DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY DRANT EDRIDGE DICTIONARY OF EDITED BY LESLIE STEPHEN VOL. XVI. DRANT EDRIDGE MACMILLAN AND CO. LONDON : SMITH, ELDER, & CO. 1888 DPi 18 V-lfe LIST OF WEITEES IN THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME. 0. A OSMUND AIRY. J. G. A. . . J. G. ALGER. T. A. A. . . T. A. ARCHER. G. F. E. B. G-. F. BUSSELL BARKER. T. B THOMAS BAYNE. W. B THE KEV. WILLIAM BENHAM, B.D., F.S.A. Gr. T. B. . . G-. T. BETTANY. A. C. B. . . A. C. BICKLEY. B. H. B. . . THE EEV. B. H. BLACKER. W. Gr. B. . . THE KEV. PROFESSOR BLAIKIE, D.D. G. C. B. . . G. C. BOASE. Gf. S. B. . . G-. S. BOULGER. A. H. B. . . A. H. BULLEN. E. C-N. . . . EDWIN CANNAN. H. M. C. . . H. MANNERS CHICHESTER. A. M. C. . . Miss A. M. CLERKE. T. C. .... THOMPSON COOPER, F.S.A. . W. P. C. . . W. P. COURTNEY. L. C LIONEL GUST. E. W. D. . THE EEV. CANON DIXON. B. D EGBERT DUNLOP. J. W. E. . . THE EEV. J. W. EBSWORTH, F.S.A. F. E FRANCIS ESPINASSE. 0. F Louis FAGAN. 1 H. F. . . C. H. FIRTH. I". Gr. F. . . J. G-. FOTHERINGHAM. W. H. F. . THE HON. AND EEV. CANON FRE- MANTLE. E. Gf ElCHARD GARNET!, LL.D. J. W.-G. . . J. WESTBY-GIBSON, LL.D. Gf. Gr GfoRDON GOODWIN. A. G THE EEV. ALEXANDER GORDON. E. E. G. . . E. E. GRAVES. W. A. G. . W. A. GREENHILL, M.D. J. A. H. . . J. A. HAMILTON. T. H THE EEV. THOMAS HAMILTON, D.D. W. J. H. . . PROFESSOR W. JEROME HARRISON. T. F. H. . . T. F. HENDERSON. G. J. H. . . G. J. HOLYOAKE. J. H Miss JENNETT HUMPHREYS. E. H-T. . . THE LATE EGBERT HUNT, F.E.S. W. H. ... THE EEV. WILLIAM HUNT. B. D. J. . . B. D. JACKSON. A. J THE EEV. AUGUSTUS JESSOPP, D.D. J. K. L. . . PROFESSOR J. K. LAUGHTON. S. L. L. . . S. L. LEE. H. E. L. . . THE EEV. H. E. LUARD, D.D. G. P. M. . . G. P. MACDONELL. M. M. ... JENEAS MACKAY, LL.D. J. A. F. M. J. A. FULLER MAITLAND. C. T. M. . C. TRICE MARTIN, F.S.A. F. T. M. . . F. T. MARZIALS. C. M COSMO MONKHOUSE. VI List of Writers. KM NORMAN MOORE, M.D. W. B. S. . . W. BARCLAY SQUIRE. A. N R B 0*B ALBERT NICHOLSON. E BARRY O'BRIEN. L. S. H. M. S. . . LESLIE STEPHEN. . H. MORSE STEPHENS. T 0 THE REV. THOMAS OLDEN. C. W. S. . . C. W. BUTTON N. D. F. P. N. D. F. PEARCE. H. E. T. . . H. E. TEDDER. G. G. P. . . N. P THE REV. CANON PERRY. THE REV. NICHOLAS POCOCK. T. F. T. . E. V. . . . . PROFESSOR T. F. TOUT. . THE EEV. CANON VENABLES. B. L. P. . . R. L. POOLE. R H V. . . LlEUT.-CoLONEL VETCH E E S.L.-P. . . J. M. R. . . W. E STANLEY LANE-POOLE. J. M. EIGG. WILLIAM EGBERTS A. V. M. G. W. F W T . ALSAGER VIAN. . THE REV. M. G. WATKINS. C. J. E. . . L. C. S. . . G. B. S. . . EEV. C. J. ROBINSON. LLOYD C. SANDERS. G. BARNETT SMITH. C. W-H. . W. W. . . . CHARLES WELCH. . WARWICK WROTH. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Drant Drant DRANT, THOMAS (d. 1578?), divine and poet, son of Thomas Drant, was born at Hagworthingham in Lincolnshire ; matricu- lated as pensioner of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, 18 March 1558,proceededB. A. 1560-1, was admitted fellow of his college 21 March 1560-1, and commenced M.A. 1564. On the occasion of Queen Elizabeth's visit to the university in August 1564 he composed copies of English, Latin, and Greek verses, which he presented to her majesty. At the commencement in 1565 he performed a public exercise (printed in his ' Medicinable Mo- rall ') on the theme ' Corpus Christi non est ubique.' He was domestic chaplain to Grin- dal, who procured for him the post of divinity reader at St. Paul's. In 1569 he proceeded B.D., and on 28 July in that year he was admitted by Grindal's influence to the pre- bend of Chamberlainwood in the church of St. Paul's. On 8 Jan. 1569-70 he preached before the court at Windsor, strongly rebuk- ing vanity of attire. He was admitted to the prebend of Firles in the church of Chichester 21 Jan. 1569-70, to the rectory of Slinfold in Sussex 31 Jan., and to the archdeaconry of Lewes 27 Feb. On Easter Tuesday 1570 he preached a sermon at St. Mary Spital, London, denouncing the sensuality of the citizens ; and he preached another sermon at the same place on Easter Tuesday 1572. He had some dispute with Dr. William Overton, treasurer of the church of Chichester, and afterwards bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, whom he accused in the pulpit of pride, hypocrisy, ignorance, &c. He is supposed to have died about 17 April 1578, as the archdeaconry of Lewes was vacant • at that late. Drant is the author of : 1. ' Impii cuius- lam Epigrammatis qvod edidit Richardus Shacklockus . . . Apomaxis. Also certayne VOL. XVI. H of the special! articles of the Epigramme, re- futed in Englyshe,' 1565, 4to, Latin and Eng- lish. 2. ' A Medicinable Morall, that is, the two Bookes of Horace his Satyres Eng- lyshed. . . . The wailyngs of the prophet Hieremiah, done into Englyshe verse. Also epigrammes,' 1566, 4to. Some copies have at the back of the title a dedicatory inscrip- tion, ' To the Right Honorable iny Lady Bacon, and my Lady Cicell, sisters, fauourers of learnyng and vertue.' The rhymed trans- lation of Horace's satires is wholly devoid of grace or polish. Among the miscellaneous pieces that follow the translation of Jere- miah are the English and Latin verses that Drant presented to the queen on her visit to Cambridge in 1564, English verses to the Earl of Leicester, and Latin verses to Chan- cellor Cecil. In 1567 appeared : 3. ' Horace his arte of Poetrie, pistles, and Satyrs, Eng- lished and to the Earle of Ormounte, by Tho. Drant, addressed,' 4to. Drant found the labour of translating Horace difficult, for in the preface he writes : ' I can soner trans- late twelve verses out of the Greeke Homer than sixe oute of Horace.' 4. ' Greg. Nazian- zen his Epigrams and Spiritual Sentences,' 1568, 8vo. 5. ' Two Sermons preached, the one at S. Maries Spittle on Tuesday in Easter weeke 1570, and the other at the Court of Windsor . . . the viij of January . . . 1569.' n. d. [1570?], 8vo. 6. 'A fruitful and neces- sary Sermon specially concernyng almes gev- ing,' n. d. [1572 ?], 8vo, preached at St. Mary Spittle on Easter Tuesday 1572. 7. 'In Solomonis regis Ecclesiastem . . . paraphrasis poetica,' 1572, 4to, dedicated to Sir Thomas Heneage. 8. ' Thomse Drantae Angli Ad- vordingamii Prsesul. Ejusdem Sylva,' 4to, undated, but published not earlier than 1576, for it is dedicated ' Edmvndo Grindallo Can- tuario Archiprsesuli,' and in 1576 Grindal Drapentier - was appointed to the see of Canterbury. In the British Museum is preserved Queen Elizabeth's presentation copy, with manu- script dedicatory verses (on the fly-leaf), in •which Drant speaks of an unpublished trans- lation of the Book of Job : — once did I with min hand Job mine thee give in low and loyal wise. In ' Sylva ' (pp. 79-80) is a copy of verses headed ' De seipso,' in which, he observes — Sat vultu laudandus eram, flavusque comarum ; Corpore concrevi, turbae numerandus obesse. There are Latin verses to Queen Elizabeth, Grindal, Parker, Lord Buckhurst, and others, and on pp. 85-6 are verses in Drant's praise by James Sandford in Greek, Latin, Italian, and French. Commendatory Latin verses by Drant are prefixed to Foxe's ' Acts and Monuments,' 1570; Sadler's translation of Vegetius's ' Tactics,' 1572 ; Carter's annota- tions to Seton's ' Dialectica,' 1574 ; Alexan- der Neville's ' Kettus,' 1575 ; Llodowick Lloyd's ' Pilgrimage of Princes,' n. d. He has a copy of English verses before Peterson's ' Galateo,' 1576. In the correspondence of Spenser and Gabriel Harvey allusion is made to Drant's rules and precepts for versification. ' I would heartily wish,' writes Spenser to j Harvey in 1580, ' you would either send me I the rules and precepts of arte, which you obserue in quantities, or else folio we mine that M. Philip Sidney gaue me, being the very same which M. Drant deuised, but en- ' larged with M. Sidney's own iudgement, and , augmented with my obseruations ' (HARVEY, Works, ed. Grosart, i. 36). In ' Pierces Su- pererogation' Harvey uses the expression 'Dranting of verses' (ib. ii. 131). Drant's unpublished works included a translation of the ' Iliad,' as far as the fifth book, a trans- ' lation of the Psalms, and the 'Book of Solo- mons Prouerbs, Epigrames, and Sentences ' spirituall,' licensed for press in 1567. Ex- I tracts from sermons that he preached at ' Chichester and St. Giles, Cripplegate, are I preserved in Lansdowne MS. 110. Tanner I ascribes to him ' Poemata varia et externa, Paris, 15 . . ., 4to.' [Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigienses ; Strype's Annals, ii. 2, 379-80 (1824); Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), pp. 654, 858, &c. ; Nichols's Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, iii. 36-8 ; Corser's Collectanea ; Riteon's Bibliographia Poetica ; Drant's Works.] A. H. B. DRAPENTIER, JAN (/. 1674-1713), engraver, was the son of D. Drapentier or Drappentier, a native of Dordrecht, who en- graved some medals commemorative of the great events connected with the reign of Draper William and Mary, and also a print with the arms of the governors of Dordrecht, published by Balen in his 'Beschryving van Dordrecht' (1677). Jan Drapentier seems to have come to England and worked as an engraver of portraits and frontispieces for the booksellers. These, which are of no very great merit, in- clude portraits of William Hooper (1674), Sir James Dyer (1675), Richard Baxter, the Earl of Athlone, Viscount Dundee, Dr. Sacheverell, the seven bishops, and others. He is probably identical with the Johannes Drapentier who by his wife, Dorothea Tucker, was father of a son Johannes, baptised at the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, on 7 Oct. 1694. He was largely employed in engrav- ing views of the country seats of the gentry, &c., in Hertfordshire for Chauncy's history of that county (published in 1700). Later in life he seems to have returned to Dor- drecht, where a Jan Drapentier became en- graver to the mint, and engraved several medals commemorative of the peace of Rys- wick and other important events down to the treaty of Utrecht in 1713. He also engraved an allegorical broadside commemorating the latter event. An engraving of the House of Commons in 1690 is signed ' F. Drapentier sculpsit.' [Strutt'sDict. of Engravers ; Franks and Grue- ber's Medallic History of England; Kramm's Levens en Werken der Hollandsche Kunstschil- ders ; Moens's Registers of the Dutch Church, Austin Friars ; Bromley's Cat. of Engraved Bri- tish Portraits ; Lowndes's Bibl. Man.] L. C. DRAPER, EDWARD ALURED (1776- 1841), colonel, a cousin of General Sir Wil- liam Draper [q. v.], was born at Werton, Ox- fordshire, 22 Oct. 1776, and was educated at Eton, where he displayed abilities. While at Eton he was made a page of honour to George III, and seems to have acquired the lasting friendship of the king's sons. He was appointed ensign in the 3rd foot guards in 1794, and became a lieutenant and captain in 1796. He served with his regiment in Holland and Egypt. As a brevet-major he accompanied Lieutenant-general Grinfield to the West In- dies as military secretary in 1802, and brought home the despatches after the capture of St. Lucia in 1803, receiving the customary step and gratuity of 500/. Early in 1806 Sir Thomas Picton, then a brigadier-general, was brought to trial for acts of cruelty alleged to have been committed during his brief govern- ment of the island of Trinidad. Draper, who had known Picton in the West Indies, brought out an ' Address to the British Public ' (Lon- don, 1806), in which, with much irrelevant detail, he broadly charged the commissioners of inquiry in Picton's case, Colonel Joseph Draper Fullarton, F.R.S., and the Right Hon. John Sullivan,with wilful and corrupt misrepresen- tation, upon which the latter filed a criminal information against Draper for libel. Draper was convicted before the court of king's bench and was sentenced to and underwent three months' imprisonment , which drew forth much sympathy from his friends, the first to visit him after his arrival in Newgate being the Prince of Wales, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor. Draper served with his battalion in the Walcheren expedition, but was afterwards compelled by pecuniary difficulties to sell his commission, despite the efforts of his friends to save it. In 1813 he was appointed chief secretary in the island of Bourbon (Reunion), and virtually administered the government during the temporary suspension of the acting governor, Colonel Keating. When Bourbon reverted to France, Draper was removed to Mauritius, and held various posts, as chief commissioner of police, acting colonial secre- tary, acting collector of customs, civil engi- neer and surveyor-general, registrar of slaves, stipendiary magistrate of Port Louis, and treasurer and paymaster-general. On one oc- casion his independent line of action dis- pleased the governor, General Hall, who sus- pended him, but on the case being referred home, Draper was reinstated and Hall re- called. In 1832, during the government of Sir Charles Colville, a new difficulty arose. The home government desired the appoint- ment of Mr. Jeremie to the office of pro- cureur-general. The appointment was repu- diated by the whole of the inhabitants. A question then arosebefore the council, of which Draper was a member, whether Jeremie should be upheld in his appointment or sent home. Draper took the popular side, and became the leader of the opposition party, to which Governor Colville gave way, and ordered Jeremie home. Before the latter returned again, Draper had been ordered by the home government to be dismissed from his appoint- ments. He returned to England, and after an interview with William IV was awarded a pension of 5001. a year until another appoint- ment could be found for him in Mauritius. Soon after he was appointed joint stipendiary of Port Louis, and later colonial treasurer and paymaster-general, which post he held up to his death, 22 April 1841. Draper was a man of agreeable manners, and, apart from the powerful interest he ap- pears to have had at home, was a popular official. In his young days he was known in racing circles as a gentleman rider, and he inaugurated racing in Mauritius. In 1822 he married Mile. Krivelt, a Creole lady, by whom he had several children, two of whom, a j Draper son, afterwards in the colonial service, and a daughter, married to the late General Brooke, son of Sir Richard Brooke, bart., survived him. [A very florid biographical notice of Draper appeared in Gent. Mag. new ser. xvi. 543 ; Draper's Address to the British Public (London, 1806), and some remarks on his case appended to the Case of P. Finnerty (London, 1811), may be consulted; also Parl. Papers, Eeps. 1826, iii. 87, 1826-7, vi. 287, containing evidence on the state of affairs which led up to the Jeremie dispute. Some ex parte pamphlets relating to the latter are in Brit. Mus. Cat. under ' Jeremie, John, the younger.'] H. M. C. DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM, M.D., LL.D. (1811-1882), chemist, born at St. Helen's, near Liverpool, on 5 May 1811, was educated at Woodhouse Grove School. Here he showed scientific tastes, and, after some instruction from a private teacher, he com- pleted his studies at University College, London. Shortly after attaining his majority Draper emigrated to the United States (in 1833), whither several members of his family had preceded him. He studied at the uni- versity of Pennsylvania, where he took the degree of doctor of medicine in 1836, pre- senting as his thesis an essay on ' The Crys- tallisation of Camphor under the Influence of Light.' Draper contributed several papers on physiological problems to the ' American Journal of Medical Sciences,' which led to his appointment in 1836 as professor of che- mistry and physiology at Hampden Sidney College, Virginia. Here his capabilities for original scientific research found full play, and the publication of his results brought him the offer of the professorship of chemistry and physiology in the university of New York, a post which he accepted in 1839. In 1841 he took an active part in organising a medical department in connection with the university, acting as secretary until I860, when he suc- ceeded Dr. Valentine Mott as president, an office which he held till 1873. Draper married young ; he had three sons and three daughters. Of his sons Henry Draper (b. 1837) became famous as an astro- nomer and spectroscopist, and John Christo- pher Draper attained equal celebrity for hi» researches in physiology. Their father spent the latter part of his life in a quiet retreat at Hastings, on the Hudson, a few miles from New York city. He died on 4 Jan. 1882, and was buried in Greenwood cemetery f Long Island. Draper distinguished himself in the depart- ments of molecular physics, of physiology, and of chemistry. The results of his work appeared mainly in the ' American Journal Draper Draper of Science,' the 'Journal of the Franklin Institute,' and the ' Philosophical Magazine.' His principal papers were devoted to inves- tigations concerning the phenomena of light and heat, and these their author collected and republished in one volume in 1878 under the title of ' Scientific Memoirs, being expe- rimental contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy.' In 1835 he published ac- curate experiments showing that Mrs. Somer- ville and others were incorrect in their sup- position that, steel can be magnetised by exposure to violet light. In 1837 he com- menced a series of researches upon the nature of the rays of light in the spectrum. Using the then little-known spectroscope, Draper showed first that all solids become self-luminous at a temperature of 977° F., and that they then yield a continuous spec- trum ; and that as the temperature of the body rises it emits more refrangible rays, the in- tensity of the rays previously emitted also increasing. In 1843 Draper photographed the dark lines in the solar spectrum, and in 1857 he showed the superiority of diffraction over prismatic spectra. He devoted special | energy to the study of the ultra-violet, or, as j he styled them, tithonic rays, showing the presence of absorptive bands in them, as well as in the ultra-red rays. His latest papers — ' On the Distribution of Heat and of Che- | mical Force in the Spectrum' — which ap- j peared in the ' Philosophical Magazine ' for ; 1872, may be considered as a summary of his views on the subject. His conclusions | that ' every radiation can produce some spe- cific effect,' and that it is a misnomer to limit the term of ' chemical rays ' to those at the violet end of the spectrum, for ' we must ' consider the nature of the substance acted ! upon as well as the light,' are now generally accepted. In 1839 Draper obtained portraits, for the first time,by the daguerreotype process. Early in 1840 Draper succeeded in taking the first photograph of the moon ; ' the time occupied was twenty minutes, and the size of the figure about one inch in diameter.' In 1851 he se- cured phosphorescent images of the moon. To measure the chemical intensity of light Draper devised in 1843 a chlor-hvdrogen photometer, an instrument which was sub- sequently perfected and employed by Bunsen and Roscoe. Draper was among the first, if not the first, to obtain photographs of micro- scopic objects by combining the camera with the microscope. He used daguerreotypes ob- tained in this way to illustrate his lectures on physiology given at the university of New York between 1845 and 1850. Draper ap- plied his studies on capillary attraction to explain the motion of the sap in plants, and between 1834 and 1856 he published several papers upon this and kindred subjects, in- cluding the passage of gases through liquids, the circulation of the blood, &c. In 1844 and 1845 Draper carefully studied the elemen- tary body chlorine, showing that it existed in two states — active and passive — and ex- amining the action of light upon it and its compound with silver (silver chloride). The action of light upon plants formed the sub- ject of another research (1843), and Draper showed that it was the yellow rays which were chiefly instrumental in the production of chlorophyll. Besides these detached ' Me- moirs,' Draper wrote two valued text-books of science, a 'Text-book of Chemistry '(1846), and a ' Human Physiology ' (1856), each of which passed through several editions. In 1875 the American Academy of Arts and Sciences gave Draper the Rumford medal for his ' Researches in Radiant Energy,' the president justly declaring him to have taken ' a prominent rank in the advance of science throughout the world.' Draper was led, as he declares, by his physiological studies, to apply to nations the same laws of growth and development, presenting the results in his ' History of the Intellectual Development of Europe ' (1862), a book which has been translated into many languages. Another work which has been highly praised for its impartiality and philosophical elevation is Draper's ' History of the American Civil War,' published 1867-70. In 1874 Draper wrote the ' History of the Conflict between Science and Religion,' to which Professor Tyndall wrote the preface. By many Draper has been regarded as a materialist, but he was a theist and a firm believer in a future state. In the Royal Society's ' Catalogue of Scien- tific Papers ' Draper's name is appended to fifty-one, besides three written in conjunc- tion with W. M. Higgins. [American Journal of Science, February 1882 ; Scientific American (with portrait), 14 Jan. 1882 ; Nature, 19 Jan. 1882; Eeport of the Rumford Committee of the American Academy of Art sand Sciences, 1876.] "W. J. H. DRAPER, SIK WILLIAM (1721-1787), lieutenant-general, was born in 1721 at Bris- tol, where his father, Inglebv Draper, was an officer of customs, According to Granger, his grandfather was William Draper of Bes- wick, near Beverley, a famous Yorkshire fox- hunting squire, noticed in ' Biog. Hist .' iii. 239. His uncle, Charles Draper, was a captain of dragoons (Gent. Mag. Ixiv. (ii.) 860). He was sent to Bristol grammar school under the Rev. Mr. Bryant, and was afterwards at Draper Eton, scholar of King's College, Cambridge, 1740, where he took his B.A. degree in 1744, and subsequently a fellow of his college, and M.A. 1749. Meanwhile, instead of taking holy orders as his friends had intended, he obtained an ensigncy in a regiment of foot then commanded by Lord Henry Beauclerk (afterwards 48th foot, now 1st Northamp- ton), on 26 March 1744 (Home Off. Mil. Entry Book, xvii. 466). Beauclerk's regi- ment, of which Henry Seymour Conway [q. v.j was afterwards colonel, was present at Culloden 16 April 1746, and on 21 May fol- lowing Draper was appointed adjutant of one of the battalions of the Duke of Cumberland's own regiment, 1st foot guards, in which at first he held no other rank (ib. xx. 249). He went to Flanders with the 2nd battalion 1st guards in January 1747 (HAMILTON, Hist. Cfren. Guards, ii. 141), and became lieutenant and captain in the regiment 29 April 1749 (ib. app. vol. iii.) He appears at one time to have been aide-de-camp to the second Duke of Marlborough when master-general of the ordnance (Gent. Mag. xxvi. 44), and on 23 Feb. 1756 married his first wife, Caro- line, second daughter of Lord William Beau- clerk, brother of his old colonel and son of the first Duke of St. Albans (ib. xxvi. 91). On 14 Nov. 1757 Draper, still a lieutenant and captain Istfootguards, was commissioned as lieutenant-colonel commandant to raise a regiment of foot a thousand strong for ser- vice in the East Indies. The regiment took rank as the 79th foot, but in an early impres- sion of the army list for 1758 figures wrongly as the 64th. The rendezvous was at Col- chester. The regiment was partly formed of companies drafted entire from the 4th, 8th, and 24th foot, and the authorities appear to have considered the old-fashioned wooden ramrods good enough for it, in place of steel (see War Office Marching Books and War- rant Books, under date). Draper arrived at Madras with the regiment, which lost fifty men by ' Brest fever ' (ship-typhus) on the way out, in the Pitt Indiaman on 14 Sept. 1758 (OKME, ii. 368), and at its head re- peatedly distinguished himself during the siege of Fort St. George from November 1758 to January 1759 (ib. pp. 390-459). When Stringer Lawrence resigned on account of ill-health in February 1759, the command of the troops in Madras devolved on Draper, who was too ill to take it up, and returned home soon afterwards (ib. ii. 463). Early in 1760 Draper was appointed deputy quarter- master-general of a projected secret expedi- tion under Major-general Kingsley (Home Off. Mil. Entry Book, xxvi. 5). The expedi- tion was originally intended to proceed to 5 Draper Mauritius and Bourbon (Reunion), but this was changed, and it was secretly instructed to rendezvous at Quiberon for an attack on the fortress of Belle Isle, on the coast of Brittany. Various circumstances, including the death of the king, delayed the operations, and on 13 Dec. 1760 the authorities, as the season was so far advanced, ordered the troops, which had been long on board ship at Spit- head, to be relanded (BEATSON, Nav. and Mil. Memoirs, ii. 420, iii. 167 n.) Draper held no rank in the expedition which cap- i tured Belle Isle the year after. He was pro- moted colonel 19 Feb. 1762, and in June that year again arrived at Madras with the rank of brigadier-general, in the Argo frigate, to assume command of an expedition against 1 Manilla. His original instructions are pre- served among Lord Leconfield's manuscripts, and are printed at length in ' Hist. MSS. Comm.' 7th Rep. 316 et seq. Under Draper and Admiral Cornish the expedition appeared off Manilla unexpectedly 25 Sept. 1762. A landing was effected with great difficulty owing to the advanced season, and on 6 Oct. 1762 the place was carried by assault with comparatively little opposition, the victors accepting bills on Madrid for a million ster- ling in lieu of pillage (BEATSON, ii. 496- 515, iii. 185 n.) Draper returned home at once and presented the Spanish standards to his old college. On Wednesday, 4 May 1763, 'the Spanish standards taken at Manilla by General Draper, late fellow, were carried in procession to King's College chapel by the scholars of the college. A Te Deum was sung, and the Rev. W. Barford, fellow and public orator, delivered a Latin oration. The flags were placed on either side of the altar- rails, but were afterwards removed to the organ-screen ' (CoopEK, Annals of Cambridge, iv. 327). The state of affairs at Manilla after Draper's departure is detailed in ' Calendar Home Off. Papers,' 1760-5, pp. 584-9. The Spanish court refusing to recognise the treaty, Draper strongly urged the government to in- sist on payment of the ransom, his share of which amounted to 25,000£ He published his views in a pamphlet entitled ' Colonel Draper's Answer to the Spanish Arguments claiming the Galleon and refusing Payment of the Manilla Ransom from Pillage and De- struction ' (London, 1764). But the govern- ment were not in a position to press the matter, and Draper, recognising the hope- lessness of the case, let it drop. He was ap- pointed lieutenant-governor of Great Yar- mouth, a post worth 150/. a year, and on 13 March 1765 was appointed colonel of the 16th foot, his old corps, the 79th, having ceased to exist. On 4 March 1766 he received Draper permission to exchange with Colonel Gisborne to the Irish half-pay of the late 121st (king's royal volunteers), a" brief-lived regiment of foot lately disbanded in Ireland, and to re- tain his lieutenant-governorship on the Eng- lish establishment as well (see Calendar Home Off. Papers, 1766-9, pars. 96, 136). He was made K.B. the same year. On 21 Jan. 1769 appeared in the ' Public Advertiser ' the first of the famous letters of Junius, contain- ing an attack on various high personages, and among others on the Marquis of Granby, then commander-in-chief. Draper, who appears to have been rather vain of his scholarship, and claimed ' very long, uninterrupted, and inti- mate friendship ' with Granby, replied in a letter dated 26 Jan. 1769, defending Granby against the aspersions of his anonymous as- sailant. Junius retorted with sarcasms on Draper's tacit renunciation of the Manilla claims, and on his exchange with Colonel Gisborne, the latter, an everyday transaction, being represented as ' unprecedented among soldiers.' 'By what accident,' asked Junius, ' did it happen that in the midst of all this bustle and all these claims for justice to your injured troops, the name of the Manilla ran- som was buried in a profound, and since then an uninterrupted silence ? Did the ministers suggest any motive powerful enough to tempt a man of honour to desert and betray his fel- low-soldiers ? Was it the blushing ribbon which is now the perpetual ornament of your person ? or was it the regiment which you afterwards (a thing unprecedented among soldiers) sold to Colonel Gisborne ? or was it the governorship, the full pay cf which you are content to hold with the half-pay of an Irish colonel ? ' (Jtrinus, second letter). Draper in reply stated that in September 1768 he and Admiral Sir S.Cornish had waited on Lord Shelburne in respect of the Manilla claims, and had been frankly told, as by pre- vious secretaries of state, that their rights must be sacrificed to the national conveni- ence. He continued (Draper's second letter) : ' On my return from Manilla his majesty, by Lord Egremont, informed me that 1 should have the first vacant red ribbon, as a reward for my services in an enterprise which I had planned as well as commanded. The Duke of Bedford and Mr. Grenville confirmed these assurances many months before the Spaniards had protested the ransom bills. To accommo- date Lord Clive, then going upon a most im- portant service in Bengal, I waived my claim to the vacancy which then happened. As there was no other vacancy until the Duke of Grafton and Lord Rockingham were joint ministers, I was then honoured with the order, and it is surely no small honour to me Draper that in such a succession of ministers they were all pleased to think that I deserved it ; in my favour they were all united. On the reduction of the 79th foot, which served so gloriously in the East Indies, his majesty, unsolicited by me, gave me the 16th foot as an equivalent. My reasons for retiring are foreign to the purpose ; let it suffice that his majesty was pleased to approve of them ; they are such as no one can think indecent who knows the shocks that repeated vicissitudes of heat and cold, of changes and sickly cli- i mates will give the strongest constitutions in a pretty long course of service. I resigned i my regiment to Colonel Gisborne, a very good j officer, for his Irish half-pay and 200/. Irish annuities, so that, according to Junius, I have been bribed to say nothing more of the Ma- nilla ransom and to sacrifice those brave men by the strange arrangement of accepting 380/. per annum and giving up 800/.' Junius then insinuated that Draper had made a false de- claration on accepting his half-pay, which Draper likewise disproved. The correspond- ence ended with Junius's seventh letter. It was reopened on the republication of Junius's letters by Draper repeating his denials of Junius's statements and defending the Duke of Bedford against the gross accusations of the latter. It finally closed with Draper's ' Parting Word to Junius.' dated 7 Oct. 1769, and Junius's reply. The correspondence was ! subsequently published under the title of I ' The Political Contest ' (London, 1769). 1 Draper was credited with the authorship of the letters signed ' Modestus,' replying to Junius's observations on the circumstances attending the arrest by civil process of Ge- ! neral Gansell of the guards, but in a foot- ' note to Wade's ' Junius,' i. 235, it is stated 1 that the writer in the ' Public Advertiser ' using that signature was a Scottish advo- cate named Dalrymple. While the contro- versy was at its height Draper lost his wife, who died on 1 Sept. 1769, leaving no issue. Draper left England soon after for a tour in the northern provinces of America, which were then beginning to attract travellers. He arrived at Charleston, North Carolina, in Ja- nuary 1770: journeyed north through Mary- land, where he met with a distinguished re- ception, and at New York the same year married his second wife, Susanna, daughter of Oliver De Lancey, senior, of that city, after- wards brigadier-general of loyalist provincials during the war of independence, and brother of Chief-justice James De Lancey (DEAKE, Am. £ioff.) The lady's family was wealthy, but she appears to have received a pension of 3007. a year from the Irish civil establish- ment soon after her marriage (Calendar Home Draper Off. Papers, 1770-2, p. 638). Draper became a major-general in 1772. In 1774 Horace Walpole speaks of him as the probable second in command of the reinforcements going to America, and as writing plans of pacification in the newspapers {Letters, vi. 135, 155). Be- fore and after his second marriage Draper resided at Manilla Hall, Clifton Downs, now the convent of La Mere de Dieu, where he erected a cenotaph to the thirty officers and one thousand men of the old 79th who fell in the East Indies in 1758-65. He became a lieutenant-general in 1777. In 1778 he lost his second wife, who left one child, a daughter born in 1773, who survived her parents, and on 17 March 1790 married John Gore. She died a widow at Hot Wells on 26 July 1793 (Gent. Mag. Ix. (i.) 273, Ixiii. (ii.) 674). In 1779 Draper was appointed lieutenant- governor of Minorca, under Lieutenant-ge- neral Hon. James Murray, at a salary of 730/. a year and allowances. He served through the famous defence of Fort St. Philip against a combined force of French and Spaniards from August 1781 until February 1782, when want and the ravages of the scurvy com- pelled the plucky little garrison to accept honourable terms (BEATSON, v. 618-22, vi. note; also Arm. Reg. 1782, app. 241). There appears to have been no cordiality between Draper and Murray, and shortly before the end of the siege Draper was suspended by Murray. After their return home Draper preferred twenty-nine charges of misconduct of the most miscellaneous character against the governor, who was tried by a general court-martial, presided over by Sir George Howard, K.B., which sat at the Horse Guards in November-December 1782 and January 1783. The court honourably acquitted Mur- ray of all charges save two — some arbitrary interference with auction dues in the island, and the issue of an order on 15 Oct. 1781 tending to discredit and dishonour the lieu- tenant-governor— for the which he was sen- tenced to be ' reprimanded.' The king ap- proved the finding and sentence, but in recog- nition of Murray's past services dispensed with any reprimand other than that conveyed by the finding. The king also ' expressed much concern that an officer of Sir Wm. Draper's rank and distinguished character should have allowed his judgment to be so perverted by any sense of personal grievance as to view the general conduct of his superior officer in an unfavourable light, and in con- sequence to exhibit charges against him which the court after diligent investigation have considered to be frivolous and ill-founded.' Lest some intemperate expressions let fall by 7 Draxe Draper should lead to further consequences, the court dictated an apology to be signed by Draper and accepted by Murray. The matter then ended. Newspaper accounts of the trial describe Murray as ' very much broke,' but Draper looked ' exceedingly well and in the flower of his age ; his star was very conspicuous and his arm always care- fully disposed so as never to eclipse it.' The proceedings of the court were published from the shorthand notes of Mr. Gurney, but as Draper's rej oinder to Murray's defence, though read before the court, was not included therein, Draper published it under the title ' Observations on the Hon. Lieutenant-gene- ral Murray's Defence ' (London, 1784, 4to). In a letter to Lord Carmarthen, dated in 1784 (Brit. Mus.Addit. MS. 28060, f. 153), Draper urges his claims, stating that his lieutenant- governorship, his wife's fortune in America, and his just claims to the Manilla ransom have all been sacrificed to save the country further effusion of blood and treasure . During the remainder of his life Draper lived chiefly at Bath, where he died 8 Jan. 1787. He was buried in the abbey church, where was erected a tablet to his memory bearing a Latin epitaph composed by his old fellow- student at Eton and Cambridge, Christopher Anstey of the ' Bath Guide ' [q. v.J A copy of the epitaph is given in ' Gent. Mag.' Ix. (ii.) 1127. [The best biographical notices of Draper are in Georgian Era, voL ii..1; Gent. Mag. Ivii. (i.) 91 ; and the notes to .Letters of Junius, ed. by Wade, in Bohn's Standard Library, but all con- tain inaccuracies, especially in the military de- tails. Among the authorities consulted in the above memoir in addition to those cited are Corry's Hist, of Bristol, ii. (natives) 292 (1818, 4to) ; Eton Eegistrum Regale ; Cautabrigienses Graduati, vol. i. ; War Office Records ; Army Lists ; Hamilton's Hist. Gren. Guards (1872, 8vo) ; Orme's Hist, of Mil. Trans, in Indoostan (London, 1763); Beatson's Nav. and Mil. Me- moirs (1793, 8vo); Walpole's Letters, ed. Peter Cunningham, vols. ii. iii. iv. vi. viii. ; Calendars Home Office Papers; Brit. Mus. Cat. of Printed Books, under ' Draper ; ' Gent. Mag., the more important notices in which occur in xxxiv. 590, xxxix. 68-71, 371, 430 (controversy with Junius), (ib. 537-8 Modestus and Junius), Ivii. (i.) 91, and Ix. (ii.) 1127.] H. M. C. DRAXE, THOMAS (d. 1618), divine, was born at Stoneleigh, near Coventry, Warwick- shire, ' his father being a younger brother of a worshipfull family, which for many years had lived at Wood-hall in Yorkshire ' (FTJLLEK, Worthies, ed. 1662, 'Warwickshire,' p. 125). His name does not occur in the pedigree given by Hunter (South Yorkshire, ii. 108), nor in that by Glover ( Yorkshire, Visitation of, 1584- Dray cot Drayton 1585, ed. Foster, p. 342). He received his principal of "White Hall (afterwards included education at Christ's College, Cambridge, as in Jesus College), Oxford, and of Pirye Hall a member of which he afterwards proceeded adjoining. On 23 June 1522 he was admitted B.D. In 1601 he was presented to the vicarage bachelor of canon law, taking his doctor's of Dovercourt-cum-Harwich, Essex (framed , degree on 21 July following (Reg. of Univ. succession list of vicars in Harwich Church), of Oxford, Oxf. Hist. Soc., i. 72). He held but, disliking the east coast, he left a curate in ' the family rectory of Draycot. On 1 1 Dec. charge, and lived variously at Coventry and at 1527 he was instituted to the vicarage of Colwich in Staffordshire (Prefaces to Worte). \ Hitchin, Hertfordshire (CLUTTEKBUCK,.ffer?- A few years before his death he returned to ' fordshire, iii. 36), which he exchanged on Harwich, ' where,' says Fuller, who gives the 5 March 1531 for the rectory of Cottingham, wrong year of his death, ' the change of the J Northamptonshire^ (BRIDGES, Northampton- Aire was conceived to hasten his great change ' ( Worthies, loc. cit.) He was buried at Har- wich on 29 Jan. 1618 (parish register). ' A pious man and an excellent preacher,' Draxe was author of: 1. 'The Churches Securitie; together with the Antidote or Preservative of everwaking Faith . . . Hereunto is annexed a ... Treatise of the Generall Signes ... of the Last Judgement,' 4to, London, 1608. 2. ' The Worldes Resurrection, or the general calling of the Jewes. A familiar Commentary shire, ii. 299). He became prebendary of Bedford Major in the church of Lincoln, 11 Feb. 1538-9 (LE NEVE, Fasti, ed. Hardy, ii. 107), was archdeacon of Stow, 15 Jan. 1542-3 (ib. ii. 80), and archdeacon of Hunt- ingdon, 27 July 1543 (ib. ii. 52), both in the same church of Lincoln. On 2 Dec. 1547 he was appointed by convocation head of a committee to draw up a form of a statute for paying tithes in cities (SiRYPE, Memorials of Cranmer, 8vo ed., i. 221). He was chan- upon the eleventh Chapter of Saint Paul to cellor for a time to Longland, bishop of the Romaines,' 4to, London, 1608 (with new Lincoln, and to Baine, bishop of Coventry title-page, 4to, London, 1609). 3. The Sicke- and Lichfield, in which offices he acted with Man's Catechisme ; or Path-way to Felicitie, the greatest cruelty against the protestants collected and contrived into questions and (FoxE, Acts and Monuments, ed. Townsend, answers, out of the best Divines of our time. v. 453, vii. 400-1, viii. 247-50, 255, 630, 638, Whereunto is annexed two prayers,' 16mo 745, 764). In 1553 he was one of the com- (London), 1609. 4. ' Calliepeia ; or a rich mittee for the restitution of Bishop Bonner Store-house of Proper, Choice and Elegant (STRYPE, Memorials, 8vo ed., vol. iii. pt. i. Latine Words and Phrases, collected for the p. 36). On 8 Sept. 1556 he was admitted most part out of all Tullies works,' 8vo, prebendary of Longdon in the church of T .*"»1"» /!/•*« 1 Al O /fl-»^ /~.nnA 1 IX London, 1612 (the second impression, en- larged, 8vo, London, 1613 ; another edition, 8vo, London, 1643). 5. ' Novi Cceli et nova Terra, seu Concio vere Theologica, ... in qua creaturarum vanitas et misera servitus, earundem restitutio, . . . et . . . corporis humani resurrectio, in eadem substantia Lichfield (LE NEVE, Fasti, ed. Hardy, i. 614). At Elizabeth's accession he refused to take the oath of supremacy, and was accordingly stripped of all his preferments, except the rectory of Draycot, which he contrived to keep. In 1560 he was a prisoner in the Fleet . . . (Cal. State Papers, T)ow.. Addenda 1547 -65, describuntur et demonstrantur,' 8vo, Op- p. 524). From ' An Ancient Editor's Note- penheim, 1614. 6. ' Bibliotheca scholastica book,' printed in Morris's ' Troubles of our instructissima. Or, Treasurie of Ancient Catholic Forefathers' (3rd series, p. 35), Adagies and Sententious Proverbes, selected where, however, there is some confusion of out of the English, Greeke, Latine, French, dates, we learn that < Dr. Draycott, long Italian, and Spanish, 8vo, London, 1633, a prisoner, at length getting a little liberty, posthumous publication, the preface of which went to Draycot, and there died,' 20 Jan. s dated from* Harwich, Julii 30, 1615' (an- 1570-1 (monumental inscription preserved o her edition 8vo^ London, 1654). Fuller in DODD, Church Hist., 1737, i. 516). also states that Draxe < translated all the r^-j • u . o worksof 'Master Perkins (his countryman and ' ^TJ^JSff^Kf^SS, ^T coUegiat) into Latine, which were printed ! « , n« at Geneva,' 2 vols. fol., 1611-18. [Authorities as above ; Fuller's Hist, of Univ of Cambridge (Nichols), p. 137; New-court's Eepertorium, ii. 220 ; Brit. Mus. Cat ] G G DRAYCOT, ANTHONY name and place in Staffordshire. (d. 1571), , — , „ English Catholics, ii. 105; General Index to Strype's Works (8vo), i. 239 ; Lansd. MS. 980, f. 282.] G. G. DRAYTON, MICHAEL (1563-1631), poet, was born at Hartshill, near Atherstone, Warwickshire, in 1563. He states in his epistle to Henry Reynolds that he had been He was a page, and it is not improbable that he Dray ton was attached to the household of Sir Henry Goodere of Powlesworth; for in a dedica- tory address prefixed to one of his ' Heroical Epistles' (Mary, the French queen, to Charles Brandon) he acknowledges that he was in- debted to Sir Henry Goodere for the ' most part ' of his education. Aubrey says that he was the son of a butcher ; but Aubrey also describes Shakespeare's father as a butcher. We have it on Drayton's own authority (' The Owle,' 160-1) that he was ' nobly bred ' and ' well ally'd.' There is no evidence to show whether he was a member of either univer- sity. His earliest work, ' The Harmonie of the Church,' a metrical rendering of portions of the scriptures, was published in 1591. Prefixed is a dedicatory epistle, dated from London, 10 Feb. 1590-1, 'To the godly and vertuous Lady, the Lady Jane Deuoreux of Merivale,' in which he speaks of the ' boun- tiful hospitality ' that he had received from his patroness. This book, which had been entered in the ' Stationers' Register,' 1 Feb. 1590-1, under the title of ' The Triumphes of the Churche,' for some unknown reason gave offence and was condemned to be destroyed ; but Archbishop Whitgift ordered that forty copies should be preserved at Lambeth Palace. Only one copy, belonging to the British Museum, is now known to exist. ' A Hea- venly Harmonie of Spirituall Songs and Holy Hymnes,' 1610 (unique), is the suppressed book with a different title-page. In 1593 appeared 'Idea. The Shepheards Garland. Fashioned in nine Eglogs. Rowlands Sacri- fice to the Nine Muses.' These eclogues, which were written on the model of the ' Shepherd's Calendar,' afterwards underwent considerable revision. There was room for improvement, the diction being frequently harsh and the versification inharmonious, though much of the lyrical part is excellent. In the fourth eclogue there is introduced an elegy, which was afterwards completely re- written, on Sir Philip Sidney ; and it is pro- bably to this elegy (not, as some critics have supposed, to a lost poem) that N[athaniel ?] B[axter?], in speaking of Sidney's death, makes reference in ' Ourania,' 1606 : 0 noble Drayton ! well didst them rehearse Our damages in dryrie sable verse. In 1593 Drayton published the first of his his- torical poems, ' The Legend of Piers Gaveston,' 4to, which was followed in 1594 by ' Matilda, the faire and chaste Daughter of the Lord Robert Fitzwater.' Both poems, after revi- sion, were reprinted in 1596, with the addi- tion of The Tragicall Legend of Robert, Duke of Normandie,' the volume being dedicated to Lucy, countess of Bedford. After the dedi- ) Drayton catory epistle comes a sonnet to Lady Anne Harington, wife of Sir John Harington. There is also an address to the reader, in which Drayton states that ' Matilda ' had been ' kept from printing ' because the stationer ' meant to join them together in one little volume/ The statement is curious, for the 1594 edition of ' Matilda ' is dedicated to Lucy, daughter of Sir John Harington, afterwards Countess of Bedford, and must have been published with Drayton's knowledge. A poem in rhymed heroics on the subject of ' Endymion and Phoebe/ n.d., 4to, entered in the ' Stationers' Register ' 12 April 1594, was doubtless pub- lished in that year. Lodge quotes from it in ' A Fig for Momus,' 1595. There are some interesting allusions to Spenser, Daniel, and Lodge. It was not reprinted, but portions were incorporated in 'The Man in the Moone,' and the dedicatory sonnet to the Countess of Bedford was included in the 1605 collection of Drayton's poems. Before leaving Warwickshire Drayton paid his addresses to a lady who was a native of Coventry and who lived near the river Anker. In her honour he published, in 1594, a series of fifty-one sonnets under the title of ' Ideas Mirrovr : Amours in Quatorzains,' 4to. Dray- ton attached no great value to the collection, fortwenty-two of the sonnetsprinted in 'Ideas Mirrovr' were never reprinted. The lady (celebrated under the name ' Idea ') to whom the sonnets were addressed did not become the poet's wife, but he continued for many years to sing her praises with exemplary con- stancy. In the 1605 collection of his poems he has a ' Hymn to his Lady's Birth-place,' which is written in a strain of effusive gal- lantry. The magnificent sonnet, ' Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part,' first ap- peared in the 1619 folio. An epistle, ' Of his Lady's not coming to town,' first published in the 1627 collection, shows that his devo- tion, after thirty years' service, was un- changed. All his biographers agree that he lived and died a bachelor; but it is to be noticed that Edmond Gayton (not a very sure ^uide), in 'Festivous Isotes on Don Quixote,' 1654, p. 150, states that he was married. The first poem planned on a large scale is ' Mortimeriados,' published in 1596, and re- published with many alterations in 1603, under the title of ' The Barrens Wars.' To the revised edition Drayton prefixed an ad- dress to the reader, in which he states that, as at first the dignity of the thing was the motive of the dooing, so the cause of this my second greater labour was the insufficient landling of the first.' Originally the poem lad been written in seven-line stanzas, but in the second edition the ' ottava rima ' was Dray ton 10 Drayton substituted, ' of all other the most complete and best proportioned.' Drayton was con- stantly engaged in revising his works, and ' The Barons' Wars ' saw many changes be- fore it reached its final shape. ' Mortimeria- dos' was dedicated, in nine seven-line stanzas, to the Countess of Bedford ; but when, in 1603, Drayton reissued the poem, he withdrew the dedication and cancelled various refe- rences to his patroness. In the eighth eclogue of ' PoemesLyrick and Pastorall,' n.d.(1605 ?), he inveighs against a certain Selena, who had temporarily befriended 'faithfull Rowland,' but had afterwards transferred her patronage to ' deceitfull Cerberon.' Rowland is the pas- toral name which Drayton had adopted for himself; Cerberon's personality is matter for conjecture : but it is more than probable that Selena was intended for the Countess of Bedford. The invective was cancelled in later editions. ' England's Heroicall Epistles,' 1597, his next work of importance, is the most read- able of Drayton's longer works. The book was modelled on Ovid's 'Heroides,' and Dray- ton has shown himself to be no unworthy pupil of the skilful Roman artist. A second edition appeared in 1598 ; a third, with the addition of the sonnets, in 1599 ; a fourth in 1602, again with the sonnets ; and a fifth, with ' The Barons' Wars,' in 1603. Historical notes are appended to each epistle ; and to each pair of epistles (with a few exceptions) Drayton prefixed a dedication to some dis- tinguished patron. In the dedication to the Earl of Bedford he mentions the obligations under which he stood to the family of the Haringtons, and states that he had been com- mended to the patronage of Sir John Haring- ton's daughter, Lucy, countess of Bedford, by ' that learned and accomplished gentle- ] man Sir Henry Goodere (not long since de- ceased), whose I was whilst hee was, whose patience pleased to beare with the imperfec- tions of my heedles and unstained youth.' From Henslowe's ' Diary ' it appears that Drayton was writing for the stage between 1597 and 1602. He wrote few plays single- handed, but worked with HenryChettle [q.v.], Thomas Dekker [q. v.], and others. In De- cember 1597 he was engaged with Munday on a lost play called ' Mother Redcap.' On 20 Jan. 1598-9 he received three pounds ' in earneste of his playe called Wm. Longberd' (Diary, ed. Collier, p. 142), and on the fol- lowing day he acknowledged the receipt of ' forty shillinges of Mr. Phillip Hinslowe, in part of vi", for the playe of Willm. Long- sword' (ib. p. 95). Probably both entries refer to the same lost play. In 1599 he wrote the ' First Part of Sir John Oldcastle,' with Wilson, Hathway, and Munday ; and in January 1599-1600 he was engaged with the same authors on ' Owen Tudor.' There was a ' Second Part of Sir John Oldcastle ; ' but it is not clear whether it was written by the four playwrights or whether Drayton was solely responsible. ' The First Part of the true and honorable History of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle ' was published in 1600 in a corrupt form. Some copies fraudulently bear Shakespeare's name on the title-page. In May 1602 Drayton wrote, with Dekker, Webster, Middleton, and Munday, a play which Henslowe calls 'too harpes' ('Two Harpies '). The anonymous ' Merry Divel of Edmonton,' 1608, has been attributed to Drayton on the authority of Coxeter, but no evidence has been adduced in support of Drayton's claim. There is a tradition that Drayton was em- ployed by Queen Elizabeth on a diplomatic mission in Scotland. In an obscure passage of the satirical poem ' The Owle,' 1604, he states that he went in search of preferment ' unto the happie North,' and ( there arryv'd, disgrace was all my gayne.' On the acces- sion of James he published ' To the majestic of King James. A gratulatorie Poem/ 1603, 4to, and in the following year gave a further proof of his loyalty in ' A Paean Triumphall : composed for the societie of the Goldsmiths of London congratulating his Highnes Mag- nificent Entring the Citie,' 1604. But his hopes of gaining advancement from James were rudely disappointed ; his compliments met with indifference and contempt. Many years afterwards (1627) in an epistle to his friend George Sandys he refers to the ill- treatment that he had experienced. Chettle, in ' England's Mourning Garment,' n.d.(1603), hints that he had been too hasty in paying his addresses to the new sovereign : Think 'twas a fault to have thy Verses scene Praising the King ere they had mournd the Queen . In 1604 appeared ' The Owle,' an allegorical poem, in imitation of Spenser's 'Mother Hub- bard's Tale,' on the neglect shown to learn- ing. If Drayton had not expressly stated that it was written earlier than the ' Gratu- latorie Poem,' it would be reasonable to as- sume that it was inspired by indignation at the treatment that he had received from the king. ' The Owle ' was dedicated t o the young Sir Walter Aston [q. v.], to whom he also dedicated the 1603 edition of 'The Barrens Wars ' and ' Moyses in a Map of his Miracles,' 1604. From a passage in the last-named poem it has been hastily inferred that Drayton had witnessed at Dover the destruction of the Spanish armada. At his investiture as knight Drayton of the Bath in 1603 Sir Walter Aston made Drayton one of his esquires (DOUGLAS, Peer- age, ed. Wood, i. 127), a title which Drayton afterwards used somewhat ostentatiously. In ' Poems : by Michaell Draiton Esquire/ 1605, the word ' Esquire' is made to occupy a line by itself. About 1605 appeared the undated ' Poemes Lyrickand Pastorall : Odes, Eglogs, the Man in the Moone,' 8vo, with a dedication to Sir Walter Aston. The volume contains some of Drayton's choicest work. Here first appeared the famous ' Ballad of Agincourt,' which is unquestionably the most spirited of English martial lyrics ; the fine ode ' To the Virginian Voyage/ the charm- ing canzonet ' To his coy Love/ the address ' To Cupid/ and other delightful poems. Two of the odes ('Sing we the Rose' and the address to John Savage) were never re- printed ; the rest of the volume, after revision, was included in the 1619 folio. The col- • lection of ' Poems/ 1605, 8vo, with commen- datory verses by Thomas Greene, Sir John ' Beaumont, Sir William Alexander, &c., em- braces ' The Barons' Wars/ * England's He- roical Epistles/ ' Idea/ and the ' Legends.' j Other editions appeared in 1608, n. d., 1610, f and 1613. The edition of 1610 has at the end an additional leaf containing a commen- datory sonnet by Selden. In 1607 Drayton published another of his legends, ' The Le- gend of Great Cromwell/ which was repub- lished with alterations in 1609, and was in- cluded in the 1610 ' Mirour for Magistrates.' The first eighteen songs of Drayton's long- est and most famous poem, ' Poly-Olbion, or a Chorographicall Description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountaines, Forests, and other Parts ; . . . of Great Britaine/ fol., appeared in 1613, : with an engraved as well as a printed title- j page, a portrait by Hole of Prince Henry, to whom the work was dedicated, and eighteen I maps. To each song are appended copious annotations, full of antiquarian learning, by I John Selden. A second part, containing songs xix-xxx, was written later, and the j complete poem (with commendatory verses before the second part by William Browne, George Wither, and John Reynolds) was pub- lished in 1622. Selden's annotations are con- fined to the first part. It is not surprising that Drayton experienced some difficulty in finding a publisher for so voluminous a work. In a letter to William Drummond of Haw- thornden, dated 14 April 1619, he writes: ' I thank you, my dear, sweet Drummond, for your good opinion of " Poly-olbion." I have done twelve books more ; . . . but it lieth by :ne, for the booksellers and I are in terms. They are a company of base knaves, whom I )oth scorn and kick at.' The nature of the c Drayton subject made it impossible for the poem to be free from monotony. The ' Poly-Olbion' is a truly great work, stored with learning of wide variety, and abounding in passages of rare beauty. It was the labour of many years, for so early as 1598 Francis Meres reported that ' Michael Drayton is now in penning in English verse a poem called " Pola-olbion." ' Prince Henry, to whom it was dedicated, held Drayton in esteem : for it appears from Sir David Murray's account of the privy purse expenses of the prince that Drayton was an annuitant to the expense of 101. a year. In 1619 Drayton collected into a small folio all the poems (with the exception of the 'Poly-Olbion') that he wished to preserve, and added some new lyrics. The collection consists of seven parts, each with a distinct title-page dated 1619, but the pagination is ! continuous. In some copies the general title- page is undated ; in others it bears date 1620. At the back of the general title-page is a por- ' trait of Drayton, engraved by Hole, and round the portrait is inscribed ' Effigies Michaelis i Drayton, Armigeri, Poeta3 Clariss. J5tat. suse j L. A Chr. cio. DC. xiii.' A fresh volume of 1 miscellaneous poems, ' The Battaile of Agin- court/ &c., appeared in 1627, sm. fol. Here was published for the first time the dainty and inimitable fairy poem, ' Nimphidia.' ' The Shepheards Sirena' and 'The Quest of Cyn- thia ' are agreeably written, though the latter poem is far too long. ' The Battaile of Agin- court ' (not to be confused with ' The Ballad of I Agincourt') and 'The Miseries of Queen Mar- garite ' contain some spirited passages, but tax the reader's patience severely. Among the ' elegies ' is the interesting ' Epistle to Henry Reynolds/ in which Drayton delivers his views on the merits of various contemporary Eng- lish poets. It may be doubted whether Dray- ton had any great liking for the drama ; his praise of Shakespeare is tame in comparison with his enthusiasm for Spenser. One epistle is addressed to William Browne of Tavistock, and another to George Sandys, the translator of Ovid's ' Metamorphoses ; ' both are written in a tone of sadness. ' An Elegie vpon the death of the Lady Penelope Clifton ' and ' Vpon the three Sonnes of the Lord Shef- field, drowned in Humber' had previously appeared in Henry Fitzgeoffrey's ' Certayn Elegies/ 1617. At the beginning of the vo- lume are commendatory verses by I. Vaughan, John Reynolds, and the fine ; Vision of Ben Jonson on the Muses of his friend, M. Dray- ton/ which opens with the question whether he was a friend to Drayton. When he visited William Drummond of Hawthornden in 1619, Jonson stated that ' Drayton feared him ; and he [Jonson] esteemed not of him [Drayton] ; ' Dray ton 12 Drayton spoke disparagingly of the ' Poly-Olbion,' and had not a word to say in Drayton's praise. Drayton's last work was 'The Muses Eli- zium lately discovered by a new way over Parnassus . . . Noahs floud, Moses his birth and miracles. David and Golia,' 1630, 4to. The pastorals were dedicated to the Earl of Dorset, and at p. 87 there is a fresh dedica- tion to the Countess of Dorset, preceding the sacred poems. Of ' Noah's floud ' and the two following poems there is little to be said : but ' The Muses Elizium,' a set of ten ' Nim- phalls,' or pastoral dialogues, is full of the quaint whimsical fancy that inspired ' Nirn- phidia.' The description of the preparations for the Fay's bridal in the eighth ' N imphall ' is quite a tour de force. Drayton died in 1631 and was buried in Westminster Cathedral, where a monument was erected to him by the Countess of Dor- set. The inscription (' Do, pious marble, let thy readers know,' &c.) is traditionally as- cribed to Ben Jonson. It is quite in Jonson's manner, but it has also been claimed for Randolph, Quarles, and others. In Ashmole MS. 38, art. 92, are seven three-line stanzas which purport to have been ' made by Mi- chaell Drayton, esquier, poet laureatt, the night before hee dyed.' There is a portrait of Drayton at Dulwich College, presented by Cartwright the actor. In person he was small, and his complexion was swarthy. He speaks of his ' swart and melancholy face ' in his ' Legend of Robert, Duke of Normandy.' His moral character was unassailable, and he was regarded by his contemporaries as a model of virtue. ' As Aulus Persius Flaccus,' says Meres in 1598, ' is reputed among all writers to be of an honest life and upright conversation, so Michael Drayton (quern toties honoris et amoris causa nomino) among schollers, souldiers, poets, and all sorts of people is helde for a man of vertuous disposi- tion, honest conversation, and well-governed carriage.' Similar testimony is borne by the anonymous author of ' The Returne from Pernassus.' His poetry won him applause from many quarters. He is mentioned under the name of ' Good Rowland ' in Barnfield's ' Affectionate Shepheard,' 1594, and he is praised in company with Spenser, Daniel, and Shakespeare in Barnfield's ' A Remembrance of some English Poets,' 1598. Lodge dedi- cated to him in 1595 one of the epistles in < A Fig for Momus.' In 1596 Fitzgeoffrey, in his poem on Sir Francis Drake, speaks of ' golden-mouthed Drayton musicall.' A very clear proof of his popularity is shown by the fact that he is quoted no less than a hundred and fifty times in ' England's Parnassus,' 1600. Drummond of Hawthornden was one of his fervent admirers. Some letters of Drayton to Drummond are published in the 1711 edi- tion of Drummond's works. Another Scotch poet, Sir William Alexander,was his friend. Jonson told Drummond that ' Sir W. Alex- ander was not half kinde unto him, and ne- glected him, because a friend to Drayton.' In his epistle to Henry Reynolds he mentions j ' the two Beaumonts' (Francis Beaumont and Sir John Beaumont) and William Browne as his ' deare companions and bosome friends.' Samuel Austin in ' Urania,' 1629, claims ac- quaintance with Drayton. There is no direct evidence to show that Shakespeare and Dray- ton were personal friends, but there is strong traditional evidence. The Rev. John Wrard, sometime vicar of Stratford-on-Avon, states in his manuscript note-book that ' Shakespear, Drayton, and Ben Jhonson had a merry meet- ing, and, itt seems, drank too hard, for Shake- spear died of a feavour there contracted.' The entry was written in 1662 or 1663. In the 1594 and 1596 editions of ' Matilda ' there is a stanza relating to Shakespeare's ' Rape of Lucrece.' It was omitted in later editions, but no inference can be drawn from the omis- ; sion, for Drayton was continually engaged in altering his poems. A stanza relating to Spenser was also omitted in later editions. Some critics have chosen to suppose that Drayton was the rival to whom allusion is made in Shakespeare's sonnets. It is not ; uninteresting to notice that Drayton was once cured of a ' tertian ' by Shakespeare's I son-in-law, Dr. John Hall (Select Observa- tions on English Bodies, 1657, p. 26). Drayton has commendatory verses before MorleyV First Book of Ballets,' 1595; Chris- i topher Middleton's ' Legend of Duke Hum- ; phrey,' 1600 : De Serres's ' Perfect Use of Silk-wormes,' 1607 ; Davies's ' Holy Rood/ 1609; Murray's ' Sophonisba,' 1611 ; Tuke's I 'Discourse against Painting and Tinctur- i ing of Women,' 1616 ; Chapman's ' Hesiod,' 1618 ; Munday's < Primaleon of Greece,' 1619 ; j Vicars's ' Manuductio,' n. d. [1620 ?] ; Hol- land's ' Naumachia,' 1622 ; Sir John Beau- mont's ' Bosworth Field,' 1629. Some of these poetical compliments are subscribed only with the initials ' M. D.' Poems of Drayton are included in ' England's Helicon,' 1600 ; some had been printed before, but others were published for the first time. There are verses of Drayton, posthumously published, in ' An- nalia Dubrensia,' 1636. An imperfect col- lection of Drayton's poems appeared in 1748, j fol., and again in 1753, 4 vols. 8vo ; but his . poetry was little to the taste of eighteenth- century critics. From a well-known passage of Goldsmith's 'Citizen of the World' it would seem that his very name had passed Drayton into oblivion. Since the days of Charles Lamb and Coleridge his fame has revived, but no complete edition of his works has yet been issued. In 1856 Collier edited for the Roxburghe Club a valuable collection of the rarer works : ' The Harmonic of the Church,' ' Idea. The Shepheards Garland,' ' Ideas Mirrour,' ' Endimion and Phoabe,' ' Morti- meriados,' and ' Poemes Lyrick and Pastorall.' The Rev. Richard Hooper in 1876 issued an edition of the ' Poly-Olbion ' in three volumes ; and the same editor is preparing a complete critical edition of Drayton's entire works, with a full list of varies lectiones, an under- taking which will involve vast labour. Fac- simile reprints of the early editions are being issued by the Spenser Society. A volume of selections from Drayton's poems was edited by the present writer in 1883. [Memoir by Collier, prefixed to the Roxburghe Club collection of Drayton's Poems, 1856; Col- lier's Bibliographical Catalogue ; Corser's Col- lectanea ; Hazlitt's Bibliographical Collections ; Bibliotheca Heberiana, pt. iv. ; Addit. MS. 24491 (Hunter's Chorus Vatum) ; Henslowe's Diary.] A. H. B. DRAYTON, NICHOLAS DE (fl. 1376), ecclesiastic and judge, was appointed warden of King's College, Cambridge, on 1 Dec. 1363, with a salary of fourpence a day, and an allowance of eight marcs per annum for robes. In 1369 he was suspected of heresy, and the Bishop of London was authorised to commit him to prison (20 March). In 1376 he was appointed a baron of the exchequer. The date of his death is uncertain. He is commonly described as ' magister.' [Rymer's Fcedera, ed. Clarke, iii. pt. ii. 716, 889, 1064 ; Foss's Lives of the Judges.] J. M. R. DREBBEL, CORNELIS (1572-1634), philosopher and scientific inventor, born in 1572 at Alkmaar in Holland, was the son of Jacob Drebbel, of a family of good posi- tion. He shared a house at one time with Hubert Goltzius, whose sister he married. In early life he executed some etchings, includ- ing a set of the ' Seven Liberal Arts ' after Hendrik Goltzius, the ' Judgment of Solomon ' after Karel van Mander, &c., and a bird's-eye view of Alkmaar, the original plate of which was preserved in the town hall there, per- mission being given in 1747 to Gysbert Boom- kamp to publish it in his 'Alkmaer en derzelfs Geschiedenissen.' Drebbel, however, devoted most of his time to philosophy, i.e. science and mathematics, and soon gained great repute. About 1604 he came to England, perhaps ac- companying his friend Constantyn Huygens, or at the instance of Sir William Boreel. He j Drebbel was favourably received by James I, who took a great interest in his experiments, and gave him an annuity and, apparently, lodgings in Eltham Palace. Drebbel here perfected an ingenious machine for producing perpetual motion, which he presented to the king, and which became one of the wonderful sights of the day. It is alluded to by Ben Jonson in one of his Epigrams, and in his comedy of ' The Silent Woman ' (act v. scene 3), and also by Peacham in his ' Sights and Exhibitions in England ' (prefixed to Coryat's ' Crudities,' 1611). Drebbel's machine is described and figured by Thomas Tymme in ' A Dialogue Philosophicall, wherein Nature's secret closet is opened, &c., together with the wittie inven- tion of an artificial perpetuall motion, pre- sented to the King's most excellent Maiestie,' 1612. On 1 May 1610 the Duke of Wiirtem- berg, then on a tour in England, went to Eltham to see the machine, and his secretary describes Drebbel as' a very fair and handsome man, and of very gentle manners, altogether different from such like characters.' Dreb- bel's fame reached the ears of the emperor of Germany, Rudolph II, himself an ardent student of science and philosophy, who en- treated James I to allow Drebbel to come to his court at Prague to exhibit his inventions. After the emperor's death, in 1612, Drebbel seems to have again returned to England ; but he revisited Prague, having been appointed tutor to the son of the emperor Ferdinand II. He had just settled down in great prosperity when Prague was captured by the elector palatine, Frederick V, in 1620, and Drebbel not only lost all his possessions, but was thrown into prison, from which he was only released at the personal intercession of the king of England. He then returned to Eng- land, and in 1625 attended James's funeral. In 1626 he was employed by the office of ordnance to construct water engines. He was also sent out by the Duke of Bucking- ham in the expedition to La Rochelle, being in charge of several fireships, at a salary of 150^. per month. He was one of a company formed to drain the fens and levels of eastern England. He died in London in 1634. Dreb- bel, who has been styled by some critics as a mere alchemist and charlatan, was highly thought of by such scientific authorities as Peiresc, Boyle, and others. Besides the ma- chine for perpetual motion, he has been cre- dited with the invention of the microscope, telescope, and thermometer, but he was more probably the first to introduce these im- portant discoveries into England. He also invented a submarine boat, which was navi- gable, without the use of artificial light, from Westminster to Greenwich, and machines for Dreghorn Drennan producing rain, lightning, thunder, or ex- treme cold at any time. The last-named ex- periment he is reported to have performed on a summer's day in Westminster Hall before the king, with the result of driving all his audience hastily from the building. He is further credited with the invention of an ex- traordinary pump, an ' incubator ' for hatch- ing fowls, an instrument for showing pictures or portraits of people not present at the time possibly a magic lantern — and other in- genious arrangements for light or reflection of light. He is also stated to have discovered the art of dyeing scarlet, which he communi- cated to his son-i n-law, Dr. Kufler, from whom it was called 'Color Kuflerianus.' Pepys (Diary, 14 March 1662) mentions that Kufler and Drebbel's son Jacob tried to induce the admiralty to adopt an invention by Drebbel for sinking an enemy's ship. This they alleged had been tried with success in Cromwell's time. It seems to have been an explosive acting directly in a downward direction. Drebbel wrote, in Dutch, a treatise on the ' Nature of the Elements ' (Leyden, 1608, German translation ; Haerlem, 1621, Dutch; Frankfort, 1628, Latin translation). This work and a tract on the 'Fifth Essence,' together with a letter to James I on ' Per- petual Motion,' were issued in Latin at Ham- burg, 1621, and Lyons, 1628. His portrait was engraved on wood by C. von Sichem, and on copper by P. Yelyn, and is to be found in some editions, of his works. [W. B. Rye's England as seen by Foreigners temp. Eliz. and James ; Biographic Universelle ; the Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography ; Karel van Mander's Vies des Peintres (ed. Hy- mans), ii.270; Immerzeel (and Kramm), Levens en Werken der Hollandsche en \7laamsche Kunst- schilders, &c.] L. C. DREGHORN, LORD. [See MACLAURIX, JOHN, 1734-1796.] DRELINCOURT, PETER (1644-1722), dean of Armagh, born in Paris 22 July 1644, was the sixth son of Charles Drelincourt (1595-1629), minister of the reformed church in Paris, and author of ' Les Consolations de 1'Ame centre les Frayeurs de la Mort ' (Geneva, 1669), translated by Marius D'As- signy [q.v.] as the ' Christian's Defence against the Fear of Death,' 1675. To the fourth edition of the translation (1706) Defoe added his ' Apparition of Mrs. Veal.' Peter gra- duated M. A. in Trinity College, Dublin, 1681, and LL.D. 1691. Having been appointed chaplain to the Duke of Ormonde, lord-lieu- tenant of Ireland, he became in 1681 pre- centor of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin ; in 1683 archdeacon of Leighlin; and 28 Feb. 1690-1 dean of Armagh, retaining his arch- deaconry, and holding at the same time the rectory of Armagh. He died there 7 March 1721-2, and was buried in the cathedral, where a fine monument by Rysbrach was erected by his widow to his memory. On a mural tablet, in Latin, is a minute account of his origin and promotions, and on the front of the sarcophagus an inscription in English verse. It alludes to the erection in Armagh of the ' Drelincourt Charity School ' by the dean's widow, who endowed it with 90/. per annum. To their daughter, Vis- countess Primrose, the citizens of Armagh are chiefly indebted for a plentiful supply of water. Drelincourt's only publication is 'A Speech made to ... the Duke of Ormonde, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, and to the . . . Privy Council. To return the humble thanks of the French Protestants lately arriv'd in this kingdom; and graciously reliev'd by them,' 4to, Dublin, 1682. [Todd's Catalogue of Dublin Graduates ; Cot- ton's Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicae, ii. 53, 398, iii. 33, v. 91 ; Stuart's Historical Memoirs of Ar- magh, pp. 518, 539.] B. H. B. DRENNAN, WILLIAM (1754-1820), Irish poet, son of the Rev. Thomas Drennan, presbyterian minister at Belfast, was born in that city on 23 May 1754. He was educated at the university of Glasgow, where he took the degree of M.A. in 1771, and he then pro- ceeded to Edinburgh to study medicine. At Edinburgh he was noted as one of the most distinguished students of his period, not only in medicine, but in philosophy; he became a favourite pupil and intimate friend of Dugald Stewart, and after seven years of study took his M.D. degree in 1778. After practising his profession for two or three years in his native city, he moved to Newry, where he settled down, and where he first began to take an in- terest in politics and literature. In the great political movement in Ireland of 1784, Dren- nan, like all the other Ulstermen who had felt the influence of Dugald Stewart, took a keen interest. His letters to the press, signed ' Orellana, the Irish Helot,' attracted uni- versal attention. In 1789 he moved to Dublin, where he soon got into good practice, and be- came a conspicuous figure in the social life of the Irish capital. Drennan was a member of the jovial club of the ' Monks of the Screw,' a friend of Lysaght and Curran, and well known for his poetical powers. In politics he continued to take a still deeper interest ; he was a member of the political club founded in 1790 by T. A. Emmett and Peter Bur- rowes, and in June 1791 he wrote the ori- ginal prospectus of the famous society of the Drew Drew United Irishmen. Of this society he was one of the leaders ; he was several times its chairman in 1792 and 1793, and as an elo- quent writer was chosen to draw up most of its early addresses and proclamations (for a list of these, see MADDEN, Lives of the United Irishmen, 2nd series, p. 267). He was tried for sedition and acquitted on 26 June 1794, after an eloquent defence by Curran, but after that date he seems to have with- drawn from the more active projects of his friends and from complicity in their plots, and he was not again molested by the authori- ties. But his beautiful lyrics, published first in the ' Press ' and in the ' Harp of Erin,' show how deeply he sympathised with his old associates, and they were soon famous throughout the length and breadth of Ire- land. In 1791 he published his poem, ' To the Memory of William Orr,' sometimes called the 'Wake of William Orr,' which was followed in 1795 by 'When Erin first rose,' and in 1798 by ' The Wail of the Women after the Battle ' and ' Glendalough.' These are the most famous of Drennan's lyrics, and on them his fame chiefly rests. He is also claimed as the first Irish poet who ever called Ireland by the name of the Emerald Isle. The troubles of 1798 brought his political career to a close, and on 3 Feb. 1800 he married an English lady of some wealth, and in 1807 left Dublin altogether. He settled in Belfast, but gave up practice and devoted himself solely to literary pursuits. He foun- ded the Belfast Academical Institution, and started the ' Belfast Magazine,' to which he largely contributed. In 1815 he published his famous lyrics in a volume as ' Fugitive Pieces,' and in 1817 a translation of the ' Electra ' of Sophocles. After a quiet mid- dle age, he died at Belfast on 5 Feb. 1820, and was buried in that city, being carried to the grave by six protestants and six catho- lics. Drennan was possessed of real poetical genius, but his fame was overshadowed by that of Moore, to whom many of Drennan's best poems have been frequently attributed. [Madden's Lives of the United Irishmen, 2nd ser. 2nd ed. pp. 262-70 ; Madden's History of Irish Periodical Literature ; Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography ; Glendalloch and other poems, with a life of the author by his sons, J. S. and W. Drennan.] H. M. S. DREW, EDWAED (1542 P-1598), re- corder of London, eldest son of Thomas Drew (b. 1519), by his wife Eleanora, daughter of William Huckmore of the county of Devon, appears to have been born at the family seat of Sharpham, in the parish of Ashprington, near Totnes,and spent some time at the university. An entry in the register of Exeter College, Oxford, records the payment in 1557 by a Mr. Martyn of 2*. for the expenses of Drew, a scholar of the college {Register, ed. Boase, p. 201). He does not appear to have taken a degree, but proceeding to London devoted himself to the study of the law, and was ad- mitted a student of the Inner Temple in No- vember 1560, being then probably of the usual age of eighteen. He obtained a lucrative prac- tice both in London and in his native county, and rapidly attained high legal distinctions. He became a master of the bench of the Inner Temple in 1581, and Lent reader in 1584; his shield of arms with this date still remains in Inner Temple Hall. In Michaelmas term 1589 Drew, with seven other counsel, was appointed serjeant-at-law. Two of his associates in the honour of the coif (John Glanvil and Thomas Harris) were like him natives of Devon, and Fuller has pre- served a popular saying about the three Serjeants, current in their day, that 'One gained, spent, gave as much as the other two ' (Worthies, 1811, i. 283). Drew seenjs to answer best to the first description, his suc- cess in pleading enabling him to purchase large estates in Combe Raleigh, Broadhem- bury, Broad Clist, and elsewhere. In 1586 he was co-trustee, with other eminent law- yers, of certain manors belonging to George Gary of Devonshire. He was elected member of parliament for Lyme Regis in October 1584, and for Exeter in 1586 and again in November 1588 ; in 1592 he was appointed recorder of Exeter. On 17 June in the same year he succeeded Chief-justice Coke as re- corder of London, and became M.P. for the city. A speech of the usual fulsome kind is preserved in Nichols's ' Progresses of Queen Elizabeth ' (iii. 228), made by Drew to the queen in 1593 when presenting the newly elected lord mayor, Sir Cuthbert Buckle, for her majesty's approval. On 27 March 1594 Drew resigned the recordership, having been appointed justice of assize and gaol delivery for Essex and Kent, and was presented by the city for his faithful service with 'a basin and ewer of silver-gilt containing one hundred ounces.' Drew became queen's serjeant in 1596, and was much employed about this time by the privy council in the examination of political prisoners and in various legal references (State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1591-4, 1595-7). Risdon, his countryman and contemporary, writing some fifteen years after his death, says that his ' knowledge and counsel won him a gene- ral love ' (Surv. of Devon, 1811, p. 43). His death appears to have been sudden, and is ascribed by John Chamberlain, in a letter dated 4 May 1598, to gaol fever caught while Drew 16 Drew riding the northern circuit with Mr. Justice until his death. In 1877 he was elected Beaumont, who also died on 22 April (CHAM- Hulsean lecturer at Cambridge, and the fol- BERLAIN'S Letters, Camd. Soc. 8). His will i lowing year he published his discourses in a was signed, probably in extremis, on 25 April volume entitled ' The Human Life of Christ 1598, and proved in the P. C. C. on 16 May fol- revealing the order of the Universe With lowing (LEAVYN, p. 44). Drew sold the family • an Appendix,' 8vo, London, 1878. Drew, seat of Sharpham for 2,250/., and erected the j who was a fellow of the Royal Geographical mansion of Killerton on the site of some mo- | Society, and at one time an active member nastic buildings in the parish of Broad Clist. i of the British Association, died suddenly at -»•••• i -i • T i _ _ i •_"!"_ .i-i : _T_ TT^l HP_! '. . — — ^ ««. Ci~l T ~ioorv "TT _ Here he lived, and was buried in the parish in the south aisle, erected to his and his wife's memory in 1622, with a Latin inscription in Holy Trinity vicarage, 21 Jan. 1880. He married, 20 May 1845, Mary, eldest daugh- ter of William Peek of Norwood, Surrey (ib. xxiv. 189). His other writings are : prose and verse. By his wife, Bridget Fitzwil- ! 1. 'Eight Sermons, with an Appendix,' 8vo, liam of Lincolnshire, he had four sons and ' London, 1845. 2. ' The Distinctive Excel - three daughters, all of whom survived him. lencies of the Book of Common Prayer. A Thomas, his eldest son and heir, was knighted I Sermon [on Lamentations, iii. 41] preached by Charles I, and removed the family mansion in Old St. Pancras Church; with a preface from Killerton to Grange in the parish of i containing a brief history of that church,' Broadhembury, which has ever since remained ' 8vo, London, 1849. 3. 'Scripture Studies, or Expository Readings in the Old Testament,' 12mo, London, 1855. 4. ' Reasons of Faith, or the order of the Christian Argument de- veloped and explained ; with an Appendix,' the seat of the family. [Prince's Worthies of Devon, 1810, pp. 334-7; Tuckett's Devonshire Pedigrees, p. 62 ; Masters of the Bench of the Inner Temple, 1883, p. 15 ; Keturn of Names of Members of Parl. 1878 ; Ly- sons's Magna Britannia, Devonshire ; Dugdale's Orig. Jurid. p. 188, &c. ; Burke's Hist, of the Commoners, iv. 672.] C. W-H. DREW, GEORGE SMITH (1819-1880), Hulsean lecturer, son of George Drew, tea dealer, of 11 Tottenham Court Road, London, was born at Louth, Lincolnshire, in 1819. Admitted a sizar of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, on 22 Jan. 1839, he took his B.A. degree as 27th wrangler in 1843, and was ordained the same year (College Register}. After serving a curacy at St. Pancras, Lon- don, for about two years, he was presented to the incumbency of the Old Church, St. Pancras, in 1845 ( Gent. Mag. new ser. xxiv. 298), and to that of St. John the Evangelist, 8vo, London, 1862; 2nd edition, 8vo, London, 1869. 5. ' Bishop Colenso's Examination of the Pentateuch examined; with an Ap- pendix,' 8vo, London, 1863. 6. ' Ecclesia Dei,' 8vo, London, 1865. 7. ' Church Life,' 8vo, London, 1866. 8. ' Korah and his Com- pany ; with other Bible teachings on sub- jects of the day, etc.,' 8vo, London, 1868. 9. ' Ritualism in some Recent Developments/ 8vo, London, 1868. 10. ' Church Restora- tion : its Principles and Methods,' 8vo, Lon- don, 1869. 11. ' Divine Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven,' 8vo, London, 1871. 12. ' Nazareth : its Life and Lessons,' 8vo, London, 1872. 13. ' The Son of Man : his Life and Ministry,' 8vo, London, 1875. 14. ' Reasons of Unbelief; with an Appendix,' in the same parish, in 1850 (ib. xxxiv. 85). | 8vo, London, 1877. He also wrote largely He was one of the earliest promoters of in Fairbairn's ' Imperial Bible Dictionary,' evening classes for young men, and pub- Cassell's ' Bible Dictionary,' the ' Christian lished three lectures in support of the move- i Observer,' the ' Contemporary Review,' and ment in 1851 and 1852. He had taken his [ the ' Sunday Magazine.' Some of his works M.A degree in 1847, and became vicar of i exhibit much scholarship. Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire, in 1854 (ib xliii. [Guardian, 28 Jan. 1880, p. 108 col. 3, p. 109 H}. During the winter and spring of 18o6-7 col. 3 ; Crockford's Clerical Directory (1879), p. he made a tour in the East, and as the result " he composed a book published as ' Scripture Lands in connection with their History,' 8vo, London, 1860 ; 2nd edition, 8vo, Lon- don, 1862, and again, 8vo, London, 1871. Drew was vicar of St. Barnabas. South Kensington, from 1858 till 1870, was select 282 ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] G.Gr. DREW, JOHN (1809-1857), astronomer, was born at Bower Chalk, Wiltshire, in 1809. His father dying when he was but a year old, his education depended mainly upon his own exertions, which were so effectual that at preacher to the university of Cambridge in ! the age of fifteen he was prepared to enter 1869-70, and rector of Avingt on, Hampshire, ! upon the profession of a teacher. After two during 1870-3, but returned to London in the ' years spent as assistant in a school at Melks- last named -year as vicar of Holy Trinity, { ham, he removed to Southampton, where he Lambeth, a preferment which he retained i made his permanent abode, and conducted a Drew Drew school ably and successfully during sixteen years. His first celestial observations were made with a three and a half foot refractor, for which he substituted later an excellent five-foot achromatic by Dollond, mounted equatorially, and in 1847 installed in a small observatory, built by him for its reception in his garden (Monthly Notices, x. 68). With the help of a fine transit-circle by Jones, ac- quired soon after, and of the Beaufoy clock, lent by the Royal Astronomical Society, he very accurately determined the time, and sup- plied it during many years to the ships leaving Southampton. He published in 1835 ' Chronological Charts illustrative of Ancient History and Geogra- phy,' which he described as ' a system of pro- gressive geography;' and in 1845 'A Manual of Astronomy : a Popular Treatise on Descrip- tive, Physical, and Practical Astronomy, with a familiar Explanation of Astronomical In- struments, and the best methods of using them.' A second edition was issued in 1853. At the Southampton meeting of the British Association in 1846, Drew was appointed one of the secretaries of the mathematical section, and printed for the use of the association a pamphlet ' On the Objects worthy of At- tention in an Excursion round the Isle of Wight, including an Account of the Geolo- gical Formations as exhibited in the Sections along the Coast.' Shortly afterwards he de- termined upon instituting systematic meteo- rological observations, and summarised the results for 1848 to 1853 inclusive, in two papers on the ' Climate of Southampton,' read before the British Association in 1851 and 1854 respectively (Report, 1851, p. 54 ; 1854, p. 29). Invited to assist in the founda- tion of the Meteorological Society in 1850, he sought, as a member of the council, to forward its objects by writing a series of papers ' On the Instruments used in Meteorology, and on the Deductions from the Observations,' which were extensively circulated among the mem- bers of the society, and formed the ground- work of a treatise on ' Practical Meteorology,' published by Drew in 1855, and re-edited by his son in 1860. His last work was a set of astronomical diagrams, published by the De- partment of Science and Art in 1857, faith- fully representing the moon, planets, star- clusters, nebulae, and other celestial objects (Monthly Notices, xvi. 14). Among the papers communicated by him to the Royal Astrono- mical Society (of which he was elected a member on 9 Jan. 1846), may be mentioned one on the 'Telescopic Appearance of the Planet Venus at the time of her Inferior Con- junction, 28 Feb. 1854' (ib. xv. 69), record- ing a considerable excess of the observed over TOL. xvi. the calculated breadth of the crescent. Drew died after a long illness at Surbiton in Surrey, on 17 Dec. 1857, aged 48. He was a corre- sponding member of the Philosophical Insti- tute of Bale, and had taken a degree of doctor in philosophy at the university of the same place. [Monthly Notices, xviii. 98 ; the same in Mem. R. Astr. Soc. xxvii. 