John viii 16 XZfr. Luke S.22- Jonu v. 20, 22, xiii. 9, xvij. 2; Uebapi(raioi, on iTjtrous irAeLouas iA.adr,Tas TToiei Pliarisees, that Jesos more dUciples made fcai ^aiTTt^et, tj loiauprjs' ^ (Kairoiye lr](rovs >nd dipped, than John; (though indeed Jesus avTos ouK e^aiTTi^ey, aW ol /xaOrfTai avrov) himself not dipped, but the disciples ofhimj) ^ a(pT}Ke T7)P lovSaiav, kcxi airrjXOe iraXiv eis he\^ft the Judea, and went again into TTjv ra\i\aiav. ^ E5et 8e auTouSiepxecrdaLdia the Galilee, It behoved and him to pass through TTjs Sauapejos. ^Epx^Tui ovv eis iroXiv T7]s the Samaria. He comes therefore into a city of the ISa/xapeias, Keyofievqv Sl'X^/'j T^^rjcriov tov Samaritans, bein^ called Sychar, nearby the X(^piov, ov eSwKev Ia/ca)/3 Iwcrricj} rep vicf lield, of which gave Jacob Joseph to the son avTov. ^ Hu Se €K€i Tnjyrf rov Iokcu)3. 'O ovv of himself. Was and there Kspnug of the Jacob. The then lr](rovi KeKoiriaKas e/c r7)S bSoLTropias, eKaOe^ero Jesus haringbecome weary from the journey, sat down ojTcvs cvi Tj; TiTj-yj;* wpa rjv oxrei eKrr). thus over the spri^ug : hour was about six. ^ Epx^rai yvvt) €K rrjs 1,aiJ.ap€ias, avrKr]aaL Com^s a woman of the Samaria, to draw v^wp. Aiyei avTT] 6 Irjcrovs' Acs fiot Trieiv. water. Say to her the Jesus: Give tome to drink. ^ (ol yap /jLadrjrai avrov aTre\T]\vdfLng. from me to drink a«kest, being a woman 2c;iap6iTt5os ; (Ou yap avyxp<*>frat lovdaioi ^Su.miuicaaf (Not for associate with Jews "^a/xapeirais.) '° Air€Kpi6r] Iriaovs Kai ei-rrev 3«ma.'itaBS.) Answered Jesus and said auTj)' El j^Sets rrjv dcvpeav rov Oeov, kui tohtr: If t'uon badst known the gift of the God, and TIC eCTiv 6 Keywv croi' Acs fioi voiciv came to see him, invited him to remain or lodge with them. 1 1. John iii. 32, 26. J 5. Gen. xxsiii. 19; xlviii. 22 ; Joabua xxvi. 32. 1 0. 2 Kings KvJi.24: Luke ix. 52, 53; ActsX.aJS, Cfiap. \: 12.] JOHN. 'Cliap. 4: €Xfts> nat TO (ppeap fari^aOv iroQfV ovv 6Xf'S thou but, and the wril it deep: whence thenhaatthnu TO tlhwp TO ^(jOV , ^- MtJ (TV H€l(^'X a well of'.ater springing into lile age-lasting. ^^Afyei TTpus avTov i] yvprf Kvpie^ Sos fiot Sityg to him the woman; O lord, give tome TovTO TO I/Scop, Iva ixf] Sixpcc, (UvySe epx^/J-i^i fv- this the water, thtit nut I may thirst, nor maycotne to SaSe avTXiiv. ^'^ heyei avTj] 6 Irjcrows* 'T7ra7€, this place to draw. Says to her the Jesus; Liu, (pnow, 6ti ovtos ecTTiv aXrjQoiS b (xwrrip rov ko(tixov that this is truly tb« savior of the world *[6 XpiTTos.] I^thr Anointed.] "^^MfTa Se ras Svo rjfiepas f^T]\6ev fKfiOfV, After and the two days be went out thence, *[/caf aTTTjA^ej/] cis rr)V TaXiXaiaP. ^ Autos [aud went out] into the Galilee. Himself yap l7}(Tovs efiapTvp-qaeVf Srt vpocprjrrjs tv tt; for Jesus te&titiol, that a prophet in the «5tqt TrarpiSi rifn}V ovk ?X*'« *^'Ore ovv y]\Qev own Country bonor Dot baa. When therefore h: came «jj rr)V Ta\i\aiaVy tSe^avTO avrov oiraKiXaioi, into the GaXilec, received him the Galileans, fields; J That they ara already white for Harvest 86 t The EEAPKR re« ceives a Reward, and ga thers Fruit for aicniou Life; so that the sowkb and tlie ekavee may re- joice together. 37 For in this is the SAYIAQ THUE; 'Thilt One is the soT\Eii, aud anothei ia the ekapek.' 38 2 sent you to reap that on which gou have iiotlabored; otherslabored, and DOU have entered into their laboe." 39 Now many of the Samaeitans from that CITY believed into him, because of the word of the WOMAN, testifying, "He told me all things which I have done." 40 * Then came the Samaeitans to him, and asked him to remain with them : and he remained there Two Days. 41 And many more be- lieved on account of Lia WOKD ; 42 and said to the wo- man, " We no longer be- lieve because of * thy Report; for we ourselves have heard ; and we know That this is truly the Sa- vior of the WOELD." 43 Now after the two Days, he went from thence into Galilee. t 44 For X Jksus himself testified, That a Prophet has no Honor in his own Country. 45 When, therefore, he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him. • Vatican Masdscbipt. — 40. AVTien— omiY. 40. Then camethe Samabita!? 8 to him, and asked him. 42. thy bepobt. 43. the anointed— om«^ 43. aud went — omit. + 43. Fearce thinks that some words have been lost from the end of this verse, which maj fcesuprlicd thus J "Went into Galilee, but not to Nazareth; for Jesus him.self had declared, ttc. In Mutt, xiii.57; Markvi.4; and Lukeiv. 24. which are the onlyteits where Je=us is said to have declared this, bespoke ofNazareth only, and not Galilee in general, a country wherehelivedforthemostpart, and wrought the (freat<>5t number of nis miracles, and made the most converts. — Clarke. There is a probability that something to this purpose haa 6een very early omitted in transcribing. The casual co'ni>inction gar, for, which introduces the next verse, shows that it contaius the reason of what had immediately preceded. — Camp. t S!i. Matt. ix. 37; Luke x. 2. Luke iv. 24. I 36. Dan xii. 3. 1 44. MaU. xil. 67 ; Hark t1. 4; Chap. 4: 46.] JOHN. rravra ccopaKores a eironqo'ev ev 'lepocroXvixois all liaving seen what he did in Jerusalem (V TT] eopTT]' Kai avToi yap t]\6ov ets ttjj' eop- at the feast; also themselves for came to the festt, TTjj/. ^ H\Oeu ovv iraXiv eis Trjv Kava ttjs He came then again into the Cana of the TaAiAaias, Sirov €iroLr](re ro v5cop oivov. Kat Galilee, where he made the water wine. And tiv Tis ^aaiAiKOS, ov 6 vlos Tjo'Sei'et, ev Ko- wascertaiu courtier, of whom the sou was sick, in Ca- ircpi'aovfM. ^^ OvTos uKoucras 6ti Itjctovs rjKei pernaum. This hearing that Jesus was come eK T-qs lov^aias eis Tqv TaXiXaiaVy aTTrj\de out of the .Tudea into the Galilee, went irpos avToVf Kai rjpwTa avrov, Iva Kara^rj, to him, and was asking him, that hewould come down Kai laffriTai avrou rou vlov T/fteAAe "yap otto- «nd heal of him the son; he was about for to dpr}(TKeiv. ^^'Eiireu ovu 6 l-qaovs irpos avrov die. Said thereforethe Jesu* to himj Eav fit] (X7)ixcia Kai repara iSrire, ov ixt] viarev- If not signs and prodi^iesyoumay see, not not you may a-qre. '^^ Aeyei Trpos auTou d fiaaiKiicos' Kvpte, belLerb, Says to him the courtier: Osir, KaraSijdiy trpiv airodaveiv to vai^iou finv. comeaosva, before to die the child ofnie. *•* At-yei avTcp 6 Itjctovs' Tlopevov 6 vlos (tov Says to him the Jesus: Go: the son cftiiee CV' *[K.«'] eTKTTevo'ep 6 avOpwiros t^j Aoyy lives. [And] believed the man the word 'qi> eiirey avT(f) Irjaovs, Kai eiropfveTO. *^ USrj which said to him Jesus, and went. Already Se avrov Kara^aivoi'Tos, ol SovXot avrov anriv- and of him waa goini; down, the slaves of him met TTjcrav ouTt^, *[fcat awvyy^t^av,^ Keyovres' him, [and repoated,] saving j 'Ot* 6 -irais crov ^rj. ^^Eirudero ovif *[Trap' That the child of thee lives. He inquired then [of avrcav'^ TT]V wpau, eu 'jj Ko/xrporepov ftrxe. them] the hour, in which better he was. Kat fiTTov avrtf 'On x^^$ wpav efiSo/xrjv a. oonn lu 1, it. t 48. 1 Cor. i. 32. Chap. M JOHN. lOiap. 5 : 10. KE*. €'. 5. ^ M6TO TovTo rju €oprrj rwv lovSaicov^ Kat After these things na« a Itntt of the Jews, kDcl aff^ri 6 lr](rous fis 'l(porro\v/xa. ' Eari 5e ev nrntup the les'is to Jerusalem. Is now in Tois 'Iepij(To\v/xoiSy €iri tj? irpn^aTiKri, Ko\vn- the JeruKnlfin, by the shef ii-gste, a sniuiming- firjdpa, 7) eTn\iyop.iVT] 'E^paiaTiBrjOeaSa, Trej/re b«!h, that brill; called in Hebrew Bnhesda, five (TToas e^ovfTa. ^ Eu ravrais KareKeizo irX-qOos pxrchpii bk.iug. In these were lying a inuliitude *[7ro\u] Tuv aAc«;»', [great] of those being sick, blinJ, Inine, ^rjpwv ■^[e/cSexoA'f *'"'*' t^'' tov vSaros KivT](rLP. witiieied Kaiti»s the ofthe water moving. ''A77c\05- yap Kara Kaipou Kart^aivev ev rri A intnrni;er for at a i>f a»un went down in the Ko\vfx0r)Opa, Kai eTapaaae to vSwp- 6 ovv irpot)- ■ wiuiuiiiig-o^th, and agitated the water; he then first Tos f/uL^us jU€TO T-qv Tapaxv^ '''ov uSaros, vyirjs stepping in after the agitation ofthe water, sound eyiufTo, 'cp SrjTTOTe /caretx^TO voarjiuar i.^ hrcauie, who indeed was held by disease.] ^Hf 5t Tts auOpwTTos fKft, rpiaKovra Kai oktw Was andacertain man there, thirty and eight €T7j fx^" f "^V aadfveia. ^Tovtov iScoi^ 6 years being in the feeble health. This seeing the It}(Tovs KaTUKei/xei^ov, Kai yuovs 6ti ttoXvu tjStj Jesiib lying, and knowing that long already Xpovov ex^'» Af7€t avTcp' &e\(i5 vyirjs yeuecr- time he had been, he says to hiin ; Dost thou wish sound to be- 6ai ; '^ AwfKpidT] avTCfi 6 afrOevwv Kvpie, avdpci)- coine? Answered him he sick being; O sir, a man TTov ovK ex^^i iva, brav Tapax^ri to vSwp, not 1 have, tiiat, when may be agitated the water, /3aA77 fi€ (15 Tif]V Ko\v/ji$r}dpay fv 'ep 5e be may put me into the awiiiiming-hath; in which but (pXouaL (yw, aWos irpo fyuow Karafiaipsi. am coining 1, another before m« goes down. ®Af7€i avT(f) 6 lT)(rous' Eyfipai, apou tov Kpa$- Says to him the Jesus: Rise, take up the bed ^arov aov, Kai irepiwaTet. ' Kaj fvdiws eye- ofthee, and walk. And immediately be- vfTO vyn]S 6 avOpojiros, Kai rjpe top Kpa00aTOV came sound the man, and took up the bed a'jTov, Kai irfpifTraTfi. Hu Se aa^&aTov (v of himself, and walked. It was ami a sahhath in (KUPT] TT) r}/j.fpa. '" EXfyop ovu oi lovSaioi tw that the day. Said then the Jews to the TfOfpa-rrevfXfvw 2a)3,6aTOV eaTiy ovK (^f(rri baring been healed: A sabbath it is: not it is lawful (Toi apai TOP Kpa&^aTOV. ^^ AneKptOT] avTins' for thee to carry the bed. He answered them: CHAPTER V. 1 After these thinfjs tlierfi was t a I'cast of the Jkws; and * Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is in Jeru- salem J near the sheep- gate, a Bath, wliich is called in Hebrew, *tBe- tliesda, liaviug live cov- ered Walks. 3 In these were lying a Multitude of the sick, — Blind, Lame, Withered, — * t [waiting the motion ofthe WATER. 4 For a Messenger at times went down into the BATH, and agitated the WATER; the FIRST, there- fore, stepping in after the AGITATION of the WATER, was cured of Whatever Disease lie was held.] 5 Now a certain Man was there, liaving been Thirty-eight Years in fee- ble HEATH. 6 Jesus seeing l^im lying, and knowing That he bad now been thus a Long Time, says to him, " Dost thou wish to become well ?" 7 The SICK person an- swered hiai, "Sir, I ha\e no Man, that, when the WATER is agitated, he may put me into the bath; but while 5 am coming, another goes down before me." 8 Jesus says to him, X " Rise, take up thy COUCH, and walk." 9 And immediately the MAN became well, and took up his ci)iCH,and walked. t Is'ow That DAY was a Sabljatli. 10 The Jews, therefore, said to HIM who had been cured, "It is a Sabbath; J it is not lawful for thee to carry the couch." • Vatican MAnnscBiPT.—l. Jesus. 2. Bethsaida. 3. great— omif. 3, 4— omiY. + 2. Bethesda, sifrnifies theknune of mercy. t 3, 4. This clause is without doubt the addition of some transcriber, i'ive of the most ancient MSS., either reject the wbole or tlie principal part of the clause in brackets. Bloonifield says, "the whole narration savors ot Jewish fancy." Meyer calls it a /c^enrfary kenp the Koa^^arov crov, Kai irepiiraTei. ^^ HpwTTjo-ai/ ^ bed 01 thee, and w^k. They asked '^[ovv^ avrof Tis ^rrriv 6 avepwvos, 6 enrwv [then! him; Who i. the in»n, he »»y>ng (Tor hpov TOP Kpa^&arou (rov, Kai irepiiraTei ; to; Take up the bed of thee, and T,alk? 13'0 5e ladeis ovK TjSet tis effTiv d yap He buthavingbeen cured not knew who iti»i the for Ivcrovs eB^fevnev, ox^ov ovros ev rtp TOTrcp. Jesu, Blippedout, a crowd being in the place. ^'^MeTaravra evpifTKeL avrou 6 I^frovs ev tcc After these finds him the Je>i^ in the lepw, Kai eiTrei/ auTOD- iSe, vyivs J^yovas- fir]- temp'le, and said to him; See, sound thou ha.t become : no K6Tt auaprave, iua jxt] x^^P^^ ^'^ "^V T^'^^'^""- longer do thou sin, that BO worse to thee anythingma, happen. 1'' Av-nxe^v b avOpoTTOS, KOt OJ'7]77etA€ tois \Venta«ay the man. and told to the lovSaioLS, on l7](Tous etrriv, 6 ironjffas avrou Jews, that Jesus it is, he haringmade him ^ vyi-n. ^^ Kat 5ia rovTO fSiccKov rov l7](rovv oi •ound.* And through this persecuted the Jesus the lov^aioi, on ravra eirotei iV aa^^aTCf. 'O Je■^■s, because these he did in a sabbath. The 56 l-nnovs aireKpivaro aurois- 'O Trar-qp ^lov and Jesus answered them: The father of me ecus aoTt epyaCeraiy Kayca epya( ^^ Ata till BOW works. and 1 wort. Through rovTO ovv p.aK\ov f^vTovv av. ov oi lovSaioi this therefore more sought him the Jews airoKTewai, bri ov jxouou eXue to v/xiv, oti having tent him. Indeed indeed I say to you, that 6 TOV KoyOV HOV aKOVWV, Kai ITKTTiVWVy TCf} he the word ofme hearing, and believing, the TTf/xxpavTi fxi 6xe* C^V aiwviov, Kai tis Kpiciv having sent me has life aee-lasting, and into judgment ovK fpx^Tai, aWa fx€Ta0i0r}Kev 6/c tov 6ava- not comes, but has passed out of the death TOV eis T-qv C^rjv. •'' A/utjv afxriv Xfyca vfiiv, into the life. Indeed indeed I say to you, dTi fpx^Tai wpa, Kai vvv etrrtj/, Stc ol veKpoi that comes an hour, and now is, when thedeadones aKOvarovTai ttjs v7js tov vlov tov d^ov Kai shall henr the voice of the son of the God; and 01 aKov(TavTfs ^7}(TovTai. ^'D.a"rrep yap 6 iro- those having heard will live. As for the fa- TT]p fx^ ' C^VV ff eavTCf}' ovtws eSoj/ce Kai Tcp ther has life in himseU; so he gave alsotothe vlcp ^a)r]V exejv fv eavrcf. '^^ Km ^^ovo'iav eSoj- son life to have in himself. And autiiurity he Kfv auTCf) Kai Kpiffiv iroifiv, on vlos avOpeavov gave to him also judgment to execute, because a son of man €(TTi. ^ Mrj 6av/xa^eT€ tovto' bri epx^'aiiipa^ be is. Not wonder yoa this: becaune comes an hour, fv 'tj wavTfs 01 ev tois fivr}/j.fius aKourravTai in which all those in the tombs (hall hear TT7S (pCi)V7]S aVTOU, ^ Kai €KTrop€V(TOVTai, 01 TO the voice of him, and shall come forth, those the ayada voirjTai'TcSt fis avacrTamv ^cvrjs' oi goodthing* havingdone, to a resurrection oflife; those *[5e] TO (f>av\a irpa^avTes, fis avatTTaaiv Kpi- [and] the evil thing* havingdone, to a resurrection of ccws. ^ Ov Swa^iai eyw iroieiv ott' f/xavTov )ud;ment. Not am able I to do of myself oi/Sev. Ka^ojy aKovco, Kpivw, Kai t) Kpinris r] Dothing. Even a* I bear, I jud^e, and the jiidgmentthe €fir] SiKaia eaTiv 6ti ov Cv'^^'' to 6f\r]/j.a to mine ju*t i*; that not I seek the will tbe efjioVy aWa to deKrjfia tov ireixxpavTos fie. miae, but the will of the sending me. ^^Y.av fyo) fiapTvpca irfpi cfiavTov^ rj fiaprvpta It I testify concerning niyreif, the testimony ^lov OVK eiTTiv aKr]d7]s. ^ AAAos f(TTiv 6 fiap- of me not i* true. Another is he tetti- Tvpwv irfpi ffiov Kai oiSa, 6ti a\r)dr]s ecTiv fying concealing me; and I know, that true i* SON makes alive Whom he pleases. 22 Tor the fatheb does not even judge any one, but X has given all judg- ment to the SON ; 23 so that all may honor the SON, even as they honor the FATHER. + He who HONCKS not the son hon- ors not THAT FATHER who sent him. 24 Indeed, I truly say to you, He who hear.? my WORD, and believes him who SENT me, has aionian Life, and comes not into Judgment, but has passed out of DEATH into LIFE. 25 Indeed, I assure you. That an Hour comes, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the SON of God, and those HAVING HEARD will live. I 26 For as the fatheK, has Life in himself, so he gave also to the son to have Life in himself; 27 and he gave him Authority also to execute Judgment, Because he is a Son of Man. 28 "Wonder not at this ; Because an Hour comes in which all those in the TOMBS will hear his VOICE, 29 and will come forth ; t those having done GOOD things, to a Resurrec- tion of Life; and those having DONE EVIL things, to a Resurrection of Judg- ment. 30 5 am not able to do anything of myself; as I htar, I judjre; and my judgment IS just, Because I seek not J MY will, bu-; the will of HiH sending me. SI t Though I testify concerning myself, tis not my TESTiMON Y true ? 32 There is another who testifies concerning me; and I know That the • Vaucan Mashscbipt. — 29. and — omit. t 81. By translating this interro^tively, this passage is harmonized with John viii. 14. : 22. Matt, xi.27; xxviii. 18; Luke x. 22; .Inhn iii. yi; xvii. 2; Acts xvii. .31 ; 1 & t 2:<. 1 Jolinii. 23. t 2fl. Dan. xii. 2; M;itf. xxv. »-.',3:i, 40. t !Jj. M.ivi. XKVI 8», John iv.34; vi. 3S. + 81. John viii.Ui Uev.iii. 14. Chap. 5: 33.] JOHN 7) (xapTvpia, ■)]]/ fx,apTvpet irepi ep.ov. ^^'Tfxets the testimony, which he testifies conceininj me. You airea-TaXKaTe irpos Iwavvqv, Kai fi€/j.apTvpT]K€ have »ent to John, and he has teitified rr) aXrjdeia. ^"* Eyw Se ov napa avOpcuirov rf]v to'the truth. I but not from a man the fxapTvpiav Xafx^avw aWa ravra X^yo), Iva testimony receive; but these things I say, that 1/JU61S actiOriTe. ^^Eksivos 7)u 6 Xvxvos 6 Kaio- you may be saved. He was the lamp the burn- fievos Kai (paipwy vp-ets Se r)6i\r]a-aTe ayaWi- ing and shining: you and were willing to re- aOrjvai irpos wpav ev tod (pwri avrov. ^^£70? joice for an hour in the light of him. I Se ex** ''"'?'' fiaprvpiav fX€i^co rov luauvov ra but have the testimony greater of the John: the yap cpya, a edwice jxoi 6 iraTrip, Iva TeAetoxro) for works, which gave to me the father, that I might finish avra, avra ra epya, a eyw irotw, fiaprvpei them, these the works, which I do, testifies irept eixov, on b irar-qp jxe airfCTTaKKe. '^^ Kai eoncerning me, because the father me has sent. And d ire/jL^pas /xe iraTT]p avTos /xe/xaprvprjKe irepi he having sent me father himself has testified concerning s/xov. Ovre ;/] $paxv ti Ac/St;. *Ae7c< avTcp e/s e/c [ofthem] alittle may take. Says to him one of TCDV fiaOr^Tcov avTov, Avdpeas, 6 aSeA(^os ^ifioo- the disciples of him, Andrew, the brother of Si- PQS TliTpov 'EfTTt iraiSapioy kv wSe, 6 exe* mon Peter; Is little boy one here, who has TTfVTf apTovs Kptdtvovs, Kai Bvo o\l/apia' aWa five loaves barley, and two stnall fishes : but TOKTa TJ fCTTtV CIS TOCTOVTOVS ; these what are for so many ? l-qtTovs' noi7j T0Tr(f}, AveTT€(TOV Was and graaa much in the place. BccUned lOEure ^[Se] 6 Said [andjrhe {Chap. 6: 10. FATHEii. * He who AC cusKs you to the fatiieb is Moses, in wliom |]Otj have lioped. 46 For if you believed Moses you wouid believe me, J for i)c wrote about nie. 47 But if you do not believe ins Writings, how * can you believe Mil Words?" CHAPTER VI. 1 X After tiiese things Jesus went across that LAKE of Galilee, the Ti- BEKIAS. 2 And a great Crowd were following him. Be- cause they saw tiie SIGNS which he was performing on the SICK. 5 And * Jesus went up into the mountain, and was sitting there with his DISCIl'LES. 4 And the passovee, the FEAST of the Jews, was near. 6 Then Jesus, lifting up his EYES, and seeing tliut a great Crowd was coming to him, says to *Phi!:p, " Whence * may we buy Loaves thatthese may eat." 6 (But this he said, trying him; for fje know what he was about to do.) 7 Philip answered him, "Loaves costing t Two Hundred Denani 'Pf]0'e iraXiv eis to opos avros retired again into the mountain himself fxovos. ^^ 'ils Se oi\iia eyevero, Kare^r^aau ol alone. As and evening it became, went down the fiadrjTai avTou evi tt]v QaKaaaav. '^ Kai €/j.$au- duciples ofhim on the sea. And stepping res 6is TO irKoioVy rjpxovro irepau rrjs daXaaarfs into the ship, they were going over the sea tis Ka-mpi/aov/x. Kai aKoria rjSe eyeyovfi, to Capernaum. And dark now it had become, Kai ovK eXrjAvOei trpos avTovs b Irjcrovs. ^^'H and not had come to them the Jesus, The re 6a\a(r(Tay ave/xov fieyaKov irveovTos Birjyei- &nd sea, a wind great blowing was becoming ^^ E\r]\aKOTes ovv ws arpadiovs eiKoai- Having driven therefore about furlongs tweaty- irevTs 7j rpiaKOVTa, Qeoopovai rov Irio'ovv five or thirty, they see the J«su8 TrepnraTovvra em ttjs 6a\acrris, Kai eyyvs rov walking on the sea, and near the yrKoiov yivofX'?vov Kai e' CKeivos. ^ Eiirov ow avrcfi' T< sent he. They said therefore to him; What OW TToieis (TV (Tt]ixfiov, iva iScvufV Kai Triarev- then doest thou sign, that we may see and wemaybe- aw/xfV (Toi; ri epya^rj ; '^^ Oi TTartpes rincav ro l:tve thee? whatdost thouvrork? The fathers of us the fiavva ecpayov (v ttj eprjixci}, KaBws ((rriy^ypatx- manna ate in the desert, as it is having been mediately the boat uas ai the LAND to which Wxi.y were going. 23 On the next i ay, THAT 'ROWD STANDING hy the side of tiie lakk, seeing That there was no other Boat there, except one, and That J ksus went not with his disciples into the BOAT, but his disci- ples wentawav alone; — 23 (but Other Boats came from Tiberias near the PLACE where they ate t he BREAD, when the LoED had given thanks; — ) 24 when, therefore, the CROWD saw That Jesua was not there, nor his dis- ciples, tbeg entered the BOATS, and came to Caper- nanum, seeking Jesus. 25 And finding him be- yond the LAKE, they said "to him, " Rabbi, when didst thou arrive heref" 26 Jesus answered them and said, " Indeed, truly I say to you, You do not seek me Because you saw the Signs, but Because you ate of the LOAVES, and were satislied. 27 Labor not for that food which PERISHES, but for THAT FOOD wliich abides to aioiiian Lite, which the son of man will give you; X for ftiin. tlie father, God, has sealed." 28 They said to him, therefore, " What shall we do, that we ni;iy perform the WORKS of God?" 29 Jesus answered and said to them, + 'This is the WORK of God, that you should believe into uim whom f)t sent." 30 They said to him^ therefore, J " What Sign, dost tf)ou perform, that we may see and believe thee ? What dost thou work? 31 X Our fathers ate the MANNA in the DESERT, as it has been written, + 27. Matt.i\i.l7: xvu.6: Marki.ll; ix.7: Lukeiii.22; ix.85; Johni.33: v.S7; viii.18; Act3ii.22: ? I'ft i.l7. i »0. 1 .r^hniii.?:*. 1»0. Matt. xii. 88 : xvi. 1 ; Mark viii U;lCor.i.22. ^Si-i-lW **'< U»i Num. xi. 7; Neli. ix. 15; 1 Cor. x. 3. Phap. 6: 32.] JOHN. Iievof " Aprou ck rou ovpavov eSwKey avTois ivritten; " Bread from the heaven gave them (payeiv,'^ ^- EtTre;/ ovv avrots 6 lr)(rovs' AfiTjp to eat." Said therefore to them the Jesus; Indeed afi-qp Aeyct) v/xt/V, ov Mwaris dedwKev vjiiv top indeed I say to you, not Moses has given to you the apTOP €K Tov oupapow ah\ b iraTTjp /jlov bread from the heaven; but the father of me h-ldciXTlP VjXlP TOV apTOP €K TOV OVpaVOV TOP gives to you the bread from the heaven the a\i]BiPOP. ^ 'O yap apros tov Oeov ccttip 6 true. The for bread ofthe God is he KUTafiaiPUP eK tov ovpapov, Kai C^rjp SiSovs coming down from the heaven, and life is giving TCf> KOCTfiCf}. ^^ Eiirop ovp irpos avTOP' Kvpie, to the world. They said then to him : O sir, navroTe Sos tj/j-ip top apTov tovtop. ^ Ejttc always give to us the bread this. Said *[56] avTois 6 lr}(rovs' £70* et^i 6 apTos ttjs [but] to them the Jesus: I am the bread ofthe ^coTjs* 6 tpxofjLKPos irpos /xe, ov /xr] ircipaarf life: he coming to me, not not may hunger: Kai 6 TTio'Tevcap et$ e/ue, ov ixfj Si\pr}(rT) TrcoiroTe. and he believin.g into me, not not may thirst ever. '^ AA./\* eiTTop v/jLiv, oTi Kai ecopaKaTe /xe, Kai ov But 1 said to you, that even you have Keen me, and not TTicTTeviTs. ^' riav 6 SiScffT; jxoi. 6 iraTTip, irpos you believe. All what gives toroetbe lather, to e;ue ^|ef Kai top epxojxfpop irpos /xe, ov /xr] mewi/lcome- and the coming to me, not not eK^aXu €|a>' '^ oti Kura^eBijKa (K tov ovpa- IwillcasC out; because 1 have come down from the hea- pov, ovx iVa iroica to 0€\7]ixa to ffxop, aWa ven, not that I may do the will the mine, but TO dehrj/xa tov ire/xipavTos fie. ^^Tovto 8e etm the will ofthe having sent me. This and is TO dehij/xa tov ire/xxl/aPTOS fxe, ipa irap d the will ofthe having sent me, that every one which SeSa)K€ fioi, fXT] airo\e down from the hea. pavov ^ Kai eXeyop' Ovx ovtos ^otip lijaovs 6 V«a; and they»aid; Not this is Jesus the [Chap, a : 42k t ' He gave them J3rea*1 from HEAVEN to eat.'^ 32 Jesus then said to them, " Indeed, I assure you, Moses did not give you the BREAD from heaven ; but my FATHER gives you the true bread from HEAVEN.- 33 Tor the bread ol God is that which dE' scENDS from heaven and is giving Life to th» WORLD." 34 They, therefore, sdd to him, " Sir, always gi^« us this BREAD." 35 Jesus said to them, " E am the bread of life. X He who comes to ma will by no means hunger; and HE who believes into me will never thirst. 36 But I said to you. That you have even see me, and yet you do not be- lieve. 37 Whatever the father gives me will come to me ; and him, who comes to me, I will by no meats re- ject; 38 because I havfi de- scended from heaven, I not that 1 may do MY WILL, but the AVILl of HIM who sent me. 39 And this is the will of HIM who sent me, X that I may lose nothing of all that he has given me, but may raise it up at the LAST Day. 40 For this is the will of HIM who SENT me, that EVERT ONE SEEING the SON, X and believin 6 into him, may have aionian Life; and 5 will raise hiia up at the LAST Day." 41 Then the J ews mur- mured about him, Because he said, " 2 am that BREAD which DESCENDED from heaven." 42 And they said, J " Is not this Jesus, the son of • Vatican Manoscbitt. — S5. but-^»»<. ♦ 31. Psa. Ixxviil. 24, 25. S. 2 ; xvh. 12, xviil.9. VI. 8 ; Luke iv. 32. I sr.. Johnlv 14; vii. 37. 14C. ' \uiiii. i{>,M; IV. 14. : 38. John V. 30 1 89. Jobs X 42 Matt. xiii. 55 ; Mai-ll Chap. 6 : 43.] JOHN. f Chap. 6 : 68. ai'a(TTTfv irapo that the father any one has seen, if not he bcinj; from TOV QfOV the God: apLy]V Keyw v/xtv, b iriarfvuv ^feis e/^fjj *X*' indeed I say to you, he believing [into me,] has ^a>7jc aiwviov. ^ Eyw €J/ii< b apros ttjs C*^7js. Ufa ase-lasting. 1 am the bread of the life. *^Ot iraTfpfs vficoy ecpayoy to ^lavva «y tt; (pyj- The fatiien of you ate the manna in the desert, U 1 6). John tu. 4S: U. 16i x. lOk t ft». UaL iL ao. Chap. 8: 54.] JOHN. [Chap. 6: 6«. ^pcioywu y.ov rrjy aapKa, Kai irivav fiov ro eu^a, eating of me the tlesh, ami drinking ofnie the blood, c^e: ^coTjj/ aicci'iov Kai eyca avaa rr^cra) avroy rrj has life Bge-lasung; and I mill rfiitK up hisi in the ecTxaxT; 7j/j.€pa. ^"'H yap r)fxaTa ^corjs aiujyiov ex^'S' ^^ Kai we t^o ? words of life age-Ia.sting thuu hast j and Tifxeis TreiTKTT^vKafx^y KUi eyvooicainfv, otl cv ei we Lave believed and have known, that thou art 6 ayios TOW Oeov. ^'^ AireKpiOTj avrois 6 Irjaovs' thcholy oneof the God. Answered them the Jesus; OuK eyca v/xas rovs SwScKa e|eA.€|a^i7J/ ; Kai 6| Not I you the twelve choose? and of v/x(ov €is SiafioXos iiTTiv. '''EA.e7e Se rov lov- you one an accuser U He spoke now the Ju- tav 'S.ifjLwuos lo'KapfWTTjJ'* ovtos yap rjjUeWej/ das ofSimoD Keariot; this for was about avToy irapaStSorat, els (t3V €k roiv 5a)5e/fo. him to deliver up, one being of the twelve. KE. C'- 7. * Kat TTfpteTraTet 6 lijaovs /nera ravra €y rri And was walking the Je-^us after these things in the TaXiKaia' ov yap r]6e\€y er r-p lovdaia vepiira- Galilee; not for he wished in the Judea to walk, reiv, drt i^r]Tovv avrov ol louSaiot airoKT^Lvai. because were seeking him the Jews to kill. ^Wv Se eyyvs r] ioprrj twu louSaiojj', 7) (XK-qvotr- Waa and near the feast the Jews, the feast of ta- r\y la. ^ Eiiroi/ ovv vpos ajrov ol aheK'lyoL bernacles. Said therefore to liim the biothers avrov M€ra^7]6i evrevOeVf Kai iiiraye eis rriv of him; Depart hence, and go into the louSaiav, iva Kai ot fiaOrirai cov 6€ca}py]crw(rt to Judea, so that also the disciples of thee m.ty see the fpya crov, a voteis. ^OvSeis yap ev KpvirTC{> works ofihee, which thoudoe.t. No one for in secret Tt TTOtcf, Kat C^Tfi avTOS ev irap^rja-Kf, eiuai. anything does, and he seeks hinnelf in puoUc to be. Ei ravra troms, (pavepoaojv aeavrov rep KOCficp. If the.-,e things thou doest, manifest I .yself to the world. ^ OuSe yap oi ade\ ott' teaching, whether &om the God At is, or 1 from efiavrov AoA&>. ^^ 'O a(p' eavrov AoAwr, ttjk myself speak. He from himself speaking, the So^av r7)V i5iav ^Tjret* 6 Se C^tojv rrjv do^av glory the own seeks; he but seeking the glory row irefiy^avros avrov ^ ovros aXrjOrjs eartf Kai of the sending him, this true ia» aid [C^ap. 7: 18. yetarriTed; butYOUBTiMB IS al\v"ay3 ready. 7 J The WORLD cannot hate you ; but it hates Me, Jbecause S testify concern- ing it. That its wobss ara 8 Go nott vp to *the FEAST ; fi am not going up to this FEAST, because *My Time has not yet fully 19» rived." 9 And saying These Things tothem he remaned in Galilee. 10 But when his beo- THEHS, had gone up, thea fie also went up to the FEAST, not openly, but ra* ther in a private manner. 11 J The Jews therefore, kept seeking him druing theFEAST.aadsaid.'^Where is fie C" 13 jAnd there was much murmuring about him among the CEOWDS; SOMa said, "Heis good;" otkees said, "No, out he is l»js- leading the people." 13 No one, howevw, spoke with freedom tonr- ceruing him, J becauE^ 0i the FEAK of the Jews. 14 And now, the ffa»» being advanced OilawTy, * Jesus went uf into tJtM TEMPLE, and tMght. 15 l:*Then the Jews were estonishetl, saying, "How does tliis persoii know Letters, not naving learned?" 16 ♦JesuBthenanswerecl them, and said, t " ^^^ Teaching: is not mine, but HIS who SENT me. 17 t If any one wish to perform his will, he shalJ know of the TEACHING, whether it is from God, ot i am speaking from myself 18 i He who SPEAK3 fipom himself seeks his own GLOBT; but HE who SEEKS the oloey of HIM who SKNT him, ^e is true, and 8. MTTime. 14. Jesus. 15. Then * Vaticau Mahubcbipt. — 8. the veasi. the Jews. 1Q. Jesus then. t 7. John XV. 19. 1 7. John iii. 79. t H. John xi. 66. 1 13. John ix. 16i 1. 19. t John. ix. 99; xil. i2: six. 38. t 15. Malt. xiii. 64; Maxk vi. 2 ; Luke iv. 22: Acts ii. 7. 1 16- Johi> Ul.ll; viU. 28; xli. 49; xiv. 10. 24. J 17- John vilL 4i 1> 18. John V. 41 i Viii. 50. OtMp. 7 1 19.] JOHN. nSiKia (V avT(f> ovk ecriv. '^Ou Mccctjs (rrighU-'Oiuneaain him not ia. Not Moaea ''eSuKiV vjxiv rov vo/jlov; Kai ov5ets e^ vficoy ha« given to jou the law ? and no one of jou iroiei rov vofioy ri fif ^rjTfiTf airoKr^ivat; <1oe» the law; whj me do you seek to luU? ** .-vKiKpiQ-t) 6 oxAos *[Kat ciTre*] Acufiouiov Answered the crowd [and said;] A demon th ^a*t;wbo thee aeeka to kill? Anawered the \ crovs Kai enrev avrois' 'Er epyov eirorTjcra, • -ma and aaid to them ; One work I did, Ka' iravrts davfiaCv'^ 5to tovto. ^ Mwcnjs aui. all you wonder becnuae of this. Moaea deSwKey vfiiy rrjy ircptTOftrji/* (oux ^ti ck tov hfta giTcu to you the circumcision i (not that of the Maxrecas eCTtv, a\\* e/c rcov rarepwj',) Kai ev Mosea it ia, but of 'ho i .thera,) and in ca^^artt) veptTcuveTe auOpwirov. ^ Et irept- a f 3bhath you circumcise a man. If eircum- T0/X7JV Kau^aiyei ayOpcciros ey (ra^^arcp^ Iva fir) eiaion receivea a man ia a sabbath, that not \v6r) 6 yofios Mojerews, f/JLOi x^^^'^'^^t ^'■* Day be looaed the law ot Moaen, with m.' are you an^ry.becauae (/}.oy avdpooTTOv vyii) fironj(ra ey aa^fiaTco ; irhole a man sound 1 made in a aabbath i *■* Mtj KptycTc Kar' oxj/iy, ^\\a ri)v SiKaizv Not jud^eyou accordin^teappearanc::, but the rif;hteoiis Kpiffiy Kpivare. ^ EA.e70J' ovy rives €k rtav juilgnient jud^eyou. Said then some o' ^he '\epo(To\' Ovx ouros ^(ttiv, 6v ^-qTovtri" Jeruaalemitesi Not this ia he, whom they:;<^k a-jroKTeipai "* to till r ov^ey avTCf) Xtyovtrr fi-qwore aArjOcos eyvcvcrzv nothmg to him they say; not truly did know 01 apxoyres, 6ti ovros fcrriv 6 Xpicros : ^ AKKa the rulera, that thia ia the Anointed? But rovToy oiSa^€i/, irodev ecrriy 6 5e Xpicrros drav thu we know, whence he ia ; thebut Anointed when €pX77Tat, ovBeisyivwcKfi, iroOeyeariv. ^Ekco- he come*, no one knowa, whence he ia. Cried ^fv ovv €y Ty i(p(f> SiSaCKiov 6 Irjcofs, Kai then in the temple touching the Jeaua, and Xeyuv Ka/JLC oiSaTc, Kai oiOare irodev ci/xr Kai aaying; And me you know, and you know whence lam; and air' ifiavrov ovk eKrjXvda, a\\' earriy aKr}divos of myaelf not I hare come, but la tme 6 tre/xx^/as fi€, dv u/j-eis ovk oiSare. ^ Eyw oiSa heharingaent me, nhom you not know. I know auToj', 6ti nap' avrov et^ii, KaKcivos /te aireo"- him, beoaui>e from him I am, and he me sent. TetXey. ^ECv^ovv ovv avrov macrar Kai They sought therefore him to seize; and ov^eis eirefiaXev eir' avrov rrjv x^'P°> ^''"' ovnu} no one put on him the hands, because not yet iXffXvdei 7] wpa avrov. had come the hoar of him. ^ Kai fSe, trapb-qaia, x.cii and lo, boldly he is talking, and \Chap. 7 : 30. there is no Unrighteousiiess in him. 19 Has not Moses givea you the law, and not one ofyou performs the law P Why are you seekinir to kiUmef" 20 The CROWD answered, $"Thou hast a J)emon; who is seeking to kill thee?" 21 * Jesus answered and said to them, " 1 have done One Work, and you are all astonished because of this. 22 t Moses has given yon cracUMcisioN; (not that it is of Moses, but of % the fathebs;) and you cir- cumcise a Man on a Sab- bath. 23 If a • Man on a Sab- bath receiTe Circumcision, so that the law of Moses may not be violated, are you angry with me % Be- cause 1 made a Man entirely well on a Sabbath P 24 trudge not according to Appearance, but judge uiGHTEOus Judgment." 2b Thensomeinhabiumts :£ Jerusalem said, " Is not this he whom they are seeking to kill ? '-"S And, behold, he is balking boldly, and they say nctliing to him. Do the EULERS really acknowledge rtiat this is the Messia h P 27 t But we know Him, whence he is; but when the Messiah comes, no one knows whence he is." 2y Jesus, tlierefore, ex- claimed, teaching in the TEMPLE, and Baj-ing, " You botii know Me, and you know whence I am , and I have not come of mysell, but HE who SENT me i% true, whom you know not. 29 J C know him Because I am from him, and \\t sent Me." 30 Then they sought to take him ; and no one laid HANDS on him. Because his HOt'B had not yet ar. nved. • Vatican BlAnnscRiPT. — 20. and Bald— omit. 81. Jeeus, S3. MAR. I 20. John viii. 48, 52 ; X. 20. t 22. Lev xii. 8. 1 22. Gen.xvii. 10. t23.JohT ▼. R. 0, lb. : 24. Dcut. i. 16, ^^7 ; Prov. xxiv. 23; viii. 15; James ii. 1. J27. Mat* Xiii. 55; Mark vi. 8 ; Luke iv. 22. : 29. Matt. xi. 27 ; John z. 15. Chap. 7: 31.] JOHN. Many asd out of the crowd believed into avrov, Kcu e\eyoy 'On d Xpiorros brav eXdrj^ hiiH, &&4 laid; lliat the Anointed frhen henoaj come* Hryrt •jrAeiova ffrt^eia *[TOUTa>j/J irotTjfret, dw Bot more ^g^s [of these} vrilido, wfaicb ovros firoiTjO'ey : ^^ H/toucov oi ^apKxaioi tov he did? Beard the Pharisee* of the oX^ov yoyyvCoPTOS vepi arrrov ravra* kcu crowd muixounDg about him these thiBga; and air€(rrei\ai/ ot ^apiaaioi km oi apx'^P^'S inrTjpe- gent the Phanseea and the high-pne3t» officers, Tos, lua iricuruaiu avrov. ^ Enrey ovv b Irfcrovs' that they might seiie bun. Sa>d then the Jesusj Eti ixiKpov XP^'^^" t"-^^ vfjuuv etfUy Kat viraya let a Uitle time with yon I am, and I go irpos ray TrefJLipairTa pte. ^Zr}Tr)cr€Te ;u.e, Kat to the sending me. Vou will seek me, and ovx €upT7 and where S am, * there gott cannot cwne." 35 Tlie Jews then said among themselves, "Where 13 1) e about to go, that Sue shall dot find him? Is he about to go to X the dis- PKRsioN of tthe Greeks, and to teach the Gbeeks r 36 What is This word that he said, ' Yea will seek nie, and will not find *me; and where I am gou can- not come?'" 37 % Now ill tthe LAST, the GSEAT Day of tliii feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, X " If any one tliirst, let him come to me and drink. 38 He BELEiviNO int« me, as the scKiPtunE says, J out of HIM shall flow Rivers of living Water." 39 X But this he said concerning the spibit. • Vaticaw MANtTscBirr.— si. of these — omit. 32. high-pbiests and the Fbabisebs ient. 34. me ; aud. 34. there. 86. me j aud. 1 35. Probably the Hellenists, or Grecian Jews, are here intended. These spoke the Greek language, and are thus distinguished from *;he Hebre\v&, who spoke the Hebrew language al that time. t 37. The last day grew into high esteem with the Jews, because on the precediue seven days they held that sacrifices were offered, not so much for themselves, as for the whole world. They offered, in the course of them, seventy bullocks, for the seventy nations ot the world; buttheeighth was wholly on their own behalf. They had then this solemn offeringofwater,the reason of which Is this:— Atthepassover the Jews offered an omer to obtain from God his blessing on their harvest; at Pentecost, their first-fruits, tfl request his blessing on the fhiits of the trees; and in the feast of tabernacles they offered water to God, partly referriiiff to the water from the rock in the wilderness, (1 Cor. x. \, ) but chierty to solicit the blessing of rain on the approaching seedtime. — Lightfoot. At t'^e feast of tabernacles the Jews drew water from Siloam, with the sound of trumpets and of songs, »o derive a blessing on the rains of the j^&ar ; this season or September being the beginning of the year. There was therefore a pertinency in the images of thirsting, drinking, an4 fivers of water. — Jioweome. 1 31. Matt. xii. 33 ; John iii. 2 ; Tiii. 30. t S3. John xiii. 33 ; xvi. 16. { 34. Hoshea V. 6 • John viiL 21. 1 35. James i. 1 ; 1 Pet. i. 1. % 37. Lev. xxui. 85. t 57. Isa, iv.l; John vi. 85; Eev.ixiLir. 38. Isa. xii. 3; John iv.14. J 3©. Jobn. it*, fc i'^ap 7 : 40.] JOHN. lCfhap.7: 52. jy eixeWoy KaixfiavdV ol TTKmvovTes (is »f which wai about to receive the bclievin; into avTov ovirco yap rjv irvevfxa ayiov, 6ri 6 Irjcrovs him; not yet fur wa« spirit holy, bec&uae the Jrsu* ovbeirct) eSo^aadr]. ^HoWoi ovv (K top ox^ov not yet was glorifird. Many therefore out of the crowd aKovaavTes roy \oyov, eXeyov Ovros ecTTiv having heard tha word, taid; Tliit ia a\7]6(t}S 6 irpo(pT}TT]s. *^ AWoi eXeyoy Ovros tnily the prophet. Othera saiJ; Thia eCTiv 6 Xpurros. AWoi Se ekeyoy Mt; yap is the Anointed. Others but said; Not for €K TTjy ra\t\aias 6 XpLcros epx^Tai; *' Ovxi V cut of the Galilee the Anointed coinenf Not the ypa(pT) ejTrey, 6ti e/c row (nrepfxaTOS AautS, /cot writing snid, that of the seed ofUavid, and OTTO BT)0Ae€/i TtjS KWfj.7)Sf Sirov 'f]V Aauidf 6 frnra Bethlehem the Tillage, where waa David, the XpiCTTos epxfTOj; ^Sx'fJ'M'' ou;' €U t^ o^Aw Anointed comes? A division then in the crowd eyevero 5t' avrov. ^Tiues Se •qQfKov e^avrcvy occurred throusrh him. Some and wibhed of them TTiacrai avroy aW' ovBcis eire$a\(V cir' avrov to seize i him; but no one put on hiiit ray x^^P°-^' the hands. ^"HKQov ovv 01 {nrtiperai irpos rovs opx'^P^'^ Came therefore the officera to the hi^h-priests Kai ^apicraiovs. Kai eiirov avrois eKeivor and Pharisees. And said to them thcfeej Atari ovK tiyayere avrov; ^ Kir€KpidT)a'av ol Why not didyou bring him? Answered the virriperai' OvSeirore ovtws e\a\r](r€V avOpcoiros, ofricers; Never thus spoke a man, *[ct'S ovros 6 avOpcawos.^ ^' KTT(KpiBr)(Tav ovv [as this the min.] Answered then *[ai;TOJsJ oi ^apiaatoi' Mr] Kai v/xeis ircTrKav- [tliemj the Phaxisees; Not also you have been ria-Qe; *^ fx-q ris ck rwv apxovruv eirKTrevaev deceived? not any one of the rulers beheved €is avrov, 7} eK rcav ^apiaaicDV : ^^aW' 6 ox.^os into huu, or of the Ph.irueeb ? but the crowd ovros 6 /XTJ yivcaaKwv rov vo/jlov eiriKaraparoi tbik the uut knowing the law; accursed «t. 7)'. 8. ^ iTjcrovs Se eiropevdri eis Jesu9 but went into 2 opdpov Se Tra\iv xope- early mum and again he yevero eis re lepoy, Kai iras 6 kaosrjpx^TO irpos eame into the temple, and all the people came to avTov Kai KaBicras ediSaa-Key avrovs. ^Ayov. otyou, first the stone on her let hun cast. *Kai -KaXiv Kara: Kv^l/as, eypacpev eis rrjy ytiv. And again down stooping, wrote oa tlie ^oood. ^ Ot Se a/coutrofTes, Kai viro rrjs avveiBricrews They and hanng heard, and by the con»cienc« eXeyxofJ-euoiy e^-qpxovro eis KaS' ets, ap^afxeyoi being convinced, went out one by tne, beginning OTTO Toiv irpeafivTepuv ecus tckv ecrxaTwv Kai from the elderm erea to the last ones; and KaTe\ei(p6rj fiovos 6 Itjcous, Kai 7] yvvrj ev fietrcf} left alone the Jesus, and the woman in middle [Chap. 8: *. from Galilee ? Search, and see, that no Prophet has been raised f O'lt oi Galilee." 53 * [[And every one went to his own house j JHAPTER YIIL 1 but Jesus went to the MOUNT of OLrVES. 2 And in the Morning he came a^^ain to the T£1iple_ and All the people came to him, and having sat down, he taught them. 3 And the scbibes and the Phakisees bring to him a Woman having been taken in Adultery ; and placing her in the ilidst, 4 they say to him, "Teacher, This womajs" waa taken in the very act, com- mitting adultery. 6 X Now, in the law, Moses commanded us t"(> stone SUCH like women; therefore, what dost tijott say'r" '6 But this they said, try- ing him, that they mi^ht liave something of which to accuse him. But Jests stooping down, wrote on tlie GBouND with hisrisGJE. 7 And when they con- tinued asking him, rising up, he said to them, "He «hO is WTTHOUT SIN ol you, X let him first cast the STONE at her." 8 And again, stooping down, he wrote on the GBOUND. 9 And THET, HATT!TQ HEAED, and being comac- ted by their consciences, went out, one by one, be- ginning from the ILDIES. even to the last ; and Jfsus was left alone, and I the WOMAN standing in the ' Midst. • Vaticak ilASUSCBiPT. — 53. to vUL 11 — omit. 1 52. This conclusion, according to Calmut, was incorrect. Jonah was of Gathheper, in Galilee; see 2 Kings liv. 25, compared with Josh. xix. 13. AaAum was a Galilean, for he v^ as of the trilie of Simeon, and some suppose Malachi was of the same place. t 55. This para >raph concerning the woman taken in adultery is wanting in the Alexandrian (see Woide's Preface,) Vatican, Ephrem, and other manuscripts of great authority, and in the oldest copies of the S\Taic version; and is not cited by Origen, Chrysostora, and other an- cient ecclesiastical writers. It is found in the Cambridge manuscript, though with some variations from the receiyei text. Griesbach keeps it in his text ; but with great hesitation. Improved Version. 17* Deut.zTU.7i Bom.U.1. 1 5. Lev. XX. 10; Deot. xxii. 32. Chap. 8 : 10] JOHX. \Cliap. 8: 19. woman, ovhds nu one Kupie. Olord. karwcra. '" Ai/aKv\!^a5 Sc 6 Irjaovs, Kai fi-q^fva tUDiUng HxTiD;rai>cJ>ipandthe Jeitti, Kod no one 6ea(Ta/j.(vos irXrjy rrjs yvuaiKos, etwev ai/rrj' 'H •*etng bnt the woman, >aid to her; The TTov etcriv eKeiyoi oi Karrjyopoi crov ; where are thoK the accutert of thee? (r€ KareKptvcp ; ^^ 'H de enrtv OuScjs, thee condemned? She and laid; No one, EiTre Se avrr) 6 Irjcrovs' OvSe eya s rov Kocfiov 6 aKoXovQwv f/xoi, I am the light of the worl J ; be following me, ov /iTj Tr(pnraTT)(TfL ey rrj (TKOTia, oAA* c^€i to Kot not ib&ll walk in the darknema, but ahallbavethe S T7JS C'^TJS. ^^EtTTOV OVy UVTCf) o't ^apKTaioi' light of the life. Said therefore to him the Phariaeea; 2t; Trepi atavrov /lapTvpus' t] fiaprvpia cov Thoa eanceraing thvxUf duat tettify i the teitimony of thee ovK f(TTiy a\r]6T]s. ^* AveKpidj] lT)(rov5 Kai not it true. Answered Je«us and ciTTfy auTois' Kav eyo) fiapTvpu irepi cfiavTuv, aaid to them; Even if I tettifx concerning mytelf, u\T]dr]s ((TTiy 7] fiapTvpia fiov 6ri oiSa, iroOev true it the testimony of me; because I know, whence ri\9oyy Kai irov vtrayu)' v^ns Se ovk oiSare, I came, and where I go; yoa bat not know, | irodey epxofJ-aiy t] irov vtrayu. ^"'T^i^is /caro ' whence 1 cajoe, or where I go. You according to I TT)y orapxa KpLV^TS, eyco ov Kpivoo ovSeya. **^Kcif the flenh jud^e, I not Jud^^e no one. Even fay Kpiy(i> 8e eyw, rj Kpi "yey- falher. Alao in the law and the your it baa paTTTcu- " 'On 5i/o ayOpcoiruy rj /xapTvpial been wntten; 'That two ot men the testimony aXrfdrjs fO-Tiy" ^ Eyw ei/xi 6 fxapTvpc-jy vepi ! true ia." I am he teatifying concerning f/xavTOVy Kai /xapTvpei irepi (/jlov 6 irffxypas /xf I myself, and tntifies concerning me the having tent me TOTTJ/J. father. ^^E\eyov ovyavTw' irov (CTiy iiraxTjp They aaid Uiea to him ; where it the father 10 And Jesus raising up and seeing no one but the WOMAN, said to her, "Woman, where are those, thine accusees? Did no one condemn Thee ?" 11 And she said, " No one, sir." And Jescs said to her, X " Neither do i condemn Thee ; X go. and sin no more."]] 12 Again, therefore, Jk- sus spoke to them, saying, + J " £ am the light of the WORLD ; he who ?0L- Lows me shall not walk in the DAKKNESS, but shall have the light of lite." 13 Then the Phaeiskes said to him, J " Cftoa dost testify of thyself; thy tes- timony is not true." 1-1 Jesus answered and said to them, " Kven if 2 testify concerning myselt, my TESTIMONY is true; Because I know whence 1 came and where I go ; but gou know not whence I came, or where I go. 15 JJ?ou judge accord- ing to tlTe ELESH ; J E judge no one. 16 But even if I judge, MY JUDGMENT is true; Be- cause I am not alone, but 5 and the iather who SENT me. 1 7 And it has also been written in Youa law, tTliat the testimony of Two Men is true. 18 i am one who tes- tifies concerning myself, and the r.ATHEEwho sent me testifies concerning me." 19 Then they said to him, " Where is thy ta- + 12. The Rahblns denominated the Supreme Beine the light of the vsirld, and this title beinif assuiiie'l by our Lord was a olotl'eiice to the Jews. 1 he Messiah was also fre- fluentlv .«poken of b^ the prophets under the emblem of /ipA<. See Isa. Ix. 1; xlix. 6; ix. 2. rherefore, by appljin? thi.s symbol to bimst':f, the Pharisees mi'.st at once have perceived that he claimed the Mes.siahship. Buxtorf in Synap. Jud.'c. xxii. tells us, that the 0th day, or day after the expiration of the 8th, which belonged to " the feait of the tabernacles," is a solemn day likewise, and is cahed " the fea-st of joy for the law ;" because on that day (says he,) the last section of the law was read, the rest navinsf been read weekly in the coarse ot the preceding? sabbaths. He add^, that on this Oth day the custom ot the Jews is to taku all the books of the law out of the che^t and to put a candle into it, in allusion to Prov. vi. M, or rather P-ta. cxix. 105. But perhaps, after all, it was to the light which th^r understand- ing re-eived from the reading of the law, that Jesua here alluded to, when he said, "I aia the light of the world-** : 11. Lukeix. 50; xii. 14; t 11. John t. 14. t 12. John 1. 4, 5, 9 ; HL 19; ix. 5; xii. S.'x 86, 40. X \%. John v.Sl. t 15. John vii. 24. t 15. Jobs lii. 17 ; xiL 47 1 XTiiL 80. t 17. l>eut. xviL 8 ; xii. 15 ; Matt. xviiL Ifl ; 2 Cor. xii, 1 ; HeU M..1&. 11* Oiap. 8: 20!] JOHN. \Chap. 8 : 29. (Tov : ATreKpiOrj 1t](tovs' Ovt€ efxe otSare, ovre of thee? Answered Jesus; Neither me you know, nor TOV Trarepa fxov. Et e/xe fSe^re, Kai rov irarepa the father of me. II me you knew, also the father fiou r}5€iTe av. ""Taura ra pTJixara eXaArjcrev of me you would know. These the words he spoke fy TO) ya^oo one seized him, because notjet hzd come the hour avrov. of him. 21 EtTrej/ ovv TraXiv avTOis 6 l^aovs' Eya* Said therefore again to them the Jesus; I vtrayci), kul ^TjTTjceTe uc Kai ey tt} a/JLapria go away, and you will seek me, and in th3 sin v/jLwy aiToday€i Kat eiirev go, you not are able to come? And he said avTOiS' "T/j.eis e/c rcoy kutu) care, eyca e/c Twy to them; Tfou from the beneath are, I from the aya eifxr vfj-eis e/c rov KoafMov tovtov ecre, above am; vou from the worid this are, t-yo) ovK eijuii eK rov Koa/xov rovrov. *"* Elttov i not am from the world this. I said ovy it/jLiy, on aTTodayciade €v rais a/xapnais therefore to vou, that you will die in the sins vfxwy eay yap fiTj TTKrrevo'Tjre, Sri eya eifxi, of you; if for not you may believe, that I am, aTToOaveicrOe ey rats afiapnais vficoy. "'' EXeyov you will die in the sins of you. They said ovy avrcf}' 2u ns ei; Kai eiirey avrois 6 thereforetohim; Thou who art? And said to them the Irjo-ovs' Tr}y apxw o» t' fa* AaAw iifxiy. Jesus; The beginning what, what even I say to you. ^^riaWa ex(^ ir^pi vficoy \a\ety, Kai Kpiyeiy Alany things I have about you to say, and to judge ; aW' d ire/uLxpas /Ue aArj07js earr Kaycv a rjKovcra but he having sent me true is; and I what I heard Trap' avrov, ravra \eyca €is rov Koa^iov. ^^ Ovk from him, these things I say to the world. Not syvooaav, on roy irarepa avrois eXeyey. ^Enrev they knew, that the father to them he spoke. Said ovy ^^avrois^ Slrjcrovs' 'Orav u\pw(Tr]rerovvioy then [to them] the Jesus; "When you may lift up the son rov avOpuTTOv, rore yyttxr^crQe on e-yw eifii' Kai of the man, then you will know that I am; and ttTr' €fiavrov ttoio) ovSey, a\Ka KaOws eSt5a|e /xe from myself I do nothing, but as taught me 0 Trarrjp /xov ravra XaKw ^^ Kai 6 Tr^fi\^a<} yue, the father of me these things I say ; and he haTing sent me, fter' e^tou ecrriy ovk a(priKe /xe fiovov 6 irarrip, mth me is; not left me alone the father. THEB?" Jesus answered, " You neither know Me, nor my father; if you knew Me, you would also know my I'athee." 20 X These woeds ho spoke in the teeasuey, teaching in the temple; and no one seized him, Be= cause his houe had not yefc come. 21 Then *he said tothena again, $ '■ 5 am going away, and you will seek me, and win die in your SIN ; where I go, gou cannot come." 22 Tlie Jews therefore said, " Will he kiU himself, that he says, Wiere £ go, DOU cannot come ?" 23 And he said to thenb "J9ou Lte from below ; 5 ani from above, t ^on are of *This world ; fi am not of this WORLD. 24 Tlierefore I said to you, That you will die in your sins; for if you be- he^e not That 5 am he, you will die in your sins." 25 Then they said to him, "Whoart tijou?" * Jesus says to them, Even what I said to you at tlie begin- ning 26 I have many things to say and to judge concern- ing you ; but HE who sent me is true ; J and what 2 heard from him. These tilings I say to the woeld." 27 They knew not That he spoke to them of the FATHER. 28 Jesus therefore said, J " When you shall lift up the son ot MAN, then you \nllknow That i am he; ;md I do nothing of myself; but as my father taught me, I say These things. 29 And HE who sent me is with me; *he has not left me alone ; J Because 5 * Vatican Manuscbipt. — 21. he said. 88. to them— omif. 29. he has not left me. t 20. Mark xii. 41. t 21. John vii. 34 ; xiii. 33. 1 John iv. 5. t 26. John iii. 32 ; xv. 15. 84; V. 30; vi. 38. 23. of This woELD. 25. Jesus says. t 28. John xii t 23. Johr XV. 19 ; xvii. 16f 1. 32. t 29. John iv. Cfiap. 8: 30] JOHN. ^ ATTfKpidTjaav avTcv- 'S-mp/xa They answered him; Seed dri fyta ra apeara avTw iroiut iravTOTC. i.rcaiite I the tliinga plea>ing to hun do aJwujrt. ^^Taura avTov \a\ovyTos, iroWoi eTri(TT€V(rav TlM-«e of bim •peaking, maiij believed eis avTov. inlu him. '' Y.Xe'yfv ovv 6 Itjo-oi/s irpos rovs TTitno'Tev- Said then the Jetut to those having believed KOTOS avTif lovhaiovs' Eav vfifis /xeivr^re ev rcfi bun Jews, If yuu may abide in the P^.O'yo) TO) e/xw, oAtj^ws ijLad7]Tai fiov ian, ^- Kai word the my, truly dijiciple* of me you are, and 'yyaxrea-Qf rrjy akrjOeiav, kul t] a\r]deia iKtvOe- you (ball know the truth, aud the truth ehalimake poxret v/ias free you. Afipaaix €(TH€y^ Kai ovZfyi ScdovKfvKafxev irw- ofAbraatr we are, aiid to no one have we been slaves at •/roT6- VU3S (TV KcyfLS' 'OTif\evdepoiycv7)(r€(rd€; any time; hoir thou sayett; That free you shall become? ^* AiTfKptdr} auTois 6 Itjitovs' Ajurju a/x7]v Keyca Aosnrered thetn the Jesus; Indeed indeed 1 say v/xiv^ 6ti iras 6 irowv Trfv afxapriav, SovKos to you, thatevc'v onewhoisdoina; the sin, a slave tfTTi TTjs auaprias. ^' 'O 8e 5ov\os ov fxevsi €v IS of (he »in. The but slave not abide* in TT] oiKia fi9 Tov aicova- 6 vlos fx-fvn (is rov aiODva. the bouae to the age; the son abide« to thtf age- ** Eov OVV 6 vios v/xas eXevOepwar), ovrccs e\(v- U then the son jou may make ow but ^TjTfixe fif airoKTftvai, avOpwirou, 6s T-qv a\r\- you seek me to kill. aiuaii. who tb« truth Bfiav vfiiv \e\aXr)Ka, rjv r}Kov(ra irapa rov B(ov to you baa spoken, whioh I have heard from tba God, Tovro ABpaa/j. ovk eitotriaep. Tuns iroieire ra this Abraam Bot did. You do the €pya Tov varpos vixcvv. ^' Enroy ovv avrco- works of the father otyou. They said (hen to lnui. [aiap. 8- 41. always do the thiuj^s pieHS- |iug to him." 30 As he M'as epeaking ThesethingB, many liclieved mto him. 31 Jksus therefore eaid to the Jews wlio hud BK- LiKVED him, " If ^ov ab'de in MY WORD, yea are cer tainly my 1)jscij)1ps. 32 And jou sJuUl know the TEV TV, and % tiie TRi.'TH Bhall make you free." 33 Th^ answered liim, " We are Abxaliam's Off- spring, and liave never been in slavery to aiiy one. How dost tf)ou 6av, 'You shall become tree ?' " 34 * Jesus answered them, " Indeed, I assure you, t that eveky on e Domo 8IN is a Slave of SIN 35 X Bnt the slave does not abide in the holse to the AGE , the son abides 10 the AGE 36 If, therefore, the son make you free, you will in- deed be free. 37 1 know That you are Abeaham's Offspring; but vou are seeking to kill Mc, because my v/okd baa no place in vou. 38 jS speak what I have seen with my fa- ther: and go u, therefore, do what you liave * heard from your rATHKE." Sy They answered and said to him, "Our fathek 18 Abraham." Jesus says to them, t " If you were Childienof Abeaham, you would do the WO&K.S ot Ajieaham. 40 But now you are seeking to kill Me, a Man who has snoken to you the TRUTH, which llieard frr-m God ; This Abraliain did not. 41 |>ou do the WORKS of your f athf.k ^ » They s:udtoaiut, 5!J3f have not 38. heard from your fazhbb. «. They * VAfiCAW JklAFuscBiPt.— S4. Jesus »aid to hill) .• \t K..BI. vi 14. 18 83 i vili 2 . Gal. v. 1 ; James I. 25 ; ii 12. H Bnm vi \6 Vt ■ '^■' ■" '* ^ - .," ?^ ti^'J:: 80. t»8. Jolmiii B: V. l».au; XIV. Mi.«4. , Chap. 8 f 42.]" JOHN: \^Oiap.S: €t] 'Hfifis fK TTopvfias ov yfyfvyTjfifOa' tva irarf- We from (orntcalion not hn\c boen born : orfe f.i'.h<;r pa ex^Mfj '''01' 6eov. ^^ Enrev avTOis 6 lr}(rous' we have, the God. SnU KJthera the Jesus;' Ej 6 Oeos TraxTj/) v/xaiu tjj', rj-yairaTe av e^ie* cyd} j 1/ the God aftiiher of you was, you wniilJ love me5> I' yap fK Tov Qeov i^rfKOou Kat r]K(oi ov^e yap air- 'for from tl;e God c-ine out anJrmcDme; noicvrn (or of ^fiavTov €\r]Xv6a, aW', CKeii^os /xe aTrccTeiAe. ' my«»lf I have come, but he me sent; ^ Atari ri]u \a\iay T-qv f/xTji* ov yivwcTKere } Why the fpeecli the mine not know you? . 'Ort ov duvacrde aKoveiu rov \oyov rov e/u.ov. Peraus¬ you arc able t(5 henr the worj the mine ** "Tfieis (K rov irarpos rov tia^oKou ecrrcyKai Vou from the father the accuser are, , and ras (iriQvjxias rov irarpos vficov 6e\€re ttokiv the lusta ofthc f.ithep ofyou •. you wish to do; TLksivos avQpwTTOKTovos K)u air' apxv^y f<^' ^"T'T) He a manil.iyrr was from abc^'iniiin^, and in the oATjdei^ ovx i(XTT]Keu' 6tl ovk (.(TTiu aKrjOeia cy truth not hasstoodi because not is truth in avTffi. ''Orau \a\T} ro xpevdos, (K'rcoy i^icov liiinj When mry speak the fa'.scbood, from ' the own AoAet* 6ti \]/ev(rTr]S ccrri, Kat 6 iraTTjp avrov. Iiespcakti l>ccaate nliar i^ rdno (he f.ithcr oriiitn. ** Lyu Se on ttjj/ aXr^Bnau Kiyw, ov inrrTeufre I but because the truth 1 spc.ik, not you belie\e ^fioi. *^ Tis €| v}i'j}V cKeyx^t p.s irspi ap.aprias ; 1 me. Who of you Cunticta ine concerning tin? [fi aKf]Q€iav K^yw^ Ziari v/xeis ov mcr revere /j-oi: [tf truth 1 (peak, why you uot believe me? ^ 'O ctiu €/c rov OeoVf ra prifxaTa rov Osov aKOver He bein'from the God, tlie nords ofihe God liears; 5ia rovro vfxeis ovic axovere, on eK,rov Qeov through thia you not liear, becau«efrotn the God \OVK earei "^^ Aire KpiQ-qaay ol lovdaioi Kai eiirov .VDt you ar04 Answered the Jews and »aii( . avrt^- Ov KaXc^s Keyofieyrj/jLeis, ori'Siafxxpeirrjs to bimi >ot well tay wi>, that a Sauiaritan (€i (TV, KUt SaiiJ-oyioy ex^is ; '^^ AireKpiOi] Irjcrous' 'mrttbou, and a demon tbauhast? Answered Jesus, jE^oj Sainovioy ovk 6X'^> c^^ot rifjLD roy Trarepa I a demon not l>:ive, but I honor the father /xow, icai vfieis ari/j.a'^re jLte, ^^Eyw 5e ov ^Tjrco cl nie, anil you (liiUonor mc. 1 but not seelc ,rr}y 5o^av fiov cctiv 6 ^rjrcoy ^Kai the glory ^fme; Itu he seeking oud. judging. ■*' Afxrjy au-rjy Xeyu V/Xiy,:(av ris rov Koyov rov Indeed 'indeed I B:y to you, 'if anyone iho word the efjiov Trjprjo'rjf Oavaroy ov fiij 6eQ}pr].t thou leenf Said to them the Jesus, Indeed in-ing. " Rabbi, iwlio sinned, fjt, or hiri p.\RKNTs, so that he was born blind?" 3 Jesus answered, "Nei- ther did ^t sin, nor his PARENTS, hut that the WORKS of Gon might be displayed in him. 4 J * I must perform the 54. J should plorify. 58. Jesus. • Vatican Manoscbipt.— 5t. »€• De*tli to tli« Ak«. 59. but— o«i^ 4- We must. I hi John V. 41; xvi.14; xvii 1 : Act? Hi. !.•<; 8 Pet. i. 17. t 56. Htb. xi. 1-3. I .■=,',). John X. SI. 89; xi. 8. t 2. ver. St. t i. John iv. 34; v 19. 36; xi. 9; xii. i5; XV li 4. Chap. 9:5.] JOHN. 'Chap. 9: 1&. Tov TTC/tif'ajTos jH6, kcos 7]/j.ipa- car IV epx^Tai ot the Moding me, while ^ay it is;- come» vv^, ore ovSeis Svyarai efrya^ecrOou. ^ 'Orav ev night, when nu one isable to work. While in TO? KOCr/XCf 0), (pCOS €t/ii TOV KOffjXOV. ^ TavTa the world I m»y be, light lam of the world. These thin^js iiircoVy eTTTuae xaM"'» 'f"'* cTroiTjo'e xtjAov c/ctoj Baying, he spit on the ground, and made clay oi the TTTvcrnaroSy Kai eTrexpice roy Tcr}\ov €Xl rovs spittle, and rubbed the clay ob the o^OaKfxovs TOV Tv(pKoVy ^ Kat enrcy avru- eye* of the blind, and said to him, TTToye, yi\pai eis T-qv KoXv/x^rjdpay tov "SiXcoa/j.- Go, wash thyself m the pool of the Siloam; ( scTTiv 'Ek^ivos 6A.6761/' 'Ort tyw like hio) it is. He saidi That I €tfn. ^^' EAe^ov ovy ai/xy ITaJS avf^6a\fxovs, to them; Clay ke put oi me on the eyes. WORKS of HIM who SFNT me wliile it is Day ; Night comes, when no one can work. 5 "While I am in the woKLD, J I am the Light of tlie WORLD." 6 Saying these things. t he spit on the Ground, andmade Clay of the spit- TLK, and * he put the clai on hl9 lYES, 7 and said to him, " Go wash thyselt in + the Pooi, of SiLOAM," (which signi- fies, Sent ) He went away, tlierefore, and washed himself, and came seeing. 8 Then the neighbors, and THOSE who had prk- viousLY seer, him, because he was a Beggar, said, " I» not this HE who was six- TIN" and begging?" 9 Some gaid, "This i» he ;'* " others * said, " J.o ; but he s like him;" %e said, " I am he." T* They then sa.d to him, " How were Thine r-YES opened?'* 11 ?^e answered *"The KAN called Jesus made Clay, and rubbed my kyes, and said to mr, '• Go to the 3iL0AM, and 'wash thy- self;" * I wenl, therefore, and washed myseit, a^d obtained sight. 12 *And they said to r!m, "Wliere is fte?'' H« "tiys, "I do not know.'-' j.3 Tliey bring him that rraa formerly blinx> to the Pharisees. 14 And it was a * Sab» bath when Jesus made the CLAY, and opened His EYES. 15 Then the Pharisees also asked Mm again how lie obtained his sight. And he said to them, "He put Clay on Mine eyes, and I washed myself, and see." • Vatican 'MxyvacnxrT. — 5. He put the clay thereof on his eyes, and said. 7. there- fore, and washed, and came — omit. ft said; "No; but he is." 11. and aaid — om\t. 11. The MAN called. 11. 1 went therefore and. 12. Aud they said to him. 14. a Sabbath, on which Day Jbsbs. t 7- The Pool o! Siloam is described by recent travellers to have been "a well built oblong" tank, some fttty teet long, nearly twenty deep, and somewhat less than this wide." It h.'w now only about two feet ot water in it. It is supplied from au upper tountaiu throue^li a well-cut conduit more than a quater ol a mile lonj^. ; &. John 1. 5, 9; ill. 19; viii. 12^; itii. 3i>, 48. J 6. Mark vil 83; viil. 2*. Chap. 9: 16.] JOHN. tcai cyi\pauriv, kui fiXcrrw. '^EAe-yov ovv €« •nd I watlu-il nijttflf, and lec. Said therefore of rcnv ^api(Tai(i>v riv^s' Ovtos 6 avOptairos ovk the Phaiiieei lonie; This the man not ffTTi Trapa rov deov, 6ri to aa^^arov ov rrfpei. i» from the God, because the »abl).ith not he keeps. AA.\oi eXfyov Tliis Svi^arai avdpcavos afiap- Others lud; How ia able a man a TwKos TOiavra (rriixeia iroi^iv ; Kat o'X'O'i'iO '?»' tinner luch si;nt todof And a division was €v avTOis. ^'^ Aeyovai rw TV(f)\cf> iraKty 2v Ti ainon^them. They say to the blind again; Thouwhat \i-/6is TTfpi avTov, on T]voi^e crov rous 0(pdaK- •aycst concerning him, seein»thatheopenedo/thee the eyes? pioos ; 'O 5e eiTTfy 'On 7rpo(pri'^r}S eariUo ^^Ouk He and said: That a prophet he is. Nnt eirKTrevcTau ovu ol \ov^aioi ir^pi avr^v, SriTvip- believed thereforethe Jews concerning him, that blind \os T]v, Kai av~^\€ypeVf ecus Stov f(po}vr\(Tav he was, and obt.-uned sight, till when they called Tovs yoveis avTov rov ava&Kf^avTos. ^^Yiai the parent! of him the having obtained sight. And rjpcaTT^aau avrovs, Keyovres' Ou: os cctto 6 vlos they asked them, saying; This i^ *hc son {i/jLcov, 6v vix€is A.e76Te, 6n rv(p\os fyevin}9r] ; ol you. whom you say, that blind he was born f V(i)S ovu apn )3\67rei ; ^ AireKpLdri -av *[auTois] how then now be sees? AnMsered [them] oi youets avrov kui ciirov OiSa/xei', Sn ouros tne parent* of him and said; We know. that this fCTiy 6 vlos rjfJLWu, Kai 6n rvcpXos eycvvT]Q7]- is the son of us, and that blind he wis born, ''ttws 86 vvv fiXfwci, OVK 0iSaw.€j/" rj ns ■r)uoi<':V how out now h» sees, not we knew ; or who opened avTov TOVS ocpOaXfJLOvSy 7}^i€ls ovk oiSaiuei', of him the eyea, we not know. avTos rjXiKiap ex^'> ('■^'''op fpcoTriaaTe* auros ha full age has, him auk you; h* Trept auTov \a\T](T(i. ^Tavra eiirov oi tonceming hinisell shall speak. These things said the yovtis auTou, <5ti i^oBovvTO tous lovdaiovs. p;irents ot him, beciiise they feared the Jews. H57> yap avveTedeivTO ot louSajot, iva tau rts Already foi had agreed the Jews, that il any on avTov SfioXoyTjari KptcTOVy airocrvva^ wvos nim should cuufeas Anointed, .Voir .. s- ..rogu. y(rVT]Tai. ^ Aia TovTo oi yov€is aurov ^iirov • houldbe. Through this the parents f bin. taiil ■ ' Ot I r\KiKiav ix^*^y outoj/ epwT-qaaTe. ^^E(pa}- fhat full age he has, faim aak you. They vqaav OVV c« Seurfpou tov audpcoxoy, 6s r)v •alleiJ therefore » second time the m.\n, who was Tvy, apri ^\firco. ^ Enroy 5e avrw blind being, noir I see. They said and to him ■^[TTaXiv] Ti cTTOiTjO'e cot ; nojs ijuoi^e He answered them^ X said to you 77877, KCii OVK fiKovaare' ri traXiy OeKere already and not you did hear; why a^ain do you wish aKOVity ; fir) Kai ufxeis fleXere avrov fiadrirai to hear? not also you wish of him disciples yevecrOai ; ^ EAoiSopTjcav avTov, kul fiwov Su to be? Theyreviled him, and said; Thou €1 fiadrjTTjs fKeiyow i]/j.eis Se rov Mu}(rr]s cajxey art a disciple of him; we but of the Moses are fiaQrjTai. ^ 'H^ejy oihapLcy, on Mojctt; AeAa- dieciples. We know, that to Moses has XriKiv 6 6€os' rovrov Se ovk oiSaficy ttoOsv spoken the God; this but not we know whence fCTiv. ^ AiTfKpidr] 6 avdpuiiTos Kai enrsy is. Answered the man and said avTois' Ey yap tovtc^ dav/nacTToy ^ariv^ 6ti to them; In for this a wonder is, that viJL€is OVK oiSan iroQey eari, Kai ayecf^e fxov you not know whence he is, and he has opened of me rovs ocpdaX/jLOVS. ^^ Oida/xfy *[Se,] on afxap- the eyes. We know [but,] that sin- TcoKwy 6 6eos ovk UKOvei' oAA.' eay ris fieotre- ners the God not hears; but if any ones worshipper firjs '77, Kai TO 6e\r]ixa avrov Troirjf rovrov of God may be, and the will of him may do, this aKovei. ^^Ek rov atct>yos ovk TjKovadrjy 6n he hears. From the age not it was heard, that Tjyoi^e ris ocpdaX/xovs rv' /cat evpcay Jesus, that they cast him out; and baring found avroVy fivey *[ouTy] 2y Triffreveis eis roy hrm, said [to him;] Thou believest into the vloy rov Oeov ; ^ A7r€Kpi?77 fxeiyos Kai ctTre* son ofthe Godt An-.wered he and said; Kai ns ear I, Kvpie, iya iria-rtvcrw eis avroy ; And who is he, O -ui, that I may believe into him ? i' V.iiTP *[86] avrct) 6 Irjtrovs' Kai kcopaKas [ani^l to hira the Jesus ; £t«u thoa ha«t seen Said 25 Then "t)t answered, "If he 13 a Siuner, I know not ; One thing I do know, •That_ lianng been biind^ now I see." 26 And they said to him, " "What did he do to thee F How did he open Thine EYIS? 27 He answered them» "I told you just now, and did you not hear? *Whj then do you wish to hear again ? are gou also willing to become His Disciples ?" 28 *And they reviled him, and said, " ff^iou art hi5 Disciple; but bar are Disciples of Moses. 29 EJHe know That God has spoken to Moses ; but Tliis person, — we t know not whence he is." 30 The MA?< answered and said to them, " Why, in tliis is a wonder, That DOtt know not whence he is, and he opened My eyes! 31 We know t That Goj» does not hear Sinners ; but if any one be a Worshipper of God, and performs nis WILL, ^im he hears. 32 IVom the (earlies'o) AGE it was not heard, that any one opened the Eyes of one having been born blind. 33 Iff)e were not from God, he could do notliing." 34 They answered and said to him, " ^Tfjou wast entirely born in Sins, and dost tljou teach us?" And they cast him out. 35 Jesus heard That they had cast him out ; and ha\-ing found him, he said to him, "Dost tf)OU believe into J the* SON of God?" 36 ?§e answered and said, "AVho is he. Sir, that I may beheve into him ?" 37 Jesus said to him. " Thou hast even seen him. * Vatican Manuscript. — 2.5. and said — omit. 26. a^ain — omit. 27. WTiy then do you wish. 28. and they reviled. SI. But— oni!^ 35. to him— o;n«/. 85. SOS of MAN? and he said. Who. 37. and— omi<. t "0. John viii. 14. XV. 8, iO; xxviii.O. t 30. John iii. 10. I 31. Joh xxvii. 0; Ps.i. Ixvi. 18; Prov. X 3.5. Matt. xvi. 16; John x. 86; 1 John v. 13. Chap. 9: 38.] JOHN. [Cfiap. 10: 6. avToVy /cat 6 XaXooy fiera ir; and he protlmted avT(f}. '^Kai eiireu 6 l7)(rovs' Eis Kpi/xaeyu) eis to Uitn. And taid tha Jeiui; For jud^^ent I into Toy Koa/xoy tovtov r\KQov, Iva ol /xtj fi\eTrouT€5 the world thu canie, that thorp not leeing ^KeTTCiiffi, Kai 01 ^\eirour(S TV(p\oi ycvccyTai. miehttee, and there teeing blind xni^ht become. * *[Ka£] r]Kovaay f/c tojv ^apttxanaiv ravra ol [And] htard of the Phari»ee« the»e ibings those 0VT€S /uer' avrov, Kai enrov avrw' Mtj Kai rjfjLeis being with him, and said to him i Not also we rv(p\oi ecT/Jify ; *^ Eiirfv avrois d Irjcrovs' Ej blind are? Said to them the Jetui; If rv(()\oi 17x6, ovK av ctxfTe afxapriav vvv Se blind 70U were, not you would have tin; now but \e7€T6* 'Ort fi\iTro/jLf:V 7} *[oi;j'] ajxapria youaayi That we tee; the [therefore] tin V^LCaV flfVfl. 3f>ou remaiaa. KE*. e'. 10. ^ A/j.riy afiTjy Xey aKoXovdei, 6ti oiSacri Trjy and the sheep him follows, because thej know the (pwyTjy avTov. ^ AWorpictf Se ov fi.rj aKov\ov- voice ol him. A stranger but not not they may 6T)herd, btalfin hand, not onoe looking behind him. The flock follows qi'ietly, not scatterinir nor needinpthe rod or thoangiy ?hout. He and they seem to know each other well, and to have mutual confidence. He who wrote the twenty-third Psalm must have known scenes like this; and stiH more He «"ho suid, "when heputteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the theepfolloa ii/n, for they know his voice."— H. Bonar. I 39. John V. 22, 27. See John 111. 17 ; iH. 47. t J». Matt. liii. is. : *). Rom. it. la 1 4! John XV. 22. 24. Siap. 10: 29.] JOHN. \(^ap. 20: iO. tvx apiraaei tls avra (K Tr]S x^'-P^^ fJ-ov, ^'O not iviiwrest noy one them oat of the hand ofme. The iroTrjp /jLOVf OS S^Swkc fxoi, ^ei^wv Travrooy fari- facher of me, who has given tome, greater of all is: «ot ovhiis buyarai aprra^eiv €K ttjs x^ipos knd no one i> able to wrest out of the band 30 fyta Kai 6 irarr^p ev ecuev. I and the father one are. TOW irarpos fiov o ftha father ofme; ^^ E^a(TTa(ray ovv iraXiv \i9ovs ol lov5aioiy iva Tuok up then again itooet the Jews, that Ai9a(rci)aiu avrov. ^- Ktv^kqiBt] avrois 6 Irjcrovs' they might stone him. Answered them the Jesus; UoWa KaXa cpya eSei^a v/jllv (K tou irarpos Manj good works I showed you from the father fiov Sjo TTOiov avTwv cpyov Xida^ere /tie ,• of uie: because of which of them work do yuu stone me? ^ ATTeKptOrjoray avTco ol lovSatoi ^[^KeyovTfS'l Answered him the Jews [sayingi"] Tlepi Ka\ov epyou ov XiQa^^Ofxev ce, aKXa Concerning a good work not we stone thee, but wept PXacTiprjfiias, Kai on arv, avdpwiros cov, concerning blasphemy, aud that thou, a maa being, TTotets, treavToy Qiov. ^^ AtreKpiOr] avrois 6 makest thyself a god. Answered them the IrfCovs' Ou/c cCTi yGypafj.[j.€yoj/ cv t(^ vofjLw Jesus. Not U It having been wiitten in the law vnujv' ** Eycu ctTTO, Oeoi cTre," ^ Ei sKauovs olyott: "I laid, gods you are?" If them fiTTe OfovSf irpos ovs 6 Koyos tov Oeou eyej/ero, Recalled godi« to whom the word of the God came, vai OV ^vvaTai Xvdrjvai i] ypacpr)' '^ 6u d TraxTjo ■ od not is ibJe to he broken the writing; whomtho father »77iacr6, Kai amaT^iX^v eis rov Koa-fxov^ vji^is .et apart, and ient into the world, yoa Myert' 'On ^Xaatpr^nieis, on etTTov, vlos rov say That thou blasphemest, because Isaid, a son of the fl'ou ej^j ; ^' El ov iroiw ra epya rov trarpos aod I *m? (f not I do the works of the father Hov, fir] TTiarTevcTe fioi. ^ Et Se ttoiw, Kav efxoi <>fme, not you believe me. If but I do, and if me ^rj irKTTeuTjrc, rois epyois iricmva-aTe' Pot TOU believe, the works believeyoai yj^(DT€ Kai TTtcTTeyo-TjTe, on ey e/xot 6 -rrarrfp, you may know and you may believe, that in me the father. Kayo* i.y avTCf). '^^E(r]Tovy ovv iraXiy avrov aoa I in him. They sought therefore again him wtafTof Kai c^rjXdep €/c rajs ;^6tpo$ avrwy. to seize; and he went forth out of tha hand of them. Kai airrfXOe iraXiy mpav rov lop^ayovy €is rov And he went again beyond the Jordan, to the iva that AGK, and no one shall wreat ihem out of my hand. 29 t My FATHER, who has given them to me, ia greater than all; and no one ia able to yrrest them out of * the rATHKK'S HAND. 30 t 5 and the iathkk are One." 31 Then the Jews took np Stones again, that they might stone him. 32 Jisus said to them, "Many *good Works did 1 show you from * the pa- th kr; on account of which of these Works do you stone * Me ?" 33 The Jews answered him, " We do not stone thee for a Good Work, but for Blasphemy ; and Be- cause tf)0U. being a Man, makest thyself God." 84 * Jesus answered them, J " Is it not WTitten ill your la w, ' £ said. You are Gods?' 35 If he called tf)cm Gods, to whom the •word of God came, and the scripture cannot be bro' ken, 36 of him whom the fa- ther set apart and sen'i into the world, do go'.? say, ' Thou blasphemest ;' Because I said, ' I am & Son of God?' 37 If I do not the works of my FATHER, believe me not.' 38 But if I do, and if you believe not me, beUeTe the WORKS, BO that you may know and *believej X That the father is in nie, and * 5 am in the FATHER." 89 Therefore, they were seeking again to seize Him; but he went forth out of their HAND. 40 And he went nway again beyond the Jokda.n, into the place where * Vaiicaw Majiuscbipt.— 2fl- the father's bawd. 82. good Works. 82 the FATUKij 82. Me. 33. saymsr— omit. 84. Jesus &j. understand. That. 8S. K am in the fathbe. t 29. John \iv 2S. riv. 10. 11: ivii. 31. t 80 John xvii. U, li. t»U P»a Jxxxli 6. : 88. Johi Chap. 10: 41.] JOHN. fonoy, Sttov t\v \u)avv7]s to irpwrov fiairri^uv place wliere wa» John the firtt dipping; Kai €H€ivey €Kfi. ■*^ Kai iroWoi TjXdov irpos and he abode there. And m&ny avToy, Kai eKtyoy 'On luavvqs fiev ar^fieioy him, and tuJ; That John indeed fTroi7]crey ouSey Tvavra 5e baa (iirey Icoayyrjs did not one; all l/utwbat ttiicgs said John irepi TovTou, a\T]6r} 7)y. *^ Kai €iri(rT€V(Tay concerning this, true waa. And believed voWoi eKei eis avrov, many there into him. KE*. ia'. 11. ' H;' Se TJS aaQcvwv, Aa(apoSy a-jro BrjOayias, Was andacertain sick one, Laiarus, from Bethany, fK TTjy KU)/j.T]s Mapias Kai MapOas ttjs aSe\(pr]s •utofthe vilUs;e of M.-vry and Miu-tha the suter avTTjs. '^ {Hy Se Mapta tj a\€L\\/a(ra roy Kvpiov of her. (Was and Mary the having auomted the lord Hvpct), Kai iKfia^acra rovs iroSas avrov rais with balsam, and wiped the feet ofhina with the dpi^iy ahrT]v rjs 6 o5eXazaru8. When then Tj/coucrev, oti arrOeyei, Tore ufy (jxeiy^y ey 'cp he heard, that he was sick, then indeed he abode in which 7)y Toirep Svo 7]fji€pas. ^ ETreira fiera tovto he was place two days. Thea after this keyei tois fiaOrjTais' Aywfiev ejs ttjj/ lov^aiav hesays to the disciples; Let us EO into the Judea ira\iy. ^ Aeyovaiy auTw ol fiaO-qrai' 'Pa^^i, again. Say to him the disciples; Rabbi, vvy e^rjTouv ce Xidacrai oi lovSaioi, kx: iraXiv now sought thee to stone the Jews, and again VTTayas (Kei; ^ Aire Kpidi] Irjcovs' Ovxi S&>Se«a poest thou there? Answered Jesus; Not twelve €i avrov. '^ Eittoj/ buC I go, that I may awake him. Said ovv 01 fiadrjTai avrov Ki/pje, €t KeKoijJL-qrai, then the disciples of him; O lord, if he it fallen uleep, arcadrjcriTai. ^^ EipTjAcet Se 6 It](Tovs irepi tov be shall be saved. Had spoken but the Jesus about the Gavarov avrov CKeivoi dc edo^av, on irept rris death of him; they but thoaght, that concerning the Koiuri(r€a)s tov virvov Xeyei. ^^ Tore ovv fiirev repose of the aleep be spe.iks. Tb#n therefore said avroLS 6 Irjaovs Trapp-qcria' Aa(apos ajreOave' to them the Jesus plainly ; Lnzarut died; ^* /cat X'^^P^ 5i* vfias, iva Tricrreva-rire, on ovK and I rejoice because of you, that you may believe, that not rif^T}*' eK€r aW' aywuey rrpos avrov. ^^ Eiirej/ I waa there; but we may go to him. * Said ovvQ(j3aas, 6 \(you€vos Aiuv/xos, ro's avu/JLadr}- th6*la them concerning their BE '• THEE. 20 Martha, therefore, when she heard That * Je- sus was coming, went *^^o meet him; but Mary was sitting in the house. 21 Then Martha eaid to * Jesus, " Lord, rf thou hadst been here, my bro- ther would not have died- 23 * And even now I know, t That whatever things tliou wilt ask of God, God will give thee." 23 Jesus said to her. "Thy beothee will risp ag:iin." 24 *M\RTHA said to him, \"I know *'iat he will • Vatican Manuscript. — 12. The pisciplbs, therefore, said tv» iiuu, Jl. Jesus. 22. And. 24. Martha. 20. Jesusi 1 11. Deut. xxxi. 16; Dan. xii. 2: Matt. ix. 21; Acts vii.60; 1 (Xt.x* K'Ji t 22. J y hi Oiap. 11: 25] JOHN. '^ ElTTQU Said in the ra«iirrectioD in the lait (liiy. avTT] 6 lr)(Tous' Eyw cifii t] auaaracris Kai t) to lier the Jesus ; I am the ri^surrccuun nid the ^uiri' 6 TrKTTivoiy eis e/J-e, Kcty airoOavri, ^rjcrfraf lifi-.; he believing into me, even if be majr die, he shall live ^ ^ Kii Tray 6 (wv Kai irKTTfuwv fis (fJif, ov firj tnd nil the living and believing into nie, not rot i.irodayri eis rov aiuva,, XliCTCvekS rovro ; iu*y die into tlie age. Believest thou thisf ^' Aeyei avrw' Nai, Kupif fyuTreTTiaTfvKa, 6ti Shesays toliiiii; Yes, Olurd; I have buheved, that (TV fi 6 Xpiaros, 6 vlos tov Oeov, & us rov Korr- thouartthe Anointed, the son of the God, he into the world fioy ipxojLiiyos. '^ Kai raura eiirovaa, ajrrjXOc, cuuiing. And these things raying, ihe went, Kai €ce». ^-'H ovv Mapia ws T]\6€y dirou r]y 6 Irj- thcre, Thetherefore Mary when came where was the Je- os. ^ Iriaovs ovy not would have died of me the brother. Jesua therefore OiS fihey avT-qy K\aiou(rav , Kai rovs avvcKQov- whenhesaw her weeping, and those having come Tos avTTi \ovhaiovs KKaioyras, eve^pip.r)(TaTo tw with her Jews weeping, he was agitated in the 'sy^vfiaTi, Kai erapa^ey kavroy, ^ Kai .enre- spint, aud troubled himself, and s.'ud; riou rediiKarc avroy; Aeyovcriy avref Ki/pfe, Where have you laid him? They say to him ; O lord, fpXOVy Kai tSe. ^ E8aKpv.iy to him, " Lord, come and see " 35 % Jesus wept. • Vatican MAWUscnirt.— 29. And Sflf, when she heard, rose up. 80. still in the rLACK. SI. ihiukinit. 32. Jeuus. J 25. John V. 21: vi. 89, 40, 41. t 2.V John 1.4; vlS.^: siv.e; Col. ni.4: I Joliii i. 1 i: v. 11. 1 H- Malt. xvi. U; John i. 49; iv.ti, vi It, 09. I So. Luke iix. 41- Chap. 11: 36.] JOHN. ^•EXeyoy ouv ollovBaiof iSe, ttojs €t#- [Oiap. 11 : 47. 86 The Jews, tliercfore; said, " Behold, how he loved him!" 37 But some of them said, "CoTild not ijf. ^^ ''o OPENED the EYES of % the BLIND man, have even pre- vented tills man's death ?" 38 Jesus, therefore, again being agitated witliin him- self, comes to the tomb. ^ ow it was a Cave, and a Stone was lying upon it. 39 Jesus said, "Take away the STONE." Martha, the SISTEK of HIM wlio *had died, says to him, " Lord, he smells now; for it is the fourth day." 40 Jesus says to her, "Did I not tell thee, That if thoxi wouldst beheve, thou shalt I see the gloet of God ?» 41 Then they took away the STONE. A.nd Jesus lifted his eves above, and said, " lather, 1 gi\'e thanks to thee That thou didst hear me. 42 And I knew That thon hearest Me alw ays ; J but on account of THAT ckowd STANDING BY I Spokc, SO that thty may believe That ttjOU didst send Me." 43 And ha\ing said these words, he cried out with a loud Voice, "Lazarus, come forth !" 44 He who that been DEAD came forth, having^ his HANDS and feet bound with Bandages, and J his face bound about with a Napkin. * Jesus says to them, " Loose him, and let hun go." 45 Many, therefore, of tie Jews who came to .Mary, J and beheld * thiit which hehad done, believed iuto him. 46 But some of them went to the Prakiskk.^*, and told them what things Jesus did. 47 Then the high* PRIESTS and the Fhaet. • Vatican Manuscbipt.— 39. had died, says. 44. Jesus. 45. that wtu.^l^ Lft had done, believed. 157 Johnix.6. J 40. ver. 4, 23. 145 kOhnxii. 30. t 44. John xi , y» t 45. John 11. 2a: X. 43 ; Jtii. U, 18. C'lap. 11 -. 48.] JOHN [dtap. 11 : 56. traioi (Tvyf^piov, koi eKeyov Tt iroiovfifv ; 6ri tcc8 a high council, and taidi 'What are we doing? became oiiTos 6 avQpwiros iroWa arjufLa Troiej, *^Eav acp- thi« the man uianjr signs doe». If we Vfiev avTovouTw, ira^Tts iricrTeva'ova'iv eis avrov kUow him thu>, all will belieT* into him; Kai eXevcrovrai ol Pca/iaioi, Kai apovcriv rj/j-cov Kai and wiUrume the Kuui.ini, and will take away ofui both TOV TOTTOV Kai TO iQvQS. *^ ElS Se TJS aVTWU, the place and the natinn. One and a certain of them Kuia(()as, apxtepeus wp rov eviavrov cKeiuov, Caiapia*, high-|)rie»t being of the year that, mirev avTois' "ffxeis ovK oi^are ov^eu. ^OuSe •aid tuthcmi You not know nothing. Neither 5ia\oyi(€(Tde, 6ri crvjx, the office of high-priest was for life, and the son of Aaron's race always succeeded his lather. But at this time the hiph-priesthood was al- most annual; the llomana and llemd put down and raised iu> xchom they phased, and when they pleased, without alludiu)? to any other rule than merely that the person put in this otlice should be of the saterdotal race. Caiaphas held this office eight or nine years.— C/ar*e. t 54. A little villaf^e in the neighborhood ot Bethel. Eusebius and Jerome say it was about twenty miles north ot Jerusalem. t 47- Johnxii. 19; Acts i v. 18. 149. Luke iii. 5; John sviii. 14; Acts iv. 6. t^ John xviil. 14. I 51. Isa. xlix. 8; John x. 16. Kph. i. 10 ; IL 14 — 17. t 54. John iv. 1, 8;viii. 1. I 55. John ii. 13; V. 1; vi. 4> Chap. 11: 57.3 JOPIN. Tov lr](TovUy Kai iXtyof fier aAATjXcwy ev ra the Jesus, and »»id with each other in the Upca ea-TrjKOTcs' Tt Sok€1 vjxiv ; 6ti ov /ht) temple standing; What think you? that not not eA.677 tis rrjy koprriv ; ^' AeduKeicrav Se he may come to the feast? Had giren now ■^[/cai] 01 apxi^pft^s Kai ol ^apiaaioi evToXrjv, [both] the high-priests and the Phariseesacommandment, iva cau ris ypca irov eari, ixrjvvar], otcws that if any one should know where he is, he should show, how ma(To}(Tiv avTov. they might seize him. KE*. 10. 12. ^ 'O ovv Irjffovs irpo k^ rjfxcpccv rov Traaxa The therefore Jesus before six days the passover 7jA0€v €is BrjOaj/iav, oirov tjj' Aa^apos *[o red- came into ISethany, where was Lazarus [he haring vrjKcvs,^ 6v Tjyeip^v e/c v^Kpcov. ' Y.iron)(Tav ovv been dead,] whom he raised out of dead ones. They made therefore avTCf Sei7rz/oj» e/cej, Kai 7] MapOa Si7]Kovef 6 Se Mm a supper there, and the Martha served; the but Aa^apos els 7]v toov avaKei/xeuwy (Tw avrqi, Lazarus one was of those rechuing with him. ' 'H ovv Mapta Xa^ovca Kirpav fxvpov vap8ov The then Mary having taken a pound ofoaisamofspikenard TTKTTlKrjS TTOXvTlfXOV, r]\€l'>pe TOVS TToSttS TOV genuine of great price, anointed the feet of the lr](Tov, Kai e^e/xa^e rais Opi^iv aur-qsTovs iroBas Jesus, and wiped with the hairs of herself the feet avTov 7] 5e oiKia etrK-qpccO-q e/c rrjs offfxris rov of him; the and house was filled with the odor of the fiupov. * Aeyei ovv eis e/c rcov fiaOrjrwv avTov, balsam. Says therefore one of the disciples -rf'iim, louSas 2ijUwvos Icr/capicoTTys, o iieWcov avroi> Judas of Simon Iscariot, he being about him ■jrapaSiSovai* ^ Aiart tovto to jxvpov ovk (irpadrj to deliver up; Why this the balsam not sold rpiaKocTiav dr)vapia}Vy Kai eSo6r] Tno^xois; ^EtTre three hundred denarii, and given t«pooroneaP He said Se TOUTO, ovx OTi Tre/Ji twv tttoxcov efieXev sow this, not because about the poor it concerned auTfo, aA\' dri /cAeTrrrjs r]v, Kai to yXwacoKo- h;m, but because a thief he w.-is, and the box IJ.0V etxe, Kai ra jSaAAo/U.ei'o eBacTTa^ev. he had, and the things being put in h» carried off. "^ EiTTev ovv 6 lr)(rovs' Acpes avTrjv eis ttjv Said therefore the Jesus; Letalon* her, for the r}/j.epav tov cvTa<^eA.etT6 ovS^y Tou gala nothing; aTrrfXdiv. iagoing away. 2** Hcray Se Tives 'EW-qyes ck Ttav ava^aivoy- Vere and soma Greeks of those going T«v, iva irpo(TKvvT)(Trld this, €is ^(orjy aiwvioy (pvXa^ei avr-qy. into life age-lasting shall keen her. ^^ Eoy 6yuoi hiaKovTi Tis, e/xoL aKoXovd^irca- If me may serve any one, me let him follow ; Kai Sirov ei/xi eya, eKei Kai 6 diaKoyos 6 ffios and where am 1, there also the servant the mine ((TTar fay tis efioi SiaKoyrj, Ti/xrytrei avToy 6 shall be; if anyone me may sei-ve, will serve him the TraxTjp. ^ Nvy t) ^vxt] /jlov TeTapaKrai' Kai Ti father. Now the soul of me is troubled ; and what (tiTCD • Uarfp, awcroy fi€ e/c tt]S wpas Tavrrfs ; shall 1 say P () father, save me from the hour this? AAA.a 5ia tovto r)\6oy €is T-qy wpay Tavrrjy. Bui in account of this 1 came to the hour this. *^ riaTep, bo^aaoy cov to oyofxa. HA0ej/ ovv O father, glonfy of thee the name. Came then 4>a)yr] e/c tov ovpavov " Kat eSo^afra, Kai a voice oat of the heaven; "Both I glorified, and vaXiy So^acTcp." '^'O *\^ovv'\ oxXos 6 ecTTws again will glorify." The [therefore] crowd that standing Kai aKovcras, ^X^ye fipoyrrjy y^yov^vui. AXXoi »nn heanng, said thunder to have been. Others iXsyov AyyeXos avTu XeXaXT]Key. ^ AireKpidr) •aid; A messenger to him has spoken. Answered 6 Irjaovs Kai eiirey Ov Si e/xe avTT] 7} (pwvr] the Jesu£ and said; Not on account of me this the voice yfryoyty, aXXa St' v/Jias. ^^ Nuv Kpiais cotti had come, but un account of you. Nowa judgment is 7 0V KO(Tfxov TOVTOV yvy 6 apxoiv tov Koa/xov the world this; now the ruler of the world TOhTov yvy 6 apxov tov koc/xov tovtov eK^Xr]- thv: now the ruler of the world this will be [Cfiap. 12: SI. 21 Tliese, therefore, came to THAT Pliilip who was o{ Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, " Sir, we wish to see Jesus." 22 * Philip comes and tells Andeew ; Andrew and Philip * come and tell Jesus. 23 And Jesus * answers them, sayinsj, 1 " The hour has come that the son of MAN may be glorified. 24 I hdeed, I assure you, J If the GRAIN of WHEAT falling uito the ground should cot die, it remains alone ; but if it should die, it bears Much Fruit. 25 J H3 loving his LIFE shall lose it, and he hating his LIFE in this WORLD shall preserve it to aionian Life. 26 If any one serve me, let hirr follow me;Jand where 2 am, there also shalJ MY SERVANT be. If any one serve me, him will the FATHER lienor. 27 + Now is my soul troubled ; and what shall I say ? Father, save me from this hour? But on this account 1 came to this HOUR. 28 Father, glorify * Thy NAME." X Then a Voice came from heaven, " I both glorified and will glorify again." 29 That crowd stand- ing and hearing, said, " It was Thunder ;" others said, "An Angel has spoken to him." 30 * Jesus answered and said, " This voice has not com e on account of me, but on your account. 31 There is now a Judg- ment of this world ; X the ruler of this world shall now be cast out. * V«TicAN Manuscript.— 22. Philip. 22. and ag'ain — omtt. 22. come and tell. 23. »nswer«. 28. My name. 29. therefore — omit. 30. Jesus. t 23. John xiii. 32 ; xvii. 1. I 24. 1 Cor. xv. 36. J 25. Matt. x. 39 ; xvi. 25| Mark viti 25: Luke ix. 21; xvii. 53. t 26. J^ohnxiv.3; xvii. 34; 1 Thess. iv 17. t '!?. Matt xxvi, 38, 39: Luke ill. 50; John xiii. 21. 1 28. Matt. Lii. 17. J 81. John xiv- ZOi xn. 11. Oiap. 12 : 32.] JOHN. iChap. 12 : 42. 2&>t out. Audi if I ahoulJ bcliftedup from tbe 777s, •JTOJ'Ta? e\KV(T(a Trpos ffiavTov. ^ Tovto e.-irth, ail will draw to myself. This §6 6A.e76, (Trijxaiuwv Troicfi Qavarifi rififWfv orro- but he (aid, sii;nirying by wiiat death he nat about to OvrjaKeiP. ^ Air^KpidT] avrcp 6 ox^os' 'H/xeis die. Aniivered him the crowd; We TIKOV(ra/l€V 6/C tow VOfXOV, 6tI b XpiCTTOS IX^Vf:l he^ird outorthe law, that the Anuiuted abides fis Tov aiwva- Kai irws (ru Keyfis, 6ti Set i»co tbe a^e; and how thou sayest, thatitbehovss vxl/cvdrjuai tov vlov tov avdputrov : ris €(Ttiv to be lifted up the son of the man? who is ovros & vios TOV auQpwnov ; ^ Eiirey ovu avroii this tbe son of the man 7 Said then to them 6 \r](Tovs' En fxiKpov XP^^'*^ ''"<' 'P^^ **' ^M'*' the Jesusi Yet a little time the Ught among you ^(TTi. TlepiiraTeiTe, cms to (pws cx^Te, iva fir] is. Walk you, while the li^ht jrouhaie, that not (TKOTia ufias KaTaKa^T)' Kai 6 irfpnraTW ev rri darkuesa yuu m.^y overtake; and he walking in the yKOTUf. cuK oiSe irov virayei. ^ 'Ews to (peas iat'^i.etz not knows where he goes. While the light exe. -r VKTTeveTe €is to (pojs, iva vloi (pojTos you have, believe into the light, that eons of light yeyrjade. Tavra eAaX-naey 6 Itjctous, kui you may become. These things spoke the aire/vdcov eKpv^Tj ott' avTwv. going away he was hid from them. ^^ TotravTa 5e avTov (n)jx(ia So many but of him sig'^* (fiirpoaQiv avTOov ovk ein(rT€vou (i^ avTov "" Lva la presence of them not they did believe into him; that & Koyos Hcaioy tov Trpo(p7}Tov TrKrjpccOr)^ bv the word ofEsaias the prophet migbtbefulfilled, which ctTTe- " Ki/pt€, Tis 67rt(rTfuas /jLeirarTjp myself not spoke; but the having sent me father avTos fioi evToXrjv eScaKe, ri enrca Kai ri he me acommandment gave, whatlshouldsay and what XaXrjaw ^'^ Kai oi5a, 6ti t} evroXr) avrov ^ccrj Ishould speak; andlknow, that the commandment of him life aiwvios eariv. 'A ovv XaXu) eyw, Kadws eipr]- aje-lasting is. Whattherefore say I, as liasspo- Ke fxoi 6 Trarrjp, ouray AaAoj. ken to me the father, so 1 speak. KE*. ly'. 13. ^ npo Se T7j$ eopT7]s rov 7rao"xa, etSoJS 6 Irj- Before and the feast of the passover, knowing the Je- iTovs, on eXr)Xv6ev avrov ?; wpa, iva /xera$T) 3US,* that was come of hiuiself the hour, that bethould depart Koafxov world rovrov this irpos rov irarepa, the father. 6K rov ont of the ayaT-qaas rovs iSiovs rovs ev rco Ko,) ^ ciScos 6 \f](rovs, 6ri iravra SeScoKeu he might betray,) knowing the Jc8U5, that allthingf* had ^ven avT(f} 6 irarrjp fis ras x^ 'po'S* '<^0'' on otto deov him the father into the hands, and that from Gud €^T]\de, Kai irpos tov Oeou virayer '^ eyeiperai be came oat, and to the God heE^oes; rises 6K TOV SeiTTvov, Kui TiOrjai ra 1/j.aTia, Kai \a- from the lupper, and puts off the mantles, and having ficay K^VTiov, Sie^curre*' kavTou. ^ Eira fiaWei taken atowel, girded himself. Afterward he puts vSdJp €IS TOV VlTTTT^pa, KUl Tjp^aTO VITTTCIV TOVS water into tlie wash-b.isiu, and be;ran to wa^h the iroSas Tojv fiadvTioVy Kai fK/xao-cTeiv toj Xcvtiw feet of the disci|ilcs, and to wipe with the towel '(f riv S'.€((i}(rii€i/os, ^ Ep^erat ovv irpos with whick he wai haring been girded. He comes then to '^i/J.coua HeTpov Kai \eyci avTCf cKeivos' Kvpi€, Simon Peter; and says to him he; O lord, cru fiov vnrreis TOVS tro^as ; '^ Aire Kpidr) Irjaovs thou of me washest the feet? Answered Jesus Kai eiTTfV auTy. 'O f7a> iroiw, ^ov ai u/iiv, ovk eaTi SouAos/xei^wv Indeed indeed I say to you, not ia a slave greater Tou Kvpiov avrov, ovSe aTroffroXos fi^L^cvy rov ofthe lord ofhimself, nor amessenger greater ofthe irefjiypavros avroy. ^^ Ei ravra ojSare, jxaKapioi sending him. If these thinjsyou know, blessed cere, eay Troirjre avra. ^^ Ov irepi iravrwy are you, if you should do them. Not about all v/jiwy A.67W €y(i) oi5a ovs 6|€\e|o/i7jv a\X , ofyou I speak; I know whom I chose; but, iva 7] ypa, e/xe Xafi^avei' 6 Se e^Lte Xafifiavwy, I may send, me receives; he and mt leoeiving, Ka/Jifiavd roy ireixxpavra /xe. receives him having sent me. '^^Tavra enrtcv 6 Itjctous erapax^V "^V irv^vfia- These things saying the Jesu« was troubled in the spirit, Ti, Kai cjuLaprvprjcre, Kai ciirey K}xt]v a/xtjv Xeyw and testified, and said ; Indeed indeed I say vixty, 6ri €is 6| vixwv irapadciMrei /xe. ^E^Xe- to you, that one of you wiU betray me. Looked 2rov *[ouj'] eis aWrjXovs ol jxady^rai, airopov- [then] to each other the disciples, duubt- /xeyoi irepi rivos \eyei. ^ Uv 5e avaKei/xevos ing about whom he was speaking. Was now reclining [(Map. 13 : 23. 12 WTien, therefore, he had washed their feet, and taken his mantlb, recli- ning again he saidtotheiu, " Do you know what I have done to you ? 13 t Sou ca^l »e The TKACHEK, and The Loed; and you say well; for I am. 14 If 5 then, the Loao and the teachee, have washed Your teet, sou ought also to wash One another's feet. 15 lor + 1 have given you an Example, that, as 5 liave done to you, so you should do. 16 Indeed, I assure you, X a Servant is not greater than his lord, nor an Apostle greater than hb who sent him. 17 t If yovL know These things, happy are you if you do them. 18 I am not speaking atout all of you; ft know * whom I chose ; but that the sceiptuee may be ful- filled, X ' He that eats * ' My BEF.AD, hfted up his ' beel against me.' 19 I tell you now, before it occuEs, that when it occurs you may believe That 5 am he. 20 Indeed, I assure you* J He who receives one whom I send receives Me ; ard he who eeceives Me receives him who sent me." 21 Having said thes« things *Jesus was troubled in his SPIEIT, and testified, and said, " Indeed I assure you, That one of you will iiehver me up." 22 TheDisciPLEslooked one on another, doubting of whom he spoke. 23 + Now there was re IS. My BRBAD. 21. Jesu* * Vatican Manuscript.— 18. same I chose. 22. Then— omit. + 2S As two or more lay on one couch, each restin? on his left elbow, with his feet glop^ ine awav from the table towards the back ofthe couch, he that turned his back on his next neighbor was said to be lying in his bosom. This positionmade it easy for John to speali to Jesus in a whisper which could not be heard by the other disciples.— S. Sharpe. ♦ 18. Matt, xxiii. 8, 10 ; Luke vi. 40 ; 1 Cor. viii. fl ; xii. S ; PhiL ii 11. : 15. Matt. xi. 20 . Phil ii. 5 • 1 Pet/li. 21 ; 1 John ii. 5. 1 16. Matt. v. U ; Luke vi. 40 ; John xv. 2C 1 17. James i.'2«. i 18. Psa. xll. 0. Matt. xxvi. 23. t 20. Matt. x. 40 ; xxv. 40t tukq X. le. Ouip. IS; 24] JOHN., eis fK rwv fxaOy)r(j:v avrov €V ry Ko\iT(f} tov one of llic diasip'.rt ufliiin ia the bosom of the Injcou, 61/ rjyaira 6 IrjcTovs. •* Neuet ovv Tovrtf) JcHiis, wliom luTod the Jci>us. Noda then to him "SilJLWvTlfTpos, TTvOccrdairis av nr] irepi oil Simon Peler, to .'u>k wlio itmigblhtconccrniDgofwhom Xtyei. '^ ETrnreacou Se eKeivos eiri to o'ttjOos he speukn. Falling and he on the breast TOV Itjcou, Keyei avTw' Kvpie, tls eariy ; of the Jciius, he !<:i;3 to him i O lord, who is It? ^•^ AiroKpiverai 6 1t]' 'Ot€ e|7j\06, \iyii d Irjaovs- Nvu ebo^acrOr) Whca he wen' out, says the Je&ua; Just now was glorihed o vlos TOV ayOpwTTov, Kai 6 Oeos, (do^ao-d-q fv the son o< the man. and the God. was glorified in aiTCf;. •'-*[Et 6 6(os (bo^acrOr) ev aura;,] Kai kum. I tf the Cud waj gionticd in him,] aleo b Otos hoiarrd avTov iv eauTy, Kot cvQvs lUe Ood will gioriiy him to himself, and immediately So^aofi uvTov. ^ TsKj/ta, crt jxiKpov fieff nilli-ionlv kim. OUtilcchildiuu, yel a UtUe with ZrjTTjcrtTf fjic Kai Kadws ciirov tois \ou will seek me. and as 1 ^atd 'to the lovSuioi^' 'Oti ottov fyw inrayu!, vans ov Jcw>. That where I go, you not '•/JLU-V itfXl. TOU I ilU.. [Cfiap. IS: 33. dining on the bosom of s X one of his disci- PLKs, V lioin * Jesus lo\ cd. 2-4 To i)im, tliercfore, Simon Peter nods, *and says to him, " Inquire wIk) it is of whom he is speak- ing." 25 And f)e,*leaninjr back on the BREAST of Jtsus, says to him, " Lord, who is if:"' 26 *Tlien Jesus an- swers, " |i]c itis, *for wlioni I sliall dip a littlk ri>:cK and ^ve it to him." Then having dipped the little PiECK, he took and gave it to * Judas, the sou of Simon Iscai'iot. 27 X And after the lit- tle PIECE, then the ad- VEKSAKY entered into f)im. * J esus, tlierefore, says to him "What thou doest, do quickly." 28 Ko one of those ee- CLi Ni ?i G knew for what he said this to him. 29 For some thought, seeing J that * Judas had the BOX, That * Jesus said to him, "Buy what things we need for the;" or, that he sliouJd give something to tlie pooe. 30 ^e, therefore, liav- ing taken the little PIECE, immediately went out. And it was Kight. 31 When, therelore, he went out, * J esus says, J "Just now was the son of Ji.'VN glorified, and JGOD was glorilied hy him. 33 *]:rlf Goi) be glori- fied hy him,] God will also glorify liim hv himself, and lie will iuimciliately glorify him. 33 My Children, yet a little wlrle 1 am with you. You will seek me, and J as I said to the Jj'JWs, ' That where I am going, ijou • ViTicA;" MA^uscEIPT.— 2S Jesus". 24. and saj-s to tiim," Inquire who itis ot whom. 25. leaninif back on the UBBA.sT ni .lesus. 2^ Tlieii .1 asos. 20. lor whom I shal; tl'T a LITTLE piBCB and give it to him. Ihen huvinir dipped lUe littlk puck, he look and Vive. 27- Jesus. 2S. nou— omi/. 2fl. Juda». "JO. Jesus says to liim. 31. Jesus. ii'2. JfGoD be i^lorilied by him.— omif. tSS. Johnsix. 26; XX.!: xil. 7. au.»4. 1 27 Luke xnt. X ■■ JohQ Ti. 70. t».John ?>iO. : 3i Jobr XII 23 t 31 Jobu siv 13, 1 I'et. Jv 11 t 82. John xvii *-i—t. 1 s:i J on n VI. s*. vui iLj. 12 ^Jiap. 13 : 34.3 JOHN. [Cfiap. 14 '. 5.^ &vva" him the Jesus; The if'wXTjy €K ffxoi ecrri; Ta pT]fxara a €70; AaAw father in me is? The words which I speak. vfiiy, air' cjjLavrov ov \aKw 6 5e var-qp., 6 eK (oyou, from uy'telf, not 1 8{>eak; the but fathei', be ia e/iot fieywy, avros voieira cp-^a. ^^ IlKTreueTe ui« abiding, be does the woris. You believe fiot, oTi eyw ev tc irarpi, icai 5 TraTTjp ey €/j.oi, tuc, because I in the father, nud the father ia me, ct 5e /xr>, 8ia ra ^pya avra TricTTcvcTe p.oi, if but out, on account of the wuiks them&eivi^ b^Iiev^e mc. '■^ A^7)f a/JLTjy XcTw v/xiv, 6 irumvuy €is e/xe, Indeed iudt;«;d I speak to you, he believing into me, Ta €p-ya a €70; Troioj, KaKfiyos iroir] €pwT7)(ru Toy rraTfpa, Kai aWoy and I will ask the father, and another fi JKStrs says to him, " 2 luu J the WAY, and I the TRLTii, and X tl»* MICE No one cornea to the FATHER, except by mo. 7 If you had known me_ you would have known my FATHER ; and from tliis time you knov.' him, and liavc seen him." 8 Philip says to hiirk, " Lord, show iis the fa- TiiKR, and it is enough for us." 'J Jksus says to him, '• So lon^ a Time am I with you, and dost thou not know me, I'hilip? Hk iiAViNCr SEKN mc has seen tlie FATHKK; how suyest tf)OU, Show us the fa- ther? 10 Dost thou not believe Tliat i am in the fatjikr, and the FATHER is innief The words which ! speak to you, X I speak not frfjm myself; and that eatiier. * al)idin» iu me, fje does tlie woitKS. 11 Believe me, because 5 am in tlie father, and the FATHER in mc ; but if not., on accoimt of * his WORKS believe me. 12 X Indeed, I assure you, HK BKEiEViNR into me, the works which i do shall f)e do also ; and i;reater than these shall le do, Because S am going to *tllC FATHER; 13 Jand whatevir you may ask in my name, tiii5 I will do; so that tlie fa- ther may be glorified in the SON. \i If youask* anyliiing in my name, this 5 will do. 15 J 1 f you love me, *y' u will keep MY commakj}- MExNTS ; 16 and £ will ask the FATHER, and % lie will give * Vatican .Masuscript.— 7. ard -omit. 9. and— omif. 10. dwells i;, me, does his WOUTC5. I".!, the itatexs. 14. ask mc aaiythinjj iu my name, tliis J will da 13. you will keep. t 6. Heb. ix. 8. t 8. John i. 1/; viii. 83. t C. John i. 4: xi. 25. t 10. John v lOj vii. 10; viii. 28; xU. 40. t M. Matt. XAi. 21; Mark ivi. 17; Luke x. 17. t 13. Mutt" vu.7; xxi.22; Mark xi. 24; Lakexi.9; John xv. 7, 10; xvl. 23, 24; James i. 5; 1 John iil, y. V. 14. ; r« Ter. 21, 23; xv. 10, 14; 1 Jo)iii v. 3. J 10. John xv. 20; yvi. 7; H, <}>n viii. 1.1. Oft. Chap. u\ irl JOHN. [Chap, 14'. 2G, ^apaKkr]rov Swcrisi vfj-tv, iva p-evri fifO' vp-uv helper* he will give to you, that hcmay abideftith you •€"t] knon it, ort Trap' vp.iv fieuei, Kai ey vjiiv earai. bec&usc with you. it abides, and io you it will be. *^ Ovit o(j!)ijcrco bfias opcpauovs' (pxop-at vpos Not Iwillle&ve you orphans ; I am coining to vfias. '^ Eti /jiKpoVy Kai d KOfffios fie ovk(ti yon. Yet a little, and the world me no mote Oe(>}pei' u'Xfis 5e Beaipeirc fi^' in eyw ^ci>, Kai beholds; you but behold me; bccau&e 1 live, ciso vfitis ^Tjceo'de. *^ ILy eKeipj) tti i]fJLepa yvuxreaOe yon shall live. In that the ity cball ksow bfieis, 6ti €7a» ei' t(j> varpi yaou, Kai v/sds ev you, because I in the father of me, a^d you in ffioii Kayu €V iifiiv, *' 'O cx^** "^as tvroXas me, and I in " you. Ho having the commandnento /iow, Kai rripwy avras, CKfivos ecrriv d aya-rrcay of mc, and keeping them, that is he loving fie' 6 Se ayaTTOfV fie, ayavriOricreTat iiro rov me; he and loving me, (ball beloved by the Tarpos father fioi)' of me; Kai and eyot I ayatn](T(a wiU lovs avroVj biia. Kai ^nd efis rine the true, and the father of lue ^pr). be.-iiitiif, h« clciiiiKCfi it, that u\ot& fiiut it may bear. ^ HSt? v^Jifis KaQapoi core, bia tov \oyoy, 6y Alretdy you clean are, through the word, which \(Ka\T)Ka v/JLiy. "* Meij'aTe iv (/xoi, Kayco tv I have spoken to you. Abide yuu is lue, audi in v^iiv. Ka6(DS TO K\T}fjia ov dvuaTai Kapirov you. At the branch not is able fruit epfiv a fifj-i 7} afj-TTcXoSy ufxfis ra kXtjjuoto. 'O I am the vine, you the brancbeu. lie You all tilings, and remind you of all things which 1 said to vou. 27 i'V;ic« * J leave to you; JiY reace 1 jrive to you; not as the woju.n f^ives, do 2 give 1o you. Let not Your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. 28 You heard That! said to you, I am going away and I am coming to you. If you loved me, you would rejoice, That I am going to the FATHER; Because X my FATHER is greater than I. 29 And now I have told you before it occurs , so that when it occurs, you may believe. 30 I will not speak much more with you ; J for the f RULER of tiie WORLD iS coming, and has nothing in me. 31 But that the world may know That I love the FATHER, and that as X the FATHER commanded nie, eveu so I do ; ai'ise, let us go hence. CHAPTER XY. 1 5 am the true vine, and my fathkr is the VINE-DRKS.SEE. 2 Every Branch in me not bearing I'ruit, he lakes away ; and eveiy one bear- ing FRUIT, he prunes it, that i t may Ijcar W oic VVui t . 3 ^ J)auare JOHN. ft€fj gather riv aura, icai €JS xwp ^aKKoviriy xou xaierai. them» and into afiro niitij ra»t, anii it is-bucacd. ' Eav fieiPTjre fv fjuLOi Kai. to ^jjuara. /xou (v If yonHhido in i»e »D.'k *he words oi'mo iaii vfxiu infiy-r),. 6. cop ffeArfre f «iT7}(Te«r6ei, «ai joti ittayalude^ whciever ytsm »_. ^ -wis^a yovusiliaUaak, &otl •yei^iTfTat v,u.iu. *Ej.»Toura> eSo^ao'^Tj ^ Trarrip itshalfbe fbryoii. la this waa glorified tha Jather ftovy lya KapiTov iroXvtf ^epT^xf, K,aJ 'y^VT^iTf (r&e ofiae,.th.ib fiiiil much yo«.uit}^lit bf«r, aad yuu&hallbe ••:,ii jj y.a97tTai. ^ KaOcas rfyainiffe fie 6 Trarrip, to ine aisciyles. As loved Jna the Sathr.r, scaya 7)yaTi'r}!Ta v^as' (AftfaTe ey tt? ayaTt'^ rri amis kovcti youi tJ>ide yoa io the lovo the fiiifl. ^^ Eai/t T^GS efToAas jxov TijpTjofrj re, ^ue- Biiiie. If the c«wain;iiiiiiBent8iou I' 1T6 ej' tt; a;7a7r77 ^oy «a0c«j«r e7&> ras^ ^7;. ^-^AuTrj jiiv nmy ab'Je, luiil tiio joy of j;o«»ayhe-fuIC;leil. ThU tffru' ?; ifiToATj •») 6;U.?7,, ii^a oyaTr'are aAAi2AouSj ff« the'Coin.injtndurj<'Wttliejaiirfc«^ that \oii ifove each othop^ oyaTrTji* ovSeiSi fX^h *''* ''"'^ T7?i» ypvxv^ a'jrov La^e nodose luift, that a3»y one- the 2lLfe ofhitnsetf ^7? iiirep ricif ^iKuif avTov. ^* 'T^tteis snnytay AywniabehnLf of the friendd cfhiiufceifi. "Xou 4l\oi fjLou tare, fa/i* irojTjTe ^fra c/a* «prf V ofizLO- are>. if you* may da ■nrhot things I eota- Ao,aa4 Ujiity. ^* OvKen u/xas \cjca SouAous" viaad yoiv Ko more /ou 1 call glavcaj ^ri 6 SouAos o-u/c w§6 Ti 'JTOtei avrou 6 Kvpios' NeciivTsetha iilavo- sot knoMBTihak doe* cfhiiai thje iord; Iffj^as Se ^tprjKa ^i\ovs, on Jiuvra a r]Kov(ra yuu but 1 have stalled £ri&iuls> lkec&u&£ ali'tliiag» vhicSiE I heard ■a-apa tou ■jraTpos fiov, eyt'jijpicra v/xii.\ ^® O^X 5.0m the father ofm«, 1 maile known- tci you. Jfot viJ.€tT fi€ t-^ehe^atrOsy aAA' eyco e|eAe|ay.Tjj>> you me diti eKinomp, Syut 1 cltosc- [C?Juve fiii(u)y rov Kvpiov a'jrou. Ei e/is eSiw.^aj', kcu frejiter of the lord of himself. If raethcyper«ecuterf,r.!»o ^/uas Sica^ovaiy et roy Xoyov fiov erTjprjo-u^yf you thi-j- will persecute; if the word ofnic tijty kept, Kai Toy v}i€Tepoi' r-qpTjcrovaiy. ^^ AWa ravra alto the yours they will keep. But these thing's iravra iroirjcrouariy ufxiy hia ro ov )jj.a fJ."o, ail theywiUdo to you on accoitntof the uauie of uke, Sri OVK oibarri roy ireyA'ayra fie. " Et fxr) because not they know him eeudin;^ me. If not t]KOov Kai iKa\T](Ta avrois, ajxapnay ovk fixoy I hadcame .tnd spoken to them, sin not they Wad; vvy 5e irprKpacriy ovk cx'^^o'i irepi rrjs afiaprias now but an excuse not they have about the sin avray. ^ 'O e^e /jLiawy, Kai roy iraTepa fxov of them. He me hatiug, also the f.-xtiier of me fii. is'. 16. 1 Tavra \eXa\r\Ka vfxiv, ha /xri These things I havespokcn to you, that not (TKaydaXiadriTe. ^ ATro(rvuayooyovs iroLTjcrovcnv you may be ensnared. From synagogues they will put' aXX' epx^TC'.i <^pa, Iva ivas 6 a-^OKTCivas you; but com^s an hour, thatevery onethe killing v}xas, So^77 Xarpeiav Trpocr(p€peiy r(f> Gef^p. you, may think .1 service to offer to the God. ^ Kat ravra TroL7)— 11. X S. » olui XV ''!*'• Rom'x.'2; lCor.ii.8; lTim.i.l3. ^.5. ver. 10. 10; Juhnvii.33; xiii. Si XJ^- 9J« 1 7. -Johu vii. 39 ; xiv. 10, 20; iv. itt.^ Oiap. 16: 12.] JOHN. '2 Ext iroXAa excw rov KOfT/xov TovTov KeKpirai. of the world this Las Ucn jtui-r.l. Aeyfiy, aXk" ov duyacrOe fiaarai^eiy apri. (II s»/ toyoxH but Dot you are able to bear now. " 'Oray 5e eXf^rj tKeivos, ro iryevfia rrjs When but may come be, the spirit oftbe a\T)deiaSf 65riyTi(T€i vfias ets iraj/6Tat, Kat ayayyeXei vfjiiv. ^^Havra bcra lie«iUtai.e, ai.J wiUdrclure t ^ you. All thing's what ^X^^ ^ 7raT7ip, efxa etrrt. Aia roino elttov, Sti lint the fatliur, miue is. On account of this I said, that fK rov tfiov Ka/JL/avei, Kai avayyeAei vfxiv. : utof the r-.ine hetakcis and dL<-!:ne9 to you. "^ Mi.-cpor, Kaicv diwpziTSfJLS' KanraKiv ixiKpov, A. little IV liile, and not youse. inc; and njr.un alittle while, KJ.I o^icrSe fie, ^[oTt ii7ra7c«> irpos tov Trarepa.] n id you shall «e« luc, [because Iain going to the father.] '' Etirov ovy €K rcvy fiaGrjrwy avrov irpos Said then of the disciples ofLiin to aWT}\ovs' Ti eiros eis on acconntofthe jot, tbat wai born a man into T')v KOG-fJioy. 22 Ka£ vfieis ow Xvktjv ^?j/ yvy the world. And you therefore sorrow indeed now eX""e* iraXiv Se o^o-iai v/xaSy /cat x^prjcrerai h«»e; again but Iwillsfe you, and will be rejoiced vucoi/ 7] Kap^ia, KUi ttjv x^P*^^ vucou ou^fis of you the heart, and the joy of you ao one aipiiacp' v/xcov ^ Kai ev €Keii/ri rj] 'il.'-^^p^ CM- t^kcs from you; and in that the dny mo OUK €pCt>T71IT6Te OV^ei/' AjULTjU UUT] 1/ Ac-yW VfllU, not youKiUasi nothing; Indeed iudeeJ 1 say to you, &TI OTo. ay airiqffrjT^ rov iranpa ey toj cvop-ari that whatever you may ask the father in tUo name fxov, Si'.ret viniv. ''^'Ecos apri ovk iprr,(rare o( me, he will sive to you. Till now not youa.-kcd OJ^ev iv TO) ovojJLari junv aireiTi, Kat Arjij'eo'^e, nnthingiu the name ofme; askyou, andyoushallreceive, lua 7? X"P^ Vficvv 77 imrXripff^fJi^vri, BO that the joy ofyoumaybe completed "^ Tavra ev Trapoi.jj.Lais XeXaXrfKa vjj.iv These thing* in figurea I have spoken to you; ipX^Tai. wpa, 6t€ ovk^ti eu irapoijxiais KnKrirraj comes an hour, when no more in figiuts IwiUspenlt i/ixiy, aWa Trap^r^aia Trepi rov irarpos ava-v- toyou, but plamly concerning the father 1 will 7eAaj v^iv. '^'Kv efce/ j/t; tt; r//*epa iv rcj) ovo- tell you. In that the dny in the name juart ^ov aiT77(reJ ol /laOrfrai airrov iJf, Say [to him] the disciples of him; Lo, yvy irappriaia XaXeis, Kai irapoijxiay ovBefitav now plainly thou speakest, and alit,-ure not one Kcyeis. ^° Nvy oiSaueVf <5t; oidas travray Kai thou sayest. Now we know, thatthou kuowestalUhings, and OV ;^peiOJ/ e^eis, Iva ris ce eparq.' ey rovrcf no need has, that any onetheeshoiildasfc; in this iriarrfiioiJ.eyy on airo deov €^r]X6eSo ^^ Attck- we believe, that from God thou didst come out. An- iCJiap. IC: SI. Bccauss her time Iifs come; but when she Ims borne the cuild, she re- members the DisTEKss no more, on account of tlie joy Tliat a Man was born into WOBLD. 22 And SOti, therefore, now indeed have Surrow; but I VI 11 see you again, and t Your heaet "shali rejoice; and your joy no one takes from you. 23 An din That DAT yoti will ask M e nothing, j'l n- tlced, I assure ynu, What- ever you may ask the }■«. Tii EB in my kame, he ■» ill give you. 24 Till now yon asked nothing in in V name; ask, and you shall receive, so X that your joy may be completed. 25' These things I have spoken to yoii in Figures ; an Hour is coming, when I v.'i]lno more speakto you inTigiires, but I will teil -ou plainly about the pa- th e a. 26 In That i>at you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you, That 2 will entreat the fathek for you; 27 t fo^ t^^ TATnirR himself loves you. Because EDU liave lovtil nie, and t liavebelicvnd that 2 came out from* God. 28 1 1 came out from the rATnrn, and liave come into the woT^tD; again I leave ths wokld, and am going to my rATiiEH." 29 Hi8 DiscirLES said to him, " Behold, now thou ai-t speaking plainly, and without a Figure. SO Now we know That thou knowest all things, and hast no need that any one should ask Tliee; by tliis we believe That thou didst come out from God." 31 * Jesus answered • Vatican Manuscript. — 27. tho fathee. 20. to him — 07uit. SI. JCSU3. i 22. Luke xsiv. 41, .'52 : John xx. 20. John XV. 11. t 27. John xiv. 21, 23. Jjhu svii.a. t 23. Matt. vii. 7; John xiv. 13; xv. 16. I 27. ver.SO; Johniii. 13; xvii.8. t94 t 28. nurp. U i SS.) JOtlN. £o, tpX^Tiii ^'po~i fo^i J'vy tA-TjAjyfley, lya CKopTurdTjre cojuOA «a fiiour, and ao«r in co«uf% tiiat you'criii bcRcattrre^I iKatTTos fiT ra ihia^ kcu f}i£ fiovoy a(^T)T6' Kai ow/c €tju< ftovos, 6t< S varr\p ^er* c/ioi/ erri- ffli>3<>e.t.luiigi< I liav'e«luy avn^ ci9 Toy oupavov^ teat «ftheC( k« tliuu gavcnf. Cohua m«lhuiilf aver all fle&h, soth;it allwikiah 3'=?a'>cas' avT^, C&'tnf -auTois iofljjy a«-»yioy «liu« /jj.4te4»em toliiju», ■he Eiayjiye ta thriu Jilf) agn-la&tia^. YJiu And M thet^o-lu^u,; Ul<^ tiuit tl>£gr<:cu(rht luuiw C t-coi . dulst €eU(l, JcSUA Ciirist. jfHue Curi>i. t tha the ■yns' Ttf .ep7o»' €reX€tei>«ro, S SeOtoKas fioi^ 'va ^'urLk^ ithe «vurk 1 6Au»hc«{« wbieblLoui/jLfet^U'eu me, tiiAt Tot T](TC(L. * Kai yvy do^acroy fie, t.^tve*tuiu£uuCofthe KOfT/xow' cot TifTaVy (ecu €p.oi avrovs 6eS»;rcr* wuxjd; thiite tStsgr were, aad td luo tiieiB tiutu ha«t giveoj KCU TOf Koyoy - bud the v/urd <^ tinee they hv/e kept. Kuw they Sfoi', Sti vavra Sera, Be5co>cas ^o^ napa ;iveii to hiiH, he may cive to theu, t;«KVvhi<'h L iiad \vith^he£ bdune 'Jio WOULD WAS. 5 I nittuifcstcd Thf NAME tj the WKN whom tlioulitiat given tiie out (rf the would; thine they were, and tliou kaat given them to tlie ; nihd tii.y have Jkept Ihy ■"TOkd. 7 Nov they kivow Tfe ,' all things whatever thoia gavcst nuj are from tlie«. • YtmcAK M4J«j«c»rpv.— 1. the so*. 1. also OtKJt. A. h«vin^ finished. t 33, Joha xr. Ift-M; 3 Tiwl iii. 12. t S."?. R"Tn. tiH. 87; 1 John iv. 4; v. 4. 1 «. Matt. xL 27; xxviiL ISj JuLu iii- cS; v. 274 l-dx.xr.Ti. 'J74 nilL ILaO. t ^ ^"i^ h^^i v.36;ix.3:; xii.50. Otap. 17: 8.3 JOHN isi becausetke words whichfthou bast ^iven me, Ibs^ve gives ttuTt'fS" Kcu avroi eXaBoVy Kai eyueaa'af aXrjduSy tothnsj aad they received, asd knevr trulys fiTi Trapa (Tov e^rjkOoVy icat, ivicrr^vcaVy otj ins that ir >>i thee Icameoui, &nd balieved tb&t thou did&t Bend, £ conci^niag tbeia a&k ne oot jrept row KO(Tp.ov epwrcsi, aA/\a irepi ojy cou.'(:7«ing the world 1 ask, but concenuugwlxom hc^et>Kas fjioiy OTi (TOi etffr *® kcu ra e/j-a Travra thouhastgiveacie, beeauBSthinctbeycjrsi &Bd ths nune eU cT'*- cjTTi, Kai TO rra c/xf, Ka* SfSo^ac^at €>» ^nMia is, aad the thiuo miiio, and I buve bees glorified is them. And bo isora I tua ia ths wuiid, aud these ia tho world are, and 1 to thee aia l^at. Tlarep ayje, rT^prjaov avrovs ev t(^ ovo- eoming. O£athor bcly. keep tUea to ths name of thee,ljy whieitt&fZ.s cast gives to me) tiuU they uiay baoas as vie. Whei; I was wilii tbeiii l'" tfi£ ,3 €7<» ^TTipow avTOvs cv ^(Jj GVOfxan world,] I kept them ia tha naiue «row ous 8e8a>Kas fxoi e<3f>v\a^a, kcu. ou^tis *| *i theci whoiathouhast (.-iveataiae I guarded, £»'i boons of GUTuf oTwAeTo, ei /xtj ^ vios rrfs a7r'o\«'aj, Iva thed was dsstjayed, i!f aotthe bob of the deaUu.i;nv»"« tl»a6 rj ypas eyu} sk tov 0/ tb« world not they are, as 1 of tho Koc/xoy OVK €ifii. ^^ Kyiaerotf avr&vs fv rri world act aes. Sanctify theta i« tht lC?ia2>. 37: 17- 8 EecaTise I have givc^ to them the words which J;tliou hoat given to me; aiiil t^tg received sni knew truly that I came out from thee, and he- iieved That t^ou didst send Me 9 5 entreat for tbem-; not fo' the WORLD I en- tieat, out for those whoia thou hast given me; Be- cause they are thine. 10 And all mins are thine, and J thine nre mine; andlhavelaeenglo- ntied ia them. 11 And I am no snore ia 4he woklb, hut ti)cn are in the woeld, and E ana coming to thee. Holy Father, keep them ia thy NAMU, by ■which thou hast givera them me, that t'u-y may be one, as faje *&ls4 are. 19 When I was with them, 1 kept them in thy *^•AMK, by v^hich tliou h;j9t given them nie; and I guai'ded them, and no one of them was destroyed, except the J son of dk- STKUCTioN ; 1 that tlie scKiPTUEK miglit b^ veii- aed. 13 But now I am com. m^ to thee ; and These tilings t epeak in tlie %\OKLD, that they may have Mi jox coaipieted in them. 14 S have given t.^y WOBD to tliem, X 'ii'd ttio WOULD liated them; Be- cause they pj*e not of the WOULD, as S ana not of the woaLD. 15 I eatreat not that tboa wouldst take tbeni out of the WORLD, but tthat thou wouldst keep them from evil. 18 They we Pot of the WOULD, as 5 am 2.ot oi tha WOELD. 17 + Sanctify them is * Vatican Manbscbi??.— 11. also. 12. in the wobiov— jaaii. 12. »aj»x, by orbich thou hast given them mej and I guarded thera. t8. Johnviii.28; sii.40; siv.lO. t 10. .Tohn xvi. 15. 1 12. John vi.7 !•. xir>. la i 12. Psa. cix. 8- Acts i. 20. t 1*. John xv. L-s, 19 ; 1 John m. 13, I 15. jMatt. vii to- 2 Thess. iii. 3: 1 John v 18 i !?• •l"ha xv.S; Acta x\. 9 ; Eph. v 20? 1 Pet i. a* Chap. 17; 18.] JOHN. ICIiap. W : 2V %\n]Oua crow 6 Koyos 6 cos a\7]6eta ecm. troth ofthcei the word the tbiue truth i». ^ KadMS e/i€ a-rrecTTeiKas eis roi^ KOcr/J-OVy Kayw At me tlioa Jidst tend into the world, aUo 1 mvc me, audi ia thee, Iva. Kai avToi eu rifxiv ^'\^^^~\ uxriv Iva b Kocr- Uul aUo they ia na [one] may be, that the world fto^ vicrrevarjy Srt av fie airearftXas. ^ Kat ui:iy beUevc, that thuu .tie didttsrud. Aud €70) Tr/J' 5o|af rju 8e5wKas fiot, bedcoKa avrois' 1 the glory which thou hast given tome, faftve giTen to them; Iva u(Tiv kv, Kadws rj/xeis kv efffxev '^ (^^yca ev that they may be one, ac WQ one are; (I ic avToiSy Kdi trv €1/ €jLtof) tVa d-trt renXeicofie- them, and thoc is me^) thattheymay be perfected foi eis iUy *l^Kaij iva yivwcTKri d KOCTficSy Sti i6j 23 £ in them, and ttjou in me, that they may be perfected into one; bo that the WOULD may know That thou didst Bend me, and didst love them, as thou didst love me. 24 X Father, those whom thou hast given me, I wish that where i am, t^ffl also maybe with me; bo thr.t they may behold hy GLOBY, which thou didst give me, beeause thou didst love me before the Forma- tion of the ^Vorld. 25 O righteous Fntlier, the WORLD did not knew Thee, but 5 knew Thee, and tf)f-c knew That t1[)n\» didst send Me. 26 And I made known* nnd will make kr.own to them thy kajie; bo that J the LovK with wliich thou didst love me may be in them, and i ia them. * /aticajt MAiiDSCBirT.— 17. Tmtn; tht wobo ia the tbuth. 21. on»— •mit. and — omit. t 17. 2 Sam. vii. 28; Psa. cxix. 142, 151 ; John viii. 40. t 18. John xx. 21. t 10. 1 Cor. i. 30; H(>b. x. 10. ; 21. ver. U, 2-2, 23 ; .Tohn x. 10; Itom. xii. r>; G.1I. iii. 2'<. t 21. John >.:<.H; xiv.ll. J 22. J..!i!i xiv. -JO; 1 Jolm i.3i iii. 24. t 24. John xii 26; xiv. 3; I i boss. iv. 17. I »<*• -ohniv.9. €^ap. I&; I.J JOHN. [Gfiap. m: II, KE*. LTj'. 18. ^ TauTcj eirroev 6 IrjfrouS c^Tjhde trvif rots Thc'ae thing» Bajin^^ lire Jeba» nicat oat with th« disf-iples orUimtelf Cieyoiui the broob ©fslie fL:5;yccy,. &irov r^v irrjiro^, €is Sv tfCTjA^ep avros KeiUoii, wlifre wa» a j^^p-nleM) intoTxhich ertteretK hinsaeU" Ka.1. ol fJLa.Orjrai, cjrov. ^H5e4 8e «at louSas, & tkiKl the f]iHciplP9 ('»' liiiu.. Kjiev7 naA also,. \te ■xxpadi^oos auro:iy roy ro-rroy dri ttoWokis 4el7verfnf^np* hiii>, the place; b^niupo ©flea* rrvvrjx^ 5 iTjTaus cfSf ^uera to;? f&adrjTiat^ nirt the .)e»ua there wtth- the oiscpples o* uiirutelf. Tho I'.hen J».las haviisg t»)trtt r^ae bai\ct, •fit f« Tccv apx^^p^i'ii' 'cat ^apicrattcy iinip-iraSj »iirt fruiiv th« high-liriejt» anij I'haruara «>lli>;«rii» firnx's liiore with X^ii-ljo» antf lauipd and ^iva tTr' awTov, e^eAOwj^ eiyiey aurois' Tsys (j^i;- *n>g OCT fiim, g'Ding oat saiil tot^emj Whoui seek reire ; ^ ArrertpiOrjaau sivTc>r iT^aauy tqv Na- .vou^ The*y aa;*wered Kxmv Je^us the Na- Copaiov. Aeyet ayrotj d iTj^rous* E7C0 eijj^i, ytrpi^e^ Say^. to ^hcist th« Jirsrsi 1 am. ( ^IcrrrjKit Se Kat louSas, 6 Trapa^iBous auroVj • A'a<» ttaniliivg and aUo ^odas, 5li« deliveriniy up him, '(itt' oarrcovSj ^ 'Cls ovv ^nrev avrots-' 'Ort wiilv thoui.) Wliea therefore he- »axl «o theittj Tl»at tyca ei/jn.' aiTTfXOoy €is tj. t^jricrco, kul firecray I ami they weot iato the bebindr »ud fell ^aitat. * Tia.Kiv ovv avrovs fTrrjpwTrjffi' Tiya „.. I he grotnid. Ajjain then thetsr he asked; Wboin ^;j"6iTe; Oi &€ enrty lr}t >i<g9> J weiit out with ibis CkisciFLES beyond the r BROoii: Kkdeon, -where; WHS f a Garden, JTitoTiv iii( k f)« entered, and his uisci- FLE3. 3 Nuw TiTAT Jkdas. !>]so, whooKLiVEREjo bini up„ knew til ft PLACKi Be- caiioe * JtsMS otXi-n met there witlihia pi&ci?T.ESi, 3 :J Then Jin>A9, hiwing oTitmned the banu aiiu lOiii'.erg from the Hioii- i'Ri r:sTsand*PnAKisi':Ks, Cdiiieatherervitb Tovdies, and T>r?mpR, and Weapons.. 4 J vjiii?; i hercfsrre, fcoow- mrjAll Tiri>GS that were cojiiNfi. updii him, ^oing; 01U, * says tt> them, " Whom doyou sccfef" & Tlicy answureii hira^ "■Jesus the Na7,a.kknk." ""lie saj-s to them, i am ■Ji'srs." And Tir AT Judas aSsOyWbo i>:';ijvj';xi.o )iini up, was siaudiug witb tJierfl. 6 W?i^ni therefore, be said to them, " I am he," they went back, and feU on the Ground. 7 Then he asked tbern again, " Whom do jou seek ?" And thf.t said, "Jesug, the Nazasekjs." 8 Jesus answered, " I told you That i am he ; if, therefore, you seek Me, permit these to go." 9 That the 'wor.a mi^lut be fulfilled which he said, X " Of those whom thou hast given me, 1 lost no one." 10 t'rhcn Simon Peter having a Sword, tlrew ii, and struct the sk,u.vak'K of the )iicii-''RiEsT, ami cut off his BIGHT *f;AK- Tip. .Now the SFnv ami's Name was Malchus. II Jesus, therefore. • Vaticaw Mawustript.— 1. Jesus. 2. Jesus. S. Pbabisess. i. saya 5. He says to them, "5 am Jesus." 10. bar-tif. t 1. The name of a small rivulet, and of a valley towards the east of Jerusalem ; proba- bly derived from an Hebrew root signifying to be darkened, the valley being shuxied with wood. t 1. tiethsemane. t 1. Matt. XXV 1.36; Markxiv. 32; Lukexx».30. Luke xxii. 47; Acts i. 16. 1 »ord into the OiiK-qy TO TTorripLoy 6 ScSuiKe fxai 6 trarrif), ov Hhrath; the cup which bns given tome the falhcr, nut /u,7 TTioj avTu ; Dot shniiUI I drink it? '-' 'H ovv (TTreipa Kai o'i ;^iAiapx<'^ '''** **^ v-rr]- 1 lie then bind and the comuiauder and the offi- perai rcai' lov^uiwu (TW^Xafiuv rov IrjcroWy Kai Cfr.t of the Jews apprehended the Jesus, and sSyjcay avrov, '"' /foi air-qyayov avrov irpos hound hiui, and led him to Ari^ay irpMTov rjv yap Trcj/Oepos tov Ka/n0a, ^nnlu first; he was for fa(her-iu-law of the Cuisphas, ds Tjv apxi^p^vs TOV cyiavrov eKeii/ov. ^^Hv wh.'wns high-pricjt of the year that. Was Se Kaiafpas 6 crvfi^ovKcvaas Tois loi/Saiois, 6ti Duw C'ni.'iphts be having advikcd the Jews, that lp. Followed aod the Jesus Simon Peter, KOA 6 oWos fiadijTTjs. 'O 8e fxadTjTTjs cKfiyos aiid the other disciple. Tlie and disciple that t;j/ yvaxTTOS T'o apxi^p^t, Kai ; J t.Jie CUP which tlie I'ATHK.iL has f,'ivcn me, shall I not drink it':"' 12 Then the r.A^n, sud the COMMANOKR, and tha OF1--ICKKS ofthe Jkws ap- prulicndcd Jjcsus, a»id bound him, IS and led him first *o Annas, for he wK aap. 18: 21.] JOHN. woridi i *l«^y3 *»"£'" '° asyoagogue and eu TO? iep-w, ^-^ou iraurcs ol lovdaioi avvipyov- In t. rtetTpie, «here all the Je«s MD.C toeelbcr, ■70J, Kas ey ecpvirrv €\aKT}(ra ov6ei>. Ti /te »Qd ia secret 1 eidd noihiog. Why me cir€0WTOj ; ' eiTip(i3rij(T0U tovs aKrjKOoras, ri dootlhoua^fcr a«l' those baring heard, wh.^t cAaXrjo-a auTOir «S€, o5toi oiSacri^' a eiiroy ,I.aid totbea.; lo, they toow what thing;, eaid I Theio things and of him hnvingsaid, one ofthe iTT-np^Twv TrapeaT-qKus eSwK€ pamafia tw • omcen. haVi.s stood by 63>o a blow to the Ivn-ov, ctTOJi/- Oyrojs airoKpiyrj rep apx^^p^^: Jesus s.-vyicg; I'bus dojt thou answer the i;:gh-pno=t? Answered Uim the Jccu.; ■ 3f evil S Fpoke. '■ tesCfy coaccruiae the eviij U but wellj Ti fie Bepeis ; 'why md dost thou beat? 24 A7r€(rTcAaJ' outoj/ ^ Aw a? SeSe/xej/oi' T^os /■-'•' Sent him the Annas havin? beea boua* ,XJ^i„.. himself They to-id therefore to him ; standing and warming himsen. *"<;; No? In. thou of .the ^disciple. of hioi thouarf ? LV.ied caro SKSivos, Kai fnrev Ovk Uf^i. -^Aejei he. and Baid; Not lam. &ay3 *ne of tho slaves ofthe high-p.-ieet, a relative being efwhom eutoff^ Pe.'er the ear. Kot I tbee *aw in thT gaJdeu With him? Again therefore VPtrnaaro 6 Uerpos' Kai evOews aXeKrcvp t(p(»- denied tbo ,feteti and immediately acock. crew. ^ Ayovffiv ovv rov Irjcrovy a-ro rov Kaiacpa They lead thea the Jesuo from of the Caiaphas CIS TO wpaiTa'piov tjv Se Trpma.' Kat avroi Into the jlidgnienlhaU-. itwas.ind morning. And they OVK ucr-nXQov CIS ro TrpatTwpioj/, tva fiV h^a-^' ao, went intoHho Wgment haU, that not they might ecanu, a\\' iva (paycvffi ro -rraax^- E^^^' be defiled,- but that they t eat the pas.over. Biv ovv b UiXaros irpos awToi/s, Kai cnre- T/vo out therefore the Pilate to them. und .aid; What to the WOEI.D ; 5 always taught in a Synapopie and in the templk, •where All the Jews come together; •and in secret 1 said, noth- ing. 21 Why aost thon ask Mc? Ask those having HKASD what I tdJ to thf :n ; behold, l^f g know v.'bat thini;3 £ said." 2?/ And he hflving saitl these things, $one of the OFFSCiCUS standing by {ravo jES'.ia a Blow, sayin^jj " Dost Ihou thus auswtr the lUGH-paiiisr?" 23 * Jesus answered hiiu, "If I spoke evil, testily conrcrnini^ the evil; but if well, wiiy doot thou beat Me?" 24 1 \ (Annas sent hintp having been bound, toCai- aphas, the high-peiest ) 25 And Simon Peter was standing and v.-arniing himself. J Then they sanl to him, "Art not t!)OU also cf his DISCIPLES '{" ^e denied, and said, " 1 aio not." Se Oncof theSERVANT3 ofthe inGii-PiUEST, hcin[-; a relative of him Wliosj eau Peter cut oiT, save, "Did not 2 see Thee ia the GABD1.N with him?" 27 Then * Peter a-gain denied, X and iaiuieduuij i a Cock crew. 2a JTher. they lead Jk- sus from Caiaphas into the tPs^SToaiuM. liwas now morning ; and tl)ca went not into the Pra:- TOKiUM so that they might not be defiled, but tthat they might eat the Pass- OVKK. 29 Pilate,- therefore, went out to them, and *said, "Wliat Accusation • VATtcAN MANU3CBIPT.-23. Jcsus. 27- Pctei". 29. says. VATtcAN MANUscBirT . . . f ^^ ^gt^j ^erse where it seems mora t 24. This clause by some is added to^he end of \°%»^^^,^.„„^.,^ ,o„njed at the be- properly to belong. t 27- i nc ^^J^^J^''.' V' '"= g j^^te on Matt. xxvi. 34. t 28. ^inniim- ofthe third watch ; this was f,"V^'i;^;f,%^^§,^?hcn thought lawful l«r the Jews fela^th. 'p"' ha lamb'a 'any hour bc^we'en the ?wo eve'ning.. though E.xod. xii. 6. 8. seem, 11 ?Sui;eTt'=o\e eaten at the ti«.e when osus a e t- ^ M ^''- "''^r^l "luk'/x'xU "'"• t 27. \la« x'xvi. 74; Mark xiv. 72 : Luke. x.ii. 00 ; /.hu Sl^.'"' ' A- M^tt. «vii. 2 , Mark iv. I ; Luke ..tiu 1 : Act* m i&. Qiap. 18: 30.] JOITN. [aiap. 18: L'8. icaTTjyopiay (fepere Kara rou aydpcairav tovto: accusauuf brill 5 you agnuitt the man this? ^ A.-n-fKpi(^ri(jai/ Kai enrou aurw' Ei fJ.T} t]u o'jtos They ,111 sH'L'red aud (aid tohinij U nut na* tlii> KaKC^ToioSy ovK a» aot irapf^wKaf.Lev avroy. Hii t-vil-.l(icr, not would to thee we delivereJ \ip 'urn. '^ Etn-€J/ ouv auroisd UiXaros' Aa/Sere avroy Siii'4 theu to lUem the }'iUiei Take him CfxsiSfKai Kara roy yo/xoyvuuy Kpivareavrou. ymi, aud accoriliugto the law ofyi)U judge him. EtTTOJ/ *[t»ui'] avrcf} ot lovSaiof 'H/xiV ovk Said [therefore] to him the JeuB; To u3 not e^i(rriy aTroKreiyai ovSeva. '^^'Iva 6 Ao'^os tou itisUwful to kill no one. So that the word ofthe l)]Tou Trprjpfjodrjy bv ttn-e, CTjuaiuwy iroiM daya- Je>u« mif ht he fulniiecl.whichhe said, pointing out by what d«:tth •ru) rfXiWey aTTaQvr.cxKtiv. he KM to die. ^ Eian^diV 3VU €(S TO irpairaipiov ira\it> h Went then into the jud,LMiicni-h.\ll again the fliAoTos, KaL 6(pa>yr](Te ray Irjaovyy Kat eiiny Filnte, and cal.ed the Je^us, and a.-vid 0,uTCf 2,v (I 6 fia(n\€vsruiu lovSaiccy ; "^"^ATre/c- lo hi.A, TUou artthe king oftlie Jens? An- pidTf "^[wuTt^] S Iqaovs' A(p' ewjrov rrv Touro inered [hiui] the Je»u.; Fnom llivn-.f thou this KijeiSy 7} akXoi ooi iiiroy rrepi e/xov; ^ »->\tst, or olhcTs to thee told cnnctrning me? An- pidr) 6 niXaTos' MrjTi. cyu) lovdaiOLS eiu* : to MereiltUe Pi ale; Kot 1 a Jew am? the iQvos TO (TQV Kai 01 apx^^p^ts irapeSc^Kay ce umiou the thine and the hijih-oriests delivered up thee cfj-'Ji' ri eiroirjcras , ^ AirccpiOT) 1t](Tous' *H tome; what didstlhoudo? Auaweied Jesus; The fia(Tt\eei, t] c/xtj ojk icrrty ex tou ko(T/xou tovtov kinjilcoj the mine not is of the world this; 61 (K TOU Kocrixou Tovrou rjy 7) ^acTiKua 7] e/xrj, if of the world this wa^ the kingdom the mine, 01 virriperai ay ot e/j-oi Tjyc^vi^^oyrOj lya fir] the oMner» would those iOr me contend, that not vxpaZoOco Tots lovdaioiSf vvv 5e rj I iir^ht he delivered up to the Jews, Dow but the /SaTjAeia t] e/xr} ovk tCTTiy fyTevO^y. ^ Enrey Liugdom the aiine not is from this plare. Said ovy auTif 6 YliXaros' OvKovy ^uaiAevs fiffu; th.'n to l.iin the I'llaie; Not then a king artthou? AirfKpidi] 6 l7](rous' Sw \e'yeis' 6ti /3ao-i\eus Ans«i'ei-ctl the Jebus; Thou siyest ; a king ei/jii tyw. Eyw eis tovtou yfyfVi'rjijLaij Kai am I. I for this bate been oun^ and fis tovto f\T]\v6a €is Toy KOCTfioVy Iva fxaprv- tut this I have come into the world, thdt 1 may tr«- pT](T(t> T77 oATjOejtt. Ylas 6 wv €K tt]s aA.77- tify to the truth. Every onewho being of the truth, Oeias, aKovei fiou ttjs (puyris. ^Aeyei avrcc hears of me the voice. S.iys to him 6 HiXaros' Ti iCTTiy aXrjdfia; Kai tovto enrccy, the rilaie; What ia truth? And this spying. do yon bring * against this MAN ':" 30 Tlicy answered and said to him, " 1 f i)c was not * one who does evil, we wodid not liave delivered him up to thee." 31 Then * Pilate said to them, " Take |iou him, and judge him aceoriLiiii.; to your LAW." Tlie Jkws said to him, "It is not law- ful fcT us to kill any one ;'• 32 ifthat the word ot Jfsvs might he verified, wliich lie spoke, intiiiri- ting by What Death he was about to die. 33 J PiLATK, therefore, went into the PRA;ToaiUM ag.iin, and called Jesus, and said to him, " Art tfjou the KING ofthe Jews '(" 34 Jesus answered, "Dosttljou say this from thyself, or did others tell thee concerning me?" 35 PiLATK answered, "Ara 5 a Jew? TuiiNB OWN NATION, even the nion-PKiKsTs have de- livered tiiLC to me. "WTiut didst thou dor" S6 i Jesus answered, "My KiNODOSi is not of this WOULD. IfMYKING- DO-M were of this world, MY OFllCERS would tight, so that 1 might not be de- livered up to the Jews ; l)Ut now MY KINGDOM is not from hence-" 87 Pilate, therefore, said to him, " .Art tftou not a King then?" Jesls an- swered, " CfjOU savcst ; * I am a King. For t'liis 5 have been born; and for this 5 have come into the WORLD, that I may testify to the TRUTH. X Every ONE who 13 of the tbutu, hears My voice." 38 Pilate says to him, "What is TiTithr" iAnd saying This, h« went out * Vatican Masuscbipt.— 29. of this max. 30. one who does evil, we would. *1. Pilate. 31. therefore— omiV, 34. h\m~owit. 87. I am. t 3-2. Matt. XV. \0; .Tohn xii. 3-.'. 33. J 33. Matt, xxvii. 11. _ t ."50. 1 Tun. vi. 1 K. t 37. John viii. 47; 1 J«''.M»iil I'J; iv. " xiv. 4, t). . I}. t 3S. Matt, xxvii. 24; Luke xxiii. 4 ; Jol Chap. 18: 39.] JOHN. i/Chap. 19 : 8. rraKiv e^tjKde wpos rovs lovSaiovSy kul Xeyci again he went out to the Jews, and says avToiS' Eyuj ou8e/xioy aniav evptaKco €v avTo.\ to them J I not one fault find in him. ^^ EcTTi 5e cvvrjOfia vjxiv, Iva kva vjxn' airoXvcca It is but a custom foryou, that one to you 1 release cy Tea iraaxa' fiovKcade ovv, vfjuv aTToXvco) iu the passover; areyou willing therefore, to you I release rou jSaciAea raiv lovSzicav ; "^^ EKpavyacrai' ovv the king of the Jews? They cried out then ■KaKiv *[7ravTes,] Ae^or/res" Mtj tovtov, aXXa a.'.iin [all,] s.-iying; Not this, but Tov Bapa^^av. Hv 5e 6 Bapa.Pifias Xtjarris. the Barabbas. Was now the Barabbas a robber. KE«&. ie\ 19. ' Tore ovv eAaySey 6 HiKcctos top Itjcovp, Kai Then therefore took the Pilate the Jesus, and (ijLa(TTi-yoo(Tc. ^ Kai ol (TrparKaTai Tcke^avres scourged. And the soldiers braiding (m €V avra airiav. ^ AireKpiQriaav not find in him a fault. Answered aor€iXei airoOaveiv, according to the law ofua he ought to die, ^t: (avrov, vlov Oeov £Tron]aev. ^ 'Ore ovv because himself, a son of God he made. When therefore 7)Kov(r(y 6 HiXaros rovrov rov Xoyov, fxaXXov heard the Pilate this the word, more again to the Jews, and says to them, " £ find No I'ault in him." 39 $But it is custom- iiry for yon that I release to you One during tlie passovkh; are you will- ing, thei'cfore, tliat I re- lease toyou the kjkg of the Jews ?" 40 Then they cried out again, saying, % " Not i^tm, but Barabbas." % Now Baeabbas was a Robber. CHiVPTER XIX. 1 X Then Pii.ate, there- fore took and scourged Je- sus. 2 And the soldiehs, wreathing a Cro^^■n of Ac- anthus, placed it on His head ; and they threw around him a purple Man- tle, 3 * and they came to liim and said, " Hail, kino of the Jevts 1" Aud they gave him Blows. 4 * And Pii.ate went out again, and says to them, " Behold, I bring him out to you, Tliat you may know that I find J No Fault in him." 5 Then * Jesus came out, weai-ing the acan- THiNE Cro'rni, and the purple Mantle. And be says to them, " Behold, the man 1" 6 jWhen, therefore, the HIGH-PRIESTS and the of- ficers saw him, they cried out, saying, " Crucify, cru- cify him !" Pilate says to them, " Take him your- selves, and crucify him; for 5 find no Fault in him." 7 The Jews answered him, % " Mle have a Law, and by * the law he ought to die, because % he made liimself a Son of God." 8 Wlien Pilate, thevo- fore, heard This word, he was more afraid, * Vatican Manuscript.— 40. all— (wni*. 3. they came to liim and said. 4. And Pilate went. 5. Jesus. . 7. the law. X 39. Matt.xxvii. 1.5; Mark.xv. 6; Luke xxiii. 17. t 40. Acts iii. 14 I 40. LuXe .xxiii. 19. X 1- Matt. .\x. 19; xxvil. 26; Mark xv. 15; Luke xviii. 33, t 4. John X viii. 38; ver. 0. I (J. Acts iii. 13. X 7. Lev. xxiv. 10. t 7- Matt, xsvi «.-); John V. 18; X.33. 0iap. 19: 9-1 JOHN. frpo$rf9Tf' ^hai eicTTiXOfy fis TO TTpaiTwpioy vaXiv, be Haa afraid; and T-nce art thou? The but Je- ffovs awoKpiaiu ovk (Ocokev avTff). ^''Af'yet ovv »u3 an aTifwer not gsfe to him. Say» then auTfpdlliXaTos' Ejuloiov Xa\cis ; ovk oiSas, loliiiiithe Pilate; To uie n.jtthouaosttpcak? not knoirp«tthoa, (irt c^ovcriav ex*^ (TTavpaxrai «re, Kai f^ovcriay that authority I have to crucify thff, aud authority iX<^ aTToXvcrai (re , ^^ ATreKpi(h} Irjcrovs' Ovk Ihave to relaiosc thcr ? Answered Jesus; Not fiXtS i^ovaiau ovZ^jxiau Kar' €uou, €t /iTj Ihua couldot have au hurity not any agaiUBt me, if i>ot 7)1' aoi ScS'j/xfi/ov avaOey Sia tovto 6 Vt wnstDihoe having been giver, from above; on account of tbia he 7rapa5i5oi;s fxe crai, ixei^^oya ajxaprLav ex^ '• ^*^ delivering up mctolht'e, greater (in tn». From Toi^Tou e(,°7jTei 6 YliXaros airoXvaai avrou. Ot this Bieks the T.laie to-reie;ue bim. The §6 lovdaioi iKpa^ov, X^yovrts' Ea** tovtov but Jews cried out, aa^ing; If thia aTToAyfTTjs, ovK €i (piXos Tov Kataapos' ttus 6 thou rclcaae, not thou art a friend of the Cetaxi ereryonethe .OaaiXiia kavrov iroiccv, avriXfyei Tea Kai(rapi. kiug himbe^ makin*;, speaks n^uinat the Cesai. '^ 'O ovv HiXaros aKovcras tovtov top Xoyou, Thethereforc Pilate haviuj; heard thia the vrord, rjyayfv e|a> top Itjcohj', Kai sKaOiaev firi tov hruugiit out the JebU6t and eat down on the /Sry/xoTos cts tottov Xfyofxcvov AiOofrrpaToy, tribunal into a place being called Pavement, EfipaicTTi 5e Fa^^afla ^"* (rjv 5e TrapaTKfvq tov iu Hebrew but Gahbatha; (It waa and a preparation of the Tratrxttj ^'po. 5e ucret cktt]') Kai Xfy€i tois lov- paasover, hour and about sirth;) and he tays to the Jewu; Saiois' I5e d ^aaiXivs v/xtcv. ^^Ol Sf fKpavya- S«e the king of you. They but cried out; iraw Apov, apov (rravpwcrov avTou. Aeyei Away, away ; crucify him. Says avTOLS d HiXaTos' Toy fiatxiXea vfiwy aravpaxro) ; to them the Pilate; The king ofyo« ihall 1 crucify P AviKpiOTjaay oi apxicpeis' Ovk exofj.ey ^acriXsa Aitiawered the kigh-piie»t«; Not we have a kin^, HI fxi) Kaicrapa, if not Cesar ** Tore ovv TrapedojKey avTov avTOis, iva Then therefore he delivered np him to Ihcm, that [diap. 19: 16. 9 aud went apain iiit« tlio PiLT.ioRiuM, anJ says to jKaUS, " Whence art tJ)our" i. But Jtsua gave liiiii no Answer. 10 I'li.ATE then say.s to him, " Dost thou not speak to me ? Dost tliou not know That I have Autlio- nty * to release thee, and I liave Authority to cnicil'y thee?" 11 * Je?n3 answered him, X " Thon >Kouldst have no Anthority a^'aiiist me, if it had not been j^ivcn thee from above. On thia account ek who df.liv- KKKD nie to thee has a Greater Sin." 12 From this time, Pi- late soufrht to release him ; hut the cried out, saying, % " If thoti re- lease ijuii, thou art not a iriend of Ck.'^ap. ; Ikykry ONE Avho jtAivKS Himsclf a King speaks against Cjk- SAR." 13 Pii.ATK, therefore, ha\-ir,g heard * thise WGKOs, brou^'ht Jfsl's out, and sat down on fthe •Tribunal, in a Place caUtd t The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha. It X (Now it was the Preparation of the pass- ovKH, and the Hour waa :ibi)ut the ■\ Sixth ;) and lie says to the Jkws, "Be- hold yoiir KING !" 15 * Then tftrg cried out, " Away, away, crucify him 1"' PiLATK says ta them, " Sh;ill I crucify your KING?" TheniOU-PRIESTS answered, J " We liave no king, except Cesar." lOtThen, therefore, he delivered him to them that he might be crucified. * Vaticai* MAWuscnirT.