126; Andre et Rayet, L'Astro- nomie Pratique, i. 166 ; Royal Society's Cat. of Scientific Papers.] A. M. C. DREW, SAMUEL (1765-1833), meta- physician, born 6 March 1765, was the son of Joseph Drew, by his second wife, Thomasin Osborne. Joseph Drew made a hard living in a cottage near St. Austell, Cornwall, by streaming for tin and a little small farming. He had been impressed by a sermon from Whitefield and was one of the early Cornish methodists. Samuel was put to work in the fields at seven years old, his parents receiving 2d. a day for his labour. His mother died in 1774, when his father married again; and Samuel, finding home disagreeable, was ap- prenticed to a shoemaker at St. Blazey when between ten and eleven. He was a wild lad and joined in smuggling adventures, but was discouraged for a time (as he always asserted) by meeting one night a being like a bear with fiery eyes which trotted past him and went through a closed gate in a supernatural manner. Soon afterwards he ran away from his master, but was found at Liskeard and brought back to his father, who, after some difficulties, was now prospering as a farmer at Polplea, near Par. He afterwards worked for a time at Millbrook, Plymouth, and was nearly drowned in a smuggling adventure, from which he had not been deterred by any bogey. Returning to his home he became journeyman shoemaker in a shop at St. Aus- tell in January 1785. The death of an elder brother, who had been a studious youth of religious principles, and the funeral sermon preached upon him by Adam Clarke [q.v.], had a great effect upon his mind, and he joined the Wesleyan society in June 1785. He took a keen interest in politics, began to read all the books he could find, and was much impressed by a copy of Locke's ' Essay.' He set up in business for himself in 1787. He became a class-leader and a local preacher in 1788 ; and though some accusation of heresy led to his giving up the class-leadership for many years, he continued to preach through life. On 17 April 1791 he married Honour Hills. He began to write poetry, always kept a note-book by the side of his tools, and used to write with his bellows for a desk. His first publi- cation was ' Remarks upon Paine's " Age of C Drew 18 Droeshout Reason," ' caused by some controversy with a freethinking friend, which appeared in 1799 and was favourably noticed in the ' Ant i- Ja- cobin Review' for April 1800. He made the acquaintance of the antiquary John Whit- aker, the vicar of Ruan-Lanihorne, and of John Britton [q. v.] In July 1800 he pub- lished some ' Observations ' upon R. Polwhele's * Anecdotes of Methodism,' defending his sect against Polwhele's charges. Whitaker now encouraged him to complete a book upon which he had long meditated, which was finally published by subscription in 1802. It was entitled ' Essay on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Soul.' It had much suc- cess. After the first publication he sold the copyright to a Bristol bookseller for 20/. After four editions had appeared in England and two in America, he brought out a fifth with additions in 1831, which he sold for 250/. His old adversary Polwhele generously reviewed him with high praise in the ' Anti- Jacobin' for February 1803. He became famous as the ' Cornish metaphysician,' and made many friends among the clergy, though he declined to become a candidate for the orders of the church of England. He formed a close intimacy with Adam Clarke, through whose influence he was elected in 1804 a mem- ber of the Manchester Philological Society. Another friend was the Rev. Dr. Thomas Coke [q. v.], who was writing various books for the Wesleyan conference. He was also superintendent of the Wesleyan missions, and, being overwhelmed wi th work,employed Drew to write for him. The books appeared under the name of Coke, and were in fact from his notes, but it seems that Drew was the chief author, though he did not complain of the concealment of his name. In 1806 he was invited through Clarke to revise metaphysical works for the ' Eclectic Review,' but the con- nection did not last long. In 1809 he pub- lished an ' Essay on the Identity and Resur- rection of the Body,' which attracted little notice, though it reached a second edition in 1822. About the same time he began to write an essay for the Burnett prize [see BTTENETT, JOHX, 1729-1784], which, however, was adjudged in 1814 to J. L. Brown and J. B. Sumner. He published his essay in 1820 ; but it did not attract much notice. In 1814 he undertook a history of Corn- wall. Part of it had been written by F. Hit- chins, on whose death the composition was entrusted to Drew. Though Drew is only described as editor, he wrote the greatest part. It is not more than a fair compilation. In 1819 he moved to Liverpool, again through the recommendation of Clarke. H was to edit the 'Imperial Magazine,' started in March 1819, and superintend the business of the ' Caxton Press.' A fire destroyed the buildings at Liverpool, and the business was transferred to London, where Drew settled. Here he was employed in absorbing work, which seems to have tried his health. Hopes of making a provision for retirement to Corn- wall were disappointed by pecuniary losses. He made short visits to Cornwall, during one of which his wife died at Helston, 19 Aug. 1828, at the house of a son-in-law. Drew rapidly declined in strength after this blow. He returned to his work in London, but died at Helston 29 March 1833, while staying with his son-in-law. He had seven children, of whom six survived him. Drew's writings are interesting as those of a self-taught metaphysician, who seems to have read nothing on his first publication except Locke and Watts. It cannot be said, how- ever, that his arguments show more than a strong mind, quite unversed in the literature of the subject. He appears to have been a very honourable and independent man, strongly attached to his family, and energetic as a preacher and writer. [Life by his eldest son (2nd edit.), 1835 ; Auto- biographical sketch prefixed to Essay on Identity, &e. 1809; Polwhele's Biographical Sketches of Cornwall,!. 96-103 ; Boase and Courtney's Biblio- theca Cornubiensis ; Smiles's Self-Help.] L. S. BRING, RAWUNS (ft. 1688), physi- cian, son of Samuel Dring, born at Bruton, Somersetshire, was educated at Wadham College, Oxford, of which he became first scholar and a fellow in 1682. He proceeded B.A. 27 June 1679, M.A. 24 May 1682. Then entering on the physic line, he practised at Sherborne, Dorsetshire. He was the author of ' Dissertatio Epistolica ad amplissimum virum & clarissimum pyrophilum J. N. Ar- migerum conscripta ; in qua Crystallizatio- nem Salium in unicam et propriam, uti di- cunt, figuram, esse admodum incertam, aut accidentalem ex Observationibus etiam suis, contra Medicos & Chymicos hodiernos evin- citur,' 16mo, Amsterdam, 1688. According to Wood, ' the reason why 'tis said in the title that it was printed at Amsterdam is because the College of Physicians refused to license it, having several things therein ! written against Dr. Martin Lister.' [Wood's Athenae Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 738 ; Wood's Fasti Oxon. (Bliss), ii. 369, 383.] G. G. DRINKWATER, JOHN. [See BE- THT7NE, JOHX DRIXKWATEK, 1762-1844.] DROESHOUT, MARTIN (ft. 1620- 1651), engraver, belonged to a Netherlandish family, of which numerous members were- Droeshout Drokensford settled in England. In the registers of the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, published by W. J. C. Moens, F.S.A. (Lymington, 1884), there are several entries concerning the family, the name being spelt Droeshout, Droshaut, Drossaert, Drussoit, &c. From these, and from a return of foreigners living in London in 1593 (HAMPER, Life of Sir William Dug- dale, appendix), it appears that about 1590 Michael Droeshout of Brussels, ' a graver in copper, which he learned in Brussels,' after sojourning in Antwerp, Friesland, and Zee- land, came to London, where John Droes- hout, painter, and Mary, or Malcken, his wife, had been settled for some twenty years, who seem to have been his parents. Michael Droeshout, from whose hand there exists a curious allegorical engraving of the ' Gun- powder Plot,' married on 17 Aug. 1595 Su- sanna van der Ersbek of Ghent, and, among other children, was father of John Droeshout, baptised 16 May 1596, and of Martin Droes- hout, baptised 26 April 1601. There was also a Martin Droeshout, apparently brother of Michael, who was twice married at the Dutch Church, viz. on 26 Oct. 1602 to Anna Winter- beke of Brussels, and 30 Oct. 1604 to Janneker Molyns of Antwerp. He was granted deniza- tion on 20 Jan. 1608, being described as ' Martin Droeshout, painter, of Brabant ' (Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser., James I). A Martin Droeshout was admitted a member of the Dutch Church in 1624, and it is with one of these, probably the younger, that we may identify the artist known throughout the literary world as the engraver of the por- trait of William Shakespeare prefixed to the folio edition of his works published in 1623, with the well-known lines by Ben Jonson affixed below it. This is considered by Mr. George Scharf, C.B., F.S. A.(' On the Principal Portraits of Shakespeare,' Notes and Queries, 23 April 1864), as having the first claims to authenticity, since it is professedly a portrait of the great dramatist. He further says that ' a general feeling of sharpness and coarse- ness pervades Droeshout's plate, and the head looks very large and prominent with reference to the size of the page and the type-letters around it ; but there is very little to censure with respect to the actual drawing of the features. On the contrary, they have been drawn and expressed with Treat care. Droeshout probably worked from i good original, either a " limning " or crayon- Irawing, which having served its purpose >ecame neglected and is now lost.' Be- ides the portrait of Shakespeare, Droeshout ngraved numerous other portraits, some of irhich are of extreme rarity, and also title- ages for booksellers. His engravings are executed in a stiff and dry manner, which, however, occasionally attains to some excel- lence ; there may be instanced the full-length portraits of George Villiers, duke of Buck- ingham, and of James, marquis of Hamilton. Among other portraits were John Fox,Mount- joy Blount, earl of Newport, General William Fairfax, Sir Thomas Overbury, *Dr. Donne, Hilkiah Crooke, and others. In the print room at the British Museum are some rare sets of engravings of the ' Sibyls ' and the ' Seasons.' Contemporary with Martin Droes- hout, and pursuing the same profession in a similar but inferior style, was JOHN DROES- HOUT (1596-1652), who may be identified with the John Droeshout mentioned above as an elder brother of Martin Droeshout. He was employed by booksellers, for whom he engraved portraits of Arthur Johnston, John Babington, Richard Elton, John Danes. Jeffrey Hudson, and others, besides other frontispieces and broadsides. He also en- graved a set of plates to ' Lusitania Liberata,' by Don Antonio de Souza, including some portraits of the kings of Portugal. In his will, dated 12 Jan. 1651-2, and proved 18 March 1651-2 (P. C. C., Somerset House, 55, Bowyer), he describes himself as 'of St. Bride's, Fleet Street, London, Ingraver,' and mentions his wife Elizabeth, his nephew Martin, his two sons-in-law, Isaac Daniell and Thomas Alford, and his servant or ap- prentice, Thomas Stayno. [Eedgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Nagler's Mono- grammisten, iii. 2243, iv. 1733; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of England ; Bromley's Cat. of Engraved English Portraits ; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. ; in- formation from Mr. W. J. C. Moens, F.S.A.. ; authorities cited above.] • L. C. DROGHEDA, VISCOUNT and EARL OF. [See MOORE, CHARLES and HENRY.] DROKENSFORD, JOHN DE (d. 1329), bishop of Bath and Wells, born probably in the village of Drokensford, or, as it is now called, Droxford, in Hampshire, was controller of the wardrobe to Edward I in 1291, and continued to hold that office until 1295, when he appears as keeper of the wardrobe (STEVENSON, Docwnents, i. 204, ii. 16). These offices gave him much employ- ment both in auditing accounts and in di- recting expenditure, and he was in constant attendance at court. He accompanied Ed- ward in the expeditions he made to Scotland in 1291 and 1296. In 1297 he discharged the duties of treasurer during a vacancy. The next year he was again in Scotland, and was busily engaged in finding stores for the castles that were in the hands of the king, and he appears to have again accompanied C2 Drokensford 20 Dromgoole Edward I on the expedition of 1303-4. His services were rewarded with ecclesiastical preferments ; he was rector of Droxford, of Hemingburgh and Stillingfleet in Yorkshire, and of Balsham in Cambridgeshire ; he held prebends in Southwell and four other col- legiate churches in England, besides certain prebends in Ireland; was installed as pre- bendary in the cathedral churches of Lichfield, Lincoln, and Wells; and was chaplain to the pope (Ls NEVE; WHARTOI*; Calendar). His secular emoluments were also large, for he ap- pears to have had five residences in Surrey, Hampshire, and Kent, besides a sixth estate in Chute Forest, Wiltshire, and a grant of land in Windsor Forest {Calendar). He is some- times incorrectly styled chancellor, or keeper of the great seal, simply because on one oc- casion, as keeper of the wardrobe, he had charge of the great seal for a few days during a vacancy. After the death of Edward I he ceased to hold office in the wardrobe, and in the first year of Edward II sat in the ex- chequer as chancellor (MADOi). On 25 Dec. 1308 the king, in sending his conge ffelire to the chapters of Bath and Wells, nomi- nated him for election ; he received the tem- poralities of the see on 15 May 1309, was consecrated at Canterbury on 9 Nov., and was enthroned at Wells about twelve months afterwards. During the first four years of his episcopate he was seldom in his diocese : ' political troubles,' he writes, in December 1312, ' having hindered our residence ' (Ca- lendar). In later years, though often in Lon- don and elsewhere, and paying an annual visit to his private estates, he was also much in Somerset. He did not make either Bath or Wells his headquarters, but moved about constantly, attended apparently by a large retinue, from one to another of the manor- houses, sixteen or more in number, attached to the see and used as episcopal residences. Magnificent and liberal, he was, like many of his fellow-bishops, a worldly man, and by no means blameless in the administration of his patronage, for he conferred a prebend on a member of the house of Berkeley who was a layman and a mere boy, and in the "bountiful provision he made for his relations out of the revenues of his church he was not always careful to act legally (ib.) He had some disputes with his chapter which were settled in 1321 (REYNOLDS). Although he was left regent when the king and queen j crossed over to France in 1313, and was one of the commissioners to open parliament, he found himself ' outrun in the race for secular preferment ' in the reign of Edward II, and probably for this reason was hostile to the king (SxiJBBs). He joined in the petition for the appointment of ordainers in March 1310 (Ann. Londin. p. 170). In July 1321 he and others endeavoured to arrange a peace between the king and the malcontent lords at London (Ann. Paulini, p. 295). At the same time he was concerned in the rebellion against Edward, and in February 1323 the king wrote to John XXII and the cardinals complaining of his conduct, and requesting that he should be translated to some see out of the kingdom (Fcedera). He signed the letter sent by the bishops to the queen in 1325 exhorting her to return to her husband, and on 13 Jan. 1327 took the oath to sup- port her and her son at the Guildhall of London (Ann. Paulini, p. 323). He died at his episcopal manor-house at Dogmersfield, Hampshire, on 9 May 1329, and was buried in St. Katharine's Chapel in his cathedral church, where his tomb is still to be seen. Two months before his death he endowed a chantry to be established at the altar nearest to his grave. [Bishop Hobhouse's Calendar of Drokensford's Register (Somerset Record Soc., printed for sub- scribers) ; Stevenson's Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland (Rolls Ser.) ; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy) ; Wharton's Anglia Sacra, i. 568 ; Godwin, De Praesulibus. p. 375 ; Foss's Judges, iii. 86 ; Madox's Hist, of the Exchequer, ii. 30 ; Rymer's Foedera, iii. 989, ed. 1705; Annales Londin. ; Annales Paulini, ap. Chronicles, Edw. I and Edw. II, ed. Stubbs (Rolls Ser.) ; Stubbs's Constitutional History, ii. 355 ; Reynolds's Wells Cathedra], pp. 145, 147.] W. H. DROMGOOLE, THOM AS, M.D. (1750?- 1826 ?), was born in Ireland somewhere about the middle of the eighteenth century, and took his medical degree at the university of Edin- burgh. He settled as a physician in Dawson Street, Dublin, and became a prominent mem- ber of the catholic board, which met at the beginning of the century to further the cause of catholic emancipation. Dromgoole was an anti-vetoist, that is, he was opposed to the purchase of freedom for the catholics at the price of giving the government a veto in the appointment of their bishops. In 1813 he made some vigorous speeches on the sub- ject, overthrowing Grattan's contention in the House of Commons that the veto was approved in Ireland, and materially contri- buting to the temporary defeat of the Catho- lic Emancipation Bill. In the following year his speeches were published, together with an anonymous ' Vindication,' said by Mr. W. J. Fitzpatrick to have been written by Dr. Lanigan, who also, according to the same au- thority, was the real author of the speeches, though they were ' enunciated through the ponderous trombone of Dromgoole's nasal Drope 21 Drue twang.' Shell, describing Dromgoole's mode of emphasising the end of each sentence in his speeches by knocking loudly on the ground with a heavy stick, spoke of him as ' a kind of rhetorical paviour.' Dromgoole's ill-timed outspokenness brought a hornets' nest about his ears ; he was satirised by Dr. Brennan under the name of ' Dr. Drumsnuffle,' and was at last driven into exile, ending his days at Rome under the shadow of the Vatican. He probably died between 1824 and 1829. [W. J. Fitzpatrick's Irish Wits and "Worthies, ch. xxiv. ; Wyse's Catholic Association of Ireland, i. 161.] L. C. S. DROPE, FRANCIS (1629 P-1671), arbo- riculturist, a younger son of the Rev. Thomas Drope, B.D., vicar of Cumnor, Berkshire, and rector of Ardley, near Bicester, Oxford- shire, was born at Cumnor vicarage about 1629, became a demy of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford, in 1645, three years after his brother John, and graduated as B.A, in 1647. In 1648 he was ejected, having pro- bably, like his brother, borne arms for the king, and he then became an assistant-master in a private school, kept by one William Fuller, at Twickenham. At the Restoration he pro- ceeded M. A. (23 Aug. 1660), and in 1662 was made fellow of his college. He subsequently graduated as B.D. (12 Dec. 1667), and was made a prebendary of Lincoln (17 Feb. 1669- 1670). He died 26 Sept. 1671, and was buried in the chancel of Cumnor Church. His one •work, ' A Short and Sure Guide in the Prac- tice of Raising and Ordering of Fruit-trees,' is generally described as posthumous, being published at Oxford', in 8vo, in 1672. The work is eulogised in the ' Philosophical Trans- actions,' vol. vii., No. 86, p. 5049, as written from the author's own experience. Drope's elder brother, JOHN (1626-1670), was demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1642 ; proceeded B.A. 12 July 1645 ; ' bore arms for the king' in the garrison of Oxford; was made fellow of his college in 1647, being ejected by the parliamentary visitors the next year ; became master at John Fetiplace's school at Dorchester about 1654 ; proceeded M.A. at the Restoration (23 Aug. 1660) ; was restored to his fellowship ; studied physic, which he practised at Borough, Lincolnshire, and died at Borough in October 1670. He was a poet on a small scale, and published 'An Hymensean Essay ' on Charles II's marriage in 1662, a poem on the Oxford Physic Garden, 1664, and other poems which Wood read in manuscript. [Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 941 ; Fasti, ii. 103, 228, 299 ; Felton's Portraits of Writers on Gardening, p. 31.] G. S. B. DROUT, JOHN (fi. 1570), poet, was, as we learn from the title-page of his only known work, an attorney of Thavies Inn. He is author of a black-letter tract of thirty leaves, entitled ' The pityfull Historic of two louing Italians, Gaulfrido and Barnardo le vayne,. which ariued in the countrey of Grece, in the time of the noble Emperoure Vaspasian. And translated out of Italian into Englishe meeter,' &c., 12mo, London, 1570. In de- dicating ' this, the first frutes of my trauell,' to Sir Francis Jobson, knt., lieutenant of the Tower, Drout mentions his parents as still living, and expresses his own and their obli- gations to Jobson. In 1844 John Payne Collier reprinted twenty-five copies of this piece from a unique copy. Collier doubts whether Drout really translated the story from the Italian, and suggests that Drout de- scribes it as a translation so that he might take advantage of the popularity of Italian, novels. In his preliminary remarks upon 'Romeo and Juliet,' Malone, whose sole know- ledge of Drout's book was derived from its entry in the ' Stationers' Registers,' supposed it to be a prose narrative of the story on which Shakespeare's play was constructed (MALONE, Shakespeare, ed. Boswell, vi. 4). It is not in prose, and only a part relates to the history of Romeo and Juliet ; it is in the ordinary fourteen-syllable metre of the time, divided into lines of eight and of six syllables. It is merely valuable to the literary antiquary. [Arber's Transcript of Stationers' Eegisters, i. 204 b ; Lowndes's Bibl. Manual (Bohn), ii. 869r voce ' Gaulfrido,' Appendix, p. 250 ; Athenaeum, 26 April 1862, p. 563.] G. G. DRUE, THOMAS (fl. 1631), dramatist,, is the author of an interesting historical play, ' The Life of the Dvtches of Svffolke,' 1631r 4to, which has been wrongly attributed by Langbaine and others to Thomas Hey wood. The play was published anonymously, but it is- assigned to Drue in the ' Stationers' Registers r (under date 13 Nov. 1629) and in Sir Henry Herbert's ' Office-book.' Another play, ' The Bloodie Banquet. By T. D.,' 1620, 4to, has been attributed without evidence to Drue. An unpublished play, the 'Woman's Mis- take,' is ascribed in the ' Stationers' Registers/ 9 Sept. 1653, to Robert Davenport [q. v.] and Drue. Possibly the dramatist may be the Thomas Drewe who in 1621 published 'Daniel Ben Alexander, the converted Jew, first written in Syriacke and High Dutch by him- selfe. Translated . . . into French by S. Lecherpiere. And out of French into Eng- lish,' 4to. [Arber's Transcript of Stationers' Registers, iv. 188 ; Chalmers's Supplemental Apology, p. 217.] A. H. B. Druitt 22 Drummond DRUITT, ROBERT (1814-1883), medi- cal writer, the son of a medical practitioner at Wimborne, Dorsetshire, was born in De- cember 1814. After four years' pupilage with Mr. Charles Mayo, surgeon to the Winchester Hospital, he entered in 1834 as a medical student at King's College and the Middlesex Hospital, London. He became L.S.A. in 1836, and M.R.C.S. in 1837, and settled in general practice in Bruton Street, Berkeley Square. In 1839 he published the ' Surgeon's Vade-Mecum,' by which he is best known. Written in a very clear and simple style, it became a great favourite with students, and the production of successive editions occupied much of the author's time. The eleventh edition appeared in 1878, and in all more than forty thousand copies were sold. It was re- printed in America, and translated into several European languages. In 1845 Druitt be- came F.R.C.S. by examination, and in 1874 F.R.C.P., later receiving the Lambeth degree of M.D. He practised successfully for many years, and also engaged in much literary work, having for ten years (1862-72) edited the ' Medical Times and Gazette.' He was an earnest advocate of improved sanitation, and from 1856 to 1867 was one of the medi- cal officers of health for St. George's, Hanover Square. From 1864 to 1872 he was president of the Metropolitan Association of Medical Officers of Health, before which he delivered numerous valuable addresses. In 1872 his health broke down, and he for some time lived in Madras, whence he wrote some interest- ing ' Letters from Madras ' to the ' Medical Times and Gazette.' On his retirement 370 medical men and other friends presented him with a cheque for 1,2151. in a silver cup, * in evidence of their sympathy with him in a prolonged illness, induced by years of gene- rous and unwearied labours in the cause of humanity, and as a proof of their apprecia- tion of the services rendered by him as an author and sanitary reformer to both the public and the profession.' After an exhaust- ing illness he died at Kensington on 15 May 1883. In 1845 he married a Miss Hopkin- son, who with three sons and four daughters survived him. Druitt was a man of wide culture, being well versed in languages, as well as in science and theology. Church music was one of his special studies, and as early as 1845 he wrote a ' Popular Tract on Church Music.' A man of reserved manners, he was both a wise and a sympathetic friend. Besides his principal work, Druitt wrote a small work on ' Cheap Wines, their use in Diet and Medicine,' which appeared first in the 'Medical Times and Gazette' in 1863 and 1864, and was twice re- printed in an enlarged form in 1865 and 1873. In 1872 he contributed an important article on 'Inflammation' to Cooper's 'Dictionary of Practical Surgery.' Among his minor writings may also be mentioned his paper on I the ' Construction andManagement of Human I Habitations, considered in relation to the Public Health' (Transactions of the Royal \ Institute of British Architects, 1859-60). [Medical Times and Gazette, 19 and 26 May 1883, pp. 561, 600-1.] G. T. B. DRUMMOND, ALEXANDER (&1769), consul, author of ' Travels through the diffe- rent Countries of Germany, Italy, Greece, and parts of Asia, as far as the Euphrates, with an Account of what is remarkable in their present State and their Monuments of Anti- quity'(London, 1754, fol.), was son of George Drummond of Newton, and younger brother of George Drummond, lord provost of Edin- burgh [q. v.] Of his early years there is no account. He started on his travels, via Har- wich and Helvoetsluys, in May 1744, reached Venice in August and Smyrna in December that year, and Cyprus in March 1745. His observations by the way, and in excursions, made in the intervals of what appear to have been commercial pursuits, during residence in Cyprus and Asia Minor in 1745-50, are given in his book in the form of letters, mostly addressed to his brother, and accom- panied by some curious plates. In one of these excursions he reached Beer, on the Eu- phrates. Drummond was British consul at Aleppo in 1754-6. He died at Edinburgh on 9 Aug. 1769. A portrait of him is cata- logued in Evans's 'Engraved Portraits ' (Brit. Mies. Cat., subd. v.), London, 1836-53. [Anderson's Scottish Nation (Edinb. 1859-63), ii. 66 ; Watt's Bibl. Brit. ; Drummond's Travels, ut supra; Court and City Eegisters, 1753-7; Scots Mag. 1769, xxxi. 447.] H. M. C. DRUMMOND, ANNABELLA (1350 ?- 1402), queen of Scotland, daughter of Sir John Drummond of Stobhall, was the wife of Robert III of Scotland and mother of James I. The family of Drummond derive their name from Drymen in Stirlingshire, but trace their descent from Maurice, a Hun- garian, who is said to have accompanied Edgar Etheling and his sisters to Scotland from Hun- gary in 1068, and to have been made, by Mal- colm Canmore, after his marriage with Mar- garet, steward of Lennox. His descendant, Sir John de Drummond of Drymen, taken prisoner by Edward I, but released in 1297, had, by the daughter of the Earl of Menteith, Sir Malcolm de Drummond, who fought with Bruce at Bannockburn. His eldest son, a Drummond 23 Drummond second Sir Malcolm, died in 1348, leaving three sons, John, Maurice, and Walter. His daughter Margaret married, first, Sir John Logie ; secondly, David II in 1363,very shortly after the death of his first wife, Joanna, daugh- ter of Edward II. From David she was di- vorced by the Scottish bishops in 1370. SHe appealed to the pope, but the terms of his sentence, if pronounced, are not known. This marriage, deemed discreditable probably from her having been the king's mistress before the death of her first husband, brought the Drum- monds into royal favour, and among other gifts was the grant through the queen of the lands of Stobhall, Cargill, and Kynloch to Malcolm de Drummond, her nephew, in 1368 (Exchequer Rolls, ii. 298). Sir John, by his marriage to Mary, heiress of Sir William de Montefex, acquired other estates, Kincardine and Auchterarder in Perthshire, and had by her four sons (Sir Malcolm,who married Iso- bell, countess of Mar, but left no issue ; Sir John, who succeeded to the family estates ; William,who married the heiress of Airth and Cumnock, the ancestor of the Drummonds of Cumnock and Hawthornden ; Dougal, bishop of Dunblane) and three daughters, of whom the eldest was Annabella. Her family, which had thus grown in im- portance by alliance with royal and other noble houses, was at the height of prosperity in the second half of the fourteenth century. In 1397 Annabella married John Stewart of Kyle (afterwards Robert III), the eldest son of Robert the high steward, who was created in 1367 Earl of Atholl, and next year Earl of Carrick. Four years before her aunt Margaret Logie married David II. The double connection of the aunt with the king and her niece with the son of the presumptive heir produced jealousy, and, according to Bower, the high steward and his three sons were cast into separate prisons at the suggestion of the queen. Her divorce led to their release and restoration to their former favour (FoEDUN, BOWER'S Continuation, xiv. 34). In 1370 Robert the steward, grandson of Bruce, by his daughter Marjory, succeeded to the crown as Robert II on the death of David II. John, earl of Carrick, the husband of Annabella, eldest son of the steward by his first wife, Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan, was "born about 1337. Tall and handsome in person, but inactive by disposition, and lamed by a horse's kick, the Earl of Carrick was even less fitted to be a king than his father. He allowed the reins of government during his father's life as well as his own to fall into the hands of his ambitious brother, Walter, earl of Fife ; while his younger bro- ther, Alexander, earl of Buchan, the Wolf of Badenoch, earned that name by his law- less rapacity in the district of Moray. During j the reign of his father the Earl of Carrick ; was keeper of Edinburgh Castle, for which he had five hundred merks a year as salary (Exchequer Rolls, 1372, ii. 393, iii. 66-87). In this capacity he continued the buildings of David's tower, begun in the former reign, and received payments for munitions and provi- sions, which point to his personal residence with Annabella in the Castle. Annabella re- ceived during her father-in-law's reign pay- ment of several sums for ward of land, pro- bably assigned to her as her marriage portion. ! In 1384 her husband was invested by par- liament with authority to enforce the law, owing to the incapacity of his father, and in April of the following year he was directed to inflict punishment on the Katherans of the north ; but at a council in Edinburgh on 1 Dec. 1388 he was superseded by his brother, the Earl of Fife, already chamberlain and keeper of Stirling Castle, who was elected guardian of the kingdom, with the power of the king, until Robert's eldest son, the Earl of Carrick, should recover health, or his (the earl's) son and heir become of an age fit for governing. This son was David, afterwards Duke of Rothesay, a boy of ten, to whom Annabella, after a long period of marriage without issue, gave birth in 1378 {Act Parl. i. 555-6). Robert II dying twelve years after, the Earl of Carrick succeeded, exchanging his name of John, of ill omen through the recollection of Baliol and John of England, for that of Robert III. Robert II was buried at Scone on 13 Aug. 1390 ; on the 14th Robert III was crowned ; on the 15th, the feast of the Assumption, Annabella was crowned queen ; and on the 16th the oaths of homage and fealty were taken by the barons, a sermon being each day preached by one of the bishops, that on the queen's coronation by John of Peebles, bishop of Dunkeld. In the parliament of the following March 1391 an annuity of 2,500 merks was granted to the queen from the counties of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Perth, Linlithgow, Dundee, and Montrose, and another of 640/. was then or soon after settled on her son David, earl of Carrick (Exchequer .Records, iii. 252, 288). During the first eight years of Robert III, Scotland, having been included in the truce of Lenlingham, was at peace with England, and the chief power was re- tained by the Earl of Fife, but as his salary for the office of guardian of the kingdom does not appear in the records after 1392, it is possible that he may have ceased to hold it and the king attempted to govern. In 1394 Queen Annabella appears on the scene in Drummond Drummond a tantalising correspondence, of which two letters only have been preserved from her to Richard II. They relate to a proposed mar- riage between a relation of Richard and one of the royal children of Scotland, whether a son or daughter is uncertain. In the first, dated 28 May, while expressing her desire for the alliance, she says the time for the conference proposed by Richard is too soon, as the king is in a distant part of Scotland, and requests Richard, if the king has ap- pointed a more convenient time, to send some of his councillors to make a good conclusion of the matter. In the second, of 1 Aug., she mentions that she has just borne an infant son, James by name, and that the king, then in the Isles, had named 1 Oct. for the confer- ence. The infant James cannot have been the member of the royal family intended, so it must have been either his elder brother David or one of his sisters, or perhaps another bro- ther Robert, called the steward, who died young, and is only known from entries in the Exchequer Records (1392, iii. 390, 400). Nothing, however, came of the proposed marriage. In a council at Scone in January 1398 David, the heir-apparent, was created Duke of Rothesay, and his uncle, the Earl of Fife, Duke of Albany. The king's ill- health still continuing, Rothesay, now in his twentieth year, was appointed governor of the realm for three years, but with the ad- vice of a council of which the Duke of Albany was principal member. At the same council Queen Annabella complained of the failure to pay her annuity, and letters were directed to the customars of the burghs, and also to the chamberlain, ordering its payment with- out delay in future. Albany had since 1382 held that office, which gave him the control of the royal revenues. In the same year as the council of Scone the queen held a great tournament in Edin- burgh, in which twelve knights, of whom the chief was her son David, duke of Rothesay, took part. The marriage of Rothesay two years later to Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of Archibald the Grim, earl of Douglas, al- though he had been before promised to Eliza- beth, daughter of the Earl of March, led to the revolt of that nobleman and an invasion of Scotland by Henry IV, who in 1399 had dethroned Richard II. Henry advanced as far as Edinburgh, where he besieged the castle, but declining a personal combat offered by Rothesay, and unable to take the castle, he returned home. Albany, it is probable, had supported the Earl of March, while the queen and council favoured the alliance of the heir to the kingdom with the Earl of Douglas. The deaths within one year (1401-2) of the queen, the Earl of Douglas, and Irail, the good bishop of St. Andrews, were a fatal blow to the endeavour to restrain the ascendency of Albany. It became a proverb, says Bower, that then the glory of Scotland fled, its honour retreated, and its honesty departed. Not many months after the queen's death Rothesay was deposed from his office of regent and found first a prison at Falkland, and then an early and obscure tomb at Lindores. Though doubts have been raised, the sus- picion that Albany was his murderer is con- firmed by the course of events. At a council in Edinburgh on 16 May 1402 a declaration of the innocence of Albany and the Earl of Douglas in the arrest and death of Rothesay suggests, like a similar remission to Both- well, the probability of their guilt. In 1403 Sir Malcolm Drummond, brother of the queen, was murdered by Alexander, a natural son of the "Wolf of Badenoch. James, now heir-apparent, was despatched by his father to the court of France, but cap- tured by a vessel of Henry IV in February, and the aged and infirm monarch himself died on 4 April 1406. The whole power of the kingdom was henceforth absorbed by Albany as regent. While other points are doubtful in this period of Scottish history, the character of Annabella Drummond has been praised by all historians. Wyntoun. pronounces on her this panegyric : Dame Annabill, qwene off Scotland Taire, honorabil, and plesand, Cunnand, curtays in hir efferis, Luvand, and large to strangeris. She died at Scone in 1402, and was buried" at Dunfennline. A small house at Inver- keithing of two stories, both vaulted, is still- pointed out by tradition as her residence. When the present writer visited it, it was a lodging-house for navvies, and as Dunferm- line was so near it can only have been oc- casionally, if ever, occupied by the queen, perhaps for bathing. Besides James, afterwards king, the Duke of Rothesay, and Robert, who died young, the offspring of her marriage were four daughters — Margaret, who married Archibald Tyne- man, fourth earl of Douglas, and duke of Touraine in France ; Mary, who had four hus- bands : first in 1397, George Douglas, earl of Angus, second, 1409, Sir James Kennedy of Dunmore, third,William, lord of Graham, and in 1425 Sir William Edmonston of Duntreath ; Elizabeth, who married Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith ; Egidia, who was not married. A portrait of Queen Annabella by Jamesin. at Taymouth, engraved in Pinkerton's ' Scot- tish Gallery,' vol. ii., who thinks it may have- Drummond Drummond been taken from her tomb at Dunfermline, well represents the graciousness and beauty for which she was celebrated. Some of its features may be traced in her son James I, and his daughters Margaret, the wife of the dauphin, afterwards Louis XI, and Isobel, wife of Francis, Duke of Bretagne. [Acts Parl. Scot. vol. i. ; Fordun, Wyntoun, and the Book of Pluscarden ; Exchequer Rolls, vols. ii. and iii., andBurnet's Preface to vol. iv., where many important dates are fixed ; Pinker- ton's Hist, of Scotland ; History of the House of Drummond.] JE. M. DRUMMOND, EDWAED (1792-1843), civil servant, second son of Charles Drum- mond, banker, of Charing Cross, by Frances Dorothy, second daughter of the Rev. Edward Lockwood, was born 30 March 1792, and be- came at an early age a clerk in the treasury, where he was successively private secretary to the Earl of Ripon, Canning, Wellington, and Peel. So highly did the duke think of him that he expressed his satisfaction in the House of Lords at having secured his ser- vices. Having been seen travelling alone in Scotland in Peel's carriage and coming out of Peel's London house by a madman named Daniel Macnaghten, a wood-turner of Glas- gow, who had some grudge against Peel, Drummond was shot by him in mistake for Peel between the Admiralty and the Horse Guards, Whitehall, as he was walking towards Downing Street, 20 Jan. 1843. He was shot in the back, and though he managed to walk to his brother's house and the ball was ex- tracted that evening, he died after suffering but little pain at 9 A.M., 25 Jan., at Charlton, near Woolwich, where he was buried 31 Jan. Some controversy arose as to the treatment of his wound, which was said to have been unskilful (see pamphlet by J. DICKSON, 1843). Macnaghten was acquitted on the ground of insanity. [Gent. Mag. 1789 and 1843 ; Eaikes's Journal, iv. 249 ; Life of Prince Consort, i. 162 ; Times, 21 and 27 Jan. 1843.] J. A. H. DRUMMOND, GEORGE (1687-1766), six times lord provost of Edinburgh, was born there 27 June 1687. His father is de- scribed as a 'factor' in Edinburgh, where Drummond was educated. He displayed at an early age a considerable aptitude for figures, and is said to have made in his eighteenth year most of the calculations for the committee of the Scottish parliament when negotiating with a committee of the English parliament the financial details of the contemplated union. He was appointed, 16 July 1707, accountant- general of excise on its introduction into Scotland. He was an ardent supporter of the Hanoverian succession, and he is described as in 1713 working actively to defeat the designs of the Scottish Jacobites. He was appointed a commissioner of customs 10 Feb. 1715, with a salary of 1,000/. a year, Allan Ramsay, though a Jacobite, welcoming in some cordial verses the promotion of ' dear Drummond ' (Poems, i. 375). In the same year he is said to have raised a company of volunteers and with them to have joined the Duke of Argyll and the royal forces employed in suppressing the Earl of Mar's insurrection. The statement that he wrote on horseback a letter from the field, which gave the magis- trates of Edinburgh the first news of the battle of Sheriffmuir, 13 Nov. 1715, is not confirmed by any record of the incident in the council minutes. He seems to have be- come a member of that body in 1715. In 1717 he was elected by it treasurer to the city, in 1772 dean of guild, and in 1725 lord provost. At this last period he is described as exercising dictatorial power in the general assembly of the kirk (WoDROW, iii. 200). At the age of seventeen Drummond had be- come deeply religious (GRANT, i. 365). In. 1727 he was appointed one of the commis- sioners for improving fisheries and manufac- tures in Scotland. With Drummond's first provostship began a new era in the history of modern Edin- burgh. The government and patronage of the university were in the hands of the town council, and Drummond made such use of his opportunities as one of its members, that from 1715 until his death nothing was done without his advice (BowER, ii. 305). A medi- cal faculty was established and five new professorships instituted. Chairs were given to a number of eminent men, from Alexander Monro secundus and Colin M'Laurin to Adam Ferguson and Hugh Blair, and through Drum- mond Robertson the historian became prin- cipal of the university. In the first year of his provostship Drummond revived a dor- mant scheme for the establishment of an in- firmary on a small scale by procuring the allocation to that object of the stock of the fishery company, of which he had been chief manager, and which was being dissolved. The scheme took effect in 1729, but Drum- mond never rested until he had procured the funds for a far larger institution, and its erection on the site where it remained until recent years. The charter incorporating, 25 Aug. 1736, the Royal Infirmary named him one of its managers, and he was pro- minent in the ceremony when its foundation- stone was laid, 2 Aug. 1738. He and Alex- ander Monro were constituted the building committee. He was called at the time ' the Drummond Drummond father of the infirmary,' and after his death there was placed in its hall his bust by Nollekens (since transferred to the New Royal Infirmary), with an inscription by Principal Robertson proclaiming that to him ' this coun- try is indebted for all the benefits which it de- rives from the Royal Infirmary.' Drummond Street, in its vicinity, was called after him. Drummond had married in 1707 a wife whodied in 1718. His second wife, a daughter of Sir James Campbell of Aberuchill (his col- league on the board of customs), whom he married in 1721, died in 1732. These two wives bore him fourteen children. He fell into embarrassments in spite of his large income as commissioner of customs. They prevented him from marrying a morbidly pietistic lady of whose name only the initials ' R. B.' are given, to whom he was much attached, and in the efficacy of whose prayers and accuracy of whose predictions he had a superstitious faith. There is a great deal about her in the fragments of his manuscript diary, from the middle of 1736 to the last weeks of 1738, preserved in the library of the university of Edinburgh (see the account of it with extracts in GORDON, ii. 364-8). His circumstances were probably not improved by the abolition of his office of commissioner of customs and his appointment to a com- missionership of excise, 1737-8, but in Janu- ary 1739, having apparently broken off the singular connection with ' R. B.,' he was re- lieved from his money difficulties by marrying a third and wealthy wife. With the rebellion of 1745 Drummond was foremost in calling for and organising resist- ance on the part of the citizens of Edinburgh to its occupation by the rebels. Through his efforts a body of volunteers was raised, and at his persuasion they were ready to march out of Edinburgh, and, with some regulars, meet the enemy in the open. Drummond, who was captain of the first or College company, found himself, however, unsupported by the autho- rities, and the zeal of the volunteers melted away until the only course left was to con- sent to their disbandment. Home (iii. 54 rc.) has charged Drummond with simulating mar- tial ardour in order to make himself popular in view of the approach of the usual timefor the municipal elections, but this accusation is rebutted by Dr. Carlyle, who was himself a member of the College company of volun- teers {Autobiography, pp. 119-20). Drum- mond's own account of the collapse is to be found in the report (State Trials, xviii. 962, &c.) of the evidence which he gave at the trial of Archibald Stewart, the then provost of Edinburgh, for neglect of duty, against •whom he was a principal witness. With the surrender of Edinburgh Drummond joined Sir John Cope's force, and after witnessing its ! defeat at Prestonpans is said to have accom- 1 panied Cope to Berwick, and thence to have j corresponded with the government. In 1745 the usual autumn elections had not taken place in Edinburgh. Those of 1746 the govern- ment ordered to be determined by a poll of the citizens instead of by partial co-optation. Drummond was elected provost, both of the two lists of candidates which were circulated being headed with his name. In 1750-1 Drummond was a third time lord provost, and in 1752 he prefixed a printed letter commendatory (Scots Mag. Ixiv. 467) to copies of proposals for carrying on certain public works in the city of Edinburgh, which were drawn up by Gilbert Elliot (the third baronet), and which included one for an ap- plication to parliament to extend the ' royalty ' of the city northward, where the New Town of Edinburgh is now. A portion of the scheme was sanctioned by an act of parlia- ment passed in 1753 (26 George II, cap. 36), in which Drummond was named one of the ' commissioners for carrying it out. On 3 Sept. j in the same year the works were begun by Drummond laying, as grand-master of the | Scotch Freemasons, the first stone of the Edin- i burgh Royal Exchange, before what has been described as the greatest concourse of people , that had ever assembled in Edinburgh (LTOX, p. 217). To promote this and other improve- ments Drummond became a fourth time lord i provost, 1754-5. In 1755, his third wife having died in 1742, he married a fourth, a rich English quakeress with 20,000?., and then probably it was that he became the owner of Drummond Lodge, at that time an isolated country house on the site of what is now Drummond Place, also called after him, and in the heart of the New Town of Edin- burgh. There, on stated days, he kept an ; open table. In 1755 he was appointed one of the trustees of the forfeited estates, and a manager of the useful Edinburgh Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, and Agriculture. Appointed : lord provost for two years a fifth time in 1758, he took in hand the extension of Edinburgh northward, necessary steps to which were j the draining of the North Loch and the erec- i tion of a bridge over its valley. The extension of the royalty northward met, like most of Drummond's schemes of improvement, with much opposition, and a bill authorising it which was introduced in parliament had to be abandoned. With the second year of Drum- mond's sixth and last provostship, 1762—3, the draining of the North Loch was effected, and the erection of the bridge with funds derived Drummond Drummond from loans and voluntary subscriptions de- cided on. As acting grand-master of the Scotch Free- masons, Drummond laid the foundation-stone of the North Bridge on 21 Oct. 1763. The year after his death was passed the act ex- tending the royalty over the fields to the north of the city, and the foundation-stone was laid of the first house in the New Town of Edinburgh. Drummond died at Edinburgh on 4 Nov. 1766, and was buried in the Canon- gate churchyard, near the grave of Adam Smith. He received a public funeral such as his native city had seldom witnessed. Sir A. Grant (i. 304) calls him ' the greatest sedile that has ever governed the city of Edin- burgh, and the wisest and best disposed of all the long list of town councillors and pro- vosts who during 275 years acted as patrons of the college or university.' Drummond was of the middle size, and his manners were conciliatory and agreeable. In advanced age the dignity of his person was such that, ac- cording to Dr. Somerville (p. 45), a stranger entering a meeting of Edinburgh citizens for the consideration of important business would at once have selected Drummond as the fittest person to take the lead in council. He was an easy and graceful public speaker. There are specimens of his official correspondence in Maitland's ' History of Edinburgh,' and a few of his letters on university matters in Thomson's ' Life of Cullen,' 1832. In the ' Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club,' i. 419, &c. is printed ' Provost Drummond's Account of the Discussion in the House of Commons upon the application of Daniel Campbell, Esq. of Shawfield for compensation for his losses by the riot in Glasgow,' caused by the impo- sition of an excise duty on ale. The letter is dated 25 March 1725, and contains a lively and graphic description of a parliamentary •debate. Drummond had a town house in ' Anchor Close,' High Street (LTON, p. 207). Besides Drummond Lodge he seems to have had at one time a country house at Colinton, near Edinburgh, where there are to be seen cedars grown from seed sent him by his brother Alexander [q. v.] who was consul at Aleppo (New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1832, i. 112). A sister of theirs gained considerable notoriety as a quaker preacheress throughout the kingdom, in the course of her expeditions raising money for her brother's scheme of a Royal Infirmary, and once delivering an ad- dress before Queen Caroline, the consort of George II. Her later career was an unhappy one (see the account of her in CHAMBERS, iii. 559, &c.) [Memoir of Drummond in Scots Mag. for 1802, vol. Ixiv., abridged in Chambers's Biog. Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen ; Sir Alexander Grant's Story of the University of Edinburgh during its first three hundred years, 1884 ; Bower's Hist, of the University of Edinburgh, 1817, &c. ; Autobiography of Dr. Alexander Carlyle, 1860; Howell's State Trials; Chambers's Domestic Annals of Scotland from the Revolu- tion to the Rebellion of 1745, 1861 ; Home's Hist, of the Rebellion in 1745 (in vol. iii. of Works, 1822); Wodrow's Analecta (Maitland Club pub- lications) ; Lyon's Hist, of the Lodge of Edin- burgh, No. I., 1873; Somerville's My own Life and Times; Poems of Allan Ramsay, 1800; Maitland's and Arnot's Histories of Edinburgh ; authorities cited ; communications from Mr. Wil- liam Skinner, city clerk of Edinburgh, and Mr. R. S. Macfie, Dreghorn, Mid-Lothian.] F. E. DRUMMOND, SIB GORDON (1772- 1854), general, fourth son of Colin Drummond, by the daughter of Robert Oliphant of Rossie, N.B., entered the army as an ensign in the 1st regiment, or Royal Scots, in 1789, which he j oined in Jamaica. He was rapidly promoted, and became lieutenant in the 41st regiment in March 1791, captain in January 1792, major of the 23rd regiment in January 1794, and lieutenant-colonel of the 8th, or king's Liver- pool regiment, on 1 March 1794. This regi- ment, with which he was more or less con- nected for the rest of his life, he joined in the Netherlands, and served at its head dur- ing the campaign of 1794 and the winter re- treat of 1794-5, and especially distinguished himself at Nimeguen. From September 1795 to January 1796 he served in Sir Ralph Abercromby's campaign in the West Indies, and in 1799, after having been promoted colonel on 1 Jan. 1798, he accompanied the same general to the Mediterranean with his regiment, first to Minorca and then to Egypt, where his regiment formed part of Cradock's brigade. Drummond distinguished himself throughout the campaign in Egypt, and commanded his regiment in the battles of 8, 13, and 21 March, and at the capture of Cairo, and then of Alexandria. When the campaign was over he took his regiment first to Malta and then to Gibraltar, and left it in 1804 to take command of a brigade on the home staff in England. On 1 Jan. 1805 he was pro- moted major-general, and in May of that year he took command of a division in Jamaica, which he held while his old comrade, Sir Eyre Coote (1762-1824) [q. v.], was governor and commander-in-chief of that colony until Au- gust 1807. In December 1808 Drummond was transferred to the staff in Canada, and was retained there after his promotion to the rank of lieutenant-general on 4 June 1811 as second in command to Sir George Prevost. He played a most important part throughout the American war of 1812-14 upon the Cana- Drummond Drummond dian frontier, but his most important feat of arms was winning the battle of Niagara on 25 July 1814. The year 1813had beenmarked by many disasters to the inadequate English fleet on the great lakes, and it was not until 1814 that Drummond, after receiving rein- forcements from the Peninsular regiments, j was able to make a real impression on the American troops. He had his forces, amount- ing in all to not more than 2,800 men, con- veyed across Lake Erie to Chippewa, and they had hardly established themselves near the Niagara Falls before they were fiercely attacked by the American troops under Gene- ral Brown. The attacks lasted until mid- night, when the Americans were at last totally repulsed with heavy loss ; but the fierceness of the battle maybe judged by the fact that the English casualties amounted to no less than 878 men killed, wounded, and missing, including Major-general Phineas Riall, Drummond's second in command, who was wounded and taken prisoner. Drummond immediately followed up his success by at- ] tacking the enemy's headquarters at Fort Erie, which had been actually carried on 25 Aug., when a terrible explosion caused a panic, and the fort which had been so hardly gained was evacuated by his troops. He re- mained in front of Fort Erie, repulsed a violent assault made upon his position on 18 Sept., and on 6 Nov. successfully occupied that post, which was abandoned by the American troops. Peace was concluded with the United States in the following year, but the services of the army which had wiped out the disgrace of the defeats of 1813 were not forgotten, and Drummond was gazetted a K.C.B. Drum- mond returned to England in 1815, and after being made colonel of the 97th regiment in 1814, and of the 88th in 1819, and promoted general in 1825, he was transferred to the colo- nelcy of his old regiment, the 8th, which had distinguished itself at the battle of Niagara in 1814. He was made a G.C.B. in 1837, and died in Norfolk Street, Park Lane, London, on 10 Oct. 1854, at the age of eighty-two. [Eoyal Military Calendar ; Gent. Mag. De- cember 1854; Belsham's American War of 1814; Drummond's Despatches published in the London Gazette.] H. M. S. DRUMMOND, HENRY (1786-1860), politician, eldest son of Henry Drummond, banker, of the Grange, Hampshire, by his wife Anne, daughter of Henry Dundas, first Vis- count Melville [q. v.], was born in 1786. His father died in 1794, and his mother marrying again and going to India about 1802, the boy was left in charge of his grandfather, Lord Melville, and at his house often saw and be- came a favourite of Pitt. From his seventh to his sixteenth year he was at Harrow, and after- wards passed two years at Christ Church, Ox- ford, but took no degree. He became a partner in the bank at Charing Cross, and continued for many years to attend to the business. In 1807 he made a tour in Russia, and on his return to- England married Lady Henrietta Hay, eldest daughter of the ninth earl of Kinnoull. He had two daughters by her, one of whom married Lord Lovaine, and the other Sir Thomas Roke- wood Gage, bart. In 1810 he entered parlia- ment as M.P. for Plympton Earls, and suc- ceeded in getting passed the act (52 Geo. Ill, c. 63) against embezzlement by bankers of securities entrusted to them for safe custody; but after three years his health failed, and h& retired. In June 1817, ' satiated with the empty frivolities of the fashionable world,' he broke up his hunting establishment and sold the Grange, and was on his way with his wife to the Holy Land, when, under cir- cumstances which he seems to have thought providential, he came to Geneva as Robert Haldane was on the point of leaving it, and continued Haldane's movement against the Socinian tendencies of the venerable company and the consistory, the governing bodies at Geneva. His wealth and zeal made him so formidable that he was summoned before the council of state, and thought it safer to with- draw from his house at Secheron, within the Genevese jurisdiction, to a villa, the Campagne Pictet, on French soil, whence for some time he carried on the movement of reform. He addressed and published a letter to the con- sistory, circulated Martin's version of the scriptures, encouraged the ministers rejected by the company to form a separate body, which was done 21 Sept. 1817, despatched at his own cost a mission into Alsace, and in 1819 helped to found the Continental Society, and con- tinued for many years largely to maintain it (A. HALDANE, Lives of the Haldanes). Though accustomed to attack the political economists, he in 1825 founded the professorship of poli- tical economy at Oxford. He was an enthu- siastic supporter and one of the founders of the Irvingite church, in which he held the rank of apostle, evangelist, and prophet. It was at Drummond's house at Albury, Surrey, that at Advent 1826 the < little prophetic par- liament ' of Irving, Wolff, and others met for six days' discussion of the scriptures, when the catholic apostolic church was practically ori- ginated. Edward Irving introduced Drum- mond to Carlyle, who caustically described ' his fine qualities and capacities ' and ' enor- mous conceit of himself ' in his ' Reminis- cences ' (ed. Norton, ii. 199). When Carlyle dined with Drummond at Belgrave Square in August 1831, he wrote that he was 'a Drummond Drummond •singular mixture of all things — of the saint, the wit, the philosopher — swimming, if I mistake not, in an element of dandyism' FROUDE, Life of Carlyle, 1795-1835, ii.'l77). Drummond built a church for the Irvingites at Albury at a cost of 16,000/., and Irving- ism long prevailed in the locality. He also supported its quarterly magazine, the 'Morning Watch,' visited Scotland as an apostle in 1834, was ordained an angel for Scotland in Edinburgh, and was preaching •on miracles in the chief church of the body as late as 1856. He believed that he heard supernatural voices at Nice ; and in 1836 Drummond posted down to the Archbishop of York at Nuneham to tell him of the approaching end of the world ( Greville Me- moirs, 1st ser. iii. 333; McCuLLAGH TOR- KENS, Life of Lord Melbourne, ii. 176). He -was returned to parliament in 1847 as mem- ber for West Surrey, and held that seat till his death. He was a tory of the old school, but upon his election did not pledge himself to any party. He always voted for the budget on principle, no matter what the government of the day might be. In 1855 he supported the ministry under the attacks upon them for their conduct of the war, declaring that the house was ' cringing ' to the press, was a member of Roebuck s committee of inquiry, and prepared a draft report, which was re- jected. He was particularly active during the ^debates upon the Divorce Bill in 1857. He was a frequent speaker and a remarkable •figure in the house, perfectly independent, scarcely pretending to consistency, attacking all parties in turn in speeches delivered in an immovable manner, and with an almost inaudible voice, full of sarcasm and learning, but also of not a little absurdity. He spoke especially on ecclesiastical questions, in sup- port of the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill and of the inspection of convents, and against the admission of Jews to parliament. (For de- scriptions of his character see KINGLAKE, Crimean War, 6th ed. vii. 317 ; HOLLAND, Recollections, 2nd ed. p. 156; Quarterly Re- view, cxxxii. 184 ; OLIPHANT, Life of Edward Irving, 4th ed. pp. 176, 203.) He wrote many pamphlets, most of which were republished 'with his speeches after his death by Lord Lovaine, and several religious and devotional "works, and brought out at great cost one •volume of a ' History of Noble British Fami- lies ' (1846). He was a generous landlord, allowing allotments to his labourers at Al- bury as early as 1818. He died at Albury 20 Feb. 1860. [Memoir in LordLovaine's edition of his work; Croker Papers ; Oliphant's Life of E. Irving ; Gent. Mag. December I860.] J. A. H. DRUMMOND, JAMES, first LORD MA- DERTY (1540P-1623), second son of David, second lord Drummond, by his wife, Lilias, eldest daughter of William, second lord Ruthven, was born about 1540. He was edu- cated with James VI, who throughout his life treated him with marked favour. On his coming of age his father gave him the lands and titles of the abbey of Inchaffray in Strath- earn, in virtue of which possession he was known as ' commendator' of Inchaffray. He also had charters of the baronies of Auchter- arder, Kincardine, and Drymen in Perthshire and Stirling, 3 Sept. 1582, and 20 Oct. of the lands of Kirkhill. In 1585 he was appointed a lord of the bedchamber by James VI. He was with the king at Perth 5 Aug. 1600, during the so-called Gowrie plot, and after- wards gave depositions relative to the affair. In 1609 (31 Jan.) the king converted the abbey of Inchaffray into a temporal lordship, and made Drummond a peer, with the title of Lord Maderty, the name being that of the parish in which Inchaffray was situated. He had further charters of Easter Craigton in Perthshire, 23 May 1611 ; of the barony of Auchterarder (to him and his second son), 27 July 1615 ; and of the barony of Inner- peffray,24 March 161 8. He died in September 1623. He married Jean, daughter of James Chisholm of Cromlix, Perthshire, who through her mother was heiress of Sir John Drum- mond of Innerpeffray, which property she brought into her husband's family, and by her he had two sons (John, second lord Maderty, and James of Machany) and four daughters, Lilias, Jean, Margaret, and Catherine. [Douglas and Wood's Peerage of Scotland, ii. 550 ; Anderson's Scottish Nation, iii. 529.] A. V. ^DRUMMOND, JAMES, fourth EARL and first titular DTJKE OF PERTH (1648-1716), was elder son of James, third earl, prisoner at the battle of Philiphaugh, 13 Sept. 1645, who died 2 June 1675. His mother, who died 9 Jan. 1656,wasLadyAnne Gordon, eldest daughter of George, second marquis of Huntly . He was educated at St. Andrews, and visited France and possibly Russia. On 18 Jan. 1670 he married Lady Jane Douglas, fourth daughter of William, first marquis of Douglas, and he succeeded to the earldom at his father's death in 1675 (DOUGLAS, Peerage of Scotland). The depressed condition of his family made him ready to take any measures for improving it, and at the end of 1677 he wrote to Lauderdale to offer his co-operation in the worst act of that governor's rule of Scotland — the letting loose of the highlanders upon the disaffected western shires (Lauderdale Papers, Camden Soc. iii. f, article can be revised and supplemented by de Lille,' fasc. xlii, c. 1934), which includes A. Joly, ' Un converti de Bossuet : James extracts from Perth's own account of his Drummond, due de Perth, 1648—1716 ' conversion and adds much fresh information (' Mem. et travaux des facultes catholiques i about his life after 1693. Drummond Drummond 93). At the suggestion of the bishops of Scot- land he was added to the committee of coun- cil which accompanied the army (ib. p. 95), and was himself made a member of the privy council in 1678 (DOUGLAS). Apparently dis- satisfied wit h this reward he j oined the ' party,' as it was called, the body of Scottish nobles who opposed Lauderdale in this year under the leadership of Hamilton, their chief ground of complaint being this very invasion of the west, in which Perth had eagerly assisted, and he was one of those who came to Lon- don in April 1678 and acted in concert with Shaftesbury and the Duke of Monmouth. In the reports made to Lauderdale he is spoken of as ' busy and spiteful,' and as one of the ' chief incendiaries ' among the parlia- mentary opposition who were then engaged upon their last attack on Lauderdale (Lauder- dale Papers, iii. 132). The efforts of the 'party' succeeded so far that to weaken their influence orders were sent to despatch the highlanders from the west, but failed as regarded Lauderdale himself. He then returned with the ' party ' to Scotland, and took part in the opposition to Lauderdale in the convention of July 1678 (ib. p. 249). During 1681 he was in partnership with William Penn in the settlement of East New Jersey (Hist. MSS. Comm. 6th Eep. 700 b). In August 1682 he was one of the commis- sioners for the trial of the mint in Scotland (ib. p. 658 a), and as such took part in the prosecution of the treasurer-deputy, Charles Maitland of Haltoun, Lauderdale's brother, for peculation. During this year he was again at Whitehall. He was at this time in confidential communication with Archbishop Sancroft, expressing his love of ' the church of England, of which I hope to live and die a member' (CLARKE, Letters of Scottish Pre- lates, p. 40). On 16 Nov. 1682 he was made justice-general and extraordinary lord of ses- sion; and he presided at the trial of Sir Hugh Campbell of Chesnock for treason. He did his best for the crown, since the estate, if confiscated, was promised to one of Charles's illegitimate children, but he was unable to force the jury to find a verdict of guilty. He was also, by the influence of the Duchess of Portsmouth, made one of the seven who formed the cabinet for the management of Scottish affairs (OMOND. Lord Advocates of Scotland, i. 223). In 1684 Perth attached himself to the faction of his kinsman, the Duke of Queensberry, in opposition to that of Aberdeen, the lord chancellor. On the dismissal of Aberdeen, . Perth succeeded to the chancellorship, and was also made, on 16 July 1684, sheriff principal of the county of Edinburgh and governor of the Bass. For ten years, Burnet says, he had seemed in- capable of an immoral or cruel action, but was now deeply engaged in the foulest and blackest of crimes (Hist, own Time, i. 587). He is especially notorious as having added to the recognised instruments of torture that of the thumbscrew, and as having thereby extracted, especially from Spence, who was supposed to be in concert with Argyll, con- fessions which the boot could not extort. On the death of Charles II he was continued in office by James II. As late as July 1685 he was still in correspondence with Sancroft about ' the best and most holy of churches ; ' he mentioned an occasion on which he had preferred James's life to his own, and said significantly, ' So now, whenever the occasion shall offer, life, fortune, reputation, all that should be dear to an honest man and a Christian, shall go when my duty to God and his vicegerent calls for it.' On 1 July he again wrote, lamenting that he was ' least acceptable where I study most to please r (CLARKE, pp. 68, 71, 76, 82). This could refer to nobody but James. He speedily found the right method of making himself more acceptable. James had just published the celebrated papers in vindication of the catholic faith found in Charles's strong box. Perth declared himself convinced by their ar- guments, and prevailed on his brother, John Drummond [q. v.], Lord Melfort, to join him in his apostasy. He had meanwhile quarrelled with Queensberry, lord treasurer of Scotland, his former patron, and the quarrel was brought before James. Previous to the conversion James had determined to dismiss Perth, but after it Queensberry, a staunch protestant, was himself turned out, having merely a seat on the treasury commission, and Perth and Mel- fort became the chief depositaries of the royal confidence (BTJRKET, i. 653). After the death of his first wife, Perth married Lilias, daugh- ter of Sir James Drummond of Machany, by whom he had four children. This lady dying about 1685, Perth within a few weeks mar- ried his first cousin, Lady Mary Gordon, daughter of Lewis, third marquis of Huntly, and widow of Adam Urquhart of Meldrum. With her, according to Burnet (i. 678), Perth had had an intrigue of several years' standing, without waiting for the necessary dispensation from Rome. The pope remarked that they were strange converts whose first step was to break the laws of the church, and was with difficulty prevailed upon to grant the dispensation. Perth now esta- blished a private chapel in his house at Edin- burgh, and a cargo of popish trinkets and vestments arrived at Leith. The mob rose, attacked Perth's house and insulted his wife. Drummond Drummond The troops fired on the people. Several of the ringleaders were captured and hanged. Perth, believing that Queensberry was the author of the attack, in vain promised a pardon to one of them if he would accuse his rival (FOUNTAIN- HALL, 31 Jan., 1 Feb. 1685-6). He was now the chief agent in the catholic administration of Scotland, and when James announced to the privy council his intention of fitting up a chapel in Holyrood he carried through the council an answer couched in the most servile terms (MACATTLAY, i. 619). He succeeded, however, in inducing James to revoke the proclamation ordering all officials, civil and military, to give up their commissions and take out new ones without taking the test, and to receive remissions for this breach of the law at the price of 81. each. He was entrusted also with the negotiations which James opened with the presbyterians (BALCARRES, Memoirs Bannatyne Club). In 1687 he was the first to receive the revived order of the Thistle. In the same year he resigned the earldom of Perth and his heritable offices in favour of his son and his son's male heir (DOUGLAS). When James retreated from Salisbury be- fore William, the people, in the absence of the troops, whom Perth had unwisely dis- banded, rose in Edinburgh. Perth, who was detested equally for his apostasy and his cruelty, departed under a strong escort to his seat of Castle Drummond. Finding himself unsafe there, he fled in disguise over the Ochil mountains to Burntisland, where he gained a vessel about to sail to France. He had, however, been recognised, and a boatful of watermen from Kirkcaldy pursued the vessel, which, as it was almost a dead calm, was overtaken at the mouth of the Forth. Perth was dragged from the hold in woman's clothes, stripped of all he had, and thrown into the common prison of Kirkcaldy. Thence he was taken to Stirling Castle, and lay there until he was released in June or August 1693 on a bond to leave the kingdom under a penalty of 5,0001. He went at once to Rome, where he resided for two years, when he joined James's court at St. Germain. He received from James the order of the Garter, was made first lord of the bedchamber, chamberlain to the queen, and governor to the Prince of Wales. On the death of James II he was, in conformity with the terms of the king's will, created Duke of Perth. He died at St. Germain on 11 March 1716, and was buried in the chapel of the Scotch College at Paris. He is described as very proud, of middle stature, with a quick look and a brown complexion, and as telling a story ' very prettily.' By his third wife, who died in 1726, he had three children. [Authorities cited above.] 0. A. DRUMMOND, JAMES, fifth EARL and second titular DUKE OF PERTH (1675-1720), was the eldest son of James Drummond, fourth earl of Perth [q. v.], by his first wife, Jane, fourth daughter of William, first marquis of Douglas. He joined his uncle Melfort in France shortly after the deposition of James II. He began studying at the Scotch College, Paris, but on James going to Ireland joined the expedition, and was present at all the engagements of the campaign. He then resumed his studies in Paris, and afterwards travelled in France and Italy. In 1694 his j father, released on condition of his leaving Scotland, met him at Antwerp after five yearsr separation, and describes him as ' tall, well- shaped, and a very worthy youth.' He had re- i cently danced before the French and Jacobite I courts at Versailles with great approbation. I The young man was allowed in 1695 to return to Scotland, but was so much a prey to melan- choly that his father sent him word ' to be merry, for a pound of care will not pay an ounce of debt.' In 1707 he was one of the Scotch Jacobites who conferred with Colonel Hooke, the Pretender's envoy, and though a catholic he stipulated that there should be security for the protestant religion. In 1708 he collected two hundred men at Blair Athol in expectation of the Pretender's arrival. For this he was summoned to Edinburgh, sent to London, and imprisoned in the Tower. In 1713 he made over his estates to his in- fant son. In the rising of 1715 he under- , took with two hundred of his Highlanders , and some Edinburgh Jacobites to surprise Edinburgh Castle, but the scheme miscarried. He commanded the cavalry at Sheriffmuir. He escaped from Montrose in February 1716 with the Pretender and Lords Melfort and Mar, and after five days' passage reached Gravelines. He was subsequently with the Pretender at Rome and in Spain. He died at Paris in 1720 and was buried beside his father at the Scotch College, where his white marble monument still exists. His widow, Jane, daughter of the fourth Marquis of Huntly, entertained Charles Edward for a night at Drummond Castle in 1746, and was nine months a prisoner at Edinburgh for collect- I ing taxes for him. She died at a great age ' at Stobhall in 1773. [Perth's Letters, Camden Society, 1845; Lut- trell's Journal ; Epitaph at Scotch College ; Douglas and Wood's Peerage of Scotland, ii. 364.] J. G. A. DRUMMOND, JAMES, sixth EARL and third titular DTJKE OF PERTH (1713-1747), born 11 May 1713, was eldest son of James Drummond, fifth earl of Perth [q. v.] He was brought up by his mother at Drummond Drummond Drummond Castlejtill his father's death, -when his mother took him and his younger brother John to France. This step gave great offence to the boy's kinsmen and to the Scotch Jacobites, who feared that it might entail a confisca- tion of the estates, and would be held up to odium by the whigs. They accordingly urged the Pretender to interfere, but he replied that as she pleaded her husband's repeated injunc- tions, and her anxiety for a catholic educa- tion for her children, he could do nothing. The boy was accordingly educated at Douay, then sent to Paris to learn accomplishments, and is said to have excelled in mathematics. On reaching manhood he returned to Scot- land, interested himself in agriculture and manufactures, and, though his father's at- tainder had deprived him of a legal title, styled himself and was recognised by his neighbours as Duke of Perth. In July 1745 the authorities resolved on arresting him as a precautionary measure, and Sir Patrick Mur- ray and Campbell of Inveraray undertook to effect this under the guise of a friendly visit. This treacherous scheme miscarried, for when after dinner they disclosed their errand he asked leave to retire to a dressing-room, es- caped by a back staircase, crept through briars and brambles past the sentinels to a ditch, lay concealed till the party had left, borrowed of a peasant woman a horse with- out saddle or bridle, and in September joined the Young Pretender at Perth. When Murray was afterwards a prisoner at Prestonpans, Perth's only revenge was the ironical remark, ' Sir Patie, /am to dine with you to-day.' He conducted the siege of Carlisle, where he ig- nored his superior officer, Lord George Mur- ray, in a way which made the latter proffer his resignation, but the quarrel was appeased. During the retreat from Derby he was sent with a hundred horse to hurry up the French rein- forcements, but passing through Kendal with his escort a little in advance he narrowly escaped capture in his carriage. Anxious to avoid useless bloodshed, he told his men to •fire over the heads of the mob. His servant was knocked off his horse by a countryman, •who rode off with it and with the portman- teau containing a large sum of money, and Perth had to renounce his mission. He was not at the battle of Falkirk, having been left with two thousand men to continue the siege of Stirling. His chief exploit was the sur- prising of Lord London's camp, 29 March 1746. He had secretly collected thirty-four fishing boats, crossed Dornoch Firth from Portmahamock, and jumping into four feet of water was the first to land, but the suc- cess would have been much greater had not a long parley with an outpost enabled the main body to escape. Four vessels laden with arms, victuals, uniforms, plate, and fur- niture, were, however, captured. At Cullo- den he commanded the left wing. On his standard-bearer bringing him next day the regimental colours he exclaimed, ' Poor as I am, I would rather than a thousand pounds that my colours are safe.' The French ship Bellone ultimately rescued Perth, with his brother, Sheridan, and Hay, but, exhausted by fatigues and privations, he died on board, 13 May 1746, and the ship being detained by contrary winds his body had to be com- mitted to the deep. His name was inserted in the act of attainder passed the same month. Douglas's description of him, ' bold as a lion in the field of battle, but ever merciful in the hour of victory,' seems fully justified. The Perths, indeed, are a striking instance of the moral superiority of the later over the earlier Jacobites. Perth's brother JOHN (d. 1747), fourth duke, was also educated at Douay, showed decided military tastes, passed through several grades in the French army, then raised the Royal I Scotch regiment, and was sent in December I 1745 with this and other reinforcements to j Scotland. He called upon six thousand Dutch soldiers to withdraw, as having capi- tulated in Flanders and promised not to serve against France. Hessians had to be sent for to take their place. His tardiness in joining Charles Edward is not easy to explain, for he was repeatedly urged to hasten his move- ments, but his march was perhaps through a hostile country, and the firths were watched by English cruisers. He came up just be- fore the battle of Falkirk, and mainly con- tributed to its success, taking several pri- soners with his own hand, having a horse killed under him, and receiving a musket-shot in the right arm. On the siege of Stirling being raised he covered the rear. At Cullo- den he was posted in the centre, and pre- vented the retreat from becoming a rout. He died, without issue, at the siege of Ber- gen-op-Zoom in 1747, and was succeeded by his uncle John, son of James, first duke, by his second wife, who died, also without issue, in 1757. John's half-brother Edward, sixth duke, son of the first duke by his third wife, was a zealous Jansenist, and was confined in the Bastille for his opinions, his wife (a daughter of Middleton) being twice refused the last sacraments and obliged to apply for judicial compulsion. He died at Paris in 1760, being the last male descendant of the first duke. [Letters of Eguilles, Kevue ^Retrospective, 1885-6 ; Lockhart Papers; Douglas and Wood's Peerage.] J. G. A. Drummond 33 Drummond DRUMMOND, JAMES (1784 P-1868), botanical collector, elder brother of Thomas Drummond (d. 1835) [q. v.], was elected as- sociate of the Linnean Society in 1810, at which time he had charge of the Cork botanic garden. In 1829 he emigrated to the then newly established colony of Swan River, Western Australia, and ten years later began to make up sets of the indigenous vegetation for sale, but previously several of his letters giving accounts of his widely extended jour- neys for plants had been published by Sir William Hooker in his various journals. Dr. Lindley's ' Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River,' 1839, was drawn up from Drum- mond's early collections, the botany of that part of the Australian continent then being little known. He died in Western Australia •27 March 1863, aged 79. The genus Drum- mondiu was created by De Candolle to com- memorate his botanic services, but that genus Is now merged in Mitellopsis. Drummondia of Hooker has not been accepted by bryolo- gists, the species being referred to Anodon- tium of Bridel, but finally Drummondita, a genus of Diosmeae, was founded by Dr. Harvey in 1855. [Proc. Linn. Soc. (1863-4), pp. 41-2; La- segue' s Bot. Mus. Delessert, p. 282 ; Bentham's Flora Australiensis, i. 10*; Hooker's Journal Bot. (1840), ii. 343; Hooker's Kew Journal (1850), ii. 31, (1852) iv. 188, (1853) v. 115,403.] B. D. J. DRUMMOND, JAMES (1816-1877), subject and history painter, born in 1816, was the son of an Edinburgh merchant, noted for his knowledge of the historical associa- tions of the Old Town. On leaving school he entered the employment of Captain Brown, the author of works on ornithology and cog- nate subjects, as a draughtsman and colourist. He did not, however, remain long in that situation, and found more congenial work in the teaching of drawing, on giving up which he became a student in the School of Design, under Sir William Allan [q. v.] He was eigh- teen years of age when he first exhibited in the Royal Scottish Academy ; the subject was ' Waiting for an Answer.' In the following year's exhibition Drummond was represented by < The Love Letter,' and in 1837 by ' The Vacant Chair.' He was enrolled as an asso- ciate of the academy in 1846, and was elected an academician in 1852. In 1857 he was chosen librarian of the academy, and in the following year, along with Sir Noel Paton and Mr. James Archer, was entrusted with the task of preparing a report upon the best mode of conducting the life school of the academy. This report was presented to the council in November of the same year, and VOL. XVI. met with unanimous approval. On the death of W. B. Johnstone, R.S.A., in 1868, Drum- mond was appointed to the office of curator of the National Gallery. From an early period of his life he devoted himself closely to the study of historical art ; his treatment of such subjects was distinguished no less by imaginative grasp and power than by the care with which he elaborated the archaeological details. Among his large pictures of an his- torical nature are ' The Porteous Mob ' (which was purchased and engraved by the Asso- ciation for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, and now hangs in the National Gallery of Scotland), 'Montrose on his way to Execution,' ' The Covenanters in Greyfriars Churchyard,' ' Old Mortality,' ' John Knox bringing Home his Second Wife,' 'Peace,' and ' War.' The last two pictures were ex- hibited in the Royal Academy of London, and were purchased by the prince consort. 'War 'was engraved for the 'Art Journal.' Drummond also painted numerous minor works of a similar type, some of which were illustrative of such incidents as Sir Walter Scott at an old bookstall, and James VI on a visit to George Heriot's shop. For Lady Burdett-Coutts he painted the view of Edin- burgh Castle from the window of her lady- ship's sitting-room in the Palace Hotel, with portraits of the baroness and her friend Mrs. Brown. He was one of the most active members of the Royal Scottish Society of Antiquaries, member of the council, and curator of the museum. At the meetings of the society he read numerous papers, which were generally illustrated. He died in Edin- burgh on 12 Aug. 1877. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Art Journal, 1877, p. 336.] L. F. DRUMMOND, JAMES LAWSON, M.D. (1783-1853), professor of anatomy, younger brother of William Hamilton Drum- mond, D.D. [q.v.], was born at Lame, co. Antrim, in 1783. His school years were passed at the Belfast Academy, and he re- ceived a surgical training at the Belfast Aca- demical Institution. After acting as navy surgeon in the Mediterranean for some years (1807-13), heretired from theservice (21 May 1813), and went to Edinburgh for further study. On 24 June 1814 he graduated M.D. at Edinburgh, exhibiting a thesis on the comparative anatomy of the eye. He at once began practice in Belfast. In 1817 he volun- teered a course of lectures on osteology at the Academical Institution, and succeeded in obtaining the establishment of a chair of anatomy, of which he was elected (15 Dec. 1818) to be the first occupant. This post he Drummond 34 Drummond held until 1849, when the collegiate depart- ment of the institution was merged in the Queen's College (opened in November 1849). His retirement was partly due to the cir- cumstance that in the previous year he had broken his leg, and the accident had told upon his general health. He was one of the leading projectors of the botanic gardens at Belfast (1820) ; and in conjunction with seven other gentlemen (locally known as his apostles) he founded the Belfast Natural History Society (5 June 1821). This society began in 1823 to make collections of objects of scientific interest, and at length laid the foundation-stone (4 May 1830) of a museum, which was opened on 1 Nov. 1831. In 1840 the society enlarged its title to ' Belfast Na- tural History and Philosophical Society.' Benn speaks of Drummond as ' an able pro- moter of all scientific and literary matters in Belfast.' He died at his residence, 8 College Square North, adjoining the museum, on 17 May 1853, and was buried at Ahoghill, co. Antrim, on 19 May. He was thrice mar- ried—first to Getty ; secondly, to Ca- tharine Mitchell : thirdly, to Eliza O'Rorke — but had no issue. His widow still (1888) survives. Besides papers in the ' Transactions ' of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and articles in the ' Magazine of Natural History ' and the 'Belfast Magazine' (a periodical which began in 1825), he was the author of: 1. ' Thoughts on the Study of Natural History ' Belf. 1820, 12mo (anon., consists of an address in seven chapters to the proprietors of the Academical Institution, recommending the foundation of a museum). 2. ' First Steps to Botany,' 1823, 12mo. 3. ' Letters to a Young Natu- ralist,' 1831, 12mo (the most popular of his works, and in its time very serviceable in the promotion of scientific tastes). 4. 'First Steps to Anatomy,' 1845. 12mo. He was an able draughtsman, and illustrated his own works. At the time of his death he had nearly ready for the press a work on conchology, and another on the wild flowers of Ireland. [Belfast Daily Mercury, News Letter, and Northern Whig, all of 20 May 1853 ; Benn's Hist, of Belfast, 1880, ii. 232 ; Proceedings of Belf. Nat. Hist, and Philos. Soc., 1882, p. 13 sq. ; private information.] A. G. DRUMMOND, JOHN, first LORD DRO- MOND (d. 1519), statesman, ninth succes- sive knight of his family, was the eldest son of Sir Malcolm Drummond of Cargill and Stobhall, Perthshire, by his marriage with Mariot, eldest daughter of Sir David Murray of Tullibardine in the same county. He sat in parliament 6 May 1471, under the designa- tion of dominus de Stobhall. On 20 March 1473-4 he had a charter of the offices of seneschal and coroner of the earldom of Strathearn (Registrum Magni Sigilli Hegum Scotorum, ed. Paul, 1424-1513, p. 236), in which he was confirmed in the succeeding reign (ib. p. 372). In 1483 he was one of the ambassadors to treat with the English, to whom a safe-conduct was granted 29 Nov. of that year ; again, on 6 Aug. 1684, to treat of the marriage of James, prince of Scotland, and Anne de la Pole, niece of Richard III. He was a commissioner for settling border differences nominated by the treaty of Not- tingham, 22 Sept. 1484 ; his safe-conduct into England being dated on the ensuing 29 Nov. He was raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Drummond, 29 Jan. 1487-8. Soon after he joined the party against James III, and sat in the first parliament of James IV, 6 Oct. 1488. In this same year he was ap- pointed a privy councillor and justiciary of Scotland, and was afterwards constable of the castle of Stirling. In 1489 the so-called Earl of Lennox rose in revolt against the king. He had encamped at Gartalunane, on the south bank of the Forth, in the parish of Aberfoyle, but during the darkness of the night of 11 Oct. was surprised and utterly routed by Drummond (BUCHANAN, Her. Scotic. Hist. lib. xiii. c. v.) As one of the commis- sioners to redress border and other grievances, Drummond had a safe-conduct into England 22 May 1495, 26 July 1511, 24 Jan. 1512-13, and 20 April 1514 (HARDY, Syllabus of \ Rymer's Fcedera, ii. 729, 743, 745 ; Letters and Papers of Sen. VIII, ed. Brewer, i. 274, | 316, 448, 478, 789). In 1514 Drummond | gave great offence to many of the lords by promoting the marriage of his grandson, Ar- chibald Douglas, sixth earl of Angus, with the queen-dowager Margaret. Lyon king-at- j arms (Sir William Comyn) was despatched to summon Angus before the council, when Drummond, thinking that he had approached the earl with more boldness than respect, struck him on the breast. In 1515 John, duke of Albany, was chosen regent, but be- cause Drummond did not favour the election he committed him (16 July) a close prisoner to Blackness Castle, upon an allegation that he had used violence towards the herald {Let- ters fyc. of Henry VIII, vol. ii. pt. i. pp. 187, 205, 520). He was tried capitally, found guilty, and his estates forfeited. However, he Avas not long in coming to terms with Albany. With other lords he signed the answer of refusal to Henry VIII, who had advised the removal of Albany, to which his seal is affixed, 4 July 1516, and in October he announced his final separation from the Drummond 35 Drummond queen's party (ib. pp. 643, 772). He was in consequence released from prison and freed from his forfeiture, 22 Nov. 1516. He died at Drummond Castle, Strathearn, in 1519, and was buried in the church of Innerpeffray. He was succeeded by his great-grandson David. In Douglas's ' Peerage of Scotland ' (ed. Wood, ii. 361) Drummond is absurdly stated to have married ' Lady Elisabeth Lindsay, daughter of David, duke of Montrose.' His wife was Elizabeth Lindsay, daughter of Alexander, fourth earl of Crawford, and by her he had three sons and six daughters. Malcolm, the eldest son, died young ; David, master of Drummond, is not mentioned in the pedi- grees, but is now believed to have been the chief actor in the outrage on the Hurrays at Monivaird Church, for which he was executed after 21 Oct. 1490 (Exchequer Rolls of Scot- land, ed. Burnett, vol. x. p. 1, with which cf. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer, Scot- land, ed. Dickson, vol. i. pp. cii-civ) ; William was living in March 1502-3 ; and John was ! ancestor of the Drummonds of Innerpeffray i and of Riccarton. Of the daughters, Mar- garet [q. v.], mistress of James IV, was > poisoned in 1501 ; Elizabeth married George, master of Angus, and was great-grandmother of Henry, lord Darnley; Beatrix married James, first earl of Arran ; Annabella married William, first earl of Montrose ; Eupheme, the wife of John, fourth lord Fleming, was poisoned in 1501 ; and Sibylla shared a like fate. Drummond was the common ancestor of the viscounts of Strathallan and of the earls of Perth and Melfort. [Douglas's Peerage of Scotland (Wood), ii. 360-1 ; Malcolm's Memoir of the House of Drum- mond, pp. 67-86; Regi strum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum (Paul), 1424-1513, (Paul and Thom- son) 1513-46 ; Exchequer Rolls of Scotland (Burnett), vols.vii-x. ; Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer, Scotland (Dickson), vol. i. ; Cal. State Papers, Scottish Ser. (1509-89), p. 1 ; Letters and Papersof Hen. VIII (Brewer), 1509-16.] G. a. DRUMMOND, JOHN, first EAEL and titular DUKE OF MELFORT (1649-1714), was the second son of James, third earl of Perth. In 1673 he was captain of the Scotch foot guards. In 1677 his elder brother, James, fourth earl of Perth [q. v.], in a letter to Lauderdale offering to assist in dragooning the covenanters, complains of the family's decay, but honours soon fell thick upon them. In 1679 Drummond became deputy-governor of Edinburgh Castle, in 1680 lieutenant-general and master of the ordnance, in 1681 treasurer- depute of Scotland under Queensberry, and in 1684 secretary of state for Scotland. In' 1685 he was created Viscount Melfort, with a grant from the crown of Melfort, Argyll- shire, and other estates. In 1686 he was raised to an earldom, and exchanged Melfort for Ric- carton, Cessnock,&c.,Cessnock, worth 1,0001. a year, having by a shameless act of spoliation been taken from Sir Hugh Campbell. The re- version of these peerages was to the issue of his second marriage with Euphemia, daughter of Sir Thomas Wallace of Craigie, his sons by his first wife (a Fifeshire heiress, Sophia Lun- dey or Lundin, daughter of Margaret Lundey and Robert Maitland, Lauderdale's brother) being passed over as staunch protestants. Melfort and his brother, in order to supplant Queensberry, had declared themselves con- verted to Catholicism by the controversial papers found in Charles II's strong box, and paraded by James II as a proof that Charles had always been a catholic. According to Burnet this double conversion was suggested by Perth and reluctantly adopted by Melfort ; but the latter so far surpassed his brother in ability and unscrupulousness that the scheme was more likely his. Whereas, moreover, Perth's conversion appears to have acquired sincerity, Melfort's character never inspired confidence either in his political or his reli- gious professions. It is, however, but fair to state that their mother, Lady Anne Gordon, was a catholic. For three year's the two brothers ruled Scotland. Melfort, one of the first recipients of the revived order of the Thistle, was in London when William of Orange landed. He hastily provided for the worst by resigning his estates to the crown and having them regranted to his wife, with remainder to his son John. He advocated a wholesale seizure of influential whigs and their relegation to Portsmouth ; but Sunder- land's plan of rescinding all arbitrary mea- sures prevailed. He was one of the witnesses to the will executed by James (17 Nov. 1688), and on the desertion of Churchill was meant to succeed him in the bedchamber. Quitting England before his master he landed at Am- bleteuse 16 Dec. (N.S.), and countersigned James's letter to the privy council, which reached London 8 (18) Jan. 1689. His wife,, with her son, speedily joined him, thus vir- tually abandoning her claim to the estates, and his Edinburgh house was pillaged by the mob, the charters and other papers being destroyed or dispersed. One of the hand- somest men of his time, an accomplished dancer, of an ' active, undertaking temper,' as the ' Stuart Papers ' euphemistically style his arrogant and monopolising disposition, Melfort acquired unbounded influence over James, and his adversaries never felt them- selves secure except by keeping him at a dis- tance from the king. Perth's suggestion that it was his wife who incited him to abuse that D2 Drummond Drummond influence by soliciting favours and preroga- tives is a fraternal excuse which cannot be accepted. In March 1689 Melfort accompa- nied James to Ireland, but became so ob- noxious both to the Irish Jacobites and to the French envoy, Avaux, that James was constrained in September to send him back to France on the plea of reporting on the situa- tion and requesting reinforcements. Avaux asserts that Melfort had been afraid to show his face in Dublin by daylight, and would have to leave by night. He had countersigned and doubtless drawn up James's imprudent threatening letter to the Scotch convention ; and Claverhouse, when he invited the king to cross over from Ireland, stipulated that Melfort should not be employed in Scotch business. Mary of Modena, like her husband, was under Melfort's spell, so that Louis XIV found it necessary to remove him from St. Germain by despatching him as Jacobite en- voy to Rome. One Porter, who had already held that post, and was on his way back from Ireland, found himself forestalled, and had to remain in France. At Rome Melfort, ac- cording to the gossip of the time, pressed In- nocent XII for a loan of money, but was told the expenses of his election had left him bare. What is more certain is that on the false re- port of William Ill's death he wrote a letter of congratulation to the dethroned queen. Meanwhile his estates had been sequestrated, and in February 1691 a large quantity of goods belonging to him, said to be worth 5,OOOJ. or 6,OOOZ., were seized in London. These may have included the Vandycks, Ru- bens, and other pictures, sold for the benefit of his creditors in 1693, when Evelyn tells us that Whitehall was thronged with great lords, and that the paintings went ' dear enough.' By the end of 1691 Melfort was back at St. Germain, and with the Prince of Wales and Lord Powis was made K.G. Middleton's arrival in April 1693 put an end to his ascendency. James, however, commis- sioned him to forward to the pope his pro- clamation of April 1693, drawn up in Eng- land and reluctantly signed by him, in which he promised good behaviour if reinstated, and Melfort assured his holiness that the pledges offered to the church of England were not to be taken too seriously. In 1695 Melfort as a Jacobite refugee was attainted, and his arms publicly torn at Edinburgh market cross. In 1696, however, it was reported that he had vainly asked James's permission to return to England. Certain it is that he was banished to Rouen, but in the following year was allowed to live in Paris and pay occasional visits to St. Germain, his bedchamber salary being restored. In 1697 it was believed in London that he was about to return under a pardon. In 1701 the postmaster-general, Sir Robert Cotton, found in the Paris mail-bag a letter addressed by Melfort at Paris to Perth at St. Germain. It spoke of the existence of a strong Jacobite party in Scotland, and of Louis XIV as still contemplating a Jacobite restoration. This letter, submitted by Wil- liam to both houses as a proof of French per- fidy, gave great offence to Louis, who, even had he then meditated a rupture of the treaty of Ryswick, would not have made Melfort his confidant. In London the seizure of the letter was really or ostensibly attributed to accident ; but in France, where the mode of making up the mails was of course best known, Melfort was believed to have written the letter with a view to its reaching London and embroiling the two countries. He was consequently banished to Angers, and never saw James again ; but the latter on his death- bed directed that Melfort should be recalled, and that the dukedom secretly conferred on him years before should be publicly assumed. St. Simon, however, no bad judge of cha- racter, shared to the last the suspicions of Melfort's infidelity. His character manifestly will not clear him from such suspicions, but he was apparently too deeply committed to James's cause for treachery to profit him, yet Marlborough is said to have been informed by one of Melfort's household of the intended plan of operations in Scotland in 1708. Mel- fort expired at Paris in 17 14 after a long illness. His widow, a great beauty in her time, died at St. Germain in 1743, at the age of ninety. By his first wife he had three sons, James, Robert, and Charles, and three daughters, Ann, Elizabeth, and Mary ; by his second, six sons, John (second duke), Thomas (in the Austrian service), William (apriest), Andrew (a French officer), Bernard (who died in child- hood at Douay), and Philip (a French officer), besides several daughters, two of whom were married successively to the Spanish Marquis Castelblanco. The male line by Melfort's first marriage died out in 1800 with Baron Perth, to whom the Drummond estates had been restored, and who bequeathed them to his daughter, Lady Willoughby de Eresby . John, the second earl or duke (1682-1754), took part in the rising of 1715, and was succeeded by his son James, who, having lost his feet in the German wars, could not go to Scotland in 1745, but sent his brother Louis, comte de Melfort, who was wounded and captured at Culloden. The fourth duke, James Louis, and the fifth, his brother Charles Edward, a catholic prelate, unsuccessfully claimed the Drummond estates, the French revolution having deprived them of the county of Lus- Drummond 37 Drummond san, acquired by the second duke's marriage. Their nephew, George Drummond, obtained in 1853 the repeal of the attainder, and his recognition as Earl of Perth and Melfort, though without recovering any of the estates. [Historical Facts regarding the succession, &c., by the Earl of Perth, Paris, 1866 ; Burnet's His- tory of my own Time; Luttrell's Brief Rela- tion ; Douglas's Peerage of Scotland ; Lauderdale Papers, Camd. Soc.] J. Gr. A. DRUMMOND, MARGARET (1472?- 1501), mistress of James IV of Scotland, was probably the youngest of the five daughters of John, first lord Drummond [q. v.] by his wife, Lady Elizabeth Lindsay, daughter of Alexander, fourth earl of Crawford. The period at which her intimacy with James IV commenced has been very generally misap- prehended. It is represented by Tytler, Bur- ton, Strickland, and other writers on the his- tory of Scotland that in 1488, immediately on his accession, the boy-king lived at Lin- lithgow in splendour and constant festivity with his girl-mistress. But these statements are based only on the frequent payments for dress and other things, as recorded in the ' Treasury Accounts of Scotland,' made to the 'Lady Margaret,' who was not, as these authors have supposed, Margaret Drummond, but was without doubt the king's aunt, Lady Margaret Stewart. The first entry in the ac- counts referring to ' M. D. ' (under \vhich initials, or as ' Lady Margaret of D.,' Margaret Drummond is invariably mentioned) occurs in May 1490, and there is no evidence that her connection with the king was of earlier date. From that time onwards entries con- cerning her are frequent. On 9 June 1496 she was placed under the care of Sir John and Lady Lindsay at Stirling Castle, where she re- mained till the end of October, when she was transferred to the charge of Sir David King- horn at Linlithgow. In March of the fol- lowing year further payments were made to Lady Lindsay ' for M. D.'s expenses, eleven days she was in Stirling when she passit hame.' In this same year Margaret bore the king a daughter, who was known by the name of Lady Margaret Stewart, and who was married successively to Lord Huntly, the Duke of Albany, and her cousin, Sir John Drummond. The intercourse of Margaret Drummond with James IV, who was pas- sionately attached to her, probably continued to her death, which occurred in 1501 under circumstances of grave suspicion. It is com- monly said that a poisoned dish was served to her at breakfast, and that she and her two sisters — Eupheme, wife of Lord Fleming, and Sybilla — who happened to be at table with her, all ate of it and died of the effects. Another tradition is that the poison was ad- ministered to them at a morning celebration of the holy communion. That the three sis- ters died together from poisoning is tolerably certain, but the authorship of the crime re- mains unknown. It has been variously at- tributed to the jealousy of certain noble fami- lies (in Hist, of Noble British Families, 1846, vol. ii. pt. xvii., the Kennedys are named) and to the designs of the courtiers, who be- lieved that while Margaret lived the king would refuse to marry ; but this latter story is falsified by a deed preserved in the ' Fos- dera' (xii. 707), which shows that before Margaret's death James IV had bound him- self to marry Margaret Tudor. In a letter addressed many years afterwards by this queen to Lord Surrey (Cotton. MS. Calig. B. 1, fol. 281) she incidentally speaks of 'Lord Fleming [who] for evil will he had to his wife [Eupheme Drummond] caused poison three sisters, and one was his wife; and this is known as truth in all Scotland.' The bodies of the three ladies Drummond were buried in Dunblane cathedral, in a vault the posi- tion of which was marked by three blue- marble stones; these stones, though more than once removed, still remain in the choir of the cathedral, but there is now no trace of any inscription on them. The child of Margaret Drummond was brought up at the king s expense, and in the ' Treasury Ac- counts' appear payments made at regular intervals for several years to priests to sing masses for the mother's soul. It has been sometimes supposed that the ballad of ' Tay's Bank ' alludes to Margaret and was possibly written by James IV. There is no sufficient foundation for the story, repeated, among others, by Don Pedro de Ayala (Cal. of Letters and State Papers relating to England and Spain, ed. Bergen- roth, i. 170), Moreri (Grand Dictionnaire, 1740), and Agnes Strickland (Lives of the Queens of Scotland, ed. 1850, i. 20), that James IV was privately married to Mar- garet Drummond, but was compelled to wait for a dispensation from the pope before he could make the fact public, since he and his wife were within the degrees of consangui- nity prohibited by the canon law. The re- lationship between the two was most remote, they being cousins in the fifth degree, through their common ancestor Sir John Drummond, whose daughter, Annabella [q-v.], was mar- ried to Robert III of Scotland. [Harl. MS. 4238, fol. 312; David Malcolm's Genealogical Memoir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Drummond, Edinburgh, 1808 ; Accounts of Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, Drummond Drummond ed. T. Dickson, vol. i. pref. p. cxxxii and passim ; Tytler's History of Scotland, 3rd ed., iii. 444, 519. The story of Margaret Drummond and her sisters has been embodied, with a greater admixture of romance ^ than fact, in the Yellow Frigate, a novel by James Grant.] A. V. DRUMMOND, PETER ROBERT (1802-1879), biographer, the son of a small farmer, was born and educated in the parish of Madderty, Perthshire, and in early life worked as a carpenter. He attained skill as a maker of picture-frames, and in this way was brought a good deal into the society of picture-dealers and gained some knowledge of art. In after years he became an enthu- siastic collector of pictures and engravings. While at Glasgow as assistant in the shop of an uncle, a provision merchant, his love of literature first developed itself. Towards the close of 1832 he opened a circulating library at 15 High Street, Perth. This supplied a want much felt at the time in the town. During the same year he made the acquaint- ance of Robert Nicoll, the poet [q. v.J, then apprenticed to Mrs. Robertson, a grocer, on the opposite side of the street. By Drum- mond s advice Nicoll gave up grocery and started a bookselling business in Dundee. A few years later Drummond was able to move to larger premises at 32 High Street, where, relinquishing to a large extent his circulating library, he entered fully into the bookselling trade. He was here the means of introducing Jenny Lind, Grisi, and other famous singers to Perth audiences. From 32 High Street Drummond removed to 46 George Street, and there commenced theerec- tion of what is now the Exchange Hotel. He intended to use the premises as a print- ing office, and perhaps to start a newspaper. He resolved, however, to turn farmer, and completing the building as an hotel, he made over his bookselling business to his cousin John, and took the holding of Balmblair, in the parish of Redgorton, Perthshire, from Lord Mansfield. About 1859 he exhibited his col- lection of pictures in the Exchange Hall. By 1873 he had retired from farming, and hence- forth devoted himself to the preparation of his books. He died suddenly at his house, Ellengo wen, Almond Bank, about three miles to the north-west of Perth, on 4 Sept. 1879, in his seventy-seventh year, and was buried at Wellshill cemetery, Perth, on the 9th. A few days after appeared his ' Perthshire in Bygone Days : one hundred Biographical Es- says,' 8vo, London, 1879. Another work, ' The Life of Robert Nicoll, poet, with some hitherto uncollected Pieces,' 8vo, Paisley (printed) and London, 1884, was edited by his son, James Drummond. His intention was to have issued with it a complete edition of Nicoll's poems when the copyright in the old edition had expired. Both books contain many amusing stories, and are creditable spe- cimens of local literature. Drummond wrote J several pamphlets on political and agricul- tural subjects, and frequently contributed to the ' Scotsman' and the Perth press. In 1850 he published a pamphlet entitled ' The Te- nants and Landlords versus the Free Traders, by Powdavie,' the aim of which was not the advocacy of a protective system, but of jus- tice to the agricultural interest. An inge- nious mechanic, Drummond gained a medal at the exhibition of 1851 for a churn ; he also invented an agricultural rake which re- ceived honourable mention at the exhibition of 1862. [Information from 3Ir. James Drummond; Perthshire Constitutional, 8 Sept. 1879, p. 2, col. 3, p. 3, col. 2 ; Perthshire Advertiser, 5 Sept. 1879, p. 2, col. 6, and 11 Sept., p. 2, col. 8; Perth- shire Courier, 9 Sept. 1879, p. 3, col. 2.] G. G. ^DRUMMOND, ROBERT HAY (1711- 1776), archbishop of York, second son of George Hay, viscount Dupplin (who suc- ceeded his father as seventh earl of Kinnoull, 1719), and Abigail, the youngest daughter of Robert Harley, earl of Oxford, lord high treasurer, was born in London on 10 Nov. 1711. His birth is mentioned by Swift in the 'Letters to Stella,' and his infancy is thus referred to by Bentley in the dedica- ! tion of his edition of Horace to Lord Oxford, ! 8 Dec. 1711 : ' Parvulos duos ex filia nepotes, ! quorum alter a matre adhuc rubet.' When J six years old he was ' carried ' by Matthew Prior to Westminster School, of which Dr. Freind was then head-master, where he re- mained 'admired,' we are told, 'for his talents, and beloved for the pleasantry of his man- i ners, and forming many valuable friendships ! among his schoolfellows.' While a boy at | Westminster, when acting in 'Julius Caesar' i before George II and Queen Caroline, his in- \ trepidity in proceeding with his part when ; his plume of ostrich feathers had caught fire 1 attracted the notice of the queen, who con- \ tinued his warm patroness till her death in | 1737. From Westminster he removed to i Christ Church, Oxford. Having taken his i B. A. degree 25 Nov. 1 73 1 , he j oined his cousin, Thomas, duke of Leeds, in the ' grand tour,' from which he came home in 1735, in the opinion of his uncle not only ' untainted, but much improved' (Earl of Oxford to Swift, 19 June 1735). He had been originally de- stined for the army, but on his return to England he went back to Christ Church, took his M.A. degree 13 June 1735, and read di- vinity with a view to his entrance into holy Drummond 39 Drummond orders. In the year of his ordination he was presented by his uncle to the family living of Bothal, Northumberland, and by the influ- ence of Queen Caroline, when only in his twenty-fifth year, appointed to a royal chap- laincy. In 1739, as heir of his great-grand- father, William, first earl of Strathallan, who had entailed a portion of hisPerthshireestates to form a provision for the second son of the Kinnoull family, he assumed the name and arms of Drummond. As royal chaplain he gained the confidence and esteem of George II, whom he attended during the German cam- paign of 1743, and on 7 July of that year preached the thanksgiving sermon for the victory of Dettingen before the king at Hanau. On his return to England he entered on a prebendal stall at Westminster, to which he had been appointed by his royal patron in the preceding April (L,E NEVE, ed.Hardy, iii. 366). On 9 June 1745 he was admitted B.D. and D.D. at Oxford. Drummond was consecrated bishop of St. Asaph in Kensington Church 24 April 1748. The thirteen years spent by him in this see were among the happiest of his life. He was deservedly respected, and we are told that he ' constantly mentioned the diocese with peculiar affection and de- light.' He would seem to have dispensed the large patronage of the see with sound judgment. He was not, however, in advance of his age. He made no attempt to popu- larise the church among the Welsh-speaking population of the diocese, and publicly ex- pressed his hope that ' that people would see it their best interest to enlarge their views and notions, and to unite with the rest of their fellow-subjects in language as well as in government' {Charity Schools Sermon, 1753). In 1761 Drummond was translated to Salisbury. Here, however, he remained only a few months. He was elected to Salisbury in June; the following August the see of York became vacant by the death of Archbishop Gilbert, and Drummond was at once chosen as his successor. ' Previous to the coronation,' writes Horace Walpole, ' the vacant bishoprics were bestowed. York was given to Drummond, a man of parts and of the world,' and ' a dignified and accom- plished prelate.' His election took place 3 Oct., and his confirmation 23 Oct. As a proof of the high esteem in which he was held and of his reputation as a preacher, he was selected while archbishop-designate to preach the sermon at the coronation of George III and Queen Charlotte, 22 Sept. 1761. This ser- mon was pronounced by contemporary critics as ' sensible and spirited,' and ; free from ful- some panegyrick.' The style is dignified and the language well chosen, and the relative duties of monarch and subjects are set forth without flattery and without compromise. Drummond now became lord high almoner to the young king. He is stated to have re- formed many abuses connected with the office, and to have put a stop to the system by which persons of rank and wealth had been accus- tomed to make use of the royal bounty to secure a provision for persons having private claims upon them. D uring the life of George II Drummond, who was a whig and an adherent of the Duke of Newcastle, exercised consider- able political power, and was an influential speaker in the House of Lords. In 1753, when a charge was laid before the privy council against Bishop Johnson of Glouces- ter, together with Mr. Stone and William Murray, afterwards Lord Mansfield [q. v.], of having drunk the Pretender's health, he de- I fended his old schoolfellows with so much earnestness and eloquence that he secured their acquittal, and the proposed inquiry was negatived in the House of Lords by a large majority, George II remarking that ' he was indeed a man to make a friend of.' The change of policy which speedily followed the accession of George III, when indignities were heaped upon the leading members of the old whig party, aroused the indignation and disgust of the archbishop. Except when his duty as a churchman called for it, he ceased his attendance at the House of Lords, and retiring to his own private mansion at Brodsworth in Yorkshire, of which we are told he ' made an elegant retreat,' he devoted himself to the vigorous oversight of his dio- cese and the education of his children, which he personally superintended. In 1749 he married Henrietta, daughter of Peter Auriol, ' a merchant of London, by whom he had a ! numerous family. He instructed his children himself. History, of which he had an extensive j and accurate knowledge, was his favourite sub- ' ject, and his son gratefully records ( the per- spicuous and engaging manner ' in which he imparted his instruction, and the lucidity with which he traced the continuity and connection of all history, sacred and profane, ' with the zeal and fervour of honest conviction.' For the use of his children he drew up some clear and comprehensive chronological tables. As a bishop he was certainly quite on a level with the standard of his age. A somewhat extensive collection of his letters existing in manuscript proves him to have been a good, sensible, practical man of business. In his religious views he was strongly opposed to Calvinism, and did not scruple to express freely his dislike of passages in the Articles and Ho- milies which appeared to favour those tenets. He fully shared in the suspicion which in that Drummond Drummond age of formality attached to the term ' en- thusiasm,' which he vehemently denounced, while he was equally ardent in defence of what he styled ' the decent services and ra- tional doctrines of the church of England.' Noble manners, an engaging disposition, af- fable and condescending address, a genial and good-humoured bearing, even if some allowance is made for partiality in descrip- tion, make up an attractive portrait. His hospitality was generous, even to excess, and if the gossip of the day is to be credited his own example did not place any severe re- straint on the clergy who gathered round his table. On his death Horace Walpole speaks of him as ' a sensible, worldly man, but much addicted to his bottle ' (WALPOLE, Last Dia- ries, ii. 8-9). His son more guardedly re- cords that 'wherever he lived hospitality j presided ; wherever he was present elegance, festivity, and good humour were sure to be \ found. His very failings were those of a ' heart warm even to impetuosity.' His open- handed, generous character was manifested in the splendid additions he made to the ar- chiepiscopal palace at Bishopthorpe, where he also erected a new gateway, ornamented i the chapel at great cost, and rebuilt the parish i church in the taste of the day. It deserves notice that, in an age when the fine arts suf- fered from prevalent neglect, the archbishop proved himself a liberal patron of English artists (LECKY, Hist, of England in the Eigh- teenth Cent. vi. 161). In 1766 he lost his eldest daughter at the age of sixteen, and in 1773 his wife died. He never recovered this last blow, and died at Bishopthorpe 10 Dec. i 1776. By his own desire he was buried under 1 the altar of the parish church, with as little pomp as possible. Of his five sons the eldest, Robert Auriol, succeeded his uncle, Thomas | Hay [q. v.], as ninth earl of Kinnoull, 1787. ! Six ot the archbishop's sermons which had been printed separately at the time of their \ delivery were collected by his youngest son, ; the Rev. George Hay Drummond, and pub- lished in one volume, Edinburgh, 1803, to- gether with a short memoir and ' A Letter on Theological Study.' These sermons display clearness of thought and force of expression, the matter is sensible and to the point, the composition is good, and the language digni- fied. The ' Letter on Theological Study ' was written to a young friend, and not intended for publication. The advice as to the selec- tion of books is very sensible, and free from narrowness,wide reading being recommended, including works not strictly theological. A portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds was engraved by Watson. A small medallion portrait is prefixed to his sermons. [Memoirs of his life by his son, prefixed to his Sermons ; Cassan's Lives of the Bishops of Salisbury, pp. 284-303 ; Walpole's History and Diaries; sources referred to in the article.] E. V. DRUMMOND, SAMUEL (1765-1844), portrait and historical painter, was born in London on 25 Dec. 1765. His father fought for the Pretender in 1745, and in consequence was obliged to leave the country for some time. At the age of fourteen Samuel ran oft' to sea, but after six or seven years he left the service, and determined to devote himself to art. Without having had any instruction he began by drawing portraits in crayons, and for several years he was employed upon the 'European Magazine.' He then attempted painting in oil, and exhibited for the first time some portraits at the Society of Artists in 1790. In 1791 he sent to the Royal Academy ' Wilton's First Sight of Olivia * and two other pictures ; in 1793, two sea- pieces, with some portraits ; in 1801, ' The Woodman;' and in 1804, 'The Drunken Sea- man ashore ' and ' Crazy Jane.' In 1808 he was elected an associate of the Royal Academy, where many years later he succeeded Archer James Oliver as curator of the painting school. He gained some repute by his naval subjects, such as the ' Death of Nelson,' exhi- bited at the British Institution in 1807, the ' Battle of Trafalgar,' and the ' Battle of the Nile,' exhibited at the same place in 1825, the first two of which have been engraved, and a large picture of ' Admiral Duncan receiving the Sword of the Dutch Admiral De Winter after the Battle of Camperdowne,' exhibited in 1827, a commission from the directors of the British Institution, by whom it was pre- sented to Greenwich Hospital. In 1829 he sent to the British Institution 'The Gallantry of Sir Walter Raleigh.' His principal occupa- tion was portrait-painting, but he also painted landscapes, in which he imitated the Floren- tine pictures of Wilson. His later works were chiefly subjects from the Bible and the poets, some of which have been engraved. Between 1790 and 1844 he exhibited 303 pictures and drawings at the Royal Academy r and 101 at the British Institution and other London exhibitions. In the latter part of his life his circumstances became reduced, and he frequently received assistance from the funds of the Royal Academy. He died in London on 6 Aug. 1844. Portraits by him of the elder Charles Mathews, the comedian, and of Richard Parker, the leader of the mutiny at the Nore, were in the National Portrait Exhibi- tion of 1867. In the National Portrait Gallery are a portrait in oil of Sir Marc Isambard Drummond Drummond Brunei, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1836, and a miniature on ivory of Mrs. Fry. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists of the English School, 1878 ; Sandby's Hist, of the Royal Aca- demy of Arts, 1862, i. 397 ; Seguier's Critical and Commercial Diet, of the Works of Painters, 1870; Royal Academy Exhibition Catalogues, 1791-1844 ; British Institution Exhibition Cata- logues (Modern), 1807-43.] R. E. G. DRUMMOND, THOMAS (d. 1835), bo- tanical collector, -was the younger brother of James (1784 P-1863 ?) [q. v.] He was born in Scotland, and during the early part of his life was at Don's nursery, Forfar. He first became known to botanists by his distributed sets of mosses, ' Musci Scotici,' and after- wards was attached as assistant-naturalist to Dr. Richardson in Sir John Franklin's se- cond land expedition. He accordingly sailed from Liverpool 16 Feb. 1825, and reached New York on the 15th of the following month. The expedition moved westward by the river Hudson and lakes Ontario and Winnipeg to the Mackenzie river. Drum- mond quitted the main party at Cumberland House to explore the Rocky Mountains. In the spring of 1831 Drummond journeyed on foot by the Alleghany Mountains, reaching St. Louis in July, where he fell ill. In con- sequence of this delay he was unable to join the fur traders on their expedition to the north. He therefore was compelled to con- fine his explorations to New Orleans and thereabouts. Hence he made a botanical tour in Texas ; at Velasco an attack of cholera prostrated him, but on recovering he con- tinued his labours. He embarked finally for Havana 9 Feb. 1835, and died at that port early in March. The plants sent home by Drummond were described by Sir William Hooker in his ' Flora Boreali- Americana,' his ' Journal of Botany,' and ' Companion to the Botanical Magazine.' [Lasegue's Bot. Mus. Delessert, pp. 196-8, 204; Hooker's Bot. Misc. (1830), i. 178-219 ; Hooker's Journal Bot. (1834), i. 50-60, (1840) ii. 187.] B. D. J. DRUMMOND, THOMAS (1797-1840), engineer and administrator, was born in Edin- burgh on 10 Oct. 1797. His father, James Drummond, was a member of the society of writers to the signet and the representa- tive of a branch of a Scotch family of ancient lineage. James Drummond married in 1792 Elizabeth, daughter of James Somers of Edin- burgh, a lady of personal attractions and great force of character. Thomas was the third child of this marriage. At the age of thirteen he entered the university of Edinburgh. Pro- fessor Leslie said of him : ' No young man has ever come under my charge with a happier disposition or more promising talents.' In 1813 he became a cadet at Woolwich, and in 1815 entered the royal engineers. Drum- mond's progress at Woolwich was rapid, and the esteem in which he was held by his teachers great. ' At the last examination,' he writes on 13 April 1813, ' I got from the bottom of the sixth academy to be fifth in the fifth academy, by which I took fifty-five places and was made by Captain Gow (the commanding officer) head of a room.' Pro- fessor Barlow spoke of his originality, inde- pendence, ' steady perseverance,' and kindli- ness of heart, which were distinguishing traits at every period of his life. In 1819 Drummond became acquainted with Colonel Thomas Frederick Colby [q. v.] in Edinburgh, and in 1820 joined that officer in the work of the ordnance survey. Drummond was now twenty-three years of age, and he entered into his new labours with zeal. He devoted himself with increased energy to his favourite studies, mathematics and chemistry, in which he made rapid progress under Pro- fessors Brand and Faraday at the Royal Insti- tution. Among the difficulties felt in carrying out the survey the labour of making observa- tions in murky weather was very great. This labour was minimised by the scientific genius of Drummond. His two inventions — a lime- light, better known as 'the Drummond light/ and an improved heliostat, an instrument consisting of a mirror connected with two tele- scopes, and used for throwing rays of light in a given direction — immensely facilitated the work of observation both by day and night, and armed the survey officers with powerful weapons for carrying on their operations. The light soon made a sensation in the scien- tific world. Sir John Herschel describes the impression produced when the light was first exhibited in the Tower : ' The common Ar- gand burner and parabolic reflector of a British lighthouse were first exhibited, the room being darkened, and with considerable effect. Fresnel's superb lamp was next dis- closed, at whose superior effect the other seemed to dwindle, and showed in a manner quite subordinate. But when the gas began to play, the lime being brought now to its full ignition and the screen suddenly removed, a glare shone forth, overpowering, and as it were annihilating, both its predecessors, which appeared by its side, the one as a feeble gleam which it required attention to see, the other like a mere plate of heated metal. A shout of triumph and of admiration burst from all present.' In 1824-5 the survey of Ireland com- menced, and in the autumn of the latter Drummond Drummond year the light was brought into requisition. The triangulation commenced by observa- tions between Divis mountain, near Belfast, and Slieve Snaght, the highest hill of Innis- howen, a distance of sixty-seven miles. It was essential that a given point on Slieve Snaght should be observed from Divis, but though the work of observation was carried on from 23 Aug. to '26 Oct. the required point could not be sighted. Then the Drum- mond light was brought into play, with a result of which General Larcom has given a graphic account. Drummond's skill was also used in perfecting the Colby, or, as they are sometimes called, the Colby-Drummond com- pensation bars, by means of which the base of Lough Foyle — the most accurately measured base in the world according to Sir John Her- schel — was measured [see COLBY, THOMAS FREDERICK]. In 1829 Drummond was en- gaged in rendering the limelight which he had discovered fit for lighthouse purposes. Experiments were tried to test its efficiency, and we have an account of the most important of these from an eye-witness. Several lights were exhibited from a temporary lighthouse at Purfleet in competition with the Drummond light, and Captain Basil Hall, who witnessed the exhibition, wrote to Drummond : ' The fourth light was that which you have devised, and which, instead of the clumsy word " lime," ought to bear the name of its discoverer. The Drummond light, then, the instant it was un- covered elicited a sort of shout of admiration from the whole party as being something much more brilliant than we had looked for. The light was not only more vivid and conspicu- ous, but was peculiarly remarkable from its exquisite whiteness. Indeed, there seems no great presumption in comparing its splendour to that of the sun, for I am not sure that the eye would be able to look at the disc of such light if its diameter were made to subtend half a degree.' The superior brilliancy of the light having been established, the cost of production was very great, and Drummond was engaged in devising means for lessening the expense of manufacturing gas, management, &c., when in 1831 he glided into politics. In that year Drummond met Brougham at the house of & common friend, Mr. Bellenden Ker. An intimacy soon sprang up between them. Other political acquaintances were by de- grees formed, Drummond's worth was quickly recognised, and when the time came for ap- pointing the boundary commission in connec- tion with the great Reform Bill Drummond was made head of the commission. For his services in connection with the commission a pension of 300Z. a year was conferred on him, but with characteristic independence he declined after two years to accept it any longer. The business of the boundary com- mission over, Drummond's political friends resolved to keep him among them. In 1833 he became private secretary to Lord Al- thorp, then chancellor of the exchequer. In 1835 he was appointed under-secretary at Dublin Castle, and entered upon his great work of the administration of Ireland. Drum- mond arrived in Ireland at a critical moment in the history of the country. The Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 had not brought contentment in its train, because the adminis- tration of the law continued one-sided and unjust. Admitted by law to political posts, catholics were excluded in fact ; and all poli- tical power still remained in the hands of the protestant ascendency minority. Under these circumstances, O'Connell carried on an agitation for the repeal of the union from 1830 to 1835, and used his great influence in Ireland to thwart the executive and em- barrass successive administrations. After the general election of 1835 O'Connell held the balance between the two great English parties, and finally threw his weight into the scale in favour of the whigs. AYith his aid the whigs, under Lord Melbourne, came into office, and a compact was practically made between the government and the Irish leader. The basis of this compact — known as the Lichfield House compact — was that O'Con- nell should suspend the demand for repeal, and that the government should pass reme- dial measures for Ireland and administer the affairs of the country on principles of justice and equality. The Irish administration was nominally entrusted to Lord Mulgrave, the lord-lieutenant, and Lord Morpeth, the chief secretary, but Drummond was really in com- mand. He was practically the governor of the country, and for five years managed its affairs with wisdom, firmness, and justice, making j the executive at once strong, popular, and efficient. Prior to his arrival Ireland was i the scene of political agitation, social dis- j order, and religious feuds. The Orangemen, j irritated and alarmed at the emancipation of the catholics, had formed an army of not less than two hundred thousand men to up- i hold the prerogatives of the dominant class. : Orange processions and armed demonstra- ' tions terrorised Ulster and overshadowed j the executive in Dublin. Catholic peasants struggled fiercely to overthrow the tithe sys- tem, and fought pitched battles with the ' military and police. The agrarian war raged i with wonted fury, faction fights disgraced I the land, and O'Connell loudly called for the Drummond 43 Drummond repeal of the union as the only remedy for his country's ills. Drummond was equal to the situation. While engaged on the ord- nance survey he had studied the Irish ques- tion on the spot. He was moved by the miseries of the people, touched by the injus- tice to which they were subjected, and pained by the evidence of misrule which everywhere met his eye. Ireland became to him a second fatherland, and he entered upon his labours full of zeal for the national welfare and deter- mined to administer the law with even-handed justice. Drummond set out for Ireland on 18 July 1835. On 19 Nov. following he married, in England, Miss Kinnaird, the ward and adopted daughter of Richard (' Conversa- tion ') Sharp [q. v.], an accomplished, attrac- tive, and intelligent woman, who entered into his labours with sympathy and zest. In December 1835 Drummond took up his resi- dence at the under-secretary's lodge in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. His attention was first directed to the organisation of 'an effec- tive police force. Prior to his time the police were an inefficient, partisan, and corrupt body. Catholics were practically excluded from the force, and public confidence in con- sequence withdrawn from it. ' Order ' in Dublin was maintained by four hundred un- derpaid, worn-out, and drunken watchmen, while throughout the provinces the force formed rather a centre of disturbance than a security for peace. Under Drummond the four hundred Dublin watchmen were replaced by a thousand able and efficient constables, while that great constabulary force, now grown to ten thousand men, and composed chiefly of catholic peasants, was formed to justify the belief of Drummond that the peace could best be kept in Ireland by trusting Irishmen, when fairly treated, to keep it. Drummond's innovation startled many minds, but an experience of fifty years has proved the soundness of his judgment. Drummond found the local magistrates as untrustworthy as the old police. In his own language he ' clipped their wings ' by practically placing over them stipendiaries who acted directly under his authority. These stipendiaries ad- ministered the law with great justice and won the confidence of the people, hitherto withheld from the petty session courts. The Orange Society was almost supreme in the land, keep- ing alive the bitter feeling of sectarian hate. In Drummond's time the old Orange Society was completely broken up. Orange lodges Avhich existed in the army were disbanded, secret signs and pass- words, then in use, were discovered and prohibited; Orange proces- sions were put down, Orange magnates repri- manded, and the organisation entirely stripped of the power for mischief and disturbance which it had so long possessed. The notorious faction fights, which were of constant occur- rence in the south, met with treatment of equal vigour. It had been the practice to allow the faction fighters to settle their differences among themselves. Drummond reprimanded the police for their listlessness, urged them to vigorous action, and under pain of dismissal ordered the chiefs to prevent the coming to- gether of the opposing factions. Finding that the holding of fairs was made the oc- casion of many of those faction fights, he suppressed numerous fairs where the business ! was insignificant but the disorder great. The | tithe war was a great difficulty to Drum- mond. From 1830 to 1834 it had raged fiercely. Tithes were collected at the point of the bayonet, peasants were shot down and bayonetted by police, and police were stoned and pitchforked by peasants. Parliament had declared that the tithe system needed reform, but the church insisted that, pending reform, tithes should at all hazards be collected. Drum- mond set himself to keep the peace pending tithe reform. He refused to force six million catholics to pay tithes to the church of eight hundred thousand protestants while parlia- ment was preparing to reform or abolish the tithe system. But he took precautions to pro- tect from violence all who were engaged in exercising their legal rights. Police were no longer despatched as tithe collectors to shoot j down peasants, but peasants were not allowed to assault or slay the agents of the law. The executive no longer appeared as the instru- ment of a class, but it did not degenerate into a weapon of the popular party. This impartiality was new to the people and won their hearts. Legal rights harshly exercised were no longer enforced, and the people, find- ing an executive bent on justice, and power- ful to protect as well as punish, showed a disposition, hitherto unknown, to obey the law. The peace was kept until the Tithe Commutation Act of 1838 reformed the sys- tem, and relieved the peasantry from at least the direct payment of the obnoxious impost. The agrarian war also engaged Drummond's attention. In 1833 a strong ' coercion ' act had been passed to put down agrarian dis- turbances, but it had so far failed that in 1834 the lord-lieutenant declared that 'it was more safe to violate the law than obey it.' Drummond understood the land ques- tion in all its bearings. He was far too sound an administrator not to be aware that, what- ever might be the causes of disturbance, law and order should be upheld and outrages put down with a strong hand. Abandoning the old methods, he enforced the ordinary Drummond 44 Drummond law with vigour. The abandonment of coer- cion made him popular with the masses of the people, and even those who sympathised with the agrarian organisations forgot the severity in the justice of the ruler. For the first and only time in Irish history an or- ganisation of Irish peasants was formed to help the executive in bringing agrarian offen- ders to justice, and this society was formed in the very centre of agrarian disturbances itself — Tipperary. There was no difficulty in getting evidence against agrarian offenders ; there was no difficulty in getting juries to convict where the evidence was clear. While arresting and punishing offenders against the law, Drummond cautioned the landlords to be circumspect in the exercise of their legal powers, and in a famous letter, which has made an epoch in Irish history, told them that ' property has its duties as well as its rights.' The letter was an answer to a com- munication addressed to the Irish govern- ment in 1838 by Lords Glengall, Lisrnore, and thirty other Tipperary magistrates, re- lative to the murder of a Mr. Cooper. The magistrates pleaded for more stringent legisla- tion for the suppression of crime. Drummond replied (22 May 1838) with the far-famed sentence, and he continued : ' To the neglect of those duties [i.e. of property] in times past is mainly to be ascribed that diseased state of society in which such crimes take their rise.' Drummond had to grapple with political agitation as well as social disorders and re- ligious feuds. O'Connell had long been the enemy of every Irish administration. But Drummond conciliated the great agitator, and while he ruled the cry of repeal was si- lent. O'Connell felt that no ruler responsible to an Irish parliament for the administration of the country could govern with more ability and justice than Drummond. Accordingly he lent the weight of his authority to the sup- port of the executive, and the extraordinary spectacle was for the first time seen of Irish agitator and English administrator working hand in hand to maintain order and uphold the law. No better proof of Drummond's success can be given than by stating that the number of troops in the country two years before his arrival was 23,998 ; the number when he ceased to rule 14,956, the number seven years after he had ceased to rule 28,108. Drummond devised schemes for the de- velopment of the resources of the country and the employment of the poor. At his sug- gestion a railway commission, over which he presided, was appointed (October 1836), and proposals were made for the construction by the state of trunk lines from Dublin to Cork, •with branches to Kilkenny, Limerick, and Waterford, and from Dublin north to Navan, branching to Belfast and Enniskillen. Un- fortunately, owing to political and private jealousies, Drummond's scheme was not carried out. But time has justified his fore- sight and wisdom in the transaction, and his calculations as to the paying capabilities of the different routes have been singularly ' verified. Of the work of the commission it ; has been said ' the labours of the commis- \ sioners were most arduous : their report, i with the evidence on which it was founded, and the explanatory maps and plans which ! accompanied it, is one of the ablest ever submitted to parliament.' Of the minor work done by Drummond for Ireland the municipal boundaries commission, the abo- lition of the hulks at Cork, and the suppres- sion of the disgraceful Sunday drinking booths in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, may be men- tioned. Nor should it be forgotten that Drum- mond was the first man who threw open the doors of Dublin Castle to all comers. Each day he held a levee, to which peer and peasant, landlord and tenant, catholic and protestant could come on equal terms. The gift of con- ciliation was perhaps the greatest charm of | Drummond's character. Before he came to Ireland the Duke of Leinster declared that he would nevermeet O'Connell ; butatDruni- | mond's instance the great duke and O'Connell ! met on a common platform to promote Drum- i mond's schemes for the welfare of their com- ; mon country. Drummond was attacked by : a faction, and a parliamentary committee was appointed to show that crime had increased under his administration. The upshot of thi& inquiry was a splendid vindication of his go- vernment. ' The inquiry,' says Lord John Russell,. ' ended by proving that crime had diminished, and that the increased security for property was demonstrated by this most conclusive test, that five years' more purchase was given for land in 1839 than had been given for seven years' before.' During Drummond's rule, we learn from another authority, Chief Baron Pigott, ' homicide diminished 13 per cent., firing at the person 55 percent., incen- diary fires 17 per cent., attacks upon houses 63 per cent., killing or maiming cattle 12 per cent., levelling houses 65 per cent., illegal meetings, 70 per cent.' In fact, the character of Drummond's government has been summed up in a single sentence by Sir William So- merville, an influential landlord, proprietor, and afterwards chief secretary to the lord- lieutenant. * What I remark,' he says, ' in Ireland at present [1839] with the greatest satisfaction is the growing feeling of respect for the law.' Drummond sank beneath the- Drummond 45 Drummond work he had undertaken. He devoted all his energies to public affairs, and he died in the public service. Mrs. Drummond says in 1838 : ' I often say that I might as well have no husband, for day after day often passes without more than a few words passing be- tween us.' And ' from last Monday until this morning, a week all but a day, he never even •saw his baby, although in the same house with her. . . . He is very thin and very much older in appearance than when you last saw him.' Drummond was then suffering from his la- bours in connection with the railway com- mission. In 1839 his health became worse, and for a short time he sought rest and change of scene. But in February 1840 he returned little better to Ireland, and resumed his du- ties. After working nine hours at his office on Saturday, 11 April, he was taken ill on 1 Sunday, and died on Wednesday, 15 April, j He was not allowed to see his children, and j left a bible for each as ' the best legacy ' he could give. He left a message, telling his mother that he remembered her instructions on his deathbed. He requested to be buried in Ireland, the land of his adoption, and in whose service he had lost his life. He was buried at Mount Jerome cemetery, Harold's Cross, Dublin, on 21 April 1840. Though the funeral was intended to be private, it par- took of a public character. It was attended by almost every person of importance in the state or city. The whole populace joined in the procession. In 1843 a statue, executed by the Irish artist Hogan, was erected by public subscription to Drummond's memory, and placed in the City Hall, Dublin. Drum- mond left three daughters : Mary Elizabeth, who in 1863 married Mr. Joseph Kay, Q.C., author of ' The Social Condition and Educa- tion of the People of Europe,' and ' Free Trade in Land ' [see KAY, JOSEPH] ; Emily, and Fanny, who died in 1871. Mrs. Drummond still (1888) survives. [McLennan's Memoir of Thomas Drummond ; Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography ; Han- sard's Annual Register; public press from 1835 to 1840 ; Madden's Ireland and its Rulers.] E. B. O'B. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM (1585-1649), of Hawthornden, poet, was eldest son of John Drummond, first laird of Hawthornden, in the parish of Lasswade, seven miles from Edinburgh. The father, born in 1553, be- came gentleman-usher to James VI in 1590; was knighted in 1603 when he came to Eng- land with James ; died in 1610, and was buried at Holyrood. The family was a branch of the Drummonds of Stobhall, whose chief representative became Earl of Perth on 4 March 1604-5. Through Annabella Drum- mond [q. v.], daughter of Sir John of Stob- hall, who married Robert III of Scotland in 1357 and was the mother of James I, the poet claimed relationship with the royal family. His mother, Susannah, was sister of William Fowler, a well-known burgess of Edinburgh, who was private secretary to Queen Anne of Denmark, and accompanied her to England in 1603. William was born at Hawthornden 13 Dec. 1585. He had three younger brothers, James, Alexander, and John, and three sisters, Ann, Jane, and Re- becca. After spending his boyhood at the Edinburgh High School, he proceeded to Edin- burgh University ; benefited by the tuition of John Ray. the humanity professor, and graduated M.A. in 1605. In 1606 he paid a first visit to London while on his way to the continent to study law. His father was re- siding with the court at Greenwich as gentle- man-usher to the king (Key. Privy Council of Scotland, ed. Masson, vii. 490). William bought and read the recent books of such writers as Sidney, Lyly, and Shakespeare, and in June, July, and August 1606 described in letters to a Scottish friend the court festivities which celebrated the visit of Queen Anne's father, King Christian of Denmark. In 1607 I and 1608 Drummond attended law lectures at ! Bourges and Paris ; studied Du Bartas and , Rabelais ; read Tasso and Sannazzaro in French translations, and sent home accounts of the pictures in the Paris galleries. In 1609 he was again in Scotland, and his j sister Ann married John Scot, afterwards of j Scotstarvet, Fifeshire, his lifelong friend. A 1 year later he revisited London, and on his ] return home his father's death (1610) made him laird of Hawthornden. Abandoning all notion of practising law, he retired to his ! estate and read assiduously in almost all lan- guages. His library numbered 552 volumes, including fifty of the latest productions of contemporary English poets. It was only after much reading that Drummond attempted ' poetic composition, and, following the ex- i ample of Sir William Alexander [q. v.], he wrote in English rather than in Scotch. A poetic lament on the death of Prince Henry, ' Tears on the Death of Meliades,' was his earliest publication (1613), and came from the press of Andro Hart of Edinburgh. At the same time he edited a collection of elegies by Chapman, Rowley, Wither, and others, under the title of ' Mausoleum, or the Choisest Flowres of the Epitaphs,' Edinburgh (Andro Hart), 1613. In 1614 Drummond visited Menstrie, and introduced himself to William Alexander [q. v.], who received him kindly, and was thenceforward one of his regular correspon- Drummond 46 Drummond dents. Sir Robert Kerr (afterwards Earl of Ancrum), Sir Robert Ay toun, and Sir David Murray were also friendly with him, and in- tercourse with them excited in him some interest in English and Scottish politics. But Drummond rarely left Hawthornden, and divided his time between poetry and mechani- cal experiments. He married about 1614 the daughter of one Cunningham of Barns (near Crail, Fifeshire). His wife died within the year. In 1616 he published a collection of poems embodying his love and grief, together with some earlier songs and madrigals. A second edition quickly followed. In 1617 Drummond celebrated James I's visit to Scotland with a long poetic panegyric entitled ' Forth Feasting.' Henceforth London society interested itself in his poetic efforts, and in the summer of 1618 he was cheered by a visit from one Joseph Davis, who brought a flattering message from Michael Drayton, one of Drummond's favourite authors. An amiable correspondence followed. In one letter Drummond suggested that Drayton, who had quarrelled with his London publishers, should publish the last books of the ' Polyolbion ' with his own publisher, Andro Hart of Edin- burgh. In his ' Epistle on Poets and Poetry ' Dravton speaks highly of 'my dear Drum- mond.' Late in 1618 Drummond made the personal acquaintance of Ben Jonson. Jonson had walked from London to Edinburgh in August, but there is no proof that the expe- dition was made, as Drummond's early bio- graphers assert, in order to make Drum- mond's acquaintance. Before Christmas Jon- son visited Drummond at Hawthornden, and remained for two or three weeks. Drummond took careful notes of his conversation, which chiefly turned on literary topics, and although they corresponded in effusive terms subse- quently, Drummond's private impression of Jonson was not favourable. When leaving Edinburgh in January 1619, Jonson promised Drummond that if he died on the road home, all that he had written while in Scotland should be forwarded to Hawthornden. At the same time Drummond undertook to send to London accounts of Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, and other notable Scottish scenes, for Jonson to incorporate in a projected account of his Scottish tour ; but this work was not completed. In 1620 Drummond was seriously ill. Three years later fire and famine devastated Edinburgh, and Drum- mond in deep depression issued a volume of religious verse (' Flowers of Zion '), together with a philosophic meditation on death (in prose) entitled 'The Cypresse Grove.' A second edition appeared in 1630. Meanwhile Drummond was corresponding with Sir Wil- liam Alexander about James I's translation of the Psalms, and some of his suggestions were adopted. An extravagantly eulogistic sonnet commemorated James's death in 1625. On 29 Sept. 1626 a draft of a three years' patent was prepared for certain mechanical inventions which Drummond had recently perfected. Sixteen were specified, and most of them were military appliances. The first was described as a cavalry weapon, or box- pistol ; among the others were new kinds of pikes and battering-rams, telescopes and burn- ing-glasses, together with instruments for observing the strength of winds, for convert- ing salt water into sweet, and for measuring distances at sea. The patent was finally granted 24 Dec. 1627. In the same year (1627) Drummond presented to Edinburgh University a collection of five hundred books, which are still kept together in a separate room of the university library. A catalogue drawn up by the donor was printed by John Hart, Andro Hart's successor. Drummond was out. of Scotland in 1628 and in 1629, but was at home in May 1630, and soon after- wards paid a visit to his dead wife's relations at Barns. In July 1631 Drayton wrote to Drummond renewing their old acquaintance- ship, and early in 1632 Drummond, on learn- ing of Drayton's death, expressed deep grief in a letter to Alexander, Viscount Stirling. In the same year he married a second wife, Elizabeth, sister of James Logan of Monar- lothian, and granddaughter of Sir Robert Logan of Rest air ig. Soon after his second marriage Drum- mond's pride in his ancestry was hurt by a claim put forth by William Graham, earl of Menteith, to the earldom of Strathearn. Menteith's pretensions reflected on the legiti- macy of Robert III of Scotland, the husband of Drummond's ancestress Annabella Drum- mond. The poet opened a correspondence on the subject with the head of his clan, John Drummond, earl of Perth ; drew up a genealogy of the family, and sent a tractate in manuscript to Charles I in December 1632, entitled ' Considerations to the King,' in which he tried to confute Menteith's claim, and sug- gested that Menteith should be punished for his presumption. After preparing for his kins- man an essay on ' Impreses,' he set to work on a ' History of Scot land [ 1 424-1 542] during the Reigns of the Five Jameses,' all of whom were direct descendants of Robert III and Anna- bella Drummond. His brother-in-law, Scot of Scotstarvet, encouraged him in the work, but it was not printed until after Drummond's death. In May 1 633 he furnished the speeches and poems for the entertainment which cele- brated Charles I's long-delayed coronation at Drummond 47 Drummond Edinburgh, and in 1638 published the last ! of his works issued in his lifetime, ' A Pas- ! torall Elegie ' on the death of Sir Anthony Alexander, son of his friend Alexander, earl of Stirling. In 1638, too, Drummond rebuilt his house at Hawthornden, and stayed with Scot of Scotstarvet while the work was in operation. In the political turmoil that preceded the civil wars in Scotland Drummond played as small a part as possible. Although a con- servative he resented the persecution of Lord Balmerino, who had openly protested against Charles I's ecclesiastical policy (Letter to \ Robert Kerr, Earl ofAncrum, 2 March 1635). | He amused himself by privately distributing political squibs among his intimate friends, and there he handled all parties with equal j severity. An appeal for peace addressed to king, priests, and people, entitled ' Irene, or a Remonstrance for Concord, Amity and Love,' had a wide circulation in manuscript in 1638. The rise of the covenanters in arms was a heavy blow, but the importunity of his neighbours, the Earl of Lothian of New- battle Abbey and Porteous the parson of Lasswade, seems to have led him to sign the covenant, although he was no friend to the cause. Similarly he was compelled to con- tribute to the support of the army raised in 1Q39 to invade England, but in his manu- script tracts he earnestly dissuaded his coun- trymen from venturing on active hostilities (cf. The Magical Mirror, or a Declaration upon the Rising of the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Burgesses in Arms, 1 April 1639 ; Queries of State ; The Idea ; and Load Star). In ' A Speech to the Noblemen,' &c., dated 2 May 1639, he emphatically warned them that civil war could only end in a military dictatorship. In ' Considerations to the Par- liament,' dated September 1639, he sarcasti- cally recommended fifty-eight new laws, one of which was to allow the provost of Edin- burgh to pray in the cathedral to the accom- paniment of pistol-shots instead of the organ, and another to authorise schoolboys to expel their masters every seventh year and choose their own teachers. During the first out- break (the first bishops' war) the Marquis of Douglas invited Drummond to stay with him, and took his advice about a projected publi- cation of a family history. The Earl of Perth entreated the poet to visit him during the second outbreak in 1640, but Drummond de- clined to leave home in both instances, and was entrusted in the second war with some slight military duties, which he performed with great reluctance. In February 1639-40 he lost his friend Stirling, and among the Drummond papers are notes for a poem to his memory, which was to be entitled ' Al- phander,' but there is no further trace of it. When Charles I came to Scotland at the end of the war in 1641, Drummond wrote a ' Speech for Edinburgh to the King,' in which he plainly declared himself opposed to the covenanters, and later in 1642, when Scot- land was distracted by the conflicting appeals of Charles I and his parliament, Drummond circulated a tract entitled ' 2/cta^ia^t'a,' in which he defended the royalists for petition- ing the privy council in the king's favour. He protested against the solemn league and covenant in ' Remoras for the National League between Scotland and England ' in 1643. But he apparently signed the new covenant soon afterwards, and compounded with his conscience by composing severely sarcastic verses on the presbyterians and their English allies. The circulation of these pieces in manuscript was wide enough to give Drummond a bad reputation, and he was more than once summoned before 'the circu- lar tables ' (i.e. covenanting committees) to account for his conduct. He defended him- self by elaborate arguments in favour of the liberty of opinion and the press, and the charges were not pressed. In 1643 Drum- mond helped to secure the election of an ex- bishop, James Fairly, to the vacant parish of Lasswade. Drummond strongly sympathised with Montrose. On 28 Aug. 1645 Montrose — at the head of the royalist army — issued orders that Drummond was not to be molested by his men, and that the Hawthornden property was to be specially protected. Drummond wrote to Montrose offering to place his ; Irene ' at his disposal, and Montrose replied by in- viting Drummond to bring the paper to him at Bothwell. After Montrose's defeat, and just before his escape to Norway in 1646, he addressed (19 Aug.) a letter of thanks to Drummond for his ' good affection ' and ' all his friendly favours.' In ' Objections against the Scots answered' (1646) Drummond sup- ported a proposal to negotiate with Charles I. When in 1648 the Scots resolved to resort again to arms in the king's behalf, Drum- mond vehemently pleaded for the appoint- ment of the royalist Duke of Hamilton as leader of the Scottish army, and wrote a ' Vindication of the Hamiltons ' in reply to a pamphlet which aifected to deprecate the appointment from a royalist point of view. The execution of the king is said to have hastened Drummond's death. The poetry he wrote in his late years chiefly consisted of sonnets on the death of friends, or religious verses. All indicated a settled gloom. In April 1649 he was revising his genealogy of Drummond 48 Drummond the Drummond family. On 4 Dec. following he died at Hawthornden, and was buried in the church of Lasswade. Colonel George Lauder wrote a very pathetic poem on his death, entitled 'Damon.' All his brothers and sisters except James died before him. Bv his second marriage Drummond had nine children — five sons and four daughters — but only two sons and a daughter survived him. The daughter Elizabeth married Dr. Hender- son, an Edinburgh physician. The younger son Robert died in 1607. The heir, William, was knighted by Charles II ; inherited land at Carnockfrom another branch of the family, and died in 1713. Sir William's granddaugh- ter, Mary Barbara, whose second husband, Bishop William Abernethy, took the surname of Drummond [see DRUMMOND, WILLIAM ABERNETHT], succeeded to the Hawthomden property, and was the last lineal descendant of the poet. She died in 1789. In 1655 there was printed in London a volume of Drummond's prose works. The editor was a ' Mr. Hall of Gray's Inn,' and some copies contain a dedication to Scot of Scotstarvet, signed by Drummond's eldest son, William. The title ran : ' The History of Scotland from the year 1423 until the year 1524 : containing the Lives and Reigns of James the I, the H, the III, the IV, the V. With several Memorials of State during the Reigns of James VI and Charles I.' Only f The Cypresse-Grove ' — the prose meditation on death — first issued in 1623, had been pub- lished before, but the ' Memorials of State ' did not include Drummond's emphatically royalist tracts, like the ' Irene ' and the * SKia/ia^/a,' some of which were destroyed by Drummond's relatives. A second posthu- mous volume, ' Poems by that most famous Wit, William Drummond,' was issued by the same London publisher in 1656. All that had been already published was here reprinted, together with some sixty new sonnets, madri- gals, and elegies. Edward Phillips, Milton's nephew, edited this collection, and spoke extravagantly of Drummond's genius. An epigram by Arthur Johnston and an English poem by Archbishop Spottiswoode are among ! the commendatory verses. A few copies con- tain a dedication to Scot of Scotstarvet. This edition of Drummond's poems was reissued in 1659. In* 1683 there was issued anonymously at Edinburgh a macaronic or dog-Latin poem in hexameters, entitled ' Polemo-Middinia inter Vitarvam et N ebernam ' — a farcical ac- count of a quarrel between the tenants of Scot of Scotstarvet and those of his neighbour, Cunningham of Barns. This was reprinted at Oxford in 1691 and edited by Edmund Gibson, afterwards bishop of London, together with James V's ' Christ's Kirk on the Green,' j and in this volume Drummond was positively I declared to be the author. The facts that no mention of such a work is found in the Haw- thornden MSS. and that Drummond never claimed it in his lifetime make its author- ship doubtful. But when in 1711 Bishop Sage and Ruddiman prepared the chief col- lected edition of Drummond's works in both verse and prose, this piece was included and its authenticity distinctly asserted in the prefatory memoir. The folio of 1711 includes all Drummond's extant prose tracts and many of his letters, together with all the previously printed poems and some additional verse hitherto unprinted. Among the latter are some vesper hymns, translated from Latin, which had already appeared without an author's name in the Roman catholic primer first printed at St. Omer by John Heigham in 1619, and republished in the primer of 1632. That a sturdy protest ant like Drummond should have contributed to a Roman catholic sen-ice-book looks at a first glance so im- probable that the authenticity of these hymns has been questioned. Internal evidence, how- ever, favours their attribution to Drummond. The editor of the 1632 primer distinctly states, too, that they ' are a new translation done by one of the most skilfull in English Poetrie,' and it is quite possible that Drummond made the translation on one of his early visits to the continent (ORBY SHIPLEY, Annus Sanctus, pref.,1884 ; Athenesum, 1885, i. 376). Reissues of Drummond's poems appeared in 1832 (by the Maitland Club), in 1833 (by Peter Cun- ningham), and in 1857 (by W. D. Turnbull). These three editions include many poems, recovered from the Drummond MSS. In 1782 Dr. Abernethy Drummond, the husband of the poet's last lineal descendant, presented a mass of his manuscripts to the Scottish Society of Antiquaries. In 1827 David Laing carefully arranged these papers in fifteen volumes and published extracts from them in the ' Archseologia Scotica,' iv. 57-110, 224-70. Besides transcripts of his poems and tracts, the manuscripts contain Drummond's notes of his conversations with Ben Jonson, lists of the books he read from 1606 to 1614, and many more letters than those published in the folio of 1711. A re- print of the : Conversations with Jonson ' was issued by the Shakespeare Society in 1842. A portrait by Gaywood, prefixed to the 1655 volume, was re-engraved for the 1711 edition and for Professor Masson's ' Life ' (1873). Drummond is a learned poet, and is at his best in his sonnets. Italian influence is always perceptible, and his indebtedness to Guarini Drummond 49 Drummond is very pronounced. Yet sonnets like those on ' Sleep ' and the ' Nightingale ' possess enough natural grace and feeling to give them immortality, and borrowed conceits are often so cleverly handled by Drummond that he deserves more praise than their inventor. His madrigals show a rare command of diffi- cult metres, but are less sprightly than could be wished . The elegy on Prince Henry, which has been compared with ' Lycidas,' is solemnly pathetic. Drummond anticipated Milton in using the metre of the ' Hymn of the Na- tivity.' The prose of ' The Cypresse-Grove ' is majestic and suggests Sir Thomas Browne, but the historical and political tracts are not noticeable for their style. Drummond's political epigrams and satires are dull and often pointless. [The Life of Drummond by Professor Masson (1873) is an elaborate monograph on the poet's literary and political position and influence. See also Archseologia Scotica, iv. ; memoir prefixed to the 1711 edition of Drummond's Works; Cor- ser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica.] S. L. L. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM, first VIS- COUNT OP STRATHALLAN (1617 ? - 1688), royalist general, was the fifth and youngest son of John Drummond, second Baron Ma- derty, by his wife, Helen, eldest daughter of Patrick Lesly, commendator of Lindores. His father was among the first of the no- bility who joined the Marquis of Montrose at Bothwell after the battle of Kilsyth in 1645, for which he suffered imprisonment. Born in 1617 or 1618, Drummond was edu- cated at the university of St. Andrews. From 1641 to 1645 he served with Colonel Robert Monro in Ireland, and subsequently with the latter's nephew, Sir George Monro, who suc- ceeded to the Irish command. He was pre- sent when Sir George put the Marquis of Argyll to flight at Stirling in 1648. During the same year he again went over to Ireland and joined the Marquis of Ormonde, then in arms for the king. In 1648-9 he was in London. There, says Burnet, Drummond was recommended by some friends among the covenanters to Cromwell. He happened to hear Cromwell's discussion with the commis- sioners sent from Scotland to protest against putting the king to death, and he afterwards told Burnet that ' Cromwell had plainly the better of them at their own weapon, and upon their own principles ' (Own Time, Oxford edition, i. 71-3). After witnessing the pre- parations for the execution of the king, the next day he joined Charles II in Holland. At the battle of Worcester in 1651, where he commanded a brigade, he was taken prisoner and carried to Windsor, but managed to es- VOL. XVI. cape and reach the king at Paris. He soon afterwards landed at Yarmouth, and contrived to reach Scotland disguised as a carrier, bear- ing with him the royal commission. He was with the royalists under the Earl of Glen- cairn in the highlands in 1653, where his kinsman, Andrew Drummond, brother of Sir James Drummond of Machanay, commanded a regiment of Athole-men, and continued in their ranks until they were dispersed by the parliamentary general, Morgan, at the end of 1654 (BURNET, i. 103-4). He now sought permission of Charles to enter the Muscovite service. Accordingly in August 1655 he ac- companied his friend Thomas Dalyell [q. v.] to Russia (Egerton MS. 15856, f. 69 b\ where he quickly gained the favour of the czar, Alexis Michaelovitch, and was ap- pointed colonel, afterwards lieutenant-gene- ral, of the ' strangers, ' and governor of Smolensko (ib. i. 368). There, as he him- self says, he ' served long in the wars at home and abroad against the Polonians and Tar- tars ' (Genealogie of the most Ancient House of Drummond"). After the Restoration it was not without great difficulty that Charles pre- vailed on the czar to allow Drummond to leave his dominions. He returned to Eng- land in 1665, bringing with him a nattering testimonial of his services from Alexis (Addit. MS. 21408). In January 1666 the king ap- pointed him major-general of the forces in Scotland, with a seat on the council (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1666-7, pp. 18, 575). He was thought to have become a severe disciplinarian ; ' he had yet too much of the air of Russia about him,' says Burnet (i. 499). With Dalyell he was popularly supposed to have introduced torture by the thumbscrew, ' having seen it in Moscovia ' (LATJDEK, Histori- cal Notices of Scotch Affairs, Bannatyne Club, ii. 557). In 1667 he went to London to urge upon the king the necessity of a standing army and the harshest measures against the refusers of the declaration (WoDEOW, Church of Scotland, ed. Burns, ii. 81). Little ac- customed to brook contradiction, he found himself in constant conflict with Lauderdale, who on 29 Sept. 1674 caused him to be im- prisoned in Dumbarton Castle on a mere sur- mise of his having corresponded with some of the exiled covenanters in Holland (WoDROW, ii. 270; BURNET, ii. 56-7 ; Addit. MS. 23137, f. 49). On being released by order dated 24 Feb. 1675-6 (WODEOW, ii. 357), he was re- stored to his command, and between 1678 and 1681 received the honour of knighthood. He represented Perthshire in the parliament of 1669-74, in the convention of 1678, and in the parliaments of 1681-2 and 1685-6 (FOSTER, Members of Parliament, Scotland, 2nd edition, Drummond Drummond p. 105). Towards the end of March 1678 he, along with the Duke of Hamilton and others, made a journey to court in order to represent the grievances of the country to the king (WODROW, ii. 449, 453). In 1684 he was appointed general of the ordnance. On the accession of James II the following year he was nominated lieutenant-general of the forces in Scotland, and a lord of the trea- sury. In April 1684, on the resignation of his brother David, third baron Maderty, ' to save expences,' he succeeded to that j title (LAUDER, Historical Notices, Banna- tyne Club, ii. 535), and was created Vis- | count of Strathallan and Baron Drummond of Cromlix,by patent 6 Sept. 1686. In March 1686 he accompanied the Duke of Hamilton and Sir George Lockhart to Westminster to ; confer with the king, who had proposed that, while full liberty should be granted to the ' Roman catholics in Scotland, the persecution of the covenanters should go on without miti- gation. Drummond, although a loose and profane man, ' ambitious and covetous,' had i yet sufficient sense of honour to restrain him from public apostasy. In the significant phrase of a relative, he lived and died ' a bad : Christian but a good protestant.' On return- : ing to Edinburgh he joined with his col- | leagues in declaring that he could not do \ what the king asked (MACATJLAY, Hist, of England, vol. ii. ch. vi. pp. 117, 121). He died at the end of March (not January) 1688 (LuTTRELL, Relation of State Affairs, 1857, i. 436), and was buried at Innerpeffiray on 4 April, aged 70. His funeral sermon by Principal Alexander Monro of Edinburgh contains many interesting details of his life. After his return to Scotland he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Archibald John- ston, lord Warriston, and widow of Thomas Hepburn of Humbie, Haddingtonshire. By this lady, who was buried at St. George's, Southwark, in 1679, he had one daughter, Elizabeth, married to Thomas, sixth earl of Kinnoull,and a son William, second viscount of Strathallan. The latter died 7 July 1702. Drummond's male line failed on the death of his grandson William, third viscount, 26 May 1711, at the age of sixteen. Drummond, who had ' a great measure of knowledge and learn- ing' (BtrRNET, i. 416), drew up in 1681 a valu- able history of his family, a hundred copies of which were privately printed by David Laing, 4to, Edinburgh, 1831 (LOWNDES, Bibl. Manual, ed. Bohn, ii. 677). A few of his letters to Glencairn, Tweeddale, Lauderdale, and Lady Lauderdale, are preserved among the Additional MSS. in the British Museum (Addit. MS. 4156; Index to Cat. of Addi- tions to the MSS. 1854-75, p. 447). [Douglas's Peerage of Scotland (Wood), ii. 551-2; Malcolm's Memoir of the House of Drummond, pp. 101-3; Monro's Sermons, 8vo, London, 1693, pp. 476-502 ; Patrick Gordon's Diary (Spalding Club), passim ; Diaries of the Lairds of Brodie (Spalding Club) ; Burton's Hist, of Scotland, 2nd ed. vii. 69 ; Lauder's Historical Notices of Scottish Affairs (Bannatyne Club) ; Lauder's Historical Observes of Memorable Oc- currents (Bannatyne Club); Wodrow's Church of Scotland, ed. Burns, n. ir.] G. G. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM, fourth VIS- COUNT OF STRATHALLAN (1690-1746), Jaco- bite, born in 1690, was the fourth but eldest surviving son of Sir John Drummond, knt., of Machany, Perthshire, by his wife, Mar- garet, daughter of Sir William Stewart, knt., of Innernytie. His father, grandson of the Hon. Sir James Drummond of Machany, second son of James Drummond, first lord Maderty [q. v.], and colonel of the Perthshire foot in the ' engagement ' to rescue Charles I in 1648, was outlawed in 1690 for his attach- ment to the house of Stuart. On 26 May 1711 Drummond succeeded his cousin William as fourth Viscount of Strathallan. He was among the first to engage in the rising of 1715, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Sheriffmuir, 13 Nov. of that year, and carried to Stirling, but under the act of grace passed in 1717 was not subjected to prosecution or forfeiture at that time (BROWNE, History of the Highlands, ed. 1845, ii. 326, 355). In 1745, within a fortnight after Prince Charles i Edward raised his standard at Glenfinnan, Drummond joined him with reinforcements at Perth, and was left commander-in-chief of i the prince's forces in Scotland when the latter \ marched into England. At the battle of Cul- loden,14 April 1746, he commanded with Lord i Pitsligo the Perth squadron in the second line | of the highland army (ib. iii. 242), and was i unhorsed at the final charge of the English j forces. Endeavouring to remount with the i assistance of a servant, he was run through the body by an officer of dragoons, and died soon afterwards (CHAMBERS, Rebellion of 1745-6, ed. 1869, p. 311 n.) Bishop Forbes ' states that the officer was Colonel Howard, I whom Drummond, ' resolving to die in the j field rather than by the hand of the execu- tioner,' had purposely attacked (Jacobite Me- moirs, ed. Chambers, p. 296). He had mar- ried (contract dated 1 Nov. 1712) Margaret, eldest daughter of Margaret, baroness Nairne, and Lord William Murray, whose devotion to the cause of the chevalier led to her imprison- ment in the castle of Edinburgh from 11 Feb. to 22 Nov. 1746 (JOHNSTONE, Memoirs of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. p. 152), and by her had seven sons and six daughters. She died at Drummond Drummond Machany 28 May 1773. James, the eldest son, also took part in the rebellion of 17-45, and \vas included in the act of attainder passed 4 June 1746 as ' James Drummond, eldest son of William, viscount of Strathallan,' although he had then actually succeeded his father in that title. He died at Sens in Champagne, 22 June 1765. [Douglas's Peerage of Scotland (Wood), ii. 553-5 ; Malcolm's Memoir of the House of Drummond, pp. 110-15; Chambers's Rebellion of 1745-6, ed. 1869, pp. 68, 258,270,311 ; Mis- cellany of the Spalding Club, vol. i.] Gr. G. DRTJMMOND, SIR WILLIAM (1770 ?- 1828), scholar and diplomatist, was a mem- ber, and eventually the head, of the Drum- monds of Logie- Almond. He may perhaps be identified with the William, son of John Drummond of Perth, who matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, 24 Jan. 1788, aged 18 (FOSTER, Alumni O.ron. i. 389). He first at- tracted attention as an author by a learned work entitled 'A Review of the Govern- ments of Sparta and Athens' (London, 1795). In 1795 he was returned to parliament in the tory interest for the borough of St. Mawes, and in the two following parlia- ments, those of 1796 and 1801, he sat for Lostwithiel. Diplomacy, however, attracted him rather than debate. In 1801 he was sent as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the court of Naples, when he was sworn of the privy council, and in 1803 as ambassador to the Ottoman Porte, when he was honoured with the order of the Crescent, which was confirmed by license in the ' London Gazette,' 8 Sept. 1803. As am- bassador he does not appear to have played a very active part. ' I do not know Mr. Drum- mond,' wrote Nelson on 16 Jan. 1804, ' but I am told he is not likely to make the Porte understand the intended purity of our cabi- net ' (Nelson Despatches, v. 374). In 1806 he was once more envoy extraordinary to the court of Naples, and embarked in an unsuc- cessful scheme for securing the regency of Spain to Prince Leopold of Sicily. His diplo- matic career came to an end in 1809 (for his appointments consult HAYDN'S Book of Dig- nities). In the previous year he had been one of the claimants of the Roxburghe peer- age (Roxburghe Peerage ; Minutes of Evidence before the Committee of Privilege). Meanwhile he had published ' Philosophical Sketches on the Principles of Society and Government ' (anonymous) in 1793 ; ' The Satires of Per- sius, translated,' followed in 1798; and a philosophical treatise entitled ' Academical Questions ' in 1805. In 1810 he published, in conjunction with Robert Walpole, ' Hercu- lanesia, or Archaeological and Philological Dissertations, containing a manuscript found among the ruins of Herculaneum.' The first part of a poem in blank verse on ' Odin ' was published in 1817 ; in it Odin is identi- fied with Pharnaces, the son of Mithridates. The same hardihood of speculation marks Drummond's most important work — ' Ori- gines, or Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, States, and Cities,' such as Assyria and Babylon, which was published in four volumes from 1824 to 1829. But perhaps his most daring writing was ' O3dipus Judaicus,' printed for private circulation in 1811. It is an attempt to prove that many parts of the Old Testament are allegories, chiefly de- rived from astronomy (thus Joshua is a type of the sun in the sign of Ram, Jericho the moon in her several quarters), and was ac- companied by a very polemical preface, pub- lished separately. This curious anticipation of modern theories professed to be written from the standpoint of a theist. It was very severely handled by George D'Oyly [q. v.], who accused Drummond of appropriating the ideas of Charles Francois Dupuis, and there were several other replies. Some one, probably Drummond himself, criticised his critics under the nom de guerre of ' Vindex,' in ' Letters to the Rev. G. D'Oyly ' (1812). Towards the end of his life Drummond lived chiefly abroad, and he died at Rome on 29 March 1828. He was made a fellow of the Royal Society on 4 April 1799, and a D.C.L. (Ox- ford) on 3 July 1810. [Gent. Mag. 1828, ii. 90 ; for a criticism of Odin see the Eclectic Keview, new ser. viii. 77, and for one on the (Edipus Judaicus the Quar- terly Eeview, ix. 329.] L. C. S. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM ABER- NETHY (1719 P-1809), bishop of Edin- burgh, born in 1719 or 1720, was descended from the family of Abernethy of Saltoun in Haddingtonshire. He at first studied medi- cine, and took the degree of M.D., but was subsequently for many years minister of an episcopalian church in Edinburgh. Having paid his respects to Prince Charles Edward, when he held his court at Holyroodin 1745, he was afterwards exposed to much annoyance and even danger on that account, and was glad to avail himself of his medical degree, and wear for some years the usual profes- sional costume of the Edinburgh physicians. He took the additional surname of Drum- mond on his marriage, 3 Nov. 1760, to Mary Barbara, widow of Robert Macgregor of Glengarnock, and daughter and heiress of William Drummond of Hawthornden, Mid- lothian, grandson of the poet (BURKE, Peer- age, 1887, p. 444; Gent. Mag. xxx. 542). E 2 Drummond Drummond He was consecrated bishop of Brechin at Peterhead, 26 Sept. 1787, and a few weeks later was elected to the see of Edinburgh, to which the see of Glasgow was afterwards united. About the middle of February 1788 the news reached Scotland that on 31 Jan. of that year Prince Charles Edward had died at Rome. Drummond was the first among the bishops to urge that the time had now come for the episcopalians to give a public proof of their submission to the house of Hanover by praying in the express words of the English liturgy for the king and royal family. This was accordingly done through- out Scotland on 25 May. A bill of ' relief for pastors, ministers, and lay persons of the episcopal communion in Scotland ' having been prepared, Drummond, with Bishops Skinner and Strachan, set out for London in April 1789 to promote its progress through parliament. Drummond continued bishop of Edinburgh till 1805, when, on the union of the two classes of episcopalians, he resigned in favour of Dr. Daniel Sandford. He re- tained, however, his pastoral connection with the clergy in the diocese of Glasgow till his death, which took place at his residence, Hawthornden, 27 Aug. 1809, at the age of eighty-nine or ninety (Scofe Mag. Ixxi. 719). His wife died at Edinburgh, 11 Sept. 1789, in her sixty-eighth year (ib. li. 466), having had an only child, a daughter, who died before her. Drummond was a good theo- logian and well-meaning, but, says Russel, ' his intemperate manner defeated in most cases the benevolence of his intentions, and only irritated those whom he had wished to convince ' (KEITH, Cat. of Scottish Bishops, ed. Russel, Append., p. 529 ; with which cf. SKIXNER, Annals of Scottish Episcopacy, p. 480). He wrote several small tracts, among which may be mentioned: 1. ' A Dialogue between Philalethes and Benevolus : wherein M. G. H.'s defence of Transubstantiation. in the Appendix to his Scripture Doctrine of Miracles displayed, is fully examined and solidly confuted. With some Observations on his Scripture Doctrine of Miracles,' 12mo, Edinburgh, 1776. 2. ' A Letter to the Clergy of his Diocese, 8 March 1788,' 8vo, Edin- burgh, 1788. 3. ' A Letter to the Lay Mem- bers of his Diocese, April 1788. With large notes,' 8vo, Edinburgh, 1788. He also fur- nished a preface and notes to Bishop Jollv's abridgment of Charles Daubeny's ' Guide to the Church,' 8vo, Edinburgh, 1799. His letters to Bishops Douglas and Skinner, mostly on the recognition of the Scotch epi- scopal church of the Hanoverian line of suc- cession, are among the Egerton and Addi- tional MSS. in the British Museum (Index to the, Cat. of Additions to the MSS. 1854-75, p. 448). Drummond presented in 1782 to the Edinburgh University the manuscripts of William Drummond of Hawthornden [q. v.], the ancestor of his wife. [Keith's Cat. of Scottish Bishops (Eussel), Appendix, pp. 529, 54o ; Skinner's Annals of Scottish Episcopacy, pp. 68, 76, 83, 84, 479-80 ; Foster's Baronetage (1882), p. 190; Cat. of Li- brary of Advocates, ii. 76.] G. G. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM HAMIL- TON, D.D. (1778-1 865), poet and controver- sialist, eldest son of AVilliam Drummond, surgeon, R.N., by his wife Rose (Hare), was born at Lame, co. Antrim, in August 1778. His father, paid off in 1783, died of fever soon after entering on a practice at Bally- clare, co. Antrim. His mother, left without resources, removed to Belfast with her three children, and went into business. Drum- mond, after receiving an education at the Belfast Academy, under James Crombie, D.D. [q. v.], and WiUiam Bruce, D.D. (1757- 1841) [q. v.], was placed in a manufacturing house in England. Harsh usage turned the thoughts of the sensitive boy from the pro- spects of commercial life, and at the age of sixteen he entered Glasgow College (No- vember 1794) to study for the ministry. Straitened means interrupted his course, and left him without a degree, but he acquired considerable classical culture, and as a very young student began to publish poetry, in which the influence of the revolutionary ideas of the period culminating in 1798 is apparent. Leaving Glasgow in 1798 he became tutor in a family at Ravensdale, co. Louth, pur- suing his studies under the direction of the Armagh presbytery, with which he connected himself on the ground of its exacting a high standard of proficiency from candidates for the ministry. In 1799, returning to Belfast, he was transferred to the Antrim presbytery, and licensed on 9 April 1800. He at once re- ceived calls from First Holywood and Second Belfast, and accepting the latter was ordained on 26 Aug. 1800, the presiding minister be- ing William Bryson [q. v.] He became popu- lar, especially as a preacher of charity ser- mons, and dealt little in topics of controversy. On his marriage he opened a boarding-school at Mount Collyer, and lectured on natural philosophy, having among his pupils Thomas Romney Robinson, the astronomer. He was one of the first members of the Belfast Lite- rary Society (founded 23 Oct. 1801), and contributed to its transactions several of his poems. Bishop Percy of Dromore sought his acquaintance, and obtained for him the de- gree of D.D. from Marischal College, Aber- Drummond 53 Drummond deen (29 Jan. 1810). In 1815 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the chair of logic and belles-lettres in the Belfast Academical Institution, and on 15 Oct. in that year he was called to Strand Street, Dublin, as col- league to James Armstrong, D.D. [q. v.] In- stalled on 25 Dec., he entered on the chief charge of his long life. He was soon elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy, con- tributed frequently to its Transactions, held for many years the office of its librarian, and took a scholarly interest in Celtic literature. His poetical pieces, versified from ancient Irish sources, are graceful paraphrases rather than close translations. Most of his writings show traces of very wide reading. His house was crammed with the heterogeneous results of an insatiable habit of book-collecting. Some years after his settlement in Dublin Drummond came out as a polemic, exhibiting in this capacity a degree of sharpness and vi- vacity which seemed a rather remarkable out- come of his gentle and genial temperament. In two instances (in 1827 and 1828) he took ad- vantage of discussions between disputants of the Roman catholic and established churches as occasions for bringing forward arguments for Unitarian views ; and in the controversies thus provoked he was always ready with a reply. His essay on 'The Doctrine of the Trinity ' is the best specimen of his polemics. His ' Life of Servetus ' is a continuous on- slaught on what he supposed to be unamiable tendencies of Calvinism. Drummond's tastes were simple, and in harmony with the thorough kindliness of his disposition. A character singularly sweet and pure was enlivened by a bright vein of humour. His fine countenance dignified a short stature. He was very near-sighted, and without an ear for music. In old age he suffered from attacks of apoplexy, under which his powers of recollection were gradu- ally extinguished. He died at Lower Gar- diner Street, Dublin, on 16 Oct. 1865, and was buried at Harold's Cross cemetery, near Dublin, on 20 Oct. He married, first, Bar- bara, daughter of David Tomb of Belfast, and had several children, of whom William Bruce Drummond and two daughters survived him ; and secondly, Catherine (d. 22 April 1879), daughter of Robert Blackley of Dublin, by whom he left issue Robert Blackley Drum- mond, minister of St. Mark's, Edinburgh ; James Drummond, LL.D., principal of Man- chester New College, London, and a daughter ; another daughter by the second marriage died before him. Drummond as a poet is natural, pleasing and melodious, rich in pathos, and full of enthusiasm. He is at his best in his very vigorous hymns, the use of which has not been limited to his own denomination. The following is a full list of his poems : 1. ' Juvenile Poems : By a Student of the University of Glasgow ' [1795], 8vo. 2. < Hi- bernia. A Poem. Part the First,' Belfast, 1797, 8vo (apparently all published). 3. ' The Man of Age,' Belfast, 1797, 8vo (' of age ' means 'aged'); 2nd edition, in which 'some things are suppressed,' Glasgow, 1798, 8vo (to this edition is added an ode on the death of Robert Burns). 4. ' The Battle of Tra- falgar; a Poem in two books,' 1806, 12mo (contributed to Belfast Literary Society, 3 March). 5. ' The First Book of T. Lucretius Carus on the Nature of Things. Translated into English verse,' Edinb., 1808, 16mo (Bel- fast Literary Society, 7 March). 6. 'The Giant's Causeway,' Belfast, 1811, 8vo (three books, with two maps and five plates ; Belfast Literary Society, 2 March 1807). 7. 'An Elegiac Ballad on the Funeral of the Prin- cess Charlotte,' Dublin, 1817, 8vo (anon.) 8. ' Who are the Happy,' &c., Dublin, 1818, 8vo (appended are other poems and thirty- three hymns). 9. ' Clontarf,' Dublin, 1822, 18mo (anon.) 10. 'Bruce's Invasion of Ireland,' Dublin, 1826, 16mo. 11. ' The Pleasures of Benevolence,' 1835, 12mo. 12. ' Ancient Irish Minstrelsy,' Dublin, 1852, large 12mo (eight of the pieces in this volume had al- ready appeared in vol. ii. of Hardiman's ' Irish Minstrelsy,' 1831). Of his many controversial works, including several separate sermons, it may suffice to mention 13. ' The Doctrine of the Trinity,' 1827, 8vo; 2nd edition, 1827,8vo; 3rd edition, 1831, 8vo (reprinted also in America). 14. ' Unitarian Christianity the Religion of the Gospel,' 1828, 8vo. 15. ' Unitarianism no feeble and conceited Heresy,' 1829, 8vo (addressed to Archbishop Magee, in reply to a publication by a layman, P. Dixon Hardy, commended by Magee). 16. ' Original Sin,' 1832, 8vo. 17. 'An Explanation and De- fence of the Principles of Protestant Dissent,' 1842, 8vo (in reference to proceedings taken against Unitarian trustees by Duncan Chis- holm, alias George Matthews). Apart from polemics were 18. ' Humanity to Animals,' 1830, 8vo. 19. 'An Essay on the Rights of Animals,' 1838, 12mo. His biographical publications are 20. ' Funeral Sermon for James Armstrong, D.D.,' Dublin, 1840, 12mo. 21. ' Autobiography of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, with additions,' &c., Dublin, 1840, 12mo. 22. ' The Life of Michael Servetus,' &c., 1848, 12mo. Besides papers in the ' Trans- actions of the Royal Irish Academy,' may be mentioned his academy prize essay, 23. ' The Poems of Ossian,' Dublin, 1830, 4to (defends Macpherson's authorship). Posthumous was Drury 54 Drury 24. 'Sermons,' 1867, 8vo (with memoir and two portraits). [Memoir by J. S. Porter, prefixed to posthumous sermons, 1867 ; Armstrong's Appendix to Mar- tineau's Ordination Service, 1829, p. 77 ; Unita- rian Herald, 27 Oct. 1865, p. 345 (biographical notice, apparently by J. S. Porter) ; manuscript records of Antrim presbytery ; manuscript ' In Memoriam ' by his daughter, Mrs. John Camp- bell ; private information.] A. G. DRURY, SIR DRU or DRUE (1531 P- 1617), courtier, the fifth but third surviving son of Sir Robert Drury, knt., of Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Edmund Brudenell, was born probably in 1531 or 1532. He was a younger brother of Sir William Drury [q. v.] At the accession of Elizabeth he was ap- pointed gentleman-usher of the privy chamber, a post which he continued to hold during the succeeding reign. He seems to have been suc- cessful in keeping in the good graces of the queen, except on one occasion (C«/. State Papers, Dom. 1547-80, p. 170). In Septem- ber 3579 he received the honour of knight- hood at Wanstead, Essex (METCALFE,^! Book of Knights, p. 133). In November 1586 he was sent to Fotheringay to assist Sir Amias Paulet in the wardership of Mary Queen of Scots (Cal. State Papers, Scottish Ser., ii. 1015, 1018). He was nominated constable of the Tower in 1595-6. Drury, whom Camden describes as a sincere, honest man, and a puri- tan in his religion ('Annals of Elizabeth,' in KEXNETT, Hist, of England, ii. 501), died at his seat, Riddlesworth, Norfolk, 29 April 1617, aged about eighty-six, though on his monument the age of ninety-nine is absurdly given (LE NEVE, Monumenta Anglicana, i. 59). His will of 7 July 1613 was proved in P. C. C. 31 May 1617 (registered 39, Weldon). He married, first, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Calthorpe, knt., who had been twice married, first to Sir Henry Parker, K.B., eldest son of Henry, lord Morley, and secondly, after 1550, to Sir William Woodhouse, knt., of Waxham, Norfolk; she brought him a moiety of Riddlesworth. In 1 582 he married for hfs second wife Catherine, daughter and heiress of William Finch of Linsted, Kent, acquir- ing with her the manor of Sewards in that parish, and Perry Court at Preston in the same county. By this lady, who died 13 Sept. 1601, aged 45, and was buried at Linsted, he had an only son, Drue Drurv (created a baronet 7 May 1627 ; died 23 April 1632), and three daughters : Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Wingfield, knt., but afterwards wife of Henry Reynolds ; Anne, wife of Sir Robert Boteler, knt. ; and Frances. Some interest- ing letters from Drury and his second wife to Sir Julius Caesar, written in 1588, 1596, and 1603-14, are to be found in the Lans- downe and Additional MSS. in the British Museum. Drury is to be distinguished from a Drue Drury of Eccles and Rollesby, Norfolk, who married Anne, daughter and coheiress of Thomas, sixth baron Burgh of Gainsborough, and was knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603, before the coronation of the king (METCALFE, A Book of Knights, p. 147). [Addit. MS. 19127, ff. 181, 183, 187 ; Letter- book of Sir Amias Paulet, ed. Morris ; Blome- field'sNorfolk(8vo),i. 278, 280, 281,283 ;Hasted's Kent (fol.), ii.681y, 689, 810; Cullum's Hawsted and Hardwick, 2nd edit., p. 133 ; General Index to Strype's Works (8vo), i. 240 ; Chamberlain's Letters (Camd. Soc.), p. 40 ; Fuller's Worthies (1662), Norfolk, p. 272 ; Hist, of Norfolk (by J. Chambers), ii. 719-21 ; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. vii. 89, 1 37, viii. 324, 5th ser. viii. 349, 393, ix. 257, 6th ser. iv. 101.] G. G. DRURY, DRU (1725-1803), naturalist, was born 4 Feb. 1725 in W'ood Street, Lon- don. Drury claimed descent from Sir Dru Drury [q. v.l His father was a silversmith, and married four times. Mary Hesketh was the mother of Dru and of seven others, who all died young. The boy was care- fully educated, and assisted his father in the business. When Dru was twenty-three his father resigned it to him, and he married, 7 June 1748, Esther Pedley, a daughter of his father's first wife by her former husband, and thus became possessed of several freehold houses in London and Essex, which brought him an annual income of between 250/. and 3001. In 1771 he purchased a silversmith's stock and shop at 32 Strand. Here he made nearly 2,000/. per annum for some years, but failed, as it seems from no fault of his own, in 1777. He behaved most honourably to his creditors, and by their assistance was able to recommence business in the next year. His wife died in 1787. He had by her seventeen children, of whom all except three, who survived him, died young. In 1789 he retired from trade and gave up the business to his son. From the time when he began life on his own account he had been an eager student of entomology, inserting ad- vertisements in foreign papers which solicited specimens either by exchange or purchase. His cabinets soon became famous. Donovan speaks of his ' noble and very magnificent col- lections.' Smeathman (himself distinguished by his researches among the termites or white ants) was one of his most valued collectors. Thus he expended large sums in order to en- rich his cabinets with new specimens. He now spent his time between Broxbourne, Drury 55 Drury where lie still amused himself collecting in- sects, and London. He was also a lover of gardening and of angling in the Lea and New River. His favourite amusements for several years consisted in making wines from dif- ferent kinds of fruit, and conducting experi- ments in distillation. Always of an active mind, speculations connected with obtaining gold led him to engage many travellers, espe- cially Lewin, to join his projects. These gene- rally turned out disappointments to all parties. At length he removed to Turnham Green, but a complication of ailments began to weigh him down. He died of stone, 15 Dec. 1803, his love for insects continuing to the last, and was buried in the church of St. Marti n's- in-the-Fields, London. His daughter mar- ried Mr. Andr§ (a relative of Major Andre), a merchant in the city. Entomology was much advanced by Drury's writings, but even more by the excellent figures which accompanied them, the work of Moses Harris. His descriptions often lack scientific precision ; but his notices of the libellulidae and of the insects of Sierra Leone are specially valuable. Some of his papers •came into Mr. Westwood's hands. Drury's collection was remarkably fine, many of the specimens being unique. It had taken thirty years in its formation. His cabinets were sold by auction at his death, and brought 6147. 8*. Qd., with about SOW. more for the cabinets, books, and copper-plates of the illus- trations. One cabinet is said to have con- tained eleven thousand insects. Linnaeus, Kirby, and Fabricius each held Drury in high estimation, and named insects after him. Together with Pallas, the younger Linnaeus, and Haworth, they were wont to correspond with him. His ' Exotic Entomology ' was in part translated into German, and annotated by G. W. F. Panzer, 1785. Drury was a man of the highest honour, upright and religious, active both in mind and body, and devotedly attached to ento- mology. His works are : 1. ' Illustrations of Natural History, exhibiting upwards of 240 figures of Exotic Insects,' 3 vols. 4to, London, 1770-82. 2. ' Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, with upwards of 650 figures and descriptions of new Insects.' This was edited with notes by J. 0. Westwood, 3 vols. 4to, London, 1837, the original volumes being very rare. 3. ' Directions for Collecting In- sects in Foreign Countries,' about 1800, a fly- leaf of three pages, which he sent all over the world, and which was translated into several languages. 4. ' Thoughts on the Precious Metals, particularly Gold, with di- rections to Travellers, &c., for obtaining them, and selecting other natural riches from the rough diamond down to the pebble-stone,' | 1801, 8vo, London. He styles himself in this ; goldsmith to her majesty,' and was an F.L.S. Its directions are very miscellaneous, and range from clothing and diet to crystal- lography. [Bibl. Zoologise, Agassiz and Strickland, ii. 266 ; Life by Lieutenant-colonel C. H. Smith in the Naturalists' Library, i. 17-71, from materials supplied by Drury's grandsons; Discourse on the Study of Natural History and Taxidermy and Biography, pp. 51, 171, by W. Swainson, in Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia; Gent. Mag. 1804, vol. Ixxiv. pt. i. p. 86 ; Memoir by J, 0. Westwood prefixed to Exotic Entomology.] M. G. W. DRURY, HENRY (1812-1863), arch- deacon of Wilts, eldest son of Henry Joseph Thomas Drury (1778-1841), by his wife Caro- line, daughter of A. W. Taylor of Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire, and grandson of Joseph Drury (1750-1834), was born at Harrow 1 1 May 1812. After passing through Harrow with distinction he was admitted minor pen- sioner of Caius College, Cambridge, 14 June 1831, and began residence in the following October (College Register). In 1833 he won the Browne medal for the Latin ode, and in 1835 that for the epigrams. An eye com- plaint prevented further academic successes as an undergraduate. In 1837 he took the ordinary B.A. degree, proceeding M.A. in 1840. In 1838 he became classical lecturer at Caius, but, having been ordained, he left Cambridge in 1839 to take sole charge of Alderley, Gloucestershire, a curacy which he exchanged the following year for that of Bromham, Wiltshire. Drury, together with some friends, projected and published the ' Arundines Cami,' a collection of translations into Latin and Greek verse by different Cam- bridge men. The first edition was published in a beautiful form in 1841, and four subse- quent editions appeared during Drury's life- time ; a sixth, after his death, was edited by Mr. H. J. Hodgson in 1865. These successive editions contained several new pieces. Drury became rector of Alderley in 1843, and two years later vicar of Bremhill with Foxham and Highway, Wiltshire, a preferment which he received from Dr. Denison, bishop of Salis- bury, to whom, and his successor in the see, Dr. Hamilton, he was examining chaplain. In 1855 he was installed prebendary of Ship- ton in Salisbury Cathedral, was appointed chaplain to the House of Commons by Mr. Speaker Denison in 1857 (Gent. Mag. 3rd ser. iii. 454), and became archdeacon of Wilts in July 1862. He died at BremhiU 25 Jan. 1863, after two days' illness. On 13 Dec. 1843 he married Amelia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Giles Daubeny, Drury s rector of Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (Gent. Mag. new "ser. xxi. 194). 'After taking holy orders,' writes Mr. H. J. Hodgson, ' Mr. Drury proved himself a sound theologian and a valuable assistant to the bishop of his diocese, an earnest preacher, and an active parish priest. ... As a friend and companion he was most genial and affectionate, possessed of lively wit and humour, full of anecdote and badinage, but tempered with excellent tact and judgment, all combined with a modesty and absence of self-assertion. [Information kindly communicated by H. .T. Hodgson, esq., and the Master of Caius ; Burke's Landed Gentry, 4th edit., p. 395 ; Gent. Mag. 3rd ser. xiv. 660-1 ; Crockford's Clerical Di- rectory, 1860, p. 175.] G. G. DRURY, HENRY JOSEPH THOMAS (1778-1841), scholar, son of the Rev. Joseph Drury [q. v.], by Louisa, daughter of Benja- min Heath, D.C.L., of Exeter, was born at Harrow on 27 April 1778, and educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge (B.A. 1801, M. A. 1804), of which society he became a fellow. Drury became under-master, and afterwards master, of the lower school at Harrow, and among his pupils was Lord Byron (see a letter from Byron to Drury dated 18 Oct. 1814 in MOOKE'S Life of Lord Byron). In 1820 he was presented to the rectory of Fingert. He died at Harrow on 5 March 1841. By his wife, Caroline, daugh- ter of A. W7. Taylor of Boreham W'ood, Hert- fordshire, he had a son Henry [q. v.] Drury had a great reputation in his day as a classical scholar, but contented himself with editing selections from the classics for the use of Harrow School. He also formed a most valuable library of the Greek classics, both printed editions and manuscripts, which was sold after his death, two parts in 1827 for 8,917Z. 13«., and the third in 1837 for 1,693^. He was an original member of the ! Roxburghe Club, London, and contributed to I their collection a reprint of ' Cock Lorell's i Boat ' (1817) and ' The Metrical Life of Saint Robert of Knaresborough' (1824), from aj manuscript in his possession, which was de- ; ciphered and transcribed by Joseph Hasle- wood the bibliographer. Among Drury's nu- merous friends were Dr. Dibdin the biblio- grapher, who mentions him several times in ' The Bibliographical Decameron,' and Lord Byron. In Moore's ' Life of Lord Byron ' are to be found several letters from the poet to his former tutor, written in affectionate terms and without much regard to the propriety usually preserved in a correspondence with a divine. [Gent. Mag. 1841, new ser. xvi. 323; some additional facts are to be found in Heathiana : Drury Notes Genealogical and Biographical of the family of Heath, privately printed, 1881.] L. C. S. DRURY, JOSEPH (1750-1834), head- master of Harrow School, son of Thomas Drury, a member of an old Norfolk family, was born in London on 11 Feb. 1750, was admitted scholar of Westminster in 1765, and was elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1768 (WELCH). He found himself unable to continue his residence at Cambridge through lack of means, and in 1769, on the recom- mendation of Dr. Watson, afterwards bishop of Llandaff, he obtained an assistant-mas- tership at Harrow under Dr. Sumner. On the appointment of Dr. Heath to the head- mastership in 1771 Drury was almost per- suaded to join in the secession of Samuel Parr, who set up an opposition school at Stan- more, taking with him one of the under- masters and several boys ; he decided to re- main loyal to the ancient foundation, became one of Heath's most efficient assistants, and on 5 Aug. 1775 married his youngest sister, Louisa, daughter of Benjamin Heath, D.C.L. (Heathiana, p. 22). On the resignation of Dr. Heath in 1785 Drury, who was then in. his thirty-sixth year, was elected to succeed him. He graduated B.D. in 1784 and D.D. in 1789. He held the head-mastership for twenty years. W7hen Heath left, the number of boys at the school was a little over two- hundred, a slight diminution took place during Drury's earlier years of office, and in 1796 the numbers were only 139. After a period of depression the school increased rapidly under his management, and in 1803 num- bered 345 boys, among whom were many who afterwards became famous, and an ex- traordinarily large number of the nobility for the size of the school (THORNTON). This in- crease, which marks an epoch in the life of the school, must be ascribed mainly to the character of the head-master. Asa teacher Drury was eminently successful, and while he insisted on scholarship taught his boys to appreciate classical literature, and encouraged Latin and English composition both in prose and verse, and the practice of public recita- tion. His influence over his boys may be judged by the feelings he inspired in such a difficult pupil as Lord Byron [q. v.] Though he was a firm disciplinarian the boys con- sidered him a kind master, they knew that he was sincerely anxious for their welfare, and they admired his dignified manners and easy address. Byron speaks most warmly of him in a note to ' Childe Harold,' canto iv. st. 75, and under the name of Probus in ' Childish Recollections ' and lines ' On a Change of Masters ' in ' Hours of Idleness.' He appears to have been the first head-master Drury 57 Drury who exempted tiie higher forms from flogging ; he disliked flogging, and the system of moni- torial caning seems to have grown up in his time. The ill-health of his wife and his own desire for rest and for country pursuits led him to resign the head-mastership in 1805 ; he retired to Dawlish, Devonshire, where he had already purchased an estate called Cock- wood, and there occupied himself in farming his land, in the duties of a magistrate, and the pursuits of a country gentleman. He became acquainted with Charles Kean the elder when acting at Exeter in 1810-11, went to see him act in different characters night after night, Avarnily admired his talents, and helped to establish him at Drury Lane Theatre. For some years he was vicar of Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire ; he did not reside there, and held the living on condition of resigning it to a son of the patron, Lord Lilford ; his only other church preferment was the prebend of Dultincote in Wells Cathedral, to which he was instituted in 1812. He died at Cockwood on 9 Jan. 1834, at the age of eighty-four, and was buried at St. Leonard's, Exeter. Drury left three sons, all in holy orders: Henry Joseph Thomas [q. v.], for forty-one years assistant-master of Harrow, the father of the Rev. Benjamin Heath Drury, late assistant- master of Harrow ; Benjamin Heath, assist- ant-master of Eton ; and Charles, rector of Pontesbury, Shropshire, and one daughter, Louisa Heath, the wife of John Herman Merivale, commissioner of bankruptcy. Mark Drury, the second master of Harrow, who was a candidate for the head-mastership in 1805 (MooKE, Life of Byron, p. 29), was Drury's younger brother. [Annual Biography and Obituary, xix. 1-36, contains a memoir of Drury by his youngest son, Charles ; Thornton's Harrow School, pp. 191-214; Welch's Alumni Westmonast. pp. 383, 388 ; Drake's Heathiana, p. 22 ; Le Neve's Fasti, i. 203 ; Byron's Childe Harold, iv. 75, and Hours of Idleness; Moore's Life of Byron, ed. 1847, pp. 19, 20, 29, 66, 89, 103, 117, 267; information kindly supplied by the Kev. Benjamin Heath Drury.] W. H. DRURY, SIR ROBERT (d. 1536), speaker of the House of Commons, eldest son of Roger Drury, lord of the manor of Hawsted, Suffolk, by Felicia, daughter and heir of William Denton of Besthorpe, Norfolk, was educated at the university of Cambridge, and probably at Gonville Hall. He figures with his father as commissioner of array for Suffolk in 1487 (Materials for the Reign of Henry VII, Rolls Ser., ii. 135). He was a barrister-at-law and a member of Lincoln's Inn, being men- tioned in the list preserved by Dugdale among the ' governors ' of that society in 1488-9, 1492-3, and 1497 (Orig. 258), but the date of his admission is uncertain. On 17 Oct. 1495 he was elected speaker of the House of Commons, being then knight of the shire for Suffolk (Rot. Parl. vi. 459). This parliament produced many private acts and one public statute of importance, whereby it was enacted that ' no person going with the king to the wars shall be attaint of treason' (11 Hen. VII, c. i.) Bacon characterises this measure as ' rather just than legal and more magnanimous than provident,' but praises it as ' wonderful, pious, and noble' (BACON'S Works, Literary and Professional, ed. Spedding, i. 159). In 1501 he obtained from Pope Alexander VI a license to have a chapel in his house, ' the parish church being a mile distant and the road subject to inundations and other perils.' On 29 Aug. 1509 he attested the document whereby Henry VIII renewed his father's treaty with Scotland, and he was also one of the commissioners appointed to receive the oath of the Scottish king and to treat for the redress of wrongs done on the border (RYMEE, Fcedera, xiii. 262, 263, 264). On 12 March 1509-10 he obtained a license to impark two thousand acres of land, and to fortify his manors in Suffolk (Letters and Papers . . . Henry VIII, i. 143). Between June 1510 and February 1512-13 inclusive he was en- gaged with various colleagues in the attempt to pacify the Scottish border by peaceful methods, and to obtain redress for wrongs committed (RYMEE, Fcedera, xiii. 276, 301, 346). He witnessed the marriage of the Prin- cess Mary on 9 Oct. 1514 (Letters and Papers . . . Henry VIII, i. 898), was appointed knight for the body in 1516 (ib. vol. ii. pt. i. p. 872), was one of a commission appointed to examine suspects arrested in the district of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields in July 1519 (ib. vol. iii. pt. i. p. 129), was present on the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520, and on 10 July of the same year was in attendance on the king when he met the Emperor Charles at Gravesend (ib. 241, 243, 326). In 1521 he was a commissioner for perambulating and determining the metes and bounds of the town of Ipswich (ib. 469). In 1522 he was in attendance on the king at Canterbury (ib. 967). In 1523 and 1524 he was chief com- missioner for the collection of the subsidy in Suffolk and town of Ipswich, and in 1524 he was a commissioner for the collection of the loan for the French war (ib. 1365, 1366, 1457, vol. iv. pt. i. pp. 82, 238). He is mentioned in 1526 as one of the legal or judicial com- mittee of the privy council, ranking in point of precedence next after Sir Thomas More (ib. pt. iii. 3096). In 1530 he was one of the commissioners of gaol delivery for Ipswich Drury 5 (ib. 2919), was appointed commissioner of sewers for Suffolk in December 1534, and died on 2 March 1535-6 (ib. vii. 596, viii. 75). He was buried in St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmunds, under a stone monu- ment, the wooden palisade of the tomb bear- ing the inscription, ' Such as ye be some time were we, such as we are such shall ye be. Miserere nostri.' Drury married twice. By his first wife, Anne, daughter of Sir William Calthorpe, knight, of Burnham-Thorpe, Nor- folk, he had issue (besides daughters) Sir Wil- liam Drury, who succeeded him at Hawsted, and Sir Robert Drury of Hedgerley, Buck- inghamshire, father of Sir William Drury [q. v.], lord president of Munster, and of Sir Dru Drury [q. v.] By his second wife, Anne, relict of Edward, lord Grey, he had no issue. [Cullum's Hawsted, pp. 131, 142, 145 ; Cooper's Athense Cantabr. i. 56 ; Manning's Lives of the Speakers.] J. M. K. DRURY, ROBERT (1567-1607), catho- lic divine, born of a gentleman's family in Buckinghamshire in 1567, was educated in the English College of Douay, then tempo- rarily removed to Rheims, where he arrived 1 April 1588. He received the minor orders at Rheims on 18 Aug. 1590, and on the 17th of the following month he, with several other students, was sent to the college lately founded at Valladolid by Philip II of Spain for the education of the English clergy. After being ordained priest there, he was sent in 1593 to England, where he zealously laboured on the mission, chiefly in London and its vicinity. He was one of the appellant priests who op- posed the proceedings of the archpriest Black- well [see BLACKWELL, GEORGE] ; and his name occurs among the signatures attached to the appeal of 17 Nov. 1600, dated from the prison at Wisbech (DoDD, Church Hist. ii. 259). He was also one of the thirteen secular priests who, in response to the queen's proclamation, subscribed the celebrated protestation of alle- giance (31 Jan. 1602-3), which was drawn up by William Bishop [q.v.], afterwards bishop of Chalcedon (BTJTLER, Hist. Memoirs of the English Catholics, 3rd edit. ii. 56-65). In 1606 the government of James I imposed upon catholics a new oath, which was to be the test of their civil allegiance. About this time Drury was apprehended, brought to trial, and condemned to death for being a priest and remaining in this realm, contrary to the statute of 27 Eliz. He refused to save his life by taking the new oath, and conse- quently he was drawn to Tyburn, hanged, and quartered on 26 Feb. 1606-7. ' A true Report of the Arraignment, Tryall, Conviction, and Condemnation of a Popish Drury Priest named Robert Drewrie ' appeared at London, 1607, 4to, and is reprinted in the ' Harleian Miscellany,' vol. iii. [Challoner's Memoirs of Missionary Priests (1742), ii. 16; Douay Diaries, pp. 218, 232,234 ; Morris's Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, iii. 329 ; Gi How's Bibl. Diet. ; Panzani's Memoirs, p. 85.] T. C. DRURY, ROBERT (1587-1623), Jesuit, born in Middlesex in 1587, was son of Wil- liam Drury [q. v.], D.C.L., judge of the pre- rogative court (who was converted to the catholic faith in articulo mortis), and his wife, Mary, daughter of Sir Richard South- well of Woodrising, Norfolk, a relative of Father Robert Southwell the poet. He was educated in London, and at the age of four- teen was sent to the English College at Douay, where he began his course of humanities, which he completed at St. Omer. On 9 Oct. 1605 he entered the English College, Rome, for his higher course. After receiving minor orders he joined the Society of Jesus in Oc- tober 1608, and subsequently he repaired to Posna to finish his theology, arriving there 28 Feb. 1611-12. In 1620 he was rector of the college at St. Omer, and afterwards was sent on the mission to his native country, where he became a distinguished preacher. He was professed of the four vows 8 Sept. 1622. Occasionally he went under the names of Bedford and Stanley. He lost his life on Sunday, 5 Nov. (N.S.) 1623, at the ' Fatal Vespers"' in Blackfriars. On the afternoon of that day about three hundred persons assembled in an upper room at the French ambassador's residence, Hunsdon House, Blackfriars, for the pur- pose of participating in a religious service by Drury and William Whittingham, another Jesuit. While Drury was preaching the great weight of the crowd in the old room sud- denly snapped the main summer-beam of the floor, which instantly crashed in and fell into the room below. The main beams there also snapped and broke through to the ambassa- dor's drawing-room over the gate-house, a distance of twenty-two feet. Part of the floor, being less crowded, stood firm, and the people on it cut a way through a plaster wall into a neighbouring room. The two Jesuits were killed on the spot. About ninety-five persons lost their lives, while many others sustained serious injuries. The bigotry of the times led some people to regard this ca- lamity as a judgment on the catholics, ' so much was God offended with their detestable idolatrie ' (LYSONS, Environs, iv. 410). Fa- ther John Floyd met the reproach by pub- lishing ' A Word of Comfort to the English Drury Catholics,' St. Omer, 1623, 4to. A quaint and apparently accurate account of the acci- dent is given in ' The Doleful Even- Song' (1623), written by the Rev. Samuel Clarke, a puritan; and another description will be found in 'The Fatall Vesper' (1623), ascribed to William Crashaw, father of the poet (Cat. of the Huth Library, i. 365). There is a eulogium of Drury in the pre- face to a book called ' F. Robert Drury's Re- liquary ' (1624), containing his prayers and devotions. Stow says that he was reputed T)y his fellow-churchmen to be a man of great learning, and generally admitted to be of good moral life (Survey of London, ed. 1633, p. 380). [Cunningham's Handbook for London (1849), i. 94; Dodd's Church Hist. ii. 410; J'iaries of the English College, Douay, pp. 218, 232, 234 ; Foley's Records, i. 77-97, v. 1007, vi. 235, 247, vii. 21 1 ; Fuller's Church Hist. (Brewer), v. 539 ; Gillow's Bibl. Diet. ; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), i. 211 ; More's Hist. Missionis Anglic. Soc. Jesu, p. 451 ; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. x. 447 ; Oliver's Jesuit Collections, p. 83 ; Pen- nant's Account of London (1793), p. 238: Thorn- bury's Old and New London, i. 199-204.] T. C. DRURY, ROBERT (fi. 1729), traveller, born in London 24 July 1687, was the son of a tavern-keeper, ' well known and esteemed for keeping that noted house called "The King's Head," or otherwise distinguished by the name of the " Beef Stake House."' 'Not- withstanding all the education my father be- stowed on me, I could not be brought to think of any art, science, trade, business, or profes- sion of any kind whatsoeA-er, but going to sea.' His father at last consented to let him under- take an East India voyage, and on 19 Feb. 1701 Drury embarked for Bengal in the Degrave Indiaman. The outward voyage was unevent- ful, but in setting out on her return the vessel ran aground in the river, and upon getting to sea was found to have sprung a leak, which increased to such an extent that it was ne- cessary to run her ashore off the coast of Androy (called by Drury Anterndroea), the most southern province of Madagascar. The majority of the crew got safe to land, and were at first kindly treated by the native chief, who was highly gratified at the advent of so many white men, whom he expected to be of service to him in his wars. The Eng- lishmen naturally objected, and conceived and executed a plan for seizing the chiefs person, and detaining him as a hostage until they should have reached the territory of another petty prince,who wasunderstood to be friendly to white men. The undertaking, ably con- ceived, was miserably carried out ; the Eng- 59 Drury lishmen, continually pursued and harassed, were enticed into surrendering their captive, and having thus parted with their only se- curity were eventually massacred by the na- tives upon the very border of the friendly territory. Two or three boys were alone spared, of whom Drury was one. He was assigned as a slave to the most barbarous of the nobles of the district, and for some time underwent great hardship, and was in fre- quent danger of life and limb from his master's brutality. Gradually his condition improved, he obtained a cottage and plot of ground, married a native wife, took part in the civil broils of the inhabitants, and at length found means to escape to a neighbour- ing chieftain, who protected him. His pur- pose was to go still further northward to the province which he calls Feraingher (Fire- nana), beyond the great river Oneghaloye, which he understood to be frequently visited by European ships. He succeeded in es- caping, and made his way through a vast uninhabited forest, subsisting on roots and honey and the wild cattle he killed by the way, and crossing the Oneghaloye by help of a float, in great danger from alligators. He found that ships had ceased to visit Ferain- gher, which was ruined by war, and owed his deliverance to what seemed at first a most untoward event, his capture by the invading and plundering Sakalavas, at this day, next to the Hovas, the leading people in Mada- gascar. After some cruel disappointments in endeavours to communicate with his coun- trymen, who occasionally visited the coast, he contrived to convey news of his existence and his condition to his father, who commis- sioned a ship's captain to ransom him, and he was eventually permitted to depart, after fifteen years' residence on the island. It is painful, though only what might be expected, to learn that Drury returned to Madagascar in the character of a slave trader, buying slaves to sell again in the Virginia plantations. He appears, however, to have made but one voyage. He afterwards became porter at the India House, and is related by Mr. Duncombe to have had a house in or near Lincoln's Inn Fields, and to have diverted visitors by exhibiting the Madagascar method of hurling javelins in the then unenclosed space. The time of his death is unknown. He died after 1729, when his travels were first published, and before 1743, when in a second edition of his book he was stated to be dead. Drury's narrative, published in 1729, stands in the very first rank of books of travel and adventure. He had the good fortune to fall in with a most able editor whose identity has Drury ( never transpired, but who has been conjec- tured to be Defoe. His theological views, however, are unlike Defoe's, and he implies, with whatever truth, that he has been on the coast of Guinea. AVhoever he was, he was content merely to abridge Drury's artless story and fit it for general reading. Either he or Drury, or both, possessed an eminent dramatic faculty, and great power of bringing scenes and persons vividly before the eye. Drury's religious controversies with the natives are most humorously recounted, and the cha- racters of the various petty chiefs and their wars are a better illustration of a Homeric state of society than most commentaries on the ' Iliad.' The editor betrays a certain bias in one respect ; he is evidently a believer in natural religion, as distinguished from reve- lation, and he involuntarily represents the people of Madagascar as more pious, moral, and innocent than is quite consistent with fact, superior as they really are to most un- civilised nations. In every other point the truth of Drury's narrative has been entirely corroborated, so far as the case admits, by the knowledge since acquired of other parts of the island. The wild and remote district where his lot was cast has hardly been visited since his time, and will be the last portion of Madagascar to be explored. Later editions of Drury's travels appeared in 1743, 1808, and 1826, the last being vol. v. of the series of autobiographies published by Hunt & Clarke. [Drury's Madagascar, or Journal during Fif- teen Years' Captivity on that Island.] R. G-. DRURY, SIR WILLIAM (1527-1579), marshal of Berwick and lord justice to the council in Ireland, third son of Sir Robert Drury of Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Bru- denell, esq., was born at Hawstead in Suffolk on 2 Oct. 1527. Having completed his educa- tion at Gonville Hall, Cambridge, he attached himself as a follower to Lord Russell, after- wards created Earl of Bedford. Accompanying this nobleman into France on the occasion of the joint invasion of that country by Charles V and Henry VIII in 1 544, he took an active part in the sieges of Boulogne and Montreuil, but had the mishap to be taken a prisoner during a skirmish in the neighbourhood of Brussels. On being ransomed he served for a short time at sea, becoming ' an excellent maritimal man.' In 1549 he assisted Lord Russell in sup- pressing a rebellion that had broken out in Devonshire owing to the reforming and icono- clastic government of the protector Somerset. Though, like his patron, a staunch adherent of the reformed church, he refused to coun- Drury | tenance the ambitious designs of the Duke | of Northumberland in his attempt to alter I the succession, and on the death of Ed- ward VI he was one of the first to declare , for Queen Mary. His religion, however, and I his connection with the Earl of Bedford j rendering his presence distasteful to Mary, he prudently retired from court during her reign (Collectanea Toporyden,f.58.) Two were performed in |f>,.'. the ' Marriage a la Mode,' which succeeded, and the 'Assignation/ which failed. A comedy called ' The Kind Keeper, or Mr. Limberham/ produced in 1678, was withdrawn after th- - days on account of the enmity of the vicious persons attacked by its honest satire, accord- ing to Dryden ; according to others, because the satire, honest or not, was disgusting. Dryden The published version, though apparently purified from the worst passages, is certainly offensive enough. Dryden adopted other not very creditable devices to catch the public taste. In 1673 ,he produced the tragedy ' Amboyna, or the Cruelties of the Dutch to the English Mer- chants,' a catchpenny production intended to take advantage of the national irritation against the Dutch, then threatened by the Anglo-French alliance. In a .similar manner Dryden took advantage of the Popish plot, by a play named ' The Spanish Friar, or the Double Discovery,' performed in 1681. It is a bitter attack upon the hypocrisy and licen- tiousness attributed to the catholic priesthood. A more singular performance was the ' State of Innocence,' an opera, which is founded upon Milton's 'Paradise Lost' (published 1669). Aubrey states that Dryden asked Milton's permission to put his poem into rhyme, and that Milton replied, ' Ah ! you may tag my verses if you will.' In the preface Drvden speaks of 'Paradise Lost' as 'one of* the greatest , most noble, and sublime poems which either this age or nation hath produced.' The as! miration was lasting. Richardson, in his t o ' Paradise Lost ' (1734, p. cxix), tells .; story, which iff certainly inaccurate in de- tails (MALONE, p. 113), to the effect that ' ryden said to Lord Buckhurst (afterwards Earl of Dorset), ' This man cuts us out and the ancients too.' His famous epigram upon Milton was first printed in Tonson's folio lit ion of ' Paradise Lost' in 1688. Dryden's most important works during 1 his period were the ' heroic tragedies.' Of these ' Tyrannic Love, or the Royal Martyr,' and the two parts of ' Almanzor and Alma- hide, or the Conquest of Granada,' appeared in 1669 and 1670. Nell Gwyn appeared in all three, and it is said that'she first attracted Charles II when appearing as Valeria in /Tyrannic Love.' Dryden's last (and finest) rhymed tragedy, 'Aurengzebe, or the Great x Mogul' (which Charles II read in manuscript, giving hints for its final revision), was pro- duced in 1675. The dedication to John Shef- field, lord Mulgrave (afterwards Duke of Buckinghamshire), states that he was now desirous of writing an epic poem, and he asks Mulgrave to use his influence with the king to obtain some means of support during the com- position. He says, probably with sincerity, that he never felt himself very fit for tragedy, and that many of his contemporaries had sur- passed him in comedy. The subjects which ae had considered, as appears from his ' Dis- course on Satire' (1693), were Edward the FJlack Prince and King Arthur. He had till some hopes of ' making amends for ill 5? Dryden I plays by an heroic poem ; ' and Christie sug-/ I gests that the pension of 100/. a year was a • result of this application. Dryden, however, instead of carrying out this scheme, devoted himself to writing his finest play, ' All for* j Love.' Abandoning his earlier preference i for rhyme, he now ' professed to imitate the j divine Shakespeare, and produced a play i which, if inferior to the noble ' Antony and Cleopatra,' may be called a not unworthy com- l pet itor. Dryden, it may be noted, had written a fine encomium upon Shakespeare in his 1 ' Essay of Dramatic Poesy,' and in the pro- | logue to the altered 'Tempest' appears the famous couplet : But Shakespeare's magic could not copied be ; : Within that circle none durst walk but he. ; At a later period (1679) he brought out an alteration of ' Troilus and Oessida,' the pro- ; logue of which contains fresh homage to i Shakespeare. Dryden adapted Shakespeare's i plays to the taste of the time, but he did more I than any contemporary to raise the reputa- tion of their author, whom, contrary to the prevalent opinion, he preferred to Ben Jon- son : ' I admire him ' ( Jonson), ' but I love j Shakespeare.' The heroic tragedies, of which Dryden was the leading writer, and which as he admits (Dedication of Spanish Friar) led him to extravagant declamation, produced some lively controversy. The famous ' Re- hearsal,' in which they were ridiculed with remarkable wit, was first performed in De- cember 1671. It had long been in prepara- tion, the Duke of Buckingham, the ostensible author, receiving help, it is said, from Butler (of ' Hudibras'), Sprat, and others. The hero, Bayes, was first intended for D'Avenant, but after D'Avenant's death in 1668 Dryden be- came the main object of attack, and passages of his ' Indian Emperor' and ' Conquest of Granada' were ridiculed. 'Bayes' thus be- came the accepted nickname for Dryden in the various pamphlets of the time. The ' Re- hearsal' was brought out at the King's Theatre, in which Dryden had a share, and the part of Amaryllis was taken by Ann Reeve, whose intrigue with him was noticed in the play. Dryden, in his ' Discourse on Satire,' gives his reasons for not retorting, and appears to have taken the assault good-humouretUy. He had another literary controversy in 1673. Elkanah Settle had published h$ ' Empress of Morocco,' with a dedication/containing a disi espectful notice of Dryden. /Dryden joined with Crowne and Shadwelbio attack Settle in a coarse pamphlet, and/Settle replied by a sharp attack upon the ' Conquest of Gra- nada.' John Dennis [q. v.] (who went to Cambridge in 1676) reports that Settle was F2 Dryden 68 Dryden considered as a formidable rival to Dryden at the time, and was the favourite among the younger men at Cambridge and London. Another controversy is supposed to account for a singular incident in Dryden's career. He was beaten by some ruffians while re- turning from Will's coffee-house on the night of 18 Dec. 1679. The supposed insti- gator of this assault was John Wilmot, earl of Rochester. Dryden had dedicated a play to Rochester in 1673, and had written a letter warmly acknowledging his patronage. But Rochester had taken up some of Dryden's rivals and had a bitter feud with Mulgrave, whose ' Essay on Satire ' (written in 1675 and circulated in manuscript in 1679) was perhaps corrected, and was supposed at the time to have been written, by Dryden. The authorship is apparently ascribed to Dryden by Rochester in a letter to Henry Savile (ROCHESTER, Letters, 1697, p. 49), probably written in November 1679. The ' Essay ' contained an attack upon Rochester, who says in another letter that he shall ' leave the repartee to Black Will with a cudgel ' (ib. p. 5). The threat was probably fulfilled, but nothing could be proved at the time, although a reward of 501. was offered for a discovery of the offenders. There is little reason to doubt Rochester's guilt, and the libels of the day frequently taunt Dryden with his suffering. The disgrace was supposed to be with the victim. The Duchess of Portsmouth (see LUTTKELL, i. 30), who was attacked in the 4 Essay,' together with the Duchess of Cleve- land, as one of Charles's ' beastly brace,' was also thought to have had some 'share in this dastardly offence. The erroneous belief that Dryden had taken a share in satirising Charles, and his attack upon the catholics in the ' Spanish Friar,' sug- gested the hypothesis that Dryden was in sympathy with Shaftesbury's opposition to the court. A libeller even represented him as poet laureate to Shaftesbury in an ima- ginary kingdom ('Modest Vindication of Shaftesbury' in Somers Tracts, 1812, viii. ' ; and another said that his pension had taken from him, and that he had written the N^panish Friar ' in revenge. He put an end to \ny such impression by publishing the first of Bus great satires. The ' Absalom and .Achitophel ' appeared in November 1681. ShaftesbuA had been in the Tower since 2 July, and Vas to be indicted on 24 Nov. The satire, according to Tate, had been sug- gested to Drydeh by Charles. Although the grand jury threw out the bill against Shaftes- bury, the success of the poetic attack was unprecedented. Johnson's father, a book- seller at the time, said \that he remembered no sale of equal rapidity except that of the reports of Sacheverell's trial. The reputa- tion has been as lasting as it was rapidly achieved. The ' Absalom and Achitophel ' is still the first satire in the language for masculine insight and for vigour of expres- sion. Dryden tells us that by the advice of Sir George Mackenzie he had read through the older English poets and had written a treatise (suppressed at Mulgrave's desire) on the laws of versification. He had become a consum- mate master of style, and had now found the precise field for which his powers of mind fully qualified him. The passage praising Shaftesbury's purity as a judge, which greatly heightens the effect of the satire, was intro- duced in the second edition. Benjamin Martyn (employed by the fourth Earl of Shaftesbury to write the life of the first) states that this addition was made in return for Shaftesbury's generosity in nominating Dryden's son to the Charterhouse, after the first edition of the satire. The story, highly improbable in itself, is discredited by the fact that Dryden's son Erasmus was admitted to the Charterhouse in February 1683 on the nomination of Charles II, while Shaftesbury himself nomi- j nated Samuel Weaver in October 1681, that is, just before the publication. It is now impossible to say what suggested the state- ment. Dryden at any rate continued his sati- rical career and his assaults upon Shaftes- bury. A medal had been struck in honour of the ignoramus of the grand jury, and Charles (according to a story reported by Spence) suggested to Dryden the subject of his next satire, ' The Medal,' which appeared in March 1682. Retorts had already been attempted, and others followed. Buckingham published ' Poetical Reflections,' Samuel Pordage pub- lished ' Azaria and Hushai,' and Elkanah Settle ' Absalom Senior or Achitophel Trans- posed.' The ' Medal ' produced the ' Medal Re versed,' by Pordage, ' Dryden's Satire to his Muse ' (see above), and the ' Medal of John Bayes,' by Shadwell, who had been on friendly terms with Dryden, but now came forward as the champion of the whigs. Dryden turned upon Shadwell in ' Mac Flecknoe,' a satire of great vigour and finish, which served as the model of the ' Dunciad.' Dryden is said to have thought it his best work (' Dean Lockier,' in SPEXCE'S Anecdotes, p. 60). It was published on4 Oct. 1682. On lONov. fol- lowing appeared a second part of ' Absalom and Achitophel.' It was mainly written by Nahum Tate ; but Dryden contributed over two hundred forcible lines and probably re- vised the whole. Shadwell and Settle again appear as Og and Doeg. A year had thus produced the great satires which show Dryden L •* Dry den 69 Dryden at his highest power. Two other works, sug- gested by contemporary controversy, occu- pied him at the same time. The ' Religio / Laici ' — a defence of the Anglican position, which shows his singular power of arguing in verse — was suggested by a translation of Simon's ' Critical History of the Old Testa- ment,' executed by a young friend, Henry Dickinson (the name is ascertained by Duke's poem to Dickinson on the occasion). He also co-operated with Nathaniel Lee in produc- ing the ' Duke of Guise.' The story, which in Dryden's early effort had been intended to suggest a parallel to the English rebel- lion, was now to be applied to the contest of the court against Shaftesbury and Monmouth. Dryden, however, did his best to extenuate his own responsibility in a 'Vindication' separately published. The Duchess of Mon- mouth had long been his first and best pa- troness (Preface to King Arthur). Dryden was now at the height of his re- putation as the leading man of letters of the day. He was much sought after as a writer of prologues and epilogues. He contributed both prologue and epilogue to Southerne's first play in February 1682, and, according to Johnson, raised his price on the occasion from two guineas to three (the sums have been stated less probably as four and six guineas and as five and ten guineas, see MALONE, p. 456). He contributed prologue and epilogue in the following November for the first play represented by the King's and Duke's Companies, who had now combined at Drury Lane. He contributed a preface to a new translation of Plutarch's ' Lives ' in 1683 ; translated Maimbourg's ' History of the League ' in 1684 ; and published two volumes of ' Miscellaneous Poems ' in 1684 and 1685, including contributions from other writers. A letter (undated, but probably of 1683) to Laurence Hyde, earl of Rochester, shows that Dryden was writing under the spur' of poverty. He begs for a half-year's salary. He is in ill-health and almost in danger of arrest. His three sons are growing up and have been educated ' beyond his for- tune.' ' It is enough,' he says, ' for one age to have neglected Mr. Cowley and starved Mr. Butler/ On 17 Dec. 1683 Dryden was appointed, perhaps in answer to this appeal, a collector of customs in the port of London (JOHNSON, Lives, ed. Cunningham, i. 335). The fixed salary was only 51. a year, but presumably consisted in great part of fees. The dedication to (Laurence Hyde) Lord Rochester of Cleomenes' in 1692 shows that Dryden's application for arrears had been to some extent successful. Dryden wrote an called ' Albion and Albanius ' to cele- brate Charles's political successes. It had been rehearsed before the king, and a sequel, ' King Arthur,' was ready when Charles died (5 Feb. 1685). It was produced, with alterations, after James's accession (8 June j 1685). The excitement produced by Mon- mouth's rebellion put a stop to the perfor- mance and caused great loss to the company. In an ode to the king's memory Dryden had managed skilfully to insinuate that Charles's encouragement of art had more frequently taken the form of praise than of solid re- ward. In 1676 Dryden had said (Dedication to Aurengzebe) that he lived wholly upon the king's bounty, though in 1693 (Discourse on Satire) he complained that the king had ncouraged his design for an epic poem with nothing but fair words. He was clearly de- pendent upon the royal favour for a large part of his income, and the withdrawal of favour would mean ruin. The dependence was now transferred to James II. James* continued Dryden's offices (omitting the lau- reate's butt of sack) and the pension of 100J. allowed by Charles. Some months after- wards (19 Jan. 1686) Evelyn notices a re- port that Dryden, with his two sons and Mrs. Nelly (miss to the late king),' were going to mass. The opinion that such con- verts were equally venal was certainly not unnatural. Macaulay has given his sanction to the opinion by the account in his history, written under the belief (now proved to be erroneous) that the pension of 10(W. a year was an addition by James instead of a re- newal of a previous grant. The purity of Dryden's motives has been frequently discussed. He has not the pre- sumption in his favour which arises from a sacrifice of solid interests. He was a depen- dent following a master with a crowd of undoubtedly venal persons. Nor is there the presumption which arises from loftiness of character. Dryden's gross adulation of his patrons was marked by satirists even in his own age (see e.g. 'Letter to the Tories,',, prefixed to SHADWELL'S Medal of John Bayes)^ and he pandered disgracefully to the lowest tastes of his audiences. Nor was the r^y gious change associated with any mo~jeJWas vulsion, or the result of any profoun'6 occa- lectual process. He had been indifauthors religious controversy till he wa&> 276-80.) his most marked prejudice was -ne 9 priests of all religions, frequenntten in Sep- contemporaries. He had satiif^S* '^- Birch catholics in the ' Spanish Discoverable) in protestant feeling was exc ^pending a fort- compare such a conversion other hand, War- minds. But, in a sens?' ' preserves a story been sincere enough. 7ds the famous Lord Dryden ; 4 Religio Laici ' he says that he was ' natu- rally inclined to scepticism in philosophy.' The courtiers of Charles II varied between ' Hobbism ' and Catholicism. Dryden, first inclined to Hobbism, may well have been led to Catholicism by a not unusual route. If all creeds are equally doubtful, a man may choose that which is politically most congenial, or he may accept that which offers the best practical mode of suppressing painful doubts. Dryden's language in the ' Religio Laici,' while retailing the ordinary 'arguments for the Anglican position, ex- presses a marked desire for an infallible §'de. His critical writings show a mind iously open to accept new opinions. It y well be that, holding his early creed on y light grounds, he thought that the ar- gument for an infallible church, when pre- sented to him for the first time, was as un- answerable as it appeared for a time to Chillingworth and Gibbon. Though inte- rested motives led him to look into the question, the absence of-any ,strong_c.onvic- tions would make it easy to accept the solu- tion now presented. Once converted, he appears to have grown into a devoted mem- ber of the church in his age. He was speedily employed in defence of his new faith. He translated Varillas's ' History of Religious Revolutions.' Burnet asserts (Defence of his Reflections upon Varilla$) that his own attack upon Varillas caused the publication to be abandoned. He was employed by James to answer Stillingfleet, who had as- sailed the papers upon Catholicism published by James himself and attributed to his first wife and his brother. Some sharp passages followed, in which Stillingfleet had the ad- vantage due to his superior learning and prac- tice in controversy. Dryden's most important ^work, ' The Hind and the Panther ' (said to have been composed at Rushton, a seat of theTreshams in Northamptonshire), was pub- lished in April 1687. Although the poem is written in Dryden's best manner, and has many spirited passages, especially the attack pon Burnet as 'the Buzzard,' it must be ^d that not even Dryden's skill could make |j£ed theological controversy very read- ^ae^he most famous retort was by Charles end to'1 (after wards Lord Halifax) and Mat- first of l?r> called ' The Hind and Panther xAchitoph\to the story of the Country Mouse Shaftesbur Mouse.' This is a kind of sup- 2 July, and °- ' Rehearsal,' in which Bayes The satire, acftllegory intended as a parody gested to Dryd the Panther.' DeanLockier grand jury thretobably enough) that Dry- bury, the succes'king of this ' cruel usage ' unprecedented, allows to whom he had seller at the time, t. Dryden alwavs been very civil ' (SPEXCE, Anecdotes, p. 61). Dryden translated a life of St. Francis Xavier, and in a dedication to the queen declared that her majesty had chosen the saint for a patron and that her prayers might be expected to bring an heir to the throne. When an heir actually appeared (10 June 1688) Dryden brought out a congratulatory poem, ' Britannia Rediviva,' before the end of the month. -— The revolution of 1688 put an end to any hopes which Dryden might have entertained from James's patronage. He lost all his offices, Shadwell succeeding him as poet laureate. He received some considerable benefaction from his old friend Buckhurst, now earl of Dorset, which Prior probably exaggerated in a dedication to Dorset's son, where he says that Dorset made up the loss of the laureate's income. Dryden remained faithful to his creed. Recantation, it is true, was scarcely possible, and could have brought nothing but contempt. Dryden, however, behaved with marked dignity during his later years. He laboured at his calling without querulous complaint or abject submission. He returned for a time to dramatic writing. In 1690 were performed a tragedy ' Don Sebastian ' and' his successful comedy called ' Amphitryon.'" ' Don Sebastian ' divides with ' All for Love '- the claim to be his best play, especially on the strength of the famous scene between Sebastian and Dorax. In 1691 he brought out ' King Arthur,' altered to fit it to the " times by omitting the politics.. Purcell com- posed the music, and it had a considerable success. In 1692 he produced ' Cleomenes,r the last act of which, in consequence of his own illness, was finished by Southerne. A tragi-comedy called 'Love Triumphant ' was announced as his last play, and failed com- pletely in 1694. Congrevehad been introduced to Dryden by Southerne. Dryden recognised the merits of the new writer with generous warmth. He addressed some striking lines to Congreve on the appearance of the 'Double Dealer ' (1693), in which the old dramatist bequeathed his mantle and the care of his reputation to the rising young man. Dryden with his disciple came in for a share of the assault made by Jeremy Collier upon con- temporary dramatists in 1698. Dryden, with good judgment and dignity, confessed to the partial justice of the attack, though saying, truly enough, that Collier's zeal had carried him too far (Preface to Fables). As his dramatic energy slackened, Dryden laboured the more industriously in other direc- tions. His poem ' Eleonora '(1692), written ins. memory of the Countess of Abingdon (Cnnis- Dryden Dryden TIE, p. Ixvi), was probably written to order and paid for by the widower, as the poet had been unknown to both earl and countess. In 1693 appeared a translation of Juvenal and ' Persius, in which Dryden was helped by his sons. The ' Discourse on Satire ' was pre- fixed. A third and fourth volume of ' Mis- cellanies,' to which Dryden contributed, ap- , peared in 1693 and 1694. He now undertook ' his translation of Virgil. Tradition states (MALONE, 233) that the first lines were writ- ten upon a pane of glass at Chesterton House, Huntingdonshire, the seat of his cousin, John Driden (whose name was always thus spelt). Part of the translation was written at Sir William Bowyer's seat, Denham, Bucking- hamshire, and part at Lord Exeter's seat, Burleigh. Great interest was taken in the work. Addison wrote the arguments of the books and an ' Essay upon the Georgics.' The book was published by subscription, a system of joint-stock patronage now coming into vogue. ' Paradise Lost ' had been thus published in 1688, and Wood's 'Athense Oxonienses' in 1691. It is impossible to decide what was the precise result to Dryden. There were 101 subscriptions of five guineas, for which engravings were to be supplied, and 252 at two guineas. It does not appear how the proceeds were divided between Dry- j den and his publisher Tonson. It seems that Dryden received 501. in addition for each book of his translation. Dryden also received pre- sents from various noble patrons — especially Lord Clifford, Lord Chesterfield, and Shef- field (at this time Marquis of Normanby), to - whom the ' Pastorals,' the ' Georgics,' and the ' ^Eneid ' were especially dedicated. Pope, who may have known the facts from Tonson, told Spence that the total received by Dryden was 1,200/., and the estimate is not impro- bable. Dryden's correspondence with Tonson showed a good many bickerings during the j publication. One cause of quarrel was Ton- son's desire that the book should be dedicated to William III. Dryden honourably refused ; but Tonson had the engravings adapted for the purpose by giving to /Eneas the hooked nose of William (DRYDEN, Letter to his. son, 3 Sept. 1697). The translation was published in July 4697 and was favourably received. It has since been admired for its own merits of style if not for its fidelity. Bentley, as it seems from a letter to Tonson, 'cursed it heartily ' before its publication, whether from an actual perusal does not appear. Swift speaks of it contemptuously in his dedication j of the ' Tale of a Tub,' and elsewhere refers [ bitterly to Dryden. The statement is made by Johnson and Deane Swift (Essay on Swift, p. 117) that the hatred was caused by Dry- den's remark upon Swift's Odes, ' Cousin Swift, you will never be a poet.' Swift was, however, an exception to the general rule. All the distinguished young men of letters looked up with reverence to Dryden. His ' Virgil ' was a precedent for Pope s ' Homer,' which eclipsed the pecuniary results of the literary reputation of the earlier poem. Having finished Virgil, Dryden set about the work generally called his ' Fables.' It > included versions of the first ' Iliad,' of some of Ovid's 'Metamorphoses,' and tales from Chaucer and Boccaccio. By an agreement of 20 March 1699 he was to receive two hundred and fifty guineas from Tonson for ten thousand verses, of which seven thousand five hundred were already in Tonson's hands. The whole sum was to be made up to 3001. on the appear- ance of a second edition, which was not reached till 1713. The volume as published contains some twelve thousand verses. From letters between Dryden and Samuel Pepys it appears that Pepys suggested the ' Good Par- son.' Other poems added were an address to his cousin John Driden, and a dedication of ' Palamon and Arcite ' to the Duchess of Or- monde. Dryden thought himself successful in these poems and sent them to Charles Montagu, his old antagonist, who was now chancellor of the exchequer. The letter and references in letters to his cousin, Mrs. Steward (daughter of Mrs. Creed), show that he was expecting some favour from government. He says, however, that he cannot buy favour by forsaking his religion. He had refused, though pressed by his friends, to write a compliment- ary poem upon Queen Mary's death in 1694. His cousin made him what he calls (to Mrs. Steward, 11 April 1700) ' a noble present,' and the Duke of Ormonde is said to have been equally liberal. An improbable tradition - (given by Derrick) states the amount of each gift as 5001. The ' Fables ' again show Dry- 1, den's energy of thought and language un- diminished by age. Some minor poems had .appeared during the same period. The most famous was the ' Alexander's Feast.' A musi-y cal society had been formed in London, which held an annual celebration of St. Cecilia's day (22 Nov.) The first recorded performance was in 1683. Dryden composed an ode for the occa- sion in 1 687 . (A list of all the odes, with authors and composers, is given in MALONE, 276-80.) He was again invited to write the ode for 1697, and a letter to his son written in Sep- tember says that he is then writing it. Birch mentions a letter (not now discoverable) in which Dryden speaks of spending a fort- night upon the task. On the other hand, War- ton in his ' Essay on Pope ' presences a story that St. John (afterwards the famous Lord Dryden 7 Bolingbroke) found Dryden one morning in great agitation, for which he accounted -by eayingthat he had sat up all night writing the ode. The subject had so impressed him that he had finished it at a sitting. It would be easy to suggest modes of harmonising these statements, but the facts must remain uncer- tain. It is equally uncertain whether the society did or did not pay him 40£, as Der- rick reportsonthe aut hority of Walter Moyle, while Dryden tells his son the task was ' in no way beneficial.' The ode was published separately in 1697. Malone (p. 477) pre- serves the tradition that Dryden confirmed the compliment of a young man (afterwards Chief-justice Mackay) by saying ' A nobler ode never was produced nor ever will be.' Dryden was now breaking in health. A few traditions remain as to his later years. Friends and admirers had gathered round him. He was to be seen at Will's coffee-house, where (the only fact recovered by ' old Swiney ' for Johnson's use) he had a chair by the fire in winter and by the window in summer. Ward tells us {London Spy, pt. 10) how the young wits coveted the honour of a pinch from Dry- den's snuff-box. Dryden spent his evenings at the coffee-house. A few scraps of his talk carefully collected by Malone (pp. 498-510) are, it is to be hoped, unfair specimens of his powers. Fletcher's ' Pilgrim ' was per- formed for the benefit of his son Charles in the beginning of 1700. It was revised by Van- brugh for the occasion, and Dryden contri- buted an additional scene, together with a Srologue and epilogue (vigorously attacking lackmore, who had provoked his wrath by an assault in the ' Satire against Wit '), and a ' Secular Masque.' George Granville (after- wards Lord Lansdowne) prepared an adap- tation of the ' Merchant of Venice,' to be performed for his benefit. His death caused the profits to be transferred to his son Charles. He had a correspondence with enthusiastic young ladies, especially Mrs. Thomas,to whom *ave the name Corinna ; he was courted ohn Dennis, then a critic of reputation, as as by some of higher and in some cases permanent fame, such as Congreve, son, Southerne, Vanbrugh, Granville, and Moyle. Pope, then a boy in his twelfth year, managed to get a sight of him, and he held the post of literary dictator, pre- viously assigned to Ben Jonson, and after- wards to Addison, Pope, and Samuel John- son. He often visited his relations in the country, and anecdotes show that he played bowls and was fond of fishing. During March and April 1700 he was confined to the house by gout. A toe mortified, a.nd he declined to submit to amputation, which was advised by t Dryden a famous surgeon, Hobbs. He died with great composure, 1 May 1700, at his house in Gerrard Street. He had lived from 1673 to 1682 in Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, where the house, pulled down in 1887, had a tablet in commemoration, and from 1682 to 1686 in Long Acre (JoHsrsox, Lives (Cunningham), i. 320). A tablet affixed to 43 Gerrard Street, Soho, states that he also resided there. He left no will, and his widow having renounced, his son Charles administered to his effects on 10 June. A private funeral was proposed, and Montagu offered to pay the expenses, which explains Pope's famous allusion in the cha- racter of Bufo — He helped to bury whom he helped to starve. Some of Dryden's friends, including Lord Jeffreys, son of the chancellor, objected. The body was embalmed, and upon Garth's appli- cation was allowed to be deposited in the College of Physicians until the funeral on 13 May. On that day Garth pronounced a Latin oration, Horace's ' Exegi monumen- tum ' was sung to music, and the body was buried by the side of Chaucer and Cowley in the ' Poets' Corner ' of Westminster Abbey. Dryden's friends filled fifty carriages, and fifty more followed. Farquhar speaks of the cere- mony as incongruous and burlesque, ' fitter for Hudibras than him.' The grave remained unmarked until 1720, when a simple monu- ment was erected by the Duke of Bucking- hamshire (stirred, it is said, by Pope's inscrip- tion upon Rowe, where allusion was made to the ' rude and nameless stone ' which covered Dryden). The Duchess of Buckinghamshire substituted the bust by Scheemakers in 1731 for an inferior bust placed upon the first monument. Mrs. Thomas (Corinna) fell into distress and became one of CurlTs authors. She sup- plied him with a fictitious account of Dry- den's funeral addressed to the author of Con- \ greve's life, in which it was published. It j was founded, according to Malone, on Far- ' quhar's letter and a poem of Tom Brown's | called 'A Description of Mr. D — n's Funeral.' | Corinna's misstatements are sufficiently con- futed by Malone (pp. 355-82), though they long passed current as genuine. Lady Elizabeth Dryden, who (according to doubtful traditions recorded by Malone, p. 395) was on distant terms with her hus- band and his relations in later years, became insane soon after his death, and survived till the summer of 1714. They had three sons. | CHAELES, born at Charlton in 1666, was edu- cated at Westminster, elected to Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, in 1683, and wrote some poems, one of which, in Latin, appeared in Dryden 73 Dryden the second ' Miscellany.' He executed the seventh satire for his father's translation of Juvenal in 1692. About that time he went to Italy and was appointed chamberlain to Pope Innocent XII. Here he wrote an Eng- lish poem which appeared in the fourth ' Mis- cellany.' He returned to England about 1697 or 1698 ; administered to his father's effects ; was drowned in the Thames near Datchet, and buried at Windsor 20 Aug. 1704. Dryden, who was a believer in astrology, calculated his son's horoscope, and on the strength of it prophesies in 1697 that he will soon recover his health, injured by a fall at Rome. Corinna constructed an elaborate fiction upon this basis, showing that Dryden had foretold three periods of danger to his son ; at one of which Charles fell from a (non-existent) tower of the Vatican five stories high and was ' mashed to a mummy' for the time (WILSON, Life of Cong r eve). Malone reprints this narrative (pp. 404-20), which is only worth notice from the use made of it in Scott's ' Guy Mannering.' JOHN, the second son, born in 1667-8, was also at Westminster, and was elected to Christ Church in 1685. His father preferred to place him under the care of Obadiah Walker, the Roman catholic master of University Col- lege. He went to Rome with his brother. He translated the fourteenth satire of Juvenal for his father's version, and wrote the ' Husband his own Cuckold,' performed in 1696, with a prologue by his father, and an epilogue by Congreve. An account of a tour in Italy and Malta, made by him in 1700 in company with a Mr. Cecil, was published in 1776. He died at Rome 28 Jan. 1701. ERASMUS HENRY, the third son, born 2 May 1669, was a scholar at the Charterhouse, and ' elected to the university ' November 1685. He studied at Douay, entered the novitiate of the Dominicans 1692, was ordained priest in 1694, was at Rome in 1697, residing in the convent of the English Dominicans, and in that year was sent to the convent of Holy Cross, Bornheim, of which he was sub-prior till 1700. He then returned to England to labour on the mission in Northamptonshire (GILLOW, English Catholics). From 1708 he resided at Canons Ashby, which in that year had passed by will to his cousin Edward, eldest son of the poet's younger brother, Erasmus. In 1710 he became baronet upon the death of another cousin, Sir John Dryden, grandson of the first baronet. He was apparently im- becile at this time and died soon after. He was buried at Canons Ashby, 4 Dec. 1710. Dryden was short, stout, and florid. A contemporary epigram, praising him as a poet, says ' A sleepy eye he had and no sweet feature,' and a note explains that ' feature ' here means 'countenance.' His nickname, ' Poet Squab,' suggests his appearance. A large mole on his right cheek appears in all his portraits. The earliest portrait is said to be that in the picture gallery at Oxford, dated on the back 1655, which is probably an error for 1665. , A portrait was painted by Riley in 1683, and engraved by Van Gunst for the Virgil of 1709. Closterman painted a portrait about 1690, from which there is a mezzotint by W. Faithorne, jun. Kneller painted several portraits, one of which was presented by the poet to his cousin, John Driden. It is not now discoverable. From another (about 1698) by Kneller, painted for Jacob Tonson as one of a series of the Kit-Cat Club, there is an engraving by Edelwick in 1700, said to be the best likeness. The original is at Bayfordbury Hall, Hertfordshire. An- other portrait by Kneller belonged to Charles Seville Dryden in 1854. A portrait of Dry- den was at Addison's house at Bilton ; and there was a crayon drawing at Tichmarsh, which afterwards belonged to Sir Henry Dry- den of Canons Ashby. A portrait in pencil by T. Forster, taken in 1697, was (1854) in the possession of the Rev. J. Dryden Pigott. Horace Walpole had a small full-length por- trait by Maubert. (Further details are given by MALONE, pp. 432-7, and BELL, p. 978.) The affection of his contemporaries and literary disciples proves, as well as their direct testimony, that in his private relations Dry- den showed a large and generous nature. Congreve dwells especially upon his modesty, and says that he was the ' most easily dis- countenanced ' of all men he ever knew. The absence of arrogance was certainly combined with an absence of the loftier qualities of character. Dryden is the least unworldly of all great poets. He therefore reflects most completely the characteristics of the society dominated by the court of Charles II, which in the next generation grew into the town of Addison and Pope. His drama, composed' when the drama was most dependent upon the court, was written, rather in spite of his nature, to win bread and to please his' patrons. His comedies are a lamentable con- ' descensibn to the worst tendencies cf the time. His tragedies, while influenced by the French precedents, and falling into the mock heroics congenial to the hollow sentiment of the court, in which sensuality is covered by a thin veil of sham romance, gave not infre- quent opportunity for a vigorous utterance of a rather cynical view of life. The de- clamatory passages are often in his best style. Whatever their faults, no tragedies com- parable to his best work have since been written for the stage. The masculine sense Dryden 74 Dryden w E v, JJ and power of sustained arguments gave a force unrivalled in English literature to his satires, and the same qualities appear in the vigorous versification of the ' Fables,' which are deformed, however, by the absence of delicate or lofty sentiment. His lyrical poetry, in spite of the vigorous ' Alexander's Feast,' has hardly held its own, though still admired by some'critics. His prose is among the first models of a pure English style. Dry- den professed to have learned prose from his contemporary Tillotson. Other examples from theologians, poets, and essayists might easily be adduced to show that Dryden had plenty of rivals in the art. The conditions of the time made the old pedantry and con- ceits unsuitable. Dryden, like his contem- poraries, had to write for men of the world, not for scholars trained in the schools, and wrote accordingly. But he stood almost alone as a critic, and if his views were cu- riously flexible and inconsistent, they are always enforced by sound arguments and straightforward logic. His invariable power of understanding and command. of sonorous verse gave him a reputation which grew rather than declined during the next cen- tury. The correct opinion was to balance him against Pope, somewhat as Shakespeare had been balanced against Jonson, as show- ing more vigour if less art. Churchill was his most conspicuous imitator; Gray, like Pope, professed to have learned his whole skill in versification from Dryden. Warton places him just below Pope, and distinctly below Shakespeare, Milton, and Spenser. Scott still places him next to Shakespeare and Milton, and expresses the conservative literary creed •of his time. Perhaps the best modern criticism will be found in Lowell's 'Among my Books.' Dryden's dramatic works (with dates of first performance and publication) are : 1 . ' The Wild Gallant,' February 1662-3,1669. 2. 'The Rival Ladies,' 1663 (?), 1664. 3. 'The Indian Emperor,' 1665, 1667 ; defence of ' Essay on a)rainatic Poesy' added to second edition, B68. 4. ' Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen,' m7, 1668. 5. 'Sir Martin Mar-all,' 1667, 160% 6. 'TlmTempest'(withD'Avemmt), 1 6i 17 , 1670. 7.V An Evenings Love, or the Mock AstrologerV 1668, 1671. 8. 'Tyrannic ! Love, or the RoW Martyr,' 1669, 1670. 9, 10. ' Conquest oi^Granada ' (two parts), i 1670, 1672 ;' Essay ori Heroic Plays ' prefixed, i and ' Essay on Dramatic Poetry "of the Last Age' appended. 11. 'Marriage a la Mode,' 1672, 1673. 12. ' The Assignation, or Love in a Nunnery,' 1672, 1673. 13. ' Amboyna,' 1673, 1673. " 14. 'The State of Innocence' (not acted), 1674, with apology fo*Jieroic ! poetry and poetic license. 15. ' Aurengzebe/ 1675, 1676. 16. 'All for Love,' 1677-8, 1678. 17. 'The Kind Keeper, or Mr. Limberham/ 1678, 1678. 18. ' (Edipus ' (with N. Lee ; the first and third acts are Dryden's), 1679, 1679. 19. 'Troilus and Cressida,' 1679, 1679. 20. 'The Spanish Friar,' 1681, 1681. 21. ' The Duke of Guise ' (with N. Lee : the first scene, the fourth and half the fifth act are Dryden's), 1682, 1683; a ' Vindication ' separately published. 22. ' Al- bion and Albanius,' 1685, 1685. 23. 'Don Sebastian,' 1690, 1690. 24. 'Amphitryon,' 1690, 1690. 25. ' King Arthur/ 1691, 1691. 26. ' Cleomenes,' 1692, 1692. 27. ' Love Tri- umphant,' 1693-4, 1694. The 'Essay on Dramatic Poesy ' appeared in 1668, and the notes and observations on the ' Empress of Morocco/ in which Dryden had some share, in 1674. Dryden's original poems appeared as fol- lows : 1. ' Heroic Stanzas, consecrated to the Memory of his Highness Oliver, late Lord Protector/ &c., two editions in 1659, the first probably being that in which it appears as one of ' Three Poems upon the Death of his late Highness/ &c. 2. ' Astraea Redux/ 1660. 3. 'Panegyric on the Coronation/ 1661. 4. 'Annus"Mirabilis,'lG67. 5. 'Ab- salom and Achitophel/ part i. 1681. 6. 'The Medal,' March 1682. 7. 'Mac Flecknoe/ October 1682. 8. ' Absalom and Achitophel/ part ii. (with Nahum Tate), November 1682. 9. ' Religio Laici/ November 1682. 10. 'Threnodia Augustalis/ 1685. 11. 'The Hind and the Panther/ 1687. 12. ' Britan- nia Rediviva/ 1688. 13. ' Eleonora/ 1692. 14. 'Alexander's Feast/ 1697. Dryden contributed many small pieces to various collections, some of them subsequently reprinted in his 'Miscellany Poems' (see be- low). Among them are the poem on the death of Lord Hastings, published in ' Lachrymse Musarum/ 1649 : a poem prefixed to John Hoddesdon's ' Sion and Parnassus/ 1650 ; and to Sir R. Howard's poems, 1660 ; to Walter Char let on's ' Chorea Gigantum/ 1663 ; to Lee's ' Alexander,' 1677 ; to Roscommon's ' Essay on Translated Verse/ 1680; and to Congreve's ' Double Dealer,' 1694. The ode to ' The Pious Memory of the Accomplished Young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew ' first appeared in her collected poems, 1686. Songs attributed to Dryden are in the ' Covent Garden Drollery/ 1672, and (see Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ix. 95) in ' New Court Songs and Poems/ 1672. The ' Te Deum ' and ' Hymn on St. John's Eve ' were first published by Sir W. Scott. Dryden wrote between ninety and a hundred prologues and epilogues. A ' Satire against the Dutch/ attributed to him in the ' State Poems' (1704) and dated 1662, is really com- Dryden 75 Drysdale posed of the prologue and epilogue to ' Am- boyna' (1673). Other spurious poems are in the same collection. Dryden's poetical translations are : 1. ' Ju- venal and Persius,' 1693 (the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 16th Satire of Juvenal, all Persius, and the ' Essay on Satire ' prefixed, are by Dryden ; the 7th Satire of Juvenal by his son Charles, and the 14th by his son John). 2. < Virgil/ 1697 (Knightly Chetwood wrote the life of Virgil, Walsh the preface to the ' Pastorals,' and Addison the preface to the * Georgics '). 3. ' Fables, Ancient and Modern, translated into Verse from Homer (the first Iliad), Ovid, Boccaccio, and Chaucer, with Original Poems,' 1700. Dryden also contributed the preface and two epistles to the translation of Ovid's Epistles (1680), and other translations are in the ' Miscellany Poems.' The first volume of these appeared in 1684, containing re- prints of his Satires, with translations from Ovid, Theocritus, and Virgil, and some pro- logues and epilogues. The second volume,with the additional title ' Sylvse,' appeared in 1685, containing translations from the '^Eneid,' Theocritus, and Horace. The third, with the additional title ' Examen Poeticum,' appeared in 1693, containing translations from Ovid's * Metamorphoses,' the ' Veni, Creator Spiritus,' epitaphs, and ' Hector and Andromache ' from the 6th Iliad. The fourth, called also the ' Annual Miscellany,' appeared in 1694, and contained a translation of the ' Georgics,' bk. iii. Dryden was the author of. nearly all the poems in the first two volumes, but only con- tributed a few poems to the others. A fifth volume, by other writers, appeared in 1704, and a sixth in 1706. Dryden's prose works, besides the prefaces to plays, &c., mentioned above, included a life of- Plutarch, prefixed to translation by various hands, 1683 ; a translation from Maim- bourg's ' History of the League,' 1684 ; ' De- fence of Papers written by the late King . . . ,' 1686 ; translation of Bohours's 'Life of Xavier,' 1688 ; preface to Walsh's ' Dialogue concern- ing Women,' 1691 ; a character of St. Evre- mont, prefixed to St. Evremont's ' Miscel- laneous Essays,' 1692 ; a character of Poly- bius, prefixed to a translation by Sir Henry Sheere, 1693 ; and a prose translation of Dufresnoy's ' Art of Painting,' 1695. In 1701 Tonson published his dramatic works ln~I vol. folio ; an edition in 6 vols. 12mo, edited by Congreve, appeared in 1717. In 1701 Tonson also published his •* Poems on Various Occasions ' in 1 vol. folio ; an edition in 2 vols. 12mo appeared in 1742 ; and an edition in 4 vols. (edited by S. Derrick) in 1760. Malone published the ' Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works ' in 4 vols. 8vo in 1800. An edition of the whole works, edited by Scott, in 18 vols. 8vo, appeared in 1808 ; it was reprinted in 1821, and was reissued, under the editorship of Mr. G. Saintsbury, in 1884, &c. [Perfunctory lives of Dryden are in Gibber's Lives of the Poets (1753) and in Derrick's Col- lective Edition of Dryden's Poems (1760). The first important life was Johnson's admirable per- formance in the Lives of the Poets (1779-81). The best edition is that edited by Peter Cunnmg- 'ham (1854), containing some new facts. In 1800 Malone published a badly -written life, in which nearly all the ascertainable facts are collected, forming the first volume of the Miscellaneous Prose Works. Scott prefixed an excellent life to the edition of Dryden's Complete Works (1808). The lives by Eobert Bell prefixed to the Aldine edition (1854), and especially that by W. D. Christie prefixed to the Globe edition of Dryden's Poems (1870), are worth consulting. See also Dryden by G. Saintsbury in the English Men of Letters Series, and a valuable study of Dryden and his contemporaries in Le Public et les Homines de Lettres en Angleterre (1660- 1744), by Alexandre Beljame (1881).] L. S. DRYSDALE, JOHN, D.D. (1718-1788), Scottish divine, third son of the Rev. John Drysdale, by Anne, daughter of William Ferguson, was born at Kirkaldy on 29 April 1718, and educated at the parish school in that town. Among his schoolfellows was Adam Smith, with whom he formed a friendship which was preserved throughout life. In 1732 he proceeded to the univer- sity of Edinburgh, where he read classics, philosophy, and theology, but took no de- gree. In 1740 he took orders in the esta- blished church of Scotland. For some years he officiated as assistant to the Rev. James Bannatyne, minister of the college church, Edinburgh, and in 1748 he obtained, through the interest of the Earl of Hopetoun, the living of Kirkliston in Linlithgowshire, of which the presentation was in the crown. In 1762 he was presented by the town council of Edinburgh to Lady Tester's Church. A lawsuit took place upon his appointment, the House of Lords ultimately deciding against the claim of the ministers and elders to have a joint right with the council. The call was sustained in the general assembly, even by the opponents of the claim, and Drysdale was admitted 14 Aug. 1764. On 15 April 1765 he received from Marischal College, Aberdeen, the diploma of D.D. In 1767 he vacated Lady Tester's Church to succeed Dr. John Jardine as one of the ministers of the Tron Church, Edinburgh. He was afterwards preferred, on the recommendation of Dr. Robertson, the eminent historian, to a royal chaplaincy, to Duane 76 Dubhdalethe which was attached one-third of the emolu- ments of the deanery of the Chapel Royal. In 1773 he was elected moderator, and in 1778 assistant-clerk, of the general assembly, of which in 1784 he was re-elected moderator, and, by the death of Dr. Wishart in the fol- i lowing year, became principal clerk. He ] died on 16 June 1788 at his house in Princes Street, Edinburgh. In ecclesiastical politics Drysdale belonged to the ' moderate ' party. He was reputed a master of pulpit eloquence. He married the third daughter of William Adam, architect, and was survived by his wife and two daughters, the eldest of whom married Andrew Dalzel [q. v.], professor of Greek in the university of Edinburgh, who edited two volumes of his father-in-law's ser- mons, with a highly laudatory biography pre- fixed, Edinburgh, 1788, 8vo. [Gent. Mag. 1788, p. 565; Life by Dalzel; Brit. Mus. Cat. ; Scott's Fasti, i. 60, 63.] J. M. E. DUANE, MATTHEW (1707-1785), coin collector and antiquary, was born in 1707 (Duane's mural monument ; Gent. Mag. says 1703). He was a lawyer by profession, and was eminent as a conveyancer. Charles Butler [q. v.] was his pupil, and he published reports of cases in the king's bench under John Fitzgibbon. Duane devoted much of his time to antiquarian studies, especially numisma- tics. His coin collection was chiefly formed from the Oxford, Mead, Folkes, Webb, Torre- mozze, and Dutens cabinets. He sold his Syriac medals in 1776 to Dr. William Hunter, who presented them to Glasgow University. Dutens published in 1774 ' Explication de quelques Medailles Pheniciennes du Cabinet de M. Duane.' Duane employed F. Bartolozzi to engrave twenty-four plates of the coins of the Greek kings of Syria, a series which he specially collected. These plates were first published in 1803 in Gough's ' Coins of the Seleucidse.' Bartolozzi was also employed to engrave coins of the kings of Macedonia (from Amyntas I to Alexander the Great) in Duane's collection. The plates were issued in a quarto volume without date. Duane discovered and purchased ten quarto volumes of the ' Brunswick Papers,' and placed them in the hands of Macpherson for the latter's ' Original Papers concerning the Secret His- tory of Great Britain,' &c. 1775. Among his friends was Giles Hussey, the artist, many of whose works he possessed. Duane was a fellow of the Royal Society and of the So- ciety of Antiquaries, and was a trustee of the British Museum, to which institution he presented minerals, antiquities, and miscel- laneous objects in 1764-77. He died in Bedford Row, London, on 6 (mural monu- ment) or 7 (Gent. Mag.) Feb. 1785, from a paralytic stroke. He was buried in the St. George's porch of St. Nicholas Church, New- castle, and there is a monument to him on the south wall of the church. His coins and medals were sold by auction 3 May 1785, and a catalogue was printed. His library, together with that of his nephew and heir, Michael Bray, was sold in London in April 1838 by Leigh and Sotheby. Duane married Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Dawson. She died in 1799. [Mural monument in St. Nicholas, Newcastle, erected by Duane's widow ; Gillow's Bibl. Diet, of English Catholics, ii. 132; Butler's Hist. Memoirs of English Catholics (1822), iv. 460; Brand's Hist, of Newcastle, i. 290, 301 ; E. Mac- kenzie's Newcastle, i. 261,262; Gent. Mag. 1 785, vol. Iv. pt. i. p. 157 ; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. ii. 280, iii. 37, 147, 497-9, 759, iv. 705, vi. 302, viii. 189, 692 ; Nichols's Lit. Illustr. viii. 458 ; Combe's Numm. vet. ... in Mus. Gul. Hunter, pp. vii, viii ; Michaelis's Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, § 65 ; General Guide to British Museum, 1886.] W. W. DUBHDALETHE (d. 1064) was son of Maelmuire, son of Eochaidh, and had been ferleighinn or lector at Armagh in 1049, when, on the death of Amalgaidh, comharb or successor of St. Patrick, he succeeded to that dignity, thus being the third of that name who held- it. He entered on his office on the day of Amalgaidh's death, which proves that the appointment was not made by popular election but on some other prin- ciple accepted and recognised by the clergy and people. The lectorship thus rendered vacant was filled by the appointment of ^Edh o Forreidh, who had been for seventeen years bishop of Armagh. Sir James Ware, who terms Dubhdalethe archbishop of Armagh, finds a difficulty in the fact of Forreidh having been also bishop during his time. But the comharb of Armagh, or primate in modern language, was not necessarily a bishop^ and in the case of Dubhdalethe there is even some doubt whether he was ordained at all. A bishop was a necessary officer in every ecclesiastical establishment like that at Ar- magh, but he was not the chief ecclesiastic. In 1050 Dubhdalethe made a visitation of Cinel Eoghain, a territory comprising the county of Tyrone and part of Donegal, and brought away a tribute of three hundred cows. In 1055, according to the ' Annals of Ulster,' he made war on another ecclesiastic, the comharb of Finnian, by which is meant the abbot of Clonard, in the south-west of the county of Meath. A fight ensued between the two parties, in which many were killed. The quarrel probably related to some dis- Dubhdalethe 77 Du Bois puted property belonging to one or other of the abbeys concerned. This entry is omitted by the ' Four Masters,' according to a practice not unusual with them of suppressing incon- venient facts. In 1064 they record his death, and add that ' Maelisa assumed the abbacy,' Thus the duration of Dubhdalethe's primacy was fifteen years. Ware, however, states that, according to the ' Psalter of Cashel,' it was only twelve, ' which,' he says, ' affords some room to suspect that Gilla Patrick MacDo- nald, who is expressly called archbishop of Armagh in the " Annals of the Four Masters " at 1052, ought to intervene between Amal- gaidh and Dubhdalethe, which will pretty well square with the death of the latter in 1065 [1064].' But in fact Gilla Patrick is only termed prior by the ' Four Masters,' and more exactly by the ' Annals of Ulster,' see- nab or vice-abbot. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, in his ' Life of Maelmogue or Malachy, Pri- mate of Armagh ' (1134-7), refers in severe terms to the usage ' whereby the holy see [Armagh] came to be obtained by hereditary succession,' and adds, ' there had already been before the time of Celsus (d. 1129) eight in- dividuals who were married and without orders, yet men of education.' One of these must have been Dubhdalethe, but St. Ber- nard was in error in viewing the influence of the hereditary principle at Armagh as un- usual. The comharbs of St. Finnian, St. Columba, and other famous saints succeeded according to certain rules in which kinship to the founder played an important part. And thus it was that Dubhdalethe succeeded his predecessor on the day of his death, and . that Maelisa, on the death of the former, ' assumed ' the abbacy. Dubhdalethe was the author of ' Annals of Ireland,' in which he makes use of the Chris- tian era. This is one of the earliest instances in Ireland, if we accept O'Flaherty's opinion, that it only came into use there about 1020. He considered him as contemporary with Mugron, abbot of Hy (d. 980), and as he must therefore have been at least sixty-nine years old when he became primate, and may naturally be presumed to have compiled his ' Annals ' at an earlier period, he may have been actually the first to use it. His ' An- nals'are quoted in the 'Annals of Ulster' (1021), p. 926, and in the 'Four Masters,' p. 978. He is also reported to have been the author of a work on the archbishops of Ar- magh down to his own time. [O'Conor's Seriptt. Eer. Hib. iv. 290 ; Annals of the Four Masters, ii. 587, 887; Ware's "Works (Harris), p. 50 ; Colgan's Trias Thaum. p. 298 b; Lanigan's Eccles. Hist. iii. 428, 448.] T. 0. DUBOIS, CHARLES (d. 1740), treasurer to the East India Company, lived at Mitcham, Surrey, where he had a garden filled with the newest exotics at that time in course of intro- duction. As regards botany, he seems to have been chiefly a patron rather than a worker ; thus he appears as one of twelve English subscribers to Micheli's ' Nova Genera,' 1728. His name, however, occurs as having con- tributed observations to the third edition of Ray's ' Synopsis,' 1724. His dried plants occupy seventy-four folio volumes, the entire number of specimens being about thirteen thousand, and are in excellent preservation ; they form part of the herbarium at the Ox- ford Botanic Garden. He died 21 Oct. 1740. Brown established his genus Duboisia in commemoration. [Gent. Mag. (1740), x. 525; Nichols's Lit. Illustr., i. 366-76 (mentioned in letters) ; Dau- beny's Oxford Bot. Garden, p. 49.] B. D. J. DU BOIS, LADY DOROTHEA (1728- 1774), authoress, was the eldest daughter of Richard Annesley [q. v.], afterwards sixth earl of Anglesey, by Ann Simpson, daughter of a wealthy merchant of Dublin. She was born in Ireland in 1728, one year after her father had become Lord Altham. In 1737 he succeeded to the earldom. At this time the earl made provision for his countess and her children, assigning 10,000^. a year to Dorothea; but about 1740 he repudiated his marriage, declared his children illegitimate, and turned them all out of doors. An action brought by the countess in 1741 resulted in an interim order for a payment by the earl of 4:1. per week ; but this payment was never made, and the ladies suffered the greatest distress. About 1752 Dorothea secretly mar- ried Du Bois, a French musician, and became the mother of six children. In 1759 she heard that her father had made a will leaving her 5s., in quit of all demands, as his natural daughter ; and in 1 760, on recovery from the birth of her sixth child, she undertook a journey to Camolin Park, Wexford, where he was lying ill, to induce him to acknow- ledge his marriage with her mother. She was repulsed with much indignity by the woman then claiming to be the earl's wife. In 1761 the earl died, his estates devolving on the son of the wife in possession. Lady Dorothea then laid the whole story before the world in ' Poems by a Lady of Quality,' which she dedicated to the king, and published by sub- scription at Dublin in 1764. In 1765 her mother died. • In 1766 Dorothea published ' The Case of Ann, Countess of Anglesey, lately Deceased,' appealing for help to prose- cute her claims; with the same object she Du Bois Dubois issued ' Theodora,' a novel, in 1770, dedicated to the Countess of Hertford. In 1771 she published ' The Divorce,' 4to, a musical en- tertainment, sung at Marylebone Gardens in 1772; and 'The Haunted Grove,' another musical entertainment by her, not printed, was acted at Dublin. About 1772 she brought out ' The Lady's Polite Secretary,' preceded by a ' Short English Grammar.' Meanwhile, the Anglesey estates were subject to lawsuits from various sides, but none of them benefited Lady Dorothea, and her life was passed in bitter poverty. She died in Grafton Street, Dublin, of an apoplectic fit, early in 1774. [Gent. Mag. xiv. from month to month, xxxvi. 537-9, xlii. 224, 291, xliv. 94; manu- script notes to Theodora, Brit. Mus. copy ; the Case; Baker's Biog. Dram. (Reed), i. 210, ii. 168, 285.1 J- H- DU BOIS, EDWARD (1622-1699), painter. [See under Du Bois, SIMON.] DUBOIS, EDWARD (1774-1850), wit and man of letters, son of William Dubois, a merchant in London, originally from the neighbourhood of Neufchatel, was born at Love Lane, in the city of London, 4 Jan. 1774. His education was carried on at home, and he became possessed of a considerable knowledge of the classics and a fair acquaint- ance with French, Italian, and Spanish. He adopted literature as his profession, and al- though he was called to the bar at the Inner Temple, on 5 May 1809, he did not meet with sufficient success to abandon his pen. He was a regular contributor to various perio- dicals, and especially to the ' Morning Chro- nicle ' under Perry. Art notices, dramatic cri- ticisms, and verses on the topics of the day were his principal contributions ; and to the last day of his life he retained his position of art critic on the staff of the ' Observer.' When the ' Monthly Mirror' was the pro- perty of the eccentric Thomas Hill, it was edited by Dubois, and on Hill's death he was benefited as one of the two executors and residuary legatees by a considerable accession of fortune. Theodore Hook was among his assistants on that periodical, and from Dubois Barham obtained, when writing Hook's life, ' many of the most interesting details ' of the wit's early history. He as- sisted Thomas Campbell in editing the first number of Colburn s ' New Monthly Maga- zine,' but before the second number could be issued differences broke out and they sepa- rated (REDDING, Fifty Years' Recollections, ii. 161-5). For a few years he was the editor of the ' Lady's Magazine,' and for the same period he conducted the ' European Maga- zine.' He is sometimes said to have been ' a connection ' of Sir Philip Francis, at other ; times his private secretary, and they were certainly on intimate terms of friendship from | 1807 until Francis's death in 1818. If Francis had gone out as governor of Buenos Ayres j in 1807, Dubois would have accompanied him ' as private secretary. He compiled Francis's biography in the 'Monthly Mirror' for 1810, and wrote the life of Francis which appeared in the 'Morning Chronicle' for28'Dec. 1818. When Lord Campbell was composing his ' Memoir ' of Lord Loughborough, Dubois obtained for him a long memorandum from j Lady Francis on the authorship of the ' Let- ! ters of Junius' (CAMPBELL, Chancellors, vi. : 344-7). The first of these lives is said to have prompted the publication of John Tay- lor's 'Junius Identified,' and it has more than once been insinuated that Dubois was the real author of that volume. Consider- able correspondence and articles on the gene- ral subject of the ' Letters of Junius' and4 on Mr. Taylor's work appeared in the ' Athe- naeum' and 'Notes and Queries' for 1850 (some of which will be found in DILKE'S Papers of a Critic, vol. ii.), but the connec- tion of Dubois with the authorship of ' Junius Identified ' was set at rest by the assurance of Mr. Taylor (Notes and Queries, 1850, pp. 258-9) that he ' never received the slightest assistance from Mr. Dubois.' For many years, at least twenty years, he was assistant to Serjeant Heath, judge of the court of requests, a ' strange and whimsical court,' as it has been designated. When county courts were established a judgeship was offered to Dubois, but he preferred to continue as Mr. Heath's deputy. About 1833 he was ap- pointed by Lord Brougham to the office of treasurer and secretary of the Metropolitan Lunacy Commission, and on the abolition of that body in 1846 was employed under the new commission without any special duties. These appointments he retained until his death, and their duties were discharged by him with success ; for although he loved a joke, even in court, he never allowed this propensity to get the mastery over his natu- ral astuteness. His face was naturally droll, his wit was caustic, and he was ' capital at the dinner table.' He died at Sloane Street, Chelsea, on 10 Jan. 1850, aged 76. He mar- ried at Bloomsbury Church in August 1815 Harriet Cress well, daughter of Richard Ches- lyn Cresswell, registrar of the Arches Court of Canterbury. By her, who survived him, he had three sons, and one daughter. One of his last acts was to raise a subscription for the family of the late R. B. Peake, the dra- matist. Dubois's works were of an ephemeral cha- Dubois 79 Du Bois racter, and appeared when he was a young man. They were: 1. 'A Piece of Family Bio- j graphy,' dedicated to George Colman, 3 vols., j 1799. 2. ' The Wreath ; Selections from Sappho, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, with a Prose Translation and Notes. To which are added remarks on Shakespeare, and a ^ comparison between Horace and Lucian,' i 1799. In this compilation he was assisted by Capel Lofft. The remarks on Shakespeare chiefly show coincidences and imitations be- tween his works and those of the ancient classics. 3. ' The Fairy of Misfortune, or the Loves of Octar and Zuleima, an Italian Tale translated from the French, by the author of " A Piece of Family Biography," ' 1799. The original work, ' Mirza and Fating,' was published at the Hague in 1754. 4. ' St. Godwin ; a Tale of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Century, by Count Reginald de St. Leon/ 1800. A skit on Godwin's novel of St. Leon. 5. ' Old Nick ; a Satirical Story in Three Volumes,' 1801 ; 2nd ed. 1803. Dedicated l to Thomas Hill. This story showed the pos- session of much vivacity and humour. 6. ' The Decameron, with remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio, and an Advertisement by the Author of " Old Nick," ' 1804. The translation, which was suggested by Thomas Hill, was a revision of that issued anony- j mously in 1741, and the task of supervision ! was entrusted to Dubois. 7. ' Rhymes ' [anon, by Octavius Gilchrist of Stamford, and edited j by Dubois], 1805. 8. ' Poetical Translations ! of the Works of Horace, by Philip Francis. ' New Edition, with Additional Notes, by Edward Du Bois,' 4 vols., 1807. The book- sellers required the immediate publication of a corrected ' copy of the most approved edi- tion of Dr. Francis's Horace,' and Dubois was aided in his undertaking by Capel Lofft, Stephen Weston, and Sir Philip Francis, the last of whom furnished three ingenious notes. 9. When the travels of Sir John Carr were attracting attention, Dubois undertook, at the instance of the publishers of the ' Monthly Mirror,' to write a satirical pamphlet in ridi- cule of the knight's efforts in literature. It was called ' My Pocket-book, or Hints for a "Ryghte merrie and conceitede tour, in quarto ; to be called, ' The Stranger in Ire- land,' in 1805. By a Knight Errant," ' 1807. This satire quickly passed through two edi- tions, and was followed by 'Old Nick's Pocket-book,' 1808, written in ridicule of Dubois, by a friend of Carr, who was stung by these strokes of satire into bringing an action against Hood and Sharpe, in vindica- tion of his literary character. The case came before Lord Ellenborough and a special jury, at Guildhall, 1 Aug. 1808, when the judge summed up strongly in favour of the defen- dants, and the verdict was given for them. Two reports of the trial were issued, one on behalf of the plaintiff and the other in the interest of the defendants, and the latter re- port was also appended to a third edition of 'My Pocket-book.' 10. 'The Rising Sun.' 11. ' The Tarantula, or the Dance of Fools ; by the Author of " The Rising Sun," ' 1809. An overcharged satire on fashionable life in 1809, which is sometimes, but probably with- out sufficient reason, attributed to Dubois. 12. ' Facetiae, Musarum Delicise, or the Muses' Recreation, by Sir J. M. [Mennis] and Ja. S. [James Smith] . . . with Memoirs [by Du- bois] of Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith,' 1817, 2 vols. He also edited Harris's 'Hermes' (6th edit. 1806); ' Fitzosborne's Letters,' by Melmoth (llth edit. 1805); 'Bur- ton's Anatomy' (1821); 'Hayley's Ballads,' with plates by William Blake (1805) ; and 'Ossian's Poems' (1806). [Life of Sir P. Francis, by Parkes and Meri- vale, i. xxiii, 327, ii. 384-5; Collier's Old Man's Diary, pt. iv. p. 23 ; Maclise's Portrait Gallery, p. 265 ; Literary Gazette, 1850, pp. 52-3 ; Hal- kett andLaing's Anonymous Lit. iii. 1911, 2207, 2250; New Monthly Mag. Ixxxi. 83-4 (1847); Gent. Mag. xxxiii. 326-7 (1850); information from his son, Mr. Theodore Dubois.] W. P. C. DU BOIS, SIMON (d. 1708), painter, was the youngest son of Hendrick Du Bois, and Helena Leonora Sieveri, his wife. He is stated to have been born at Antwerp, but it appears that in 1643 Hendrick Du Bois was a resident in Rotterdam, where he died in 1647, being described as a painter and dealer in works of art ; so -that it is doubtful whether Du Bois was of Flemish or Dutch origin. He seems to have visited Italy with his brother Edward, and commenced his career as a painter of small battle-pieces in the Italian fashion: but subsequently he received in- struction from Wouvermans, and took to pain ting horses and cattle pictures. He gained a great reputation for his works in this style, and so nearly approached the manner of the great masters then in vogue, that he was able to sell many of his pictures as their works, excusing himself on the ground that, if he put his own name to them, their merit would never be recognised. He had a curious neat way of finishing his figures, which he also employed in portrait-painting ; according to Vertue he was induced to turn his hand to this by the advice of a lady friend. He came to England in 1685, and was fortunate in securing the patronage and friendship of Lord-chancellor Somers, who sat to him for his portrait and paid him liberally. James Elsum [q. v.] wrote an epigram on this Du Bosc Dubourdieu portrait of the lord chancellor. Du Bois lived in Covent Garden with his brother, and had plenty of practice, amassing considerable sums of money, which they hoarded together. Late in life, and: after his brother's death, about!707,he married Sarah, daughter of Wil- liam Van de Velde the younger [q. v.], but only survived a year, dying in May 1708. In his will (P. C. C., Somerset House, 113, Bar- rett), among legacies to his wife and relations, he leaves to Lord Somers ' my father's and mother's pictures drawn by Van Dyke, and my case of books and the books therein ; ' and further to his wife ' the copper-plates of my father and mother, and the prints printed from the same.' These portraits by Van- dyck (SMITH, Catalogue, Nos. 821 and 723) were noted by Dr. Waagen {Treasures of Art in Great Britain, iv. 520) as being in the collection of the Earl of Hardwicke at Wimpole. They were finely engraved by Cornells Visscher. Among the portraits painted by Du Bois in England were those of Archbishop Tenison, at Lambeth Palace ; John Wilmot, earl of Rochester, at Knole Park ; Lord Berkeley of Stratton ; William Bentinck, earl of Portland (engraved in mezzo- tint by R. Williams, and in line by J. Houbra- ken) ; Adrian Beverland (engraved in mezzo- tint by I. Beckett) : four portraits of Sir Richard Head, bart., his wife and family (un- fortunately destroyed by the great fire at the Pantechnicon, Lowndes Square, London, in February 1874), and others. His widow re- married a Mr. Burgess. Vertue mentions various portraits of Du Bois himself. His elder brother, EDWAEDDUBOIS (1622-1699?), was also a painter, though of inferior merit to his brother. He was a ' history and land- skip painter,' according to Vertue, born at Antwerp, and ' disciple to one Groenwegen, a landskip painter likewise.' He travelled with his brother to Italy, and remained there eight years studying the antiques. He also worked some time in Paris, and on his way to Italy executed some works for Charles Em- manuel, duke of Savoy. He came to London and lived with his brother in Covent Garden, where he died at the age of 77. His name appears as publisher on Visscher's prints of the portraits of his parents mentioned above. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Vertue's MSS. (Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23068-75) ; Pilkington's Diet, of Painters ; Obreen and Scheffer's Rotter- damsche Historienbladen ; Guiffrey's Van Dyck ; Chaloner Smith's Engraved British Mezzotint Portraits.] L. C. DU BOSC, CLAUDE (1682-1745 ?), en- graver, was born in France in 1682. In 1712 he came to England with Claude Du- puis to assist Nicholas Dorigny [q. v.] in engraving the cartoons of Raphael at Hamp- ton Court, where he resided for some time, until the engravings were nearly completed. Dorigny having some disagreement with his assistants, they left him ; Dupuis returned to Paris, and Du Bosc set up as an engraver on his own account. He prepared a set of en- gravings done by himself from the cartoons, but Dorigny's engravings, being superior, held the day. In February 1714 Du Bosc under- took with Louis Du Guernier [q. v.] to en- grave a series of plates illustrative of the battles of the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene. He sent to Paris for two more engravers, Bernard Baron [q. v.] and Beau- vais, to help him to complete this work, which was accomplished in 1717. Vertue states that towards the end of 1729 Baron and Du Bosc went overto Paris, Du Bosc wishing to arrange matters relating to the trade of print-selling, as he had now set up a shop, and that Vanloo then painted both their portraits, which they brought to England. In 1733 he published an English edition of Bernard Picart's ' Re- ligious Ceremonies of All Nations,' some of the plates being engraved by himself. Among other prints engraved by him were ' Apollo and Thetis ' and ' The Vengeance of Latona,' after Jouvenet; some of the 'Labours of Her- cules' and 'The Sacrifice of Iphigenia,' after Louis Cheron ; ' The Head of Pompey brought to Caesar,' after B. Picart ; ' The Continence of Scipio,' after N. Poussin ; ' The Temple of Solomon,' after Parmentiere; a portrait of Bonaventura Giffard, and numerous book- illustrations for the publishers, including numerous plates for Rapin's 'History of England' (folio, 1743). His drawing was often faulty, and his style devoid of interest. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Dussieux's Les Artistes Francais a 1'Etranger ; Vertue's MSS. (Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23068-76) Le Blanc's Manuel de 1' Amateur d'Estampes.] L. C. DUBOURDIEU, ISAAC (1597 P-1692 ?), French protestant minister at Montpellier, was driven from that place in 1682, and took refuge in London, where he is said by a con- temporary author to have 'held primary rank' among his fellow pastors, and to have been ' wise, laborious, and entirely devoted to the welfare of the refugee church.' In 1684 he published 'A Discourse of Obedience unto Kings and Magistrates, upon the Anniver- sary of his Majesties Birth and Restaura- tion,' and continued to preach in the Savoy Chapel, of which he was one of the ministers, at least as late as 1692. The exact dates of both his birth and death are uncertain. [Haag's La France Protestante ; Agnew's Pro- testant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV.] F. T. M. Dubourdieu 81 Dubourg DUBOURDIEU, JEAN (1642 P-1720), French protestant minister, son of Isaac Du- bourdieu [q. v.], was born at Montpellier in 1642 accordingto Agnew, in 1648 according to Haag,in 1652 according to Didot, and became one of the pastors of that town. In 1682 he published a sermon entitled ' Avis de la Sainte Vierge sur ce que tous les siecles doivent dire d'elle,' which led to a short controversy with Bossuet. At the revocation of the edict of Nantes he came to England, followed by a large portion of his flock, and soon after- wards attached himself as chaplain to the house of Schomberg. He was by the side of the duke at the Boyne, and accompanied the duke's youngest sou, Duke Charles, to Turin in 1691. Duke Charles was mortally wounded and taken prisoner by the French army under Catinat at the battle of Marsiglia in 1693, and Dubourdieu took the body to Lausanne for interment. In 1695 he published a ser- mon delivered on the eve of Queen Mary's funeral ; and in the following year his most important work, ' An Historical Dissertation upon the Thebean Legion.' He had been moved to write on this subject by witnessing the worship given to these saints while at Turin (see chap. i. of the book). Dubourdieu was one of the pastors of the French church in the Savoy, London ; and there was a JEAN ARMAND DUBOURDIEU pas- tor of the same church at the same time, who took a very prominent part among the re- fugees, published several books, pamphlets, and sermons, was chaplain to the Duke of Devonshire, was appointed in 1701 to the rec- tory of Sawtrey-Moynes in Huntingdonshire, and cited in May 1713 before the Bishop of London, at the instance of the French am- bassador, to answer for certain very viru- lent published attacks upon the French king, whom he had accused, among other things, of personal cowardice. These two Dubourdieus, Jean and Jean Armand, have been assumed by most bio- graphers to be the same person. Agnew, how- , ever, in his ' Protestant Exiles from France,' shows almost conclusively that they were dis- tinct persons, Jean Armand being possibly the nephew, but more probably the son, of Jean. Indeed, if we accept 26 July 1720 as the date of Jean's death, he cannot have been the same man as Jean Armand, who preached one of his sermons in January 1723^4 (M&phibo- seth, ou le caractere (Pun bon sujet, London, 1724). JEAN ARMAND DUBOURDIEU was a fierce controversialist, an ardent protestant, a ?taunch supporter of the Hanoverian succes- sions, and a good hater of Louis XIV. He reached in both English and French. The VOL. XVI. date of his birth is uncertain. He died in the latter part of 1726. A list of the books of Jean and Jean Ar- mand Dubourdieu, but given as the works of one author, will be found in Haag's ' La France Protestante.' [Moreri's Grand Dictionnaire Historique ; Haag's La France Protestante ; Agnew's French Protestant Exiles.] F. T. M. DUBOURG, GEORGE (1799-1882), writer on the violin, grandson of Matthew Dubourg [q. v.], published in 1836 ' The Violin, being an Account of that leading Instrument and its most eminent Professors,' &c., a work which has since been frequently reprinted. He was also the author of the words of many songs, the best known of which is John Parry's 'Wanted a Gover- ness.' During the greater part of his long life Dubourg contributed to various news- papers, especially at Brighton, where he lived for several years. Latterly he settled at Maidenhead, where he died on 17 April 1882. [Information from Mr. A. W. Dubourg, Mr. D. H. Hastings and local newspapers.] W. B. S. DUBOURG, MATTHEW (1703-1767), violinist, born in 1703, was the son of a famous dancing-master named Isaac. He learnt the violin at an early age, and first appeared at Thomas Britton's [q. v.] concerts, where he played a solo by Corelli, standing on a joint- stool. Tradition says he was so frightened that he nearly fell to the ground. WhenGeminiani came to England in 1714, Dubourg was put under him. Even at this time he must have been a remarkable performer, for on 7 April 1715 he played a solo on the stage at the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre at a benefit per- formance, in the advertisement of which he is described as ' the famous Matthew Du- bourg, a youth of 12 years of age,' and on the 28th of the same month he had a benefit concert of his own. In 1728 he succeeded Cousser as master of the viceroy of Ireland's band, the post having been previously refused by Geminiani. Dubourg went to Ireland, but his duties were not onerous, and he spent much of his time in England, where he taught both Frederick, prince of Wales, and the Duke of Cumberland. In his official position at Dublin he composed birthday odes and other ceremonial music, but none of his works have been printed. He led the orchestra for Handel on the latter's visit to Ireland in 1741, taking part in the first performance of the ' Messiah ; ' he also played at the Oratorio concerts at Covent Garden given by Handel in 1741 and 1742. It is said that on one occa- sion when Handel was conducting, Dubourg, Dubricius Dubricius ' having a close to make ad libitum, wan- dered about so long in a fit of abstract modulation that he seemed uncertain of the original key. At length, however, he accom- plished a safe arrival at the shake which was to terminate this long close, when Handel, to the great delight of the audience, cried out, loud enough to be heard in the most remote parts of the theatre, " Welcome home, welcome home, Mr. Dubourg ! " ' On 3 March 1750-1 Dubourg was elected a member of the Royal Society of Musicians, and in 1752 he succeeded Testing as master of the king^s band ; but he still continued to retain his post at Dublin, where he was visited in 1761 by Geminiani, who died in his house. Du- bourg died at London, 3 July 1767, and was buried in the churchyard of Paddington Church. The epitaph on his gravestone has been printed by Burney. As a violinist he was remarkable for his fire and energy, and it was noticed that his style differed materi- ally from that of his master, Geminiani. Hawkins mentions a portrait of him when a boy, which hung in a Mrs. Martin's con- cert room, Sherborn Lane : this seems to have disappeared, though a miniature of him when a boy is now in the possession of his great- granddaughter. Burney says a portrait of him was in the possession of his daughter, Mrs. Redmond Simpson. A portrait of him by Van der Smissen is now in the possession of his great-grandson, Mr. A. W. Dubourg. [Dubourg's Hist, of the Violin, ed. 1836, p. 184 ; Ha-wkins's Hist, of Music, v. 76, 362-3 ; Burney's Hist, of Music, iv. 645 ; Eecords of the Eoyal Society of Musicians; Egerton MS. 2159, 51; newspapers for 1715; Schoelcher's Life of Handel ; information from Mr. A. W. Dubourg.] W. B. S. DUBRICIUS (in Welsh Dyfrig), SAINT (d. 612), was one of the most famous of the early Welsh saints, and the reputed founder of the bishopric of Llandaff. The date of his death is the most authentic information we have about him, as that is obtained from the tenth-century Latin annals of Wales (Annales Cambria, p. 6 : ' Conthigirni obitus et Dibric episcopi ') ; but this meagre statement does not even mention the name of his see, if, in- deed, fixed bishops' sees existed at that period in the British church. Later accounts of Dubricius are much more copious, but are in no sense of an historical character. The earliest of his lives is that contained in the twelfth- century ' Lectiones de vita Sancti Dubricii,' printed in the ' Liber Landavensis '(pp.75-83). This was probably composed in 1120, on the occasion of the translation of the saint's bones from Bardsey to a shrine within Llandaff Cathedral by Urban, bishop of that see. It is, of course, a pious homily, intended pri- marily for edification, but it is important as having been written before Geoffrey of Mon- mouth's fictions were published, and as there- fore containing whatever ancient tradition of the saint remained. According to this life, Dubricius was the son of Eurddil, daughter of a British king called Pebiau. He was miracu- lously conceived and more miraculously born. When he became a man ' his fame extended throughout all Britain, so that there came scholars from all parts to him, and not only j raw students, but also learned men and doc- I tors, particularly St. Teilo.' For seven years | he maintained two thousand clerks at Henllan on the Wye, and again at his native district, called from his mother Ynys Eurddil, also apparently in the same neighbourhood. He afterwards became a bishop, visited St. Illtyd, performed many miracles, and at last, laying aside his bishop's rank, he left the world and lived till the end of his life as a solitary in the island of Bardsey, 'the Rome of Britain,' where he was buried among the twenty thou- sand other saints in the holy island. In this life there is nothing more incredible than in most lives of early Celtic saints ; the title archbishop is only once given to him, and more stress is laid upon his sanctity than upon his episcopal rank. His chief abodes are on the banks of the Wye. But in the account of the early state of the church of Llandaff prefixed to this life, it is said that Dubricius was con- secrated by Germanus, archbishop over all the bishops of southern Britain, and bishop of the see of Llandaff, founded by the liberality of King Meurig. But Germanus died in 448, and the date of Dubricius's death here given is 612, the same as that in the 'A mi ales Cambriae.' This latter fact is in itself some evidence that old traditions at least had been embodied in this account, though the chrono- logical error in the account of the foundation is so gross. But the author, in regretting his inability to describe at length Dubricius's miracles, tells us that ' the records were con- sumed by the fires of the enemy or carried off to a far distance in a fleet of citizens when banished.' A few years later, however, Geoffrey of Monmouth gave a much more elaborate account of Dubricius in his ' His- tory of the Britons,' which is absolutely un- historical. This describes Dubricius as the archbishop of the Roman see of Caerleon, who crowned Arthur king of Britain and harangued the British host before the battle of Mount Baden. Other accounts connect Dubricius with David and the synod of Llan- ddewi Brevi. When Dubricius laid down his episcopal office he consecrated David ' arch- bishop of Wales ' in his stead. Thus was the Dubthach Dubthach primacy of Britain transferred from Caerleon to Menevia. But this story is obviously the result of the desire to free the see of St . Dav id's from the metropolitical authority of Canter- bury, and is first found in its full form in the polemical writings of Giraldus Cambrensis. There is no occasion to do more than mention the amplified story of Geoffrey as it appears in the later lives of the saint. According to the ' Lectiones ' the day of Dubricius's death was 14 Nov., but he was usually commemorated on 4 Nov. His trans- lation, which the same authority dates on 23 May, was generally celebrated on 29 May. [The chief lives of Dubricius are 1, the above- mentioned Lectiones, printed in Liber Landa- vensis, edited by the Rev. W. J. Rees for the Welsh MSS. Society, with an English transla- tion ; 2, Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Bri- tonum, bk. viii. c. 2, bk. ix. c. 1, 4, 12, 13, 15 ; 3, Vita S. Dubricii, by Benedict of Gloucester, in Wharton's Anglia Sacra, ii. 654-61 ; 4, the life in Capgrave's Nova Legenda Angliae ; 5, se- veral manuscript lives enumerated in Hardy's Descriptive Cat. of Materials, i. 40-4. For modern authorities see especially Haddan and Stubbs's Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, i. 146-8; and R. Rees's Welsh Saints, pp. 144, 170,176,191.] T. F. T. DUBTHACH MACCU LUGIR (6th cent.), termed in later documents mac hui Lugair, was chief poet and brehon of Lao- gaire, king of Ireland, at the time of St. Patrick's mission. The king, jealous of the saint's power, had given orders that when he presented himself next at Tara no one should rise from his seat to do him honour. The next day was Easter day, and it was also a great feast with Laogaire and his court. In the midst of their festivity, 'the doors being shut as in our Lord's case,' St. Patrick with five of his companions appeared among them. None rose up at his approach but Dubthach, who had with him a youthful poet named Fiacc, afterwards a bishop. The saint upon this bestowed his blessing on Dubthach, who was the first to believe in God on that day. The Tripartite life of St. Patrick states that Dubthach was then baptised and con- firmed, and Jocelyn adds that thenceforward he dedicated to God the poetic gifts he for- merly employed in the praise of false gods. When he had been some time engaged in preaching the gospel in Leinster, St. Patrick paid him a visit. Their meeting took place at Domnach-mar-Criathar, now Donaghmore, near Gorey, co. Wexford, and St. Patrick in- quired whether he had among his ' disciples ' any one who was ' the material of a bishop,' whose qualifications are enumerated in the ' Book of Armagh.' Dubthach replied he knew not any of his people save Fiacc the Fair. At this moment Fiacc was seen approaching. Anticipating his unwillingness to accept the office, St. Patrick and Dubthach resorted to a stratagem. The saint affected to be about to tonsure Dubthach himself, but Fiacc coming forward begged that he might be accepted' in his place, and he was accordingly tonsured and baptised, and ' the degree of a bishop conferred on him.' O'Reilly, in his ' Irish Writers,' erroneously ascribes to Dubthach ' an elegant hymn . . . preserved in the calendar of Oengus.' One of the manuscripts of that work is> indeed in the handwriting of a scribe named Dubthach, but he was quite a different person from Maccu Lugir. Another poem beginning ' Tara the house in which re- sided the son of Conn,' found in the ' Book of Rights,' and also assigned to him by O'Reilly, is there said to be the composition of Benen or Benignus. But there is a poem in the ' Book of Rights ' which is assigned to him by name. It relates to ' the qualifications of the truly learned poet,' and consists of thirty-two lines beginning ' No one is entitled to visitation or sale of his poems.' There are also three other poems of his preserved in the ' Book of Lein- ster.' These have been published with a trans- lation by O'Curry in his ' Manuscript Materials of Irish History.' They relate to the wars and triumphs of Enna Cennselach and his son Crimthann, both kings of Leinster. That these poems were written after his conversion to Christianity appears from the following : ' It was by me an oratory was first built and a stone cross.' The passage of greatest in- terest in these poems is that in which he says : ' It was I that gave judgment between Lao- gaire and Patrick.' The gloss on this explains r ' It was upon Nuadu Derg, the son of Niall [brother of Laogaire], who killed Odhran, Patrick's charioteer, this judgment was given.' The story is told in the introduction to the ' Senchus Mor.' By order of Laogaire, Odhran, one of St. Patrick's followers, was killed by Nuadu in order to try whether the saint would carry out his own teaching of forgiveness of injuries. St. Patrick appealing for redress was permitted to choose a judge, and selected Dubthach, who found himself in a difficult position as a Christian administering a pagan law. ' Patrick then (quoting St. Matthew x. 20) blessed his mouth and the grace of the Holy Ghost alighted on his utterance,' and he pronounced, in a short poem which is preserved in the ' Senchus Mor,' the deci- sion that ' Nuadu should be put to death for his crime, but his soul should be pardoned and sent to heaven.' This (it is stated) was ' a middle course between forgiveness and retaliation.' After this sentence 'Patrick G2 Ducarel 84 Ducarel requested the men of Ireland ' to come to one place to hold a conference with him. The result was the appointment of a committee of nine to revise the laws. It was composed of three kings, three bishops, and three profes- sors of literature, poetry, and law. Chief among the latter was Dubthach. It became his duty to give an historical retrospect, and in doing so he exhibited ' all the judgments of true nature which the Holy Ghost had spoken from the first occupation of this island down to the reception of the faith. What did not clash with the word of God in the written law and in the New Testa- ment and with the consciences of believers was confirmed in the laws of the brehons by Patrick and by the ecclesiastics and chief- tains of Ireland. This is the " Senchus Mor." ' It was completed A.D. 441, and is supposed to have been suggested by the revision of the Roman laws by Theodosius the younger. It was put into metrical form by Dubthach as an aid to memory, and accordingly the older parts appear to be in a rude metre. The work was known by various names, ' The Law of Patrick,' ' Noifis, or the Knowledge of Nine,' but more generally as the ' Senchus Mor.' [Ussher's Works, vi. 400-1 ; O'Curry's Manu- script Materials, pp. 482-93; Lanigan's Eccl. Hist. i. 273-303 ; O'Reilly's Irish Writers, pp. xxvii-viii ; Calendar of Oengus, pp. 3, xiii ; Book of Rights, pp.xxxiv, 236-8; Hogan's Vita Patricii, pp. 104-6; Senchus Mor, Rolls ed. pp. 5-15.] T. 0. DUCAREL, ANDREW COLTEE.D.C.L. ( 1 7 1 3-1 785) , civilian and antiquary, was born in 1713 in Normandy, whence his father, who was descended from an ancient family at Caen, came to England soon after the birth of his second son James, and resided at Greenwich. In 1729, being then an Eton scholar, he was for three months under the care of Sir Hans Sloane on account of an accident which de- prived him of the use of one eye. On 2 July 1731 he matriculated at Oxford as gentleman commoner of St. John's College. He gra- duated B.C.L. in 1738, was incorporated in that degree at Cambridge the same year, was created D.C.L. at Oxford in 1742, and went out a grand compounder on 21 Oct. 1748 (FOSTER, Alumni Oxon. i. 390 ; Addit. MS. 5884, f. 81 b). He was admitted a member of the College of Advocates at Doctors' Com- mons 3 Nov. 1743 (CooxE, English Civilians, p. 119). On recovering from a severe illness, in which he had been nursed by his maid Susannah, he married her out of gratitude in 1749, and she proved to be 'a sober, careful woman' (GROSE, Olio, 2nd edit. p. 142). He was elected commissary or official of the pecu- liar and exempt jurisdiction of the collegiate church or free chapel of St. Katharine, near the Tower of London, in 1755. He was ap- pointed commissary and official of the city and diocese of Canterbury by Archbishop Herring in December 1758 ; and of the sub- deaneries of South Mailing, Pagham, and Terring in Sussex, by Archbishop Seeker, on the death of Dr. Dennis Clarke in 1776. From his youth he was devoted to the study of antiquities. As early as 22 Sept. 1737 he was elected a fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries of London, and he was one of the first fellows of that society nominated by the pre- sident and council on its incorporation in 1755. He was also elected 29 Aug. 1760 a member of the Society of Antiquaries at Cortona, was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society of London 18 Feb. 1762, became an honorary fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Cassel in November 1778, and of the Society of Antiquaries of Edinburgh in 1781. In 1755 he unsuccessfully endeavoured to obtain the post of sub-librarian at the British Museum ; but he was appointed keeper of the i library at Lambeth 3 May 1757, by Arch- : bishop Hutton, and from that time he turned ' his attention to the ecclesiastical antiquities | of the province of Canterbury. He greatly I improved the catalogues both of the printed i books and the manuscripts at Lambeth, and made a digest, with a general index, of all the registers and records of the southern pro- I vince. In this laborious undertaking he was j assisted by his friend, Edward Rowe Mores, i the Rev. Henry Hall, his predecessor in the office of librarian, and Mr. Pouncey, the en- graver, who was for many years his assistant as clerk and deputy librarian. Ducarel's share of the work was impeded by the complete blindness of one eye and the weakness of the other. Besides the digest preserved among the official archives at Lambeth, he formed for himself another manuscript collection in forty-eight volumes, which were purchased for the British Museum at the sale of Richard ; Gough's library in 1810. In 1763 Ducarel j was appointed by the government to digest ! and methodise, in conj unction with Sir Joseph Ayloffe and Thomas Astle, the records of the state paper office at Whitehall, and after- : wards those in the augmentation office. On I the death of Seeker he unsuccessfully applied for the post of secretary to the succeeding archbishop. For many years he used to go in August on an antiquarian tour through different parts of the country, in company with his friend Samuel Gale, and attended by a coachman and footman. They travelled about fifteen miles a day, and put up at inns. After dinner, while Gale smoked his pipe, Ducarel tran- Ducarel Ducarel scribed his topographical and archaeological notes, which after his death were purchased by Richard Gough. In Vertue's plate of Lon- don Bridge Chapel the figure measuring is Ducarel, and that standing is Gale. With his antiquarian friends Ducarel associated on the most liberal terms, and ' his entertain- ments were in the true style of old English hospitality.' He was in the habit of de- claring that, as an old Oxonian, he never knew a man till he had drunk a bottle of wine with him. During more than thirty years' con- nection with Lambeth Palace he was the valued friend or official of five primates — Herring, Hutton, Seeker, Cornwallis, and Moore. He was a strong athletic man, and had a firm prepossession that he should live to a great age. The immediate cause of the disorder which carried him off was a sudden surprise on receiving at Canterbury a letter informing him that Mrs. Ducarel was at the point of death. He hastened to his house in South Lambeth, took to his bed, and three days afterwards died, on 29 May 1785. He was buried on the north side of the altar of St. Katharine's Church. His wife survived him more than six years, dying on 6 Oct. 1791 (Gent. Mag. lxi.973). His coins, pictures, and antiquities were sold by auction, 30 Nov. 1785, and his books, manuscripts, and prints in April 1786. The greater part of the manuscripts passed into the hands of Richard Gough and John Nichols. His portrait, engraved by Francis Perry, from a painting by A. Soldi, executed in 1746, is prefixed to his ' Series of Anglo-Gallic Coins ''(1757). This portrait has also been engraved by Rothwell and Prescott. The following is a list of his works : 1. ' A Tour through Normandy, described in a letter to a friend' (anon.), London, 1754, 4to. This tour was undertaken, in company with Dr. Bever, in 1752, and his account of it, consider- ably enlarged, was republished, with his name, under the title of ' Anglo-Norman An- tiquities considered, in a Tour through part of Normandy, illustrated with 27 copperplates,' London, 1767 ,fol. ; inscribed to Bishop Lyttel- ton, president of the Society of Antiquaries. A French translation, by A. L. Lechaude D'Anisy, appeared at Caen, 1823-5, 8vo, with thirty-six plates of the tapestry, 4to. 2. ' De Registris Lambethanis Dissertatiuncula,' London, 1756, 8vo. 3. 'A Series of above 200 Anglo-Gallic, or Norman and Aquitain Coins of the antient Kings of England,' London, 1757, 4to. 4. Letters showing that the chestnut-tree is indigenous to Great Britain. In 'Philosophical Transactions,' arts. 17-19. 5. ' Some Account of Browne Willis, Esq., LL.D.,' London, 1760, 4to. 6. Letter to Gerard Meerman, grand pensioner at the Hague, on the dispute about Corsellis being the first printer in England. This was read to the Society of Antiquaries in 1760. A Latin translation by Dr. Musgrave and Meer- man's answer were published in vol. ii. of Meerman's ' Origines Typographic^,' 1760. They were reprinted by Nichols, with a second letter from Meerman, in a supplement to Bowyer's ' Two Letters on the Origin of Print- ing,' 1776. 7. 'A Repertory of the Endow- ments of Vicarages in the Diocese of Canter- bury,' London, 1763, 4to : 2nd edition, 1782, 8vo, to which were added the endowments of vicarages in the diocese of Rochester. 8. ' A Letter to William Watson, M.D., upon the early Cultivation of Botany in England; and some particulars about John Tradescant, gardener to Charles I,' London, 1773, 4to. This appeared originally in ' Philosophical Transactions,' Ixiii. 79. 9. ' Notes taken during a Tour in Holland, 1775,' manuscript. 10. Account of Dr. Stukeley, prefixed to vol. ii. of his ' Itinerary,' 1776. 11. ' A List of various Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from the year 1526 to 1776, from a MS. (No. 1140) in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, much enlarged and improved,' London, 1776, 8vo (see NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. vi. 390; LOWNDES, Sibl. Man., ed. Bohn, p. 198). 12. ' Some Account of the Alien Priories, and of such lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales,' col- lected by John Warburtoii, Somerset herald, and Ducarel, 2 vols., London, 1779, 8vo; new edit. 1786. 13. ' History of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katha- rine, near the Tower of London,' 1782, with seventeen plates. 14. 'Some Account of the Town, Church, and Archiepiscopal Palace of Croydon,' 1783. In Nichols's ' Bibl. Topo- graphica Britannica,' vol. ii. 15. ' History and Antiquities of the Archiepiscopal Palace of Lambeth,' 1785. In ' Bibl. Topographica Britannica,' vol. ii. A valuable appendix to this work by the Rev. Samuel Denne [q. v.] was published in 1795. 16. ' Abstract of the Archiepiscopal Registers at Lambeth, com- piled by Ducarel, with the assistance of E. R. Mores, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Pouncey,' Addit. MSS. 6062-6109. 17. Account of Doc- tors' Commons, manuscript prepared for the press. 18. ' Testamenta Lambethana ; being a complete List of all the Wills and Testa- ments recorded in the Archiepiscopal Register at Lambeth,1312-1636.' Another manuscript intended for Mr. Nichols's press. 19. Memoirs of Archbishop Hutton. Manuscript pur- chased at Ducarel's sale, for the Hutton family. 20. Correspondence; letters to him, Addit. MSS. 23990 and 15935 ; and correspondence Duchal 86 Duchal with William Cole in Addit. MSS. 5808 f. 185, 5830 f. 200 b, and 6401 f. 8. [Memoir by John Nichols in Biog. Brit. (Kip- pis), reprinted with additions in the Literary Anecdotes, vi. 380; Addit. MSS. 5867 f. 149, 6109, 15935, 28167 f. 70 ; Index to Addit, MSS. ( 1 783-1 835), p. 148; Egerton MS. 834; Thomson's List of Fellows of the Royal Society.p.l; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), p. 680 ; Notes and Queries, 3rd ! ser. xi. 149, 4th ser. i. 49, xii. 307, 356, 7th ser. ii. 36 ; Walpoliana, i. 73 ; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, Nos. 3346, 3347 ; Cave- Browne's Lambeth Palace (1883), pref. pp. ix, xi, 66-8, 105, 106; Cat. of Printed Books in Brit. Mus.; Cat. of Oxford Graduates, p. 198.] T. C. DUCHAL, JAMES, D.D. (1697-1761), Irish presbyterian divine, is said to have been born in 1697 at Antrim. The year is pro- bably correct, but the place mistaken ; his baptism is not recorded in the presbyterian register of Antrim. In the Glasgow matricu- lation book he describes himself as ' Scoto- Hibernus.' His early education was directed j by an uncle, and in his studies for the ministry | he was assisted by John Abernethy, M.A. (1680-1740) [q. v.], the leader of the non- I subscribing section of the presbyterians of j Ulster. Duchal proceeded to Glasgow Col- j lege, where he entered the moral philosophy class on 9 March 1710, and subsequently graduated M.A. Early in 1721 he became minister of a congregation (originally inde- pendent, but since 1696 presbyterian) in Green Street, Cambridge. The congregation, numbering three hundred people, was subsi- dised by a grant from the presbyterian board. Duchal had leisure for study, and lived much among books, with the habits of a valetudi- narian. In after life he referred to his Cam- bridge period as the 'most delightful' part of his career. In 1728 he published a small volume of sermons, which show the influ- ence of Francis Hutcheson. Two years later Abernethy was called from Antrim to Dublin, and Duchal became his successor. An entry i in the Antrim records states that on ' agwst the 14 1730 Mr. James Dwchhill cam to Antrim and on the 16 of it which was owr commwnion sabath preached and served tw tabels which was his first work with ws.' He was installed on 6 Sept. On 7 Sept. William Holmes was ordained as the first minister of the subscribing section that had seceded from Abernethy's congregation in 1726. Duchal began (anonymously) a controversy with ' Holmes, and the pamphlets which "ensued formed the closing passage in a discussion which had agitated Ulster presbyterianism from 1720. Abernethy's death on 1 Dec. 1740 was followed early in 1741 by the death of Richard Choppin, his senior colleague in the ministry at Wood Street, Dublin. The sole charge as their successor was offered to Thomas Drennan, father of William Dren- nan, M.D. [q. v.], who declined, and recom- mended Duchal. Duchal removed to Dublin in 1741. His delicate health and shy dispo- sition kept him out of society; he approves the maxim that ' a man, if possible, should have no enemies, and very few friends' (Sermons, 1762, i. 469). His closest intimates were William Bruce (1702-1755) [q. v.] and Gabriel Cornwall (d. 1786), both his juniors. He was affable to young students, and un- wearied in his errands of benevolence (in- cluding medical advice) among the poor. Duchal's studies were classical and philo- sophical rather than biblical. Late in life he returned to the study of Hebrew, in order to test the positions of the Hutchinsonian system [see HTJTCHINSON, JOHN, 1674-1737], in which he found nothing congenial to his ideas. Duchal was an indefatigable writer of sermons. Like most divines of his age, he was ready to lend his compositions, but never borrowed, and rarely repeated. His eulogist reckons it an extraordinary circum- stance that he discarded his Antrim sermons on removing to Dublin ; it may be added that he did not use his Cambridge sermons at Antrim. He wrote his discourses in sets, like courses of lectures. A very able series, devoted to ' presumptive arguments ' for Chris- tianity, gained him when published (1753) the degree of D.D. from Glasgow. He com- posed aloud, while taking his daily walks, and committed the finished discourse to paper at great speed, in excruciatingly fine crow- quill penmanship, with more attention to weight of diction than to grace of style. He left seven hundred sermons as the fruit of his Dublin ministry; a few he had himself designed for the press, others were selected for publication by his friends, but many sets were broken through the unfaithfulness of borrowers. Duchal's was the most considerable mind among the Irish non-subscribers. He had not the gifts which fitted Abernethy for a popular leader, but his intellect was more progressive, and his equanimity was never disturbed by the ambition of a public career. He never trimmed or turned back. From a robust Calvinistic orthodoxy he passed by degrees to an interpretation of Christianity from which every distinctive trace of ortho- doxy had vanished. Archdeacon Blackburne (accordingto Priestley) questioned ' his belief of the Christian revelation,' but for this sus- picion there is no ground. Kippis observes that Leechman has plagiarised (1768) the Duchal Duck substance and even the treatment of three remarkable sermons by Duchal on the spirit of Christianity (1762). Duchal is less known as a biographer, but his character portraits of Irish non-subscrib- ing clergy are of great value. The original draft of seven sketches, without names, has been printed (Christian Moderator, April 1827, p. 431) from a copy by Thomas Dren- nan ; the first three are Michael Bruce (1686- 1735) [q. v.], Samuel Haliday [q. v.J, and Abernethy. They were worked up, with some softening of the criticism, in the funeral sermon for Abernethy, with appended bio- graphies (1741). Witherow quite erroneously assigns these biographies to James Kirk- patrick, D.D. [q. v.] Duchal was assisted at Wood Street in 1745 by Archibald Maclaine, D.D., the trans- lator of Mosheim, but he had no regular col- league till 1747, when Samuel Bruce (1722- 1767), father of William Bruce, D.D. (1757- 1841) [q. v.], was appointed. In the opinion of his friends, Duchal's laborious fulfilment of the demands of his calling shortened his days. He died unmarried on 4 May 1761, having completed his sixty-fourth year. He published: 1. 'The Practice of Religion,' &c., 1728, 8vo (three sermons ; one of these is reprinted in ' The Protestant System,' vol. i. 1758). 2. 'A Letter from a Gentleman,' &c., Dublin, 1731, 8vo (anon., answered by Holmes, 'Plain Reasons,' &c., Dublin, 1732, 8vo). 3. 'Remarks upon "Plain Reasons,'" &c., Belfast, 1732, 8vo (anon., answered by Holmes, 'Impartial Reflections/ &c., Bel- fast, 1732, 8vo). 4. 'A Sermon on occasion of the . . . death of ... John Abernethy,' &c., Belfast, 1741, 8vo (preached at Antrim 7 Dec. 1740; appended are Duchal's Memoirs of the Revs. T. Shaw, W. Taylor, M. Bruce, and S. Haliday ; the publication was edited by Kirkpatrick, who added a 'conclusion'). 5. ' Memoir ' (anon.) of Abernethy, prefixed to his posthumous ' Sermons,' 1748, 8vo. 43. ' Second Thoughts concerning the Suffer- ings and Death of Christ/ &c., 1748, 8vo (anon.) 7. ' Presumptive Arguments for the ... Christian Religion/ &c., 1753, 8vo (eleven sermons, with explanatory preface). Also funeral sermons for : 8. Mrs. Bristow, Belfast, 1736, 8vo ; 9. Rev. Hugh Scot, Belfast, 1736, 8vo ; 10. J. Arbuckle, M.D., Dublin, 1747, 8vo. 11. Prefatory 'Letter' to Cornwall's Essay on the Character of W. Bruce, 1755, 8vo (dated 25 Aug.) Pos- thumous were : 12. ' Sermons/ vol. i., Dublin, 1762, 8vo, vols. ii. iii., Dublin, 1764, 8vo. 13. ' On the Obligation of Truth, as con- cerned in Subscriptions to Articles/ &c. (pub- lished in ' Theological Repository/ 1770, ii. 191 sq.) 14. ' Letter to Dr. Taylor on the Doctrineof Atonement ' (' Theol. Repos.' 1770, ii. 328 sq. ; reprinted in William Graham's ' The Doctrine of Atonement/ 1772). Other essays from Duchal's manuscripts sent to Priestley for publication were lost in the passage to Liverpool. Six small volumes, containing forty-seven autograph sermons by Duchal, 1721-40, which on 18 Nov. 1783 were in the possession of William Crawford, D.D. [q. v.], were presented by James Gibson, Q.C., to the library of Magee College, Derry. [Essay on the Character of the Author, in a Letter to a Friend (by Gabriel Cornwall), pre- fixed to Sermons, vol. ii., 1764, partly reprinted in Monthly Review, October 1764, p. 278 sq. ; Biog. Brit. (Kippis), 1793, v. 410 sq. ; Univ. Theol. Mag., January 1804, p. 9 sq. ; Monthly Repository, 1810, p. 626; Christian Moderator, April 1827, p. 431 ; Armstrong's Appendix to Martineau's Ordination Service, 1829, p. 72 ; Butt's Memoirs of Priestley, 1831, i. 105, 120, 122, 135 ; Hincks's Notices of W. Bruce and Con- temporaries, in Christian Teacher, January 1843, p. 77 sq. ; Reid's Hist. Presb. Church in Ireland (Killen), 1867, iii. 220, 318 ; James's Hist. Litig. Presb. Chapels, 1867, p. 652 ; Witherow's Hist, and Lit. Mem. of Presb. in Ireland, 2nd ser., 1880, p. 15 sq., 22 sq. ; Killen's Hist. Cong. Presb. Church in Ireland, 1886, p. 17 ; Antrim Presby- terian register (manuscript) ; Glasgow matri- culation book.] A. G. DUCIE, EARL OF (1802-1853). [See MORETON, HENRY GEORGE FRANCIS.] DUCK, SIR ARTHUR (1580-1648), ci- vilian, second son of Richard Duck by Joanna, his wife, was born at Heavitree, Devonshire, in 1580, entered Exeter College, Oxford, in 1595, and there graduated B. A. in June 1599. He afterwards migrated to Hart Hall, where he proceeded M.A. on 18 May 1602. In 1604 he was elected a fellow of All Souls (Lansd. MS. 985, f. 77). He took the degree of LL.B. on 16 Dec. 1607, and that of LL.D. on 9 July 1612, having spent some years in foreign travel. In 1614 he was admitted an advocate at Doctors' Commons. Between this date and 1617 he made a journey into Scotland in some official capacity, but in what does not appear (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1611-18, p. 496). On 16 Jan. 1623-4 he was returned to par- liament for Minehead, Somersetshire, having on 5 Jan. preceding been appointed king's advocate in the earl marshal's court (ib, 1623- 1625, p. 145). He is said to have held the office of master of requests, but the date of his appointment is not clear. He certainly acted in a judicial capacity as early as May 1625 (ib. 1625-6, p. 33). An opinion of Duck's, advising that a statute drafted by Laud in 1626 for Wadham College, Oxford, by which Duck 88 Duck fines were to be imposed on absentee fellows, was not ultra vires, is mentioned in the ' Ca- lendar of State Papers,' Dom. 1625-6, p. 525. On, or soon after, his translation from the see of Bath and Wells to that of London (1628), Laud appointed Duck chancellor of the dio- cese of London, to which the chancellorship of the diocese of Bath and Wells was added in 1635. Duck pleaded on behalf of Laud an ecclesiastical case tried before the king's coun- cil at Whitehall on appeal from the dean of arches in 1633. By Laud's directions the altar in St. Gregory's Church, London, had been placed in the chancel, whence it had been removed by order of Sir Henry Martin, dean of arches. Charles himself gave judgment, deciding that when not in use the altar should remain in the chancel, but that its position on occasion of the celebration of the eucharist should be left to the discretion of the minister and churchwardens. On 17 Dec. 1633 Duck was placed on the ecclesiastical commission, and in 1634 he was appointed visitor of the hospitals, poorhouses, and schools in the dio- cese of Canterbury (ib. 1631-3, pp. 108, 255 ; 1633-4, pp. 327, 530; 1635, p. 233; 1636-7, p. 429; 1641-3, p. 532). A multitude of minutes in the ' Calendar of State Papers ' from this date until 1643 show the volume and variety of the business transacted by him in his character of ecclesiastical commis- sioner. In the first parliament of 1 640 he again represented Minehead. In 1645 he was ap- pointed master in chancery (HARDY, Cata- logue of Lord Chancellors, $*c.) In September 1648 Charles, then a prisoner in the Isle of Wight, requested that the parliament would permit Duck to attend him to assist him in the conduct of the negotiations then pending. It is not clear whether the request was granted or not. Duck died suddenly in Chelsea Church on 16 Dec. 1648, and was buried at Chiswick in May 1649. He held by sublease the prebendal manor of Chiswick, which nar- rowly escaped pillage by the parliamentary troops in 1642. His property was subse- quently sequestrated (WHITELOCKE, Mem. 234, 235 ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1641-3, E372 ; SMYTH, Obituary, Camden Soc., 27 ; YSONS, Environs, ii. 191, 218). Duck mar- ried Margaret, daughter of Henry South- worth, by whom he had nine children. Two daughters only survived him. His wife died on 15 Aug. 1646, and was buried in Chiswick Church. Duck is the author of two works of some merit : 1. ' Vita Henrici Chi- chele archiepiscopi Cantuariensis sub regibus HenricoV et VI,' Oxford, 1617, 4to, reprinted, ed. William Bates, in ' Vitse Selectorum ali- quot Virorum,' London, 1681, 4to, translated by an anonymous hand, London, 1699, 8vo. 2. ' De Usu et Authoritate Juris Civilis Ro- manorum,' London, 1653 (in which he was much assisted by Gerard Langbaine), trans- lated by J. Beaver in 1724, and bound in the same volume with the translation of Fer- rieres's ' History of the Roman Law,' London, 8vo. [Wood's Athenfe Oxon. iii. 257 ; Wood's Fasti Oxon. i. 296, 321, 348 ; Lists of Members of Parliament (Official Return of) ; Fuller's Wor- thies (Devon) ; Prince's Worthies of Devon.] J. M. R. DUCK, SIR JOHN (d. 1691), mayor of Durham, was apprenticed early in life to a butcher at Durham, though from an entry in the guild registers it appears that in 1657 some opposition was raised to his following the trade. The foundation of his subsequent fortunes is said to have been laid by the following incident. ' As he was straying in melancholy idleness by the water side, a raven appeared hovering in the air, and from chance or fright dropped from his bill a gold Jacobus at the foot of the happy butcher boy.' This ad- venture was depicted on a panel in the house which he afterwards built for himself in Dur- ham, where he became exceedingly prosper- ous, and in 1680 served the office of mayor. Taking an active part in politics during the last years of the Stuarts, he attracted the attention of the government, and in 1686 his useful loyalty was rewarded by a patent of baronetcy. In this he is described as ' of Haswell on the Hill,' a manor which he had purchased with his accumulated wealth in the year of his mayoralty. He built and en- dowed a hospital at Lumley, but as he had no issue his title became extinct at his death, 26 Aug. 1691. [Surtees' Hist, of Durham, i. 53, 54, &c. ; Le Neve's Baronets ; Burke's Extinct Baronetage.] C. J. R. DUCK, NICHOLAS (1570-1628), law- yer, eldest son of Richard Duck by Joanna, I his wife, was born at Heavitree, Devonshire, I in 1570, and entered Exeter College, Oxford, on 12 July 1584. He left the university without a degree, and entered Lincoln's Inn, where he was called to the bar, and of which he was one of the governors from 1615 until his death. He was also reader at Lincoln's Inn in Lent 1618, and the same year was elected recorder of Exeter. He is recorded to have given 51. to the fund for building Lincoln's Inn Chapel in 1617 (DUGDALE, Oriff. 235, 255, 264-5). He died on 28 Aug. , 1628, and was buried in Exeter Cathedral.. He was brother of Sir Arthur Duck [q. v.] [Prince's Worthies of Devon ; Lansd. MS. 985, f. 77.] J. M. R. Duck 89 Duckenfield 1,0 DUCK, STEPHEN (1705-1756), poet, was born in 1705 at Charlton in Wiltshire. His parents were poor, and after some slight education up to the age of fourteen, he was employed as an agricultural labourer at 4s. Qd. a week. He was married in 1724, and was the father of three children in 1730. He managed to save a little money and bought a few books. With a friend of similar tastes he tried to improve his mind by reading what- ever literature they could procure. ' Paradise Lost/ which he puzzled out with a dictionary, the ' Spectator,' and L'Estrange's translation of ' Seneca's Morals ' were his first favourites. He afterwards procured a translation of Tele- maque, Whiston's ' Josephus,' an odd volume of Shakespeare, Dry den's ' Virgil,' Prior's poems, ' Hudibras,' and the ' London Spy.' He began to write verses at intervals of leisure, generally burning them. His fame spread, however, and in 1729 a ' young gentleman of Oxford ' sent for him and made him write an epistle in verse, afterwards published in his poems. The neighbouring clergy encouraged him, especially a Mr. Stanley, who suggested the ' Thresher's Labour ' as the subject of a new poem. At Mrs. Stanley's request he wrote the ' Shunammite.' A clergyman at Winchester spoke of him to Mrs. Clayton (af- terwards Lady Sundon), who recommended him to Queen Caroline. Lord Macclesfield read Duck's verses to her on 11 Sept. 1750.. The queen, according to Warburton, sent the manuscript of Duck's poems to Pope, con- cealing the author's name and position. Pope thought little of them, but, finding that Duck had a good character, did what he could to help him at court, and frequently called upon him at Richmond. Gay, who had heard of this 'phenomenon of Wiltshire' from Pope, writes to Swift (8 Nov. 1 730) from Amesbury, saying that he envies neither Walpole nor ' Stephen Duck, who is the fortunate poet of the court.' The queen allowed him 301. (or 50£.) a year, and in April 1733 made him yeoman of the guard. Duck's good fortune excited the spleen of Pope's friends who were not patronised. Swift tells Gay (19 Nov. 1730) that Duck is expected to succeed Eusden as poet laureate. A contemptuous epigram upon Duck is printed in Swift's works. Duck be- came a wonder ; his ' Poems on several Sub- jects ' were published with such success that a tenth edition is dated 1730. Duck's first wife had died in 1730. In 1733 he married Sarah Big, the queen's housekeeper at Kew, and in 1735 he was made keeper of the queen's library at Richmond, called Merlin's Cave ( Gent. Mag. v. 331, 498). In 1736 his < Poems on several Occasions' were published by sub- scription, with an account of his career by Joseph Spence [q. v.] In 1746 he was or- dained priest ; in August 1751 he became preacher at Kew Chapel; and in January 1752 was appointed to the rectory of Byfleet, Surrey, where Spence had settled in 1749. In 1755 he published ' Caesar's Camp on St. George's Hill,' an imitation of Denham's ' Cooper's Hill.' His mind gave way about this time, and he drowned himself 21 March 1756, in a fit of dejection, in a trout stream ' behind the Black Lion Inn ' at Reading. Kippis says in the ' Biographia ' that his poems are nearly on a level with some of those in Johnson's collection, an estimate which may be safely accepted. He seems to have been modest and grateful to his benefactors ; and it must be admitted that Queen Caroline was more successful than some later patrons in helping a poor man without ruining him. Besides the above volumes, the second of which includes the former, he published a few congratulatory pieces addressed to the royal family. Lord Palmerston gave a piece of land to provide an annual feast at Charl- ton in commemoration of the poet. The rent in 1869 was 21. 9s. 9d., and annual dinner was still given at the village inn to all adult males, from the proceeds and subscriptions. 'Arthur Duck ' is the pseudonym adopted by the author of a gross parody upon Stephen Duck's poems called 'The Thresher's Miscellany' (1730), though in Davy's ' Suffolk Collections' (Add. MS. 19166, f. 71) this Duck is supposed to be a real person. [Spence's Account of the Author prefixed to Duck's Poems on several Occasions ; Life prefixed to Poems on several Subjects; Gent. Mag.iii. 216, xvi. 329, xxi. 381, xxri. 206 ; New General Biog. Diet. 1761, iv. 533; Pope's Works (by Elwin), vii. 202, 208, 443; Notes and Queries, 4th series, iv. 423, 529.] L. S. DUCKENFIELD, ROBERT (1619- 1689), colonel in the army of the parliament, the eldest son of Robert Duckenfield of Dukinfield, Cheshire, and Frances, daughter of George Preston of Holker, Lancashire, was born in 1619, and baptised at Stockport on 28 Aug. of that year. He joined Sir William Brereton on the side of the parlia- ment on the outbreak of the civil war. Along with other Cheshire gentlemen he lent his aid in defending Manchester at the siege in 1642, and was engaged at the siege of Wythen- shawe Hall, near Stockport, the seat of the Tattons, which held out more than a year, and was not taken until 25 Feb. 1643-4. He was also at the storming of Beeston Castle and other royalist garrisons in Cheshire. On 25 May 1644 he was posted with his troops at Stockport bridge to bar the advance of Prince Rupert into Lancashire ; but he suffered de- Duckenfield 9o Duckett feat at the hands of the prince. In the pre- vious year he had been appointed one of the commissioners for Cheshire for sequestrating the estates of the delinquents, and for raising funds for the parliament. He wrote several letters at this time and later complaining of \ the arrears of his soldiers' pay, and of the ctiffi- ! culty he had in keeping his men together. But in spite of all discouragements he proved his zeal for the parliament. In May 1648 he had a meeting with the gentlemen of Cheshire, and promised to raise three regiments of foot and one of horse. He served as high sheriff of Cheshire in 1649, and was appointed go- vernor of Chester in 1650, and soon afterwards took the command of the militia raised in the Broxton and Wirral hundreds. As go- vernor of Chester he was charged with the | duty of summoning and attending the court- I martial to try the Earl of Derby, Captain I John Benbow, and Sir T. Featherstonhaugh. j Duckenfield seems to have tried, but in vain, to ; save Lord Derby, or at all events to delay the trial. The court-martial was held at Chester i on 29 Sept. 1651, and the earl was executed at Bolton on 15 Oct. following. Before the sentence was carried out Duckenfield was or- dered to proceed to the Isle of Man, of which he was designated governor, and through treachery he succeeded in reducing the island and taking the Countess of Derby and her children prisoners, for which he received the thanks of parliament. Lord Derby, while waiting in prison, wrote to his wife advising her that it would be best not to resist the forces sent against the isle, adding that ' Colonel Duckenfield, being so much a gentle- man born, will doubtless for his own honour's sake deal fairly with you.' He was returned in July 1653 as one of the members of parliament for Cheshire, and in the same month was placed on Cromwell's council. ] In aletter from Duckenfield, 23 March 1654-5, addressed to Cromwell in answer to an invi- tation to serve in a regiment of horse, he j wrote : ' I am not afraid of my own life or estate, and to improve the talent I have I i should be glad to serve your lordship in any foreign war within the continent of Europe rather than within this nation ' (NOBLE, He- \ gicides, ii. 196). In September 1655 he was nominated a commissioner for ejecting scan- dalous and insufficient ministers and school- masters in Cheshire (Cal. State Papers, 1655, p. 321). He was associated with General Lambert in 1659 in suppressing Sir George Booth's ' Cheshire Rising ' in favour of the exiled king, and had 2001. voted to him for his services. Immediately after the Restora- tion he was tried as one of the officers who sat on the court-martial on the Earl of Derby when he denied that he had in any way ' con- sented to the death or imprisonment of that honourable person' (Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. 116). He was released from custody, but in August 1665 was sent to the Tower, and afterwards to Chester Castle, on suspi- cion of being concerned in a plot to seize the king and restore the parliament. He seems to have been imprisoned more than a year (Cal. State Papers, 1664-5, 1665-6, 1666-7). After this date he lived quietly at Dukinfield Hall, taking part in public affairs only as a leader of the nonconformists of the district. He died on 18 Sept. 1689, aged 70, and was buried at Denton, Lancashire. He married as a first wife Martha, daugh- ter of Sir Miles Fleetwood of Hesketh, Lan- cashire, and by her he had eight children, of whom the eldest, Robert, was created a baronet on 16 June 1665, two months before his father's imprisonment. He took as a second wife, in 1678, Judith, daughter of Nathaniel Bottomley of Cawthorne, York- shire, by whom he had six children. One of them became a nonconformist minister, but subsequently conformed and died vicar of Felixkirk, Yorkshire, 1739. He published in 1707 a little book entitled ' The Great Work of the Gospel Ministry Explain'd, Confonn'd, and Improv'd.' A portrait of Colonel Duckenfield was published by Ford of Manchester in 1824. [Earwaker's East Cheshire, ii. 13, 20; Orme- rod's Cheshire, 1st edit. iii. 397; Calendar of State Papers, Dom. Series, 1649-67 ; House of Lords' Journals, xi. 87, 88, 91, 97, 119: Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Eep. 95, 116; Eush worth's Hist, Col. vii. 946, 1127; Whitelocke's Memorials, 1732; Noble's Eegicides, 1798, i. 192; Barlow's Cheshire, 1855, pp. 121, 159; Stanley Papers (Raines), Chetham Soc. vol. ii. ; Fairfax Corresp. (Bell), iii. 79; Memorials of the Great Civil "War (Cary), i. 281; Palatine Note-book, iii. 89, 194; Booker's Denton, Chetham Soc., xxxvi. 115; Cheshire Sheaf, 1883, ii. 281.] C. W. S. DUCKET, ANDREW (d. 1484), presi- dent of Queens' College, Cambridge. [See DOKET.] DUCKETT, GEORGE (d. 1732), author, of Hartham, Wiltshire, and Dewlish, Dorset- shire, was the second son and heir of Lionel Duckett (1651-1693). He was elected mem- ber for the family borough of Calne, Wiltshire, on 11 May 1705, and was again returned in 1708 and 1722. He married in 1711 Grace, the only daughter and heiress of Thomas Skinner of Dewlish. Duckett was on friendly terms with Addison and Edmund Smith [q. v.], both of whom were frequent visitors to Hartham, where Smith died in July 1710. Duckett Duckett About 1715, perhaps in conjunction with Sir Thomas Burnet (1694-1753) [q. v.], he published ' Homerides, or a Letter to Mr. Pope, occasioned by his intended translation of Homer ; by Sir Iliad Doggerel,' and in 1716 the same authors produced ' Homerides, or Homer's First Book modernised ' (1716). In 1715 also Curll published 'An Epilogue to a Puppet Show at Bath concerning the same Iliad/ by Duckett alone. According to Curll, several things published under Burnet's name were in reality by Duckett (Key to the Dun- dad, p. 17). In 1717 appeared anonymously ' A Summary of all the Religious Houses in England and Wples ' (pp. xxiv, 100), which contained titles and valuations at the time of their dissolution, and an approximate esti- mate of their value, if existing, in 1717. James West, in a letter dated 18 Jan. 1730, saya : ' George Duckett, the author of the " SummaryAccount of the Religious Houses," is now a commissioner of excise ' (Rawl. MSS. R.L. ii. 168, and HEARNE, MS. Diary, vol. cxxvii. f. 163, quoted in ' Duchetiana,' p. 245). Burnet was at the time considered part author of this interesting tract. Burnet and Duckett promoted two weekly papers, the ' Grumbler ' and ' Pasquin ' respectively. The first number of the former was dated 14 Feb. 1714-15 (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd.iv. 88, viii. 494). Nichols and Drake, through a careless reading of the notes to the ' Dun- ciad,' ascribe the ' Grumbler ' to Duckett alone. Burnet is bracketed with him in the ' Dunciad ' (iii. 11. 173-80). ' Pope Alexander's Supre- macy and Infallibility examined,' in which Duckett co-operated with John Dennis, ap- peared in 1729. About twenty years after the death of Edmund Smith, Duckett in- formed Oldmixon that Clarendon's 'History' was before publication corrupted by Aldrich, Smalridge,and Atterbury, and that Smith be- fore he died confessed to having helped them, and pointed out some spurious passages. A bitter controversy resulted ; Duckett's charge entirely broke down, and it is now unknown who was primarily responsible. Duckett, who was one of the commissioners of excise from 1722 to 1732, and who is sometimes alluded to as Colonel (the title of his brother Wil- liam), died 6 Oct. 1732 (Gent. Mag. ii. 1030), his wife surviving until 1755. [Sir George F. Duckett's Duchetiana, pp. 46, 48, 55, 57, 59-62, 65, 66, 81, 106, 219, 245; Notes to Dunciad, bk. iii. 11. 173-80; Johnson's Lives of the Poets, ' Edmund Smith' and ' Pope ; ' TheCur- liad, p. 37; Eemarksupon the Hist, of the Royal House of Stuart (1 73 1 ), pp. 6, 7 ; Malone's Prose Works of Dryden, i. pt. i. p. 347. Some very interesting extracts from Duckett's note-books appear in Duchetiana, pp. 60-3.] W. K. DUCKETT, JAMES (d. 1601), book- seller, was a younger son of Duckett of Gil- thwaiterigg, in the parish of Skelsmergh in Westmoreland, and was brought up as a pro- testant. He had, however, for godfather James Leybourne of Skelsmergh, who was executed at Lancaster, 22 March 1583, for denial of the queen's supremacy. Duckett was appren- ticed to a bookseller in London, became con- verted, and was imprisoned for not attending church. He bought out the remainder of his time, set up as a bookseller, was received into the Roman catholic church, and about 1589 married a widow. Nine out of the next twelve years of his life were passed in prison. His last apprehension was caused by Peter Bullock, a bookbinder, who gave information that Duckett had in stock a number of copies of Southwell's ' Supplica- tion to Queen Elizabeth.' These were not found, but a quantity of other Roman catholic books were seized on the premises. Duckett was imprisoned in Newgate 4 March 1601, and brought to trial during the following sessions. Sentence of death was then pro- nounced against him and three priests, and he was hanged at Tyburn with Peter Bullock (the witness against him) 19 April 1601. Duckett's son was prior of the English Car- thusians at Nieuport in Flanders. [Challoner's Memoirs of Missionary Priests, 1741, i. 401-5; Gillow's Bibl. Diet. ii. 133-5.] H. E. T. DUCKETT, JOHN (1613-1644), catho- lic priest, descended from an ancient family settled at Skelsmergh, Westmoreland, was born at Underwinder, in the parish of Sed- bergh, Yorkshire, in 1613, being the third son of James Duckett, by his wife Frances (Girlington). He received his education in the English College, Douay, and was or- dained priest in September 1639. Afterwards he resided for three years in the college of Arras at Paris, and was then sent to serve on the mission in the county of Durham. After labouring there for about a year he was cap- tured by some soldiers of the parliamentary army on 2 July 1644, and sent to London in company with Father Ralph Corbie [q. v.], a Jesuit, who was taken in his vestments as he was going to the altar to celebrate mass. They were examined by a committee of parlia- ment, and confessed themselves to be priests. Being committed to Newgate, they were con- demned to death on account of their sacer- dotal character, and suffered at Tyburn on 7 Sept. 1644. It is a remarkable circum- stance that they appeared in ecclesiastical attire on being brought out of prison, to be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution. Duckett Duckworth Duckett had put on a long cassock, such as is usually worn by the secular clergy in ca- tholic countries, while Corbie was in the usual religious habit of the Society of Jesus. Both the priests had their heads shaven in the form of a crown. Duckett left in manuscript an account of his apprehension and imprisonment ; and a ' Relation concerning Mr. Duckett,' by John Horsley, Father Corbie's cousin, and fellow- prisoner of the two priests in Newgate, is printed in Foley's ' Records,' iii. 87-90, from a manuscript preserved at Stony hurst. [Challoner's Missionary Priests (1742), ii. 271; Douay Diaries, pp. 38, 40, 287, 421 ; Foley's Kecords, iii. 73 ; Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 97 ; Gillow's Bibl. Diet,] T. C. DUCKETT, WILLIAM (1768-1841), United Irishman, born at Killarney in 1768, was sent to the Irish College at Paris, and gained a scholarship at Sainte-Barbe, then conducted by the Abb6 Badnel. Returning to Ireland, he contributed to the revolutionary ' Northern Star,' under the signature of ' Ju- nius Redivivus.' These letters, according to his own account, made it prudent for him to quit Ireland, and in 1796 he was in Paris. Tone, who was also in Paris, regarded him as a spy, and complained that he forestalled him by submitting to the French government several memorandums on the state of Ire- land, that he constantly crossed his path in the ministerial antechamber, tried to force his conversation on him, and by addressing him in English betrayed his incognito. When, moreover, Tone arrived with Hoche at Brest, Duckett was there, intending to accompany them, but was not allowed to embark. Inl798 he was reported to Castlereagh as having been sent to Hamburg with money destined for a mutiny in the British fleet and for burning the dockyards. This, coupled with his outlawry by the Irish parliament, ought to have vouched for his sincerity, but he was suspected of betraying Tandy and Blackwell at Hamburg. The existence of traitors in the camp was so notorious that suspicion often fell on the innocent. He married a Danish lady at- tached to the Augustenburg family ^ returned to Paris about 1803, and became a professor at the resuscitated college Sainte-Barbe. Duro- zoir, one of his pupils, and himself a literary man, speaks in high terms of his classical at- tainments, his wonderful memory, and the in- terest which he imparted to lessons 011 Shake- speare and Milton by felicitous comparisons with the ancients. Duckett seems to have shunned, or been shunned by, Irish exiles in Paris, yet Durozoir testifies to his anti-Eng- lish feeling and to his admiration of the French revolution. In 1819, no longer apparently connected with Sainte-Barbe, he conducted English literature classes, as also girls' classes on the Lancastrian system. Between 1816 and 1821 he published odes on Princess Char- lotte's death, Greek and South American in- dependence, &c., productions evidently con- fined to a small circle in Paris. In 1828 he issued a ' Nouvelle Grammaire Anglaise.' He died in 1841 in Paris after a long illness, quoting his favourite Horace on his deathbed, and receiving extreme unction. He left two sons, Alexander, a physician, accessit at the Val-de-Graceexamination,1828, and William (1803-1873), a French journalist, translator of German works, and editor or compiler of the ' Dictionnaire de la Conversation,' 52 vols., :ompleted in 1843, to a large extent a trans- lation of Brockhaus. This William had a son, William Alexander (1831-1863), who ontributed to the new edition of the ' Dic- tionnaire,' and published an illustrated work on French monuments, also a daughter, Ma- thilde (1842-1884?), who studied under Rosa Bonheur, exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1861-8, and taught drawing in Paris. [Moniteur Universel, 10 April 1841 ; supple- ment to Diet, de la Conversation ; Memoirs of Castlereagh ; Madden's United Irishmen; Life of Tone.] J. G. A. DUCKWORTH, SIB JOHN THOMAS (1748-1817), admiral, descended from a fa- mily long settled in Lancashire, son of the Rev. Henry Duckworth, afterwards vicar of Stoke Poges, and canon of Windsor, was born at Leatherhead in Surrey (of which place his father was curate) on 28 Feb. 1747-8. As a mere child he was sent to Eton, but left at the age of eleven, and entered the navy, under the care of Admiral Boscawen, on board the Namur, in which he had a young volunteer's share in the destruction of M. de la Clue's squadron in Lagos Bay. On Boscawen's leaving the Namur she joined the fleet under Sir Edward Hawke, and took part in the battle of Quiberon Bay. After being an acting- lieutenant for some months, Duckworth was confirmed in the rank on 14 Nov. 1771. He afterwards served for three years in the Kent, guardship at Plymouth, with Captain Feild- ing, whom he followed to the Diamond fri- gate early in 1776 as first lieutenant. The Diamond was sent to North America ; and at Rhode Island, shortly after her arrival, on 18 Jan. 1777, in firing a salute, a shot which had been carelessly left in one of the guns struck a transport, on board which it killed five men. A court-martial was ordered and immediately held to try ' the first lieutenant, gunner, gunner's mates, and gunner's crew ' Duckworth 93 Duckworth for neglect of duty. They were all acquitted, but on the minutes being submitted to Lord Howe, the commander-in-chief, he at once pointed out the gross irregularity of trying and acquitting a number of men who were not once named ; and of omitting from the j charge the very important clause ' for caus- ing the death of five men.' He therefore ordered a new court" to be assembled ' to try by name the -several persons described for the capital offence, added to the charge of neglect of duty.' The captains summoned to sit on this second court-martial declined to do so, ' because the persons charged had been already tried and honourably acquitted,' on which Howe again wrote to the commo- dore at Rhode Island, repeating the order, and now naming the several persons ; and with a further order that, in case the re- fusal to constitute a court-martial was per- sisted in, he should cause ' every captain j refusing to perform his required duty in that respect to be forthwith suspended from his command ' (Howe to Sir Peter Parker, 17 and 20 April 1777). To this order a nomi- nal obedience was yielded ; the court was constituted, but the proceedings were merely formal ; the minutes of the former trial were read and ' maturely considered : ' and the court pronounced that these men ' having been ac- quitted of neglect of duty, are in consequence thereof acquitted of murder or any other crime or crimes alleged against them ' (Minutes of the Court-martial). The Diamond after- wards joined Admiral Byron's flag in the West Indies, and in March 1779 Duckworth was transferred to Byron's own ship, the Princess Royal, in which he was present in the action off Grenada on 6 July [see BYRON, JOHN, 1723-1786]. Ten days later he was promoted to be commander of the Rover, and on 16 June 1780 was posted into the Terrible, from which he was moved back to the Princess Royal as flag-captain to Rear- admiral Rowley, with whom he went to Jamaica. In February 1781 he was moved into the Bristol, and returned to England with the trade (BEATSON, vi. 229, 268). On the outbreak of the war with France in 1793, Duckworth was appointed to the Orion of 74 guns, which formed part of the Channel fleet under Lord Howe, and in the action off Ushant on 1 June 1794, when Duckworth was one of the comparatively few [see CALDWELL, SIR BENJAMIN; COLLING- WOOD, CUTHBERT, LORD] whose merits Howe felt called on to mention officially, and who, consequently, received the gold medal. Early in the following year he was transferred to the Leviathan of 74 guns, in which he joined the flag of Rear-admiral Parker in the West Indies, where, in August 1796, he was ordered to wear a broad pennant. He returned to England in 1797, and during that and in the early part of the following year, still in the Leviathan, commanded on the coast of Ire- land. He was then sent out to join Lord St- Vincent in the Mediterranean, and was shortly afterwards detached in command of the squadron appointed to convoy the troops to Minorca, and to cover the operations in that island (7-15 Nov. 1798), which capitu- lated on the eighth day. The general in command of the land forces was made a K.B., and Duckworth conceived that he was entitled to a baronetcy, a pretension on which Lord St. Vincent, in representing the matter to Lord Spencer, threw a sufficiency of cold water (BRENTON, Nav. Hist. ii. 348 ; JAMES, Nav. Hist. (edit. 1860), ii. 222). On 14 Feb. 1799 Duckworth was promoted to be rear-admiral of the white ; and after remaining some months as senior officer at Port Mahon, he joined Lord St. Vincent (22 May) in his unsuccessful pursuit of the French fleet under Admiral Bruix. In June he was again detached to reinforce Lord Nel- son at Naples, and in August was back at Minorca. He was next ordered to take com- mand of the blockading squadron off Cadiz ; and there, on 5 April 1800, he fell in with a large and rich Spanish convoy, nearly the whole of which was captured. Duckworth's share of the prize-money is said, though possibly with some exaggeration, to have amounted to 75,0001. In the June following he went out to the West Indies as comman- der-in-chief on the Leeward Islands station ; and in March and April 1801, during the short period of hostilities against the northern powers, he took possession of St. Barthoto- mew, St. Thomas, and the other islands be- longing to Sweden or Denmark. They were all restored on the dissolution of ' the armed neutrality ; ' but Duckworth, in recognition of his prompt service, was made a K.B. 6 June 1801. In the end of the year he re- turned to England ; but, on the renewal of the war in 1803, was sent out as commander- in-chief at Jamaica, in which capacity he di- rected the operations which led to the sur- render of General Rochambeau and the French army in San Domingo. He was promoted to be a vice-admiral on 23 April 1804 ; and in April 1805 he returned to England in the Acasta frigate. Immediately after his arrival, on 25 April, he was tried by court-martial on charges preferred by Captain Wood, who had been superseded from the command of the Acasta, in what he alleged to be an oppres- sive manner, in order that, under a captain of Duckworth's own choosing, the frigate Duckworth 94 Duckworth might be turned into a merchant ship. It j was charged and proved and admitted that an ; immense quantity of merchandise was brought j home in the ship ; and that this was in direct j contravention of one of the articles of war, was established by the opinion of several of the J leading counsellors of the day ; but the court- martial, accepting Duckworth's declaration i that the articles brought home were for pre- j sents, not for sale, pronounced the charges ' gross, scandalous, malicious, shameful, and highly subversive of the discipline and good government of his majesty's service,' and j ' fully and honourably acquitted ' him of all ! and every part. This sentence, so contrary to j the letter and strict meaning of the law, was i brought before parliament by Captain Wood's j brother on 7 .Tune ; but his motion, ' that j there be laid upon the table of this house the j proceedings of a late naval court-martial . . . | also a return from the customs and excise of j all articles loaded on board the Acasta that had been entered and paid duty,' was nega- tived without a division ; the house appa- rently considering that Duckworth's charac- ter and the custom of the service might be held as excusing, if they did not sanction, the irregularities which he had certainly committed (Parl. Debates, 7 June 1805, vol. v. col. 193 ; RALFE, Naval Chronology, i. 107). In the September following Duckworth, with his flag in the Superb, was ordered to join the fleet before Cadiz, which he did on 15 Nov. He was then left in charge of the blockade ; but on 30 Nov., having received intelligence that the French squadron, which had escaped from Rochefort, was cruising in the neighbourhood of Madeira, he hastily sent off a despatch to Collingwood, and sailed in hopes to intercept it. The enemy had, how- ever, quitted that station before his arrival, and after looking for it as far south as the Cape Verd Islands, he was re turning to Cadiz, when, on the morning of Christmas day, he sighted another French squadron of six sail of the line and a frigate, a force nominally equal to that under his command. He chased this for thirty hours ; when, finding three of his ships quite out of sight, one hull down, and the other about five miles astern, the Superb being herself still seven miles from the enemy, he gave over the chase. For so doing he has been much blamed (JAMES, iv. 92), on the ground, apparently, that the Su- perb might and could have held the whole French squadron at bay till her consorts came j up. But as after thirty hours' chase the Su- j perb was still seven miles astern, it must have been many hours more before she could have overtaken the enemy ; nor is there any pre- cedent to warrant the supposition that one English 74-gun ship could have contended on equal terms with six French. Being in want of water, Duckworth now determined to run for the Leeward Islands, despatching the Powerful to the East Indies to reinforce the squadron there, in case the ships which had escaped him should be bound thither. At St. Christophers, on 21 Jan. 1806, he was joined by Rear-admiral Coch- rane [see COCHRANE, SIR ALEXANDER FOR- RESTER INGLIS] in the Northumberland, with the Atlas, both of 74 guns, and on 1 Feb. had intelligence of a French squadron on the coast of San Domingo. He naturally supposed this to be the squadron which he had chased on Christmas day, and immediately put to sea, with a force of seven sail of the line, two fri- gates, and two sloops. On 6 Feb. he sighted the French squadron abreast of the city of San Domingo. It was that which he had vainly looked for at Madeira, and consisted of five sail of the line — one of 120 guns — and three frigates, under the command of Vice-admiral Leissegues. On seeing the English squadron the French slipped their cables and made sail to the westward, forming line of battle, with the frigates in shore. In the engage- ment that ensued Duckworth won a complete victory, three of the enemy's ships being cap- tured, the other two driven ashore and burnt ; the frigates only made good their escape, the English frigates being occupied in taking pos- session of the prizes. Some English writers have blamed Duckworth for not having also secured the frigates (JAMES, iv. 103). But in fact, the average force of the French ships was much greater than that of the English ; and the best French writers, attributing their defeat principally to the wretched state of their gunnery practice, lay no stress on the alleged inferiority of force (CHEVALIER, His- toire de la Marine Franqaise sous le Consulat et ^Empire, p. 255). Duckworth's force was no doubt superior both in the number of guns and in the skill with which they were worked, and he cleverly enough utilised it to achieve one of the completest victories on record. This the admiralty acknowledged by the dis- tribution of gold medals to the flag-officers and captains, by conferring a baronetcy on Louis, the second in command, and by mak- ing Cochrane, the third in command, a K.B. A pension of 1,000/. was settled on Duck- worth ; the corporation of London gave him the freedom of the city and a sword of honour ; and from other bodies he received valuable presents ; but notwithstanding these tan- gible rewards, Duckworth felt that the con- ferring honours on his subordinates, but not on him, was a slur on his reputation, and he almost openly expressed his discontent. Duckworth 95 Duckworth Duckworth had meantime rejoined Col- lingwood in the Mediterranean, and on the misunderstanding with the Ottoman Porte in 1807 was sent with a squadron of seven ships of the line and smaller vessels to dic- tate conditions under the walls of Constanti- nople. His orders, written at a distance, and in ignorance of the real state of things, proved perplexing. He was instructed to pro- vide for the ambassador's safety, but the ambassador was already at Tenedos when he arrived there. He was instructed to anchor under the walls of Constantinople; but it was found that the Turks, with the assist- ance of French engineers, had so strengthened and added to the fortifications of the Darda- nelles as to make the passage one of very great difficulty. His orders, however, seemed imperative, and he determined to proceed as soon as a leading wind rendered it possible. On 19 Feb. 1807, with a fine southerly breeze he ran through the strait, sustaining the fire of the batteries, silencing the castles ofSestos and Abydos, and destroying a squa- dron of Turkish frigates at anchor inside of them. On the evening of the 20th the ships anchored about eight miles from Constanti- nople, a head wind and lee current not per- mitting them to approach nearer. The Turks, advised by the French, quite understood that the squadron was, for the time, powerless. The negotiation which Duckworth opened proved inoperative ; the Turks would con- cede nothing, and devoted themselves to still further strengthening the batteries in the Dardanelles. After a few days, understand- ing the peril of his situation, Duckworth de- cided that a timely retreat could alone save him ; and accordingly, on 3 March, he again ran through the strait, receiving as he passed a heavy fire from the forts and castles, some of which mounted guns of an extreme size, throwing stone shot of twenty-six inches in diameter [see CAPEL, SIE THOMAS BLADEN]. Duckworth had many enemies, and they did not lose the opportunity of criticising his conduct in a very hostile spirit. He had not obtained a treaty, and he had not ap- proached within eight miles of Constantino- ple. James, who throughout writes of Duck- worth in a spirit of bitter antagonism, pro- nounces him to have been wanting in ' abi- lity and firmness ' (iv. 230), though he admits also that he was much hampered by his in- structions, and by ' a tissue of contingencies and nicely drawn distinctions ... by a string of if s and buts, puzzling to the understand- ing and misleading to the judgment.' This perhaps errs on the other side ; for, though the instructions were no doubt puzzling and contradictory, the chief difficulty arose out of their ordering a line of action which local circumstances rendered impossible. Had Duckworth been able to anchor his ships abreast of Constantinople, within two hun- dred yards of the city walls, his demands would have carried the expected weight ; at the distance of eight miles they were simply laughed at. It has been said commonly enough that Duckworth ought to have de- manded a court-martial on his conduct ; it would almost seem that he did meditate doing so, and took Collingwood's opinion on the matter. At any rate, Collingwood, writing to the Duke of Northumberland a few months later, said : ' I have much uneasiness on Sir John Duckworth's account, who is an able and zealous officer : that all was not per- formed, that was expected is only to be at- tributed to difficulties which could not be surmounted ; and if they baffled his skill, I do not know where to look for the officer to whom they would have yielded ' (RALFE, ii. 299). During 1808-9 Duckworth continued ac- tively employed in the Channel and on the coast of France ; on one occasion, in 1808, chasing an imaginary French squadron round the North Atlantic, to Lisbon, Madeira, the West Indies, and the Chesapeake. From 1810 to 1813 he was governor and comman- der-in-chief at Newfoundland, where he is said to have earned the good opinion of the inhabitants both in his naval and his civil capacity. On his return to England he was created a baronet, 2 Nov. 1813 ; he had pre- viously attained the rank of admiral on 31 July 1810. In January 1817 he was ap- pointedcommander-in-chief at Plymouth, but died within a few months, on 31 Aug. He was twice married : first, to Anne, daughter of Mr. John Wallis of Trenton in Cornwall, by whom he had one son, slain at Albuera, and a daughter, who married Rear-admiral Sir Richard King; and secondly, to Su- sannah Catherine, daughter of Dr. William Buller, bishop of Exeter, by whom he had two sons. Of all the men who have attained distinc- tion in the English navy, there is none whose character has been more discussed and more confusedly described. We are told that he was brave among the brave, but shy if not timid in action; daring and skilful in his conceptions, but wanting in that spirit and vigour which should actuate an English na- val officer ; frank and liberal in his disposi- tion, but mean, selfish, and sensual ; one of the most distinguished and worthy charac- ters in the profession, but incapable of giving vent to one generous sentiment. The con- tradictions are excessive ; and though, at this Duckworth 96 Ducrow distance of time, it is impossible to decide with any certainty, we may believe that he was a good, energetic, and skilful officer, and that, as a man, his character would have stood higher had he been much better or much worse ; had he had the sweetness of temper which everybody loves, or the crabbed- ness of will which everybody fears. [Naval Chronicle, xviii. 1, with a portrait; Ealfe's Naval Biography, ii. 283 ; Gent. Mag. (1817), vol. Ixxxvii. pt. ii. pp. 275, 372; Foster's Baronetage.] J. K. L. DUCKWORTH, RICHARD (fl. 1695), campanologist, a native of Leicestershire, is probably identical with the Richard Duck- worth mentioned, under date 4 May 1648, in the ' Register of Visitors of Oxford Uni- versity appointed by the Long parliament in 1647 ' as one of the ' submitting ' undergra- duates of New Inn Hall (p. 38), and with the Richard Ducker who, according to the same authority, was a member and perhaps scholar of Brasenose College about the same time (ib. p. 483). He matriculated at New Inn Hall in 1649, graduated B.A. in 1651, and proceeded M.A. in 1653. He is said to have been ' afterwards of University College ' (ib. p. 569). Wood tells us that he was ' put in fellow of Brazen-nose college from New Inn Hall by the visitors, took the degrees in arts and holy orders, and preached for some time near Oxon.,' and that afterwards ' he was created B.D., and on the death of Dan. Greenwood became rector of Steeple Aston in Oxfordshire in 1679.' He adds that, ' the parishioners and he disagreeing, he left that place, and in 1692 or thereabouts became principal of St. Alban's Hall,' and that he published the following works : 1. ' Tintin- nalogie, or the Art of Ringing,' &c., London, 1671, 8vo. 2. ' Instructions for Hanging of Bells, with all things belonging thereunto.' [Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 794.] J. M. E. DUCROW, ANDREW (1793-1842), equestrian performer, was born at the Nag's Head, 102 High Street, Southwark, Surrey, on 10 Oct. 1793. His father, Peter Ducrow, was bom at Bruges in Belgium, and was by profession a ' strong man ; ' he could lift from the ground and hold between his teeth a table with four or five of his children on it. Lying upon his back he could with his hands and feet support a platform upon which stood eighteen grenadiers. He came to England in 1793, and gave performances in the ring at Astley's Amphitheatre, where he was known as the ' Flemish Hercules.' The son at three years of age was set to learn his father's business, and then proceeded to vaulting, tumbling, dancing on the slack and tight rope, balancing, riding, fencing, and boxing. His master in tight-rope dancing was the well-known harlequin and dancer, Richer. At the age of seven he was sufficiently ac- complished to take part in a fete given at Frogmore in the presence of George III. From the strictness of his early training, under his father, he acquired the courage which so distinguished his after career. In 1808 he was chief equestrian and rope-dancer at Astley's, enjoying a salary of 10/. a week. Five years later his father took the Royal Circus in St. George's Fields (the site of the present Surrey Theatre), Blackfriars Road, and here he first won applause as a panto- mimist as Florio, the dumb boy, in the ' Forest of Bondy, or the Dog of Montargis.' On the close of the Royal Circus and the bankruptcy of Peter Ducrow, Andrew returned to Astley's and took to acting upon horseback. His bold riding, personal graces, and masterly gesticu- lation attracted great attention. On the death of the father in 1814 the charge of the widow and family fell to the son. Accompanied by his brothers and sisters, and taking with him his famous trick horse, Jack, he joined Blon- dell's Cirque Olympique and made his appear- ance at Ghent. Subsequently he visited the chief towns of France. His success was almost unprecedented, and soon brought himtoFran- coni's Circus at Paris, where he secured un- bounded popularity. He left Paris, accom- panied by his brother, John Ducrow, who was clown to the ring, and his family, including his sister, who was afterwards known to fame as Mrs. W. D. Broadfoot, and travelled through France, meeting everywhere with extraordi- nary favour. At his benefit at Lyons he was presented with a gold medal by the Duchesse d'Angouleme. On 5 Nov. 1823, accompanied by his horses, he took part in Planche's drama ' Cortez, or the Conquest of Mexico,' at Co vent Garden Theatre, but the piece was not a great success (GENEST, English Stage, ix. 248-50). In the following season he was engaged for a part in the ' Enchanted Courser, or the Sultan of Kurdistan,' produced at Drury Lane on 28 Oct. 1824 (GENEST, ix. 282). He next reappeared at Astley's, and soon becom- ing proprietor of the theatre in conjunction with Mr. William West, commenced a long career of prosperity. He was patronised by William IV, who fitted up an arena in the pavilion at Brighton in 1832 that Ducrow might there perform his feats of horsemanship and give his impersonations of antique statues which he was accustomed to introduce in his scene of Raphael's dream, to the accompani- ment of William Callcott's music. In 1833, under Alfred Bunn's management, he pro- Dudgeon 97 Dudley 'duced at Drury Lane the spectacle of • St. George and the Dragon.' This was followed by ' King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table/ the success of which was mainly due to the efforts of Ducrow, who received 100/. from Queen Adelaide. He was known as the ' king of mimics ' and as the ' colossus of equestrians.' The majority of the attractive acts of horsemanship still witnessed in the ring are from examples set by him. He was five feet eight inches in height, of fair com- plexion, and handsome features, and as a contortionist could twist his shapely limbs in the strangest forms. The number of persons employed at Astley's exceeded a hundred and fifty, and the weekly expenses were seldom less than 5001. On 8 June 1841 Astley's Amphitheatre was totally destroyed by fire (Times, 9 June 1841, p. 5). Ducrow's mind gave way under his misfortunes, a,nd he died at 19 York Road, Lambeth, on 27 Jan. 1842. His funeral, attended by vast crowds of people, took place on 5 Feb. in Kensal Green cemetery, where an Egyptian monument was erected to his memory. Notwithstanding his losses he left property valued at upwards of 60,000/. He married, first, in 1818, Miss Griffith of Liverpool, a lady rider, who died in 1836 ; secondly, in June 1838, Miss Wool- ford, a well-known equestrienne. His brother, John Ducrow, the clown, died on 23 May 1834, and was buried at Lambeth. [Gent. Mag. July 1834, p. 108, April 1842, pp. 444-5; All the Year Bound, 3 Feb. 1872, pp. 223-9; Observer, 30 Jan. 1842, p. 1, 6 Feb. p. 3 ; Alfred Bunn's The Stage (1840), i. 143-7 ; Frost's Circus Life (1876), pp. 43, 322.] G. C. B. DUDGEON, WILLIAM (fi. 1765), phi- losophical writer, resided in Berwickshire. He published: 1. 'The State of the Moral World considered ; or a Vindication of Pro- vidence in the Government of the Moral World,' 1732, 8vo (an attempt to solve the problem of the existence of evil). 2. ' Phi- losophical Letters concerning the Being and Attributes of God,' 1737, 8vo (addressed to the Rev. Mr. Jackson, a follower of Clarke. Dudgeon argues that Clarke's principles in- volve the conclusion that God is the only substance). 3. ' A Catechism founded upon Experience and Reason. Collected by a Father for the use of his Children,' with an •' Introductory Letter to a Friend concerning Natural Religion,' 1744, 8vo (here natural religion is treated as the common element in all religious systems which alone is true). A collective edition of the foregoing appeared, under the title of ' The Philosophical Works of Mr. William Dudgeon,' in 1765, 8vo. [Brit. Mus. Cat.] J. M. K. TOL. XVI. DUDGEON, WILLIAM (1753 P-1813), poet, son of John Dudgeon, farmer, was born about 1753 at Tyninghame, East Lothian. His mother was an aunt of Robert Ainslie [q. v.], writer to the signet, a friend of Burns. Dudgeon was educated with Rennie the engi- neer at Dunbar. His father procured for him a thirty years' lease of an extensive tract of land near Dunse in Berwickshire. This farm, much of which was in the condition of a wil- derness, he cultivated for many years with much success. He gave it the name of Prim- rose Hill, and there he wrote several songs, one of which, ' The Maid that tends the Goats,' was printed and became very popu- lar. It may be read in Allan Cunningham's edition of Burns's ' Works,' p. 533. His other pieces remain in manuscript. He also occu- pied his leisure with painting and music. In May 1787 he was introduced to Burns, then on a visit to Mr. Ainslie of Berrywell, near Dunse, father of Robert Ainslie. Burns made the following entry in his journal : ' Mr. Dudgeon, a poet at times, a worthy remark- able character, natural penetration, a great deal of information, some genius, and extra- ordinary modesty ' (BURNS, Works, ed. Cun- ningham, p. 53). Dudgeon died on 28 Oct. 1813, and was buried in the churchyard of Prestonkirk. [Anderson's Scottish Nation ; Irving's Book of Scotsmen.] J. M. E. DUDLEY, EAEL OP (1781-1833). [See WARD, JOHN WILLIAM.] DUDLEY, ALICE, DUCHESS DUDLEY. [See under DUDLEY, SIR ROBERT, 1573- 1639.] DUDLEY, AMBROSE, EARL OF WAR- WICK (1528 P-1590), born about 1528, was fourth son of John Dudley [q. v.], created Earl of Warwick early in 1514, and Duke of Northumberland in 1551. Like all his brothers, he was carefully educated, and Roger Ascham speaks of him as manifesting high intellectual attainments. He served with his father in repressing the Norfolk re- bellion of 1549, and was knighted 17 Nov. During the reign of Edward VI he was pro- minent in court festivities and tournaments, and was intimate with the king and Princess Elizabeth (cf. 'Edward VI's Journal,' in NI- COLAS, Literary Remains, pp. 384, 388, 389). He joined his father and brothers in the at- tempt to place his sister-in-law, Lady Jane Grey (wife of his brother Guildford), on the throne in 1553; was committed to the Tower (25 July) ; was convicted of treason, with Lady Jane, and his brothers, Henry and Guildford, on 13 Nov., but was released and Dudley 9 pardoned 18 Oct. 1554. In 1555 his mother's death made him lord of Hale-Owen. Two years later he and his brothers, Henry and Robert, joined the English troops sent to support the Spaniards at the siege of St. Quentin. All fought with conspicuous bravery at the great battle there, and Henry was killed. In consideration of this service Queen Mary (7 March 1557-8) excepted the two survivors, Ambrose and Robert, and their three sisters from the act of attainder which had involved all the family in 1553 (cf. 4 and 5 Phil. & Mary, cap. 15). The acces- sion of Elizabeth, who had been friendly with Ambrose in earlier years, secured his political advancement. He was granted (12 March 1558-9) the manor of Kib worth Beauchamp, Leicestershire, together with the office of chief pantler at coronations — an office which had been hereditary in his father's family. He became master of the ordnance 12 April 1560, Baron de LTsle 25 Dec. 1561, and Earl of Warwick on the day following. In September 1562 the French protestants occupied Havre and offered to surrender the town to Elizabeth if an English force were sent to their aid in their struggle with the Guises. The offer was accepted, and on 1 Oct. 1562 Warwick was appointed captain-gene- ral of the expedition. He issued strict orders to his soldiers to treat the inhabitants with courtesy, and rendered effective assistance outside the town to Prince Cond6, the pro- testant leader (FORBES, State Papers, ii. 181, 332, 368). In April 1563 Conde came to terms with the catholics, and Warwick was directed to evacuate Havre. Elizabeth, dis- satisfied with her allies, ordered Warwick to hold it against all comers. On 22 April he was installed K.G. in his absence, and Sir Henry Sidney acted as his deputy (MACHYN, p. 308). A plot on the part of the inhabi- tants of Havre to murder Warwick led him to expel all the French. Thereupon protes- tants and catholics combined to besiege the city. The English suffered terrible priva- | tions ; sickness was terribly fatal, and after j three months' endurance Warwick capitu- j lated with Elizabeth's consent (29 July 1563). j Wliile negotiating the terms from the ram- ! parts Warwick was struck by a poisoned bullet, which permanently injured his health. He was ultimately allowed to leave with the remnants of his army, who spread through London the plague that had devastated Havre. On his return there was some talk of a mar- riage between Warwick and Mary Queen of j Scots. On 10 Aug. 1564 he was created M.A. at Cambridge, and in 1566 D.C.L. at Oxford. He was a commissioner for the trial of Mary Queen of Scots in 1568. Dudley In 1569 Warwick and Clinton were nomi- nated the queen's lieutenants in the north for the purpose of crushing the rebellion of the Earls of Northumberland and Westmor- land. On 4 May 1571 he was made chief butler of England ; was a commissioner for : the trial of Thomas, duke of Norfolk ; was j admitted to the privy council 5 Sept. 1573, I and became lieutenant of the order of the j Garter in 1575. In October 1586 he took j part in the trial of Queen Mary of Scot- i land, and the prisoner specially appealed to j his sense of justice before the proceedings I terminated. His old wound grew trouble- i some in the following years : his leg was am- putated, and he died from the effects of the operation at Bedford House, Bloomsbury, 20 Feb. 1589-90. Sir William Dethick con- I ducted the elaborate funeral, which took place in the chapel of the Blessed Virgin at Warwick on 9 April 1590. An altar-tomb with a long inscription was erected by his widow. Lord Burghley, the Earl of Cumberland, and the Earl of Huntingdon, his brother-in-law, were overseers of his will. Much of his property reverted to the crown, and the park of Wedge- nock, Warwickshire, was granted in 1601 to Sir Fulke Greville. Small bequests were made to the Countess of Pembroke, his niece, to Sir Francis Walsingham, and to Lords Cobham and Grey de Wilton. Warwick married: first, Anne, daughter of William Whorwood, by Cassandra, daughter of Sir Edward Grey ; secondly, before 13 Sept. 1553, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Gilbert Talboys, and heiress of George, lord Talboys ; and thirdly, on 11 Nov. 1565, Lady Anne, daughter of Francis Russell, earl of Bedford. By his first wife, who died 26 May 1552 at Otford, Kent, Warwick had an only son, John, but he died before his mother. Warwick had no other issue. His third wife died 9 Feb. 1603-4. He was popularly known as the ' Good Lord Warwick,' and was attached to the puritans. He was governor of the posses- sions and revenues of the preachers of the gospel for Warwickshire. He also encou- raged maritime enterprise, and was the chief promoter of Martin Frobisher's first voyage in 1576. Portraits are at Hatfield, Woburn Abbey, and Lumley Castle. An engraving appears in Holland's ' Heraologia.' [Cooper's Athenae Cantab, ii. 66, 594; Biog. Brit. (Kippis) ; Doyle's Baronage ; Burke's Ex- tinct Peerage ; Fronde's History ; Wriothesley's Chronicle (Camd. Soc.), ii. 91, 104; ]£achyn's Chronicle (Camd. Soc.) ; Sydney Papers, ed. Collins, where will is printed, p. 40.] S. L. L. DUDLEY, LADY AMYE, nee ROBSART (1532 P-1560). [See under DUDLEY, ROBERT, EARL or LEICESTER.] 99 Dudley DUDLEY, SIR ANDREW (d. 1559). [See DUDLEY, EDMUND, ad fin.] DUDLEY, DUD (1599-1684), ironmas- ter, born in 1599, was the fourth natural son of Edward Sutton, fifth baron Dudley, by Elizabeth, daughter of William Tomlinson of Dudley. He was summoned from Balliol College, Oxford, to superintend his father's ironworks at Pensnet in Worcestershire in 1619. These ironworks consisted of one fur- j nace only and two forges, all of them being I worked with charcoal. In his ' Metallum Martis ' Dudley informs us that ' wood and charcole growing then scant and pit-coles in great quantities abounding near the furnace, did induce me to alter my furnace, and to attempt, by my new invention, the making of iron with pit-cole.' Dudley found the quality of his iron ' to be good and profitable, but the quantity did not exceed three tuns per week.' In 1607 there were a hundred and forty hammers and furnaces for making iron in this country, which, Norden tells us, ' spent each of them, in every twenty-four hours, two, three, or four lodes of charcoal, which in a year amounteth to an infinite quantity.' In the reign of Elizabeth an act was passed for the preservation of timber in Sussex, Surrey, and Kent. The destruction of timber went on, and between 1720 and 1730 the above furnaces, and those of the Forest of Dean (without the Tintern Abbey works), consumed annually 17,350 tons, or a little more than five tons a week for each furnace. The rapid destruction of our forests led to experiments on the smelting of iron with pit coal. Coal, however, was dug and used for fuel as early as 853. In 1239 a charter was granted to the townsmen of Newcastle-on- Tyne to dig for coal. Simon Sturtevant in 1611 first obtained a patent for the term of thirty-one years for the use of ' sea-coale or pit-coale ' for various metallurgical opera- tions. John Rovenson in 1613 was said to have satisfactorily effected what Sturtevant failed to perform, and on 15 May he obtained a patent which secured to him the ' sole pri- viledge to make iron and all other metals with sea-cole, pit-cole, earth-cole, &c.' Simon Sturtevant failed entirely, and John Roven- son having succeeded only in inventing ' re- verberatory furnaces with a milne [wind- mill] to make them blow,' the matter was taken up by Mr. Gombleton of Lambeth and Dr. Jordan of Bath, who were not more fa- voured by success than the others. Dudley, stimulated by these results, com- menced his experiments with coal, and they appear to have been at once fairly success- ful. He found at Pensnet in Worcestershire one blast furnace and two forges all working with charcoal. He altered this furnace, and his ' first experiment was so successful that he made iron to profit.' In 1665 Dudley pub- lished his ' Metallum Martis, or Iron made with Pit-Coale, Sea-Coale, &c., and with the same fuell to melt and fine imperfect Metals, and refine perfect Metals.' In this work he carefully refrained from disclosing his method. ' The quality of the metal,' he says, ' was found to be good and profit- able, but the quantity did not exceed above three tuns per week.' In 1619 Dudley's father obtained for him a patent from the king for thirty-one years. In the following year a disastrous flood (known as the ' May-day flood ') not only ' ruinated the author's iron- works but also many other ironworks.' This destruction of Dudley's furnaces was received with joy by his rival ironmasters, who also- complained to the king that Dudley's iron was not merchantable. The king then ordered Dudley to send samples of his bar-iron to the Tower of London to be duly tested by com- petent persons. The result was favourable to Dudley, and he with his father, Lord Dudley, obtained an extension of the patent for four- teen years. This enabled him to continue to produce annually a large quantity of good merchantable iron, which he sold at I2L per ton. Dudley's opponents succeeded in wrong- fully depriving him of his works and inven- tions. He afterwards erected a furnace at Himley in Staffordshire, but not having a forge he was obliged to sell his iron to char- coal ironmasters, who did him considerable mischief by disparaging the metal. Eventu- ally he was compelled to rent the Himley furnace to a charcoal ironmaster. He now constructed a larger furnace at Askew Bridge (or Hasco Bridge), in the parish of Sedgley, Staffordshire, in which, by using larger bellows than ordinary, he produced seven tons of pig- iron weekly, the greatest quantity ever made up to that time with pit coal in Great Britain. Dudley was again molested, a riot occurred, and his bellows were cut to pieces. Not only was he prevented from making iron, but he was harassed by lawsuits and imprisoned in the Compter in London for a debt of several thousand pounds, until the expiration of the term of his first patent. In 1639 Dudley, in the face of much opposition, obtained the grant of a new patent ' not only for the making of iron into cast-works and bars, but also for the melting, extracting, refining, and reduc- ing of all mines, minerals, and mettals with pit-coal and peat.' On the strength of his new patent he entered into partnership with two persons at Bristol, and began to erect a new furnace near that city in 1651. But ' Dudley i« this involved him in litigation. Of this affair Dudley writes : ' They did unjustly enter Staple Actions in Bristow because I was of the king's party ; unto the great prejudice of my inventions and proceedings, my patent being then almost extinct, for which and my stock am I forced to sue them in chancery.' He relates that Cromwell granted several patents and an act for making iron with pit coal in the Forest of Dean, where furnaces were erected at great cost. Dudley was in- vited to visit Dean Forest, and to inspect the proposed methods, which he condemned. These works failed, as did also attempts made to conduct operations at Bristol. Dudley petitioned Charles II, on the day of his land- ing, for a renewal of his patent, but meeting with a refusal, he ceased from further prose- cuting his inventions. He does not in ' Metallum Martis ' (1665) give any hint of his process, but the proba- bility is that he used coke instead of raw coal. He was clearly the first person who ceased to use charcoal for smelting iron ore, and who employed with any degree of suc- cess pit coal for this purpose. It was not, however, until about 1738 that the process of smelting iron ore in the blast-furnace with coal was perfected by Abraham Darby [q. v.] at the Coalbrookdale Ironworks. Dudley was colonel in the army of Charles I and general of the ordnance to Prince Maurice. It is recorded that he was captured in 1648, condemned, but not beheaded. He married (12 Oct. 1626) Elinor, daughter of Francis Heaton of Groveley Hall, but he left no issue. He died and was buried in St. Helen's Church, Worcester, 25 Oct. 1684. [Dudley's Metallum Martis, or Iron made with Pit-Coale, Sea-Coale, &c., 1665 ; Eovenson's Treatise of Metallica, 1613 ; Sturtevant's Metal- lica, or the Treatise of Metallica, 1612 ; Percy's Metallurgy, Iron and Steel, 1864; Herald's Visi- tation of the County of Stafford, made in the year 1608 ; Nash's Worcestershire, vol. ii. app. 149 ; Norden's Surveyors' Dialogue (1607), p. 212; Mushet's Papers on Iron and Steel, 1840 ; Holin- shed's Chronicle, 1577 ; Plot's History of Staf- fordshire ( 1 686), p. 1 28 ; William Salt, Archaeolog. Soc. Coll. ii. pt. ii. 36-8, v. pt. ii. 114-17.] K. H-T. DUDLEY, EDMUND (1462 P-1510), statesman and lawyer, born about 1462, was the son of John Dudley, esq., of Atherington, Sussex, by Elizabeth, daughter and coheiress of Thomas or John Bramshot of Sussex. John Dudley was sheriff of Sussex in 1485. By his will, dated 1 Oct. 1500, he directs that he phould be buried at Arundel in his ' marbill tombe,' and desires prayers for the souls of many relatives, among them ' William, late Dudley bishop of Dunelme,' i.e. Durham, and ' my brother Oliver Dudley.' Sir Reginald Bray is also mentioned as an intimate friend. Both William and Oliver Dudley were sons of John Sutton, baron Dudley [q. v.], while Sir Re- ginald Bray was one of the baron's executors. Hence there can be little doubt that John Dudley was another of the baron's sons. Ed- mund's descendants claimed direct descent from the baronial family, but the claim has been much disputed. His numerous ene- mies asserted that Edmund Dudley's father was a carpenter of Dudley, Worcestershire, who migrated to Lewes. Sampson Erdes- wicke, the sixteenth-century historian of Staf- fordshire, accepted this story, and William Wyrley, another Elizabethan genealogist, suggested that Edmund's grandfather was a carpenter. But the discovery of his father's will disproves these stories, and practically establishes his pretensions to descent from the great baronial family of Sutton, alias Dudley. Dudley was sent in 1478 to Oxford and afterwards studied law at Gray's Inn, where the arms of the barons of Dudley were em- blazoned on one of the windows of the hall. According to Poly dore Vergil, his legal know- ledge attracted the attention of Henry YTI on his accession (1485), and he was made a privy councillor at the early age of three- and-twenty. This promotion seems barely credible, but it cannot have been long delayed. Seven years later Dudley helped to negotiate the peace of Boulogne (signed 6 Nov. 1492 and renewed in 1499). His first wife, Anne, sister of Andrews, lord Windsor, and widow of Roger Corbet of Morton, Shropshire, died before 1494, when he obtained the wardship and marriage of Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Grey, viscount Lisle, and sister and coheiress of her brother John. Stow asserts that Dudley became under- sheriff of London in 1497. It has been doubted whether a distinguished barrister and a privy councillor would be likely to accept so small an office. But it seems clear that at this period Dudley was fully in the king's confidence and had formulated a financial policy to check the lawlessness of the barons, whom the protracted wars of the Roses had thoroughly demoralised. In carrying out the policy Dudley associated Sir Richard Empson [q. v.] with himself. The great landowners were to enter into recognisances to keep the peace, and all taxes and feudal dues were to be collected with the utmost rigour. Although, like astute lawyers, Dudley and Empson had recourse to much petty chicanery in giving effect to their scheme, their policy was adapted to the times and was dictated by something more than the king's love of money. The Dudley Dudley small post of under-sheriff would prove use- ful in this connection, and the fact that both Dudley and Empson resided in St. Swithin's Lane confirms Dudley's alleged association with the city. The official position of Dudley and Empson is difficult to define : they probably acted as a sub-committee of the privy council. Polydore Vergil calls them ' fiscales judices,' but they certainly were not j udges of the exchequer nor of any other recognised court. Bacon asserts that they habitually indicted guiltless per- sons of crimes, and, when true bills were found, extorted great fines and ransoms as a condition of staying further proceedings. They are said to have occasionally summoned persons to their private houses and exacted fines without any pretence of legal proce- dure. Pardons for outlawry were invariably purchased from them, and juries were ter- rorised into paying fines when giving verdicts for defendants in crown prosecutions. These are the chief charges brought against them by contemporary historians. Bacon credits Dudley with much plausible eloquence. In 1504 Dudley was chosen speaker in the House of Commons, and in the same year was released by a royal writ from the neces- sity of becoming a serjeant-at-law. In the parliament over which Dudley presided many small but useful reforms were made in legal procedure. In 1506 Dudley became steward of the rape of Hastings, Sussex. Grafton states that in the last year of Henry VII's reign Dudley and Empson were nominated, under some new patent, special commissioners for enforcing the penal laws. Whether this be so or no, their unpopularity greatly in- creased towards the end of the reign. On 21 April 1509 their master, Henry VII, died. Sir Robert Cotton (Discourse of Foreign War} quotes a book of receipts and payments kept between Henry VII and Dudley, whence it appears that the king amassed about four and a half million pounds in coin and bullion while Dudley directed his finances. The re- venue Dudley secured by the sale of offices and extra-legal compositions was estimated at 120,000^. a year. Henry VIII had no sooner ascended the throne than he yielded to the outcry against Dudley and Empson and committed both to the Tower. The recognisances which had been entered into with them were cancelled on the ground that they had been* made without any cause reasonable or lawful ' by ' certain of the learned council of our late father, contrary to law,reason, and good conscience.' On 16 July 1509 Dudley was arraigned before a special commission on a charge of constructive trea- son. The indictment made no mention of his financial exactions, but stated that while in the preceding March Henry VII lay sick Dudley summoned his friends to attend him under arms in London in the event of the king's death. This very natural precaution, taken by a man who was loathed by the ba- ronial leaders and their numerous retainers, and was in danger of losing his powerful pro- tector, was construed into a plan for attempt- ing the new king's life. Conviction followed. Empson was sent to Northampton to be tried separately on a like charge in October. In the parliament which met 21 Jan. 1509-10 both were attainted. Henry VIII deferred giving orders for their execution, but popular feel- ing was not satisfied. Dudley made an abor- tive attempt to escape from the Tower with the aid of his brother Peter, his kinsman, James Beaumont, and others. On 18 Aug. 1510 both he and Empson were beheaded on Tower Hill. Dudley was buried in the church of Blackfriars the same night. With a view to obtaining the king's pardon Dudley em- ployed himself while in the Tower in writ- ing a long political treatise entitled ' The Tree of Commonwealth,' an argument in fa- vour of absolute monarchy. This work never reached the hands of Henry VIII. Stow gave a copy to Dudley's grandson, Ambrose Dudley [q. v.], earl of Warwick, after whose death it came into the possession of Sir Simonds D'Ewes. Several copies are now known ; one is in the Chetham Library, Manchester, another in the British Museum (Harleian MS. 2204), and a third belongs to Lord Calthorpe (Hist. MSS. Comm. 2nd Rep. 40). It was privately printed at Manchester for the first time in 1859 by the brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. A copy of Dudley's will, dated on the day of his death, is extant in the Record Office. He left his great landed estates in Sussex, Dorsetshire, and Lincolnshire to his wife with remainder to his children. His brother Peter is mentioned, and the son Jerome was placed under four guardians, Bishop Fitz- James,Dean Colet, Sir Andrews Windsor, and Dr. Yonge, till he reached the age of twenty- two. Certain lands were to be applied to the maintenance of poor scholars at Oxford. Dudley also expresses a wish to be buried in Westminster Abbey, By his first wife Dudley had a daughter Elizabeth, married to William, sixth lord Stourton. By his second wife he had three sons : John [q. v.], afterwards duke of North- umberland, Andrew, and Jerome. SIR AN- DREW DUDLEY was appointed admiral of the northern seas 27 Feb. 1546-7. He was knighted by Somerset 18 Sept. 1547, when ordered to occupy Broughty Craig at the mouth of the river Tay together with Lord Dudley i Clinton. This operation was accomplished 21 Sept. In 1549 Sir Andrew became one of the four knights in attendance on the young king, and keeper of his wardrobe. A year later he was appointed keeper of the palace of Westminster, and soon afterwards captain of Guisnes. A small pension was granted him 17 May 1551. Early in 1552 he quarrelled with Lord Willoughby, deputy of Calais, as to his jurisdiction at Guisnes. On 6 Oct. 1552 the dispute led to the recall of both officers. On 20 May 1552 Sir Andrew was directed to survey Portsmouth, and on 17 March 1552-3 was created K.G. A mar- riage between him and Margaret Clifford, daughter of the Earl of Cumberland, was ar- ranged to take place soon afterwards, but the death of Edward VI led to his ruin (NICHOLS, Lit. Remains of Edward VI, in Roxburghe Club ; Calendar of Hatfield MSS. i. 127- 132). Sir Andrew was implicated with his brother John in the attempt to place Lady Jane Grey on the throne, but after imprison- ment, trial, and conviction was set at liberty off 18 Jan. 1554-5. His will, dated 1556, is printed in the 'Sydney Papers' (p. 30). He died without issue in 1559. Dudley's widow married, about 1515, Sir Arthur Plantagenet [q. v.], Edward IV's natural son, by Lady Elizabeth Lucy. Sir Arthur was created Viscount Lisle, in right of his wife, in 1523, and was for many years governor of Calais. By him Dudley's widow had three daughters, Bridget, Frances, and Elizabeth. [Wood's Athense, ed. Bliss, i. 12-14; Sydney Papers, ed. Collins, i. 16-18; Holinshed's Chro- nicle; Bacon's Henry VII; State Trials, i. 28-38 ; Herbert's Henry VIII ; Brewer's Henry VIII, i. 69-70; Henry VIII State Papers, i. 179; Dug- dale's Baronage, ii. 214; Biog. Brit. (Kippis) ; Polydore Vergil's Henry VIII. For the genea- logy see the authorities under DUDLEY, JOHN BUTTON DB. For the indictment see Second Re- port of Deputy-Keeper of Records, app. 3.] S. L. L. DUDLEY, LOUD GUILDFORD (d. 1554), husband of Lady Jane Grey, was the fourth son of the powerful John Dudley [q. v.], duke of Northumberland. When the duke was at the height of his power, in Edward VI's reign, Lord Guildford was his only unmar- ried son. In July 1552 the duke determined on a match between him and Margaret Clif- ford, grandniece of Henry VIII and daughter of Henry, first earl of Cumberland [q. v.] Edward VI interested himself in the scheme, and wrote on the subject to both the Duke of Northumberland and the Earl of Cumber- land. But the duke's views changed. Mar- garet Clifford early in 1553 was offered by the duke to his younger brother, Sir Andrew 2 Dudley Dudley [see under DUDLEY, EDMTJU D], and on 21 May (Whitsunday) Lord Guildford was married by his father's direction to Lady Jane Grey, daughter of the Duke of Suffolk [see DUDLEY, LADY JANE]. This marriage was part of the desperate project of Northumberland for transferring the succession of the crown from the Tudor family to his own. By the instru- ment which he prevailed on the dying young king to sign (21 June) the crown was to go from both the king's sisters, Mary and Eliza- beth, to the heirs male of Frances, duchess of Suffolk, provided that any should be born before the king's death ; failing which it was to pass to the Lady Jane Grey, the duchess's daughter, and her heirs male. The Lady Jane, during the brief royalty to which this plot gave rise, though attached to her youthful husband, refused to grant him the title of king, affirming that it lay out of her power (FnotrDE, vi. 16). But in a despatch dated 15 July 1553 Sir Philip Hoby and Sir Richard Mory son, the English envoys at Brussels, gave him the title of king. After the defeat of the enter- prise Guildford was committed to the Tower, with his wife; and on 13 Nov. 1553 was led, along with her, his brothers Ambrose and Henry, and Archbishop Cranmer,to the Guild- hall, where he was arraigned of treason, and pleaded guilty. The sentence was not carried out until the commotion of Wyatt, in the following spring, had caused fresh alarm. He was then beheaded on Tower Hill 12 Feb., immediately before the execution of the Lady Jane. A portrait, exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition of 1866, is in the posses- sion of Baron North. [Nichols's Queen Jane and Queen Mary (Camd. Soc.), pp. 32, 34, 55 ; Nichols's Literary Eemains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club), clxv, clxviii, cxc ; authorities under DUDLEY, LADY JANE, and notes supplied by the Rev. Canon R. W. Dixon.] DUDLEY, SIR HENRY BATE (1745- 1824), journalist, born at Fenny Compton, Warwickshire, on 25 Aug. 1745, was the second son of the Rev. Henry Bate, who for many years held the living of St. Nicholas, Worcester, and afterwards became rector of North Fam bridge in Essex. He is said to have been educated at Queen's College, Oxford, but though the letters M. A. and LL.D. are some- times given after his name, it does not appear that he ever received a degree at either uni- versity. Having taken orders Bate succeeded to the rectory of North Fambridge upon his father's death, but most of his time was spent in London, where he became well known as a man of pleasure. In 1773 an affray at Vauxhall Gardens brought him into consider- Dudley 103 Dudley able notoriety, and about this time he be- came curate to James Townley, the vicar of Hendon, and author of the celebrated farce, * High Life below Stairs.' Bate was one of the earliest editors of the ' Morning Post,' which was established in 1772. The smart- ness of his articles and the excitability of his temperament frequently involved him in per- sonal quarrels, which sometimes ended in a fight or a duel, and he thus earned the nick- name of the ' Fighting Parson.' Bate never lost an opportunity of keeping himself well before the public, and Horace Walpole, in a letter to Lady Ossory, 13 Nov. 1776, records one of Bate's advertisements : ' Yesterday, just after I arrived, I heard drums and trum- pets in Piccadilly ; I looked out of the win- dow, and saw a procession with streamers flying. At first I thought it a press-gang, but seeing the corps so well drest, like Hes- sians in yellow, with blue waistcoats and breeches, and high caps, I concluded it was some new body of our allies, or a regiment newly raised, and with new regimentals for distinction. I was not totally mistaken, for the colonel is a new ally. In short, this was a procession set forth by Mr. Bate, Lord Lyttel- ton's chaplain, and author of the old " Morn- ing Post," and meant as an appeal to the town against his antagonist, the new one' {Letters, Cunningham's edit.vi. 391-2).?Bate continued to be editor of the ' Morning Post ' until 1780, when he quarrelled v/ith some of his coadju- tors, and on 1 Nov. started the ' Morning Herald' upon liberal principles, and in opposi- tion to his old paper. About the same time he also founded two other newspapers, the ' Cour- rier de 1'Europe,' a journal printed in French, and the ' English Chronicle.' On 25 June 1781 he was committed to the king's bench prison for the term of twelve months for a libel on the Duke of Richmond which had appeared in the ' Morning Post ' during his editorship on 25 Feb. 1780. The judgment had been delayed until the prison had been 'sufficiently repaired to admit of prisoners after the de- vastation committed by the rioters in June 1780' (DOUGLAS, Reports, 1783, pp. 372-6). In 1781 Bate bought the advowsonof Brad- well-juxta-Mare in Essex for 1,500/. and in 1784 assumed the additional name of Dudley, in compliance with the will of a relation of that name. Upon the death of the incum- bent of Bradwell in 1797, Dudley presented himself to the living. It appears that im- mediately after the purchase Dudley had be- come the curate of Bradwell, and had obtained from the absentee rector a lease of the glebe and tithes. The bishop therefore refused to institute him on the ground of simony, and legal proceedings were commenced by Dud- ley. When a compromise was at length agreed to, it was discovered that the right of presentation had lapsed to the crown, and in the exercise of its right the chaplain- general of the army had been appointed. The case attracted considerable attention at the time, and it was- thought an exceedingly hard one, Dudley having spent during the life of the previous incumbent more than 28,000^. in rebuilding the church, reclaiming and embanking the land, and otherwise im- proving the benefice. An address from the magistrates of the county in Dudley's favour was presented to Addington in June 1801. Towards the close of 1804 Dudley was pre- sented to the living of Kilscoran in the barony of Forth, co. Wexford, and in the fol- lowing year was appointed chancellor of the diocese of Ferns. In 1807 he also became rector of Kilglass in the county of Longford. Resigning his Irish benefices in 1812 he was in that year presented to the rectory of Wil- lingham, Cambridgeshire, and on 17 April 1813 was created a baronet. In 1816 he was presented by the inhabitants of Cam- bridgeshire with a piece of plate for ' his very spirited and firm conduct during the riots ' which had occurred in the earlier part of that year. In 1817 he was appointed to a pre- bendal stall in Ely Cathedral. Dudley died at Cheltenham on 1 Feb. 1824 in his seventy- ninth year. He was an intimate friend of Garrick and the associate of all the wits of the day. He introduced William Shield to the public as an operatic composer, and was one of the earliest admirers of the talents of Mrs. Siddons. He was a magistrate for seven English and four Irish counties, but his career was not altogether a creditable one. Johnson in discussing his merits with Boswell said, ' Sir, I will not allow this man to have merit. No, sir ; what he has is rather the contrary : I will indeed allow him cour- age, and on this account we so far give him credit ' .(BoswELL, Life of Johnson, 1831, v. 196). In 1780 he married Mary, daughter of James White of Berrow, Somersetshire, and sister of the celebrated actress, Mrs. Hartley, but had no issue, and the baronetcy conse- quently became extinct upon his death. Por- traits of Dudley and his wife by Gains- borough were exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery in 1885 (Catalogue of the Gains- borough Exhibition, Nos. 75 and 171), both of which have been engraved by James Scott. Dudley was one of the minor contributors to the ' Rolliad,' which originally appeared in his newspaper, the ' Morning Herald.' He wrote the following works : 1. ' Henry and Emma, a new poetical interlude, altered from Prior's " Nut-Brown Maid," with addi- Dudley 104 Dudley tions and a new air and chorus (the music by Dr. Arne),' &c., anon., London, 1774, 8vo. 2. ' The Rival Candidates, a comic opera in two acts,' &c., London, 1775, 8vo. 3. ' The Blackamoor washed White, a comic opera/ London, 1776, 8vo. The songs only of this opera were printed. It was acted for four nights in February 1776, at Drury Lane, but led to such disturbances that it was obliged to be withdrawn. 4. ' The Flitch of Bacon, a comic opera in two acts ; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket,' London, 1779, 8vo. It was set to music by William Shield, and was the first of his compositions which appeared on the stage. 5. ' The Dramatic Puffers, a prelude, as performed at the Theatre Royal in Co vent Garden,' anon. , London, 1 782, 8vo. 6. ' The Magic Picture, a play ' (al- tered from Massinger), London, 1783, 8vo. 7. ' Remarks on Gilbert's Last Bill for the Relief of the Poor,' London, 1788, 8vo. 8. ' The Woodman, a comic opera, in three acts ; as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, with universal applause,' London, 1791, 8vo. The music was com- posed by Shield. 9. 'The Travellers in Switzerland, a comic opera, in three acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Gar- den,' London, 1794, 8vo. The music was com- posed by Shield. 10. ' Passages selected by Distinguished Personages, on the great Lite- rary Trial of Vortigern and Rowena ; a comi-tragedy, " whether it be or be not from the immortal pen of Shakespeare ? " ' 5th ed. London, 1795 P-1807, 4 vols. 8vo. This is a satire on the leading public characters of the day in a series of passages professing to be quotations from Ireland's play. It originally appeared from time to time in the ' Morning Herald,' and was written by Dudley and his wife. 11. ' Letters, &c., which have lately passed between the Bishop of London and the Rev. H. B. Dudley respecting the Advowson of the vacant rectory of Bradwell near the Sea, Essex,' London, 1798, 8vo. 12. 'A Few Observations respecting the present state of the Poor ; and the Defects of the Poor Laws : with some remarks upon Parochial Assess- ments and Expenditures,' 3rd edit. London, 1802, 8vo. 13. 'A Short Address to the . . . Lord Primate of all Ireland, recom- mendatory of some Commutation or Modi- fication of the Tythes of that Country ; with a few Remarks upon the present state of the Irish Church,' 3rd edit. London, 1808, 8vo, This tract was republished in ' The Pam- phleteer,' vi. 239-56. 14. ' Letter to the Rev. R. Hodgson on his "Life of Bishop Por- teous," ' 1811, 8vo. 15. ' A Sermon de- livered at the Cathedral of Ely on Monday, 17 June 1816, before Mr. Justice Abbott, Mr. Justice Burrough, and Chief-justice Chris- tian, on the opening of their special commis- sion for the trial of the rioters. Printed at the request of the grand jury,' Cambridge, 1816, 4to. [Burke's Extinct Baronetage, 1844, p. 175; Gent. Mag. 1810, vol. Ixxx. pt. i. p. 183, 1824, vol. xciv. pt. i. pp. 273-6,638-40, 1828, vol. xcviii. pt. i. p. 496 ; Annual Register, 1824, Chron. pp. 296-7 ; Baker's Biog. Dram. (1812), vol. i. pt. i. p. 210; Reminiscences of Henry Angelo (1828), i. 153-69; Public Characters (1823), i. 538-9; Rose's Biog. Diet, 1848, vii. 162-3 ; The Yauxhall Affray, or the Macaronies Defeated (1773) ; London Mag. 1773, xlii. 461-2; Andrews's Hist, of British Journalism (1859), i. 211-13,222-3 ; Watt's Bibl. Brit, (1824); Alli- bone's Diet, of English Literature (1859), i. 526 ; Diet, of Living Authors (1816), pp. 1 00-1 ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ii. 114, iii. 130, xii. 471 ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] G. F. R. B. DUDLEY, HOWARD (1820-1864),wood engraver, was the only son of George Dudley of Tipperary, and Sarah, daughter of Natha- niel Cove, coal merchant, of Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. He lost his father at an early age, and removed with his mother to Easebourne, near Midhurst, Sussex. Here he devoted his holiday time to the history and antiquities of the neighbourhood, and when only fourteen years of age determined to illustrate these in print. Setting up a small printing-press of his own he produced in 1835 a small volume entitled ' Juvenile Researches, or a Description of some of the Principal Towns in the Western Part of Sussex and the Borders of Hants, interspersed with various pieces of Poetry by a Sister, and illustrated by numerous wood-engravings executed by the Author.' Dudley set the types himself, and without any teaching engraved the nu- merous illustrations. These, though very rough, show great taste, and are very remark- able for an artist of so tender an age. He printed it one page at a time, and his sister, Miss M. A. Dudley, supplied the poetry. This little volume met with so much success that Dudley was encouraged to reprint it in a slightly enlarged form, and in 1836 to pub- lish another similar volume, entitled ' The History and Antiquities of Horsham,' con- taining thirty woodcuts and four lithographic views, all executed by himself. He made collections for a quarto volume entitled ' The History and Antiquities of Midhurst,' to be illustrated with 150 woodcuts and lithogra- phic drawings ; but having now adopted the profession of a wood engraver, and obtained sufficient employment, he was unable to carry it out. From 1845 to 1852 he resided and exercised his art in Edinburgh, but eventually- Dudley 105 Dudley returned to London, where he died in Holford Square, Pentonville, 4 July 1864, aged 44. He married, in Edinburgh, Jane Ellen, second daughter of Alexander Young, but left no family. [Gent. Mag. 3rd ser. xviii. (1865) 101 ; Lower's Worthies of Sussex (ed. 1865); Brit. Mus. Cat.] L. C. DUDLEY, LADY JANE (1537-1554), commonly called LADY JANE GREY, was eldest surviving daughter of Henry Grey, marquis of Dorset, afterwards duke of Suffolk, by Frances, daughter of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, and of Mary, younger sister of Henry VIII. She was thus the cousin of Ed- ward VI, and about the same age, being born at Bradgate, Leicestershire, in October 1537. She had two younger sisters, Catherine and Mary. The beauty of her person was equalled by that of her mind and character ; and her learning and acquirements were remarkable. Fuller states that her parents treated her with great severity, ' more than needed to so sweet a temper.' John Aylmer [q. v.], afterwards bishop of London, was employed by her father as his children's domestic tutor, and Lady Jane proved an exceptionally apt pupil. When barely nine she entered the household of Queen Catherine Parr, and until Queen Catherine's death, in September 1548, was much in her society. The child was chief mourner at her mistress's funeral. Queen Catherine's second husband, Lord Thomas Seymour of Sudeley, purchased Lady Jane's wardship of her parents soon after he became a widower, and she stayed with him at Hanworth or Seymour Place till his fall in 'January 1548-9. He had promised Lady Jane's father that he would assist him in marrying the girl to her cousin, the young king. But Seymour's brother, the protector Somerset, was planning a union between Edward VI and his own daughter Jane, while he destined Lady Jane for the hand of his son, the Earl of Hertford. The complications which followed these opposing schemes partly account for Seymour's tragic fate, for while Lady Jane remained in Sey- mour's custody Somerset was powerless to pursue his own plans. After her guardian's execution Lady Jane returned to Bradgate to continue her studies under Aylmer. In the summer of 1550 she was visited there by Roger Ascham [q. v.], who relates how he found her reading Plato's ' Phsedo ' while the rest of the family were hunting in the park (Schoolmaster, ed. Mayor, pp. 33, 213). To him she rehearsed the severity of her parents, who requited ' with pinches, nips, and bobs ' the defects of her deportment or of her em- broidery needle ; and the relief which she felt in the gentleness of her tutor Aylmer, who opened to her the treasures of the an- cient world. On 14 Dec. 1550 Ascham wrote to his friend Sturm of her almost incredible skill in writing and speaking Greek. She promised to send Ascham a Greek letter, and he wrote to her from Germany (18 Jan. 1550-1) expressing anxiety to receive it. At fifteen she was adding Hebrew to Greek, Latin, Italian, and French, and corresponding with Bullinger, the learned pastor of Zurich. Her three letters to Bullinger are now pre- served in Zurich Library. With them was originally sent a piece of embroidery worked by herself, but this is now lost. Her feminine accomplishments were no less celebrated than her graver studies. John Ulmer, or ab Ulmis, a Swiss pupil of Bullinger whom Lady Jane's father protected in England, wrote admiringly to his friends abroad of her learning and amia- bility, and confidently predicted in 1551 her marriage with Edward VI. In the autumn of 1551 Lady Jane's father became Duke of Suffolk. Thenceforth she was constantly at court and in the society of the Princess Mary as well as of the king. She was in attend- ance (in October 1551) on Mary of Guise, queen-dowager of Scotland, on her visit to London. After the fall of Somerset, the Duke of Suffolk allied himself with John Dudley [q. v.], duke of Northumberland. In 1553 he brought his family to his house at Sheen, in close proximity to Sion House, the residence of the Dudleys. A marriage between Lady Jane and Guildford Dudley [q. v.], fourth son of Northumberland, was proposed as part of the well-known plot for altering the succes- sion from the Tudors to the Dudleys upon the decease of Edward VI. The young king was the readier to accede to this project, which set aside his sisters, because of his attachment to Jane. The marriage took place on 21 May 1553 (Whitsunday) at Durham House, the Dudleys' London house. At the same time and place Lady Jane's sister Ca- therine married Lord Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke's son, and Lord Guildford's sister Catherine married Lord Hastings, the Earl of Huntingdon's son. According to a Vene- tian visitor to England, Lady Jane had vehe- mently resisted the match, and only yielded to the personal violence of her father. It has been urged that Lady Jane's intercourse with her husband before marriage produced something like affection, but no evidence on the point is accessible. It had been suggested that after the marriage Lady Jane should continue to reside with her mother, but her husband's family insisted on her residing Dudley 1 06 Dudley with them, and she soon came to regard her husband's father and mother with deep detestation. The mental distress which she suffered in the month after her union led to a serious illness which nearly proved fatal. On 6 July Edward VI died. No public announcement was made till 8 July. On the evening of the 9th Northumberland carried Lady Jane before the council, and Ridley preached in favour of her succession at St. Paul's Cross. Lady Jane swooned when in- formed by the council that she was Edward's successor. On 10 July she was brought in a barge from Sion House to the Tower of Lon- don, pausing on her way at Westminster and Durham House. After taking part in an elaborate procession which passed through the great hall of the Tower, Lady Jane retired with her husband to apartments which had been prepared for her. Later in the day she signed a proclamation (printed by Richard Grafton) announcing her ac- cession, in accordance with the statute 35 Henry VIII and the will of the late king, dated 21 June. Orders were also issued to the lords-lieutenant making a similar announce- ment, and despatches were sent to foreign courts. These were signed ' Jane the Quene. Public proclamation of her accession was, however, only made at King's Lynn and Berwick. On 9 July the Princess Mary wrote to the council declaring herself Edward VI's lawful successor. On the llth twenty-one councillors, headed by Northumberland, re- plied that Lady Jane was queen of England. On 12 July Lord-treasurer Winchester sur- rendered the crown jewels to the new queen Jane (see inventory in Harl. MS. 611), and on the same day she signed a paper accredit- ing Sir Philip Hoby as her ambassador at the court of Brussels. Lord Guildford Dudley, Lady Jane's husband, claimed the title of king ; but Lady Jane declined to admit the claim, and insisted on referring the matter to parliament. Meanwhile Mary's supporters were in arms in the eastern counties. On 12 July it was proposed that Lady Jane's father should lead the force which was to be despatched against them ; but by Lady Jane's express desire the Duke of Northumberland took Suffolk's place. On 16 July Ridley preached again in Lady Jane's favour, but the end was at hand. Three days later Mary had been proclaimed queen throughout the country. Northumber- land's failure was complete. Suffolk, per- ceiving that resistance was useless, himself proclaimed Mary at the gates of the Tower (19 July). Hetoldhis daughter, whose health had suffered greatly from the excitement of the earlier part of the week, that she was a prisoner, and that her reign was over. She expressed herself resigned to her fate, and desirous of retiring into private life. Mary was doubtful how to treat Lady Jane. She pardoned her father and mother, and when the imperial ambassador pressed on her the necessity of summarily executing Lady Jane she denied the necessity. Lady Jane appears to have been confined in the house of the lieu- tenant of the Tower, Sir John Brydges [q. v.], and on 27 July an anonymous visitor dined with her there, and recorded her conversation. She spoke with respect of Mary, but with great bitterness of her father-in-law. In the following autumn she had liberty to walk in the queen's gardens and on the hill within the Tower precincts. She was arraigned at the Guildhall for high treason 14 Nov. in com- pany with her husband, his brothers Ambrose [q. v.] and Henry, and Archbishop Cranmer. She walked to the hall wearing ' a black gown of cloth, a French hood, all black, a black velvet book hanging before her, and another book in her hand, open' {Chron. of Q. Jane, p. 32). To the charge of treason she pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to death. Execu- tion, however, was suspended, and, like most of the Dudleian party, she might have re- ceived mercy but for the dangerous outbreak of Wyatt in the following winter, in which her father, Suffolk, was weak enough to par- ticipate. Friday, 9 Feb. 1553-4, was the date first fixed for her own and her husband's execution, but a respite till Monday the 12th was finally ordered. On the Friday Lady Jane was visited by John Feckenham, dean of St. Paul's, and discussed religion with him, strongly enforcing her protestant views. She refused to see her husband on the day of her execution, lest the interview should disturb ' the holy tranquillity with which they had prepared themselves for death '(HEYLTN). Her last acts were to write pathetic letters to her father and sister Catherine, and to present to the lieutenant of the Tower an English prayer-book (now in the British Museum, Harl. MS. 2342) in which she had written an affecting farewell. Husband and wife were both beheaded on Tower Hill on 12 Feb. 1554, the young bride beholding the bleeding body of her husband as she herself went to the scaffold (see the pathetic account of her execution in Chron. of Q. Jane, p. 55). This ill-advised severity first stained the fame of Queen Mary. From the scaffold Lady Jane made a speech asserting that she had never desired the crown and that she died ' a true Christian woman.' With her husband she was buried in the church of St. Peter ad Vincula within the Tower. Dudley 107 Dudley The Lady Jane, like her father, was a strong adherent of the reformed opinions, probably a Calvinist, and pertinaciously de- fended her views against the Roman Anglican divines who visited her in prison. The works attributed to Lady Jane are as follows : 1. Her proclamation referred to above, first printed by Richard Grafton, 1553, reprinted in ' Harleian Miscellany ' and Somers Tracts. 2. 'A Conference, Dialogue- wise, held between the Lady Jane Dudley and Mr. Jo. Feckenham four days before her death,' London, 1554, 1569 (?), and 1625, re- printed in Foxe's ' Acts and Monuments ' and Heylyn's ' Church History ; ' translated in Florio's ' Historia.' 3. ' An Epistle of the Ladye Jane, a righte vertuous woman, to a learned Man of late falne from the Truth of God's most holy Word for fear of the Worlde,' 1554, together with Feckenham's dialogue, Lady Jane's letter to her sister Catherine, and her speech on the scaffold. This book is stated by Strype to have been printed at Strasburg. The ' Epistle,' according to Strype, was ad- dressed to Harding ; but this is an error, since Harding's apostasy did not take place in Lady Jane's lifetime. 4. Three^ letters to Bullinger, published at Zurich in 1840, with a facsimile of the second letter ; also in ' Zurich Letters ' of the Parker Society. These pieces, together with a letter to her father in Harl. MS. 2194, f. 23, were collected by Sir H. N. Nicolas in 1825, and issued with a memoir. Those numbered 1, 2, and 3 also appear in Foxe's ' Acts and Monuments.' A Latin elegy by Sir Thomas Chaloner the elder [q. v.] was published in his ' De Rep. Anglorum instauranda,' 1579. Portraits described as those of Lady Jane Grey are fairly numerous. One, doubtfully attributed to Holbein, and formerly in the col- lection of Colonel Elliott of Nottingham, is en- graved in Holland's ' Hercoologia,' in Fuller's 'Holy and Profane State,' in Howard's ' Life/ and Sir H. N. Nicolas's ; Remains.' Another, attributed to Lucas de Heere [q. v.], now at Althorpe, was engraved in Dibdin's ' yEdes Spencerianse.' Attempts have been made to show that this is merely a religious picture, representing St. Mary Magdalene ; but there seems no valid reason to doubt its genuine- ness. Colonel Tempest owned a third portrait, attributed to Mark Garrard. A fourth is in the Bodleian Library, and a fifth belongs to Lord Houghton. Lodge engraved a portrait formerly in the possession of the Earl of Stam- ford (cf. Notes and Queries, 1st ser. vi. 341, 3rd ser. x. 132, xii. 470, and Catalogue of National Portrait Exhibition of 1866). [The Chronicle of Queen Jane and of Two Years of Queen Mary, ' written by a resident in the Tower of London,' who has not been identified, was edited, with valuable notes and documents, for the Camden Society by Mr. J. G. Nichols in 1850. It is the leading authority for the events of Lady Jane's nine-days' reign. The original is in Harl. MS. 194. In an appendix is a list of the State Papers of the reign, a few of -which are printed at length in Ellis's Original Letters. The Greyfriars' Chronicle (Camd. Soc.) covers similar ground. Another valuable authority is the Italian ' Historia delle cose occorse nel regno d'Inghilterra in materia del Duca di Nortomber- lan dopo la morte di Odoardo VI,' first issued ' Nell' Academia Venetiana, MDLVIII.' This was a surreptitious compilation by a Ferrarese named Giulio Raviglio Kosso from the despatches of Giovanni Michele, Venetian ambassador in Eng- land 1554-7, and Federigo Badoaro, Venetian ambassador to Charles V. It is dedicated to Margaret of Austria by Luca Contile, Academico Venetiano. Equally important is the rare Italian ' Historia de la Vita e de la morte de 1' Illustriss. Signora Giovanna Graia,' by ' Michelangelo Florio, Fiorentino gia Predicatore famoso del Sant' Euangelo in piu cita d'ltalia et in Londra.' The title-page concludes- with ' Stampato appresso Richardo Pittore nel'anno di Christo 1607.' Most of the letters and works attributed to Lady Jane are translated into Italian at the close of Florio's biography. Girolamo Pollini, in his ' L'Historia Ecclesiastica della Rivoluzion d'Inghilterra, Roma,' 1594, prints some documents. Miss Strickland has made some use of these authorities in her notice of Lady Jane in Tudor Princesses (London, 1868). Lady Jane Grey and her Times, by George Howard, 1822, and Sir H. N. Nicolas's memoir prefixed to his collection of Lady Jane's writings, are both useful. See also Foxe's Acts and Monuments; Holinshed's Chronicle; Graf- ton's Chronicle ; Stow's Chronicle ; Fuller's Holy and Profane State (1652), 294-8 ; Heylyn's Re- formation ; Strype's Annals and Life of Aylmer ; Nichols's Leicestershire, iii. 667 ; J. G. Nichols's Literary Remains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club); Ascham's Letters, ed. Giles. Two trage- dies—The Innocent Usurper (1683), by John Banks, and Lady Jane Grey, by Nicholas Rowe (1715) — deal with Lady Jane's history. The Rev. Canon Dixon has supplied notes for this article.] S. L. L. DUDLEY, JOHN (SUTTON) BE, BARON DUDLEY (1401 P-1487), statesman, was son of John de Sutton V (d. 1406), grandson of John de Sutton IV (d. 1396), and great-grandson of John de Sutton III, who was dead in 1370. The great-grandfather was the son of John de Sutton II (d. 1359), who was son and heir of another John de Sutton I, by Margaret, sister and coheiress of John de Somery, baron of Dudley (d. December 1321). This John de Somery was owner of the castle and lordship of Dudley, Staffordshire, which had been in his family since an ancestor married in Henry II's time Hawyse, sister and heiress of Gervase Dudley 108 Dudley Paganell (cf. WILLIAM SALT, Archteolog. Soc. Coll. ix. pt. ii. 9-11). He became Baron Dudley in right of a writ of summons which was issued on the meeting of each parliament summoned between 1308 and 1322. John de Somery s brother-in-law, John de Sutton I, came, on his marriage, into possession of the Dudley estates, and his son, John de Sutton II, re- ceived a summons to sit as a baron in parlia- ment 25 Feb. 1341-2. He was there de- scribed as 'Johannes de Sutton de Duddeley.' The same honour was not extended to the third, fourth, or fifth John de Suttons. The sixth John de Sutton, the subject of this memoir, was five years old on his father's death in 1406. His mother was Constance Blount. He was regularly summoned to parliament from 15 Feb. 1439-40 tiU his death in 1487. The writ entitles him ' Jo- hannes Sutton de Dudley,' and although the surname Sutton was never definitely aban- doned, he and his descendants usually called themselves Dudley or Sutton, alias Dudley. ! Dugdale and the best authorities treat this j John Sutton de Dudley as the first baron ' Dudley of the Sutton family. It is true that j a predecessor had been summoned to parlia- ment as feudal baron of Dudley in virtue of his tenure of Dudley Castle, but the peerage practically originated in the writ issued to ; the sixth John de Sutton, 15 Feb. 1439-40. ! Its subsequent issue was not interrupted till the line failed. Dudley served in France under Henry V and bore the royal standard at the king's funeral in 1422. In 1428 he succeeded Sir John de Grey as viceroy of Ireland. He made a savage attack on the O'Byrnes, who threatened the borders of the Irish Pale ; pre- sided over a parliament at Dublin in 1429, j and resigned office in the next year. In 1444 he was granted 100/. by Henry VI in con- I sideration of his services in this and the pre- | ceding reign, and was ambassador to the Duke of Brittany in 1447 and to the Duke of Bur- i gundy in 1449. For a time he was treasurer to the king, and in 1451 was created K.G. He took up arms for the Lancastrians in the wars of the Roses, was taken prisoner at the battle of St. Albans (21 May 1455), and was sent to the Tower (Paston Letters, ed. Gairdner, i. 327, 336). He apparently was at liberty in 1459, when he was wounded at the battle of Bloreheath. On Edward IVs I accession he made his peace with the Yorkists, and was in as high favour with Edward as with his predecessor. He was granted a hundred marks from the revenues of the duchy of Cornwall and 100/. from the customs of the port of Southampton. In 1477-8 he w'as in France with the Earl of Arundel as ambas- sador to negotiate a continuance of the peace treaty. On 24 May 1483 he held the feast of St. George at Windsor. He died 30 Sept. 1487, and was buried in the priory of St. James, Dudley. His will, dated 17 Aug. 1487, appointed Sir William Hussey and Sir Regi- nald Bray [q. v.] executors. Dudley married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Berkeley, and widow of Edward Charl- ton, last lord Charlton of Powys [q. v.], who died in 1422 ; she was dead in 1479. His eldest son, Edmund, died in his father's life- time ; another son, John, was probably father of Edmund Dudley [q. v.] William [q. v.], the third son, became bishop of Durham. Oliver, the fourth son, was slain at the battle of Edgecote, near Banbury, 25 July 1469 : his will, made three days before the battle, is extant ; his brother William is named as one of his executors. The heir, Edmund, married (1) Joice, daughter of John, lord Tiptoft, and sister of the well-known Earl of Worcester ; and (2) Matilda or Maud, daughter of Thomas, baron Clifford. By his first wife he had two sons, Edward and John, and a daughter, Joice, and by his second wife seven sons and four daughters. The eldest son, Edward (b. 1457), succeeded his grandfather as second Baron Dudley in 1487, and married Cecilie, daughter of Sir W'illiam Willoughby. He died in 1531 . He was succeeded as third Baron Dudley by his half-witted son John (b. 1496), who was nicknamed ' Lord Quondam ; ' was with Henry VIII in France in 1513, when he is doubtfully said to have been knighted ; sold his estates of Dudley to John Dudley, duke of Northumberland [q. v.] ; became a destitute pauper; was never summoned to parliament; married Cecily, daughter of Thomas Grey, marquis of Dorset, and was buried with elabo- rate Roman catholic ceremonies in St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, 17 Sept. 1 553 (MACHYN, p. 44 ; WOOD, Letters, iii. 78, 80). The third baron's eldest son, EDWARD, was fourth BAEOX DUDLET; saw service in Ireland in 1536 under his uncle, Lord Leonard Grey, and in Scot- land in 1546: was knighted 2 Oct. 1553,- was restored to Dudley Castle in 1554 ; was lieutenant of Hampnes, Picardy, 1556-8 ; and entertained Queen Elizabeth at Dudley Castle in 1575. After an unsuccessful suit to a wridow Anne, lady Berkeley, he married (1) Catherine, daughter of Sir John Brydges [q. v.], first lord Chandos ; (2) Jane, daughter of Edward Stanley, lord Derby ; and (3) Mary, daughter of William, lord Howard of Effing- ham. He was buried at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 12 Aug. 1586. Edward, the fourth baron's heir, was fifth baron Dudley. He married Theodosia, daughter of Sir James Harrington, and had a son Ferdinando, created Dudley 109 Dudley K.B. in 1610, who married Honora, daughter of Edward Seymour, lord Beauchamp, and was buried at St. Margaret's 23 Nov. 1621. The fifth baron survived his heir till 23 June 1643. He had a large illegitimate family by a mistress, Elizabeth Tomlinson of Dudley, among them Dud Dudley [q. v.] His only legitimate representative, his son's daughter Frances (d. 1697), married Humble (d. 1670), .son of William Ward, the ancestor of the later Lords Dudley and Ward (cf. WILLIAM SALT, Arch&olog. Soc. Coll. v. pt. 2, pp. 114-17). [The difficulties connected -with the Dudley pedigree are fully discussed in Adlard's The •Sutton Dudleys of England and the Dudleys of Massachusetts in New England (1862) ; in the Herald and Genealogist, ii. 414-26, 494-9, v. 98- 127 (chiefly by H. Sydney Grazebrook) ; in Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xi. 152, 198,239, 272, 398, 434 ; and in Charles T wamley's History of Dudley Castle (1867). But the best authority is a paper by Mr. H. Sydney Grazebrook in Staffordshire Hist. Coll. of the William Salt Society, vol. ix. pt. 2 (1888). See also Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 214 et seq. (where many errors have been de- tected) ; Biog. Brit. (Kippis) (where the Dudley genealogy is treated in a separate article) ; Baker's Northamptonshire; Shaw's Staffordshire; Ormerod's Cheshire; Gilbert's Viceroys of Ire- land, pp. 323-7 ; Walcott's St. Margaret's, West- minster ; Wood's Letters of Illustrious Ladies.] S. L. L. DUDLEY, JOHN, DUKE OF NORTHUM- BERLAND (1502 P-1553), was the son of Ed- mund Dudley [q. v.], privy councillor to Henry VII, and of Elizabeth Grey, daugh- ter and coheiress of Edward Grey, viscount Lisle. His father was beheaded in the first of Henry VIII. In 1512-13 the son, being of the age of eleven, was restored in blood by act of parliament, and his father's at- tainder was repealed. He became known at court for his daring and address in martial exercises. In 1523 he attended the Duke of Suffolk, who landed at Calais with an army, and the same year he was knighted by his general in France. In 1524 Dudley per- formed, with other knights, at tilt, tourney, barriers, and the assault of a castle erected in the tilt-yard at Greenwich, where the king kept his Christmas (HALL). In 1533 he was made master of tho Tower armoury ; in 1536 he served as sheriff of Stafford- shire ; and the year after he was in Spain. In 1537 he became chief of the king's hench- men, and 29 Sept. 1538 was deputy-governor of Calais. In 1540 he was appointed master of the horse to Anne of Cleves, and at the meeting of that princess with the king on Blackheath he led her spare horse, trapped to the ground in rich tissue (Antiq. Repertory, vol. iii.) In 1542 he was made warden of the Scottish marches, raised to the peerage as Viscount Lisle, and appointed-great ^admiral for life. He now sailed to Newcastle, where he took on board his fleet the Earl of Hert- ford, afterwards Duke of Somerset, who was commander-in-chief in the horrible expedi- tion of fire and sword of that year, in which many of the southern Scottish monasteries were destroyed and Edinburgh was burned to the ground. After scouring the seas on his return the admiral passed to France, where he led the assault on Boulogne, which was taken, and entered in triumph by Henry VIII in 1544. On 23 April 1 543 he was made a privy councillor and K.G. Being appointed governor of Boulogne (30 Sept. 1544), he remained there to the end of the war in 1546, performing seve- ral notable exploits by land and sea. On 18 July 1546 he was sent ambassador to Paris. In 1547 he was left by Henry VIII one of the executors of his will, as a sort of joint regent with fifteen others, but he seems to have ac- quiesced in the designs of Somerset, the uncle of the young King Edward VI, who turned the joint regency into his own sole protectorate. In the same year (18 Feb. 1546-7) he was created Earl of Warwick and high chamber- lain of England. There was some talk of his choosing the title of Earl of Coventry. On 4 Feb. he resigned his office of great admiral to Somerset's brother, Lord Thomas Seymour of Sudeley. He was appointed lord-lieutenant, under Somerset, of the army going into Scot- land (August 1547). The great victory of Pinkie (] 0 Sept. 1547) was chiefly ascribed to his conduct. In 1549 he was again appointed to serve against the Scots, but the agrarian rising of Ket the tanner in Norfolk diverted his attention to a more pressing danger. He threw himself into Norwich, and in the bloody battle of Dussindale entirely defeated the host of the rebellious peasantry. On Warwick's return home, a meeting of his friends was held at his house (Ely Place) on 6 Oct. 1549, and it was asserted that Somerset was in open insurrection against the king and his council. Daily meetings of Warwick's supporters took place till 13 Oct., when Somerset was sent to the Tower, and all power passed into the hands of his rival. On 28 Oct. Warwick became one of the six lords attendant on the king, and for a second time great admiral. On 2 Feb. following he was appointed lord great master of the house- hold and president of the council. On 8 April he became lord warden-general of the north, but deemed it wiser to stay at home for the present than take up an office which de- manded his presence away from the court. On 20 Dec. he was ' allowed a train of a Dudley no Dudley hundred horsemen. Next year he became [ earl marshal (20 April 1551), warden of the | marches towards Scotland (27 Sept.), and on , 11 Oct. duke of Northumberland. The con- test was being renewed in vain by Somerset, I the fallen lord protector, who was now charged with plotting against Northumberland's life. Northumberland attended his rival's trial (1 Dec. 1551), and, baffled by superior ability, Somerset was brought to the scaffold (22 Jan. , 1551-2). The ascendency of Northumberland was thus complete. All who were suspected , of hostility were roughly dealt with. On j 22 Dec. the duke took the great seal from ; Lord-chancellor Rich, and on 22 April caused j the degradation of William, lord Paget, from \ the chapter of the Garter. In June he went I to take up his office in the north, and to re- j press disturbances. He was royally enter- tained on the journey, stopping with the Cecils at Burghley, near Stamford. He was in Lon- don again in July, having appointed Thomas, first lord Wharton, his deputy in the north. In order to increase his reputation he had a genealogical tree compiled, proving his de- scent from the baronial house of Sutton, alias Dudlev, and purchased the family's ancestral home, Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, of John, sixth baronDudley (TWAMLEY, Dudley Castle, 1867). The illness of Edward VI early in 1553 prompted to Northumberland's aspiring mind the design of altering the succession in favour of his own family. He procured from Edward letters patent ' for the limitation of the crown' (NICHOLS, Queen Jane, App. L), by which the king's sisters, Mary and Eliza- beth, were set aside in favour of any heir male that might be born, during the king's lifetime, of the Lady Frances, duchess of Suffolk, and aunt of the king ; failing whom the crown was to go to the Lady Jane Grey, daughter of the said Frances, to whom Northumberland married (21 May 1553) one of his own sons, Guildford Dudley [q. v.] In furtherance of this scheme Northumberland showed the most furious violence, declaring himself ready to fight for it in his shirt, browbeating the judges, and compelling them and most of the council, including Cranmer, to sign the instrument (21 June). On the death of the king, 6 July 1553, he caused the Lady Jane to be pro- claimed queen, and himself took the field (12 July) on her behalf against Princess Mary, whose supporters quickly gathered together in the eastern counties. The total failure of his attempt through the desertion of his forces was followed by his arrest at Cambridge, where, abandoning hope, he made proclamation for Queen Mary with the tears running down his face. On 23 July he was brought to the Tower ; on 18 Aug. he was arraigned for high treason and condemned ; and on the 22nd of the same month he was executed on Tower Hill, most of his confede- rates being pardoned or dismissed with fines. On the scaffold he blamed others for his own acts, avowed himself a catholic, and attri- buted all the recent troubles in England to the breach with the papacy. Extraordinary importance was attached at the time to this declaration, of which many manuscript ver- sions are extant. It was printed officially in London by ' John Cawood, printer to the Quenes highnes,' soon after his death, under the title of ' The Saying of John, Duke of Northumberlande,vppon the scaffolde. ' Latin and Dutch translations were issued at Lou- vain in the same year. In 1554 there was published, without name of place of publica- tion, a French ' Response a la Confession du feu Due lean de Northumbelade,' from a re- formed point of view. Dudley was the ablest man of the time after the death of Henry V1I1. He was a consummate soldier, a keen politician, and a skilful administrator. His nature was bold, sensitive, and magnanimous. His conduct at Norwich and Dussindale, where, before the action, he bound his hesitating officers to conquer or die by the knightly ceremony of kissing one another's swords, and where, after the fate of the day was determined, he stopped further resistance and slaughter by riding alone into the ranks of the enemy and pledging his word for their lives, is to be ad- mired. He was as lenient after as on the day of the victory ; and the severities exercised on Ket's followers were against his advice or in his absence. In the same way he spared the life of his rival, Somerset, as long as he could. On the other hand, when his own life lay under forfeit, this brave soldier manifested painful despair. He was a great man, but his cha- racter was spoiled by avarice, dissimulation, and personal ambition. He pillaged the re- ligious houses, the chantries, and the church as unscrupulously as any, heaping on himself a vast accumulation of their spoils. He went with the Reformation merely for his own advantage. Bishop Hooper and John Knox were for a time his proteges. The latter was often in his society, and in October 1552 he endeavoured to obtain for him the bishopric of Rochester. But on 7 Dec. 1552 Northumber- land wrote that he found Knox ' neither gratefull nor pleaseable.' Bale dedicated to him, 6 Jan. 1552-3, his 'Expostulation . . . agaynste the blasphemyes ... of a papyst of Hamshyre.' Northumberland sought to foist Robert Home into the bishopric of Durham after the deprivation of Cuthbert Tunstall. His recantation on the scaffold destroved Dudley n Northumberland's popularity with the puri- tans. John Knox, in his ' Faythfull Admo- nition made ... to the professors of God's Truth in England ' (1554), turned upon him all his artillery of invective, likening him to Achitophel, while Ponet compared him to Alcibiades ( Treatise of Politic Poiver*), though Bale had previously discerned in him a more flattering resemblance to Moses (Expostula- tion), and to Sandys (Sermon at Cambr., ap. Fox) he had appeared to be a second Joshua. The indignation of writers of the other side has been excited by his rapacity, especially by his dissolving the great see of Durham, which he had formally effected when his end came. Northumberland became chancellor of the university of Cambridge in January 1551-2. According to a letter sent him by Roger Ascham at the time, he had literary interests, and was careful to give all his chil- dren a good education. His personal unpopu- larity, which, according to Noailles, the French ambassador, fully accounted for the ruin of Lady Jane Grey's cause, is best illus- trated by the long list of charges preferred against him by one Elizabeth Huggons in Augustl552 (see NICHOLS, Edward VI, clxvi), and by the ' Epistle of Poor Pratte,' printed in 1554, and reprinted in Nichols's ' Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary.' Several interesting letters to and from the duke appear in the ' Calendar of the Hatfield MSS.,' vol. i. He married Jane, daughter and heiress of Sir Edward Guildford, by whom he had five sons and two daughters. The eldest son, JOHN, called in his father's lifetime LOKD LISLE and EARL OFWAKWICK, married, 3 June 1550, Anne Seymour, daughter of the Duke of Somerset. What was Northumberland's object in making this alliance is not known. Edward VI attended the wedding. On 18 Jan. 1551-2 young Warwick was allowed to main- tain a train of fifty horsemen, and on 28 April 1552 became master of the horse. He was remarkably well educated, and in 1552 Sir Thomas Wilson dedicated to him his ' Arte of Rhetorique.' Like all his brothers, he was implicated in his father's plot in favour of Lady Jane Grey ; was condemned to death in 1553 ; was pardoned, but died without issue in 1554, ten days after his release from the Tower. His widow married, 29 April 1555, Sir Edward Unton, K.B., by whom she had seven children. From 1566 she was insane. Three other of Northumberland's sons, Ambrose, Robert, and Guildford, are separately noticed. Henry, the fifth son, was slain at the battle of St. Quentin in 1555. Of the two daughters, Mary married Sir Henry Sidney and was mother of Sir Philip Sidney; Dudley Catherine became the wife of Henry Hastings, earl of Huntingdon. [Cooper's Athense Cantabr. 