— 10. to release thae, and I have Authority to crncif" thee? 11. Jesus aubwered him, Tliou. IS. These wobds. brought, IS. Tribunal, in a Plaeo. 15. Then tftf 2. t IS. The Tribunal seems to have been placed In the open air, agreeably to what Jose- phus says of llerotl, when he tried his twoBons; "Heeame to the tribunal, and that wm placed in the stadium, (the circus, or place for races,) behind which his soldiers kept pruard unseen."— Pearce. t 13. A spot paved with stones, enclosed and elevated, where tho Judge sat in his chair of state. . t 1 i. Six o'clock iu the morning. See Note on John i. 3tt. t 9. Isa. liii. T ; Matt, xxvii, 12, 14. ♦ 11. Luke x:cii. W; John vil. 80. 1 12- Luke xxiii. 2. % 12. Acts xvii. 7. t U. Matt, xxvii. 62. J 1& Ger. xlix 10. : to. Matt, xxvii.26, 3I ; Mark xv. 10; Luke xxiu. *\ Otap. 19; 17.] eJOHN. [C^op. 19 : 24. CTavpwdr]. Tlap^Xa^ov 5e rov Irjcrovv ^[kul hemlght be ci-ucifie.!. ll.ey took and the Jt^-us [aiid vyayoy.^ •' Ka: ^aara^uv rov aravpou avrou, led.] And eo.irj'ins the cro»s of himself, (^r]\6€V ets rov \eyo/j.c-vou Kpauiov tottov, 6s te went outinto the being called of a skull a place, which A.67€Tat E^paKTTi ro\yo6a. ^^ 'Ottov avrov is called in Hebrew Golgotha. Where him iaravpaiiTav^ Kai fxer^ avrov aWovs 5vo, evrev- tliey crucified, and with him others two, hence 0ei/ Kai evrevdey^ fiicrov Se tov Irjcrovy. '^ E7- and hence, in micklle and the Jetus. Wrote pa^€ Se Kai rtrXov b IliAaTOS, Kai eO-qxev ari rov and also n title the ril.-.te, and pUced upon the sravpov. Uu 5e y^ypajiiJi^vov " Irjaovs 6 Na- crosa. It was and having been wnlten; **Je&us the Na- ^wpaios, 6 BacriXevs rccu lovSuioiv" '■^ Tovroi/ laiene, the king o the Jews." This ovv Toy TirKov iroKKoi av^yvuxjav royv \ov- tlierefore the title many read ofthe Je^vs." Suicui', oTi e77i»s vy b roiros rrjs TroXeoos, dirov bicause near was the place ofthe city, where ((TravpaOrf b lr}(rovs' Kai r}v yeypaixfiefov 'E/6- c™i;ified the Jesus; and it was having been writen in paKrri'EWrjPKTTij 'Vcajj-aiari. '^^ EXeyoy ovv Hebrew m Greek, in Latin. S.iid therefore Tfo HiXaru) 01 apxiepeis raiv lov^aioiw M17 to the Pilate the high-priesta ofthe Jews) Not ypacpe- 'O fiacTiXevs Twv louSaicyy aW' bri write thou; The ting ofthe Jews; but that iKiivos etTre- BacnXeus ei,ut rcav lovSaiwr. hr> said; A king lam ofthe Jews. "-ATTfKpidr} 6 HiXaros' 'O yeypacpa, yeypacpa. Answered the Pilate; What I have written, I have written. "^ Oi ovv dTTpariwraiy br& ecTTavpcvcrav rov The ' --en soldiers, when they crucified the lr]crouVj '.'Aa$ov ra Ifxaria, avrov, (Kai €iroi7](Tav Jesus, took the mantles o him, (and made ,apa fJiepr], kKarrrw crrpariwr-Q fxepos,) Kai four parts, to each soldier a part,) and ov x'T'«"'o« Hy Se & ')(^ir(av appaon of thee. Then hcsiystothe fxadriTr)- Ibov rj l-i'OTTjp crov. Kat air eneiurjs ilisri|.le. Lo tlic mother ofthee. And from that T7;y wpas eAa^StJ' 6}S avTr]u €ts ra iSia. the hour took the disciple her into the own. -■"^ Mtra rovTov f tSwy 6 Itjctous, on vaura 7)5r} Alter thia knowing the Jeniis, that all thiu;{sah'on the spirit. •*' Ot OVV lovhaioi {Iva ^t) n^ivp firi rov The then Jewh (tliat not n-igut remain on the {jravpov Ta (XWfxara cv toj ca^BaTtf fTrei cros« the bodies in the sabbath,. since TrapaaKevrj T)v r]v yap fieya?-.!] •'] ijfxepa CKeivov a ptrparatioc it was, was for great the day that TOV (TaBBarov) rjpccTTjcrav rov Ili\aTov, Iva o'. the sabbath) nsked the I'ilate, that KOT^ayu}(Jiv avTwv ra CKeXr], Kai ap6a>- uighi be broken ot them the legs, and they might be taken (Ttv. ^- HXOov ovv ol (TTpaTioDTai, Kai tov /xev a'.vay. Came therelore the soldieiii, and oftlieindecd TrpcDTOv, Karea^av Ta (TkcKt), Kai tov aWov first, they brake larv. and Mary tlie niotber ot Jameti; and Clopas wa.s probably another name for James, beiiij? a Greek tra:>! the tU'biew Jacob 01 Jaine.s, a ^Ai?/. Paul tells us that tlie iSavior atter bis resurre■? ~\.-l; xxi 7,20,24. t «&. i'sa lxix.21. I 2fc Uatt. xxvii. 4S. I 31. Deul. aai. ^>. CiMp. 19: St.] JOKN. {aiap. 19 1 42. trow eA.^oj'Tes, ass eiSof avrov TjSr/ Te^vr/Kora, ms La\in g <'oiue, wlirn tiuiy saw Lim alrcftdy having; dieil. ow Karccc^av avrov ra STKiKr}' ^■' aXX* €iS tco*" not they broke ol'him the 'ejs; but one ofthe STTpaTiwruv \oyyr} avrov Tr,v irXevpav cfu^c-, soldiers witli a fcj.inr of him the »i'le pierced, Kai evdvs €^T]\6€if aijxa Kai vEocp. ^ Kat tiMii LTntacdiately eame out blood and watfei-. And 6 eccpuKws fxefxaprvpriKc, Kai aXrjOiyrj avrov he fanving &eea has teatilictJ, and true of him eariy 7\ fiaprvpia' kcikqivos oiZfiUy 6ri oXtj^t; ifl the t«iiLiiuoziy ; ami lie knows, that tnietliings Acyei, iva Kai v/jlsis imxrevcrrire. ^ Eyc-yero {i« fcays, BO tliaft al^o you may believe. Occurred yap TC'jTa, tva ij ypa(tri Tv\rip(i>Qri' " Ocrrovv fur these things, thatthe writiug mii^lit be fulfilled | "A bone ov (rvyrpi0r](Terai avrov." "^ Kai iraXiv krepa iiot ghall be broken ofliiui." And again anuthcr ypao ISiLKoSyjixoSf {6 cXOwy irpos roy liirrow pvKros Nicodeuiufi, (hchaviug come to the Jeaua by night TO vpwrovy^ (pfpayy fiiy/jLa Cjuvpuris Kai aXorjs the first,) bringing atuixiuie ofii-yirb and aloes iiS Ktrpas sKarou. '**' HXa^ov ovy ro aoifxa ab<>ut pouuda a hunared. They took therefore the body rov Irjcrov, Kai cSTjcaj/ avro oOoyiois fiera ray of the Jesus, and bound It with liucu cloths ivitb the apwf.iarci>y, KaQws eOos eari ro:s lov^aiois eiTa- apices, £U cu£tojnajyitia with the Jews to ipia^€iy. *^ Hy 5e ey rta roirw^ onov ^aravptaQr], euibalui. Waa and in the place, where he waa crucified, fcrjTTos, Kai ey rt^ kt/ttoj fiyrju/.^ioy Katyoy, sy 'a' % gardea, aud in the garden a tomb new, in which ovSewca ovdeis freOr]. ^^E«-et ovv dia rr]v DoCyet no oue was laid. There therefore on acconntof the trapecTKevrjy rwy lov^aiay, tri e'vyvs r,y ro preijaratioQ of the Jews, because near waa the fivf] fxeioyy f:6r>Kav roy l7)(rovy, tomb, they laid the Jesus. Jjisus, vlicn they saw tliu* he had ahcady diud, tlicj did not break His legs, 34 but one of tlie t^oi,- DiEEs pierced Ilis siuK Willi a Spear, and immedi- ately there came out Blood and Water. 35 And HE nAVi^n SF.KN I'.as testified, and His TESTIMONY 13 trUe; and t}e knows That he is paying true thinps, so that 20 U also may believe. 36 For these tliiiigs oc- curred, that the Tt KK might be vcritien, I" A Eone of him shall not be broken." 87 And again Another SCEiPTURE says, :t"Th(y shall look on him whom they pierced." S8 t And after those thinjrs, * Joseph, from Av\- niailiea, (being a Disci] le of * Jesus, but a conceaii d one tlirough rKARofthe Jjsws,) asked Filate, that he might take away the BODY of Jk^us; and Ti- i.ATE permitted him. He came tlurt fore, aud took away *his Body. 89 And X Nicodcmug came also, (behaving come to *h!m by ^ight at the riEST,) bringing a Mixture of Myrrh and Aloes, about a hundred rounds. 40 Then they took the BODY of Jksus, and X hound it with Liu ■ u cloths, with the TICS, as it is a Custoin with the Jews to embalm 41 And there was in the pt.ace where he W'as cru- cified a Garden, and }i\ the GARDKN a new tomb, in which no oue was ye» laid. 42 There, therefore, on account of the pkki'ARA TioN of the Jkws, Beeausa tiie TOMB was near, they laid Jtbus. • Vaticak Manuscbips.— 38. Joseph. S3. Jesus. SS. his Body, SO. hinj by Ni^ht. t aO. Exod. £ii.40; NuTn.ix. 12; Psn. xxxiv. CO. t 37. Psa. xxii. 16- Zech.rii. ft- !?ev. i.7. X 8i^- J'Jitt. xxvii.or. Murk i.v.4-.!; Luko xxiii. .'j*^ t 89. John ill. I. vii 60. t 4t). Acts «• Chap. 20: 1.3 JOKN, KE»^. k'. 20. Tpex^i ouv Kai ep;)^eTOi Blue 1-VD8 therefore and nouies ^ Trj St /i/ot Tcoj/ aaPfiaTwv Mapia t\ Vlay^a- Tlio ail J firnt of I ho wreck Mary U t ■ Mafda- \7)Vn epXiTCL TTpOJi, (TKQTiaS €T< OUcrTJS., (LS TO ieoe comes e.-\rly, dark yet beinj^, into the tiyrf/jLeiow Kai fiKcirn tov kiOou ripixipov tuuib; and Bcea the Btoiic having been taken away EK TOV flVT^fldOVy 2 >. ut of tbc tomb, TTpos "Sii/Kova TlfTpov, Kai vpos TOV aWoy jxaOt]- lo Simon Peter, and to the other disci- TTj;/, 6v i(piXet 6 h]f^Qvs, Kai Xfyn s,vroiS' ^Ic, nhoui loved th« ■le^iie, nnd sayb to them; UpaV TOV KVplOV €/C TC' ^fTlfXeiOV, Kai OVK 'i'hey took away the lord out of the tomb, and not «i5a/x6j/, TTov €Oi]Kav avTov. '* E^rjXOev ovv 6 wc know, where tb«T laid him. Went out tlien the TeTpos Kai 6 aWos naQi)Tris, Kai rjpxovTO £is Peter and the other dibriple, and they came into TO jiyTjpLeioy. ^ETpcxov 5e 01 Suo S/j-ov Kai 6 the tomb. Han andthey two together; and the aAAcs /iadr)T7]i irpoeSpa/jie Taxiov tov TlsTpov, other disciple ran bofore more quickly of tbc Peter, Kai T)\6e TTpoDTos €is TO /xvr)H€iov ^ Kai TrapaKv- nad cainc first into the tomb; auisciplc outnm Pktkr, ana came fij'st into the tomb. 5 And' stooping down, he sets J tlie linen CLOTHS lying ; however, he went not in. 6 Then Simon Peter * also comes following him, and entered into the tomb, and beheld the linen CLOTHS lying, 7 and J the napei^, whioh was on his head, not lying with the linen CLOTHS, but having beet folded up in a separate Place. 8 Then, therefore, that OTHER Disciple, who came first into the tomb, also went in, and he saw, and beUeved [her.] 9 For they did not yet know X the scriptukk, That he must rise from the Dead. 10 Then the disciples went away by themselves. • Vatican MAXuscBirT. — 0. Fimon Peter. t L The very definite manner in wbich John oxprcssoK himself in this narrative, with reference to goinij (eig) into and comii.ff v fk, out of the tomb, makes it very ^)robablc tli:it this tomb, liad two chambers, an in white sitting, one at th<* H K. AD, and one at tlie >ekt, wliere the body of Jesms liad been laid. 13 And t!)fD say to her, ", why tlost thou weep 'i" * And she says to theia, "Because ihey took away my Lord, and I knew not where they laid liim." 14. J Ilnvini? said these things, she turned back- WAiiD, and beholds Jesus standing, and t knew not That it was Jesus. 15 * Jesus says to her, ' Woman, why dost thou weop? Wliom dost *hou seek?" &l)e, supposing tlmthewasthe GARDK.rcEK, says to liim, " Sir, if t!)ou didst carry liim olt, tell me where thou didst lay him, and £ will take Him away." 16 * Jesus says to her, " Mary !" ^\y:, having turned, says to him * in Hebrew, " Eabboni !" which signifies, 'I'eacher. 17 * Jesus says to her« " Ttjuch nie not ; for I have not yet ascended to my TATIlKR; but go 1o J my BEtTiiRKN, and tell them, I ascend to my father, and your lather; even my God, and your God." 18 J Mary of Magdat.a comes, telling the Disci- K Es That she had seen tlic Loun, and he said These things to her. i9 JThen being Evening of that DAT, the first of the * Week, and the dooss having been closed where the DISCIPLES were, through TEAR of the Jews, Jesus cameinto the midst, * Vaiicak Manuscbipt.— 13. And she says. Uebrew, Kabboni. 17. Jesua 19. Week. 15. Jesus. 10. Jesus. 10. in 10. having been assembled— omiV. t 14. Matt, xxviii. 9; Mark xvi. 0. t 14. xxiv. 10, ,"^1 : John xxi. 4. t 17. Psa. Kxii. 22; Matt, xxviii. 10; Rom. viii. 29; Heb. ii. 11. J IS. Matt, xxviii 10; Luke xxi'W }l). 1 19. Mark xvi. 14; Luke sxiv. SG; 1 Cor xv. o. Chap. 20: 20.] ^OKN. {Oiap. 20: 29. etr TO fifffovy Kai Xc^ci aurois' 'Eip^vrj vfiiv. into I he Uli'l^t, nnil anyii totbem; I'eare to you. *' Kat TOUTO etTTwj/, eSei^cv ourots tos ^eipas Auil tiiU having' t.-tul, he eliuwetl tn tbcm tho hand* rot TTiv irKevpair avTov. Ex^pTycai' owj' o/ t.Dd til* lule ofliimiclf. Were glad therefore the (ladrjTai, iboyres tov Kvpioif, ^^ Enrfy ovv dikC4>}e«, seein;; the lord. Suid then avTois & Itjctous nraXiv "EipTjvr) ufitv KaQtas tuiliem the Jesua at'"'" i Peace to you; as OTrecTTaA/Cc fte 6 iraTT/p, Kctyco TrejaTrca v/xas. sent me the father, also I send you. ^^ Kai TOUTO eiTTCcUy €ue(puai](T€y Kai Kcyn And this baviug said, he lireathed on, and tnys avroLS' Aa/3fT€ Trt'eufta ayiov. ^ Av nvojy to them; lUceiveyou a spirit holy. If of whom wpTfTe ras afiapriaSy aipiey-rai aurots' av you m.€p€ tov 8aKTvXov tov Afterwards he layii to the Thomaa; Brin^ the finger of thee ojSe, Kai tSe Tas x^ipas /j-ov, Kai (p^pe Trjv here, aud see tho hands ofmc, and bricg the X^ipa (TOV, Kai $aXe eis rr]V irXevpay uov Kai baud of thee, and put into the side of me; ani fir] yivov airicTTos, aXXa tticttos. ^ ATt^sKpid-n cot be thou unbeliexnng, but believing. Answered &Q}/xas Kai fiTTcv avrtf 'O Kvpios fiov Kai 6 6fo-: Thomas and said to him; The lord ofm? aud the GoJ flow. ^^Ac^et avT(f) 6 Irjcrovs' 'On eo^paKas fie, ofme. Says to him '.he Jesus; Because thou hast seen me. niul Btood, and says t« thrm, " Peace be with you!" 20 And having said thia, he Bliowed them * his HANDS andhis 8IDK, The DISCIPLES, therefore, J re. joiced, seeing the Lokd. 21 Tlicn;3 said to them again, " Peace be with yon; JasthesATHEa haa sent me, 5 also send you." 22 And having said UiiSj he breatlicd on and says to them, "lleceive the lloly Spirit, 23 JIf thesTN3*of nny one you may I'oigive, they are forgiven them ; iftlioso *of any you may retain, they have been retained." 2-i But Thomas, that onecftheTWELVK,:|:BFI^'G CALLED Ihdymus, was not with them, when* Jesua came. 25 The OTHER Disciples, therefore, said to him, " We have seen the Lokd." But HE said to them, "If I do not see in his hands tlie IMPBKSSION of the NAILS, and put my finger into the IMPRESSION Cm the NAILS, and put* My hand into hi3 SIDE, I will by no means believe." 26 And after eight Days his DISCIPLES were again within, and Thomas with them. The dooks having bten closed, Jesl's comes int: the midst, and stood, ^hd said, "Peace be with yjul" 27 Afterwards he says t Thomas, "Reach here th iiNCEK., and behold m^ hands, and J reach here thy iiai;d, and put it into my side ; and be net un- believing, but believing-" 28 Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lokd and my God I" 29 Jesus says to bin), " Because thou hast see a * Vaticax MANuscRirr.— 20. both the hams<« and tho sidb. 23. of any one. 24. Jesus. 25. My uasd. t 20. John xvi. 22. I 21. Matt xjiviii. 18 ; John .x.vii. 17—19. t 23- JIatt. x. 19 ; tviii. IS. 1 24. John xi, 10. t X7< 1 John i. 1. fChojp. 20: SC] JOtiN. V^-Kl(TTiVKCLS' lXa.KC.piOl 01 jbLTf i5orTgy, Kai •KKT- Uiou hast believed i blessed they not ha\ing Ecen, and haWns r€v ro^'TCf. whlehnot it i» having been wntten in the bo k Uiis. *" Tavra Se ycypaTTTai, iva TncrTev(Trjr€y dri These things hut have been written, that you may bplieve, that lr}(Tovs €](rau CIS ro irXoiov *[6u9ys,] : .mduelieve!" 30 J Then, indcrd, ir.anv Oflicr Signs Jksl.s per- furmed in the presence o* * the DISCIPLES, V hich have not been written ia litis BOOK. SI J But these have been written, tlmt you may be- lieve That- Jt-sus is tlie Mksstah, thosoN of Gour and that, behcvinir yoniuay ]iave Life in lu» k auk. CILVPTER XXI 1 After those thinfra * Jesns Mianifi^stfd hiuibi if ru^ain to the liiscii'i.* s, at the LAKE of TiBKHlAS; and in tliis manner lie np- peared. 2 Simon Peter, and THAT Thomas callkj» lMdymu.«!. and jTnAr Aa- ili.iuucl of Cana in Gali- M.s, and t the sons of Zebedee, and two otliers of hia DISCIPLES, were to- gether. 3 Simon Peter says to them, '■ 1 am going a fish- ing." They say to him, " ii.iUe also go with thee." Tlit^y went oiit, and eni eri-d into the BOAT, and during That NiGUT lliey taught nothina;. 4 J'.irt now Morning be- ing Come, * Jesus siood ou the SHOEE. The disci. pi.Fs, however, J knew not That it was Jesus. 5 Then J* Jesus Bays to them, "Children, liave you any food?" They answered liim, " No " 6 And iiR said to them, ■f'Throw the nkt on the KTGHT side of the boat, and you will find." . Then they thi-ew it, and were no longer ahle ta draw it, from tlie ii UT. T 1 XL' I> K of *■ 1 S IlKS. 7 JTliatDisciPL.^ there- fore, whom Jesus loved, says to Peteb, "It is tho 1. Jesus. 8. immediately— on \t- Vatican Makuscbipt. — SO. the disciples. 4. -Icsus. 5. Jestis. t in. 2 Cor. V. 7 ; 1 Pot. 1. 8. t ;if • Jolui xxi. 25. t 81. Luke 1. 4. i SI. Join if i:-.. 10; V.2-J; 1 Pc*. i. a, t 2. ."'' ''-i i. Ij. J 2. M.itt. iv.21. t 4 John XX. 14 ♦ ;. Luku xxiv. 1,1. I 0. Lui».a »• 4» u, 7. 17. Joiiu xii. 23 : xx. 2. Chap 21:8.] JOHN. [Chap. 21:ieL Kvpios f: lord it it, tlie upper |.'nruient nr (irclpclt he wu tut •yvavos' Kai ((iaKti/ tau'OV tn ti)i/ OaKaaaav r-iheit; and 'tirro hini»«lf into th« apa. ® 0/ Se oA.Aot yua('7?Tot ry TrAoiafttCf} T)\Qoy (ov The but o;^r dixiflen bf the little ship cxiiie (nut yap rjcrav fioK^af ajro rr]s 717$, aW' as avo for they were fsr from the laiiJ, bitt n>>out frjm Trif^a*!/ diaKOTiuv,^ avpovres to himvou TOif ii.liita n»o iiunJu-il.) Urx^iin^ the net of tO« iX'^'Vfiv. '-^ Til ovf atrfiinarau fis rrji/ yrji/j /3A6- llilie*. Wlitn tho»«;fi>retlie|p »r«?«t op to the lanU, ttir'y irjuatf avOpaniap Kd/JidvriV, Kui o\paptov eiriKft- Bce a lire of ra.-Wa IvMi-i^, autl a lj*ii lying ^ivov, KCLi aprov, "^ Aeyei avrots 6 Irjtrovi' on, anil bread. Soys to them the Jeaua; KvfyKcyrc airo ruv o^papiwv, wu etrtaaare pvv. IWnif irim from the (isbet, nhicli you :nu):ht just nonr. " Avi0r] ^luwv IlfTpos, Kai (l\kv(t( to hiKivov Went up Simon Peter, and drew the net €7ri T7/S 7175, fifffTov ix()vccv fieyaXwu iKarov '.u rha land, full ofl^she^ t^ent a huuilrtd TTiVTTJKOl'TaTpiCDV Kai TOffOUTWV OVTWV, OVK fillf-three; and »o ninny bein?, not i(T\ia07] TO Slktvov. *" A676f avTOis 6 Iqrrous' wuntciu the nrt. S.ij-8 to them the Jem., -\fvTe, api(rTT]craTe. OwSetj *[5e] eroAyua C'mne, breaKfaat you. No one [,tiu1] pie«ui3aeil roi}v /xaCrfTcov e^iTaaai aurow ZSu tis ei ; of tl*o duc-iples to Adk hiui^ Thnu who art** il^tTtS, 071 6 KVplOS iCTTlV, ^^Y.pX^'''^-^ ^ ^'7" knowing, that the Lord it la. Couu-s the Je- (Tous, Kai \aiJ.I3ai>ii Toy apTov, nai SiScocriv Ruii, and take> tlie hrcud, and pivra avTots, Kat to orp'^piov diinicDi. ^"'Towto 17577 loibem, and the h«h in like inafliier This alre.ivi When therefore ihcy hnil brcnkfnsted, says to the Sioion ricTpw 6 l7f(Tovs' 2i|Ua>;/ lojfa, airanas fi€ Tr\(iov IVtcr t)ie Jesus; SiuioD of Joiia, lovest thou me more TovTu^v ; A676t avTW' Noi, Kvpif, (Tf. Atyei avTCf}' Botkc tu apma /mou. ) dcnriy love tbee. He says lohiin. Feed the liuubs oftue ^''Al7€i avTcp iraXiv SevTfpov 'S.ijxwv \wua, lie frays to bini A^aia a second time; Siiuon of.loiiu, ayanc.s u( ; Af7€t ai>Ta>" N«f, Kupie, av oioas, luvest thou iiie? He s.ays to hiin , Ve-, O lord, thou kuowesl, 6ti (pi\u) >Te' Ae76f auTct>' ilui/j.aiP€ tu irpo- that I dearly loTC thee; Ue says to hiui; Tcud thou tho sheep Lonn." Then Simon Tetn li;i\;iig lic.irii it Mas tilt! Loud, }rinl( d on lis LTPKR OAR^IhNT, (for hc \v:i3 + n.ikni,) aiuJ 'Jirew hunsclj luit) ihe i.akk. 8 Hut the OTiiEU Pis- nrles came hy tlie boat ; Mor thf^y were not far frtim thei..\>'D, but alK)ut twu hundrt-i) Cnhits off.) drai;- ^,,'mg the m:t with the riMiKs. 3 ^VhrrJ, tlverefore, they went oultotiie land, thty sie u Fire of coals lyuii;, ana a Fish lying on it, and Blind. 10 * Ji;sn-s sfiys to Ihem, "Bring of xiK! jisiiks whicii yoiJ jubt wow cuii{rlit." 11 * Simon Peter went on hoard and diew the nkt to tlie i,A?)i>, fill J of pnat Ftshes, a hmidieiliind tilty- 'liii-e; and tliontrli there \vere so many, the iXST was not torn. J 2 * J esns says to them , t"Coriie and "breakfast." No one of the disciimkr pi fFi; iiu-d to ask him, "Who ait ti)Our" 1-3 * Jesns romes, and takes ihi; iuikad. ;in(lfcive8 to tiieii), and the yiMi in like inaii er. 1 i This X third time now wns "^JisuS nianifesied to * tlie Discii'i.KS, havin>4 been raised from the Bead. ].5 When, therefore, thcj had breakfasted, Jesus says to SiiiOiN Peter, "Si- mon, son of Jonas, jovest I liou me more than tliese ":"' He says to him, " Yes, Lord; thou kuowest That I atLet'.ijnately love thee." tie says to him, " I'ecd my LAMBS." IG He says to him a^ain, a second time, "Simon, sou iif J()i;;is, lovest lliijii iiic"''" lie says to him, " Yes, l,urd;*tf)OU knowest That 1 affectionately lo\e thee.'* • Vatican MAWuscRirT.— 10. Jesus. 11. Then Simon Peter. 12. Jesus. 12. and— omif. 13. Jesus. U. Jesus. 14. the disciflbs. t 7. So the Jew.a called those who were clothed in their undot gurmcuts imly.— iV'eu'cowo V lA. Acts X. 41.' i 14. Sec John 11. 19. 2G. JOHN, rCfiap. 21 : 23 fi / V fiov. ^'Aeyei avrtfi to rpirov ^ificev of me. He says to him the third) Siaion la>*'a, (piKets fJ.e ; EXvTnrjdT] 6 Herpos., 6ri of Jona,dcarlylovc=t thoume? Was jAeiS fie; Kai eiTrey fce said to him the third. Dearly lovest thoume? and he said *[ayToj*] Kvpie^ ixu TrauTa oiSas' (TvyivoicTK^LS., [to him;] O lord, tbou alV things knovrest; tboa Knowest, 6tl (pi\(f> ce* Ae'j'et avTcp d lr](rovs' Bocr/ce that I dearly love thee; Says to him the Jesus; Teed i-a vpo^ara fiov. ^^A/j.7}v afxTjU Xsyca CJi, ore the sheep of me. indeed iuueed 1 say to vhee, when j7S yccoTfpos, e^wvyves creavrop, Kai ircp leTrarets Jhouwast younger, thou didsi gird thyself, :md d»dst w.-Uk oTTOv TjdeXes' OTav 5e yrjpa(Tvs, eKrevsis where thou didst wish; when but thou art oUI, thou wiltstretchout ras x^^P^^ (Tov., Kai aWos ae C^o-eL, Kai the hands of thee, and another thee will gird, and OKTci OTTOV 0 J diXeis. ^^TovTV 3e cnre, err]' TviU carry where nDtthouwibhest. This now he s Jc- sij- uaivwVf TroL(f QavaTco dola(rsi tov Ctov. Koi oifj-ing, by what death he will glorify ths Cii, And TovTO eiiyvov, ?\.eyeL avTor — o\cv'' :^ ; ">«. this having saiil, he says to him; F Uo -Sit. ^ ETTia-Tpapcis *[5e] 6 UcTpos ^/ ctt 4 _i Havin;; turned about [and] the Peter see- ib. pLaOriTrjy, bv fiyaira 6 l7ipiCf (r0ai, aXXa irepifxev^LV rriv eiray'' «iot to depart, but to wr-t for the promise Tov Trarpos, v^ r^Kovaare julov ^6ri Icoavvrjs of the father, wliich you heard from me; tlvat John /xev e^aTTTicrev vSari, v/J-eis Se ^airTiadr](reG-6K indeed dipped in water, you but shall be dipped £K irvevpa.'ri ayiw, ov aera woWas ravTC^s rjfie- iu spirit holy, not aficr many these days. pas. ^ Ot pi€v ovv (ruvc?\.OovT€S exj^pcuTwy They indeed thereforeliaving r.oine together, asked avroy Xeyovres' Kvpie, ei €y tm XP^^V "^ovtcj liiiu; saying; O lord, if in the time this cLiroKaQiffrav^is rrju ^c;.(ri?.eiay tw MparjX ; thou reslorest the kingdom to the israelP ' Eiir€ 5e irpos avrovs' Ovx v/jlcdv io-n -yv^vai Hesaidand to them; liot for you it is to kno-r Xpovovs 7f Kaipovs, ovs 6 irarrip edero cf tt? times or seasons, which the father placed in the ^AX\a Xv^f^o'de Svyaixy e-jreA- iSia c^ov(Tia. authority. But you ah. bU receive ha. Kai and power Bovres tov ayiov irvevixaros €(p' v(xas iugcomo the holy spiriX upon you; f(r€(T6e jxoi /xapTvpes €V re 'lepovrraXriiJ., Kai you shall he to me witnesses in both Jeiuoalem, and €V irarr} tt; lovZo.ia. Kai '^ap.apeia, Kai ews e(TX«- -- * ■ ' - • . ;- f and eveii*tA? lartliest aU Jude>% and in Sa CHAPTEK 1. 1 The rosMER History compiled, J O TiiLophilr.s, concerning; all tilings whu li * Jesus began both to do and to teach, 2 t even to the Day iu whjcli, Jliavini^ given coni- niandmcnt, through the holy Spirit, to the apos- tles whom he had cho- sen, he Mas taken up; 3 I to whom also he pre- sented himself living, al- ter his sarrsRiJio, by Many Inralliljle proofs; be- ing seen of them forty Days, and speaking the THiNRS concerning the KIN c. DOM of God. 4 i,\nd assembling them, he charged them "not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the peo- MISK of the FATHKR, J wliich you heard from rue; 5 X that John, indeed, immersed in Water, but pou will be immersed in holy Spirit, after a few Days." 6 Thet, therefore, liav- ing come together, asked liini, saying, " Lord, wilt thou, at this timh, J re- store the kingdom: to Is- rael ?" 7 *Then he said to tliem, "It is not for you to know the Times or Seasons, vyhich tlie FATntu aji- pointed by his own AU' tliority. 8 But you shall Tccelva Power by the holy Spirit coming upon you; anil ;!:you shall be My Wit. iie«ses both in Jerusalem, and in All Judea, and in Samaria, and even to the Jesus. 7. Then ha t 2. ♦Vatican Mahdsceipt.— Tiite— Acts of Apostlks. said. t 1 Lukei SI. t 2. Mark xvi. 19; Lukexxiv. 51; ver. 9; 1 Tim. iil. 16. Matt "xiviii.19; Markxvi.l5; John xx. 21 ; Acts x. 41, 42. t 3. Mark xvi. 14; Luko xxiv.86; Jo}inxx.iy,26; xxi.1,14; lCor.xv.5. J 4. Lute xxiv. 43, 49. I 4. 'Lul6. 27; xv. 2(5; x'l. 7: A;N n._.S3. 15 Matt. ill. 11; Actsxi.10; xix. 4. JO. Isa.i.26; Amos ix. 11 ; Micah iv. 8; Acts hi. 21. t S. 0 vTiv 'as • John XV. 27; Acts ii. Si iliap. 1:9.] ACTS. iChap. 1 : 16. •ort oftho Iniiil. Auil thi^o il.iugshaTiag snW, lirho'uhug avrasv einjpOrf' icat I'^cpeXv) vire\a.l3iV avrovairo of themhcuaslillritipi aiiii a cluud wi.uJr>'>v liua fruin rrdov oOa/\.fjLoou avT'-iy. *" Kai ais ar^vi^ovTts the eyes ofil.nii. And m fixedly guziiig •qffav CIS rov ovpavov, irofnvo/xfvou avrouy Kai tliey wereiuto the hc fruui you into the heAtrn, U'JVy ouTws eAeyfrerai, 6v rpoTToj/ eGfaaraaO^ thus will comCy which m:inncr you saw avToy TTOpevo^evov 6ts rov ovpavov. ^'" Tore him gull"? into tt'e heaven. Then VTre(TTpf\pav eis 'lipoi/TaATjfX otto opovs rov they returned into Jeru^j-ilatii from a Luoiiu:alTi that icaXov/jLcvov EXaiccfos, 6 tcrriv eyyvs 'lepouara- being callvJ of uQve treee, whioh is near Jerusalem, \i]jj., aajiBo.Tov e^ov doov. ^^Kat dr^ eLcrrjX- aa^bbath bein^ dLjlantjouruey. And when they came 00V, ay€0-r)(Tau eis ro inrepo'ov, oo rrrav Kara- into, they went up into the upper rouui, wliere were re- /xtvovres, 6, re Herpos Kai Iukw^os, kui laav- uiaiuiug, the, both Peter aud James, and John UT]S Kai Av^peas, ^iXitttcos Kai Qwuas, and Andrew, Philip and TUomaa, BapOoXo/xaios Kai MarGaioy. laKcc^ov AX(pat- li.Trtbolt.mew and Matthew^ Juiues ofAlphe- ov Kai Si/uojv 6 ^rjXrcrrjs Kai lovdas laKoifiov. us al^io StLiton the tealot and Judaa of James. ^'^Oiiroi iravTes T](rav TrpocTKaprcpovvres 6/j.r>0v- ThCoC all were btiug cuustantly cu^'aged wiihoue fxa^oy T-p TrpoacvxVi f^^ yvyai^i, Kai Mapia rr/ Diiud iu the prayer, with women, and Uary th^ ^7]Tpi rov Itjotou, Kai trw rois a^sXcpois avrov. mother oftho Jes, Jshnll so come in tlie uunner iu wliicli you s«'.v liiui j^o in- to the HKAV>;?JS." 13 JThvn tliey relnrned to Jerusalem, from that Mountain CAi.i.KD the Mount of Olivi s, which is near Jerusalem, being dis- t;int a Sabbath-day's Jour- ney. 13 And when thry came into tlie City, they went up into the upi'kr room, w iK're were reniaitung both rKTKK aud * John, an(i J;uiie3 and Andrew, Ph.ilif and Thomas, iiaitholoine\r and Matthew, Jaiiu s tin son of Ali)lieufi, and Simoi t)ie ZEALOT, aud Judas tin brother cf:Jaiiits- li All these wore con. stantly engaged wi'h on« mind iu I'KAiKR, witii th( Women, and with M^rj the MOTiiKR of *Jesus, aud with his r>iu)Tiiv.H.s. 15 And in tin se days, Peter standing up in tlm Midst of the *nnKTiiRKi\, (the Kumbcr of I'erscu:! assembled were about a hundred and twenty,) said, 16 " Brethren, it was necessary for *thc scki''- Ti.RE to be fulfilled, J whicli the HOLY SPIKIT, through the mouth of David, fore- told concerning that Ju- das iwhoBKCAME a G'lide * Vatican Maxuscbipt.— 13. John, and Jnmes and Andrew. 14 Jesus. 15. BBBTHUBN, Haid. 16. ThC SCBIPTIIRE. t 11. Dan.vii. 13; Matt, xjciv. 30; Markxiii.26; Liikexxi.27; Johnxiv.3; 1 ThesR. 1. 10; Iv. 16; 2 Thess. i. 10; Kcv. i. 7. I VI. Luke xxiv. 5i. t 16. Pea. xU. 0; Jolm xiiL 18. 1 16. Luke xxii. it i JoliJi i\ iu. a. Oiap. 2: 11.] ACTS. iTriSrjfiovvres 'Pco^atoi, loudaioi re Kai irpocn]- sojouming Eomang, Jews both and prose- \uToi, ^^ KoTjres Kat A/mjSes, aKouofiev \a\ovy- Jytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear speaking Tcu;' avTup rats Tj/j-erepais y^ccaaais ra /x^ya- them in the our tonjjues the great Keia rov Q^ov; ^'^T.^icnavro Se TraJ/res Kai Sitj- thinga of the God? Were astonished and ill and per- TTopovv^ aXKos TTpos aXKov Aeyoi^res' Tt av plexed, one to another saying What deXoi TOJTO €ivai ; ^^ Erepoi Se SiOX^f"aCo^T€S will this to be? Others but dcndiny €\eyov' 'Ort yXevKovs fxejxe(TToofxevoi. atri. said; That sweet wine haviujbeen flUei *liey are ^■^ ^Ta9eis 8e Herpos it Peter with the eleven, lifted up rrjy ^uiviju aiirovy Kai aire(p9€y^aT0 avrois. the Toice of himself, and said to them. Ai/Spes lov^aioiy Kai ol KaroiKovyres 'lepoucra- Men Jews, and those dwelling in Jerusa- ATj/i airavT€Sy tovto v/jliv yucacTTOV efrrw, Kai lem all, this to yoa known let be, and €Vci)Ti(ra(rQe to p-qfxara fiov. *^ Ow yap^ ws linteayou the word* of me. Not for, as v/xeis viroXaix^avere, obroi fj.c-9vov(Tiy ecTTi yap you suppose, theie are drunk; it is for wpa rpiTT) T7JS 7]fJiepas' ^® oAAa tovto hctti to hour third of the day; but this it __ that €iprjiLL€VOJ/ 5ia Tov '7rpo airo tov irvev/JLaTos fJ.ov firi Traaau God, I willi>ouroutfrom of the spirit of me upon all capKa' Kai TTpoa77A(Tai, o/coi/;;<>»> (nhioh did through biia the €eos ey fx^crco v^ovy Kadus *[^Kai'\ aurotoiSare,) God in midiit ofyo . ai [alao] jourtelves you know,) ^ rovTOV rri upKr/iifVT) 0ou\r) KUt vpoyywcrei thii by tbt having been tiited purpose aiMl foreknowledge rov deov eKSoroy AxiSovres, Sia \fipcav avo- ofthe Gud given up having been taken, by baniU of law- fi(vy irpoa-mj^ayret ayciXare, ^^ 'Om 6 Beos lets one« liavinfr afhxed to you killed. Whom the God az/ecTTjcre* Kvcras ras uSiyas rou Oayarov, raised upi havingloosrd the pains ofth« death, KaOoTi ovK 't]V SvvaTov KpaTeirrdai avrou vtr^ Inasmuch as not waa pousible to be held bint under aVTOV. it. ^ Aawj5 yap Keyci €is avroV Upocepafiijv Pavid for saya concerning him^ t%\w TOV Kvplov eyoiiriou fiov diawayTaSy 6rt e/c Se^icoy the lord in presence of ii>e always, because at light hand /xou €(TTiVj iva It" (raXevOu}. •* Aia rovro of me he is, (o that uot I may be ehakaa. Through this cvcppayOr} 7) Kapdia fiov^ «ot riyaX\iah ofm« wili repose voxrei cV cATTtS ^7 ^^-j qvk tyKaraXeixpeis ia hope; because not thou wUt abandon T7JJ/ ipvxv' /"'"' *** 'adovy ouSe Swacis *' ' life ofuce to invisibility, nor th«a wilt abandon T SfTiov >v, Kai eibcvs 6ri bpKta A prophet therefore being, and knowingthatwitb'anoath O}fi0(rey avrcp 6 deoSy e/c Kaptrov rrjs ocrcpvos swore to him the God, out of fruit of the loin* avrov KaOtarai firi rou Qpovou avrov, ^^ Tlpoi- Sf him to cause to sit on the throne of him. foresee- 22 Israelites! hear thes« WORDS. Jesus, the Naza* KK.NK, a Man from God. celeliraced ainong you J by Miracles, aud Prodigies, and Signs, which God wron^ht through him in the Midst of you, as you yourseI\ es know ; 23 f)i'n» Jci^'en up by the FiXKD Counsel and I'oreknowledge of God, * by the Hand of Lawless ones, J you nailed to the cross, and killed; 24 J whom God raised up, having looscU the PAINS of death; as it was impossible to hold him under it. 25 For David says con- cerning him, X 'I saw the 'LoKD always before me, 'Because he'ls at my Right "hand, 8o that I may not "be moved. 26 'On account of this '*My heart rejoiced, and 'my TONGUE exulted; and 'moreover, my flksii also 'snauj posem Hope; S7 'because thou wilt 'not abandon my soul in ' Hades, nor give up thine ' HOLY ONE to see Corrup- ' tion. 28 'Thou didst make 'known to me the Ways of 'Life; thou wilt make me 'full of Joy witb thy 'countenance.* 29 Brethren ! I may speak to you, with free- dom, concerning the PA- TKiAECH David, that he both died and was buried, aud his tomb ia among us to this DAY. 30 Being, therefore, a Prophet, J and knowing Tiiat God swore to him with an Oath, that of the Fiuitof his loins he would cause one to sit upon bis Til&ONE ; • Vatican Mawuschipt.— 22. also— omi*. 23. by the Hand of Lawless ones, ^o* sailed to the crot>s aud killed. 20. My heaht. X 22, John iii. 2 ; xiv. 10, 11 ; Aet3 x. .SS. t 23. Matt. xxvi. 24; Luke xxii. 22; »ii» 44; Acts iii. IS: iv. 28. t '.'•!. Acts v. SO. t -H. vur. S".'. | 25. Psa. Xvi.S \ Sa. 2Sam.vii. 12, 13; Psa. cxx\ii. 11; Luke i. 32, 60; Koiu.i.8; 3 Tim. U.S. Chap. 2: 31.J ACTS; tcav eXoKria irepi rrjs ayaffraffews rov Xpiarov, iag he spoke concerning the resunection of the Anointed, oTi ov Kare\€i(pdTj eis 'otSou, ovSe t} aap^ that not be wm abandoned into invisibility, nor tl e Besh avrov etSe dtay fiovf the lord to the lord of me; Sit thon at right ha^d of me, •*ea>s av 6 ovofxaTi \t)s] ofthe perverse^' this. Ilhey indeed theretsre [gladly] [C^p. 2: 4l.. 31 foreseeing he spokfl concerning the KEsrsaEf;, TTOX of the Messiah, 'that he was not left in ' Hades, nor did his rtEsa ' see Corruption.' 33 God raised up thia Jesvs, X of which tot all are Witnesses, 33 Having been, there- fore, exalted to the bight HAND of God, $and hav- ing received from the ja- THEB the PROMISE of the * HOLY SPIRIT, J he poured out this which gou *both see and hear. 34 For David ascended not to HEAVEN, but he says himself, % ' Jehotah ' said to my Lobd, Sit thou ' at my Right hand, 35 ' till I put thine EX- 'EMiEs underneath thy 36 Therefore, let all the House of Israel certainly know, that This Jesus, whom jou crucified, IGoD made him both Lord and Messiah." 37 And having heard this, they were pierced to the HEAST, ana said to Peteb and tlie otheb Apostles, "Brethren! what shall we do ?" 38 And Peter said to them; }" Reform, and let each of you be immersed in the name of Jesus Clurist, for the Forgiveness *of your SINS; and yoa will receive the Giyx c{ the HOLY Spirit. 39 for the promiss is to you and % to your CHILDREN, and J to ALL who are far oif, as many as the Lord our God may call." 40 And with many Otli- er Words he testified and * exhorted them, saying, "Re you saved from this PERVERSE GENERATION." 41 Then those who re- 83. both see. 38. said — omit. Vaticaic Mamuscbipt.— 83. holt sfibi?. 88. ofthe SIRS. 40. exhorted them, saying. t 32. Acts i. 8. ., J 33. Acts V. 31 ; PhiLil.9; Heb.x.19. t 83. John riv. 26 ; xv. 28 ; xvi. 7, 13 ; Acta 1. 4. ^ X 34. Psa, ex. 1 ; Matt. xxii. 24 ; 1 Cor. xv. 25 ; Eph. i. 2(}— 22 ; Heb. i. 13 ; x. 12, 13. % 36. Acts v. 31. t 38. Luke xsiv. 47; Acts iii. 19. I SSk Acts iii. 25. J 3a Acts I. 45 ; xi. 15, 18 ; xiv. 2r ; xv. 3. 8, 14; Eph. ii. 13, 17, Chap. 2:42] ACTS. sxo5c|a/Acyo( rov \oyoy avroOf tPoimdffffsk^ kjiTisg rcccirad tk« word ofhiM, wtiu dipftii Kcu -KpoiTertOriaav rr/ ^/xcpf CKtivrf tl^vx** i>><1] ■rri K\ayt f0aropfvoixfvwy fis ro Upov. **Oj (roB thasa entering into the temple. ' Who iChap. 3: 2. CKiVKD his WORDS were immersed ; «nd on that DAY about th.4ic thousand Souls were added. 42 t And they were con- stantly attending to the TKACUING of the APOS- TLES, and to the t con- tribution, and to the BRKAKINO of the liOAF, and to the praykrs. 43 And Fear came upon Every Soul; and J Many Prodigies and Sij^ns were done through the apos- TLBS. 44 And ALL the be- lievers X* lia^ all things common together; 45 and sold their pos- sessions and GOODS, and divided them to all.asany one had Need. 46 And constantly at- tending with one mind Jin the TKMPL8 every day, and breaking Bread at Home, they partook of Food in Joyfulness and Simplicity of Heart; 47 praising God, and having Favor with all the PEOPLE. And I the Lord daily added those beinq SAVED to the CONQEEaA- tion. CHAPTER III. 1 Now Peter and John were going up together into the te&iple, at the HOUR of prayer, being the NINTH hour. 2 And a Certain Man, lame from his Birth, was being carried, whom they plac&i daily at I that gate of the temple which is CALLED Beautiful, to ask Alms of those bn^ TERiNG into the temple; 44, had all things conimou together; * Vatican MaNcacRrpT. — 12. and— vpa, ^ Kai €|oAA.o- ofhim the feet and the ankle-bones. And leaping p-cvosy eo'TTj, Kat irepieTraTer Kat €i(rr]\d€ trvv np, be stood, and walked; end entered with avTOis 6/$ TO UpoPy TTepiTraTotv Kai aWo/uifuoSy them into the temple, walking and leaping, Kai aivcav tov Oeov, ^ Kai etSei' avTov iras 6 and praising the God, And saw him all the Aooy -irepiiraTovyra Kai cuvovvTa tov Qeov people walking and praising the God; *'* iirey ivcoaKou re avTov^ Oti ovtos t/v 6 irpos they knew and hito, that he was who for Ttiv eXeij/MoawTji' KaOvfxevos ziri tt; wpaia irvXr} the alma sitting at the beautifuL cate rov lepov KOI €T\7]a9r](ray 0a/j.fiovs Kai t-Kra- of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amaze- (Teais iiriTcp (Tvfj.^e^rjKOTi avrw, ^^ Kparovvros ment at that baviu^ happened to him, Holdinefast St avTOV rov Herpov Kai loiavvTjVf cvyedpafxe and ofhuD the Peter and John, ran together TTpos avTovs iras 6 \aos ctti tt? cttocs rr/ KaXov- to them all the people to the porch that being /j.€vri ^oXofxwvoSy fKOafx^oi. ^^ISwv Se Herpos sailed of Solomon, awe-»truck. Seeing and Peter arreKpivaro vpos rov Xaov AvSpes IffpariXiTaif answered to the people; Men Israelites, Ti 0au/ta^eT€ €7ri rouTqtf ; r.rnxLvri areui^ere, why do you wonder at this? or to us why lookyou earnestly, MS i5ia Swa/uL^i ri euce/Setct TreTroiTj/cocrt tov as by own power or P>azement at what had HAPPEN ED to him. 11 And while he held fast to Peteb and John, All the PEOPLE ran toge- I ther to thera, into that ' POETICO X which is CALL- ED Solomon's, greatly as- tonished. 12 And *Peteh seeing it> answered the people, "Isr^iciitesi why do you wonder at this ? or why da you Jcgk intently at Us, as though by Our Power or Piety we had caused him to walk. 13 $ The God of Abra- ham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fa- thv;rs, glorified his ser- vant Jesus, whom you Vaticas Mandscbipt. — 0. rise up and— omit. Fkteb. t & Acts iv. lOw to. Acts iv. 16, 21. ActsT.aO. 7, him. 7> his fekt. 12. X 11. John X. 23; Acts v. 12. t li 'C/tap. 3.: 14] ACTS. f CSiap. S : Z3 icar«, Kai T}pyr}od asked tracrOe aydpa ipovta KaniVi **'0 yuu did, as alio the rulers rfyou. The 3e dfos a vpoKaTTjyytiKe 8«a crrofiaros vapruu but God what be foretold through mouth of all - T(iQT]vai vfiavTas turn you, in order that the to be wiped out of you the o/^aprias, tirwi a» eKdwO'i Kaipoi avaxf/v^fws avo ain^ that m^y come eeuout of refreshing from irpocwirov .tov Kvpiov^ ^ Kat aTrocTcfXp rov face of the lard, and be may send him itpoK^x^'^P^^t^^''^^ •I'/xf*' lr](rovy Xpiarov' ^' 6v having been before deatined for you Jesus AnoiDted; Irhom Zti ovpavov fiey Se^atrBai axpi XP^*'^^ airoKa-^ niutt beavea indeed to reoeiv* till times of restora- TOv air' aiw- moutb ofthe holy ofbimaelf prophe's from ••> vos.- . ^ MwucTTjj fifv *[Trpo5 Tovs ^rarfoaj] age. Motes indeed [to the falK^rs] ♦iirev 'On vpo'cpTjTT^y v/xtv avaTTriTu Kvpios & said; That a prophet to you shall raiie up lord the €eos vfJMV, (K Ttov adiX be given you, ; 15 andkilledthcFiKNCK of LIFE; whom God raised from the Dead, of whicL tue are Witnesses. ^ - 16 And by the rATTJi" of his NAMK, this NAMB strengthened This Man, whom you beliold and know;_ and that faitu, through liim, gave hini (his tEHFECT SOUNDNESS in the presence of you all. ■17 And now, Brethren,' I know That in {Igno- rance you did it, as also your RULERS. • »• 18 But God thus fulfil- led Jwliat he 'oretold by, the Mouth of All 'the I'BOPHETS, ttiiat Ilis AR- OINTED should suffer. ■ 19 J Reform, tiierefore, and turn, that Your 8iN3 may be blotted out; bo that Seasons of Refresh- ment may come from tho Presence of the Lord, 20 and he may send hin HAVING BEEN BETORB DESTINED for JOU, Jcsna Christ; 31 whom, indeed, Ilea* ven must retain till tha Times of Restoration of all things which God spoke by tlie Mouth ofnisHOLT Prophets, from of Old. 22 Moses indeed said, t'The Lord your God shall 'raise up to you, from your. 'BEETUEEN, a Prophct,, 'like me; Him you shall 'hear in all things which ' he may speak to you ; 23 'and it shall be, £v- 'ery Soul which may not 'hear that prophet, shall ' be destroyed from amonj 'the PEOPLE. • ViTiCAji MAHO«c«irT.— 13. him— omif. of Kit BOLT. 22. to the »ATBBUS— omif. IS. the PBorHETS bia AiioiifTBD. StJ t Johnxvill,*); xlx. 15t Acts' t IS. Matt. xxtU. 20; Mark xv. U ; Luke xxiil. I.S, 20, 21 ; JohnxviU,*); xlx.lSt Acts' xlli. 28. t 16. Actglv. 10. I 17- Luke xxiii. 34; John xvi.3: Acts xlll. 27; 1 Cor. ii.8; ITim. i. I'L : IS. Lnkexxlv. 44; Acts x:ivi. 2J. t 18. Pt». xxii.; Isa. liii. i l)aii.ix.20: iPeVi. lO^lI. ,1 ig. ActsiiSS. t 22. Deut xvui. 16, 1& lOi Acts* '•U.37. ■ Chap 3; 24. AOTSw earth. servant vjxaSy rat K Tov Kaov, -'*Kai Travres Se ol Trpocptj- out of the people. Also ail and the prophets Tai OTTO 'SafjLOuriK Kai rojy /ca0e|7js dcroi e\a\7}- from Samuel and those Buccceding as many as spoke, (Tav Kai KarrjyyeiXay ras rj/xepas ravras. also told of the days these. 2^ ''\'/jL€is e(rTe ot vioi ray npo(pT}r(ay, nai r-qs You are the sons of the prophets, and of the Stc9T?/c7is, 71$ SieOero 6 deos TTpos TGvs iraTepas covenant, which ratified the God to the fathers fifiayy keyuy irpos Afipaafx- Kai cy rw (nrfpfiari ofus, saying to Abraam; And in the seed (TOV cyevAoyrjOrjcroyTai iraaai at Trarpiai ttjs of'hee shail be blessed all the families of the 26 'TfjLiy irpcaTov 6 deos, ayacrrricras Toy To you first the God, having raised up the avTov, aire(TT€i\ev avroy ^uKoyovyra of himself, sent him blessing €V TC{} aTroffTp^p^iy ^kucttov airo Twy you, in the to turn each ona from the ■novr\pi(ay *\yixo}y.'\ evil deeds [of you.] KE*. 5'. 4. * Aa\ovyTa>y Se avrwy irpos tov Xaoy., Kai Speaking and ofthem to the people, and cTreo-TTjo-aj/ avTOis oi lepeis Kai b (TrpaT-qyos tov came upon them the priests and the captain of the Upov Kai 01 :^addovKaioiy '^ Siairoyov/xfyoi 5ia temple and the Sadducces, being grieved through "■3 SiSao-Keiy avTovsToy\aoVj Kai KaTayy^Weiv the to teach them the people, and to announce 67/ TCf} Irjcrov T-qy avaaracrif Tr\y ck yeKpwy. '.-.i the Jesus the resurrection that out of dead ones. ^Kai eTre^a\oy avrois Tas x^'P^^j '<^"' edevTO And they laid on them the hands, and put €ts T-np-qcTiy eis T-t]v avpioy inv yap ^(nrepa tjStj. nto keeping to the morrow, it was for evening novf. , ■* UoWoi Se Toiy uKovtrayTwy tov \oyoy eirttr- Many butof those having heard the word be- Tevaav Kai eyfyrjOr] 6 apiQixos tccv aySpcuy wcrei lieved; and became the number of the men about YjA-taSes 7revT6. ^EyeyeTO Se eiri T-qy avpioy ffvv- thoutand five. It happened and on the morrow lo be axQT]vai avTcoy Tovs apxovTas KanrpefffivTepovs assembled of them the rulers and elders Kaiypafifx.aT€i5 eis 'Upova-aXvH-' ^ Kai Kyyay tov and scribes at Jerusalem; also Annas the apx^ep^a, Kai Kaia. 4: 8.] AOl'S. [C?!ap 4: i?. Toi/TO v/icis ,- ^Tort TleTpos irXricOeis Trvfvjxa- thi« youf Then I'clcr being filk'd withnpirit Tos ayiou, eiire irpos aurovs' Apxovrts tov huly, •ai'4 to thfuii Uiilrrs of the \aov, Kai Trpfcr^vTfpoi *[Teu lapariK,^ ^ fi-}]/j.eis people, and chirrs [oftUe Israel,] if we crriuepoy avaKpivofXiOa (m fuepyfaicf, audpwwov to-TroiSj €y 'tfi Set awOriyai r]/xas. m<'n, inwhich mut}t to be saved us. ^'^OeaipouyTes 5s Trjy tov Uerpov xapf)T](Tiav Seeing and the of the Peter boldness Kai Iwayvov, koi KaTaKa^o^^yoiy 6ti aydpwwoi and of John, and having pcrceivud, that men aypaufxaToi (lat Kai iSicoTai, eOav/xa^^oy, eireyi- UL.learned theyareand ungiftcd, they wondered, they vaxTKoy T6 auTous, 6ti (tvv tw \y] raised from the Bead, by f)iin has this man stood belore you whole. 11 J This is 'THAT STONE 'which HAS BEKN KK- 'JKCTED by You, the 'builders, that which • HAS become the Head of Hie Corner.' 1'2 And there is no sal- VATio.N in iuiy other; for there is no other Name under heaven, which HAS BEEN GIVEN among Men, by which we can btt saved." 13 And seeing the bold- of Peieu and John, tand perceiving that they were illiterate and ungift- td Men, they wondered, and recognized them That they had been with Je- sus. 14 And beholding that MAN who had been cueed standing with them, they had nothing to say against it. 15 But ha^•ing ordered them to withdraw from the SANHEDniM, they con- ferred with each other, IG saying, I "What shall Me do to these men ? for that, indeed, a SigmJ Sign has been wrought by them, is manifest to All those DWELLING in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it. 17 But that it may spread no further among the people, let us tlireat- Vatican Manuscbipt. — 8. of Israel — omit. 17. with a threat — omit. : 8. Lukesii.11,12. t 10. Acts iii. 6. 16. I 10. Actp-i. 24 •^sviii. '2-2; Isa.xy.\iii. 16; Matt. xxi. 41. t 13. Matt, xi.25: 1 Cor. i. 27 John xi. 47. ^3^ X U. Ps.1. t 16. Chap. 5: 1.] ACTS. 'Cliap. 5: 9. apyov, TTwArjcrau' riveyKe ro xpvi^'^s, '^'^^ €dT]ice a tieUl, having- sold brought the price, »ud placed Trapa tovs irodas Ttav airocTToKcov at the feet of the apostles. KE*. s'. 5. ^ Aurip de ris Avavias ouofx-aTi, trvv 'Xair Bfot. not thou hast lied to men, but to the God„ ^ Akovcov 8e 6 Avavias rovs \oyovs tovtovs. Having heard and the Ananias the words these, irecrcop €^e\pv^e. Kat eyeyero (po$os fieyas eiri felling dovra breathed out. And came a fear great oa •n avras rovs aKovovras vauro. ^ Avaaravr^s Se all those having hearf 'hese. Having arisen aad ol vearrepoi curecTefX-cv avrov^ Kai e^eveyKav- the younger ones wrapped up him, uud having cjuried res eda^pav. ^ ILyevero 5e is wpcvy rpitav hia- cut they buried. It happened and about hours three apart, (rTQixCi Kat T] yvvr\ avrov jj.rj (iBvia ro yeyo- and the wife of him not havingknowB that having vos eiffr]XOev, ^ ATr^KpiQi) Se outt? 6 Herpos^ been done came in. Answered and to her the Peteri EtTTe /xoi, ct roa-ovrov ro x^^P^ou aTreSoaOe ; *H Tell me, if for so much the land you sold? She Se 6nre° Na« roffovrov. ^'O Se Tierpos etTre and said ; Yes for so much. The and Peter said TTpos avrriv Ti 6ri ffvv^.i rov audpa (Tov, eirt rri 6vpa, Kai t^Oiffovai ere, the husband of thee, at the door, and tbey wUicarrytTj't^i;? it, and bronglit the won et, and laid it at the vkk'i oi the APOSTLES. CHAPTEK V. 1 And a certain Mati, Ananias by name with Sap- pliira his WirB, sold ua Estate, 3 and appropriated a part of the pkick, *li;a WIFE also knowing of it; and having brought a cer- tain part, X laid it at tho XEET of the A POSTLES. 8 X But Peter said, •' An- anias, why has the J a u- VERSAEY filled thine HEART to deceive theHuLY SPIRIT, and to appropriate a part of the P£ic£ of the LAND? 4 While remaining nn- soli was it not tliine r and when sold, was it not at thine own disposal? Why la it tliat thou hast admitted this thing into thine HEART? Thoa hast not lied to Meu, but to God." 5 And Ananias, hsv» ing beard these worus^ J fell down, and expired. And great Fear came on al^ THosB who H£ASi> these things. 6 Then the totjnger disciples arising, $ wrapped hiin up, and canjing him out, buried him. 7 Audit occnrred after an interval of about caree Hours, his wipe nlso come in. not knowing WHAT had been done. 8 And * Peter answered her, " Tell me whether you sold the LAND for £9 much ?" and shb saic^ 'Yes. for so ninch." 9 And Peter said to her. '• Why have you agreed to- gether Jto try the spirit of nc Lord ? Behold, the FEEx of 'iHOSK who have feeea aUKiiNO ihy bus ^/ivy. d,;b at the Dcoii. and they Kiii' cairy thee out." ? Vatican Manuscript.— 2. the wipe. 8 ^e'^^er X 2. Acts iv. 37. t S.^Num. xx\ 2s Deut< xxHi^"^).' KccL v i. 5, ver.,10.11. J 6. Judges six. 40. t fr Matt, iv- >. f » Ltjke ^sii. Chap. 6: 10.] ACTS. *®Eireo"6 Be iraoaxpOf'La vapa rovs iroSaj avrov^ She fell and iuiinoliaiily at tlie fcut ot'liiiii, ATOt 6^6»|'y|er' eio-f Aflo^'res Se o< VcavKTKot tvpov Ki<e being troubled by spirit* iaipurei whom fdepai evovTO airavTCS, ^^ Avacrras Se 6 apx^e- wert healed all. Bating arisen and tha higli- pei/s feat Tavres oi avu outo,', t] cvcra alpeais pneat and all those with hioi, the being sect rccy 2o58oi»Kai«»', €Tr\7]a the tcuple Ty A.CWJ iravTa ra (trjuara f-qs C^^rjs ravrrjs. to the people all the words of the life Miu. [aiap. 5: P(» 10 And 8be M\ down immediatily at his sk^.t, and expired; and the YOUNG MEN coming in, tound her dead, and hav- ing carried her out, buried her by her husband. 11 t And great Fear cameon the Whole ASSFM- BLT, and on all those who HEARD these thin<,'s. 12 J And many Signs and Prodigies «-ere pertbrnied among the peoplk by the HANDS of the APOSTLES — (and they were ail with ono mind in Solomon's POExr* co- ls and of the kest, no one presumed to urite himself to them ; J but the PEOPLE magnitied thcra; 14 and Believers were added the more to the i.oRD, Multitudes both oi Men and Women;)— 15 60 that they brought out the SICK * tveu into the OPEN sQUAUEs, and laid them on Beds and Coachs, that at least the SHADOW of Peter, coming along, Biifrht overshadow Bomeof them. 16 And the muxtitudk came together e\ en from the CITIES surrounding Jerusalem, bringing Sick persons, and those troubled by impure Sj)irits; all of whom were cured. 17 And the high- priest arising, and All THOSE who were with hin^ —being the sect of the Sadducees,— were filled with Anger. 18 and laid hands on the apostles, and put them into the public Pri- son. 19 t But nil Angel of of the Lord, in the kjgiit, opened the doors of the PRISON, aad bringing them out said, 20 " Go, etand and speak in the temple vo the peo- I'LB All the worda of thig LIFE." • Vatican Manuscbipt. — 15.- even Into, 18. of them— onirt. t H. Actsii. «. xi\-. 17. t 12 Acts siv. 3 . \i.\. 1 1 ; Mom. sv. 19: 2 Cor.xii. ISk rfeb.ii.4. t 13. Acts ii. ■«; iv.21. i lU Acts iii 7 j ivi- 2ti. Chxip. 5: 21.] :acts. [Cltap. 5: 29. ^ AKOvcravres Se eicrriXOou viro tou opQpov eis to Having heard and they entered at the dawn into the iepoyy Kai eSidacTKOV. ecmple, and taught, Hapayevoueyos Se 6 apx^^p^vs Kai oi aw Having coma juid the high-priest and those with auTCj), (rvviKa\s(Tav to crvveSpLou Kai iraaav rriv him, they called together the high council even all the yepovcTiav rcav vlcav IcrpaiqA, Kat CTrco'TeiAaj' eis senate ofthe sons Israel, and tent into TO Secr/tiWTTjpto*', axOr]vaL avTOiS. ^Oi 5e vitt]- the prison, to have brought them. The but offi- perat Trapay^vofx^voi ovx ^vpov avTous fV tt) ters having gone not found them in the (puXaKT)' auacTTpe-ipavTes Se aTTTjyyeiAai', ^ \ey- prisonj having returned and reported, Kay- oPTes' 'Ort TO *[ij.€U^ SiafiwTTqpiov evpofxev Ks- bg; That the [indeed] prison we found hav- xKeKfjJi^vov €V TracTT} o(r<^aA.eia, Kai tovs t(>v\a- standing before the doorsj having opened but, wit iiin ovSeua (bpOfJ.€V. ^"^'Hs Se ■t]Kovaav tovs Koyovs no ono we found. When and they heard the words TouTovs *[o, re lep^us Kai^ 6 CTparTjyos tov these [the, both priest and} the comaiander ofthe lepov Kai olapx^^P^'-^i^^V''''opovt/ irepi avrcoi/y ti temple and the high-priests, they doubted concerning them, what auyevoiTO tovto. ^^ lioLpay^vofxtvos 8c tis airr)y- mi'^htbe this. Having come but one told •yeiAev avTois' 'Ort iSou, oi aydp^s ovs eOeads them; That lo, the mea whom you put ei/ TTj To yap tou Aaoj', lua fir] not with Tioleucej they feared for the people, that not XiBaa-Qwcriv. ^ AyayovTcs Se avTovs ^(TTyjcrav ep they might be stoned. Having brought and them tbeystood in T(p cruus^piep. Kat eTrr]pa)T7] *le», said; To obey 5ei deep jxaXXop 7) audpwirois. ^'O deos it is necessary God rathef Iban men. The God 21 And having heari this, they entered into tht TEMPLE, early in the MORNING, and taught. X And the high-pkiest coming, and those ■w'ith him, called the sakhe- DKiM together, even All the SENATE of the sons of Israel, and sent to the PRISON to have them brought. 22 But the orrrcEKs going did not find them io the prison; and having re turned, they reported, 23 saying, "We found the PKisoN closed with All Safety, and the guards standing *at the dooks; but having opened them, we found no one within." 24) And when they heai'd these WORDS, J both the COMJI.ANDEK of the tem- ple, and the high- priests were perplexed concerning them, how this thing could be. 25 But some one having come, told them, " Behold, the MEN whom you put iu the PRISON are standing in the temple, and teach- ing the PKOPLE." 26 Then the COMMAK- BEE going away with the oiriCERS, brought them without Violence ; J for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned. 27 And having brought them, they stood bctbre the SANHEDRIM ; and the H I GH-pBiJSSX asktd them, saying, 28 * J"We charged yo« strictly not to te;icli iu tb J NAME, and behold, yon have filled Jerusalem with your TEACHING, and X wish to bring this JlAUJ'a BLOOD OU US." 29 And Peteb answ.fT- ing, and the apostles, saiti, J "It is necessai'y to oVicy God, rather thao Men. ♦ Vatican Marowjbipt.— 23. indeed— mnj?. 23. at the doobs. 2i. both the PRWSST, aud— omit. 2S. We cliarged joa strictly not. t 21. Acts iv. 5^0. t 21. Lvikexxii. 4; Actsiv.l. t 20- l^'-'tt. :iii. afe 4 23, Acts IV. 18. J 28. Acts ii. 23,ooi iii. 15; vii.oi. t 39. Acts iv. IU. Cuip. 5: 30.] ACTS. oflh* fatlii-r( ofu!» rxiM'l up Jesus, whom you l.iiJ violent haii'U upon, havuig hiin»cil on a crom hira 6 deos apxvyoi^ Kai (rwrripa vrpwcre tt; Se^ia the Gud aprince and a savior has lifteJuptoiheright hand a'jToVy Sovuai fifravoiav rw IcrparjXj Kai a fipaxv ri rovs all the people, ordered without a little while the airoffToXovs iron)(Tai. ^Enre re irpoc avrov apostles to be put. He said and to them i AydpfS laparfXirai, irpocrex^re kavrois^ cti rois Men Israelites, take heed to yourselves, to the audpcoirois rovrois ri fxeWere irpa terinc, and drew aw .y people [much] behind aurov KaKeivos air :\fr , Kai iraures ocroi eirei- aimselfi and he was destroyed, and all r.snianyaa lis- Qovt'j avTu>y SiiCKopiricr rjcray. ^Kai ravvv tened to him, were dispersed. And now A67Ci> vfiiVy airo h:i9 lilted up to his own Ki(;nT-iiAM>, t*to GiVK Relorniation to IsEAEL, and Forgiveness of Sins. 33 And fee are Wit- .1' sses * in him of tiicse TiiUNGS; land God pave the HOLY SPIKJT to THOSE wlio SUBMIT to him." 33 And THEY, having heard this, were enraged, and took counsel to kill them. 3 1 But a certain Phari- see in the samiedrim, named Gamahcl, a teacher ofthe law, honored by All the PEOPLE, standing up ordered •the men to be put out for a little time. 35 And he said to them, "Israelites! take heed to yourselves what you art about to do to these UF.y 36 For before These DAYS Thendas stood up, saying that he was gome- bodv; to whom a Number of Klen, aboiit four hun- dred, adhered; who was ])ut to death, and all, as many as obeyed him, were dispersed, and came to nothing. 37 After him stood up Judas the Galilean, in the DAYS of theKEGISTEElNG, and drew away veople after him ; and he was destroyed, and all, as many as obeyed him, were dis- pcrscd. 38 And Kow I say ta you, Keep away from tFicse MEX, anillet them alonej J Because if this couksel or this WORK be from Men, it will be ovcrthrowii; 39 but if it be from God, you are not able to over- throw thoni; be not you found fighters against God." • Vaticaw Mancsciiipt.— .'51. to Give. _ 32. in him of these »hings ; andOon pavg Ihe HOLY sriKiT toxuosE who SUBMIT to him. 51. the wen. 3". mucli— 'jw.*. t ."if). Artsiii. l", 15; yy-i 1 1. : ."^l. Litlie xxiv. 47; A.ts iii.26; xiii.SS, 4; X. 41. t 8-S. Piov. xxi. 30j Iba. viii. It); Watt. xv. 13. t 32. Acts. Chap. 5: 40.] ACTS. [CiLap. 6: 5. 07,Te ^^ E7r6ifr07?(rav Se auTw' Koi irpoaKa- should befound. They werepersuadecUnd by hiras and having cJed the »P-tle,. having beaten tbey com- r„L n"t to speak ia the nanie ofth.. ^-u, and Pleased them. Theyiudeedther,for« «-' Ko^^^r from ^re.ence of, he hi,h counc... because iTrep TOW oyo^laTOS Karrj^iwOvcrav ari^iaae-nvaL. iubehalfof the name they were accounted worthy to be d..honored. •♦- Uaaav re vtxepav ev to) Upov fcai kut oikov Every and day in the temple and at home ou/c ^TzavovTO SiSaa-KOvres Kai ^^^yJ^^'f^.'^ZI^t hot they ceased teachiug «nd announcmg 6'^ Uding. of IrjTovif TOV Kpis KaTaa■rv sus, and dismissed them. 41 Theit indeed theV went J rejoicing fi'om tha Presence of the sanhe- drim, Because ther were deemed worthy to be dis« honored on account of ths NAME. 42 tAnd erery Day, in the TEMPLE and at Home, they ceased not teaching and preaching the glad tidings *of the Anointeh Jesus. CHAPTEU VI 1 And in those days, the DISCIPLES increasing, tlu^re arose a Complaint, of the tJHELLENisTS against the Hebrews, Because tlieir WIDOWS were neg- lected in the % daily ser- vice. 2 And the twelve, having summoned the MULTITUDE of the DISCI- PLES, said, "Iti3 not pro per for us to leave Vci AvoED of God and serve Tables. 3 * Therefore, Brethren, look out from among your- selves, seven Men of good reputation, full of Spirit and Wisdom, whom ws may set over this busi- ness ; 4 but ft)f will constantly attend to prayer, and to the MINISTRY of the WORD." 5 And the proposition was pleasing to All the MULTITUDE ; and they selected Stephen, a man fullof I'aith and holy Spirit, and tPhilip, and Procho- rus, Nicanor, and Timon, and Pai-menas, and Nico- laus, a Proselyte of Anti- I och ; . 8. But, Brethren, we will • Vatican Manuscrift.— 42. of the Anointed Jesus, look out among you. + 1 Proselytes to the Jewish relipio,,. or foreign Jews who spoke the Greece language 1 Pet. iv. l:'., 16. . X 42. Acts u. 40. t 1- A' t> i.x. iU. a 5. Acts viii. 5, 20 : xii. »• % 1. Acts iv. Sd. Cfiap. 6: 6.] ACTS. " oJi ((rrriaay fvoj-moy twv airoaroXitjir Kai • liom they placed in pi uinre of the ap'>»ile«i a.ic frpo(Tfv^j./xeyoi tir^OtjKay auTois rai p^ci, as having priyed thry pu to tliem the h.-iudi, ' Ka* 6 \oyos rou ^€ou Tjvlavt, kw eTrXribv^TO And the word uf e God grew, and wu uiiiliiplied 6 apiOjios ruf fjLd^rj'^ay ty 'IfpovaaXrjfi ano^pa' the Dumber of the dikciplea in Jcru»e nves Tu-^y e»c tt/S avvaryd)- Stoodup and lome of tlioaefroui the syna- yqt rris AeyofiecT/j A'/Se^-^ij/ojf , Kai Kvpvyatcxyy tjogtic of t ha*, beingcnlled of Lib^r^re*, and of Cyreniaug, tCc* A\f^au5p€0}yf aai Twy airo Ka\iKias Ka<, and of Alexandri.^ns, a. d jf ;bn>e r .m Cilicia and AffiaSf av^TiTovyres rep "S-Tffpavw' ^^^ Kai ovk Asia, dinputing wita ac Stephen- and not irVdVfJLaTl cA.aXei. ^' Tore i-ne^aXtv avSpas, icryyoy avTi(TT7]yai ttj (ro(pia Kat were able to retint the wisdom aad with which bespok.. ''heii they thru«t imder men, Ae7c»'Tos* 'On aKVKoafx^'j avTO'j \a\ov,^TCs Plying; That we have h 'ird him speaking ^rifxaTa fi\aes or. ape-ikini; a^'aittsl Tou TOTTOV TOW dy lov Kai Tov y fJ.ov, ""^ Av^/coa- thc place of the holy and the a.. fe bnve heard fifi- yap svTou K^yovros' Ort nTovs 6 Ha^o) for him saving; Thai .'la the Naia- paios ovTos KaTa\u(Tei ro' ruirop tov: y^ Kai j-ene '"'- ' i. d--troy th- ..act thi.,, and aWa^ei va eflrj, a '/rap^ScoKey ri/Jiiy Mq)vos,s. r/il. -) ihw ■ ctoi .s, which delirered ton. Hoses. ^' Ka£ aTfv.cravTfs eis avrov cnrayres ol KaSe- Aud L'-.aTiug ;ascd on him all thos^ being ^ofj.eyoi cy rep (rvyf^ptcp, ciSoy ro vjyocru^iroy seated in the high-cuuncilt saw the Lace OKTow u(r(i "wpoautroy ayyfXov. •fhim like a face of a messenger. [Cfiap. 6: 15. 6 they Bct before thcAPosTLKS; Jandtlity, li.ning prayed, J laid HAND? ;.n them. 7 X And the 'Wokd ol God grew; and the num- iiKHof the DitiCiri.Es was ^;rcatly multiplied in Jeru-- salem ; and« preut Crowd of the t PHiisx3 obeyed the TAITH. 8 And Stephen, full of Favor and Power, per- formed Prodigies and great Signs among the peopli;. 9 And there arose so:>ie 0.. THAT SYN AGOGUK W llieh ia CALLED of the + Lilicr- tines, and of the Cyr^nians and Alexandrians, and of THOSE from Cilicia and Asia, disputing with Stk- PHEJf r ..0 ?.Bd tthey were .-lov able to resist the ■wisdom and the spibit with whieh he spoke. 11 Then they bribed Men to say, " Wo .'lave hv-aid him apeak blasjihenious Words against Mosea and God." 1 2 And they excited the PTori.i', and the eldebs, and the.scKiBEs; and com- ing suddenly, they seized him, and led him into the SANHEDKIM; _3 and introduced la-se Witnesses, saying, 'TIds MAN is incessantly speak- ing against the holy PLACE, and 'he law, 14 Jfoi we have beard him say, That this Jteus, llie K AZAUENE, X will d( s- tr y this place, and Mill change the cxj^stoms which Moses ieiivered to us." 15 And al:- those BF,T>'o SEATED in the SAMIE- ORiii, looking steadily at him, saw his faci., like Ihe lace of an AngeL t ■ . The number u'the prirsta must have been quite larpc about this ime, -,8 . ap'-eara Trom Ezra ii. 3<'»— .31), that 4-2.V priPst s rotuaiod frnin tlie c.ipti vitj. f . These pei-sona F!":ni ■" -J have bci'u Jews, who having been carried captive to Romp, were fieetl by their masters, and tluis became/rtercf-Bien. Some thiuk ^it'jr received their name from jhe placa where they lived.— Owen. t 6. Acts 1. Si. x\\. -^s; xix. 20. ii. -^0; Mart. xxil. i a Act8xUi..'J; P Tim. 'v. 14 • . 52 ; 1 Tim. 1. I t 10. Lukexxi. IC; v. 3U. i li. Aet8:..iT.S :; 7. Aoti Chap. 7: l.j ACTS. KE*. i'. 7. ^Ef7re Se 6 apxiepeus, Ei*[apa] rauTaouTws Said and the high-priest, If [then] these Ihiuj* thus ^X^'-' ^'^ ^^ ^^''J* Aj/Spes o5eA.<^ot Ktti 7roT6p6y, are? He and said; Men brethren and fatberi, awroucraTe. 'O 0eos ttjs So|7JS w4>677 rc^ irarpi hearyou. The God of the glory appeared to the father 7]/}i/ A^paufj. ovri ey rri MecroTrora/ma, trpiv 7} ofu» Abraham being in the Mesopotamia, before KaTOLKr,aai avrov ev Xap^av ^ Kai etTre irpos to dwell him in Charran; and said to avToif' E^eA0fc €/c ttjs yrjs crov, Kai f/f rrjs himj Go out from the land of thee, and from the (Tuyyeveias (Tov, Kai Sevpo €is yv^y V^ <*'' C" kindred of thee, and come into a laud, which to thee 8et|aJ. ^ Tore e^s\9cou e/c yrjs XaASatwv, Karc- I msy show. Then going out from land of Chaldeans, he dwelt i K-qcrev €1/ "Kappav KaxciBeu, fiera TO airoQav^iv in Charran; and theuce, after the to have died rov irar^pa avrov, fi^r^'KiCTfi/ avrov eis rrjy the father ofhiin, he ciused to remove him into the yriv ravr7]p, eis rjV vjj-eis vvv KaToiKeire' ^ Kai ^and this, in which you now dwell j and ovK. edooKey avr(p KKripoyofxiav fv avr-pj ov5e not he gave to him inlientajice in .her, noteven /3rj,aa iro^os' Kai ewriyyuXaro avrrp Sovvai eis ' loot-bre;>iUh; and he promised to him to giie for KaracTX^'^'^'' avrajy, Kai ry (nrepfxari avrov ficr^ » possession her, „ndtothe seed of him after avroy, ovK ovros avraj TeKVOV. ^'E\a\-r](re be him, not being to him a child. Spok.t and ovTU'S 6 6eos' 'On ecrrat to ffircp/xa avrov thus the God; That shall be the seed of hira TrapoLKOu ep yrf aWorpia, Kai SovXcMXTovo'ti/ a stranger in aland fuii;iL,u, and *Jiej will enslave ai»TO Kai KaKcaTovtriv errj rerpaKocria' ^ Kai ro it and they will oppress years "ur hundred; and the fdyos, V ^'^^ Soi'XeufrcDO'i, Kpivco eyo*, eiTrev nation, to which they may be enslaved, will judge I, said 6 060$' Kai fiera ravra f^^Ki^vaovrai^ Kai the God; and after these things they shall cu me out, and \arp€v(Tov(ri fioi ei' rep Toirca rovrcf, ^{Kai Bhallrender service to me in the place this. (And eScofcej/ avrca hiaQ-r)K-t]V frepiro/J.Tjs' Kai ovrcos he "ave to him a covenant of cuxumcision; and this €yeyv7icr€ rov Icaa/c, Kai ir^pier^ixiv avrov rrj he begot of the Isaac, and circumcised 'lim the [aiap. 7: 8. CILVPTER VII. 1 Then the HIGH-PRIEST said, "Are these tilings so ?" 2 And HE said, J "Breth- ren and Fathers, liearken ! The GLOKious God ap- peared t to our FATHER Aliraham, M"heu in Meso- poTAMiAjbefore he resided in Haran, 3 and said to him, J' De- part from thy countky, and from thy kindred, and come into *the land which I will show thee.' 4 Then J going out from the Land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran; from thence also, t'llter the death of his EATHEE, he removed Mm in1o this LAND in which gou now dwell ; 5 and gave him J no in- heritance in it, not even the breadth of his Yoct ; t but he promised to give it to him for a Possession, and to hvs seed after him, though he had no Child. 6 And God spoke tln,s, J 'That his seed should be a Stranger in a foreign Land; and that they wili enslave and oppress ii J four hundred years ; 7 and the natiox to which they shall be en- slaved X ! will judge,' said God, 'and after that, they shall come out and serve me in this placi.' 8 JAnd he gave him a Covenant of Circumcision ; Jaudthus he betjot Isaac, and circumcised him the • Vaticau Manuscript. — 1. then— omi#. 3. ■"" land. t 2. It seems probable hat tepben here followed the Jewish tradition, (adopted by j.4iilo,) that God appeared twice to Abraham,— 1st, when liviner in Chaldea, and I'dly, when resident in Haran. He left Ur at the call, and came te Haran with his father Terah, (Gen. xi. 31 ;) he left Haran at the second call, and came into the promised land. In this way the account harmonizes with the call as narrated in Gen. xii. 1: "Now the Lord had said unto Abraham," &c. t 4. By recurring to Gen xi. 26, 32, and xii. 4, it will appear that Terah lived 60 years after the removal of Abraham, and yet h^re be is said to have died before Abraham left Haran. Unless with some we suppose Abraham to have been the youngest of T«rah'ssons, and born when his father was 130 .years old we must presume that Stephen followed some traditionary account of the transaction.— Oicfn. The Samaritan copy makes the ago of Terah at his death to be 145, or 60 years less than the Hebrew text. t 2. Acts xxii. 1. t 3. Gen xii. 1. t 4. Gen. xi. 31 ; xii. 4, 5. J 5. Keb. xi. 13. t 5. Gen. xH.7; xiii. 15; xv. 3, IS; xvii. S; xxvi. " ; Heh. xi. 8, 9. J «. Gen. XV. 13, 16. t 6. Kxod. xii. 40 ; Gal. iii. 17. J 7- See Exod. vii— xi. t 8. Gen. Vvii. 9—11. t S. Gen. xsi. 2— 4« Citaj). 7 ; 9.j ACTS. [CIiap.T: 17. fiiUfpa ry oySori' Kat 6 laaaK tov laKci)^, Kai 61 f^if^nTU datj and Isaac, aireSouTO patriarchs einyin;; the Ju»eph cold (IS AiyuTTToi/' Kai r\v 6 deos fXer' avroVf ^^ Kai into F-i;yptl Aud nasthe Gud Hilh him, and *|€jAeTo avToy e/c irarfwu roou QKi'^twif avTov, dehvrred kiiu out of all of the afllu Uuua of him, Kai (dwK€U auru) x°P"' 'f'*' ao(piau evaynccp /ml gave to hiin f«\ur a!td wibduiu in prp»>ence ^apaco ^acrtXkcvs Ai'vutttov, Kai KaTearTjcey ofPhaiaoh kin» ofEirypt, and pl.iced ^uTou riyovfieyoy fvr' AiyvtrTov Kai 6\ou tov him ruling over ^^pt ^od whola the OlKOV aVTOV. Aoube ofhiuikelf. ^' HA0e 5e Kiiulos ecp' dXrjV rriv yTjj/ KiyviTTOv lame and a faiiiiue on whole the land ofEi;jpt KaiX-avaap, Kai6\i\yis /J.eya\r]' Kai ovKevpiaKou and Canaan, aud atlUction great; and nut found Xopraay.aTa ot varepes tj/ulccv. ^^ AKov(ras Sc provuions the fathers of us. Ilavin*; heard and laKcafi ovra aira ev Aiyvwrcj), e^a-n-eareiAe tovs JaC)b being gram in Egypt, he sent the Trarepas i]fiwv TrpccTov. ^^ Kai cv rep tevrepai fathers of us firbt. And in the second aveyvoopiadf] lcc(TT)(p rois aSeAepois auTov, Kai known to liis bkutukks; w !!