112, 543, and autho- rities cited there. There is also a life of Dudley in the Antiq. Repert., vol. iii. Many particulars are given in Blomefield's Norfolk, vol. ii., and in Tytler's Edward VI and Mary. Among general historians see Fox, Heylyn, Strype, Collier, Fuller (bk. viii.), Burnet, Lingard, Hume ; of foreign historians, Thuanus, lib. xiii. ; and Sepulveda's De Eeb. Gest. Car. V, lib. xxix. (Op. ii. 486). Of modern works, Froude's History, vols. v. vi., and Dixon's History of the Church, vol. iii., should be consulted. See also Historia delle cose occorse nel regno d'Inghilterra in materia del Duca di Nortomberlan dopo la morte di Odoardo VI, Venice,'] 558, described in authorities under DUD- LEY, LADY JANE ; Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary (Camd. Soc.), 1850 ; Nichols's Lite- rary Remains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club), 1857 ; Doyle's Baronage ; notes supplied by Mr. S. L. Lee.] R. W. D. DUDLEY, JOHN (1762-1856), miscel- laneous writer, eldest son of the Rev. John Dudley,vicar of Humberstone, Leicestershire, was born in 1762. He was first educated at Uppingham school, whence he went to Clare Hall, Cambridge. He proceeded B.A. 1785 (when he was second wrangler and mathe- matical prizeman), and M.A. 1788. In 1787 he was elected fellow, and in 1788 tutor. In 1794 he succeeded his father in the living of Humberstone. His grandfather had pre- viously held the benefice, which continued in the family for three generations during 142 years. In 1795 he was also presented to the vicarage of Sileby, Leicestershire. According to his own account (advertisement to Nao- logy), Dudley spent ' a long and happy life ' as ' a retired student,' occupying himself chiefly with mythological and philosophical studies. He died at Sileby, 7 Jan. 1856. Dudley wrote : 1 . ' Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on the Trans- lation of the Scriptures into the Languages of Indian Asia,' Cambridge, 1807. 2. ' The Metamorphosis of Sona, a Hindu Tale,' in verse, 1810. 3. ' A Dissertation showing the Identity of the Rivers Niger and Nile,' 1821. 4. ' Naology,or a Treatise on the Origin, Pro- gress, and Symbolical Import of the Sacred Structures of the most Eminent Nations and Ages of the World,' 1846. 5. ' The Anti- Materialist, denying the Reality of Matter and vindicating the Universality of Spirit,' 1849. This is a treatise written under the influence of the philosophy of Berkeley, to whose memory it is dedicated. [Gent. Mag. February 1856, pp. 197-8 ; Ro- milly's Cantab. Grad. p. 116; British Museum Catalogue.] F. W-T. Dudley 112 Dudley DUDLEY, LETTICE, COUNTESS OP LEICESTER (d. 1634). [See under DUDLEY, ROBEBT, EARL OF LEICESTER.] DUDLEY, ROBERT, EARL OF LEICES- TER (1532 P-1588), Queen Elizabeth's fa- vourite, was fifth son of John Dudley, duke of Northumberland [q. v.l by Jane, sister of Sir Henry Guildford, K.G. Edmund Dud- ley [q. y.] was his grandfather. He was born 24 June 1532 or 1533 (ADLARD, Amye Rob- sart, p. 16), was carefully educated, and ac- quired a good knowledge of Latin and Italian in youth (WILSON , Discourse of Usury, 1572). Roger Ascham at a later date expressed re- gret that he had preferred mathematics to cla'ssics, and praised ' the ability of inditing that is in you naturally ' (ASCHAM, Works, ed. Giles, ii. 104). When about sixteen Dudley was brought by his father into the so- ciety of the young king, Edward VI, and of his sister, Princess (afterwards Queen) Eliza- beth. The latter was of his own age, and was attracted from their first acquaintance by his ' very goodly person.' Dudley was soon knighted. On 4 June 1550 he was married at the royal palace of Sheen, Surrey, to Amy, daughter of Sir John Robsart. The king attended the wedding and made a note of it in his diary. AMY ROBSART was the only legitimate child of Sir John Robsart, lord of the manor of Siderstern, Norfolk, by Elizabeth, daughter of John Scott of Camberwell, Surrey, and widow of Roger Appleyard (d. 1530), lord of the manor of Stanfield, Norfolk. By her first husband Lady Robsart had four children, John, Philip, Anne, and Frances, and to her the manor of Stanfield was bequeathed, with remainder to her son John. She died in 1549. Amy was, like her husband, about eighteen at the date of the marriage. Her father settled some property on her just before (May 1550), and at the same time a second deed of settlement was signed by both Sir John Rob- sart and Dudley's father making provision for Dudley. On 4 Feb. 1552-3 Dudley's father granted Hemsby Manor, near Yarmouth, to ' Robert Dudley, lord Dudley, my son, and the Ladie Amie, his wife.' The early days of their married life were apparently spent in Norfolk, where Dudley was promi- nent in local affairs. He became j oint-steward of the manor of Rising and constable of the castle (7 Dec. 1551) ; joint-commissioner of lieutenancy for Norfolk (16 May 1552), and M.P. for the county in 1553. But Dud- ley's father often took him to court, whither Lady Amy did not accompany him. In April 1551 he seems to have visited the court of Henry II of France at Amboise in company with his adventurous friend, Thomas Stuke- ley. He was appointed a gentleman of the king's privy chamber on 15 Aug. 1551 ; at- tended Mary of Guise, the queen-dowager of Scotland, on her visit to London in October 1551 ; became master of the buckhounds (29 Sept. 1552) ; and during the king's last ill- ness (27 June 1553) received gifts of lands at Rockingham, Northamptonshire, and Eston, Leicestershire (Cal. State Papers, 1547-80, p. 52). In January 1551-2 he took part in two royal tournaments. On Edward VI's death (6 July 1553) Dud- ley aided his father and brothers in their at- tempt to place his sister-in-law, Lady Jane Grey, on the throne. Early in July he pro- claimed Lady Jane Grey queen of England at King's Lynn, Norfolk (Chronicle of Queen Jane, Camd. Soc. 111). He was committed to the Tower (26 July), and was arraigned, attainted, and sentenced to death 22 Jan. 1553-^i. During his confinement in the Tower Lady Amy was allowed to visit him — a proof that they were on good terms. He was released and pardoned 18 Oct. 1554. In 1557 he ac- companied his brothers, Ambrose and Henry, to Picardy [see DUDLEY, AMBROSE], and acted as master of ordnance to the English army engaged in the battle of St. Quentin, where his brother Henry was killed. For his military services he and his only surviving brother, Ambrose, together with their sisters, Lady Mary Sidney and Lady Catherine Hastings, were restored in blood by act of parliament 7 March 1557-8 (4 and 5 Phil. & Mary, c. 12). King Philip is said to have shown him some favour and to have employed him in carrying messages between himself and Queen Mary. Elizabeth's accession gave Dudley his op- portunity. He was named master of the horse on 11 Jan. 1558-9, K.G. on 23 April, and was sworn of the privy council. On 3 Nov. he and Lord Hunsdon held the lists against all comers in a tournament at Green- wich, which the queen attended. Immediately afterwards Dudley was granted a messuage at Kew, the sites of the monasteries of Wat- ton and Meux, both in Yorkshire, together with a profitable license to export woollen cloths free of duty and the lieutenancy of the forest and castle of Windsor. The royal liberality was plainly due to the queen's af- fection for Dudley. There can be no doubt at all that on her accession she contemplated marrying him. She made no secret of her in- fatuation. As early as April 1559 De Feria, the Spanish ambassador, declared that it was use- less to discuss (as Philip II wished) the queen's union with the Archduke Charles, seeing that Elizabeth and Dudley were acknowledged lovers. Dudley at first seemed willing to Dudley Dudley entertain the match with the archduke, but in the following November he told Norfolk, its chief champion, that no good Englishman would allow the queen to marry a foreigner. De Quadra, De Feria's successor, reported that the queen's encouragement of Dudley's ' over-preposterous pretensions ' so irritated Norfolk and other great noblemen that the murder of both sovereign and favourite had been resolved upon. In January 1559-60 De Quadra designates Dudley ' the king that is to be,' and describes his growing presumption and the general indignation excited by ' the queen's ruin.' On 13 Aug. 1560 Anne Dowe of Brentford was the first of a long line of offenders to be sent to prison for asserting that Elizabeth was with child by Dudley. Meanwhile Lady Amy, Dudley's wife, lived for the most part in the country. Extant accounts kept by her husband's stewards show that at the beginning of Elizabeth's reign she was travelling about in Suffolk and Lincoln- shire, and paid occasional visits to Christ- church, Camberwell, and London. Her most permanent home seems to have been the house of a Mr. Hyde at Denchworth, near Abing- don. Hyde had a brother William who was M.P. for Abingdon ; he had bought land of Dudley's father, and was friendly with Dudley himself. Dudley's account-books show that he frequently visited Lady Amy at Mr. Hyde's in 1558 and 1559. She spent large sums on dress, for which her husband's stewards paid. A letter addressed by her to a woman tailor , William Edney of Tower Royal, respecting an elaborate costume is still pre- served at Longleat. Another of her letters (Harl. MS. 4712), dated 7 Aug. (1558 or 1559), and addressed to John Flowerdew, steward of Siderstern, gives, in her husband's name, several detailed directions about the sale of some wool on the Siderstern estate, which had become the joint property of her husband and herself on her father's death in 1557. The language suggests a perfect un- derstanding between husband and wife. Early in 1560 Lady Amy removed to Cumnor Place, which was not far from Mr. Hyde's. An- thony Forster or Forrester, the chief control- ler of Dudley's private expenses and a perso- nal friend, rented Cumnor of its owner, Wil- liam Owen, son of George Owen, Henry VIII's physician, to whom the house had been granted by the crown in 1546. Forster was M.P. for Abingdon in 1572, purchased Cum- lor in the same year, and nothing is historic- ally known to his discredit. Besides Forster nd his wife, Lady Amy found living at Cum- or Mrs. Odingsells, a widow and a sister of Ir. Hyde of Denchworth, and Mrs. Owen, Villiam Owen's wife. On Sunday, 8 Sept. voi/. xvi. 1560, Lady Amy is said to have directed the whole household to visit Abingdon fair. The three ladies declined to go, but only Mrs. Owen dined with Lady Amy. Late in the day the servants returned from Abingdon and found Dudley's wife lying dead at the foot of the staircase in the hall. She had been playing at tables with the other ladies, it was stated, had suddenly left the room, had fallen downstairs and broken her neck. Dudley heard the news while with the queen at Windsor, and directed a distant relative, Sir Thomas Blount, to visit Cumnor. Blount was instructed to encourage the most stringent public inquiry, and to communicate with John Appleyard, Lady Amy's half-brother. All manner of rumours were soon abroad. Mrs. Pinto, Lady Amy's maid, said that she had heard her mistress ' pray to God to deliver her from desperation,' and although she tried to re- move the impression of suicide which her words excited, Dudley's reported relations with Elizabeth go far to account for Lady Amy's alleged ' desperation.' Thomas Lever, a clergy- man of Sherburn, wrote to the privy council (17 Sept.) of 'the grievous and dangerous suspicion and muttering ' about Lady Amy's death, and it was plainly hinted that Dudley had ordered Anthony Forster to throw Lady Amy downstairs. On 13 Sept. Dudley re- peated to Blount his anxiety for a thorough and impartial investigation, and (according to his own account) corresponded with one Smith, foreman of the jury. He added that all the jurymen were strangers to him. A verdict of mischance or accidental death was returned. Dudley seems to have suggested that a second jury should continue the in- quiry, but nothing followed. On a Friday, probably 20 Sept., his wife's body was removed secretly to Gloucester Hall, now Worcester College, Oxford, and on Sunday, 22 Sept., was buried with the most elaborate heraldic cere- mony in St. Mary's Church. The corporation and university attended officially. Dudley- was absent, and ' Mrs. Norrys, daughter and heire of the Lord Wylliams of Thame,' acted as chief mourner. John Appleyard was also present. Dr. Francis Babington [q. v.], one of Dudley's chaplains, preached the sermon, and is said to have tripped once and described the lady as ' pitifully slain ' (Leicester's Com- monwealth, pp. 22, 36). That Dudley was, as Cecil wrote a few years later, ' infamed by his wife's death ' is obvious. If the court gossip reported by the Spanish ambassador is to be credited, Dudley, in his desire to marry the queen, had talked of divorcing or of poisoning his wife many months before she died. De Quadra, indeed, wrote home at the time that the news of her Dudley 114 Dudley death reached London (11 Sept.): 'They [i.e. the queen and Dudley] were thinking of de- stroying Lord Robert's wife. . . . They had given out that she was ill, but she was not ill at all ; she was very well and taking care not to be poisoned. . . . The queen, on her return from hunting [on 4 Sept.], told me that Lord Robert's wife was dead or nearly so, and begged me to say nothing about it.' According to this statement Dudley and the queen conspired to murder Lady Amy, but this terrible charge is wholly uncorroborated. Lady Amy's death undoubtedly removed the chief obstacle to the marriage of the queen with Dudley, and the influential persons at court, who were determined that Elizabeth should not take this disastrous step, naturally exaggerated the rumours of Dudley's guilt in order to disqualify him for becoming the royal consort. Throgmorton, the English ambassador at Paris, frequently reported to Cecil that Dudley was universally credited on the continent with the murder of his wife, but this was Throgmorton's invariable pre- face to an impassioned protest against the proposed marriage of the queen with her favourite. On 30 Nov. the queen told one of her secretaries that the verdict of the jury left no doubt that Lady Amy had died acci- dentally, and Sir Henry Sidney, Dudley's brother-in-law, in the following January assured the Spanish ambassador that the malicious rumours were totally unfounded. Cecil, although no friend to Dudley, comes to the conclusion that they could not be sup- ported. In 1567 the charge of murder was revived by John Appleyard, who declared that the jury was suborned, but on being examined by the privy council he made an abject apology and confessed that he had wil- fully slandered Dudley because he had been disappointed in not receiving greater gifts from his brother-in-law. In 1584 the story adopted by Sir Walter Scott in ' Kenilworth' was first published in a libel on Dudley usually known as ' Leicester's Commonwealth ' (see in- fra) . There Anthony Forster and Sir Richard Verney, apparently of Compton Verney, War- wickshire, one of Dudley's private friends, were said to have flung Lady Amy downstairs. But none of the statements in this libel de- serves credit. There is no ground for con- necting Verney in any way with the tragedy. The author of the ' Yorkshire Tragedy ' (1608) obviously wrote in reference to the scanda- lous charge : The surest way to chain a woman's tongue Is break her neck — a politician did it. In spite of the suspicious circumstances of the death, nothing can be historically proved against Dudley. His absence from the in- quest and funeral is a point against him. The anxiety expressed in his letters to Blount that the jury should pursue their investiga- tion to the furthermost, at the same time that he was himself writing privately to the jury, is consistent with his guilt. But all the unpleasant rumours prove on examination to be singularly vague, and are just such as Leicester's unpopularity, caused by his rela- tions with the queen, would have led his numberless enemies to concoct. It is diffi- cult to believe that the alleged murder would have been hushed up when so many persons regarded it to the interest of themselves and the nation to bring it home to Dudley. The theory of suicide has most in its favour. Whatever were the queen's relations with Dudley before his wife's death, they became closer after it. It was reported that she was formally betrothed to him, that she had se- cretly married him in Lord Pembroke's house, and that she was ' a mother already ' (January 1560-1). But Elizabeth was never so com- pletely a victim to her passion as to allow her lover to control her political action, and his presumption often led to brief though bitter quarrels, On 30 Nov. 1560 the queen pro- mised to raise him to the peerage, but sud- denly tore up the patent. Dudley tried in vain to supplant Cecil. Although Cecil was for a time out of favour with Elizabeth owing to Dudley's machinations, his position was never seriously jeopardised. The puritan preachers were hottest in their denunciation of Elizabeth's behaviour with Dudley, and this was one of the causes which led Elizabeth to yield to Dudley's unprincipled and impolitic suggestion to seek Spanish and catholic aid in bringing about their union. Sir Henry Sidney in January 1560-1 first asked De Quadra whether he would help on the marriage if Dudley undertook to restore the Roman ca- tholic religion in England. In February Dudley ^and the queen both talked with the Spaniard openly on the subject; in April Dudley accepted the terms offered by De Quadra. He promised that England should send representatives to the council of Trent, and talked of going himself. On 24 June De Quadra accompanied Elizabeth and her lover on a water-party down the Thames, when they behaved with discreditable freedom. In a long conversation De Quadra undertook to press on their union on condition that they should acknowledge the papal supremacy. The negotiation was kept secret from the responsible ministers, but Cecil suspected the grounds of De Quadra's intimacy with Dudley and Elizabeth, and powerful opposi- tion soon declared itself. Dudley's personal Dudley i enemies and the catholic nobles agreed that Dudley should only marry the queen at the cost of a revolution, and De Quadra wrote home that if the marriage tookplace Philip II would find England an easy conquest. With curious duplicity Dudley also corresponded with the French Huguenots to induce them to support his ambitious marriage scheme. But his over-confidence did not please the queen. In July 1561 the king of Sweden offered Elizabeth his hand. Dudley ridiculed the offer, and the queen, irritated by his man- ner, said in the presence chamber that ' she would never many him nor none so mean as he,' and that his friends ' went about to dis- honour her' (State Papers, Foreign, 22 July). Dudley straightway asked permission to go to sea and obtained it, but he remained at home and was soon reconciled to his mistress. When the succession question was debated in 1562, Dudley supported the pretensions of Lord Huntingdon, the husband of his sister Cathe- rine. In the autumn of the same year the queen, on what she judged to be her death- bed, nominated her favourite protector of the realm. Next year the reports that Elizabeth had children by Dudley revived. One Robert Brooke of Devizes was sent to prison for pub- lishing the slander, and seven years later a man named Marsham of Norwich was punished for the same offence. An English spy in Spain in 1588 reported that a youth aged twenty-six, calling himself Arthur Dudley, and claiming to be Elizabeth's son by Dudley, had lately arrived in Madrid. He was born, he said, in 1562 at Hampton Court. Philip II received him hospitably, and granted him a pension of six crowns a day, but he was clearly a pre- tender (ELLIS, Orig. Letters, 2nd ser. iii. 135- 136 ; LINGAKI), Hist. 1874 edit. vi. 367-8). Although Dudley did not abandon hope of the marriage, it is plain that during 1563 Elizabeth realised its impracticability. Cecil, Sussex, Hunsdon, and Dorset did all they could to discredit Dudley, and his presump- tuous behaviour led to more frequent explo- sions of wrath on the queen's part. On one occasion Dudley threatened to dismiss one Bowyer, a gentleman of the black rod. The matter was brought to thequeen's knowledge. She sent for Dudley and publicly addressed him : ' I have wished you well, but my favour is not so locked up for you that others shall not partake thereof. ... I will have here but one mistress and no master' (NATJNTON, Frag- menta, ed. Arber, p. 17). About 1563 the question of Queen Mary Stuart's marriage was before the English council, and Eliza- beth, with every appearance of generous self- lenial, suggested that Dudley should become he Scottish queen's husband. She would Dudley have preferred, she said, a union between Queen Mary amd Dudley's brother Ambrose, but was willing on grounds of policy to sur- render her favourite. In June 1564 Dudley made friends with De Silva, the new Spanish ambassador, and once more declared himself to be devoted to Spain. De Silva wrote home that if Cecil could only be dismissed and re- j placed by Dudley, Spain and England would ! be permanent allies. On 28 Sept. 1564 Dudley was created Baron Denbigh, and on 29 Sept. Earl of Leicester. In October (according to Melville, the Scottish ambassador) Eliza- beth declared herself resolved to press on the match between Dudley and Queen Mary, and it was stated that she had bestowed an earl- dom on him to fit him for his promotion. The union of Mary with Darnley in 1565 brought the scheme to nothing. The old nobility at Elizabeth's court ac- quiesced with a very bad grace in Leicester's ! predominance. In March 1565 Norfolk, who had persistently opposed himself to Dudley's pretensions, quarrelled openly with him in the queen's presence. They were playing tennis together before Elizabeth. During a pause Leicester snatched the queen's handkerchief from her hand and wiped his face with it. 'Norfolk denounced this action as 'saucy,' and blows followed. In August 1565 the queen paid her first visit to Kenilworth, which she had granted Leicester (6 Sept. 1563). While the court was at Greenwich in June 1566 Sussex and Leicester had a fierce alter- cation in Elizabeth's presence, and the queen herself brought about a temporary reconcilia- tion. Early in 1566 the Archduke Charles renewed his offer of marriage with Elizabeth, and the queen discussed it so seriously that Leicester acknowledged in a letter to Cecilthat his fate was sealed. Cecil drew up more than one paper in which he contrasted Leicester and the archduke as the queen's suitors, much to thelatter's advantage. He declared Leicester to be insolvent, to be ' infamed by his wife's death,' and anxious to advance his personal friends. Little change in Leicester's personal relations with the queen was apparent while the negotiations with the archduke were pending, and he did what he could to ruin the scheme. In December 1567 he strongly opposed in the council Sussex's and Cecil s proposal to bring the archduke to England. In order to obstruct his rivals' policy he boldly turned his back on his old relations with the catholics and raised a cry of ' popery.' As early as 1564 Leicester had been making advances to the puritans, and Archbishop Parker and he had had some differences as to the toleration to be extended to their practices (SiETPE, Parker, i. 311). Subsequently he 12 Dudley 116 Dudley figured as their chief patron at court, and ostentatiously took Thomas Cartwright under his protection. Jewel was now directed by him to stir up the puritans in London against the marriage. Sussex vainly remonstrated and threatened to denounce him publicly as the betrayer of the queen and country. Early in 1568 Leicester's victory was assured and the archduke's offer rejected. Outside the court Leicester's position was reckoned all-powerful. Elizabeth had made him rich in spite of his extravagant habits. Four licenses to export woollen cloth ' un- woved ' were issued in 1561 and 1562. In 1563 he received from the crown the manor and lordship and castle of Kenilworth, the lordship and castle of Denbigh, and lands in Lancashire, Surrey, Rutland, Denbigh, Car- marthen, York, Cardigan, and Brecknock (Pat. 5 Eliz. 4th part ; Orig. 5 Eliz. 3rd part, rot. 132). The manors of Caldecote and Pe- lynge, Bedfordshire, with many other parcels of land, followed in the next year, and in 1566 sixteen other estates in different parts of England and Wales were assigned him (Grig. 8 Eliz. 1st part, rot. 56 ; Pat. 8 Eliz. 7th part). In 1565 he was granted a license to ' retain' one hundred persons, and became chancellor of the county palatine of Chester. In 1562 he was appointed high steward of Cambridge University, and stayed with the queen at Trinity College in August 1564, when she paid her well-known official visit. Soon afterwards (31 Dec. 1564) he became chancellor of Oxford University, and directed the elaborate reception of Elizabeth there in August 1566. A public dialogue, in Latin elegiacs, between Elizabeth and her favourite was printed (Elizabethan Oxford (Oxf. Hist. Soc.),pp. 157-68). In January 1565-6 Leices- ter and Norfolk were created by the French king, Charles IX, knights of St. Michael ( ASH- HOLE, Garter, p. 369), and in 1571 Leicester kept -with great state at Warwick the feast of St. Michael, when his gorgeous attire excited general admiration (cf. Topogr. Bibl. Brit. vol. iv. pt. ii.) In 1568 Mary Queen of Scots fled to England for protection ; the catholic lords of the north of England were meditating open rebellion, and attempts were being made at court under the guidance of Norfolk to get rid of Cecil. Leicester fostered the agitation against Cecil, and told the queen that she would never be safe while Cecil had a head on his shoulders. He also sought to make the presence of Queen Mary serve his own ends. He received with enthusiasm her en- voy, the Bishop of Ross; deprecated the bishop's suggestion that he should himself marry the Scottish queen; sent her presents, ' and finally agreed to forward the catholic plot for marrying her to the Duke of Norfolk. Elizabeth was bitterly opposed to this dan- i gerous scheme, but Leicester freely argued with her on the point. Meanwhile Leicester, 1 with characteristic baseness, allowed it to be \ assumed by the conspirators that he was looking with a favourable eye on the treason- able conspiracy hatching in the north. He obviously believed Elizabeth's fall to be at hand and was arranging for the worst. But | Cecil was more powerful than Leicester cal- culated. Elizabeth's goA'ernment weathered the storm with comparative ease. Norfolk ' was sent to the Tower in October 1569, and the rebellion of the northern earls was crushed in November. Leicester recognised that his I influence with the queen inmattersof politics i would not compare with Cecil's. ' Burghley,' j he wrote 4 Nov. 1572, ' could do more with ! her in an hour than others in seven years.' I But, so far as his personal relations with the ! queen were concerned, his position was un- changed, although his hopes of marriage were i nearly ended. In 1570 and 1571, with much show of dis- interestedness, Leicester strongly supported the proposal that Elizabeth should marry the Duke of Aniou. Private affairs doubtless en- couraged this policy. In 1571 he contracted himself to Douglas Sheffield, widow of John, second baron Sheffield, and daughter of Wil- liam, first lord Howard of Effingham. In May 1573 he secretly married the lady at Esher. Two days later a son, Robert [see DUDLEY, SIB ROBEKT, 1573-1649], was born, of whose legitimacy there can be little doubt. Appa- rently fearing the queen's wrath, Leicester never acknowledged this marriage. His in- fatuation for Lady Douglas was falsely said by his enemies to have led him to poison her former husband. But his sentiments soon changed, and he offered Lady Sheffield 7007. a year to ignore their relationship. The offer was indignantly rejected. Leicester was after- wards reported to have attempted to poison her, and to have so far succeeded as to de- prive her of her hair and nails. Gilbert Tal- bot wrote to his father, 11 May 1573, that two ladies had long been in love with Leices- ter, Lady Sheffield and Lady Frances Howard, that the queen suspected their passion, and spies were watching Leicester (LoBGE, Illus- trations, ii. 100). But his influence at court was not seriously imperilled. Evidence of the power which he was credited in the country with exerting indirectly on ministers of state is given by the records of the town of Tewkesbury for 1573. The citizens had petitioned for a charter of incorporation, and when the proceedings dragged, they ' levied Dudley 117 Dudley and gathered ' among themselves money to purchase for Leicester ' a cup of silver and gilt,' and subsequently ' an ox of unusual size.' In July 1575 Leicester entertained the queen at Kenilworth. The royal party arrived at the castle on Saturday, 9 July, and remained there till Wednesday, 27 July. As early as 1570 Leicester had begun to strengthen the fortifications of his palace, and to celebrate the queen's visit he is said to have added largely to the munition and artillery there. Elaborate pageants were arranged, and all the festivities were on an exceptionally gorgeous scale. Shakespeare is believed to have wit- nessed some part of the fantastic enter- tainments. Oberon's vision in ' Midsummer Night's Dream ' (ii. 148-68) has been ex- plained as a description of what the poet actually saw in Kenilworth Park. In the fines on Cupid's shaft aimed ' at a fair vestal throned by the west ' and falling on ' a little western flower,' a covert hint has been detected of Leicester's relations both with the queen and Lady Sheffield (cf. HALPIN, Oberon's Vision Illustrated, Shakspere Soc., 1843). Two full reports of the reception accorded to Elizabeth at Kenilworth were issued in 1576 — one by Robert Laneham, clerk of the council, and the other (entitled ' Princely Pleasures at the Courte at Kenelwoorth ') by George Gas- coigne. In July 1576 Leicester was in ill- health, and his doctors insisted on his drink- ing Buxton waters. Leicester's ambition was still unsatisfied. In September 1577 Elizabeth was contem- plating the despatch of an army to fight against Spain in the Low Countries, and Leicester resolved to obtain the post of com- mander-in-chief. He had wholly abandoned his flirtations with Spain, and took shares in Drake's expedition, which sailed in No- vember. Elizabeth raised no objection to Leicester's application for the generalship, but, after giving a definite promise to help the Low Countries, she suddenly, in March 1578, declined to send an army abroad. Leicester was deeply disappointed, but private affairs were again occupying him. Although un- able to rid himself of Lady Sheffield, he was making love to Lettice, the widowed countess of Essex, with whose late husband, Walter Devereux, first earl of Essex [q. v.], he had been on very bad terms. When Essex died at Dublin in 1576, it was openly suggested that Leicester had poisoned him, but the re- port proved baseless. Lady Essex, who was well known to the queen, and interchanged gifts with her on New Year's day 1578, had long been on intimate terms with Leicester, and had stayed at Kenilworth during the fes- tivities of 1575, while her husband was in Ire- land. Early in 1578 the Duke of Anjou, now Duke d' Alencon, renewed his offer of marriage to Elizabeth, and it was seriously entertained for a second time. Astley, a gentleman of the bedchamber, reminded the queen that Leicester was still free to marry her. She grew angry and declared it would be ' unlike herself and unmindful of her royal majesty to prefer her servant whom she herself had raised before the greatest princes of Christen- dom ' (CAMDEN). In 1578 Leicester, having finally abandoned all hopes of the queen's hand, married Lettice Knollys, countess of Essex. The ceremony was first performed at Kenilworth, and afterwards (21 Sept. 1578) at Wanstead, in the presence of Leices- ter's brother, Warwick, Lord North, Sir Francis Knollys, the lady's father, and others. Wanstead, which was henceforth a favourite home of Leicester, had been purchased a few months before, and the queen visited him there in the course of the year (NICHOLS, Progresses, ii. 222). The fact of the marriage was kept carefully from Elizabeth's know- ledge, although very many courtiers were in the secret. In August 1579 M. de Simier, the French ambassador, who was negotiating Alencon's marriage, suddenly broke the news to the queen. Elizabeth behaved as if she were heartbroken, and three days later pro- mised to accept Alencon on his own terms. She ordered Leicester to confine himself to the castle of Greenwich, and talked of sending him to the Tower, but Sussex advised her to be merciful. Leicester's friends declared that he voluntarily became a prisoner in his own chamber on the pretence of taking physic (GREVILLE, Life of Sir P. Sidney). The queen rapidly recovered from her anger, and Leicester returned to court, resolved to avenge himself on De Simier, and to put an end to the French marriage scheme. He was credited with endeavouring to poison the ambassador, and when a gun was accident- ally discharged at the queen's barge on the Thames, while Elizabeth, De Simier, and Lei- cester were upon it, it was absurdly suggested that De Simier had been shot at by one of Leicester's agents. Alencon arrived in 1580. Leicester attended him and the queen, and in February 1580-1 accompanied the duke on his way to the Low Countries as far as Antwerp by Elizabeth's order. On Leicester's return Elizabeth had an interview with him and reproached him with staying too long abroad. Rumours were spread that Leicester aimed at becoming prince of the protestant provinces of Holland, and the queen openly charged him with conspiring with the Prince of Orange against her. Leicester did not deny that his ambition lay in the direction indi- Dudley 118 Dudley cated, but warned the queen that if she, as in her irritation she hinted, intended to ally herself with Spain against the Low Countries, she would have to prepare for war with France as well as with the Netherlands. Leicester's presumption was now at its zenith. With an eye on the Low Countries as an appanage for himself, he in December 1582 proposed that Arabella Stuart should marry Robert, his infant son by his wife Lettice, and thus the crown might possibly enter his own family. He also suggested that one of his stepdaughters would make a good wife for James of Scotland. The latter proposal led to a passionate protest from Elizabeth, who loathed Leicester's wife, and denounced her with terrible vehemence (June 1583). In 1584 Leicester suggested the formation of the well- known association for the protection of the queen's person, chiefly with the object of cir- cumventing the catholic nobility, whom the queen's treatment of Queen Mary was drawing into treasonable devices. In the same year Leicester was held up to the nation's detesta- tion in an anonymous pamphlet, first issued at Antwerp as ' The copye of a letter wryten by a Master of Arte at Cambridge,' but better known as ' Leicester's Commonwealth.' The author, who is assumed on highly doubtful grounds to be the j esuit Parsons, tried to prove that the ancient constitution of the realm was practically subverted, and that the govern- ment of the country had been craftily absorbed by Leicester, whose character was that of an inhuman monster. All offices of trust were, it was alleged, in his hands or those of his re- lations. The corporation of Leicester replied to these charges by entertaining the earl at an elaborate banquet on Thursday 18 June, while he was staying with his sister, the Countess of Huntingdon. Sir Philip Sidney, Leicester's nephew, circulated a vindication of his uncle and his family (printed by Collins in the ' Sydney Papers '). On 26 June 1585 Elizabeth issued an order in council forbid- ding the book's circulation, and asserting on her own knowledge that its charges were false. As an historical authority it certainly has no weight, but as an indication of the hatred that Leicester had succeeded in ex- citing, it is of importance to his biographer. In August 1585 Burghley wrote to Leicester to complain of certain contemptuous speeches which the earl was reported to have made concerning him. Leicester replied at great length, denying the imputation. He lamented the envy which his position at court excited, but deprecated the notion that he wished for Burghley's place, and asserted that he had always been Burghley's friend (STKYPE, An- nals, in. i. 503-6). In the autumn of 1585 Elizabeth at length resolved to intervene in the Low Countries. A great English army was to be sent to the aid of the States-General in their war with Spain, and the command of the expedition was be- stowed on Leicester (September 1585). His intimacy with the queen made the appoint- ment satisfactory to England's allies, but his incapacity soon showed its imprudence. In December he reviewed his troop of six hundred horse in London, and marched to Harwich. He disembarked at Flushing 10 Dec. The Dutch received him trium- phantly. Gorgeous pageants and processions were arranged in his honour. At Utrecht Jacobus Chrysopolitanus and Arnold Eyck issued extravagant panegyrics; the former added a brief history of the earl's reception, and on 23 April 1586 Leicester celebrated with abundant pomp the feast of St. George in the city. At Ley den the memory of similar festivities lasted so long that the students on 7 June 1870 gave an imitation of them to celebrate the 295th anniversary of the Leyden High School. At the Hague was published in 1586 an elaborate series of twelve engravings representing the trium- phal procession which welcomed Leicester to the town. Leicester had good grounds for writing home to the queen that the Netherlanders were devoted to her, but he was in no hurry to take the field. On 14 Jan. 1585-6 a deputation from the States-General offered him the absolute government of the United Provinces. Leicester declared that he was taken by surprise, and pointed out that his instructions only permitted him to serve the States-General and not to rule them. Further entreaties followed, and Leicester yielded. On 25 Jan. he was solemnly installed as absolute governor, and took an oath to pre- serve the religion and liberty of his subjects. On 6 Feb. a proclamation was issued announc- ing his new dignity (translation printed in Somers Tracts, 1810, i. 420-1). Davison, the English envoy at the Hague, with whom Leicester had long been on intimate terms, was sent home to communicate the news to Elizabeth. All was known before Davison arrived. The queen was indignant, and threatened to recall the earl. It was reported that Leices- ter's wife was about to join her husband with a great train of ladies, and the queen's wrath increased. Burghley, Walsingham, and Hatton urged that Leicester's conduct had been politic. Leicester, who soon learned of the disturbance created by his action, argued in a despatch that he had been mo- dest in accepting the mere title of governor, and blamed Davison for not defending him Dudley Dudley fairly. Sir Thomas Heneage reached Flush- ing (3 March), and brought letters announc- ing Elizabeth's displeasure. Leicester replied by sending Sir Thomas Sherley, but the queen did not relent. The quarrel was distracting attention from the objects of the expedition, and Burghley threatened to resign unless Elizabeth gave a temporary ratification of the earl's appointment. At last she yielded so far as to allow him to continue in his office until the council of state could devise such a qualification of his title and authority as might remove her objection without peril to the public welfare. After more negotiations and renewed outbursts of the queen's wrath, the matter ended by the Dutch council of state petitioning Elizabeth to maintain the existing arrangement until they could with- out peril to themselves effect some change (June 1586). The queen had published her displeasure and had relieved herself of all suspicions of collusion with Leicester. She therefore raised no further difficulties. Leicester's arrogance soon proved to the States-General that they had made an error. He called his Dutch colleagues ' churls and tinkers,' and was always wrangling with them over money matters. ' Would God I were rid of this place,' he wrote (8 Aug.), and bitterly remarked that the queen had suc- ceeded in ' cracking his credit.' In military matters Leicester was no match for the Spaniards under the Duke of Parma. He succeeded in relieving Grave, and vainly imagined that the enemy were completely ruined by the victory. On 23 April Leicester was reviewing his troops at Utrecht when news was brought him that the Spaniards were marching to recapture Grave. He marched leisurely to Arnheim and Nimeguen with the avowed intention of intercepting the enemy, but as he had no news of their route Leicester never met the attacking force, and Grave was recaptured with ease. To allay the panic which this ludicrous failure pro- duced in Holland, Leicester tried the go- vernor of Grave, Baron Henart, by court- martial, and sent him to the scaffold. Prince Maurice and Sir Philip Sidney seized Axel, and partly retrieved the failing reputation of the English army. Leicester in his des- patches blamed everybody for his own neglect of duty, and let Nuys fall to the enemy with- out raising a finger to protect it. The equip- ment and temper of part of his army were cer- tainly unsatisfactory, and he had repeatedly to make an example of deserters, but his petty wrangling with Norris and other able col- leagues explains much of his failure. In August a gentle letter of reprimand from the queen, the receipt of fresh supplies of money, and the advice of Sir William Pelharn, en- abled Leicester to improve his position. On 2 Sept. he relieved Berck ; the enemy soon retired into winter quarters ; the forts about Zutphen and Deventer were captured by the gallantry of Sir Edward Stanley and Sir William Pelham; and the indecisive cam- paign was at an end. Leicester came home, making no provision for the command of the army. He had laboured hard for the execu- tion of Mary Queen of Scots, had written letters pressing it on the queen while in Hol- land, and had hinted when Elizabeth seemed to hesitate that Mary might be privately strangled. He now renewed his importu- nities, and on 8 Feb. 1586-7 the execution took place. In January 1586-7 Deventer was betrayed to the Spaniards, and the States-General begged for Leicester's return. The queen refused the demand, but, after directing him to avoid hostilities, sent him over in June to inform the Dutch that they must come to terms, with Spain. Parma was besieging Sluys, and declined to entertain negotiations for peace. The English were forced to renew the war, but it was too late to save Sluys, which fell in August. The wretched plight of the English soldiers rendered them nearly useless. Leicester did little or nothing, and he was finally recalled on 10 Nov. 1587. With characteristic love of display he had a medal struck with the motto ' Invitus desero non Gregem sed ingratos.' A party still supported him in Holland, and resisted his successor. On 12 April 1588 a proclamation was issued by the States, announcing his final resignation of his high office (trans- lation in Somers Tracts, 1810, i. 421-4). On Leicester's return home he was wel- comed as of old by the queen. She seemed to place increased confidence in him. In May and June 1588, while the country was pre- paring to resist the Spanish Armada, he was constantly in her company, and received the appointment of 'lieutenant and captain-ge- neral of the queen's armies and companies ' (24 July). He joined the camp at Tilbury on 26 July, and when the danger was over the queen visited the camp, and rode with him down the lines (9 Aug.) One of Leicester's latest letters described to Lord Shrewsbury (15 Aug.) Elizabeth's glorious reception by the troops. At the same time she had a pa- tent drawn up constituting him lieutenant- general of England and Ireland, but, yielding to the protests of Burghley, Hatton, and Wal- singham, she delayed signing it. Leicester withdrew fromLondon at the end of August. While on the way to Kenilworth he stopped at his house at Cornbury, Oxfordshire, and there Dudley 120 Dudley he died of ' a continual fever, as 'twas said,' on 4 Sept. 1588, aged about fifty-six. Ben Jonson tells the story that he had given his wife ' a bottle of liquor which he willed her to use in any faintness, which she, not know- ing it was poison, gave him, and so he died ' ( Conversation* with Drummond, p. 2-4). Bliss in his notes to the ' Athense Oxon.,' ii. 74-5, first printed a contemporary narrative to the effect that the countess had fallen in love with Christopher Blount [q. v.], gentleman of the horse to Leicester ; that Leicester had taken Blount to Holland with the inten- tion of killing him, in which he failed ; that the countess, suspecting her husband's plot, gave him a poisonous cordial after a heavy meal while she was alone with him at Corn- bury. Blount married the countess after Leicester's death, and the narrator of the story gives as his authority William Haynes, Leicester's page and gentleman of the bed- chamber, who saw the fatal cup handed to his master. But the story seems improbable in face of the post-mortem examination, which was stated to show no trace of poison. Leices- ter was buried in the lady chapel of the col- legiate tomb at "Warwick. The gorgeous funeral cost 4,000/. An elaborate altar-tomb with a long Latin inscription was erected there to his memory by his wife, Lettice. By her he had a son, Robert, who died at Wanstead 19 July 1584, and was buried in the Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick. Leices- ter's will, dated at Middleburg, 1 Aug. 1587, was proved by the countess, the sole exe- cutrix, two days after his death. He left to the queen, with strong expressions of fidelity, a magnificent jewel set with emeralds and diamonds, together with a rope of six hundred ' fair white pearls.' Wanstead was appointed for the countess's dowager-house. Sir Christopher Hatton, the Earl of Warwick, and Lord Howard of Effingham were over- seers of the will. His personalty was valued at 29,820/. (cf. Harl. Rolls, D. ^^Inven- tories of his pictures at Kenilwortn^Leices- ter House, and Wanstead have been printed (Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. ii. 201-2, 224-5). There are 183 entries, among them portraits of himself, his relatives, the queen, and the chief foreign generals and statesmen of the time. Leicester's widow, after marrying Sir Christopher Blount, sought in vain a recon- ciliation with Elizabeth in 1597 ; remained on friendly terms with Robert, earl of Essex, her son by her first husband, till his execu- tion in 1601 ; took some part in the educa- tion of Robert, third earl of Essex, her grand- son ; resisted the efforts of Leicester's son, Sir Robert Dudley [q. v.], to prove his legiti- macy; and died, vigorous to the last, on 25 Dec. 1634, aged 94. She was buried by Leicester in Beauchamp Chapel, AVarwick, and some verses on her death by Gervase Clifton were painted on a tablet hung near the Leicester monument. ' Laws and Ordinances,' drawn up for the English army in Holland, and published in London in 1587, is the only printed work of which Leicester was author, but numerous letters appear ' in Digges's ' Compleat Am- bassador,' 1655, in ' Cabala,' 1671, and in the 'Leycester Correspondence,' 1844. They all show much literary power. His style is colloquial, but always energetic. In 1571 Leicester founded by act of parliament a hospital at Warwick for twelve poor men. The first warden was Ralph Griffin, D.D., and the second Thomas Cartwright, the puri- tan [q. v.] Leicester drew up statutes for the institution, 26 Nov. 1585 (COLLINS, Syd- ney Papers, i. 46-7). Leicester was a patron of literature and the drama. Roger Ascham, whose son Dud- ; ley (b. 1564) was his godson, often wrote of i his literary taste. Gabriel Harvey devoted ! the second book of his ' Congratulationes : Valdinenses,' London, 1578, to his praises, and printed eulogies by Pietro Bizari, Carlus Utenhovius, Walter Haddon, Abraham Hart- well, and Edward Grant. Geoffrey Whitney, i when dedicating to him his ' Choice of Em- blemes ' (1586), states that many famous men I had been enabled to pursue their studies I through his beneficence. Home dedicated to him his translation of two of Calvin's sermons in 1585, and Cartwright was always friendly with him. While patronising the puritan controversialists he exhibited with charac- teristic inconsistency an active interest in the drama. As early as 1571 ' Lord Leicester's Men' performed a play before the queen when visiting Saffron Walden. In succeeding years the same company of actors is often men- tioned in the accounts of the office of revels. [ On 7 May 1574 the first royal patent granted ' to actors in this country was conceded to the Earl of Leicester in behalf of his actor-ser- vants, at whose head stood James Burbage [q. v.j Plays or masques formed the chief attractions of the Kenilworth festivities of 1575 (CoLLiEE, Hist. English Dramatic Poetry, i. 192, 202, 224-6, iii. 259). Love of display and self-indulgence are Lei- cester's most striking personal characteristics. By his extravagant dress, his gluttony, and his cruel treatment of women he was best known to his contemporaries. That he was also an accomplished poisoner has been repeatedly urged against him, but the evidence is incon- clusive in all the charges of murder brought against him. In politics his aim was to con- 120/7, 1. 1 7 from foot. Add to reference ' see also inventories in drchaeologia, Ixxiii. 28-52.' Dudley 121 Dudley trol and (at first) marry the queen, whose early infatuation for him decreased but never died. He was a clever tactician, and con- trived to turn the least promising political crises into means of increasing his influence at court. The general policy of Elizabeth was unaffected by him. The piety with which he has been credited in later life does not merit serious attention. In person he was stated to be remarkably handsome, although ' towards his latter end he grew high-coloured and red-faced' (NATJNTON), tall in stature, dignified in bearing, and affable in conversa- tion. The best portrait is that by Mark Garrard at Hatfield. Another (with a page) by Zucchero belongs to the Marquis of Bath. A third at Penshurst was painted in 1585. Others are in the University Library, Cambridge, and at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. In the large picture of Queen Elizabeth visiting Hunsdon House (1571), belonging to Mr. G. D. W. Digby, Leicester is the courtier standing nearest to the queen (Catalogue of Exhibition of National Por- traits, 1866). [There is no good biography of Leicester. ' The copy of a Letter wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambridge to his Friend in London con- cerning some talke past of late between two worshipfull and grave men about the present state and some proceedyngs of the Erie of Leyces- ter and his friendes in England,' is the full title of the scurrilous libel attributed to Father Par- sons, usually quoted as ' Leicester's Common- wealth,' and known from the green-edged leaves of the original edition as ' Father Parson's Green Coat.' Some letters in Cole's MSS. xxx. 129, show clearly that Father Parsons was not the author, but that it was the work of a courtier who en- deavoured to foist responsibility on Parsons. This book, which treats Leicester as a profes- sional poisoner and a debauchee, is the founda- tion of all the chief lives. It was first printed probably at Antwerp in 1584; it appeared in a French translation under the title of 'La Vie Abominable, Euses, Trahisons, Meurtres, Im- postures,' &c. (Paris? 1585), and in a Latin version bylulius Briegerus at Naples in 1585 as ' Flores Calvinistici decerpti ex Vita Eoberti Dudlei, comitis Leicestrise.' It was republished in London in 1641 as 'Leicester's Commonwealth identified, 'and was versified as 'Leicester's Ghost' about the same time. Orders were issued for its suppression in October 1641 (Cal. State Papers, 1641-3, p. 136). It formed the basis of Dr. Drake's ' Secret Memoirs of Kobert Dudley, Earl of Leicester' (London, 1706, 2nd edit. 1706, 3rd edit. 1708), which was given in 1721 the new title 'Perfect Picture of a Favourite.' Drake pretended to print the libel ' for the first time from an old manuscript.' In 1727 Dr. Jebb issued a Life ' drawn from original writers and records,' which does not place less reliance than its predecessors on ' Leicester's Commonwealth,' but quotes many other authorities. The Amy Robsart episode has been the subject of numerous books. Ashmole's account, which Sir Walter Scott adopted, is printed in his 'Antiquities of Berk- shire,' i. 140-54, and is drawn from ' Leicester's Commonwealth.' More critical examinations of the story appear in A. D. Bartlett's ' Cumnor Place' (1850), in Pettigrew's 'Inquiry concerning the Death of Amy Eobsart' (1859), and in J. G. Adlard's 'Amye Robsart' (a useful collection of authorities and genealogical information about the Eobsart family) (1861). Canon Jackson printed several manuscripts relating to Lady Amy, now at Longleat, in ' Wiltshire Archaeological and Natu- ral Hist. Mag.,'xvii. 47-93 (May 1877), and in 'Nineteenth Century' for March 1882 he argues strongly for Leicester's innocence. Mr. Walter Rye, in his ' Murder of Amy Robsart — a brief for the prosecution ' (1885), attempts to convict him by treating ' Leicester's Commonwealth ' as trustworthy evidence, and interpreting unfavour- ably much neutral collateral information. A valuable list of royal grants made to Leicester, and some contemporary documents at Hatfield, notably Appleyard's ' Examination,' appear in Mr. Rye's appendix. ' Cumnor Hall,' the well- known ballad on Amy Robsart, by W. J. Mickle, first appeared in Evans's Ballads, 1784, and first directed Sir Walter Scott's attention to the sub- ject. His novel of 'Kenilworth' was issued in 1821. Its historical errors, often exposed, were fully treated of by Herrmann Isaac in ' Amy Eobsart und Graf Leicester' in 1886. Leices- ter's important letters to Blount, written imme- diately after Amy's death, were first printed from the Pepys's Collection in Lord Braybrooke's edi- tion of Pepys's ' Diary ' in 1848. For Leicester's career in Holland the 'Leycester Correspondence,' ed. John Bruce (Camd. Soc. 1844), which covers his first visit, 1585-6, is, together with Motley's History, most valuable. 'A brief Eeport of the Militarie Service done in the Low Countries by the Earl of Leicester, written by one that hath served in a good place there,' is a contemporary eulogy (London, 1587). Contemporary accounts of his triumphal progress through Utrecht, Leyden, and the Hague are mentioned above. A Ee- monstrance (in French) against his conduct in Holland appeared at Utrecht in 1587, and his reply (in Dutch) at Dordrecht in the same year. Madame Toussaint wrote a Dutch novel entitled 'Leicester en Nederland,' and at Deventer in 1847 was issued Hugo Beijerman's ' Oldenbarneveld : de Staten von Holland en Leycester,' a discus- sion of his policy. See also Froude's History (very valuable for the Spanish accounts of Leices- ter) ; Lingard's Hist. ; Naunton's Fragmenta Ee- galia ; Camden's Annals ; Stow's Annals ; Sydney Papers, ed. Collins ; Sir Dudley Digges's Corn- pleat Ambassador (1655); Cabala (1671); Cal. State Papers (Domestic) (1547-88); Nichols's Progresses, especially ii. 613-24; Cal. Hatfield Papers, i.; Cooper's Athense Cantabr. ii. 30, 543 ; Wood's Athenae Oxon.,ed. Bliss, ii. 74-5 ; Strype's Dudley 122 Dudley Annals, Memorials, and Lives of Parker and Whitgift; Biog. Brit. (Kippis) ; Notes and Queries, 6th ser. iii. 283 (an imprinted letter to the Earl of Bedford, 17 Sept. 1565); Dugdale's Warwickshire. The fullest account of Lettice, Leicester's third wife, is in Gent. Mag. (1846) i. 250 et seq. ; it is by Mr. J. Gr. Nichols.] 3. L. L. DUDLEY, SIR ROBERT, styled DUKE or NORTHUMBERLAND and EARL OF WAR- WICK (1573-1 649), naval commander and in- ventor, was son of Robert Dudley [q. v.], earl of Leicester, by Douglas Sheffield, widow of John, second baron Sheffield, and daughter of William, first lord Howard of Effingham. Dudley's legitimacy was never legally esta- blished. He adduced evidence to show that his parents formally contracted themselves at a house in Cannon Row, Westminster, in 1571 ; that in May 1573, two days before his own birth at Sheen, they were secretly married at Esher, Surrey ; that Sir Edward Horsey gave the lady away ; that Dr. Julio and seven others witnessed the ceremony ; that the secrecy was due to his father's desire to keep the marriage j from Queen Elizabeth's knowledge, and that | until he was three years old, and his father's affections were transferred to the Countess of Essex, Leicester treated him as his lawful heir. About 1577 Leicester seems to have offered Lady Sheffield 7001. to induce her to disavow the marriage, but this bribe she in- dignantly declined. In 1578 Leicester mar- ried the Countess of Essex, whereupon Lady Sheffield married Sir Edward Stafford of Grafton. These marriages, whose validity was not disputed, are the substantial ground on which Dudley has been adjudged ille- gitimate ; but they are not incompatible with the allegation that his father and mother ] went through a marriage ceremony at Esher j in 1573. His godfathers were Sir Henry Lee and his father's brother, Ambrose Dudley [q. v.], earl of Warwick. Lady Dacres of the South was his godmother, but none of these persons were present at his baptism. The Earl of Warwick always seems to have treated the child with kindness. For a time Dudley lived with his mother, and his father was denied access to him. But when he was five or six Leicester obtained possession of him, and sent him to a school kept by Owen Robin at Offington, near Worthing, Sussex. In 1587 he was entered at Christ Church, Oxford, as an earl's son, and placed under the care of Thomas Chaloner. Leicester died in 1588, and left to young Robert after the death of Warwick the Kenilworth estate, with the lordships of Denbigh and Chirk. Warwick died in 1589, and Robert took pos- session of the property. At the time he was a handsome youth, learned in mathematics, and an admirable horseman. Before he was nineteen he married a sister of Thomas Ca- vendish [q. v.l, the circumnavigator, whose exploits he wished to emulate. On 18 March 1592-3 the mayor of Portsmouth was directed by the privy council to deliver to Dudley two ships, the property of Cavendish, who had lately died at sea. Immediately afterwards he projected an expedition to the South Seas, but the government laid obstacles in the way of his departure. On 6 Nov. 1594 he started on a voyage to the West Indies with two ships (the Earwig and Bear). He destroyed much Spanish shipping at Trinidad ; visited the Orinoco river, naming an island at its mouth Dudleiana, and after exploring Guiana, arrived at St. Ives, Cornwall (HAKLUYT, iii. 574 et seq.) In 1596 Dudley was with Essex at Cadiz, and was knighted by his commander. On his return Dudley, now a widower, mar- ried Alice or Alicia, daughter of Sir Thomas Leigh of Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. His eldest daughter Alicia was baptised at Kenil- worth 25 Sept. 1597. Immediately after- wards he resolved to secure legal proof of his legitimacy, and to claim the titles of his father, Leicester, and uncle, Warwick. A suit was commenced in the Archbishop of Canterbury's court of audience, and Dr. Za- chary Babington was commissioned to ex- amine witnesses. Many persons deposed on oath to the Esher marriage. But Lettice, Leicester's widow, was unwilling that the law- fulness of her marriage should be questioned, and Robert Sidney, son of Leicester's and Warwick's sister Mary (wife of Sir Henry Sidney), also resisted the claim. An infor- mation was filed in the Star-chamber charg- ing Dudley, Sir Thomas Leigh (his father- in-law), Dr. Babington, and others with a criminal conspiracy. All proceedings were stayed, and documents and depositions im- pounded. Chafing at this injustice, Dudley applied for and was granted a three years' license to travel abroad (25 June 1605). An extant letter from Dudley to his father's friend, Arthur Atye, dated Stoneleigh, 2 Nov. 1605, shows that Dudley was then in Eng- land, and had not yet abandoned all hope of obtaining a legal decision in favour of his claims. But a month or so later Dudley abandoned his home for ever. With him there went, in the disguise of a page, Elizabeth, the beautiful daughter of Sir Robert Southwell of Woodrising, Norfolk, and his own cousin-german. This lady was his mistress. He is said to have married her by papal dispensation at Lyons, and to have repudiated his former marriage with Alice Leigh, by whom he had a large family of Dudley 123 Dudley daughters, on the ground that he had been precontracted to some one else. Orders were issued by the English government for Dud- ley's return (2 Feb. 1606-7), to meet a charge of having assumed abroad the title of Earl of Warwick. He refused to obey, and his estates were forcibly sold. On 21 Nov. 1611 Kenil worth, which had been valued at 38,550/., was purchased for 14,500/. by Henry, prince of Wales ; but Dudley, who claimed to retain the office of constable of the castle, obtained nothing from the transaction. The Sidneys of Penshurst seized his estates of Balsall and Long Itchington ; but his daughters Cathe- rine and Anne recovered them after many years' litigation. On the appeal of Sir Thomas Leigh, the privy council ordered (21 May 1616) the sale of all Dudley's remaining pro- perty for the benefit of his forsaken wife and daughters. On 30 July 1621 Sir Thomas Chaloner wrote that if Dudley made proper provision for his legitimate family, means might be found for his return to England. Dudley meanwhile settled at Florence, and became a Roman catholic. In 1612 he sent to his friend, Sir David Foulis, a pamphlet about bridling parliaments, with a view to recovering James I's favour. An accompany- ing note was signed ' Warwick.' Under the same signature he forwarded to Foulis in the same year 'A Proposition for Henry, Prince of Wales,' which chiefly dealt with the necessity on England's part of maintain- ing an efficient navy, and suggested a new class of war-ships, called Gallizabras, and car- rying fifty cannon. In January 1613-14 he sent further letters from Leghorn, describing his nautical inventions. On 15 July 1614 he informed Foulis that he could build his own kind of ship, and wished to return to Eng- land ; but this wish was never gratified. In 1613 he bought a house of the Rucellai family at Florence, still standing in the Vigna Nuova. His ingenuity as a shipbuilder and mathematician attracted the attention of Cosmo II, duke of Tuscany, whose wife, Mag- dalen, archduchess of Austria, and sister of the emperor, Ferdinand II, appointed him her grand chamberlain. On 9 March 1620 the emperor, who had heard of his accom- plishments and knew his history, created him Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumber- land in the Holy Roman Empire, and he was enrolled by Pope Urban VIII among the Roman nobility. Dudley was employed by Ferdinand II, who succeeded his father, CosmoII, as Duke of Tuscany in 1621, to drain the morass between Pisa and the sea, an ope- ration to which the town of Leghorn owed its future prosperity. A pension was granted him for this skilful piece of engineering. He built himself a palace at Florence, and was presented with Carbello Castle in the neigh- bourhood. Lord Herbert of Cherbury visited Dudley at Florence in 1614, and has described the meeting at length in his ' Autobiography.' i John Bargrave [q.v.] met him in 1646, and j has also left on record an account of his in- terview. He died at Carbello 6 Sept. 1649. His remains were placed in the nunnery of Boldrone, where they are said to have re- mained as late as 1674. A stone coroneted shield — with the bear and ragged staff en- graved upon them — is still preserved in what remains of the Florentine church of San Pan- crazio, and is locally described as part of a tomb set up there above Dudley's body. Eliza- beth Southwell, who died before Dudley, was certainly buried in that church, but the tomb and inscription were destroyed by the French in 1798. ALICE DUDLEY, Dudley's deserted wife, was created in her own right Duchess Dudley on 23 May 1645. The patent which recognises her husband's legitimacy confers the prece- dence of a duke's daughters on her surviving children. The title was confirmed by Charles II in 1660. The duchess resided at Dudley House, St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, once the resi- dence of her husband's grandfather, the Duke of Northumberland, and she enjoyed the rents of some of her husband's landed property. She was a great benefactor of the church and parish of St. Giles, and bequeathed large sums to the parochial charities, on her death at Dud- ley House, 22 Jan. 1668-9. She was buried at Stoneleigh. A funeral sermon (' Mirror of Christianity'), preached at St. Giles's Church by the rector, Robert Boreman [q. v.], was published. A portrait is at Trentham Hall, Staffordshire. Of her seven daughters by Dudley, Alicia, born at Kenilworth in 1597, died in 1621. Frances married Sir Gilbert Kniveton of Bradley, Derbyshire, and died before 1645, being buried in St. Giles's Church. Anne was wife of Sir Robert Holbourne, and died in 1663. Catherine married Sir Richard Leveson of Trentham ; died in 1673, and was buried at Lilleshall, Shropshire. Dudley is credited with having had thirteen children by Elizabeth Southwell. Five sons were alive in 1638, of whom the fourth, Fer- dinando, was a Dominican, and the eldest, Carlo, called himself ' duca di Nortumbria ' after his father's death. Carlo married Maria Maddalena Gouffier, daughter of Due de Ro- hanet of Picardy, and died at Florence in 1686. His son and heir, Ruperto, was first cham- berlain to Maria Christina, queen of Sweden, while she lived at Rome. One of Carlo's daughters married Marquis Palliotti of Bo- logna, whose son was hanged at Tyburn, and Dudley 124 Dudley whose daughter, Adelhida, married Charles Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury. Of Dudley's six daughters, Anna died in 1629, and was buried in the church of San Pancrazio, where her father and mother set up an elaborate tomb. Teresa married Conte Mario di Car- pegna ; a third married the Prince of Piom- bino; the fourth, Marquis of Clivola; the fifth, Duke di Castillon del Lago (Woor.). Dudley wrote the following: 1. 'A Voyage ... to the Isle of Trinidad and the Coast of Paria,' printed in Hakluyt's ' Voyages,' iii. 574 (1600). 2. ' A Proposition for His Majesty's Service to bridle the Impertinence of Parlia- ments,' written in 1612, and forwarded to Sir David Foulis. The manuscript was found in Sir Robert Cotton's library in 1629, and caused much commotion in both the court and par- liamentary parties. It frankly recommended to James I a military despotism, and was first printed in Rush worth's 'Collections' (1659). [For a full account of the confusion caused by the distribution of copies in 1629, see art. COTTON, SIR ROBERT.] 3. ' Dell 'Ar- cano del Mare di D. Roberto Dvdleo, Dvca di Northvmbria e Conte di Warvick,' Florence, vol. i. (1646), vols. ii. and iii. (1647), dedi- cated to Ferdinand II, duke of Tuscany. These magnificent volumes are divided into six books ; the first deals with longitude, and the means of determining it ; the second sup- j plies general maps, besides charts of ports and j harbours, in rectified latitude and longitude ; ! the third treats of maritime and military dis- [ cipline ; the fourth of naval architecture ; the j fifth of scientific or spiral navigation ; and j the sixth is a collection of geographical maps, i Numerous diagrams give the book great value. A second edition appeared at Florence in 1661. Wood states that Dudley was also the author of a physical work called ' Catholicon,' ' in good esteem among physicians.' Wood had never seen a copy; none is known, and it has been inferred that it was a book of medical prescriptions thumbed out of ex- istence. But it is quite possible that Dudley is credited with such a book in error, caused by the fact that a Pisan doctor, Marco Cor- nachini, published at Florence in 1619 a work dedicated to Dudley, describing a powder of extraordinarily effective medical properties invented by Dudley. The powder, composed of scammony, sulphuret of antimony, and tartar, appears in many English and foreign phar- macopoeias as ' Pulvis Warwicensis,' or ' Pul- vis Comitis de Warwick.' Wood also adds that Dudley was ' noted for riding the great horse, for tilting, and for his being the first of all that taught a dog to sit in order to catch partridges.' Engraved portraits appear in Adlard's ' Amye Robsart' and in ' The Italian Bio- graphy.' There is a close resemblance be- tween his features and those of Shelley. [Wood's Athense Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 258-62, communicated by Dudley's son Carlo in a letter dated from Home 17 Oct. 1673 ; The Italian Bio- graphy of Sir Robert Dudley, Kt. . . .andNotices of Dame Alice Dudley, privately printed, without author's name, date, or place (an ill-arranged but elaborate work by the Rev. Vaughan Thomas, B.D. (1775-1853), vicar of Stoneleigh, issued about 1856, and representing the accumulations of fifty years) ; Adlard's Memoirs and Correspondence (from the State Papers), forming an appendix to Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leicester (1870); Salvetti's Correspondence in Hist. MSS. Comm. llth Rep. pt. i. 174, 181-3; Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, ii. ; Biog. Brit. (Kippis) ; Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Autobiogr. (1886), pp. 156-7 ; Bargrave's Alexander VII, Camd. Soc. ; Sir N. H. Nicolas' s Report of Proceedings on claim to Barony of De L'Isle, 1829 ; Gillow's Bibl. Diet, of English Catholics.] S. L. L. DUDLEY, THOMAS (ft. 1670-1680), engraver, was a pupil of Wenceslaus Hollar [q. v.], and his plates are etched in a manner resembling, but greatly inferior to, his mas- ter's style. A book-plate in the print room of the British Museum shows him to have had considerable technical skill, but his por- traits and figures are ill drawn. His most important work was a series of etchings exe- cuted in 1678, representing the life of ^Esop, from drawings by Francis Barlow [q. v.], (now in the print room aforesaid), and added by Barlow to his second edition of the ' Fables ' (1687). A few portraits by him are known, including one of Titus Gates on a broadside, entitled 'A Prophecy of England's Future Happiness.' In 1679 he seems to have visited Lisbon in Portugal, as he engraved portraits of John IV and Peter II of Portugal, of Theodosius Lusitanus (1679), Bishop Russel of Portalegre (1679), and of a general, the last named (in the print room) being signed ' Tho. Dudley Anglus fecit Vlissippone.' [Huber et Roost's Manuel des Curieux et des Amateurs de 1'Art, vol. ix. ; Le Blanc's Manuel de 1'Amateur d'Estampes ; Cat. of the Suther- land Collection of Portraits.] L. C. DUDLEY, WILLIAM (d. 1483), bishop of Durham, younger (probably third) son of John Sutton de Dudley, baron Dudley [q. v.], by Elizabeth Berkeley, his wife, was educated at University College, Oxford, proceeding B.A. 1453-4, and M.A. 1456-7. He was instituted to the living of Malpas, Cheshire, in 1457, became rector of Hendon, Middlesex, on 24 Nov. 1466, was appointed to various prebendal stalls in St. Paul's Cathedral be- tween 1468 and 1473, and was archdeacon Duesbury 125 Duff of Middlesex 16 Nov. 1475. Edward IV showed him special favour and made him dean of the Chapel Royal, dean of the collegiate church of Bridgnorth (1471), prebendary of St. Mary's College, Leicester (2 Aug. 1472), dean of Windsor (1473), prebendary of Wells (1475-6), and bishop of Durham (October 1476). In 1483 he was nominated chan- cellor of the university of Oxford in place of the king's brother-in-law, Lionel Wydville, bishop of Salisbury. He died 29 Nov. 1483, and was buried beneath an elaborate monu- ment in the chapel of St. Nicholas in West- minster Abbey. [Ormerod's Cheshire; Nichols's Leicestershire, i. 335 ; Wood's Hist, of Colleges and Halls, ii. 55, 64; Le Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardy; Godwin, De Prsesulibus, p. 717.] S. L. L. DUESBURY, WILLIAM (1725-1786), china manufacturer, born 7 Sept. 1725, was son of William Duesbury, currier, of Can- nock in Staffordshire. He first practised as an enameller at Longton in the same county, but in 1755 he moved with his father to Derby. At this time the Derby potworks on Cockpit Hill were held by Messrs. John and Christopher Heath, bankers in the town, while at the same time a French refugee, Andrew Planch^, was making china figures in an obscure tenement in Lodge Lane. Duesbury learnt the art from Planche, and entered into an agreement with him and John Heath to establish a china manufactory. Soon after the Heaths failed, Duesbury, having cleared himself from the debts which their failure brought upon him, set up a china manufactory for himself in the Not- tingham Road. This may fairly be called the first foundation of the Derby china manu- factory. Duesbury managed to obtain a good staff of workmen and assistants, and the manufactory soon became prosperous and im- portant, and the products extensively sought after. In June 1773 he opened a warehouse in London at No. 1 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, and had periodical sales by auction of his stock. In 1770 he purchased the works and stock of the defunct manufactory at Chelsea, in 1775 those of the manufactory of Bow, in 1777 those of Giles's manufactory, Kentish Town, besides others ; he thus be- came the most important china manufacturer in the kingdom, and enjoyed the royal pa- tronage. Duesbury died in November 1786, and was buried in St. Alkmund's, Derby. By his wife, Sarah James of Shrewsbury, he had several children, of whom WILLIAM DTJES- BtrRY, the eldest surviving son, succeeded to the proprietorship of the works. He was born in 1763, and the prosperity of the works reached its highest point shortly after he suc- ceeded to them. He took into partnership an Irish miniature-painter named Michael Kean. Duesbury's health broke up early, and he died in 1796. By his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of William Edwards, solicitor, of Derby (who remarried the above mentioned Kean), he left three sons, of whom William Duesbury, born in 1787, inherited, but did not take part in the works, which in 1809 were disposed of to Robert Bloor [q. v.] The second son, Frederick Duesbury, became a well-known physician in London, and was father of Henry Duesbury, who practised as an architect in London, and died in 1872. [Haslem's Old Derby China Manufactory; Jewitt's Ceramic Art of Great Britain ; Wallis and Bemrose's Pottery and Porcelain of Derby- shire.] L. C. DUFF (Dubh, the Black) (d. 967), king of Celtic Alban (Scotland), son of Malcolm, succeeded, in 962, Constantine, son of In- dulph, in whose reign Edinburgh (Dun Eden) was relinquished by the Angles, who had held it since Edwin of Deira (617-632) gave it its name. It now became a Celtic fort. In 965 Duff defeated Colin, the son of Indulph, supported by the abbot of Dunkeld and the chief of Athole at Drumcrub in Strath- earn. Two years later Colin reversed this victory and expelled Duff, who, according to a later chronicle, was afterwards, when at- tempting to recover his kingdom, slain at Forres. His body was hidden under the bridge of Kinloss, and the sun did not shine till it was found and buried. An eclipse on 10 July 967 may have originated or confirmed this story. [Skene's Celtic Scotland, i. 367, where the original sources are given ; Robertson's Scotland under her Early Kings, i. 77.] JE. M. DUFF, ALEXANDER, D.D., LL.D. (1806-1878), missionary, was born at Auch- nahyle in the parish of Moulin, Perthshire, 26 April 1806. In his boyhood he came under deep religious impressions, and in his course of study in arts and theology at the university of St. Andrews was much influ- enced by Chalmers, then professor of moral philosophy. As soon as he finished his theo- logical course, he accepted an offer made to him by the committee of the general assembly on foreign missions to become their first mis- sionary to India. Ordained in August 1829, Duff proceeded on his way, and after being twice shipwrecked on the voyage, and losing all his books or other property, reached Cal- cutta in May 1830. After much considera- tion he determined to make Calcutta his base of operations, and to conduct the mission in Duff 126 Duff a different manner from any other. His plan was to open an English school, which should by-and-by develope into a college, this to be- come the headquarters of a great campaign against Hinduism. The Bible was to be the great centre and heart of all his work, and the leading aim of the mission would be to impress its truths. But along with this there would be taught every form of useful know- ledge, from the A B C up to the subjects of the most advanced university studies. The use of the English language in his school was a great innovation, and brought down on him much unfavourable criticism. But he was firmly persuaded, and the result has justified his belief, that the English language was de- stined to be the great instrument of upper education in India, and he had the immovable conviction that nothing was betterfitted than our western knowledge to undermine the su- perstitions of the country and open its mind to the gospel. It was a leading feature of his plan from among the converts of the mis- sion to train up native preachers of the gos- pel, it being his decided conviction that only through native teachers and preachers could India become Christian. From the beginning his school was highly successful. Some very decided conversions took place in its earliest years, bringing on it a fearful storm, but openly stamping it with the character of a mission school, while it began to expand into a missionary col- lege, that soon after obtained unprecedented renown. Duff was cheered by the co-opera- tion of Sir Charles Trevelyan, who arrived at Calcutta soon after himself, and by the friendship of the governor-general, Lord Wil- liam Bentinck [q. v.] His plan received an extraordinary impulse from a minute of the governor-general in council on 7 March 1835, in which it was laid down that in the higher education the great object of the British government ought to be the promotion of European science and literature among the natives of India, and that all the funds appro- priated for the purposes of education would be best employed on English education alone. A pamphlet of Duff's, entitled 'New Era of the English Language and Literature in India,' showed the immense importance which he attached to this minute. He confessed, however, that the enactment had a defect in treating the spread of Christianity in India as a matter of worldly expediency. Broken down in health by ceaseless and enthusiastic activity, Duff visited his native country in 1834. Here his enthusiasm did not at first receive a very flattering response ; but when he was called to address the general assembly, and when, in response to this call, the young man of twenty-nine was able to hold the whole audience as by a spell for nearly three hours, in a speech which for com- bined exposition, reasoning, and impassioned appeal was almost without a parallel, his triumph was complete. For some years after- wards he went through the country expound- ing his plan, and not only secured general approval, but on the part of many awakened a new interest in the work of missions gene- rally and cordial devotion to his own mis- sion in particular. Duff returned to India in 1840. Ever since the issue of Lord William Bentinck's minute, a vehement controversy had been going on between the ' Orientalists,' as the party was called who were opposed to it, and the friends of European education. In 1839 Lord Auck- land, governor-general, adopting a reaction- ary policy, passed a minute, the object of which was to effect a compromise between j the two parties. Duff took up his pen, and in a series of letters which appeared in the ' Christian Observer ' endeavoured to show the mischief and the folly of supporting at one and the same time the absurdities of the east and the science of the west. All his life Duff fought hard for a more reasonable and consistent policy, but without the com- plete success which he longed for. On re- visiting India at this time, he found many proofs of the progress of western ideas. His own institution was now accommodated in a structure that had cost between 5,000/. and 6,OOOZ., and was attended by between six and seven hundred pupils, and the college de- partment was in full and high efficiency. In 1843 the disruption of the Scottish church took place, and as Duff, with all the other foreign missionaries of the church, adhered to the Free church, all the buildings, books, and apparatus of every description that had been collected for his mission had to be sur- rendered. Once more he found himself in the same state of destitution in which he had been after his shipwrecks, on his first arrival in the country. But his spirit rose to the occasion, and being very cordially encouraged by the church at home, which determined, notwithstanding its other difficulties, to sup- port all its missionaries, he proceeded with his work. By-and-by a new institution was provided, more suited to the enlarged opera- tions now carried on. He was cheered by the hearty support of men like Sir James Outram and Sir Henry Lawrence, and by the accession of a new band of converts which included several young men of high caste and of equally high attainments. The success of the mission caused a great crusade by the supporters of the native religions against it, Duff 127 Duff and it passed through one of the severest of those social storms to which it was always exposed in times of success. He had the satisfaction of seeing several of his pupils re- ceiving training for the work of native mis- sionaries, and beginning that work. Branch schools, too, were formed in several villages in the neighbourhood of Calcutta. The ope- rations of the mission were greatly enlarged. In 1844 Lord Hardinge became governor- general. One of his first acts was to declare go- vernment appointments open not only to those who had studied at Government College, but to the students of similar institutions, a step which greatly delighted Duff. In the same year Duff took part in founding the ' Calcutta Review/ to the early numbers of which he contributed frequently. The first editor was Mr. (afterwards Sir J. W.) Kaye, who on leaving Calcutta in 1845 besought Duff to undertake the charge, the ' Review ' having proved a great success. Duff continued to edit it till ill-health drove him likewise away in 1849, when it was handed over to one of his colleagues. This arrangement continued till 1856, when the ' Review ' passed into other hands. In 1849 Duff had the advantage, on his way home, of traversing India and seeing many of the chief seats of mission work. His second visit home was signalised by his ele- vation to the chair of the general assembly of the Free church in 1851, and another mis- sion tour, the chief object of which was to induce that church to place its foreign mis- sion scheme on a higher and less precarious platform, and secure for it an income adequate to its great importance. Hardly less was it signalised by his appearance before Indian committees of parliament, to give evidence on various questions, but especially that of education. This led to the famous despatch of Lord Halifax, president of the board of control, addressed to the Marquis of Dal- housie, then governor-general, and signed by ten directors of the East India Company. This despatch was really inspired by Duff, and em- bodied the very views with which he had started his work in 1830. It proceeded on the principle that 'the education we desire to see extended in India must be effected by means of the English language in the higher branches of education, and by that of the ver- nacular languages to the great mass of the people.' The plan embraced a system of uni- versities, secondary schools, primary schools, normal schools, art, medical, and engineering colleges, and finally female schools. The sys- tem of grants in aid was to be applied with- out restriction. The Bible was to be in the libraries of the colleges and schools, and the pupils were to be allowed freely to consult it, and to ask questions on it of their instruc- tors, who if they chose might give instructions on it, but out of school hours. While Duff was delighted with this minute, it was a great disappointment to him during all the remain- der of his life that he could not get its pro- visions fully and fairly carried into effect. In 1854 Duff, at the earnest solicitation of a citizen of great enthusiasm and public spirit, Mr. George H. Stuart of Philadelphia, paid a visit to the United States. His travels and orations in that country were a series of triumphs. ' No such man has visited us since the days of Whitefield ' was the general tes- timony as he parted from them on the quays of New York. ' Never did any man leave our shores so encircled with Christian sym- pathy and affection.' The university of New York conferred on him the degree of LL.D. The university of Aberdeen had previously made him D.D. When he returned to India in 1856, Lord Canning was governor-general, and there were mutterings of the great storm which soon burst out. Duff, who knew the people well, was not unprepared for it, and with other missionaries had been urging on the au- thorities his views regarding the right treat- ment of the people. What followed was re- corded by him in a series of twenty-five letters to the convener of the foreign missions com- mittee,which were published from time to time in the 'Witness' newspaper, and afterwards collected in a volume which went through several editions, entitled ' The Indian Mutiny : its Causes and Results ' (1858). When the mutiny was over, Duff preached a memorable sermon in the Scotch Free church, in which, like another Knox, he condemned the policy of the government, some of whose members were present. The mutiny had no such un- favourable effect as some dreaded on the pro- gress of Christianity in India. In 1850, a census showed the native protestant Christians to be 127,000. In 1871 the number was 318,363. Among the martyrs during the mutiny was his third convert, Gopeenath Nundi. The loyalty of the native Christians to the British government was conspicuous. During this period of Duff's stay in India, his chief object of public solicitude was the university of Calcutta, now in the course of foundation. He had been appointed by the governor-general to be one of those who drew up its constitution. ' For the first six years of the history of the university,' says his biographer, Dr. George Smith, ' in all that secured its catholicity, and in such questions as pure text-books and the establishment of the chair of physical science contemplated in Duff Duff the despatch, Dr. Duff led the party in the senate.' Dr. Banerjea has written thus of his leadership : ' The successive vice-chan- cellors paid due deference to his gigantic mind, and he was the virtual governor of the university. The examining system still in force was mainly of his creation. . . . He was the first person that insisted on education in the physical sciences.' In 1863 the office of vice-chancellor was pressed upon him by Sir Charles Trevelyan, to whose recommendation the viceroy would probably have acceded, but the state of things at home was such that the church recalled him to preside over its mis- sions committee. It was thought to be time that Duff should leave India, his health being so impaired as to make a permanent change a necessity. The memorials devised in his honour on his leaving were very numerous. In the cen- tre of the educational buildings of Calcutta a marble hall was erected as a memorial of him. Four Duff scholarships were instituted in the university. A portrait was placed in one college, a bust in another. A few Scotch- men in India and adjacent countries offered him a gift of 11,OOOJ., the capital of which he destined for the invalided missionaries of his own church. Conspicuous among those who gave utterance to their esteem for him as he was leaving them was Sir Henry Maine, who had succeeded to the post of vice-chancellor of the university. Maine expressed his ad- miration for Duff's thorough self-sacrifice, and for his faith in the harmony of truth, remark- ing that it was very rare to see such a com- bination of the enthusiasm of religious con- viction with fearlessness in encouraging the spread of knowledge. On his way home in 1864 Duff, in order to become practically acquainted with other missions of his church, visited South Africa, and traversed the country in a wagon, in- specting the mission stations. In 1865 he learned that his Calcutta school had for the first time been visited by a governor-general, Sir John Lawrence, who wrote to him that it was calculated to do much good among the upper classes of Bengal society. Installed as convener of the foreign missions committee, Duff set himself to promote the work in every available way. To endow a missionary chair in New College, Edinburgh, he raised a sum of 10,OOOZ. He had never thought, of occu- pying the chair, but circumstances altered his purpose and he became first missionary professor. He superintended all the arrange- ments for carrying into effect the scheme so dear to Dr. Livingstone, of a Free church mission on the banks of Lake Nyassa. He travelled to Syria to inspect a mission in the Lebanon. He co-operated with his noble friends, Lady Aberdeen and Lord Polwarth, in the establishment of a mission in Natal, the ' Gordon Memorial Mission,' designed to commemorate the two sons of Lady Aber- deen, whose career had terminated so tragi- cally, the sixth earl of Aberdeen and the Hon. J. H. H. Gordon. In 1873, when the state of the Free church was critical, on account of a threatened schism, Duff was a second time called to the chair. This danger, strange to say, arose from a proposal for union between the Free church and the United Presbyterian, which Duff greatly encouraged. Among his latest acts was to take an active part in the for- mation of the ' Alliance of Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian System,' whose first meeting, however, in 1877, he was destined not to be able to attend. His health, which for many years had been precarious, underwent a decided change for the worse in 1876-7, and he died on 12 Feb. 1878. What personal pro- perty he had he bequeathed to found alecture- ship on missions on the model of the Bampton. Duff's principal publications were as fol- lows: 1. 