• made knuvNn Joseph to the brothers ofliimsrlf, and (pai'fpoy eyeveTorev 4>apa(a to y^vos tov lw(rri Kaip(p e-yevuir th.itnot they might be preserved. In wliich eeason was born ^Tj MovcrriSy kcli r]U acrreios rep 6e(p' os av^rpa- Moses, and was beautiful to the God; who wa» nursed ,77 flTJVaS Tp€LS €y TO) OLK(f> TOV TTUTpOS. months three in the house of the father. ^- EKTidevra Se outok, aueiXero avTov f} flyyo- Having exposed and hiin, lookup hira the daugh- rrjp^apaw, KaiayeOpe^aro avroy cxjtt] ets vlov. ter of Pharaoh, and nursed him herself for a son. --' Kat €7rat56u977 Mw j(Tif]s iraari (rjpia Aijvtt- Aud was taught Moses in all wisdom ofEgyp- rictiv rjy 5e hwaros ey A^-y'^ts Kai ey epyois tians; was and powerful ia words and in work* auTov, '^^'Cls 8e €Tr\r]povTo avTcp rehher\e, eyeviTO (fxaur] Kvpiov *[7r^os avzov'\ ^- tyu) 6 came a voice of lord |.to him;] I the Ofos roiv Trarepujy cov, 6 Oeos Afipaafiy Kai *[« God oftlie fathcri oftiiee.the God ofAljraaoi, and [the 0?os] laaaK, Kai *[<5 0eos] IaKU',8. Evrpo/xos God] ofKaic, and [the God] ofJ..cob. Terniied 5f yevouevos Mcouttjs ovk €ToAuo KaTavo-qaai. a'ul bein; Moses not dared to look. ^E.'Tc Se avTv(rr]Sy 6 eirrwv Tlus is the Motes, he saying roLS vlois Icrpa-qX' IlpocprjTrjy vjjuy avarT-qcrei to the son* of Israel; A prophet for yoa will raise up 23 Wilt thou kill me as thou didst the Egyptian yesterday ?* ' ,2'J t And \losea fled at tliat SAYING, and became a Soioiirner in the Land of Jlidiiin, where he begot two Sons. 30 X And forty Years be- ing coiiipleted, there ap. pcared to him in the Dt- SKRT of MOUNT Sinai, an Angel in a Flame of i'ire, in a Bush. SI And Moses ha^^'ng seen, admired the sight; and coming near to look at it, a Voice came from the Lord, saying; 33 J ' '5 am the God of tliy FATiiEHs, — the God of Aljraham, and Isaac, and Jaciil).' And Moses being afraid dared not look at i t. 33 X And the Lord said to liim, 'Loose thy san- dals from * Tliy ikkt ; fur the PLACE on wliich tliou standest is holy Ground. 3i JI have surely seen the EVIL tueatsient ©f that people of mine in J>gypt. and 1 have heard their geoaxing, and am come down to deliver them; and now, come, 1 will send thee into Egypt.' 35 This is the Moses whom til ey renounced, say- ing, 'AVlio made Thee a B nler and a Judge ?' * even llim GuD sent to be a Ru- ler and a Redeemer, * with the Hand of Jthat Angel which appeared to him ia the BUSH. 36 }?3f led them out, having J performed Prodi- gies and Signs in Egypt, t and iu the Red Sea, J and in the deseet forty years. 37 Tliis is THAT Moses, who SAID to the SONS of Israel, J* A Prophet will God raise up for you from • Vatican JlANirscniPT.— 30. ol the Lord— «mI^ 31. tohim— omif. 82. ths Qov—omit. il. the God— omit. S3. Thy pekt. 85. even. 35. with the Hand. t 29. Exod. ii. 15. 23; \v. 20; xvlii. 3. 4. T 30. Exod. iii. 2. ♦ 32. Matt, .fsii »2: ILth. xi. 10. t S3. Exod.iii 5; Josh. V. Ti. 1 34. Exod. iii. 7. J 5. Exod..\iv.l9: Num xx. 16. t 30. E.x.a. xii.H; xxxili.l. I ."56- Exod. vii— xi, xw. IVa. cv. 27. X 30. Exod. iJv 21. 27— itt- « m^ fecod. »vi. \ 3o. ; 37. Ueut. xvui. 15- Oiap. 7 : 38.J ACTS. [lord] the God fromof the brethren of you, like me; *[ayTi,v aKovcreade.'l ^Ovtos ecrriv 6 yevofie- [him you shall be^r.] Thia is he being, in the congregation in the desert, with the ayyeXev rov XaXovvTOS aurw ev rc;} opei IZiua messenger that speaking to him in the mountain Sinai, Kai Twv Trarepcoy Tjfxcov, bs eoe^aTO Xoyia ^avra and of the fathers of us, who received oracles living Sovvai Tj/jLiw ^'-^ cf> ovK 7]9eKr](rav VT?r]KOoi yevea- to give to us; to whom not were willing obediont to become Qai 01 Trarepes rjfxojv, aAA' a-KOiffavTO, Kai ecrpa- the fathers of us, but thrust away, and turned (prjaav rais Kapdiais avrocv ets Aiyvirrov, back in the hearU of them into Egypt, ^eiTTOVTes rif} Aapwv UoLrjcrou Tjixiu Oeovs^ ol saying to the Aaron ; Make for us gods, who TTpo-iTupevcrovTaL ■jjfxccy' 6 yap Moivarjs ovtos 6s • hall go before ns; th« for Moses this who €^T]yay€V r]fias €K yqs Aiyvirrov, ovK oiZafxcv led out u« from land Egypt, not we know Tt yeyov^v avTCf. ^^ Kai cfioax^T^oiTiarav cv what has happened to him. And they made a calf in TaLS TjiJLepais eKeii/ais, KaL avr)yayov Qvaiav rcf the days those, and offered a sacrifice to the ei5ai\cf, Kai eviii in tothe po«se»«icn natioDi, „_ „ ^ .i , SESSION of the >ATIOXS, wv f^uaa/ o vfos a-Ko irpoawKou rwy -Karepwy J whom Gud drove out be- wkicb droTC OQt the GoJ from face ofthe father* forC the FaCC of OUT FA- Tj/xwy, f(M>s Twv T]fj.(puv Aavi^' ^' 6s evpe X°-P^^ thees, to the days of Da- ofuA, till the dajrs ofDavidj who found faror Vlu ^ fyuirioy rou 6fOv, Kai r^r-naaro fvpeiy aKvycoua .i^^-^T^H^?^^ Favor in i.pre«»ce ofthe God, and * aaked to find a dwelUn^ | the Sight Of GoD, and J re- , . - 4- _ ^ $ t quested to find a Dwelling Tifi dew laKw^. *' 2.o\ofj.wy 5e V'^'^^of^VO-ty {or the* God ofJacuh. for the God of J^^cub. Solomon bat built atrT(f) oiKov. *^AAA.' ovx 6 w^Lffros ev ;^€ipo- ifjT hini A boiuc Bat not the Mo»t High ic baad iroiTjTOJS KOTOiKtiy KoOus 6 irpo(p'ijrT}s \€y(r ■lade thing* dweiU, a* the prophet '^J'i ■*' 6 ovpavos p-oi Opoyos, rj Se yr] viroirohiov ruy the heaven tome a iLrone, the and earth a foolkCooL ofthe TToZuV flOV. feet of me. e ? says tlie Lord ; or wha< ia the plack of mj ILEiT ? 60 Has not my haxd made all these things ?' 61 O stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart Kai Tois uxTiy vfifis aei ra> TV€vuLart rco dyitv'ruii eaes ! gou alwavs you alw.y. the ipint the holr I fi-lit at-Unst ihc HOLY for the * God of Jacob. 47 J But Solomon built for him a House. 48 Yet X the most ninn dwells not in things made with hands; as the pko- PHKT 8a vs, 49 t'llKAVES is My _ - Throne, and the earth Uoioy oiKov oiKodourje baring loreio.d irepi T17S e\fu(T((DS rov hiKaiov, ov yvvvfieis concerning tLe coming of the ri;ateout, ofwhom now joa -rpo^orai Kai >fthe God, the Glory of God, and Je- sus standing at the nghJ liand of God, • Vaticah MAjtuscEiFT. — 46. HocsB of Jacob. t 45. Josh. iii. 14. Vnap. 7 J 56.] ACTS. \^CIiap.%: %. ^ Kai eivew iSou, Becopa rovs ovpavovs aveo^y- aad said; Lo, I see the heavens having been ftei/ous, Kat Tov vlov tov afOpwirov e/c Se^iwv opened, and the ton of the man at right iffTwra TOV deov. ^^ Kpa^avres 5e (pcovp fieya- having stood of the God. Having cried and with a voice loud, \rit avviaxov ra aira aurcou, Kai wpfirjaav theyshutup the ears of them, and they ran 6ixo9v/ia5ov eir' avrov ^^ Kai e/C/SaAorres e^w with one mind on him; and having cast out»ide T7JS TToA-ews, €Xi6o$o\ovu. Kai oi jxapTvp^s the city, they stoned. And the vritnesses aTT^Qevro ra ifioTia avroiv irapa rovs ttoSos laid down the mantles of them at the feet v^aviov KaKovjXiVOV SauAou, ^'^ Kai eXido^oXovv of a youngman being called Saul, and they stone; TOV '2,T€(pavov^ eTriKaXovfJievoy Kai Xeyovra' the Stephen, calling upon and saying; Kvpie Itjcod, Se^at to irv^v^a jxov. ^'^ 0eis O lord Jesus, do thoureceivethe breath of me. Having placed 5e ra yovara eKpa^e (pcvpr] fxeyaXr]' Kvpie, ^-q and the knees he cried outwith avoice loud; O lord, not aKouetv avTOvs the Philip with one miiiil, in the to hc»r th?m Kai ^\(ireiv ra arifxaa i, firoiei. ^ HoWwyyap »nd to ste the ulti.s whicli liedid. M.iiiy for rcav €;^ofTa;j/ irviv/xara UKaOapTa, fiocvvTa (pccvrj of those pOtt&«:t»»in^ epiiiis unclean, crying with avoice fxcyaK-p €^T}px^To* iroWoi de irapaK^Xvfxevoi loud came out; many Kai x^^oi idepairfvdTjaau. and l.ime were cured. and having been palsied Kai cyevero x°'-P°- u joy And IxQyaXi] €V rri iroKei eK€ivr], ereat in the city that. ^ Avrjp 5e TJS, ovofxari Si^cDV, trpoviT7]px^v A man but certain, by name Siiuon, formerly fv TT] TToAej, fiaycvwu, Kai (^kttccv to €9vos in the city, practicing magic, and amazing the nation TTjy 2a/xap€fos, K^yuv fivai Tiva kavrou fieyay of the Samaria^ Baying to besomebodyhimself great; ^^'w vpoaeixov navres atro fxiKpov iws faya- to whom they atbented all from least to great- Acy, Keyovres' Ovros ermv 7] ^vva/xis tov deov e»t, laying J This is the power of the God ?; KaKov/xepT] fi^yaKi]* ^^Tlpoffeixov 8e axnw, whichiebeiog called great. They attended and to him, Zia ' 0 iKavta xpovcp Tais fiaynais e^ecTTaKevai because thatforalong time with the magic arts to have amazed J2 'Ore M'hen avTOVS. 5e hut announcing glad .-.dings TOV dcoj Kai TOV of the God and the eTri}V T(p ^i\nrir(f)° decapa^y re Svua/xets Constantly attendingtothe Philip; beholding and miracles Kai o'i7jU6ia fxeyaXa yivofievay e^icTTaTC. and sbgas great being done, he was amazed. ^^ AKOvaavTfS Se ol fy'leooaoXvaois airoo'ToXoi, Havin{; heard and the in Jerusalem apostles, 6ti SeSc/cTOt f) Sajuapem tov ?\ tyou tov 6iov, that had received the Samaria the word of the Got, aTr( Phi- lip, as thuy HiOAKD and saw the signs which ha performed. 7 1 1' or many of those POSSESSING impure Spi- rits, crying with u loud Voice, were dispossessed, and many paralytic and lame persons were cured. 8 And there was* Much Joy in that city. 9 Now a certain man, named Simon, came be- fore into the CITY fusing magic, and astonishing the XATioN of Samaeta, f Say- ing that he himself wa3 somebody great ; 10 to whom all attended, from the least to the great- est, Baying, " This is that which is CALLED the gkeat powih of God." 11 And to huu they gave heed, because that for a Long Time he had aston- ished them with his uagic AKTS. 12 But when they be. lieved Philip announcing glad tidings % concerning the KiNGDost of God, and the KAJiE of Jesus Christ, they were Immersed, both Men and Women. 13 And SiiiON himsell also believed; and having been immersed, he was constantly attending to Philip; and beholding the * SIGNS and great Mira- cles which were performed, he was astonished. li And the apostles in Jerusalem having heard That Samaeia had re- ceived the WOED of God, sent to them Peter and John; 15 who, having gone down, prayed for them ihat they might receive the holy Spirit; 16 } for it was not yet fallen on any of them ; but they had only t been inv- • Vatica?( Mandscbipi. — 8. Much Joy. and great Miracles. t 7. .^tark xvi. 17. 1(J. Aets xis. 2. 1 9. Acts xiii.6. tie. Matt, xxviii. 10 12. the thin^— oi»i<. ; 9. Acts V. SOk Acts ii. 3S. 13. 8IG?I3 I IZ Acts i. & >a7).8: 17.] ACTS. IChap.St 27. (rat having b«en dipped they were into the name of the • ^ , , icvpiov IvTov.) J^Tore e7reTi0oi;,/ ras x^'P^s ., V J-.^enthey+ placed Lord Jesus.) Then they placed the hand» €Tr' ouTovs, Kai eXafi^avov irvev/xa ayiov, ou them, and they received spirit holy. l^lSwj/Se b Si^wj/, bri 8ia rr]S eiridea-eas Having seen and the Simon, that through the placing on rcvv ye/pojj' twv airoo'ToKccv Siho'rat to iryevfia of the hands of the apostles was given the spint TO ayio^j vpoarrfvcyKev avrois XP'?M"'''«» ^^' the holy, he offered to them money, say- ytav A0T6 Kajj.oi ttjj^ f^ovcnav ravTTjv, lua (f ingi Give you also to me the authority this, thattovfhom- caz/ f-KiQo) ras X^'P^^J Kafx^avrj iruevfia ayiov. ever I may place the hands, they may receive spirit holy. 20 rierpos Se etTre nrpos avrov To apyvpiov aov Peter but said to him; The silver of thee cvv (Toi €17} ets airaiKeiav on r-qv Zwpeau rov with thee may be into destruction} because the gift of the $€0U €VOfJ.i(Tas Sia XP'JA'"'''*^'' KTacrOai. ^IQuk God thou hast thought with money to buy. Not ecTTL (TOI fiepLS owSe K\vpos €V to- Xoycf rovrcp' is to thee a part nor lot in the word thisj 7] yap KapSia aov ovk effriv evOcLa ^vavri rov the for heart of thee not is right before the Otov. 2- Merai/orjo'ou ovv otto tvs KUKias aov God. Do thou reform therefore from the wickedness of thee rauTTjs, Kai SeTjO-nri rov O^ov, ei apa a4>fdv this, and entreat of the God, if indeed ^may be a^rai aoi t] eirivoia rrjs Kapdias aov. ^Ets forgiven to theethe thought of the heart of thee. ^ In yap xoA-Tj" iriKpias Kai avvBea/J.ov aSiKias bpw foi a gall of bitterness and a bond of wickedness 1 see ae ovra. '^ AiroKpid^is Se 6 ^ijxwv eiire* AeTj- thee being. Answering andthe Simon siid; Entreat e-nre IfieiS virep e/xov irpos rov Kvpiopy biros you in behalf of me to the ^°^^\^. ^ t^iat AV^ev €7reA0r? €7r' ejue uy eiprjKar^. "^ Ol fX€V nothing may come on me ofwhichyouhi.vespoken. They indeed ovv diafxapTvpaix^voi Kai XaXTjaavTes rov therefore having earnestly testified and having spoken the Koyt»v rov Kvpiov, virearpe^l/av eis 'lepovaaKrjfi^ word of the lord, turned back for Jerusalem, TToXXas re KUfias rwv 'S.afxap^irav evnyyeXi- many and Tillages of the Samaritans announced aavro, glad tidingi 26 A77e\os Se Kvpiov eA.a\T,(re irpos ^iXiinrov, A messenger and of a lord spoke to Philip, Xeywv AvaartjOiy Kai iropevo J Kara fxear^fj.- snying; Do thou arise, and go towards south, Bpiay, etrt r-qy bSov r-qv Kara^aivovaav airo in the way that leading down from 'UpovaaXi)iJ. eis TaCav avrrj eariv cprinos. Jerusalem to Gaxa, this u desert. "7 Kai avaaras eTropevdr]" Kai tSou, avnp Aidio-^ And having arisen hewentj and lo, a man ofEthiopia their hands on them, and tliey receired the holy Spirit. 18 And Simon seeing That througli the imposi- tion of the HANDS of the APOSTLES, the * SPIPIT was given, he offered them Jloney, 19 Baying, " Give me also this'AUTHOiiiTY, that on whom I place my HANDS, he may receive the holy Spirit." 20 But Petes said to him, " May thy silvek g» to Destruction with tlice» Because tliou hast thought to buy t the gift of God ith Money. 21 Thou hast no Part nor Lot in this thing ; for thy HEABT is not right before God. 22 Reform, therefore, from this thy wicked- ness, and entreat *the Lord, if perhaps the THOUGHT of thine heaex may be forgiven thee; 23 for I see that thou art in % the Gall of Bitter- ness, and in the Bond of "Wickedness." 24 And Simon answer- ing, said, $" Entreat gou tne LoED in my behalf, that nothing of which you have spoken may come on me." 25 Then thet, having fuUy testifed and spoken the wouD of the Loed, turned back for Jerusalem, and announced the glad tidings in Many Villages of the Samaeitans. 26 And an Angel of the Lord spoke to Phihp, say- ing, " Arise, and go to- wards the South, by that EOAD LEADING DOWN from Jerusalem to Gazaj'* this is a Desert. 27 And having arisen, he went; and behold, an Ethiopian Eunuch, a Gran- * Vatican Manuscbipt.— 18. spirit was piven. 22. the Lord, if. <■ IB Actsx 4S- six. 5. X 17. Actsxix.O. t 20. Acts x_. 45; xi.lT. Ilci.. xii. ll : 2^ Gen. xx.7:j7j ^^d- vui- 8 j Num. xxi. 7; 1 Kings xm.ft I2ii,. . irpoaKvyria'aiy fis 'IcpovaaXrjfi, ^t]v hiiJcoine wor»liipj,iiig tO Jerusalem, WM re vvolebtthOu,i.'K. ihuu reauett^ ■ Ue but eaid ; Hov yap av hovaiixTfUy fav jJ.Tf Tis dS-rjy-qap fie. for rhnnM 1 beable, if n tsomcoBe!1 ponlon of the tnusg riv oft'^ncccTKe-'.j tjv au rj 'X2s vpo^^rop ctti which • wiu ic^uiug; was thia A» .sheep to trcpayTju ; X'0'')} fat w" a/xViir eya.noy "^ov Kei- alaughter was led, end as .^un befor ^Ue one popTos avTQV a,>. way. they oae toa ^rtain"ater and p7}aiv d tuvovxos* iSoy vSwp* rt Koo\t>et fie •aid the euuucU Lo .rater what hiuders uie dee of Candare, * Qneei of the Etliiopiaiis, wlio was OVef All her TUEASLIIK, and «-lio had come to wcr. skip at Jcrusali:m, 28 was tetu-iiing, and sitting in his CHARIOT lis was reading the PiiOPHi;! Isaiah. 29 And the rpirtt said to Pill LIP, " A])t)roaclL anc. join thyseii u> this Ci'.AElOT." 80 And Phtup miming TOiward heard him read- in{{ * Isaiah the pkoph kt, ana he Ba-d, "Dost tliou indeed nnderstanu what thou art reading?" iiL AndHB Bdid, **Ho\r caa I, unless 6ome one shoida gruide mev" And he requested Piultp to come up auu sic with bim. 82 >iow the PoKTioN of the scBiPTtSB «J:ich he was jeadmg was this. t''a.9 bSiit epht« was (ed "toSlauglitei, and like a ''Lamb before the siilvU- " £a lb dumb, Eo Ho cjpeus "not fiiaiiouTH. S3 •'Id ^his nvmrti/L- "TION hl8 JUDGMKM' W a8 "taken away; and who '*Wllltcll of hi3 GKNER/f "TioK ? Because iiia "LTiE is tdJten from the " EAttTH " 84 AncI the EUNUca answenng Philip, said. " 1 beoeech thLe^ of whom spealkS the pkuphex this — of himself, or of som" other person " 8s> Then Philip open- '.nghis JiouTU, |and be^ ginning fionj this SCKIP* TURK, announced the glad tidings o . Jtsus to him. 86 And aa they werfc going on the eoad, they canietoa Certain Water, and th" EuxucH said' "Behold, Water I Jwhal hinders my being immer- sed'f" t • MAH08C2irT.— 27. Queen. HtJMILlATIO.N. 80. Isaiah the ri^oraBT, and said. 83 the t 86. Verse 37 of the common version is spnrions. It is not fonnd in the "Vatican MS, /)or m the ancient Syriac Gricsbach rejects it : and it is caneelleil or rejected by Grotiut^ Jlili, Wetstein, Pearce, Tittman, Kuacp, Lachmann, Tischcndorf, and others. J 82- Isa. liii 7- a. H 35. Luke xxiv. 27: Acts '.viu. 2S. t 8G, Acts x. 47. TFopeveadait fyevera o-utov eyyi-C^iP In and t^ e to go^ eame ^int to diaw near tt; AaMacr/cy^ Kai e^aKpvrjs TrspirjaTpaxpnf aurov ~ ' suddenly fjTTja-aTO trap avrou tiriaroXaS he desired from him letters to the Damascus- and flashed around him cui byname .Kvavias, Kai enre irpos avrov 6 Kvpios ej/ 6pa- Ananiai, aud axid to him the Lord in a fiarf Avavia. 'O Se eiirev iSoy eyo), Kvpie. viNirin; Au.iniaA. lie and aaid; Lo I, Olord. '^ 'O Se Kvpios Trpovp.r]u TT]v Ka\ov}xivr]v ivOfiauy Kai t' the street that bein:; c.illed Slraii;ht, and ^'tjttjo'o;' €u oiKia lofSa ^av\ov vofxari, Tap- «eoW lor in house Saul byname, ofTar- (rew iSov yap irpocrevx^Tai, ^-xat eiSev eu 6pa- ■us; lo for he prays, aud saw in a fxari au^pa ovo/mari Avaviav^ ei'ikOovTa Ka>. vision a niai byname Anr.ias, having com": in ard €TriO(ura avr:^' x^'po* <57rco$' •• ;, and liings, sons and IcrpaTjA. ^^ E7u> 7ap viro^ei^ca avrro, icra o( Israel. I for will p.iiut out to him, whhtthingj 5fi avrov vtrep rov ovofxaros /nov iraOciv. it behoves him in behalf of the nane ofme to suffer. '7 AinjKOi 5e Avavias Kai ^i(n}\dei/ tis T' v Wfut.iw„y and ..nanias und entered into th« ^iKiav Kai fTTidfis fTr' Avrov ras X^^P°-^y fiire' house; anu havingplaccd on him the hands, hesaid; ^aovX. a5f A(/)6, 6 Kvptos aTr«nta\Ke yue, (Itjo-qus Saul O brother, the Lord has sent me • Vatican Maicuscbift. — 12. hands on him. Chap. 9: 18.] ACTS. [Chap. 9: &7 & o(p6€L5 croi €v TT) o5) ^tojs ava- benavingappeajeOto iheein the way invrhichtuoucameEt, that thou $\e\p7]S, Kai TrXrjcrdTis irvivixaros ayiov. ^^Kat mayestreceiTesight, andmayestbefiUedof fcpirit holy. And €u0e3 is the SON of God. 21 But ALL who heard him were astonis'ied, and said, f'ls not 'his he who in Jerusalem spread DESOLATIOX aDlOU^^THEM. who CALL on this name, and had come her^ ftT this purpose, that he nn<;h Mend them bound to the h 'gh- PEIESTS r" 22 But Saul inci »&sed more in power, J and * '. er- plexed THOSE Jews dw;> l- Li>' G m Damascus, dem« '- striiting That this is th. Messiah. 23 And when + many Days were fultilled, J the Jkws conspired to kill him ; 24 but their plot was made known to Saul. And they * also watched the GATES both Day and Xieht, that they might miu'der him. 25 But the dtsciplks took him by Kiglit, and J through the wall lower- ed hioi down in a Basket. 26 JAnd having come to Jerusalem he attempted to associate with the dis- ciples ; but they all feared him, not belie\'ing That he was a Disciple. 27 But Barnabas taking • Vaticah 3IA-ST7SCKIPT.— 18. Hjs BTBs. 22. perplexed those Jews dwkilisg. 11. also watched the gates. t 23. The nanp days here alluded to, probably included the /Ar<'eyforcas; the waa full ayaduv epyay Kat eKfrj/xocrvywy wv tirotfi, of good worka knd of alma which ahe did. him, conducted him to the APOSTLKs, and related to them how he saw the Lokd on the BOAD, and That he spoke to Jiini, and how he X spoke publicly in Damas- cus in the hAME of Jlsis. 28 t And he waa with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem, speaking publifly m the Kau£ of the LoHD. 29 And he spoke and disputed with the Hellf- nists; } till y however un dertook to kill him. 80 But the ERKTKREN having been informed of it, conducted him to Cesa- rca, and sent him to Tar- sus. 31 Then the * CHrnr^ had Peace in All Jlde^ and Galilee, and Samaria and being built up, and walking in tlie FEAEof the l/>rd, aud in the adnioni- ! tion of the holy Spirit, was increased.* 32 And Peter, passing through all places, hap- pened to go down also to those SAINTS DWELLINQ at Lydda. 33 And he found a cer- tain Man named Eneas, who, being palsied, had lain on a bed for eight Years. 34 And Peteb said to him, "Eneas, + Jesus the Messiah, rtsfores thee; arise, and make the bed for thyself." And he in- stantly arose. 85 And ALL TnosB DWELLING in Lydda and SiiAROX saw faiiu ; ^ ai d they turned to the Lokd 36 And there was ia Jo,«. pa a Certain fenialeDiseijtle named tTabitha, (which being translated signifies Dorcas;) Bf)e was full of good Works and Charities which she did. • ViTic^n MANCBCBirT. — 28. and — omit. 28. JesUa — oatit, 81. the chubch. 51. was increased. t S3. Tabitha, ia a Sjria word, and Dorcat a Greek word, both signifying an antelope. The name here is expressive of beauty ; as " antelopes are particularly remarkable for their beautiful eyet." See rarkhurst. t 27. ver^e eo, 22. t 2S. Gal. !. IS. I 20. verse 23; 2 Cor. xi. 24. t S4. Acts iii.e, 10; iv. lo. i 35. AcW xi. iX. Oiap. 9: 37.] ACTS. '^ Eyev€TO 5e €V rais Tjfxepais CKeivais aaOevrj' It happened and in the days those having ifacrav avrrjuairoOavfiv \ou(rauT€S Se ^\_avTT]v^ been sick her to have died; having washed and [her] eQriKav ev vxepcpa. ^ £77^5 5e ova-qs Av^d-ijs they laid in an upper room. Near and being Lydda TT) loTTTTTj, ol fiaBriTaL aKovrravTes Sti TleTpos to the Joppa, the disciplei having heard that Peter iCTTiv €V avTrif airecrrei^iv Svo avBpas irpos is in her, sent two men to avTOVy irapaKaXovvTes /u.77 OKvrjai SiekOeiv ices him, entreating not to delay to come over to avToiv, ^^ Auaaras 8e JJerpos (rvvr]\6ev avTois' them. Haviug arisen and Peter came with them; 6v Trapayevofjiivou avqyayov €is to vTrepwov, whom having come they led into the upper room, Kai TrapcTTTjaav avrcp izaffai at X''?P°" K\atov- and stood beside him all the widows weeping, cat, Kui eTTideLKvvfxeyai ;^iTaj*'as Kai ijaaTia, and showing ' tunics and mantles, d(Ta eiroiei juer' avrwu ovcra r] AopKas. as many as she made with them being the I>orcas. ^EKJiaXccv Se e|u> irapras 6 UerpoSy deis Having put and out all the Peter, havin; placed Ta yovara. Trpocrrjv^aTO' Kai ewia-Tpexl/as irpos the knees he prayed; and having turned to TO (Tco^a, enre' Ta/3i0a, avoLcrrriQi. *H 5e the body, said; Tabitha, do thou arise. She and r]voi^e Tovs o-3 and fearing the God (Tvv iravri Tea oi/cy avrov, iroiav *[TeJ eXerj/xo- with all th« house ofhimself, doing [and] alms *. hpav €vvar7)v rris TjfifpaSy ayy^Xoif rou 6eov hour ninth of the '>7i amcuBeuc'r of the God i> couiiutc in to Jiirn, and siiying to liim, "Cor- nelius!" 4 And steadily gazing at him, and beconimg afraid, lie said, " Wlint is it. Sir!" Aud he said to liim, " Thy pkaykes and thine Ai-MS nt-nt up as a Memoiial belore Gun. 6 And now send Men to Joppa, and invite oiie Si» nion, '.vho is suinaiiied Pe« ter; 6 f)C lodges with J One Simon a Tunner, whose House is by the St a. 7 And whun that an- gel which srOKi; to h-m was gone away, he calk'd two of *the HOVSE SKH- VANTs, and a pious Soldier of THOSK who ATTENDifl constantly on him ; 8 and having related ta them all things, he sent them to Joppa. 9 And on the NEXT DAY, t while thi'2 were pursu- ing their journey, and drawing near to the city, X Peter went upon t the ROOF to pray, about the sixth Hour. 10 And he became very hungry, and wished to cat; but while they were mak- ing ready, a Trance fell on him, 11 and he beheld :}:hea- VEN opened, and a certain Vessel like a great Sheet descending, * being let down by the Four Ends to the lAETH ; 12 ill which were * All the QUADEUPiDS and KKPTILKS of the EAHTH. aud BIKDS of HEAVKN. 13 And a Yoire came to him, " lUse, Peter, kill and eat." H But Peteh »aid "By no me;uis, Lord,- • Vatican MANB8C"irT.— 7. the HotJSB skrtahts. 11. bcintj let down by the*'»'tt Ends to the kautu 12. All the uuAOBurBDS and rkftilss of the ' ma. + 9 It was abouv lorty miles from Jnppa to Cenarea, therefore the messengers must h»\-e travled :i part c " Te night lO reach Jojtpa towards noon o; jhe next day. t U. It liuu been remarked beloro. t!iia' the houses in Polestm* had fla< '•' f on T.hich people walked, ^otsversed, meditt. »d Aui pruyed. + e Acts is. to , Act8xi.fc _ ..t:^*> wi a*. u Oiar. 10: 15 1 ACTS. KVplC O lord; flCOS meaoE UKadapTOV. unclean. npos avTOV. to him. <5Ti ovZiiTorc icpayov irap koivov rj becauae never I ate any thing common or ^^ Kai (pcourj iraKiv eK devrepov And aroice again a second time 'A 6 Oeos eKaOapLcre, cv /xr] koivov. What the God has cleansed, thou not pollute. ^^ TovTO Se eyevcTo evrt rpis' Kai iraXiv ai'eArj- Xhift and was done for three times i and a^ain was takes <\>Qt] to (TKevos €is Toy ovpavov. ^^'Cis Se ev op the ressel into the heaven. As and in eavTcp Sirjiropei 6 U^Tpos, tl av ciTj to dpa/ma himself was pondering the Peter, what might be the vision 6 ejSe, Kai idov^ oi avSpes ol airecrTaA/jLevoi which he saw, even lo, the men those being sent airo Tov Kopvr]\Lov, SiepafTricravTes ttiv oiKiav from the Cornelius, having inquired for the house ^ifjicavos, crrea'Trjcrav iiri tov irvXwva' ^^ Kai of Simon, stood at the gate; and poiv-qaavTes cirvvdavovTO, ei ^i/xcav 6 eiriKaKov having called aloud they asked, if Simon he being called fifvos IJcTpos evdaSe ^evi(eTai. Peter here lodges. ^^Tou Se nerpov ZiivQvp.ovjxevov irepi tov The and Peter reflecting concerning the dpa/JiaTOSf €f7r«'*[oi'T&j] Toirvev/j-a' iSou, av5p€S visiout said [to him] the spiritj Lo, men Tpeis ^TfTovci (Te' ^'* aWa avacTTas Kara- three are seeking thae; but having arisen do thou &T]Qiy Kai vopevov ffw avTois, fiTjBev Sia- go down, and go with them, nothing doubt. KpLVOfievos 6ti eyco aTreffTahKa avTovs. '^^ Kara- iug because I have sent them. Havinggone 6as Se UeTpos irpos tovs avSpaSy eiirev 15ov, down but Peter to the men, said; Lo, eyu €t/it, 6v ^TjretTe* tis t] aiTia, 5i* 7]V I am, whom you seek; what the cause, on account of which irapfffTC : ^ Ot Se uttov Kopv7]\ios eKUTOvrap- you are present f They and said; Cornelius a centurion, XV^y O'l^VP Binaios Kai (pol^ov/xevos tov 6eov, a man just and fearing the God, fjLapTvpovfievos re viro b\ov tov eOvovs tuv \ov- being testified of and by whole of the nation of the Jews, Zaicav, 6xp7j/iaTt(r077 viro ayyeXov ayiov, /j.eTa- was divinely instructed by a messenger holy, to •TrefXTpaa-Oai ere eis tov oikov avTov, Kai aKovtrai send after thee to the house of himself, and to hear ft7]/j.aTa irapa crov, "^ Ei(TKa\e(rafj.€vos ovv words from thee. Having called in then avTovs c^evirre. Trj Se eiravpiov avaCTas tbem he lodged. On the and morrow having arisen e^'qXOe aw avTois, Kai Tives tuv ade\ectiQc thtui, having msseui bled Tovs ffvyyfyfis aurov Kat tovs auajKuiovs the relatives ofhiuisclf and the iniimate tpiXovs. ^ 'fls Se eyeycTo tov fifrcKOftu roy friend>. When and came the to enter the YlcTpov, (TvyayTrjaas avTCfj 6 Kopvr]\ios, ireiTcoy Peter, hnving met kim the Cornelius, havingfnllen tiri TOVS TToSas, Trpo, eicrrjKde, a man am. And talking with him, he went in, Kai (vpiffKei ;s(!inliltd Lis Rklativkj and INTIMATK I'riends. 25 And aa Petki.. ..\i COMING IN, CoHNi;Lr--'3 met liini, and falling iaiwh at his feet lie worshipped him. 26 But Petkk raised liim up, saying, % " Arise; 2 also am a Man." 27 And conversing with him, he went in, and found many gathered togeilier. 28 And he said to them, J"gou know that it ia unlawful for a Jew to as- sociate with a I'oreigner; { but God has showed Me not to call any man com- mon or impure. 29 Therefore, being sent for, I also came without hesitation. I ask, there- fore, for what reason you sent for me ?" SO And CoENiLius said, ■' lour days ago * I was fasting till This houu ; and at the ninth Hour I was praying in my house, and behold, J a Man stood before me in J splendid Clothing, 31 and said, ' Cornelius ' thy pkayek is heard, and thine alms are remem- bered before God. 32 Send therefore to Joppa, and in\ite Simon, whose surname is Peter ; ije lodges in the house of Simon, a Tanner, by the Sea ; who, when he is come, will speak to thee.' S3 Immediately, there- fore I sent to thee, aucl tijott hast done well in hav- ing come. Now thereforo Sne are all present before God to hear All thingc which * the Lord huL commanded thee." • Vatican Mawcscript.— 30. till This Hour, I was at the hiwth praying in my hocsb. B2. who having come will speak to thee-— omif. 33. the Lobd. t 2fl. Acts xiv. 14, 15; Rev. xix. 10; xiii. 9. 1 28. Josh. iv. 9; xvill. S8: Acts xi. 8i Gal. ii. 12, U. t 28. Acts xv. 8; Eph. iii. t^. J 80. Actg i. 10. J aO. Mmi. ixviii. S; Mark xvi. 6; Luke xxiv. ^ amp. 10: 34.] ACTS. [aiap. \?.: 43. rov Oeov. ^ Auoi^as Se Tlcrpos ro crofxa, fi-rrcv the God. Havin; openedaisd Fetcr tUe naouth, aaid; Ett' a\r)6eia5 KaTaKajj-^ayofxai, on ovk etrxi In truth I perceive, that not is 'KpoffuTToK'r]'KTT)s 6 06OS* ^ cAX' (U TravTi (6v(:t a reipecter of persona the God^ but ilk every nation o (pofiovfx^yos avTOVy Kai fpya^oinevos ^iKaio- ke fearin* hiiu, and working yi^bteoua- crwrjUf d^KTos avTcp ean. '^^ Toy Koyov bu ness, acceptable to him ia. TUt word which a7re«a(ths Judea begiuuicg from the Gali- \aias, fiera to jSaTTTfO'/xa 6 eKfjpv^ev Icuai'j'Tjs' te, after the dipping which was preached of John, ^ lr](TOvu Tou OTTO Nafaper, us exptcey avTov d Jesiit tbat from Nazareth, bow anointed him the 6eos iryev/jLaTi ayicp Kai Svva/xny os Si7]\6ev evep- God with spirit holy and power, who weiit about doing 7tTft>j' Kai tUiiJ-tvos iravTas tovs KaTadvyaCT^v- gooo- and curing al) those being oppressed ufi,evovs biro tov 5ta)8oA.oy, 6ti 6 OfOS y]V yuer' by the accuser, because the God was with /cat rjfifis fiapTvpes trawTcav, wv 6x0477- aud we wituesaes of all, which be did avTov him, fftv €V T6 tt; X^Pf '''^^ lovSaiccu Kai ev lepov- in both the country of the Jewt and in Jerusa- eaXyjix' ov Kai auei\oy Kpe/naeravTes tin IvXov. )em; whom also they killed having handed on a cxoi»s. ^ TovToy 6 6€os -nyfipe rp TpLTTj ■^juepcs, kul This the God raised up the third day, and tSa>K€j/ avTov €iuL(f>av7j y^yerrOai, ^* ov iravTi tw gave him manliest to become, not to all the Xaw, oA\a fiapTwri tois irpo/cexc/poroj/Tj^ej/ots people. but to witnesses to those having been chosen betore viro TOV deovy ■^yuiv, oirives (Tvyecpayo/JL^v Kai by the God, to us, who ate with and avveiriofx^y auTCfi fjara to ayaTTrjyai avTov (k drank with him after that to haveraised him out of yeKpccy. ^'^ Kai irapTTyyeiXtv rj/J-iy, Kripv^ai tw dead ones. And he commanded ns, to publish (o the \a(^ Kai Sia/xapTvpacrOai, on auTos fcTTiv 6 people and to fully testify, that he is the wpicrixevos viro tov Qeov KpiT-qs ^tayTosy Kai bavin g been appointed by the God a judge of living ones and vcKpojy. ^^ TovT(f iravTCS 01 Trpoc^T^rai jxapTv dead ones. To him all the prophets bear testi- s' And Peter opening his BiovTH, said, J " 1 per- ceive in Truth That God is not a Respecter of persons, 35 but. in Every Nation. he who TEABs him and works Righteousness 13 ac- ceptable to him. 36 * He sent the woso to the SONS of Israel, % an- nounciag glad tidings of Peace, through Jesus Christ — tie is Lord of all — 37 (* you know that ■WORD which was spokew through All Judea, Jhe- ginning from Galtlke, after the immersion which John preached ,) 38 even thai Jesna from Nazai'eth, how $ God anointed him with holy Spirit and Power; who went about doing good, and curing ah who were oppEEssED hy the enemy ; t Because God was with him. 39 And fee are Witnesses ot all tliini^s wliich he did, both m the country of the Jews, and in Jerusa- lem; whom also, having hanged on a Cross, they killed. 40 f^tm God raised np the THiKD Day, and per- mitted him to become manifest, 41 not to All the peg- PLE, but to THOSE Wit- nesses previously cho- sen by Goi), to us, :f who did eat and drink with him after he eose h"om tlie Dead. 43 And X he commanded ns to proclaim to the peo- ple, and to fully testify * That this is he } who lias been appointed by God the Judge of the Living and the Dead. 43 To f)tra All the pro- * Vaticaw Manuscptpt.— 36. He sent the wobd to the sows of Israel, knew. 42. That this is hb. 37. You txviii. 19, 20; Acta i 8. tXim. iv.ll i 1 Pet iv. 5. J 42. John V. 22, 27 -, Acts xvii. SI ; Rom xiv. »: 2 Cor v. C^ap. 10 : A4.1 ACTS, IChap.ll: 5. •louy, f'lrgiv^uen of aids to receive through the Baxne \LaTos avTov iravra Toy TriffTevovTa €is avTov. ofliiiB evtr^ une the beUe%iiig into him, **ETt XaKovvTui tov Xltrpov ra Pr^fiara ravra^ While ipeakia^ the I'eler the word* these, CTTtTretre to nvevfx.a, to ayioy €7r< vavT&x tovs fell the apirit the huly oQ all thote OKovoPTas TOV Koyov. *^ Kow c^faTTjaar oi €k hearing the irurd. And wereastoaisbed those of irepiTo/iTjy vkttoi 6(Toi crvvr]\6oy Tcp llerp^?, eircumci^ioB beUeveraasmauy a* came with the ^eter, 6ti hat e-TTt Ta eOvTf 7} Swpea tov ayiov irvev/xa- bccaose .'lUo on the geniilMthe gift of the buij «»irit Tor cKKfx^''''^'^' *'*'r]Kovov yap auTuy XaKovPTuv his t)eeD poured out; tht-v beard for them Bpeakin^ yXcoaaais, KUi fieyaXvvovTuy tov Q^ov. Totc with con?iiet, abd mai^uifying the God. Then airsKpidr} 6 Ilerpos' "*' fiTjrt to v^cop KwXvcrau answered the Peters not the water to forbiA Zwarai Tts, tow ju-t} ^aiTT ladrjuai tovtovs^ itable any- doC to be dipped the^c, oiTives TO vvevfia to ayioy fXa^ov KaQws Kai who the spirit the huly received as even ^fifis : *^npocr€Ta|e t€ uvtous ^aiTT i(TQT)vai, tv we? Uedirecti^d and theia to be dipped in Tore ripaiTr](Ta» avTov Xhea they akkeU hiia T(fi OPOfiaTl TOV KVpiOV the name of the Lord. tiri/xfivai rjfiepas Ttvas. to rfniaia dayn 6ome. KE*. laf. 11. * HKov(ray Se oi airoo-ToKoi Kai oi a5e\(f>ot ol licard aud (jn. saying; That to Biea aK'^o^vfTTiav exoi'Tos ettTTjXPes, Kai (Tvv€(pay7js annrcumcisiua having thou wcntett in, and thou diUst est auTOis. * Ap^afxevos 5e 6 HeTpos e^cTideTo wiiii ckem. UaviD^be^a and the Peter set forth avTois Ka6€^T]Sj X-^yccv ^ eyio rj/x7]y tv TroAfi to them in order, sayiu;; I waa ia city lotrirri vpocrevxofjievos' Kai ei^ov €v tKCTTaTei of Joppa praying i and I saw im a trance ^pap.ay KaTafiaivop a-^vos ti ir o6ovqv fieya- a virion. Coining dowa a vessel certaiaUka a sheet great KjjVy T€an s Trance I saw a Vision, ^ certain Vessel like a ejeai Sheet descending, bemj let down by the Four Endi out of HKAV£N, and it camc^ to me. • Vatican* Mantscript. — 15. who came with, went in to 3Iea uncircumcised, and did puc witb them. 4&. Jesus PhriBt, 4. Pttur. S. That ha t ♦*. Acts 11. \ 3. AlU X. 26. SI. 1.1. I Vu Act3 xu 18: Gal. iii. 14. X &. Acts X. d, Ike. : 4&. AetaiLSS: TiiLtft> Chap. 11: 27.] ACTS. [aiap. 12: 6 ^pjxaTKXai T€ irpwTou ev AvTioxet^ rows fiaOr}- to liave been styled and first iu Antioch the disci- ras X.piO'riauous. ple» Christians. ~^ Ev ravrais Se rats rjuepais KarTjXBop airo In these and the days came down from lepoaoXufiuy irpocprjrai ^is AvTiox^iav. ^^ kvacr- .ierusalem prophets into Antioch. Having ras 8e ils €| awrcoi/, ovojxaTi. AyafBos, ecrrifxaus snaen and one of them, by name Agabus, signified Sia Tov TTvev/ULaTOS, Kifxov fjnyav fxfWeiu earecr- lhrou;hthe spirit, a famine great about is going 6ai €(p^ bKr}V ttjv oiKovfXivr}v ocms Kai eyevero to be over whole the habitable? which also occurred eTTi K\av8iov. -^Tcdi' 8e [xaQ-qTwu KaOtas rjviro- under Claudius. The and disciples as was peiTO ris, wpicrau eKaaros avroov 6is diaKoyiav able each, deteririined each one of them for a relief ■7re;ui|/at rots KaroiKovaiv ^vrri louSaio ade\(pois' to send to the dwelling in the Judea brethren; ^•^ 6 Kai eTTOtTjTai', airoaTeiXavTes irpos rovs which also they did, sending to the •Tpccr^uTepovs Sto x^'-P°^ BapuaBa Kai SauAou. elder* through hand of Bamabaa and Saul. KE«J>. j/3'. 12. ' Kai iK€ivov Se tou Kaipov eire^aXev "Hpw^rjs In that »nd the season put forth Herod 6 BaariXcvs ras x^'P***, KaKcocrai rivas rav airo the kin" the hands, to afflict some of the from Tr/s eKKXriffias, ■^ aveiXe §€ laKw^ov, tov aSeA- of the congregation, he killed and James, the bro- (puv luavuov, ^axatpa. ^ Kat iScov, Sri apicrrou ther of John, with a sword. And having seen, that jileasiug eTTt rois lovdaiois, vpocTedero avWa&^iv Kai it is to the Jews, he proceeded to take also nerpow (rjaav Si ai T]iJ.(:pai raf a^vjxwv^ ^ bv Peter; (they were and the days of theunleavened cakes;) whom Kai iriacras cdtTo eis *>T convenience, and to keep out a term of reproach. t 1. Herod Agrippa, grand- son of Herod the (jreat t 27. Acts ii. 17; xiii. 1; xv. 32; xxi. 9 ; 1 Cor. xii. 28 ; Eph. iv. 11. t 23. Acts xxi. la 1 29. Eoiu. XV. 'JS ; ! ( 'or. xvi. 1 ; a Cor. ix. 1. t 30. Acts xii. 25. t S. Matt. iv. 2J4 XX. 23. I o. 2 Cor. i. 10 ; Eph. vi. IS ; 1 Thess. v . 1?. Chap 12: 7.] ACTS. {OiapA^: 18. h the nisht that was t!ie Peter sleeping between Jfo (TTpariuTcoi/, Seoe/xevos aXvarecri Svcrij two soldicr», harini^- teen bound with chains two, (pvKuKes Tf TToo Tr]s Oupas ^r-qpovv TTjy v\a- guarJ«_^ and before the door watching the prison. KT]U. ' Kci iSov, 0776X05 Kupiov eirecTTrif Kai And lo, a messenger of Lord stood by, and v. '^ EjTre re (5 0776X0? irpos from the hands. Said and the messenger to avTov Tiepi^oDfTai, Kai inroStjcrai ra (rav^a\ia him ; Gird thyself, and bind uiuler the sandals (TOV. Eiroirjcre 5e ovtw. Kai \eyei avrcfT of thee. He did and so. And he says to him; Tlepi^aXov to tp-arioy ffov, Kai aKo\ovOei jxoi. Throw around the mantle of thee, and follow me. ' Kat e|6A0cDj' r\Ko\o\)Q€i *[^avTCf''\ Kai ovk TjSej, Andhavinggoneout hefoUowed [him;] and not knew, 6ti aKr}0(s cctti to yivo/xeyou 5ia tov ayyeKov, that real it is that being done through the messenger, «5o/fet Se dpa/ia fiXeirfiy. ^^ AieA^ovres Se ihoiijht but a vision to see. Passing through and vpy lovSaicay. ^^ ^vyiScoy re tation of the people of the Jews. Considering and rjXdey eiri Trjy oiKiav Mapias rrjs /xrjTpos Iwav- be came to the house ofSlary the mother of John yov, TOV eiriKaXov/jifyov MapKov, ov -qaay iKa- that being sumameJ Mark, where were many vol (TvyT]dpoi(T/j.eyoi Kai trpoo'evxofJ.eyoi. ^^ Kpv- assemblcd and were praying. Having cavTOS oe avTov T-qv Qvpay tov irvXcoyas^ irpoar- knocked and him the door of the gateway, came on that NIGHT Pf.tee wag sleeping y between Two .Soldiers, bound with two Chains; and the Guards before the door were watching the prison. 7 And beliold, % an Anscel of the Lord stood by hii;i, and a Light shone in tlie Building ; and striking Petek on the side, lie awoke him, saying, " Arisa quickly." AndlliscHAir.s fell from his hands. 8 And the angel said to him, " Gird thyself, and tie on thy sandals." And he did so. And he says to him, "Throw thy manti.k around thee, and follow me." 9 And going out he fol- lowed him ; and knew not That viiiKt was done by the ANGEL was real, b>'t thought X he saw a Vision. 10 And having passed through the I'irst and sec- ond Guard, they came to THAT IKON GATE that LEADS into the city, X which opened to them of itself; and going out they went forward one Street ; and immediately tlie an- gel withdrew from him. 11 And Petee becom- ing self-possessed, said, " Now I know truly, % That the Lord sent his angel and X delivered me from the Hand of Herod, and All the expectation of the Jewish people." 13 And reflecting, J he came to the house of Mary, the mothek «)f X THAT John, sumaraed Mabk; where many were assembled, and were pray-' iiig. 13 And as he was knock- ing at the Dooa of the • Vaticah Makuscbipt. — 9. him — omit. T 0. Peter was bound to each of the soldiers, so that the least movement on his part to free himself from the chains, would awalccn his g^uard. Two keepers were also stationed at the doors to prevent any ingress of his friends, or any egress on liis part. t 7. Acrs V. 19. i 9. Acts x. S, 17; xi. 5. J 10. Acts xvi. 24 t 11. Psa, '.xxiv.7; Uan.iii.2S; vi.22; Hob. i. 14. J 11. Jobv.lO; Psa. xxxiii. 18, 10 ; ix;iv.23 i U. 2 ; xcvii. 10 ; 2 Cor. i. 10; 2 Pet. iL 0. t 12. Acts iv. 25. I 12. Act« XT. 3& 14* ^ Chap. 12: Un*- ACTS. l&iap. "il. T]\6£ TTai5i(TKTf) viraKovcraiy ovo/jluti 'PoStj* kul a female servant to listen, by name Rhoda; and ^■myvov(ra TffV ^oivr)v tov HeTpou, otto ttjs knowing the voice of the Peter, from the X^i^po-S ovK rivoi^€ rov TrvKccva- eiad pa/nova" a Se joy not she opened the gate; having run in and aTTrjyyciheu, karavai rov Tlsrpov irpo tovttvXq}- told, to hare stood the Pe'^r before the gate. I/OS. ^Oi 5e irpos avrr^v ^iirov Maivrj. 'H 5e The but to her said; Thou art mad. She but confidently affirmed thus to be. Theyand said; The ayyeXos avrov fo-riu. 'O 5e Tlerpos ewe^ieve messenger of him it is. The but Peter continued Kpovcvf avoi^avres Be ei^ov avrov, Kai f^effT-r)- knockingi havmg opened and they saw him, and Cre amazed. (ray. ^^ KaTacreKras 8f avrois rrj X^-?^ •'"'7?''' Having waved but to them the hand to be silent, Sirjynaaro avTois, irws 6 Kupios avroy e^rjyayev he related to them, how the Lord him led €K TTjs ^v\aKV]s. EiTTe Se* ATrayy€L\aT€ luKoy- outolthe pnaoB. Said and; Reportyou to James $00 Ktti rois ah€\(pois ravra. Kai e^f\6wv ' and to the brethren these things. And going oat iiroptvdr} eis krepov tottov. he went into another place. 1^ VevoiJL(:VT]S 5e rijxipas, -qv rapaxos ou/c 6\t- Having become and day, was astir not small 70s fv rots arparicDTais, ti apa 6 ITeTpoj 676- among the soldiers, what then the Peter was vero. ^^'HpwSTjs 5e fTri(-nrr](Tas avrov, Kai fiT} become. Herod and having sought him, and not (ipc»v, avaKpivas rovs (pv\aKa5, (K€K€V(rev having found.haviDg examined the guards, commanded O7raY0r?j'af Kai KareXOuv otto rr)S lov^aias us to be led off; and going down from the Jude» iato r-nv Kaiaapeiav Zierpi^ev. ^ Hv Se evjxofxaxoiv the Cesarea he remained. He was and beini^-euraged Tuptots KaiSiSoJi'ioiS' oixodv/iiabov he nrapr]o-av withTyriane and Sidoniana; with one mind but was present irpos avrov, Kai Tr€i(Tavr€S B\a(Trov, rov tin with him, and havmg persuaded Blastus, that over rov KOirwvos rov fiaTiXius, jirovvro eip-nv-qv the bed-chamber of the king. desired peace; 5m TO rpedxa-Oai avrwv rrjv x^P'^^ °-'^° '^'^^ becausethat to be nourished of them the country from of the &aaiKiK-t\s. 2lTaKTrj Se V«=P? » 'HpwSTjs ivlv- Ving. On a set and day the Herod having aaaevos caerjra $a(TiXiKi]v, Kai KaOiaas eirirov put on apparel royal, andhaviugsatdowu o. the Brifiarosy cbrnj-riyopei irpos avrovs. U He throne, made a speech t" them. The but GATE, a female servant named Rhoda, came to lis- ten. 14 And having recog- nised Peter's VOICE, she opened not the gate from JOY, but running in, told them that Peter was stand- ing at the gate. 15 And THEY said to her, " Thou art mad." But SHE strongly asserted that it was so. And they said, " It is his angel." 16 But Peter continued knocking; and having opened tliey saw him, and were astonished. 17 + And waving his hand for them to he silent, he related to them how the Lord conducted Him out of the PRISON. And he said, "Tell these thin frs to James and to the brk- 1 THREN." And going out, he went into Another Place. 18 Now when it was Day, tliere was no small Commotion among tlie soLDiEE.s, as to what Lad become of Peter. 19 And Herod having sought for him, and not finding him, examined the guards, and commanded them to be led away to execution. And going down from Judea to Ce- sarea , he abode there. 20 And he was highly displeased with the Tynans and Sidoniansi but they came with one accord to him, and having persuaded THAT Blastus who was over the king's chamber, they desired Peace; be- cause J their COUNTRY was NOURISHED from that of the king's. 21 And on + an ap- pointed Day, * Herod, hav- ing put on his re^^a I Kobes. and sitting upon the THRONE, made an oratioa to them. • Vaticam Manuscbift.— 21. Herod, ■j 17. Act3xiii IQ. xix. 13. sxi 40. ; 20. I Kmgs v. 9. 11. Oiup. 12; 22.] ACTS. Srffios (ir«puvfi' &€0v (pcvvr], Kai ovk avOpccTrov. people shouted; Ofaj^ud a voice, and not ofaman. ^ ITapaxpTj/ia 8e (Trara^ey avrou ayy^Kos Immej/ 6 KaXovfievos Uiyep, both Barnabaa and Simeon that being called Black, Kai AovKios 6 Kvpr)uaioSf Mavarjv tc, 'Hpcodov and Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen also, of Herod rov TSTpapxov Kvpicp Kai vrjl of the Lord smote him, because he gave not Glory to God ; and bcin full of all deceit and of alt pa^iovpytaSy vis ^la^oKov, ex^P^ ira(n}s SiKaioav- ready working, O son of an accuser, enemy of all righteous- yrfSy oviravTT} Siacrrpecpwy ras oSovs Kvpiovras ■ ess, not wiltthoucease perverting the way» ofLord the ev0e;ay ; ^^ Kat wv i5ou, X^'P Kvpiov €7rt ce, straii'ht? And now lo, a hand of Lord en thee, Kai ((TTj TV(pX.os, fiT] ^AeTTooj' Toy i]\iop axpL and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun till Kaipov. IlapaxpVf^<^ Se eire-rrecrey eir' avToy a season. Immediately and fell on him ax^vs Kat (TKOTOS' Kac irepiaycuy e^^jrei x^'P'*" a mist and darkness; and going about besought guides. "^wyovs. ^-ToT€ iSojy 6 ayOviraTOSTO y (yoyos. Then seeingthe proconsul that haringbecndone, (TTKTTevcrfVf €KirAr](rao/x€vos eiri rrj 8i5ax?7 '''ov believed, being astonished at the teaching of the KVpiOV, Lord. ^^ AvaxQ^v^fs 5e airo rrfs Uacpov at irepi rov Having set sail and from the Paphos those about the IlauAov, TiXOov €t$ Yl(pyT]y TTjy Jla^i'i>ple ei:Uted ia the sojuiiriiing ia laud of Egypt, Kai fxcTo. ^pax^opos v^r]\ov i^-qyayev avrovs c^ aud with au arm lificdiip he brought them out of avr7]S' -^Kai cL'y Ttertrapa/coj/TaeTrj xpo*'^^ erpo- herj aad about furtv ve.irs time he d] having Acc'V eOvT] CTTTa €P Yp Xavaciv^ ^aTeK\7]pQvo- Cd«i out nations aevea ia laud of Cauaan, he distributed fxvmv avTOLS rr]V yqv avriov, '^ Kai juera by lut to them the laud of them. And after rauTa cL'S €Tnn TerpaKorrwis Kai ir€VTT]Kovra Iboe things about yean four hundred and fifty eSojKe Kpiras^ ews SayitouTjA. tou TrpovXr]s Beviafjiiv, cttj TectTapaKovra, ^ Kai tribe «d up to thtm llie David <»is jSutriAea, 'w Kai eire fxaprvp-qrras" Evpov (or a king, to whomalso be said hatin; testiCedi I found Aav.'S, rov rov Iccrrrai, *[a;/5paj Kara ri)v David, that of the Jesse, [a man] according to the KapSicw jLiou, 6s iroirjcrei vavra. ra 6eXTjij.ara huart olme, who will do all the will fxov. '•^TouTou 6 deos airo rov (Ttrepfiaros kct' • fulc. This the God froui the seed according to evayyfXiav riyayc ro) x(rpa7]\ cwrripa. Itjctouj/, proiuise brought forth tothe Israel a Savior Jesus, 2* irpOKTipv^avros Icoavvov trpo vpoaooTTov ri]s having announced before ofJoba before face of the 16 Then Paul standing up, and waving his hand, said, "Israelites^, aud you who fcir SUS; 2t X John having previ- ously proclaimed, before his ArpEARA>cfc, an Im- * Vaticai? SIanu.script.— 17- tlie rEorts of Israel. 19. And — omit. 10. pare their 1.AND for an inheritance, about four hnn(. red and fifty Years. Aud after that he guvs Chein Judges till Samuel th« Trophet. 22. a man — onttf. t 20. A difficulty occurs here which has very much'puzzled Biblical chronolopists. The date pivcn here is at variance with the .statement found in 1 Kin^ vi. 1. There have been manv solutions olTiTod, but only one which seems entirely satisfactory, i. e., tliat the twi in 1 Kiiiir? vi. 1, ha.s been corrupted, by substituting' the Hebrew character,) wliich is very similar in firm. Tliis would make .'i.SO years (instead of 480) from the e.i. •de to the building of the temple, and exactly ajree with raul's chronology. t 17. Deut.vii.«.7. 1 1". Psa. cv. 23, 24 ; Acts vii. 17. t 17. Exod. xiii. 14,16 X IS. Num. xiv. li'l, ;U; Psa. Xcv.0, 10; Acts vii. 36. J 10. Dent. vii. 1. j I'j. .L sh xiv 1 2; Psa. lxxviii.6.5. t 2(1. Judges ii. 16. ♦ Jii. 1 S;ini.iii. 20. I 21. \ Bam. viii.5 ; x.l. t 22. 1 Sam. .\v. 23, 20, 28; xvi.l; llcM'a xiii. 11. % 22. I San.. XVI. l.T: 2 ^am.ii.4; V.3. t '-2. Psa. Ix;xix. 20. i JJ. 1 ivini. xiii. 14; Act s vii. 46, 1 2?. Isa.xi.l; 1 ul.e i. »2.fl9; Actsii.,sO; Rom.i.3. X i.-i. 2Sam.vii.l2; Psa. exxjcil U. t 23. Matt. 1.21. ^ M. Matt, iii 1 ; Luke iii. S. Cl^ap. 13 : ACTS. Ei(7o5ov avTOv jSoTTTitfaa fx^rauoiai iravri Tip entrance of him a dipping of reformation to all the Xa(p l(Tpar]K. -^'fls Se cTrXripov b Icoauyrjs rov people Israel. As and wtisfulflUing the John the Spoixov, eAeye* Tiva /xe vTTOVoeire eivai, ; ouk race, be said ; Who me do you suppose to be? Dot (i/xL €7«, aA.A' i5ov, fpxerai jW€t' eytte, ou ou/c am I, but lo, comes after me, of whom not 61^11 a|io$ TO viro5r)iJ.a tuv irodwv hvcrat. lam worthy the saudal of the feet to loose. -^ AuSpes a^e\(poi, vloi y^uovs AtSpaa/x, Kai Men brethren, »on» race of Abraham, and oi ii/ ii/xLv (po^ovfxevoi. rov Beov, vfuv 6 \oyos thoseamong you fearing the God, to you the word T7;s aoiTTjpiuS rauTTjs aireaTct^v. ^^ Ol yap oltho salTation thi» is seir Those for KaToiKovvT€s €v 'lepov(Ta\r]fXf K»i ol apxovns dwelling in Jerusalem, and the rulers avTccy, rovTov ayvo-qaavres^ Kai Tas (pwuas of them, him not knowing, and the voices Twu Trpo(pr]TCi}v ras Kara Trav aa^fiarov avayi- olthe prophets those in every sabbatk being ycoaKOfiei/aSy Kpivavns tTrXTjpaxrau. ^^ Kai fii}- tead, judging fulfilled. And no 5cfi.iau aiTiav QavaTov (vpovreSf r}Tr](TayTo one cause of death having found, they asked IliA.aTOJ' avaip(:Gr]vai avrov. "^'Cls Se ireXecrav Pilate to kill him. When and they finished travTa ra irepi avrov yeypajx/xeva^ KadeKov- nll the thinjsconcernmg him having been written, having taken Tts aiTo rov |u\ou, eQ-^Kav eis fivrifxt^iov. ^'O ilown from the cross, they placed in a tomb. The 5e Qios Tjy^ipey avrov ck vcKpwv, ^* os wcpOrj hut God raised him out of dead ones, who appeared tTTi ij/jLfpas irXeiovs roii crvvava$aaiv avre Galilee into Jerusalem, who are /maprvpts avrov irpos rov \aov. ^Kat ■^/teJS wunesses ol him to the people. And we ijuas i:vayyi:\tCoiJ.(:Qa rriv Ttpos rovs Tranpas you address with glad tidings that to the fathers i-KayycXiav ytvofxivt]v, on ravrrtv 6 Oeos €/c- piomise having been made, that this the God has trtn\f]pwKi rois rtKVois avTwj' ^/AtK, avarrrria-as lulfiUed to the children of them tons, having raised up hjaovy'' '^'^ ws Kai fv rep -rrparcp i|/aA.M¥ ytypair- Jesui; as also in the first psalm itiswritten. rat" tics ^ov €i fru, €70; c-qix^pov yeyevvrjKa A son of me art thou, i to-day have begotten [Chap.lZ 335 mersion of Reformation toj All the PEOPLE of Israel.. 25 And as John was ful-, fillino; his race, he said,' % * ' Whom do you suppose me to he ? I am not he ;. but hehold, one comes^ after me, the sandals of Whose TEET I am notwoi" thy to untie.' 26 Brethren, sons of the Family of Ahraliam, and THOSE among you who PEAK God, % to you is the WORD of this SALVATION' * sent. 27 For THOSE DWELL- ING in Jerusalem, and their eulees, % not know- ing fjitt*. nor the decla- KATIONS of the PEOPHETS J which are eead Every Sabbath, % have fulfilled them in judging: him. 28 JAnd without hav- ing found any Cause of Death they desired Pilate to kill him. 29 And when they had finished all things writ- ten concerning him, J bar- ing taken him down from the CROSS, they laid him in a Tomb. 30 % But God raised him from the Dead ; SI X and he appeared for several Days to those who went up with him from Galilee to Jerusa- lem, who are his Witnesses to the people. 32 And ine announce glad tidings to you, J the promise which was made: 10 the fathers ; because God has fulfilled this to *us their children, hav- ing raised up Jesus ; 33 as it 13 written also iuthe t* SECOND Psalm, I ' 21 fiou art my Son ; this 'day £ have begotten thee.* 26. sent forth. For. 32. our • Vaticah Mawuscbiit.— 25. "What think you that. CHJLDBBR, liavmg. 83. eKCOND Psalm. H 33 The two first I'salrns as thery stand in our editions, were anciently loined toseUier. See Welsiein. Gntaboch lias followed some MSS which have /c^' instead ol secnnd. Bo also Tischendorf. The coMiiuon reading, however, has been adopted, which agrees with the Vat. MS. Mark i.7 ; Luke iii. 16; John 1. 20, 27. t 25. Matt. x.B: Luk« ver. 40. t 27. Luke xxui. 34: Acts iii. 17 ; I Cor. li. 8. . J 27- t 25. Matt,, iii. n XXIV 47: Actsru. 20: 4i.U XV 21 t "27' Luke nxiv. 20, 44. Acts xxviii. 23. } 2S. Matt, xxvii. 22. &c.; I 29. Matt.x:ivn.,VJ. &c. t 80. Mati. x " ' '' jictsin. 13. J 4. 13. 15. iSt. V bO. axvi. 6: Gal. ni.16 i 81. Acts i. 3 ; 1 Coi xv. 5—7- I 33. P^a. ii. 7 i lleb. i. 5; v. "i. svin. 6; Actaii. 24; ill. t 32. Jien. sii.3; ssii.18, Avtcr aiap. 13; 34.] ACTS. [ amp. 13 : 43. e. Being broken fTTjs 5f TTjy (Tvi^aywyrjs, 17K0A.01 Srjaav voWoi cp ind the synagogue, followed many r(M}f lovSaiwv Kai twv af&ofJLevwv irpoar^^vTcov o'lbe Jews and o. the worshipping proselytes . T(f/ riauXw Kai TCf. Bapua^a' o'itiv(s irpocrKa- rho pAuI and the Barnabas; who speaking t^ovifTfrS ai'Tots, f:iTfiQov avTovs "irpoa-fifveiv tt) to them, persuaded them to continue inthe 34 And because hi raised him from tlie Dead, no more to retura tc CCr* ruption, lie hii3 Bpoki 0 thus, X ' I ^"ill pive you ' the SURE MEKCIESOf Da- 'vid.* 3a Therefore also in another ])lace he says, J 'Thou wilt not permit 'thy HOLY ONE to see Cor- ' niption..' 36 For David, indeed, having in his Own Gcn« eration served the will of God, X fell asleep, and was laid with his fatheks, and saw C irruption ; 37 but he whom God raised up saw uot Corrup- tioiL 38 Be it therefore knowa to you. Brethren, % That through f)tm Forgiveness of Sins is proclaimed to you; 39 Jandbyfjtm eveht ONE who BELIEVES iS justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. 40 See then that what is SPOKEN in J the pko- PHETs may not come upon you; 41 ■ Behold, despisers. ' and wonder, and ' dis- ' appear; For 5 perform a 'Work in your days, a ' Work which you will by ' no means believe, though 'one should declare it to ' you.' " 43 And they having goae out, * it was thought pro- per that these words should be spoken to tliem on the NEXT Sabbath. 43 And when the syna^ GOGUE was broken up, many of the Jews and ee- LiGious Proselytes fol- lowed Paul and Barna- bas, who, speakinK te rbem, persuaded them to • "Vatican MAnvscmrT. — 4'J. it was thought proper that these words should lie spoKcn : .•>4. Is.v U a. t 35. Tsa. xvi.Ht; Acts ii.. SI. t 30. I Kincrsii.lO; /Xitsii- i'\ t 3?. Lnke xxiv. 47. . 1 .HO. Rom. m. 2.S; viii. 3; I .John ii. 1-2. I »«. Isa- Xi^T. M, UjI. i 5. OiapA^: 44.] ACTS. [Chap.'ii: 1. favor of the God. On the and coming sabbath, trx^^ov iraaa t] iro\i5 ffui'TJX^'? ciKOvcrai rov almost all the city came together to hear the Koyou Tov 6eov. ^iSovres Se ol lovbaioi tovs word of the God. Seeing and the Jewi the ox^ovs, eirXy](r6r}cij5 edywv, TOU fivai tre ejs awTqpiav ews ecrxa" » liljht o( nauons. the to be thee for saUation to end TOU TT]S yr]S. ** Akovovtu 5e to edurj ex^ipov, of the earth. Ha\tng beard and the 'entiles rejoiced, Kai (:5o^,a^ov rov Koyov rov Kvptow Kai em(T- and glorified the word wf the Lord; and be- T(:uaav bnoi rjcrav reray/javoL eis C''^r)v aitoviov. lieied a« many aswerehavingbeendisposedfoi life age-lasting. ■^^ Ai€(|)€ptTy 6e 6 \oyos rov Kvpiov 5t' 6\vs Was published and the word ol the Lord through whole T)]s x^P^^' ^'* Of Se Jov5aioi irapwrpuvav ras of the country. The but Jews stirred up the tT€^oixepas yvvaiKas ras f:V(TxVl^ovaSi Kai rovs tehgiou* womea the honorable, and the npcoTovs T7JS voKetas, Kai iirrjy^Lpav hiwyfxov rhief* ofth* city, and raised a persecution tTTt '90V HavXov Kai rov BapvaBav, Kai e^e0a\ov n^amitthe Paul and the Barnabas, and cast out auT ws airo rwv opiwv auTuv. ^^ Oi 5e fKTiva- tkciu from the boidei-s of them. They but having ^autvoi rov Kovioprov ruiv TroSaJV avriov ctt' » utf the dust ofthe feet of ihemagainst auTous, yi\dov 6is \koviov. them, came into Icouium. ^2 Ot 5e jxaQ-qrai (irKripovvro x«pas Kai irvtv- The and disciples were filled ioy and spirit uaTOS ayiov. KE. i5'. 14. ' Eyevero Se (v holy. It happHDed and in iKovicpy Kara to avro fi(ri\d(iv avrois ets rr)v Iconium, al the tame to enter them into toe continue ia the fa.vob o! God. 44 And on the follow- ing Sabbath, almost the Whole CITY assembled to hear the woed of God. 46 And the Jews seeing the CROWDS, were lilled with Envy, and opposed the things spoken by * Paul, blaspheming;. 46 And both Paul and Baexabas speakinp; freely, said, X " It was necessary for the WORD of God first to be spoken to you , X but since you thrust it away troni you, and i udge your- selves unworthy of Aio- NiAN Life, behold, f^'o turn to the Genxilks. 47 For thus the Lord has commanded us; fl ' have set thee for a Light 'of Nations, that thou ' shouldst BE for Salva- ' tion to the Extremity of ' the EARTH.' " 4a And the Genttles having heard this, ii'ioued, and glorified the word of * the Lord ; and as man/ as were disposed for aio- nian Life, believed. 49 And the word >( the Lord was imbiislied through the \N hole of tha country. 50 Butthe Jews excited the religious and hon- orable Women, and the FIRST MEN of the CITY, and raised a Persecution against Paul and 'Barna- bas, and expelled them from * their borders. 51 X And they, shaking off the DUST of * their feet against them, went to Ico- nium. 52 And the dtsciples X were filled with Joy and holy Spirit. CHAPTER XIV, 1 And it occurred at Iconium, that they went together into the syna- • Vatican MAwuscRirr.— 4.5. Paul, blaspheming-. And Paul and. 46. contradii-t- inff and— omi^. 46. hul— omit. 48. God; aud as many. 50. Barnabas. 50. the BORDERS. 51. the tfet. i 40. Matt. X. 6; Acts lii. 26-, v. 2(i ; Rom. t, Ifi. t 4«. Alatt. xxi. 43, Rom. x. 19, 1 4d. Arts xviii.O; xxviii. 28. t 47. Jsa. xlii. T7JS x°-P^'''os avTOV, SlSnUTl to the word of the f^vor ofhiui^elf, graatiag irrjin^ia Kai rtpara ytueaOai Sia rcoif ^etpcoy iiigut aud priydi^iea to be doue through the handi tt'iTwy. ^ETxtfTdrj be to irXrjQos rrjs iroXews oliucm. ^Vas o-.ti(!ed and th\r]aai aurovs, ofilicm. toiuiuit and to stuiie them, •* (Tuyi^ovTts Karecpvyoy cis ras iroXeis ttjj seeing tliry Hed into the city of the AvKaofias, Avarpay Kai A(pl3r]y, Kai ttju i^ycouiHin, X*y9tra and ])t;ri'e, and the •Kipivoopov ^ KaKd T)rrav tva^/yeXi^o/xeyoi. Burrouudiug country; and there they were preachiu;; b''^*^ tidings. ^ Kai Tis avrip iv Avarpois aSvyaros tois And a certain man In Lyslra uuabl* lathe ironiy eKaOrjTo, ^^wXos eK KoiXias fiy)rpos avrov, feet was kitting, lame trum woiub ut uiuther of hiuiaeif, 6s ouSeTTOTe vfpifwcraTrjKei. * OJroi r)Kovf »'ho never had walked about. This beard Tov UavXov XaXnvvTos' 6s ar^vKTas avry^ the Paul •[leakiugi »ho baring looked lutontly to him, frai j8wj/ 6ti iriariv 6^61 Toy aoiOriyaij ^^ eiire and seeing that faith he baa oftb* to be saved, sud fxeyaXT) tt; (^(cvr)' Avaarrjdi fwt tovs ttoSos (tov luud withine Toice; Do thou stand upon the feet ofihoe opSos. Kai TjXaTo, Kai irfpieiraTei. ^' Ot Se erect. And be leaped up, and walked about. The and iSnvTis 6 fTTonjaev d ITai/Xos, firripav seeing what did the Paul, lifted up T^v tiie3 against the BKETllKKN. 3 For a conBiderabla Time however, thi y con- tinued there, speaking lioldlyin the Lord, J vho lESTlFlED to the WORD of his FAVOR, by prantiug Sitjns and Prodigies to be performed by their hands. 4 But the MULTITUDB of the CITY was divided; and SOME were with the J KATs, and SOME with the apostt.ks. 6 And as a violent at- tempt was made, both by I lie GENTfLts and Jews, with their kui.kus, |to wantonly disgrace and stone tliem, 6 knowing it, + they fled to the CITIES of LvcAO- MA, Lystra and ihrbe, and the suRRou^Dl^o COUNTRY; 7 and there they pro- claimed glad tidings. 8 X '^"'l there was sit- ting a certain Man at Lys- tra, disabled in biS KEFT, his Birth, who had never walked. 9 This mnn heard PaI'L speaking; who, Inokin^in- tciiily on him, and +seeinf; That he had i'aith to be RESTORED, 10 said with a * Loud Voice, " Stand erect on thy KFET." And lie leaped up. and walked about. 11 And the CROWDS see- ing what Paul did, they luted up their voice in the Lycaonian language, savin;/, 4;"The ood.s, re- sembling men, have come down to us." 12 And they, indecdi called Barnabas, Jupiter, • ^'ATICAN M*i«U8CBiPT.— 10. Lioud Voice. 1 ;% .■\lAik .tvj. .'II. 1. t 6. 2 lim. iii. U. t 6. Malt. x. 23. fci.:. ; J. J»aU. VIM. 10; X. 26, 2a. t 11. Acbb viu. lU; xxviii. 6 t a. A.-u Chap. 14: 13.] ACTS. [Oiap. 14:20. the and Paul, Mercury; berause he w»sthe riyovixfvos rou \oyov. ^^'O Se lepevs tov Alos leader cfthe word. The and priest oftheJupitei TOV ovTOS tpo TTjs TToAeojs, Tttvpovs Kai crre/i- »f that being before the city, bulls and gar- fiUTtt €Tn Tovs vvXcavas fpejKas, - you? also we being like are to you meo, TTOi, fvayye\iCo/J.^voi vfxas airo tovtuv twv announcing glad tidings you from these the [xaTaiwu €iri(TTp6(peiv eiri tov Oeov tov C'^vtu, superstitions to turn to the God the Uvmg, OS eTTOirja-e tov ovpavov Kai Trjv yrjv Kai ttjj/ who mide the heaven and the earth and the eaXaacTav^ Kai iravTa Ta iv avTois' ^'^ os ev sea, and all the things in them ; who in Tais irapcfxill^^vO'i'S y^vcais eiaae iravTa tu the having gone by generations permitted all the iOvr, Top^viffQai rats b^iois avToov. ^^ ViaiTOiye natioiia to go in the ways of themselves. Although indeed ovK a/xapTvpov eavTov a(pT]KeVy ayaOoiroiwVf not without witness himself left, doing good, ovpavcdev v/xiv veTovs Bi^ovs Kai Kaipovs Kap- from heaven to you rains giving and seasons fruit- vo(popovs, (ixirnrhav Tpo(p7)S Kai ev(ppo(TvvTj5 ful, being full of food and of joy Tas Kapdias Vjiuiv. ^^ Koj TavTa KeyovTcs^ the hearts of you. And these things saying, ^o\is KaTe-rravcrav tovs ox^ovs tov firj dveiv hardly they restrained the crowds the not to sacrifice avTois. ^^ETrr]\6ov Se awo kvTiox^^os Kai Iko- ro them. Came and from Antioch and Ico- viov lovSaio uium Jews; \i6a ttjs the . Paul, they dragged outside of the ■KokfUSy vofxicravTCS avTov Tedvavai. ^^Kvk- city, supposing him to be dead. Sur- AoicavTwv Se %vtov todv p.aQr]TwVy avacrras rounding Vid him the dieciples, having arisen fiarjXdev cis Tt]V troKiv. Kai tt] iiravpiov he entered into the city. And on the morrow €|7).\0e o-uj/ Tw Bapj/a.Sa eis Aep^-qv. ^^Evay- hewent with the Barnabas into Derbe. Having and Paul, Mercury, be. cause i)e was the chiei SPEAKKE. 13 And the phiest o* THAT [image of] Jupxteb which WAS t before the CITY, brought Bulls and Garlands to the gates, and wished to sacrifice with the CROWDS. 14 But the APOSTLES, Barnabas and Paul, hav- ' ing heard of it, rent their MANTLES, and rushing out among the ceowd, ex- claiming 15 aud saying, "Men, why do you These things? X &3.t are also Men, sub- ject to frailty with you, proclaiming glad tidings to turn you from These VANITIES to the LIVING God, X who made the hea- ven, and the eaeth, and the sea, and all things in them ; 16 Jwho, in peeced- ING Generations permitted All the Gentiles to walk in their own ways ; 17 t though indeed he left not Himself without testimony, doing good, X giving you Rains fi'om 1 heaven, and fruitful Sea- sons, and filhng your iiEAETS with Food and Gladness." 18 And saying These things, they with difficulty restrained the crowds from sACEiFiciNG to them. 19 But X Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the CEOWDS, and J having stoned Paul, they dragged him out of the city, sup. posing him to be dead. 20 But the DisciPjiES having sm-rounded him, he rose up and entered the CITY. And on the nexi DAY he departed with Bae- NABAS to Derbe. + IS \s wa.s common in that day, cities were placed under the protection of heathen deities.' The city ot Lystra had the image of Jupiter, before its gates. , 1 15 Jamesv.17; Rev.xix.lO. t 15. I Thess.l.fl. t 16- Psa.lssxi.l2; Acts T vi, s?; • 1 Pet i V 3 i 17. Acts xvii. 27 ; Bom. x. 20. X 17- Lev. xxvi. 4; Dent. Vi u x-v^=i i2 Job V. 10; Psa. Isv. 10; Lxviii. 9; cxlvii. 8; Jer. xiv. 22; Matt, v 45. t 19. Acts xLii.45 ' t 19. 2.Cor xi. 26-. 2 Tim. iii. 11. Chap. U: 21.] ACTS. [Cfiap. 15: 3. yfXiffa^ivoi re ttjv troXiv (KfivTjv, Kai fiadri- preached glad tiding* and the city that, and hafing T(V(TavTiS iKavovs, vTrftTTpc^av CIS TT]y Av(TT pay made diiciplo niany, they returned to the Lyatra KOI iKovioy Kai Ayrioxftay ^^ eTTKXTrjpi^ovrcs and Iconium and Antioch, coofirming Tos i/zuxas Toiv ixaQrfTusv, irapaKaXovyrcs ffj-fifyeiy the aoula of the diiciplei, cihortiog to abide tt; ir/, ic . 15. not a little with the disciple*. ^ Kai TJVfj KaTfXQovTcs airo ttjs lov5aias, And some having come down from the Judea, (SiSaaKov rovs ubcXcpovi' 'On cay firj -ncpirc^i- jwer* teactung the brethren; That it not yonarecir- yrfirOc ry e0€t Mwvrrcus, ov Svyaadc (ruOrjyai. cumcited with the rite ot.MoBes, not you are able to be saved. ^ rfyo/xtyrfs ovy aTacrctas Kai ^7]TT}accvs ovk Being theretore a dispute and discussion no* oXiyT)i T(f) TlavXcp Kai tcij fiapvafia irpos avrovs, a little tbe Paul and the Barnabas with tbem, €To|a»' aya^aivciy TlavXoy Kai Bapya$ay Kai they decided to send up Paul and Barnaba* and 21 And having preached the glad tidin(;3 in that CITY, and Jmadc many dis- ciples, they returned to i>Y.sTEA, iind Iconiuai, and Autioch, I 22 confirming the souls of the DISCI PLKS, and J ex- horting them to continue in the faith, J and That through Many Alllictions we must enter the king- dom of God. 23 And J having ap- pointed ELDEKS I'm- them in every Coufiregation, and having prayed with Fast- ing, they commended them TO the LoKD, into whom they had hclieved. 