'The Church of Scotland's India Mission,' 1835. 2. ' Vindication of the Church of Scotland's India Missions,' 1837. 3. 'New Era of English Language and Literature in India,' 1837. 4. ' Missions the end of the Christian Church,' 1839. 5. ' FareweU Ad- dress,' 1839. 6. 'India and India Missions,' 1840. 7. ' The Headship of the Lord Jesus Christ,' 1844. 8. ' Lectures on the Church of Scotland,' delivered at Calcutta, 1844. 9. 'The Jesuits,' 1845. 10. 'Missionary Ad- dresses,' 1850. 11. ' Farewell Address to the Free Church of Scotland,' 1855. 12. Several sermons and pamphlets. 13. ' The World- wide Crisis,' 1873. 14. ' The True Nobility — Sketches of Lord Haddo and the Hon. J. H. Hamilton Gordon.' 15. Various articles in the ' Calcutta Review.' [Letter to Dr. Inglis respecting the wreck of the Lady Holland, 1830; Missionary Record of Church of Scotland and of Free Church of Scot- land ; Disruption Worthies ; Life of Alexander Duff, D.D., LL.D., by George Smith, C.I.E., LL.D., 2 vols.; Men -worth remembering, Alex- ander Duff, by Thomas Smith, D.D. ; Daily Re- view, 13 Feb. 1878 ; Proceedings of General Assembly of Free Church, 1878.] W. G. B. DUFF, JAMES, second EARL OP FIFE (1729-1809), was second son of William Duff, Lord Braco of Kilbryde. His father, son of William Duff of Dipple, co. Banff, was M.P. for Banffshire 1727-34, was created Lord Braco in the peerage of Ireland 28 July 1735, and was advanced to the dignity of Earl of Fife and Viscount Macduff, also in the peerage of Ireland, by patent dated 26 April 1759, Duff 129 Duff on proving his descent from Macduff, Earl of I Fife. His mother -was his father's second | wife, Jean, daughter of Sir James Grant of I Grant, hart. He was born 29 Sept. 1729. . In 1754 he was elected M.P. for Banff, and was ! re-elected in 1761, 1768, 1774, and 1780, and ; in the parliament of 1784 represented the I county of Elgin. He succeeded his father in j the title and estates in September 1763, and devoted himself to the improvement of the property, which he largely increased by the purchase of land in the north of Scotland. He was twice awarded the gold medal of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manu- factures, and Commerce, for his plantations, with which he covered fourteen thousand acres. He offered the farmers on his estate every inducement to cultivate their land on the most approved principles, and himself set the example by instituting near each of his seats a model farm, where agriculture and cattle-breeding were carried on under his per- sonal supervision. In 1782 and 1783, when all crops failed, he allowed his highland tenants a reduction of twenty per cent, on their rents, and disposed of grain to the poor considerably below the market price, import- ing several cargoes from England, which he sold at a loss of 3,0001. He was created a British peer by the title of Baron Fife, 19 Feb. 1790. He held the appointment of lord-lieu- tenant of county Banff, and founded the town of Macduff, the harbour of which was built at a cost of 5,0001. He died at his house in Whitehall, London, 24 Jan. 1809, and was buried in the mausoleum at Duff House, Banffshire. He married, 5 June 1759, Lady Dorothea Sinclair, only child of Alexander, ninth earl of Caithness, but he had no issue, and his British peerage became extinct on his death. He was succeeded in his Scotch earl- dom by his next brother, Alexander. ' [Douglas and Wood's Peerage of Scotland, i. 578; Scots Mag. Ixxi. 159 ; Foster's Members of Parliament (Scotland).] A. V. DUFF, SIR JAMES (1752-1839), general, only son of Alexander Duff of Kinstoun, N.B., entered the army as an ensign in the 1st or Grenadier guards on 18 April 1769. He was promoted lieutenant and captain on 26 April 1775, and made adjutant of his bat- talion in 1777, and on 30 April 1779 he was knighted as proxy for the celebrated diplo- matist Sir James Harris, afterwards first earl of Malmesbury, at his installation as a knight of the Bath. He was promoted cap- tain and lieutenant-colonel on 18 July 1780, colonel on 18 Nov. 1790, and major-general on 3 Oct. 1794, and in 1797 received the command of the Limerick district. While VOL. XVI. there he rendered important services during the insurrection of 1798, and managed to keep his district quiet in spite of the state of affairs elsewhere. He was promoted lieutenant- general on 1 Jan. 1801, and general on 25 Oct. 1809, and at the time of his death, at Fun- tington, near Chichester, on 5 Dec. 1839, he was senior general in the British army, and was one of the few officers who held a com- mission for over seventy years. It is note- worthy that he had as aides-de-camp during his Limerick command two famous officers, William Napier [q. v.] and James Dawes * Douglas [q. v.] There are numerous allusions to him in the ' Life of Sir William Napier.' [Royal Military Calendar; Gent. Mag. March 1840; Life of Sir William Napier.] H. M. S. DUFF, JAMES, fourth EARL OF FIFE (1776-1857), Spanish general, elder son of the Hon. Alexander Duff, who succeeded his brother as third Earl Fife in 1809, was born on 6 Oct. 1776. He was educated at Edin- burgh and was not intended for the army. On 9 Sept. 1799 he married Mary Caroline, second daughter of John Manners, who died on 20 Dec. 1805. Thereupon Duff sought distraction in 1808 by volunteering to join the Spaniards in their war against Napoleon. His assistance was gladly re- ceived, especially as he came full of enthu- siasm and with a full purse, and he was made a major-general in the Spanish service. He served with great distinction at the battle of Talavera, where he was severely wounded in trying to rally the Spanish runaways, and was only saved from becoming a prisoner by the gallantry of his lifelong friend, Major (afterwards Lieutenant-general Sir) S. F. Whittingham. In that year, 1809, he became Viscount Macduff on his father's accession to the Irish earldom of Fife, but he still con- tinued to serve in Spain, and was present during the defence of Cadiz against Marshal Victor, and was again severely wounded in the attack on Fort Matagorda in 1810. Ori 17 April 1811 he succeeded his father as fourth Earl Fife, and as lord-lieutenant of Banffshire, and returned to England, after being made for his services a knight of the order of St. Ferdinand. He was elected M.P. for Banffshire in 1818, and made a lord in waiting in the following year, and he was created a peer of the United Kingdom as Lord Fife on 27 April 1827, in which year he was also made a knight of the Thistle. "He soon afterwards retired altogether to Scotland, where he lived at Duff House, Banffshire, much beloved by his tenantry and greatly interested in farming and cattle raising, and there he died, aged 80, on 9 March Duff 130 Duff 1857. He was succeeded by his nephew, James Duff, the elder son of his only brother, General the Hon. Sir Alexander Duff, G.C.H., who was a most distinguished officer, and com- manded the 88th regiment, the Connaught Rangers, from 1798 to 1810, serving at its head in Baird's expedition from India to Egypt in 1801, and in the attack on Buenos Ayres in 1806, and who had predeceased him in 1851. [Whittingham's Life of Sir S. F. Whitting- ham ; Gent. Mag. April 1857 ; and for Sir Alex- ander Duff's services, Royal Military Calendar, ed. 1820, in. 169.] H. M. S. DUFF, JAMES GRANT (1789-1858), historian, eldest son of John Grant of Kin- cardine O'Xeil and Margaret Miln Duff of Eden, who died 20 Aug. 1824, was born in the town of Banff on 8 July 1 789. His father dying about 1799, his mother removed to Aberdeen, where he went to school, and to the Marischal College. He was designed for the civil service of the East India Company, but impatient at the prospect of delay in obtaining a post he accepted a cadetship in 1805 and sailed for Bombay. Having studied at the cadet establishment there, he joined the Bom- bay grenadiers, was present in 1808 as ensign in command at the storming of Maliah, a forti- fied stronghold of freebooters, where he dis- played conspicuous gallantry, and his party was almost cut to pieces. At an unusually early age he became adjutant to his regi- ment and Persian interpreter, and was even more influential in it than this position indi- cated. While still lieutenant he attracted the attention of Mountstuart Elphinstone [q. v.], then resident of Poona, and became, along with Captain Pottinger, his assistant and de- voted friend. Elphinstone's character of him in 1858 was ' a man of much ability, and what is more, much good sense.' He was particu- larly successful in understanding the native character, and in discovering the mean be- tween too rapid reform and too great deference to native prejudice and immobility. During the long operations against the Peishwa Bajee Rao, terminating in his overthrow, Grant took a considerable part, both in a civil and in a military capacity, holding now the rank of captain in his regiment (see FORREST, Offi- cial Writings of Elphinstone, pref. memoir). Upon the settlement of the country he was appointed in 1818 to the important office of resident of Sattara. His instructions are contained in a letter of Elphinstone's, dated 8 April 1818, and his remuneration was fixed at two thousand rupees per month, with al- lowances of fifteen hundred rupees per month, and in addition his office establishment (see Parl. Papers, 1873, vol. xxxviii. pt. i.) Here, in the heart of a warlike province, the centre of the Mahratta confederacy, with but one European companion and a" body of native infantry, he succeeded in maintaining him- self. By proclamation 1 1 April 1818 Elphin- stone made over to Grant full powers for the arrangement of the affairs of Sattara. Pertab Sing the rajah was rescued from his captivity by the peishwa after the battle of Ashteh February 1819 and restored to the throne under the tutelage of Grant. By treaty 25 Sept. 1819 Grant was to administer the country in the rajah's name till 1822, and then transfer it to him and his officers when they should prove fit for the task. Grant carefully impressed upon the rajah that any intercourse with other princes, except such as the treaty provided for, would be punished with annexation of his territory, and trained him so successfully in habits of business that Pertab Sing, having improved greatly under his care (see HEBER, Journal, ii. 212), was made direct ruler of Sattara in 1822 ; but under Grant's successor, General Briggs, his behaviour was unsatisfactory. (For some de- tails of Grant's administrative policy see his report on Sattara in Elphinstone's ' Report on the Territories taken from the Peishwa, 1821.') Duringthis time Grant concluded the treaties with the Sattara jaghiredars, viz. 22 April 1820, the Punt Sucheo, the Punt Prithee Nidhee, the Duflaykur, and the Deshmook of Phultun, and 3 July 1820, the Rajah of Akulkote and the Sheikh Waekur (as the names are given by Aitcheson). The ar- rangements which he prescribed both for the etiquette of the Durbar and for the manage- ment of the revenue remained as he left them for many years. After five years the anxiety and toil broke down his health, and compelled his return to Scotland, where he occupied himself in completing his ' History of the Mahrattas,' the materials for which he had long been collecting with great diligence and under peculiarly favourable opportunities, through his access to state papers, and fa- mily and temple archives, and his personal acquaintance with the Mahratta chiefs (see in COLEBROOKE, Life of Elphinstone, several letters to and from Grant). It was published in 1826. About 1825 he succeeded to the estate of Eden, and taking the additional name of Duff settled there, improving the property. In 1850 his wife, Jane Catharine, the only daughter of Sir Whitelaw Ainslie, an eminent physician and author of the ' Materia Medica Indica,' whom he married in 1825, succeeded to an estate in Fifeshire belonging to her mother's family, whereupon he took the further name of Cuninghame. He died on 23 Sept. 1858, leaving a daughter and two eons, of whom the elder, Mountstuart Elphin- Duff Duff stone, has been M.P. for the Elgin Burghs, under-secretary for India 1868-74, and for the colonies 1880-1, and governor of Madras 1881-6. [Banffshire Journal, September 1858, from •which all the other periodical notices are taken ; Duff's History of the Mahrattas ; Burke's Landed Gentry ; Aitcheson's Indian Treaties, vol. iv. ; Colebrooke's Elphinstone ; Dr. Murray Smith on Sattara in Calcutta Review, x. 437.] J. A. H. DUFF, EGBERT (d. 1787), vice-admiral, •cousin of William Duff, first earl of Fife, was promoted to commander's rank on 4 Dec. 1744, and in 1746 had command of the Terror bomb on the coast of Scotland. On 23 Oct. he was posted to the Anglesea, a new ship of 44 guns, which he commanded on the coast of Ireland and the home station till the peace in 1748. In 1755 he was appointed to the Rochester of 50 guns, which was employed •during the following years on the coast of France either in independent cruising or as part of the grand fleet. In 1758 Duff was with Commodore Howe in the squadron cover- ing the expeditions against St. Malo, Cher- bourg, and St. Cas; and in 1759 was senior officer of the little squadron stationed on the south coast of Bretagne to keep watch over the movements of the French in Morbihan, while Hawke with the fleet blockaded Brest. He was lying at anchor in Quiberon Bay, his squadron consisting of four 50-gun ships and four frigates, when, on the morning of 20 Nov., his outlook gave him intelligence of the French fleet to the southward of Belle Isle. He .hastily put to sea and stood to the southward, chased by the French. Suddenly the English ships tacked to the eastward, their men manning the rigging, cheering and throwing their hats into the sea. They had just made out the English fleet in hot pur- suit of the French, which, partly owing to Its turning aside to chase Duff's squadron, was overtaken before it could get into a safe anchorage [see HAWKE, EDWARD, LORD]. Duff had no actual share in the battle which followed, but by reason of the prominent part he took in the overture his name is closely connected with the glories of that great day. He was afterwards appointed to the Foudroyant, a crack ship of 80 guns, in which he accompanied Rear-admiral Rod- ney to the West Indies, and took part in the reduction of Martinique, January and Fe- bruary 1762. On 31 March 1775 he was pro- moted to be rear-admiral, and in April was sent out as commander-in-chief at Newfound- land. In September 1777 he was appointed to the command of the Mediterranean, with his flag in the Panther. When the siege of Gibraltar was begun in 1779, Duff co-operated with the garrison so far as the very limited force at his disposal permitted ; but the go- vernment, not being able to strengthen his command, recalled him early in the following year. He had been promoted to be vice-ad- miral on 29 Jan. 1778, but held no further command after his return to England in 1780. During his later years he was grievously af- flicted with gout, an attack of which in the stomach caused his death at Queensferry on 6 June 1787. He married in 1764 Helen, the daughter of his cousin the Earl of Fife. By her he had several children, whose descendants are now numerous. It may be noted as a curious coincidence that his grand-nephew, George Duff, who was slain at Trafalgar in command of the Mars, had before the battle the com- mand of the inshore squadron, watching the motions of the enemy in Cadiz. [Charnock's Biog. Navalis, v. 444 ; Beatson's Nav. and Mil. Memoirs, vol. iii.] J. K. L. DUFF, WILLIAM (1732-1815), mis- cellaneous writer, a Scotch minister and M.A., was licensed by the presbytery 25 June 1755, called 18 Sept., and ordained 8 Oct., when he was appointed to the parish of Glenbucket, Aberdeenshire. Thence he was transferred to Peterculter in the same county, 24 Oct. 1766, being admitted 4 March 1767. He was nominated minister of Foveran, also in Aber- deenshire, in February 1774, and took up his residence a twelvemonth later. There he got a new church built in 1794, and died father of the synod, 23 Feb. 1815, in the eighty-third year of his age, and sixtieth of his ministry (Scots Mag. Ixxvii. 319). On 4 Sept. 1778 he married Ann Mitchell, by whom he had two sons and four daugh- ters. Duff is author of: 1. 'An Essay on Original Genius and its Various Modes of Exertion in Philosophy and the Fine Arts, particularly in Poetry' (anon.), 8vo, London, 1767, a work which exhibits considerable acquaintance with classical authors. A sequel is 2. ' Critical Observations on the Writings of the most celebrated Original Geniuses in Poetry,' 8vo, London, 1770. 3. ' The His- tory of Rhedi, the Hermit of Mount Ararat. An Oriental Tale ' (anon.), 12mo, London, 1773. 4. ' Sermons on Several Occasions,' 2 vols. 12mo, Aberdeen, 1786. 5. ' Letters on the Intellectual and Moral Character of Women,' 8vo, Aberdeen, 1807. 6. 'The Last Address of a Clergyman in the Decline of Life,' 8vo, Aberdeen, 1814. Duff also furnished an account of Foveran to Sir J. Sinclair's ' Statistical Account of Scotland ' (ed. 1791-9, vi. 62-70, xxi. Appendix, pp. 135-7). I 2 Duffer in 132 Dufief [Hew Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot., vol. iii. pt. ii. pp. 513, 555, 608; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Cat. of Library of Advocates, ii. 680.] G. G. DUFFERIN, LADY (1807-1867). [See SHERIDAX, HELEN SELISTA.] DUFFET, THOMAS (fl. 1678), drama- tist, was originally a milliner in the New Exchange, London, who unfortunately took to play-writing. He obtained some notoriety by burlesquing the rhymed tragedies with which Dryden, Shadwell, and Settle enter- tained the town. As literature, his produc- tions are beneath criticism. That by which he is best remembered is ' The Mock Tem- pest,' acted at the Theatre Royal in 1675, and written to draw away the audience from the theatre at Dorset Gardens, where Dryden and Davenant's alteration of Shakespeare's ' Tempest ' was then in its full run. Of this travesty Dryden afterwards wrote : The dullest scribblers some admirers found, And the Mock Tempest was a while renown'd : But this low stuff the town at last despis'd, And scorn'd the folly that they once had priz'd. Duffet wrote also : 1. ' The Empress of Morocco, a farce' (anon.), 4to, London, 1674, intended to throw ridicule on Settle's popular tragedy of the same title. It is followed by ' An Epilogue spoken by Witches after the mode of Macbeth,' ' perform'd with new and costly machines.' 2. ' The Spanish Rogue,' a comedy in verse, 4to, London, 1674. This, the most indecent of his plays, is appropriately dedicated to 'Madam Ellen Gwyn.' 3. 'Beauties Triumph, a masque [in verse]. Presented by the Scholars of Mr. Jeffery Banister and Mr. James Hart, at their new Boarding School for Young Ladies and Gentlewomen, kept in that House which was formerly Sir Arthur Gorges, at Chelsey,' 4to, London, 1676, a curious lesson in what was then considered high moral culture. 4. ' Psyche Debauch'd, a comedy,' 4to, Lon- don, 1678, a travesty of Shadwell's tragedy. To Duffet is ascribed the authorship of the anonymous comedy entitled ' The Amorous Old Woman. . . . Written by a Person of Honour,' 4to, London, 1674 (afterwards re- issued with a new title-page, 'The Fond Lady,' 4to, London, 1684). He also wrote a paltry volume of ' New Poems, Songs, Prologues and Epilogues . . . set by the most eminent Musicians about the Town,' 8vo, London, 1676, and a broadsheet ballad, undated, called ' Amintor's Lamentation for Celia's Unkindness.' [Baker's Biog. Dram. (1812), i. 210-11, ii. 25, 53, 19-i, iii. 52, 186, 293; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. xii. 63 ; Brit. Mus. Cat,] G. G. DUFFIELD, WILLIAM (1816-1863), still-life painter, born at Bath in 1816, and educated in that city, was the second son of Charles Duffield, at one time proprietor of the Royal Union Library. At an early age he displayed a decided predilection and talent for drawing. Mr. George Doo, the engraver, having been struck by Duffield's highly ela- borated pen-and-ink sketches and faithful copies of his engravings, offered to take him as his pupil without a premium. A few years later he placed himself under Lance, and was noted for his unremitting attention and assi- duity as a student of the Royal Academy. After completing the usual course of study in London, he returned to Bath, and later on proceeded to Antwerp, where, under Baron Wappers, he worked for two years. In 1857 he resided at Bayswater, and died on 3 Sept. 1863. In 1850 he was married to Mary Eliza- beth, eldest daughter of Mr. T. E. Rosenberg of Bath, and a painter of fruit and flowers ; she was a member of the Institute of Painters in Water-Colours. [Ottley's Dictionary of Recent and Living Painters and Engravers ; Redgrave's Dictionary of Artists.] L. F. DUFFUS, LOKDS. [See SUTHEBLAOT.] DUFFY, EDWARD (1840-1868), Fenian leader, was born at Ballaghaderreen, county of Mayo, in 1840. In 1863 he gave up a situation and devoted himself to spreading Fenian principles in Connaught, becoming in fact ' the life and soul of the Fenian move- ment west of the Shannon.' He was arrested 11 Nov. 1865, with James Stephens, Charles J. Kickham, and Hugh Brophy, at Fairfield House, Sandymount, but after a brief im- prisonment was released on bail in January 1866, in the belief that he was dying of con- sumption. He again applied himself to the organisation, was rearrested at Boyle on 11 March, tried 21 May 1867, and sentenced to fifteen years' penal servitude. He was found dead in his cell at Millbank prison, 17 Jan. 1868. The concluding sentences of his speech delivered in the dock before con- viction have been inscribed on his tomb in Glasnevin cemetery, Dublin. [T. D. Sullivan's Speeches from the Dock, 23rd ed. pt. i. pp. 208-10 ; A. M. Sullivan's New Ireland, 6th ed. p. 264 ; Webb's Irish Compen- dium, p. 160.] G. G. DUFIEF, NICOLAS GOUIN (1776?- 1834), French teacher, a native of Nantes, was born in or about 1776. His father, a knight of the order of St. Louis, served during the revolution as a volunteer under the French princes in Germany ; his mother, the Countess- Dugard 133 Dugard Victoire Aimee Libault Gou'inDufief, was per- sonally engaged in the many battles fought by her relative, General Charette, against the revolutionists, for which she was afterwards known as ' the heroine of La Vendee.' Dufief, though a stripling of fifteen, joined in 1792 the royal naval corps assembled under the Count d'Hector at Enghein, and went through the campaign with his regiment in the army of the brothers of Louis XVIII until its dis- bandment. The same year he sought refuge in England, but soon afterwards sailed for the West Indies, and was attracted thence to Philadelphia, which he reached in July 1793. During his sojourn in America he be- came acquainted with Dr. Priestley, Thomas Jefferson, and other eminent men. Here, too, he published an essay on 'The Philo- sophy of Language,' in which he first ex- plained to the world how he was led to make those discoveries ' from which my system of universal and economical instruction derives such peculiar and manifold advantages.' For nearly twenty-five years he taught French with success in America and in England, to which he returned about 1818. He died at Pentonville 12 April 1834. His chief work is 'Nature displayed in her mode of teaching Language to Man ; being a new and infal- lible Method of acquiring Languages with unparalleled rapidity: deduced from the ana- lysis of the human mind, and consequently suited to every capacity: adapted to the French. To which is prefixed a development of the author's plan of tuition,' 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1818, which despite its size and cost- liness reached a twelfth edition in the author's lifetime. Shortly before his death he com- pleted ' A Universal, Pronouncing, and Criti- cal French-English Dictionary,' 8vo, London, 1833. He was author, too, of ' The French Self-interpreter, or Pronouncing Grammar,' 12mo, Exeter (1820 ?). [Prefaces to Nature Displayed; Gent. Mag. new ser. i. 561.] Gr. G. DUGARD, SAMUEL (1645 P-1697), di- vine, son of Thomas Dugard, M.A., rector of Barford, Warwickshire, by Anne his wife, was born at Warwick in or about 1645, his father being at the time head-master of the grammar school of that town. At the begin- ning of 1661, when about sixteen years of age, he entered Trinity College, Oxford, as a commoner, but was admitted a scholar on 30 May 1662, and graduated B.A. on 20 Oct. 1664. Then taking orders, he was elected to a fellowship in June 1667, proceeding M.A. on the following 31 Oct. He subsequently became rector of Forton, Staffordshire, and on 2 Jan. 1696-7 was collated to the prebend of Pipa Minor alias Frees in Lichfield. He died at Forton in the spring of the same year. He left a family of five sons and five daugh- ters. He published: 1. 'The True Nature of the Divine Law, and of Disobedience there- unto ; in Nine Discourses, tending to show, in the one a Loveliness, in the other a De- formity, by way of Dialogue between Theo- philus and Eubulus,' 8vo, London, 1687. 2. ' A Discourse concerning many Children, in which the Prejudices against a numerous Offspring are removed, and the Objections answered, in a Letter to a Friend,' 8vo, Lon- don, 1695. Wood also ascribes to him ' The Marriages of Cousin Germans vindicated from the Censures of Unlawfulnesse and Inexpe- diency. Being a Letter written to his much Honour'd T. D.' [without author's name], 8vo, Oxford, 1673, 'mostly taken, as 'tis said, from Dr. Jer. Taylor's book called Ductor Dubitantium, &c.' In November 1674 Du- gard sent to Dr. Ralph Bathurst, vice-chan- cellor of Oxford, a ' Relation concerning a strange Kind of Bleeding in a Little Child at Lilleshall in Shropshire,' which was printed in the ' Philosophical Transactions' (ix. 193). [Addit. MS. 23146; Wood's Athense Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 679; Wood's Fasti (Bliss), ii. 277, 298 ; Dugdale's Warwickshire (Thomas), pp.488- 489 ; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), i. 619.] G-. G-. DUGARD, WILLIAM (1606-1662), schoolmaster, son of the Rev. Henry Dugard, was born at the Hodges, Bromsgrove Lickey, Worcestershire, on 9 Jan. 1605-6. He waa educated at the Royal School, by Worcester Cathedral ; became a pensioner at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, under his uncle, Richard Dugard, B.D. ; and took degrees of B.A. in 1626, and M.A. in 1630. In 1626 he was usher of Oundle school, and in 1630 master of Stamford school. In 1635 he sued the corporate authorities for misappropriation of school lands and other abuses. Two years afterwards he became master of Colchester grammar school. He increased the number of scholars from nine to sixty-nine, and re- paired the school at his own expense, but gave offence to the townsmen, and was com- pelled to resign in January 1642-3. In May 1644 he was chosen head-master of Merchant Taylors' School in London. In 1648 the court of aldermen ,Ae'cted him examiner of their schools in / Ae country. He was the first to set up i, folio register of his school, with full particulars of the scholars admitted. It is still preserved in the Sion College li- brary. This record has two loyal Greek verses on the death of Charles I., and two other Greek verses on the burial of Crom- well's mother. He printed at his private press Dugard Dugdale Salmasius's ' Defensio regia pro Carolo primo,' in 1649-50. The council of state committed him to Newgate, ordered the destruction of j his presses and implements, and directed the Merchant Taylors' Company to dismiss him ! from their school. His wife and family were turned out of doors, and his printing effects, [ worth 1,000/., seized. After a month's impri- sonment, however, his release was effected by | his friendMilton, and hispeace madewithpar- ' liament. It is said by Dr. Gill, on the strength of Dugard's assertion upon his deathbed, that Milton found Dugard printing an edition of the ' Eikon Basilike ' about the time of his j arrest, and compelled the insertion of the prayer from Sidney's ' Arcadia,' which he afterwards ridiculed in the ' Eikonoklastes.' Milton's answer to Salmasius was printed at Dugard's press. On Dugard's release from Newgate he opened a private school on St. Peter's Hill. Bradshaw, however, a few months after- wards, ordered the Merchant Taylors' Com- pany to replace him for his special services to the public as schoolmaster, and as printer to the state, and after a third peremptory letter Dugard was reinstated 25 Sept. 1650. In 1651-2 some of his books were publicly burnt by order of the House of Commons, such as ' The Racovian Catechism.' Yet in the same year he printed a French transla- tion of Milton's ' Eikonoklastes,' and calls himself ' Guill. Dugard, imprimeur du con- seil d'etat.' The governors of the school, on the burning of his works, desired him to re- linquish his press-work, but his imprint ap- pears year by year until his death. In June 1661, after public warning by the school au- thorities of various breaches of order, chiefly in taking an excessive number of scholars (275), he was dismissed. A month after he opened a private school in White's Alley, Coleman Street, and soon had 193 pupils under his care. He died 3 Dec. 1662. From his will, made a month before, he seems to have survived his second wife, and left only a daughter, Lydia, not of age. His first wife, Elizabeth, died at Colchester in 1641. Two sons, Richard (b. 25 June 1634) and Thomas (b. 29 Nov. 1635), entered Merchant Taylors' School in 1644, the former being elected to St. John's College 1650. He lived at Newington Butts in 1660, when he con- cealed in his house James Harrington, author of ' Oceana,' and gave a bond for him of 5,000/. This was in gratitude to Harrington, who had saved him formerly from being tried for his life. His works are: 1. 'Rudimenta Graecae Linguae, for the use of Merchant Taylors' School,' before 1656. 2. ' The English Rudi- ments of the Latin Tongue,' London, 1656r 12mo. 3. ' Yestibulum Linguae Latinae,' Lon- don, 1656. 4. ' Lexicon Graeci Testamenti Al- phabeticum,' London, 1660, 8vo, pp. 752. The- manuscript of a new edition by the younger Bowyer, who took great pains with it, was [ prepared in 1774, but not published. 5. ' Rhe- : tonces Compendium,' London, 8vo. 6. ointed to the Valiant, fitting for Keppel s >road pennant. In her he had an important share in the reduction of Belle Isle in June 1 761, and of Havana in August 1762. He returned to England in 1763, and, notwith- standing his repeated request, had no further employment for many years. During this ime he lived principally at Dundee, and married on 6 June 1777 Henrietta, daughter of Robert Dundas of Arniston, lord-president of the court of session [q. v.] It would seem that his alliance with this influential family obtained him the employment which he had been vainly seeking during fifteen years. Towards the end of 1778 he was appointed to the Suffolk, from which he was almost immediately moved into the Monarch. In January 1779 he sat as a member of the court-martial on Keppel, and in the course of the trial interfered several times to stop the prosecutor in irrelevant and in leading questions, or in perversions of answers. The admiralty was therefore desirous that he should not sit on the court-martial on Sir Hugh Palliser [q.v.], which followed in April, and the day before the assembling of the court sent down orders for the Monarch to go to St. Helens. Her crew, however, refused to weigh the anchor until they were paid their advance ; and as this could not be done in time, the Monarch was still in Portsmouth harbour when the signal for the court-martial was made (Considerations on the Principles of Naval Discipline,8vo, 1781, p. 106 ».) ; so that, sorely against the wishes of the admiralty, Duncan sat on this court-martial also. During the summer of 1779 the Monarch was attached to the Channel fleet under Sir Charles Hardy ; in December was one of the squadron with which Rodney sailed for the relief of Gibraltar, and had a prominent share in the action off St. Vincent on 16 Jan. 1780. On returning to England Duncan quitted the Monarch, and had no further command till after the change of ministry in March 1782, when Keppel became first lord of the admiralty. He was then appointed to the Blenheim of 90 guns, and commanded her during the year in the grand fleet under Ho we, at the relief of Gibraltar in October, and the rencounter with the allied fleet off Cape Spartel. He afterwards succeeded Sir John Jervis in command of the Foudroyant, and after the peace commanded the Edgar as guardship at Portsmouth for three years. He attained flag rank on 24 Sept. 1787, be- came vice-admiral 1 Feb. 1793, and admiral 1 June 1795. In February 1795 he was ap- pointed commander-in-chief in the North Sea, and hoisted his flag on board the Venerable. Duncan 160 Duncan A story is told on the authority of his daugh- ter, Lady Jane Hamilton, that this ap- pointment was given him by Lord Spencer, at the instance of Mr. Dundas, afterwards Lord Melville (REPPEL, i. 144 «.) ; but as Lord Spencer was not at that time, nor for two years afterwards, first lord of the admiralty, the anecdote is clearly inaccurate in at least one of its most important details. During the first two years of Duncan's command the work was limited to enforcing a rigid blockade of the enemy's coast, but in the spring of 1797 it became more im- portant from the knowledge that the Dutch fleet in the Texel was getting ready for sea. The situation was one of extreme difficulty, for the mutiny which had paralysed the fleet at the Nore broke out also in that under Duncan, and kept it for some weeks in en- forced inactivity. Duncan's personal influence and some happy displays of his vast personal strength held the crew of the Venerable to their duty ; but with one other exception, that of the Adamant, the ships refused to quit their anchorage at Yarmouth, leaving the Venerable and Adamant alone to keep up the pretence of the blockade. For- tunately the Dutch were not at the time ready for sea ; and when they were ready and anxious to sail, with thirty thousand troops, for the invasion of Ireland, a persistent westerly wind detained them in harbour till they judged that the season was too far advanced (Life of Wolfe Tone, ii. 425-35). For politi- cal purposes, however, the government in Holland, in spite of the opinion of their ad- miral, De Winter, to the contrary, ordered him to put to sea in the early days of October. ' I cannot conceive,'wrote Wolfe Tone (Life, ii. 452), ' why the Dutch government sent out their fleet at that season, without motive or object, as far as I can learn. My opinion is that it is direct treason, and that the fleet was sold to Pitt, and so think Barras, Ple- ville le Pelley, and even Meyer, the Dutch ambassador, whom I have seen once or twice.' This of course was scurrilous nonsense, but the currency of such belief emphasises De Winter's statement to Duncan, that ' the government in Holland, much against his opinion, insisted on his going to sea to show they had done so ' (Arniston Memoirs, 250). Duncan, with the main body of the fleet, was at the time lying at Yarmouth revictualling, the Texel being watched by a small squadron under Captain Trollope in the Russell, from whom he received early information of the Dutch being at sea. He at once weighed, with a fair wind stood over to the Dutch coast, saw that the fleet was not returned to the Texel, and steering towards the south sighted it on the morning of 11 Oct. about seven miles from the shore and nearly half- way between the villages of Egmont and Camperdown. The wind was blowing straight on shore, and though the Dutch forming their line to the north preserved a bold front, it was clear that if the attack was not made promptly they would speedily get into shoal water, where no attack would be possible. Duncan at once realised the necessity of cut- ting off their retreat by getting between them and the land. At first he was anxious to bring up his fleet in a compact body, for at best his numbers were not more than equal to those of the Dutch ; but seeing the ab- solute necessity of immediate action, without waiting for the ships astern to come up, with- out waiting to form line of battle, and with the fleet in very irregular order of sailing, in two groups, led respectively by himself in the Venerable and Vice-admiral Onslow in the Monarch, he made the signal to pass through the enemy's line and engage to leeward. It was a bold departure from the absolute rule laid down in the ' Fighting Instructions,' still new, though warranted by the more formal example of Howe on 1 June 1794 ; and on this occasion, as on the former, was crowned with complete success. The engagement was long and bloody; for though Duncan, by pass- ing through the enemy's line, had prevented their untimely retreat, he had not advanced further in tactical science, and the battle was fought out on the primitive principles of ship against ship, the advantage remaining with those who were the better trained to the great gun exercise (CHEVALIER, Histoire de la Marine Franqaise sous la premiere Repu- blique, 329), though the Dutch by their ob- stinate courage inflicted great loss on the English. It had been proposed to De Winter to make up for the want of skill by firing shell from the lower deck guns ; and some experiments had been made during the sum- mer which showed that the idea was feasible (WoLFB TONE, ii. 427) ; but want of fami- liarity with an arm so new and so dangerous presumably prevented its being acted on in the battle. The news of the victory was received in England with the warmest enthusiasm. It was the first certain sign that the mutinies of the summer had not destroyed the power and the prestige of the British navy. Dun- can was at once (21 Oct.) raised to the peer- age as Baron Duncan of Lundie and Viscount Duncan of Camperdown, and there was a strong feeling that the reward was inade- quate. Even as early as 18 Oct. his aunt, Lady Mary Duncan, wrote to Henry Dundas, at that time secretary of state for war : ' Report Duncan 161 Duncan says my nephew is only made a viscount. Myself is nothing, but the whole nation thinks the least you can do is to give him an English earldom. . . . Am sure were this pro- perly represented to our good king, who esteems a brave, religious man like himself, would be of my opinion. . . . ' (Arniston Me- moirs, 251). It was not, however, till 1831, many years after Duncan's death, that his son, then bearing his title, was raised to the dignity of an earl, and his other children to the rank and precedence of the children of an earl. Till 1801 Duncan continued in command of the North Sea fleet, but without any fur- ther opportunity of distinction. Three years later, 4 Aug. 1804, he died quite suddenly at the inn at Cornhill, a village on the border, where he had stopped for the night on his journey to Edinburgh (ib. 252). He left a family of four daughters, and, besides the eldest son who succeeded to the peerage, a second son, Henry, who died a captain in the navy and K.C.H. in 1835. It was of him that Nelson wrote : ' I had not forgot to notice the son of Lord Duncan. I consider the near relations of brother-officers as legacies to the service' (11 Jan. 1804, Nelson Despatches, v. 364), and to whom he wrote on 4 Oct. 1804, sending a newspaper with the account of Lord Duncan's death : ' There is no man who more sincerely laments the heavy loss you have sustained than myself; but the name of Dun- can will never be forgot by Britain, and in particular by its navy, in which service the remembrance of your worthy father will, I am sure, grow up in you. I am sorry not to have a good sloop to give you, but still an opening offers which I think will insure your confirmation as a commander ' (ib. vi. 216). Duncan was of size and strength almost gigantic. He is described as 6 ft. 4 in. in height, and of corresponding breadth. When a young lieutenant walking through the streets of Chatham, his grand figure and hand- some face attracted crowds of admirers, and to the last he is spoken of as singularly hand- some (Colburn's New Monthly Magazine, 1836, xlvii. 466). His portrait, by Hoppner, has been engraved. Another, by an unknown artist, but presented by the first Earl of Cam- perdown,isin the Painted Hall at Greenwich, Another, by Copley, has also been engraved. A statue by Westmacott, erected at the public expense, is in St. Paul's. [Ralfe's Naval Biography, i. 319 ; Naval Chro- nicle, iv. 81 ; Charnock's Biographia Navalis, vi. 422 ; James's Naval History of Great Britain (edit. 1860), ii. 74; Keppel's Life of Viscount Keppel.] J. K. L. VOL. XVI. DUNCAN, ANDREW, the elder (1744- 1828), physician and professor at Edinburgh University, was the second son of Andrew Duncan, merchant and shipmaster, of Crail, afterwards of St. Andrews, his mother being a daughter of Professor William Vilant, and related to the Drummonds of Hawthornden. He was born at Pinkerton, near St. An- drews, on 17 Oct. 1744, and was educated first by Sandy Don of Crail, celebrated in the convivial song of ' Crail Town,' and after- wards by Richard Dick of St., Andrews. He proceeded next to St. Andrews University, where he obtained the M.A. degree in 1762. As a youth he was known as ' the smiling boy,' and his character for good nature was retained through life. Lord Erskine and his brother Henry Erskine were among his school- fellows and fast friends through life. In 1762 he entered Edinburgh University as a medi- cal student, being the pupil of Cullen, John Gregory, Monro secundus, Hope, and Black. He was president of the Royal Medical So- ciety in 1764, and five times afterwards. His attachment to the society continued through life ; he was its treasurer for many years ; and in 1786 a gold medal was voted to him for his services. On the completion of his course of studies in 1768, he went a voyage to China as surgeon of the East India Com- pany's ship Asia. Refusing an offer of five hundred guineas to undertake a second voyage, Duncan graduated M.D. at St. Andrews in October 1769, and in May 1770 became a licen- tiate of the Edinburgh College of Physicians. In the same year he was an unsuccessful candidate for the professorship of medicine in St. Andrews University. In February 1771 he married Miss Elizabeth Knox, who bore him twelve children. His eldest son, Andrew [q. v.], became also a professor at Edinburgh. His third son, Alexander (1780- 1859), became a general in the army, and distinguished himself in India. During the absence of Dr. Drummond, pro- fessor-elect of medicine at Edinburgh, Dun- can was appointed to lecture in 1774-6. Drummond failing to return, Dr. James Gre- gory was elected professor, and Duncan started an extra-academical course, as well as a pub- lic dispensary, which afterwards became the Royal Public Dispensary, incorporated by royal charter in 1818. In 1773 he com- menced the publication of ' Medical and Philosophical Commentaries,' a quarterly journal of medicine, at first issued in the name of ' a society in Edinburgh,' Duncan being named as secretary. The seventh vo- lume was entitled ' Medical Commentaries for the year 1780, collected and published by Andrew Duncan,' and reached a third M Duncan 162 Duncan edition. The series extended ultimately to twenty volumes, the last issue being in 1795, after which the publication was entitled' An- nals of Medicine,' of which eight volumes were issued. In 1804 it was discontinued in favour of the ' Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal,' edited by his son. Duncan's extra-academical lectures were continued with considerable success till 1790, in which year he attained the presidency of the Edinburgh College of Physicians. On Cullen's resignation in that year he was suc- ceeded in the professorship of medicine by Dr. James Gregory, and Duncan followed the latter in the chair of the theory or insti- tutes of medicine (physiology). In 1792 he proposed the erection of a public lunatic asylum in Edinburgh, having first conceived the idea after hearing of the miserable death of Robert Fergusson [q. v.] in 1774 in the common workhouse. It was not until many difficulties had been surmounted that the pro- ject was at last accomplished, and a royal charter was granted in 1807 under which a lunatic asylum was built at Morningside. In 1808 the freedom of Edinburgh was con- ferred upon Duncan for his services in the foundation of the dispensary and the asylum. In 1809 he founded the Caledonian Horti- cultural Society, which, being afterwards in- corporated, became of great scientific and practical value. In his later years Duncan was actively occupied in promoting the es- tablishment of a public experimental garden, the scheme for which was actively progress- ing at his death. In 1819 his son became pint professor with him, and in 1821 Dr. W. P. Alison [q. v.] succeeded to that post, but Duncan continued to do much of the duty to the last. In 1821, on the death of Dr. James Gregory, Duncan became first physician to the king in Scotland, having held the same office to the Prince of Wales for more than thirty years. In 1821 he was elected president of the Edinburgh Medico-Chirurgical Society at its foundation. In 1824 he was again elected president of the Edinburgh College of Physicians. Although in his later years he failed to keep up with the progress of physiology, his zeal was unabated, and he discharged many useful offices with extreme punctuality. He used to say that the busi- ness of no institution should be hindered by his absence, whether it was forwarded by his presence or not. For more than half a cen- tury he walked to the top of Arthur's Seat on from the lectures of the founders of the Edin- burgh School of Medicine, and a hundred vo- lumes of practical observations on medicine in his own handwriting. A portrait of him by Raeburn is in the Edinburgh Royal Dispen- sary, as well as a bust ; a full-length por- trait was painted in 1825 for the Royal Medi- cal Society by Watson Gordon. Duncan was an industrious and perspicu- ous rather than a brilliant lecturer. He was both generous and hospitable to his pupils. Being of very social instincts, he founded seve- ral clubs, among which the Harveian Society, founded in 1782, was the most notable. He was its secretary till his death, and never failed to provide its annual meeting with an appropriate address, usually commemorating , some deceased ornament of the medical pro- i fession. The Esculapian and gymnastic clubs I were also of his foundation, and many of his poetical effusions were read or sung at their meetings. He was much beloved for the geniality and benevolence of his character. Duncan's larger works, besides those al- ready mentioned, are : 1. 'Elements of Thera- ( peutics,' 1770, second edition 1773. 2. 'Me- dical Cases,' 17 78, third edition 1784; trans- I lated into Latin, Ley den, 1785 ; translated i into French, Paris, 1797. 3. An edition of , Hoffmann's ' Practice of Medicine,' 2 vols. ! 1783. 4. ' The Xew Dispensatory,' editions of 1786, 1789, 1791. 5. ' Observations on the ; Distinguishing Symptoms of three different Species of Pulmonary Consumption,' 1813, I second edition 1816. In connection with l the Harveian Society, Duncan published an oration in praise of Harvey, 1778; and me- moirs of Monro primus, 1780 ; Dr. John Parsens, 1786 ; Professor Hope, 1789 ; Monro secundus, 1818 ; Sir Joseph Banks, 1821 ; and Sir Henry Raeburn, 1824. In connection with one of Dr. James Gre- gory's many controversies, Duncan published his ' Opinion,' 1808, and a ' Letter to Dr. James Gregory,' 1811, from which the facts can be gathered. A number of his poetical effusions are included in ' Carminum Rario- rum Macaronicorum Delectus ' (Esculapian , Society), 1801, second edition enlarged: and I ' Miscellaneous Poems, extracted from the Records of the Circulation Club, Edinburgh,' '. 1818. He also selected and caused to be published ' Monumental Inscriptions selected from Burial Grounds at Edinburgh/ 1815. [Autobio^r. Fragment in Misc. Poems, by AT A. D., 1818; Huie's Harveian Oration for 1829 ; May-day morning, accompl^hmg this for the Chambers Biog. Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, ed. last time on 1 May 1827. He died on o July ! Thomson; Cockburn's Memorials, p. 284; Grant's Story of Edinb. Univ. ii. 406-7; Fragment of Life of the Scriba Prsetorius in Misc. Poems of ( Circulation Club above mentioned.] G. T. B. i July 1828, in his eighty-fourth year. Ho be- queathed to the Edinburgh College of Phy- sicians seventy volumes of manuscript notes Duncan 163 Duncan DUNCAN, ANDREW, the younger •(1773 - 1832), physician and professor at Edinburgh University, son of AndrewDuncan the elder [q. v.], was born at Edinburgh on 10 Aug. 1773. He early showed a strong bias towards medicine, and was apprenticed •(1787-92) to Alexander and George Wood, surgeons of Edinburgh. He graduated M. A. at Edinburgh in 1793, and M.D. 1794. He studied in London in 1794-5 at the Windmill Street School, under Baillie, Cruickshank, and Wilson, and made two long visits to the continent, studying medical practice in all the chief cities and medical schools, including Gottingen, Vienna, Pisa, Naples, and many others, and becoming intimate with such men as Blumenbach, Frank, Scarpa, Spallanzani, &c. Thus he gained a knowledge of conti- nental languages, practice, and men of mark, which few men of his time could boast. Re- turning to Edinburgh, he became a fellow of the College of Physicians, and physician to the Royal Public Dispensary, assisting his father also in editing the ' Annals of Medicine.' He afterwards became physician to the Fever Hospital at Queensberry House. In 1803 he brought out the ' Edinburgh'New Dispen- satory,' a much improved version of Lewis's j work. This became very popular, a tenth edition appearing in 1822. It was translated into German and French, and was several times republished in the United States. The preparation of successive editions occupied much of Duncan's time. From 1805 also he was for many years chief editor of the ' Edin- burgh Medical and Surgical Journal,' which speedily gained a leading position. From his continental experience Duncan had early seen the necessity of more com- plete study of medicine in its relation to the state, especially to the criminal law, and he brought forward the importance of the sub- ject at every opportunity for some years. In 1807 a professorship of medical jurisprudence and medical police was created at Edinburgh, with Duncan as first professor, with an en- dowment of 1001. per annum ; but attendance upon lectures in this subject was not made compulsory. From 1809 to 1822 he acted most efficiently as secretary of senatus and librarian to the university ; while from 1816 till his death he was an active member of the ' college commission ' for rebuilding the uni- versity, and to him is greatly due the success with which the Adam-Playfair buildings were carried out. In 1819 he resigned his pro- fessorship of medical jurisprudence on being appointed joint professor with his father of the institutes of medicine. In 1821 he was elected without opposition professor of materia medica, in which chair he achieved great success. He worked indefatigably, al- ways improving his lectures and studying every new publication on medicine, British or foreign. He was often at his desk by three in the morning. In 1827 he had a severe attack of fever, and his strength afterwards gradually declined. He lectured until nearly the end of the session 1831-2, and died on 13 May 1832, in his fifty-eighth year. Duncan's chief work was the ' Dispensa- tory' already mentioned. He published a supplement to it in 1829. In 1809 he con- tributed to the ' Transactions ' of the High- land Society a ' Treatise on the Diseases which are incident to Sheep in Scotland.' He also published in 1818 ' Reports of the Practice in the Clinical Wards of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.' Perhaps his most distinctive discovery was the isolation of the principle ' cinchonin ' from cinchona, as re- lated in ' Nicholson's Journal,' 2nd ser. vol. vi. December 1803. Besides writing copiously in his own ' Journal,' he also wrote occasionally for the ' Edinburgh Review.' The younger Duncan had more culture and more originality than his father, but lacked his strong constitution and evenly balanced temperament. His visits, his ' Dispensa- tory,' and his 'Journal' made him widely known on the continent, and few foreigners came to Edinburgh unprovided with intro- ductions to him ; his foreign correspondence also was extensive. He was well versed in the fine arts, music, and foreign literature. His manners were simple, unaffected, and unobtrusive, his feelings sensitive and deli- cate, and his character for honour and in- tegrity was very high. [Chambers's Biog. Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, ed. Thomson ; Grant's Story of Edinburgh Uni- versity.] a. T. B. DUNCAN, DANIEL (1649-1735), phy- sician, of an ancient Scotch family, several members of which belonged to the medical profession, was born in 1649 at Montauban in Languedoc, where his father, Peter Dun- can, was professor of physic. Having lost both his parents while he was quite an in- fant, he came under the guardianship of his maternal uncle, Daniel Paul, a firm protes- tant, like the other members of his family, by whom he was sent for his preliminary education to Puy Laurens. Here he made the acquaintance of Bayle, who was not (as is sometimes said) his pupil, but a fellow- student, two years his senior, and at that time a protestant like himself. Duncan then went to Montpellier to study medicine, and, after living for several years in the house of Charles Barbeyrac, took the degree of M.D. M 2 Duncan 164 Duncan in 1673. He next went to Paris, where he became acquainted with the minister Colbert, by whom he was appointed physician-general to the army before St. Omer, commanded by the Duke of Orleans in 1677. After the peace of Nimeguen he appears to have left the army, published in Paris his first medical work in 1678, and then passed two years in London, where he employed himself especially in col- lecting information about the great plague of 1666. In 1681 he was summoned back to Paris to attend his patron Colbert, after whose death in 1683 he returned to his native town of Montauban. Here he was so well received that he might have remained for many years ; but in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685 he determined to leave the country altogether and settle in England. Accordingly in 1690 he withdrew to Switzer- land, where, at first in Geneva and afterwards for some years in Berne, he employed himself, not only in the practical and professorial duties of his profession, but also especially in relieving the distress of the large numbers of French emigrants who were obliged to leave their country. In 1699 Philip, land- grave of Hesse, sent for him to Cassel, where his wife was seriously ill. Duncan was suc- cessful in his treatment of her case, and at- tributed her illness in a great measure to the immoderate use of hot liquors, such as tea, coffee, and chocolate, which had lately been introduced into Germany, and were indulged in to excess by the richer classes. To check this pernicious habit he wrote a little treatise in a popular style for private circulation in manuscript, which some years later he published at the suggestion of his friend Boerhaave. He resided for three years in the landgrave's palace, and while at Cassel continued his generous assistance to the nu- merous French protestants who emigrated into Germany. The fame of his liberality and skill reached Berlin, and procured for him a pressing invitation tothat city from Frederick, the newly created king of Prussia, which he accepted in 1702. But, though he was ap- pointed professor of physic and also physi- cian to the royal household, he found the intemperate habits of the court so distasteful to him, and the necessary expenses of living so excessive, that in 1703 he passed on to the Hague, where he remained for about twelve years. Itwas not till near the end of 1714that he was able to carry out the intention which he is supposed to have formed early in life of finally settling in England. He would have reached this country a few months earlier but that he was suddenly seized with paralysis, from which, however, with the exception of a slight convulsive motion of the head, he entirely recovered. He had often solemnly declared that if his life were prolonged to the age of seventy, he would consecrate the re- mainder of it to the gratuitous service of those who sought his advice. To this reso- lution he steadily adhered, and for the last sixteen years of his life would take no fees, although, owing to the serious loss brought upon him by the bursting of the South Sea bubble in 1721, they would have been by no means unacceptable. When one was offered to him he would say with a smile, ' The poor are my only paymasters now, and they are the best I ever had ; for their payments are placed in a government fund that can never fail, and my security is the only King who can do no wrong.' His conversation is said to have been ' easy, chearful, and interesting, pure from all taint of party scandal or idle raillery.' He died in London 30 April 1735, aged 86, leaving behind him an only son, of the same name. The following is a list of Duncan's medical works, the purport of which is sufficiently indicated by their titles, and which are no longer interesting or valuable, as being founded on the obsolete hypotheses of the iatro-chemical school of medicine. Probably I Bayle correctly expressed the opinion of his 1 contemporaries when he said that ' the works i which he had published were excellent, and did him great honour ' (Diet. Hist, et Crit., , art. 'Cerisantes,' ii. 117, ed. 1740). 1. 'Ex- plication nouvelle et mechanique des actions animales, ou il est traite des fonctions de Tame,' Paris, 1678. 2. ' La Chymie naturelle, ou I'explication chymique et mechanique de la nourriture de 1'animal,' 1st part, Paris, 1681 ; 2nd and 3rd parts, ' de Tevacuation particu- liere aux femmes,' and 'de la formation et de la naissance de 1'animal,' Montauban, 1686. I Reprinted in Latin at the Hague, 1707. | 3. ' Histoire de 1' Animal, ou la connoissance du corps anime par la mechanique et par la i chymie,' Paris, 1682. Reprinted in Latin, Amsterdam, 1683. 4. 'Avis salutaire a tout le monde centre Tabus des choses chaudes, et 1 particulierement du cafe, du chocolat, et du the,' Rotterdam, 1705, afterwards in English, London, 1706, and in German, Leipzig, 1707. ! Duncan is said to have left behind him a great | number of manuscripts, mostly physical, some upon religious subjects, and one containing many curious anecdotes of the history of his own times ; but where these papers are at pre- sent, or whether they are still in existence, I the writer has not discovered. They are not in the British Museum. [Notice in the Bibliotheque Britannique, i La Have, 1735, v. 219, &c. ; abridged in an I ' Elogium Danielis Duncani,' in the Jsova Acta Duncan 165 Duncan Eruditorum, Supplem. iv. 1742, and translated •with additions in Kippis's Biog. Brit. 1793.] W. A. OK DUNCAN, EDWARD (1804-1882), landscape-painter, etcher, and lithographer, born in London in 1804, first studied aqua- tint engraving under Robert Havell. In 1831 he became a member of the New So- ciety of Painters in Water-Colours, and in 1848 was elected a member of the Old Water- Colour Society, where he exhibited ' Ship- wreck ' and the ' Lifeboat ' in 18o9 and 1860. Several of his aquatints were published by T. Gosden in the ' Sportsman's Repository,' among them ' Pheasant-shooting ' and ' Par- tridge-shooting.' He died on 11 April 1882, and his remaining works were sold at Christie's on 11 March 1885 ; among the most finished drawings were ' Loch Scavaig,' ' The Fisher- man's Return,' and scenery in England, Scot- land, and Wales. [Ottley's Diet, of Kecent and Living Artists.] L. F. DUNCAN, ELEAZAR(<2. 1660), royalist •divine. [See DTJNCON.] DUNCAN, HENRY, D.D. (1774-1846), founder of savings banks, was^ born in 1774 at Lochrutton, Kirkcudbrightshire, where his father, George Duncan, was minister. After studying for two sessions at St. Andrews University he was sent to Liverpool to begin commercial life, and under the patronage of his relative, Dr. Currie, the biographer of Burns, his prospects of success were very fair ; but his heart was not in business, and he soon left Liverpool to study at Edinburgh and Glasgow for the ministry of the church of Scotland. At Edinburgh he joined the Spe- culative Society, and became intimate with Francis Horner and Henry Brougham. In 1798 he was ordained as minister of Ruthwell in Dumfriesshire, where he spent the rest of his life. Duncan from the first was remarkable for the breadth of his views, especially in what concerned the welfare of the people, and the courage and ardour with which he promoted measures not usually thought to be embraced in the minister's role. In a time of scarcity he brought Indian corn from Liverpool. At the time when a French invasion was dreaded he raised a company of volunteers, of which he was the captain. He published a series of cheap popular tracts, contributing to the series some that were much prized, afterwards •collected under the title ' The Cottage Fire- side.' He originated a newspaper, ' The Dum- fries and Galloway Courier,' of which he was •editor for seven years. But the measure which is most honour- ably connected with his name was the insti- tution of savings banks. The first savings bank was instituted at Ruthwell in 1810, and Duncan was unceasing in his efforts to promote the cause throughout the country. His influence was used to procure the first act of parliament passed to encourage such institutions. By speeches, lectures, and pam- phlets he made the cause known far and wide. The scheme readily commended itself to all intelligent friends of the people, and the growing progress and popularity of the movement have received no check to the present day. Great though his exertions were, and large his outlay in this cause, he never received any reward or acknowledg- ment beyond the esteem of those who appre- ciated his work and the spirit in which it was done. In 1823 he received the degree of D.D. from the university of St. Andrews. In 1836 he published the first volume of a work which reached ultimately to four volumes, entitled ' The Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons.' It was well received, and ran through several editions. To the ' Transactions of the Scot- tish Antiquarian Society ' he contributed a description of a celebrated runic cross which he discovered in his parish and restored, and on which volumes have since been written. He made a memorable contribution likewise to geological science by the discovery of the footmarks of quadrupeds on the new red sandstone of Corncockle Muir, near Loch- maben. While at first not very decided between the moderate and the evangelical party in the church, Duncan soon sided with the lat- ter, and became the intimate friend of such men as Dr. Chalmers and Dr. Andrew Thom- son. In the earlier stages of the controversy connected with the Scottish church he ad- dressed letters on the subject to his old col- lege friends Lord Brougham and the Marquis of Lansdowne, and to Lord Melbourne, home secretary. In 1839 he was appointed mode- rator of the general assembly. In 1843 he joined the Free church, leaving a manse and grounds that had been rendered very beau- tiful by his taste and skill. He was a man of most varied accomplishments — manual, intellectual, social, and spiritual. With the arts of drawing, modelling, sculpture, land- scape-gardening, and even the business of an architect, he was familiar, and his know- ledge of literature and science was varied and extensive. In private and family life he was highly estimable, while his ministerial work was carried on with great earnestness and delight. The stroke of paralysis that ended his life on 19 Feb. 1846 fell on him Duncan 1 66 Duncan while conducting a religious service in the , ' Biographia Britannica.' He was born 3 Nov. cottage of an elder. \ 1721 (School Reg. \ entered Merchant Taylors' The following is a full list of Duncan's at the age of twelve, and proceeded thence publications: — 1. Pamphlet on Socinian con- (1739) to St. John's College, Oxford, as pro- froversy, Liverpool, 1791. 2. Three sermons. 3. 'Essay on Nature and Advantages of Parish Banks,' 1815. 4. Letter to John H. Forbes, esq. [on parish banks, and in answer to his letter to editor of 'Quarterly Review'], 1817. 5. ' Letter to W. R. K. Douglas, Esq., M.P., on Bill in Parliament for Savings Banks,' 1819. 6. Letter to same advocating abolition of commercial restrictions, 1820. 7. ' Letter to Managers of Banks for Savings in Scot- land.' 8. ' The Cottage Fireside.' 9. ' The Young South Country Weaver.' 10. ' AVil- liam Douglas, or the Scottish Exiles,' 3 vols., 1826. 11. 'Letter to Parishioners of Ruth- well on Roman Catholic Emancipation,' 1829. 12. ' Presbyter's Letters on the West India Question,' 1830. 13. 'Account of the remark- able Runic Monument preserved at Ruth- well Manse,' 1833. 14. 'Letters to Rev. Dr. George Cook on Patronage and Calls,' 1834. 15. 'Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons,' 4 vols., 1835-6. 16. Letter to his flock on the reso- lutions of the convocation, 1842. 17. Arti- cles in ' Edinburgh Encyclopaedia ' — ' Blair,' ' Blacklock,' ' Carrie.' 18. Account of tracks ] and footmarks of animals found in Corn- bationary fellow. After graduating (M.A. 1746), and taking holy orders, he became chap- lain to the forces, and served with the king's own regiment during the Scots' rebellion in 1746, and afterwards at the siege of St. Phi- lip's, Minorca. Made D.D. by decree of con- vocation in 1757, he was presented six years later to the college living of South Warn- borough, Hampshire, which he retained until his death at Bath, 28 Dec. 1808. He published a sermon on ' The Defects and Dangers of a Pharisaical Righteousness,' Glasgow, 1751 ; ' An Address to the Rational Advocates for the Church of England,' by Phileleutherus Tyro (1759) ; ' The Evidence of Reason in Proof of the Immortality of the Soul. Col- lected from the manuscripts of Mr. Baxter (by J. D.), to which is prefixed a letter from the editor to Dr. Priestley' (1779); and a poetical ' Essay on Happiness, in four books,r which went through a second edition in 1772r besides tracts and other fugitive pieces. [Robinson's Reg. of Merchant Taylors' School, ii. 82; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Gent. Mag. 1809, u 89.] C. J. R. DUNCAN, JOHN (1805-1849), African cockle Muir (' Transactions Royal Society of traveller, born in 1805, was the son of a small Edinburgh,' xi.) 19. Many articles in ' Edin- farmer of Culdoch, near Kirkcudbright, KB. burgh Christian Instructor.' " ' "• .«..-•• Duncan's second wife was Mary Grey, daughter of George Grey of West Ord, sis- ter of John Grey of Dilston, a well-known Northumbrian gentleman (see Memoir by his daughter, MRS. JOSEPHINE BUTLER), and widow of the Rev. R. Lundie of Kelso. She was a lady of considerable accomplishments and force of character, and author of several books: 1. 'Memoir of the Rev. M. Bruen.' He had a strong frame and little education. WTien seventeen years old he enlisted in the 1st regiment of life guards. He taught him- self drawing during his service, and in 1839 left the army with a high character. He next obtained an appointment as master-at-arms in the Albert, which with the Wilberforce and the Soudan sailed on the Niger expedi- tion in 1842. On the voyage out he was wounded by a poisoned arrow in a conflict 2. ' Memoir of Mary Lundie Duncan ' (her with the natives at the Cape de Verde Isles, daughter, author of several well-known hymns ' Duncan held a conspicuous position in all the for children). 3. ' Missionary Life in Samoa, treaties made with the native chiefs. He- being the Life of George Archibald Lundie ' was selected to march at the head of his (her son). 4. 'Children of the Manse.' 5. 'Ame- rica as I found it.' [Scott's Fasti, pt. ii. 626-7; Disruption Wor- thies ; Life of Henry Duncan, D.D., by his son, Rev. G. J. C. Duncan ; Pratt's Hist, of Savings Banks ; Levin's Hist, of Savings Banks ; Notice of Dr. Duncan in Savings Bank Magazine, by John Maitland, esq., with note by Dr. Chalmers ; private information.] W. G. B. party, in the cumbrous uniform of a life- guardsman, when the heat was fearful even to the natives themselves. When at Egga, the highest point reached by the Albert on the Niger, he ventured upon an exploration further up, taking a few natives only, but sickness com- pelled the abandonment of the project. On reaching Fernando Po Duncan was attacked by fever, the effects of which were aggravated1 by his previous wound. Of three hundred in the Niger expedition, only five survived, and DUNG AN, JOHN, D.D. (1721-1808), mis- cellaneous writer, was a younger son of Dr. , , Daniel Duncan, author of some religious tracts, Duncan reached England in a most emaci- and grandson of Daniel Duncan, M.D. [q. v.], ated condition. As soon as his health im- whose memoir (together with an account of : proved Duncan proposed to penetrate the the Duncan family) he contributed to the [ unknown land from the western coast to the Duncan 167 Duncan Kong mountains, and between the Lagos and Niger rivers. His plans were approved by the Geographical Society, and the lords of the admiralty granted him a free passage in the Prometheus, which left England 17 June 1844, and reached Cape Castle 22 July fol- lowing. After an attack of fever he com- menced his journey from the coast to Why- dah, and afterwards made the unexampled feat of a passage through the Dahomey country to Adofidiah, of which he sent par- ticulars to the Geographical Society, dated 19 April and 4 Oct. 1845. He was refused a passage through the Ashantee country, but was favourably received by the king of Dahomey. Another attack of fever was fol- lowed by a breaking out of the old wound, and Duncan made preparations to amputate his own leg. He succeeded, however, in re- turning to Cape Coast. There, early in 1846, he planned a journey to Timbuctoo. Funds to assist him were being forwarded by his friends in England, when his health com- pelled him to return, and he sailed for home in February 1846. In 1847 he published ' Travels in Western Africa in 1845 and 1846, comprising a Jour- ney from Whydah through the Kingdom of Dahomey to Adofidiah in the Interior,' 2 vols. London, 12mo. The preface is dated ' Felt- ham Hill, August 1847.' The work has a steel portrait of the author by Durham, and a map of the route. The same year he con- tributed to ' Bentley's Miscellany ' a paper in two parts, entitled ' Some Account of the late Expedition to the Niger.' In 1849 Duncan proposed to continue his explorations, and the government appointed him vice-consul at Whydah. He arrived in the Bight of Benin, but died on board the ship Kingfisher on 3 Nov. 1849. He was married, and his wife survived him. Duncan's sense and powers of observation make up for deficient education, and his book contains many interesting notices of African superstitions. [Duncan's Work; Journ. of Geog. Soc. vol. xvi. pp. xliii, 143, 154, vol. xviii. p. Iviii, vol. xix. p. Ixxviii, vol. xx. p. xxxviii ; Bentley's Miscel- lany, 1847, pp. 412, 469; Gent. Mag. 1850, i. 327-8, quoted from the Literary Gazette.] J. W.-G. DUNCAN, JOHN, LL.D. (1796-1870), theologian, was born at Aberdeen in 1796 of very humble parentage. Keceiving a small bursary, he contrived to attend the classes of Marischal College, and early distinguished himself as a linguist and philosopher. While a student of divinity, first in the Secession and then in the Established Church hall, he was at one time troubled by religious doubts. After temporary employment as a proba- tioner he was ordained on 28 April 1836 to the charge of Milton Church, Glasgow. On the occurrence of a vacancy in the chair of oriental languages in the university of Glasgow, he offered himself as a candidate, stating in his application that he knew He- brew, Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Sanscrit, Ben- gali, Hindostani, and Mahratti ; while in Hebrew literature he professed everything, including grammarians, commentators, law books, controversial books, and books of ec- clesiastical scholastics, and of belles-lettres. His application failed, but his college gave him the degree of LL.D. in 1840. On 7 Oct. 1840 the committee of the church of Scotland for the conversion of the Jews appointed him their first missionary to Pesth (Budapest). Here his labours, with, those of like-minded colleagues, had a re- markable effect. The Archduchess Maria Dorothea, wife of the Prince Palatine, and daughter of the king of Wiirtemberg, was most friendly, and helped the mission in many ways. Duncan's learning and character at- tracted great attention ; many pastors of the reformed church of Hungary were much in- fluenced by him, and even some Roman ca- tholic priests attended some of his lectures. Among his converts from Judaism were the Rev. Dr. Edersheim, now a well-known clergyman of the church of England, and the Rev. Dr. Adolph Saphir, of the English pres- byterian church, London. From Pesth Duncan was recalled in 1843 to occupy the chair of oriental languages in New College, Edinburgh, the theological in- stitution of the Free church. Here he la- boured till his death in 1870. For this office he was very poorly qualified in one sense, but very admirably in another. His habits utterly unfitted him for teaching the ele- ments of Hebrew or other languages, as well as for the general conduct of a class. But ' his vast learning, his still more remarkable power of exact thought, and, above all, the profound reaches of his spiritual experience, which penetrated and illuminated from within the entire range of his scientific acquirements, admirably qualified him to handle the exegesis of scripture, and especially that of the Old Testament.' As a professor he was quite unique ; his absence of mind, the facility with which he was often carried away by an idea, and the unexhausted fulness of thought he would pour on it, making his class-room a place of most uncertain employment, while his profound originality, his intellectual honesty, his deep piety, and childlike simplicity, hu- mility, and afFectionateness, could not but command the respect of every student. Duncan 168 Duncan It was in conversational intercourse with minds trained to abstract thought that his power as a thinker chiefly appeared. The results of his thought were usually given in sententious aphorisms, much in the manner of a rabbi ; while in concision and precision of language he showed the influence of Aris- totle. He had very little faith in the achieve- ments of philosophy ; its constructive power was very small ; it could never raise man to the heights to which he aspired. He relied for the discovery of truth on the voice of God which he claimed to have heard in the scriptures. Duncan wrote very little. He edited in 1838 a British edition of Robinson's ' Lexicon of the Greek New Testament ; ' published a lecture on the Jews and another on protes- tantism, and contributed a lecture on ' The Theology of the Old Testament ' to the inau- gural volume of the New College, Edinburgh. A volume of sermons and communion ad- dresses was published after his death. But such contributions were no fair sample of the man. Much of him may be learned from the ' Colloquia Peripatetica ' (1870) of Professor Knight of St. Andrews, a favourite and most admiring student, who, living under the same roof with him for two summers in his student days, took notes of his conversation, and has reproduced many of his most characteristic sayings. This book has passed through several editions (oth ed. 1879). Duncan died on 26 Feb. 1870, aged 74. He married Janet Douglas, who died 28 Oct. 1852. [Life of the late John Duncan, LL.D., by David Brown, D.D., Professor ot Theology, Aberdeen, 1872; Recollections of John Duncan, LL.D., by A. Moody Stuart, D.D. ; Colloquia Peripatetica, by Professor Knight, LL.D. ; the Pulpit and the Communion Table, edited by D. Brown, D.D. ; Disruption Worthies ; personal acquaintance.] W. Or. B. DUNCAN, JOHN (1794-1881), weaver and botanist, was born at Stonehaven, Kin- cardineshire, on 19 Dec. 1794. His mother, Ann Caird, was not married to his father, John Duncan, a weaver of Drumlithie, eight miles from Stonehaven, and she supported herself and the boy by harvesting and by weaving stockings. The boy never went to school, but very early rambled widely over the rough cliffs, and procured rushes in the valleys, from which he made pith wicks for sale. From the age of fifteen he went as herd- boy in various farms, receiving cruel treat- ment, which increased his natural shyness and developed various peculiarities. During his boyhood he acquired a strong love for wild plants. In his own words, ' I just took a notion to ken ae plant by anither when I was rinnin' aboot the braes. I never saw a plant but I lookit for the marrows o'd [that is, for those similar], and as I had a gweed memory, when I kent a flower ance, I kent it aye.' He could always in after life recall the precise spot where he had seen any par- ticular plant in boyhood, though he might have only seen it again after many years, and never have known its name or scientific posi- tion till then. In 1809 Duncan was apprenticed for five years to a weaver in Drumlithie, a village of country linen- weavers. His master, Charles Pirie, a powerful ill-tempered man, who had almost conquered the celebrated Captain Bar- clay [see ALLARDICE, ROBERT BARCLAY], and also carried on an illicit still and smug- gled gin, was exceedingly cruel to his ap- prentice ; but his wife, who had some educa- tion, inspired the boy with the wish to read, and he at last acquired moderate skill in reading, though it was always difficult for him, probably through his extreme short- sightedness. He did not learn to write till after he was thirty years of age. Meanwhile his love of nature continued, and was further stimulated by obtaining the loan of Cul- peper's ' British Herbal,' then in great repute among village herbalists. He thus learnt to name some plants for himself. In 1814, how- ever, when his apprenticeship had still some months to run, his servitude became so in- tolerable that he ran away and returned to Stonehaven, where he lived with his mother for two years. By dint of extreme care, for wages were very low, he managed to save 1 /. to buy a copy of Culpeper, and he became master of its contents andof herbalism, which he practised all his life. From Culpeper, too, and the astrology it contained, he gained an introduction to astronomy, which he after- wards studied as deeply as his means per- mitted. In 1816 Duncan and his mother re- moved to Aberdeen, where he learnt woollen- weaving. He married in 1818, but his wife proved unfaithful, and, after deserting him, continually annoyed him and drained his scanty purse. In 1824 Duncan became a travelling or household weaver, varying his work with harvesting, and taking a half- yearly spell of training as a militiaman at j Aberdeen for nearly twenty years. He became ! an excellent weaver, studying the mechanics 1 of the loom, and purchasing ' Essays on the Art of Weaving ' (Glasgow, 1808), by a name- sake, the inventor of the patent tambouring machinery, Peddie's ' Weaver's Assistant,' 1817, and ' Murphy on Weaving,' 1831. He also devoted himself to advancing his general education by the aid of dictionaries, grammars, Duncan 169 Duncan &c,, proceeding also to acquire some Latin and Greek. He gradually purchased Sir John Hill's edition of the 'Herbal,' Tournefort's * Herbal/ Rennie's ' Medical Botany/ and several works on astrology and astronomy. He never possessed a watch after he left Aberdeen, but became an expert dialler, and made himself a pocket sun-dial on Ferguson's model. Indeed, from his outdoor habits of astronomical observation he was nicknamed Johnnie Meen, or Moon, and also ' the Nog- man/ from his queer pronunciation of the word ' gnomon/ which he often used. For many years he lived in the Vale of Alford, under Benachie, and devoted himself chiefly to astronomy and botany. His loft at Auch- leven, under the sloping roof of a stable, was aptly dignified by the villagers as ' the philo- sopher's hall/ or briefly ' the philosopher/ a name it retained for many years after he left it. At this period, when not yet forty years old, he had a striking and antiquated aspect, •dressed in a blue dress-coat and vest of his own manufacture with very high neck, and brass buttons, corduroy trousers, generally rolled halfway up to his knees, and white spotted neckcloth, a tall satin hat, carrying a big blue umbrella and a staff, and walking with an absorbed look. These clothes, scru- pulously guarded, lasted him fifty years. He was extremely cleanly and abstemious, his bed, board, washing, and dress not costing him more than four shillings a week. In 1836 he made the acquaintance of Charles Black, gardener at Whitehouse, near Nether- ton. They became fast friends, and greatly lielped each other in the study of botany. They formed large collections of every at- tainable plant for many miles round, preserv- ing and naming them, and spending the greater part of many nights over their study. Sir W. J. Hooker's ' British Flora ' they only managed to see at a local innkeeper's, whose son, then deceased, had had the book pre- sented to him. In 1852 Duncan at last became the possessor of the innkeeper's precious vo- lumes for one shilling, when they were sold by auction. It may be judged that in his botanical pursuits no obstacles, except defi- ciencies of early training and opportunity, were too great to be overcome by Duncan. 'The story of his studies, as told by Mr. Jolly, is a rare lesson in perseverance and a remark- able picture of pure love of nature and of genuine knowledge for their own sake. With- out adding definitely to science, Duncan lived emphatically a high life in extreme poverty and obscurity, only emerging once as far as Edinburgh, where the botanical gardens, in which his friend Black was then engaged, afforded him wonderful delight. His herba- rium unfortunately, though most carefully guarded, succumbed largely to dampness and insects, but in 1880, when he presented it to Aberdeen University, it still contained three- fourths of the British species of flowering plants, and nearly every species mentioned in Dickie's ' Flora of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine/ including collections of almost all the plants growing in the Vale of Alford, for which he had received prizes at the Alford horticultural show in 1871. He never made any more prominent public appearance than as a reader of essays before a mutual instruc- tion class at Auchleven. After 1852 Duncan lived in the village of Droughsburn, perform- ing every office for himself except the pre- paration of his meals. He was a regular and devout church-goer, being an ardent Free church man, but always took some wild flowers to church and spread them on the desk before him from pure delight. He ac- quired considerable knowledge of animals, purchasing Charles Knight's ' Natural His- tory/ and in later years he studied phreno- logy. He was a zealous liberal in politics. In 1874, from failing health, the old man was obliged to seek parish help, a deep humiliation to him. In 1878 Mr. W. Jolly of Inverness, who had visited him in the preceding year, gave an account of Duncan in ' Good Words/ which brought him some assistance ; but he had kept his poverty scrupulously from the knowledge of Mr. Jolly and other friends, and it was not till 1880 that a public appeal was made on his behalf, which produced 320/., with many expres- sions of sympathy which cheered Duncan's declining life. He died on 9 Aug. 1881 in his eighty-seventh year, having left the balance of the fund raised for him to furnish prizes for the encouragement of natural science, especially botany, among the school children of the Vale of Alford. Duncan was about five feet seven in height, muscular and spare, large-headed, short- sighted, and altogether odd-looking ; but to a keen observer he appeared a man of power- ful mind and great energy and determination. His love of books and large relative expen- diture upon them was only matched by his true kindliness of heart and marked gene- rosity to the weak. When in extreme need he gave up his allowance of coal for some years to an imbecile he considered more needy, and he found means to be a true helper of many around him. Orderliness, cleanliness, honesty, with great reticence and shyness, were among his prominent characteristics. His intimate friend, James Black, wrote of him : ' John was my human protoplasm, man in his least complex form. He seemed to be a survival Duncan 170 Duncan of those rural swains who lived in idyllic simplicity.' [Jolly's articles in Good Words, April, May, and June 1878, reprinted in Page's (Dr. Japp's) Leaders of Men, 1880; Jolly's Life of Duncan, London, 1883, with etched portrait.] G. T. B. DUNCAN, JONATHAN, the elder ! (1756-1811), governor of Bombay, son of Alexander Duncan, was born at Wardhouse, Forfarshire, on 15 May 1756. He received a nomination to the East India Company's civil service, and reached Calcutta in 1772. After serving in various subordinate capacities, he was selected, because of his known upright- ness, to fill the important office of resident and superintendent at Benares by Lord Corn- wallis in 1788. This was the situation in which most scandals had been caused by the eager desire for gain of the company's ser- vants ; Duncan put down these scandals with