24 And passing through Pistdia, they came to * Pamphylia ; 25 and having spolcen the WOHD in Perga, they went to Attaha ; 26 t and thence they sailed to Antineh, whence they were Jreconimended to the yAVOR of God for the woBK which they ful- tUled. 27 And having arrived, and assembkd the con- gregation Jthey related what things God did by them, and that he had t opened a Door of Faith to the Gkntiles. 28 And they remained not a little Tune with the DISCIPLES. CHAPTER XV. 1 And i some having come down trom Judea laught the brethren, J " if you are not circum- cised according to the cus- tom of * Moses, you can- not be saved." 2 There being, therefore, a Contention, and Paul and Harnabas had no lit- tle Debate witli tlieni, tliey decided % to send up Paui and Barnabas, and some * VaTICAW MaWUSCKIPT.— 24. I'AMPHtLI*. 1. MoaKS. 1 ?1. Matt, xxviii. 19. : 22. Actsxi.23; xiii.43. t 22. Matt. x. 38; xvi.J4; Luke xxii. 2S, 29; Kom. viii.l7; 2 Tim. li. II, 11. hi. 12. t 23. Titus i. 5. t 20. Aets xiii. 1, S. t 26, Acts XV. 40. t 27. Acts xv. 4, 12; xxi. 19. t 27. 1 Ot. xvi 0- 2 Cor. ii.l2 ; Col. iv.8. Rev. in.4. : 1. G;il. ii. 12. t I. John vil. 22 ; Ver. 5; Gal. v. 2 ; Phil, iii, 2 ; Col. »i. 8, U, 10. J 2. Gal. ii. I. Chap. 15: 30 ACTS. rivas a?^ovs f^ avTwv irpos "^ovS aTrov. ''' Nuj' faith having {jurihed the hearts of I hem. Now oi.j' Tt ■n-eipaCcTe rov 6eov, eiriOeivai C^yov therefore "hy do you tempt the God, to place a yoke tiri rov Tpaxv^ov rwv /jLadrjrwv, 6v ovn ol on the neck of the disciples, wmch neiiBer the ■Jtarepe^ T]H(av ovn rnjLits KTxi'O-aixe^v ^atrmaai , fathers of us nor we were able tu bear* " AAAa 5ia tijj X"^"''<'^ "''<''' Kvpiou ln lag him has, trav (TaBBaTov avayivuKTKOfxtvos. ^-Tot€ fSo^e every sabbath being read. Then it seemed good Toir aiTOfTToXoii Kai tou Trptafii'Tfpois aw 6Xt) to the apostie* and the elder* with whole Tp (KKXTiCrta, iKXt^afj.€uov5 au5pa^ (^ avTov the congregation, having chosen men out ol themselves we trust to be saved ; in like ruiinruT tl;fn klso. 13 Ami .All the Jiui.rr. TCDK WHS Silent, and licaid H;iriial):i3 aud Paul rcluto What bjivrns and Prodi^'ics God 1 jtcrforined among the Ckntiles throutjS them, 13 And after they wer« STi.KNT, J. I limes answered, suyiug, " Brethren, hem me! 14 J Simon has rclateo how Gou tii'st lookt d ta take out gf the Gtutilea a Pi.-ople foj'his name. 15 And with this the WOIIDS of the PEOl'HF.TS liariuomze; as 't ia wnt» ten, 16 J 'After these things 'I will return; and I will 'rebuild THAT tahken \- 'cr,Bof David which h.i3 'rALLEN down; and 1 'will rebuild its Kuixs, ' and will re-c3tabhsh 1 1 ; 17 ' in order that tlie ' eematnoek of MKN m:iy 'seek the Lord, even All 'the Gextii.f.s upon ' whom my >AAiii*a3 been ' invoked, 18 ' says the Lord, who ' does these thini^s,' whn h were known from tlie Aire. 19 Therefore JS juili^e that we sliould not trouble TiiosK. who Irora among the Gentiles ai'e tuun- i:r]Tai ovt€s, 5ia Xoyov iroWov Trape/caAe- prcipliets bciiic:, thrini|;h a word g"''' cxIiorieJ (Tav Tovs a^e\(povs, Kai eTre(rTT]pi^aj^. ^ rioirj- the brethren, and conlu lueil. Having cavTcs 8e ;tpovo»', aTr€\v0ri(r:iv ufr' ciprjurjs ■ pent and a tune, they were disinisv »»woia, wa» about himself to kill, supposing t.KTtf(pkvy(:vai TOVS dea-p-iovs. ''^ E(p(vvTi(Ti Se prisoners. securely ToiavT-qv such (O hav* been fled the Cried out and [Cliap 16.r 28< come out of Jier." % And it came out in That Hour. 19 And her masters seeing That the hope of their gain was gone, I seizing Paul and Si- las, ithey dragged them into the MARKET, to the rulers;' 20 and the) having con- ducted them before the COMMANDERS, said,"These MEN, being Jews, f greatly disturb our city,' 21 and preach Customs, which it is not lawful for tis to receive or observe, being Romans." 22 And the crowd rose up together against them ; and the commanders having torn off their man t TLES, X gave orders to bea them with rods. 23 And having laid Many Stripes on them, tliey cast them into Pri- son, charging the jailor to keep them safely ; 24 who, having received such a Charge, cast them into the INNER prison, and made their feet fast in the STOCKS. 25 And at midnight, Paul and Silas praying, sung a hymn to God ; and the prisoners listened to them. 26 X And suddenly there was a great Concussion^ so as to shdke the foun- dations of the PRISON ; and Jail tlie doors were opened, and the fetters of All were loosed. 27 And the jailor, awaking from sleep, and seeing the doors of the prison opened, drew a SWORD, and was about to kill Himself, supposing that the PRISONERS liad (escaped. 38 But Paul cried with *Vat:caw MANt)8CBtPT.-'26 immediately— omi<. 1 l!» MaiUxvi.17. I 19. 2 Cor. vi. 5. ; 19. Matt, x, 18. J •-«>. A.ctg XV. KUKOVf airavTCS yap fa/j-ev ii^dadi. to thjseU harm, all for we are here. ^^ AiTTjffas de csi and «raa dipped he and those of him TTavT^s irapaxpvi^ci" ^ Avayayuv re aorovs fis all immediately. Having led up and them into TO*/ oiKov ajTo\jy TrapeOrjKe rpair^^aVy Kai t]ya\- the house of himself^ beset a table, and re- Aiaaaro irauoiKi veTrifrrevKcos rep d^cp. joiced nrith all his honse, having believed in the God. '^'H/j.epas Se y^uouevTjs, airecxTeiKau ol arpa- Day and having becom?, sent the com- TTjyoi Tovs fia^^ovxovSy Keyovres' AiroXvaou maiidert the rod beHrers, saying; Kelease th/>u rovs avQpcoirovs €Keivovs. ^ AirriyyeiXe 5e 6 the men tho^e. Told and the 5e(T/io(j)v\a^ rovs \oyov5 rovrovs irpos top Ylav- jailor the wordi; these to the Paul; "kov 'On ainaraXKaaiv oi (TTparriyoiy iva aizo- That Las seat the coiiiuianders, that you XvQr]Tc vvv ovv t^eXOovTfSy nopeveade €U may be released ; now therefore going out, do you go in f:ipr)vri. 37 'o Se TlavKos i(pri irpos aurovs' peace. The but Paul said to them; AeLpavTfS i]/xas 5r}fJLoaiaf aKaraKpirovSy avQpta- ll.iviiig beaten us publicly, uncondenmed, men •nous 'Pw/biaious virapxovraSy efiaKou eis <{>v\a- Komaus being, they cast into prison, nr}Vy Kai vut KaOpa TJiuas fK^aWovcriu ; Ov and now privately us do they ca»t out? No yap' aWa eXOowr^s avroi ijuas f^ayayeToxrav. Jii'leed; but haviii g come theiiiselvv.s us let them lead, out. *^ AuTjyyfiXai' Se ruts arpa-riyois ol ^o^SSouxo* Told and to the commanders the rod-bearers ra ()7]uara ravra' Kai e(po^r)9ri(Tav, OKoucravTes the noils these; and they were atrsid, having heard on 'Pcofxaioi (lai. ^^ Kat eXdour^s vapaKaXe- that Koinans they are. And having coma they entreated a loud Voice, saying. " Do iliysilf no harm; for we an; \1\ here." 29 And having asked for Lights, he rushed in, and hiing in a tremor, I'ell down before Paul and * Silas. 30 And conducting them out, he said, J " .Sirs, what must 1 do tliat 1 may be saved?" 31 And THEY said, t" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and tfjou shalt be saved, and thy i'AMILY. 33 And they spoke to him the word of *tlie Lord, and to all those in his HOUSE. 33 And taking them m That HOUR of the night, he washed them from tlieir STRIPES, and was imme- diately immersed, f)e and ail HIS. 34! And having brought them into * his house, + he set a Table, and re- joiced with all his house- hold, believing m God. 35 And when it was Day,the COMMANDERS sent the OKFiCERs, saying, " Let tliose men go." 36 And the jailor r.old * these WORDS to Paul, "The COMMANDERS Jiave sent to release you, now therefore depart, and go in Peace." 37 But Paul said to them, "They iiave beaten us publicly uncondcmned, 4 being Romans, and cast U3 into Prison ; and now do they privately cast Va out? No, indeed, but let them come themselves and conduct Us out." 38 And the officers related tliese words to the COMMANDERS; aiid they were afraid when they lieard that they were Ro- inaus. S9 And they came and * Vatican M awi'script.— 2U. Silas. BUDBB. 36. the WOBUS. : .V). Luke iii. 10; Acts ii. 87 ; 't.«. ( H. Luke v. M; xix. A. ; 37. Act« zzii. 3&. 8^. God, witb all that were. 34. the t 31. John ill. 10, 36; vi.47; 1 John v. 10 Chap. 16: 40.] ACTS. (C^iap. 17: 7. cav avTovs, Kai e^ayayovres ripwrcau t^rjXdeiv them, and having led out they asked to go out o'lhe cily. Having gone and out of the prison K7JS etcrrjKOov irpos r-qv Avhiav Kai tSoj/rey rovs they came in to the Lydia; and having seen the u^iXcpovSy Tzap^KaX^ffav avrovSy Kai e^;]\6ov. brethren, they exnorted them, and went out. KE. 4^'. 17. * AioSfvcrai^Tes Se ttjj/ A/j.(pL- Having parsed through and the Amphi- TToXiu Kai AiroWcouiaUy rjKdoy €is &s(r(TaKovi- polis and Apollonia, they came into Thessalonica, /C7JV, OTTOV T]V 7) (TvpaywyTj tojj/ lovhaicov. where was the synagogue ofthe Jews. 2 Kara Se to eicuOos tw HavXcf) eiarjXde irpos According to and the custom the Paul went in to auTovs, KOLi eTTi aa,8^aTa rpia SLekeyero av- them, and for sabbaths three reasoned with Tois airo rcou ypa StAa, roiu re themselves to the Paul and to the Silas, ofthe and a- LONiCA, where was *a Synagogue ot the Jews. 2 And according to his CUSTOM. Paul J went in to them, and on three Sab- baths reasoned with them Irom the scEXPTUKES, 3 opening and setting forth, J That the Messiah oufjht to suffer and to rise from the dead, and That " Tliis is the Anointed Je- sus whom i announce to you." 4 t And some of them beheved and adhered to Paul and J * Sihis, and of the PIOUS Greeks a * great Multitude, and ol the CHiKF Women not a few. 5 But the Ji ws taking some evil-disp(!sed Men from the makkkt-loung- EEs, and gathering a crowd, alarmed tiie city; and having assailed the house of $ Jason sought to bring them * forth into the assembly of the peo- ple; 6 but not finding them, they dragged * Jason and some ot the Bretiiren to the RULEKs of the city, crying out, J "These men who have disturbed the empire, are come here also J 7 whom Jason has re- ceived ; and all these op- pose the X decrees of Ce- * Vatican Manuscript.- gngne 01. 4. Silas. 9. from the ciTt . 4. great Multitude. 1. Thessalonica. 1. a Syna- 5. forth, to the people. fi- t 39. Matt. viii. 31. t 40. ver. 14. t 2. Acts ix. 20; xiii.5. 14; xiv.l ; xvi. 13; six. 8. I 3. Liilve sxiv.2!J, *5; Acts xviii. 28; Gal.iii.l. i 4. Acts xxviu. '.'4. I 4. Acts sv. 22. 2^ ?,i, 40. I 5. Koiu. xvi. 21. J 6. Acts xvi.20. % 7. Luko szili. 2; Johuxix. 12. ehmp. 17; 8.] ACTS. [(yiap. 17: 16. y-,t> K^itrapos irparTov(Tiy jSaffiAea AeyofTts anotber ^o be, Je>u>. Truubled &Qu tlM crowd »wi TOiy »o\tTap;^a$ a/coi/ovTaj Tauri ^ Kot and tlie city-riilers b.iuug lieud these things. And KupuvTfs TO iKauov vapa rov latr i'otinuing the writings, if was these thmgs thus. •'- HoWoi fxey ovv 6| avTwv tTria-Tevcrav, Kai Many indeed thereforeout of thein believed, and Twv 'EWriviSaiv yvvaucwv twu tvo'X'm^'ivwv Kai • f tlie Greek women of the honorable and auhpwv ovK oXiyoi. '^Tls 5e iyvwaav ol airo men not a few. When but kuen those from T-qs QeaaaXoviKrjs lovSaioiy oti Kai ev ttj Bepoia the Thessalonica Jews, that also in tlie Berea icaTT7'y7€A7; viro tov T\av\ov 6 \oyos tov 6€ov, was preached by the Paul the word of the God, r]\dou KaK€i craXei/oj/Tes tovs ox^ovs. '^ EvOeus they came also there stirring up the crowds. Immediately 5e TOT€ TOV IlavXuv e^aTrf(rT€i\ay oi a5(\(j)oi «nd theB the Paul scut out the brethren iropevitrdai is C7rt Trjv QaKacraav virf/xfuop Se to go ■« to the seai rtmaiiied and 6, Tf 2iXas Kat 6 Ti/jLodeos €/cei. ^^ Oi Se Kadicr- Ihe, both SiLu and the Timothy there. They but conduct- TcoPTfS TOV TlavXov Tjyayov *[_avTov^ ews AOr]- jng the Paul led [him] to Ath- pwv Kai \a$ovT(s evToXrjv irpoi tov l.iXav Kai rnsi and having received a charge to the Silas and Ti/xoOeoVy iva is Tax^O'Ta eXOooai irpos avTov, Timothy, that as soonaiputsiblethey shouldcometo him, fl^^Tjeaav. '^ Ev 5e Tais A9r]vais (KS^xofievov they departed. la and the Athens waiting avTOvs TOV riauAou, Trapcc^uvfTO to Tryevij.a them of the Paul. was stirred up the spirit avTOv cv avTf O^wpovvTi KaTei^coKov ovaav of him in him, beholding full of idols being sar, e.iying that there i9 uuotbcr King, Jesus." 8 And they alarnud thfl CROWD and tlic ki'llrs of the CITY, when they htard these things. 9 And having taken sk- crttiTY from Jasun, and the EEST, they let them go. 10 But the BEETHKEN immediately, by * >iight, tsent away Paul and Si- las, to Berea; who, hav- ing arrived, went into ths SYNAGOGUR Of the JEWS. 11 And These vere of a more nohle disposition than THOSE in Thessalonica, for they received the woed with All Readiness, daily % examining the sceip- TUEE3 whether these things were so. 12 Many of them, there, fore, believed; and of tlie HONOBABLE Greek wo- men, and Men not a few. 13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica knew That the word of God was preached by Paul at Beeea, they came there also exciting *aud troub- ling the crowds. 14 JAnd then the BRETHREN immediately sent Paul away, as if he were to go towards the SEA ; but Silas and Tim* OTiiY remained there. 15 And THOSE co^•- DucTiNG Paul led him to Atliens ; and having received a charge for Sr- LAS and * TniOTiiY to come to him as soon as possible, they departed- 16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, J his SPIRIT was stirred within lum, oa be- holding the CITY was + full of idols. • Vaticam Maruscrift. — 10. Niglit. him — omit. 15. Timothy. 13. and troubling the cbowos. 10- t IG. xhis expression denotes the appearance of Athens to the eye of a stranger. "A per. pon could hardl V i:ike hi.s position any where in ancient Athens, where the eye did not ran;?*; ever temples, altars, and statues of the gode almost without number." iii6.Sac. VoL vi.p.;i;j9 I 10. Acts ix. 25 ; ver. 14. % 11. Luko xvl. 20 ; John v. 30. 1 14. Matt, x 23 ( 10. 2 Pet. ii. d. Chap. 17 : 17.] ACTS. [Chap. 11: 24. r7)v troXiv. ^^ AieXeyero fxei/ ovv (v tt) crvva- the city. He reasoned indeed then in the syna- ycayri rois lovSaiois Kat tois (re^o/jLevois, Kai gogue with the Jews and with those being pious, and fu rri ayopa Kara -n-acau rj/xepav irpo:. rovs \a the market during every day with those raparvyxavouTas. ^^ Tij/es Se tcdu E-rriKovpeLuiv happening to meet. Some but of the Epicureaiji Kai rwu liTooiKcvu ' «nd of the Stoics philosophers encountered himi KUL Tiv€s €K(yov Ti av 6e\oi 6 (nrepfj.o\oyos lad some said; What may intend the seed-picker ovTos \eyeip Ol Se' "Eevcov Saip-oviasv BoKei this to say? They and; Of strange demons beseems KaTayycXevs eipar on tov l-qaovp Kai Tt)v a proclaimer to be ; because the Jesus and the avaaraiTiu ^\_avTois^ €vriyye\i^eTo. '^EiriAo- reaurrection [to them] he announced glad tidings. Having Bofj.€Poi T€ avTov, firi top Apeiov irayov rjya- takeu hold and of him, to the Mars bill they yop., KeyopTes' Avvafxeda yvr](r';Lay avTov to seek the God, if indeed they might feel him KOt €upoi€v, KaiToiyi ov fxcLKpau airo kvos eKaar- and mi'^ht find, and indeed not far from one each TOV i)jxu>v tiirapxovTa. ^ Ev avTcp yap C^fJ.ei/ ofu» being. " Kai Kivov/xtda Kai eff/Jiev and are mored and we are; In him for wel: uis Kai Tiues Twy KaO^ as also some of those with Tov yap Kai yeuos Of the for also offspring vfias voiT)Twv eipTjKaai you poeta have said; ior/xev. ^ Tevos ovv virapxovTcs tov 6(ov, weaie. Offspringthercfore being of the God, OVK o(t>(iXo/j.fy vo/xi^fiv, xpvaep 17 apyvpep 77 not we arc bound to suppose, gold or silver or Xidwy xapayp.aTt Tex^V^ 'f ' ivdufi-qaews avQpu)- Xone, a sculpture of art and device af man, Tovs /uei/ OVV The indeedtberefare TTOi/, TO Oiioy CLvai d/xoiop. ^ the Deity to be like. Xpopovs TTjs ayvoias vircpiSwu 6 deos, Tavvv times of the ignorance overlooking the God, Doiv TtapayyiKKii tois auOpwirois iraai iravTaxov he commands to the meo all in all places ucTavofiv ^' SioTi €(TTr]afv 7j/j.fpaVy eu 'rj to reform i becauK he established A day, in which /ucAAf 1 Kpiviiv Ti]v oiKov^i(V7}v tj/ ZiKaioead, some derided, but OTHEK3 said, "We wJl liear thee * again about this. * Vaticaic Manuscbim.— 23. Blood— omit. ag'ain. 26. The WTiole Face of. S2. alsa t 28. The PA«no«*no of Aratus, and CI«anfA«t' Hymn to Jupiter, contain thi8 quotation. Aratus was a Cihcian, one of Paul's countrymen, with whose writings Paul was probabl> well at-quainted. : 24. Malt.ii.25. i 24." Acts vii. 48. t25. Psal.8. t 2d. Ocn. ri. 7 : Num. xvi. 22 ; Job xil. 10," ixvii.3, xxxiii.4; Fsa.xlii.S; Ivii. 10; Zech.xii.l. t 2fl: Deut. SSX11.8. t 27. Kom. i. 20. t 27 Acts xiv. 17. 1 29. Isa. xl IS. : 30. Acts XIV. 10; Rom. in. 25. J SO. Luke xxiv. 47 ; Titus ii. 11, 12 ; 1 Pet. J. 11» »v. »• t 31. Acts z. 42 ; Kom. 11. 10 ; uv. Mk { HI. Acts li. 24. aiap. 17 : 3 1.3 ACTS. [C7iap. 18: 8. tov. avTwv of them. 34 Kai ovTus 6 Ilav\os e^7]A6ev e/c [xeffov And thus the Paul went out from luidst Tives Se avZpes KoWridevTes avTcp, ^ttkt- Some but men having associated with him, be- revffav iv ols Kai Alovvctlos 6 Ap^oirayiTTjs, Ueved; among whom also Dionysiua the Areopagite, Kai yvuT] ouojxaTL AafxapLS, kul eTepoi aw and a woman hy name Damans, and others with avrois. KE4». ir}'. 38. ^ Mera Se Tavra them. After and these things Xo^pi'ydeis 6 TlavXos 6k tojv Adrjucoy, rjXOev sis having withdrawn the Paul from the Athens, came into KopivOov. ^ Kai evpwv nva lovSaiov ouo/J-an Corinth. And having foundacertain Jew byname AKvXav, TlovTiKOj/ rw yev€L, Trpoacparoos eX'/jXu- Aqmla, Pontus by the race, recently having 6oTa airo ttjs IraAias, Kai UpLaKiWau yvvaiKa come from the Italy, and PrisciUa wife avTov, (5ia TO SjareTaxei/at K\avdioy X^P'" of htm, (because the to have commanded Claudius to with- ^^aOaL iravras tovs lov5aiovs e/c ttjs 'Pca/jL-qs,) draw all the Jews from the Rome,) •7rpoar]\dey avrois' ^ Kai Zia to 6/xoTtxvov be went to them; and becauE^e the same trade fivat, ififue Trap' avTois' Kai eipya^sTO' rjaav to be, he temaincd with them; and worked, they were yap aKr]uoTToioi tttjv t^xvi^p. ^ AieXiyeTO Se ev for tent-makers the trade. He reasoned and in TTj (Tvyaycayp rfara Tray aaHliaTov, eiret^e re the synagogue during every sabbath, persuaded and \ovhaiovs Kai 'EWrjvas. ^ 'D.S Se KaTrjXOov Jews and Grce4is. When but came down airo TTjs Ma/ceSovms d, re 2tAas Kai 6 TiiJ-oOeos, from the Macedonia the, both Silas and the Timothy, (Tvueix^TO TCf Koycfj 6 HavXos, SiafxapTvpo/xiVos was conlined to the word the Paul, earnestly testifying Tots lov^aiois Toy 'XpicTToy Irjcrovy. ^ AvTiTaa- to the Jew oiKb) avTov Kai iroWoi twp KopiuOwy aKou- Ihe house of bimaelf, and many of toe Corinthiani bear- So And thus T aul went out from the midst of them. 34 But Some Men ad- hering to luiu, believed ; among whom were Diony- sius the * Arcopajrite, and a Woman named Demaris, and others with them. CHAPTER X\ni. 1 And after these things * Paul withdi-awuig from Athens, came to Corintn; 2 and having found a Certain Jew named JAquila, a native of Pon- tus, recently come from Italy, and his wife Pns- cilla, (because * Claudius had COMMANDED All Jews to withdraw from Rome,) he went to them. 3 And because he was of the same trade, he re- mained with tliem, land * labored ; for they were Tent makers by trade. 4 J And he reasoned in the SYNAGOGUE Every Sabbath, and persuaded Jews and Greeks. 5 X And when Silas and Timothy came from Ma- cedonia, Paul was con- fined to the woud, ear- nestly testifying to the Jews the Anointed Je- sus. 6 t But when they re- sisted and blasphemed, shaking his clothes, he said to them, " Your blood be upon your head! 2 am pure; from this time I will go to the Gentiles.' ' 7 And having removed thence he went into the House of one named Jus- tus, a worshipper of God, Whose house was adjoin- lug the synagogue. 8 And t Crispus, the RULER of the SYNAGOGUE, believed u-, the Lord, with All his nrusi! ; and many of the Corinthians bear • Vaticaw Manuscript.— 34. Areopaajite. 1. he departed from. 2. AlUswa were commanubd to withdraw from Rome. 3. they labored. J 2. Roto. .xvt. 3; lOor. xvi. 19; 2 Tim. iv. 19. X 3- Acts xx. 34; ICofviv. 12; 1 Tbess. it. 9 ; 2 Ihess. iii. 8. t 4 Art* xvn. 2. i 5. Acts xvu. i4. 15. I 0. .Vets xiU. 45, 46 , xiviii. 28s^ ji »• i tJor. U 14* Chap. 18: 9.] ACTS. [Cliap. IS. 10 tug belie*?!!, niul were liiiipeil; •nid auil the Kupios Si' SpauaTos fv vvkti T(f Ylav\w' M17 l,..i \oj- iMjuatice any, or recklene evil, O Jews, baioi, KUTa \oyov ay r/t'etT^OjUT/i' vfiwy *^ fi aceordiUj; to reiuua I would btar witb you, il he ^77. 17/na fcTTt Trepj \oyov Kai oyo/xaruiV Itai but a i|ue(tion It is about a word ^Lr9fi/7ji/ tth Greeks] of SodLhenra ill!:, Iiilicvctl, and wcreini- iiur.sud. y J And the Lord said to P.\ui,, in a Vision by -Ni^lit, " Fear not, but speak, and be not si- lent; 10 I for I am with tliee ; iind no one shall attack ilice, to HURT tlice; fol- licle are many People for uie in this city. 11 And he remained there a Year mid s;,\ Months, teacliinp; among lliem tlie word of God. 12 But when Gallio w aa Proconsul of Aciiaia, liie Jkws with one mind assaulted Paul, and brought him to the tribu- .NAL, 13 saying, "Tliis man persuades mkn to worship God contrary to the LAW." 14 And Paul beins; about to SPEAK, Gai.lio said to the Jkws, J " If indeed it was an act of Iii- ■,ustice or reckless £vil, O Jews! accordins; to Rea- son 1 would bear with you ; 15 bnt if it be a Ques- tion concerning Doctrine, and Raines, and that Law which IS anion;.; you, sec jiou to it, for I will not he a J udge of tlitse things." 16 And be drov • them from the triblkal. 17 And they All took JSosthenes, tho ul leu, of he SYNAGOGLE, Hud bcut /urn before the TEibuwai.. But Gai.lio cared for none of these things. 18 And Paul having re- mained yet many Day^, iiidiliiig farewell to the HKETiiREN, Bailed thence lor Syria, in company with Priscilla and Aquila; J having shaved his head in J Cenchrea, for he had a Vov. 18 And he came to 17- the GBKBKt— om«f. • Vaticam Mamuscbitt — 15. lor — omit. I 0. Acts xxui. 11. : 10. Jer. i. 18, 10 ; Malt, xxviii. >«. "..r. i:,10. i 17. 1 Cot. ! . i. 1 IS- Num. vi. li ; Acta ixi. 14. 15 11. Acts -ixiii.aO; t la. liom. xv;.; d^ap. IS: 20.] ACTS. [Cliap. IS: 27. KOKiivovs Kar^Xiirev avrov avros 6e eicreX- and tlicm he left there- he hut hivingen- 6a. y €is rrjv ai'i'cywyrjVf SuXcxOt] tois tercd into the syangoguo, rfaaoneil with the lovBaiois. '^ 'EpwrcvvTwv Se avrcDV cttj ir\eiova Jews. Asking and them for longer y^popov ixeivat ^[irap' avrois,'] ovk firevevaiv a tune to remain [with them,] not he consented; *^ a\,\' aireTa^aTO *\^avTois,] eiirwv' ^[Aet yue but be bade farewell [tctVem,] saving; [It behovesme iraUTCOS T7]V kopTTjU TTjV €pxo/J.ej/T}i/ TTCirjCTai flS byallmeant the feast that cumiug to keep into 'lfpo(To\vjj.a''\ TtaXiv "^[Se] oyaKOft^""' T^pos Jerusalem;] again .hut] Iwillreturn to v}xas, TOO 6eov QeXovTos. '^[Kat] avTix^V cltto you, »,he God willing, [•■^nd] he sailed from TTjs E(pe(ruv -^ Kai Kar€X6c:^v 6is Kaiaapaau, the f^pheauH, and havnig gone ilown to Cesarea, apa0as, Kai a,(T~aaajj.(vos ttjv iKKX.T](nai', having gone u]), and having saluted ih; congregation, hfwentdownto Antioch. And wpent time Tiva, €g??A06, biipx^l^^^os KciOe^rs, ttiV Ta\a- »ouie, he went out, pas.»iug thiouijh loonier the Gala- "j iK7]p ^wpaj/ KUL ^pvyiau, firiaTrjpL^cfi^ itaj'Tas tM country and Phry^-ia, establishing ill roos p.aOriTas. ^'^ \uv5aios Se ris A-ncWoos the disciples. A Jew ind certiin .'^polios ovoixari, AXe^au^pivs ■^w yerci, a' np Xoyios, liy nnine, an .\lex uidi lan by the birth, « maa eloquent, came to Epliesub powerful being ia the ypacpais. -•^O'jtos rju Ka.Triyv,ufvos rnv bhov writings. This was havmg be*^n instructed the way rov Kvpiov o» the Lord; taught Kai .ewf an.lbeiuglorvent in th( UKpiPcos ra iccuraiely the ihingj spirit, •mp. KVplOVy Lord, rov the firto'TaiJifuos ^ovov to ^aivTifTua \coavvcv. being anjuainted with only the dipping of John '■''' Ojtos t6 Tfp^aTO Trap^-r](Tia{.i(rOai fv tj) arvva- This and began to speak boldly in the syna- ywyrj. AKovaaures Se avrov AKvXas Kai to-'ue. Having h.eard and of him AquiW and TlpiaKi\Xa, Trpc-TcXa^ovTO avrov^ Kai aKpi&ea- Pnscilla, took bim, ^nd more accu- tipov avTO) t^iOivro tt]v tow ^iov o^ov. "*' Bou- lately to him explained the of the God way. Wi«h- XojjL^vov Se ayirov ^nXQuv etS ttjv Axaiau, irpo- jDg and ol him to passthrougUinto the Achaia, hav- TpcpafjKuoi 01 a5fX(poi eypa^ay tois fxaO-qTais sng e.thorted the brcthiet: they wrote to the disciples ttTTu^i^aaOai avrow 6? Trapayeuofx-^voSt (Tvi/e- to receive him , who having arrived, he /SaAero ttoXv rois nancTTevKoai 5ia ttjs X<^P'" helped much those having believed through the grace. Ephesus, and left tl)c\n there; as f)e entered into tlie SVNAGOGUK, and rea- soned with the Jews. 20 And when they re- quested hint to remain a longer Time, he did not consent ; 21 but bade them fare- well, saying, "I will return to you again, J God will- ing." And he sailed from Ephesus ; 22 and coming down to Cesarea, and going up, and saluting tlie congeega- T!ON, he M'cnt down to An- tioch. 23 And having spent some Time there, he dc parted , going tiirough the COU.NTKY of JGaLATIA i'.nd Phvygia, in order, Jcs- tal)l;sluug All the disci- ples. 24 X And a certain Jew named Apollos, a Native {■! Alexandria, an elo(|Uc'.t Man, heiULr powerful in the scKiPTLKEs, came to Ephesus. 26 This person was be- ing instructed m the WAY ot the LoKU, and being fer- vent in SPIRIT, he spoke and * also tauglitaccuratclv the things * conccnung Ji'.sus, J being acquamti d only with the immersion of John. 26 And he began to speak boldly in the syna- gogue. And * Aquila and Priscilla e.vplamcd to him more accurately the way of God. 27 And when he wa& wishing to pass over intr AcIIAIA, the ERETHRErl wrote exhorting the Disci - PLKS to receive hun ; who, having arrived, J lie greatly assisted tiiosk believ- ers, by his GIFT; • Vaiitan Manuscript.— 20. with them — omit. 21. to them — omif. 21. It behoves me to keep the coming feast in Jerusalem— omi7- 21. but— oml^ 21. Ami omit. 25. also taught. 25. concerning Jr.sus. 26. Priscilla and .Vqiiihi, t 21. 1 Cor. iv. 19; Heb. vi.3; .Tamesiv. 15. t 23. Gal. i. 2 j iv. 14. t 2i. Ads xiv.22. xv.32.41. t 2t. I Cor, i.l2; iii. 5, 8; iv.6; Titus iit. 13. t 23. A. lO'. 10. ^ E7ei'€To Se eu T(f top AttoWu eiuai fv Ithapijuned aiiJ in the the Apollos ti> he in KapivO';), TlavKcy duXOovra ra aywrcpuca fJ.epVj Curinth, I'aul having p.i.Hi,eiUhroui:li the upper parts, €\d0iu ets E(pf(Toy, Kai (vpwu rivas p.a6i)Tasy to come lo l^phesus. And having found souie di«eiple«, - etTre itpos avTovs' Et Trveu^ua kyiou f\a^€T€ lie naid to thcui; If a spirit holy you received wtaTiv(TayT(9 ; Ot 5e enrou irpos avrov AAA' linviiig beiieveil ; Thpyainl said to liiiii, But ov^t ii TTVivfjLa ayiov ecTiv, r]Kovcra;xfi/. ''EiTre aol even il a spirit holy is, wo have heard. ItCbaid T6 *[7rpos awTous*] Eiv Ti ovv i^a-rmcrQ-iiri . nnd [lo them,] Into what then were you dr.iped ? Oi &€ iiiroy E/j ro Iwayyov PairriafXa. ^E:7re They Aiitl aaid , Into the of John ilippuii;. Said 6i riawAoy Iwavvr^s e^SaTrricre ^aivr kt fxa, /xera- aiid i*aul, Jonu dippeil a dipping of refor- voia^, Tw Acw Aiywu, (is tov (pxa/jLevov /j.(r^ matiou, to the people tinyin;;, inio hint <-oiiiiiig alter avToy iya irtaTevcrwiTf tout' efrrij/, eis tov hull that they should believe. that i>, into the Itjctovu. " AKovaavTes 5c- fPamiaOTjaav 6fs to Jr>us. Having near 1 and tlipy «tre dipped into 'he ovo/xa TOV Kvpiov Irja-Qv. '' Kai (irtOeuros uaiue of the Lord Je»us. And having placed avTois TOV TlavXov tcs ;^6/pay, rjXOs to Tn/ivtxa lp and the all men about SfKaSvo. ^E;o'6A0i;v 5f eis ttjv rrvvaycoyqv, twelve. Having eiiieied and into the ^vua);ocue, eTa;)^77(Ttc;(,'€To, €Tt firjuas Tpeis biaKeyo/ULevos he spoke freely, for moiithd thiee leasomng Kai TTfiBcDV *['''a] Trepi T779 0aai\€ias tov and persu.^iling [the things') roiiceriiing the kingdom , of the Oeov. ^'Hs 8e TWfs ((TK\r]pvi'ouTo Kai TjTret- Go.l. When and aome weie hanleued ancl disbe- 6i>vv, KaKoXoyovvTis Tr)v 65ov fvuiiriov tov licved, speaking evil of the way in presence of the 28 f(ir lie strenuously iliscusscil witli tlie Ji.\\.s in puMii:, |])i-()vin;r l>y tlic sciui'TiiiKs tiiat Jesus is the Messiah. CHAPTER XIX. 1 And it hnppcned, while J Apollos w:is lu Corinih, Paul, hitvui^ pass, d through the urPKU Pari.'', name to 'Eplicsus ; and having found Some Disci- ples, 3 he said to thcni, "Have you received llic holy Spirit since you ln- licved?" And thky said to him, X " We luive not even heard whctluT thurc be any holy Spirit." 3 And he said, "Into what then were you 1111- nicrsed?" And they sa;d, J "Into JoHJi'S lilJlEK- SION?" 4 And Paul said, t " .Tolia administered the ininicrsion of Reformation, saying to the p?:oPLE,that lliey should believe into iiiM that was coxiiNfi after him, that is, into Je- sus." 5 And Iiaving heard (his, they w'ere immersed X '"''i I lie XAMK of the Lor.11 Jesus. G And Paul tpi'tfi"'-; Ins * Hands on them, llu; Tini,Y SPIRIT came on them, and f *^l'cy spoke with Tongues and pro- phesied. 7 And A1.L the Men were about twelve. 8 And having entered the SYNAGOGUE, he spoke boldly for three Months, reasoning and persuading \ about the ki.ngdom of God. 9 But when some were hardened, and disbelieved, speaking evil of the waV • Vatican MA>fuscBirT.— 1. Ephesiis, and foiniil Certain Disciples; and he said to them. 3. to them— «'/iif. 0. Hands. 8. the thini^s — omii. t 2.S. Acts ix. 22; xvii.3 ; vcr. 5. til (Jor. i. 12; in. .5, 0. t 1. Acts viii. Id. Til. Actsxviii.2J. t 4. .Aralt.iii.n, John i. Ifi. 27. .'^<':; xi. 10. xiii. 24, 2,".. J 5. A( ts viii. 10. J 0. Acts vi.6. viii. 17. : 0. Acts ii. 4; s. 40. 18. ActsxvM. 2; xviii.4. t S. Arts 1.3, x.\\iii.23. Chap. 19 » 10.] ACTS. TrX7]Qovs, a-Koffras oir' avrcAiv, acpoopiae tovs multitude, having departedfrom them, lie snjurated the fta^Tjras, Ka9' Tiix^pav SiaXeyofMeuos fV ttj disciples, everyday rensoninj in the frXo?^y) Tvpavvov ^[tivos.'] ^"Touto Se cyevcro school ' ofTyrannua [cue.] This and was done eTTi cTTj Suo, ware iravras tovs KaTOiKovvres for years two, so that all tlie dwellers Tjji/ AcTiav aKOvrrai rov Aoyov too Kvpiov^ lov- the Asia to hear the word of the Lord, Jews ^aiovs re Kai 'E\\T]vas. ^^ Avi^a/ieis re ov ras both aud Greeks. Miracles and not the Tvxovu x^'P'"^ on ones did the God through the hands 12 r'^n-Tc uni (TTi Tous acrOevovfTas to those being sick ci)(TTe so that even YlavXov of Paul; (iri(f)ep€(T6ai airo rov XP^'^^i avrov aov'^apia 7j to be brought from the skin of him ii:ipkins or (TilxiKivQia, Kai aTraXXaacTfa-OT] air' avrwv ras aprons, and to be set free from them the voTovs, ra re Trvevfxara ra trovripa cKiropevenr- diseases, the aud 6i«rit3 the evil to be cast OaL. out. ^^ EirexeipTlf^o-^ Se rives Giro rocv irepiepXO' Tookinliaud and some from of those going fieucan lovoamiv e^opKiarccp ovap.a(^iiv CTrt rovs about Jews exorcists to name on th^se exwi'Tas TO irvevixara ra trovripa ro ouo^a rov having the spirits the evil the name of the Kvpiou ly)(Tov, \eyovres' 'OpKiCc} vfxas rov Lord Jesus, saying; 1 adjure you the Inaovv, bv 6 UavXos Kripva-an. ^'* H(rau 5e JcMis, whom the Paul preaches. Were and rivis vloi SKeua lovdaiov apx^^P^'''^ eirra, oi some sons of Sceva a Jew a high-priest seven, who rovro TTOiovvriS. ^^ KiroKpiQeu Se ro iruevfictro this were doing. Answering andthe spirit the vovfipov €i7re* Tov Irjaovu yivwaKw, Kai rov evil said; The Jesus I know, and the IlavXov i-maraixai' v/xeis ^e rLves eare ; ^^ Kai Paul 1 am acfiuaintedwith; you but who are? and e(()aXXoiJ.evos eir' avrovs b av6p'jo-/ros, fv 'w -qv leaping on them the man, in which was ro irvevjJia ro troviqpov, kui KaraKvpievaas the spirit the evil, and h;iving overcome avTcov, i(TXV(^^ f""^' "WTajj/, bxrre ku/xvovs Kai them, prevailed against them, so that naked and rerpavixaricrixevovs eK(pvy€iv ck rov oiKov having been wounded to have fled out of the house iKSivov. ^^Tovro Se cyevero yvcoarov Tracrtv that. This and became known to aU lou^aiois re Kai 'EXXv(Ti rois KaToiKovcri rrjv Jews both and Greeks those dwelUu*; the po^os €7rj Travras avrovs, a fear on all them. E(pe(rov' Kai eirexfcre Ephesus, and fell [C%aj). 19: 17. before the peoplk, having departed from tlicm, he se- parated the DISCIPLKS, reasoning daily in the SCHOOL of Tyrannus. 10 } And this was done for two Years, so that All the INHABITANTS of AsiA, heard the WOUD of the Loud, both Jews and Greeks. 11 And i God performed EXTRAORDINAUY MiraclcS by the hands of Paul; 12 t so that Napkins or Aprons were bronglit from lii'a to the sick, and the DISEASES departed from them, and the kvil spik- iTs were cast out. 13 J And some of the TRAVELING Jewisll CXOr- cists X undertook to name the NAME of the LoRo Je- sus over THOSE having evil spirits, saying, "1 adjure you by Jesus whom Paul pueaches." 14 And there were some * Seven Sons of One Setna, a Jewish High-priest, who did so. 15 But the EVIL SPIRIT answering, * said to them, "Jesus indeed I know, and Paul I know, but who are DOU?" 16 And the man in wliom the evil spirit was K:apL-d on them, and hav- ing overcome *them, pre- vailed against them, sc that they t1( d out of that HOUSE naked and wound- ed. 17 kiii this becamf known to all, both Jews .ind Greeks, dwelling in Ephesus ; X and f'-''^'" -^'^^ * Vatic \N MATitrscBiPT.— 9. one — omit. said to them, Jiisus indeed 1 know, aud. IJ 14. Seven Sons of One Sceva. 10. tUeiu butli, aud prevailed. t 10 Acts XX 31. t n Mark xvi. 20 ; Acts xiv. 3. t 12. Acts v. 15 ; See 2 KnU iv 29 t 13. Matt. xii. 27- t 13. See Matt. ix. 38 ; Luke ix. 49. I 17. Luke i. 63; vii. 18. Acts ii.-lS; V.5, 11. Chap. 19 : 18.] ACTS. [Ofiap. 19 : 2G. Kui f/uLfyakuveTo to ovofj-a rov Kvp'ov Itjctov. and wa« in.igiulirii tbe name oflhi; Lord .Itsus. '■* U.()\\:>i T€ Twi' TreTrio'Tey/cjroJK Tr]px(-'-'TO c|o- .Maiiy aiiiloftiiubc having bilicviil cam! cou- \jLoKoyovixivoi koll apayy^Wiyns ras irpa^eLS fi'imn- nii.i di-claiuig the ileedt aiTU'V. ^'^'iKapoL 5e to;*' ra irepiepya ypa^au- ultUoni. Many nnd of thoHe tiie magical art! practis- rony, (TVViv^yKauTiS tcs ^lUKovs^ Karncaiov •Mi:, liAving Ijrouglit together the books, burue€cr.ou, you see and you hear, that not only of Epheaus, on tlicm all, and Uicnamb of tiic Lord Jesua wua nia;_'nilit.'d. IB And MANY of tliose who 15KL1KVKU, canic, confessing and declaring their dkkus. 19 And many of THOSK PRACTT.SINO MAGICAL AiiTs, liaving brought to« gether tlieir mnjK.s, burnt Iheni before all ; and they computed the value of them, and found it to b« fifty thousaud pieces ol Silver. 20 Thus the wokd of * the Loud powerfully in- creased and prevailed. 21 J And when these things were accomphshed, JPaul was disposed by the SPIEIT, having passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, " After I have UKEN there, J 1 must also see Rome." 23 And having sent two of J THOSE who MINIS- TKRED to him, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedo- nia, he remained for a Time in Asia. 2.3 And X there occurredi during that pkkio;), no small Tumult coucermng J that WAY. 24 For a certain man, named Demetrius, a Sil versniith, mak'Tig + silvei Temples of Diana allordid X no * Sinidl Gain to thtf WOKK>;Ki\. 25 whom he Laving as- sembled, with Tiiu>K em- ployed about the likk iiu- siNKSs, said, "Men, yor know That from This woiiK is our WEALTH; 26 and yon see and hear, That not only at Ephtsua 24. silver — omit. 21. Small GaJn. * Vatican Mandscbipt. — 20. the Lord. + 24. Portable representations of this temple, vi-hich were boujyht by strangers as mat- ters of curiosity, and probnWy of devotion. 'I'lie tiMiu>> of Diana was raised at the expeiiso lit all Asia Jlinor, and yet was 2'.'0 years in buildini;, before it was bromrht to its sumol'iici- r^'ftion. It was in Ienirth42-Tfeet, by 228 in breadth, and w;is l>e:intitiod by r^7 coliinm-, which were made at the expense of so many kiuKs ; and was adonied with the most beauti- ful statues.— C/arAre. : 21. Rom. xv.2.5; OaL 1.1. 1 21. Acts xx. 22. t 21. Act-^ xviii. 21 ; xxiH. II . Horn. XV. 2 »—•:•<. : 22. Acts xui. ■^ t 2a. 2 Cor. i. & J ^- lie Acta ix. i I ^l. Acts xvi. 10, I?. Chap. 19: 27.] ACTS. a>1 Asia, Ih's Paul lias ])ci'sua(ltd and tunnd us)(lc Miiiiy People, saving, 'i'Jiat j they are notUiids vvliicli are MADE by Hands. 27 And not only This WORK of ours IS in danger ot being laouglit into coii- teni))t, but also that the TKllPLE of the GREAl Goddi-ss Diana sliould be) despised, and Jier gkan- UhMi dcsi roved, whom' All AsTA and the habita- BLK Woiships."' 28 And li;iving hear' this, they were full ( Wrath, and cried out, say- ing, "Grcatis the DiAJSA ot the E])liesians." 29 And the city vas filled with Confusion; and having S;i7.ed i Gams and X Aristrtrciiiis, Macedo- nians, Paul's FelloH-trav- elers, they rushed with one mind Into the thka- TKE. 30 And * Paul desiring to enter the TiiJJATRK, the DISCIPLES did not permit him. 31 And some even of the t AsiARCiis, who v\ere his Friends, sent to hon, ad- vising him not to venture into the TIIKATRE. 32 Some therefore cried one thing, and some ano- ther ; for the ASSEMBLY was confused, and the GREATER part did not know why they were coaie together. 83 And they pushid Alexander out of the CROWD, the Jkws tlinist- ing him forward. AncJ X Alexander } having waved the hand wished t.. defend himself in the AS.' SEMBLY OF THE PEOPLE. 34 But knowing that Le "Vatican ilANUscBiPT.— 29. Wliole— om«<. SO. Paul. •f 31. These persons presided over relis^ions observanrci nnd the public tjames. Thev •\-tie icu ill nm.iber, clioseiibv "ic cities fr(i;ii prv.sons otwcnilli and influence, and .-ippriucj t.,> '.lie procoiistil. One of them styled the cliiet Asiarch resided at Ep!iesus i the others w ere bib associates and advisers. I 9fl. >•>»». cxv. 4; Isa. xliv.lO— 21); .Ter.x.S. • I, JX.4; xxvii.2 ;Col. JV. 10, I'lijlcmou 21. bj. AiMiii 1/. t 20 i'.oni.svi.2i: 1 Cor. 1.11. t ?'> l'6i • lim. 1.2U. 2Tiin.iv. li Cian. 19: 35. T A nig stilled aixltUe scribe the ux^o^y li Men Ephc»i!in«, what for is ayJp'joTTos^ 6s oy yivwffKH Tr]V Ecpeaiwu irnKiv 111.111, w'.io not knows the Kphesians city ifiooKopov oucrav TTjs iJ.€ya\7]S ApTf/m-idos Kai ti.-iiii.le-keepi-r bein^ ofthn grcHt Diaii* ar..i roj AiJTTfTovs : •^' Ai'auTip->riT<»;u ow ovtwv olthat fallcnfrom Ju; iter? Cannot be ileiiieil then-lore being TOJTwi/, Ziov ((TTiv V/J.ZS KaTQaTaKfxevovs I ii-se ihin.-k, neco»sary itis you hiving been iiuiut ii.TajTxet;/, kcli jxri^iv irpoTreres irpaTTeiy. t.) be, and uotiiii'.g rashly to do. •'' Hyayere yap rovs av5pas tovtovs, ovtc Vou brought for the uien thecc, neither i:poav\ous, ovre fiKatrfpTrxovuras rrju 6eov '•■ni;ile-robbcrs, nor blasphemers ^.'me goddess iu'x'v "*^ Ej fxev ovv A7]jxr)Tpios kui ol (Tvv oTyoiii If iudeed therefore Dcuielniis and those with CJTw T6X''''''''" exoyo"' Trpos Tiva \oyoy, ayopaioi liiin Korkineu have against any a word, courts cyovTuiy Kai avOuiraToi eicriw ^yKaKfiroxrav are held, and procons'ilt are; let them accuse aWTikoLS. •^'•' Ei Se Ti irepi erepwv (ttiCv each other. If hut anything about other things you io- TciTe, €if Tj] (yvn/uu) €KK\r)(ria. eiriXvOrifreTai. qiurc, in the lawful assem'nly it shallbe settled. *'Kai yap Kiuduuevo/xev cyKaAficrOai (rracreMS Kven for we are in danger to be accused of tumult trzoi T7JS (Triixfpov,, firj^ivos aiTiov virapxou- rtMircrnlng the dny, not one cause being, T'ls, Trepi oj 5vvr}(ro/xf0a airoSoui/ai Xoyov ttjs about which we are able to give a msoii for the fJvjTpo> in; passed tbrough and the parts those, and having et- Afras avTovs Xoyta iroWif), •t)\Ofv eis ttjp hone i them with a word great, he went luto the was a Jew, one Voire came I'n.iii uU Jbr v'.l)oiit tw J iloiir^, cryiii!^, "(ircat \i ilic D.AiNA of the ^l^phe- siuiis'r" 85 Ar.(J the bkcokdk.p having qiiiclttl tlit; ck<>\t n, said, " Kjihcsiaiis! Wha{ Man is till re w iio docs imt know tliat tlic cnx of ilie Ki'iiKbiiA.N.s Is T(iii]ile« keeper of the GRBAT Dianii, and of that Mhich IKLL faOM JUFITER? 36 These thin-js, there- fore, hi;ing indisputable, it is ucfessary for you to 1)0 quiet, and to do notli- ing rashly ; 37 for you have hroujrlit thesfc MEN, wliich aic iieitlier Teniple-robhers, nor Biasplieuiers of your GODDKSa. 38 If, therefore, Demet- rius and the akti>ici;ks with liim have a Charj^^e against any one, Courts ai-e lickl, and tlicrc arc Proconsuls; let them ac- cuse each other. 39 But if you seek any- thing * further, it si. all he settled in the L.wvi ll As- sembly. 40 I'or wc are even m danger of being accused about the Tumult of to- day ; there being no cause by which we can excuse this CONCOURSE." 41 And having said tliis. he dismissed the assem- bly. CHAPTER XX. 1 Now after the tu- AiULT was allayed, Pall, * I'aving summoned (he Discii'i.K.s, and embracing them, Jdepprted to go in- to Macedonia. 2 And passing through those I'ARTS, and exhort- ing them with many Words, he went into GUKKCE. • V'AMfAM MAsiLscniPT.— 34. Ephfsiaiis ! (Jrcatis (lie Diana of the Knbesians ! Atx? Cmv :v.> lurllii'i, iI >liall If. 1. ssciil for the DibcirtEs, and <;xliort:iife and enibra- :ia.: llirni. he dcpai 't'd Im. : .». i Cor. XVI i). i Jiinf Oiap. 20: 3.] ACTS. [aiap. 20: 11. 'EA\aSa- ^ Tvon](Ta*> re juvvas rpeis, y€UOfxevi]S Grcecei having continupdand months three, being formed auTCf) iTTi^o-jKrjs vtto twv louSaiwi', jx^Wovtl him a I'hit ;i^.iinst by the Jews, bciii:^ about auayeadai eis Ty]u ".^vpiau, eyviTO yuw/j-T] rov to sail into tl4e ^'V''-''. i.iuie a resolution of the 'jTroaTpi(peiv 5ia Ma/ce5o//£as. ^ 2y^'el7reTo 5e tu reuirn through Jlncedoma. \..ntwith and nvTCj} '^[^axpi Tr}s Aiimus. These TfpoiKOouTes eusvov r]i^ai fu Tpva^r ''TjjUfts 5f poipj^ ^ffore awnited us in Troaa; we but e^eTr\evaa/x(y {jl^to. Tas i]/iifpas tcov a(,vuwi' sailed out aft^r the d.iys of tlieunleavened eakes airo ^iXLinrwVj Kai "qXdofXiU irpos avTovs asrrjv (rum Philippi, and came to them into the PpcoaSa axpis rjfxepwv irevre, o'j Sierpixl/aiuev Troas in days five, where we rcuiaine." )]ix€pas iirra. ^ Y.u 8e tt; /iia t(x>u aaBBciruji', day:^ seven. In and the first of the sabb.itl.a, Tvvrjyu^uccv rjixwv Kkacrai aprov, 6 TlavXos i.ivmg been Jjjsembled ofuo to break bread, the Paul iiiAfyfTO avTois, fifWwv e^ifvai tt; eiravpi^i- <*a*cour*ed to them, being about to depart on the morrow-, n-ap<;reiv€ re 'ov Xoyov /J-^XP'^ /jiecrovuKTiov. continued and the discourse till midnight. ^ Haav be Xafx-rradcs iKavai ev rev virfpyy, ov AVcre and lamps many in the upper room, where •qp.ev (Tvvr^yixfvoi. ^ KaQ-quevos be ris veavias, we were assembled. Was bitting andacertam youth, ovouari Evrvxos, ctti T-qs Ovpibos, KaTa^epo- by name Eutychus, ia the window, being over- fi'vos virvo} ^adei, hiaKeyo/iievov tov Ilav\ov p jiVL-red with sleep deep, discoursing the Paul c~i TTXeiov, Karevexdeis airo tov vttvov, ewiXfv tor a longer time, having been overcome from the sleep, fell cTTo TOV rpirrreyov Karw, Kai TjpOt] vcKpos. from the third story down, and was taken up dead. '^' Kara^as Se 6 UavXos eTreTre(rev avTcij, Kai Having gone down and the Paul fell upon him, and o-vjxirepiXa^cav eiire' M77 dopv^eia-dc ri yap having embraced said. Not be you troubled; the for ^vxv avTov ev avrtp ecriv, ^^ Ava^as Se, Kai life of him in him is. Having come up and, and KKaaas apTov Kai yevcra/j-evos, e^' iKauov re having broken bread and having tasted, foi a longer time an,] 3 And having remained three Montlis, J a Plot being laid for him by the Jkws, as he was about to sail into Syria, he resolved to EKTUHN through Mace- donia. 4 And there went with him into Asia, Sopater, the sou of PyiThus, a Eerean ; hut X Aristarcluis and Secundus of tlie Thes- saloniaus ; and Gaius of Derbe, and J Timothy; andjTychicus and JTro- phimus, Asiatics ; 5 * these going before waited for us at Troas. 6 And toe sailed out from Philippi, after tJiii llJXYS of UXLEAVENKD BEEAU, and came to tiieiu at J Troas in five Days; where we continued seven D.ys. 7 And on J the jikst day of the week, we hav- ing assembled J to break Bread, Paul, intending to depart on the kext day. disroursed to them, and continu'^d his iPKECH till Miduig'.... 8 And there were many Lamps in the J upper ROOM where we were as- sembled. 9 And there was a Ccr- tnm Youth, named Euty- chus, sitting 111 awTNDOw, l)eing ovcr]iowered with d-^ep Sleep; and as Pa 11. prolonged his discourse, having" been overcome by SLEEP, he fell from tlie THIRD STORY down, aud was taken up dead. 10 And Paul going down, J fell on him, and em- bracing him, said, % " ^^ not troubled; for his life IS in hmi." 11 And having come u)i and broken * Bread, and tasting it, and con- 5. And these Roinff. II. BBEAD. * Vatican Manusckift. — i. as far as Asia.^ omit. t S. Acts ix. 23 ; xxiii. 12 ; xiv. 3 ; 2 Cor. xi. 20. t 4. Acts xix. 29 ; xxvii. 2 ; Col . Iv. 10. t 4. Acts xvi. 1. : 4. Epb. vi. 21 ; Col. iv. 7 , '-' Tim. iv. 12 ; Tit. iii I >. 14 Actsxxi.20; 2 Tim. iv.20. 1 0. Kxod. xii. 14, I.*}; x.xiii. 15. tO Acts xm. S; 2Cor.ii. 12; 2Tiin. IV. 13. i 7. I Cor. xvi. ?; Itt-v i in. t 7. J.Cor ii. 4- , 1 Cor. x 16; xi. 20. i 10. Malt. ix.21 i S. Acts i. io. , . ; I \ L* \ I I ' 1 . 0. / . I v^J 1 - 1 1 . f , , t lu. 1 Kind's xvii. 21 ; 2 Kin{js iv. 34. Ciap 20: ie."l ACTS. [C7ta^-.20: 21. o/uiATjcaj axpis avyrji, ovtws e^rjAOer. '- Hya- bavin^ Ci'iivrrftcd tlU dny-brrak, BO he di'parled. 'Ibry 70V Sf Tou TrajSa ('.ot'Ta, (cui TrapeK\T]9r}trau ov lirouglitaii.l the yr.utli living, and were comfurted nut ixfTpius. '** 'Hjucis Se irpo€A.0op'T€S €7r. to a little. Wu but poinj before ta :he irkoiovy avT]xO'niJ-iv eiy to hcraoi'^ tKudfu /xeA- i>liip, B.^i'.ed to the Al909, there in- AocTes aya\afjL^au€iu tov TlavKov ouTUf yap i]v tending to take 111 a^MMi the I'aul; so SioreTay^ei'os, /icAAcoj' auTos •K^^fviiv. ^^'Cls h.iviu^ been nrrsngcJ, being nbuut biiiiaclt to go on foot. When hi avui^aXey ■i,jj,iu (is rt]V Kaaov, avaKa^ovTts iod he met with us i»t the Assua, having aisain received avTov -qXOofxfu ft J MjtuAt7j'tj»'* ^"^ Ka.Kei6ev utto- him we CAuie to Miij'.ene; and thence bav- ir\fv(TavT€s, T77 (Triovfrrj KaTT^vrrjaa/mv avTiKpv Ing sailed aw»y, on tiic morruvf we Ciime opp'isile Xioy. T77 Se (Tfpa irapf^aKoixtv fis "Siauiov (.'hios. In the and nuuthcr we touched at Sumos; *[>cat ixiivavTfs (v Tpcu^yAAff ,] tt; ex'J'^f t; [and having remained in Trugyllunn,] in the following T}\Qofiiv (IS MiKr)Tov. "" ViiKpiKd yap 6 Ylav- we came to Miletus. Had deteruiined fur the Paul Kos TcapaTr\(V(Tai TrjU Ecpe^uy, ottwj ^117 yevqrai to sail by the EpUeaus, to that Dot It might be avTif> xpo'^OTpi$r](Tai (V rri Acria' (crxev^e yap, for him lospendtime in the Asia^ he was haatening for, et ivuaroy -qv auT't^, rr]v rj/jLfpav Trjs irevrj)KO(T- if possible It wasfor hiui, the day of the peutecost T7}s yiuccrOai ejs 'lepo/roAu/ia. ^^ Atto Se rrjs to be in Jerusalem. ft, in and the MtATjTou 7re/xi//aj (is Ecpfcrov, fi(riKa\((raro Milctui having ii:nt to Epheaus, he cuiled for TOWS Trp((r0vT(povs ttjs (KKkyjO'ias. ^^'Cls 8e ibe ciders oftbe eougregation. When and iraptyiyouTo trpos avrov, (ivtv avrois' "Y/xds tiiey were come to hiin, he lald to tLeui; Voa (Trtened tome by the plots of the loL»5o«a>v '^' ujs ov'biv vTr(crT(i\a/xT}y Twy (Ti/a^- Jews, buw nothing 1 kept back of that bein^ l; i-:i.4. 12. 110. Aot« riiv 17. Cor. xvi. S. 1 IH Acts xviii. ly : xii 1,10. j iw versb 5. IS. and remained at I 16. Acts i 1.1; \ iO. vel^e 27. aiap. 20: 22.] ACTS. [Oiap. 20. 20. both to Jews and Greeks, Xoi RErOUMATIOlV toWilKU God, and that l-Hitii winch IS towards our Lord Jesus Christ. 22 Aud now behohl, I be- lli'^ constrained by tlie SPIKIT, 3t go 10 Jerusalem, not knowing: the thin;js which will happen to me there ; 23 e.vcept That :|: the HOLY SPIRIT testifies to me in every City, sayiii^^ Tliat Bonds and Allhctioii'i await Me. 24 I But *of No Ar- count make I lifk pn - cions to myself, so that I may finish my CObUsi''. oven the servtck whu li I iecei\ed from the TjOIid Icsus, earnestly to dtelarc the GLAD TIDINGS of tllC FAVOR ot God. 25 And now, belickl, 1 5 know That gou all, amoiii; whom [ Have gone pio- clainiino: Mie kingdom u< Gou, will see my face n ) more. •26 Therefore I testify to you THIS Day, Tliat * I am pure from the blood ot AH; 27 for I kept not back from aiuiouneing * All the WILL of God to yon. 28 I Take heed to your- selves, therefore, and to All the FLOCK amoiii^ whom the holy spiki r made you 0\crseers, to feed t thecHLRciiof Gon, X which he acquired by the BLOOD of his OWN. 29 For 3E know, That * V^ATicAN Manuscript. -—'21. of No Account make I life precious to myself. 24. with Joy— ow»^^ 2'>. of God— oHnf. 2ti. I am pure. 27. All tlie will ot God to you. 28. therefore— onn/. 28. the cuuiicu of God. 29. this— o/«i/. t 28. The Common Version and V.-.tican MS. have been followed in the above rendering: Griesbach, and nearly all modern editors, read "Church of the Lord." The phrase erclemi ton KurioK nowheie occurs in the New Testament, while e«7esia ^o/t ^Aeou occurs about tr i times in Paul's epistles. There are no less than six ditTerent readirs-s ot this plirase in C ■; MSS., which have probably ansei: from a presumed difficulty' in understanding it in coi' nection with the latter part ot the sentence — " purchased with his own blood." But read it a.s it stands in the original, and it sMll makes prood sense, without reiertmg the readinsf of the most ancient MS. and some of the oldest J^cshito Svrirc copies. The reader can sup- pi v the elliptical word after oitn, whether it be Sun, or Lamb, or Sacrifice. Thus, "feed the cuuucii of God, which he acquired by the blood ot his own |Son. j I I'l. t>uke -xxiv. 47 ; Acts ii. 88. t 22. Acts xiy. 21. t 23. Acts xxi. 4, 1 1 ; \ Thcss. iii.3. t 24. Actsxxi. 13; fvom vin.s:. , 2 Cor. iv. 10. I 2'.. ver. 38; I. cm. XV. 2S. t 2S. I I'et. V. 2. t W. Kph. i. 7. 14. Col i. 14; llcb. ix. 12 ; I Pet. i. li). Lev. V «. vus lovZaioLS T€ Kai 'E.\Kr\e oi me ,'witli iov-l Kai TTju diaKoviav 'i]v tkaliov irapa tou KVpiov ftnd the service which I received (rum Ih^ Lo'd l-qcrov, Sia^uczpTupaaOai ra ivay/eXiov -nqs Je»ii8, to earnestly decl. ire the gl.i I tidint-s of th" X^i-piTos TOV 6(ov. '■'' Kai vvv iSow, t-j-co o;6a, favor of the God. And now lo, I know. 6tl oiKtTi oi|/cc7Ce TO TrpocrccTTov fxov vixus nav- thai no 'ongcr w'lll see the face of me yon nil. TfS, (V ois bir]\9ov Kr>pi>rra/j./j.eua, tov aivoa-xav ':ovs /j-aOriTas jjeivcise lliiii^-a, tlie in ilr:tiv ;m,iy tUu liisiiples oiri(Ta) avToov. ^^ Aio ypTiyopeirc, iJ.V7]fj.ouiv- alter tlicui. Tlit-rrforo Wiicli yi>u, rciiieiiibcr- fVT^s, on rpi^Tiav fVKTa Kai rip.cpav ovk cirav- III;;, that three yeir» iii^-ht antl d.iy not 1 aafxriv fisra BaKpvwu vovQ^rwv kva cKacTov. '"aseil with tiara ailiiionitliin!; one each. •'•- Kai Tavuu irapaTiOffxai vjxas, ^[aBeX^ot,] ry All. I now 1 cuuiiiienil you, [lireiliirn,] to the Ofo icai Tfo \oyo) ttjs p^apiTos avrou^ to Zvva- OuJ anil tu tlie word of the f.ivor of him, to tliat being l.LfV(p iTrotico5o/j.r](rai, Kai Sovvai v/xiu KXripovo- sble tu builil up, and to ^ive you nu inlicii- aiav iv Tois 7]y latr fj.i v ms iracnp. ^"^ Apyvpiov -q taiice anion^ lliove haviu;^ bccrusanclincd all, Silver or ^pvcriov rj liiariaixov ov'^<.vos eTredvfjL'Taa' golJ or rmnieiit i.fuooiie Icovete.l; ^^ avToi yivwTKiT^y oTi rais ;(;pcm(S /xov itai yourkelve* you know, that the nuccbbiliea ofuie and TOIS overt fxir' e/xou vTn]pcrrj(Tav 0/ xcjces aircti, thoke bein^ with ine supplied the haiuls thcke. ■'•' rJarra ('7re56t|a v^iiv, 6ti outu) KOTiooyras .\llthinE« Ipointedunt to you, to Set auriKaj.Pauea'OaL rcov •u(rOcvouyTa>v, It la necessary to .lij tlio.e iKin^ueak, ixvrjixovcveiv re t'jjv Xoyoov rov icvpiov li](rou, to reinciiilier and the word» of the Lord Je«.ub, 6ti avTos (iTf MaKapiou ecrri /xaWov Si^opai, tliat he >.'iid ; Bleanud it is more tu j^ive, 17 Kafiftavfiu. ''^'~' Kat ravra fnrccy, Oeis lh.\n to receive. And these thiri^'^ havini; saiil, h.tvinjj placeil Ta yovara a'jTov, crw irafTiv avrois Tvpoa'yi^aro. the kneel of hiiiiseir, with all tboxc he jir.iye.l. ^^ 'I/cai/os Se e^cveTO ic\av0/j.os ■jravro.'v kcli Much and was weeping of.-ill; and eTTiTrffToj/Tes (iri rov rpaxi^ou rov YlavXov, having fallen on the neck. of tlie Paul, Kar^irov avrov OecDpau. TlpoeirffjLTToy Se the face of him to sec. They accompanied and avrov eis to irXoiov. him to the ship. after my dkparture % ra- pacious Wolves will conic 111 aiiioii;^ you, not s])ariii;j the I'LOCK; 30 X and * of you ^m11 Men arise speakiii;^ pir- vcrse iiuiij.'s, to uuaw AWAY UISCll'LES al'lu/ them. 31 Tlicreforc watch, re meiiiberiiig That for tlin c years, by ISight and l-y Day, I ceased not to atl- nionisli every one wiih .Tears. 32 And NOW I commend you * to God, and to Tii.\r woiti) of his lAVOu, whii it is able to edify, and to ^i\ e you Jan Inlicritancc anioiij; all TuosK who were sainc- TIFIE]). 33 I have coveted no man's Silver, or Gold, or Aiiparel ; 34 you yourselves know iTliat these ha.nhs h:ivc scr\ed my ^•KC^.^^sITll.s, and THOSE who werk witJi nie. 3.') 1 liavc showed you in All things, JThat by thui laboniii; you ougiit to a.->- sist the WEAK, and to re- member the wouiJ.s of the Lord Jesus, That \]t saul, ' 1 1 IS more blisst d to give than to receive.'" 30 And having? said till se WDUUs, he kiieelidj and prayed with them all. 37 And there was much wci'ping among them all; and falling on Paui/s neck, tiuy affectionate.'y kissed lain, 38 grieving chiefly foi the WORDS which li, spoke, That tliey shoul.i' sec his face no more. And they accompanied him to the SHIP. • Vatic.\x Manuscript. — ?>0. of you will men arise. to the Loiiu. and to that word. 32. bfctbren— omjf. 3i. t 29. Matt. vii. 15; 2 Tct. ii. 1. t 30. 1 Tim. i. 20; 1 John ii. 10. t 32. At f: .Txvi.18; i;;.li.i.lS; Col. i. 12; iii.2t; IIcb.ix.1.5; 1 I'ct. i. 4. t 34. Actsxviii.o; I Cur. iv. 12; I Thoss. ii.9 ; 2 Thcss. iii. 8. 1 3.'>. Koin.xv.l; ICcrr. ix. 12; 2C.)r. xi.'J, Ii; xii.18; Eph. iv. 23; 1 Thess. iv. 11 ; v.ll; 2 Tlicss.iii. S. aiap 21; 1.] ACTS. [Cliap. 21: 10. KE*. 21. When and It li.ippened to h:ive sailed us having separated ras air^ avrcou, cv9udpoiJ.7](TauTes T]\Qoixev us from thtni, having run a utrai^ht course we came to rrii' Kci), rri Se €|rjs eis rrjv 'Po5oj/, KixKeiOeu us the Coos, the and next to the Rhodes, and thence to Harapa. ■^ Kai ivpovres irKoiuv Siairepwu €ts Palara. And having found a ship passing over to 4>oiPiKr]Vy (irt^auns avr]y67]fxev. "^ Aua(pauev- Poeiiicia, going on board we set sail. Having come in Tfs 5e Tr}v Ku-pw, Kai KaraXnrovTiS aurriv view and the Cyi'ius, and having left behind her (vwvvfxov, eirAen^fz/ eis '^.upiau^ Kai KaT7]xOv on the left. wea.iiUd Into Syria, and were brought luev eis Tvpoy eKeien yap riv to ttKoiov airo- lo Tyre. there fur was the ship un- (popTi^ojj.ivo:' Toy yofMov. '^ Kai auevpovres loading the freight. And having found Ttws uadT]Tas, eTreyLieifot/xev avTou ■)]fXepas eirra' ihe di:iciples, we remained there days seven; oiTivfs rcj Vlav\(f> tXayou Sia rov TrvevfxaTos, theiie to the Paul said through the spirit, ^lrj aualiaii/iiv ^ls 'lepoaoXv/ma. ^ 'Ore Se eye- bot to ^'o up to Jerusalem. Whea and it ^fTo T] i^apncrai tus r]iJ.fpas, f^eXdopTfs happened ui to have completed the days, having gone out tiropevojx^da, irporrcfxiTOVTav rj/j-as iravTwv avp «n went our way. accompanying ua all with yuuai^i xot Tf/fj/ots, i(»)S €|a> ttjj TroAecDS* Kai wivfs and children. till outside of the city; and 6(PTfs TO yovara frri tov aiyiaXov, irpria-rjv- hdviug placed the knees on the shore, we prayed. i^aixiQa. "^ Kat a(nra(TafxiX6oaii> CI? Kai(Tapiiav Kai (i(T€X6ovt€S eis we came Into Cesaren. and having entered into TOV oiKov ^.Xiirrrov tov fvayyfXiaTOv, qvtos lb* bouse of Philip the Evangehst, being fK T(jlv Itttj., ifjifivaufP irap' avTCf. ^TovTCf ♦ .om o: lh« seven w« remained with him. To this ftf r/iTav duyartpfs irapQivoi ncraapis irpocpy]- «t>d "ert a»iighler« virgins four being Ttoo^'trai ^'' Enifj.ii'uPTwv 5e tj/jlcou -qjxipas (k(Tt:d is mid Iin\iii2 rome lu us, Hai. apas ttjv (^wi'-^v rov WavKou, h7)Ta<: re iiii h»via;/ tHken the ^lx^\e ol the I'.iul, h.1vin^' buuml and avroy ras x^^P^^ "'" toks TroSas, €t7re* TaSe O' hiiiii.elf the handa and the (<-et. km(\. Thus Ae7fi TO TTveLi^a to oyiov Tok ai^Spa, oj iiajr» the siiini the liolj ; The lu.n.ofwhnm fariv 7) C'^VT) auTT], ovtu SrjTovciu cv 'lepoftra- i« the girdle this, so shall hind in Jeruaa- \rjij. 01 luvdaioi, Kai irapa^urrovcriu ets 'x.^ipas Iriii the Jews, and deliver into hands f:dv(t)i-. ^'^'CLs 5e r]KQVfTafj.€P ravra, irapsKa- o- Geutiles. When and lluy h.ani these things, cnlieatcd hovfxiv i][j.iis Tf Kai oi epTowiot, rov fit] afa- we both Mid thouc o( ihe place, ol the nut to Baiviiv avrov (is 'lepovaaK-qfj,. ^^ AiriKpidr] 5f J.-0 up him to Jerusalem. Answered and 0 YlavXos' Tt irojejre, KXaiovres Kai o ol the duciplea from Ccsarea with irifjitv^ ayovTfs trap' 'w ^fviadoofxeu, Mvaacovi us, leading with whom we might lodge, to Mnason Ttvi KviTpiCf!, apxaiCf) fiaOrjTr]. ^' Fivofxevoou Se one a Cypnan, an old disciple. Having arrived and ■f/fxcov (IS 'l€po(roAu)ua, acr,uei'ws ebe^avro Tjfxas of us to JeruHalem, gladly received ivi 01 a5€Aoi. '''Tt; 5e iTriova-tj eiayjei 6 TlavKos the brethren. On the and neit had entered the Paul aw TjiJLiy Trpos laKwBow iravres re irapfyevof- iTlth us to James; all and were pre»en^ TO 01 irpicrfivTfpoi. ^'-^ Kai a(Tira(TafX(Pos avr'ovs, the elders And having saluted them, f^riyfiTO KaO' ev eKacTou, biv (iroirjaev b dfos h« related one by one, which did the God «v TOJS fOveai bia r-qs biaKOVias avrov. ^ Oi among the G«ntiles through the service of him. They [Cliap. 21: 19. t;iin Prophet, named { Ap;a- l)iis, came down from Ju- DEA. 11 And coming to us, tnking 1'all's gikdi,3 ;incl haviii;; bound Lis * iKKT and IIAiNDS, lie said, "Thus snys IIioioi.y .spiKiT, X ^0 win the Jkus at Jenisali.'iii Ijind the MAN who owns this gir- ni.K, and deliver him inlc the Hands of the Gen- tiles." 13 And wlicn we heard these things, boMi \xie and TiiDSE ot that phice, en- treated hun not to GO UP to Jerusalem. 13 But Paul answered, J " Wiiat do you, weeping and breaking My iikart ? for 5 am ready not only to be bound, l)ut also to die at Jerusalem in liehalt of the NAMK of tiie LuuD Je- sus." 14 And he not being persuaded, %ve were silent, saying, J " L^^t tiie will of the Lord be done." 15 And after these days, packing up our bag- gage, wc went up to Jeru- salem. 16 And some of the Discin.Ks also from Ce- sarea accompanied us, con- ducting us to one Mnason, a Cyprian, an Old Disci- ple, with whom wc might lodge. 17 J And on our arriv- ing at Jerusalem, the niiKTHREN received ua gladly. 18 And on the follow- ing day, Paul went in with us to J James ; and alt the KLDEES weic pre- sent. 19 And having saluted them, J he particularly re- lated what things Gon did among the Gent'les by X his MINISTRY. • Vatican Maw uscRirT.— 11. FEET and B :«d8, he said. , J 10. Acts xi. 23. t n. ver. S3; Acto -x. 23. t 13. Acts xx. 21. : U Mnlt vi. 10; xxvi 42; Luke xi. 2; xxu 41. J 17- Acts xv. 4. 1 13. Acts xv. IS ij.ii I 19; II !». I TJ Alts XV. 4, \i : Uoni xv IS. IM. t t:i Afl< \k U aiap. 21 ; 20.1 ACTS. i aiap. 21 : 27. f>e aKovaavTfS e5o^a(^ov rov O^nv cnrov re and li.ivini; heard gluiilitd the C.ul; they taid ami avTff)' Q jjpdSy aS€^r(p€^ iroTai f^vpia^as (imv folmi); Tlu'u beeht, O brother, lio\v lUctiiy iiivn.itis are loudaiwi^ Twv TreiriaTeuKOTCtJi'' Kai Travrts ^r)\ia- olJtvvs of those having believed; .-uid . all zealuls rai rou vo/xov virapxouai. -' ]lj.r7i\~iOriaay 8e of the law being. T..iy » .-. i- ii.loimed and n-epi GOV, on awoaraaiau Si^uTfceis ctto Mncerning thee, that npostacy th 'm tearliest from i:lccuaeu>5 rovs Kara ra cOfyj nauras loo^aiovs, Moses those among the Geniilcs all Jews, A.e7a)K, /bLr] TTeptT€i.iveiv avrovs ra Tf/CJ'a, ^rjSe ^'*.v'"B» not to cii-cnuH'ise theui the cliildien, nor ■ OLS (Ofcri TrepnraTeii/. ^"Tt ovvecrri; TzavTws the customs to walk. What then i» ii ? cerianil ^[5et 'K\y}Qos ovueXd^iv^ aKOJTovrai *[vap,j ^.nust a multitude to assemble;] they wiU bear |iu', | 6TI e\r]\udaS. '■^•^Tj'JTO OVU TfOLrjiJOU, 6 (T'H I lit thou hast couie. This therel'jre dn thou, whattoihe.' Ki-^oiniU' Eiaii/ iijxiv au^pis Terrrrapes tux )*' He bay; Are tons men lour a vuw ^Xot^res f(f>' eavTwv, '^^TouTous irapaKoP-'^v, h.i\'ng upon theai*elves. These Jiaviii'^' laheu, ayviaQ-qri avu auTots^ Kai Sairavria-oi/ en' be thou purified with them, and be at expense for aJTcis, iua ^vpr](ru>VTai rrjv K£; IM.ETlON of the jjays of ITKI EICATION ; till the OFrKKING should he of- fi-n-d in behalf of each one ot them. 27 But when the !?EVEi>J T)Avs were about to he ( oiiiplctcd. Ihe .lews from Asia seeing him lu the * Vatican Manuscript. — 10. there are amonp the Jews, ot tuose who bklievb. 22. 11ie Multitude must assemble— onii7. 22. ioi— omit. 25. that they observe no such thins, e.xeept — umit. \ 20. Acts xxii. 3; Bom. X. 2; Gal. i. 14. J2t. Num. vi. 2, 13, 13; Acts sviu. IS : 2'. Ai-ts XV. 20, 29. t ;;G. A^ts xxiv.lS : 2u. Nu.n. vi. 13. Oiap. 21; 28.] ac;ts. [aiap. 21: 35. kiirrvJup all the crowil, .tihI pui on ci^roj' Tas xetpas, '■'"' ;f/)c:(,'jj'Tc-s" AySpts Iff/iarjAi- liim the hanilii, ('i\ii.-, Muii Uracl- rai, ^0T]6nrf ovtos cgtiv 6 avOpccrros, 6 Kara \(.et, helpyuu, thi» u tUt inin, who a^-ainst Tou Aaou /cai Toy i>otxov kcli 'tov tottov toutov I'le peuple and the Iaw liie place tins jrai/Ttts iravraxov 5i^a(TKcs:u' en re Koct 'EAAtj- all everywhere is leac^in^. beNitlesand aUo Greeks vas iiarjy ay iviis ro i^piji', icui KiKou'wKe ruu lie led into the templf, aiul has uialIc coimnun the ayiou TOTToy tovtov. '*■•' (ilTai/ yap Trpocu'paKo- h..ljr plicc this. I'.Veie fur having sttii before T6S Tpor^ifxof TOV E<^>er7'.'oj' iV rri 7rc\e« (tvv Truphitnua the Kp.iesi.iii in the city with avTOi, bv (voui^ou 6ti €is to Upov eicn^yaycv 6 l.ini, whom they hiippo'Cil that into the leuiple led the HajXos.) ^Eiciy'^CT] re 7'; iroKis bXi], Kai eyevi- l'a4il.) AVaa uioveil andthe city whule, and wa« TO (yi'V^pnixr) rou Kaov Kai ^■mA-.Sou.^vot rou a iMiiiin"; logclher of the v*""!''''; »'"' hamiu- takpii hold o( the ria;;Aoi', (IKkov avruu 6|w tou iipov Kai J'uul, Ihejr were dragging him onuule ol the temple ; ami e-'^t'i'V iK\eL(rOr\•>()», ran down upon them. They and i5i>j'Tej 70V ^ihiPpyDV Kai lovs (TTpariwras, •-.•n^ (he couiu. .ii>ler aud the auldicii, fTra("Taj'T£S Ti/Trroj/Tes toi' TlavXov. ^'^ToTf ctxtd heaiii^g the Paul. Tlien (yyicTas b X'^"^P'yos €7TeAa/3eTo auTou, Kai having approacbedthe romuiauUtr l.ud Hold oi hiiu, and c/c?Aeiy.«d is be bound with rhaii.n Inn, and inquiied. VfTOt Tiv au tirj, Kai ri cttx TrciroivKws. wbo it eight be. and what it i< having beendune. '■• AAAo« 5f aAAo n eHouif ey Ttf ox^f. Mti 0*b j>iv.5, 6. : CO. AcIk .i.\. ♦. J 3U. Acts >\vi 21 I 81 Acl6xnii.i7; i.iiv 7 1 3U. vei. 11; Ai la xx. W. Chap. 21: 36.] ACTS. [C7iap.'22: 4. TO ir\T]6os rov \aov, Kpa^ov Aipe avrov, tlie Diiiliiittde ofthc people, crj'ingi Lift up him. ^' MeAAa-j/ t€ enja-y^crOai eis tt]V irape/x^oArju 6 lifiiin :ibout and to be led into the castle the Ilo.j\us, Aeyei rev p^jAtapxoj' Ei e^ecTTt /hol I'.-.ul, he e.iys to the conim.Tnder; If it is perinitedCor nie €f7reij/ Ti Trpos (Te : 'O Se e(^7j' 'EWrjuicm to sny anything to thee? He and B.-iidi Greek y'vuicTKeis ; ^^ Ouk apa (Tv €i 6 AiyviTTios, 6 iiiiikrstaiiile!.t Ihou? Not then thou art the E^pti»n who TTpo TovTwv TU3V '!]y.epwu avafTTaruiras Kai *'ttt>re these the d;iy8 h.iving raised an insurrection aud t^a^aywj/ ets tt]v eprj/j-ou rous rerpaKicrxi^tovs lining led out into tlie desert the four thous.ind ay )pay rcvf criKapiwv ; Eit6 5e 6 YlavXos' ^^ eyco men ot tiie Sicaiii? S.vid and the Paul, I auOpwTTos jxiu etui lov^aLos Tapcrevs, rrjs KiAi- a man uuleed am a. lew of Tarsus, of the Cili- Kias ouK aari/j-ov TroKecos ttoKittjs' deofxai 5e cia not o' a menu city acitiien, I beseech and aou, tirnpetl/ou jxoi \a\T]' the Bieps wared with the hand to the people; 7roAA77S 5e (Tiy'r]S yivofjLfvqs, npocrecpcouTjcre tt) great and silence occurring:, he spoke In the 'EQpai^i 8ia\fKTCi}, Xfywv Hebrew dialect, s.-\yin^ KE*. k/3'. 22. ' A.vhpfs aSeXcpoi Kat inxT^pfs, aKovaare fiov Men brethren and 1 ilhir>, hear you of me rris TTpos v/ pvvl airoXoyias. - AKOvaayns the to you now a,iolo;.'>. Hearing 06 on tt; E,Gpa»5i 8ia\eKT(f> TrpoTetpwud avrois, and that in the lleLrew di.ilect lie was speaking to them, fxaWou irapeaxov 'h<^^X^^''- K«' (prjaiv ^670; more they kept silnin-e. And he said, I )jev ei/j.1 aurip lovOaios, yfyeuf-q/xeuos fvTapcrw luileert am a initu a Jew, having been born In Tarsus TTjs KiXiKias : avaTiOpajxixevos Se ei/ tt; TroAei • tike CiliciaP having been brought up and In the city TauTT;, Trapa rovs tri^as TaixaKi7)\ TreTraiSev/xe- this, at the Icct o( Gamaliel having been taught yos Kara aKpi^ciay rov iraruyov vo/j-ov, ^tjAoj- nith accuracy the aiicesttal law, a zea- TT7S iinapxc^i' tok Oeou, KaOcos iravres v/j-ds eare ot being of the God, even as ail you are (TTjuepov* '* 6s TavTT]v rr]y dSov eSiw^a axpi today; who this the way I persecuted tid 3G for the multituub of the PEOPLE foUowctl, crying, J "Take him away ! " 37 And Paul being about to be led into tlie CASTLE, he says to the COMMANDER, " May 1 be allowed to say something to thcef" And he said, " Dost thou understand Greek ? 38 Art thou not tlien THAT t Kjiyptian, who didst before These dais, c.\cite a Sedition, and lead out into the desekt your THOUSAND Men of the + SlCAKII ?" 39 But Paul said, J " I am a Jew, of Tarsus in Ci- ltcia, a Citizen of no In- considerable City ; and 1 entreat thee, permit me to speak to the people." 40 And liaving given liim permission, Paul, standing on the steps, Jwaved'the hand to the PEOPLE; and when there was Great Silence, he ad- dressed them in the Hk- BREW Dialect, saying, CHAPTER XXll. 1 " Men, % Brethren, and Tatbcrs, hear now My APOLOGY before you." 2 (And hearing that he spoke to them in the He- BREW Dialect, they kept greater silence ; and he said,) 3 j " I am a Jew, born in Tarsus, of Cilicia, but, having been brought up in, tliis city, at the feet of :{: Gamaliel, and accurately instructed in the ances- tral LAW; X being a Zea- lot for God, J as gou all a re To-day. 4 And 1 persecuted This WAY to Deaili, t 36. Lukexsiii. 18; Johnxts. 15; xxii.22. ix. 11 ; xxii..'. t 40. Alts XII I". 1 or. XI ?■-'•- fliil. 111. 5. I S. Alis V b4 t SS See Acts v 80 t 59 Aci,'. t I. Acts VII. 2 15 Acts isi. 5J , i i» Acto 1x1. 20, Oal. 1. 14. t 4. Oiap. 22: 5.] ACTS. OavaTOVf Z((Tn^v(t)v Kai trapaSiSovs eis (pvKaKas death, bimliDg and cielwrring into pnisuna aiSpas re Kai yvvaiKas, " ws Kai 6 .'.px'^P^''- niea both and wuuicn, as also the bifb-pries' HapTvpn fxoi, Kai vav to irpca^vTepiov 7ra^ ' tettiliea to me, and all the eldcntbim frum uu Kai tiricrroKas Se|aaei/os Trpos tovs o5eA- whiimalao ictteir baving rrreivcU to the breth- (pouSf €15 Aa/jLatTKou €irop(voiJ.r]U, a^wv Kai ren, to Daiiiaacus 1 went, going to lead and TOVS €Kfi(re ofTas, SeS^fxevovs eis 'lipov(Ta\7]/x.^ tba« tbere bring, having b^'en Kound into JeruDAieui, ifa TifxiopTjdaxrii'. ^ Y-yeuero 5e /xoi iropfvofMevu) thxttbev iMi^litljr ijunished. 1 1 hniipined and to uie travpling Ka» (yy iCoi'Ti tt; Aaua, irepi /xecnj/ji^piay and drnwiii^Dear to the ll.cnadcus. about noon tf^affyr)s fK tov ovpavov irfpiaaroi^ai (pws iKa- •iidilciily ont of the heaven to shine round ali'ht great you irepi e^ue* ' cireaou re us to tSacpvs, kt.' ahuu'. me, fell ,-jid oa the ground. and TfKOvaa (pwy-qs Keyovarjs /xoi' '2,aov\, l,ajv\, r: lieard ivuice saying to lue; Saul, S^iul. why /i€ 5tc«'«-ejs ; ^Eyco 8e aneKpiQ-qv Ttj ei, m« perbccuust thou? I rjid answercU, Wh arttbo:. Kvpie ; EtTTC re vpos fie' E7W ei/xi Itjctous 0 Osiri* Ho said and to 31 , 1 am Jeaus tlie Na'^:}pai?s, 6v Tv Stwretj. '^ O'l 5e (Tvv epioi ^azarea-, whom thou *cr»ccuieist. Thobeand with me ivres ro /j.-- (poas fOeanavro, *\^Kai efA(po0oi lijinr the indeehail ( do, Oi.oid? 'O ^e 'xvpios eiire irpos ,uf Avatrras iropfvcv The :ai * Lord said to uie. Having arisen (»o lUou eis AafiarKov KaKfi aoi \a\-r]6ri(Terai irepi Into Uama.cus, and ihtre 10 thee it ^hall be told run: rning ir:xvrwv^ U3V reraKrai aoi Troir](Tai. " 'Xls 6 all tbir-gc, whichhavc been appouitedforthre to do. Aa and OVK eycB\eiTou ttjs So^rjs rov <)a>Tay cic?j- nuC I taw (rctn the glory of the light ot'Juit, yoVy X<'ip^yoyovpLevos vtro rwv avvovronv fxoi bcins led by tfw baud by those b«iQ^ with me, ■t)\6ov ei3 AafiacKcy. 1 came into Dam'wcua. ^'^ Ai'ai>:as Se rts, avrjp evaeBf]-; Kara rov Ao.iniaa and ouc, a man pious according to th. yofioy^ ixaprvpovjxevos biro iravrwv ruv Karoi- law, being testified to by all the ren- Kovvrujy lovSaiwy, ^^e\duv Trpos ue Kai evta- ding Jews, having come to uie and having Tttj enre jxoi' 2aoi/A aSfAOe? avaQXti^ov. stood said to met Saul U brother, lookup. [Oiap. 22: IS. binding and delivering inlc Prisons both Men and W t>- men; 5 as the iiigh-prik.«i also *is my witness, % ""d All the ELDEKSHIP ; tfrom whom also reci'iv- ing Letters to the bkktii- EE.\, 1 went to Dniiiasciis to bring tiiosk mIio WEiiii there bound to Jerusaitni, that they might be pun- ished. 6 X And it ocnirrtd, as I was traveling and draw- ing near to Damascus, about noon, suddenly a ;.rreat Light from iiJi;AVj':N shone around me ; 7 and I fell to the GROUND, and heard a \'oice saying to me, ' Saul, Saul, why dost thou jiursc- cute M; f ' 8 And 5 answered; 'Who ai't thou, Sir:'' .\nd he said to mr, ' J am Jesus the Nazaukne, whom tfjou perseeulesl.' 9 And X TIIOSK wlio WEEE with me saw indeed the LiGUT, but they un- derstood not the voice ot iiiM who SPOKE to me. 10 And I said, 'What shall 1 do, liord?' And the LoBD said to n;e, 'Arise, and go into Da-, niascus, and there it shall be told thee of all thiiiL'S wlucJi are appointed for thee to do.' 11 And as I could not see from the gi.oky of that LIGHT, being led by the hand of tiiosk who w KEK with me, 1 came into Damascus. 12 And J one Ananias., a pious Man according to the i.AW, Jhanng a good tcsimony from All the Jkws residing there. 13 coming to me, and standing by, said to me, ' Brother Saul, look up.' • Vaticah MiwoscairT.— 5. did bear me witness. 9. and they were terrified— oust* t 5. Lukexxli.M; Actsiv. 5. t 5. Acts ii. 2 ; xxvi. 10, 12. JO. Artsix.3 XIV1. 19,13. J 0 Ads IX. 7; Dan. i£. 7. t 12. Act.i ix. 17. J 1'?. Acts x 2 t li. 1 I )ni. HI 7 Oiaj}. 2-2 : 14.] ACTS. Kayw avTT] tt? iooa ayEjSAei^a ets avTov. O Audi inthi's tlie liuur l,.okcrt on lum. Ue Se tiTrei/' 'O Oeoj twj/ Trarepwu T]iJ,a)U -Kpo^x^ipi- n..;l f.iid; The God ofthe fatliei-a ofus desuned craTu o-e 71/^1/0: to deXr]fj.a abrou, Kai i^f^y rov thee to know the will oflum»elf, ai-.d to see the hiKaiou, Kat cKovaai (pcuv'-iu (K rov (Troaaros ri.-liicous one, aad to licar a voire out ol the month a >Tov '" OTi 60-7? (xaprvs avrca izpos Tvavras >,|hii.i, because thou ^li.^lt be .1 witness for liim to all avQpwirovs tiV eio^u-ias k;ied, and wash K )uaaL ras aiJ.a.pTic.s crov, ewLKa\eo-a,uevos to l.ivMlf from the sms of thee, havin? invoked the o:')ua avrov. ^^Eyf^i^'-.TO Se jj-oi uivoaTpe^pavri ninie olhim. It hapiiencd and to me havine returned as 'UpouaaX-'iiJ., Kai Trpoaevxo/J.ei/ou pov iv tw to Jerus.dem, and in^Mu- oi me in __ the leuip'le, to have been me in anectacy, and to see auTou Keyovra /jlji- 2.rrf^jaou, ks-l e^e\9e eu saying to me; Do Ihnu hasten, and come out with Tavet e| 'lepoKcraATj^ct- Snrt oj'^iqOVTa.i ► .,eed from Jerusalem; not they will receive ■r )v TT]v jxaprvpiav irepi c/^ou. ^'^ K'xya) ^ittov «• ther the tebliniony concerning me. And 1 said; Kjpie, avTOL tT^KTrauTai, on 670 TjaTjv ^vXo.- 0 1..,rd, they know. Ih^a I "as impris- KL^oiv Kai hepwu Kara ras (Tvuaywyas rovs ttlo- .,uiMg and beating in the »yu..,' ife'u.-s those ^ be- nuovTas eiri e God of our fathers J ap- pointed thee to know his wiLi,, and to + see that I RiGiiTJious ONK, and Jto hear a Voice Iroui Ins MOUTH ; 1 .5 t for thou shalt he a Witness for him to All Men of J what thou hast seen and heard. IG And now, why dost thou delay? Arising, he uiimersed, J and wash thy- self fieni tliy SINS, |hav- ins invoked his namk.' 17 t And it happened, when I returned to J cru- saleui, and was praying in tlie TEMPLE, I was in a Trance, 18 and saw him saying to nic, ' Make haste, and go quickly out from Jeru- salem; hecause they miU nut receive * Thy testi- mony concerning me.' 19 And 5 said, 'Lord, thrn know That i was im- prisoning and heating in the SYNAGOGUES THOSE BKLiEViNG on thee; 20 i and when the BLOOD of Stejilien, thy WITNESS, was ])oured out, I also was standing hy and consenting, and hav- ing in charge the mantles ot t;hose who killed him.' 21 And he said to me, J ' Go ; for E will send thee to nations far away.'" . . 22 And they lieard liim to This word, and then laisvd their voice, saying, X "Take away such a man trom tiie EARTH, for it is not lit that he should live.'' 2:^ And as they were cr\ 'iig out, and tossing up til. .1' M vNTi.r.?, and thro' - uig Dust into the AiR, • Vatican Manuscript.-1S. Thy Testimony concerning me. t U. ActsiiL13,v.^0. : 14. A.tsi. 15; :^vi 16 I ^^-^or^H^^^'^^ 1, gVi.'i 15. 10 ; n. 7, 5. Lph. in. 7. 8. 1 Tim. M. 7 ; 2 Tun. 1. 11. 1 2i. Acts .x:ci. 30, > V e •; t Cluip. !1..] ACTS, [aiap. 23: b ;i^jAiapxos nffayiaOai avrov eis r-qv irape/j.- U.e coniniamUir in Ir^iJ him into the castle, sajiug with fecour}.'f8 to I'x.ainnc him; Iva fTTiyvtf) Si' TiV aiTiay ojtcos C7r6(/)u)- t>iiintof what c.iiise tlius tlit-y vvtTC row avT(f. '"'' Sf irpofreivav avToy rots (' viiig agaiDsthiin. As ami they Kiretchi-il out hini withthc i (.aaiu, tiTre vpos tov ktrra'Ta kKaiovrapxov b inoiiBS, said to the ft.Tiiiling hy ceiituruiu the YlavKos' Ei avQpctsTToi' Pw/xaiov Kai aKaraKpnov Piul; If n iiinii n Kumr.n aud uiicouileuineil c^f-fTTiv v/jLiu fia(7Ti{,€tv ; '-'^ AKovfTas 5e 6 €Ka- it u lawful for you tij Bcniit^-e ? Having itojird niid the cent.i- TOl/TapXOS, ']TpO(T9\')u}U TO) x'^^^PXV o-'^V'Y~ Hun, haviii„' i.-"ne to the cjniaiiijiiicr rcpoittd, ynXi, Kcyoov ti /jLcWusTVoieii'; b-^apavdpo)- sayinR; what Ml thon .'ihout to ? the (Or man iros ovTos 'Pw/xaios tern. '^ UpocnXOaiv Se 6 thia a Uum.-in is. Having coiue to and the X'/Vta/D^os fiTTev avTor Aeye jxoi, cu 'Pw/maios ruuiui.:u hiui havingbccu hound. Un theand morrow piov ^ovKojjiivos yv'jM-ai ro acc^aAes, to n Ka- wibhiug to kuow the certainty, thatwhat lie -rqyopfiTai irapa tojj/ lou^aiccv, f\v'Ter avTou, «ra^ accubed of by the Jewe, he looted him, irai cKeXeucrej' (TvvfXOfiv rovs apytrpas Kai irav (iiid ordered to come togiUur the hi^l.-|.iit!.i3 aud all -7 I (Tuve^piov Kai Kara-^'ay(t}V Toy Tlav\oVj ecr- t!ic eaiihi'drimi and having led dowu the Paul, Le T'^freu us avTovs. stood among them. KE*. Ky'. 23. ' ATcviTas Sf 6 TlavKos rev rrvvf^piw, }Iaving looked intently and the Paul to the tanhednin, fiTTd'' AvdpiS, a5i\(poi, €7w ■nacrri (rvffiSrjfru said; Men, brethren, I in all conscience ayaO]] ir(Tro\iT( Tcp fleoj axpi TauTTjs tt;*- i;ood havebeeu ai aciliientothe God till this the ^fiepas "^ 'O 8e apx^^p^vs Avavias tTre- day. I^e and high-priest Ananias g'lvc 24 tllC C'OMMANDKR Or- (icrcil liiiu to l)c li'il into tlic CA.sTLi;, and to he ex- amined with Seourjfcs, so that lie might know for wliat reason they thus crud ajiainst him. 25 And as tliey extended liim witli the tiioiNgs, Paul said to tlie KION STANUIKG V,\ , % "Is it lawful to seourge a Man, a Roman, aud uncon- denined r" 26 And the ckntueion having licard, went and told tJie c:o.a:maki)KU, say- ing, " Wliat art tliou about to do? for this ma>- is a llonian." 27 And the comjiakdi- r coming near said to him, "Tell me, art tfjou a llo- nian ?" Aud HE said, " Yes." 28 And tlie comman- DKU answered, " £ pur- cliascd this ciTiziiAsiiip witli a Great Sum of money." And Paul said, " iJut J have even been horn so." 29 Then those being aljout to examine liim, im- mediately departed from him; and tlie tusiMAr*- DKR also was afraid, having .iseertamed That lie was a Roman, and Beeause he had bound liini. 30 And on the nkxt DAY, desiring to know tiie CEKTAl.NTY Of AS HAT he was accused by tlie Jews, lieloosedhini; and ordered (lie HiGH-PKiKSTS aud all the SANHEDRIM to come together, and liaving led Paul down, placed him be- fore them. CHAPTER XXIIl. ^ 1 And Paul earnestly looking on the sa.njik- DRiM, said, "Brethren! X i liave lived before Goii in All good Conscience to This DAY." 2 And the Hion-rniEST, Ananias, ordered those : 25. Act.- xvi. 37 Ue!>. xiii. Is t I. Acta isiv. 16 ;1 Cor. iv. 4; 2Cor. i. 12; iv, 2 ; 2Tini.i. 3- aiap.Mi: 3."] ACTS. {Chap. 10. K cliiirge to thosehavin wbeeustanding by him, to strike ofhiin TO a-TO/xa. ^ Tore 6 HavKos irpos avTov eiTre* tlio mouth. Then the Paul to him said; Tvimiv (re /xeWei 6 deos, toix^ KeKovia/LLeve' To strike ttiee i* about the God, O wallhavingbeen whitewashed; KaL (TV Kadr) Kpivcov /j.e Kara top vofxov, Kai and thou sittest jiidginj^ meacconiing to the law, and irapauo/xwt/ Trape(rTWTes cnrov Hov apx'^^P^'^ TOf Qeou having been standing by said; The hijh-pncst of the God AoL^opeis ; ^ Ecpr] re 6 HavXos' Ovk pdeiv, revilest thou ? Snid and the Paul; Not I hadknown, a5e\(pOL, dri ^ariv apxi^^pevs' yeypa-rrai yap- brethren, that it is a high-priest ; itisniitlen for; Apxovra rov \aou aov ovk ep:is kukcos. A ruler oftlic people of thee not thoti sii.-ilt speak evil. '^Fvovs Se 6 lIav\os, 6tl to ku fx^pos e(TTi 2a5- Knowing and the Panl, that the one part is of ZovKaiaiv, TO 5e krepov ^apLaaiwy, (SKpa^ev ev ducees, the and otlier of Pharisees, he cried out la Tw (TvyeSpty Avdpes aSeAc^oj, eyco ^aptcraios the sanhedrim; Men brethren, I a Pharisee €i/j.L, vlos ^api(raiov wepi eKin^os Kai ava(T- ani, a son of a Pharisee; concerning hope and a resur- Tocreajs veKpo3V eyco Kpivofiai. '^ Tovto Se avrov rcction of dead ones I being judged. This and of him \a\r](ravTos, eyevero (TTams tcvu ^apKraiusv ha»iiig spoken, was a dispute of the Pharisees /cat T(av 'S.aSSovKaioiVy Kai eo'x^O'dr] to Tr\ri6os. and the Saddueees, and was divided the multitude. ^ SaSSou/cciOi fxev yap \eyovai fj.Tj eiyai avacTTa- Sadducees indeed fur say not to bo a resunec- (Tiv, /X775e ayyeXov fJ.r]Te Tryev/xa' ^apicraiot de tion, nor a messenger nor a spirit; Pharisees but 6iJ.o\oyov(Ti Ta a/xcpoTepa. "' EyeveTo 5e Kpavyrj confess the both. Was and an outcry fxeyaKr]' Kai avacTTavTes ot ypafifjiaTeis tou great; and hunng arisen the scnbea of the /xepovs Toov apt(rai(t>y hisfiaxofTOy KeyouTes' party of the Pharisees contended. Baying; OySef KaKov evpiaKOixev ev Tea avOpocnrq) TovTCf Nothing evil we find in the maa this; £i Se TTuevpia e\a\r](rev avT(p, tj ayye\os if but a spirit spoke to him, or amessenger. ^^ IloWrjS Se yepouffVS (TTacnws, evXafirjdeis 6 Great and becoming dispute, fearing the Xi^i'O.pxos fXT} SiacriraarOr) 6 TlavXos vtt^ avToou, com-mander lestwculd be torn to piecesthe Paul by them, €Ke\evae to (XTpaTev/na KaTa^av apiracrai avTov he ordered the armed force having gone down tot.ike him STANDING BY llini, % tO strike him on the mouth. 3 Then Paul said to liira, "God is about to strike thee, 0 whitened Wall! and dost thou sit judging me accortling to the LAW, X and yet, viola- ting the law, conimandest inc to be struck?" 4 And THOSE STANDING BY said, " Diist thou revile the Hi Gn-PKi EST of God r " 5 And Paul said, " I did not know. Brethren, That he was a Iligh-pricst; for it is written, J ' Thou ' shalt not speak evil of the 'Ruler of thy people.'" 6 And Paul perceiving That tlie on k Part were of the Sadducecs, and the OTHER of tlie Pliarisics, lie exclaimed in tiie samik- DKiM, " Brethren, J 2 am a Pharisee, fa Son *of Phak ^EKS ; concerning JtSe Hope and the Resur- rection of the Dead *1 am beiiig.iudgcd." 7 And having said Ihis, there was a Dispute be- tween the Pharisies and the Sadduceks ; and tho iiULTiTUDE w us divided. 8 J lor indeed the Sad- ducees sny, there is no resurrection, nor Angel, nid-Spiiit; but the Phari- sees confess both. 9 And there was a great Clamor ; and * some of the .-^CUlBES of the .VARTY of the PiiARisEKS m-ising contended, saying, J "Wo ftiid no Evil in this man ; I and what if a Spirit or an Angel spoke to him?" 10 And the Dispute be- coming vehement, the COMMANDER, fearing that Paul would be torn in pieces by them, ordered the lYoops to go down and take hnn bv force from the •Vatican Manuscript. — 8. of Pharisees. of the SCRIBES. t 6. Or, a Disciple of the Pharisees. 6. I am being judged. 0. some t 2. 1 Kinffs xrii. 34; Jer. xx. 2; .Tohn xviii. 22. t 3. Lev. xix. S5; Deut. xxv. 1, 2; .Tohn vii.51. t 5. Kxod. x.^ii. 28; Eccl.x.lO; 2 Pet.ii.lO; Jude 8. X 0. Acts x.\vi..5; Pliil.iii. 5. t 6. Acts XXIV. 1.^.21 ; xxvt.O; 20. 1 8. Matt, xxii, 23 ; Mark xu. 18 ; Luke xx 27 I U- Acts xxv. 2.^, 81. 10. Acts xxii. 7, 17, IS. Oiap. 23: 11.] ACTS. aiap. 23: 19 l.-om mi.l»t o.'hu.i, toleiiMeiu, CO thee it behoves ohto in Home fir)U i.iapTvpr)Tai. to lesiify. ^'Vepofxeur)! de rjfXfpmSy voirjcravres cvtrrpo- ISe^roii.iiig and day, having formed a coiispir- (py]V o'i loiJ^aioiy avcG^fxarKrav ^avrovSy K^yov- acy llie Jc««, tbey Ipouiul willi a curse themselves, n^iying TiS fi.v,T( (^ayeiv /J-rire ttkiv ews ou ajroKTeiuwcri iieiilier loeat nor drink till they luijfht kill TOP Ha'j\ov' ^^rjaavbe irKeiovs r^crffapaKovra the r.Aul, were and more forty or' 'avrriv Ti)v (TWiciiofriav iTi'K0i7}K0Tes' ^'^olri- thb..eiliii the coM»pir.icy having heen engaged ; vho *>€ rpoTiXQovTiS TOiS apx^^p^vtTL Kai rots vp^cr- b;iviug come to the higli-|irie9ts and the elders, /3i/T6pois, iiirow Avadefxari ave0€fxari(raiui.ev •aid; ■\Viih.i curse ne i..Tve cursed cavTovSf fir]^(vu5 yevrranOai ecus o& airoKreivu)- ourselves, ol nothing to taste till we have killed U-^V TOP TlauKop. ^^"Nup ovp vjiifis €/J.(paPi(raT€ Tea the Paul. Now thrreforeyou iniUve known to the %fA.fOpxy (TVP T(p crvPf^pio), dirws avroV Kara- commander witli the sanhedrim, in order that him he may 70717 TTpos vfj-as, us fieWopras diayLPuxrKny lead ilown to you, aa being about to examine aKpi^earfpop ra irept avrov Tj/xeis Se, irpo more acoiratfly thethinirs concerning him ; we and, before rou eyyicai aurijp,eroiiJ.oi^(rfiePTOv apeXfip <>( the tohavecomenish hiui, ready wc are of the to kiU avrop, ^^ AKouaas 5e 6 vios ttjs aBf\cpT]s Uav- hiui. Having heard but the son oftba eibter of I'aul Aou T7]P (Pibpap, TTapay^vofifPoi Kai fi(r€X6wp the lying lu wait, haviof come near -nd haMiiggone (IS TrfV irapi/jL^oKTfpf 07»7}77ciA« t-> IlauAcf;. into the caktle, ne related (.7 the i'auU ^^ np(j(TKaXf.'s, and being aljout to he kilU d !)y tliem, 1 rescued, having come suddenly upon tliem with an armkd touct.. Having learned that he is a Koman, * Vatican Manuscript. — 27. him — omit. + 24. Felix was a freed man of the emperor ClaniJuis, and brother of Pallas, chief favr.,i!e of I he cmrPror. Tacitus gives us to understand that be gr«veriied wit)i uU the nutliocily of ^ !; -1", and t!ie baseness* and insolence of a quondam slave. He was an unrighteous jjoverii- ov, a basu, mercenary, and bad man. J 20. ver. 12. I 27. Acts XXI. aa; xxiv.7. C!iar>. "?> : 2'?."1 AC rs. [(7/^;;. 2t: yvcovai rrji' aiTiav 5t' iju evaicaXouv avTcp, to know the cause on nccnuntof which they wcreaci'usiiij him, KaTT]ya-fOV aurov (is to rrvv^'^pioi' avrwv -•' bv tie. 1 down hini into the s.-^nlie.lriui ofthcni; whom ijpov iyKaXovj-ieuov irepi (^■rjT'.-jfj.aTuv rov uof-tov I found being .iccutied concerning (lue^tionH of the l:iw awTOJV, iJii)'^iv 5e a^iov Oavarov tj Zeorixoiu eyicKr^- oftheui, nothini^ htit worthy of death or htuuls an accu- fj.a fxovra. "^' MrjuvOeta-qs 5e fioi iir:^ovKif]s eis * ili.m having. !Ia'irl|;beendi^closcer» l-t say the things ai*ain»t hiin bc-fore tliec. *[Ep^w(ro.] ^' Oi /xc-y uvu irTpaTicoraL, Kara [ r.ircvvell.] The indeed therefore sobiii-ri', according to TO SiaTSTayneyov avTo<.ie. \\ lio bavin;; coil. e into the Kal(Tap^^at', Kai avd^ovrts rrju ^-^rifrroX-^u rw Ccs-irca, and having deliverrd tl:e leiicr to the r,yf.Hovi^ Trapecrrr,(7ay Kai my IlarAci' avry. (.'oveniur, presented also the Paul to him. •" Avayvovs Se, Kai STrepwrTicas ft vo'as fTap- Hiiviiigiead and, and liaMUg .aske.l from province X^^^ eTTj, Kai ■JTvO'ii-Kvos on otto KiXiKias' he la, and hauag uni'Ierstood that fioin Ci'.iciai ^hiaKOvT-^uai (Tov., 6<>t), OTay k ii oi Kar~iyopoi I Mill fjlly hear thtc. be, »heu aUo the accueers Eff\;»fr6 T6 avroy fy tm bun in the (TOV Trap'xyfvufVTai of 'bee iiiiyaiiive. Hecoiu -an. led TTpanwp") TOV 'Hpw^ov . .A i xxiv.l, I'l; XXV. 10. I LJ. .Malt, xxvii. -27. : 1. Av.i.s i..\i. -27. I I. And x.xj.i. '.', iU. o."i : x\v. 2. 28 X and desinuij to know tlic CRIME of wiiicli Uiuy accusod liim. 1 led lii!n down into their sa.n- IIKUUIJI ; 29 whom I found bein^ accused % concerning Ques- tions of their LAW, J but iiaving no Accusation wor- thy of Dcatli or Bonds. 30 I But It liavinfj berr. disclosed to nie tliat a Plit was about to be foriiii il against the man by llic Jtws, I instiintly S( nt Id tliee, X having conimaiid( d his AccustKs also * !>• s])cak against him befor>; tiice." 31 TllC SOLDIEES, tlicrc- fore, according to Tii.\r which was COMMAMi' ;> them, took Paul, and con- veyed him by * Js'ight to ANTiPATKIS. 33 And on the nkxt DAY tbcy returned to tl e CA.^Tr.K, liavmg left tl u !i()HSEME?« to proceeu Willi him ; 33 who, having rntcrrd Cksakka, and dcliM-iid the i.KTTFR to the (; \- KRNOii, tluy also presented Val'I, to him. 3-1 And ha^^ng read it. he asked of What Province he was ; and hcng ii>- formed That he was I'rum JCilicia, 35 lie said, J"T will fullv hear Uiee, when tliine ACCLSKRS arc also come.'' .\nd lie C(miiiiainl('d liim to he kept in % Herojj's Pkk- TORILM. CHAPTER XXIV. 1 Andaft.T t Pive iVvs the iiiiiii-i RiK^T, J.Vii.i- iiias, went down witii *llie Ki.DERs, anc» a ccrta ii Orator naiiiecT Tertulln-, and appeared before tl e GOVERNOR aealnst Pai:i . 2 And he dicing call K Tertullus Began to ac- cuse him. saying ; Chap. 21: S.] ACTS. \r]S eiprjvtjs Tvyxcf-^^vres Bia iifhi,iiievery tliinjand and everywiiere we accept, KpaTLcrre ^qKi^, fifra Traarjs cuxapi^rjots. O most excellent Felix, «uh all thankfulness. ^'Ipa Se jULT] tTTi irXeiuy ere eyKOTTCo, irapaKaXu Thit and not to lonfjer thee T may detain, I beseech aKovfrai ere tj/xoov ervvTOfxuis rrj (ttj eirieiKeia. to hear thee of us brielly in the thy clemency. ^ Eypoj/res yap rov ai'fipa rourov Xoifxou, Kai Wehivefdund i'ur the man this a pestilence, and Ktvovvra erraeriv Tract tols louSaiois rois Kara exciting n sedition in all the Jews those in rrjy oiKov/xivrjy^ irpwrorrraTrjU re rris rwv Na- the habiialile, a leader and oftheoftlie Na- Ci^paiccy alpecrea^Sf ^'os Kai to Upov eireiparre zai-eues sect, who al»o the tcm|ile attempted fie0ri\(a(Tai' bv Kai eKpaTrjcratxey, *[Kai Kara to profane, whom also we appnhen.led, [and accordin,'to Toy rifxerepoy vojxov 'r]6eKr\Taixei> Kpiueiv. ^ Tlap- the our law we wished to judge. Having ehOwy 5e A.vaias b X'^^'^PX^^j tiera iroAkris come but Lysias the commander, with a great 0Las CK Tw^ ^etpcoj' ?//ia;j/ a7n7-ya7e, ^ KeA-eiKTa? force "ut of the hands of us led away, having commanded mvf KaT7]yopovs avrov epxecrOai eiri ere'] nap' thi» accusers of him to come to thee;] from o)' dvvr](rr) avToSy avaKpivas irepi wljom thou wilt be able thyself, having examined closely, concerning iravTwv rovTccv eiriyvcovat, Sou yjixeis Karr]- all of these thingsto have knowledge, of which we ac- yopovfieu avrov, ^ 'XweireOevro 5e Kai oi lov- piisa him. United inimpeaching and also the Jews, Saioi, a(TKouTes ravra ojtccs ex^^^' ''^ATrfK- aaseiiing these things thus to be. Answered Didr] Se 6 TiavXos, uevcriutos avrca rov Tjyefio- andthe Paul, nodding to him the governor vos \eyeiv' Ek ttoKKwv erwv oura ere KpiTriu tm to speak. From many years being thee ajudgetothe ^Qvei Tovrtf eTTicrraju-eyoSj evQvjxoTepov ra nation this knowing, more cheerfully the things TTfpL e/xauTov airoXoyovfxai' ^^ Zvvajxevov (rov concerning myself 1 defend; being abl.; of thee yfccfai, vTi ov irXeiovs fieri fioi 7)ixepai SeKuduo, to know, that not more are to me days twe!ve, a(p' -)]$ ave^T]v TTpocrKvvriaccv ev 'lepovcraXrffj.. from which I went up to worship in Jerusalem. ^■^Kai ovre ev rcfi lep'p evpov fie irpos Tiva Zia- And neitlier in the temple they found me with anyone dis- Aeyofievov, rj eiriervrrTaeriu ■yroiovvra oxAov, puting, or a tumult making ofaciowd. [aiap. 21: 12. 3 " Ilavino; obtained Great Peace tlirongli tlae, and * worthy Dcctis being done for this nation by THY Torethought, and in every thing and every- where, we accept it, Most excellent Felix, with all Thankfulness. 4 But that I may not further detain thee, I be- seech thee to 1 1 ear us briefly, with thy usual Candor. 5 J For we found this MAN a Pestilence, and ex- citing * Seditions among AliTHOSB Jkws through- out the EMPiKE, and a ( hicf of the sect of the Mazarfnes ; 6 :); who even attempted to profane the tkmple, and whom we apprehended, • [and wished J to judge ac- cording to OCR Law ; 7 t ''^t Lysias, the com- MANDEK, liavuific couie with a Great Force, took biiu away out of our HANDS, 8 % commanding his AC- CUSEKS to come to thee;] lioni whom thou wilt bo able to learn for thyself, on examination, of all these things of which Sue accuse him." 9 And the Jews also jointly impeached him, as- serting that these things v/cre so. 10 And the goveenok having made a sign for him to speak, Paul answered, " Knowing that thou ha&t been for Several Yeai'S a Judge of this nation, *I cheerfully defend myself; 11 it also being in thy power to ascertain. That it is not more than twelve Days since J I went up to worship at Jerusalem. 12 J And they di;. not find me disputing with any one in the temple, or making an Insurrection of * Vatican Manuscript.— 3. Reformations are ffoing-on in this nation. 5. Sedi- tions among. 6— S. omit. 10. 1 clieeifuUy. I .5. Lukexxiii. 2; Acts vi. 13; xvi. 20 ; xvii.O; xxi.28; 1 Pet. ii. 12, 15. t 6. Acts xxi, 28. t 6. John xviii. 31. t 7- Acts xxi. 83. % 8. Acts xxiii. 3a ; 11. ver. 17; Acts xsi. 2(3. J 12. Acts xxv.8; xxviii-1? Cliap. 21 : 13. AC! S. \Chap. 34 ! ouTC iv rais (Twaycoyats, ovtc Kara Tt]v iroKiv nur ia the syuu^-bguea, uur lu the ciiyi ^^ouT€ TTapaarriaaL buuauTai^ irepi wv vvv uor to prove are lliry A..le, coiiceniin? which now KaTTjyopovcri fiov. ^^'\oyco Sc rovro (tol, tUcy accuse uie. 1 coufess but this to iliee, bri Kara rrju 65ov, t}V \fyovcny alpfcriy, ovtvo thatacconliDg to the way, which they called a »cct, so AaTpeuu) toj TraTpcfjtp flew, ', kttcvuv iracri tois 1 Berve the pairiarobal God, beUeving all tliinu^ those Kara rou vo/jlov Kai rois (V tois TipocpriTais according to the law aud thobe in t'le prup..ets yfypafj.jui.d'ois' ^^ e\iri?ia exc^v eis rou deov, tjv naviug beeu wiittcQj a hope having in the God, which Kai avToi ouToi Trpo(rS6Xoi'Tai, avatrramv fxeX- even they thenibelvea are looking for, a resurrt^cliou about \eiv eafcrdai *[i/6Kpajj/,] SiKaicuv re Kai ai>i- to be [ol dead ones,] ofju&toiies and aUo unjust Ku)V. ^^Ev TOVT(f> 8e avTos ct/cu, airpocTKoirov ou,B. la this and myself 1 exercise, a clear ervvfiHr](TiV fX^"' ""^os tov Qeov kul tows avQp .- conscience to have towards the God and the men TTOvs ZiairavTOS' '^At' froov Se ivX^iovcov alw»yt>. In the course ol years and uiaiiy irapeyepo/ui.r)y (Xi7]fj.0(Tvvas iroirjawu eis to eOuos I came alms briugiug to the nation ^^Ev ols €vpov fxe i]y- In which Ihey found me having VKT/xevov eu rtp Upy, ov /xfra ox^ov, ov5e fxera b'.'cu purified in the temple, not with a crond, nor nith dopv^ov. Tiv^s 5e OTTO ttjs Atrms lowSaiOi, a lumuli. Some and from the Asia Jews, I'J o'us eSei €7ri (tov irapeiyai, Kai KUT-qyopeiv ei who ought before thee to be preseut, and to accuse if Ti ex"'^" '^pos fie. 20 H avroi o'vroi €nra- anytbingthey may have against me Or the^e themoelves let Twaav, Ti i'vpop cv e/u-oi aSj/CTj/ua, crravros them say, what they found in uie crime, having stood fxov cm TOV avpfSpiov '^ r) vepi /mias Tav- of nie before the (anuedriuii or concerning uuc thu T7JS (puiv-qs, ^s CKpa^a errrfi^s fv avrois' *Oti voice, which 1 cried out stauiU :g among tliem^ That nepi avacnaaews v^Kpcov €70? Kpivofxai 77Af f , by you. I'ut off but them the Felix, aKpifie(TTfpov eiSojj ra irepi ttj? 65ov, more accurately knowing the things conccrnin; the nay, fiTToov 'Orav Avcias 6 xfAiapx^s Karrj^T}, ■ayingi When Lysias the commaiidermaycomedowu, fiuv, Kai irpoacpopas of me, and offerings. tliu Crowd, either in. the SYNAGOGUES, or In tlio CITY ; 18 nor are they able ta prove tlie things coiici-ni- iiig which they now accus'j aie. Is But this I confess to llice, tliat arcordiii-; tc t./e WAY whicli tiiL-y ejill a ^cct, so serve I the Gud of my rATiiKKS, beheving * the TIli.NGS 'WlliC'll Itrft accordiu}; to the law, am! iHosK which have been written in the pkoimikts r 15 bav ini' a Hope in God, wliicn even they tlieniselvt s arc looking lor, ■ — tliere is to be a Uesiinectiuu both of the Righteous aud Unright- eous. 16 And in this I ever- cise myself, always tohiive J a clear Conscunce to^ wards God and ji>.jn. 17 But in the course of several Years J I caimi bringing Alms to my >a, Tjuw, and Olferings; 18 at whirh time thet found me purified m llij T jii'LE, net er with a L'lowd, nor with limiult.. X Hut there are some Jews from Asia, 19 J who ought to bo present before tliee, and tu accuse, if tlicy may have auvihing against me. 2U Or let tliese them- selves say, ^Vllat Crime they found in me while I stood before the samik- DKI.M ; 21 unless it be fcr Thia One Declaration wliich [ iiiade while 1 was standing among them, — X 'That con- cerning the Rcsurnciiou of the Dead I am ju«Ij;e'l by you This day.'" 23 But Felix knowing more accurately about that WAY, put iheni off, saying, "When Lysias, the co;u- MANUEK, comes down, I • Vatican Masoscbipt.— 14. the thisos accordius: to Law, 15. of the deaii— onii/. t 15. .\ii. 2 ; John v. 28, 2'.). t 10. Aeti xxiii. 1. J 17. Acts si. 211. :;•>; TT.IC; Roin.xv.2.">; 2 Coi. viii. l; Gal. ii. 10. ; IS. Acts xii. 26, 27 xxvi. 21. J la Ads ixui. ao: XXV. 10. : 21. Actaxxui. 0; xxviii. 20. Oiap. 24. 23.] ACTS. 1 v.illiu^uireiuto the things about yim. ll^iviug K'^tu orilffs t; ry eKarnuTapxil TfipeiaQai avTov^ f^X^'-'" "^^ nti'llot'lie centurion ' to keep hun, to have ami ai' '71U, Kai jxriZ^ua KwKv^iv ru'V ifiio^u c.jtov i,l,orty, and no one to forbid of Ibe o« u iueudB of him VTTrj^'CTetj/, *[7J TrpocrepYefT^at] avrw, 1 , as^st, [or to cunie] to limi. -^ Mera Se rj/xepas rwas -Kapay^v.Mi^VGS b ^rj- After and days souie having the Fc- Ai| (TV]/ ApovcTiWri T77 yui'aiKt, oytrj; Ijo'^airt, 1.1 with Drusilla ' the wife, bein:^ 8 .lf>v,-s.s, fA.eTt-,T€ix\paTO Tov TlavKov., Kai tjkovogi/ aurov lie sent toi the Panl, and he^ird him ir-^pi TTj? €LS XpifTTov iriTr^cus. -^ AiaXfyo- C:i:ii-^vniag the into Auoiuied faith. Ui-*conr9- fA. voo 5e avTov irepi diKanxrvvrjS Kai e'/Kpa- lu;; and of him concerning jualice and Belf-coii- rems Kai tov Kpif^aros tov jx^Wovtos, ep.'po- tiol and of the judgment th .t hem- about Co cume, tern- /'); -yevo^ivos 6 «I>tjAj| a^rsKpiOr]' To vuu exov I ■ 1 being the Felix. answered ; The present being rop^vov Kaipov 5e fxeraKaQcau ^eTUKaXeao^.aL u-c> ihou; a season and havins;fuund IwiUcall t . e. At the same time also hopiug, that u..iuey will be «■ rai "^[avTwl inro TOvUavXoUf *[(^rra'j Kva-f e n [toiiim] by the Paul, [sotl.alhemightlo,.,e a ov'"] 5io Kai TTVKVOTfpov avrov ixeTaireiu.- li 11,] therefore and ol_tener him Bending 'r!>xevos u>!J.i\ei avrw. 27 Aiertas 5e TrATjpw^et- ( r' talked with lii'm. Two years hut being ended 0-7/5 eXa^T] Sia^oxoi/ 6 *r;\j^ Uop'ciou <^r)(TTov received a successor the Felix Porcius lestus; frXw*/ Tf va/L)£Tas KaraOcfrflat Tois lov^aiois o wi-i,inj and favorstolayinstoreforhimselfiviththe Jews the ^' \il, KaT^XiTTi TOV UauKou dide/xivov. FUix, left the Paul having been bound. KE4>. /ce'. 25. ^ *7)0-T0S ovv €7r(j8as tt? firapx^a, f^^ra Festus thereforehavingeuteredupon the perfecture, after Tppjs rj/xepas avcfi'i] eis 'lepoaoKv/xa airo Kaicra- tliree days went up to Jerusalem from Cesa- pcias. ^Evc(pavi(rav Se avT(c 6 apx^^P^^s Kai r>/a. Appeared before and hiin the high-pnest and 01 TrpooToi TWJ/ lou^taicov Kara rou YlauXov, Kai t!.e chief! ofthe Jews against the Paul, and ■n-aoeicaXouv avTov, ^ airov/xeuoL x^P'" '*""'^' er.lreated him, asking afavor agiunst avTov, OTTws /xeTa-Trejxxpvrai avrov (is 'lepovcra Kr]f.i- hii to that hewould send fu eve^pav iroiovvTes aviXc-tv avrov Kara an ambush forming to kill him in [Otap. 25: 3. will inquire ahout your A1ATT>;1(6 " 23 And lie coninianded the CKNTUKioN 10 keep liim, and let liim have Lib- erty, I and to forbid none of his iKiENDs to assist liim. 4 And after some Days, Tfltx coming with t Pru- silhi, *liis WIFE, who was a Jewess, sent for Paui,, and heard him concerning the FAITH in * Christ Je- sus. 25 And as lie was dis- coursing concerning Jus- lice, Seff- government, and THAT JCDOMFNT about tO COME, Felix, being terri- fied, answered, " Go for t he i'RESKNT ; and when 1 find an Opportunity 1 will call for thee." 26 At the same time also hoping thai Moii. y would be given liim by Paul; and thereioie lie Miore frequently sent for Him, and conversed with him. 27 But when two Ymrs were ended, I'elix linl a Successor, Porcius Fe^ius ; and Felix, | wishing to be favorably regarded by the Jews, left Paul a prisoner. CHAPTER XXV. 1 Festus, therefore, hav- ing entered upon his gov- ernment, afler Tiirce Days went up from Cesa- rea to Jenisalem. 2 J And *tlie high- priests and the ciriEFf of the Jews appearer against Paul, and en- treated him, 3 asking a Favor againsi him, that he would sc.nO for him to Jerusalem J forming an Amijuscadt to kill hiin on the road. orto come— omiV. *>, 24. his own M'^ife. . 20. so t,h;it he fnight loose him— »mit 24. Christ 2. tl'.e * Vatican Manusciiipt.— 23, Josus. 26. to him— omif. lin; u-miESTS. t •>4 Drusillawas the youngest d.ausliter of Uerod Asripra, and been marripd to /./.ziiR, kins of Emessa, whom Felix had persuttded lier to abandon, iii order to an aJulicr- oVi'i niiiVriape with himself. • :i Acts xxvii. » ; sxviii. 10. t 27. Acts xii. 3 ; xxv. 0, 14 t 2- Acts Xi .v, 1. vvr. 15. I 3. Acts xxiiij^i loj Oiap. 25: 4.] ACTS. I Cliap. ]2. TT?!/ b^ov. ^'O ^iu ovv ^rjtTTos aireKpiOT), llie w.-iy. Tlie iudteil thi-ii I'fslns aiiswtred, T-qpeLirOai rov HavAoy cu Viaiaapeiq, kavrov 8e lo L» kept tlie I'.miI in ('e.-.area, liin.btlf but /ucAA.e/i' iv Td^fi tKTTopiVfcrQai. ^ Ol oov ev to be about with bjned tojoout. Thosi-theiefure amoiij v/JLtVy '>7frt, S-jvarni^ (TuyKarafiavres, ft Ti you, be s.'i.vs, being aliic, liawrig ^'oue i'.uvmi iMtli, if anytliiti'; iJTiv dv TO) av'^pi, Kar-qyopfiTwaaf auruu. is ia the uian, let them accioc lain. " Aiarpiipas 8e ev cutois i)/j.fpas ov TrAfiovs o'iot more ei„-ht T7 ScKo, KUTapas f.'S Kaiaapeiav, Tt] firavpiou or ten, liaviii'j giincdonn iuto C'e^:.lea, on llie morrow haOiaas erri tou ^r}f.i.aTos, fKeKevre rou li iviii^ !.at down on the ju'l^iarnl-M .it, he coaimamUd the ILa. jAou ax^^fcit. '^ U.^ Se avrou, Paul to bo led forth. llavin;,' f pproaelied and, v(pif(TTr]aau oi ano 'lepocmXvfxcau uara^ifiv^KO- M«M(iI around the from .'eiusalem having het-n come Tfs loi/Satoi, TToAAa KULficp(aairiafjLara(p(poi^- i!uwn Jews, uiany aiu. ht.'.\y accu^at^ jii» briirg- Tes *[KaTarovZlavK ju,'\ a ovk laxvov a-rroSei^aj' •"S [agaiukt the Paul,] wliicanoltliey werca'ole topoint out; '^CTToAo'yoiiyLtevou aurov 'On ovt€ fis tov vouov saying in defence ufliim^ Tiiat neitheragainst the law Toov lofSato.'V, ouTe fis ro Up'^v., ovn eis Kai- oi the Jews, uor against the temple, nor against Ce- aapa ti r]ixaprov. '"^ 'O ^ricros 8e, tols louSai* ^ar anythin-; did 1 wrong. The I'V-stu* but, with the Jcw^ ois Oekccv X'^P"' KaTaOecrOat, airoKpiQeis tw wiiihiug a favor to lay up for himself answering to the HavKu) CiTTe* ©eActs fis 'lipocToKufxa ava^as, I'aul said; Art thou willing to Jerusalem liaving gone up, eKci Tiepi TOVTWV KptvfaOai c-tt' ifiov ; ^^ EiTre there concerning these thin^b to be jud^'ed before lue? Said 56 6 riai/Aos' E:rt tou PrjfxaTOS Kaicrapos earccs but the Paul i At the jud^inent-seat ofCe^ar standing (ifit, ou fie Set KpivicrOai. lovBaiovs ovBev lam, where uie it behoves to he judged. Jews nothing r]diK7](ra, us Kai nv KaWiov ciriyiviacrKeis- 1 have douewrong, .ts also thou full well halt ascertained. ^^ Et fxev yap aSiKco, /cat a|toj' Qavarov -rreirpa- l( indeed for 1 am unjubt, and worthy of death 1 have X,a Tt, ov irapaiTOVfiai to airoOcueiw et St done anthing, not I refuse the to du:; if but ovSev ecTiv iov ovtoi KaTriyopovai jxov, ovSeis nothing is of which these accuse me, no one /Li.e SvuaTui avTois xapj(rafl-Oat. KaiTapa e-rri- me is able to them to give as a favor. ( csar I call KaKovfiai. ^- Tore 6 '^ncrros cuAAaArjcras /^era upon. Then the I'estus having conferred with 4 Hut Trstus answered that I'Ai-L s!u uld lie k( p* •■it Cesarea, y.ud that lie liiniself would go down there shortly. 5 "Tlierelore," said lie. "let TiiosK among yuu vvlio are ahi.k <:o d<»\\u witl; me, J and * if flu re is anytliiii;; amiss in the jia.n, accuse him. 6 And having continued among llicni eight or ten 1 lays, he A\ i.nt down to Cc- s.ina; and on the m:xt i).\Y, Fifing down on the TKiuu.NAl., commanded 1'all to lie hrougiit. 7 And he }ia\ii:g cnrnc, the Jews wJio had comk DOWN from .TLiusahni stood * round liim. i hnng- iiig down Jlauy and Mea\ y .Vecusations, wliieli t!ay were not able to ])roA'e, 8 * while J'aui. 7uain- tained in liis defence, X " Neither ogainst llie r.AW of the .7k\vs, nor against the temple, nor against Cesar, havcl tinned ill anything." 9 iUit 1''kstus, J wish- ing to gratify the Jkws, answering Paul, said, i " Art thou willing to go up to .Terusalcin, and there he judged before me con- cerning these things ?" 10 And Paul said, "1 am standing at Cesar's TKiBU.NAL, where I ouglit to be judged. I have done no wrong to the Jews, as tfjou also very well kuow- est. 11 J * For if, indeed, I do wrong, or have done anything deserving of Death, 1 refuse not to die-, but if tiiere be nothing of which they accuse me, no one can give Ale up to gra- tify Them.' 1 1 appeal to Cesar." 12 Then Fkstus, . hav- ing conferred with tlie * Vatican Manusckipt.— .5. if there is .^ll,vlhiIlp: amiss in the man, accuse liitn. 7. rouiiil him, bringing down Many. 7- at^ainst I'aul— omif. 8. Paul answcrinir. II. If, then, indeed. t -I. Acts xviii.l4; ver. 18. 1 8. Act.'? vi.l3; xxiv. 12; xxviii. 17. V'-r. 510; Acto xviii. 14; xiiii. 2!) : vxv> 7. Mark xv. 3; Luke xxfii. 2, 10 ; Acts xxiv. .5, l.S : 0. Acts xxiv. l!7. t 9. ver. 20. » t !!• 1 11. Acl.s .\xvi. 32: xxviii. 10. Chap. 25 : 13.] ACTS. {Oiap. 21. the council, answereil; »-e»ir I ♦„ 0., = ^,. tlimi shnlt, orO. a-ai' cTTt Kato-apa iropevcnj. \ to Cesar thou sliiilt fc-o. U^L and haviug intervened some, A,nppa the king «nd liernice can,edo«n to ^ paving their respects to the le»tus. .Ae^o/sV^P-^ 5-rp.^o. e.e. a *^J^-^J,^ „,,T.v d.'vs theyremained theie, ine ^ Uu- submitted thethinps against the Paul, \^ J' A^n^f certain i. having been left behind W f^'^ ^i-%-3=rtd^K:e-r^r^^^^ to CcsM thou Shalt go." 13 And after some Days, fA'crippa the icing and Iknuce came down to Ce- s;u-ea, to pay their respects to TKi^TUS. It And when they hao spent Many Days there, Fi-.sTUS submitted Paul's CASE to the KING, sayinLT, X " There is a certain Man left a Prisoner by I'elix; 15 J concerning whom, when I was in Jerusalem, the niGii-PKTESTS and the ELDERS of the Jkws* ap- peared; asking a Sentence of iudgment a^'ainst him; 16 Jto whom 1 answered, That it is not a Custom lor ^ of the Jews. ^^kins «g"nst h.m Uoj^^^us to make a present Surr,./ " Upos ovs UTT^KpLdvu, ^Tt ovK iCTTiv ^ ^ ^I^n, before the diKT)V, "/;:"*_,„„ ,.„s';vered. that not U 13 ^gCUsED faaS the ACCU- - . T„ whom 1 answered, that not a custom fur Romans 'Ogive as a favor any '""' ^^, _„^^ f tr, J '««^'^"^„„^„7 The iudgmeut-seat, I commanded to be ne.tdayhavingsatdowno„ the^ug ^^„0,^^,S oi ?^Tt The' maf Conce^fing whom having stood up the .c;:r.T- ^n^j^^^- 1 iZco^^^ng^^ sr^/^ii^^^? TsTas 5;;o-.5a.^.o.:as e^X- -P- -J^' ^^ about One Jesus wl^ ched. SERS Face to Face, and an Opportunity is allowed for defence concerning the ac- cusation. 17 Therefore, 'When they arrived here, J making no Delav, the next day, sit- ting "down on the TRIBU- NAL, I commanded the M.^N to be brought; 18 concerning whom the ACCUSERS having stood up, brought Ko Charge ot *snch Evil things as 1 supposed; 19 +but had certaui Questions with him about religion they had Kith hm. and ^^ ■ n^e Jesus having been dead, whom affirmed the Ua.vAOS 'i.riV. gein-in doubt but 1 "n that Paul to be alive. iiein. in u Q„,.\r,,'rn ccncerning these thing having appealed | aOOUl vjuc uv-o"" - whom Paul affirmed to be alive. . . 1 1 i 20 And 5 being m doubt on that concerning this QUESTION, I inquired It h? would be wilUng to go to Jerusalem, and thei-e be judged concerning these things. 21 But Paul having a;> ncerning tiiese viiiufs^ - them-om.t. 18. such Lvil things. ^o ,iP«th is recorded in Acts xii. 23. In , n. This ... the s- of Agnn«; whose m.^b|e^^^^ a. leij," » _ _ n o « lA vp.r. 4. a. t li. Acts xxiv 27. Acts xviii. 13; xiui. JJ. I t.V vcr.2. 3. t la. ver. 4, 5. ♦ 17. ver.O. I 10. Cliap. 25: 22.]' ACTS. [Cliap. 27. ueuov T7)pr)6r}i>ai auTov fis tt)v tov 2e/3a(rTou to l>c ki'pc liitiiHi'lf for the of the Augustus Siayvaxrii', fKf\€V(ra Tripurrdai avTOVy ews ov ilccision, I coiiiiiiaiiiica to I)P kept him, till 7r6ju\|/ci> avrof irpos Kaicrapa. " Aypnnras Se I could »end him to Cc.s:ir. Atrrippa but irpos TOV ^^J(Trov *[f'/'] Eliou\ofxqu Kai to the IVstus [said;] I wm wishinif also avTOs rov ayOpMirou aKovcrai.. 'O Se avpiov, myself the uian to hear. The and morrow; (pT](nv, aKovaj} avrov. '^ Trj ovv ciraupiov he said, thou shall hear him. On the therefore morrow e\OouTos rov Arypnvwa Kai ttjs Bepf j/ctjs fxera having come the Agrippa and the Bernice with Tro\\7)S (pauracrias, Kai (imXQovTojv tis to grvat display, and having entered into the aKpoaTTipiov, (Tvvr^ tols x^^'<^PX"^^ '^'^' avSpacri place of hearing, with both the commanders and men Tois kut' i^oxw *[^ov(TL~\ T-i)s TToAeo)?, Kai /ce- those principal [being] of the city, and hav- AeucrovTOs tov ^r]crrov, VX^V ^ HavKos. '^"^ Kai ing commanded the l'''edtus,iv.-is brought the Paul. And Tj(rTos* Aypnnra ^aTiKev, Kai irauTes said the Vextus; Agrippa (> king, and all 01 (rvfiirapoures rjixiv avdpes, OecDpeire tovtov, tliose beiuj^ preaent with us men, you see this, TTfpi OV irav to ttXtiOos tccv lovdaiwv evsrv- coucerning whom all the niuUiuirie of the Jews applied Xoy ^lOl (u T€ 'lfpi>ao\vju.ois Kai ej/0a5e, eTTi- to me in both Jerusalem and here, cry- Bouiures fir] Seiv {t}u avrov fx-r)K(ri. ^" Eyoi lug out not to be ri^ht lolive hnn lon^'er. 1 Se Kara\a&o;j.(:Vus /xrjdfv a^iov davarov avrov hut having detected nothing worthy of death him rreirpax^vai, Kai avrov 5e tovtov eTTi/caAefra- loh^vedone, also of him and of this having appealed fievov rov ^^^aarov, fKpiva ir^ixireiv *[ai'TOJ'.j ti> the ,\ugu^lll«, I resolved to send [him.] -'•riept ov acTcpahiS ri ypaxpat rep Kvpicp Cuncerning whom certain anything to write to the Lord ouK fX^^ ^"^ irporjyayov avrov e(/)' vficov, Kai not I lijve, therefore 1 led forth him before you, and fxaAicTTa (iri arov^ ^aaiK^v Aypnnra, bivws ttjj ei>peuially before thee, O king Agripp&, so that the avaKpiCTfws yevofxews ap. ZCy. \.\ ACT'S. iaiap.'^&: IL'. KE*. Ks. 2G. ^ Pi.ypi~7Tas 5e ivpos rov YlavXov e(pr]' Etti- Ajnppa and to tlie Paul saiil; It is rpeireTai T€S ol lov^aior ^ Trpoyiuwcr- HAcin, ku iw all the Jews; previuu.-ly know- KOfTes fx? avuidfv, i^€av deXooTi /maoTvpen/,') otl ill;; lMefi,)mt'iehi>t, ( if l hey woulilhe wilhu^ to testify,) that Kara r qy aKp:3«T rarriv aip ciy ttjs rjiJ.€T€- actoriinz tT t!ie iui»t rigid sect of the our pas ti^^TTTtjjis and Questions among llie Jews, tlitrt lore, I entreat thee, to hear nu; patiently. 4 My MODE OF LIVE, from my Youth, that \\ hich was from tlie lie- ginning among my own KATiuN, *and in Jerusa- lem, is known to All the * Jews ; 5 who, knowing me from the first, if tluy would, might testify, That accord- ing to J the MO.sT UiGIl) Sect of our Heligion, I lived a Pharisee. 6 I And now I stand on trial for the Hope of that piioMisE made by God to our fattikr.s ; 7 to which our tTWKLVK TRIBES, earnestly sersing Xight and l>ay, hope to attain; concerning Which Hope, O King, 1 am ac- cused by the Jews. 8 What! is it. judged by you as an incredilile thing, that God should raise the Dead? 9 J Therefore, indeed, I thought within myself that I ought to do Many things against the NAME of Jesus the Nazarene; 10 J * which even 1 din in Jerusalem; and Many of the SAINTS E sluit np in Prisons, having receivi d AUTHOKiTY J from the * Vatican Manuscript. — •'5. thee— omit. 7. Agripps.— omid. 9. Indeed— omif. 4. and in .lemsalem. 10. Tlierelbre also 1 did. 4. the Jews. t .5. Actsxxii.3; 3xiii.6; xxiv.15, 22; Phil.iii. r,. t 6. Gen. sii. S ; ixu. IS; sv-i. i; P.s.i. cxxxii. 11. 17. James i. 1. : 9. I Tim. i. 13. i. 10. Gal. i. a. I n» Acts IX. 11,21 ; x:;u. 5. Cliap. 26. 11.] ACl^S. ^wv ayaipov/uLfvivu re avTcou, KaTr}yf'\'Ka xf/vrpoy tmwrd, be.i;;; killi-.l ami oltlii-in, i hiou^'lit n.'^mist a vole; " Ka> Kara Truaas ras aufayooyas iroWaKis ri- nnd in all the nyn.-ipoijiies often pun- fiu'p'jjv auToi's, rjvayKa^ny B?^a(r(priiJ.eiv' irfpicr- isl.iiia tlirin. I>%Asc (.rllinj to l;la.phcine ; excoc.l- liigly [and] bcirn towards I liem, 1 puitiud till Kai eis ras f^coiroXfis. '-'Ei/ ols *[/cai] iropev- evi'n iiiio 111? forfign cilivn. In winch [also] goin;; Ofxii^os ejs TT]i/ Aa/.iarrKov fxer' e^ovcias Kai firi- to the I)aui:i»ciia with autiiurity ami a com- rpmr-qs rr)^ niiotion of that *[7rapa] rwv apx^^P^'-^Vf ^^ Vifxepas (from] tlie l.igli-iJiicfcts, ofaday HffTTjs, Kara Tfjv oSov ei^ou, ^ar^'Aeu, ovpauo- iniildle, in the way I siw, U k.ii.;{, froui lii'aven Oej/, VTTfp T1)U Ao^TrpOTTJTO Toy 7]\iOV, above the bri^htitcss oftho bud, ir(pi\au\l/av fif (pcos Kai rovs aw suoi iropevn- havin:^ shdiir vdi^nd me a lit,'lit and th'>!.e with ino %ini\^. fievous. ^"^Tlai/TOJuSe KaTa-rrfcrouTiav^^^Tjfxcou^ eis All mid haviiii; lallvn down [of us] on Trji/ yvy, rjKovrra e pcrsecutes-t tbouf hard for thee against Krvrpa XaKTi^^iy. ^^E"yt>Se tiirov Tis €i, shaip puinta tu kick. I and enid; M'hu artthou, Kvpi€ ; 'O Se eiTTfU' Eyco etfjii Irjaovs, 6u av Ukir? He and said; I am Jesus, nhom thou SicoKfis. '*^ AAAa avacrrridi^ Kai (TT7]6i eiri parseruteiit. But arise tliuu, and stand up on rovs 7ro5as aov eis tovto yap coee,of what and I will appear to thee; deliver. IXfvos (T6 €| Tov \aov Kai rwu cOvcvu, eis obs inj thcc from the people and the Gentiiti,, to whom tyta ere airocrTiWco, ^'^ ayoi^ai o» to li^ht, and of the c^ovmas tov craTava eiri tov Oeov, tov KpcBeiy authority of the adversary to the God, of the to receive avTOvs a(pf(riv ajxapriutu, Kai KXripov cv Tois them forgiveue*! ofsin^, and inheritance among thone ijyiacr/xcyois, iricTTei tt} eis ffxe. ^'-^'OOey, /Satri- having been sanctified, faith bylhcinto me. Thereupon, O king I [Cl>ap. 26: 18. iiicii-rniKsTs; ami wIk n llii-y \M re kilh (1 1 gave my vote ti'.'ain^t tlicni. 1 1 J A lid punishing thnm ofttn in All tlie syna- GOGUKs, I compelled tlu in to bliispliciiit; ; jiiid Ik inij •■xC'cdiiijily turioustowai('3 tlifiii, I piirsiud them evtu to KOREiGN Cities. 12 JAt which time, as 1 was goinc; to JIa.mascls with Authority, and a Com- iiiis.sion from the high- priests, 13 at Mid-day— T snw on the ROAD, 6 Kirii:-- Ironi heaven — exceeding tiie BRIGHTNKSS of the .SUN — a Liglit shiniiis^ round me, and thosk GOING with me. 14 And all of us havinpj falk'n to the eahtii, I heard a Voice speaking to nic in the Mkbkkvv Lan- guage, ' Saul, Saul, why (lost thou persecute ]^Ie? It is hard for thee to kick against the Goads.' 15 And 2 Saul, '%vho art thou, Sir'i-' And *]IK said, '2 aiu Jesus whom tfjou persecutest ? IG But arise, and stand on thy VK.KT; since lor tliis I ha\e aji- IHurcd to thee, J to consti- tute thee a Minister and a Witness, both *(f wli; t tliou hast seen, and of thosi; things in wliich 1 will ap- pear to tliee ; 17 delivering thcc from the PKori.K and the Gk.n-, Jto whom £ send thee, 18 to open their Eyes, Xio TURN them from Dark- ness to Light, and from the DOMINION of the ai>- VKRSARY to Con; ijitliat they may bkckiyk For- giveness of Sins, and an Inheritance among tho.-k HAYING BKEN JsANCTI- Kiri) through that Faith which leads into me. * Vatican Manuscript.— 11. and— omit. 12. a'so— omiV. 14. of us — nmit. 14. siiul sayini; — omit. 1'>. the Loud said. thou hast seen mc, andcf thosi.' things. t 11. Acts xxii. 19. t 12. Acts ix. 3; xxii. 0. t 16. Acts xxii. 15. Acts xxii. 21. t IS- 2 Cor. vi. 14; Kii;i. iv. '2S; v. 8 ; Col. i. -JS; I IVt. ii. 7. 2.1 Eph. i. 11 ; Col. i. 12. 1 18. Actn xx. aa. 12. from — niiiH. 10. in the wliith t 17. : IS- aiap. 2G: 19.] ACTS. lC7tap. 26: S.7. \ev Aypiinra, Ovk ey^yofjLyjv airei^Tjs rrj ovpavieo A^rippa, not I was disobedieat to the heavenly oTTTacria' -^ aWa rots ev AafiaCKcf irpcarov Kai vision; but to those in Damascus first and 'lipo(To\vfj.ois, €is iracrav re ttjv ^copav tt^s in Jerusalem, in all and the country of the lovSaiaSy kul tols edveaiv, airrfyyeWoi^ fiera- Judea, and to the Gentiles, 1 declared to re- votip, Kai eTri(TTp€ud9 does the man ^-hid. A^-rippa Tras he to* ^r^Trep ecpr}' ATro\e\vTdai eSvuaro 6 and to toe Fr^tus said; To h i\ e bren released might the ayOpwTTos ovToSy ei pur] eTreKeK\r}To Kaiaapa, man this, if not he hud called on Cesar. KE*. kC. 27. ' 'D.S Se eKpidj) rov airoiTKeiv rifxas eis rr}v When and itwas determinedof the to sal us to the IraXiaVy irapedidoui/ rov re UavXov Kai rivas Italy, they delivered the both Paul and some \repovs SeapiCtiTas eKarourapxili ovouari lov- o-ther prisoners to a «entur>cin, by uauie Julius, \icp, (rireipT}s 'S.e^ao'Trjs. ^EmSavres Se TrXoiep ofacohort of Au^'uattia. Havin*^ ^one on board and a snip \SpapLVTTrjucpy pieWuures irKeiv rovs Kara rrjv Adramyttium, bein; about to sail the in the A(riau roirovSy avrjx^VI^^Vy ovtos uo5 &6a(Miiiitted liim to go to his Friends to receive atteu. tion- 4 And having put to sea from thence, we sailed un- der CvPKUs, because the WINDS WERE conuary , 5 and having sailed through the ska by Ci- LiciAand Pamphylia, we came to *ilyrrha, of Ly- CIA. 6 And there the centu- * Vatican Mawuscript. — 28. said — omit. 28. Almost thou persuadest to make Ni a Christian. 29. said— omi(. 5. Myrrha. 1 -29. 1 Cor. vii.7. - t 31. Acts XTiii. 9, ?0; xxv. 25. t 32 Acts xxv. 11. t* ^ U xix. 21.'. t S. Acts sxiv. 23i **vmtiO». 16 Chap 37: 7.] ACTS. [aiap. 27: 15. eKarovrap^os irXoiov KXf^avZpivov irX^ov tis crnturion a ship Alexaiulrian sailing for Tif}v IraXiaVy ej/e^Sj/Sajrci' 7)/xas eis avro. ^ Ev the Italy, put us into it. In LKavais Se Tjfifpais ^padvirXoovvres, Kai /xoXis mauy and days •ailing slowly, and scarcely yepofuLevoi Kara Tr]v KviSov, /jltj irporr^wvTos beiug by the Cniilus, notpermittiug an approach Tjjxas Tov au^jxovy vTr€TTXev(ra/ ttjj' K^tittji/ us of the wind, we sailed under the Crete Kara ^a\/xa>vr]y ^ fxoXis re TrapaXeyoixivoi av- by Salinone; with dilhculty and sailing by her, TTj;/, 7]X6o,ufV €is TOTTov Tiua KaXovixivov KaAous we came to a place certain being called Fair Xiixivas., 'cf) eyyvs 7]U ttoXis A.aaaia. ^ iKavov havens, to which near wa» a city Lasea. Along 5e xpoi/ou 8iayevo/j.evov, Kai ovros 7]^r] iwia^a- and time having elapsed, and being already hazard Xovs TOV irXoos, Sta to kui rrju vqaniav r/Sr; ou> ofihe sailing, because the even the fast already ■jrapeXr]\v0eyai, iraprivei 5 TlavXos, ^^ Xeycav to have been past, advised the Paul, saying avTOts' Ai/Spes, Bewpco, bri fxera v^pscas Kai lothemj Men, I perceive, that with damage and TToXXrjs ^r)iJ.ias ov /xat/ov tov (popriov kcli tov much loss not only of the freight andofthe irXuiOV, aXXa Kai rwv ^^/vxc^y rijxwv fieXX(:iv ship but also ofthe lives cfos tobeabont ffffcQai TOV ttXovi/. '^ 'O 5e iKarouTapxifls tw tote the voyage. The but centurion by the Kv^fpu-q-r-y Kai TCf vavKXrjpcf} eireideTo /LiaXXou, pilot and by the owner of the ship was persuaded rather, Tj TO'S VTTO TOV YlavXov Xeyo/xevois. ^'^ AvevOe- thanhy those by the Paul being spoken. Inconve- Tov 5e TOV Xi/iifyos virapxovTOs TTpos irapax^^l^a- nientand of the harbor being to winterin, aiav, 01 ttXclovs eOeuro ^ovXrjv avax^V^ai the greater part placed a wish to be led out KaKeiOeu, eiircos Svvaivro KaTauTTjcravTes €is from theuce also, if possibly they might be able having come to ^O'UiKU vapaxeifJ-aaai, Xifxiva r-qsKprir-qs ^Xe- Pbeuice to winter, aharbor ofthe Crete look- TTOvTa Kara AiBa Kai Kara Xcapov. ^^"Tno- ing towards south-west and towards north-west. Hav- TTpevfravTos Se Notov, 5o|afT6s ttjs TrpoQecrecos ing blown gently and South wind, supposing the purpose K(Kpar7)Kivai, apavr^s., aatrov TrapeXeyouTO to have been attained, having raised up, close passed by TTjif KprjTTjv. ^'^ Mer' ov ttoXv Se efiaXe Kar the Crete. After not much but beat against auTTjs avefxos rvcpcoviKos, 6 KaXov/xevos Evpo- her a wind tempestuous, that being called Euro. KXvbcou. '^ 'S.vvapiraaOevTos Se tov ttXoiov, kai nlydon. Having been caught and the ship, and TUKioN having found an Alexandrian Ship l)oiuid for Italy, put us into it. 7 And liaving sailed slowly for Several Days, and scarcely being by f Cnidus, the wiiND not pprmittinp; us, we sailed under Crete, by Salnione ; 8 and with difliculty passing by it, we came to a certain Place called t Tair Havens, near which is the City Lasea. 9 But Much Time hav- ing been spent, and SAIL- ING being now hazardous, 'l)ecause even the ti^sT had already passed by,) Paul advised, 10 saying to them, " Men, I perceive That the voyage is about to be at- tended with Injury and Much Loss, not only of tlia cargo and the ship, bu'/ also of our lives." 11 But the CENTURION was persuaded by the Pi- LOT and the owner of THE SHIP, rather than by the WORDS SPOKEN by Paul. 12 And the harbor be- ing inconvenient to winter in, the greater part ex- pressed a desire to sail from thence also, and, if possibly, they might be able to reach Phenice, a Harbor of Crets, looking towards the South west and North west, to win- ter there. 1.3 And tlie South wind blowing gently, supposing that they had attained their PURPOSE, weighing anchor, they passed clos» by Crete. 14 But not long after, that Tempestuous Wind CALLED Euroclydon, beat against it ; 15 and the ship, having been caught, and not being able to bear up against the t 7- This was a city of Caria, situated on the extremity or tongue of land lying between Rhodes and Cos. The distance from Myra to Cnidus is about l.;o geographical miles. Sa- lome was the eastern promontory of Crete, or the pre.sent Candia, and is now called C;i;ig Salomon. + 8. Vair Havens, near Cape Matala, midway between the eastern and western extremities of the island Lasea, a city lying between the harbor and tlie cape, a short distance inland. t 9 The day ot expiation, the great Fast on the tenth ol the un..iith Tisn, abuut (he tenth ol October.. Chap. 27: 16.] ACTS. fir] 5vvajx(VovauTO(pda\fj.eij/Tw aPffMCf, eTTiSovres nut beiujjable to be:ir up against the wind, haringgiven up ((pepofifOa. ^^ Nrjtriov Se t( viroSpafxovTfs we were driven. A siii.-.U island and certiin having run under Ka\ovfX€vov K\avSr]i/, jxaXis tfTX^'aMf Trepi- heiuL; called Clauda, scarcrly « e vicre able mas- KpaTfis yeyecrdai ttjs (TKa(prjS' ^^ T/U apaures, ti-ra to become ofllie boat; which havin; taken up, ^OT}deiais ^xpcavTO, viro^u>vvvvTes to irKoioi/' hel;>» tbeyused, undergirding the »hip; epouTo. having loH-ercd the nia:.t, thus were driven. ^' '2,(poBpws Se ■)(^eitiaC,ofX(vo}v i]fx(i3U, tt? e|7js Exceedingly »nd being storin-tO(sed of us, on the next fK^OKT}V firOlOVVTO' ''•* K'at TT) TplTT) avTOX^^P^s a throwing out they began; andon ihe third with their oivnhands Tr)y (TKcvqv tov irXoiov fppiy\)av. -" Mtjtc Se the furniture of the ship they threw out. Neither and 7]Kiov, jtiTjre aerTpwv iincpaivovTuv frri irKeiouas »uu, nor stars appearing for many rifjLipas, x^i^oovos re ovk oXiyov eiriKnufvov, days, a tempest and not small pressing, KotTToy iTfpirtpeiTO iraaa eX-rns tov cw^^ecrOai reui;iining was taken avtay all hope of the to be saved Tiluias. "^TloWrfS Se acriTias virapx^^^f^VS, Tore us. Long but abstinence existing, then araOeis 6 IlavKos ev ficfTcp avTuiv, enrev E5ei standing the Paul in midst of them, said; Itwasproper fiev, u) av5pes, TteiQapxyio'o.VTas fioi fxr} avay^ff- indsed, O men, having taken advice to me not to have Oai airo ttjs KprjTTjs, /cepSTjcrai re tt]P v^piv loosed from the Crete, to have gained and the damage TavTT)v Kai Tt]v ^rj/xiay. " Kat Tavvv irapaivu) this and the loss. And now 1 exhort ufxas (vQvjxeiv aurofioXr} yap (pvxv^ ovSe/xia you to take courage; loss for ofalife not one ((xrai f| vfj-ccy, irXrjv tov irXoiov. "^UapetTTT] • hall be from of you, except the ship. Stood by yap /xoi TavTT] tt) yvKTi ayyeXos tov deov, ov for ms this the night a messenger of the God, of whom Kai XaTpevo), -■* XeyoDV Mr) (po^ov, m also I oflfer service, saying. Not fear, UavKe' Kaiaapi are Set napacTTrjvar Kai iSou, OPaul; To Cesar theeitbehoves to be presented; and lo, KexapicTTat croi 6 Oeos iravTas tovs irAeoyTas has graciously given to thee the God all those sailing jWeTO (TOV. "^ AtO ev6v/X€lTe, auSpeS' ITLCTTfVU} with thee. Therefore take you courage, men ; , I believe yap T(f} dew OTL oiiTus efrrai Kad' bv Tpoirov for in th« God that thus it shall be in which manner ei}Xl C 1 am to wl: [C7iap. 27: 25. WIN D, we surrendered, anjl v/cre driven. 16 And as we run under a certain little Island, called * Clauda, with diffi- culty we were able to be- come masters of the BOAT; 17 which havins^ hoistefJ up, they used Helps, tun- deiprding the ship; and fearing lest they should fall into the quicksand, lowering the mast, they were thus driven. 18 And we being ex- ceedingly storm-tosstd, on the NK.xT day they began to throw overboard ; 19 and on the thted day J they threw out with their own hands the 2UK- NITUEK of the SHIP. 20 And neither Sun nor Stars appearing for Several Days, and ro small Teni- pes'j pressing on iis, *all remaining Hcpe oi our be- ing saved was taken away 21 But there having been a Great Want of food, then Paul standing in the Midst of them, said, "0 Men! you ought, indeed, having taken my advice, not to have loosed from Crete, but have avoided this INJUKY and loss. 23 And now '1 e.\hort you to take courage; for there will be no Loss of Life among you ; but only of the SHIP. 23 \ Tor there stood by me This night, an Angel of the God whose I am, and X whom I serve, 24 saying, ' Fear not, Paul ; thou must be pre- sented to Cesar; and be- hold, God lias graciously given thee All thosk sail- ing with thee.' 25 Therefore, take cour- age, Men ; X for I behevc God, That it will be so, even as it was told me ; * Vaticak Masdscbipt.— 16. Cauda. 20. all Hope. t 17. Dr. Schmitz says, "the Aupocoomafa were thick and broad ropes, which ran in a norizontal direction around the sliip from the stern to the prow, and were intended to keep the whole fabric together." Such also istlieopinionofPres.Woolsey, who well remarks that if ropes had passed under the keel, the boat would have been needed in the operation, and yet the boat was first lifted on the deck. — Owen. I 19. Jonah i. 5. t 2S. Acts xxiii. 11. t a> Dan. vi. 16; Kom. 1.9; 2 Tim. i. » t 25. Luke i. 45 ; Rom. iv. 20, 21 ; 2 Tim. i. U Chap. 2G.] ACTS. \eAaA7jTat fjioi. "^ Eis vrirrov 5e riva Sci it has been told to me. On an island but certain it is necessary ns to be cast. When and fourteenth ni^ht was come, Siacpepo/j.efon' rifiwu €U rep ASpta, Kara /xeaov beiu^ driven along of us in the Adriatic, about middle TTjs vvKTos vTTtpoovv ol vuvTai TTpocTayeLV Tiva of the night suspected the sailors to draw near some al'Tois x^P^^' ^ xai ^oXi^aures, evfiou opyvtas to them countrvi and hariaghcavedtheleadjtheyfonnd fathoms €iKOv 6pi^ e/c ttjs K€(paX7)S airo- of not one for of you a hair from ofthe head will \eiTai. ^ EiTTCDC Se ravTa, Kai Xa^wv aprou, perish. Having said and these, and having taken bread, 26 but we must be cast upon X a certain Island." 27 And on the Jomt- teenth Kight, when we were driven along in the f Adkiatic, about mid- XIGHT, the SAILCSS SUS- pectedfthat Some Coun- try drew near to them ; 28 and having sounded, they found twenty lath- ouis; and a sliort space having intervened, and sounding ao:ain, they fouud tifteen 1 athoms ; 29 and fearing lest we should tall on rocky Places, they cast out four Anchors from the Stern, and were wishing for Day to break. 30 And the sailors seeking to flee from the SHIP, and having lowered the BOAT into the s>:a, un- der Pretence of being about to carry forth Anchors from the Bow, 31 Paul said to the CE>"TrEiu\ and the sol- DiEKs, "Unless these men remain in the ship, gou cannot be saved." o2 Then the soldiers cut off the K'lPFs of the BOAT, and allowed her to drift away. 33 And when Day was about to dawn, P.avl urged tJiem all to partake of I'ood, saying, "This Day, the Fourteenth Day that you have watched, you continue fasting, having taken lio- thing. 34 Therefore, I entreat you to partake of I'ood ; ior this concerns tovk Safety ; t for + not a 7Iair shall perish from the head of any one of you." 35 And having said these words, he took Bread, J and t 27. Not the Gulf of Venice, but the portion of the Mediterranean south of Italy and west of Greece. t 27. A nautical hypallage, originating in the optical deception, by which, on approaching a coast, the land seems to approach to the ship, not the ship to t!ie \a.nA.—BloomfleU. t 34. A proverbial expression, for you shall neither lose your lives, nor suffer any hurt in your bodies, if you follow my advice.— C/arAe. t 26. Acts xxvi'.i.l. Luke xii. 7; xsi. IS. t 34. 1 Sam. xiv. 4.t ; 2 Sam. xiv. 11 ; 1 Kings i. .^2 ; Matt. x. 30;. J 3.5. Matt. XV. 36 ; Mark vi;i. 6 ; John vi. 11 ; 1 Tim. iv. 3, 4. Oiap. 27: 36.] ACTS. [aiap. 27: 44. evXctp'0"T7;(re rtp 6ecp cvtoniou iravrwv, kcu K\a- he gaie thanks to the Gud in presence of all, aod having tras rjp^aro eaQukv. ^ EvGvfjLoi 5e yepo/xeyoi kirokvn 6egaa to «at. Encouraced and becoming Ta^T6J, KCi avToi irpo(Tc\a^ovTO TpOTO, €i Zvvaivro, e^wcrai to ttKolov. ^ Kai wished, if they Here able, to force the ship. And Ta% ayKvpasTrepi^KovTcs eiccy us rrjy daXacaav^ (he anchor* having cut off leTt in the sea, OLfia av€yT€s tos ^evKTrjpias ray irrjSa- a I the same tim« having loosed the bands of the rud- Xiwy Kai fTvapavTis tov apT€fioya rp vyeovarrj^ ders; and having boisted the fores:til to the wind, KaTfiXoy as Toy aiyiaKoy. ■*' ITepnreo'oj'Tos Se they prekked towards the shore. Having fallen aud €(s TOTToy SiOaKafTaoi', firooK€i\ay TTjy vavv Into a place with aseaon both sides, they ran a^'round the vessel; Kai T] ney irpccpa €peiaa(ra (fM^Luey acaXci/ros, and the indeed prow ba\'ing stuck fa^t remaiued ii^moveable, T] 6e TTpv/xya f\v(To vtto ttjs /Stay *[twv kv/x- t be but bteru wns broken by the Tioieuce [of the waves.] arctiv.^ '*-TwK Se (TTpariwrwy fiovXr} eyfy^ro, The and soI.liers deai^a was, ivaTovs dfCixuTas aTroKretvuxri, fxrj tis fKKoXvfx- the prisoners they should kill, lest any one haviug Blaved CK THIS OaXaa'CTTjS 7} Aikt) Qriv ovk eiatrep. * 'O h om the Bea tb« Justice to live not peiuutted. He wcv ow airoTiva^as to Orjpiov fis to Trvpy fira- juJeedtlien having shaken offthev»ild beast into the fire, suf- 6su ov^ev KaKov *• ol 8e irpom^oKoov avTov fei-ed nothing badj they bat were expecting him iJ.'^W€iv iri]j.-irparT0ai, 7) /caraTTfTrreiV a(pv(t> veK- lo be about to swell, or \o fall down suddenly dead. poi/. ETTi TToXv Se auTcav, vporr^oKcovTcoVf Kai For along and of them, expecting, and OeMpowTwv fiTj^ey aToivov eis avTop yivofx^vov, •eeiug nothing out of place to him happeniuj, ftcTa/SaWo/iieuot eXeyov, Oeov avTov eivai. ^ Ei/ chaugiiug their uinds they said, a goC him to be. In Se TT$ irepi top tottov iK^ivov VTrrjpx^ ^wpia and to those about th« place that were farms TV TTpccTQ} T7JS PTjcoVy ovouaT I TJoTXiy ts ava- tothe chief of the island, by u.iaie Poplius; who having S'^ajiievos ri/xaSf Tpeis 7}ix€pas (piXocppovus f^f- feceived us, three days kindly entei- ^ E-yefero Se tov iraTepa tov TIottAiov It happened and the father of the Poi Uua TTjpeTois Kai dv(T€VTepia,(Tvvexoix€vov KaTaKeitr- with levers and deseutery being seiud wasiyin^ Oar irpos op 6 UavXos eKreXdccv, Kat irpotr^v- down; to whom the Paul goiu^in, and haviu? vicrsv taiucd. CHAPTER XXVIII. 1 And having safely es caped, * we then ascer- tained! That the ISLAND WIS called t Melita. 2 And the J + barba- 3TANS treated us with no- ORDiNAiiV Philanthropy ; for liaving kindled a I'lre, th>.y brought us all to it, on iccoiintof the FALLING HAiN, and the cold. 3 And as Pall was col- lecting a Bundle of Sticks, and i&lacing them on the FIRE, a Viper having come out from the hkat, fas- tened on his HAND. 4 And when the bae- BAaiANs saw the ser- PKNT hanging from his HAND, they said, to eacli other, "This man is cer- tainly a Murderer, whom, though saved from the SKA, t Justice lias not permitted to live." 5 Then, indeed, he shook off the .SERPENT into tlie FIRE, and X suffered no lu- jiiry. 6 But THET were expect- ing him about to swell up, or to f;.li down suddenly dead; and waiting a long tijue, and seeing nothing extraordinary happen to him, changing their minds J they said, " He is a God." 7 And in the vtcinitt of that place were tlie LANDS of the CHIEF of the ISLAND, whose Name was tPoplius; who having re- ceived us, for * three l)ay3 benevolently entertained us. 8 Now it happened, that the FATHKB of POPLIUS, being seized with i'evers and i)ysentery, was lying in bed ; to whom Paul having entered % and " Vatican Manhscbipt.—I. we then. 7. three Days. t 1. The recent investigations of Smith show conclusively, that the island now called Malta, was the scene of the shipwreck. See Bibloth. Sacra. t 2. A name applied by the Greeks and Romans indiscriminately "io all foreigners. t 4. Hee Dihee was the proper name of the heathen goddess of iustice. She'was the daughter of Jupiter, and was called also Nemesis. t 8. Poplius is thought to have been the deputj; of the prsetor of Sicily, as in the time of Cicero, Malta was under the iurisdiction of the Sicilian prtetor. t 1. Acts xxvii. 26. t 2. Rom. i. 14; 1 Cor. xiv. 11 ; Col. iii. 11. i o. Mark xvu IS; Luke X. 19. t S. Acts xiv. 11. {8. James v. U, 15. Chap. 28: 9.] ACTS. [C'lap.iS: 16. ^anivos, eiridds Tas x^^P^^s avrcv, lacraro avroy. prjiyeil, h»ving placed llie Baud to him. healed him. '^TovTov ovv yivojjLivoVy Kai oi \onroi ol exou- Thit therefore being done, and the oilien those hav- T€j affdivfias tj/ T77 vr)(T(p, -KpocnjpxoyTOy Kai in; •ickneuea in the isl.ind, came, and fOepawfvovTO' '" oi Kai iroWais ri/xais eTijurjaav were healed; who (lUo with many rewardi rewarded rjfias, KOLi avayofxtvois en^devro Ta irpos rrjv us, and leadiug out the; placed ou the thinga (or the XP^^O.P. need. After and tiirea luuuihs we tailed in a ship •irapaK€x^"^i-aK:oTi ty ttj vt](T(c^ AXe^audpivWy having been wintered in the isUud, Alexandrian, ■jrapa(T7]ucf AiocTKOvpois. ^^ Kai KaraxO^yres €is with an euni^n Dio>curi. An J having teen led down to ^upaKovaaSf e-n-cix^ivaixcv 'i]/j.ipas rpfis' ^^ oQcf Syracute, we remained days three; mheuee irfpif\6ovT€s KaTT]vrT}fTajXiv CIS '¥r]yiov' Kai /laving gone round we came to J^hegium; and /xera fxtau 7]fi€pav eiri-^'evoiLLPvov Notow, Seure- after one day having Kprung up a south wind, second paioi T]\9o/j.ey eis UorinXovs' ^"^ ov ^vpovr^s dajr we came to Futeuli ; where having found o^eKc^ovs TrapfK\r}67iu.ev ctt' avrois eirifietuai brethren we were invited by them to remain ij/uLepas €7rTo- Kai o'utws fis rriv 'Pcojlltjv r]\do- daya seven; and thus towards the Kome we u€V. ^^ KaK(i6ev oi a^fX'poi aKOvaavres to went. And thence the brethren having heard the things TTfpf i]ix(jov, f^7]X0ov fis aTTavTtqT IV r]/xiu axP^^ concerning us, came out to a nieetiiig with us as far as Attttiov (popov, Kat Tpicoy Ta^epvuv ovs tSa>u 6 .^ppii forum, and Three taverns; whom seeing the llauKos, fvxo-pi(yrTifrai rec Beo), eXajSe Qapcros. Paul, hiving given thanks to the God, he look courage. '*''Ot6 he r]/\.9op,ev eis Pcoutjj/, *[6 eKarovrap- When and we came to Kome, [the centurion Xos irapeScoKe rovs SefTyUtous Tea (TTparoir^Tiip- dehrered the prisoners to the prefect of the Frelo- XV'I "^V *[^^] riauAw fVfTpa-n-ri jxeveiv Kad' rium camp,] the [but] Paul was permitted to abide by eavTou, (Tvv rep uulh wind having sprung up, we came in Two days to t Puteoli ; 14 where we found Brethren, and were invited by them to remain seven Days; and thus we went towards Rome. 15 And theirce, the BRKTiniEN havinir heard .tbout our AFFAiiis, came out to meet us as far as tAppii Foiuni, and the \ Tliree Taverns ; whom, wlien Paul saw, he ilianked GoD, and took Courage. 16 And when we * came to Rome, the ce.ntkkiom delivered the prisoneiis 10 the fPRI'i'ECT OF TUB Prktoku'M CAMP; but X Pa II, was permitted to dwell by himself, with the SOLDI^B, who QUAJLDKD liim. • Vatica!« MANvscRirT.— 16. were entered Rome. , 16. the centfrion delivered the PBisoNEBS to the fbefkct of the Pu£tobium camp — omit. 16. but— omit. t 11. Castor and Pollux, children of Jupiter, the tutelary deities of sailors. t 12. The port of this celebrated eily was direct'y in the course from MaHa to 1 taly. t ll. A maritime city of lower Italy, opiiosite Messina in Sicily. Its present name is Eegrgio. + 13. Puteoli is now called Puzzudli, andliea six miles soilth-west from Naoles. t 15. About 52 miles from Rome, a town on the Appian way, a paved from Kome to Canina- nia. t 15. Another place on the same road, some S3 ini'es from Rome. t 16. The usual title piven to the chief of the Tirtrcss. He commanded the parrison of Rome, a body OI 10,000 men, who were lodered in the Pretorium camp, an enclosed fortress of about 40 acres, outside ol tne city, and about a mile and a half from the emperor's palace. t S. Mark vi.5; vii.32; xvi. 18; Luke i v. 40; Acts xix. 11, 12; 1 Cor. xii. 9, 28. Aim. KV.O; 1 lim. v. 17. t 16. Actsxxiv. 25; xxvii.3. 1 10. Chap. 28: 17.] ACTS. \Chav. 28. 24. TTj, ^^ 'EyevGTO 8e /xera rifxepas rpeis (TvyKaX^- It happened and after days three to have called aacrOai avrov tovs ovras rav lovSaiwv TrpcoTovs. together to him those being of the Jews chiefs. ^vveXQouTwv Se avrwu, eXeye irpos avTovs' Havin J come together and of them, he said to them; AvSpes aSe\(poL, eycc ovSev evavriop iroirja'as Men brethren, 1 nothing against havmj^ done TCf \a(f 7j Tois eOeai tols iraTpccois, Secr/xtos to the people or to the customs those patei-nal, a prisoner e| 'lipoaoXv^ctiV Trape^oOrjU eis ras xnpas roov from Jeruealera 1 was deliveied into the hands of the 'Poo/xaioov '^ otrives auaKpivauns fj.s efiovKouTO Romans; who having examined me wished airo\v, tjkou irpos avrov eis *ng appointed and to him a day, came to him to rrjv ^eviav ir\€iov€S' ols e^eridero Sia/aaprvpo- the lodging many, to whom he set forth testifying earnestly uevos r7}v fiaaiX^iav rov 6eov, veidcov re the kingdom of the God, persuading and avrovs *[Ta] mpi rov Irjaov, airo re rov them [the things] concerning the Jesus, from both the vofxov Mcoi'fTews Kai ruv irpocpr^rcov, airo irpcot law of Muses and ofthe prophets, from morning ecus ea-jrepas. ^* Kai ol fiev eireiOovro rois till evening. And these indeed were persuaded by the. \eyofxevois, ol 5e TjTrirrTouf. -^ Aa'v/x(povoi Se\ words being spoken, those but believed not. Kotagreed and 17 And it occuiTfd, after three Daj-s, he called to6T] yap r] KapSia aud not not you may perceive. Unfeeliug for the heart Tov \a<>u Tovrov, Kai Tois (uai ^ap^ois T}KOV(Tav^ • f the people this, aud with the ears heavily they hear, Kat. Tuns o(pda\fj.ov5 ajrwp eKaufivcray fiTjTroTe and the eyes oft.iem they closed j lest atany time i^oxri TOIS o(pda\/j.ois, Kai tois axTiu ukou- they should see with the eves, aud with the ears they (rct'Ti, Kai rr; Kap^ia erufcoTi, Kai cTrto"- they should uu.ierstand, aud should '^ rywrrrou ovp Kuown therefore tTTOU V/JLIV, l)Tl TOIS eOv€(TlV aiTeTTaXT) TO (TWTT]- lei It be to you, that to the Geuiiles is seat the salva- piov TOO 6eov avToi Kai aKovcrouTai. -^*[Kai tion of the God; they and will hear. [And Tavra avTov enrnvTos, air-nKdou oi lovdaioi, these things of him sayiu;,', went the Jews, TT0\\T)V eXOVT€S €V cauTOlS Cru^TJTTJO'f/'.] ^E,U6f- uiuch having among theuiselvec ducussion.] He abode vi be bifTtav 6Kr,v ey iSiff ixiffdcafxaTi' Kai 07re- aiiil two years whole in own hired dwelUng; and received 5€xeT0 -KavTas tovs (Kriropevo/Jifvovs irpos all those coming in to •*' KTjpvcrawv T7)t/ fiacriKfiav tov 6fov, publialiing the kingdom of the God, Kai SiSao'KCDV tu irepi tov Kvpiov Itjctov and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jeans XptfTTOu /xeTU irac-qs TrapprjcTias, aKwXvTws. Anointed with all freedom of speech, unrestrained. shuul i hear, aud with the TpsfpuxTiy Kai lafTct'/xit auTovs. reiurn, and I should heal them. auToy, htm, 25 And not being agreci} with each olhir, they were dismissed, P.m.'L say- iufj one Word, "Well d.d the HOLY SPIRIT speak tliroujrh Isaiah thePKOPH- KT to our FATIIKES, 26 saying, J ' Go to this 'PEOPLic, and say, llear- 'ing you will hear, though 'you 'may not understand; 'andsi-eing, you will see, ' though you may not per- ' ceive. 27 'For the heart of 'this PEOPLE is stupitied; 'tliey hear heavily with ' their kaes, and tlieir 'eyes they have closed; ' lest at any time they ' should see with tlitir 'EYF..s,and liear with their ' EARS, and undcrst;iiid 'with tlieir hiakt, and ' should r:trace tlieir steps, 'and I should heal them.' 28 Be it known to yon, therefore. That* This sal- VAiiuN of Cod is st ntjto the Gentiles, and t?)eg will hear it."' 29 *[And when he said these things, the Jev.s departed, having Much Discussion among them- selves.] 30 And he dwelt two whole Years in his Own Hired house, and received all those COMING IS to him ; 31 X proclaiming the KINGDOM of God, and teaching the things con- cerning the Li HID Jesu? Christ, with Entire Free, dom of speech, aud without restraint. *ACTS OF APOSTLES • Vatica!* MAiiuscEirT. — 23. This salvation OF Apostles 29. omit. Subacription — Acts : 20.; Jer.v.21; Ezck.xii.2; Matt.xiii.14,15; Markiv.l2; Lukeviil.lO; John xi.8. I 23. Slatt. xxi.41,4i; Ac:a xUi. -Uj, 47; xviii. 6: xiii.21;XXVK Xii. 40; n. m J7, Id; Koui. xi. 11 16* t 31. Acts iv. Si; Kpb. vi. IJ. '*[nATAOT EniSTOAH] nP02 POMAIOT5. OF PAUL AN KPISTLE] TO ROMAXD. -TO THE K0MA:N'S. KE*. a'. 1. HavAos, SouAos Irjcrov XpiaTOV, kXtitos Paul, aseivaut of Jesus Aiioialed, caiied anonToXoSy acpwpiaixevos eis evayyeXioi' Oeov, an ajjoitle, havui^' bteu set apart for glad iidings of God, (- 0 TrpoiTrr]yy€LXaTO Sia rwv irpocpTjTcov aurov (which he promised before through the prophets ofhimselt tv ypacpais ayiaLs,) ■^Trepi tov vtov awTou, iu writings holy, concerning the son ofhimscll, (^Tov ycfOfxeuov e/c (nrepjxaTOS AautS Kara (...a. having been born from a !>ted of David according to crapKU' '*Tou opiaOeuTos vlov deov ey llcsh; that having btLU diinuctlj »^t forth a sou of God in Svua/xei, Kara iryev/xa ayicoo'vvTjs, €| avatr- puwtr, accorutug to spirit of lioiineas, froiu a renur- raaews ViKpccv,) Itjctov XpicTTov tov Kvpiov reciiou of dead ones,; Jcaus Anointed of the Lord rjfxwv, ^ {^C oi> eXalBo/xev X'^P"' '^°* airoaro- ofus, through whom we received favor and apostle- X7}V eis vTraKoriu Tnartoos ey Tracri rots edyecriy, • hip for obeoience oflaith iu all the nations, virep TOV ouofiaros avrov ^ eu ois €(rT6 Kai in behalf of the uame oihiiui among whom are alio vfj-eis, kX7]toi Irjcrov Xpia-rov) ' iracri tols you, called ones of Jesus Auomted;) to all those ovaiv iv '^ctif-LT) ayain]Tois Oeov, kXt^tois ayiots- who are lu Uume bcioved ones of God, called «aiuts ; ;j^apts vfJ.iv Kai eiprjur] otto Oeov irarpos rj/j-cau, lavor to you and peace from G- -■ f... ,- ^..■.-. Kai KvpLov Irjauv Xpio'Tov and lord Jesus Anointed. i'lrst indee ^vxapKTTCi} rtf Oecf) fiov Sia h](Toj Xpicrov iLiveinanks to the God of me through Jesus Anointed Virep iravTwv vficoy, on r] ttkttls iificoy Karay- oa account of all of you, because the faith of you is ceie- •yeAAerat ey oXc;} rcf ^ Maprvs yap [xov brated iu whole the world, A witness for of me ■£(TTiy 6 Oeos, V Xarpevct} ey tw iryev/xari is the God, to whom I am a servant in the spirit fiov ev TCt} evayyeXi.^ rov vtov avTov, ws adia- of me in the gladtioings of the sou of him, how nnceas- Xenrrws fxyeiay v/xcov iroiovfj-ai, ^'^ irayroTe eiri ingly remembrance of you I make, always in rwy Trpoaevx^v fiov Seofifvos, eiiras tjStj irore the prayers of me asking, if possibly now at length evobuid-qaofjiai, ev T

1<»getber, ami'n;; jou thron;;li the in earli other TTKTTidlS^ UfjLWU T6 Kai CflOV. ^^ Ov 6(:\0i} Se faith, of you and alsu of me. Not I wish but vfias ayuoeii/y o8eA(f>0£, 6ti iroWaKis TvpofOe/xr];/ you to be ignorant, bn^thren, that iii.iny times I \)urpOBeil (Kdeii/ TTpos vfj-aSj [Kai fKiaKvOrju a'xpi tov dev to cutue to you, (and was hiiultieJ till t(ie pre«- po,) iva Tiva KapTTov (TX(a ift\€TT]s to barbariau.s, to wi:,e ones both and to siinple ones a debtor fifjLi' ^^ ovroi, ro Kar^ e/x€, irpoQvjjiou Kai vpnv lam; thus, that according to me; I uui ea(;er even to you Tois €y 'Pw/j.r} evayv^AKTan-dai. ^^ Ou yap to those in Rome to announce glad tidings. Not for (Traicrx^^'oi^ai ro fvayy^Xiov bvuauis yap Oeov i am a»tiauied the glad tidings; power for of God cfTTiu €15 crcvTYipiay TfavTi to; iricrrevovTiy lov- it> for salvation to all to the btiaeviog, to 5at« T€ *[7rpco7roi/] Kai 'EWrjvi. ^^ AiKaiotrvvr] Jew both [tirst] and to Greek. Ui^hteousness yap 6c-()v fv aur(f> airoKaXwreTai (k irKTTfcas for of God in it is revealed from faith fis tnarif, KaBws yeypavrai' *0 Se SiKaios fK in order to f.^ith, as it ha* beeu wrritlen , The aud just by TTKTTfws, ^rjaerai. faith, shall live. ^^ AiroKa\vTTT€Tm.i yap opyr) Oeov arr* ovpavov Is revealed bebiiles uratb oiGo'ns ; J because thty are the Power of God for Sal- ration to Every one be- i.iKviNG; both to Jew and to Greek; 17 J For the Rigliteous- ness of God by Faitii is re- vealed therein in order to Faith ; as it has been writ- ten, J "But the eighte^ ous by Faith, shall live." 18 I Besides, the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven in regard to AD Impiety and Injustice o) those MEN, who, througli Injustice, sui'Peess the Tlil.TH. 19 Because the know- ledge of God is apparent among them; for GuD dis- closed it to Them ; 20 for X liis invisible things, even His eternal Power and Deity, since the Creation of the World are clearly seen, being per- ceived by the things which are made; so that they are inexcusable. • Vatican Mawoscbipt. — 16. first — omit. t II. Eom. XV. 29. t 13. Rom. xv. 23. ♦ 13. Phil. iv. 17. J 14. 1 Cor 1.^1.5. t 16. Psa. xl.9; Mtrk viii 38: 2Tin». i.8. t 16. 1 Cor. i. IS; xv.2 t !7. Roin.iii. 21. % 17. Hab. ii. 4; Johnin. 86; Gal.iii. 11 ; Phil, iii.9; HeU. x.38 X 1?- -^cts xvii. SO; Eph. v. 6 ; Col. iu. 0. i 20. Psa. xix. 1 ; Acts siv. 17; :cvii. 27. Chap. 1: 21.] ROMANS. [Cfiap. 1: 29. avarroXoyiiTQVs^ ^^Azor yvovres tov OeoVy inexcusable. Because kaving known the God» ovx ft'S 0eow cSo^aaai^ rf iqvx'^p^C'^Vf^'^'^ aAA' not a» God they glorified or they gave thanks; but efjiaraicedrjaav ej* rois SiaAoyicrfxais avrcov, Kai were vaia in the reasoning* ofthem» and ecTKOTLtrdTi 7} acrt/veros avroou KopSta* ^ p delivered them the God in the lusts of the Kap^ioiV atrroiU as aKaOapffiav, rov arifia^^crQai hearts efthem to imiiinily, of the to be dishonored ra cwfiara aurcov fv kavrois' ^ oiTives fi€Tr)\- the bodies ©fthem in themselves; who exchanged A.a|ai' rr]J* a\7)deiav rov Oeov cv Tip xl/^v^et, xai the truth of the God io the falseLood, and f(rfSa(r6ri(Tav Kai fXaTp^ucrav rp Krian irapa reverenced and served the created tliiagtBorethan Toy KTicravTa, 6s € for a TALSE religion, aii(J reverenced and served tli4 CREATUKB rather thun the Crkatoe, who is worthy of praise to the ages Amen! 26 On this account God delivered ihem over to in- famous Passions; for e^ eu their TEMALKS changed the NATURAL Use for THAT which is VNNATU- kal; 27 and m like manner also the m.-^les, leaving the NATURAL Use of tlie I'EMALK were burnt up with their furious lust for each other; — Males wi h Males committing jnijk- CEiXCY, and receiving back among themselves that RECOMt-ENSE oi tiicit ER- ROR which was proper. ?8 And as they did nol! cnoose to possess the Knowledge of God, God delivered them over to a Worthless Mind, to do im- proper THINGS ; — 29 abounding in Every Iniquity; — in M'ickediiess, in Covetousness, in Mahg- • Vatican Manhscbipt. — 24. also — omit. I 21. 2 Kinffsxvii. 15; Jer. ii. 5; Eph. iv. 17, 18. t 23. Deut.iv. 16; Psa. cvK20; Isa. xl. IS, 26 ; Jer.ii.ll; Ezek. viii. 10; Actsxvii.20. i 21. Psa.lxxsi. 12; Actsvii. 42 ; Enh. iv. 18, 19; 2 Thess. ii. 11, 12. I 24. Lev. xviii. 22 ; 1 Pet. iv. 3. i 25. Jer. s. 14: Jonah ii. 8; Hab. ii. IS. . Chap. 1 : BO.] ROMANS. IChap.Z: KIO' iU60"T0WJ malignity i fullof euvy, murder, «trife, decejt, KaK07i6(ias, iJ/iOupi rrraj- ^ KaraXaA-ovs, ^eoej-erai rerilcrs, God- Tvytis, l^pitrras, viTip-ntpavovs, aXa^ovas, l»atei-&, iD«olt-ut oue», pruucloues, boiiUrrs, f(pfvp(Tas KaKwVy yovevmy avfiOfis, ^' aTvi'e- tuvenlon of evils, Ui {ju-euts diaubedient, ebbttiiate TOWS, aavvBfTovs, acrrnoyovSj '^^aTirovSovs,^ ouej, coveoaui-Lreakcrs, UD.-.ffeciionitie one*, [iiu{i.acable o. liul evea are w«U ^iea^ed with tliose duiiig. Where/ore iQexcu:>aole thou art, O uiaa Tras 6 Kpivwv, Ey ^u yap Kpti^fis Toy €Tipop, every onewho ai'ijud^ifig, la ^hick for thuu jud^est the oilier. •TrpaciroyrfS 1'"acttse such things are doine t deserving of Death,) not only * arc doing Them, but eveu arc approving those who practise them. CHAPTER 11. 3 Tlierefore thou art in- excusable. 0 Man! THOU who JUPOKST ell; J for in what thou judgcst ano- •JiTKR, thou condeniufst ir^auToy KaraKpivciS' ra thyself thou condeu-uest, the things €(rTt Kara aXriOfiay eiri rnvs ra roi- Gotl is according to truth upon thote the things sucti nvra ■npaacrovras, ' AoyiCri 5e rovroj ri tru €K e r^ i tt i . ' r «. r """ ^ Guns Righteou? diKaiOKpicrias rov Beov, '' 6s aTroOwaet e/catrrw, judgment ; vfnghtco«« judgment ofthe God, who willrender to each (J J who Will award to • Vatican Manusc»ift.— 31. Implacable— »iii»<. 32. are doin; them, but even are iipproving' those who. t 1. Whitby, in his note on tliis verse, quotes passafjes from Josephns, by which it ap- pears that tlie Jews were guilty of most oftlie crimes enumerated iu the first chapter. T 3-2. 21. I 1. 2 Sara, xii.5— " ; Matt, vii.l; 2.Tohn8,9. t 4. Rom. ix- 21; Epli.i. 7; ii. 4, 7. t 4. Isa. xxx. IS; 2 Pet. iii. 0, 1.'). J 5 James v. 4, • 0 J >'• xxxiv. 11 ; Psa.lxii.l2; Prov. 3':iv. 12 ; Jcr. xvii. 10; x.\lii. 19; Matt. xvi. 27; Romr. liv. 12, 1 C^r iii.8; 2Cor.v.lOi Kev.ii.23; xx. 12; xxii. 12. vets, aypowv, cri ro xPVC"^<'f toi/ wrong, being ignurant, that the guodoeu ofthe God Chap. 2: 7.] ' KOMANS. Kara ra cpya avTov '' tois /xfV Kad^ viro^o- accordingtothe works ofbim; to those indeed by perse- ur)u ep70u ayadovy So|aj/ Kcti Ti^vv xai a(pdap- teranceofawork good, glory and honor and incorrup- ffiCLV CvTOva-iy C(^vv aiwviov ^ rois Se e$ epiii^i- l,biluvtre.eekin.. life age-lasting; to those but from a party a<- Kai aireidov(Ti fiev tt? aArieeia, TTddofxeyoLS ,p,rlt, and disobeying indeed the truth. cbcymj S€ TV aSLKia, opy-n Kai dufios. &\l^is Kat but the unri.'hteousness, wrath and indignation. Affliction and distres/ on ever, soul ofmaa of the KarepyaCoa^vov to KaKOV, louSatow re TTpu:Toi> «'.rkinr the evil, of Jew both first Kai 'EKKvvos- ^^ ^o^a Se Kai ti^lt) Kai fipr]vri and of Greek; glory but and honor and peace TzauTi. Tw epyaCo/xevcf to ayaOou, lovSaLca re 10 every one the working the good, to Jew both TTpwToy Kai 'EWrjPL. " Ov yap ecrrt irpacrwwo Sirst and to Greek. Not for i» re.pect of \r]^ia irapa Tcp Getf. persons with the God. i^'0(rot yap avop.(as rj/JLapTOV, avofias Kai As many a. for without law sinned, without law also airoXovPTai- Kai ocroi cu vo^i.<{) ^/xaproy, 5ia shall perish; and as many as nnder law sinned, by voaov Kpief](rovrai,'^^[ov yap ol aKpoaTai tov law ihall be judged, (not for the hearers of the vouov diKaioi irapa tco Bece, a\\' ol Tron)Tai law just ones with the God, but the doers rov voaou diKaicoeT](TovTai. ^'^'OTav yap eOpri otthe law shall be justified. When for Gentiles ra uv vouLov iX^^ra, (pvrrci ra tov yofxav rhosenot alaw having, by nature thethings oftbe Hw TTOiV, ouTOi vofiof M exo^^^^y eavrois e/rri Biaydo, these alaw not having, to themselve. are vouos' ^'^ohives evSeiKVuuTai to epyotf tov -l^„. who show plainly the work of the pou-ov ypa-KTOV €i> Tais KapSiais avTosv, a-vfifiap- law written in the hearts of them, tesUly- TVpova-ns avTWV ttjs (Tvvci^vaeas, Kai ftfTaPv in- with them the conscience, and between aXKvT^cov Twv XoyKTjxwv KaT-qyopovvTwy, 7J Kai each other of the reasonings accusing or even aTTo\oyoviX€Pa>P.) ^^ Er ^^epa ^re Kpit'ei 6 defending.) I" ^^^f when shall judge the e^os Ttt Kpvirra Toav apdpwTrav, Kara to God the thing, iecrets of the men, according to the [aiap. 2: 16. each according to his WOllKS ; 7 aionian Life, indeed, to THOSE who, by Perse- verance in Good Works, are seeking for Glory and Honor and Incorruptihili- 8 hut Indignation and Wrath to those who are X FACTIOUS, and + obey not tlie TKTiTH but obey UKEIGHTEOUSNESS ;— 9 Affliction and Distress on EVERY Soul of Man WOEICING EVIL J first of the Jew, and then of the 10 but Glory and t Hon- or and Peace to every one WORKING GOOD; Mvst tO the Jlw, and then to the Greek ; 11 for J there is no Par- tiahty with God. 13 Tlierefore, as many as sinned without law, will perish also without law ; and as many as sinned under Law, will be judged by Law ; — 13 (for not J the hear- ers of * Law are just be- fore Goi), but the doers of * Law will be j ustitied. I 14 "When, therefore, THOSE Gentiles not hav- iNG a Law, -jr naturally perform the things of the LAW, these, though they do not possi-ss a Law, are a Law to themselves; 1 5 who demonstrate the fwoRK of the LAW writ- ten on their hearts, Their conscience co-attesting, and the reasonings be- tween each other, accusing or defending ;) — 16 in a Day when, ac- cording to my glad ti- * Vatican Makcscbipt.— 13. Law. 13. Law. + U Phvspi. by nature, means " an ivfused dnpnsitton, which is become, a? it weTe, r,J2\\ And in this vieW, I apprehend, after attentive consideration, it is used m lliat natinal. Anain ims ^ il", * ''i'U . ' ^ relates, 1 think, not to unconverted, but to famous Yr f,l^°^^^:'^rielh ■ and ier. xKxi. Sl-:i5 with Hrb. viii. 6-l.'i ; x. 16 ; 2 Cor. fn^rr/natiu usestrewoilintheT^^^^^^^ VV^"Havin^ heard of your name much beloved of Gt.d which you have attained by your ^1; ^i-i^'V^ "^;v ";,„•; „^„; N oppordino- to the fa th and love which is is in Jej.iM Christ 'o;??S "' "'" e'j^trS'LXe wo^^^^^ + 15. Matter or substance of the law, or by a pleonasm, the law itself. t 8. SThess, i. 8. t 10..1 Pet. i. 7. t H- Deut. x. 17; t 8. iTim. vi.3, 4. - ,^ 2 Chron. xis. 7 ; Gal. ii. 6; 1 Pet^i. 1/- t 13. James i. ii, 23. Chap. 2: 17. J ROMANS. [aiap.2: 27. ivayyeXiou fjiov, Sia Itjcou XpicTTOv. ^^Et Se Iflad tidinjs of me, through Jetut Anointed. If but (TV lovSaLos fTrovojua^r], Kai (iravaTraur) tco thou »Jcw art named, and dost rest in the uo/.iCf), Kai Kavxacai ev Occp, ^^ Kai yiuwaKeis to luw, and dost boast in God, and knoneat the OfXrifxa, Kai SoKifj-a^eis ra Siacp^poura, will, and discernest the things differing, ICUTTIXOVfXfPOS (K rOV VOjXOV ^^ TTiTTOldaS Te bring iustiucted out of the law; haMt believed and aeavTov odriyov eij/aj tvc^K^v, (pecs roov eu thyself » guide to be of bliiij ones, a light of those in OKOTd, 20 TTafSeuTTjJ' a(ppouci}i', diSaaKaXoy darkness, an instructor of simple ones, a teacher irjTTi'jtiv, 6\f)i'Ta rrju fiopcpccdiu T-qs 'yvo2(Teoo$ of ►>:ib<'t, having the form of the knowledge Kai rr)s aKr]Qiias cv rcf voiJ.(ti' *' <5 ovv SiSao"- ancl oltbe truth in the law; who then art teach. Ku}v krepov, (Teavrov ov SiSaaKeis ; 6 Kr]pv(rcr(av lug another, thyself not dostthou teach? who art preaching txt} KXeirriLV, kX^tttcis : "o Aeyccy /jltj fioix^v- UDt to steal, dost thou steal? who art saying not to comojit ftv, fjLOix^veis ; 6 ^hi\v(T(TOfj.(vos ra »duliery, dost thou commit adultery ? who art detesting the fiSwAo, l€po(Tv\fis : ^^ OS eu uo/uLip KavxcKTai, Idols, doit thou rob temples? who in a law boastest, 8ia T7JS irapaBarredfS tou vo/xov rov Qeov through the Tiolation of the law the Gud arifxa^^iS ; "^To yap oi>o,aa rov 6(0V Si^ Vfxas dust thou dishonor? The for name oMhe God through you /3Aao-(^r}u6iTat €i/ TOis cdi'e(ri, KaOcos yeypairrai. IS blasphemed among the nations, eren as it has been written. ''' rifpiToixTj fiev yap (i}(pe\ft, eav vofj.r)V irpatr- Ciicumcision indeed for pro&ls, if law thou rvs' (av Se -rrapa^aTqs vofxov tjs, 7} tnpi- prsciiaest . iC but a violator of law thoumayest be, the cir- To^jj (jov aKpo^varia yiyovev. -^Eai' ovu i] nimcision of ihee uncircumcisioD hat become. It tbereforetbe aK(^n0vaTia ra ZiKaKvjxara rov vo/jlov (pv\a(T(rr], iincircumcision the ordinances of the law may keep, oux* V aKpo^vTria avrov eis iripiTOfxtiv XoyKT- nul the uucircumcision of him for circumcision wi,llbe Q-qcnrai: "^^ Kai Kpivei T] (K (pvcreoss aKpoBvo"- counted? and will judge the from naiure uncircum. iNGs, God Mill juflge tlie J UIDDKN tlimirS of MKN, through * Clinst. .Ifsus. 17 liul if tljou I art named a Jew, and dost rest iu Law, and boast in God, 18 and knowest } his MMLL, und dost J discf-rn SUPKRIOR TIll.NG.S, Ijcing insiructcd out ot the law ; 19 and hast l)i iiuved thyself to be a Guide of the Blind, a Light of THOSE in Darkness, iO an Instructor of the Simple, a Teacher of I?a- hes ; having the | foeai of K^'CIWI.KDGE and of TKVTH in the law; — 21 tdost J THOU, then, who art teaching ano- ther, not instruct Thyselt ? Tiiuu who art pkeach- i.NG, " Do not steal," dost llioti steal y ^2 THOU who art say- ing, "Do not commit adul- tery!" dost tliou commit adultery? thou who ak- HOKRKST IDOLS, dost thoU rob temples? 23 Tiiou who dost boast in a Law, through the violation of the law dost tiiou dishonor God ? 24 For, even as it lias been written, i"The name of God is hlaspheiued on your account among tlie NATIONS." 25 Is'ow Circumcision indeed profits, if tliou dost practise Law . hut it thou art a Violator of Law, thy CIRCUMCISION has become Uncncumcisicm. 26 ]f tiiercforethe JuN- ciRCUMCisioN observe the ORDINANCES of tlie LAW, will not his vncir- cuMCisiON be accounted for Circumcision ? 27 And the uncihcvm- • Vatican Manuscript.— 16. Christ Je.sus. 17. Law. + 21 J .le Jewish priesthood was very corj'upt in the apostolic age. This is very evidpn t both by the Scrii'lures, atidthe tes^timony ot Josephus. He charpes them with "thefts lieaehery, adultery, sacrile£?e, rapine, and murder ■-" and hcadds, that "new waysof wicUed- lu'-s were invented by them ; and that of all their abominations, the temple was the rccop- tac'.e." t 16. Luke viii. 17- t 17- vcr. 28. t 18. Tsa. cxlvii. IB, 20. t 18. Phil. i. IG. ' *>(, 2 Tim.ilS; iii.»- t 21. Mntt. xxiii. 3. : 24. Isa. liL 5, lizek. xxxvi. £0, 2». 1 2->. Gal. V. 3. I 26. Acts x. ii, 5Js Oiap. 2: 28.] ROMANS. T/a, Toy vojxov T€\ov(Ta, 0"6 TOP Sm ypafjL/xa- eiMuu, the l»w perfecticg, »hee who through letter ros Kai TTipiToixriS irapa$aT7]V vo/j.ov ; '^ Ovyap and circumcision a violator of law? Not for 6 ev Tw (pav^pcp, lovZaios ecrrtv, ouSe i) iv toj be ia the outward appearance, a Jew is, nor that in the (f^avepr^j, ev (rapKi,Tr€piToiJ.r>° ^ aW' 6 ev tq} outward appearance, in flesh, circumcision; but he in tii« KpvTTTa) lovSaios, Kai irfpirofx-q Kap^ias, fv Uiuuen a Jew, even circuu^oisiun of heart. In TTV^vaaTi, ou ypaufxarr ov 6 ciraivos ovK €| epiut, not letteri ofwhomthe praise not from au6p(t}Tro}Vf aW' e/c tov Oeou. men, but from the God. KE^. y. 3. ^ Tt ovv TO Trepiaerov TOV lov^aiov ; rj tis tj What then the pre-emmenee of the Jew P or what the u)(p(\eLa T7]s irepiToa-qs : ^TloXv, koto irau- protit of the circumcision? Much, according to everj- ra Tpntrov. TlpcoTov fxey yap, 6ti tTricrreu^Tj- uiode. First indeed for, because they were en- nav Ta Koyia TOV Oiov. ^Tiynp; firj-mrr- Ireated with the oracles ol the God. What for? if believed rrjaaif Tives, fxt) 7} aTnrrTia avToov Tinv iriariv not some, not the unbelief oflhem the f.iith TOV 6fov KaTapyrjn-ii ; ^M-qy€V0iT0' yiveaOu} t.fthe God willm^Le void? Not letitbe; let be 66 6 Oeos a\7]67]Sy iras Se avdpcoiros ypevcTTriSi but the God true, every but man a liar, Kaficcs y^ypavTar 'Ottwj av biicaiccOris (V tois even as it has been written; That thou mayest be iu»ti::ed in the Ko'voLS (TOV, Kai fLK-qrrrjs eu rqu Kp'v^n-Qai (Ti. wolds ofthee, and mayest conquerin the tobejudged thee. *Et 56 T] aZiKia TjuLCDV Oeov SiKamavv^iU crv- It but the unrighteousness of us of God righteouauess es- f ((TT7)at, Ti cpovfxfv ; jj-f) a^LKos 6 6€os 6 ciri- tablisUes, what shall we say? not unrighteous the God that in- (pfpcov Trjv opyr]V ; [KaTa avdpwirov Ae-vw.) fliciiug the wrath? (according to man 1 speak.) ^ Mtj yevoiTO' firei ttws Kpiuei 6 6eos tov Koa^ov ; Not let it be; otherwise how will judge the God the world? ^Ei yap 7/ a\r]6€ia tov Beov €V tw e,uy }peri5ikop em. ^Ti ovv ; (oud ihiDgtf of wbuin thejud^'uieut just is. 'Wbatthea? irpoexoueda ; Ou iravrws' irporjTiaaafxeOa yap, do we excel? Not at all^ we before couvicied for, lovBaiovs T6 Kai 'EWrjvas iravras v(p* a/xap- Jcn* both and Greeks all under siQ rtov eiuar ^^ KaOcos •yeypairrai' 'Ort ovK ecTi tube^ e%'eu aa It has been written i That not is SiKaios ov5e fls' ^^ ovk eariv 6 avvicov, ovk ccr- )u8t notevenoue; not is beuudenilandin^, not ii riy 6 (K(,T]T(A)y rou dfoy ^'irayTes e^€K\ivav, he seeking out the Gudi all ti/ned aside, oua fixp^^^^V^c-v OVK €(TTnroiwy XPVC"^"''"'!' tiipt'therthey wereuaprotitablci not is doing goodness, TO, *[oy»c €'] ewj eyos. ^^Tao)ns av^f-^vpie- [uot is] even one. Asepuichre having beau vo? b Kapvy^ avrcov rais •yKoccTrrais avrwv optnedtbe throat of theiUi with the tou);>ies of them fhoKiovaav. los a(TTi^(t}V vvo to x^iKt] avTwv, t 111' y deceived. Venom ofni^ps ucder the lips of them, '■* Tly TO (TToixa apas Kai irifoias yejuLei. Ofwhom the mouth of curainr; and of biilcritisa is full. '•^ 0|eis oi iroSes avToov ckx^o.i ai/xw "* awTpi/LL- Swift the feet of them to pour out bloody tuiu /xa Kai TcKaiTToopia ev rats d^nis avrwv ^' Kai and muery in the ways of lliem ; and o^nv iip-^uTjs OVK e-i'fcrxrai/. ^^ Oufc 6od before tbe eyes oflhcm. We kuow fjify 5e, 6ti 6(ra & yo/uos Ae^et, rots tv rw ami, that what things the law s;iys, to tho>e under the votJi nable to God. 20 Therefore ty "Works of Law f*o Human Ijeing shall be jusiilied in his pri scnce : J for thrnujxh i;aw there ia an Ackuow- ledgemeut of Sin. * Vatican Makdbcbipt.— 11. none that understands, there is none that seeks God, 12. not id — ointt, t IS. This, with all the following verses to the end of the ISth, are found in the Srpfva. gtnt. but not in the Heftreio text ; mid it is most evident th:it it was from this Version that Mif apostle quoted, as the verses cannot be found in any other phice with so nenr .-in :ip- ptoximation to tlie apostle's meauini? and words. — Clarke. Some contuud, howevei-, that the Apostle quoted from different parts ot Scriptiu-e. 1 10. J'sa. xiv.l— S. t 13. Psa-v..";; Jer. v. 16. t 1*. Fsa.cxl.8. t > 4. rs,H.x.7. t 15. Ptov.I. 1(1; l«T.!i:!:.7.«. J 18. Psa. xxxvi. 1. J 19. Joha X . -4 : XV. ?5. I 20. Rom. vii. 7 ; Gal. ii. 16. Cliap. 3: 21.: ROMANS. [Ciiap. 3: 31. ■^^ Ni/j't Se X^P''^ vofxov SiKaioffwr} Oeov Tre^^'- ^dvcDV ; vai Kai iOvcDU. God alone? not and of gentiles? yes also of gentiles. ^'^EtrtLTTip eis 6 6eos, 6s SiKaicoaei Tr€piTOfj,r}v €K Since one the God, who willjustify circumcision from TTurreevs, Kai aKpo^vcrriav Zia ttjs TricTTews. faith, and uncircumcision through the faith. ^' 'No/xov ovv Karapyov/xev Sia tt]s TriaTccus; Mri Law then do we nullify through the faith ? Not yevoiTO' let it be; aWa vojxov KXTOsp-ev. but law we establish. 21 X But now, apart from Law, God's RigbteousncES has been mnde manifest, X being attested by the LAW and the pkophets ; 23 even God's Righte- OTisness, | tbrougli tbe I'aith of Clirist, to All wiiOBELiE\E; — fot there is no Bistiuction, 23 for Jail have sinned, and come short of the GLOEY of God ; — 24 being justified freely by HIS Favor, |throui;h THAT REDEMPTION Whicll is by Christ Jesus; 25 whom God has 9et forth to be +Ja Mercy- seat, by HIS OWN Bloe'd, through the faith; for anExliibitionofhisEiGHT- EOUSNESS X in PASSING BY tlie SINS roRMEELY Com- mitted, during the lOE- BEARANCE of GOD ; 26 and for an Exhibition of his RIGHTEOUSNESS at the PRESENT Time, in order that he may be Rijrhteous while justifj'ing HIM who is of the Vaith of Jesus. 27 "Where then is BOA ST- ING ? It is shut out. Through What Law? Of woEKs? No, but by the Law of Faith ; 28 for we reckon that Man is justified by Faith, a])art from Works of Law. 29 Or is he the God of the Jews alone ? and not of the Gentiles? Yes, of the the Gentiles also ; 30 since it is J the One God who will justify the Circumcision by Faith, and the Uncircumcision through the eaith. 31 Do we then nullify Law tlirough the rAiTii ? By no means ; but, we es- tablish Law. • Vatican Manuscript. — 22. Jesus — omit. 22. and on all — omit. t 2.5. The word kilasteerion never signifies "propitiation," as it is translated in the com- mon version ; but it is always used wherever it occurs, both in the Old Testament and the New, to express the mercy-seat; which was the golden lid ofthe ark, upon which the She- chinah. or cloud of gloi-y rested, and from which oracles were dispensed. See Exod. xxv. 22 ; Num. vii. 3, 9 ; Lev. xvii. 2 ; lleb. ix. 5.—Im. Ver. Note. t 21. Acts XV. 11 ; Rom. i. 17 ; Phil. iii. 9. t 21. John v. 46 ; Acts xxvi. 22. t 22. r.->m. iv. t 23. ver. 9; Eom. xi. 32 ; Gal. iii. 23. i 24. Matt. xx. 28 ; Eph. i. 7 ; ( : I. i. 14; 1 Tim. ii. 6; Heb. ix. 12 ; 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. t 25. Heb. is. 5. t io. .'lets i,.i 38, SO; 1 Tim. i. 15. t 80. Eom. x. 12, 13 ; Gal. iii. 8, 20, i8. Cfiap.^: 1. ROMANS. CC%aj).4: 11. KE4>. 5'. 4. * Ti ovv (pov/jLCf A^paa/j, rou irarepa rjixcov CHAPTER IV. What then tball we aay Abra'Aiu *\_ivpT]KivaC\ Kara aapKa; Ito have found] according to tleih ? tpyeav iStKaiccdr], ex^' KavyTjjxa, a\?C ov irpos worka waajustiAtd, he haa buastiug, but not tov>ard> Toy deop. ^Tt yap r) ypa(pr] ?^ey€i; 'Eirirnevo'e the God. What fur the writing nays? Believed Se A^paay. rep O^cp, Kai (\0yifT67] avrcp ety St- and Abraam the Gud, and it wua cuuuted to him for right- ^Tcp Se epya^o/x^pcp 6 /iiados ov To him but worKiug the renaid not \oyi^€Tai Kara X'^P^^t aWa Kara oc iv TTfpirofjLTjy a\\* ev aKpo$vrrric^' *^ Kai Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision ^ and ar\ixfiov f\a^€ irepirofx-rts, to the Fksli? If for Abraam from O J-^^j. Jf Abraham WHS t justified by "Works, he has a ground of boasting; but not before God ; 3 for what says the scRrpTrEK? I "And Abra- "h:iin beheved Gud, and "it was accounted to him " for Kitrliteousness." 4 I Now to HIM who WORKS, the REWARD is not accounted as a I'avor, but as a Debt; 5 but to HIM who does not WORK, but who be- lieves on HIM who .TUSTI- FiKs :j:the ungodly, hia >AiTn is accounted for Righteousness. 6 Even as David also speaks of the blksskd- N Kss of the MAN to wliom God accounts Righteous- ness apart frwm Works, 7 saying, J " Happy are "they Whose intqiities " are forgiven, and Whose "sins are covered; 8 "liappy is the Man "to whom the Lord will " not account Sin." 9 Is tllis BLESSEDNKSS, then, on the circumci- sion ? or also on tlie vn CIRCUMCISION ? for we afliirn, faith was ac- counted to Abraham for Righteousness. 10 How then was it ac- counted ? AVhen lie was in Circumcision, or in Un- circumcision? Kot in Cir- cuiiicisitm, but in TJncir« cumcision. 11 And J he received the Symbol of Circumci- £J.on, as a Seal of the RKillTEOUSNESS of THAT KAiTH which he had while in UNCIRCUMCISION; in order that he might be the Father of All uncircum- fjiaKapios aprjp, co ov fir] blessed man, to whom not no: J"ncos How OVP then • Vatican Mawuscbipi.— 1. vobefatheb. ■•Hjmit, 1. to have found— omit. 9. That t 1. Isa, 11. 2; Matt, iii.9; .Tohn viii. 83, 89; 2Cor. xi : .S Gen.xv.O; Gal. iii 6 ; .Tames ii. 2a. ^, 1 4. lU I 7. Psa. xxxii. 1, 2. J 11. 'J6W- •i'Vu- i* 22. uin. : ;i. 6. t 2. Bom. in. 20, 27, 2S. i &. Josh ^^lIv. 'i Chap, i: 12.3 ROMANS. [Cfiap. 4: 19. ru}v Sr aKpoBvrrnas, {eis to XoyiffO-qvai *[K-at] through uncircutncislon, (in order that to be counted [al»o] avrois rriv SiKaiorrvvqu,) '- Kai -rrarepa Treptro- »o them the tighteousuese,) aud » father ofcircum- f-is, roLS ovK €K irepirofi7]s fiovou, aWa Kai Ciaiwn, to those not from circunicisioa jdonej but also Tots aroLxov(Ti rois iX^^^'- ''"'^^ ^^ aKpo^vcTTia to i;iui>e treading in the footsteps of the in uncircumcision TTiaTeus Tov varpos it/ulcov A/3pD.a^. ^^ Ou yap faith ofthe father ofus ALiaam. Not for Sia vofxov 7} eirayyeAia rrc Aj8paa,u, 77 rw crirep- throughlaw the promise to the Abraum, ortothe seed /ucTi avrov^ to KXif]povnfxov avTov fiyai Koafiov, of him, that n possessor him to be of a world, aWa bia 5iKaio cirepixaTi., ov tw ck tov promise to all the seed, not to thatfrom the fouav fiovop, a\Ka Kai tw ck TriaTews A^paa/x law alone, but also to that from faith Abraa: . ibs ^(TTL TraTrjp iravTwv i^fxwv ^' (KaOcas yeypair- who is a father of all ofus, (even as ithasbeen Tar 'On iraTcpa ttoWcdv (Bvcop TcSeiKa ae') written; That a father of many nations I have placed thee;) KaTevauTL ov c-TrtCTeutre 06ou, tov ^caoiroiovvTos in presence of whom he beliered of God, of that making alive TOVS U€KpOVS, Kai KaXoVVTOS Ta fXT] GUTO, US the dead ones, and calling the things not being as ouTa. ^^ 'Os Trap' eA.Tr/5a eir' eXTriSi eTrirrTev- being. Who contrary to hope in hope believed, c-ez/, its TO yevicdai avTOV iraT^pa iroWcav in order that to have becooie him a father of many fQvu3V, ^KaTa to ^ipif]ix€Vov Outws eaTai to nations, itccordiBg to that having been spoken. Thus shall be the (TVfpfLa 1 Cor. XV. 17; I Pet. L 21. : 1. Eph. ii. 4; Col.'. .:(). J 2. Heb. iii. «. I V fttrui. V. H ; Acts V. 41 ; 2 Cor. xii. 10; Phil. li. 17; .lames i. 2, 12; 1 Pet. iii. 14, T j. Janiea 1. 3. 14. James i. 12. J 5. I'liil. i. 20. * Chap. 5 ; C] ROMANS. has be«u poured out iu the beavts of us through spirit Tos ayiov tov SoOevros tjihiv. ^ *[Et£] yap holy of that haviag been given 10 us. [^et] for "KpitTTOs, 0VT03U T]ixocv acrQivoiv en, Kara /cat- an AoointeJ one, being of us wltiiout strength still, accordingto a pov vTTip acrelSo}]/ a-rredave. "^ M.o\is yap eeisoD in behalf of impious ones he died. Scarcely for virep diKatov ris airodaveirai' virep yap in behalf of a just person any one will die ; in behalf of though TOV ayaSov TaxriJ.uv ficTTjAfle, Kai Sta ttjs a/xapTias 6 Oava- iv'urld entered, and through the sin the death; '!0S' Kai o'vTus eis iravTas avOpooTTOvs 6 davaros and thus to all men the death ZLf]X3ev., 6(/)' > iravT^s T}iJ.aprov. ^^ Axpi yap passed through, in which all sinned. Till for yop-ov afxapTia r)V ev Koa/xor ajxapTia Se ovk law sin was in world j sin but not fWoydiTai pLf] ovTos vofiov. ^^ AAA' c^aariXev is counted not being law. ^ But reigned Teiiecl, to lljat migut aliouud the irapairTca/jLO.' ou Se eirXenvxtreu i] a/xapTia, otfeiwe; where but abounded the sin, inrepiirspiirfrev(riv i] X'^P'^' ^' *''" uxTinp e^aai- ruperaijoiiuded the favor; that as reigned A€U(r€f 7] afxapTia ev rcfj davarcf, ovrta Kai r] the sin in the de.iili, bo also the X^P^s /SaT/Aei/TT? Sia ZiKaiocrov-qs cis ^ciotjv aico- favor might TL-iirn through righteoubii('»a into life age- viav, Sia Itjtou XpiaTov tov Kvpiov fj/j-CDV. la'^lin;, thro'jgh Jesus Anointed the Lord ofus. KE4>. s'. 0. ' Tt ow fpov,uiV ; (TrifX€va}jj.(V What then sh;Jl we say ? ought we to continue TT) a/jiapTia, iva r) x°'-P'-^ irXfovaar] ; " Mr) lathe sin, so that the favor may abound? Not 15 But not as tiie fali,, so is tlie GRACIOUS GIFT. For if bj' the fall of tlie OiN'E, tlie ji.xiNY died, mucl more the favor of God, even that Gracious Gfix by the gnk Man, Jesus Christ, aljounded to the ilANY. 16 And not as tlirouj^li One having sinned, is tlie FREE GIFT. I'or indeed the SENTENCE WHS froiii One to Coiiderimation ; but the GRACMus GIFT is from Many Oft'eueus to Ritjhtcoiisness. 17 Besides, if hy tlie FALL of the ONE, DEATH reigned tlirougli that one ; nuich more will tho.'-e HAVING keceived the abundance ofthe f.wor and the rigiitkousness reign in Life tliroui;h the one — the * Anointed Je- sus. 18 Tlierefore, indeed, as through One Offence, sentence came on All Men to Condemnation ; so also, thiuugh One Righteous act, Sentence came on All Men to Justihcatiou of Life. 19 For as through the disobedience of one Man, the MANY were con- stituted Sinners, so even through the obedience of the one, the many will be constituted Righteous. 20 And Law supervened, so that the offence might aiiouiid; but where sin aliouiided, favok super- abounded ; 21 that as sin reigned by death, so also favok might reign through Right- eousness for aionian Life, through the * Anointed Je. sus, our Lord. CHAPTER VI. I "What then shall we say? Ouglit we to coulinue in SIN that favor may abound? • Vatican Ma:«itscript.— 1.5. also— omi/. 17. of the gift— onu^. 1". Clirist Jesus. 21. Christ Jesus our Loud. t 15. laa. liii.ll; Matt. xx. 2S; xxvi.2S. * IS. Johnxii.32; Hob. ii.O. t 20. John \v.22 : Kom.iii. 20. iv. 15; vii.S-, Gal.iii. 19,23. I 20. Luke vii. 47; 1 Tim. i. 1* Chap. 6: 2.] ROMANS. [Cliap. 6. 13. •yfuoiTO. O'iTives aTreOavojx^v rrj a/xapTia^ ircos let 11 be. Wh9 we died by the siui how en ^Ticrojx^v dv ivTT^ , ^H ayvoeire, on Scroi Btill shall we live la it? Or areyou igiiorant, thatasmanyas €^a'irTirr6r]/j.ev ets XpKTToU *[l77(roi;i/,] €is top were d.pped into Anuiuted [Jesus,] into the davarov avTOv i^aTm(Tdy]ixev ; '^'Suy€Ta(pr]/u.fv death of him were dipped? TPe were buried tugether ovv avrco Sia Tov fiaTTTLrruaTos ^iSTovQava- thereforewith him through the dipping into the death, Tov^ Iva CDairep riyepOrf XpLrrros e/f peKpcou that as was raided up Anointed out of dead ones Sia rrjs So^rjs rov TrarpoSy ovno Kai iiixeia fv tUiough the glory of the father, so also we in Kar'OTTjTi ^Ci'Tjy TrepnraTrjnrcc/xeu. ^ Ei yap cvfi- newneas of life should walk. If for plauted (f>vroi yeyovaix^v toj ofj-oictiuaTi tov Bauarou to^Kth-er we have become in the likeueass of the death awTou, aWa Kat rrjs .auacrraaecas € : 14.] ROMANS. lChap.&: 22 itapifTTav^Ti ra fJ.e\T] vpLWV SirKa a^tKias present you the members of you weapons of unrighleousnesa TTj a/xapTia' aWa vapa(TTr} Oea, ofobeilience to ri^Uieuusne^!.? Tlmukg but to the God, 6ti 7;t€ 5ou\oi TT7S ajxaprias, vTnjKJuTaTe Se that you were slaves of the sin, youobeved yet (K /cap5iaj ett 6y irape^of^^Tc rvnou bihaxyis. from heart into which you were delivered a form ofteachiug. '^ EA6u0ep&)0e//Tes Se otto T'ns ajJ.apTiaSy eSov- Having been freed and from the sin, you were \a>dr}Te tt; SiKaicrvvT], ^^(A.v9pa}:rii/ou \eyw, enslavad to the ngaieousness. (According to man 1 speak, S;a TTjj' acrdeueiau ttjs arapKos vucov.) 'ilc- on account of the weakness of the flcfch of you.) As irep yap TrapefTTrjcraTe ra /J-f^r] vincov SovXa tt) for you presented themembers of you slaves to the aKa9a.p 06a', 6XfT€ rov Kao- hiving been enslaved and to the God, you have the fruit t MEMBERS to SIN, as In- struments of Iniquity ; but X present yourselves to God, * as if alive from the Dead, and your* Members to God, as Instruments of Righteousness. 14 For X ^in shall not lord it over You ; for you are not under Law, but under Favor. 15 What then? ♦Should we sin, X Because we are not under Law, but under Favor ? By no means. 16 Do you not know, That J to whom you pre- sent yourselves Slaves for Obedience, his Slaves you are to wliom you tire obe- dient, whether of Sin to Death, or of Obedience to ili^hteon=ress? 17 But ti. auks to God, That though you were Slaves of SIN, yet you obeyed from the Heart J that Mould of Instruc- tion into which you were delivered ; 18 and, J having been emancipated from sin, you became subservient to EIGHTKOCSNESS. 19 (I speak humanly, because of the WLAK.Ntss of your TLKsH;) for as you presented your mfm- BKRS enslaved to iMi-u- KITY and INIQVTTY, SO now present your mt:m- BKRS bound to EIGHTE- 0L".';XESs for Sanctification. 20 For when you were Slaves of SIN, you were free as to righteous- ness. 21 What Fruit, there- fore, had you at that time in tiiin.'s of which you are now ashamed? J for the F N D of those things is Death. 22 But now, having been emancipated from >i.N, and having become bound to God, you have • Vatican M-isoscript.— 13. as if alive. 13. Members. 15. Should we sin. 19. for the isiquiiy — omit. t 13 Horn. vii. 5; Col. iii. .=>; James iv. 1. 1 13. Eom. lii. 1 , 1 Pet. ii. 24; iv. 2. I U. Rni. vii. 4, 6; viii. 2; Gal. v. IS. J 15. i Cor.ix. Jl. T 1(5. Matt. vi. •:i,• J' ■.-i v ii. 31 ; 2 Pet. ii. 10. t '" 2 Tim. i. 13. J 18. John viii. 32 ; 1 Cor. vii. 22* Oal. V. 1 ; 1 Pet. ii. 16. I 21. Horn. i. 3^. Cftop- 6: 2S. ROMANS. ^.'3p. TTow vfitav CIS ayiatruoy to Se t^Xos, (,'xtiv ai'x- riov. ^Ta fop mfwruz T55 ofiapriaSy dayaros- liiilMI, The fw «^a afoe oa. Aesxa; T« Sc -xpaniLa. tov 0eov, ^tni auerios er Xpurrtt tae hM ^Msaoc gi&af tke G«< bis s£< ' ' Jeaac tte Lead ofa&. KE*. C- '• *H a7yo€tT€, aS€\oi, {-jirttiTKovml brlav: if btf ai^ OoMf 9 ayiip, KOTTipyeTttt cnro too roftou tov ^ tkeliBBbaM^ ikeia&eeA Croa tae l>w ettte arSpos. ^Apa ovp ^terras tov orSpos /loixo^^ X/"t- haihiai So t&ea Urimg thefciufciai «a ifcirnna^e»ai lum-ureij ecu' T^jnfrcu arSpi ercpy cffr Se aroOtt- bersEbd. if she ^mbM be t* a ana SKOtsai if ' rp 6 an;p, cAcvtfcpa eirrtr m-o pofum, tov /nf *e Thr hai'iiiinT free afceis freaa law, aftke mat cumu oimfr fUMX'^^'^ yewofuniv a^ipi ercpy. : 3 be ^s aa aiialnni. haxiag becGT t« a aaaa aaacb^. ^ ,2- therMan. 4 Thenftre, my Bretk- nsL, jtn also were %poi to death by the iaw, ihroagh the'BODT of the A:noisted one, in order that Toa mar beuisg to another. — ^o HUt who vas KAisES from the Dead, that we shonll JlRin* forth frnit to God. 5 For when we woe in the nxsH, those sisrcL PA55i055^ which were thioo^ the LAW, J ■••canted in OnDCTKBLBS itoBKTse lOKTH FKiriT TO SZATH. e Bat now, hann* died, ■we are rekased from the • LAW, by which we «"ere 'held; so that we may sare ^in Kevness oiF I S{Bzit, and not in (Ndnes of LcttCT. ! 7 What then shall we say? Is the LAW Sn? By : 23. On. ii. 17 ; Bcm. T. 15; James L 13l a i. 1 Cor. v-i. 39. IS. Matt. t. Sf. t i. Rom. ' . ^ ^^ , ,« %T. Col. ii- 1*. : 4. GaL t. S. r 5- Rom. Ti. 1». J 5. Bom. ti. Jl; GaL t. 19* «ainesi.Ub J 6u Bom. ii. »i > Cor- in- *• I 5S. EoBL iL 7^ T. 17. 21 : 1 P«- L 4. om. TiiL 2 : G*l. iL 19; t. IS : Zl-ii. -- Clip 7:8] ROMANS. Mtj yfvoiTO' aK\a ttju afxapTiav ovk eyvwv^ ti Njt Utitbei but tbe tin Dot I -Dew, if fiT] 5ia vo/jLov rrjv tc yap firidviuiiav ovicpSftv, not through law, the even for Btrong de»ire not 1 knew, et /jlt} 6 ponos e\ey€U' Oy/c f it id u aria us. il sot the Uvr kuJ; Not thou >hali lutU ^Aopfxr]u >aaie for death. The for sia opportunity AaPtxaa, 5m ttjs cz'toA.tjs f^riirarrKre fie, b.iin^ taken, through the deceived me, frat 5t* avT7]5 aneKTui/tv. '■^'HL-Te 6 fi(u led through it killed. So that the indeed vofjLos ayioSf Kai t} €vto\t} ayia Kai SiKaia koi I'lw holy, and the commandment holy and just and ayaOj}. ^^ To ow ayadov, e/uot •ye-y j/e daparos ; good. Tnatthen good ihins, to uie hai become death? Mtj ytvono' aWa 7} LjxapT .a' Iv. u6P7j (in, through the good to me workiu^- oat davarov, tVo ycvrirai Ka9* vTTfp^o\r,v aaapTto- dealh, >o thatmigi.i become ia e\cea* a siuner \os f] a/xapTia 5(o ttjs (VToXrjs. ^^ Ot^auft/ the ain through the commaudment. We know yapf 6ti S yofios TrvevuaTiKOS eariv cyco Sf , av,u- Ida If butwhatnot 1 with, thia 1 do, , 1 a»- riixi TO) vop. *[e7w,] tovto If butwhatnot wish [1,] this iroiWy ovKfTi iyu) Karepya^^o/xaL avTo, aAA' 7] I do, no longer I work out it, but the '^ Evpi(TK(a apa rov I find therefore the vojxov T(f} 6e\ovTi e/xoi voieiv to KaXou, ot' Jaw in the wishing to me to do the excellent, because (/xoi TO KaKov irapaKeiTaL. ^'Svurjdo/uLai yap with methe evil thing lies near. I am pleased for Tcp vojjKp Tov 6eov KaTa tov i(ru} afOpcoirov with the law ol the God according to the inside man; '^^ /SAeTTw §€ eTepoi/ vojxov ev TOis /j-fXeai fiov irpaaaw I practise. oiKovaa iv cjxoi a/xapTia, dwelling in me sin. I see but another law the members of me avTiaTpaTeuou.evov to? i/O/uy tow v os fiov, Kai wai-riug a^^aicat the law of the mind of me, and aLXf^^^'^'^ ^iovTU jJ.^ Tta vojxtf T-qs afxapTias Tea making a captive me to the law of the sin to that ovTi €y Tots fi€\eTi fxov. ^"^TaXatirvpos 670; existing in the members of me. Wielclied I avdpccTTOs' Tts yU6 pvrxfTai eK tov aoo/J-aTos tov man; who me will rescue from the body of the dauarov tovtov ; ^Ei/;\^ a/? io'tw Tcp Becc hia death this ? I thank the God by meanc of lr](TOV XpKTTOV TOV KVplOV 7}^O0V. ApQ, OVV JesuB Anointed of the Lord of us. So then a^Tos eyo} Tcp jll^v voi SovXevca vofxcp 6(ov myaelf 1 with the indeed mind am in servitude to a law of God; tt; 8e aapKi, vofX(a ajxaprias. KE4>. rj', 8. Miith the but fiesh, to a law of sin. ^ OvSey apa vvv KaraKpifxa Tois ei/ XpiaTO) No therefore now condeniuaiion to those in an Anointed l7](Tov. 2'0 yap vofxos rov iryevuaTos ttjs C'^vs Jesus. The for law of the spirit of the life ev "KptcTTw lr](Tov, rjKevdepcoare /xc aire tov by an Anoin::ed Jesus, freed me from the uojxov T7?s a/iiapTias Kai tov QavaTOv. ^ To yap law of the sin and of the death. The for 18 For I knew That Jin me, t^at is, in my flksh, there dwells no good thing; for to desiee is present with me, but to WOKK OUT WHAT Is EX- CELLENT 1 find not. 19 For 1 do not the good which I desire, but the evil which I desire not, t^ts 1 -practise. 20 But if what I desire not, tfjiB I do, I no longer work it out, but the sin DWELLING in me. 21 I find therefore this LAW, when I am wiUing to do EIGHT, That the WKONG lies near me. 22 For I am pleased with the LAW of * God ac- cording J to the INWAED Man; 23 but 1 1 perceive Ano- ther Law in |my mem- bees, warring against the LAW of my MIND, and making me a captive to THAT LAW of SIN EXIST- ING in my membees . 24 Wretched Man that I am! who will rescue Me from t this body of death ? 25 t*'nianks to God, by means of Jesus Christ, our LoED. Consequently, then, indeed, 2 myself, by the MIND, am in subjection to the Law of God, but by the FLESH to the Law of Sin. CHAPTER VIII. 1 There is then No Con- demnation now to THOSE in the Anointed Jesus ; 2 for J the law of the SPTEIT of LITE by the Anointed Jesus, liberated * me from the law of sin and of DEATH. * Vatican Manuscript.- 2. thee. -20. I— omit. 22. the MIND; 25. Thanks to God. + 24. There seems to be here an allusion to an ancient custom of certain tyrants, who bound a dead body to a livincr man, and obliged him to carry it about, till the contagion from the putrid mass took away his hie.— Clarke. t 18. Gen. vi. 5 ; viii. 21. ? 22. 2 Cor. if. 16 ; Eph. iii. 16 ; Col. iii. 9, 10. ^ 23. ©.".1. V. 17 t 23. Rom. vi. iS, 19.' I 25. 1 Cor. xv. 57. t 2. John viii. 35i 18,.22;.GaI. ii. 19; V. t. iTiip. 8: 3.] ROMANS. [Cfiap. 8: 12. a^vvarov rov vofxov, et/ 'cp rjadeuti 8io rT)s inability of the law, in that it wan weak through the aapKOS, 6 6(oi tov eavrov vlop TrejUi^as fv bjxoi- Aesh, the Go(i the •fhiuiself aua having bent in a form tcfxari crapKOS afxaprias, nai irepi a/xapriaSy of flebh ofsin, and on account of sin, KarfKpivi ri)v a/xapnay iu ttj aapKi' ^ Iva to conileunied the sin in the fleih ; so that the hticaiwua Tov vouov irXrjpwOr] sv T,fXiVy rois /utj ri^-liieouBuetsof the law mi^'hl be fulUlledby us, by those not Kara aapKa irspiiraTovaiy, aWa Kara according to lloh walking, but acc*rding to irvivfia, ^01 yap Kara trapKa ovTes, to spirit. Those for according to Ueah being, the things T-Jjy (xapKos (ppovovcTiy ol Se Kara irpev/xa, ofthe flesh brcmi^jdiug; those but according to spirit, ra TOW 7ri/£ u^aros. ^ To yap (ppovrjjxa rrjs the things of the spuit. The fur mind ofthe aapKos, Qavaros' ro Se (ppovrj/xa tov Tryeuyua- lle^h, death i the but tuind ofthe spirit, Tos, C^T) Kai iipr]vr). ^ Aiori ro cppovri/j.a rr)^ life and peace. Because the mind ofthe aapKos, ex^P* ^'^ Beov rco yap vofxco rov 6cov flesh, euoiity to Godi to the for law ofthe God ovx virora(Ta'€Taif ovSe yap dvvarai' ^ ol 5e tv not it IS subject, neither for it is able; those and in trapKi oi'T€s, deep apeaai ov SvvavTai» ^"T/j.€is flesh being, to God to bepleaeingnot they are able. You fie ovK co"T€ 61/ aapKiy a\?C fv Trvfv^arty cnrep but not are in fle6h, but in spirit, ifindeed ir«'ei/(Lta dfov oiKei ev v/xiv. Ei Se ris iruevibLa spirit of God dwells in you. It and any one spirit Xptarov OVK ex^'> ovtos ovk €(Ttiv avrov. of an Anointed onanot has, ha Dot is ofhim. ^^ El 86 XpKTTOS ev VfJLlV, TO IXfV (TCO^O VfKpOV If but an Anointed in you. the indeed body dead 5f' afxapriav ro 56 Trvev/jia ^cotj 8:,a with respect to ein; th;; but spirit life with respecv to ZiKaio(TvvT]V. ^^ El 8e ro Tfv^vfxa rov ^y-^ jav- rightcousness. If but the spirit of bim ha-in; raited TOS iTJfTOl/V 6K U^KpCtiV OtK€l fV VfllUy 6 Cyei' vp Jesus ont of dead ones dwells in you, he having pas rov XpicTTov tK veKpwVj ^cvoTroiT](Tet Kai lamed the Anointed out of dead ones, will make aUvc also ra dvrjTa acvuara v/xwv, 5ia ro cvoikovv avrov the mortal boilies ofyou, throughthe iudwelling ofhim itv(vixa ef vfiiv, spint in you. ^2 Apa ovv, a^e\(poi, ocpeiXfrai eafiey ov rrj So then, brethren, debtors we are not to the irapKi, rov Kara aapKa (^-py, '^ ^^ y^p fleah, ofthe according to flesh to live. If for 3 For I what was im- possible for tlie LAW, in that it was weak throufrh the FLESH, JGoD, having sent his own Son m a Form of the Flesh of Sin, even [by an offering] for Sin, condemned sin in the TLESH ; 4 so that the eighte- ousNEss of the LAW may be fulfilled by us, who are WALKING, not accoriliiig to Flesh, but according to Spirit. 5 For t THOSE who LIVE according to Flesh, iir minding the things ofthe ILESH ; but THOtK ■v7ho live according to Spirit, i the things of the ..K.BIT. 6 -^i For the mind of the TLEsn is Death ; but the I N D of the SPIBIT is Life and Peace. 7 Because the kind of the FLKSH is J Enmity <:o Go'; for to tlie law o( God it is not subject ' X nor, indeed, can it be. 8, then, w!io AHK in a Sensual state, are unable to please God. 9 But go u are not Sen-- sual, bu*- Spiritual, because ^ the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if any one possess not J the Spirit ol Christ, he is not of him. 1 And if Christ be ii- yoti, the BODY indeed is dead a to Sin: but the si'iRTTi Life as to Right- eousness. 1- And if the spirit .t JniM who RAISED Jesus from he Dead dwell ir you, J HE «hO fiAISEB * Christ from the Dead, will also niiike alive youi MORTAL Bodies, through the INDWELLING of his; Spint within you. 12 +So then. Brethren, we are not Debtors to tho FLESH, to live according to the Flesh. • "Vaticai* MAW»«CRif t.— 11. Christ. t S. Acts xii4.30; Rom. iii 20; Heb. vii. IS. 10; x. 1, 2. 10, 14. Coi V. 21 t 6. Johniii 6; 1 Cor. 11. 14. t 5. Gal. v. 22, 25; 21 ; ver. 13; Gai. VI. 8. t7 Jamesiv. 4. I7. ICor. H.14 i6-. vl 19 : 9. Gal.) V 6- Phil. I. 10 tn Acts ii. 24. », 1 Cor. Tl. 14, aCor iv U; iipb il. 4. : 12. Koin. vi. 7. U. t 3. Gal. iii. 13; 8 I 0. Rnm. vL : 9. 1 Cor, -11. t 11. Bom. VI. 4, Chap. 8: 13.] ROMANS. [Chap. 8: 22. Kara crapKa Cv'^y /xeWerf airodfqa'Kfiv' (i according to flesh you live, you are about to die; if Se irffviuLaTt ras irpa^eis tov (rcofxaTos Oava- but by spirit the practices of the body you put rovT€, (ri(re(r6e. ^* 'Orroi yap Trufiffxan Becv to death, you uhall live. As many aa for by spirit of God ayvvrai, ovroi cktiv vloi 6env, ^^ Ov yap eAa- Ere led, these are torn of God. Not for you ^6T€ trvevfJLa SovXeias iraXiu €ls (po^ov, a\\ received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but fAajSere irv^vixa vloQ^aiaSj cv 'fj? Kpa^ofiev you received a spirit ofsonsbip, by which we cry; API3a, 6 iraTTjp. ^^ Avto to irvevina crv/ufxapTv- Abba, the father. Itself the spirit testitiea toge- pei rcj} TTpev/xaTi yj/jLcoy, 6ri ea/uLfv rcKua Oeov. tlier with the spirit of us, that we are children of God. ^^ El Se T€Kua, Kai K\T]povofxoi' K\T]povo/j.oi fxeu if and children, alio heirs; heirs indeed €eoVf crvyK\r]pouofJLOi Se XpiCTOV cnrep crv/x- ofGod, joint-heirs and of an Anoiutedj if indeed wesuf- iraaxofieVy Iva Kat crvi'do^acrO 'tfiev. ^^Aoyi^o- ferwith, BO that jilso we may be glorified with. I reckon fxai yapf on ovk a^ia ra ira6r]inaTa rov vvv for, that not comparable the sufferings of the now Kaipov irpos rrju fieAXovfrav ^o^av aTroKa\v(p6r]- season with the being about glory to be revealed yai fis Tjfxas. ^^'H yap airoKapadoKia rrjs ktl- in ns. The for eaiaest desire of the crea- cews T7JV airoKaXvrpiv rwv vlcov rov B^ov airiK- tion the revelation of the sons of the God looks 8e;;^€Tai. 20 T77 yap fiaraiorrjrt rj Krio'is To the for vanity the creation virfrayri, (ovx cKOvtra, aWa Sia rov vvora- was placed under, (not voluntarily, but through him havin" ^avra,) ctt' eATTiSt, ^^ on Kai avrr) 7) ktktis placed under,) in hope, that even itself the creation f\(v9(:pci}dr](rerai airo rrjs SovXeias rr,s (pOopas will be freed from the bondage of the corruption CIS r-qv eXevdepiav ttjs 5o^7]s rcvv reKPcoi/ rov into the freedom ofthe glory ofthe children ofthe dcov. ^OiBa/Liev yapf on Ti-acra ri Krio'is ^ "^'^ him the things all to us will he graciously give? Who ^yKaXea^i Kara fKXeKrcoy Oeov ; ©eos o will bring a charge against chosen ones of God? Godthat SiKaioov ; ^Tis b KaranpLvcov ; Xpiaros 6 airo- jubtifying? Who he condemning? Anointed that having 6av(av ; jxaXKov Se *[Kai] eyepBsis ; os Kai died? still more and [also] having been raised? who al*Q car IV ev 56|ia tov 6fov ; bs Kai eurvyxavei it on right of the God? who and intercedee vircp 7}jxu>v ; ^Tts i-jfxas x^P'-^^'' °-'^° "^""^^ on behalf ofus? Who us will separate from the ayairrjs TOO XpiCTTOv ; &\iy^is ; t] CTcvoxcDpia ; love of the Anointed? Affliction? or dijtreas? 7] Siwy/jLos ; 7] Xi/xos ; i) yvfxuor-qs : t] kivSvvos ; or persecution? or famine? or nakedness? or peril? 77 fxaxo.ipa ; ^^ [KaOoos yiypanrar 'On ei/exe*' or sword? (a» it has been written ; That on account (TOV davarovfj-eOa 6Xr]V tt]V rnjupav e\oyicr6r)- of thee we are put to death whole the day; we were ac- /xev &s irpofiaTa (Tcpayrjs.) ^' AAA' €P tovtois counted as sheep of slaughter.) But in these iracriv vTrepvLKWfxev Sta rov ayaTrrjcravTos rifxas. all we more than conquer through the one having loved ns. 3S n67rejo-/ yap. on ovre davaros ovre ^cot?, I (»m persuaded for, that neither death nor life, ovT€ ayyeXoi ovt€ apxo-h ovtc cvccrTwra nor messengers nor principalities, nor things being present 0UT6 fieWofra, ovre Bvvaixeis, ^^ ovn nor things being about to come, nor powers, nor vTpuiiia ovT€ fiaOos, ovre ns ktktis erepa Suvtj- height nor depth, nor any creation other will be a-6Tat rifjLas x^P'-^^'^'- "■'"'^ ''"'1^ ayairrjs rov deov, able us to separate from the love of the God, TTjs €v Xpiarcp Itjctou ra> Kvpicp rj/JLuy. KE*. of that in Anointed Jesus the Lord ofus. 6'. 9. 1 A\T]6(iau Xeya, ey XpicTTcp' ov ;|/6t;So- Trtith I speak, in Anointed; not I utter jiiai, ((rviJt.fji.apTvpov(Tr}s fj.01 rrjs (rvpeidrjcrews falsehood, (bearing testimony together to me the conscience uov,) (V TTvevfian ayicp' ' on Xuirr] fxoi fan or me,) in » spirit holy; that grief tome it is fieyaXr}, Kai aSiaXenrros oSvw ttj KctpSiq, /xov. great, and unceasing anguish ia the heart of me. [Cliap. 9: 2, livered him up on behali of U3 all, how will lie nd with hini also graciousl/ giveus ALL things? 33 Who will bring at accusation against God's ChosL-n ones? Will that; God who JUSTIFIES ? 34 "Who ia he who con- demns ? Will THAT A- nointed one who died ; and, still more, who has been raised; who also is at the Eii;ht hand of God, and Jwlio intercedes oa our behalf? S5 Who shall separate us from THAT lovk oi * God, which is in the Anointed Jesus ? Shall Aflhction, or Distress, or Persecution, or I'annne, or Nakedness, or Peril, or Sword ? 36 (even as it has been written, % "On account of tliee we are put to death the Whole J)at; we are accounted as Sheep for Slaughter.'") 37 X But in all these things we do more than overcome, through him who loved us. 38 Por I am persuaded that neither Deatli nor Life ; neither Angels nor Principalities ; neithei Things present nor Things future; nor Powers, 39 nor Height, noi Depth, nor any other thing in Creation, will be able ta separate Us from that love of God, which is in the Anointed Jesus, our Lokd. CHAT-TER iX. lit speak the Truth in Christ, I do not speak- falsely, my CONSCIENCE co-attesting with me, in a holy Spirit, . 2 tliat I have great Grief and Unceasing Anguish in my HEART, • Vat. Mahuscript.— 34. also— omtf. 35. that lovk of God which is in Christ Jesus I t S4 Heb. vii. 25 ; ix. 24 ; 1 John ii. 1. t 35. Psa. xliv. !52 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3U, 31 ; 2 Cov ly 11 X 87. 1 Cor. XV. 57; 2 Cor. ii. 14 ; 1 John iv. 4; v. 4, 5; Rev. xu. 11. i 1 Roin.'i.O; 2Cor. i.23; xi. 31; xii. 19; Gal. i. 20; Phil. i. 8; iTim. ii.?- Chap. 9 : 3.1 ROMANS. [C7wip. 9 ; 12. ' HvxofJ-Tjf' yo-P auTos ty(M> afaOefxa etuai airo Wn Kuhing for mjtelf 1 an actumed thing to be from TOV XpKTTOV VTTfp TCtJV a^€\(f)CM)V /J-OV, TWV (TVy- tbr AnoiuCed oneoaLehalf of the brethrea ufme, of the rel^ yefcov /xov Kara aapKW '^o'lTiues eiciv Icrpa- lives uf me according to floh^ who are I&ra- TjXtTaj, wy 1) vloOfCTLa, Kat 77 So^a^ Kai at Sia- elitesi of.whum the 8ou»liip, and the glury, and the cuve- Or)Kai, Kai rj vofioOefriUy Kai 7} Xarpfia, Kai a[ D.tuta, and the lav.'-^iving, and thereli);iuu>bervice,aud the eTra-vyeAmj, ^ U)U 01 irarepes, Kai f^ Liv tt ' pruuiues, of whom the fAiuer», aud from whuui the y^piffTos TO Kara aapKa, 6 wv cttj -ravTwv .\.uuiuteJ that according to HoU, be being over all 6cos (vX.oy7}Toi eis rov aicuvas. Ajultjv. God worthy of praita into the aget. So be it. ^ Oux olov 5?, dri cKVfTrrcoKeu b \oyos mv Not to aa but, that h.14 fallen off the word ofiue 8eou' ov yap iravzes oi e| IcrpaTjA., ovroi Icrpa- Codi not fur all those from Israel, these l«r;L. 7j\. "^ OuS' OTi (tfTi GTT(pfxa ABpaau, Traures el. Nor bccaubc thi-y are seed of Aonuim, all TSKua, aAA.' €V Icraaw K\riOy](reTai croi a-rrfp/ia, children, but in Uui.c thall be called to thee a seed, ^ tovt' ecTiyy OV ra reKva rrjS aapKos, ravra (hi* it, not the children of the fle«h, the:* TCKva rov Oeov aWa ra reKvar-qs airayyeXias childreo of the Godj but the chiUrenofthe prumine Ao-vt^erat eis a-irep/jia. ^ 'ETra'vyfXias yap 6 arecouuMd for aeed. Oipromiie for the \oyos ouTos' -Kara tov Kaipnv rovrov e\€v- i According to the aoason this I will crofxaiy KOI i(Trai ttj 2appo v'los. ^^ Ov [lovov ri'iiip, and ibail he to the S.u-ah a eun. Not only 5?, aAAa /cat 'PejS'-^Ka, i^ ^vos Koirrjv ex^vaa aiid» but aUo Rebecca, from o\i& conception having laaaK rov Tvarpos t]ixo}V. ^^ Mtjttw yap yfuvr)- Iraac the latuer of us. Not yet for they having QsvTWVy firibe vpa^avruv ri ayadov t) KaKoi/, been born. Dor having done anything good or bad, (iVa T] KaT* fK\o-vqvirpo6(ais TOV dfov fJ-fvp, (lO thattheaccordingtoanelectioa puipose of theGodmightabide, ovK €^ (pyoiVy aAA* in rov KaKovvros,) ^^ cp^Tj- But from wurLs, but from the oneealhug,) it was 077 avrr)' 'Ort 6 fiei^cov SovXcvth rta fXarraovi' laidtohcr; That the greater ahall be subjectto the leaner. 3 on account of my BRKTnuEN, my kinsmk.n accord: tij^ to the Flesh; 1 1 lor E myself was wisli- ing to be accursed from the Anointed one;) 4 who are Israelites; to whom belong % the son- ship, and the gloky, ai:d * the J COVENANTS ; aiid tlie LAW-GIVING, and the nips of SEUVicii;, and J the I'UuiiisKs; — 5 whose are the fa- thers, and Jfrom whomis THAT Anointed one, ac- cording to the Flesh; jtK wlioisoverall,God blessed to the AGKS. Ann n. 6 But not as in'plying that the wokd of Gud h; 3 liilK n ; for J all tliose w ho are from Israel, tijcsf are not Israel. 7 Kor Becaiise tliey are the Seed of Abrahai:i, are they all Children; hut i:" In Isaac shall thy Seed "be calhd." 8 That is, the cnii-- DEKN of the FLEbH, thi se are not of God ; hut thu i CHILDRKN of the I'UOJI- 1SE arc accounted for Ihj Seed. 9 For this is the word of Promise — t " .^ccortlIn» ■to this skason I wiii "rc'turn, and Soi'ah ahall " have a Son." 10 And not only this, but also to t Ribccca, wIk n she had conceived twins i)y One, — by Isaac our i'ATHEU ; 11 (for they not having been born, nor liaving (lone anything pood or l)ad, so that God's PittPOsE,a3 to an Eleclicm, nii^'ht abide, — not from Works, but IrOUlIIlM who CALLS;) 12 it was said to her, J " The SLPEUioR shall " be subject to the inik- "RIOR," the COVBJIANT. t 4. Esod. i V. 92 ; Deut. xiv. 1 ; Jer. xxxi. 0. • Vaticxw Mawoscbipt.- t 5. Exod. xxxii. ."<2. t l- Ksod. i v. 92 ; Deut. xiv. 1 ; Jer. xxxi. 0. t 4. Acte ii «5 t 4. ActsxxvLC. : 5. Lukeiii.2:5. t 6. John viii. SO; Kom. lu M -0- iv.l2, 16; Gal. vi. 10. I 7- Gen. \xi. 12: Heb xi.lS. : 8. GaL iv. ii • »»' (inn. xviii. 10, '4. : 10. Gen. x»v 21. I ii- Geu. xxT. S8. 17 Chap. 9; 13.] ROMANS. [Cnap. S: 23. Tr«j -yap To the for ^' Kadcos yeypairraf Tov laKo.^ rjyairr^fra, rov aa it has beeu wriiun; The Jacob I loved, the Se Hcrou cfiKTrjcra. *^Ti ovi' fpovfxev; /nrj aSi- but Esau X hated. What then ihitU we say? not jujiib- Kia irapa Tea Oeo) •• Mtj yfuoiro. ^^ tice nith the God? Iv'ot let it be. Ma)U(T77 A€76f EAer;(rw 6i/ ay cAeoj, icat ciK- Mosui hesayai I will pity whom I should pity, and I will Tdpriffca bv av oiKTetpw, ^^ Apa ovv ov rov couipassionatewhom I should compassionate. So then cot ot the OfXovroSf oi/Se rov rpexo^^eSi aWa rov eXe- one willing, nor of the one running, but of the pity- ovvTos 6fov. ^^ Aeyei yap 7] ypacpt) Tcp ^apacc' ing God. Sayt for the writing to the Pharaoh; 'Ot£ 6IS avTO TovTo ^^Tjyfipa ore, Sirws evdei^co- That for same this I raued up thee, that I might fjLai €1/ (Toi Tr]v Swa/iiiv /xov, Kai 6-rrws 5iayyf7y.() show in thee the power of me, and that may be declared TO ovojxa fxov fv iracrrj rji yr], the name of me in all the earth. 18 Apa ovv bv So th:r. vhom Qf\ei, ekeei' bv Se 6eAfj, aKXripvvei. ^*?5' is he wiUs, be pities; whom and he wills, ha hardens. Thou \.^11; say ovv jiioi' Ti ert fjLefKperai ; toj ^l^yap"^ fiov\ri- thea tome; Why still does he find fault? to the [for] will ftaTi avrov rts avQ^ffr-qK^ ; "^Vlevovvyf:, « av- ofhim who has been opposed? Butindeed, 1> man, Cpojjre, (TV TLS €J, 6 avra-KOKpivGfxevos tw vera; thou who art, the one answering again to the God? Mr; fpet to -KXacrixa rca TrXaaavrf Ti /u€ Not shall say the thiug formed to theone having 'ormed; Why me (Troirjaas ovrcos ; "^ H ovk ex** f^ovaiay 6 Kepa- Biadest thou thus? Or not has authority the potter /Kus TOV TTjAou, e/c TOV avTov (pvpafiaTos ironj- ofthe cUy, out of the same mixture to make aai, 6 fiev eis Tijitiv (Tk^vos, 6 Se eis arifxiav ; thisindeedfor honor a vessel, that and for dishouorf 2- Et Se 6eXoov 6 6(os euZei^acrdai ttjv opyrjv, K but wiehing the God tosh.w the wrath, Kai yvoopiaai to dvuaTov aurov, t]V€yKeif fv and make known the power of himself, bore in TcoW-^ fiaKpoOvjxia (TKcvt] opyqs Karri prKr/xeua much long-BulTering vessels of wrath having been tilted /cat iva yucopiarj rov irXov- and thathemight make known the wealth 6fs a-TcoAetaj/ for destruction ; TOV TTjs 5o|77y avrov cttl tr/ceuTj eXeovs, a of the glory of himself on vessels of mercy, which 13 even as it has been written, J" Jacob I loved, " but Esau I }i;ited." 1-4 Wliat shall we say thru? Is not Injnstica With God ? By no means. 15 i'or to MosKs Im says, t " I will pity wlmiij " I should pity, and I will " compassionate whdtu J " should compassionate." 16 So, then, it is not o'. the one willing, nor of the one bunning, but o" God who pities. 17 Besides, the sCEiv- tube says to Pharaoh X " For this very pm-pos« "tl raised thee up, that " I may exhibit in tin* " iny POWEB, and that Ui j '•NAME may be deelarti "in All the eaeth." 18 So, then, wtiom ha pleases, he pities, and w hom he pleases, he hard- ens. 19 Thou wilt then say to me ; " Why does h« still find fault? for wk has resisted his will?" 20 But indeed, O Man who art tfjou BLi'LyiNS against God? J Shall tin THllSQ FOP.MED Say tO it} MAKER, "Why didst tho» make me thus ?" 21 Or has not the t pot. TES Authority over ti i CLAY, out of the sa:v;ii Mi.vture to make J Om Vessel for Honor, and Ano- ther for Dishoncr? 23 But if God, wishing to exhibit his indigna TiON, and to make knowi hispowFR, did carry witk with Much Longsufferinj Itiie Vessels of Wrath i fitted for Destruction ; 23 and that he might make known J the Kicufij of bis Gi.oRY on the Vcs. sels of Mercy, wliich w r • Vatican Manuscbift. — 19. For— omit. + 17. In the Hebrew, the words addressed to Pharaoh literally gignif?, "I have mada thee to stand;" accordingly, they are translated by the LXX, "For the sake of tliis," namely, of showinsr my^ power, " then hast been preserved." The apostle's translation o| this passa{?e, " For this very purpose I raised thee up," does notalter its meaning.— Macknight, t 13. Mai. ). 2, S. t 15. Exod. ixxiii. 19. t 17. Exod. ix. 19. t 20. Isa. xxix. ''' 1 xlv. 9: Ixiv. 8. t 21. Prov. xvi.4; Jer. xviii. 6. t 21. 2 Tim. ii. •-'». i'ii. iThess. V.9. J 22. 1 Pet. ii. 8; Jude 4. I 23. Rom.ii.4t EpU.i 7;Col i. 27 fTiop. 9: 24] ROMANS. iChap.^: 83. irporjToijULaatp as So^av '* ovs Kai eKaXfaev writ jiitvioukly prepared fur f;liir) ; whom even he eiilled ■);yuas, ov (louov t ^lovSaiciiu, aXKa Kai e^ iQvwv us, sot ouly fruia ofJcwt, liut ali>u fruui of GeutUeti -" cLs Kai ev rev Tlarje \eyer KaXeaca rou ov as aUo in the Uusea he says ; I will call that not Xaov fiov, \anv fiov Kat rrju ovK 7]yairr]uei>T}t/, a people of lite, a people of uie; and her uut beluveJ, rjyairTj/j.fvrjv. ^6 k^^j farai, ev toj tottco ov cp- beloved. Audit shall be, in the place where it ^rjOrf *[auTO($'] Ov Xans fiov vfMfis, (Kfi kXt}- W..1 said [tolheui;] Nola people ofme you, there they €-^(T0VTat vloi 6eov ^wvros. ^^ Hrraias 8e Kpa- Bliall be called sona of God li>iug. Esaiaa but cries (ei v-rrep rov \(Tpar)X' Eaj/ 'rj 6 apiBfj.os rwv CD behalf of the Israel; If should he the uuiuber ofthe vlicv \(rpa7]\ u}S f] a/uLfios ttjs daXaacrrjSy ro aooe of Israel aa the sand ofthe sea, the naTaXd^fia i70o6rjrr€'-ai. ^ Aoyov yap crvi^re- reainant shall be saved. An account for he is flnish- Xuv Kai (TvuTf/xvwv fv SiKainrrvvT]' on Xoyou tdg and cutiio g short in righteousness) because an account fTupTeTfirii.ifvov iroiria'fi Kvpios ciri ttjs yvs. haviii^ been cut shot t will make a Lord on the earth. ^ Kai Kadws irpo€tpr}Kev Uaaiai' Et jxr] Kvpios And aa before laid Esaiasi If not Lord (TaBaooO eyKar€\nrei/ r^fxiv (nrfp/xa, uis 2oSo^a of iiusts left to us a seed, as Sodom ay ey€VTj6ri/xev, Kai us Tofxappa av offioiccOT}- fi e should hare become, and aa Gomorrah we should have been fj-fu. ^ Tt ovv epovfifu ; 'Ort (Our] ra firi Diude like. What then thallwesay? That Gentiles those not hiwKovTa diKaioffvvnVf KaTfXa$e 5iKaio(rvur)u, pursuing ri^hteouitness, laid hold on righteousness, hiKaiov«ill of the €/i7jy KapStas, kui t) Sirjais *[?'/] Trpos tgv deov, my heart, and tho prayer [tbat] to the (xod, vTTfp avTwv fi5 (TWTT]piav, ^MapTvpw yap oabehalf of tbem for lalvation. I testify {or avToiSf 6ri ^rjAoi/ O^ov ex^vcriVy aXA' ov kot' (• ttkcm, that ' aaoal for God tbey h»e, but not according to tviyi' "iNG on it shall be dis- "appointed." CHAPTER X. 1 Indeed, Brethren, the GOOD DESIRE of MY Heart, and THAT PRAYER I oflfet to God on their behalf is, for their Salvation. 2 For I testify to them. That they possess Ja Zeal for God, but not accord- ing to Knowledge. 3 For being ignorant of t the RIGHTEOUSNESS Of God, and seeking to es- tablish t their own, they werenot submissive tothe RIGHTEOUSNESS Of GOD; 4 since X Christ is the End of the Law for Right- eousness to every one be- lieving. 5 For Moses writes of THAT righteousness which is from the *Law, I "That the man per- " forming these things " shall live by them." 6 But the" righteous- ness from Faith thus speaks; — "Say not in "thine HEART.tWho shall "ascend into heaven?" iliat is, to bring Christ down; 7 or, t"Who shall de- "scend into the abyss?" that is, to bring back Christ from the Dead. 8 But what does it say? J "The WORD is near thee, "in thy mouth, and in thy " heart;" tliat is, the WORD of FAITH which we publiirh; 9 that, J if thou wilt *openly confess with thy mouth That Jesus is Lora, and wilt believe with thy HEART That God raised Him from the Dead, thou Shalt be saved. * Vatican Manuschipt.— 1. that— om«. 6. Law. 9, openly confess the dbclara DION with thy MODTH That Jesus is the Lord, and wilt believe. t33. Psa. cxviii. 22; Isa. viii. 14; xxvlii. 16; Matt. xxi. 42; 1 Pet. ii. 6—8. i 33 Rom X. 11. 12. Acts xxi. 20; xxii. 3; Gal. i. 14; IV. 17. I 3. Phil. iii. 9. t 4. Matt. v. 17; Gal. iii. 12. Ezek. XX. 11; xiii. 21; Gal. iii. 12. J 6. Deut. xxx. 12 I 8. Deut. XXX. 14. t 9. Matt. x. 32; Luke xii. 8. t 3. Rom. i. 17; ix. 30- J 5, Lev. xviii. 5; Neh. ix. 29; I 7. Deut. XXX. 13. Oiap. 10: 10.] ROMANS. [Chap. 10: 1ft. yap iriamvfTaL (is hiKaiocvi/rjv aTo/xari 8e for it u beliered for ri|;hteousDe»; with mouth and dfjioKoyfiTai cis awTr^piav.) '^ Aeyet "yap t} i(. ■• coofcktud for salvation.) Says for the ypa(t>ri' Has 6 TTKTTevwv eir" avrcp, ov Karaicx- wTitiu J, Every one the believing on hini^ not fhall be XwOrjcTiTai, ^-OvyapeaTt biacrroXr] lovSai- a^uaiued. Not for IB adiitinciioD of Jew OV re Kai 'EWrjuos' 6 yap avTos Kvpios irav- both and of Greek; the for lame Lord of Twv, irXouTcou (IS iravras rovs eiriKaXov/nfyovs all, being rich tovrardu all those calUng upon avToy. ^^ Has yap 6s av eTriKa\((rr]Tai to ovo- hiiu. Every one for who may call on the name fxa Kvplov, (T(t)d-q(T(Tai. ^^ ricios ovv (iriKaKea-ou- oILord, shall be saved. How then shall they call on, TOi, €is 6v ovK (TTLTTivaai' ; ircus 5e Triarfv- iuiu whom not they believed? how and shall they rroucru', ou ovk ijKovffav ; trcus Sf aKovaovcri believe, where nut they heard? how and shall they hear X£«'P'S Kr]pv(TaovTos ; ^' Tloos 5e Kvpv^ovcriu, eau without one proclaiming? How and shall they proclaim, if ft77 airocraXcaai ; Kadcos yfypairrar Tls wpaioi not they should be seat ? as it has been written; How beautiful oi TToSes T(t)V (vayy(XL<^oix(va}u *\_(iprivr)v, rav the feet of those announcing glad tidings [of peace, of those (vayyeKi^Ofx^vav Ta~\ ayada. ^^ AAA' ov anaouncing glad tidings the things] good. But not TravTfS vTn)Kov(Tav to! evayy(\icf>. Haaias yap all obeyed the (.'lad tidings. Esaias for Xeyei' Kvpic, ris fTno-Teutre tt) aKorj rj/nwv ; »ay», O Lord, who believed the hearing ofus? ''" (ApO 71 TTiCTTlS 6| aKOtJS' 7] Sc C/COTJ StO flTJfXa- (Then the faith frum hearing; the and hearing through a word Tos 6(ov.) '^ AAAa A€7a>' Mr? ovk T^KOvaav ; of God.) But I say. Not not they heard? tA(vovvy( as iraaav ttjv yrjp e^eXOfv 6 (pdoyyos Yes indeed into all the earth went out the sound avTuv, Kai (IS ra Trepara ttjs oiKovfxcurjs to of them, and into the ends of the inhabited earth the 'pr]fxaTa avrttiv. '^ AAAa Acyw Mt; laparjK ovk words of them. But I say; Not Israel not fyvoj : npwTos Mcductjs \(yfi' YLycn Trapa(r]\cD- knew? First Moses says; 1 will provoke to jeal- (Tco vfias 67r' ovk (6v(i, citl (Oyei affvixTcp ousy you by not a nation, by a nation unenlightened irapopyiQ} ifias. "^ Hcaias Se airoToKfj-a, 1 will ytovoke to anger you. Isaiah but is rery bold. 10 For with the Heart it is believed for Righte- ousness, and with the MoiUli it is confessed for Salvation. 11 Hence the sceip- TUEK says, X " Every one "bklikvint. on him shall "not be aslianicd." 12 J For there is no Distinction either of Jew or of Greek ; since the SAME Lord of all is rich towards all those call- ing upon liim. 13 J i'or " every one " who may invoke the " NAME of the Lord shall " be saved " 14 How then shall they call on him into whom they did not believe ? And how Bhali they believe, where they did not hear? And how shall tliey hear without one proclaiming ? 15 And how siiall they proclaim i< they siiould not 1)6 sent? as it has been written, X " How beautifu' "the FF.ET of THOSE PRO- "claiming glad tid- "INGS of Good tilings!" 16 But all did not obey the GLAD TIDINGS; for Isaiah says, |"Lord, who " behoved our report ?" 17 So then faith comes from a Report, and the report through the Word of* God. 18 But I say, Did they not hear? \es, indeed; J "their soi'nd went out "into all the land, and "their WORDS to the rx- "tremities of the habi- " TABLE." 19 But I say, Did not Israel know? llrst Moses says, I " I will provoke "you to jealousy by that "which is no Nation; by " an unenlightened Nation " 1 will provoke you to an- "ger." * Vatica:* Manuscript.— 15. even as. 15. of Peace, of those aknovncimg clao TIDINGS — omif. 17. Christ. ♦ 11. Isa. xxviii. 16; xHx. 23; Jer. xvii. 7 ; Rom. ix. 33. t 12. Acts xv. 9; Rom. iii. 22; Gal. ill. 28. t 13. JoeMi.22; Actsii.21; Aotsix.l4. 1 l.l. Isa. Iii.7; Nahum i. 15. I 16. Koia. iii. 3; Heb. iv. 2. : 16. Lsa. liii. 1; John xii. 38. t 1^ I'^^a, .Tix.4; Malt. xiiv. U; xxviii.19; Markxvi.15; Col. i. 6, 23. " i I'J. Deut. xxxn. lil i Kom. xi.Il. (T^ap.W: 20.] ROMANS. [;Chap. 1" hat \cycr EvpsdTju tois €/ie fiT) Qt]Tov(Tiv, efi- and snjs; I was found by those me not seeking, mani- OauT]s eyej/o/icj/ tois e/xe fxr] eir^pcoTwcru .■«8» ^ hecame to those . me not asking. -' Upos 5e rou IcparjX Xeyei' '0\r]V ttji/ rjH-^~ In respect to but the Israel he says; Whole the day pav e|6Tr€Ta(ra ras %eipas /llov irpos Xaov airei- I stretched out the hands of me to a people dis- OovPTu Kai ayriX^yoi/Ta. KE^. m'. 11. ^ Ae7aj obeying and contradicting. I say ovv Mr] aTTwcraTO 6 0eos tou Xaou avrov ; Mrj then; Not did put away the God the people of himself? Not yevoiro' Kai yap fycc l i.t.iorwise favok is made no longer Favor. But if from Works, no longer Favor; other- wise WORK is no longer Favor. t 20. Isa. Ixv. 1; Rom.ix. 30. t 21. Isa. lxv.2. t 1. 1 Sam. xii. 22; .Ter. xxxl. Sr. t I. 2 Cor. xi. I-.' ; I'hil. iii. 5. t 8. 1 Kings xix. 10, 11. J 4. 1 Kings xix. 14 ; 5. Rom. is. 27- i 0- Uo:n. iv. 4, 5; Gal. v. 4. J 7- Kom.ix. 31; x.3- fnap. l.s 8 KOlviANG. [Lnap. liri? t.iincd; the acd rJtnaiulng ones wore lianlcned, (as yeypaiTTat' ES&j/cev aurois d Oeos Truevfia Kara- it haa been written -, GaTC totlicmthe God a ipirit of deep i/y^ewj, ocpdaK/jLOus rov fxr} Phsireiy, Kai ura »lefp, eyes of the not to sec, and ears Tov fxt) aKoveiu,) ews ttjs crrj^epov rjfKpas, of the not to hear,) tiU the to-day day. ^ Kai AauiS Aeyei* Vevr]6riT(t) i) rpaire^a avrwy And David 8aya; Let be made the table of them €LS irayiSa, Kai e«s 6r]pav Kai eis (TKavSaXoy, Kai into a snare, and into a trap and into aMtnmbling-block, and eis avTaTToSofxa auTois' ^® aKorKxOrfracrai' ol into arecompeuce to them ; let be darkened the o(p9a\/xoi avTwv, tov /utj PXeirett/' Kai rou vta- eyea of them, of the not toseci and the back TOV avTwv diairavTos (rvyKa/x' the nations, eiS TO Trapa(^ri\w(Tai avrovs. ^^ Er 8e ro ill order that to excite to emulation them. If but the TrapoTTTW/iO avTwv trXovros Kofffxov, Kai 'ro fall eftiiem ncalth of a world, and the r/TTrnjia avTccv ttXovtos eQvwv trocro^ fiak^^ov failure of them wealth o:'&atioos; how much more , TO trXfipttiixa avToov : the full acceptance of them? ^^ Yufi/ yap Xnyw tois tdveaiv ecp* 6(rov fie:' To you fur [speak the Gentiles; ia .'o: mucU indeed eiui iyw f6uis, CI p.r} (^'t't] cK v^Kpwv ; ^^ Et Se 7? airapxji ; ,_•, if not life out of dead ones? If and the first-fruit f;v{a, Kai to (pvpaua' Kai ci tj i^i(^u ayia, Kai ol liuly, also the Uiixlure; and if the root h il;-, also the kXo^oi. ^^ El de Tives tcoi/ KXadwv <^iKXa(T9rj- I. ranches. If but some of the brauches were broken np. 11 : IW.] liOMANS. [Chap.l'i.: 26 TTjTos TTjs e\aia5 c-yer/ou, fJ^V KaraKavxc neas of the olive thou diJst become, not do thc^u buiut o» the branches; if but thou dost boast, not thou the pL^av ^^.n-ra^eis aW"* r) ^i^a ere. ^^ Epeis ovv rout sustainest but the root tbee. Thou « lit say then; Y.liKXafT07)(rav KXa^oi, iva €701 iyKfvrpKaQa). Were broken off branches, so that I might be grafted in. '^^'laXcics' rrj airiana t^^KXacrO-qcraVy crv Se True; by the unbelief they wtre broken off, thou and rri TricTTei ff God; towards indeed those ha»ing fallen, seyerity; towards Se (Tc, ;^p7](rTOT7jTa, eav ciriu€ti/i]s tt} xpV^' but thee, kiudness, if thou shouKlst remain in the kiud- TOTTJTf* fTTft Kai (TV eKKOTTTJfTT]. ^^ KaK€lVOl nessi otherwise even thou shall be cut off. Also they ??, fav jiiTj emiLLfLvccrri rr] airtfrTtay tyKevrpKr- biit, if not they should remain in the unbelief, shall be C'~\tTovTai' ZvvaTos yap eanv b Oeos iraXiv lUijraftedj able for is the God again fyKeyTpKTai aurovs, ^^ E« yap av (K ms to graft them. If for thou out of the Kara (f^vTiv f^^Kmrr^s iypif-XaioVy Kai according to nature wast cut off wild oUve, and Trapa (pvrii/ evfK^i'TptaOTjs ets KaXXieXaiov, in violation of nature thou wast ingrafted into a good olive, TTTT'ii fiaXXov ovToi 01 Kara (pixriVj €yK€V- hy how much more these who accordingto nature, shall be TTfT^TjcrovTat "^Tj fSioE eAa.'r*.. -" Oy yap QeXoo in^'rafled in the own olive. Kot for 1 wish LKtas ayvoetv, aSeX(t)oiy to ixv fK Siwv 6 pvo/xivos, Kai aTro(rTpf\^€i acr€0€ias out of Sion the deliverer, and ih^ turn awajr nagcxUiDea* awo laKU)^. -^ Kci aim) arrrois rj vap' (fiov from Jacob. Aod thii vith them the from me ^laOr^KT], brav a(p(\Ci!^ ras afiapTias avrcuv. rornaot, when I mry take away the ilzii of them. -^ Kara jx^v to fvayycXioy, ^x^P^^ ^*' i'/^'is' According to indeedthe glad tidtn^v, enemiea on accountofyou; Kara 5e ttjv (K\oyT]v, ayair-qroi dia tovs accordingto but the elecuon, belored on account of the iraTfpas. ^ A/j.eTafj.e\r]Ta "yap to ;^apj(r,uaTo father*. Thing* not to be repented of for the ^acious ^fta KOI 7] KXriais Tov deov. ^ Tlairep yap v/j.€is and the calling o( the Cod. Aa for you 7roT6 7j7rci07jfTaTe Tcf Oev, vvv 5e TjXfTjflTjre tt] oDce diaubeyeJ the God, now but obtained mercy by the rovTc^v aTTdOeia- ^' ovrtv Kai ovroi vvv rjireiOrj- ofthe^e lUobedience; thua also the«« cow diaobeyed, cav, 7(f} vfifTfpct) €\f€i Iva Kai avroi €\(r]d(i>(Tt. lathe your mercy that aUo they may obtain mercy. •*"- ^vveK\€icr€ yap 6 6eos rovs iravras f is Snut up for the God the all for airfi$€Lav, Iva tovs vavras eXfrjaTj. ^ CI /So- duobedience, so that the all be might compaa>ionale. O depth 6oi ir\ovTov Kai (roias Kai yvonaews 6eov. 'Cls ofweaith and ofwi^dom and ofknowledge of God. How ave^ep€vv7}Ta to Kpip.aTa avTov, Kai ave^iX' uasejirehable the judgment* ofbim, and untxace- viaCTOi ai 65oi avTov. ^ Tis yap fyvw vow aoie the way* of him. Who for knew mind Kvplov : tj Tis edor ofhim became? or TIS irpofZwKiV avTy, Kai avTair SoOriccTii who first g^ire to hiin, »ud it shall be given in r~tum avr(f ; ^'Ort €| avrov, Kai hi avTOv, Kai eis to him ? Because out of hiui, aud through him, and for avTov TO vavTa' avTy 77 5o^a fis tovs aiuvas. him the things all^ to Uim the ^lory for the age*. Auy]v. ^o be 11. KE*. 1$'. 12. ' TlapaKa\cD ovv vaas, aSfXdoi, 8' " Zion, and shall turn " away Ungodliness from " Jacob ;" 27 And t " this is the " Corcnant with theni "from mk, when I shail " take away their sins." 28 In relation to the GLAD TIDINGS, indeed. they are Enemies on your account ; but in regard to the ELECTION, they are X Beloved on account ol the FATHERS ; 29 because the geaci. ous GIFTS and call in ot God are J not things to be repented of. 30 Besides, as g.-iy J once disobeyed God, but now obtained mercy by their Ihsobedience ; 31 so also, now, the?*, disobeyed, so that tijrg *may obtain mercy oj YOLE Mercy. 32 For J God shut up together all for Disobe. dience, that he might hav<; mercv on all. 33 'O the Depth of th.. Riches and Wisdom ard Knowledge of God! J How unsearchable his JUi»u UENTs, and ^ untraccabsa his WATS ! 34 X For who knew the Mind of the Lord ? or who was his Counsellor? 35 or % who hrst gave to him, and it shall be given to him again ? 36 J Because out of him, and through him, and for him, are all things. To him be the glokt for the AG£S. Ameu. CIUPTEK XIL 1 I entreat you, there- fore. Brethren, by the jTESDEB compassions Ot God, to present your J b _- IME3 a living Sacrifirc, I huiy, well-pkaaing to God * Vatican Maxcbcbipt. — 31. may now obtain mercy. t 26. lsa.lix.20. See Psa. xiv. 7. i 27. Isa. xxviJ.O; Jer. x\xi. 31— S4; Heb. viiL S-.X-lfl. : iS. Dsut. vii.8; ix.5; X. 1.5. ; 29. N iiin. sxiii. 19. J 3fj. Er.h. 2;Col.iii.7. i 82. Rom. iii.9; Gal. iii.2^. I :«. I'xa. xiivi. fl. * 38- J I . 7 ; Psia. xcii. 5. jb xxxT. 7 ; xli.ll. t 84. Job XV. 8; la. xl.l5; Jer. lixiii. IS; I (V.r. ii. 18. : 36. 1 Cor. ViiL 6; CoL L 16. ; 1. Kom. vi. li 16, 19. Chap.U: 2.] ROMANS. [ChapA2: in. rrju KoyiKr)u Xarp^iav u/xav " Kai fir) (rvaxVf^'^' the ratiuuui relij^iuud sertice of you; and not confofm your- TiC^aOe Tft) aiojui tout^, aAA.a iJ.era/xop(pov(T66 selves to the age thu, but tranblorui yourveirves TT) auavaivoocrei tov voos ^\^vixa3v,'\ fis to by the reuuvuiiou of the mioJ [ofyuu,] in order that ZoKifxa^iLV vfias, ri ro d^Xr)fxa tov Oeov, to to prove you, what the will of the God, the ayaOov Kai evaj^Troy Kai TeXeiov. ^ Aeyu) yap gojJ and weil-pleoiiug and perf.ct. X say for Sdra*.ion; thus the many one body we are in XptTT';}, 6 Se Kad^ etsy aW7]\cov fieXr}. ^Ex^^^- A.uoiuted, the but each one, of eaclj other mcaibers. Having res Se ;;(;ap£(rjuaTa KaTa ttjj/ X'^P^^ ''"'7'' SoOei- but gr.iijiuus gilts according to the f.ivor that having (Tav 7]fXiU Sia^popa' fire trpocht^T^iau, Kara bceu given to us of dillereut kinds; if pruphetii, according to TTju avaXnyiav ttjs TnaTews' ^ eire SiaKoviayy ev t..e analogy ofthe faith; if service, in TV SiaKovia' eiTe 6 SibacTKUiVf ^VTr] BiSacTKaXia,' tlie service; if the teaching, in the act of teaching; ^ etT6 6 TrapaKaXwff (v ttj irapnKXriar^i' 6 fUTaSi- it the exhorting, in the exu.irlatiou; the one Sous, fv airXnrfjTi' 5 7rpoi(TTa/j.ivoSy €U a-irovSr}' {iviug. with simplicity; the one prcbidlng, with diligence; b fXewu, €U iXapi>T7)Ti, ^'H aya-rrrjf auviroK- the onepilyingjwith cheerfulness. The love, unfeigned; piTOS' aTTOCTTVyovVTeS TO TTOVripOVy KOXXwiXfUOl detesting the evil, adhering Tw ayaOca- ^^ ttj (fitXa^eXcpia, cis aXXrjXovs to the good; in the brotlieriy kindness, towards each other (piXo« rei«jiciog; Tj; 6\i'liei vTroaeuovTd' tt] irpofTevx'fl "fpo^xap- ID theaSicuon bein< pauent ; io the pr-yrr comtAiuly TfpovvTfS' ^^Tats x?^^°-^^ rtnv ayioiv Koiv-xvovi/- \ stt«ndm;; to tt-e wiot* o( the buljr ODr« e'mtriiutin;; T6S* TT]V (piKc^'viay SiceKoyrfS. ^■* Ef/XoyeiTc j the kia^Dua to >crui;eTS fuUowuig. BU^ joia I Tovs SiCL'Kovras *[yaas'] cuXo76ZT€, Kai fxr)^ tho^e perkccuun; [j*^^fl blesAyuu, And Dut itarapao'Ce, '* Xaipav fitra j(aicovTuv, Kai euric y^i.. To rrjoicc with rvj '^ciufouei, and to weep ou« with all mea beiu g at ^eace; T€$' '^^ij eawTows €/cStfOuin-cs, o^aTT/Tof aWa Bvl yuui-aclves avenging, beluvcJ cues. but Sore TOToj' TT7 opyrj' ytypairTai yap' ILfxoi give 70a a pli^-e to the wrath; it h_a been written (or; Tome €»c8j»c7j«ns" f/w ai'TairoSaauy Xtyd Kvpios. Teo§«ence, 1 wiil repay, ■*>• Lord. -* Eav ouf TTfji'a 5 (x^P°^ cou, i^a'^t^e avrov If tharet'jrecDajhuD^rthe eueiuy of thee, du thou feed him; tav SiC'Ct. iroTi^e avrov. Tovro yap if ke Ray tkint, pvediiiikto turn. Thu for •KOKDVj ayOpaKas irvpvs (rcvpfvrrfis fvi rriv Ke4>a- tiuiof, cuai* ofLre thou wilt pUe oa the bt:^ \vp avTox'. "' M17 vtKCi) VTTO Tov KaKoVy aWa ofLioi. >..t be overcome by the e»iJi bat viKa (y Tif ayaOtf to KaKoy, overcome by the good thA evil. KE*. ly. 13. ^ITcura ^vxv f^ovcias vTrfpfx^^^"-^^ viroratT- I^^eTj aoal to authontiea being above let be aub- CTfcBo). Ov yap ((my f^ovcia ei firj airo Ofov miauve. Not for ia auihoniy if not from God; 11 In DUTY be not sloth- ful. In the SPIRIT be fi.r. vuit, * s rviiig ;he LuBi>. 1-2 X ia the HOPE be jn'^'ul; +in Ar7LicTio.\ patkst > ; ia SK±-iia. per- ae%CTiiig- 13 J Contributinj to the W.^NTS of tlie SAINTS, — JjjUisuirg HOSIPITALllY 14 JLlCSS TUOS« wl c PERSFCLIE yOUJ blcsi auil cu/se not. 15 Jlifjoice with the jovfal. and weep wiih thd feorruw f uL 16 J Be of the samk Disposition towMd* eaili oth'jr. Rf^^rd r.ot Hic.i lliirig3, but conff rm your- schLSto the lovtiy. J J o not bfcon:e wise in your own eatnuiiiou. 17 J To iio one returc F.vii for Evil. I Proviiie honorable things in the presence of Ail Men. 18 If possible, on tovb part, t li^e peaceably with Ail -Men; 19} not avenging Youi» selves, Bfclored, but give Place to the wrath [of God;] for it has been WTiU ten, X " Vengeance belongs ■'to me; i will repay," says the Lord. 20 Therefore,* "if thine "T.ymx is hungry, give "him food ; if he is " thirsty, give him drink; "for, doing this, thou wilt " li -np Coals of Fire on his " IIJCAD." 21 Be not subdued by KviL, but subdue ivjl by GOOD. CHAPTER XIIL 1 Let Every person t be submissive to the superior Authorities; J for there 13 net an Authority, except from God; aud tuom: • Vaticas MASutcEiFT.— 11. 8€rving the LoBD. 14. you— omit t 12. Phil, iii.l; iv.4; Heb. iii.6. 1 1-2. Heb. x.3<5; xii. 1. X U- Col.iv. 2; Eph. vi. IS; iThess. i.17. : IS. Heb. vi. 10; xuulO; 1 Johniii.l7. t 13. Heb. xiii.2. : U. Matt.T.41; lPetii.2:J- i:i.9. t 15. 1 Cur. xii. 2ft. J 16. R..ia. TV 15. t 16. iV.v.iii. 7 I 17. Mntt.y.SO; 1 Thesi.v.15. :17. 2Cor. \ i •". : l**. HeD.xii.14. : 10. Hrov.xxiv. 21'. J 19. Dent, xixii. :'..\ : M. ProT. xiv. 21, 22. I 1. Tit. iii. 1 ; 1 Tet. ii. 13. : 1.; iv.32; Johnxix.IU t'hop. 1": 2. J ROMANS. [Chap. IS: 9. tti Se ovcraif inro Qeov rerayix^pat €titioa,totkeiBielTesjudgmeBt«rillreceive. Tlit for rul- XOVTfS ovK €i(ri yy]v, aWa Kat Sia rrju crv- only onaeco«mtC?iiiO 7:^ath, but alsoonaecoantofthc con- ViiBrjffiv. * Aia tovto yap nai (popovs reXei- acienee. Oa account of this (or also t^xea pay T€* Keirovpyot yap Qeov eicriVf eis avro tovto you; pubhcBiinisteTa for of God they are, to same this TrpotTKapTepovvTis. ^ AttoBotg *[oi'J'J vaffi conitaDUyatteDthng. Bonder [thireforej to JiU TQs oe cvatom, the cutc«; to him the fear, the fear; Tftj rrjv Tip.'nVf rriv rifi-nv. ^MriBevt fi-rjtifv to him the heaar, the huaor. To bo obo nothing 0^6iAeT€, €1 ;u7j TO aWr)\ovs ayairav 6 yac onoyoB, if Bot that each uthar yoa should I'ovC; the for ayairuv tov irepovy vo/jlov wfirAr/poJKe, *To loviag the other, alaw hasfDlfilled. Tha; yap* Ov fjLoix^va-ets' Ov (pov^vireis- toti Motthouihaltcommitadnltcty; NotthoBihaltcommitmurder, Ov KX^y^eis' OuK f7n6vfX7}o-cis' Kat ei rts Not thou ahalt (teal; Kot thou (halt covet; and if ftny eTcptf evroXriy fv Tovrat rip Xoy^ avaK€ day, to Lord not niind».] And ha catir.g, to Lord Z'TOiety ei/xopitrret yap rco dstf kci 6 /xi) ec- eati, k* giTM thauka for to the God; iJ— ta not eat- OiwVy Kvpi(f ovK €(T6iei, Kai evxr'Hcrrei rep 6e(f>, !D J, to Lord not eati, »nd *»- ^iveo thanks to the God. ^ Ou5€ts 7ap r]fiQ}y kavrcf ^>„ Kai ouSeis eauTf" No one for of you to himself live*, and n> )no to bimaeU eiToOvna-Kii. ^Eav vc- ^ap CwAicj/, t'jo /cupt^; (>iea. If ooor. lor wslive, to the Lord r'-'xev coy T« oiro6i'//^/fw',u€i', t«^ Kvpiep airoO- melkv; if and we die, to the Lord we Eav re ovy (^a>jxiVy eav re airodvTjcr- If bothtkerefoieweliv*, if and we die, »Eis rrjo'KOfiev. die. KCOfxeVf rov Kvpiov CtTuev. ' tis rovro yap ofthe Lord we'are. To thi» for Xpia-ros *[ko{] avedaye Kat c^Tjtrei/, iVa ffoi Acoiatcd [both] died and IWed, »o that both y^Kpcor Kai (cavruv Kvpifvcij. ^^2u Sf, rt Kpi- f r dcid onei and liviaj he might as lord. THoa but, why judgest veis rov ade\., ^^Apo *[ouj'] eKaa-ros r,piwv irepj kav- - f us eoncsraiaj hijn- ^^ MTJfCCTi OW No longer tharsfora Sod. So [then] each one \oyov Soxret 0(f Beca, tn account shall gire to the God. v.\K7}hovs Kpivufiev aX\a rovro Kpivare ^laA- eschfther we should judges but this ju^geyou rather, \QV. 10 firi rtOevdi vpou>, that nothing common through itse](, if nottohim X^yi^ofievcp ri kuivov eivai, eKeivcc kolvov regarding anything common to tje, to him common; '■' Ei Se ^la ^pdjjjia 6 aSfXcpos (Tov AvTreirai, If but through food th» brotlier of thee is grieved, Mr) TO) $pci}- r Notwiu'.thefoodi l<'"S;t-r according to Love.,, c < -I- I i Do not, with thy Fnon,! fiart (TOV eK^ivov a-rroWv^, virep ov Xp/^ro? ,.,,5^ |,j^ ^^ ^.j^^^^^ ,^gj^^^j\ ofthee hiDi do thou deetruy, on behalf of whom Aaoiuted r^i, _;,.,. ,i ;„,i airedave. ^'^ Mr/ ^KaTcprjufiadco ovv vf-Lwu ro died. Not let be ewl epoken of therefore of you the ayaOou. ^^ Ov yap eerriv 7] fiaTiXeia tov deov good. Nut for is the kiugtlom of the God &p(»><')'> 0 ixTi s T77? ! iKACK, and THI^GS for peace we should puTMie, aud thethingsofthe buil.liiig up -ftbat J llui EDiriCATlOX of each Christ died. 16 Let not, then. Your GOOD be evil spoken of. 17 lor the KiNc;j)osi f God is not lood and Drink, but iligliteousnebs, and I'eace, and Joy in a holy Sjjint; 18 for HE who in this SEEVKS the A>'OI.NTtD one, is well-pleasing to »eii-piea.iug to the Goj, 'a^d I ^'^D, and approved by 19 J So then we should i pursue the thi>os of (IS a\\r]\ovs. for e.ich other. ^ Mt cvrf f J/ fipuwaros KaraAve Notunucc^unt ffood deuiuli^h TO (pyov TOV Oeov. Tlavra /x^v KaOapa- aAXa the work of the God. All things indeed pure, but KaKOV T(j} avOpcoiray rco dia 7rpoo"K0u,uaTos ear evil forthe man for that through a sti other. 20 Do not, on account of Food, demolish the WORK of God. Alithin^a indued are pure, but Evil to THAT MAN who EATS abiiug-Liock eat- 1 SO as to cause stumbling PiOUTi. 21 Ka\ov TO ixv (pa-vdv Kp^a, ^rjSe irieiv .2 Itis good not to ,„.. Good the Tot \oe.a flesh, ' nor to drink t^l^sJl. DOr tO drink A\ ine, , , - ! nor to do any thing by otvov, fi-noe €V a- d aSe\rpos Triariy or is ensnared, or is neaieued. Thou faith fX^is' Kara ceavrov eye fuco-rriov rov €fOv. hast; according to thyself hold it in presence of thb God. MttJcaptos 6 fxT] Kpivwv eavrov cu 'cp BoKi/xa^^ei. Blessed be not judging hiuiself in what h approves. ^^'O he SiaKpivofjL^POS, fav (pa'vp, KaraKCKpi- U« but discerning a ditTe.euje, if he should eat, has been con- rai, oTi ovK €K TTicTTfas' irav 8e 6 ovk €/c demiied, because not from faith; every thing andwhich not from iri(TT6c«JS, aixapTia eariu. f f;iith, tin is. bl( s, oris ensnared, or is Weakened. 22 *i!rf)oa hast Faith; with respect to thyself holt! it fast in ttie presence of God. J Happy is he who does cot co.NDEMN him- self in what lie approves i 2-3 But HE who makes a DISTINCTION, if he should eat, is condemned; he- cause it is not from Con- viction ; and every act which is not from Convic- tion, is a Sin. t • Vaticam MAWtTSCKirT.— 22. The Faith which thou hast, have tf)0 U to thyself. t 23. Griesbach inserts here the doxology found Rom. xvi . 25—0" ; hut rs it is not autho- rized by the Vatican iMS., uor by the most ancient versions, tl:e Greek text has lieen trans- f.vred to its proper place. It ni:iy tie jcopcr to ol>serve tliat Grotius, Hammond, Mill, Wetstein, Matthi^, Knatchbuli and Clarke approve of its insertion liere; while on theotlier hind, Kiiapp, Kstius, Macknight, BlcoiuSeld, Stuart, Lachmann, Tischendorf, &c., do not approve oi the transposition. : U. 1 Cor. X. lb ; 1 Tim. iv. 4; Titns i. 15. 1 14. ^ Cor. viii. 7, TO. 1 I.". 1 Cor. V'M 11. t 10- ^sa. .\iS Twv ypa(f>(i}v, Tr]V sKtriZa e^WyUei'. ^ 'O lalion of the writings, the hope we might have. The Se 0eos r7]s viro/uLouris Kai rrjs irapaKX-qcrecos and God ofthe patience and ofthe consolation d-'T] vfxiv TO avTo (ppoveiy ev a\\7]\ois, m^y give to you the aame to be minded among each other, KixTa XpicTTou Irjaovf ^ Iva o/ULoOv/iiaSov ev accuitling to Anointed Jesus; that with one mind with (•yi GTOfxaTi do^ai^-^Tc tov 0€ov Kai iraTepa tov one mouth you may glorify the God and father ofthe K-joLou rj/iiotju l-qrrov Xpiarov. ^ Aio irpofrXaim.- l/ord of us Jesus .'\uoiQted. Wherefore take to your- fixuecOe aWrjXovs, KaOws Kai 6 XpifTTOs irpoa- tplves each other, as also the Anointed took to e\a/36TO ufxas e/s Zo^av Qeov. ^ Aeyw Se, *[It7- liiinself us for glory of God. 1 say but, fJe- crovv~\ Xpicrrov ZiaKovov yeyevrjcrQai TrepLTo/xrjs, »utl Anointed a servant became of circumcision, uTrep a\r]6cLas Oeov, cis to ^e^aicufrai Tas onbch.ilfof truth of God, in order that to confirm the (irayyeXias twv -TraTcpwv ^ Ta Se fOvrj virep promises ofthe fathers; the andnationson account cf eX^ovs 5o(^a(Tai tov Qeov, KaOcvs yeypaiTTai' mercy to praise the God, as it has been written ; Ajk tovto i^oixo\oyn(rofxai aoi ev edvecif Because of this 1 will confess to thee among nations. CHAPTER XV. 1 Now itof, the STRONG, are bound to l)ear the J tn- FIEMITIKS of tlie AVKAK, and not to seek to please Ourselves. 2 J Let each one of us please his neighbok, so far as is good for Edifica- tion; 8 i for even the Anoint- ed one sought not to please Himself, but, as it has been written, J "The " EEPfiOACHES of THOSE " w'lio KEPEOACHED thee "FELL on me." 4 I For *-what tilings were before written for ouE Instruction, were written that we through the PATIENCE and *tlie CONSOLATION of llie scRiPTUEEs might possess the HOPE. 5 i And may the God of that PATIENCE and that CONSOLATION give you the SAME DISPOSITION to- wards each other, accord- ing to the Anointed Je- sus; 6 so that with one mind, and with One Mouth, yon may glorify the God and lather of our Lokd Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore kindly re- ceive each other, even as the Anointed one also kindly received *you, to the Glory of God. 8 * For I affirm, that Jesus $ Christ became a Servant of the Circumci- sion, on account of tlie Truth of God, in order to CONFIRM the PROMISES of the FATHERS; 9 and that the Gen- tiles should glorify God on account of Mercy ; as it has been written, J."]k- " cause of this I will con- " fess to thee among the * Vatican Manuscript. — 4. all things whatever were written. _ 4. fore — omit. 4. fore — omit. 4. through consolatio.-* ofthe scriptures might have the hope of CONSOLATION. 7- US. 8. Fov. 8. Jesus— on»j<. t 1. Gal. vi. 1. t 1. Rom. xiv. 1. t 2. 1 Cor. is. 19, 22 ; x. 24,33; xiii.S; Phil. ii. 4, ."). t 3. Matt. xxvi. 39; John v. 30; vi.38. t 3. Psa.liix.9. t 4. Rom. iv. 2', 24; 1 Cor. ix. 0,10; X. 11; 2Tim.iii. 15, 17. t 5. Horn. xii. 16; 1 Cor. 1.10; I'hil.iii. 16 * 8. Matt. XV. 24; John i. 11 ; Acts tii. 25, 26 ; siii. 46. I 9. Psa. xviii. 40. Oiap. 15: 10.] UOMxVXS. \C!iap. 15: 18. Kai r(f> ovcixari iroi/ >^a\w. ^^ Kat iraXiv Ae^cf ■ndlotlia n.tuie of thee aiui; praise*. And agaio itaayt; II,vn the hope, in Swa/xei irvevfxaros ayiov. ^^UewciaiuLai Se, power of spirit buly. I hare been persuaded but, a5f\cen given tome by the God, "■ffy ro (ivai /xc Xetrovpyov Jr)(rov Xpiffrov in order that to be me a pubbc servant ofJesua Anointed ^[ets ra (6v7],'\ Upovpyovvra ro cvayyeKiov [for the nations,] at1miui«iering asapriestthe glad tidings rov 6eov, Iva yfvrjrai rj irpoacpopa rcav fOvaiv of the God, so that maybe the oblation of the nations fvirpoiT^fKros, i]yia(rix^VT] ff irvfvfxari ayirc. well-pleasing, having been sanctified by a spirit holy. -' E^w ovv KavyVf^'t^ c Xpicrrea Irjaov ra I have then a ground for boasting in Anointed Jesus the things irpos Ofov ^^ ovyap roXix-qacoXaXeiv ri ^ wv to God; not for 1 will dare to speak any ofthoacthings ov KarfipyacraTo Xpicrros 8t' e/xoi/, ttr vira- not worked out ..nointed through me, lOr obe- " Nations, and sing to thy " NAilh." 10 And again it savs, t " Rojoice, yoii nations, " Willi Ins I'KorLE." 11 And again, J "Praise " the Lord, All natio.nj. ; " and * CKtol liim. All pko- " PLKS." 13 And again Isaiah says, J " There shall be "a BOOT of Jkssk, even " HE w ho shall stand up "t(; rule Nations; in him " shall Nations liope." 13 And may the God of that HOPE * fully establish you with I All Joy and Peace in bf.lievi.xo, iu order that you ni;iy a- BOUND in that hope, hy the Energy of the holy Spirit. l-t And I am assured, my Brethren, J even r my- self, concerning ycm, that gou also are lull 'of Good- ness, having been filkd with * All KNOWl.EDOE, being able also to admon- ish each other. 15 * But 1 have written to you, Avith more free- dom, ]vrtly as reminding you, J through that pa- yor vhich lias hen im- parted to me * from Gon, 16 ill crder to my be- ing J a public Servimtof the * Anointed Jisiis to the Gentiles, ministering the GLAD TIDI.XGSof GOI), that the oblation of the Gentiles * might become acceptable, having been sanctified by the holy Spirit. 17 I have, therefore, * cause of boasting in the Anointed Jesus, as to the THINGS pertaining to Gou. 18 For I will not pre- sume to speak anything of J what Christ did not work * Vaticaii JiAiruBCKirT.— 11. let All tbe pr,opi.i.s pniise him. 13. fully establish you with All Joy. 13. that you miiy abound -omif 14. All ksowledgk i.S. Hut I have written. 1.'). frcnn God. 16. Anointed Jesus. 16. to the Obntiles— OMit. 16. miffht beeome acceptable. 17. cause of boasting. t 10. Dcut. xxxii. 43. t 11. Psa. cxvii. 1. t 12. Isa.xi.1,10; Rev. v.-l xxii. 16. t 13. Uom. xii.l2; xiv. 17. t 14. 2 Pet. i. 12 ; 2 John ii. 21. t LV Rom. i .■>; xii 3; Gal. i. 15; Epb. iii. 7, «• t 16. Kom. xi.l3; Gal.ii.?— 9; 2 Tim i. 11; Phil. II 17. I IS. Acts xxi. 10 i Gal.ii. S- Chap. If! : 19.3 ROMANS. [Chap. IE : 77, dieses oi cniioas, ic word asd work, ty power olaigci end oinoaden, by power ofspiri* [holyjj so ihat mc from Jerusaleni cudin c circuiti £rea to the IWt/pucot/, irsTrATjpciJfcej/crt to euaYyeAjoy tou lUyricum, to have fuily set forth tho glad tidiags of the XpifTTow "''oyToi ce %ous Tav ayicoi^ ray fv 'lepbvcraKTjfi, poor ones of the esiiits of those iff Jerusaleca. ^ EvBaKr)(Tay yap, o(pet\€rai avrav ctaiv, Tbey wctc pleased for, ead debtcri oi them they are. E: yap TOIS ir'.'cvfzanKois avrtoy (Koivasynrray It lor In the cpLrttur.1 tMnga of them bccaii^e sharers ra (dy'ii, o(pciXov(n kci ey TOiS canKiKOis Aci- tho Geniilc, tney are bound eiso in the flechly thiu/;s to ren- • throngli mc, t for t)io Obedience of the Gpufiles, by Word and by Work : X by the Power of Signs and Prodi jjics ; 19 by the Energy cf iho Spirit ; so, from J em* salem, and in a Circu't its far as 1ll\'U[cum, 1 linvo fully set forth tlie Gi^r»" TIDIWGS of the AK0J^T£1>' one. ' - 20 And I was Ihtig ambi- tious to evangelize wliera Christ was not named, J so that I might not build oa Anot)i2r'6 Poundation ; 21 but as it has beeo written,-J"They BJiall see " to whom nothing was "told concerning him; and, " those who had not heard " Bliall understand." 23 Wherefore, also, J I was * frequently hindered from COMING to you. 23 But now having no longer a Place in these liEGioNS, and having fdr Many Years a Strong de« sire to comb to you. 24 whenever I may go into Spain, I hope, pass- ing through, to see you, and J to be sent forward * by you there, if hist I should be partly satisfied with your society. 25 But now J I am going to Jerusalem, ministering to the SAINTS. 26 Tor Macedonia and Achaia % were pleased to make Bome Contribution for the pooB of thosk SAINTS who are in Jerusa* lem. 27 Thev were pleased [I say,] and their Debtors they are; for if the Gkn« TILES have J participated in their si'iRitual things, X they are obligated also t■. «. I 25. Acts six. 21 ; xi-. 'ii; xz'.y. 17. : 20. I Ccr.iv;. 1, S ; J Cor. viii, 1 i jx. i 1], ; 27. l^uni.xi.17. i 27. 1 Cor. Ix. :i i GeJL vi, &. Chap. 15: 28.^. ROMANS. rovpyrjaai avrois. ^Toxno ovv tiriTeXfrras, der »ervice to them. Thit then banng honhed, hai (TcppayKTaiiifvos *[ayTOtj] tov Kapirou tov- ;.iid hiving Bellied [to them] the fruit this, TOf, aTTf\(v. is. 16. with all of you. So be it. ^ H/vKTTrjui Se vjJLiu 't>oiBriv, tt)v a5c\<\}7)v rjfiuv, I ret'ommend and to yuu Pliebe, the sister of us, ov(Tav hiaKOVov T-qs (KK\riaias tt]s ev Keyxpc- hriiig a servant of the congregation ot that in Cencbreai oij* ^ tva avTTjv Trpofrbf^rjaOe ep Kvpicp a^iws that her you may receive in Lord worthily rwv ayicov, Kai "TrapafrTrjre avrrj ev 'u> av vjxwv of (he saiota, and you may a.'dtt her in which of you 'y:)vCv Trpayfxari' Kai yap avrr} irpofTTaTis s e may need buiinetsi alio for she a p.itrone:>s roWcDU ey(Pr)dr], Kai avrov (piov, ^ Atnraaatr- uf nisny became, aud myself of me. Salute you 6c npKTKav Kai A/cuAaf , tovs avvepyovs fxov ey Prisca and Aquila, the fellow-workers of me in [aiap. 16: 3. 28 Hiivini, tlien, com- pleted this, iiiid liiiviiiL' se- cuix-d to llictii tins n.i .T, 1 will go tlirouiicli your countrv into * Spmn ; 29 jaiid I know that when 1 conic to yon, I sliall conic witli the Full- ness of the Blessing of Christ. 30 And I entreat yon, Brethren, by our Lokd Jtsns Christ, aiid by the I.OVK of the SPIRIT, I to strive together svith nie in your PRAYEBS to God on my behalf; 31 J that I may be de- livered from THOSK that OBKi' NOT in JuDKA; and that *T1IAT GIFT-BKAR- iNG of mine may be ac- ceptable to the SAINTS in Jerusalem ; 33 so that with Joy I may come to you + thnmgh the will of * God, and be refreshed together with you. 33 And J the God of PEACE be with you all. Amen. CHAPTER XVI. 1 I now recommend to you Phebe, our si.stkr, be- ing * also a Servant of the CONGREGATION iu JfCeh- chrea, 2 t that yon may receive her in the Lord, in a man- ner worthy of the SAINT^, and assist her in the Busi- ness in which she may have need of you ; for s\)e also has been an Assist- ant of Many, and especially of me. 3 Salute JPriscilla and Aquila my tellow-labo- EERs in the Anointed Je- sus. • VATTCATf MANnsrniFT.— "S. tr, them— nmtf. 2S. Sp.tin. SO. brethren— omi^ r\I. THAT GiFT-BEARi:«G of miiie may be acceptable to the .faints in .Terusalem. 32. the b'lrd Jesus. And. 32. arid mav take rest together with you — omit. 1 also u Servant. + 1. Cenchrea was the eastern seaport of Corinth, about nine miles from the city, and K'liidted OB the east side of the isthmus which joined the ^lorea to Greece. Lecheuni was I n the west side of the same isthmus, here about si.K miles wide. It was between ttiesetwo ports that the Isthmian games were celebrated, to which Paul makes so many allusions. : 29. Rom. i. 11. t 30. 2 Cor. i. 11 ; Col. iv. 12. t 31. 2 Thess. iii. 2. : 32. .^(■t.s xviii.21; 1 Cor. iv. Ifl , .lames iv. l.S. t 33. Kom. xvi. JO ; 1 Cor xiv.33! 2 On. M:i. 11; Phil, iv.9; 1 Thes!.. V. 23; 2lheps. iij.lO; Heb. xiii. 20. J 1. Aets xvm. IS. I i. Phil. ii. •» ; 8 Johu 5, a - '. .>• Acts xviii. i, IS, 20 ; 2 Tim. iv. Itt ' Chap. 16: 4 ] ROMANS. [Chap. 16: 14. Anointed Jetiit; (who on behalf of tbe lite (ttoto Joy kavrtcy Tpaxri\ot> vTreOrjKay' ols ovic tycc ( the of them elvfi neck thfy placfd under; to whom not I ixavos i\JX<3-pi'tioos rcoif fdvojv) * Kat T-rjv kut' oikov avrwv c/c«Ar)- of the Ccutiles;) nUo the id bouie ofthsm eoatre^a* fTtay. _ AcT^aa'aaOe E'raiveTov/^-Toi' aya7rr)Toy tiuQ. Salute rou E):enetus, . the bclotri ene juov, bs eCTTiy airapxv ttjs Actios (is XpiTray, orin«,who is n flrst-fruit ofthe .'-u Asia ., ialo AooinWil. * Affiraffatrde Mapia/t, ^7}ris iroWa . fKojriaffiy S.xliiteyou Mary, T^^ who "jf^* much . Inhor^J r f.s Tj/xas. J Aer-faaaaOe AvdpoviKcy Katlovvtav, /or ut. , Salut'^you 1^ An !ronic«s sad Jvoiu,. Tovs cvyyeyets fiou kui avuaixi^CiXtaTovs unv, the relativ«« of mo and ^^^ f«now-{>ri»on*rs . «j, of me, oiTiyfs ti^ ) S:Uate .natrOe Anir\iay, roy ayair-qroy fiov ty~Kvpi'^). \ynn Ainpl:at, { "> the ' . beloved one 'eftne lli X/Ord. ^ Acnratraade OvpBavov^ roy trvvepyoy ■tjficiiy tv Sal'Jteyou ^ Urbanut, -^ the feUow.workcr efu» ll> XpiiTTCD, Kat 'S.TaxyVfS TOv f a.yaifr]vov jiov. \ Anointed, and Suchys, <^y the 'f"^! beloved une — of roe. '^° Adtraaaadi A'7re\A7jv, tov SoKifiou (vKptcrrtf, {(ilote yoa . Apell««^ yj, the approved one la Aoolnted. [Acriraa-acrOi TOVS << rav Api ** AfTTrarTaa-Be AavyKpirov^ ^KiyoyTa^ ''Rpp-ay^ Silute you Ajyncritui, Phlegon, Bermat, 'SlarpoBay^ 'Ep^i?**; Kai tovs i\o\oyov Kai lovXiav, S;iluteyuu Pbilulo^u* and Julia, Nrjpea Kai Tr]u a5t\^r]u avrov, Kai OXv/nTrau, Ntiiu* »ud the si»ttr ofhiui, and Oljnipas, Kai Tovs cvu avTois wavTas ayiovs. ^*^ Acnra- aiid the with tliciu all saints. .Salute rraade a\\T]\ous ey (piX-rj/j-ari ayicp. AffiraCou- you each other with a kiss holy. Salute Tat vjnas al iKK\rj(riai iraffai rov XpKTTov. yiiu the CDnfriyatiun* all of the Anninted. ^^ HapaKako} 5e u,aas, aSeAcputy (TKOimv tovs I entreat uow you, brethren, to watch thiise ras Stx" Se Ifxas I rejoice therefore [that] in respect to you; 1 wisU but you (Tocpovs *[u(v'\ tivai eo beinrstnecttstUo (; Se €is TO KaKov. '^^O Se Q^os rrjs (ipT)V7]s butinretpecttothe evil. The and '^ud of the peace cvvrpi^^ci Tov (Tarauap xjtto tovs ttoOus vuwv fv frill crush the adversary under the feet of you in rax^i-' 'H X'^P'* '''"'^ Kvpiov rj/xcvu Irjfrov ^shjjrttime. The favor of the Lord of us Je^us *'[Xpi'rTou] p.fd' vixwif. *' KairaCovTai v/xas [Anointed] with you. Salute yuu Tiuodfos, 6 (Tvi'fpyos fJ-ovy Kai Aovkios Kai Tiuiotby, the fellow-wurker ofuie, and Lucius and laffoov Kai2,oi}(rLva-rpos, ci ffvyy^vds fxov. ^ Atr- Josoa and Sosipater, the relatives ofuie. Sa- ira^ofxai vfias eyca Teprtos, 6 ypa^as rrjv lute you 1 Tertiuii, theonehaviugwritten tUe eiricTToX-qVy eu Kvpiefi. -^ A(nra('eTai vixas letter. in Lord. Salutes you Vajos, 6 ^€vos fiov Kai rrjs €KK\-r]frias <5A,77S' liaius, the host of me and of the cuu^rej^alion whole. Xaira^eTai v/uas Epacrros, 6 oiKovo/xos . rrjs Salutes you Eraslus, the treasurer of the iroAecos, Kai Kovapros b a^(\(pos. ^^~* 'H city, and Quartus the brother. [The [Chajj. IG: 23. 15 Salute Pliilolo^rus antl Julia, Ncrcus and lin sisTEii, and Oiyiiip:is, and ALL the SAINTS witli them. IG JSaluto each other with a holy Kiss. All the CONflREGATlONS of the Anointed one saSutc you. 17 Now I entreat you. Brethren, to uatrh tiiosk who are J making fao Tioxs and laying snakes, contrai-y to tiie teach- ing which Bou have learned, and |tiu-n away from them. 18 lor SUCH LIKE ones as they are not in snhjee- tion to our Anointed Liau), but to their own | Appe- tite; and by kind and Complimentary words tLey deceive tlie ii kakts of the unsuspecting. 19 YoL'a Olicdience, in- deed, is repiirted lo all. Therefore, 1 rejoice on your account; but I wish y.m lo be Jwise with respcit to THAT which is good, and 11 A KM LESS Mith res- pect to Til AT which IS EVIL. 20 And the God of PEACE will soon bruise tlie ADVEESARY uudi r your FEET. The rAV( it ot" cur L(jRD Jesus Christ be with you. 21 J Timothy, my fel- LOW-LABOUEK, aiid J Lli- cuis, and J Jason, «i. I t Sfjsipater, my eela - TivKs, salute you. 2i3 £, Tertius, who WKOTE this LETTER, Sd- lule you in tlie Lord. 23 J Gains, the Hosru TABLE friend of me and of the whole CONGKEOATHi.N, stdutes you. % i^rustus, the TREASUBEB of the CITY, salutes you, and our UROTIIEB Quartus. • Vatican Mawuscbift.— 19. that— omit. 19. indeed — omit. 20. Anointed— tmit. 24. omit. I 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 20; 2 Cor. xiii. 12; 1 Thess. v.2«; 1 Pet. v. 14. t V- Acts xv. 1,5, 24; ITim. iv. 3. t 17. 1 Cor. v.O, 11; 2 Thess. iii. 6, 14; 2Tim. iii. 5; Titus iii. 10; 2 John 10. t IS. Phil. iii. 19; 1 Tim. vi.6. : 19. Alatt. x.lO; 1 Cor. xiv.20. t 21. Acts xvi. 1; Col. i. 1 ; Phil. ii. 19; 1 Thess. iii. 2; 1 Tim. i. 2; Heb. xiii. 23. : 21. Acts xiii. 1. 121. Acts xvii. 5. t 21. Acts xx. 4. : ii. 1 Cor. i. 14. t 2Z- AcU xix. 22 ; i Tim. iv. VO. Cha'p. IG: 24.] ROMANS, {Otap. 16: 27. 'X.O.pi^ TOV KVplOV fwor of the Lord Tj/xcov Ir]ffov Xpiorrov /xfra Jesus Aiu)intctl wuh of us nil ofu». So be it.] To him now beiug able (Trrjpi^ac Kara ro ^uayyeXiou /xov Kai you to establish .iccording to the glad lidiugs ofuia and TO Krjpvyfxa Irjcrou Xpicrrou, 'ara airoKaXv- Ihe procl.-uming ofJesua Anointed, according tD a revelaiioD ^11^ fivcrrripiov ;;^poj'0£S aiuriois ffcffiyri^fvov of a secret in time* oiages has been coucL-iiled; "'^' (pauepoiOfvros 5e y'>v, 5/a ts ypaviov pbeiic, aceurding to an appoiulwent of the agc-lii!>iini» viraKOTiV ttktti'CjJS, sis Traura ra eOrr} yvu}pi" FBOM CORINTH. 24 * [The TAVoa of out Lord Jesus Christ btj with you all. Amen.] 25 ]S'ow X to HIM who is ABLE to estahiish You a.- - cord in j^ to my glad tid- ings and the PKOCLA2;.A- TioN of Jesus Christ, a- {rrerahly to llie Ri-velafirii of the Secret, t !<■ pt C(.!i- ccaled iu the Times of tL j Ages, 2fJ but Jnow having: been' disclosed; andthroxightl.t; Prophetic Writings, ac- cording to the Appoint- ment of the AiomAN God, has been made known to AlitheNATio:NS, Jin order to the Obedience of Faith ; 27 tto tlie Wise God alone, througli Jesus Christ, to him be the gloey for the AGES. Amen. • Vatican iMAius^uin. — SuOscrtpfion — To thb RoUAitn. Wbittkw fbom Cobinth. t 25. Epli.iii. 20; 1 Xne»». ii'. -3: !? Thesa.ii. 17; iii.8; Jnde25. t 2.5. Kph.i.6; Hi. 3-5; Co!.J.27. t 25. iCor.ii.'/; tinh. in. .\ 0 : Col. i . ^C. I £0. Kph. i. i»- '2Tira. i.lO; Titnsi.2. S; t Pat, i, ^ 1 *u. .*uiu» vi.? j iiuui.i.8| XV.ld. J if. »7.iu. i. 17; vL 15 1 J ude '2i. *[nATAOT Eni2T0AH] HPOS KCPIN0IOY2 nPf.THo [op P*l'L EPIsTLE] TO COKINTUIANS HKST. FIKST TO THE COEINTIIIANS. KE*. a'. 1. ' llauXos, K\7)T0i aTToaroKos Itjctov Xpitrrov, PruI, called an npnstle ofJeiua Anoiuti* I, Sia 6e\7i/xaTos Oeou, Kai "ZwcrOivris 6 aSe\(pos, 'lirougli Hill of God, and Soatheiies the brother, ^ TT] eKKkrjcria rov 6eov rrj oi'crj? eu KopifBro, to thr con jregittiou of the God to that bein^ in Corinth, riyiacr/xeuois ev Xpicrrw lr]aov, K\r]Tois ayuis having been sanctified in Anointed Jesus, called Kaint:^ aw iracri rots firiKaXovu^yois to ovo/ia rov with all thoae cailing upon the unine of the Kvpiov Tifxav Irjirou Xpiarov ey irayTi roTV(t}, Lord of us Jesus Anointed in ever}' place, avru>u *[Te] KOt i^fxwv ^ yapis vfxiu Kai eiprjur) ofthein [bothj and of us; iavor to you and peace CTTO Oeov TTarpos tj/xwv, Kai Kvpiou Ir^aov Xpiar- from God fattier of us, anu Lord Jesii^ Anointed. Toy. "* EuXCpJtTTW TCp diCf) *[|UOv] TrafTOTC I give thanks to the God [uTme] alwayc TTfpi iifxwfy €7rt TT? x^P'-'^'' "^^v Oeov rrj ho- concerning you, for the favor of the Godforthat hav- deitrT} vpLiu fv XpifTTM Irjaov ^ on ev ircvri jng been given to you m Anointed Jesus; that ineverything €Tr\ovTi(T6r}Te ev avrcv, fu iravri Koycp icai you were enriched in hiin, in every word and •naarr) yvcDcrei, "^ [KaOws to ^apTvpiov tov Xpicr- all knowledge, (when the testimony ofthe AnoiuteJ TOV fBi^aiwdr) €V vijlli^-) ^ uxttc u/ fn/ vctc- « as conlirmed among you,) so that you not to be peiodai eu /UTjSej/t xap«(r/uaTt, a7reK5exo/^f I'Oi's inferior in any one gracious gift, waiting for T-qv arroKa\v\lHU tov Kvpiov rjficav Itjitou Xpicr- the revela'ion ofthe Lord of us Jesus Anointed; TOV ^ ds Kai liefiaicixTei vfxas ecos TeA.ovs ayey- who also will confirm you to an end irrc- K\riT0VS ev TT7 hl^fpa. TOV KvpiOV l)HOiV \ri(TOV proachable ones in the day ofthe Lord of us Jesiin XpKTTOv. ^nifTTos 6 06OS, 5i' ov fKXr]67]re Anointed. Faithful the God, through whom youwcrccalled eis KQivujuiav tov viov avTov Irjaov XpiaTov, into fellowship ofthe son of him Jesus Anointed, ^" napaKa\cv Be u/xas, aZeX- l entreat and you, brethren, (poll Bia TOV ovofjiaTOs tov Kvpiov 7]uci}t/ l■:^a^ov through the name ofthe Lord ofus Jesus TOV KVplOV l)fJiWV the Lord ofus. CHAPTER I. 1 Paul, Ja Constituted Apostle of the * Anoint ft; Jfsus, by the Will of God, and % Sosthenes, the beo- THEE, 2 to THAT CONGREGA- TION of God which js in Corintli, having been sane- tified in the Anointed Je- sus, Constituted Holy ones, with all t]io!-!». X INVOKING the NAilK of our Lord Jesus Christ iu Kvery Place, — theirs and ours; 3 X Favor and Peace be with you from God Onr Father, and the Lord Je- sus Clirist. 4 J I give thanks to God always conccrninir you, for THAT I'-AVOIi (-f God which has befu im- parted to you in the Anointed Jesus ; 5 because in every thin'j you were enriched by luin, X in Every Word, and iu AH Knowledge, 6 (i when the testi- MONY of the Anointkd was confirmed among you. ) 7 so that you are not inferior in Any. one Gilt, J waiting for the ekvkla- TiON of our Lord Jesus Christ; 8 who also will confirm you to the Knd, Irre- jiroachable in the n.>v of our Lord Jesus Anoint- ed. 9 X Faithful is Gon, by wliom you were invited into J tiie Fellowship < :' Ills son Jesus Christ, oiu- Lord. 10 Now I entreat you, Brethren, through tlic NAME of our Loed Jesus • Vatica:* MANUSCRirT.—Ti/^c— First to the Corintiiiaku. 2. both — omit. 4. of me — omit. 1. Anointed Jesu* tl. Rom. 1. 1. t 1. Acts xviii.l7. t 2. Acts ix. 11, ?: ; xxii. 16- 2 Tim ii " t 3. Kom. i.7; 2 Cor. i. 2; l>i'i. i.2; 1 I'ct. i. 2. 14. l!-i.i.S. : .5 lCor'^ii«"i Cor. viii. 7. 16. IIc'.i. ii. R, 4. t 7. V\'A ili. lU , T'.ii.s li. 13; 2 I'et i i '1 ' : 0. 1 Cor. X. 13; 1 Thess. v. '24; 3 T;:cs.s. i-.i. 3; Mob. x.-: I. ; y. John xv 4- xvii i- i io\\'\ i. 3; iv. 13. ' " ' Otap 3: 2".] I. CORINTHIANS. [CJiap 4: 8. ff^e davaros, eire ey^CTwra, etT€ ixeWovra' , or deatii, or present tliiuy 5, or beiiig about to be, irayra vtxwv *re(7Tif] -•* ufxiis 5e, XpKrrov alitbiug* ofyoii [is;) yoa anu, ot'Auoiutedi Xpicrros 5f, 6eov. KE. 5'. 4. ^ Ovrias rj/jius AuoiuteJ and, of God. 'iLi'S U3 KoyL(^efTdco avdpcoTos, a>s vTrrjp^Tas X-piarov, let regard a man, at assistants ofAuotuieu, Kai oiKovofxovs ixv(TT-ripiicv Oeov. - 'O Se \oi- anj stew.u-ds ofmysteriea of God. What but re- irov, ^r)T^LTai ev rois oikouo/j-ois, Iva tvkttos tls in:^iuiug, itiarequired in tUe stewards, tkut faitlilul oue eliuuld be found. To me butfor least thing It is, that by v/iiwy auaKpiOooy r] vivo au9pcoTrivr]s rjfiepas' you. 1 should be condemned, or by a human (^•ly « aW' ovSe efxaurov auaKpivca' ^ (oi'Sef yap k^av- but not even myself do X condemn i (nothing for in uiy- T'5> (TvvoiZa, aAA' ovk ev tovtw de^iKaiwaar) 6 Be. 1 1 am conscious, but not in this I have been jusiiiiej . J he 56 avaKpivuv i-te, Kvpios ecrriv. " 'Clare jj.7J irpo bit cuudemniug uie, Lord is. Theiefore nut before KXipOU ri KpLUiTC, €Q}S aV e/\(?7; O KUpLOS, 6s pruper season anythingj udge you, till may come the Lord, who Kai (pu)Ti(Tii ra Kpuirra rov ctkotovs, Kai biLknill biiug to light the things hidden of the dari^ness, and (^)aue:p'ji}(T€t ras ^ovXas rcvu Kdpdiwy Kai Tore -A. .1 make manifest the purposes of the hearts, and then 6 enaiuos yevqcerai eKacrrct) oto rov Oeov. the praise shall be to each oue from tlie GuJ. ^Tavra Se, a^eXcpoi, /ieTtfrxTjyuaT/iTa e:s c/j.av- Those things and, bretbren, 1 tiguratively applied to myself vou Kai AiroXkoD 5i' vfias, iva tv r,fiiv /j.aOr]T€ and Apollos on account ot you, that by us you may Learn TO /XT] vTTfp 6 yeypaiTTai (ppoveiv, Iva /J.r] (is ^hatnot above what has been nrittttu to think, so that nut cne vTTip rov kvos (pvcriovaOe Kara rov irepov. on behalf of the one you may be puffed up against the other. ' Tis yap o'e SiaKpivei. ; ri Se 6%€{s, o ovk Who for thee distinguuhes? what and hast thou, whichnot 6A.aj8es; ei Se Kai eXa^es, ri Kavxacrai thou didst receive? if and also thou didst receive, why dost thou boast US p.rj \a^03V : ^HSt] K^Kopecrfxcvoi care, tj^t] as not having received? Already having been filled you are, already eirKovrrffTare, xwpts -tjiuajv ejSacrfAei/o'are' Kai you were rich, without n» you reigned; and [)c:ith; whether Tl''iir^ ;'i\.,L'nt, or Tilings fuluro, — iill are yours; 23 ciud Jpouare Christ "a, and Christ is God's. CHAPTER IV. 1 Let a Man thus es- teem us as JWinistr-rs of Ll;ri>t, and Stewards f.f iho Mysteries of God. 2 But, moreover, it iii required in stewakds. Unit every one should be lound lanhful. 3 Therei'ore, to me it is of very little importance that 1 should be cuii- (h'lnncd by you, or by a lluaian Day otJudL'nieni ; l)( I do not eveu con- demn Jlyself; 4 (for 1 am conscious to myself of Nothinjr evil; tliouL'h I am not by tins justifkd;) but HE who JUDGES me is the Lord. 5 X Tlierefore, jud^'C you not Anything before tlie proper Time, till the Loud come, who + both wiil l)ring to light the j^kckkts of DAKKNKss, and will make manifest the puk- POSES of tiie HEAET.S ; and J then tlie praise will be to each one from God. 6 Now these things, Brethren, J I hguratively applied to myself and to Apollos on your account ; that by us you may % learii NOT to think ABO V?; v.h;;'. has been written ; that tio one of you may, on i)eiialf of the ONE, be puffed up against the other. 7 For who distinguishes Thee ? and | what hast thou which thou didst not receive ? and if thou didst receive, why dost thou boast as not having re- ceived. 8 You are already filled ! yoLiare already enriched' vou have reigned without t 23. Rom. xiv. 8; 1 Cor. xi. 3 ; 2Cor. x. 7; Gal. iii. 30. t 1. 1 Cor. iii.."j: ix. 17; 2(; r. vL 4 • Col. i. 25. t 5. Matt. vii. 1; Horn. ii. 1, 10 ; xiv. 4, lo, V'> ; llev. xx. 1 ! t 5. horn. iii. 13. : 5. Rom. ii. 29 ; 2 Cor. v 10. I 0. 1 Cor.i. I'J; iii. 4. 18 Uona. xii. 3. l^ John :. 17; 1 Pet. iv. lo. Oiap. 4:9. I. CORINTHIANS. [C/iap. 4: 17 o(p(\ov ye fPa(Ti\fv ^C^^t] 6 Ofos might reieii togiiKt-r. I lliuilc for, [th,-it] tlie God r;/i.aj- tovs airorrroXovs to";(;aTuus OTTfOfi^ev, cos ui the aposiU-a liist n-\(..,i\,, &s fiTiOayaTiovSy In dearpoy tyevr]6-^iJ.iV TCf a|i|"iiii'i--a t.> ileitb, becrwise a »|m , licle we weie iii-.ile to the KorT/j.Cf} Kai ayyi\oLS kui nvQpwKuis. ^^"HfXfLS worlJ anj iiie-.iengeri mid to men. We fi'jjpia Sia XpicTToy, v/jl^ls 5? ^,)nvtu.oi fu Xpicr- foolsonao.oinitof Aiioinied, you but wise o net in Anointed; Ty i])ji.iis crflevFis, vfins Se icryvp'H- vf.Leis we wc^ik ouee, yuu but fltr^nj^uucb^ you 6vSo|oj, 7/,ueis 8e aTiuoi. *' Aypi rrjs aori honoruL/le cne^, we but Ignob.c ones. Till the prPMrnt wpas Kai ireivwficv, Kai Sr^wix^v, Kai yvw'rirfu- Uour both we hunger, and wel..ii«.t, and we aie naked, Ofiiv, Kai KoKarptCoueOay Kai a(TraTnvae.u, ^' kui and we are be^iten, and we are honicit>5, and Koiriwiiey epyaCofxcyoi rais i^iais X*'^"^*' Aoj5o- we labor worUing with the own hands; beiu;; pov/xevoi, cvXn-vovuev ZionKOfxtvoi, ai'fxouefla' iC'viled, we bless; being poisecuted, we enduic; '"* jSAarr^^Tj/iowufj/oi, irapaKaXovfiif u>s tT^piKa- beiuu blanputuied, we exhort; a* puig.mon* dapfiara rov Korruov €yevn6~iu(v, iravTccv irept- oltho world we btc-uie, ofallllauys oll- \l/riij.a ews apTi. ^^ Ovk (fTp'Trwi/ v/xas ypa({>co till now. Not ahjjiiin^ you 1 write ravra, aW' cos tckuo. /xov a■^'a7^7JTa uovOfro). tbeiethiDgs, but aa cbildrea of me beloved 1 admouuh. '•^ YLav yap jjivpiovs Trai^a'"f-}yovs evTjre ivyLpiff- If for Diynads chiii-heu^erd you niay liAveia Auoioted^ T'- '■\ioi; €yca v/xas eyeu- [letua] through the gUd tiuiu^s I you be- vrjcra. got. "• napa\-a\£j ovv v/xas, /ii/xvrai /xov yiv^rrdf. 1 «.>hort therefore yuu, iimtators of me becoiueyou. ''^Aia TovTO (TTcurpa v/iiy Ti/xfoOrov, 6s iCTi Oi»i-oountof thia 1 ttnt to you Timothy, who is TiKvov /xov ayaTrr)Tov Kai "kkttov tv Kvpiw, 6s achild ofme beloved aud faiihful in Lord, who us! and I wish, indtcf', yoii (lid rpie;ii, tliat hf also nm^ht n ijin witli yoi;. 9 For 1 tlniik (ji n ex- hibittd 113 the ai'o.^^tlj.s + lust, as } dfvoitd to dc.itli ; X For we are made iV Sputtacie to tllC WOULD, l)oth to Aii^'ela aud to Min. 10 J Jem rare J Tools on account ol Christ , hut gou are wise in Christ; J ice are weak, but gou are stroTis:; [ouare liomrablf, but iDC arc •^d!sgr,i;( tl. 11 +'iO (lie I'UISKNT Hour we both huntci r and thirst, and are iii want of clothiiifr; we are but- fetted about, aud ai-e homeless; 12 aid I we labor, work- ing wh our own Hands. J iJtiii^ revilrd, we bless; hting persecuted. Me en- dure; 13 bein? calnmninted, we expostulate; Jve aie IxTome as flhe Purj : '( I'.s ot tlie WOULD, the Ktluse of all thing's till now. 14 I do not write these things to slinmc yn, but a.sniy beloved Chilureu I admonish you. 15 For though yo\i may have Myriads of Lcadeis in Christ, yet not Manv Fathers; for $ in Christ 2 begot you through the GLAD TIDINGS. 16 Therefore, I exhort you, to become % Imitators ofme. 17 On this account I sent to you % Timothy, \\ I 0 is my beloved and faithful Child in the lyjrd, • Vatican Makubcbipt. — 0. That omit. 15. Jesus — omit. t 9. Alhiding to those ia*< exposed on the theatre, to fight with wild beasts, or with each otber; a:ul who were devoted to certain destruction. t 10. The atimoi were held to be out'.^ws, and mipht he slain as well as ill-treated with impunity. t 18. The words perikafharitxrJa atid penpucemn are thoucrht to a'liule to those human expiatory sacrin- tes which were offered to infernal deities arnon;.: t'-'o (i'-eeks and Uomans, selected from the Lowest of the people, and loaded with curses, afi'routs and injuries while on their way to execution. t P. Rom. vlii. SO: 1 Cor. xv. 30, 31; 2 Cor. iv. 11; vi.O. I 0. ITeb. x, 39. t 10 1 Cor ii.3. I 10. Aclsxvii. 18; xxvi.2l; 1 Cor. i.18; ii. 14; iii. IS. ♦ 10. 2 Cor- xiii 9. ♦ 11. 2Cor. iv.8; xi. 23— 27; I'hil.iv. 12. I 12. Acts xviii. 3; xx. ;i4; 3 Tliess. ii.O; 2 Thess.iii.8; 1 Tim. iv. 10. t 12. Matt. v. 41; Luke XTiii.3t; Acts vii. 00- Kom. xii. 14, 20; 1 Pet. ii.23; iii.O. t 13. 4'). » 15. Acts iviii. II t J~'iC3i.l8. : 10. 1 Cor.xL 1: Phil. iii.l7; 1 Thess. i. i; 2 Thess. iu.9. t 17. ■ ..♦'. =ix. 22-, 1 Cor. xvi. 10; Pbil. "• IV Chap. 4; 18. 'j, I. CORINTHIANS. iCIiap. 5 : 5. vjxas avafxr-qfrei ras odovs fiov ras (if Xpicrrrf, you willriuiiuJ the way* ofme those in Auointed, tcadws iravraxov eu iracr-p (KKXrja-ia StSafTKOJ. eveu a» everywhere in evtiy cou^ie^auoa I teach. '** 'Hs /X.TJ epxou-^vov Be fxou irpos v/xaSy ecpvm- A» not coining but ofme to you, werepuffeJ up some. I will couie but quickly to vjiiaSy tav 6 KvpiQS QeX-qmriy Kai yvwcrofxai ov you, if the Lord should will, and IwiUkuow not T.iv Xoyov ToiV TTicpvcnoyaevwv, aWa rrjv Bvua- t..e wold of those haviugbeeu puffed up, but the power. fiiy -" ov yap ev Koytfi 7] ^aTtXeia rov Qeov, not for iu word the kiugdom oftho God, aAA.' €1/ Bvva)xei. ^^Tt 0e\6T6 ; ev ^ajSScfU eAflw but in power. What do you wuh? with a rod I shouldcome Trpos i/jxas, V ^^ ayairr] iruev/jLari t€ irpaorriTOS ; to you, or in love in a spirit and ofmeeknesk? KEO. e'. 5. ^ 0\w? aKoverai eu v/xiv vopveia. Actually is heard among you fornication, KOt Toiavrr] vopveia, rjris ovde fv rois eOueaiv^ aud luch fornication, which not even among the Gentiles, uxTTe yvvaiKa riva rov irarpos ex^ f. ^ Kot v/xfis at a wile one ot the father to have. And you ■rrf:rj>v(ria)uevoi C(TT€ ; Kai ovxt /J-aXKov eirfvOri- havmg been puffed up are ? and not rather lameuted, care, iva ap9r] eK fx^crov v/ulwu 6 to epyov so thattnisht beremovedfrom u.ia»t ofyou he the wort TOVTO TT'j' -(Tav; ^Eyco lufu yap *[ajv] airccu this haviuadoue? I indeed for [as] being absent Ty a-ccuart, irapoDV Se Ta» nvev/xaTif TjSrj KfKpiKa in the bouy, being pre.entbutin the spirit, already havejudged t' ? Traprev, rov ovtm to no Karepyarr/xivoUy * ev a. being present, him thus this having practised, in ivofxari Tov Kvpiov ?/uc5)j/ Ir/crou *[Xpf'rTov,J ofthe Lord ofus Jesus [Anointed,] T'lJ O the name (rrui'ax^^'''^""' v/xwy Kai tov ijxov Trpev/xaros.,) (having been assembled ofyou and of the uiy »pirit,) (T ju TT) Zvvaixei TOV Kvpiov Tjixwu li]V' OvK oi5aT6, 6ti fiiKpa ^ujUtj buuiing of you. Not kuow you, that a liule Uaveu 6\ou TO (pvpa/xa ^ufJ-oi ; ' EKKadapare ttju •rhoU the max Icuvcus? Cleauie out the vaKaiay Cv/xriv, iva Tjre Ufov «|)i/pa^a, Koflws • Id Uavtu, that youuiaybe a uew uiaaa, a» etrre aCv/nor Kai yap to Trafrxa ^i^cov *[u7rep joa are ualeaveiieil; even fur the pa«chi.Uumb of ua [on behalf r)iJ.wy'\ CT^^T), XptTTos. ^'n(rT6 kupra^Mjx^v, ofua] was 6lain, Auointed. Therefore let u» keep the feast^ /X7J fv Ci^/Ht; TraAttiO, /trjSe tv C^^^ut; KaKias Kai not with leaven old, nor with leaven of vice »nd TToi/ripias, oXX' (V a^v/Jiois €i\iKpivfias Kai oAtj- wickt-^nekS, but with aoLeaveaed tbinga of sincerity and of dfias. ^ Ep7av//a v/jliu €v tt; eirifTToATj, /ur; ffv- trutb. I wrote to you in the letter, not to be vavafMiyvviTBai iropvois. ^''*[Kai] ov irauTws asiociatcd with foruic;itors. [And] not altogether TOlS TTOpVOlS TOW KOa/JLOV TOVTOVj 1) TOIS irAeov" with the fomicatonoftbe world thia, or with the covetous fKTais, T) ap-rra^iu, tj eiSuXoXarpais' eTrej o(f>ei- ooes, or exturtioiiers, or idolaters; line* jrou are AeTe apa f « tou Kocrfxov f^ehOeiv. ^^ Nuvt Se bound indeed from the world to cuuie out. Now bat eypaipa v/iiv, /it; avvavaaiyvva-Qaiy eau ris, 1 wrote to you, not to be aaaoci^ted, it any one, adf\ <^ fleos Kpi- Wilhin you judge? Those but wituouttba God will »/€t ; E|apaT6 rov irouripov e^ v/u-wif avrwu. fidjef Pat out the evil one from of yourselves. KE*. j'. 6. * ToA/iO Tis u/xwy, irpayixa cxwr vpos rov Dare anyone of you, a matter having with the krfpovy KpivfcOai em ruv aSiKuv, Kai ovxi ctj other, to be judged by the unjust ones, and not by 6 X Your BOASTING is not good. Do you not know That J a Little Li a- \en feriueuta the Whole MASS. 7 t Cleanse o*at the old Leaveu, that you may bo a New Mass, as you are Un- leavened; J for even our PASCHAL Lamb, Christ, was sacrificed. 8 Therefore, let us Jkeep the festival, not with old Leaven, nor with 1 Leaven of Vice and Wirkrdnt ss, but with the Unleavened principles of Sincerity and Ti-uth. 9 In that letter I wrote to you J not to be associated with rornica- tors; — 10 in no wise with the P0BN1CATUR3 of tllis WOULD, or with the covk- tous *and Extortioners, or Idolaters, since indeed you are bound to come out from the W( kld ; — 11 but now I write to you J not to be associated with any one, named a Brother, if he be a fornica- tor, or a Covetous person, or an Idolater, or a Revile r, or a Drunkard, or an Ex- tortioner; with SUCH a person not even to eat. 12 Eorwliatisit to me tojucl;,'eTii(;sE wiTliov;? Do not gou judge luobK WITHIN? 13 But THOSE WITHOUT God will j»iv ; ^ HSij fier ovu oXoos tjt- 4>d this by unbeliever!? Already indeed then certainly • TrjytiO vfxiv ecTTiPf on Kpiuara exere fied' eavTwif. fault to you it is, that law-saits you have with yourselves. AioTt ovxi fiaXXoy a^iKGitrde ; Ziari oux* /*a\- Why not rather suffer injustice? why not rather Kov aTroffTep^icrOe : ^ AWa v/xsls aSiKftre, Kai be defrauded? But you injure, and 07ro(TT€p€tT6, Kai TavTU a^eXcpovs. ' H ovk defraud, and these things brethren. Or Dot ofSare, on oSifcot Beov fiacriX^iav ov K\T]povo- know you, that uujust ones of God a kingdom not shallin- H7]crovov ra fi^Kr} oK^mhera of Acoiated i»? HaTlnj taken aWay thfo the member* rov KpiCTOV., voi7}(Toy nopvrji fifKrj ; Mt7 y^voi- ofthe Anointed, ahall I oialie of an harlot uieiuOers* Not letit TO. "• H OVK OtSoTf, 6ri & KoWoifXfUOS TT} be. Or not know you, th«t the one betng joined to the TTopvr], fU accfj-a etrriv ; ( frrovrat yap^ <^r](Tiv, harlot, one body n? (ihrytballbe fur, ttaaya, ol Swo €«s aapKa fiiav) '' 6 5e KoWwfXfuos rus the two for flesh ooci) tliebut one being joined to the Kvpi(iy, fv 'TTuevfia icrri ; '^^'euyere rT]V vop- Lord, one (pirit \%; Flee you the for- Vfiav. Tlav Ufiapryjixa & tau iroiTjfTj; avOpuiroSj nicalion. AH aiot which if may do a man, fKTOs rov (r, lornicatioat each man the of himaelf wife lew bavCf Kai (Kaa-Tij Totf iSiov avBpa cxeTw. ^Tt; yv- and each woman the own busbaud let have. To th« wife vaiKi 6 avrip T7)v o^6t\Tjv airoSiSoTW SpLotcosSf the hubband the debt let render; inlikemanaerand Kai 7} ywTj rep avSpi. '^'H yvvrj rov tStov also the wife to the husband. The wife of the own frwpLarosovK i^ovfTia^siy aW' 6 avTjp' opiotcDS body not controls, but the husband; in like manner Se Kai 6 avrjp rov iBiou aoop-aros ovk e^ovcia^eiy and also the husband the own body not controls, oW ■}} yvvt], ^ Mtj aTro(rrep€ire aW-qXovs, but the wife. Not do you deprive each other, 6i piriTi av (K (Tvpcpuvov irpos Kaipov, iva t not from agreement for a season, so that (TXoXaariTe rj) irpoa-evx})' Kai iraXiv ewi to you may be at )eisnrefor the prayer; and again to the avTO 7;t€, iua H7] Treipa^rj vfxas 6 aaravas same yon may be,90 that not may tempt you the adversary ha rr)p aKpamav *\y(xuiv.^ ^Touto Se Ae7a> through the iDcooiinence [of you.] This but I say Kara (Tvy^vca/jLepf ov kct' eirira'v7]p. ^©eAoj at aconcesbion^ not as an injunction. 1 wi»h yap wavras avdpcoirovs fivai 005 Kai efiavrov for all men to be a* even myself; oAA' fKaiTTos iSiov ex^* x^P^^j"** *'<^ 0eou, 6s but each own has gift from God, one pL€V ourco^, 6s 8f OUT' :. ^ Acyco 5e tois aya- indeed eo, another and »o. 1 say but to the on- pois Kai rais XVP^^^' KaKov avTois, eav /neivca- marnedand to the widows; good for them, if they should oriv bos Kayw 'et Se ovk eyKparevoi'rai, remain as even I; if but not they possess self-control, yaiJi.T], OVK €7tt), aA\* 6 Kvpios, yvvaiKa airo not I, but the Lord, a wife from av'Bpos jixt; x^P^'^^V^'^h '^ {eav Se Kai x^P'-^' an husband not to be separated, (if but even she should be with a Price ; glorify God, tbeu, in your body. CHAPTER Yll. 1 Now eonceming the things of which you wrote ; —X It is well ioi a Man not to touch a Womiin. 2 But on account o\ FOKJficATioNs, let eoch man have a Wife of his OWN, and »et each vronidn have her own Husband. 3 +Lek the husba5d render to the wira the conjugal OBLIGATION ; and in hke manner alsti, the TVIFK to the HUSBAND. 4 The WIFE controla not ber own Body, but the HUSBAND ; aiid in like manner also, the nrs- BAND controla not his owjM Body, but the wife. & J Do not deprive each other, unless by agreement for a Season, that you may have leisure for prayer; and again yon should »e- UNITE, so that the ad"ver- SAEY may not tempt you through your inconti- nence. 6 But this I say as a Concession — not as an In- junction. 7 For I wish All Men to he even as myself; but each one has his apprc^ priate Gift from God ; one, indeed, of one kind, and another of another. 8 To the UNMAREIFD men, however, and to the WIDOWS, I say, It is wdl for them, if they should remain even as 5 do ; 9 Xbnt if they do not possess self-control, let them marry ; for it is bet- ter to have married, than to be inflamed. 10 And to the married it is not I, but the Lord who commands, that a Wife must not be separa- ted from her Husband ; — 11 but, if she should • Vatican MAHuacBifT.— 1. tome— w»t^ 6. of you— omi^ t 1 ver. 8, 26. t 3. Exod. xxi. 10; 1 Pet. iii. 7. . t 5. Joel ii. 16; Zeeh. Tii. & S«e Exod. xix. 15i 1 Sam. xxi. 4, 5. t 0. 1 Xim. V. 14. Chap. 7: 12.] T. CORINTHIANS. ICfiap. 7: 18. Sr). fisv^Tco ayauos, rj rcfi av^pt KaraWa- •eparated, let bet remua uumu^ieiL or to thebiub&nd let bat ore- 777x0?-) Kai ap^pa yvvaiKU fxri ainu8. To tkc Se XoiTTois €70) Xfyca, ovx ^ Kvptoi* eiTts iiu*. remainiug tbinga 1 i^ak, nut tbe Luril, it tu/ a5f\)« b.'ta an uDbeliever and >he tUiaka «r